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Introduction: So this is a story I wrote about a year ago. Hope you enjoy. Miley waited until her boss was out of the office and down the hall a little ways before letting out an explosive breath laced with a few obscenities. The woman was insufferable, she fumed to herself, knowing that if she said it to her bosss face, she would be fired in an instant. That didnt stop her from ranting to herself for several long minutes. She was at the height of her rage when her cell phone beeped and began to vibrate on her desk. Snatching it up, she was prepared to lay into whoever was calling. Looking down at the small screen, she saw it was her fiance, Nick, sending her a text message. With a small grunt, she opened the message.
hi babe, I was just thinking about you and wanted to say I love you
She couldnt help but grin a little bit. Only he could make her feel better at a time like this by saying something simple and heartfelt. Feeling a bit better, she shot him a message back.
and just what were you thinking about?
Setting the phone to the side, she went back to work on the report her boss had been so insistent on getting completed today. It wasnt going to be hard to finish, Miley just hated having someone looking over her shoulder all the time. After a few minutes, her phone beeped again.
thinking about that weekend we spent in bed. remember that?
She sat back and a smile crept across her face. How could she forget that particular two days? They had molested each other repeatedly, only getting out of bed to get food and go to the bathroom. Clothes werent even considered the entire time. Miley played with the collar of her peach colored blouse as a warmth began to spread itself under her short black skirt. Shaking herself out of the memory, she decided to have a little fun with Nick.
i dunno, can you give me more details?
Within mere moments, he replied.
how about my making a sundae on you? ring a bell?
She sighed. Oh yes, she certainly remembered that quite well. He had used chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and cherries on her, then proceeded to lick every single bit of it off her body. By the time he was done, she was about ready to scream with the need for release. As she sat there lost in the reverie, her phone beeped in her hand.
i want you to do something for me. can anyone see you?
Looking around, she could see no one within her sight line.
no, why?
take off your bra at your desk
She stared at the screen for a moment before realizing Nick was wanting to play a game, and that night would be well worth whatever he asked this afternoon. She glanced around again and still could see no one, so she quickly pulled her arms inside of her blouse and, with a little manipulation, got the bra off and pulled it out through one of her sleeves. Dropping it in her purse, she could feel her nipples rub against the silk of her blouse and her nipples begin to harden. Knowing that anyone who walked in would be able to see her erect nipples atop her obviously bra-less size c breasts got her more excited.
ok, done, now what?
While she waited for his reply, she tried to concentrate on her report. Every time she moved, however, she felt her breasts swaying and couldnt help but think of his hard hard body. Images of the way moved over her came unbidden to her mind. Warmth flooded through her lower body. When her phone beeped again, she was ready for it, but not for what he asked next.
all right, now the panties
Shock rolled through her as she considered what her wanted her to do. She could almost see a smirk on that sexy face of his as he typed the message into his phone. Setting the phone down, she slowly looked around the office and saw no one. Just as she was about to reach under her skirt, though, there was a knock at on her office door. Miley jumped as if she had just been nailed with a cattle prod. She turned to see her coworker, Trent, standing in the doorway. She swallowed a nervous lump and asked what he wanted. It only took a moment for her to answer his question and, as he walked away, she wondered if he could tell something was going on. She knew he could tell that she was no longer wearing a bra, as she caught him several times staring at her hard nipples.
The excitement of almost getting caught had her pulse racing. With one last check of the area around her. She quickly reached under her skirt and skimmed off her underwear, noting the small wet spot that had begun to form on the crotch. She balled them up and stuffed them into her purse before anyone could see her holding them and ask embarrassing questions. Spreading her legs a little, she could feel the air blowing across her rapidly swelling lips. She sent a message back to Nick that it was done, and silently thought that it was a good thing that they both had unlimited texting on their phone plans. As she sat there waiting for his reply, she felt her juices flowing and knew if this kept up, she would have a wet spot on her chair. But she didnt care at the moment, the thrill of playing this game made her more daring.
imagine this: youre lying in bed, blindfolded and tied to the headboard with a silk scarf. Youre wearing nothing at all.
Ok, this was new. She let the image come, mentally feeling the silk on her wrists binding her to the head board, the blindfold obstructing her sight. She didnt have to wait long for the next message.
as you lay there, you feel something tickle across your breasts and know its the feather I had earlier
Her breath hitched in her throat as she fell into the fantasy. Her already stiff nipples ached from the thought of being teased that way. She squirmed in her seat as her center became more heated.
the feather trails its way over your breasts and teases your nipples, then moves down to your belly
Miley quickly glanced around and that there was still no one that could see her. She pushed her chair up as close to the desk as she could so no one could tell what she was doing, and slipped a hand under her skirt, running her fingers over her damp slit.
it tickles your belly button for a second before going further down, brushing over your pubic area
She had to bite her lower lip to suppress the moan that was trying to escape her throat. In her mind, she could see herself straining against the scarfs as the tantalizing touch of the feather danced across her skin. Her fingertips slid across her now soaked lips.
your legs spread as I take the feather across your clit, and you moan in pleasure. The feather disappears, only to be replaced by my tongue
With that, she slipped one fingertip up and rested it on her nub, rubbing it and feeling the beginnings of an orgasm building within her. She leaned forward on the desk, her free hand rubbing her breasts through her blouse. She couldnt take much more, and had to have release. He sent her a question next.
are you wet?
She almost had to laugh at that. She knew that he knew she was.
hell yeah
are you playing with yourself?
yes, im about to come
dont, I want to see you come later
With a groan of frustration, she pulled her hand out from under her skirt. Pushing her chair back, she considered all of her options, finally deciding on the one that seemed to be the best. She gathered up all her belongings and straightened up her desk. Grabbing the phone, she called her boss, making up an excuse that she wasnt feeling well and needed to take a sick day. She managed to beg off the report for one day, promising that it would be finished the next day. That being done, she headed for the front door and home, a clear plan of intent in her mind. On the way to her car, she texted Nick that she was heading home. Within moments, he replied he was on his way as well.
Once she was in the car and on the road, she couldnt help herself and pushed her skirt up to slip a finger into herself. Her juices coated her fingers as she desperately tried to stay under the speed limit. The rumblings of her climax threatened to overwhelm her, but she managed to maintain enough self control not to give in.
As soon as she pulled into the driveway, she was out of the car and heading for the door. Once she was inside, clothes began to fly as she quickly stripped down to wait for her fiance. She didnt have long to wait. Within minutes, she heard his car pull into the driveway, and a fresh flood of juices answered her need. When the door opened, the first thing he saw was Miley standing there nude, and she reached out to grab him. Slamming the door, she pushed him up against it and molded her body to his, crushing her lips to his in a deep, passionate kiss. His arms came up and his hands stroked up and down her back as their tongues intertwined. Her hands dropped, slipping in between their bodies, to work his belt loose ad unbutton his slacks. She slid a hand inside and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. The skin felt hot and smooth against hers. Using her free hand to finish unzipping him while softly stroking his rod, she worked his pants and underwear down over his hips an they pooled at his feet.
She released his mouth from hers and dropped to her knees in front of him. Licking her lips, she greedily eyes his manhood pulsing before her. She admired the graceful curve, the mushroom head, the veins tracing their way up the shaft. With her hand still on his tool, she gave into temptation to taste him, and began to lick the bottom and sides. While she licked and nibbled, his hands found their way to her head and fisted themselves in her hair. Her free hand slid upwards to his lower abdomen and played over the ridges of muscle. Coming back up to the tip, she opened her mouth and took the head in. The smooth skin slid over her tongue and she could taste the barest trace of his pre-cum. That little bit ratcheted up her excitement even further, and she began methodically moving her head back and forth. As she bobbed her head, she swept her tongue along the underside, paying particular attention to the ridge just behind the head. She would run the tip of her tongue along it, then sweep back up to dip it into the hole of the head. Nick groaned in sheer pleasure, looking down at her naked form.
Letting go of the base of his shaft, Miley dropped he hand to gently roll his balls in her fingers. His sack hung low and she loved the velvety smooth feel of it. She stooped running her tongue along the head and sank his entire length into her mouth. His shaft tickled the back of her throat and she fought down the momentary urge to gag, knowing that he loved it when she deep throated him. Glancing up, she saw that he had undone that buttons of his shirt and it hung open, exposing that beautiful, masculine chest of his. She also saw him looking down at her, the unbridled lust filling his eyes. With one hand on his nuts, she slipped the other hand between her legs, cupping her sex. The wet heat pulsed from her as she slipped first one finger, then two, into herself, and used the pad of her thumb to rub her clit. The moan that came deep from her as she took his shaft deep again sent vibrations through him and made him jump.
Finally, he he pushed her away, knowing much longer and he would lose his load. Nick grabbed her by the arms and dragged her to a standing position, claiming her mouth for his own again. Quickly kicking off his shoes, he stepped out of his pants and underwear, then shucked off his shirt while using one toe to peel off his socks. All the time, his mouth stayed on hers, his tongue dipping into he mouth over and over. Leaving the clothes where they fell, he steered her into the living room and threw her on the rocking chair that sat in the corner. Kneeling before her, he lowered his head and took one of her rock hard nipples in his mouth. Her back arched up and he began to devour her breasts, first one, then the other, before moving his way down her stomach. He took a moment to enjoy her belly button before going down even further.
Once he made it to the place between her thighs, he took a seat on the carpet and put her legs on his shoulders. Just as she did with him, he stopped to admire her. The thin strip of hair at the top, the silky, shaved lips plumped out from her arousal, her clit peeking out from under its hood, begging him to taste it. Leaning in, Nick took her hips in his hands to steady her and swept his tongue from the bottom of her slit to just underneath her button. Miley threw her head back as the sensation flooded through her, but the need for release almost made her scream. He drew his tongue all over her swollen lips, then finally settled on her nub. With a gasp of pleasure, she reached down and set her hands on his head as it moved between her thighs. Sucking her clit between his lips, he flicked his tongue over it and held tight to her hips as she started to squirm underneath his oral ministrations. Higher and higher his tongue drove her until she stood in the edge of the abyss, teetering. With one last, light shove, he pushed her over the brink.
With a cry of delight, her climax broke loose inside of her, the ecstasy blooming and overtaking her senses. Her body began to shudder and shake as the orgasm she had been denying herself the entire afternoon finally came in being. Wave after wave tore through her and her sight became blinded to all but the fireworks exploding before them. Her hips bucked back and forth and she bent over almost double in the chair. Just as soon as one would start to taper off though, another orgasm took its place. Sweat broke out all over her body as she quaked, riding the tsunami that her climax had become. Her thighs tightened around Nicks head as he continued to lap away at her love button. Finally, she she began to calm down and her legs released their hold on his head.
Sitting back for a second and getting to his knees, he kept a hold on Mileys hips and pulled her forward so that she was sitting on the edge of the chair. The aftershocks of her multiple orgasms were still rilling through her when he tipped the ricking chair forward and, with a single thrust, drove himself all the way into her. The sudden shock of him filling her made her eyes widen and a gasp flew from her lips. She reached around him and her nails dug into his back. He kept his hips completely still and, gripping the arms of the chair, began a ricking motion.
Miley could not believe the sensations flowing from the way the chair moved. This was a completely different experience. Her head swam with the intensity of it. He slowly rocked the chair, leaning over to kiss her for a quick moment before dropping his head to suck on her nipples. She cried out his name again as she felt herself plunging towards another orgasm. He filled her senses with ecstasy. With a driving pace, he pushed her back and forth, lifting his head to watch her face. Her nails furrowed his back, but he continued on as if he couldnt even feel it. She leaned back in the chair and let everything go. She watched him as he watched her, and could tell from the expression on his face that he was getting close to coming. She reached down under them and played with his testicles, running her fingers over the silky skin.
Nicks hips began to move in concert with the rocking of the chair, and his breathing became deeper. Miley looked him in the eyes and asked him to come for her. That drove him over the edge, and he slammed into her repeatedly. The orgasm that had been building in her suddenly erupted, white hot alive. Dimly, she was aware she was screaming his name and his answering cries. Deep within, she felt him explode into her as he drove himself home one last time. The sounds of their orgasms echoed through the entire house. Slowly, they came back to reality, and Nick slipped from her and fell back on the floor, exhausted. She got out of the chair and collapsed beside him, her arm laying across his stomach. They smiled at one another as they tried to catch their breath. From her purse somewhere in the room, she heard her cell phone begin to ring. Curling against her soon-to-be husband, she just let it go.

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Ryoko stared expectantly, find herself squinting. unable to make out any real details, everything was so dark! She was about to ask when Ena's 'voice over' resumed. "Understand please, the old queen certainly wasn't a fool!" Her ethereal assured. "Knowing her son as any mother should, The lady Ayeka made doubly certain in le of Azusa's outburst, all treeships were ordered well out of his reach! All that is save one... And it was for precisely that reason, I found myself later...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Hannah 07202020

18yo Hannah was recently let go from her job at the mall. Desperate for income and willing to do anything she reached out to one of my talent scouts named “Showoff” (Interesting character he is. Maybe I’ll bring him in some time for you all to meet). Anyway, she was brought to my office the very next day. You’ll see us first meeting her when she walks through the door, watch us convince her of our good intentions and then do what we do best – get her to do whatever...

3 years ago
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Earned Money By Making Her Happy

This incident happened a week ago, it was something which I never wanted to do in my life or have ever thought of it. My semester break is going on presently, I’m a 2nd year Civil student in RVCE Bangalore, I’m 20YO, and I have been told I look cute but never have been complimented as hot or sexy. As my brother lives in Chennai with her wife, and they have a cute little baby boy so I thought of visiting them, I informed them and my parents about my plans, Booked a KSRTC Diamond class Airavat,...

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Ever wish you had XRay Glasses

This happened back in 1962. My Mom's favorite cousin came to visit my Grandparents then came to stay with Mom and me for a couple of months. She quickly turned into my favorite "Aunt" though she was actually my second cousin.Suzanne was ten years, ten weeks and ten days younger than my Mom. She had her hair done up in a perm which was not popular at the time, but looked really good on her.When I first met her I was polite and all, but then she had me come with her out to her car to help bring...

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The Ostler and the Lady Chapter Four Thoroughbred

Seeing the twin horse-driven polished box-like carriage heading up the main drive, Jack Wetherly knew exactly what it contained. His heart gave a heave, knowing that this was his new challenge, arriving with two long-coated men sitting upfront. Excitedly, he called to Alf, his boss and mentor.Alf came hobbling out of the stable. Jack couldn’t help thinking how much slower on his feet the older man had become. He was due to retire soon and that was why Jack had been appointed. But this new...

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Through Our Eyes 3

Her Tuesday Day Three My eyes opened, feeling the warm sun playing on the bed. My dreams had been empty, but I suddenly remembered the previous nights dream. Being held down, my nude body so wanton for him, his eyes ravishing me; I was surprised to realize how much I missed him. ‘Missed him? How could I miss a stranger in a dream? Or, was I missing my handsome neighbor… were they the same?’ Rising quickly, I entered the bath and let the shower’s water heat to a misty steam before entering. The...

Love Stories
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 2

We eventually settled down into silence and Cobi turned his attention back to his phone, which allowed me to listen to what the other students were talking about. At the back of the bus, the girls on the football team were talking, as usual, about last night's game. I don't follow sports that much, but from what I could gather, it was about basketball. "Woman, did you see that three-pointer from Evlin Collins last night? She's been amazing in the playoffs, and for a rookie as well....

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Malaysia India Student Exchange

I was an exchange student from Malaysia to India at a private college in Bangalore, Karnataka. As I walked through the college entrance, I gasped at the many girls walking around in tight tops, their breasts moving voluptuously, getting me a slight hard-on. Some smiled at me, some frowned at me and some gave me that Ï will eat you up look”. I started sweating and my cock went back to its normal sleeping state. I made my way to the college admissions office. A lady was there in a tight...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Madi Collins My Stepsis Is Extra

Jay Romero’s stepsister, Madi Collins, is so extra that it’s really holding her back. Jay tries to indulge her, but eventually his patience wears thin. He offers to help Madi stop being extra. Madi accepts, so Jay instructs her to put on a bathing suit and meet him in the shower. Madi’s first challenge is when she walks into the bathroom and sees that her stepbrother is naked. Jay patiently explains to her that no one wears a swimsuit in the shower unless they’re extra,...

3 years ago
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Hottest story ever written for me

You are on the bed with just your panties on. I took off your socks and mine as well. ;) I'm wearing my grey boxer briefs, with my large bulge very pronounced. I am running my hands up and down your thighs, squeezing them along the way. You are wiggling your closed legs together, I can tell you've had a long shift at work and need a full release....I move on side your body as you lie on the bed. Leaning down kissing along your torso, up to your breasts. My breath grazes across your...

1 year ago
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When did it all actually start Chapter 1

Chapter 1 You ever catch yourself thinking "when did it all actually start"? Thats what I caught myself doing today as I stood over an ironing board ironing my wifes shortest sexiest dress while I was dressed in a french maid outfit with matching red high heels and apron as I listened to her go on and on about Doctor Jerome and how he is taking her some place special tonight and she wants to look her best. Maybe if I tell you the whole story you could help me figure it out. My name...

3 years ago
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PixOLix act 1 scene 2

   "I am never late Pixie.  I come precisely when I want to. Just ask Tech. What is going on in here?"   A shocked look flashes over Rocco's face for a moment and then cereal box tops flash in his eyes as he realizes the potential income from taping such an amazing sight. Fystee resumes her attack on poor Pixie when she realizes that Pixie's rescuer decided not to. Rocco runs from the room and into his office to retrieve his digital camcorder but quickly returns and starts taping the action in...

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Angel My Teen Lover

At the time I met Angel I was 29, average, if a bit sexually wild, and fairly cute, but when I met Angel little did I know just how wild my sex life could get. I first met Angel when she was a very ripe looking 15 year old neighbor of mine. I used to see her coming home from school and I couldn't help notice how very sexy she was. I thought she was much older than she was. She always dressed very sexily, and unless it was freezing out you could count on her wearing a miniskirt, revealing top,...

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I hope you won’t judge me for saying this, but I spent all morning jacking off to Snapchat videos. I love how these social media broads act sexy for the camera just to gain a few followers, dressing provocatively as they ramble about bullshit and show us their Starbucks. Then it occurred to me that Snapchat, Instagram, or any of those platforms would be a hell of a lot better with a hell of a lot more porn. A few minutes later, somebody sent me a link to Uplust.Uplust claims to be The First...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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MylfBlows Natasha Starr Nirvana

Meditation is about the art of letting go, clearing the mind, and letting the energy of the universe flow. But when Natasha Starr leads the session, she has a unique way of getting into the flow state. She uses her long blonde hair, her sexy smile, and her perfect MILF tits to elevate to the next plane. And when she finally wraps her lips around our stud’s thick cock, he’s reached a state of relaxation he never dreamed of. She sucks his balls and bobs her head on his shaft, getting it soaking...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Teenage Nympho Ch 07

Chapter 7 : The REAL Fun Begins When I got back from vacation, Gwen finally started acting normal. I didn’t know if she and Brian had broken up, or if she was just finally over the whole threesome thing, but I wasn’t going to start digging deeper. I was just happy to have our friendship back on track. My sex drive however was getting unstoppable. I started to put up ads on Craigslist. I figured, there were plenty of college boys all over Boston that probably checked that site out. When I...

1 year ago
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My Boy Toy

No escaping my desire; Only an hour ago I saw him on the club’s dance floor. Even in the darkness and the frenzy of the crowds his cobalt blue eyes were following me. I could see that he liked me and that no small detail had escaped his gaze. I felt his stare and it made me feel craved, wanted and needing his touch. I saw a young woman walk up to him a twerking straight into his groin, but he did not react to her but kept his eyes on me. It made feel special; I felt my nipples poking through my...

3 years ago
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I Suck the Cock of my Dreams Gays

I am a bi-male athletic fit jock who was dying to suck another man's cock and swallow hit hot sweet cum. I had sucked a few cocks before but never to completion. I've had my cock sucked my guys plenty of times before but was dying to feel another man shoot his load in my mouth. After posting an ad on Craigslist personals, I received and exchanged dozens of emails with different people, I finally met someone who sounded sincere and legit. He was this older guy named Allen who was about 50 or so...

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Sisters By The Pool Part 110

Still, it isn’t as though Danielle could claim complete anger at the situation. She could have easily freaked out, screamed at me, and left. Instead, she stayed, and joined the fun. Well, at least that is how I remember things. Danielle hadn’t said much after the night wrapped up. She hinted that she would need a little time to process everything that had happened. I don’t think she wanted to lose me, but after discovering the situation, it was only fair to give her a little space. We...

2 years ago
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My favorite memory with my exwife

My ex is tall(5'10") with long legs, very skinny(110lbs), small breasted(small B cup) dirty blonde with very big feet(size 11 womens, I love a woman with big feet). Just the way I like my women. The only negative thing I will say about her body is she has a flat butt. I do like a little shape to the butt, but she has everything else I love physically in a woman. We had been married for about 6 years and it was the mid 80's. Once in a while she would dress up in a pretty dress, garter and...

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My Youthhootchgirl

This is an true story of events that took place some 45 years ago. I’ve only written this because I wanted to be able to keep the memories fresh as I get older and because my “friends and lovers” have either moved on with their lives or passed away, but since the intent of this opus isn’t just pure sex, some realistic ‘fill’ was necessary. I apologize that this is rather short, but it was very painful to write. © Hellraser 2014 This particular part of my life was glossed over in the Caroline...

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Niece on a BoatChapter 8 Lesson

Sean was beginning to catch on as he watched June nodding. He shared a glance with Freddie, whose grin was getting going too. They already knew Lara wasn’t averse to using a spot of blackmail to get something she wanted. How exactly was she going to develop it? “I choose my guys, and I don’t tell Dad.” “Yes ... okay, alright.” “And Mark - same with you. No blabbing to your mates or anyone. What Mum did and my father and what we do on holiday or anything else - anything family and about me...

3 years ago
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Mommy Sitting On My Lap

It was August and we spent the morning packing the car and our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn’t fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inches flat screen TV.”Where are you going to put the TV?” I heard...

2 years ago
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Eye for Italian

May 2007. It’s late. I’m pacing my hotel room, the repetitive padding of my small feet against the soft carpet the only sound, waiting for the tell-tale signs of sex from either of the neighbouring rooms. As usual I’m horny with anticipation, having learnt that corporate travel has its perks when it comes to satisfying the audio voyeur in me. But so far it’s a no-show, which pretty much sums up the day. The tech meeting was nothing to write home about, and the Metro journey a drag. The red...

4 years ago
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Human Wheels

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than...

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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...

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Always on GuardChapter 49

From the point of view of the Combined Forces, the attack was almost a complete success. There were no deaths from Emertland, Tark or Freeland, although there were a few serious injuries. One young Guardsman would almost certainly lose his lower right leg. He received a terrible slash from a man he was certain he had killed after he disregarded the first warning he'd received from Jorgarn and Pernice: An injured opponent has nothing to lose. The trainers had told the men repeatedly, "Do...

2 years ago
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Showing Some Love To My Maid

Hi guys, this is Anthony again with another experience. I and a few of my friends have rented a flat in Bangalore. We have a maid who usually comes around the afternoon time. Since we are all working men, we leave the key at the security’s and she comes every day gets the key from there and after her work returns the keys back at the security room. We see only during the weekends, she’s in her late thirties, married but her husband is a drunkard and ill-treats her very often. She has a son who...

4 years ago
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Amateur video obsession

I have always loved looking at porn, my dad had a huge collection of videos and magazines so it was always easy enough to borrow a film or magazine. These days it’s so easy to watch porn, too easy possibly, but over the years has led me to explore the world of available adult content. Now I find myself mainly drawn to the more amateur videos, it all seems a little more ‘real’ than the standard porno king/queen approach. This has also led me to becoming quite interested in amateur housewife...

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