Valley of the Centaurs
- 4 years ago
- 28
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I spent most of the next week in a fog, alternating between tripping, masturbating, and crying. But I was down to less than I needed for rent and knew it was time to return to work again. So I headed to see my agent and see what he could score for me. And the first thing he did when he saw me come in was “Holly, thank god you’re here! I was going to call you. Holy shit!”
I bit my lower lip and gave him my best smile, pushing my titties out at his face. “Well crap, never mind. What the fuck did you go and do something like that for?”
I frowned. “What, you don’t like my new titties?”
“Holly, you were one of my leading ‘girl next door’ types. It was one thing when you went and got that first one, that was a nice big C, and other looking a little lopsided, they looked fine. But this! When you told me you were going to get cut again I thought it was just to fix that, not pump in even more.”
“Well, I’m ready to go back to work. So what’s the job you were going to tell me about?”
“Forget it, they can’t use you now. It was for one of those ‘Taboo’ movies, they wanted a kinda slutty younger cousin, but you will never do now. I’m gonna call Chet, head on down and get me a new set of body shots. I’m gonna have to try pushing out some new photos of you now, see if anybody bites. Holy hell Holly, what were you thinking?”
I went to see Chet, and in about two hours he had done a full set, including jeans, skirts, bikini, even one in an evening gown. Then he took a series of me nude, starting at cheesecake, and working up to one with me masturbating while sitting on the floor, my back leaning against the wall. Then of course was the payment. My agent paid for a basic series, but Chet had given me an extra shooting, so I took him into my mouth so he could do even more shooting. And he set up his camera on a tripod with this long cable thingie and took more pictures, including one after he had blasted my face and he told me to look at the camera and smile.
I washed up and got dressed, then went back to see my agent. He frowned as I came in, and said to give him a week or two. I told him I would take anything, I really needed the cash. So the next day I found myself at a sleazy motel up in Palmdale, doing fluffer work. Fluffers are like the bottom of the ladder. They are the ones that help get the guys hard and keep them hard between takes. If they are going on camera in five minutes, we get down on our knees and “fluff them up” to go on camera. Or if they lose their erection like they often do during a two hour, we are sent in to get them back up again. At least here I have an advantage, as it does not bother me if they stick it in my mouth tasting of another girl. But the pay is crap, only around $250 if I’m lucky. But it would be enough to cover the rent due next week.
I even got a bonus, as the girl that was in the second scene was really cute. She was blonde and had a nice ass and tits. She was about to go out to the set, and walked up and asked if she could get warmed up also. I grinned, and dropped to my knees and licked away at her clit. I moved down and making sure my tongue was nice and wet shoved it right into her cunt. I did this several times, and she sighed happily. Then they were calling her, and she said “Thanks doll” and went to the set.
I got sent to the set a bit later when Tommy got soft, so I got another taste of her as I got him up again. Then I sat in a chair as I watched him plow her until they got the money shot they wanted. The director called a wrap, and Bobby said she was going to get cleaned up as they started to break down the equipment. And on the way back she grabbed my hand and dragged me along. We got into the bathroom and she sat on the toilet, pulling me onto my knees. “Come on, you know you want to,” was all she said before she pulled my face into her cunt. I licked and sucked like crazy, and knew that what had hit her chest right below her tits was Tommy’s second shot, I was tasting his first shot inside of her. It’s a good thing Tommy shoots a lot, four or five pumps at least. It took less than five minutes and she was cumming on my face. She then had me lick all of the cum I could find on her belly, then go into the shower with her and help clean her off.
And fifteen minutes later she told me to give her my number as she was putting on her earrings, then kissed me and left. It was only as I was getting dressed I realized she did not give me her number, nor did she return the favor.
Well, three months later I moved out of my apartment, and in with Bobby. And her and I are still hard to talk about. I was pretty much her slave. She was actually a clothing designer, and was using mainstream porn to try and break into fetish stuff. The money she made all went into things she used to make the clothing, mostly leather and latex. And she would make them to fit me, then take photographs of me wearing them, which she would show to others hoping they would order one similar for the their girl. And she did make some for some of the producers, and even made me do some videos wearing them. But she made sure they knew, no penetrative sex, and nobody could hit me or cause me pain.
Only Bobby could do that.
And as time went on, she started adding more. She would put me into these leather things, almost like straitjackets, or stuff a ball into my mouth and put this mask over my face, or tie me up. Then just leave me on her bed like that for hours. She was not into pain, so no whips or that shit, but she loved to bind me in some way until I was crying. I had to call her “Mistress” at home, and could wear nothing more than panties when I was menstruating. When we went out, she would tell me what to wear, and then only after I finished dressing her would she then criticize what I was wearing.
And the sex, sometimes she would just put on a movie and have me get on my knees on the floor and eat her out. And for over an hour. One time she rented that Graystoke Tarzan movie, but I never did get to see it. I spent the entire movie, over two hours just eating her out. Then the next day she put me in an outfit she said she had made just for me. These leather mittens, and like panties, but made of hard leather. Both were locked onto me with small padlocks. Then she left with her makeup case, so I know she was going to do a movie shoot. But I rarely did any anymore. And I was going stir crazy, I spent about a month and never left her apartment.
And after about five months, I think I was going crazy. I was expected to eat her cunt for an hour or more at a time almost every night, and she never touched me! In fact, she did not even want me to masturbate, I could only do it when she was at work if she did not put on my “special panties”, as it was almost impossible through them. The hard leather meant I could not really press how I liked, and the inside was rough, she would actually use this metal thing like a file and make it rougher on occasion. And chastise me when she came home and it was wet inside, as she knew what I had done. I was even losing weight, as I could not poor or pee without making a mess in it, and it was humiliating when she would punish me for doing it. And after several weeks of her training, I was doing her newest kink, coprophagia. It started with fake poop she got at a joke store, then turned into my licking the real thing (always hers) as she took pictures.
My agent had yet to find me anything, but I did go to the pay phone on the corner and call him every few days. I could not use the one at home, Bobby always took the handset with her when she left. But finally he told me he had a job for me fluffing. And it was after a shoot that ended early because the main actress was on the rag and they could not cover up the flow that the guy in the scene offered to take me out to lunch.
I had met Gary several times, and he was always nice to me. He started at a bottom in gay porn before moving to straight. He was gentle, kind, always did things like brush my hair out of my eyes as I blew him erect. And before I knew it I found myself telling him about Bobby in the parking lot next to a Dairy Queen. He held me in his arms as I started to cry.
“Hell Holly, you need to get the fuck away from her. I’ve done DS stuff in the past, she sounds like bad news. I like a little kink sometimes, but such a relationship should benefit both people, not just one of them. I had a boyfriend kinda like that once. He loved me sucking his cock, and he enjoyed delaying my own orgasm, but he never outright denied it. His thing once he was ready was fucking my ass and squeezing my cock had so I could not cum. But he always did let me cum, so it was a game we both liked. But this bitch, she is torturing you. You need to get out of there fast, I bet she is trying to groom you for something else. Tell me, when was the last time she gave you an orgasm?”
I thought about it for like two minutes, and I realized that in all the time I had known her, she had never given me a single orgasm. Ever. He looked sad at that, and shook his head and told me I had to get out of there. And I was actually crying when I admitted to him I had nowhere else to go. She had made me stop dancing because it took me away from her too much at night, and I was still only getting fluffer duties. Then he said I could move in with him. “No strings, you can sleep in my bed or on the couch. But you gotta get outta there. fast.” We exchanged numbers, and he said he would wait for my call.
That night, the movie was Amadeus. And she made me eat her out for over three hours until it was over. And when I tried to rub my pussy against her leg, she pushed me away, and put me in the straight jacket and left me in her bed. The next morning she unlocked it, and just left me there as I could barely move. And right before she left she said my lunch was in the kitchen, something she made just for me. And I already knew what that meant. Quite literally the only thing in the kitchen would be a plate of shit.
But the time locked up helped me make my decision. When I could finally move, I went to the corner and called Gary. He was there twenty minutes later, and we grabbed what little I had left. My clothes, some movies on tape, and the computer Peter gave me. He was surprised that was all I had, and I sat on the couch and cried.
“When Bobby let me move in, she said that all of my stuff was trash. She told me to throw it all away, she was not having any of it in her place. The only thing I fought her on was what is in that box which is personal, and this computer. But the rest, got dumped on the side of the road.”
Gary sighed, and helped me load everything up into his car, and I followed him to his apartment. It was in Pacoima, and I smiled and waved when I passed Hector, a guy I knew from school that I had jacked off in eighth grade. He looked at me puzzled, and I guess he did not recognize me. We got everything moved in, and I felt like a large weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
We talked over Chinese food that night, and I was eating like a pig as he sighed as he looked through the Polaroids that I had grabbed before I left. “Yeah, she was grooming you, girl. Working on you, trying to destroy your mind and make you her obedient little slave. I had to get you out, another two months and you might have become hers. Seen that before, you gotta avoid that DS and S&M shit. I dabble in some still, it can be a lot of fun. But it has to be fun for both people, like a game you each play. If you’re gonna be a subbie for somebody, most times you will give. But they have to give back, or that’s just abuse. And this, this was unquestionably abuse.”
We talked for a bit, and he was surprised to learn I had not worked since I got the new implants. “Well, let me talk to a few people, maybe I can help make something happen. I gotta take off though, sleep wherever you want, I’ll be back late tonight.” He hugged me then left. I unpacked some things, then took a walk around the neighborhood. It sucked as bad as I remembered, I was one of the few white faces I saw.
I was asleep in Gary’s bed when he came back in at about 2 in the morning. I rolled over and smiled at him as he slipped into bed. But he did not touch me, he just went to sleep. And for the next week and a half, I hinted I would like him to bone me, nothing. It took me almost a month to realize he really was gay, and only did girls for money.
But finally I got a gig, it was for one of the video producers, a titfuck video. But it paid $500, so that was better. Then another one, same thing, another $500. I did three orgy scenes in other films in the next month, $350 each. On the last one, Melissa was one of the cast, she sneered at me and told the director to keep me on the opposite side of the set.
But that was the last time I would work with her, and I did get some revenge. She was on her back towards the end, and one of the male stars was sitting on her belly, fucking those huge titties of hers. I slipped between her thighs and started eating her out. And not as I usually did, which normally was slowly licking her hard clit and almost making love to her lips and pussy. This time I latched my lips around her clit and went to work on it like it was a tootsie pop and I was going for the record in getting to the center of it. I used my hands to hold her thighs down, and I could hear the star grunting as he pumped her jugs, and I knew she was getting close. It was not considered “professional” for a girl to cum on camera most times, but I wanted her to lose her professionalism.
And I did it! Right as he was blasting her chest and face with his load, I felt her peaking. I shoved three fingers inside of her and her hips bucked, almost throwing me off as she moaned in ecstasy as she was cumming at the same time she was getting a messy facial. I pulled back, then gave her pussy a long soft kiss, lightly licking up one side then down the other. Then sucking one of her fat lips, then the other before slipping away.
And I smiled as I wiped my face, because she I knew that now she would always know that it was me. Those gentle licks and sucks on her puffy fat inner lips was how I ended most of our sessions together. And sure enough, when that movie came on tape a few months later I got a copy. And I knew she was having a real orgasm as he came on her, that was not faked but real pleasure on her face. And then how her eyes opened wide as I delivered my own personal “goodbye” to her cunt for the last time, and knowing she at that moment knew who had just eaten her out so perfectly.
Of course, we did meet occasionally but never worked together again. And I also noticed I was not getting any more calls for film, only video work. At the AVN Awards that year, they seated us very far apart. Of course, she was now a star, I was one of just another girls that worked the industry. And as I was leaving at the end of the night holding onto Gary’s arm one of the photographers called at me to come to the backdrop they used to photograph the stars in front of. Melissa was there, and they wanted to get a photo like the one on the Schoolgirl Confidential poster. It was semi-iconic, her and I in one piece swimsuits with our lower bodies touching from tits to groin, arms around each other’s waist as we turned to look at the camera with our cheeks pressed together. With these huge grins on our faces, two girls in love doing their first film together. I still have a copy of a photo of that somewhere, it looks incredibly cute if you do not know it was made for a porn movie.
I saw Mel smile and nod, and I felt a happy glow as I smiled back and came over. She had forgiven me! Maybe she realized that I still really did love her, and how much I wanted her back in my life! We assumed the pose, which was quite different in evening gowns instead of bikinis, and instead of being on a step-stool the cameraman provided she was stooping so our faces were at the right height. And now our bodies only touched at breast and hips, my enlarged breasts kept our bellies from touching as they once had. We smiled for the cameras, and there must have been sixty photos taken. I shivered when I felt her lips lightly touch my ear. Then she softly whispered into my ear as more flashes went off.
“You got me on that set, you cunt. But that is the last time, I will never work with you ever again. Every producer know that to me you are poison, and if you ever set foot on a set I am on, I walk. To imagine I once loved you, you were so sweet and innocent. Now you’re just another cheap porn slut, and will never be anything but a cheap porn slut. I’m only doing this for the publicity and to tell you this. Come near me again and I will shove my foot up your cunt and leave my shoe in it.”
She then sweetly kissed my cheek, and with a wave walked off. I managed to hold off the tears until I got to Gary’s car, then completely lost it. But one good thing that night, Gary and I finally made love. He knew how much I was hurting when we got home, and he spent almost two hours making love to me, and it was wonderful. And as I rested my head on his chest, feeling him leaking out of me he softly said that he knew I needed that, but not expect it often.
Two days later a guy named Rocco came over. He was one of the new breed of porn producers, not even pretending to make movies for release in theaters but only straight to video. I had worked for him once or twice, and he wanted to start something new, but had no idea what. “I liked you in Anal Virgins, that was fucking hot as hell Holly. If I did not know better that really was your first time taking a pipe in the pooper.”
I just smiled. “Oh, it was my first time Rocco.” I paused for about ten seconds, then said “On camera, that is.” He laughed.
“That’s kinda what I want. Something new, something different. That series was essentially one guy doing a bunch of different women. But I wanna try the opposite, one woman but scene after scene of her doing different guys.”
And suddenly, I remembered crying at Pete’s front door. And the last fucking hate filled disgusting thing he said to me as I stood there crying. As I was using all of my willpower to avoid falling to my knees. “Heck, maybe even start a new series of ‘Handjob Queen’ videos. I bet that market is not fully tapped out yet.”
“Rocco, how about a series of handjob videos? You can feature me, and I can do all kinds of different guys. Each one in a different location. In a city park, at a drive-in theater, out in the desert, hell, even the bathroom of a gas station or at Magic Mountain. Just get me somewhere with them for fifteen minutes or so, and I can have them shooting whenever you’re ready.”
Rocco laughed, and said “Really? Are you that sure of yourself?”
I licked my lips and nodded. “Rocco, believe it or not, I had the title of being the ‘Handjob Queen of Van Nuys Junior High’. I have been jacking guys off since then, almost two years before I got my cherry popped. I’ve done it at school playgrounds, amusement parks, behind bleachers, and on miniature golf courses. In service passages for the mall, even in bathrooms, in the dugout at a baseball field. Hell, once even in what I think was the gorilla cage at the old LA Zoo. Get me going, and within five to ten minutes unless the guy has no control I can keep him on edge, and ready to pop when I get the word to let him pop.”
He licked his lips and smiled. He told me he liked that idea and wanted to see me in action. He asked Gary if he minded, and I guess he saw the pleading in my eyes as I looked into his as he nodded his head, and stood up. He started to remove his pants, and I stood up and rested my hand on his.
“Gary darling, if this is going to be mine, let me take the lead,” I whispered to him. Then I kissed him, running my hands through his hair and pressing my body against his. A minute or two later I was caressing him all over, and lowering my hand to his groin. And I did the best I could. For over a half-hour I kept my hands in motion, demonstrating all the strokes and moves I had learned so long ago and since. Kneeling, standing in front of him, standing beside him, even standing behind him. And every time darling Gary got close, I would squeeze the base of his cock and whisper to him “Not yet.”
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and with ease draws him from his ‘shell’. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because Hope Honeybun drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a...
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I joined Valley View Country Club as it was more affordable than the Galion Country Club. I was addicted to golf since my days as a caddy at Columbus Country Club.I not only got addicted to golf as a caddy, but developed a deep thirst to someday make the kind of money that would allow me to join a country club.As a youth, I was greatly impressed by the wealth and trappings that were on display at Columbus Country Club. Some of the obvious trophy wives were of the trappings that definitely...
SwingersTHE SETTING is Auckland, New Zealand, and the ‘Valley of Sinners’ is a mythical locality to the north-west of the city business district which actually is a grape growing region, the development of which is loosely based in this action-adventure-romance short novel though all the characters are entirely fictitious. Enjoy. * Disappointed yet again by another new century Hollywood ‘blockbuster’ that had failed to eclipse any of his Top 50 great films of the 20th Century, employment-sensitive...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
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The next few hours were hell. I was taken to the jail in Van Nuys, strip-searched, had a bull dyke female deputy perform a cavity search, then put into a cell with five other women. And the craving was getting worse. I realized I did not have the number for anybody I could even call, so sat there for two hours until one of the deputies walked by, and I asked her if somebody could get a phone number from my wallet. She asked who it was for, and I said a friend. He should know what happened so...
Darcy, Tiffany and Steph drive back from their work out. Darcy is driving and talking up a storm. Tiffany interjects with an ‘uh-huh’ and a ‘right’, but nothing more. Steph is quiet in the back seat. It has been two days since Steph and Tiffany’s encounter and Steph is still reeling from the experience. Today is the first day she’s seen Tiffany since that afternoon and she can’t keep her eyes off her, but she has to try to not arouse suspicion in Darcy. Tiffany has made it clear they need to...
I met her while I was searching. Searching the woods in hope of finding erotic trees. Trees with branches that reached in my directions. My directions being my sexual mind and the leafs being a similar genre as I. Trees the people with my kindred eroticism. I am a person without labels but I do prefer associating with like minded people. People who are open and not adverse to sexual escapades and have wisdom’s that I can and will morph into. Sort of a Renaissance of erotic tryst. My inner...
Well, I have to admit Melissa got me hot just looking at her. But that first time we only talked. She had graduated the year before and told me she worked part-time and was starting to make movies. I asked her if she was in anything I had seen, but she assured me I probably had not. I went home, and managed to catch Drew as he was about to leave. And fifteen minutes later I was going to my room, the pint hidden in my purse. But I soon started to see Melissa a lot, and she was cool. She...
Things were finally looking up, for the first time in ages. Rocco was happy with the new scripts I was turning out, and sometimes we would sit around his living room with Sherri and a few others and hash out ideas. It was Marcus, one of Rocco’s common male stars that asked exactly what my position was. “I mean, is she your Director? Assistant Director? Your Associate Producer? Your Script Girl? Sorry, Holly, I’m kinda trying to figure out where you exactly fit into this.” “Oh that’s simple,...
Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over. A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed...
The next week, Pavel called me into his office. “OK, they arrest Nancy last night. I have locksmith there now changing locks, she also fired. Linda, that office is yours now. Tonight you get keys from me before you go, I also have passwords and alarm code waiting for you. Tomorrow morning, you open at 9 and be there until 5:30. You take hour for lunch, you get paid for half hour though. That fair?” I went and hugged Pavel, and told him it was more than fair. “You know, I miss you already. If...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 23:00[/center] He’s gay. That’s what that means. Gotta be. And yet, strangely, this made me utterly elated. Awesome. I then felt a presence behind me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I whirled around only to meet this infamous “Derek” glaring at me from only a couple feet away. I locked. The hell does he want? Jack instinctively took command of the situation. “Derek, what’s shakin’? How was your evening?” he inquired joyfully. Derek was silent...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...
Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...
Porn Comics SitesBondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...
Fetish Porn SitesI meet a very nice well fit older black male in the Bar at a Hotel i stayed in on a weeken trip i had.We got along real well, and had alot of fun and much great sex that weekend.i asked him if he was married or if he had k**s... But he was singel and no k**s.And on Sunday when we spilt up, we promised each other to do this again..But it took almost Six months before i heard from him again.Then he said that he had been out of the contry on work, and he wanted to hook up again.And he invited me...
Hello Friends. This is Kannan with another story. I’m 33 years old. I’m here to share with you my real-life sexual experience with Sankari. She works as a salesgirl in a fancy shop near my house. Sankari is 25 years old. She has a wheatish complexion, a 34B bust, and a regular body type. She looks charming. She has some fat around her buttocks and arms. I have been visiting this fancy store for over a decade now. But I saw Sankari in the store for the first time in March 2020. From there on, I...
I was working my first internship at college. Those were the days when I thought that being a lawyer would be one part "Paper Chase" and two parts "L.A. Law." There was nothing so glorious at Pierce and Pierce. They had a steady supply of free labor coming in from the university and rather than being the "star intern," I was just another face in the crowd. Or so I thought.During my morning rounds as I was delivering mail to the executive offices (how glamorous), I was keeping my head down and...
Gay Male"So it's a done deal?" Kaylnn asks. "Correct, we're in the final stage of development. Technically you don't even need to be here, but we would love to get your feedback on the quality." The man in a white lab coat, Jim, has just finished walking you down a long factory line. "Okay, what kind of feedback?" Jim takes a box from a conveyor belt which has lewd images on it. "Well, we have made one of the most sophisticated masturbation sleeves on the market. It's incredibly high tech, and high...
FantasyHello guys, this is my first sex story posting on this site. So here I want to share one of my many experiences. I am Sam working in Software Company in Hyderabad, 6ft tall and athletic build. This happened like few years ago where I met this lady, let her call Meera (name changed) through a phone call. She was working in a real estate office and called her for some info about the lands and other things. Then the next day I messaged her asking about the details for which she replied “I’ll get...
As we began to finish our refueling, a tall, smoothly muscled man wearing gray Confederacy coveralls entered the room. A pair of similarly dressed, young looking, slender, Asian women stopped just inside the doors watching everything. A third woman entered, looked around and headed toward our servers. He approached the table where I was sitting with my ladies and introduced himself as Centurion Sam Matthews. "We've heard some interesting things about you," I said around my last bite of...
This is my first story and hope you will encourage me to write even more stories. If you like it or want to give feedback please write to Let’s start with the story. Lemme first start with myself. I was a virgin before the new year eve of 2016. I am 19 and from Delhi, an average boy with decency outside and naughtiness inside, ;) Like everyone dreaming about going to Goa on New Year, I was quite lucky to go on a trip to Goa on New Year with one of my friend and his friends. I am the horny...
Note: if you did not read part one, then this will not make any sense but it will make you wet. After the bus experience, Rebecca and I came a cute couple in secret. During the school day, she was the popular girl while I was the nerd athlete. Here and there during lunch period we sneaked away and fucked in the bathroom for a few minutes or so. Life was good until one day Rebecca suddenly stopped showing up to school. I’d asked some of her friends where she was and they said that she moved. I...
By : Fuuckker.Karan Hi I’m karan from Jaipur. I am 6 feet tall and handsom guy, I am working in a MNC, I look like He-Man, strong man. Chaliye ab aapko apni story batata hu ye baat aaj se karib 1 month pehle ki hai main ek party main gaya tha ye party yahan ke ek famous five star hotel main thi main wahan party main betha tha ki mere pass ek lady aayi aur unhone kaha. Hi handsome, looking great I replied to her thanks maine b unhe kaha ki aap b bahut khubsurat lag rahi hain aur baaton...
I am taking a quick break to regroup after the Unexpected Lover series . . . I decided to include another one of my experiences that took place a little later in life. Again, this is a true story with the names changed to protect the identities of those involved. It’s going to take a minute to get to the sex . . . but some back story is necessary to get an idea of what was going on. If someone told me a simple game of “I’ve Never” with my friends and a pitcher or four of margaritas would end...
I was to be leaving for overseas for quite some time and have a few mates I chat to online who are way into speedos like I am. I have over ninety different pairs and love wearing them everyday for swimming and as underwear. I have always been into them after having been in surf club as a junior, played rugby league and wore speedos and footy shorts as much as I could. I have heaps of different brands and colours. One of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online...
Poor ol’ Juan Loco was serving his sentence of endless chores after he got caught taking his stepdad’s car without permission. But ya know, accountability isn’t for everyone. His stepsister Ameena Green teased & tormented him as he scrubbed & cleaned, even throwing her dirty laundry at him. But Juan is no chump!? He used the opportunity to huff his stepsister’s dirty panties, like really get in there deep. All that sniffing must’ve drained the oxygen from...
xmoviesforyouI am Shyam. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories. I am 35 years old now.I want to share with you the nice experiences I had in my joint family. My mother tongue is Telugu. I am writing some of the lines in Telugu with english translation for authenticity. I had earlier detailed my first sexual experience in ‘Pinni (aunt) asked to explain Masturbation I had also detailed by lovely relationship I had with my maternal cousin, Usha. Thanks to my readers for the very positive feedback I got...
IncestBy the time the first signs of 1775's spring thaw reached into the soft hills of the Blue Ridge, both MacCorm and Martz were well pleased with the progress made during the dark, winter months. As the creeks started gurgling with icy runoff, the Baltimore Town Iron Company's second huge furnace in Frederick County was more than half finished and, the foremen estimated, should be charged and fired up before summer arrived to green the meadows and valleys. While Matthew, Otto and the other...
~~~Day 2~~~ Ashley wakes up. Her bare feet ache from being cold for too long. Her body is stiff and everything feels sore. She gets up onto her hands and knees and notices she’s still wearing the leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She motions to remove them, but is interrupted. ‘I think you can just leave those on dear,’ Miss Rose remarks. ‘I think they look quite lovely.’ ‘Alright,’ Ashley mumbles, still waking up. ‘Good girl.’ Miss Rose opens Ashley’s cage and attaches a leash to her...
This is a true story of the time I got gang banged at a gay bath house. This wasn't my 1st time at the club I have been there plenty of times before but I usually get my cock sucked or suck a cock though the glory holes. This day I was feeling extra horny and wanted my tight little asshole fucked. While walking around cruising looking for a hook up I decided to go in the glory hole and wait for a cock to come to me. It didn't take long for someone to come in. Then this huge thick cock...
This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 11: The Party. Sending a limo for Grace and Lauren made the sisters feel special. They nudged one another as it pulled down the Agency...
I have a few things to apologize for, first off. I can't seem to figure out how in the hell to indent my paragraphs, so until I can, I'll just have to deal with all the comments on the atrocity of my stories. It's been a long time that I've been writing on this site now, and I've never figured it out though, so bear with me. Second, I need to apologize for the other story on this account; it was part of a whole series I was thinking on, but I don't think it was what I meant for it to be....
HI Readers…. This is Akki from Chattisgarh and Here I’m posting the real story happened between me and Rashi in Feb 2009 when we r in +2 while preparing for our public examinations . About me I’m athletic with muscular body and 6’2 height and Rashi is 1 year old matured body with new beauties developing day by day in her and during that time her stats might be 32 26 30 I guess. As we r neighbors since childhood our parents got confidence on us as good friends as every parents have in the...
When I was 19 years old I was a full time student at a well known college in N.Y.C. (on the soccer and track team) and had a job as a waiter at a popular restaurant. Well, I had a terrible crush on my boss Dawn. (the most beautiful woman to come out of Albania) Well, I was the butt of a lot of virgin jokes. I had not had sex yet and my coworkers never let me forget it. One Friday night after work we all went to this club. (well, the young people, she was 25 at the time) I was doing my thing...
First Time‘Dang it!’ I said as I looked through he archives. I couldn’t find a file on the strange elf that saved me. I had been looking all day for anything on him. The bright sun overhead shone down through the branches of the tree, casting odd shadows across the floor with bright spots of light throughout. I’ve searched through the archives for any male elf from the age 265 through 365. There was no way he could have been and older or younger than that. I was almost 300, Will was almost 301, and the...
A week before the start of MatricIt was the final week of December holidays, my parents were back at work and my girlfriend Amanda was back from her December holiday. Amanda and I were longing to see each other specially after all the naughty sexual messages we had exchanged. It was a Tuesday evening while in bed texting each other where Amanda and I planned to meet up without our parents knowing. Everything planned and Wednesday morning she told her parents that she was gonna go spend the day...
It was the first week of October 2013, I was working in the garden of my cottage on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds near the coast. I hate gardening, always have done, but after last winter when potatoes reached £120 a pound on the black market, I decided that turning the garden, and a bit of the field behind the garden, with the agreement of the farmer who owned it, into a large vegetable patch was prudent. I was lifting the last of my potato crop and storing them for use during the winter....
Hello Mridula is here to entertain you all. Here is a hot story of a horny brother who spices his sex life with his wife when his sister comes to stay. You may send your comments at I’ am Alok Verma, aged 25, height 5 feet 10 inches, fair complexioned muscular body with an eight inch cock. I am extremely horny. I’ve been married to my wife Shilpa for 3 months. My wife is excellent in bed, I mean she’s would do everything in bed as an excellent sex partner and she loves talking dirty when I ma...
IncestHi my name is Ravi age 21 5.9ft height sport build body. Little dark but good looking guy with 6.5″ and thick dick. Doing my engineering in mangalore karnataka. I am a great fan of ISS specially incest and teacher category. I always dreamt of having fun with mature aunts. And also with my favorite Hindi teacher. And finally it came true. This incident took place a few days back when i was traveling back to my home town during my holidays. This incident took place with a mature nun who was...
The world, on the other side of the glass, was suffering; buffeted and sodden. Gales had been lashing for the better part of two days. High winds had whipped the pines into thrashing wands, stripping the remaining pine cones to fall to the ground with little thuds, barely audible above the cacophony of the storm. Black, scudding clouds shrouded the landscape, creating bizarre, moving shadows of dark over dark, blotting out the usual features of the pine forest. The rain, driven...