Valley GirlChapter 6 free porn video

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Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over.

A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed me. I had him come in, and we sat on the couch and I told him about how I had messed everything up. Cheating on my fiancee, hooking and drugs, doing porn for the last six years, all of it. He sighed and told me he knew most of that, but was glad I was off the drugs.

I then admitted I had been drinking, a lot. He sighed and asked me how much. I told him and he sighed again. “Linda, you need help baby. You’re still on parole, right?” I nodded, and he said he was stepping in. “Pack a bag, I’m taking you somewhere. How much is your rent here?” I told him, and he asked if I had enough to cover it. “Actually, I have plenty, money is not a problem daddy. I would not call you for money.” He smiled at me and caressed my cheek, and said he would do anything he could for me, and he was starting now.

I handed him all the money in my purse, about $1,000 as I had cashed my check the day before. I then showed him a receipt for the rent, and he said he would take care of it. I then got into his car, and it was not a bad one. He started driving and told me he had been clean for years now. “I work a printing press for the LA Times now. I’m in the Union, and for the first time in my life making the right choices. Well, the first time since before your mom threw me out really. Her, your sister, and you are the best things in my life. And I’m so glad you called me baby.”

We got off the freeway, and I realized we were in Silver Lake. Dad pulled into a little bungalow, and he grabbed my bag and had me follow him in. There he introduced me to Sally, who was my step-mom. I smiled and said congratulations. Dad put my bag in another room and then went into his bedroom with the phone as I talked with Sally. She said she was glad to meet me, and that she and Mandy had become friends. Once again, it struck me how much of my life I had missed.

Dad came back in. “OK baby, you’re spending the weekend with us. I already made arrangements. On Monday I’m taking you to Altadena. There is a treatment facility there, you are already approved. It’s a two month program, they will get you right again.”

“But dad, I can’t afford that!”

“You don’t have to, I called in some favors. The County is going to pay for most of it, I will cover the rest. So you just relax here, and let me take care of you. I am so glad you called me, but why not your mom?”

I cried and said I could not call her. “Dad, she doesn’t know what it is like! I told her about my drug problem, and she said she did not know why I did not just quit. She did not get it, it’s not that simple. My girlfriend left me, and I knew I needed help. You are the only one that could understand.”

Sally reached out and rested her hand on mine. “Not the only one Linda. I’m in recovery also, I met your dad because he volunteers at the same place you’re going to. We will both do all we can to help you get better.” I cried, and they both hugged me.

Dad asked gently what had been going on, saying some he knew from mom. I sighed and told him and Sally everything. The years of pills, the crack. Becoming a prostitute and doing porn for most of the last six years. Sally actually surprised me when she said she had been there. “You were an escort, I was a streetwalker. Turning tricks in the downtown area for enough to buy my next rock. I was separated at the time, but still legally married. After I got arrested for prostitution and possession I was ordered into rehab. But because I had insurance through my now ex, I ended up there instead of with the county. And there I met your dad.”

Wow, so Sally and I did have more in common than just my dad. They had me take a shower, then I slept for a few hours. I woke up in the middle of the night and needed a drink. I went into the bathroom, and all I saw was a bottle of mouthwash. I drank it all, then went back to bed.

The next night I killed the Listerine, then they drove me to rehab. I will say this, it was a lot nicer than the High Desert County facility. Oh, it was still a jail, but the guards were nicer. And the room was nicer, I shared it with only one girl named Mary. She had an issue with quaaludes.

I was sick and had shakes for days. Two times I got caught trying to sneak out. No real idea how I would get a drink, I had no money. But dad, Sally, and my mom were there when I got my 30 day chip. I hugged my mom and cried, and she said she was proud of me. She said Mandy sends her love and was working on Wilshire still. I looked at her and said “Really? She sent me her love?”

“Linda, she wants to try again. Did you not read her letter?”

I shook my head, and she took my arm and said we needed to take a walk. There was a nice garden area, and we sat next to a fountain. “Pete told me about your computer, and the letter. He said he read it and called for Holly and Mandy to join him at his house. They all read them, and Mandy told me they all wrote you letters back. They are inside your computer, Pete said he left it with Rocco after he fixed it. They all forgive you and just want you better baby. Just as I want you better.”

I held her and cried, wishing I had not messed up my life as bad as I had. I told her I had called dad that night after I got home so did not even know Pete had fixed my computer. But I promised to look inside as soon as I got home. Then it was time for her to go, and I hugged all of them and said I would see them the next month. Dad and mom both said they were making sure everything was taken care of at my place. “The four of us even cleaned it, and threw out all the food that has gone bad.”

“Four?” I asked, and Sally grinned. “Me, your dad, your mom, and Mandy. I still go over every few days so it looks lived in.” I hugged her, and thanked all of them again for helping me through this.

Finally, it was over. I got my 60 day chip in a small ceremony and hugged mom, dad, and Sally. We actually had an early dinner at a Mexican place, and they took me home. It was cleaner, and dad asked me where I hid my bottles. I looked at him, and he sighed. “Baby, this is still a tough part. You will be tempted, where are they?”

I told him that since Sherry left I stopped hiding them in the house. But in the past, they were always hidden in the trunk of my car, and my desk at work. “OK, I already cleaned your car. And there were bottles everywhere in here, so I believe you there.”

When they all left, and I spent the night alone just watching TV. On Monday, I went ahead and drove to Rocco’s. I saw that Sherry was in the office now, in my old job. Well, I fucked up my own life enough that I was not about to ask for my old job back and get her fired. Rocco came in and I told him I had been in rehab and was leaving the industry completely. He sighed and said it was probably for the best. He wrote me a check for $5,000. “Here, this is your last pay and at least most of your royalties up to today. I will have the accountant figure out the full amount and send it to you. Can we help you in any way, Linda? Do you have a job lined up?”

I thanked him and gave him a hug. “I’ll be fine Rocco. Honest. This will get me through the next few months until I get back on my feet.”

He said to call him at any time and walked me to my car. He put the computer inside, and I gave him a hug. He told me to call Dirty Pavel if I wanted a more regular job. “He has a lot of girls that work for him. Receptionists, cleaners, things like that. I bet he can help you if you need work.”

I asked him about his computer, and he smiled. “Keep it, Linda. I bought it for you, not the company.”

I went home, and once inside I removed the keyboard and mom was telling the truth. Three letters! I sat down and read each of them, and was crying the entire time. Mandy did not exactly forgive me, but she wished me all the best, said she wished I had not gone through what I had. And that she wanted to see me sometime when I was better. Holly said she was sorry for my troubles, and she had long ago forgiven my attempts to seduce her. Pete, it was much the same. Mostly that he had never wished me bad, and he was glad I was doing better. And to not try and avoid him, and he hoped if we met again in the future it would be like our last meeting had been. Not like the meetings before that.

I sat there and cried. If not forgiving, at least they were not hostile anymore. I saw some mac and cheese in the freezer. Thanks, mom! I heated it up in the microwave and tried to decide what to do next.

The problem was, I did not know how to do much. Dirty Pavel was possible, but he wanted gals that knew how to use a computer. Harry had shown me some, but not enough to get a job. The only thing I really knew how to do was write dirty scripts, strip, and fuck.

The next day I got some newspapers and went through them. And other than fast food, there were no jobs I could really do. So I called Starlight Ladies. They were glad to hear I was back and said they would put me back as available. And as it had been months, I really needed to get laid. Fingering myself and using my toys was nice, but I wanted more.

When it got dark, I put on a short blue dress and headed to Harlow’s. A discreet bar I had been to off and on. Mostly with Sherri, as we could dance there and nobody bothered us. Other than the occasional dyke, who thought two femme girls needed dykes in their lives. Fuck that, if I wanted somebody who tried to pretend like they had no tits and acted like a rude guy, I would just get a guy. And thankfully, Sherri had always felt the same way. In fact, over the years we were together she had long ago even dumped her Punk Skater look. And now she was amazingly femme.

Samantha welcomed me in and asked if I wanted my usual. I shook my head and asked for a soda. She looked at me, and I pulled my 60 day chip out of my purse. She actually came out from behind the bar and gave me a hug. “Honey, I’m proud of you! OK, no alcohol for you, and your sodas are free. And if anybody offers to send you a drink, I will discreetly tell them you do not drink, what’s your favorite juice?” I told her pineapple juice. “OK, I’ll suggest they send you that. That you would have to pay for, I can only give you soda or coffee for free.”

“I thought as a bartender, you would want me to drink Sam?”

“Oh no honey, I just want you to have a good time. Drink booze, drink coffee, it’s all the same to me. Here, come have a seat.” She gave one of the trucker types a beer and gave me a soda. “Honey, I know what you and Sherri do for a living. I do not judge, but when you did that, was it for pleasure, or to entertain those that watched them?” I chuckled and said the guys always got pleasure, as I had rarely shot a scene where the guy did not have an orgasm. And we at least enjoyed it most times, even if we did not actually get off. But ultimately it was for those that bought the tapes.

“Same thing here. My job is really to entertain. Make you all happy, talk if you need an ear, keep the fun going. And if you have fun, you should know you do not need alcohol to have that. And a lot of girls in here are like you, if you want I can introduce you to some.” I asked her how she knew I was looking for company, and she sighed. “Honey, this is the first time I have seen you in what, six months? And you’re here without Sherri. I don’t have to be a genius to realize you two broke up, and you went on a bender to judge by that chip. But it’s OK, I’ll help you whenever you come in.”

Well, I ended up chatting with Sam most of the night. I danced with a few gals but did not feel any spark. Then at the end of the night as they were cleaning up Sam asked me to come to the back, she wanted to show me something. And I was a bit surprised when she took me into an office, then pushed me against the wall and kissed me. And I kissed her back. She moved her kisses to my neck, then whispered in my ear that she had been wanting me for years. “And I know I took up most of your time tonight, so you did not meet anybody that caught your interest. You know I have a girlfriend, but we have an understanding. We each are allowed little dalliances, so long as they are not affairs.” And by this time, she had reached under the hem to my dress and had her hand in my panties.

I kissed her deeply as her long slender fingers slid into me. I unbuttoned her black dress shirt and was glad her bra closed at the front. I was leaning against the wall, her fat nipple that was atop her large breast was in my mouth as her slender fingers were inside my cunt and making me realize how much I missed the touch of somebody else. It did not take long for her to make me cum, and I was biting her nipple when she made me cum again. I pulled her hand out as I kissed her passionately, oh fuck I needed that!

We gave each other more tender kisses, and I thanked her. “Oh Linda, no need to thank me. I was not kidding, I have wanted to do that for ages. But you were with Sherri, and I never get involved with somebody in a relationship.”

“Is it really OK with your girlfriend?” I asked, slightly nervous.

She giggled. “Well, you know who I live with, right?” I shook my head, and she smiled. “Well, it’s Blue. We’ve been together for over two years now. She told me that if I did not take care of you tonight, she would.” We both giggled. Blue was cleaning up in the bar, she was a small girl, not much bigger than I was. I did not know her real name, we all called her Blue because she had blue hair.

“Blue too?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh honey, Blue too. She has told me in the past she would like to see what it is like with somebody smaller than she is.” I smiled and kissed her again. We went back into the bar, and all three waitresses applauded. Blue came over and kissed Sam, then grabbed her right hand and kissed it. “Hmm, I’m glad for the two of you. Just remember Linda, we on occasion share. But she’s mine.” I kissed Blue gently and said I had no interest in coming between them. Blue giggled and said I would never come between them, they were not into threesomes. Then she gave me a wink, and said “Usually.” We all laughed, and I kissed each of them softly then waved goodbye and headed on home.

The next afternoon Starlight called me and said they had a date for me. It was a straight outcall job, from 7 to 9. I thanked them and started to get ready. I carefully shaved everything, had a light dinner, then did my makeup. I got into my knee-length black dress and got my purses set up. My real one I would leave in the car, the small clutch was just for business. Condoms, lube, some wet wipes, and a pad. Plus $40, a spare key for my car, and pen and paper.

The guy was older, but we gave each other what we needed. I got a good long dicking and a nice orgasm, he got two of them, one in my mouth and the other into the rubber in my snatch. And the $100 tip was nice also.

I was averaging one to two dates a week for the next month. And more than a few times at Harlow’s I got lucky as well. I even had a few dates with people I knew before. Marcus called one time and said there was a party for Lovely Angels, and asked me to go with him. They were celebrating a new studio they had bought, and I saw several I had worked with over the years were there. Mel was there, and she ignored me. I saw Sherri, and I avoided her. The shock was seeing Holly’s old boyfriend, Jack. I tried to avoid him, but that was not possible as he recognized me as soon as I recognized him.

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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 2

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...

2 years ago
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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 1

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...

1 year ago
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Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...

Porn Comics Sites
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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Whore Updated

WHORE By Emma Finn Updated and streamlined from its original online publication, Whore is now part of the short story compilation AN New You by Emma Finn, available on Amazon and Smashwords... 1 I was almost certain she was a whore and that tantalised me - that I was spying on her without her knowledge. It thrilled me almost as much as fingering the slip of paper in my pocket, knowing about the power the unnatural words on it contained. I asked myself, just for a...

1 year ago
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First time out part 2

**This is part two of my first time out en femme. This is a true story. It is important to read the first part to understand the story completely. Enjoy**I arrived at the bar and walked up to the large, handsome black doorman. He saw me and motioned for me to pass into the bar. He smiled at me and as I passed him, he winked and said “Very nice, baby”. I felt so feminine and sexy, I blushed a bit and smiled back at him. “Thank you”, I said looking back over my shoulder with the most sexy...

2 years ago
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Uni with Sandra part 4

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the fourth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was 18. In my first story Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex which was wonderful. In my second, Sandra included me in a threesome with her boyfriend, Pete. That was wonderful too. In the third story I started going out with a boy called Martin and had sex with him while continuing sex sessions with Sandra. I then had a threesome with Martin and Sandra.Martin and I didn't have much opportunity...

2 years ago
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How I finally fucked my cousin Letty Part 1

For pretty much all my life, I've always tried one way or another to fuck my cousin Letty. It all started when I was about 14 she was around 11/12. After school her and her siblings. Would come over to my house, their mom (my aunt Gloria) worked till evening. So they would hang out our house till their mom picked them up. My mom "watched" over us. It was me, my older brother (who was rarely home after school due to sports), and my younger sister. Plus Letty, and her 2 younger brothers. ...

4 years ago
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From Crimestopper To Kitten

From Crimestopper To Kitten by Throne Carlton Clare checked himself in the full length mirror. His trim athletic figure was in tiptop shape. He brushed back the distinctive curlicue of black hair that habitually fell across his forehead and smiled at his reflection. He was ready to suit up and begin another night of stopping crime as the crime-stopper, Night Cat. He was in the special hidden room he called The Cat Den, below his sprawling palatial mansion, Clare Manor. It was nice...

2 years ago
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Debbie the Mature Woman

Debbie the Mature WomanNow at my present age, any woman in my peer group is a mature woman…many are grandmothers now. I was encouraged to write about a relationship from my past when I did have the pleasure of sharing some time with an older woman. Our meeting was nothing special. She and I worked at the same place and we had seen each other numerous times but had never spoken to each other. One day a friend of mine that worked her section came through and I asked him about her. He said...

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You have lived in a world called Grome. Until just recently, Grome was ruled by a single empire. Unfortunately that empire has now fallen. Its wasn't just the one problem. They had expanded themselves too wide, ended up infighting due to the Emperor converting to a new religion, allowed barbarians into their ranks and many other problems. The thing was that the empire had lasted 1000 years. What were people supposed to do now? That was when this new woman claiming to be goddess, Solaria, came...

4 years ago
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Friendship Sincerity

Friendship SincerityBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was Frank’s 3rd semester in college and he was lucky that the scholarship he got once again covered his dorm charges as well along with the college tuition and other dues. He stayed put in the dormitory room but both of his friends, Helen and Iva had to leave and rent a two bedrooms’ facility at about 5 minutes’ walk. The only undesirable thing was that one bedroom was down stairs while the other bedroom was upstairs and the good thing was that each...

2 years ago
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The Beginning of a Long Night

I was trying very hard to focus on something other than my husband’s erection. I shouldn’t have worn this little black dress. He loves to see me in it way too much. It’s so comfortable and it’s a warm night, so I figured it would be fine. But Brett couldn’t stop looking at my legs. I was also wearing my new thong. It was thinner than any thong I had ever worn, so it was really causing some feelings that were not appropriate at the time. I was desperately hoping our friends didn’t catch our...

2 years ago
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Timber Grove Stories Letters From College 58

--Author's Note: This is a stand alone story set in the "Timber Grove" universe. There is absolutely no need to read any other "Timber Grove" story, outside of "Letters From College 1-4", to enjoy this. If you do enjoy it, please let me know with a Review. Thank You!-- Rosie, You are not going to believe me, but I lost another 10 pounds, down to 180! This is the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of! Ken, Greg, Chris and I are in the best shape of our lives! We can hardly...

3 years ago
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Sex Queen

John had raised his daughter by his self. It was not easy as when she got to be a teenager she developed fast and had huge tits which the males young and old noticed. She also developed a love for sex. He had caught her several times tanning naked in the back yard and dragged her to her room to get dressed. He told her the neighbor next door could see her and she replied "I know. He loves looking at my naked body." John then turned over his knee and spanked her ass hard. She still ran around...

3 years ago
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Mommas Boys

"Come on Yvonne, you know it ain't right." "Oh stop your whining Dion. I can't help it that you were raised a prude. I wasn't and I'm not going to become one just to suit you." "This ain't got nothing to do with being prudish Yvonne, it's got to do with decency." "You calling me indecent Dion?" "I'm just saying that it ain't right. The boys are at an age when things can get misunderstood." "The boys can misunderstand what?" "You know Vonnie, things." "Things...

2 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 010 A Unique Shade Of Violet

That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now.  It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it.  He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going.   It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly.  He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now.  Just the...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ivy Lebelle I Know Who You Fucked Last Halloween

Recalling the horrifying events from the Halloween prior, Ivy Lebelle was feeling kind of in a funk and not really in the mood to go out, just wanting to get through her clients for the day. And when she least expected it, her first client Steve damn near spooked her out of her panties when he pranked her jumping behind her wearing a creepy mask! Steve’s lucky he’s one of Ivy’s favorites. Getting down to business after he kissed and licked her ass, they deeply and ravenously...

3 years ago
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Caught On Camera

Probably the most erotic, sexually exciting thing I have ever seen in my life is my wife fucking another man. I found this out one day, quite by accident, and it has changed my life. I work for a security company and as a result of employee discounts I have a state of the art security system in my own house. In addition to all of the door and window alarms, motion sensors and the like, I have remote cameras all over the place, inside and out. The cameras are wired so that any unauthorized...

4 years ago
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Kaitlins Massage Holiday 2

Joel had placed Kaitlin on the middle of the bed and positioned he so that her toes hung just over the end of the bed. This left plenty of room between Kaitlin's head and the head end of the bed. He then knelt beside her left side and pulled the towel down to expose her back as far as the upper third of her buttocks. Kaitlin had turned her head to the right, away from Joel so that she was looking directly towards camera 1. I was a little worried she may see the camera but as it was slightly...

4 years ago
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Threeway Calling

Introduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...

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A Fun At Old Age With Maid Somi

Dear readers, you been my great inspiration for my past stories to jot down a new one. Thanks for kind words and sorry for whom I am unable to get back. Life after retirement from my job became too irritating, when I am back from my service place to my native land, it make me to feel bore and loneliness. With my son working away from me in other state, daughter got marriage and lost my wife some 7 years back were some of plight within me to be such loneliness. My home is at a semi urban place,...

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She Becomes a Cum Freak

***My wife Wendy was a virgin when we married and wouldn't even let give her oral sex much less giving me any. But man did she change over the years. (MMF, wife, oral, cheat, fetish, preg, glory)***I got to know my wife Wendy back in high school when she become friends with my sister. At first I thought she was just a dumb k**. But when she was in 10th grade, she changed like more night. She went from this skinny not so good looking girl to a young lady with a good start on having all the right...

2 years ago
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Girls Night Out

Lisa cursed the traffic outside of Reagan National she was sure she was going to be late in picking up Jennifer and Robert. Jennifer was her very best friend whom she had known for years. Robert her husband was a spitting imagine of Robert Mitchum and had just received a big promotion on his job. That promotion is what brought Jennifer and Robert from California to DC.Lisa raced from the parking garage to the gate just as the plane was unloading catching her breath Lisa saw Jennifer and Robert....

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A Rare Sight Of My Mother 8211 Part II

Hello everyone, this is Rajiv(name changed) with my experience of having the privilege of watching my parents in various erotic positions. Not all people get the opportunities to watch their parents humping each other. And if you are a 20 year old like me, you never think you old parents fuck each other. Not that my dad drills my mom’s pussy with doors opened and me sitting in next room, not that I come down for a drink and I hear my mom saying,”ahhh…fuck me baby, my legs are spread for...

1 year ago
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The Visit Part1

100% fiction! I was visiting my mother’s house while my step father and brother (half brother) were out shopping. My mom offered me a ciggerttre and we went to the back yard to talk. “Do you think I am still a sexy women Derek?” My mother ask me out of the blue. “Mom you know you are!” I said and she stole a look at me. She was flushed, her face was red from embaressment. “Thank you son…can I ask you something else?” I nodded and she looked up into my eyes, “Do you think we could do a date...

2 years ago
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 It's a beautifully warm and sunny day as I walk up your short driveway with a small, paper bag of tomato seeds in my hand. I can see that you and your husband are both home by the cars parked in the shade. Your husband is inside, watching the pregame, judging by the sounds emanating quietly from the open living room windows. In the back, your weeding makes enough noise that you didn't hear my feet crunching the fine gravel. Your back is turned to me as you work in the warm dirt, on your hands...

Wife Lovers
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Always on My Mind

Something is wrong. I can feel it, sense it or whatever you want to call it but there is a problem. A problem that could end my marriage, if I don't take action. I'm Jerrod Wesley Jackson, JW to everyone but my mother and father. When either of them used my full name, I knew I had stepped over the line. I heard a lot of Jerrod Wesley Jackson in loud tones from my parents growing up. As a youngster I was very good at leaping over that imaginary line of what some called civil conduct. Nothing...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Skylar Snow Takes 5 Hard Cocks In Every Hungry Hole

Skylar Snow is a horny gang bang slut, and she’s so ready to get fucked in every hole she can barely contain herself. She’s doesn’t have her rent money again, so she takes care of it by giving up her squirting pussy, her tight ass for some deep anal, and her wet hungry throat to her roommate and his 4 friends! She goes all-in right away, eagerly choking down all the cocks, with spit running out her mouth and down her neck. They toss her around between them, each taking turns...

3 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 7 Kathy at Sixteen

As Rosa bounced her ass gleefully on Dutch's massive erection, she failed to notice her daughter Kathy peeking in at them as they cavorted on the bed. Kathy's eyes widened at the sight before her and she bolted back to her bedroom before her mother noticed her standing there. Huddled safely under her blanket, Kathy listened intently to the faint sounds coming from the next room. Without straining her ears Kathy could discern muffled groaning, and the sound of their bodies rocking the...

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