Texting My Bhabhi To Sex 8211 Part II
- 2 years ago
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Noah and his mother stepped into his bedroom. Rachel way lying in bed, her head on a pillow propped against the headboard. "Rachel sweetheart," Meredith said, "I want to feel your belly." She lifted the shirt Rachel wore as a gown and probed her abdomen. "Baby feels like he's in good position."
"I'm scared," Rachel said. "Is there any way to get me to the hospital?"
"I'm afraid not," Meredith replied. "Women have been giving birth at home for thousands of years. Ninety-eight percent of the time there's no difficulty. We go to the hospital because they're equipped for the other two percent. Most of the time it's unnecessary."
"I was planning on having an epidural," Rachel said.
Meredith nodded. "You're going to have to tough your way through it. You've been to childbirth class?"
"I have."
"Then you have a general idea what to expect ... not that anything can prepare you for what you're about to endure. Noah will be with you."
"I know. That's a comfort."
"And I'm here. You'll do fine." Meredith hugged Rachel. "You haven't felt any contractions?"
She shook her head. "Nothing at all. Maybe we can wait until the roads are clear."
"Realistically, it's going to be late Sunday or Monday morning before we can get out of here. Now that your water is broken, there's a real risk of infection that could jeopardize both you and the baby. Baby needs to come out. We need to get your labor started."
"How do we do that?"
"Nature usually takes care of it, but we may need to give nature some help. I want you to try walking -- just pace up and down the hallway. Gravity and the motion sometimes can get it started. Another thing to try would be manipulating your nipples. They're connected to your uterus and that sometimes works." She glanced toward her son. "I'm sure Noah would be happy to accommodate."
"I'll try walking."
"I'm going to put some clothes on. Noah, you should, too. I've never seen a man attend a birth in his skivvies."
Meredith returned in jeans, athletic shoes and a nurse's smock. "Anything?" she asked Rachel.
She shook her head. "Not yet."
"Keep it up. Unfortunately, we don't have any pitocin here. I'm going to go downstairs and start making ready."
Rachel resumed walking. "I'm getting discouraged."
"Maybe we should try nipple stimulation," Noah suggested.
"Noah -- I would rather not." He stood behind her, placed his hands on her breasts and stroked them through fabric until her nipples began to firm. "Noah ... I'm really not in the mood."
"It's doctor's orders ... from doctor Mom." He began rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
"Noah! Stop it!" She reached to pull his hands away from her chest. "OH!" She bent over and clutched her abdomen. "I have a cramp ... and now I have a pain in my back."
"I think we got your labor started. We should've skipped the walking and gone straight for the nipples." He supported her as she headed back into the bedroom and climbed onto the bed.
"Mom," Noah said as he descended the stairs. "I think she's having contractions."
"I'll be right there. Noah -- go rouse Marcus and Sarah. We'll need all the hands we can get."
Noah pounded on his brother's bedroom door. "Marcus ... Sarah," he called.
"What?" Marcus asked with drowsy petulance.
"Rachel's having her baby. We need help."
"We'll be right out," Sarah said.
Noah's brother and sister-in-law joined them in the bedroom. Sarah knelt and took Rachel's hand. "We're here, Rachel," she said. "We'll help however we can."
"Sarah," Meredith said, "I want you to keep Rachel company. Keep track of her contractions -- the duration and the interval."
Noah pulled his Blackberry from his pocket and powered it up. "Here -- I have a stopwatch app on it." He handed it to Sarah.
"Marcus, I want you to use the snowblower to clear a path between the house and the barn. There are some things out there that we'll need."
"Okay, Mom." He headed downstairs.
"Noah -- go to the basement and look in your dad's tool boxes. He used to have me bring hemostats -- surgical clamps -- home from the hospital. See if you can find a couple. Also, look for an X-Acto knife or somesuch with a clean, sharp blade.
"Got it." Noah headed downstairs.
He climbed the stairs from the basement and found his mother in the kitchen. Outside he could hear the snowblower. "I found these," he said and handed her four clamps and a hardware store variety snap-blade knife. "I put a new blade in."
Meredith tested the clamps and chose two. She dropped them into a pan on the stove. "I don't know how well the plastic handle will withstand boiling," she said as she examined the knife. "It is a good, sharp blade. See if you can find some rubbing alcohol in the bathroom. We'll need it anyway."
Noah returned with a bottle of alcohol. "Here."
"Good. Help me move the table and chairs out of the way. We'll set up shop here."
"In the kitchen?" he asked. "Why not upstairs?"
"The linoleum I can mop. The bedroom has carpeting."
"Is it really going to be that messy?"
Meredith regarded Noah for a long moment. "Heh!" she replied. "You don't know the half of it."
Noah lifted one end of the kitchen table and pulled it to the side. He inverted the chairs on it. Marcus stomped snow off his boots and stepped inside. "Okay -- there's a path to the barn."
"Noah, you and Marcus bring in that old trestle table we used to use in the dining room. It's in the barn somewhere. Dust it off and bring it inside. We'll use that as a birthing table. It's a little higher than optimum but it'll do."
"Right, Mom," Marcus said.
"Find a couple of buckets and bring those in, too."
Noah and his brother struggled with the trestle table as they carried it to the kitchen door. "It's not going to fit through the door," Marcus said. "Go open the patio door."
Noah opened the sliding door leading from the living room to the patio. He and his brother carried the table through thigh-high snow to the patio and set it inside. Then they brushed off snow and carried it into the kitchen.
"Right here. Thank you, boys. Marcus, can you find a floor lamp that'll give us good illumination? Noah, come with me. We'll check on the patient."
Noah found Rachel lying on her side and holding Sarah's hand. "They're getting stronger," Sarah said.
"How far apart?" Meredith asked.
"A little less than ten minutes."
Rachel let out a whimper, bit her lip and grimaced. She squeezed Sarah's hand. "OH!" she groaned and then relaxed.
"Roll onto your back," his mom said. I'm going to check you between contractions." Meredith reached between her legs. "About four centimeters ... and she's thinning out, nicely. It's going well, Rachel. Lie however you're most comfortable."
She rolled onto her side.
"Noah -- she needs you with her, now. Do whatever works to alleviate her discomfort. We still have a long night ahead of us." She knelt by Rachel. "Sweetie -- the contractions are going to induce a strong urge to bear down. You must resist that urge at all costs until you're fully dilated. Otherwise you could injure yourself severely. Do you understand?"
She nodded. "I understand."
"Good. Groan, shout, scream, swear -- whatever you need but don't push. You'll get your opportunity to push later. Sarah -- I want you to go round up every towel you can get your hands on. Check the bathrooms and the linen closet. There's a trunk in the basement with some old towels. Bring those up, too." She turned to Noah. "Make sure she doesn't push."
Meredith probed between Rachel's legs. "She's up to eight centimeters."
"She spent an awful long time at five," Noah replied.
"That's not unusual. I think it's time we moved to our makeshift birthing room. Rachel -- can you walk?"
"I don't think so."
"Noah -- you'll have to carry her."
"Up we go," he said. "Hold on tight."
He carried her down to the kitchen. The trestle table was covered with towels covered with sheets. On the counter Meredith had lined up her necessities -- alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, the clamps and snap-knife, stacks of towels, a spool of butcher's twine and cotton balls. "Set her on the table. You're doing really well, Rachel -- especially for a first delivery."
Rachel clenched her teeth. Noah offered her his hand and she squeezed it in a white-knuckled grip. She began to relax.
"That was a long one. Look how the shape of her belly has changed."
"The baby is moving down," his mom said.
"Oh, I want to push so badly," Rachel gasped. "And it hurts so much."
"I think maybe another half hour and you can start pushing," Meredith said. She felt between Rachel's legs again. "You're well on your way to nine centimeters ... and I can feel a head."
Rachel grunted and flailed her hands reaching for Noah's. She grasped it and squeezed, grimacing. "Oh!" she gasped as the contraction passed. She squeezed his hand again.
"They're almost continuous, now," Noah remarked.
"Yes. She's having a good labor." Meredith reached between Rachel's legs again. "She's up to nine. It won't be a half hour -- it'll be ten minutes." She turned toward the living room. "SARAH!" she yelled.
Noah's sister-in-law stepped into the kitchen. "We're going to need another pair of hands here shortly."
Rachel groaned from another contraction. Meredith probed her cervix. "Rachel, sweetheart," she said. "On the next one, push. Use the same muscles you use to go potty, but push with everything you've got. It'll feel good after holding back for so long."
Rachel nodded in acknowledgement. She took a deep breath, held it and bore down. Her face reddened and veins in her neck began to protrude.
"That's it, push, push, push!" Rachel gasped for air. "Push with the contractions, sweetie. Rest between them."
Noah stood and watched over his mother's shoulders as Sarah held Rachel's hand. "My, God," he said. "I see hair!"
"She's about to crown," his mother replied. "Rachel, honey -- this is the most difficult part. If were your OB, I'd be giving you an episiotomy right now. I can't do it without anesthesia, and I don't have sutures to close it anyway. We're going to try something else. Have you ever been fisted?"
"WHAT?" Noah exclaimed.
"No," Rachel gasped.
"If you had been, you'd know those tissues are capable of considerable stretch. All it takes is patience and lots of lube. We're going to see if we can stretch you without tearing you." She picked up the tube of K-Y jelly and squeezed a blob on her finger. "I want you to push but not as hard. We'll take it a little slower."
Rachel pushed and Noah could see her opening bulging. His mother ran her lubricated finger around the edge of Rachel's opening, between her skin and the baby's scalp. "Should I push or not?" Rachel gasped.
"Push but don't give it your all." Meredith continued lubing and stretching Rachel's opening and more of the baby's head appeared. "We're almost there, sweetie. Once the head is out it's downhill." Meredith grasped the infant's temples and gently turned the head. "Give us one good push, Rachel ... the head's out. Another push and we'll have the shoulders..."
Noah watched as his mother hooked her fingers under its arms and gently withdrew the infant from Rachel's birth canal. "Rachel -- you're not pregnant any more!"
"Noah!" she exclaimed and reached for him. He embraced her and she gripped him and sobbed.
"It's all right, Rachel ... it's all right. We did it! We did it!"
Rachel held him and wept. "I'm sorry," she blubbered.
"It's the release," Meredith said. "Let her have her cry; but we're not done yet. Sarah -- grab a towel and clean her off."
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My name is Ralph I am a light skin black man and I am 6-3 and weigh 180 pounds and I am 20 years of age. I have decided to transfer and attend a college in Rochester NY, majoring in computer technology. Upon arriving I was assigned a room by the resident advisor on my floor. I did not get a roommate because no one else was assigned to the room. I would later learn that there were less than 25 minorities living on campus. There was a total of 3000 student living on campus. So it was no...
The tall exotically beautiful woman stood outside the entrance to the jail waiting patiently in the fine misting rain. Her name was Shantanaya but most of those who knew her called her ‘Tanaya. Finally the small door set into the larger doors opened and ‘Tanaya watched as a rather large huskily built guy emerged from the door. He paused and glanced around before heading towards her. ‘Tanaya smiled as he got closer and unlocked the vehicle she stood beside. ‘Where’s Brent and Matty?’ he asked...
Another day on the world famous Bang Bus. We’re here for one reason and one reason only…. To pick up some bad bitches. Miami is the bad bitch capital of America, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a young slut ready to get fucked for some cash. While driving around we find a gorgeous brunette babe. We talk to her a little bit and she reveals to us that she’s actually a stripper. This should be easy. We offer her some money to flash us her tits. She’s hesitant at...
xmoviesforyouThanks a lot for the overwhelming response to my previous story. This is not exactly a part 2 to my previous story but the next set of events that transpired between my aunt Kamala and me. For those who have not read my previous story, please do read it so that you understand how the relationship started and how my aunt and I enjoyed a night together in Hyderabad. Since the ice had already broken between my aunt and me, both of us kept sending messages on WhatsApp and continued our naughty...
IncestKINK - Racial fetishism: Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism/BDSMRaceplay & Racial Humiliation - Taboo - Interracial domination/submission - Physical/Psychological DegradationThe Turn On: Race play is considered on the edge of edgy sex. There are about as many ways to engage in BDSM as there are theories for why it arouses. It’s consensual and erotic. People find it erotic to act like they have complete control over another person (or pretending that they give up control). It also has its ...
I will never forget the day I gave something so dear to me to somebody I honest can say I care about: My Virginity to Jacob Lee Seymour. It was the day before Halloween. It was getting later an later an I was talkin to Carol. We both felt the need of being little kids jus one more time be for we honestly had to grow up. I convinced my mom to take us both out so we could get some candy wen something totally diff was on Carol's mind. Mom drops us off an we get a little candy, but later that night...
First TimeTJ was in and out of his cabin on "Sundowner" to check on events with the Armada when his other tasks spared him a few minutes. The views of the exploding courier as it was apparently returning to Sol were tagged by the 'puter as "significant". TJ played back the tape and assessed the situation. The courier had made contact with the Armada flagship and locked on. Enough time had elapsed to pass whatever orders had been on the courier, and TJ had high order confidence as to just what...
You're the professor & I'm your student, I need money & I'm failing your class. You need your house cleaned, so you suggest that I can clean your place for money. I am happy to make some money & meet at your place as planned. You are a little taken back when you answer the door since I am wearing a short black mini skirt instead of cleaning attire such as jeans & sweats, but I explain that I am planning on going out with friends right after leaving your place. You are sitting on...
SCHOOLGURL RIDES WITH STRANGERI replied to a CL ad...heres the beefLooking to get serviced today. I'm up for a simple blow and go. Or more kinky stuff. I'm interested in CD jerking me off with their panties, **** fantasy's. Making you submit to my cravings. roleplaying. I'm more of an aggressori am a closet crossdresser with similar desires. i enjoy....anonymous blowjobs to strangers....verbal abuseroleplay....especially forced to wear lingerie and act like a female cocksucker ...having a...
Hi if you want to find out the background to this story please read part 1 .Sandra Richards the 47 year old wife of a vicar had had a really bad week since she had payed off the first installment of her £3000 loan with her pussy .Sandra had never sucked a cock before she was forced to suck Alan Holmes cock she hated it the taste of his cum in her mouth was disgusting and the feeling of his cock in her pussy was revolting .Sandra laid in bed at night thinking how on earth did i get into this...
This time, when we received the news that John would be back in town, we had adequate time to anticipate and plan. It was a nice change. His visit would have him in town on a Friday night, with a late business function to attend. Unfortunately, it was my weekend to work. I was lucky to find a coworker to cover my shift. I booked the night off from work, and Paula made arrangements for our children to spend the night with a relative. It would be a rare occasion for us; a night to enjoy with...
Wife LoversEver since Anastasia Brokelyn tried anal on www.private.com she just can’t get enough, and today this nympho is back for more! Watch Anastasia in Private Specials, Orgy by the Pool as she takes on stud Alberto Blanco in a video call for her friend Talia Mint, opening up her ass for some intense anal action for Talia to enjoy as she gets horny with her man as well. Of course you can enjoy along too as Anastasia gets on her knees to show off her deepthroat skills before some more ass fucking as...
xmoviesforyouChapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...
Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples dance and ring. She ran her hands down over her firm stomach and gently pulled at tufts of her pubic hair. The crowd of boys outside,...
Rather than ride around looking for things to do, I grabbed the local tourist rag from a rack in front of the Inn and perused it for ideas beyond my broad brush approach. When we were driving back from the airport, I noticed Cattlemen's Bar & Casino, on Airport Road. If we ran out of ideas, I thought that might be fun diversion for an evening., We were definitely spending a day at the glacier, and maybe a long weekend lazing around in the hot tub, naked, and letting nature take its...
At least I got another turn playing with and then feeding Kita and Chiqa. When those two were full and napping I had a nice plate of my own to deal with and I was more than happy to get rid of the bison steak and mashed potatoes. I did get the hint it was a prelude to some request from Rose though, and I was almost right. It wasn't really a request, but it was a reasonable near order. Rose hadn't bothered to mention the hundred and twenty dozen eggs she'd brought with her. These weren't...
Chapter one just sets the scene and has no sex Dale sat at the reading of his fathers will. “And finally, my home, practise, $100,000 and my ring, I leave to my son, Dale” The lawyer looks over to dale and passes him an envelope “your father also asked I give you this too read at home”. Dale nodded “thankyou”. That night Dale sat in his kitchen with a photo of his dad in one hand and the envelope in the other after a brief hesitation he opened the envelope and read the letter. Son If you’re...
Mind Control