Melodic RedemptionChapter 40 free porn video

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Stoney's turn:

I punched the button on my office phone. Rang twice. Sweet, happy voice. "Hi, my love."

"Hi, my princess," I replied. "I'm getting ready to walk out the door. What's up for the evening?"

"Me and you. Some deli roast beef. Muenster cheese. Artisan ciabatta rolls from the bakery up the street. A bottle of Reisling. And then ... I have designs on your body..."

"No Kara this evening?"

"Nope. We talked a bit ago. She's got a Skype session with the bunch in Alabama. Chords are being struck, I do believe. And I need my Stoney time. Clothing is NOT optional. After the plates go in the washer, clothes are FORBIDDEN."

Now that's a pleasant set of thoughts. "I'm on the way."

Giggle. "Don't sound so eager!"

Yeah. Like I can picture that redhead naked and NOT be eager. "I love you princess. See you in a few!"

I passed Brad's door as he was gathering his coat. "Stoney," he said, "you really need to fake a sad trudge when you're going home. You make us old married guys jealous."

"Embrace your jealousy, buddy! I'm going home to heaven!" And I'm praying, "Please, Lord, let me get home safe. I have Johanna waiting for me."

I was used to the traffic along the route between the office and the apartment. I was aroused. I was expectant. And I was hurrying. Made it!

Through the door and into the arms of my startlingly happy redhead. The kiss came before the words. As they say in the army, no plan survives first contact.

I finally managed to sigh a "Jo..."

"My Stoney. I miss you like crazy." And then her lips silenced any verbal reply I might entertain.

Another break. She was pushing me backward now. I know the way to the bedroom. And I know that a giggling Johanna is a good thing.

"I guess sandwiches are something for later." Plan? What plan?

"You betcha," she blurted as she tugged at my shirt buttons. I took over undressing myself. She was wearing a loose sweatshirt, something she shed with one graceful sweep, leaving her breathtakingly bra-less. She unfastened her jeans and with a wiggle, they were a cotton puddle at her feet and I was pressed backward onto the mattress.

"Let me get my stupid socks off, Princess," I said.

"Oh, oooo-kay," she cooed. "I know how you are..."

I can't stand having socks on when the rest of me is nude. Fifteen seconds for the socks, okay? Then a tangle of arms and legs and, "I want to give you a kiss for every freckle."

She giggled. "Start kissing. And who's keeping score?"

I know how to derail her train of thought. Of course, she knows how to do the same for me, so it doesn't take long for any sort of plan to go out the window in a cloud of squeals and moans and sighs and hisses and monosyllabic vocabulary.

In the luxuriously silent, aftershock-filled aftermath, we stayed in each other's arms for a while before I got up, went into the bathroom, and washed my face. Don't know where it got all that stickiness from. I returned with a warm cloth and gently caressed her face with it, eliciting purrs.

"I suppose that now we need some clothes, in the interests of kitchen safety," she said.

"Yeah. I guess. Although you make a terrific naked chef."

She giggled. "I don't want us burning any useful bits, though. So clothes, okay?"

"Okay." I had admitted to Jo that on occasion, usually hot days, I'd lounged around the apartment in the nude, but I was by myself, the drapes were closed, and I never tried cooking that way. With Jo in my life, we'd done nudity in private on a much more frequent basis. I enjoy seeing her nude. Quite frankly, she's just pretty to look at.

She says the same about me, but she's a lot more touchy-feely when we're naked, too. It's just fun. Loving fun. But I'm not cooking like that.

The cooking was limited tonight to making hot roast beef sandwiches. We consumed those at the little table in the breakfast nook and we took our wineglasses and the bottle back to the living room with us. Mellowed the evening somewhat. Like any evening that I had Johanna with me wasn't mellow enough.

Okay, you have to extend that 'mellow' definition to include me wearing my fingers out trying to keep up with her music abilities. Even this evening, you know, because she IS a concert musician and daily practice is a requisite, and if Johanna's gonna do music, Stoney ain't gonna sit there and just watch, wine or no wine.

Well, actually, sometimes she tells me to sit back and listen, but since I've got a partner to play music with, I don't let her pick up her flute without expecting that she wants me to play alongside her for at least a bit. Johanna has taken a somewhat minor bit of relaxation in my life, plunking on a banjo, and turned it into something major that we shared.

Conversely, I'd taken her minor association with sailing and turned it into something that was always near the top of the list of options for the weekends. Yes, the overnight bags in the closet, waiting to be packed on Friday afternoon.

Tonight, though, flute, banjo, music. Some on sheets, made to be read by artists and played on instruments not in our possession, some music in our hearts, to be played with laughing eyes and smiles.

And just because the instruments were back in their cases doesn't mean that the playing is over. She plays symphonies on my very being. And I play them on hers.

Wednesday. Work for me. Class for Jo. Mid-day text. "Baby, I hope you understand. Kara's coming over for a visit."

I replied "K. Yes I understand." Because I did. Friends, even troubled youth friends, are a good thing. 'Course it helps that the 'troubled youth' in question does to a violin what Jo does to a flute. I'm hoping that we can bring in Key and her oboe, but Key's been awfully Hutch-centric of late.

Going out the door on the way home, I received instructions to stop by the Chinese place near the apartment to collect dinner. When I got home I was carrying my laptop and a bag full of odiferous cartons. With both hands full, I elbowed the doorbell, got let in by Kara and kissed by Jo and we laid the spread out on the table.

Amid the slurping and soft clicking of chopsticks we talked about things.

"You know, that bunch in Alabama, they're something," Kara said. "I wanna be there."

This wasn't news. For two weeks Kara has been consulting with the Sisterhood. That's a big circle that feeds information back to Johanna, because, as her 'mini-me', Cindy says, "You're in on this too, you know."

"Yes," Tina added to the Skype session, "You're just the oldest of the Sisterhood."

After that session, Jo snuggled up with me and intimated, "You know, Stoney, there are a lot worse groups to find myself in."

"I know," I said. "And if I was going to pursue engineering, I think that 3Sigma would be an interesting bunch to work with."

She twisted to kiss me and restrain me within her arms. "If only they weren't land-locked up in Auburn." Then she giggled. "Boat at a marina on the Gulf Coast. Plane in the hangar. Little car in another hangar down on the coast."

"Takes money."

"Solheim Limited. Money."

"You're thinking again, aren't you?"

Little kisses on the corners of my mouth. I do get the idea that I am being manipulated. "Yes. You should've married some cow-breasted ditz that thought reading the covers of the tabloids in the grocery checkout line made her 'literary'." She sighed delightfully dramatically. "But you didn't, did you? Oh, but nooooo, you had to go off and tag a musician with a college background and an actual vocabulary."

"And money."

Giggle. "Yes, but you didn't know that at first."

"Nope. Was looking at the 'poorer' end of that 'richer or poorer' part." Truth. Would have been perfectly happy with Johanna bumping around whatever job she chose, her income just money to add to the respectable sum (and savings) that I had. A whole lot of people are a whole lot less comfortable, monetarily speaking than Johanna and I would have been.

"So we're not poor. And we're learning to fly. Because I don't want to be the only sister in the family who can't fly a plane."

"Who isn't too young to get a license."

"Poor Cindy ... She gets so frustrated."

I chuckled. "Nothing 'poor' about Cindy, you know. Fifteen. She's gonna have the same degree I have before she's seventeen."

Jo's eyes softened. "Kara's like that. Except she IS seventeen. Very smart. Just abused in a whole different way. If she'd had one of your buddies over there in Alabama nudging her a bit, she'd be out of high school and into college. She's smarter than just the music."

This I already knew. Kara in a game of Trivial Pursuit was as formidable as my Johanna. She beat both of us, her normally repressed demeanor taking a decidedly gleeful turn. In the weeks since she started coming over, she did seem different. I said so to Jo.

"And since she's been talking with the Sisterhood, they say the same thing," Jo had added.

The detritus from the meal went into the trash after we finished. Hands were washed. The musical instruments came out.

We practiced. I guess it was practice, but it was more recreational than pure exercise. We worked our way through some sheet music, all classical, and then went into some folk things, Celtic, Bluegrass. Jo's right. Stick a violin into Kara's hands and she's a different person.

We took a little break from playing.

"I'm talking to my counselor at school," Kara said.

"Problem?" I asked.

"Oh, no, not in the traditional sense. I want to move on."

"Move on?" I saw something in my Johanna's eyes that told me that she wasn't surprised by this conversation.

"Yes. I want to leave Houston."

"Leave?" I questioned.

"Yes. I feel so isolated at ... at home. Since Ysabela left, I haven't connected with any of the ladies who Dad's tried. Dad's even more distant since I'm a teen. I think it's because I'm nearing the age of some of his lady friends."

Jo sat beside her, touching her forearm gently. "You have us, you know, Kara."

"I know, Jo. We talked. But ... Oh, Jo, YOU started this..."

Jo turned to me. "Stoney, she wants to move to Alabama."

"Let me guess. A certain community in Auburn." Two smiles told me I was correct. "That's a big step. I have no doubt, though, that certain arrangements are already being made at that end. What's your dad going to say?"

"Daddy Dearest looked into private boarding schools before. I think he'd be relieved." Kara looked a bit sad.

"And you think that Alabama is better?" I asked the question. Apparently Jo already knew the answer from previous conversation.

"I do. I know I'm going to college. Auburn will work for me. Dad isn't going to be picky about that. I have a sizable trust fund when I graduate from college."

"What about us? Jo and I really don't mind you coming over at all." I caught Jo's smile.

Kara's face formed into a soft, gentle smile, a beautiful feature. I harbored the desire to see it more, finding it right behind my Johanna's. Johanna's because she was my lifemate, Kara because she's young and vulnerable and needs more smiling in her life.

"You two..." Kara said, "you've given me something I was missing, and then you introduced me to the gang in Alabama. I didn't know I could be somebody's sister from three states away. But here I am." She kept smiling. "Jo, you're my sister too, you know."

"I know," Jo laughed. "Mom was surprised to hear that I had siblings. In her words, 'You, dear daughter, are the result of our only serious sible.' I'm supposed to inform you that one must have parents who sible on a serious level in order to acquire siblings."

Kara chuckled. "Your mom jokes with you. And I did NOT know that siblings were the result of having sibled."

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 35

Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 36

Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 37

Stoney's Turn: That was a surprise. Of course, since last September I've had lots of surprises. That was pleasant. Same thing. Since I touched fingertips one day with this startling redhead, I've had lots of 'pleasant', too. I parsed Jo's comments, "A little girl with family issues." "I get the feeling..." I concurred. "She's quite comfortable when she's playing, though." My partner smiled. "I've seen the family issues. Us military brats get an introduction." She paused....

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 38

Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 39

Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 41

Kara's turn: I feel like Balboa. You remember him, don't you? And no, NOT Rocky. He's the guy who 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean, at least from the Eurocentric point of view. That's how I feel after meeting Jo and Stoney and subsequently the girls in that community in Alabama: like I walked out of the jungle and there's a whole ocean just waiting for me. I'm seventeen. It's time that I start taking some actions to control my own life. It hasn't been easy. I'm not a poor kid, at...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 42

Stoney's turn: So let's see where we're at now. I have a rollicking good life. There were long, lonely nights in the not too far past that I despaired of finding the person who would fill the void in my soul. As I sit here, eyes closed to repair the strain from staring at the diagram on my monitor, there's a little metallic blue Japanese car leaving the campus of the university, headed to what used to be my apartment. It's not my apartment now. It's ours. The driver of that little...

3 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 43

Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...

3 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 44

Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 45

Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...

1 year ago
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First Time in a gay bathouse changed my life

This is AS TOLD TO ME from a friend, it is not me. Although I wouldn't mind dabbling lol!! My first time at a gay bath house or spa! I had for years had an urge for seeing naked men especially ones that had big dicks. I didn’t consider myself gay. I was actually married and I still liked having sexual relations with my wife. I found myself getting turned on when at a nightclub or somewhere in public standing at a urinal and seeing a man that was hung standing there peeing. At times, I would...

2 years ago
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She couldn’t catch her breath. He’d been gone for half an hour. There was nothing to distract her but the occasional muted comings and goings of hotel traffic: the whir of luggage wheels on plush carpets, muffled cell phone conversations and the occasional laughter of partners entering and exiting the secret world of their rooms.Who would believe what she was doing in hers?Like a Catholic schoolgirl, she sat in the straight-backed chair that had been tucked in the corner of the Parisian suite....

Wife Lovers
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The night my life started over

It was a wet and rainy night and I decided to stop in the local inn and drown my sorrows. You see, my name is Steve and it had been nearly 6 months since my wife had passed away. I was sitting at he bar minding my own business when I noticed her walk in. Hell, everyone noticed her walk in. She had to be close to 6 feet tall, long flowing blonde hair and a body to die for. She sat down the bar from me as the men began walking up to her and buy her drinks. Me, I went back to my drink and watched...

Group Sex
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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 4 Becoming A Complete Threesome

Seth was the first one to find the energy to move, sitting up and sighing contentedly. “Whew! That was amazing, but I think I could stand a break.”Richard responded, “I think we could all stand a break. I’m whipped.” He didn’t stop gently stroking my pussy, and the touch of his fingers, slippery with Seth’s cum, was the ideal way to slip back from the peak of my orgasm yet not leave it far behind. I loved his touch, and I knew that he’d always enjoyed the way I look, feel, and taste immediately...

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A Life Ever Changing 13

"But the thing-a-ma-bob that does the job is..." -- Walt Disney's Cinderella A Life Ever Changing #13 Bippity Boppity Boo By Angel Finally I was able to crawl into bed... I walked out of the room with my mind in a place I have never experienced before. All the new information and physical sensations I experienced; had it really only been since that morning! Fourteen hours of one single day! Everything that happened that day swirling and twirling at light speed, each...

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Modeling for Life Drawing part 4

I arrived at Sheila’s studio a little early and she greeted me warmly as she had before. “It’s great to work with you again. You were a wonderful model.” I thanked her and smiled. She looked much different this time as she had her hair up in kind of a twist and wore a touch of eye make up as well as a deep pink lip gloss. She looked better than I remembered and was dressed in a short denim skirt and white tank top. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra, with her nipples quite visible...

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PrincessCum Kenzie Madison Make You Cum

Kenzie Madison and her stepbrother Brad Sterling have to share a room with a bunk bed when they visit their Aunt’s house. There’s lots of sexual tension between Kenzie and Brad, which freaks Brad out. He tries to express his concerns to his mom, Claudia Monet, but Claudia tells Brad that it’s perfectly normal for girls Kenzie’s age to be curious about sexual things. She suggests that Brad show Kenzie his dick to normalize it for her. Kenzie gets an eyeful, but Claudia...

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My First Time

I grew up in an upper middle class home in the southern United States. My parents were pretty conservative and growing up I was too. All my life I've been about good grades and superb behavior. That all changed when I went to college. I applied for USC in California. I liked its school mainly because it was close to the beach and had a great Young Republicans program. My mom told me I got accepted into the college. I was extactic and pumped up ready to go. Mom gave me the run down on what she...

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Culture ShockChapter 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She'd eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn't stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don't know if I can do this. The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. "What's taking so long?" asked Kendra. "You're...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 323 Daddy Can I Suck Your Lollypop Pwease

Sunday, September 24, 2006 The Main House's phone rang at 7:31am the next morning. Mrs. Norris to talk with Mom to confirm that her daughters' story about their being given $20,000 each was true. My four parents knew all about the gifts, including the "remain friends" condition to keep the younger girls coming to visit us, and that the real reason for it included so I could have sex with them. Mom was surprisingly permissive about it. I doubt it was because Mom thought I needed some...

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My Bi Sexual Experience Part 1

Mike and I have always been best friends while we were in high school, and did a lot together. We shared a lot of the same interests and always had classes together. I used to spend a lot of weekends at his house watching movies and playing video games. After we graduated high school and went off to college, we made sure to make time for each other in the summer months.I was back from college and Mike invited me to go on vacation with his family to their summer cottage for the week. It sounded...

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23 Year Old Sarah Squirts All Over Her Bosses Face

“Ann, I need you and Sarah to go out of town for a few days.” Ann’s boss said to her.“Any reason why?” Ann asked.“Yes! Our office in the Midwest is really short handed right now and we need somebody who knows what they are doing to get us caught back up. I know you can do it. It should only take four or five days at most.” Ann’s boss replied back.“Alright, I will go tell Sarah she has to come.” Ann replied back.“Sarah, I need you go with me to our Midwest office for a few days? We need to leave...

3 years ago
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Joe chapter 13

Introduction: Thanks for the reviews and ideas. Joes storyline is already determined and I have my own surprise twist for him to cum later. I may unveil it through another character or may write a chapter 14 later on. Not sure but what happens to him is already in motion. Hope you like it. I walked home with Cynthia. We barely talked, and mostly about school. Before we got to her house, I stopped her. Listen, about this morning… I was caught up in the excitement of us doing it in front of those...

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John CarterChapter 10

Ed returned from school. He was taking three classes this semester, working full-time, and trying to protect John. He was tired and wanted to eat before going to bed. He found the note on the table by the door. He picked it up and read it aloud. “Ed, we have gone to Maria’s for dinner. Come there when you get home. Love, Kelly.” Ed didn’t want to go there, but he knew if he was going to get anything to eat that he must show up there. He dropped his books on the desk that Shirley had bought...

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Like Mother Like Daughter

Like Mother Like Daughter *********************************************************   This is intended for adult audiences, only for those over 21 and NOT for younger ages and/or anyone who finds this subject matter offensive or objectionable. It IS fiction, entirely the product of imaginary story form and any similarity to anyone anywhere is strictly coincidence.   WARNING: Contains controversial explicit sexual situations! DO NOT read any further if this kind of material has no...

4 years ago
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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 8 The Pool and Tickle Torture

At 900 hours, the day after departure, the AI informed me that the CS office already had fifteen calls from sponsors demanding that the CS office take concubines from them. They were told they had to wait until 1530, but the AI estimated that at least five of the calls should not wait that long. The AI also had two sponsors placed into custody for assaults on a dependent and their concubines and dependents were already in the CS concubine pod. The AI informed me that day after departure was...

3 years ago
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Tim Victor and Our Moms

Part 1 I would first like to introduce the people in this story. I was 12 years old, going on 13 at the time. There was my friend Victor, a 13 year old friend of mine who had introduced me to the pleasures of masturbation and then became my masturbation sidekick. There's my mother, Mollie, a 34 year old blonde beauty with a 36-24-36 figure and a pair of legs that wouldn't quit. There's my 37 year old dad, a good looking guy in his own right. He was a short man, but he was, as they say,...

1 year ago
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My One and Only AffairChapter 6

OK I hope you all like this chapter. I know Mr. Ass w/o a name will most likely bitch like the baby he is but so be it. Those who enjoy my stories I thank you for all the good and constructive advise you have given me. To Mr. Ass w/o a name, fuck off. Enjoy: That night I tossed and turned and kept thinking about mark and what we had done and what he wanted to do. I realized for the first time I mean I knew now that I truly wanted this to happen. I stopped kidding myself and knew I was going...

1 year ago
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True Story about hot girl in Bar

True StoryMy buddy Hank and I were going to machinist school in Detroit and had gone to a Bar only a few doors from the school for a beer and a couple hot dawgs. We were only there a few moments when this girl came in. We never did find out her name, so I will call her Rhea to help the story flow.She had Platinum Blond hair worn up and short. She had on a buttoned up the front sparkly silver sweater two sizes too small with nothing on under it. Her breasts, with hard protruding nipples, were...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 30 Perspective

I’d grown up through the world experience, or perhaps inexperience, of 13 years of private schooling in a sheltered deeply religious realm. I’d only experienced public school once. And “Public School” was for non “Chosen” people when it comes to the scale of comparative religions; so they told us. I was forced to attend one summer because of my poor grades in public speaking class. The teacher seemed to take a disliking to me and gave me a rotten grade. His name was Maurice and I didn’t like...

1 year ago
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Prince of Naught

I was born a bastard son of a maid and the heir to the empire. I was an embarrassment to my father and grandfather and my mother’s family. My mother was sent away but at least she was given a retirement income and managed to buy a small estate. I grew up knowing who my father was even if I never saw him. When I was older I went to the best schools my mother could afford and the torture began. I was the bastard and a lot more names but one stuck, prince of naught. I loved my mother but could...

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