The Sinners
- 4 years ago
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because Hope Honeybun drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley. Maggie’s secret has been revealed and Nash learns more about the mysterious Catherine Hausman.
Pretty Mimi Bronkovic is the most outgoing of the Bronkovic women as well as being the oldest, but at forty-five she’s only a year older that Ana and three years older than her other sister-in-law Yela. Hope and Maggie gave her a couple of years and Neven, the oldest of their generation, was five years older than his food-loving wife Mimi who only through binge dieting managed to keep her weight in check.
No-one in the valley had expected the eldest and somewhat conservative – in the traditional family sense of the word – son of Josip Bronkovic to marry a New Zealand woman without European lineage and they were right. Indeed, there was talk about the oldest of the Bronkovic brothers not marrying at all despite his two brothers already having taken the walk up the church aisle.
In despair in 1987 Neven parents insisted that their thirty-three year old son accept airline tickets from them to visit France in the off season to increase his knowledge and expertise in the art of wine-making and vineyard management. At the same time they arranged for their son, in the twilight of prime marrying age, to visit relatives in his parent’s original homeland. Josip and Natasa’s expectation was that their boy would return with a potentially hard-working bride of Dalmatian origin. But that was not to be.
Neven returned empty-handed but smitten, in love with a French woman, five years his junior. He never made it beyond France before his return home. Mimi’s haughty parents, who operated a three hundred year old family winery where Neven spent almost three months, were unmovable – they had no problem about their daughter having a fling with this powerfully built and single-minded New Zealander, but Mimi must marry a Frenchman, and that was that.
Initially Mimi accepted her parent’s wishes, and when Neven left shed few tears – she was used to a procession of lovers passing through her home or village and actually had no intention of marrying. But gradually she began to mope and realised that Neven was a lover without peer, the only lover whom she genuinely liked. In fact she now believed he was adorable.
One afternoon – seven months after Neven’s departure and definitely not pregnant – Mimi ostensibly left home to stay the weekend with an old school friend in England. The next day the now very focused Mimi was in London, boarding a flight to New Zealand.
She arrived at Te Henui village by cab from Henderson and on the street spoke in excellent English to a pretty blonde woman and asked for directions to the home of Neven Bronkovic.
Amazingly, the woman hugged her and said she must be Mimi.
“I’ve known Neven for much of my life,” enthused this friendly woman calling herself by the strange name of Hope Honeybun. “Neven has told me all about you – over and over again, actually. Are you here to marry him?”
Overwhelmed by the knowledge and friendliness of this woman, travel-weary Mimi could only nod.
“Look, you cannot stay in the home of your fiancée, you must come with me and stay as the house guest of my father and myself for as long as you wish.”
Realising this was not an offer to be refused, Mimi accepted, therein establishing a close and lasting friendship with this very sophisticated woman called Hope Honeybun.
The wedding was held a month later, The only people from France attending were Mimi’s cousin, Brigitte Moreau and husband Chaney. Mimi’s own family had excommunicated her. Her bridesmaid was the unmarried sister of Drago’s wife Ana while Hope took the role of bride’s mother including totally organising the event in consultation with Mimi and the groom’s mother Natasa. Cedric Honeybun, as stand-in father, gave her away and flower girl for the twenty-four year old bride was Maggie Tait’s beautiful thirty month old daughter, Alayna.
Before too long, the relationship between the Mimi and Hope cooled somewhat through Mimi having entered into a relationship with Hope’s father.
Mimi had difficulty accepting that she’d allowed such a relationship to occur and it continued sporadically. She drew away from Hope a little, fearful that Hope would find out and Mimi was aware she’d be unable to justify her behaviour.
However, from the time of Cedric’s death the relationship between the two women soon flourished as never before. Occasionally Mimi wondered that perhaps Hope knew about her adulterous relationship, but by then the maturing woman was aware that Hope herself was no lily-white: although lacking evidence she was convinced that Neven and Hope’s youthful romantic entanglement was continuing. She’d detected Hope’s favourite French perfume on Neven several times. An understandable kiss, perhaps? No, not in places on Neven where she’d thought she could detect it! Mimi was not devastated, however, as the French understand such things. Life goes on, at least unless the ultimate showdown occurs.
Seventeen years later, with Neven’s and Mimi’s two children approaching adulthood, a thin-faced and slightly tentative young man arrived at the Te Henui Winery which was producing mainly for the cellar-door and the supermarket/local wineshop trade, with its premium wines selling via agencies into niche markets stretching from Dubai to Tokyo. In good years, up to twenty-five percent of its output wass exported. Sales via the internet are also increasing, thanks to a web site, professionally designed and maintained by the son of one of Hope’s ‘gentlemen friends’.
“Good morning,” greeted Mimi, addressing the cellar door’s first call-in customer of the day. “Would you care to taste a small range of our product – currently we’re offering tastings of our cabernet-merlot-franc blend, an off-dry reisling, a robust chardonnay and an upmarket merlot?”
“Not just now, thank you. What I’d rather much like is a strong cup of black coffee and perhaps two chocolate biscuits?”
The audacity of the man, Mimi thought with a shrug, finding she was captivated by the man’s gentle smile and his radiance. His radiance? She was not sure what she meant by that so hurried off to pour a mug of instant coffee and opened a pack of biscuits normally reserved for VIP visitors.
“You are around from here, I believe,” Mini said, returning with the tray. “I’ve seen you in the village walking a dog, Mrs Honeybun’s dog I think?”
Automatically holding an arm across her chest to avoid the straining material of her dress revealing too much, she leaned forward and offers Nash a chocolate biscuit which was whipped off the plate with enthusiasm.
“Thanks,” he said. “I really didn’t expect these, I just had the urge to try you on.”
“Try me on?” Mimi gaped, a little startled. In her understanding of Kiwi idiom, that meant only one thing.
“Oh, sorry. You’re foreign, aren’t you?”
“Oui, I am French.”
“A lovely country and very interesting people from what I’ve seen on the big screen. What I was meaning is I had the urge to be cheeky. Dunno why – I guess you look kind of cute.”
“Me cute?” Mimi said, unable to avoid looking pleased and displaying a slight blush, since Cedric’s de
ath no casual male had murmured flirtatious remarks to her.
“Only young children are cute, no? You see me as a child?”
“Oh no, not a child,” he said, looking straight at her with almost a Cedric smile.
Mimi’s blush returned.
What an interesting young man. He was Hope’s man, Hope had told her a young man was staying in her house and he would be writing a family history for her.
“I’m Nash, Nash Carson. I am a guest at the home of Mrs Honeybun. I am doing some work for her.”
“How do you do,” Mimi said, shaking the offered hand. “I now know who you are as Hope has told me about you. I am Mimi Bronkovic.”
“How do you do. I now know who you are as Hope has told me about you,” Nash responded, to her astonishment mimicking her accent incredibly well.
Mimi giggled but recovered quickly, knowing that Neven was not far away in the office and Marko, Ana and Yela were also nearby, although on the noisy bottling line doing a run of two-year-old Te Henui Old Riverbank Carbenet/Merlot.
“You must not tease me like that,” she whispered, glancing towards the office.
The impudent man grinned.
“Are you able to show me around and explain the overall operation please Mimi, or am I required to make an appointment?”
The question unnerved Mimi slightly. The winery’s policy was no tours for members of the public, but this young man was not public – he was in the employment of Hope Honeybun, the winery’s largest shareholder.
Nash was quick to spot the change as the generous mouth of the pink-faced blue-eyed off-blonde puckered slightly. She slid her hands up and down her thighs a little nervously.
“Neven doesn’t welcome visitors?”
Mimi gasped. Just how much had Hope been telling this Nash? She pushed the plate with the remaining biscuit towards him and said, “Excuse me, I’ll ask my husband to show you through the winery.”
She came back, smiling.
“Come and meet my husband, he knows about you.”
The mass of Neven didn’t surprise Nash, as he’d seen a photo in Hope’s lounge of Neven and Hope holding an inter-club mixed pairs championship cup they’d won two years earlier. In that photo Neven appeared to be a full head taller than Hope and very much wider across the chest. He prepared to wince from a mangling grip crushing his fingers, but the handshake was nothing more than firm, and the smile genuinely welcoming.
“Nice to meet you Nash, anyone meeting Hope’s approval is welcome here. I’m rushing to get documentation for an export order completed, so you must excuse me. Mimi will show you around.”
They toured the winery, with Mimi explaining that on average around sixty percent of their output came from Te Henui grapes and the remainder is white grape juice, crushed and settled and then brought in mainly from the Gisborne Region, while they also bought some reds from sunnier Hawkes Bay which were chilled and trucked in overnight as grapes.
“In very good years, that occur every three to five years, we often can produce reserve label Sentinel Rock Chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon that are one hundred percent Te Henui sourced grapes,” she told Nash emphatically. “Neven will want you to note that.”
“Montgomery cab/sav?”
Mimi looked at him with delight.
“Oh, you know. That’s the premier product of this winery. That terrier I have seen you with in the village, he’s Montgomery the Fifth I think.”
Nash can’t think of anything to say, so nodded.
“Ah, I thought so when the connection between you and Hope was established within me.”
Nash grinned at the cuteness of the second language phraseology, but did not tease her.
“You know the origins of the name, perhaps?”
“No, I don’t Mimi. But I have wondered about it, meaning to ask.”
Nash looked at her deeply and she swallowed. This young man, he was much younger but a little like Cedric was, she thought. Mimi experienced a little flutter within her chest and stomach. How could that be? Although slightly diverted, she remembered to explain the origins of the name.
“Cedric – he was Hope’s father – was given a terrier pup by his neighbour. Cedric told me he could not decide upon a name so his neighbour, who’d fought in the Second World War suggested the name Montgomery after the odd-ball British warrior. The neighbour had served under General Montgomery, in North Africa I seem to remember, and was much admired by this neighbour who was giving Cedric the pup.”
“So, that explains it. Did you know Cedric intimately?”
“Intimately?” echoed Mimi, turning away quickly.
“Yes, did you know him well?”
“Oh, yes of course,” she returned to face him looking relieved. “Very well as he had lots to do with this family. In fact he gave me away at my wedding as my father was unable to come to New Zealand for my marriage.”
Mimi lead Nash through a doorway and said, “Here are my sisters-in-law. Nash Carson – this dark beauty nearest me is Yela, wife of Marko Bronkovic who’s down the far end of the bottling line, and over there is the vivacious Ana, wife of Neven’s other brother Drago.”
“Good morning, Mr Carson,” called the women in unison.
“You are the man living with Hope, we’ve heard about that,” Ana smiled.
“I’m living in her house, that’s all.” All three women titter at his seriousness. They heard a sharp whistle, and Marko called, “Quality control!” Yela and Ana immediately returned to checking the bottles emerging from the labelling machine.
Nash was introduced to Marko who wass very busy. They moved on.
“If you are still staying with Hope in the autumn you must return as our first lot of grapes will be arriving – usually the first Te Henui Valley harvest comes off Hope’s C-block and it will be so this season because the brothers inspected the crop yesterday and Drago has set the harvesting date with the contractors.”
“Machine harvesting, I guess.”
“Yes,” Mimi, said obviously pleased to learn that Nash was not totally ignorant about the process. “Of course, with the exception of our reserve wines, which are hand-picked and get tender loving care all the way through. In wine-making, all sorts of processes and techniques are employed,” she said, beginning a summary.
“Basically the grapes arrive in containers on trucks and are dumped into a sump near where you entered the winery. They are carried to the destemmer/crusher on a continuous conveyer. The grape berries are crushed and fall through the perforated cylinders and most of the stems eject through the end of the cylinder. Often Neven and Marko decide to place red grapes whole into tanks for a while to begin a different process, depending on a number of variables. You need to talk to Marko about that. The juice from white grapes is separated from the skins and seeds immediately after crushing, although even then occasionally the skins are not separated for twelve hours or so to increase colour extraction. A basket press separates the juice from the main solids and the juice is stored in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks where the remaining solids called lees settle on the bottom. After one or two days the clear juice is removed from the lees and filtered, and is ready for fermentation.”
She paused as asked, “Are you with me?” Nash, taking notes, nodded.
“The white wine is warmed and then inoculated with a selected yeast strain to enhance flavour and remains in its temperature controlled tanks for about three weeks. Except for our lowest-priced chardonnay label, our chardonnays are inoculated again for a malolactic fermentation which softens the wine for a better taste on the palate.”
She greeted an elderly man in a language other than English, not French thought Nash.
“For red wine, it is easier to ferment the skins, seeds and juice together, making separation in the press much more efficient. Of course colouring from the skins infuses red colouring into the juice. When fermentation is completed the red wine is pressed off to tanks or barrels for malolactic fermentaion to soften the wine. Then it is later run to oak for aging in the maturation cellar. I emphasise again that quality control is essential throughout the entire process as micro-organisms such as bacteria, moulds and yeast arrive on grape skins. Our wine makers must also encourage the development of desirable yeasts and finesse in control of temperature is vital.”
“You understand all this?” Mimi asked, taking a breather.
“Yes, it’s very complicated isn’t it?” Nash said as they passed rows of large stainless steel tanks. “I have a little knowledge, having made fruit wines with both success and also with disappointing results through excessive clouding, rampant yeast growth and development of unwanted odours.”
“Well, aren’t you an interesting young man? Here am I rattling on and you know all about it.”
“Er, no, Mimi. I’m a little boy lost in a winemaking venture on this scale.”
“That’s very honest of your to say that, Nash. But little boy, I think not.”
“Now, here we come to my favourite place of the whole operation. I call it the nursery, so walk quietly because our maturing wines are half asleep.”
She giggled, catching the surprised look on Nash’s face.
“I am joking,” she said, but out of habit I do walk into here quietly.”
The walls of the huge maturation cellar were lined with wine in casks of different sizes and a double width of stacked casks also ran through the centre of the cellar..
“What’s in these casks,” Nash whispered, pointing.
Mimi giggled but whispered in reply.
“These French oak barriques marked CH are chardonnay and further down you’ll see more marked RCH.”
“Reserve chardonnay,” Nash offered.
“Oooh, very good, and on our right are our reds. Right beside you is…”
Mimi tripped on a thick hose and lost her footing. She twisted and fell with a thump on to the concrete floor. Nash attempted to catch her but was only partly successful in reducing the impact of her fall. He pulled Mimi to her feet, and she leaned against him, catching her breath. She felt so soft and warm that Nash decided he’d better let go of her.
He stepped back a little, hands now on her shoulders and asked if she was all right.
“My right cheek, I’m going to have a big bruise,” she groaned.
Nash reached down,rubbing below her hip.
“It’s all right, I’ll do that,” Mimi said, stepping back and rubbing her behind. She was now breathing heavily and looking very intensely at Nash in the dimly lit cellar.
“I think you need a drink,” Nash said, taking Mimi by her other hand. She made no attempt to resist. “Look where you walk,” he chuckled.
Nash asked what was the current output of the winery.
“Last season we hit 52,000 cases for the first time but as we are a little over-stocked with some reds, the brothers will not buy in much Hawkes Bay red grapes this season.”
As they left the dimly-lit cellar, Mimi slipped her hand from Nash’s light grasp.
Back in the tasting room she cleared away the coffee cup and empty plate, returning with a bottle of dry riesling and three glasses. “It’s still early morning, so this wine is best I think.”
Mimi went to the office to ask Neven to join them, but the office was empty. She looked out and noted his car has gone.
“Cheers,” she said to her new friend, smiling openly.
Nash raisesd his glass in salute and smiled back, a very friendly smile.
* * *
The regional centre had a catchment area of well over 100,000 people. Driving into the mall carpark Hope pointed to a stand-alone medical centre: “That’s the site of our former home and daddy’s veterinary clinic.”
They entered the busy mall and Nash was disappointed, saying he’d been expecting something more substantial than a buffet luncheon or coffee shop fare. Hope smiled and lead him to an up-market restaurant on the top floor. Nash looked more at the the age-spreading ass in the dark business suit just head of him instead of watching his footing but managed the stairs without incident, Hope was wearing very high heeled black shoes and a plain gold shirt. Nash thought ‘stunning’ but when when he had seen her dressed before they left had offered the usual “You look nice,”
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that Nash writes a little and seems to have a worldly attitude so she commissions him to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley. Nash hears with interest about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his women and reasons he must probe to find out about Hope’s sex life. It appears this is a Valley of Sinners. He has indulged himself in...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and with ease draws him from his ‘shell’. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
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I met her while I was searching. Searching the woods in hope of finding erotic trees. Trees with branches that reached in my directions. My directions being my sexual mind and the leafs being a similar genre as I. Trees the people with my kindred eroticism. I am a person without labels but I do prefer associating with like minded people. People who are open and not adverse to sexual escapades and have wisdom’s that I can and will morph into. Sort of a Renaissance of erotic tryst. My inner...
Well, I have to admit Melissa got me hot just looking at her. But that first time we only talked. She had graduated the year before and told me she worked part-time and was starting to make movies. I asked her if she was in anything I had seen, but she assured me I probably had not. I went home, and managed to catch Drew as he was about to leave. And fifteen minutes later I was going to my room, the pint hidden in my purse. But I soon started to see Melissa a lot, and she was cool. She...
I spent most of the next week in a fog, alternating between tripping, masturbating, and crying. But I was down to less than I needed for rent and knew it was time to return to work again. So I headed to see my agent and see what he could score for me. And the first thing he did when he saw me come in was “Holly, thank god you’re here! I was going to call you. Holy shit!” I bit my lower lip and gave him my best smile, pushing my titties out at his face. “Well crap, never mind. What the fuck...
Things were finally looking up, for the first time in ages. Rocco was happy with the new scripts I was turning out, and sometimes we would sit around his living room with Sherri and a few others and hash out ideas. It was Marcus, one of Rocco’s common male stars that asked exactly what my position was. “I mean, is she your Director? Assistant Director? Your Associate Producer? Your Script Girl? Sorry, Holly, I’m kinda trying to figure out where you exactly fit into this.” “Oh that’s simple,...
Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over. A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed...
The next week, Pavel called me into his office. “OK, they arrest Nancy last night. I have locksmith there now changing locks, she also fired. Linda, that office is yours now. Tonight you get keys from me before you go, I also have passwords and alarm code waiting for you. Tomorrow morning, you open at 9 and be there until 5:30. You take hour for lunch, you get paid for half hour though. That fair?” I went and hugged Pavel, and told him it was more than fair. “You know, I miss you already. If...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 23:00[/center] He’s gay. That’s what that means. Gotta be. And yet, strangely, this made me utterly elated. Awesome. I then felt a presence behind me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I whirled around only to meet this infamous “Derek” glaring at me from only a couple feet away. I locked. The hell does he want? Jack instinctively took command of the situation. “Derek, what’s shakin’? How was your evening?” he inquired joyfully. Derek was silent...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...
Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...
Porn Comics SitesBondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...
Fetish Porn SitesThat night he retired to his room a little earlier than usual. There was much on his mind that needed to be processed. He lay in bed for a while, just thinking about her. Reliving the sweet and splendid hours they had spent together. In his mind he went over what he was going to say to her the next day. He knew they were too young to be making plans but in a few years’ time he would be going off to university. He would study hard and establish a reputation. After he had made something of...
That night he retired to his room a little earlier than usual. There was much on his mind that needed to be processed. He lay in bed for a while, just thinking about her. Reliving the sweet and splendid hours they had spent together. In his mind he went over what he was going to say to her the next day. He knew they were too young to be making plans but in a few years’ time he would be going off to university. He would study hard and establish a reputation. After he had made something of...
MasturbationI first met Cindy when my Uncle sent me out to collect her corpse. I was surprised--having been a coroner in the city before my own brush with death, I expected in such circumstances an autopsy would be done--but according to Uncle, when your only living relative is the Governor, and he's not too keen to have your autopsy discover illicit drugs as a cause of death, autopsies generally get ignored. The manor that Cindy had called home was empty save for the servants. Over a hundred rooms had...
This is originally my first time posting something for you guys, I accidentally posted this in forums and not, your know, stories. I do have personal stories, though, I dont think you are Ready for them. Please, good Comments, I tried really hard on it, though Tips would be nice if you think something is wrong.If you saw the story before ((Trip to the Market)) Youll see I accidentally posted it twice, please ignore. If you do think its a bit long, oh well, I want to impress you guys so.. Enjoy....
[Chapter 1] Most of the boys at my school either already have a girlfriend (or boyfriend), aren’t that attractive, or are extremely shy around other guys when they’re naked (as I’ve observed in the locker rooms before and after gym class.) I just wish I could find a good lover to spend the rest of my high school years with. And I found that lover in 17-year-old Kyle Thompson. My name is Jerry Lewis. I am 17 years old as well. And this is the story about how Kyle and I met, and became...
Having an affair with your boss is probably more common than people make out. You can only have sex with someone you’re in the same room with, after all, and you can easily be legitimately in that situation with someone you work with, so if there’s an attraction there, it can develop.That’s what happened with me and Mrs Turner, the owner of the seaside hotel I had been working at for the summer. I was 21 and she was more than twice that, and I hadn’t fancied her until she made the first move,...
MILFThat warm summer evening I had attended a party with my beloved hubby at some friend’s home. The party was getting a little bit boring after a couple hours, but alcohol had been flowing from early and I had taken my fair share.I was dressed very conservative; a short black flowing dress that was pretty modest. I was wearing seamed nylon hoses up my thighs and a pair of nice stiletto heels, which made my toned legs, look even longer and sexier….After dinner I went back to the private bathroom...
I lick my lips clear of Luc's cum but leave the other smears of his seed on my cheeks and chest. Will rubs some of the cream into me with a wicked smirk as I warm at his hands while the others continue to stroke their swollen manhoods. Luc tucks himself beneath my bum as he has me sit on his lap to deal the final round of cards after my husband lets me go. Each of the men have four scores from their dice and now roll again for their final, I watch Scott finalize his cumulative total while the...
Group SexFrank was the first to recover his wits. "Close the door, Shelly," he snapped. "We don't want the whole neighborhood to see us." "I'm sorry," the pretty redhead sighed as she shut the door. "I just lost my head when I saw what was happening." "How come you didn't knock, Shelly?" Joan said angrily. "And what are you doing here?" Vicky demanded. Shelly turned red as a beet, redder than her own hair. "Oh, shit, I don't know what to say. I know I'm being very rude. But I was...
We hit the road early the next morning. I was anxious to get to Memphis for my date night with my stepson. Bryan and I both realized, this would be a rare opportunity for us to act as lovers in public, not just a proper stepmother and stepson. We arrived at the hotel a little before four o'clock in the afternoon and checked into our room. "Okay, lover boy, what are your plans for tonight? Where do you want to take me? And what do you want me to wear for our date?" "There is a steakhouse...
TabooI could have panicked. An underage girl I barely knew and had accepted responsibility for had just left for parts unknown and I had only one clue where she might have gone. Her mother lay unconscious in my guestroom, beaten senseless by my lover. The unconscious mother would have to be tended by the daughter of the woman who had just brutalized her. What, me worry? After checking on Nicole, I went up to Janey's room. She was already getting dressed, her eyes still puffy and swollen from...
Hi, mera nam zareen hai. Age 22. Gore rang or gathile badan ka aisa combination hu ki koi bhi ldka dekhke kabu na kr ske khud ko. Meri figure 36 30 36 hai. Meri pehli story parhkar ldko k lund khade or ladkiyo ki chut gili ho gai thi Meri pehli story “bhai ne bujhai pyas” ko itna acha response mila uske liye thanx or aap logo ne usey pasand kia uske liye bhi thanx. Agr kisi ko koi bhi help chahiye ho ya kuch discuss krna ho specially agr girls ko koi bat discuss krni ho to be jhijhak mujhe...
Caroline was shocked at how easy it was. She simply thought of Chip and POOF! there she was, hovering over his head as he sat at lunch, in school. Tiffany Green was with him. That wasn’t surprising. The cheerleader fawned on him, holding his bicep possessively, whenever they stood together, or leaning to touch her shoulder to his, like she was doing now. Two of his equally oppressive friends sat across from him. Tom Jorgenson wadded up a napkin and threw it at someone sitting at the next...
My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did. Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...
I woke up with a pounding headache. I hadn't been drinking, really drinking, in quite a while, and I could feel the unpleasant fur in my mouth. I wanted to turn out the sunlight that streamed in through the small window of my bedroom. I rolled to the side, and my hands naturally slid around Jess. Wait, Jess had left. What the hell? I groggily shook my head, clearing it of the early morning fog. I looked at the woman in my arms, and realized that it was Trish. She and I ... We hadn't... I...
When hot blonde MILF London River is in the PervCity house, you know that things are about to get rough and raunchy. She looks like a Hollywood starlet as she teasingly strips by the pool, but proves beyond a doubt that she’s a porn valley nympho when she demands an aggressive DP threesome. John Strong and Ramon Nomar have no problem with that, and spank, slap, and choke her to a squirting orgasm, before hammering her shaved pussy, big ass, and deep throat with their big dicks. But face-fucking...
xmoviesforyou1: The heart wants what the heart desires.His penis was the first proper penis I ever saw.We stood opposite each other at the bottom of the bed as I watched him slowly remove the last item of his clothing and nervously stand before me as he clasped his hands self-consciously in front of his unfurling manhood. He stared at the floor for what seemed an age then, breathing deeply, he slowly let his hands fall away to reveal his sex to me.My heart was racing and the flushing waves of desire and...
First TimeI inserted two fingers into her pussy up to the root, after a moment when they were quite slippery, I took them out and without any warning slid them both into her hot anus. She just pushed harder so that they went all the way in. She lifted herself up, turned around and climbed on top of me in a 69 position and began sucking my cock. After a while it was all slimy and I took a moment to lick her pussy. After a while she got off me, stood on all fours and bucked hard. Without waiting for any...
AnalFootball practices began three weeks before school started. Wendell's mornings would be taken up in preparation for the new season. His presence at the cabin wasn't missed all that much because all that was left was the final details on finishing the interior. The cabin was now a beautifully constructed and fully functional small home. Ethan still hadn't given Sarah an answer on the investment offer and she didn't push him for one. When she did get an answer, she knew it would be very...
this is a story about me and my ex-girlfriend 22 and 21 years old, we still get along really great. and she has the most amazing body i'v ever seen.two months ago me and my ex broke up two days before she went to study abroad for a month.we talked every day so we still get along really well. when she came back we argued because she founf out i made an account on tinder..i'm not really the type to be single + my libido is off the charts.we decided to talk after her late work shift. she arrived...