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Don's car glints in the sunlight as it proceeds along the high ridge road, appearing to be the only moving object amongst the downland sheep grazing on the late spring grass. Spread below, the Meon valley; it's patchwork of green pasture and crops, punctuated by an occasional homestead or farmhouse.

Don's progression brings an ancient roadside tree into his view.

It's mostly dead, yet still surviving, standing knarred and alone, close to the burial mounds of Old Winchester Hill.

It impressed Don and he bought the Cortina to a gentle halt on the deserted road to gaze at the lonely tree.

Down in the valley, through powerful field glasses someone had noticed him stop and so, took stock of Don sat at the wheel in his open necked shirt.

Yes she thought idly, he looked the sales rep type expected at the Swan today; sort of able bodied and confidant yet not unattractive with it.

Don, who at just 29, was sometimes referred to as the Old Survivor by younger reps, was thus humbled by the tree's example of epic tenacity.

Don rode this jibe; he could wipe the squash floor with most of them anyway.

He took pride in his fitness. But for how much longer he glumly wondered? Squash was a young mans game; as was being a Yellow Pages rep.

Sometimes the job's pressures made him want to drop out and join the hippies on some far away shore; or rejoin the merchant navy and jump ship abroad.

He looked out across the valley and took in its stunning beauty.

"Far from the madding crowd" quoted Don to himself.

It was a crystal clear morning and everything in the valley was focused in fine detail. Poking a finger at the radio he cut the babble of Tony Blackburn, allowing the tranquillity of the valley to prevail.

Don set the car in motion, enjoying more of the panorama before the craggy trees clinging to the chalk-face hide it from his gaze.

The car descends the long narrow lane that takes him into the village of Warnford where Don pulls onto the forecourt of The Swan Inn.

The Swan Inn

As I open the Cortina's boot for my gear, I feel the cool tranquillity of this place and become aware of the tinkling of a stream feeding a watercress bed.

I breathe it in for a moment before walking into The Swan.

The old coaching inn was pleasing to look at yet commercially detached, The Swan may not have warranted a star rating with Michelin yet it was a gem of antiquity.

After being inside a short while, I discover that any move I make causes something to creak. Dark steps and passageways are everywhere.

There are early locals round the bar where some pasties are on offer.

I claim one with a glass of local bitter from the landlord and settle into a corner to begin looking through the call-sheets in my folder.

Meon Hospitality looked a promising prospect. The proprietor was a Max Largen of Flint Lodge. I could check that one out this afternoon.

The landlord called Rolly is a retired navy man who chats with me before getting busy with his lunchtime trade.

I get round to asking him the whereabouts of Flint Lodge. His amiability cooled slightly and he refers to the place as, " where those new people had the grounds of Flint Lodge dug up, to install a swimming pool."

Rolly added that Flint Lodge was once part of the Meon Manor estate, so the addition of a pool on the landscape had irritated some local people's sensibilities.

It was apparent the newcomers hadn't found favour with some village elders.

It was time I rang the office; then get started doing business calls.

The reception area was blessed with an enclosed wood-panelled telephone booth, complete with comfy upholstered stool. On a rotten rainy day I could set-up shop in here and make it my office. This one was beginning to feel like a good sales campaign already.

Max Largen was standing by his office window whilst on the phone as Don pulled into his drive, parking a flashy new Cortina next to his own sombre Mercedes.

As Max spoke down the line, he watched Don prepare himself for the call.

Max had heard Yellow Pages referred to as a new force in advertising and had almost become a license to print money. It would be interesting to see what one of these esteemed company salesmen was made of.

You could say that Max was a colourful fish in a small pond. Although middle-aged, Max was nonetheless part of the new swinging set of go-getters.

He paid little deference to the old business methods of the privileged few.

His was the brave new future of energetic pluralism; the classless society.

They may still shoulder the wheel but now they would reap the profit and perhaps a little power over their neighbour.

Yet in its way it wasn't that different from the old class it strove to overcome.

Self-seeking and sometimes dark and ruthless but dressed up with an idealistic smile.

Max had a reputation of cutting through red tape and getting results. Able to get hold of people, he could get your party going with a swing. Max would do you a special favour when it mattered.

From Flint Lodge Max planned towards a bigger slice of what could be had.

The phone conversation came to a close. Sitting at his solid oak desk, Max looked at what he had prepared for his Yellow Page's advert.

Meon Hospitality Agency.
Business Hospitality — Indoor & Outdoor Activities — Superb Locations
Promotional Parties — Professional Escort Personnel

Max had attempted a vague graphic of a marquee in a field underneath his letterhead and drawn a box round the whole thing. There was a knock and the Yellow Page's man was ushered in. He was a fit looking young chap with slightly rebellious brown hair. Although not wearing a suit, he still managed to look business-like. Don was an example of a new independently mobile class of working man.

Don impressed Max with his youthful professionalism. He'd listened intelligently and understood what Max wanted to achieve before offering some sound ideas to improve on the message and its scope. Although it would cost more, Max accepted what he had recommended. Don drew up the layout and dealt with the paperwork.

A primly dressed woman, with light brown hair, came in carrying a tray of coffee and biscuits.

"I've brought in an extra cup for our visitor Max." she said smiling at Don.

Max then introduced her as Miss Grey his business partner. As they shook hands Don felt the magnetism of this attractively mature woman.

Max briefly outlined to her what he and Don had worked out for the advertising while Valerie Grey sat casually on the desk's edge, quizzically observing.

Max found Don's non-deferential style very engaging. He envied this young man whose trade gave him such access to an extraordinary cross-section of business-people. Max's instinct told him, this was a young man who could be of value to him. With their business done, they made their way slowly out to the driveway chatting spontaneously. Then before they parted, Max invited Don to join their small pool party that coming Friday about noon at Flint Lodge.

With no room for my Cortina on the gravel drive, I parked on the trimmed grass. Then to the tinkling of Dave Brubeck's piano I approached the scattered guest around the poolside.

I was relieved everyone was very casually dressed.

"Hello! Don isn't it?" called a glamorous nearby woman, "Glad you made it! "

Surprised at who was greeting me, I grinned, "Why, Miss Grey, hello there!"

With warmth in her brown eyes she invited me to join her. "Please! call me Val; pull up a pew and join the jet set!" she smiled dryly.

Valerie, holding a decanter of red wine, was sat in a low fancy sun chair, her vivid sundress and hat adding towards a Californian poolside atmosphere.

Gratefully, I eased myself down into the sun-chair and found myself slipping playfully into a kind of pseudo west-coast response.

Gee ma'am, it's sure nice to be invited to a pool party on such a swell day; though perhaps I should be in my swim trunks!

Valerie twigged onto my zany approach and glancing suggestively at my crutch replied with a grin, Gee-wiz, I would support you their fella!

Our laughter rippled through the relaxed gathering and there was a yell as someone jumped into the pool; Dave Brubeck tinkled on in the background.

Val poured me a glass of wine and we began chatting like old friends. She was recharging my glass a bit later when I ventured, "Were you born in this neck of the woods then Val?" My question paused her a while, before she answered.

As I sipped the wine and listened to her, a feeling of de'ja' vu, enveloped me.

She'd been raised in war torn London where life had been hard.

Leaving home when she was barely fifteen her life had been one of misplacement from her kith and kin.

Making her own way in the world had given her a rather broad view of people.

But now, here in the valley Valerie Grey had carved out a niche for herself.

I rejoined the conversation to pay her a compliment, " May I say its a niche graced by your presence. I grinned suddenly.

"Why Don, you do have a way with words!" she said shyly as she fished out her sun cream; " now, would you be a real pal and put some of this on my back please?" she said glancing at me invitingly.

Max had appeared amongst his guests wearing an air of celebrity, his short goatee beard set off by a bright yellow Fred Perry shirt.

" Ha! Mine Host." I said spotting Max.

"Mm, nice shirt" I whispered into Val's ear and she giggled causing her breast to shake as my fingers worked on her shoulders.

" Yes he's a gregarious animal," said Val before adding darkly, "amongst other things."

Max arrived at our table.

"Ahh Don! I've just been satisfying Jocelyn's curiosity about you, she wants to meet you my boy!"

Max, putting an arm around me, indicated towards a bikini clad female, late twenties, sky-larking with others near the pool and then said confidentially,

"That's Jocelyn Norman-Acres: she's still unmarried Don; and very wealthy!

I'll do the introductions later." He chuckled villainously.

Then lifting his head and speaking openly; "But seriously Don, what do you say to a spot of lobster salad from the lunch bar?"

Max guided me towards the lunch-bar, set up at the other end of the pool.

As we snacked at our seafood salads, Max furthered our new buddy status by freely trading personal hopes and ideas. Then, with his tone turning more sober and conspiratorial, Max shared his ambition with me.

With his arms encompassing the surrounding downland he described his vision of a new kind of activity centre, one that catered for commercial hospitality attracting young modern business people from far and wide.

He believed the new technology companies would be spending money on a grand scale to keep their bright new talents from straying to new pastures.

Max believed these new young professionals, graduates of the swinging sixties, would find the old wining and dinning routine, a big bore.

Max had a far more attractive bill of fare in mind; a new sort of rural recreational centre, one that mixed in a bit of Las Vegas and St Tropez.

Max asked me what I thought.

I didn't need to humour him; I was already dazzled with a vision of Eldorado.

"It's a great idea Max. Yellow Page's salesmen would love an incentive like that to reach targets. Modern companies would be cueing up to book-in for that kind of deal." I exclaimed.

Max smiled at me for a while and then he really startled me.

He briefly outlined how he saw me, as being an important part of that vision.

Then putting an arm round my shoulder he said I shouldn't keep my admirer waiting any longer and led me over to where Jocelyn was now dangling her legs in the water at the poolside.

As the hot sun tracked through it's cloudless path, so the pool's attractions grew.

In no time I was sat on the edge of the pool myself, while my bare toes gently caressed the underside of Jocelyn's gorgeous breast. She was in the pool now facing me, her arms either side of my feet, holding the poolside. Like a few other women in and around the pool, she was now topless. Like me, the men were mostly watching.

Languidly ignoring my action apart from a glint in her hazel-green eyes, she threw me a challenge, which in her cut glass accent, I found rather sexy.

'I'll do a deal with you Don, you get all your kit off and get in the pool with me and I'll invite you over for dinner next week. How about it?'

I laughed at her taunt and stood up. I shucked off my unbuttoned shirt and it dropped to the ground. Looking into her eyes with mock distain, my hands went to my waistband as if to unfasten my shorts. My arms flipped out and I smacked onto the surface of the pool in a racing dive. I heard her squeal with delight.

Max, now in the sun-longer alongside Val, sipped his drink appreciatively as he watched my early progress with the unattached heiress.

From an open upstairs window, pop music wafted over the garden of Meon Manor. Jocelyn laid back her head onto the bath pillow, immersing herself into the frothy lyrics coming from the transistor beside her. She felt good.

She was a couple of hours away from Don arriving for dinner this evening.

She found Don so refreshingly manly; he had proper muscles from working hard.

He knew how to make her laugh too. She felt flattered, because unlike herself, he was one of today's new breed who were modernizing things. Don wouldn't be cowed by Matthew's social rank.

Since Papa's death Matthew had rode roughshod over her. He had traded her favours for his own gain, even indulged in them himself the vile beast.

Jocelyn promised herself; this time she would not allow Mat to call the tune on her affairs.

As Jocelyn sponged foam over her shapely body, there was nothing she wanted more than a summertime fling with that Don and she sang along to the song on the radio. "Hot now, summer in the city, ... things now, looking mighty pretty..."

As a guest, his presence at dinner that evening had simply raised Jocelyn's esteem of Don. His bright conversation had assured a good atmosphere between the three of them. She could see Matthew respected him as a man of the world. They hadn't spent too long on eating and had moved out onto the porch with their drinks to enjoy the warm evening.

When Don accepted her invitation to dinner, she hadn't thought he'd meant much by saying he had an idea to put to them.

As they relaxed on the veranda, Don put forward a vision that surprised both Matthew and her. His approach was subtle though.

You must both feel pretty content at having all this land around you?

Jocelyn countered, saying that it was attractive enough in itself but the down side was it could also be boring much of the time. If she weren't able to go up to town when she liked the place would drive her nuts, especially in winter.

Matthew's view was he liked the solitude but the cost of the upkeep was a never-ending pain.

Don, wanting their attention now, placed his drink down purposefully.

I'm not surprised at what you say; it's similar to the views of other landowners. You've made me more convinced about what I'm thinking.

I want to put a scheme to you involving a small part of your land that I feel you'll find attractive.

Don set about enthusiastically re-sketching the business hospitality facility to Jocelyn and her brother. He spoke of the culture and economy it would bring to them and the village. Then he looked to them for their response.

Matthew half-heartedly acknowledged Dons ideas but voiced grave reservations on the effect of it all on their surroundings. Then he'd detached himself from further discussion by excusing himself to make a phone call.

But for Jocelyn, Don had described an exciting business project for the Meon Estate to invest in. Just thinking about it was making her feel sexy she had said to Don. As the sun set the wine was starting to have its effect.

Free of Matthew their conversation became at first relaxed and then intimate.

Then suddenly they heard the sound of Matthew's car aggressively leaving the drive. Jocelyn broke their shared look of surprise with a little giggle. Don suddenly took hold of Jocelyn and they began kissing energetically before reclining together onto the large sofa.

Jocelyn & Val

Val was rolled up in a book on the sofa and the phone had startled her.

It was Jocelyn. Val casually asked how the evening had gone with Don.

Jocelyn's response was typically uninhibited,

"Oh he's beautifully hung darling; can stay the course too!"

It wasn't quite what Val had been enquiring about but then Jocelyn stayed on the line just long enough to say she had to go up town and would ring when she returned.

As Val put down the phone, the call struck her as odd.

Though Jocelyn was younger they were fairly close these days; it was unlike Jocelyn to be so brief with her.

Val had come to realise that she found Jocelyn sexually stimulating. It had something to do with her outrageous air of superiority; it had sensuous overtones.

Jocelyn had once teased Val over her fashion sense while they had been in the office. "Really Valerie, your far to sexy to be wearing such a frumpy dress!"

Val had looked her in the eye, whispering with a twinkle,

"Would madam prefer me naked in bed?"

Jocelyn's eye's widened in surprise and then whispered in return,

" What a wicked thought! "

"Wicked thoughts deserve a spanking my girl." countered strait laced Val.

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Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 23:00[/center] He’s gay. That’s what that means. Gotta be. And yet, strangely, this made me utterly elated. Awesome. I then felt a presence behind me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I whirled around only to meet this infamous “Derek” glaring at me from only a couple feet away. I locked. The hell does he want? Jack instinctively took command of the situation. “Derek, what’s shakin’? How was your evening?” he inquired joyfully. Derek was silent...

2 years ago
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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 2

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...

2 years ago
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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 1

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...

1 year ago
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Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...

Porn Comics Sites
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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Ascent of Black People

My name is Stefan Cherenfant. A big and tall, good-looking young black man of Haitian origin living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Friends call me K.B. for short. I don’t mind. We all seem to acquire nicknames at some point in our lives. Not much we can do about it. Anyhow, I was home from school during Christmas Break. This is the tale of how I had myself some fun in the City of Champions from the last days of December 2008 to mid-January 2009. Let’s just say that I explored the...

2 years ago
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The New StartChapter 21 The New People

The AAC cruised on patrol as they did daily now. It was crewed by Ujiah the pilot, Tani and Autumn. The patrol had been uneventful and they were just preparing to head back to the compound having reached the farthest extent of their patrol. Suddenly in the distance ahead of them they heard a loud boom. Instantly all of them came to alert. With his instruments Ujiah spotted the source of the noise. They climbed in altitude and cautiously approached. They heard another loud boom and shortly...

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Two DiariesChapter 8 Hell is Certain Other People

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It was hard to sleep worrying about Clara’s visit. The whole night, I tossed in bed, hoping she would be in one of her rare good moods. Unlike the twins, who were always about as nasty, Clara would very occasionally show me a little bit of kindness. On the other hand, when I caught her in a bad mood, she would get a lot meaner; worse than they could ever be, and more creative about it. I was doing my best not to think of it, but as the week passed it became...

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Patchwork People

You tell yourself that you've given up, that you've lost all hope; you tell yourself often, until you half-believe it yourself; not because it's true, but because hopelessness is the only thing that makes the wait bearable--the wait for your dream to come true. I. All her parallel lives. Questioned about her past, Marcia Hammond always lied with great creativity and no conscience. Her present life felt like something she'd stolen and had the perfect right to steal. Still, like any...

1 year ago
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In a Room Full of People

It’s a Romance, when you finish reading it this story will still be a Romance, please just enjoy the story two people did their level best to bring to you and not tell me it’s sitting in the wrong category. The temptation was to break it in half and post two chapters instead of one, as you can tell common sense won out. My thanks as always go to SouthPacific for his editing. ******* I still remembered the day I first noticed the girl, in my first week at college. Dianne Barrett was her equal...

4 years ago
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Patchwork People XIX First draft people

XIX. First draft people. An occasional bat flickered across the stars overhead. The gardenias and hibiscus had long drawn in their petal- awnings. Across the lawn, the hunched bushes looked like a queue of black-robed monks marching back to their monastery. And in the middle distance, fireflies marked a secondary night-sky of transitory constellations in what might have been an even more unpredictable universe than the one we find ourselves inhabiting, one that blinks in an out of...

2 years ago
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Of The People

The plains of what will be called North America — 1200 A.D. Laresa and Nathifa sat together, sewing fur into new garments for the coming winter. Although Nathifa delighted in the simple work, Laresa was not quite as enamored of it, and frequently cheated with her magic whenever her auburn-haired friend was not looking. The fact that Laresa could use her magic at will, for something as simple as making clothing, warmed the Djinn's heart. Although still technically a slave to the ring, Nathifa...

2 years ago
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Two Lonely People

Copyright© "We're just two lonely people in a loving frame of mind We're just two lonely people that need the love we found Two lonely people..." Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn Written by L. E. White Ixtapa Clara and I liked to travel, particularly to warm places! We would go to Mexico, usually once a year, and somewhere else once a year. We liked Mexico the best; we liked the food, and the climate and the people were always warm and friendly. We usually stayed at a nice family...

3 years ago
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Two Lonely People

One Friday night after work, a few of us decided to hit one of the bars and have a few drinks and maybe dance some, before heading home for the weekend. Normally I did not make this a practice, but my wife had some kind of appointment, so I figured it would be better than watching TV on a Friday night. There were maybe twenty of us in total, and the crowd seemed to be out for a good time. The numbers were a little unbalanced, as there was maybe twelve guys with eight women. I was more...

4 years ago
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The Perilous Trailhow Takala Saved Her People

The Perilous Trail... How Takala Saved her People... Early on a Saturday morning in the Year 1838 a group of half-starved Indians, made up of men, women, and children, moved slowly through the large wooden gates of Fort Dragoon—a Border Settlement. The Indians, on their way to a distant Reservation, were being escorted by a small group of Troopers. Fort Dragoon a thriving notorious border outpost was home to a large contingent of Troopers. Also taking up residence was an unsavory lawless...

2 years ago
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Mike and MalokChapter 4 The Other People

I got up early the next morning and managed to milk "Bossie". Considering the slight difference in physiology and the fact that I had not milked a cow in more than thirty-five years, I think I did a pretty good job. At this point, I was convinced that my charm ability worked on animals. The bison made no effort to get away from me. She even nuzzled me when I first greeted her. I looked into her lovely brown eyes and thought how hard it would be to kill her male cousins for steak. Still, my...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day People

‘Well, at least I got a foot into the stirrup’ I thought as I looked around the crowded room. For 2 years now, since my divorce had been finalized, most of my friends on both sides of the sexual war had been urging me to get back in the saddle. This place seemed too busy and far too stressful for me to even consider staying for this speed dating party. There were more men and women here than the hotel’s safety codes would allow. People were crammed in like sardines, with barely enough room to...

1 year ago
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My Wife Has Been Gang Banged By Jungle People

Hi friends my name is sudeep i am going to explain real story happened in my marriage life as it is a real incident happened as it to long to explain but it is awesome exp .My wife name is sraveni she is very hot leady milky white with awesome boob’s size of 38dd-20-34 you can imagine how much big they are if anybody sees them they will apparently will suck all the milk. We used to go to tour’s during summer because she always pleads me for sex but i restrict her by saying i have goals to...

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Invasion of the Pod People

It came as a shock to all of us when a space ship came into orbit and asked for help. We weren't alone in the universe any more. And the Perdon's, as the aliens called themselves, were peaceful, or so they said. Of course with the language barrier it took months for them to negotiate permission to land. Finally though everyone watched tensely as shuttles landed at prepared places in various countries so they could meet with our "esteemed" leaders. Then came another shock. When the ships...

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PrincessChapter 2 Hiding Out and New Pastimes With New People

I regained consciousness without opening my eyes. I knew it was daytime, and I also knew that someone was watching me intently from very close. I cranked one eye open. Carrie broke into a huge smile. She was next to me and nude. "Can you make love to me again, please?" Her voice was eager and intense, showing her need for our act of passion. "I can, and I will after I go to the bathroom." "I already went. You didn't wake up. I've been watching you. You are so handsome. I...

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The Reluctant SultanChapter 8 New People

Jan and I kept our ears tuned for any negative feedback about her promotion. We heard nothing. However, we did get some comments passed along by Lori. A couple of the older, veteran sales reps were grumbling about have to work for "some slave-driving, menopausal woman." Lori had tipped Jan and she in turn, came to me for advice. "Nip it in the bud, Jan. Talk to them, tell them what you heard, ask them to confirm it, then tell them what you expect from them. Above all, don't let them...

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Average JoeChapter 4 Dating and Meeting People

I showed up at Martha's house on New Year's Eve. There were quite a few people there. Lee (Martha's husband) came over and handed me a beer. I thought about telling him I was only twenty but decided, to hell with it. I was going to have a good time. Most of the people at the New Years party were probably in their thirties on up. I recognized a few people from work and even a few regular customers that I have seen at the store. It seemed as though most people were couples but I also...

4 years ago
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People Watching People

Saturday On Saturday morning the neighborhood awoke shocked by the news of his detention.Mr. Albert Ryan had been arrested under a drug trafficking accusation. Hiswife, Angela, and his two daughters Alice (18) and Anna (15) were also undersuspect and, even they were not arrested, they have been put under their neighbor'ssurveillance, fulfilling the new law "people watching people". This law qualifiesa normal citizen to act as a procuration Officer and it confers the power ofJudge, prison warder...

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Cry Of The Rainbow People

Sergeant Don Bufford was on night patrol in the Bayou, thinking about the events of the day, when he saw a flash of light in the swamp. He drove towards it as fast as possible. When he got close, he left his car. He found a dirt path that lead into the marshland and he followed it.He made his way to what was evidently a crash site. Sergeant Bufford glimpsed at colored lights receding into the woods. He chased them briefly, but water and gators blocked him from advancing further. He went back to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Small People

The doorbell rang. I answered the door. We live in a peaceful suburban neighborhood where that’s what you do. So I did. A horde of small brown people rushed in and slammed the door behind them. Now, when I say ‘small’, I mean I don’t believe any of them could have measured five feet tall. When I say ‘people’, I mean they were plainly Hominid and clearly of two separate genders, since they were all naked. They had clearly trained, as a few of them covered the windows with their bows and a few...

3 years ago
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Beautiful People

By Jax_Teller It had been long week working among people who had the personality of limp cold spaghetti, and I was tired of the bullshit. I showered up after work and leathered up to go out for a motorcycle ride. Most of the time I rode it wasn’t to a location or task, but just to ride. It was cold enough out that I didn’t see another motorcycle out as most don’t ride below 50 degrees, and it was in the lower forties and completely dark as I hit the road. I rode my motorcycle with the...

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Me of all people

She jumped up and looked at me. “Nothing.” She replied. I looked at her and walked around my room looking over everything to see if anything was out of the ordinary. “Okay, seriously, what did you do?” I asked my sister after not finding anything wrong, but, something told me otherwise that she was hiding something. “Nothing at all, I was just looking to see if you had the PS3 again.” She said. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “In my hamper?” I asked her not so...

1 year ago
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The American River Bike Trail Two Horney People

The American River Bike Trail Those of you that have read my stories know that over the years, I love to take her parking mostly with a blindfold and her hands tied. When we lived in Northern California there were a number of places I would take her. The American River bike trail was only one. She never new where she had been, as I would almost never take the blindfold off until we were on our way home. To have a woman who not only wants to, but allows this sort of thing to be done to her...

3 years ago
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The American River Bike Trail Two Horney People

Introduction: I have done so many forms of this thing to my Girl, and these are only several of them I have done so many forms of this thing to my Girl, and these are only several of them The American River Bike Trail Those of you that have read my stories know that over the years, I love to take her parking mostly with a blindfold and her hands tied. When we lived in Northern California there were a number of places I would take her. The American River bike trail was only one. She never new...

2 years ago
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Finding Good People

"Well, of course, we're trying our hardest," the scientists stammers. You sigh heavily -- you know without a doubt that he and the other researchers genuinely are, so there's no sense in being mad at them. None of them can lie to you, or at least, none of them can lie to you yet. And even if they did finally succeed at their task, you've plenty of electronic safeguards in place to know when their work is complete, whether they're going to tell you or not. What was their task? Only the most...

Mind Control
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Introducing Incest Academy For Desiring People

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Incest means having a sexual relationship with close family members. My incest experience began with you younger sis Supriya. I was studying in college and she was in high school. When my parents go out of home for work, we used to be at home. We group up together. We were staying in same room. We were good friends as well. We used to tell each other everything. That time Suman was in 9th class. One day she told me that her classmate friend was severely...


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