Valley of the Centaurs
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Well, I have to admit Melissa got me hot just looking at her. But that first time we only talked. She had graduated the year before and told me she worked part-time and was starting to make movies. I asked her if she was in anything I had seen, but she assured me I probably had not.
I went home, and managed to catch Drew as he was about to leave. And fifteen minutes later I was going to my room, the pint hidden in my purse.
But I soon started to see Melissa a lot, and she was cool. She lived about a mile from our apartment, and had her own place. A few weeks later I had gone to visit, we had already arranged a sleepover. Now Pete and I had an agreement, I could have a girlfriend so long as he was the only guy I was with. And since Kimmie broke up with me, I had been trying to find another girl, with no luck. Julie, Holly, even my sister’s old lover Peggy had all shot me down. And I was getting tired of going through batteries every week and having to satisfy myself with only my vibrator. And I was hoping I might get some action that night.
Well, we had pizza and were watching something on HBO when she pulled out a bong. Now I had learned to love alcohol, so when she lit up, I decided what the hell. I knew my dad had problems with drugs, and Pete was strongly against it. But it felt so good like I was floating on a cloud after twenty minutes. This was way better than vodka!
We toked up again later before bed, and it was like I was floating when we laid down together. And as I had hoped, Melissa was as hot for me as I had been for her. We made love for the first time that night, and it blew my mind! Her titties were huge and soft, and I could barely fit my mouth around her fat areola. And I could sink my fingers into them they were so soft and squishy.
The next weekend I hoped for a repeat, but she said she had to work. Now I had seen her closet, and they were full of these really sexy outfits. And she finally told me she could spend the night with her, but she would not be home until after midnight. And as I saw her throw her things in a bag, I asked her what she was doing for money.
Well, she was a stripper! She told me she could make $200-300 on a good night, and all she had to do was dance. I told her that was awesome and too bad I could not do it since I needed money but was only 17. And when she said that was Pete’s idea, that keeping me broke with an expensive car to drive was how guys keep us under control.
I thought about that all night, and she was right! Here he was making all this money, knowing I barely had enough for gas let alone anything else. And it did not help that there was an article in some magazine I read, that talked about the “sex business” in Asia. Places like the Philippines, Korea, and Japan where a guy could rent a girl all night for $20.
When Melissa got home that night after her shower we were all over each other. It was incredible, getting high again and eating each other out over and over again. And when we were relaxing with our cunts wet from ourselves and our spit she told me what I was afraid of but knew was likely the case. That while I was having to make do with a vibrator that he had bought me, he was probably fucking two or three different girls a week.
It was a little over a month later when Melissa asked me to come over after school. So I dropped Mandy off at home and went over. She handed me a bag and told me to get in her car. She had a really nice Chevy Vega, and soon we were in Burbank, not far from the airport where the skating rink used to be. She told me she had been talking with some of the gals she worked with, and they suggested we go to this place we were going.
Well, it was in what looks like it used to be a house, and was called the “Hula Tropical Bar”. I told her I could not go in as I was not 18, and she said it was not a problem. She held my hand as we went in, and it was not quite what I expected.
It was dark and small, and there was a small stage in the center with a pole, and a table on each side with a pole in the center. A girl was dancing on the stage in a bikini. And as we sat down I saw a couple of guys go up and put money on the stage. “This is a bikini bar, Linda. No nudity, the girls only dance in bikinis. They do not make as much as I do, but because they are not nude you can actually do this at 16.”
“Really? And this is legal?” I was amazed.
“Yep, you just can’t serve alcohol is all. But you can dance here, and they pay $5 an hour and you keep all your tips. This should be enough for you to get by, and easier than flipping burgers as if you are not dancing you can relax, and even try to get the guys to buy you drinks. You get a cut off of that, but there are no lap dances here. They just pay you to hang out with them.”
By this time a gal came up and asked if she could help us, and Melissa asked for Chuck. He came out, and he looked like a Chuck. We told him why we were there, and he said he could use another girl. We went into his office, and as I expected he was questioning my age. But I showed him my birth certificate, drivers license, and my last report card and assured him I was 17, I was just small. And he agreed to let me audition.
He took us to the dressing room, and soon I was in a pink bikini Mel had brought and three inch heels, and dancing on the stage. Right before I went out Chuck asked me how I wanted to be introduced, and the first thing that came to mind was “Holly Wood”. It felt awkward, and I was sure every guy was staring at me, but by the end of three songs, it was feeling more natural. And there was almost $20 on the stage I had to pick up when Chuck announced the next girl.
I got changed back into my jeans and shirt and we were in his office. He handed me another $20 and said I was doing better at the end. “OK, you got the job. You still need work, but I’m positive you’ll get better as you get more experience. Just remember to relax, and have fun. How about Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6 to 10, and Saturday from noon until 6? It might even help if on Saturday you come in at around 10:30, as then you can practice on the stage as much as you want. Some of the other girls can even help give you pointers.”
I did some fast math in my head, that was over $500 a week! Plus tips! Easy money! I told him he had a deal. On the way back to Mel’s place I asked if she had any green. She said she was out, so I handed her the money Chuck had given me. She pulled up in front of this house in Arleta and went inside. She came back out a few minutes later and smiled.
When I asked she said that Carlos was her supplier, and next time she might introduce us. We went back to her place, got fucked up, then we just fucked. It was two weeks later and by now I had a key to Mel’s apartment. She was still at work, and I was bored and started looking through her videos. One of them had a handwritten label, that was titled “On Golden Blonde”. I had a suspicion and put it in her VCR.
Sure enough, it was after only a few minutes it became obvious it was a porno. The cheesy music, some of the names in the credits I recognized, then Mel was standing in front of a harp, braless in a tight white outfit as somebody explained to her she was dead. Then she had to describe her last day on Earth. She started in bed, with this nice looking guy eating her pussy. I opened my pants and carted caressing myself as I saw him eating my girlfriend, then she started to suck his cock. My mouth actually watered, it was so much like Pete’s cock. God, I missed his cock. Then they started fucking.
I was so close when he finally had Mel get on her back, and started fucking her big soft tits. Finally, he came. Spurting on her neck and chest a decent amount. She then put on a pink tank top and went out for a jog, and I could tell it must have been torture for her, as she was not wearing a bra and her big titties were bouncing everywhere. And I realized it was a porn parody of “Heaven Can Wait” as she only had the one sex scene, but then inhabited other bodies with each of them fucking different people before she settled on one body at the end.
It was hot, it was exciting, I came twice watching it. And I was watching it a second time when Mel came home. And that is how she caught me, my jeans on the ground with my panties, on top of my bra and shirt as I was masturbating again watching it on her couch.
“Oh,” she said once she closed the door. “I guess you know now.”
She sat next to me, and I held her and told her it was alright. In fact, it was fucking hot! “Pete used to get movies like this all the time, we loved watching them together, they always got me so fucking hot. But they were almost all older ones, I can’t believe you do it. How did you start?”
She told me she had been told to go to a casting agency earlier in the year, and after doing a few “loops”, she started doing actual movies. That was one of her first, and I had to admit her acting in it was not very good. But she got $1,500 for a single day of work. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Hmm, not really. There were like six or seven other people around, and every few minutes the director would have us go to another position. That took maybe two hours, and he kept losing his hard-on. He enjoyed it more than I did, as at least he got to cum. It felt really good, but I had to finger myself to get off later. I have done several more since then, and they are paying me more now, I will be the star they say soon.”
We started it again, and she complained that as I suspected the jogging part was the worst. “I was still horny as fuck, and here I was jogging with my tits bouncing everywhere! I kept trying to reach my arm across or under them to stop that bounce but the director screamed at me every time I did. It really hurt, and I was almost in tears when I finally sat under that tree. I had already decided that if he wanted another shot I was going to insist he jog without pants or underwear so he would know how it felt.”
We both giggled at that, it would have been funny to see. And not much later I was recounting to her my first weekend shift, one of the girls giving me lessons for over an hour in dancing and how to use the pole before the first customer came in. And making over $100 in tips alone. And after a few bowls, we spent the rest of the night fucking each other senseless.
I had finally told my mother I was working at a clothing shop to explain my hours and sudden money. I told her it was a small place in Burbank, which sold outfits to teens. It also explained some of my costumes, which I told her I did not have to wear at work but I brought in case I was asked to model them. “Sometimes guys come in and want to see something they want for their girlfriend, so I will put it on and wear it for them. The store gives it to me after, as they can not sell it once it was worn and they make enough that I just have to bring it so I can wear the same thing again if needed.” And she bought it!
I was spending more time with Mel now, and smoking a bowl was our routine before bed activity. And I finally met Carlos, who I know now was a complete sleazeball but one of many cousins of Juan, one of my old boyfriends. I had gone there one time before work, I needed a hit or two to get the edge off after a rough day at school. The insurance was due for the truck, which was another thing Pete did not think to pay for. And I asked if I could pay him back in a day or two for a joint.
Well, I ended up paying him back before going to work, with his joint. I had a few hits, and as usual, I was feeling mellow and horny. And with only token resistance, I ended up with his cock in my mouth as I sucked off only the second man in my life. And he was impressed when I took him into my throat when he finally blew his load, not wanting to taste his cum for the rest of the evening.
He gave me a small baggie and thanked me as I was well worth it. I felt ashamed as I had cheated on Pete. But a few bowls of his green, and it did not seem like such a big deal. And that became our regular thing, a blow for some puff stuff. And soon, it was a fuck for some green.
I was pulling in sometimes close to a grand a week, and could easily afford to pay for it. But he had a nice cock, longer than Pete’s but not as thick. And I was admitting that I had missed a good fucking, no matter how much fun I had with Mel. Then one day I came over after work, and he told me he was busy, trying to find a girl for a party that night.
He told me about some party he was supposed to go to, and that he had promised to bring a girl for the guy he was meeting. I was really starting to fall for Carlos by that time, and offered to be his girl. He looked at me, and said the girl was not for him but the other guy, and I told him that was fine.
Well, we went to a hotel in Studio City, and I was in a blue cocktail dress we had grabbed on the way over. When Carlos knocked on the door I saw he was much older than even Carlos. The guy never told me his name, and Carlos introduced me as Holly. The guy looked at me and nodded, then told Carlos it was on the table. Then taking my hand he took me into the bedroom.
He fucked me for about an hour, and it was not bad. I finally did cum as I had my arms and legs around him as he was doing his best to pound me into the mattress, and it was weird as it was the first time I ever had sex with the guy wearing a rubber. But I had to admit it was less messy as none of his cum was shot inside me.
After we left I asked Carlos what that was all about, and I stupidly believed him when he told me that the guy was one of his suppliers, and what he got from the table was a bunch of LSD tabs. It was only after the second such “date” I did for him that I realized he was actually picking up an envelope that had money in it. Not only was I cheating, but that meant I was now a whore.
Well, by now my mom and I were fighting all the time. She even offered to pay me a larger allowance if I would quit my job as I was barely home. Mandy largely blocked me off also, saying that she felt like she was not my sister anymore. And I was talking even less with Pete. I would come home and Mandy would glare at me, and said that I had missed Pete calling. Again. Fuck, I was having to work to afford things, it was not like I could spend all my time at home just waiting for him to call.
And I would have Mel come over a few times, and Mandy seemed to hate her on sight. Funny, as I had seen her and Peggy years ago munching out on each other and even humping their pussies against each other. Yet she seemed jealous I had a hot girlfriend, and she did not. And once she was really snotty, and it was when I had both Carlos and Mel there. We were talking in the living room, and I know she was giving me a dirty look as we were supposed to limit the guests we had over when mom was not there. She said something smart, and Mel just dismissed her as being a child still.
And I asked Mel more and more about how she started making her movies. It was two days after I turned 18 that she took me to the casting company, and introduced me to her “agent”. He said he loved my look and knew just what to cast me in.
That weekend, Mel was making love to me in front of two cameras as “Schoolgirl Confidential” was being shot. And I had quit at the bikini bar, moving to another fully nude one on Sepulveda. And even Carlos was now giving me half of the money when he took me out to a date once a week or so, that was another $100 each time. Yep, I was making good money now! To hell with Pete and his lying, restrictive, manipulating ways!
But now, I know I was only lying to myself. Oh, I was so sure that Pete was fucking his dick off in Japan, just as I was here at home. If I was not spending the night screwing Mel, I was screwing Carlos. Or some guy Carlos drove me to see. And giving lap dances and getting felt up at work, even occasionally grinding my pussy all over their cocks. And once a month or so I would make a movie. Almost always as a schoolgirl, that was the look for “Holly Wood”. Normally pretending to be 16, an unsure virgin as some guy or gal seduced me.
Oh, it was a lot of fun. And I had some very good partners. Next to Mel who I had to call Christy on-set, my favorite was Kris. She was a Korean girl, with the most amazing breasts and was the only other gal to eat me out to orgasm every time on camera. Most times I had to “fake it”, but Mel and Kris did it properly every single time. I loved working with both of them, and sometimes even helped Kris out after a scene if she had finished with a guy and still needed some. Alden was another favorite of mine, his cock had this bend in it. And while I did cum half the time with him, when he came it was like a fucking firehose he shot so much stuff!
Well, Carlos would never sell me any of his “hard stuff”, but he did introduce me to ecstasy. In fact, he normally by now gave me a tab before he would take me to a “date”. Then another afterward before we got back to his place. He only took it at home, but there were always exceptions. And as his car was broken down, we almost always used Pete’s truck.
I had a huge fight with Pete on the phone, he was starting to nag me almost as much as my mother was. And Mandy was making my life fucking hell, as she had come home one time when Mel and Carlos were over, and I think she knew we were fucking. In fact, I am pretty sure she knew Mel and I had been fucking for months, but Carlos seemed to surprise her. And it was impossible to deny as when she came in he had his arm across my shoulders and was groping my titty. And only later did I realize that as I was blowing him right before she came in, some of his cum had dripped onto my blouse.
Pete sent me this really nice silk robe, and it’s funny. The first thing I thought of when I saw it is that it would make a great outfit to wear on stage. I could wear a matching bra and panties under it, and I could put it back on when I finished a set, surely my nipples being obvious through it. I had been shown a trick about using ice on them before going on stage. And one night he called me, just before Mel was supposed to pick me up as we were going to do a shoot together. I basically cut him off when she got there, but grabbed the robe on the way out.
Well, it was maybe a week later and I had just finished a “date” in Studio City with some movie dude, and Carlos had been waiting in the truck as this was a two hour date. And apparently, he had been entertaining himself with a bottle of vodka he found in the glove box that I had gotten the day before from Drew. I wanted to drive, but I was still tripping on ecstasy and in no condition to drive.
Well, Carlos was not able to drive either it turns out, and sideswiped a car and plowed into a light pole on the sidewalk. And then he panicked, and as I was sitting there stunned he hopped out and ran off! I was sitting at a bus stop when the cops got there. The witnesses described Carlos pretty well and told them he had been driving. I told them he was my boyfriend, and he might have been drinking but I was not sure. They asked me who Peter Culver was, and I said he was a friend who was in the military and letting me use his truck while he was out of the country.
“Well, not anymore. That truck’s trashed, only good for the junkyard now.” He gave me a card with the report number. And I had to wait until after them searching them for drugs, apparently Carlos had left not only an empty vodka bottle in the back, also about 4 ounces of pot and a bunch of pills. At least he was nice enough to drive me to Mel’s.
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that Nash writes a little and seems to have a worldly attitude so she commissions him to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley. Nash hears with interest about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his women and reasons he must probe to find out about Hope’s sex life. It appears this is a Valley of Sinners. He has indulged himself in...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because Hope Honeybun drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a...
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It’s quiet on Shannon Road during midday. Everyone who works is away and everyone else prepares for a hot afternoon. At number 1101, Adam and Stephanie settle into their new home. At 1105, Tiffany recovers from a mind-blowing orgasm and at 1097 Darcy eagerly awaits the pool guy. Darcy enters the backyard wearing the tiniest bikini imaginable. The top barely covers her large breasts and the bottom is stretched tight over her ass and mound. The sun is high and it’s hot. She needs to cool off a...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
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The next few hours were hell. I was taken to the jail in Van Nuys, strip-searched, had a bull dyke female deputy perform a cavity search, then put into a cell with five other women. And the craving was getting worse. I realized I did not have the number for anybody I could even call, so sat there for two hours until one of the deputies walked by, and I asked her if somebody could get a phone number from my wallet. She asked who it was for, and I said a friend. He should know what happened so...
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I met her while I was searching. Searching the woods in hope of finding erotic trees. Trees with branches that reached in my directions. My directions being my sexual mind and the leafs being a similar genre as I. Trees the people with my kindred eroticism. I am a person without labels but I do prefer associating with like minded people. People who are open and not adverse to sexual escapades and have wisdom’s that I can and will morph into. Sort of a Renaissance of erotic tryst. My inner...
I spent most of the next week in a fog, alternating between tripping, masturbating, and crying. But I was down to less than I needed for rent and knew it was time to return to work again. So I headed to see my agent and see what he could score for me. And the first thing he did when he saw me come in was “Holly, thank god you’re here! I was going to call you. Holy shit!” I bit my lower lip and gave him my best smile, pushing my titties out at his face. “Well crap, never mind. What the fuck...
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Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over. A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed...
The next week, Pavel called me into his office. “OK, they arrest Nancy last night. I have locksmith there now changing locks, she also fired. Linda, that office is yours now. Tonight you get keys from me before you go, I also have passwords and alarm code waiting for you. Tomorrow morning, you open at 9 and be there until 5:30. You take hour for lunch, you get paid for half hour though. That fair?” I went and hugged Pavel, and told him it was more than fair. “You know, I miss you already. If...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 23:00[/center] He’s gay. That’s what that means. Gotta be. And yet, strangely, this made me utterly elated. Awesome. I then felt a presence behind me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I whirled around only to meet this infamous “Derek” glaring at me from only a couple feet away. I locked. The hell does he want? Jack instinctively took command of the situation. “Derek, what’s shakin’? How was your evening?” he inquired joyfully. Derek was silent...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...
Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...
Porn Comics SitesBondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...
Fetish Porn SitesOriginal Version:First, I think that God has created this body and mind to give pleasure to all man. To do so, he gives me a deep, wet and tight little asspussy. The reason why I love cumshots so much is in fact, that feeling a man cumming in my pussy is the feeling of pure pleasure to me, as well it is for him, and the sensation of hot slimy semen getting pumped inside me is priceless. I always love to feel one or even more hard dicks and the moment before he's ready to fill me up, the...
Robin played a quick and tidy run on the piano and then dropped her fingers onto a perfectly-timed chord, then ended the Chopin piece with a flourish. Turning slowly, she looked at Desirée, sitting at her left elbow. The older girl smiled. "You'll soon be teaching me, Robin," Desirée said warmly. The young brunette reached over and squeezed her friend's hand. "I don't think so Dez," she said with a laugh. "But do you really think I'm improving?" "Since I saw you...
Hi dosto mera naam manish sab se pahle main sabhi reders ok mera thanks ajj main yanha par ek meri apni sachi kahani batana chahta hoo lekin app ok viswas karna padega ye baat us samya ki hai jab main meri sister ki sadi main mumbai se gaon gaya tha meri cousin sister mujhse 3 saal choti hai main us samay 24 yrs ka tha our oh 21 yrs ki thi uski saadi taya ho gai thi main saadi se 20 din pahle se unke ghar par chla gaya kyoki uske paa nahi the saara kaam anti ko hi karna tha To main ne soch mere...
I'm Jason aka Jazz, and Emma is my sister and Nora and Jan her friend's. I'm 14 and my older sister Emma is 16. She and her friend's dress plain, hair in buns; like nerd girls, sweaters, long dresses, baggy clothes and dowdy; sis and her friend's pretend to be dowdy, but I've seen them in swim suits, they are all slim, shapely, pretty with their hair down. I bought a book at the Coventry Bookstore, the "Power of Magnetism", old, paperback book on Magnetism in the used book section....
The darkness hanging over the D'ronstaq Manor had only just barely faded to deep indigo in the east as it was brushed by the first light of morning twilight. The window above Sirinna's bed faced southwest, and its sky was still largely dark. Panting and the slide of flesh against fur from panicked shudders rose from within the dimness. Sirinna whimpered, drawing her knees to her chest, and shivered in fear. Her eyes darted under her eyelids as she was caught in the merciless grip of her...
I was sitting home on my day off and she "T" came in to the house. Being who she is to me of course she never knocks. She's fam right? So I'm in front of the tv with my dogs on my lap and stomach all crashed out. She comes over gives me a hug and a kiss and says she's glad to be a grad and thanks for all the support all these years. I tell her that she's the first in the line of g-c***dren to be a grad and that it's been a long 18 yrs and now she's a member of the adult world and all that. We...
After Jen was bathed with cum all the guys except James and I left while she was in the bathroom taking a shower. The time was late, after 1AM and James asked me if I wanted to be alone with her. I told him that I was sure she would want more loving and if he wanted to stay he was welcome. He smiled and then told me that he liked me and that what Shun had said about me was right, I was a white brother. I took that as a compliment. I then went in the bathroom to see if Jen was ok and needed...
As a young Assistant Program Director for the Botanical Gardens in our city, I arranged to have a choral group from a Lutheran college sing on Christmas Eve. It was at that event when I first met my wife-to-be. Her beauty struck me. She was lead singer for the choir and had a lovely voice. We talked after the performance and she agreed to meet me for breakfast. We subsequently began a long-distance courtship, culminating in our marriage a year later. She finished her music degree at a major...
Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more about my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page “Nish Massage Club” This happened about 6 months back. Unlike other experiences which is mostly a massage, this is not the same. This one is of an erotic photoshoot. Hopefully, you would...
I'm in my 50's now and have been married for 28 years and have three amazing c***dren. But, lately all I can think about was the crazy fling I had in high school with my mom's friend Jenny Karwoski. I was having curiosity about sex with other girls, but didn't have the nerve to try with anyone. She was a beautiful, youthful, divorced & progressive woman with auburn hair who always took time to talk with me like I was an adult. I guess she noticed me looking at her body which I found quite...
Waiting around for the interpreter, I realized I hadn't offered Shiggie anything for breakfast, and it was now almost 2 p.m. During the few days he had been along on our West Coast swing, he'd seemed to be pretty familiar with American-style cuisine, and hadn't made any waves when we'd visited various kinds of restaurants. I could have scrambled the poor bastard a couple of eggs while we were in the apartment, but in all the confusion, I had forgotten. Two o'clock sharp, Amy Parkison...
I was completely torn. On the one hand I wanted to give Emma the fucking she deserved, needed, wanted. The same fucking she was pleading for earlier. I wanted to plunge my cock into her cunt and sink it deep, making her wince and scream with pleasure. I also wanted to sink to my knees and lick her exposed pussy and anus from end to end. Tasting her sweetness and basking in the aroma of her sex. Listening to her squirm beneath me as she unleashed the words associated with one of many orgasms...
BDSM"I'm a prostitute," Nicole said, absolutely straight-faced and without a hint of shame. "Men pay money to have sex with me." Her directness completely threw George off. "Well ... um..." "Does that bother you?" Nicole asked in a voice that sounded as if it had been dipped in honey. "No ... um ... I mean if you're ... um ... happy ... if it's what..." He held out his palms. "I'm not judging," he said. Oh dear. George knew he was making a hash of it and tried to...
[This is a story about a social experiment. Included are lots of oral sex, coitus, anal and an exchange of partners. If any of that bothers you, please don’t read the story. If you demand that men stay in their ‘traditional’ roles as men… don’t read this story. It may upset you. However, if the spirit of adventure and experimentation attracts you, read on. I will be interested in your comments. Please vote and please either post comments or email them to me. Thanks.] ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ ‘Are...
Wednesday, May 18, 2033 I tilted my head towards the wall and asked, “Is the pride of Matucket ready?” We had reserved two rooms at the Holiday Inn five miles downriver from the Coast Guard Academy; Kelly and I had one and we had put Seamus in the other. I had threatened to make him pay for his own room, at which point he had threatened to bunk with us. Kelly had told me to pay for the spare room. Of course, she promised it would be worth it to get him out of our hair for the...
Just so you know, I’m as red blooded and testosterone driven as any not quite 30 year old man ... and thirty is coming so ... I guess I need to prove something ... I don’t know what it is ... but as soon as I know, I’ll let you know ... probably by the HOWL! I played nice ... they said my concussion was cured and let me out. The centerfold was there to pick me up and take me to her crib. Her daddy wanted to shake my hand. I wished I’d driven another way that day. Heroes don’t know they are...
It has been 10 days 8 hours and 45 minutes since Catherine Trace tied up Dan. It’s not like she’s counting the hours but, okay, she is counting the days and hours and minutes and fine, add 35 seconds to the time. Catherine sighed and laid her head on her desk. “He’s driving me nuts with that promise.” She thought and remembered the night when she tied him up. The night didn’t end with one orgasm, or two, or three or even four. It well lasted into the next morning and if one of his patients...
SpankingCUCKOLDS IN CORSETS by Throne Carl Clinton was in the kitchen, wearing rubber gloves and washing dishes. All he had on was an apron that barely reached below his pubic region in front and left everything uncovered in the back. He also wore three inch heels and, because he'd been standing there for a while, he could feel a strain building in his calves. As he shifted his feet around to avoid getting muscles cramps, he thought about how smooth his legs were. There wasn't a single...
‘Are you sure you want to join our little group?’ Kia demanded. A smirk marring her perfect features as we looked around nervously at the woods. Angel and I exchanged glances and nodded together. Being 19, Lara was the eldest. Next came Kia at 18, me at 16, Angel at 15, and Star at 13. With an abrupt nod, Lara led the way. We climbed up a steep Cliffside. Ghostly winds shrieked and howled at us, while an icy fog played around our rapidly freezing ankles. Dressed in flowing white robes, with...
This is the first time I have ever written anything down like this and I hope I do it right, and I hope some of you enjoy reading about it. I like to read about what others have done and hopefully you will like reading about some of what I have.Even before we married my husband wanted me to let other guys fuck me. He liked to watch me or have me tell him about it. For some reason I thought after we married that would change and he would want me to be a faithful wife but he didn't. He likes...
Sexy Neighbor Part 1After a rough divorce, I moved into a fairly cheap duplex apartment. I hated leaving my wife, the sex was always great, but things were just not working out after over 20 years of marriage. So here I was, all alone in a crappy apartment with nothing to do but regret over things. I had no idea who lived next door and I hoped they weren’t too noisy. I hadn’t lived in an apartment for quite some time, but remember the last time was not so fun.My second night at the...
"Eddie," Angie Bolan rasped, "what are you doing here?" "Looking for you, Angie – why else would I be in this part of town at this time of night? You disappeared, fell off the radar completely. That makes me nervous, makes me wonder what you're up to, what you're trying to hide." "Eddie," Angie replied, "I'm not up to anything. I dropped out of sight because ... I don't want anyone I know to see me like this." Her hands, skeletally thin, reached out and grasped the big man's...
Disclaimer: The events in this story are real. These are actual experiences we had after we started swinging, which progressed to something neither of us could have imagined at the time. I wrote about Gary..the friend my wife Hilda and I met online through Alt dot com and Yah-oo groups. Gary was a very well dressed, successful business man but most important to Hilda, he was also well endowed. There's no shame in admitting I couldn't hold a candle to him in that department. But I could keep her...
FetishJulz Gotti’s mom is gonna kill her! She wore some special earrings over at her friend’s house, but she wasn’t responsible enough to keep track of them, and the fell off somewhere! While she’s checking outside, her friend’s brother Tyler makes a deal with her and says that if he finds her special earrings, she’ll do something “special” for him. Julz is skeptical, but will desperately do ANYTHING to find the jewelry…until she finds out that Tyler...
xmoviesforyouIt's barely past 8 in the morning, but I can't manage to fall back asleep. I woke up with the taste of my father's cum still lingering in my mouth. I feel dirty thinking about what I did to my father last night. I don't know what came over me. Every time I close my eyes I see myself between his legs feverously sucking his dick.I get up hoping a hot shower will clear my head. I strip off my pajamas, wrap myself in a towel, and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I throw my towel over the shower...
IncestThursday night, one more day of the conference, and we decided that we would have a few drinks at the Irish Pub. We were at the Mohegan Sun, a very nice casino in the eastern part of Connecticut. The pub was a known hang out for us and each year we migrated more and more to it. Soon after we entered a couple came in and sauntered to the bar. We were talking shop but the woman caught my eyes immediately. She was dressed in a silk red dress that hugged her body and revealed that there was not...