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There might be a grand plan. But, nobody’s shared it with me. As far as I know, life’s nothing but chance encounters woven into meaning by the choices we make. Nonetheless, karma’s a heartless bitch, and, sometimes she’ll make you wonder why your life sucks.

I was in Chicago because conventions are big business. Every convention needs speakers. I’ve been inside at DHS. So, I get requests to talk. That’s why I was in the lineup at one of those godawful events, where nothing makes sense. But everyone feels “informed.” My topic was, “National Security, Why I Sleep like a Baby.” The punch line is, “Don’t babies wake up crying and wetting themselves every two hours?” You get the message – right?

It was at the Thompson, which is convenient to ORD. So, I flew in late in the afternoon. The aim was to do my thing and fly out early the next day; while pocketing a hefty “honorarium” for my services. I hate air travel. So, I head for the nearest saloon when I arrive. I’d noticed Gibson’s across the street.

The place was packed but there was one seat at the bar. It was located next to a species of varmint that I particularly loath. I ordered a cold Gamma-Ray Pale Ale. I’m into craft beer. It’s a weakness. The bartender set 20 ounces in front of me. He also looked totally disgusted with my two neighbors. They must have been there for a while.

If you spend time in upscale bars you’ll recognize the breed. They are youthful, trim, good looking. Their style is impeccable and their come-on, failsafe. They were in with the in-crowd in high school. They pledged the best fraternities. And their degrees are from the most elite schools. They just hadn’t lost enough to have common sense.

These two sounded like technical sales support for a vendor who just happened to be from where I live in Maryland. Most of the companies pay a premium to the guys who are willing to travel. And that usually includes a generous expense allowance. It’s a gypsy life. But if you’re young and have no attachments it can be fun for a while.

Like every OTHER member of the genus, these fellows were eternally on the prowl. Their need for sex had nothing to do with warm-and-fuzzy. They were there strictly to run up the score. Their random copulating was like crack cocaine. Each conquest gave them a fantastic high. But they crashed and burned if they didn’t keep it coming. So, they were always on the hunt. Women were nothing but prey for them.

When I sat down they were in the process of recounting their hottest conquests. Both of them were drunk. So, short of putting in ear plugs I couldn’t avoid overhearing the conversation. It was an enlightening peek into the tree-house.

They seemed to be rank ordering the candidates based on looks and general degree of hotness. The most revealing part was that neither of them knew any names. They just used tags, like “the redhead in San Francisco with the big jugs”, or “the Latina from Orlando with the butt.” It was like listening to a couple of guys talk about zoo animals.

The dude directly on my left was telling the guy on the far side about his most recent discovery. He said, “The one that gets my vote was the chick I met in Atlanta. I didn’t fuck her but my buddy did and he said that she was the hottest piece of ass he had ever had. He ought to know since he’s fucked them all.

The d-bag added, “She was maybe five-two but she had tits that were easily Ds. They’d look huge on a woman six inches taller. But they were monsters on her.”

The other guy chimed in with, “Yeah, I like them really big. Could you see her nipples?”

Brilliant conversation. And remember, half the bar could hear those two drunken morons. This was getting so bad that I was thinking of standing by the window, anything but listening to them blow smoke up each other’s pantleg.

The douchebag on my left continued with, “I knew the guy from school so I sat down with them. They were having a romantic little dinner. She was really quiet. You know how subservient women get when you’re fucking them.” They both chuckled lecherously. I nearly retched.

The guy added, “We really looked up to my buddy in school. Wasn’t much in the classroom but DAMN was he EVER successful with the ladies. You know the type; totally dominant. I never actually saw it. But, I heard that his dick was huge.”

The idiot continued with, “Some guys would be pissed if you joined them. But not this guy. Whit could care less. He knew he had her under control. And he wanted me to appreciate what a stud he was.”

That was accompanied by lewd chuckling about the guy’s stud-hood. In the universe that those two cretins inhabited that accolade probably ranked up there with winning the Nobel Prize. The guy next to me continued with, “We talked for a while and I noticed she was wearing a ring. I asked them if they were married. That got a big laugh from Whit. He said, Janet’s married all right, just not to me.”

I was instantly on alert. The thing that caught my attention was the description of the woman and her name. My wife is tiny with big tits and her name is Janet. Worse, she had recently been in Atlanta with a guy named Whitley Reynolds. He was one of the lawyers she does consulting work for.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Maybe it was sheer coincidence. Janet’s a pretty common name, isn’t it? I was now hanging on the moron’s every word. At that point, the other dude interrupted to ask the narrator who this Whit fellow sold for. That wasn’t as strange a question as you might think. the ONLY thing those two dipwads lived for was sex and selling.

The guy next to me said, “She wasn’t in sales. He’s a lawyer and she’s some kind of accountant!!!” THAT tore my heart out. Janet is a consulting CPA. And she and Reynolds had been in Atlanta last month. They had been there sorting out the dealings of one of Reynold’s clients. Meanwhile the twit next to me was regaling his friend with a detailed description.

His buddy Whit had been trying to fuck her for a couple of months. He said that when she finally gave it up she was an absolute beast. The guy on the far side, who was obviously drunker said, “So did he give you a taste?”

The first guy said, “Not a chance. He said that she was totally in love with him. And she was so hot that he wouldn’t even think of sharing her. I told him to call me if he ever got tired of her. Man!! She was smoking hot!!!” That was the point where I tossed a twenty on the bar and exited the building.

Okay, admittedly it was an unbelievable coincidence. Those two idiots were just passing the time in their omnivorously horny fashion. But things are always within six degrees of separation.

They were from the same area. They were in the same business. This was a must-attend event in our mutual field, and we all had the same preconference time on our hands. The bar was just across the street. Most people don’t meet all those criteria. So, it didn’t seem odd that I would end up in the same place at the same time with those guys.

It would be an extreme understatement to say that the next twenty-four hours were stressful. Public speaking is all about stage presence. My stock in trade is affable redneck, with deep IC roots; and it has served me well. But it is hard to convince a room full of people that you are a gregarious good-old-boy, when all you can think about is whether your cherished wife is a duplicitous whore.

I have worked audiences so long that the 50 minutes on stage was the usual amalgamation of laughs and nebulous information. But I was purely on automatic pilot. I was FAR too upset. I had not bothered to call Janet the night before. I knew that would upset her. When we are apart we always talk once a day. But I had not even come close to getting a grip on my fevered imaginings. And I didn’t want to take the chance of tipping my hand.

It was long odds that Janet was the bitch in question. But even the remote possibility had me freaked out. It was really just random talk. Most of the connection was in my head. And I was aware even as I listened to them that the narrator was exaggerating; in the way that all those juvenile types do. Nonetheless, until I found out whether Janet was the woman they were talking about the situation was going to get my “A” game. I knew that I needed a plan.

First, I had to play things like our relationship was nothing but puffy clouds, rainbows and unicorn shit. If Janet thought I suspected her, it would drive her underground. And she is smart enough to bury evidence of any alleged extra-marital shenanigans. So I had to be cool.

I also understood that I was suffering from the “hot wife” syndrome. Every man wants the hottest woman in the room; the one every other guy lusts after. A woman as striking as Janet could have any man with a sultry glance. Which can induce an inordinate amount of insecurity in a regular fellow like me.

My insecurity stemmed from the fact that I KNEW that Janet bound wasn’t bonded to me by my overwhelming animal magnetism. She was with me because she CHOSE to be with me. But, the problem with freedom of choice is that the world is full of temptation and people can always change their mind.

So, no matter how secure your bond might be. You’re constantly aware that your happiness is dependent on your wife’s willingness to honor her commitments. After fifteen years of marriage I sincerely believed that Janet’s character was unimpeachable. She had personal integrity and a robust set of values. Her personal sense of self-worth would prevent her from violating any of her closely held beliefs; wouldn’t it?

I had never seen anything in Janet’s behavior that would contradict that assumption. She had not altered her conduct toward me one iota. She had been as loving and attentive as she ever was, and there was no hint of guilt, or suspicious behavior. So, either she was a master of compartmentalization. Or she was innocent.

Unfortunately, though, the seed of doubt had been planted and it was running away with me. Thus, I felt compelled to get to the bottom of things, if nothing more than to prove what a paranoid weenie I was.

It was nuts. I had overheard a random conversation 700 miles from home. Only an insecure moron would jump to the conclusion that their wife was fucking around. Nevertheless, that’s exactly where my paranoia was taking me. The thing driving this was the “all-in” stakes. We had no kids. So, my relationship with Janet was my whole life. If she was another guy’s plaything; then I had to find out about it, deal with it, and move on. It would be emotionally devastating. But, there was no middle ground.

Marriage has a lot of different components. The most important part is the social bond. The other person is the one human being you can trust, the one who you know will never sell you out. Of course, that is all contingent on mutual honesty. And lying is the shortcut to perdition.

Then there is the knowledge that the intimacy that a man and a woman share is exclusive among themselves. It would be the loss of that exclusivity that would be the rock on which our marriage would founder. I was just not willing to share Janet’s special self with any other man.

It wasn’t a matter of male ego. I felt like Janet and I had a spiritual link that couldn’t possibly include a third party. If it did than our relationship was not what I understood it to be. And that was going to be the showstopper. The way I felt we had to be a binary couple, or we had nothing. So she owed me the truth about what she was doing.

If there was discontent, there was no justification for NOT sharing THAT with me. I thought I had done everything I could to make her happy. If I had failed her in some way I was ready and willing to do whatever it took to rectify things. But she had to bring her problem to me, not take it outside the marriage.

Moreover, if she had inexplicably fallen in love, like those two cretins said she had; then she owed me the respect of telling me that she was no longer mine, not sneaking behind my back. Of course, her giving herself to another person was probably an up-front deal-breaker and I am sure that Janet knew that.

The next step was obvious. I had to fill in the picture. I got back in the late morning and took a taxi from DCA to Georgetown. I knew Janet was at work. So, I would have the time to lay the groundwork. I’m a methodical guy and very focused when I am on-task. So, my first step was to gather all of Mr Whit Reynolds’ low-hanging fruit.

I approached the challenge like any other zero-knowledge exploit. I am a hacker by trade. Although, in polite company I call myself a pen-tester. It is a particular set of skills that I have honed since puberty. And I am very well paid for my abilities.

But this one was personal. In fact, it was more of a crusade. First, I did a deepweb search. It took a total of twenty minutes and $39.50 to know more about Mr. Whitley Reynolds than he probably knew about himself. Most of what I got was the uninteresting detritus that clogs everybody’s life, like all the places he ever lived and the names of all of his relatives. The neatly printed report said that he was married with two kids, a boy 4 and a girl 1. He was living in Chevy Chase with a woman named Mary who was clearly his age, both were 33.

He DID have a law degree. And he had passed the bar in Maryland on his second try. He had been in private practice for six years and prior to that he had worked three years for the Baltimore DA. There were no derogatories on his record but that didn’t mean much since he WAS a lawyer. And lawyers know how to bury complaints.

I dug a little deeper on the dark-web. He seemed to specialize in financial management services. It was for a select clientele. His clients of record spent a lot of their time being indicted. Now THAT was an eye-opener!!! But it was understandable, given the fact that Reynolds WAS a criminal defense attorney. It explained the need for Janet’s services, at least the skills that she got an MBA for. The other services didn’t require a specialized degree, just her beautiful body.

Janet had spent the past nine years working as a hired gun for lawyers. She could ferret out the most intricate fraud scheme, or perpetrate one herself. We both made a bundle of money selling our expertise. But there have been a number of times when I wondered why we wore the white hat. Since it would be nigh-unto impossible to catch either of us. I knew my motivation. I can’t handle guilt. So, I’d suck at being a criminal. I just assumed Janet was honest for the same reason. But thanks to my recent epiphany I was beginning to wonder about that. Maybe she was a better play-actor than I thought she was.

So, I harnessed up my fully weaponized canine. Janet loves dogs. That is how I acquired Buster. Buster is big and burly and he slobbers a lot. He is also scary looking. In fact, he’s so intimidating that I initially thought we had adopted a mountain lion.

It was a nice spring day in DC, the humidity was only 99%. I knew a lot about Whitley Reynolds. But I had to access the dude’s system to thoroughly pry into Mr. Whitley Reynold’s life. I could crack him. But it would take proximity to do the dirty work and most folks don’t take kindly to strangers parked in their driveway wardriving the family router.

Fortunately, I do this professionally. So I’ve concocted an approach that lets me get up-close-and-personal, without my victim being the wiser. I was able to do that because Buster is only slightly smaller than a Shetland pony. He can easily walk wearing a harness with 40 pounds of cracking gear strapped to it.

I had installed a small but powerful laptop in Buster’s pack. It ran the hacking goodies. The harness was the antenna. Of course, the casual observer would just think I was some aging hipster who harnessed his big dog to carry water and a backpack when they were out walking.

Buster and I could stroll down any street, just a boy and his dog, and I would monitor the home networks until I pinged the right router. Then I would push a little button in the handle of Buster’s leash and my gear would lock the target SSID into an evil twin. Once I had deployed that malicious item I would own its network and all of its devices.

The gear my war-doggy was carrying acquired the Reynold’s router. It took the cracking software 15 seconds to break in and I got the green light that said my evil twin was over-riding the home router’s signal. I now owned the Reynolds family secrets. We walked back to the car, a job well done.

It was 3:00 and Janet would be home soon. So I got out my special laptop. It’s the one with all the stuff that I buy for bitcoins. Nobody in their right mind would buy something off a darkweb site with their Visa. I confirmed that the Reynold’s system was connected to the twin, wide-open and awaiting my tender mercies.

I didn’t need to download anything since it was all there to read. But I DID dump their trash into a file on my computer. Civilians don’t realize that their secret stuff doesn’t really go away when they hit the “delete” key. I would go over that later.

I also started a mirror recording of any system activity that went on from that point on. Just in case somebody was smart enough to really wipe things. If there was anything going on between Reynolds and Janet I had the evidence. I just hadn’t found it yet. But I would.

I was also planning to Bluebug Janet’s phone. Then, as soon as she fell asleep I would RAT her computer. By tomorrow this time I was going to know everything that she knew and a whole lot more. Because every aspect of her lover’s personal life was going to be mine.

Was this a morally bankrupt thing to do? Absolutely. But there were two mitigating circumstances. First, I could do it. And second, nobody would know. Does that sound like the cheater’s mantra, “you bettcha!!!” But I wasn’t the person purportedly fucking around. And as far as I was concerned I owed it to myself to get to the bottom of any allegations.

Janet appeared at her usual time. For fifteen years, she has come straight home to me like clockwork. Unlike other working women she has never gone out for drinks with the gang. I have always considered that to be a sign of how innately valuable our relationship is to her. So, I almost felt guilty port-scanning her smart phone from the den and dropping the man-in-the-middle application on it; before I kissed her hello.

She is still so absolutely gorgeous that she takes my breath away. She walked up to where I was sitting at my desk and threw her arms around me. The kiss said that she had really missed me. And it promised how much she was going to show me later.

She is a beautiful little woman but it is her inner-self that makes her special. “Kittenish” might be the best way to sum her up. Even at age thirty-eight she’s a stunningly attractive bundle of perfectly proportioned features, high spirits, lighthearted fun and seeming wide-eyed innocence.

Janet’s boundless energy and playfulness have always made her a perfect counterpoint to my socially retarded self. As a couple, she is sunlight and I am; well, I don’t exactly know what I am? The word “nerdy” comes to mind. We fit together perfectly when we are in a group. I never try to steal her limelight. And she never wants to be out of it. Janet’s bantering skills also fill in the holes when we socialize. Consequently, most people think that she is a big flirt and that I am too clueless to notice.

I don’t mind flirtatious if I feel like our spiritual link is solid. And I have never had the slightest reason to doubt that; until now. Janet had bought sushi carryout from Kotobuki and she spread out a couple of plates and sat down opposite me while she divvied up the spoils. She said, “How was your trip?”

I said, “Enlightening.”

She looked puzzled and said, “How so?”

I said, “I learned something there that has me working on a new project. It’s my top priority and so I will be spending all of my time on it until I get it resolved.”

She looked at me brightly, without a hint of guilt and worry, and said, “That’s nice. I know that you always need somebody to throw a ball for you to chase. How come you didn’t call last night?”

I looked at her. God she was hot!!! I said, “I was wresting with some things, nothing I can tell you about. I don’t want to talk about it until I got my mind around the problem.”

She said, still without a smidgen of concern, “Well, it was okay anyhow. I worked until almost midnight on something I have been doodling with as part of my project with Whit Reynolds.”

That shot a thunderbolt of angst through me. She was prattling on and she didn’t see it. She said, “I am beginning to get concerned about the situation. This is my last trip with him.”

She added, “He wants to go to Miami early tomorrow for a meeting and I am going along. But there are some things that just don’t add up; and I KNOW how to add things up because I’m a CPA.” That was accompanied by a loving smile.

My heart sank. I said, trying to keep the hopefulness out of my voice, “Than maybe you shouldn’t go.”

In the meantime, she was intently dipping a California roll in the soy sauce. Did I catch a hint of hesitancy? She said, talking mainly to the roll, “I have a contract with him and I need this last trip to honor all of the conditions. So I have to go. But I am severing all connection with him after that.”

Was that a coded message that she was going to dump him as a lover?

She looked at me in her inimitably coquettish way and added, “And I am going to spend all of the money that I make from this engagement taking us on a trip. I want to connect with you like we have never connected before. And I want that connection to be very deep; if you catch my drift. How about a cruise?”

I was continuing the charade. I said cheerily, “We’ll see when you get back.” I was pretty sure that ship had already sailed. She definitely had some “‘splainin” to do.

She digested my statement and decided that I was just being my usual dismissive self. We lead a complicated life and a long cruise is something that would take planning. She said, urgency creeping into her voice, “There’s one other thing. My body has been aching for you all day. So if you don’t mind, I need you to do something for me before we go to sleep.”

Was this a little pity sex for the poor clueless husband? In my mind, it didn’t matter whether it was or not. It was probably going to be my last chance to make love to my life’s companion. Because, tomorrow was definitely going to be another day.

She is only five-two. But there are times when it looks like half of that is slim shapely leg. She rose gracefully and walked around to my side of the table. I stood. She took my hand and wordlessly led me toward our master bedroom.

She is a little woman but very muscular and round and the sight of those buns twitching under her expensive alpaca jersey dress and those full round calves flexing as she walked in her four inch heels was pushing any concerns about her fidelity to the back of my mind.

When we got to the bedroom she turned abruptly and threw her arms around my neck and plastered herself against me. That was quite a gymnastic feat given the fact that I am well over a foot taller than she is.

She opened her mouth in a way that invited me into her inner self. It is something that is more intimate than a kiss. It is like she is totally consumed by me. She also has one other trait. It is one that I have never heard of before in a woman. When she kisses me like she was doing she almost immediately cums.

It is the oddest sensation. First you get her totally hot mouth and then she begins breathing incredibly rapidly through her nose and you get a little whimper and a groan. It is like the simple intimacy of a kiss kicks her into orgasm. I know it is the sudden close connection that does it for her, not the physical sensation. But it is a sign of how totally involved she is with our lovemaking.

It is like there is no other reality for her except our intimate joining. She broke the kiss and stood back gasping with desire. Her eyes were so stoned with lust that they looked like blue marbles.

The dress came off over her head. Then she literally flung herself backward on the bed. As she did that she raised her legs in that classic woman’s pose legs up, bent ninety degrees at the waist, with her knees held together, and she peeled off the black cheekinis she was wearing.

In the meantime, I was wasting no time clearing my decks for action. Normally we do a lot of foreplay but that was not the vibe this evening. She wanted it without delay. From where I was standing I could smell her arousal. And as she dropped her panties off one extended foot she was underscoring her need. She was muttering over and over, “fuck me – you have to fuck me – you have to give it to me NOW!!!”

Looking at that little Venus with her dark auburn hair and her legs waving around in the air knees still together I was inspired to take two steps forward, seize her knees against my chest and throw both of her feet over one shoulder.

Then I hoisted her up so that only her upper back was resting on the bed and impaled her. She was so hot and wet I almost came as I slid into her virgin-tight pussy. She let out a loud groan of satisfaction and her insides began to boil, clenching and milking with insane energy. I let go of her knees and without shifting her position she spread her legs outrageously wide and wrapped them around my waist boa constrictor style.

I was thinking, “Women! The flexible sex!”

She was situated on the bed with her arms over her head and those huge tits flailing in multiple directions as I humped into her. They are so big and heavy that they were out of control even though she had not bothered to take her sexy black bra off.

The abandoned moans and cries told me that this was going to be a very short one. So I started just pounding her. The wet slap-slap-slap went on for only a few minutes. She shrieked and pulled the covers of the bed up so that she was biting on them like a she was biting on a bullet. It was clear that she was doing that just to hold the screaming down.

At that point, she started to writhe like a snake making unintelligible grunting noises as her insides began to fizz like a shaken up can of soda. Our mutual sweat lubricated her body as she thrashed underneath me.

It was evident that her orgasm was so powerful that it was almost painful to her. Her mouth was wide open in a scream that probably only dogs could hear. And she was having a serious problem breathing.

That was because every muscle in her rib-cage and belly seemed to be locked in a frenzy of cumming. She had hauled out her own breasts and was mauling them, pulling on the nipples. She just yelled over and over, “Cumming-cumming-cumming- OH MY GOD!!!”

Finally, she collapsed. It was clear that her powerful little body had reached its limits. While all of that was going on I was beginning to feel an orgasm approaching from a galaxy long ago and far away. It was so long in coming that there were stars when it hit. And I felt like I was never going to stop pumping into her.

It was the most intoxicating sensation I have ever experienced. That set Janet off on another round of screaming and bucking. I collapsed on top of her and she continued to moan. I didn’t want to crush her. So I eased back down her passage and she groaned loudly from the loss.

When I finally got my wits back she was lying next to me just staring at the ceiling like she was a million miles away. After the way she had cum I understood that. I had the sudden awful thought, “Is this the last time? Is this the end of my happiness?”

I decided that I was being a weenie. What would be, would be. But tonight, I had her and that was all that mattered. She turned and looked at me with enigmatic yearning in her eyes and said, “I will love you forever. Promise me that you will be mine forever - no matter what.”

I smiled at her poignant sincerity and said, “Promise.” But I added in my head, “There are a few common-sense stipulations on that my dear. Like you not fucking somebody else.”

She arranged herself under the covers and said dreamily, “I am going to sleep now. I am leaving early to catch the flight. So I won’t be around when you wake up. When you do, just remember this is the last time for me. I will never leave you again.”

Then she dozed off.

I was thinking, with no little irony, that the choice might not be hers. I went downstairs and ratted her laptop. Went back upstairs. Brushed my teeth and lay down in the bed.

I know that I am a sneaky son-of-a-bitch. But these were desperate stakes. As I drifted off to sleep I was thinking, “How could she be that unquestionably devoted to me and yet give herself to another man?” I am not a genius when it comes to the human heart. But there was no conceivable set of circumstances where the woman I knew could do something like that.

I don’t care what the romantics say. Comfortable habit is the cornerstone of marriage. It’s a pragmatic, fact. You spend a lifetime together. That is a lot of time to kill; much of which entails nothing more than the humble repetitive things. Getting in each other’s way does not inspire marital bliss. Hence, the importance of a smooth-running routine.

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie

Shelton aka Sherrie Gabe and Nick had worked various home construction companies. Both were not “team” workers and had been fired by all the major builders. An accidental meeting at a bar brought them together to form their own company “Boonie Builders”. If it was “in the sticks, off the grid, in no man's land”, they would build it. They were barely surviving for a year, until they built a cabin for Shelton aka “Shell”. Shelton was a architectural designer. He had come out of the closet and...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

3 years ago
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Death Becomes Her

“Did I take my pill?” He wonders, his thoughts slowly penetrating the chemically induced fog. “Mistress gets angry with me if I don’t take it and she doesn’t want to be angry with me. I know because she told me.” He gives a disimpassioned smile with the association of his mistress and her reluctance to punish him. He checks the time and sees it is 33 minutes past one o’clock. The thought that he may displease his mistress is sufficient reason to open the pill case and count the pills, “one,...

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Reality or PerceptionChapter 5 Number Four Sherrie

Well, the boat docked and we all parted before going ashore. Rachael told me that Jack would be there to pick her up and she would just as soon not have him see or meet me. He would probably get very suspicious when he saw me. I agreed, kissed her privately before we left the deck and wished her well. I reminded her of my numbers and told her to keep them safe. She promised to call in a week, just to update me. I watched her walk up to the railing on the top deck to join Susan and Mickey. I...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P8

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

1 year ago
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

2 years ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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She Hulk Hercules

She Hulk meets HerculesBy lilguy [email protected] Hulk meets the drunken godNote- This was a commission I did the middle of New York City, Hercules was fighting his brother Ares as Osborn and his crew fought after failing an invasion on Mount Olympus. There were several super heroes and super villains fighting in the back round. The heroes were gaining ground pushing back the villains. But the Villain weren’t going down without a fight“Give it up brother”...

3 years ago
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The Humiliation Of Hercules

Hercules had returned to the mortal world of man. For the past few thousand years, Hercules never needed to come to Earth. Olympus had enough enjoyment for him. From the wrestling of great and powerful beasts, the nymphs he made love to, and the various amounts of wine from his uncle made him the happiest god of all. But even this was too much for Hercules, who needed something new. Hercules was bored with perfection and needed to feed his ego by having the mortals praise his amazing feats as...

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Death Becomes HerChapter 4

Ve knelt beside her Jeff, eyes on his face. They were closed again. Had been, for quite some time. Time was new. She understood time, she thought. Time was what was between things. Ve was also, slowly, coming to understand understanding. What she saw meant something, and if she tried, observed more, that meaning would come to her. She still did not understand Jeff. The room was dark, the only faint light coming in from a glass covered opening in the wall. His face was mostly in shadow, but...

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Miriam And Herbert

Herbert shivers and smiles.” Not as nice as yours. You know i love your tiny butt. How loud it is when i give it a good slap.” She chuckles and they both smile as the waitress returns and gives them each a glass of wine. They sip their drinks and look over their menus, both having to switch from their casual glasses to reading glasses, and order the same thing they always do when they come here. The menus and glasses were all to draw out the night and build the anticipation in both of them for...

4 years ago
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Sex Panthers

Maggie could tell by the way the music producer was looking at her that he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and bang her like a door in a hurricane. And who could blame him!? What, with Maggie’s long amber hair, misty blue eyes and lush lips? Her face alone was enough to make any man beg. ‘So, you ladies want to make a demo tape, huh?’ asked the producer as he starred at Maggie’s ample breasts. Maggie took the man’s chin in her soft hand and gentle lifted his eyes up to meet hers. ...

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Jasper Rambo Michele and Sherri

By LonewolfChapter OneShe sauntered her way across the living room, her naked feet gently padding across the soft carpet. As Sherri moved closer to the German Shepherd lying on the floor, she lightly caressed her naked body, raising her level of excitement. Since she was home alone and her live-in boyfriend was not due to be home for several hours, Sherri decided to let Jasper help her relieve the sexual tension she woke up to. She had managed to bring herself off twice already this morning...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

1 year ago
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Fitness By Flash Sherri

Flash: “Miss. Kimbelsen, now that your program is completed, we must plan a schedule of weekly workouts to keep your body in tip top shape. Of course, we should also begin collecting your gym membership fees. We’ll talk about that in a minute. First things first though, do you have a pledge yet?” Sherri: “Yes, I do. Her name is Elena Kane.” Flash: “Well then, give me her particulars.” Sherri: “Well, she also works at the secretarial pool. She’s really short, only about 4’10”. She has dark...

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Cousin Sheryl

Cousin SherylI had a trip out to LA on business. I had finished the job early in the day, logged into Facebook it picks up your location. I was sitting around cracked open a Bud on the laptop looking at DN, getting horny after about a hour of surfing porn rubbing my dick. When there was a knock at the door. Looked through the peak hole thought I was seeing things answered who's there, I hear "it your cous' " a sexy ladies voice. I open the door it was my wife's cousin Sheryl. She was smoking...

3 years ago
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Fun with Bob and Cheri

Monday I normally don't go to the opening sessions, because they are generally boring, but that year, the keynote speaker was the world’s foremost authority on a subject that interested me. So I broke with tradition and got there early. I usually sit in the back on an end of a row, so I can escape with little notice if the speakers are boring. This time, I got there early to get a seat. I had coffee and pastry and sat in the last row. The place filled up quickly and there were only a few...

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Katies Aunt Sherri

My name is Michelle Mathis, my best friend is Katie Werner and she lives next door to me and my roommate with her aunt Sherri Townsend. Katie and I are both 18 years old and in our first year of college. I have a very nice body to say so myself, big tits, small waist and I think I have a very nice ass. I love the college life and I have been having sex with a lot of different guys. Katie is a little smaller then me but she is also very well built. She too is having sex with a few different...

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Sweet Sherri

SWEET SHERRI By Brett Lynn "The fuck you want," the girl hissed through her teeth. Well, it's hard to say. For one, this was the one night of the week at the particular club that was tranny night. Unless the lucky woman was either a straight freak or had been exposed to the scene, there weren't too many people walking around with a double dose of X chromosomes. Two, the girl hissed while staring between her legs with hooded eyes knew who she was. She had just finished a set...

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Death Row 2

Death Row - Part 2 By Waldo Chapter 1 - The death announcement Chapter 2 - The robbery Chapter 3 - Trailer Park Slut Chapter 4 - Time never flies when.... Chapter 5 - Calvin and Gloria Chapter 6 - The first hour of transfer into her body Chapter 7 - Bimbo or Mob boss Chapter 8 - A visit to a gynecologist Chapter 9 - Candy's introduction to John Death Row - Part 2 By Waldo Chapter 1 - The death announcement The ineffective airflow through the small, ten by...

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My wifes cousin Sheryl

My wife's cousin SherylThis is a true story I managed to see her again a couple years ago. Will post soon...Enjoy the story let me know what you think.Back in the early 70's When i was in High School i use to hang out with my wife older brother Jay. We were freshman he was telling me his cousin Sheryl was coming over. Jay had said" she was a Hot Red Head with nice tits an she didn't mine show them off" i was 14 that all I could think about. Never having sex with a girl at this age. That Friday...

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Rob And Cheri

This story is like many others I have read on this site. It is unique only in that it happened to me. Looking back on it now I suppose I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I can only blame it on being blinded by my love for Cheri. Well, the blinders are off now and I can't believe that I have been so stupid. I had been married to Cheri a little over ten years. They were good years and as far as marriages go I would have put ours in the top ten percent, but as with a lot of marriages...

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Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality

Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee.  Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said:  ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said:  ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued:  ?I feel like I...

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Death Blooms

- By the Window and the Torchlight As I ran up the stairs, carefully choosing my steps not to produce any sound, I could hear the metallic clashing of blades filling the air downstairs. Here, only silence. My group of the most skilled assassins was still assaulting the main corridor of the castle's upper level, defeating the last guards that uselessly defended the royal chamber. Our work there was done already, and I had King Leandrus the Fourth's blood all over my right hand since it had...

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Ravished by Hercules

Hercules approached the cave of the Nemean lion, his bow and arrow over his shoulder and a giant club in his hand. Hot power vibrated through him. He was ready for whatever had slain so many men before him. He entered the cave and saw a group of women dressed in clingy, white dresses. Their nipples jutted out from beneath the nearly transparent fabric and gold ropes encircled their waists. Each one was as beautiful as the other and he wanted them all. A warm rush of blood ran to his cock, but...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Death An Autobiography

Do you have a hobby or occupation that the world just doesn’t understand? I do. My name is Thanatos, and I am the God of Death. My primary occupation is that of Collector of Souls. Most specifically, the Souls of Human beings. I despise the Humans. They’re a blight upon the Universe. They deserve to be eradicated. I’ve always loathed the entire Species. I don’t know why. They’ve always seemed like an inferior breed to me and I cannot fathom why my leader Zeus, King of the Olympian Gods shows...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P4

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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Aunty Sheryl

Sheryl was in her kitchen tidying up, her family had all gone for the day k**s to school, husband Steve to work so she was looking at a full day of housework.She was just starting in the front room when there was a knock at the door she answered it and there was her nephew Simon, she smiled at him and ushered him into the front room pleased to have an excuse for not doing her chores. She had always been fond of Simon whos 16th birthday party she had been to the previous month, she cast her mind...

4 years ago
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Greek Gods Zeus and Hera

Zeus had chosen his bride. The only thing was, his bride was having absolutely nothing to do with him... impetuous Goddess. Hadn't he been the only God to be able to stand against their father Cronus? Hadn't he, in fact, rescued her from the belly of their father? Wasn't he the strongest and most brilliant of all the Gods ruling on Mount Olympus?Slowly his anger turned to amusement and pleasure though; for the fact that Hera still refused to wed him despite all these things was why he loved...

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My Mature Neighbor Sheri

I moved into my new apartment a little over a month ago. It is on the third (top) floor so I got to meet most of my neighbors. There was one who stood out. Her name was Hilary and she lived directly below me. She is very athletic, tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous, and about my age. I caught her as she was leaving for work as a nurse. I flirted with her a bit and she flirted back, so I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get to see under her scrubs and see the large breasts she was hiding...

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Kathys Day With Slutty Sherri

One Hot sunny afternoon I received a phone call from a girl I had met on the internet. I was elated to hear her sexy voice."Hi! Is this Kathy Hall?" she asked.I said, "Yes it is." She then said, "This is Sherri Townsend! Slutty Sherri as you know me.""Okay, Hi! Glad you called," I greeted her somewhat excitedly."I thought I would take you up on your invitation. You busy or tied up today?" she asked, making my blood run hotter than usual. I long awaited a meeting with her...

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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

1 year ago
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Adventurous Sheryl

Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...

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Adventurous Sheryl

Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...

Straight Sex
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Nancy and Sheri

Nancy woke up. She heard the unmistakable sound of sex coming from her parents bedroom. She was disgusted by the squeaking bed and squeals of passion from her mother. Nancy covered her head with a pillow but it didn't help. Her mother was very open about sex and sometimes she told her more than she wanted to know. Nancy got out of bed and angerly marched down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was going to tell them to stop.The door was open and Nancy could see her mother's legs wrapped...

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In recent weeks I’ve had the most miserable time — so miserable I couldn’t even have husband sex. And, if you’ve followed my journal jottings at all, you’ll know that is totally not good for me! The reason for all this misery? I contracted poison ivy doing yard work and it wouldn't go away till I saw my doctor and started taking medication. That cleared it up but, after almost a month without any sex other than from my own hand, I was sex crazy. I was so ready for anything. As it happened, on...

Group Sex
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I’ve heard Cherry Pimps come up during a lot of conversations lately. Sometimes it’s among the kind of porn enthusiasts I associate with or the horny fans who DM me asking for a review of their favorite paysite. I’ve even had a few girls mention the site to me when they came by for an intimate visit on the PornDudeCasting couch. I’m not usually this late to the party, and I knew it was about goddamn time to rectify that. The joint’s getting nearly a million visits per month, so I’d know it...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Death Departed

The light metallic scraping and clinking of the tip of my sword against the ground was the only noise audible in the chamber as I strode toward the robed figure. The chamber was oval shaped, about 75′ long and maybe 60′ wide, built of stone. In fact, it really resembled more of a dungeon. On either side of the chamber was a wide doorway large enough to fit 3 people through, blocked by a wrought iron gate on each. The roof had long ago caved in, leaving an open top for the light to come...

2 years ago
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Death Row

Death Row by Waldo This is a multi-chapter story with a transgender theme. While there's very heavy sex, I concentrate more on the story than on the sex. If you're underaged or have any major hang-ups, I suggest that you don't read any further. Chapter 1 - The AhChing The solid clank of the heavy metal door echoed through the long hallway. Although the hallway was brightly lit by overhead lights, there was a cold and unfriendly pallor that could only be understood by...

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Bullied by My Stepbrothers

My Mom married James when I was 12. My father had died two years earlier. He only had a small life insurance policy and our family had been struggling to get by. We moved in with James the day after the wedding. They never went on a honeymoon. I had previously met my new stepbrothers a couple of times, including at the wedding. But the following weekend was the first time that I spent any significant amount of time with them. All four were older than me, anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...

1 year ago
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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

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Death Note xxx Part 2

Bobby says " I knew there was no afterlife or a biblical God or a Heaven or Hell but to be honest I'm very suprised that beings like you exist " the conversation is interupted when Bobby hears his mother crying, he runs downstairs and asks what's wrong and his mother says " I just got laid off from my job, 15 years and just like that it's all over, oh well that's life I guess, sorry for worrying you I'll just have to dust off my old CV ". Bobby returns to his room and says " you see...

2 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 18

Steve Curtis hosted a big Fourth of July barbeque in his back yard. Almost the whole community showed up. Allyson and Charmaine Granger walked up the street. Jonah and Marcia Attenborough arrived. Almost every person affiliated with the Emerald Cove city government made at least an appearance. The cops who were off that day spent most of the afternoon. Those on duty stopped by for a burger and a soft drink on their lunch breaks. Linda and Bill Roberts were there with their three children –...

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Death Row for Dolly

The echoes of the retreating footsteps of the female guards made Dolly Madison feel isolated and alone. The fact that she was the only female prisoner on death row made her sort of unique in a way that she totally hated. It was one thing to be ogled when part of her ass was sticking out and guys had their tongues hanging out. It was quite another when the press were lining up to watch her last dying breath when they gave her the injections of poison into her main arteries like a sick bitch...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 25

In the State of South Carolina, the prosecution gave the first closing argument. The defense would follow and then the state would get the chance at rebuttal. But before either side got the chance to wrap up its case, the judge would go over the instructions he planned to read to the jury before they began deliberations. As with most things in South Carolina v. Mayfield, this was ground for a contentious meeting between the opposing sides. Alex Manning passed out a sheet containing his...

4 years ago
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My Friend Becomes My Mistress

"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...

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Deaths Twin Brother

There are so many strange things that walk the world of man by day and most of them are much worse than us creatures of the night. Sometimes, I don’t know why humans make such a big deal out of the darkness. They’re afraid of the dark and what it brings. The truth is that they should be afraid of the light. True Evil prefers to move about in the daylight hours. That’s when it’s most likely to catch mortals going about their business unwarily. My name is Hypnos. I am the co-ruler of the...

1 year ago
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Throbbing of Sherwood

Sir Robbin gets more than he bargains when he buries his treasure deep inside the forest. Throbbing of Sherwood I was in town when I happened to bump into Kim a girl from school. I didn’t really know her that well, despite us both being in the same form class for the final two terms. She was a nice enough girl, quite attractive. But to be honest, I thought she was a bit weird. I remember she had alopecia, where you lose all your hair. I thought it was only a temporary condition. Not so...

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Trading FriendsChapter 4 Sheri

(NOTE: Starting with this chapter I will be changing a bit. From now on even numbered chapters will be from the viewpoint of another member of the group. Odd numbered chapters will be POV Robert. This should give the story a slightly different feel.) Sheri: Mom and dad had started out last night trying to read me the riot act; but then they had softened and agreed that what I was doing was probably for the best. Dad said that he really didn't want me to be sexually active, but that he...

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Rescue the Captured Superheroes

PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....


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