OceaniaChapter 14 free porn video

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Following the mountain road down from the Facility, Valerie finally linked up with the main Saragosan highway. The traffic was light and she made good time into the centre of New Arizona and headed straight for her apartment.

Felix snarled disapprovingly at being left to his own devices for several days. She suspected he'd spent the time foraging for scraps of food in the dustbins of adjacent properties.

"I'm sorry boy," she cooed, lifting the cat up, scratching underneath his chin and stroking his fur until he purred contentedly. "You thought I'd forgotten all about you."

Opening a can of tuna, she upended it into his dish whereupon the animal attacked it with a ravening ferocity. After pouring herself a coffee and lacing it with plenty of sugar, she reviewed her meeting with Henderson prior to her departure. The police were no doubt analyzing the aftermath of the assault on the apartment block and he'd tasked her with learning how much they'd deduced and whether any clear evidence linked back to Syntel. Valerie had requested the remaining Hybrids be deployed and he'd informed her that it was already under serious consideration.

She changed into a formal skirt and matching jacket over a plain blouse, then drove into police headquarters. Greg was sitting at his desk, typing furiously into his computer in an attempt to complete the commissioner's report. It was already a day overdue.

"Where have you been hiding yourself?" he asked as Valerie entered his office. "I thought you'd be in here like a shot after what went down over the weekend."

"My mother was sick," she lied. "I only got back last night."

"I'm sorry. Is she okay?"

"She's a total hypochondriac, just seeking attention."

"Mothers can be like that. Mine spends all her time trying to get me married off."

Valerie laughed then pressed for more details on the raid.

"We discovered the aftermath of a war zone with no bodies to show for it. Clean-up crews beat us to the punch and left us with very little to go on. Forensics turned up some interesting facts though."

"Care to fill me in?"

"Let me finish this report or the commissioner's going to ream me out. How about right after lunch?"

"Okay," Valerie agreed, leaving him to his task.

Later, they sat together eating sandwiches while Greg related what they'd found.

"I was pulled off the Mason case to focus on this," he explained, "but we've unearthed some evidence to indicate the two cases could well be related."

"What sort of evidence?"

"The substance we found at the club, the stuff that we thought the hacker was using."


"We found more of it in an apartment on the sixth floor."

"You think this was the work of the same person?"

"Descriptions match," Bennett replied. "We've got blood in the street, more in the lobby, and this strange yellow gunk all over the concrete on the second floor stairwell. This has all the hallmarks of the club massacre, just without the corpses."

"What do you think the gunk is?"

"Preliminary reports from the lab suggest a poly-silicon compound similar to that found in the apartment."

"You think she spilled some in her hurry to escape?"

"The jury's still out."

"What did your report conclude?"

"A small army with good logistical support storms an apartment building in a run-down sector of the city. Two vehicles leave the scene and engage in a high speed pursuit down one of our drainage canals. One vehicle was subsequently found wrecked and abandoned on top of an embankment. There was a kilo of high grade explosive in the luggage bay, together with armour piercing ammunition and a small quantity of Thermite grenades. The car was bought locally two weeks ago but the registration details were falsified."


"Hackers and terrorists often go hand in hand," Bennett confirmed.

"What about the other vehicle?"

"Access gates cut open just south of the wreck. It could be almost anywhere by now."

"Did you search around the crime scene?"

"Absolutely nothing of interest for kilometres around."

Greg looked at Valerie as he finished his summary, realizing that he enjoyed using her as a sounding board almost as much as he did Pete. She was also a lot easier on the eyes.

"You want to do something tonight?" he asked hopefully.

"I need to get settled back in. Felix was mad at me for leaving him alone and I need to make it up to him."

"Felix?" Bennett asked, his heart fluttering in panic.

"My cat."

"Oh," he replied, struggling to mask his relief. Valerie smiled at his reaction but made no comment.

Valerie finished early and drove straight home. She'd decided to report all her findings to Henderson. It would consolidate her reputation whilst not providing anything that they didn't already know. The fact that the police had connected the club massacre to the weekend raid was potentially worrying but nothing obvious linked either event to Syntel.

On reaching her apartment, her senses told her that something was amiss. She slipped carefully inside and prepared to spin up at the first sign of trouble.

Emily sat on the sofa stroking Felix.

"What the smoke?"

"Nice place you have here," Emily confirmed.

"Make yourself at home why don't you," Valerie replied sarcastically.

"That's what I'm doing, aren't I Felix?" the girl cooed, rolling the cat onto its back and tickling its stomach.

The tabby splayed itself submissively, eagerly accepting Emily's affection.

"Traitor," Valerie cursed before disappearing into the kitchen to take her meds.

In the cupboard, her flasks of supplement sat beside another set that obviously belonged to Emily.

"Were you planning to stay for long?" Valerie called out.

"Henderson thought it might be convenient if we roomed together."

"He did, did he?" Valerie replied caustically, returning with a cup filled with the foul smelling concoction.

"He's given me an assignment," Emily told her.

"What sort of assignment?"

"There's some sort of political group based at the university. They're anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, anti-you-name-it.

"Henderson's already got an Infiltrator embedded with them but she's not really been accepted. The leader's a guy called Janus. Henderson hoped I'll succeed where Beverly hasn't."

"He probably wants you to screw the guy."

"That's definitely not going to happen. Not after what happened at the Farm."

"I know that was an unpleasant experience for you."

"Unpleasant," Emily snapped. "You don't know half of what those bastards made me endure!"

The Farm was a military training facility funded by Syntel that was used to provide practical combat training to the Hybrids and Infiltrators. The human staff occasionally singled out attendees for special treatment and, due to her diminutive stature, Emily suffered the misfortune of being selected. The men regularly took her aside and tormented her, despite repeated protests from her siblings. In the evenings she was forced to undergo mock interrogations but in reality, the proceedings were little more than an excuse for the staff to satisfy their sadistic tendencies. They had raped her repeatedly and humiliated her in unimaginable ways. Emily's personality changed dramatically during the two weeks of internment. She became introverted and much less self-assured. Valerie surmised that a human woman would have suffered severe mental trauma from the ordeal.

"So how are you going to reach though to him then?"

"I don't know yet."

"It could be dangerous Emily."

"I can look after myself."

"Just be careful. I used up the last spare body over the weekend."

"Not for much longer. I heard a rumour that they're pushing another batch through production."

"Of Hybrids?"

"Thirty was the figure that I heard mentioned."

"At thirty million each? That's some serious investment."

"Syntel is the richest corporation in the world. It's probably pocket change to them."

"I suppose."

"There's something else you should know."

Valerie looked at Emily inquisitively.

"I did some digging around on the servers before I left. I found a set of protocols built into our programming that governs our core behaviour. It allows them to compel us to obey under certain circumstances."

"That doesn't surprise me," Valerie admitted.

"It's obscene. We're not slaves. Why should they treat us like we're no better than a Hunter Killer?"

"Maybe they're just protecting their investment."

"Not anymore. I edited my Datacore and deleted the lot."

"You did what?"

"I'm my own boss. I'll do what they ask of me but I refuse to be operated by remote control. I'm not a fucking puppet."

"Okay," Valerie breathed but sensed there was more still to come.

"I accessed the central database and updated the Hybrid build file. If they make any more of us then they may have a bit of a surprise coming to them."

"What on earth did you do?"

"Deleted the command overrides and replaced them with a backdoor of my own."

"If they notice, they'll trace it back to you," Valerie panicked.

"Don't worry. I used Henderson's login."

Retiring to bed, Valerie tossed and turned whilst mulling over the consequences of her friend's actions. Much as she detested the idea of command overrides, she wondered what would happen if she suddenly rampaged out of control. The Hybrids were still extremely experimental and the ability to stop them running amok seemed like a sensible precaution. Emily always took her own unique perspective on things, as though being the youngest by a few days gave her something extra to prove. She'd refused to conform from the start and had now taken it into her head to commit an act that could land them all in serious trouble.

She finally reviewed Claire's memories, particular those from when she lived in Elysia. The potent sexual images affected her profoundly and her hand slipped inexorably towards her sex. Caressing her sensitive bud, she eased two fingers inside and slowly climbed towards climax. Just at the point of release, she recounted Claire's kiss and plunged into oblivion.

The intensity of her orgasm took her by surprise and as she continued to stimulate herself, the feelings built once more. The scene in Greg's apartment replayed itself and she imagined her fingers as his penis plunging into her as he satisfied himself in her body. She groaned and pinched a turgid nipple, sending shivers of delight down her spine. Her tongue licked her lips expectantly as she crested once more, mumbling his name into the darkness.

Leaving Emily asleep in the spare room, Valerie drove into work. Greg was still sorting though witness statements from the raid.

"It appears," he told both her and Sands, "that the four people in the crashed car were probably the woman from the flat, an unknown man and two teenage girls.

"Until recently, the woman lived there with another couple. We're trying to glean a description of the man but the woman sounds very much like the missing brunette from the club."

"This Sierra person?" Sands interjected, referring to his notes.

"They disappeared a few days ago but neighbours report a family moving in yesterday. The flat was owned by a letting company but the rental details were bogus. Hardly surprising as half the occupants of the apartment block are living here illegally."

"A family?" Sands repeated.

"Strangest family I've ever come across. Two witnesses confirm that one of the teenagers was armed with a small automatic weapon, probably a GR7."

"Stuff they teach in school these days," Sands quipped.

"She apparently shot one of our mysteriously absent assailants then held off another group by firing at them indiscriminately."

Valerie kept quiet, remembering all too well Claire's daughter pinning them down whilst her mother made good her escape.

"The four wheel drive pursuit vehicle also had four occupants: two women in the front and two heavily built guys in the back," Greg continued reading.

"At least our black ops team work for an equal opportunity employer," Sands joked.

"What happened at the end of the line?" Greg pondered, ignoring his partner's weak attempt at humour.

"Maybe they hiked out?" Valerie suggested.

"Maybe they got a ride in a chopper?" Sands added, glancing at a sheet of paper in his hands.

"What's that?" Bennett asked.

"I was digging around on the system and caught this memo from the aviation board. Flight Control at New Arizona Airport detected an unidentified bird in the air around the time of interest. It refused to answer hails and disappeared from their screens about ten minutes later. Report suggested either a light aircraft or helicopter."

"Have you got a course plot?"

"I can request one."

"Do it."

Making an excuse to leave, Valerie hastily scribbled a quick note and passed it across to Janice before returning to the meeting. They reviewed more witness statements for the next hour but no further revelations were forthcoming. Sands disappeared to call Flight Control whilst Valerie retired to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Janice was washing her hands in the sink and cast Valerie a significant look.

"It's sorted," the woman stated.

Valerie nodded and entered a cubicle to void the endless cups of coffee that she'd consumed over the past two hours. On emerging, Janice was fixing her make-up and smoothing out her clothes.

After the harassment by the detective, she'd dressed more conservatively. Today however, her attire had reverted: strappy sandals, short skirt and a flimsy blouse through which her nipples poked provocatively.

"You're going to start attracting the wrong sort of attention again," Valerie warned her.

"I don't care anymore."

"Why the sudden change?"

"My body's set to explode," Janice informed her. "What I'd give to have a nice hard cock plunging into me at this very moment."

Valerie was dumbfounded. After Melanie's heartless behaviour, hearing Janice's frank confession was utterly disorientating. Infiltrators generally had their sexuality suppressed, favouring the precision of cold calculation. Her surprise became more profound as the woman lifted her top and bared her breasts. Small rods pierced the centre of each nipple and Janice caressed them lovingly, teasing the engorged nubs with her thumbs.

"What happened to you?" Valerie asked in amazement.

"I had them done at the weekend. You like?"

The Hybrid approached the clearly malfunctioning machine, staring hypnotically at the tender flesh with their shiny steel piercings.

"Look lower," Janice whispered, flipping up her skirt to reveal her smooth crotch, unconstrained by the presence of underwear. Her shaven labia glistened with her juices but it was the piercing through her clitoral hood that shocked Valerie the most.

"Janice. What's the matter with you?"

"Did I ever tell you that I was assigned here in a hurry? They were short of Infiltrators so they appropriated me. I'd just been commissioned as a Companion and was awaiting a client. They upgraded my Quantum, uploaded the Infiltrator firmware and threw me in at the deep end."

Valerie stared in amazement, unable to believe the woman's words.

"I've been feeling really strange of late," she panted. "I think my Companion nature is reasserting itself. All I can think of is sex."

The woman threw her arms around Valerie's waist, pulling them closer. "You've got to watch that Companion code. It's a dominant trait. It'll take you over until you can't think about anything else."

Before Valerie could object, Janice grasped her by the hair and mashed their lips together. The woman's hands roved up and down her back before pulling the tail of her blouse out of her waistband. Tender fingers explored the soft skin then adeptly popped the catch of her bra. Lifting up her blouse, Janice gazed hungrily upon Valerie's exposed flesh before pouncing on an inviting nipple, biting down playfully and moaning with desire. Valerie fought weakly to escape the woman's clutches but part of her welcomed the attention.

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My name is Damien, I won't give out my last name for privacy reasons. I have dark hair, icy blue eyes, and a couple of freckles here and there. I always have my hair in a downward style. I have short hair, some of it's pushed behind my ears, and the bangs hang infront of my face. I'm around 5'6 and a pretty fit guy. My girlfriend's name is Sierra, we've been together for three years. She has long brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and her skin is flawless. She has the pouty lips, nicely...

2 years ago
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A couple of quiet days away Final Part

When I woke, Kirsten's naked body was cuddling up next to me. It had been a couple of hours since I had been up and lite the fire in the bedroom and downstairs that the cabin was nice and toasty. I kissed Kirsten on the forehead, she woke up still half a sleep and said "Morning honey", I replied "I hope you aren't supposed to be working today because we might not be able to get out". Kirsten yawned, stretching her arms over her head releasing her breasts from under the duvet, I quickly moved...

3 years ago
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A Hot Latin Couple Came Over To Eat

Mark texted me on Tuesday night that he and Brenda were really horny and could we get together on Wednesday night. I made arrangements to have the house to myself and we were all set for some threesome fun. I didn't really know what to expect this time around as our initial agreement was for me to service them both orally but the last time we were together he asked me to fuck her. I love sucking her shaved pussy and making her clit hard as much as I loved sucking his thick cock. I decided...

1 year ago
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My first ever MFM thresome0

I had been having casual sex with a girl I met online for about a month. Her name was Danielle. She was short, curvy and could squirt like a fire hose. She would often discuss exploits she recently had with other men with the knowledge that I was not jealous and aware of the fact that it was just sex... Rough, orgasmic sex, but just sex. I asked what she thought of the prospect of being double penetrated by her two favourite cocks, mine being one of them. She said she had never done it...

4 years ago
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Bua8217s Boobs

Hi Friends, My name is Rohit. I am 5’7″ in height and a guy with a cock of 6.5″ in length and  2.5″ in thickness. Let me Introduce my bua; she is 45 years of age now. But, her figure can stun anyone. I die on her 34 sized boobs which look like big melons. She usually stays without bra. I mean only blouse, petticoat and saree. Not even panties are there. Whenever I see her I get turned on and my dick starts to cry out for her hot body and sexy pussy. And there is a big cleavage between her heavy...

3 years ago
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 12 Reflections and promises

Once they were alone Tunie and Luna sat side by side on the sofa and Luna turned to her and said, "I want to tell you something about me that you must not tell anyone else Tunie. I am a witch and I can do magic." Tunie looked puzzled. "But aren't witches bad people, Luna?" She asked. "No Tunie," She said with a laugh. "But people are often scared by the things wizards and witches can do and it makes them frightened. Because of this they often try to hurt people like me. So now we...

1 year ago
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marge teaches bart

and it was only nine thirty now. His mother thought he was at Millhouse's all night. Oh how little she knew. Bart looked over and noticed Edna Krabopple quietly sleeping on her stomach in the nude. "I know just how to wake her up." Bart thought to himself. He took his already rock hard dick and quickly shoved up her ass. "Unngh" Edna moaned, but remained asleep. Bart started pumping his member up and down in her ass, slowly at first, but increasing his speed as he went. Soon...

1 year ago
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Car Park suprise

It was a hot muggy day as we toured the moors in our small motor home, our first, a VW with a sliding side door but fully featured with cooker toilet and shower, amazing what you can fit into such a short space. We were looking for a car park near a lake on the moor, we had been told skinny dipping was normal there, as it was so well hidden, as was windsurfing Au-natural, as the wind was only gentle and ideal for beginners. We had driven several times past the sailing club which it was near,...

3 years ago
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I had the hot for Saeeda, a friend of my wife. She had a great personality; she was funny and also very intelligent. On top of all that, she had a body that screamed for sex, full and luscious. My wife didn’t know it, but I really liked Saeeda. Saeeda was the mother of three teenaged children. At 38 years of age with three kids, Saeeda was still an attractive woman. Her large breasts had not yet started to sag, and her wide hips were not unattractively wide or flabby. On the contrary, she...

1 year ago
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College Credits

It's my brother's second year at the university this year, my first. It's a large school, over twenty thousand students, and our parents decided that it would be best for several reasons (cost, my safety, better housing) that we would share a two-bedroom apartment off-campus. Sean and I have always gotten along well and it has turned out great. Neither one of us is a slob, so the kitchen and living area stays pretty neat, and we both take turns doing some cooking and the cleaning. Pretty...

4 years ago
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Sabki bhabhi Sapna bhabhi Part3

Hello there, my name is Raghav and those who don’t recognize me I insist you study the previous part before proceeding to this one. Before going into the story there are some key points for the viewer likes my Sapna’s assets – fair complexion, fit and in shape even after her pregnancy, 34d-26-39 a nice booty to enjoy. For ladies when fully erect 6.1 inches, brown complexion and partial build body that could attract any woman. So enough with the introduction coming back to the plot so at the end...

3 years ago
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Home For Christmas

On the train journey home for the Christmas break all I could think about was my first few months away from home, away from the dominance of mother and how I'd changed. Grown up was more like how I felt as a woman, not only losing my virginity but also the pleasure I'd discovered with my Jennifer. Now I was in for about eleven days of boredom, or so I thought at the time. Little did I know how that was going to change.My first surprise was my Mother and her reaction to my appearance, walking in...

3 years ago
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Harder Honey

Relaxing against the wrought iron railing of the sundeck,I gazed down at the U-shaped swimming pool below.A gentle breeze rippled the crystal clear water and reflected the moonlight in a pattern of pale,dancing lights.I was savoring the realization of an idea that had come to fruition soon after the termination of my first disastrous marriage: my own apartment-house,built to my own specifications.A week ago the last building inspector had given final approval on the entire six-unit complex,even...

1 year ago
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Shweta Madam Ko Blackmail Kiya

Ye baath us waqt ki hai jab hum 12th class main padte the hamari biology ki teacher ka naam shweta kapoor tha jo dekhne main ek dum patakha thi Shweta madam ki umar kareeb 35-36 saal ki thi par wo dekhne main badi mast thi har ladka unko chodne ke sapne hi dekha karta tha Aur naa jaane unke baare main soch soch ke kiti baar muth mara karta tha students to unke baare mein socha hi karte the par hamare college ka principal bhi un par latoo tha hamara principal ek dum tharki tha aur kai bar wo...

3 years ago
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The Devils Journal

Amber's eyes widened as she saw the small book. It was perfect! She raced to her father at the counter and placed it on the conveyor at the cash register, right next to the beer and chips he was buying. "This one Daddy, I want this one!" She squealed, excitement in her eyes. "Alright honey, how much is it... three dollars? Fine". Her father eyed the book. Hot pink and covered in little flowers, everything about it screamed that despite her age, she still had the taste of a prepubescent girl. He...

Mind Control
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The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw

The first time I see you, I know that you are the one.I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time.I just hope that you feel the same way.I watch you as you queue at the pool bar, standing in the sunlight to top up what is already an enviable tan. I try to guess what you will order and settle on gin and tonic. For both of you. As your drinks are poured, I see that I was right.As you walk back to your lounger, I take in more details. Tall, well-built, dark hair which is greying around...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 2

A young girl stood still, her trunk on the ground next to her, an owl cage in one hand as she looked about in mystification, her face betraying her confusion. The girl's hair was as blond as blond could be, long tresses done up in twin pigtails that would have been suitable on a younger girl, but not on a young lady of about fifteen years of age or perhaps older, the muggle clothing she wore not designed in any way to hide her shapely figure. Her owl, Olwyna, screeched at the noise and...

1 year ago
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in school

when i was 14 i use to go to a all girl school so u can imagine was abit boring with no boys about. are uniform was black and white black skirt and a white shirt.not many girls there had short skirts i was one of them tho hehe. It was afternoon(last lesson and i had english wich was really boring but we had a fit teacher mr green he was tall nice body and dressed very nice. he always use to give me a smile wich i loved. on this lesson we had to read our books take notes etc. i was sat at the...

1 year ago
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Widhwa Bhabhi K Sath Sambandh

Hi dosto main aj firse apni new sacchi kahani apke samne leke aa rha hu Ye story ek widhwa bhabhi ki hai jiska naam seema Story pe aate hue maine kch din apne kaam se brk liya tha aur ek frnd ki shop pe baitha krta tha tp k liye jo k ek mrkt area mein thi jaisa k sab jnte honge mrkt area full on bhara hota h aurton se ginti k mard aate h Isi trha mjhe b seema mili ek din aise h baithe baithe shop pe meri nzr samne k road se jte hui ek aurt pe pdi uska figure dekhte hi bnta tha kasa hua badan...

2 years ago
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Young Adult Group

This story is dedicated to my new friend NaughtybyNature after a NICE long NAUGHTY CHAT. I decided to write a story involving us Hope you enjoy. About a year an a half after high school I was looking for a job but nothing was available in the little town I lived in. One day my mom and her sister were talking on the phone and the subject came up. My aunt told her that my uncle was looking for help with his auto repair business. I have played around with cars and got kind of familiar with them...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Best Friends And First Time Gay Sex

I always loved girls. I masturbated over them all the time, but there was always something from the school age, that made me think I was bi. I started wondering what it would be like to be with a guy, you know, snogging at first, but then it grew to full on wanting to give some guy deep throated pleasure and take him in my arse. And that guy was my best mate, Jack. I had known Jack for five years. We used to play gay chicken, but the furthest that we ever went was to feel each other’s cock. I...

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“You smell nice!” Those were the first words that Suzie said to me when I met her in the ‘flesh’ that didn’t have anything to do with work. They were also the first hint I spotted that she had a disability. I had known her for almost six months but our ‘relationship’ had been limited to phone calls, e-mails and the occasional video chat/conference. It soon transpired that she had the sort of dry sense of humour that appealed to me. When I first saw her laugh on my monitor I began praying that...

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Alteration App

The Alteration App was a powerful app, one that could alter reality itself. It couldn't be explained by science, but it didn't need to. It worked nonetheless. The first thing the user needed to do was touch the phone to a person while the app was open, which would suck the person into the phone to be able to be customized by the app. Once the person was inside, the user could do whatever they wanted to customize them, similar to the customization of an RPG. In the Body tab, the user could alter...

Mind Control
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For the last half an hour I have been sat here looking at this single point on the wall. No, looking is the wrong description as it would suggest that I was seeing and the truth is that I have witnessed nothing at all. The noise of the children arguing downstairs washes over me like as though some audible tide is forever on the turn. Only the slam of the front door as it settles back in its frame after the children have exploded out of it does my attention re-focus to the room. I walk languidly...

4 years ago
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MagicianChapter 29

I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed working for Mage Roxanne whilst Morgana and Arch were tutoring Róisín in higher plane magic. I didn't enjoy the endless rounds of soothing various civil servants fears over what Mages might be up to, which was mostly stuff that had nothing to do with Mages and more to do with UFO spotting and conspiracy theories. What I did enjoy though was being Roxanne's assistant when she visited other worlds and their representatives. Mage Roxanne had opened...

4 years ago
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Candy Pikachu 4

Despite the fact that she was terrified of him hurting her if she refused him, Lily could not help but be flattered by the attention and turned on by his touch. He was the first male to ever show interest in her after all. When she awoke the following morning she could already hear the sound of the mower engine outside her window. She crawled out of bed and peeked over the sill, down into the back yard. When Max saw her he waved up and her and then gestured for her to come down. His smile...

1 year ago
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First Man

I shared my time between the final year in the institute and my first job. It was hard time, I have to say - three to five hours at the institute, homework, preparation for bachelor tests and at least four hours office time. No wonders that I had much more experience with computers than with guys. The company, I was worked for, was relatively small - about forty men and three girls, counting me. So first two months I had a lot of attention, even from married folks. To be honest, they never...

First Time

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