Valley of the Centaurs
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
The next few hours were hell. I was taken to the jail in Van Nuys, strip-searched, had a bull dyke female deputy perform a cavity search, then put into a cell with five other women. And the craving was getting worse. I realized I did not have the number for anybody I could even call, so sat there for two hours until one of the deputies walked by, and I asked her if somebody could get a phone number from my wallet.
She asked who it was for, and I said a friend. He should know what happened so he could see about making arrangements for me. She took my inmate number from the wristband, then said all calls were recorded, so that is what it had better be or I might get more charges.
It was almost a day later when I was finally handed a piece of paper with Rocco’s number on it. Thankfully he accepted the collect call, and I gave him an outline of what had happened. He sighed and called me a dumb cunt. And I cried, agreeing with him and saying I had been an idiot, but I had no idea what do to, I had no way to pay my rent in here and I would lose everything.
He sighed. “It’s OK Holly, you still got money coming in from the videos. I’ll cover your rent until you get out, or the money is all gone. But it’s not a gift, it’s coming out of your share.” I thanked him and asked him what would likely happen next.
“Well, likely the same thing that happened to your girlfriend, Sherri. This is your first time, right?” I told him it was. “OK, simple possession. Likely a trial in about a week or so, the DA will offer you a few years, or two years probation and treatment at an inpatient facility for three months. With luck, after that, you are home and can go back to work.”
Well, the next day we were put on a bus and driven to downtown LA to the central county jail. I was pulled aside, and given a set of clothes like those that work in a hospital wear, with a big “L” on the front. And when I was taken to a cellblock, the other three gals all had similar letters. “I guess this is for Lesbian?” I asked.
“Well girlie, it sure as hell don’t stand for Laverne!” the big dyke said, and laughed. It was soon obvious that Chris ran our cell. She was big, fat, and strong. And each night after lights out she would take at least one of us. And that night was the first time in my life I was raped.
She was not gentle, she was rough and brutal, not even spitting on her two fingers before she shoved them inside of me dry. And just as my body was starting to produce lubrication she yanked them out, pushed her pants and panties past her hips, and mashed my face into her cunt. It was in no way enjoyable, and after she finally got off she slapped my ass and told me to hop back into my bunk before we got caught.
The next night it was Jilly’s turn. Jilly was as small as I was, skin as dark as night, and could barely talk above a whisper it seemed. She insisted she was not a lesbian, and that her being in with us was a mistake. She was in for driving on a suspended license, and her protests of not being a lesbian did not save her from Chris. In fact, she took Jilly every other night the four days I was in the cell with them. Thankfully, I was finally bought to the courthouse, where I met my Public Defender. And just as Rocco told me, he made the offer and I said I would take it. The trial was only about five minutes. The judge read the charges, my defender pleaded guilty, the DA confirmed the agreement, and I was sentenced to three years in jail, changed to parole upon completion of a 90 day program. I spent another week in jail though, thankfully in another cell with no Chris. I called Rocco, and told him what happened. He sighed and said that was expected.
“Well, I’m lucky in that Sherri’s back out. She asked if she could go back to the apartment, I told her I had to check with you first.”
“Of course she can! Tell her I love her, and will see her as soon as I can. Thank you Rocco, I owe you when I get out of here.”
Well, the rehab sucked as much as I expected. But at least there was no Chris there. We slept four to a room, but it was a room and not a cell. We were not locked in, but we were out in the Mojave Desert with nothing else for miles around. We were even told we could walk around the grounds. But it was getting towards summer, so too hot for that until the sun had gone down.
Classes in the morning, meetings in the afternoon, classes at night. I was actually proud when after a month I got a poker chip that said “30 days” on it. And everybody congratulated me, saying I had made it over the hump. And indeed, I was no longer feeling like I was wanting to crawl out of my skin.
I still remember the end of the next month. A girl named Kelly had joined us, and I had worked with her before. We soon got to talking, and she had also been like me, from the B to C list of actresses that started on film, but were now relegated to the videotape market. She also did work on the side and was caught giving a blowjob to a john in a parking lot, with half an ounce of pot in her purse.
That night we went out to walk in the evening, that was common as it was so fucking hot in the daytime. And we ended up laying behind some brush near the fence as we kissed and fingered each other like crazy. This was so much better, and I savored the orgasm as it washed over me, finally replacing the revulsion of Chris. She bit my shoulder when she finally came on my fingers, and we carefully brushed each other off before we returned to the dorm.
This was the best part of my incarceration. It was not love, neither of us were thinking it was anything other than two friends fucking each other. To help forget some of the shit we were going through. Every four days or so we had to piss in a cup, and somehow some of the people there still managed to get something in. Because every week or so a deputy would come into a meeting and call one of us out, and they were never seen again.
It was a week from graduation when I was relaxing in the lounge watching the TV when I was told I had a visitor. This surprised me as this was the first time I had one. I was brought out in a room was told the rules. I could hug my guest, but only for ten seconds or less. No kissing, we were to sit on opposite sides of a table, we could hold hands but we both had to show our hands front and back clearly both before and after. He showed me, and it reminds me of the dealers at the casino when I was in Vegas with Pete.
I was led out into the visiting room, and it was Sherri! I almost ran to her and hugged her tight, god it felt good to hold her! Then the lady at the deck coughed, and we separated. We both sat at a table, and after watching her do the same routine I was briefed I did the same. Then we held hands.
She told me she had gotten out of this same facility the month before and was still clean. I smiled and was losing myself in her eyes. I told her what had happened, and she shook her head. “Lin, that was stupid, what in the hell were you thinking?”
“Honestly, I have no idea now. It might have been the dope, but somehow I thought I could get him to take me back. Then his stepmom came in, and she was nasty. I’d known Dee for years, I used to babysit her son. And she was, vulgar and angry. Said if she caught me near her son again she would kill me. Pete is not her son though, and I love Georgie.”
Sherri shook her head. “You shouldn’t have gone there, Lin. And that is when you got caught?”
“Yeah, I got home and needed a rock. You know those guys that hang out at Langdon and Rayen? I just decided to walk down there, and they busted him and me as I was walking away. If they had waited another two minutes, or rushed in two minutes sooner I would have been safe. But they swooped in as I was tucking it in my pocket and walking back home.”
She squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back. She asked how things were before I got here, and I shuddered. I felt myself cry as I told her about Chris, and how brutal she was. She called over the matron, and politely asked if she could run her fingers through my hair. The gal smiled, then inspected her hand and fingernails and told her she had permission. And feeling her fingers running through my hair did feel a lot better. I finally stopped crying, and turned and thanked the matron.
“Miss Carol, we are not monsters, we just have to enforce the rules. I remember your friend, although I am sorry I have forgotten your name. You looked like you needed comforting, and what she asked was not unreasonable.” She left, then came back and handed me some Kleenex. I thanked her as she returned to her desk.
“Oh, and the apartment is fine. The power was off when I got there, but I did a job for Rocco and got it turned back on two days later. He has me working about once or twice a week now, and I did one as your cousin again, revisiting some of your past ‘boyfriends’. I said on the video I would help the guys, as you were out of town visiting sick family.”
We both giggled, and she told me one of them was the sound guy. “Wow, you told me and I saw the video, but I still could not believe it until I opened his pants and pulled it out! That was one of the longest cocks I had ever seen, and so thin! But hell he came hard, I could actually hear it as it came out. And I was kneeling three feet in front of him and he still plastered my face!” She giggled, and I did also.
“Yeah, I call him ‘pencil dick’, and he hit a wall like five feet away. Thankfully I was standing behind him when he popped.”
“So, anybody else other than Chris?” she softly asked. I told her about Kelly, but assured she was just an old friend I had worked with on occasion. And we were only helping each other through this shit, it was nothing other than that.
“It’s not like she’s my girlfriend or anything, we just cuddle and touch each other. It helps make this place a little more bearable. But that stops now if you want. You are the one I want, Sherri. You, not her.”
That smile lit up her face, and she shook her head. “No, go ahead, so long as you come back to me when you get out of her. I was lucky, my time in County was with a gal who was not a Chris. She would cuddle me and call me her baby as she squeezed my boobies. But she never did nothing else. I had nobody here like that, so you are lucky you do. It’s not like I’m not going to be just sitting at home waiting for you to get back to me.” We both smiled at each other, and the matron softly called out “Five minutes”.
We said that we loved each other, and she would be up here to pick me up when I was discharged. We then stood and hugged each other again, and then with a wave she left. As I was leaving, I went to the matron and thanked her. She smiled and said it was alright.
That night I almost dragged Kelly into the bushes, and fingered her like crazy, kissing her as I imagined it was my Sherri in my arms again. And she had three fingers deep in my hole, making me almost want to scream it felt so good. Kelly was almost wiped out by the time we finished, I could not get enough that night, and every time she tried to leave I shoved my fingers back into her and went back to plunging them in and out all over again.
I went straight to the shower, because I was wet down my thighs, and as I got out I saw Kelly come in. And even though it was risky, I pushed her into the stall and whispered for her to turn on the water. I squatted down and had her spread her legs. And for the first time since my arrest three months earlier I was, at last, eating a pussy that I actually wanted to eat. She came on my face, and was about to return the favor when we heard footsteps and I quickly slipped back into my own shower, washing off my face. The guard said ten minutes to lights out, so I dried off and tossed my uniform in the laundry basket and got a fresh one from the bored clerk at the office.
I finally got my 90 day chip, and after a small ceremony I was checking out. When I walked out into the hot bright afternoon, Sherri was in the parking lot waiting for me. We hugged and kissed for what seemed like forever, and she smiled when I asked her to drive us home. She laughed when I said I had no idea where we were. Soon we were driving through a mountain pass, and then I recognized those weird rocks Pete took me to once. Sherri said that she had a shoot that night. And of course, once we got back to The Valley we went upstairs and made love until almost 6. Then showered and dressed we both went to Agura, at a nice house in the hills. Thankfully, Rocco said I could fluff.
This at least was story-driven, and I also got to play background in one of the scenes. And it was like a return to myself, having a cock in my mouth again after so long. One of the guys was pretty big, but I had to get him up so he could shove it in Sherri. And I loved it when as they changed camera angles he lost his hard, and I got to taste her on his dick as I got him back up again.
But hey, it was $250, and I needed it now. The next day I contacted my agent, and he said he still had no work for me. So I did a few shoots here and there from Rocco or people he knew. Sometimes fluffer, sometimes as video feature.
I even got a few dates from the agency, now that I was back in circulation again. One was even an actor that had been on one of those Disney channel shows a few years ago. He was still cute, and it was only with a little regret that I turned down his offer to smoke up between rounds. It smelled and looked like good shit, but I was trying to keep that shit behind me now. For Sherri, because she was still sober, and I was afraid if I went back I would lose her. But he tipped me well for the night and even kissed me before I left, saying he had a crush on me since he saw one of my videos when he was 16. But it stung a bit when he said he barely recognized me.
I went to see my agent the next day, and he once again said he had no work for me. “Dammit Jimmy! It’s been months now, you can’t get me anything?” He simply sighed, and told me to take a seat.
“Holly, I’m gonna be frank with you. Nobody wants you anymore. I warned you this would happen, the most I could do is fluffing or maybe background. Nobody wants you on film, because of those tits.”
I looked down, and back at his face and he nodded. “You looked great early on, and you were rising. They all loved your ‘teen next door’ look. And your first implant job, well that they could tolerate, even though it meant you were more college girl then high school looking. But what in the fuck were you thinking? You went straight to DD, and you look ridiculous. It’s obvious they’re fake as hell, you did that to yourself. Want my advice? Save your money, honey. Save your money, and as soon as you can get those things out. You’re going to need some reconstruction after, but I can promise when the scars heal I can probably get you back to work on real projects again.”
I sighed, and lowered my face into my hands, trying not to cry. “But I thought all guys liked them bigger.”
“Holly, it’s not bigger we like, Bigger can look good, but there is also too big. Yours do not look good, it looks like you shoved footballs in your top. Get that fixed, and I promise I will get you some work.” I nodded and thanked him for his honesty, and left.
Well, Rocco might be sleaze, but he is honest sleaze. I was still getting royalty checks from the Handjob Queen series, and he even got me a series of autograph sessions at different porn shops for $500 a day. I would show up with one of his crew and they would set up the booth, with a bunch of two sided color glossies, one side showing the front cover, and the back some scenes from the movie. And with a pen, I would sign those for $5, pose for a Polaroid picture for $10, or sign a copy of one of the videos for free if they bought it then and there. I got half of what was brought in, and while I made nothing for selling the videos, I knew I would see it in the end in royalties. And I mean it when I say Rocco is honest sleaze, his statements for my royalties were always completely accurate.
I was doing those once a week now, and all of that money was going into a new account I had made special. I called it the “Linda Reduction Fund”. Sherri and I did the math, and we figured we would need about $6,000 in it before I could get the surgery. That was to cover driving to Mexico, getting it done there because I could not afford what an American doctor would charge me, then the two months I would need to recover. The only thing I could do then would be signing autographs, and with a full t-shirt and not a bikini top as I usually did.
And I was also doing it for Sherri. When I told her my decision, she told me she was happy! That she did not enjoy how hard they were, and they did not look right. “I did not want to hurt your feelings love, but I see your old videos and you were so hot. You should go back to being you, Lin.”
Even Rocco seemed fine with this decision. He said he would keep me at autographs as I recovered, and we were thinking that October would be when I had the money saved, pretty much taking me out other than autographs and fluffing until January.
I was sitting with Sherri at the skate park, and we were waiting for it to get dark so we could film a “Skater Girl Returns” session. This was Sherri’s idea, and I loved it. She was now an increasingly common sight in videos, but only with guys. In this, I was to return to the park at night and they would film me remembering our time together. And they would alternate between clips of me sitting there smoking, and of Sherri and I together. Then she would come skating in and almost crash into me, and after sitting with me she would say I was the only girl she had let touch her, and she was afraid because she had liked it. And with a little pressure, I would finger her again right there in the skate park. And she even had her tan shorts on again.
“Hey Rocco, you know so long as I keep my shirt on, I can still work later this year. And what says I need to show my tits to stroke a cock or finger a clittie?”
“Hmm, good point Holly. Tell you what, when you think you’re ready, let me know. But we both know you will likely want to take at least a month off first.” I nodded, but at least I could keep working.
It was dark enough to shoot, and Rocco was trying out his new infrared camera for this shot. It made everything look kind of green and pale, but it would be something new he said. I lit up a smoke, the only vice I now had after getting clean other than drinking, and sat there having two smokes. Sitting on the ground as Rocco moved all around, capturing me trying to look meditative. He finished the shots, and I lit another. Sherri used the glow to skate right towards me, and she barely missed me as she fell on her bottom. “That really hurt but keep going,” she softly said, and I asked her if she was alright.
“Only my pride and bottom are hurt,” she said and giggled. And she sat down facing me, and we pretended to recognize each other again. And it was not acting when she said that I had been the first girl to ever touch her in that way, and she could not stop thinking about it. We had already left the script when she said she had always thought she would be repulsed if another girl touched her in that way, but she was ashamed to admit she had really liked it.
This was not the script Rocco had told us to do, she was recreating our first day. I moved my hand to her thigh and caressed her softly, and said I had really enjoyed it also. She had been so sexy and responsive, and I had loved pleasing her so much.
“Holly, I’m afraid. I want you to do it again. But I’m afraid that is I did, it would mean that I’m a lesbian. And I don’t think I want to be a lesbian. But whenever I masturbate now, all I can think about is your fingers, and how good they made me feel. I came so much and so hard that day, am I now a lesbian?”
I reached a hand up and ran it through her hair, brushing it out of her eyes as my other started to slide under the leg band of her shorts. “Well, that depends I guess. I know I’m not a lesbian. I’m actually bisexual. I love making everybody feel good, girls and guys alike. I love rubbing a nice, soft, wet pussy and making a girl feel so good she can’t help but cum on my fingers. But I also like feeling a nice hard cock in my hands, pulsing and growing harder right before it spits it’s cum everywhere. Tell me, Sherri, do you still like cocks?”
By now my hands had slid under her shorts and were rubbing her though her very wet panties. “Oh yes, I still love cock. I don’t know if I like pussy yet, but I do love your touch. Holly, will you touch me like that again? Please?”
This was supposed to be a repeat of our first encounter, but I did not want that. I turned around and laid next to her, whispering “Oh yes my sweet Sherri, but I want to feel more of you this time.” I unfastened her shorts, and slid my hand into the front of them, rubbing her panties from the front, and feeling her rock her pussy up to meet my fingers. I did this for several minutes, making sure the cameraman had some good shots of my fingers pushing out her shorts as I was rubbing her under them.
Then I slid my hand out and took a quick taste of them. “Hmm, nothing finer than Sherri’s cream on my fingers,” I softly said, and she covered her face and giggled. I tugged her shorts down to her thighs, then repeated this again, this time the camera getting the shot of her pretty dark blue panties, ones I had selected especially for this when I saw them the week before. They had these little white butterflies all over them, contrasting with the dark blue fabric. And we had already “tested” them once before, the butterflies made it obvious by their fluttering around as my hand moved under them that I was fluttering my fingers inside of her. And in the soft light, I could see this effect again, I just hoped that this was visible to the camera.
Then when I sensed it was time, I pulled her panties down. Sherri by now had turned her head towards me and was resting her head on my shoulder, whimpering into my neck and ear. Rocco at one point said he wanted Sherri to rest her head on my chest, and I just gave a dirty look in his direction. “Rocco, she’s too tall. I would have to move so far up that if she could rest her head on my chest, I would have to stop fingering her.” Sherri whimpered “Don’t stop”, and I kissed her forehead and slipped my fingers back inside. I whispers very gently I was not going to stop. And hearing her gasp and moan, and I started moving them in and out faster. Fast enough that the sounds of my fingers were clearly obvious, and I was dragging drops of her sweet liquids out of her to splatter onto her thighs, and the cement under us.
I did this for about a minute, then said “Now Rocco, if you wanted I can rest my head on her chest, my arm can still reach her easily. But realize, if I did that I might just get carried away.”
He paused for a few seconds before he responded. “Go ahead and make her cum first, then do it. Sherri baby, in the next minute or so start opening the buttons on your top, let us see your bra and belly.”
She moaned, but I whispered very softly for her to let me. I pulled my fingers out of her and she moaned, and I unfastened the bottom button. Sherri nibbled on my neck and ear, and I slowly unbuttoned all of the buttons on the flannel shirt she had on, then parted them. And my sweet Sherri then turned her head away and moaned at the sky as I caressed my way back down, and slid three of my fingers into her. I made sure to hit her clit each time they were fully in, and feeling her clenching them I knew it would not be long. She rarely lasted long when I had three fingers buried inside of her like this. And tonight was no exception, just a couple of minutes more and she was announcing her first orgasm of the night. Then her second, then her third washed over her body and her hand moved down and grasped my wrist. I smiled and looked into her eyes, and they looked in the soft light to be shining with both lust and love. By now her blouse was open all the way, and an almost matching dark blue bra was visible, contrasting well with her soft white skin. After she calmed down a bit, I bent to kiss her neck, softly whispering “Resist me for a minute, then agree.”
I commented on how lovely her breasts looked in the moonlight, making sure it was loud enough for the sound guy to pick up. I had moved my fingers to caress her pussy on the outside again. And I said I had felt her tight and amazingly juicy pussy twice now, and had yet to see her pretty tits. I then teased her, asking if her nipples were like hard rocks, and she shook her head no. “Your pussy is gushing, but your nipples are not hard? I don’t believe you, baby girl. Go ahead, show them to me, I want to see them. Sherri, I really want to see your pretty titties.” She finally nodded her head, and her fingers went to the clasp in the front. And I moaned, saying they were the prettiest titties I had ever seen in my life. I made a show of blowing on her nipples, and saw her arch her back in response as my fingers slid back inside.
Sherri moaned again, as my fingers started to slip in and out of her cunt again. After she gave out one of her sexiest moans, I asked her if I could kiss them. She shook her head no, then I asked her again about 20 seconds later, and she shook her head no again. I spent the next 30 seconds blowing on her closest nipple, then asked again.
“Holly, if you kissed them, that might make me into a lesbian. And I don’t want to leave here tonight as a lesbian.” Oh, my lover was such a good actress. She was so believable at our little improv, and I asked her if my kissing her nipples would make her not want cock again. She shook her head, and I told her my doing so would not make her a lesbian, but it would give her more pleasure.
I eased my fingers back inside, and she moaned deeply and pulled my head to her breast. I made sure to turn my head so the camera could catch me latching onto her nipple, covering her areola with my lips and sucking it in as one of Sherri’s arms wrapped around my head, and moaning even louder. I licked and sucked for almost two minutes, then pulled back and just gazed at her breast. “Oh Sherri, your nipple looks so sexy, all wet and shining like this. I’m going to kiss it again.” Then I did that, my fingers slipping faster in and out of her cunt, and her gasps, moans and groans growing in intensity and more often.
“Oh Holly, oh god, oh Holly, you’re going to make me cum again! You’re going to make me cum again, another girl is making me cum!” she moaned, and came on my fingers, her belly rising and falling as she was overtaken by a strong orgasm. Which to some watching the tape I knew might seem fake, but the way her cunt was clenching my fingers I knew was completely real. It was too much, and she fell back gasping for breath, and I slipped my fingers out and rubbed her sexy little V of fur and mound.
“I can’t believe I let you do that to me again,” she softly said. “I’ve never been with a girl before, and now meeting you twice you have done this to me twice. Maybe I am bisexual.”
“Well, there’s only one way to know for sure,” I softly whispered, moving my head up and looking down into her eyes.
“Really? What’s that Holly?” She softly whispered, sounding like she was a little girl. I did not answer her with words, kissing her lips instead. Her arms went around my neck and she clutched me as she kissed me back, But we could not get carried away, and after a minute I broke the kiss and softly whispered “curfew”.
Suddenly Sherri pushed me away, and said “Oh no, what time is it?” She looked at her watch, then started to scramble back into her clothes, fastening her bra and buttoning her shirt, getting it wrong so it was clearly obvious that she had skipped one buttonhole when she started. She had a look of panic on her face as she said “Sorry, I have to go, my mom’ll kill me if I don’t get home soon! Holly, will I see you again?”
I smiled, and once we were standing I said she would, one never knew where I might be, or when I might show up. She gave me another kiss and hurried away. And I saw the camera following, focused on her ass and likely the sheen of wetness between her thighs.
Rocco said that was a wrap, and a smiling Sherri trotted up and hugged me tight, giving me a kiss. Rocco was also smiling and said that was amazing. “Now I’m glad I let you two talk me into this. Both of you, that was fine acting, fine acting. I know you two have been lovers for over a year now, but if I didn’t know better I would have thought that really was your second encounter. And only your second time, Sherri.”
Sherri kissed his cheek, and said that I was the one coaching her. We were at his van now, and Rocco opened the back and handed out a beer to each of us. He then asked her how I was directing her, and Sherri said I would occasionally whisper something to her, and she would do it. “Like, she whispered to me to resist her for a few minutes the agree when she started to tease me about my breasts and wanting to see them. And it felt so right, I just went with it. Then her begging me for a kiss, it was the same. Then when she broke the kiss she softly whispered ‘curfew’, and I knew what to do next. I pretended to panic and rushed to get home. Even buttoning my shirt wrong.”
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that Nash writes a little and seems to have a worldly attitude so she commissions him to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley. Nash hears with interest about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his women and reasons he must probe to find out about Hope’s sex life. It appears this is a Valley of Sinners. He has indulged himself in...
I was born a mage like both of my parents. All my life I have had to listen to the warnings not to let the normals see or know about us. First it had been my uncle who was my master and teacher and then the mage school. Once I was out of school I was free and headed to jungles in the far east. Everyone knew where the valley was even if it was isolated and hidden. The local normals stayed away as far as they could. They knew entering the valley was death and most mages knew the same thing. I...
I have no idea how long it was until I was thinking clearly again. It was at least a month though, and I wanted to die as that crap worked its way out of my system. And I still have flashes of sitting on the ground crying, trying to attack the orderlies, and even once or twice trying to leave. But it was fragmented. Other memories are not so clear or nice. I remember pissing and shitting in the hallway because they would not let me have any crystal when I was at my worst, and the humiliation...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and with ease draws him from his ‘shell’. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
The following is a work of fiction, all locations, with some exceptions, and persons are fictional and do not represent any person living or dead. Yes there is a Shenandoah Valley and a Commonwealth of Virginia and a Massanutten Mountain, but nothing like this has ever been recorded at any time since 1607. Valley Girls By Juliette Lima The farm was just perfect as far as Jarod and Marta could see. A nice two-story frame with wrap around porch and gingerbread trim was sited on two...
Don's car glints in the sunlight as it proceeds along the high ridge road, appearing to be the only moving object amongst the downland sheep grazing on the late spring grass. Spread below, the Meon valley; it's patchwork of green pasture and crops, punctuated by an occasional homestead or farmhouse. Don's progression brings an ancient roadside tree into his view. It's mostly dead, yet still surviving, standing knarred and alone, close to the burial mounds of Old Winchester Hill. It...
The sun rises over the western mountains and bathes the cities and towns nestled in Silicon Valley with a pinkish light. It promises to be another hot day but every house is armed with central air and swimming pools. It’s the mid-90’s and everyone is rich as the dot com boom begins to swell and money flows freely from venture capital firms all over the Valley. In the sprawling suburbs of San Jose one can find many streets filled with cookie-cutter homes. Many homes have swimming pools out back...
My mom had just sold her house and I was helping her move into a very nice apartment. She decided she didn't need the house as I had left several years ago and my sister, Beth, had just settled down into her own place. Since the divorce it had been hard been make the large mortgage payments so it was time to move on.I was 26 and worked at Hermannhoff's as a waiter/bartender. As bars go it was a good place to work the boss was good to us and the tips were great. It was also a very terrific place...
Tiffany is shopping for groceries when she hears her name called out. ‘Tiffany!’ a man’s voice says. ‘Is that you?’ She turns around to see someone that looks vaguely familiar. ‘It is you. Don’t you remember me?’ She stares at him. He’s average height, has a receding hairline and looks out of shape. His clothes are rumpled like he’s slept in them. Then it slowly comes to her. ‘Rick?’ she asks as she moves her cart closer. ‘Yeah, it’s me!’ Rick, as in Rick Powers, gives Tiffany a hug as...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
SO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because Hope Honeybun drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a...
A week has gone by since Steph has moved to the Valley. If it wasn’t for the unexpected friendship of Tiffany and Darcy, she would have killed herself. Tiffany, especially, has made her transition a little easier. Steph begins to look forward to the shopping and work out excursions with her new friend. Darcy, on the other hand, is friendly, but seems distracted and is obsessed with having trysts with other men. The woman’s bold talk makes Steph a little uncomfortable at times. Life in the new...
I was on the last train back from the city centre after yet another crap girls' night out. Sophie and Zoe were happy enough. Sophie's boyfriend had met up with us, kissing her goodnight at the Central Station in a really soppy way. While Zoe wasn't even on the train back with us; she had been picked up by a gorgeous boy and stayed on to go clubbing with him, not caring how, or whether, she would get home.The last train was filled with the usual revolting collection of drunks, some...
It’s July 4th and Darcy is going to hold her annual BBQ. She looks forward to this all summer as a chance to be the center of attention and show off her nice house and pool area. She thinks that Mike even puffs up with some pride each year as he stands in front of the huge grill and tends to the Texas-style BBQ. This year is no exception and Darcy has dressed as provocative as she can get away with for a backyard party during the day. With neighbors. Her shorts are short, but they don’t show...
It’s quiet on Shannon Road during midday. Everyone who works is away and everyone else prepares for a hot afternoon. At number 1101, Adam and Stephanie settle into their new home. At 1105, Tiffany recovers from a mind-blowing orgasm and at 1097 Darcy eagerly awaits the pool guy. Darcy enters the backyard wearing the tiniest bikini imaginable. The top barely covers her large breasts and the bottom is stretched tight over her ass and mound. The sun is high and it’s hot. She needs to cool off a...
I joined Valley View Country Club as it was more affordable than the Galion Country Club. I was addicted to golf since my days as a caddy at Columbus Country Club.I not only got addicted to golf as a caddy, but developed a deep thirst to someday make the kind of money that would allow me to join a country club.As a youth, I was greatly impressed by the wealth and trappings that were on display at Columbus Country Club. Some of the obvious trophy wives were of the trappings that definitely...
SwingersTHE SETTING is Auckland, New Zealand, and the ‘Valley of Sinners’ is a mythical locality to the north-west of the city business district which actually is a grape growing region, the development of which is loosely based in this action-adventure-romance short novel though all the characters are entirely fictitious. Enjoy. * Disappointed yet again by another new century Hollywood ‘blockbuster’ that had failed to eclipse any of his Top 50 great films of the 20th Century, employment-sensitive...
SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...
How Green Was My Valley was the story of a war bride from Cardiff, in the UK, who came to America with a GI. It was in the form of a letter to her daughter. At the end the narrator says the daughter came along as a surprise, 18 1/2 years after her other children, and also says they're going to have to have "The Talk" soon. — My darling daughter, You asked me if you were a mistake. I'm writing this to collect my thoughts on the matter, but I can say unequivocally: you were not a...
Darcy, Tiffany and Steph drive back from their work out. Darcy is driving and talking up a storm. Tiffany interjects with an ‘uh-huh’ and a ‘right’, but nothing more. Steph is quiet in the back seat. It has been two days since Steph and Tiffany’s encounter and Steph is still reeling from the experience. Today is the first day she’s seen Tiffany since that afternoon and she can’t keep her eyes off her, but she has to try to not arouse suspicion in Darcy. Tiffany has made it clear they need to...
I met her while I was searching. Searching the woods in hope of finding erotic trees. Trees with branches that reached in my directions. My directions being my sexual mind and the leafs being a similar genre as I. Trees the people with my kindred eroticism. I am a person without labels but I do prefer associating with like minded people. People who are open and not adverse to sexual escapades and have wisdom’s that I can and will morph into. Sort of a Renaissance of erotic tryst. My inner...
Well, I have to admit Melissa got me hot just looking at her. But that first time we only talked. She had graduated the year before and told me she worked part-time and was starting to make movies. I asked her if she was in anything I had seen, but she assured me I probably had not. I went home, and managed to catch Drew as he was about to leave. And fifteen minutes later I was going to my room, the pint hidden in my purse. But I soon started to see Melissa a lot, and she was cool. She...
I spent most of the next week in a fog, alternating between tripping, masturbating, and crying. But I was down to less than I needed for rent and knew it was time to return to work again. So I headed to see my agent and see what he could score for me. And the first thing he did when he saw me come in was “Holly, thank god you’re here! I was going to call you. Holy shit!” I bit my lower lip and gave him my best smile, pushing my titties out at his face. “Well crap, never mind. What the fuck...
Things were finally looking up, for the first time in ages. Rocco was happy with the new scripts I was turning out, and sometimes we would sit around his living room with Sherri and a few others and hash out ideas. It was Marcus, one of Rocco’s common male stars that asked exactly what my position was. “I mean, is she your Director? Assistant Director? Your Associate Producer? Your Script Girl? Sorry, Holly, I’m kinda trying to figure out where you exactly fit into this.” “Oh that’s simple,...
Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over. A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed...
The next week, Pavel called me into his office. “OK, they arrest Nancy last night. I have locksmith there now changing locks, she also fired. Linda, that office is yours now. Tonight you get keys from me before you go, I also have passwords and alarm code waiting for you. Tomorrow morning, you open at 9 and be there until 5:30. You take hour for lunch, you get paid for half hour though. That fair?” I went and hugged Pavel, and told him it was more than fair. “You know, I miss you already. If...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 23:00[/center] He’s gay. That’s what that means. Gotta be. And yet, strangely, this made me utterly elated. Awesome. I then felt a presence behind me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I whirled around only to meet this infamous “Derek” glaring at me from only a couple feet away. I locked. The hell does he want? Jack instinctively took command of the situation. “Derek, what’s shakin’? How was your evening?” he inquired joyfully. Derek was silent...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...
Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 20:00[/center] It's raining, so I'm sitting in the dark, stark naked, bored out of my skull, surfing the web, casually chatting with random people. I never go out in the rain anymore, as much as I enjoy watching the drops pitter-patter against the windowpane. I think I stared out the window for a solid ten minutes before my phone jostled me out of my stupor. It was my girlfriend of the month. Always called her 'Tits'. Best rack I've had the pleasure of...
Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...
Porn Comics SitesBondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...
Fetish Porn SitesPetite Frida Sante looks tempting in lacy black lingerie. Darrel Deeps shoves his big black cock into Frida’s pussy while she devours Damien Soup’s dick in a blowjob. The guys fuck her at each end ‘spit roast style’ as she gasps for air. Frida savors the interracial pussy pounding and then spreads her legs for double penetration fulfillment. The guys simultaneously stuff their sausages into her rectum and cunt, plowing her as she begs for more. Damien manages to dip his...
xmoviesforyouWe packed our stuff after breakfast. There wasn't much for me to put in my bag since I already had my clothes folded after used and placed in the corner. My wound felt better. It seemed smaller now that the hook was off. It'd probably fade off in time unlike some of the more serious cuts I had.Trying to enjoy the last serine hours in this island, I headed to the terrace. There, I hopped on the hammock and admired the sight of the clean blue sea, felt the fresh morning breeze caress my face, and...
This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Corporate Trophy Wife By: Maryann Jon Peterson had life by the balls! He...
I was about 13 when I started fooling around sexually with my neighbor, Mick. Funny thing is that we are both totally not gay, we just had a very gay experience with each other. We are both happily married to our wives and he has a kid and we are still friends to this day. We don’t hang out but we say what’s up every now and then on Facebook. I remember we used to tell each other “this isn’t gay; we are just having orgasms with each other”. To us there was no romance involved…We were...
This last year was my wife's high school reunion. She had been to a couple before and the attendees numbers were getting smaller every year. There was the core group of people and most had gotten over the one upmanship but there was the group of bitches that still had that high school mentality. Laura was not one of the "in" crowd and always felt shunned by them. What made her feel good is most of these bitches had let themselves go. Laura decided last summer when talk of the next reunion came...
Mitchell was a nerd. No matter what he tried he was always the biggest nerd in school. Mitchell didn’t like to think he was a nerd but through his poor social skills, love for dr.who and hardly having any real friends, Mitchell knew he was a nerd. He couldn’t even seem to connect with a single other nerdy kid in the school. He was didn’t want to admit it but all the kids around him made fun of his poor attempts at being cool or popular. Mitchell, although being a nerd, was suffering from bad...
Lisa and Brit The small plane took off from the grass strip andleft Lisa and Brit standing there, wondering why Dr.Schmidt was not there to meet them. They shoulderedtheir back packs and started toward the road whichshould lead the village. They had no sooner reached theedge of the forest when they were surrounded bysoldiers carrying automatic rifles and dressed incamouflage uniforms. The soldiers took the back packs. An officer approached them. "May I see your passports, please?"He...
Part One: A Wild Night We first met Troy and Pattie at a ‘new neighbors’ party shortly after we moved here from New Orleans a year ago. We live close by (across the street and five houses down), and my husband, Bryan, and Troy hit it off right away. They both liked dirt bikes, cars and the same football team, and I could tell that Bryan was also a little in awe of Troy’s general confidence and unmistakable swagger. In a lot of ways, Troy, who was five or six years older, bigger, and a much...
We heard a door slam, and “Stuart-Sarah, come in here!” We were in the kitchen, helping Mom. We all came out to see Dad, with a very stern look on his face. “What the hell did you do to my office? It took me forever to find out ... that ... I just sold two homes worth over $900 thousand dollars! I eventually noticed the new file cabinets and found what I needed.” “Daddy,” Sari said. “We didn’t think you were going by the office on the way home, otherwise we would’ve left you a note,...
“I can’t believe this,” Jeryl said as we watched a live broadcast of the election results from the states. The estimated electoral counts had shifted one-way, then the other as polls and surveys were published leading up to today. While we had kept track of the campaigning, watching and waiting for the final outcome was still going to be an emotional roller coaster. “How many is that?” I asked as Massachusetts flashed from gray to blue, indicating a democratic victory. “Twelve electoral...
Hi im asim . Hi gayes app logg moghe jantee hi mere bohad se striyes is saide per mojohd hi bass mere 1st 6 striyes mi mera jo mobail no hi wi abe cahnge hogaya hi gayes ,. Abe mera nwe no ( 03232715085 ) my nwe no . Gayes jisa ki app logg jante hi i m 23 m karachi i m mahjir urdu speek boy . Me jis ofice mi job karta ho waha zeyada ter pahtan panjabi mard hi are us office mi boos 1 pahtan hi gayes pahli wali apni stroyes mi apko bata coka ho ki mere boos are saree ofice ki pandooo are pahtan...
We moved to New Zealand last year and have not seen our friends Helen and Pablo since we left they moved to Spain soon after we left and we were looking forward to a visit. We are good friends back in England. Helen has been Joanne’s best friend for years and both Joanne and Helen met Pablo and I within a few months, Joanne was talking to Helen on the phone just before we had sex the first time and as we all know women tell each other everything and I know Helen had a stroke by stroke account...
EroticThe beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping tripod used for public whippings in this arab country.The tripod was placed on a 3 meter high platform so that the crowd could view the whipping.Her legs were spread wide apart and she hung slightly inclined so that her tits hung freely .It was midday so the sun was at its peak. Christine Jones was the name of the blonde before she was captured by this band of nomads in theyear 1876. Now she was the property of Shiek Omar who she had insulted by...
Hi, myself Mr.A. I am 6 feet tall with an average sized tool. This is a real-life story which happened in my life recently. I recently joined a firm in Hyderabad as a software engineer and there were other people who joined recently with me. So one of the persons was Lekha. She was short, having 35-28-34 body measurements, and brown and dusky skin color. My work desk and hers were side by side. One day, she came in a sleeveless top which was showing her armpits and side boobs. She was working...
Finally we got our break – her fight was late, meaning that she missed the group transportation to the hotel. Since I was one of the meeting planners I said that I would take our team meeting car back to pick her up instead of having her use public transportation. It was about a 40 minute drive on a hot September afternoon. She had been running through the airport working up a sweat. We usually travel casual then change to meeting clothes when we arrive at the meeting site which means she...
Since it was cold enough to be blowing snow outside, this time Kutzley couldn't leave the fire hall doors open, although the trucks were outside, gathering snow. The building was even more packed than it had been for the meeting in July, when the special assessment district had first been brought up. For the hundredth time, Kutzley wondered who the hell had told Mike McMahon about the retention pond, and in deer season, too. That wasn't good; half the cars in the back would have...
Hell Hath No Fury Part 1 – The SeductionI had a good job in industry, earning very good money, and used my wealth and position to seduce attractive young women. To me it was a sport. But underneath my smooth exterior, I had always been secretly attracted to dominant women, and particularly dominant cigar smoking women. I had gone out with Carol for a few months, but had become, as was usual, a bit bored with her. She was a very attractive girl when we first met, at the age of 24. She was very...
One day she was talking to her friend Joan about her problem. Joan said that a friend had told her about an opening that would pay very well and not require any degree or special skills but that it was not a job most women would want. Beth asked Joan what the job was. Joan said that she did not know the details but had heard that in involved working for some real pricks and you need to be young and attractive to apply. She gave Beth a piece of paper with a phone number and the name Mr....
It started out innocently enough, if you can call cheating on your husband innocent, but I'd have to say it was - at least compared with what happened later. What happened was no one's fault except mine. After all, I was the grown-up. I could lay the blame on my husband for ignoring me, but the bottom line is that I could have, at any point along the way, kept it from happening. Could I have stopped it? Yes. Should I have stopped it? Most definitely. Did I want to stop it? Even now, knowing...
Quickly knotting a towel around my torso, I hurriedly ran, annoyed that someone's calling before I got the chance to dry myself off. The phone rang shrilly and incessantly in theliving room, making me hurry up even more. Once in the living room, only clad in a bath towel that concealed little, I'm thankful that I'm home alone. Gripping the hastily-tied knot in front of my chest, I regret the fact that I didn’t wear a bathrobe instead, seeing as how the towel barely touched my thighs, and it...
TabooJessica Rex was going to get her workout on, but when Bambino joins her in the gym Jessica finds that she’s way more interested in getting it on with her fuck buddy. She feels up his hardon, then pulls out her tits to caress them for both of their pleasure. Whipping out Bambino’s stiffie, she licks the shaft and sucks the tip before pressing her medium boobs together for a titty fuck. When Jessica hops onto the workout equipment, Bambino dips his head between her thighs to wet her...
xmoviesforyouI got off work at four thirty on Tuesday and went straight to my polling place. There weren't any big lines like the media had been leading us to expect. I was in and out in about ten minutes. The bet I'd made with Evelyn had been constantly on my mind all day. I'd even gotten up early so I could spend some time on the internet, checking to see if any of the latest polls showed McCain pulling even with Obama. No joy there. If anything, it looked like Obama was widening the gap. Having had...
I've seen the way you stand at the café waiting for your chia late, and my arms ache to encircle your tight, slim waist. "i like lit erotica" she said in a conversational tone, "really..." i replyed trying to hide the excitment i suddenly had for this turn towards the sexual. Just thinking about her full figured beautiful body in a state of arousal was a massive turn on for me. i controlled my thoughts however, no point jumping right on this, we were just discussing what we might be able to do...
LoveWhile eating breakfast I couldn't seem to take my eyes off my mother and I was amazed at my good fortune in having a relationship with such a sexy lady. Finally my constant staring and smiling got to Mom and she couldn't resists asking me what it was that was so intriguing and amusing. "The fact that you are so beautiful and lovely makes it hard to look at anything else and then, when I think about your being mine, I can't possibly do anything else but smile in pure joy." Mom seemed to...
Anita woke and saw it was 9.00pm by her watch, she knew Karen and Joe would not be home until much later from the party so took the opportunity to shower and wash her hair. Stepping from the shower she wrapped her body in a towel and went back to the bedroom and opened the locked wardrobe and looked at all her fetish clothes and dressing up clothes and smiled. After John had passed she had wanted to sell it all but too many memories were there and she kept it and tried it on when Karen was out...
In the lot of a McDonalds, two tired men sat in a vehicle. The SAC and his assistant were just finishing their breakfast/lunch, since neither had eaten in a while. "You get anything to eat last night?" Whatley, the SAC asked his second in command. "Yeah, some uniform brought me a hamburger and a coke about two this morning. Just shoved it in my hands and left." "About the same for me." There was a long pause. "Shit this is a mess. And the news media..." Grigsby, the ASAC didn't...