Valley Wives Ch. 05 free porn video

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Darcy, Tiffany and Steph drive back from their work out. Darcy is driving and talking up a storm. Tiffany interjects with an ‘uh-huh’ and a ‘right’, but nothing more. Steph is quiet in the back seat. It has been two days since Steph and Tiffany’s encounter and Steph is still reeling from the experience. Today is the first day she’s seen Tiffany since that afternoon and she can’t keep her eyes off her, but she has to try to not arouse suspicion in Darcy. Tiffany has made it clear they need to keep it secret.

Steph wrestles with her feelings while they wind through the streets. After leaving Tiffany’s, her body was alive and tingling and she wanted nothing more to make love to that woman for the rest of the day and night. At last her fantasies were coming true. At least the first part, anyway. The second part would be much harder.

Even Adam didn’t get to her that first night. She ignored his remarks and blissfully went about the business of cooking dinner and cleaning up. Later, in bed, she masturbated like crazy as he snored in front of the TV in the other room.

But the next day the shame began to creep into her head. Although she never had any intention of doing it with Tiffany that day, the thought had entered her mind at one point. It had lain dormant pretty much up to the point where the porn secret came out. Then the light bulb popped on. She knew from watching those movies that women often did it with other women. Why not do it with someone who’s had experience?

The shame was there because she had previously gained all of Tiffany’s sympathy with the story of her pathetic experiences at the hand of Adam. She never thought her unburdening would lead to that, but she felt shameful all the same. Being around Adam all those years made her think like that.

The ride home is torture. Darcy is talking as if nothing else was going on in the world except what her kids are up to or what she bought last week. Steph can’t wait to get back to Shannon Road because Tiffany has whispered for her to come over.

At last the van pulls into Tiffany’s driveway and both women climb out, very relieved. Darcy waves good-bye and turns towards home. Steph follows Tiffany inside and once the door is shut they both let out a sigh of relief.

‘What is her problem today?’ laughs Tiffany.

‘No idea. Sounds like she needs another conquest or something!’ Steph says, dropping her bag on the floor.

At the slightest mention of sex, both women become serious and look at each other.

‘So how are you doing?’ Tiffany asks as they stand there.

‘Ok, I guess. Still getting used to the idea…’

‘We don’t have to do anything else,’ Tiffany says.

‘No I want to. In fact I can’t wait,’ breathes Steph.


Darcy changes into her bikini and heads out to the pool. The girls have finally started summer camp and the days are hers again until the school year begins. She is horny as hell and can’t wait until the pool guy gets there. By the time Josh arrives, her hand is between her legs idly playing with her pussy.

‘Whoa,’ he says in a mock-Keanu Reeves voice. ‘That is totally hot.’

Darcy’s eyes snap open. Josh is standing a few feet away in a loose pair of shorts and nothing else. The telltale bulge is tenting the front already. She loves these young guys. She lays there smiling at him.

‘Feeling lucky today?’ she asks.

‘Um sure, Mrs., I mean Darcy,’ he says. In one quick motion his shorts are discarded and his cock is standing at attention.

Darcy reaches up and strokes it. ‘Now where would you like it first?’

‘Well, ah, if you don’t mind…I’d really like to tit-fuck you,’ he says grinning.

‘Oh my! He’s got some imagination! Well, you can certain do that, but I think we need to lubricate that shaft first.’

She sits up and takes his big cock in her mouth and coats it with her saliva. Josh groans and holds her head in his big hands. But she only sucks it long enough to get it fully stiff and lubed up. She lays back and undoes her top and her breasts spill out into view. Josh notices she doesn’t have any tan lines.

‘Ok honey, now why don’t you slide your tool right in here.’ She pushes her big tits together to make a nice fleshy tunnel for Josh. He straddles her easily by planting a foot on each side of her chair. Then he pushes his cock between her breasts and sighs at the sensation.

‘Have you ever done this before?’ Darcy asks.

‘No, but I’ve seen it in a movie,’ he grunts between thrusts.

‘Of course you have,’ she laughs.

Josh loses himself for a while as his concentration is completely on the twin mounds of flesh enveloping his cock. He thrusts in and out. On each up stroke Darcy leans her head forward and licks the tip of his purple shaft.

‘Oh fuck that’s good, Darcy,’ he moans.

‘You’re not cumming this way, though. Oh no, I need a proper fucking!’ And with that she lets go of her tits and they fall away to wobble on her chest. ‘Take my bottoms off, will you sugar?’

Josh slides the bottoms off and exposes Darcy’s neatly trimmed snatch. She opens her legs wide to afford him a better view.

‘Now just slide that on in,’ she says in anticipation. There’s nothing like a big, strong cock to fill her up.

Josh lowers his body on hers and enters her slowly. As each inch goes in Darcy feels better and better. She opens her legs wide to take him all in then wraps them around his waist. Josh groans and lowers his head to suck one fat nipple into his mouth.

‘Oh yeah, now that’s really nice,’ she purrs. ‘Take it slow at first, I want this to last.’

He goes as slow as he possibly can but he knows he won’t hold out for very long. Darcy knows that so she rubs her clit at the same time to bring her to climax faster. Her pussy, clit and tits are all getting attention and she loves it. The sun beats down on them and they work up a sweat.

Josh increases his speed and she knows it will be soon. That’s ok because she’s close too. She feels her body tingle and she watches the muscles bulge in Josh’s neck.

‘Oh fuck…oh fuck…I’m…’ and then Josh is beginning to explode. That’s all Darcy needs as she shuts her eyes and cums along with him. He pumps her a few more times and then collapses on her.

‘Whew,’ she says. ‘That was good, honey.’ She runs her fingers through his hair and for a little while she’s content.

Josh eases himself off her and jumps into the pool to cool off. Darcy joins him and they float around for a while. She watches her big boobs float as she turns over on her back. The sun shines hot overhead but she is cool and relaxed. Josh leaves the pool, towels off and puts his shorts on to do his work. It’s a good thing he does because Darcy hears her front door close and Mike’s voice in the kitchen.

‘Honey? Are you out there?’ he asks.

Darcy sees her bikini lying on the lounge chair and it looks very far away. Josh is somewhat frozen at hearing Darcy’s husband’s voice.

‘Josh, quick, throw me my bikini!’ she whispers.

Luckily his throw is a good one and she at least gets the top on.

‘In the pool Mike!’ she yells. ‘Be right there!’

She looks at Josh as she hauls her bottoms on. ‘Dammit, that was close.’

Josh has a look of terror on his face but she has no time for that. She is out of the pool with a towel around her heading for the house. Mike has his head stuck in the refrigerator. Darcy stands in the kitchen, still dripping on the floor mat.

‘I didn’t expect you home,’ she says a little breathlessly. She hopes that he hasn’t noticed her naked in the pool.

‘I decided to take the afternoon off and go golfing with the guys. Just stopped to get something to eat and my clubs,’ Mike answers as he backs away from the fridge. He is holding a pile of roast beef, cheese, bread and mayo.

‘Why don’t you go upstairs and change and I’ll make that for yo
u,’ Darcy suggests as she wipes away the last of the loose water.

Mike finally turns around to look at her.

‘Sorry, honey, I didn’t mean to drag you out of the pool.’

‘That’s ok, the pool guy just got here so I had to get out,’ she says grabbing the sandwich fixings so he can’t see the guilty look on her face.

Mike is oblivious. ‘Oh, ok. Well, I’ll go up and change.’

He leaves and Darcy lets out a sigh of relief as she makes his sandwich. After he changes, eats and leaves she goes back out to the pool to see Josh is finishing up.

‘All set, Darcy,’ he says as he closes the pool shed door.

Darcy sits down on the lounge chair hard. Her heart has finally stopped beating. ‘Yeah, ok, Josh…see you,’ she says, barely looking at him. Josh shrugs and leaves the yard.

Darcy thinks she needs to be more careful.


Tiffany and Steph are looking at each other in the cool living room of Tiffany’s house. The sexual tension between the two is thick. Steph feels the sweat dripping down between her breasts. She wants Tiffany more than anything right now, but she’s not sure how to start this. Things seem a little awkward.

‘Steph, did you want to shower? You must be sweaty from that workout,’ Tiffany suggests as she drops her bag on the couch. ‘I know I could use one.’

Steph realizes a heartbeat later she is suggesting they shower together. She swallows hard.

‘You mean together, right?’ she says.

Tiffany smiles. ‘Of course. It’s what you want, right?’

Steph nods, but she can’t move. Her body is tingling with excitement but she can’t move her feet. Tiffany holds out her hand and leads her to the master bedroom. Steph follows in a daze and they enter the large marble bathroom. Tiffany immediately strips off her clothes and turns on the shower. Steph marvels her lean, tanned body.

‘Water is about right, come on Steph, you’re not shy now, are you?’

Steph shakes her head and takes her clothes off. Tiffany has already entered the large shower stall and Steph follows her under the cool water. As soon as it hits her, she gets goose flesh all over.

‘Too cold, huh?’ Tiffany asks. ‘I’ll make it warmer.’

She adjusts the temperature and warmer water flows over them and Steph relaxes a bit. Tiffany grabs the liquid soap and squirts it all over her hands.

‘Here, let me rub this over you,’ she says in a soft voice. ‘It’ll relax you.’

Steph leans against the cold marble wall as Tiffany spreads the soap over her body. She starts around the neck and arms then down to Steph’s upper chest. Steph closes her eyes and sighs.

‘Feels good?’

‘Yes, yes it does,’ Steph returns.

Tiffany squirts some more soap onto Steph’s breasts and begins to slowly work it in. The smell of the soap is very erotic – roses or lavender or something – Steph doesn’t know, but what she does know is that Tiffany’s hands encircling her breasts are making her pussy throb. Tiffany rubs her breasts harder and the nipples begin to pucker despite the warm water.

‘This is turning you on, isn’t it?’ Tiffany asks.

Steph manages a nod and Tiffany smiles at her. Tiffany slowly slides her thumbs over Steph’s nipples at first slow, then faster and faster. Steph lets out a moan and her knees begin to turn to jelly. Tiffany finally lets up and turns Steph around so she can wash her back. Steph lets her nipples touch the cold marble and small shocks of pleasure go through her body. Tiffany’s hands rub the soap up and down Steph’s back, but when she gets to her ass, it feels good.

‘Spread your legs a bit, Steph.’

Steph does that, remembering Tiffany asking her to do that before. Then she feels the other woman’s hands on her ass, rubbing and smoothing the soap over her toned flesh. She shuts her eyes again and drifts off as she gets an unbelievable ass massage. Tiffany is good.

‘Oh that feels so good,’ Steph mumbles.

Tiffany responds by sliding fingers along Steph’s ass crack all the way down to her pussy. She wastes no time and gets her fingers inside and wiggles them around.

‘Wow, you are slick down there,’ Tiffany says in mock surprise.

Steph laughs weakly in return. She can’t move and can hardly think other than she can’t wait to unload her juices onto Tiffany’s hands, or better yet, her mouth.

Tiffany removes her fingers and continues massaging Steph’s legs. When she’s done she stands up and gets the shampoo.

‘Put your head under the water,’ she tells Steph. Steph complies and lets the water soak her hair and wash the rest of the soap from her skin. Tiffany pulls her away, applies the shampoo and works it into her hair. Steph tilts her head back to let the shorter woman get her head. Her breasts stick up and out and her nipples are so hard they hurt. Tiffany massages her head then rinses all the shampoo out of her hair.

‘There, you are all clean now!’ Tiffany says. ‘Why don’t you stand away from the water so I can finish you off?’

Steph isn’t sure what she means until Tiffany gently turns her so that she is facing the marble wall again. Suddenly she knows and her pussy spasms in anticipation. She spreads her legs and looks down as Tiffany positions her mouth right under her gaping hole. Steph throws back her head and moans loudly and pushes her breasts so that the nipples graze the cold, hard surface of the shower wall.

‘Oh god, Tiffany, please eat my pussy…I want it so bad!’

Tiffany responds by assailing her with that marvelous tongue of hers. She alternates between licking her clit and tonguing her hole. It goes back and forth until Steph’s every muscle is taut and aching. She moves her body so that her nipples keep rubbing against the marble because it feels so fucking good and she wants to explode. Tiffany pushes a finger into Steph’s pussy and wriggles it around as she sucks hard on her clit. Steph practically screams and she rubs her nipples harder, assaulting her own body much like Adam has done in the past. But she doesn’t make the connection – she knows what she likes deep down and wants Tiffany to give it to her.

‘Oh fuck, Tiffany, use two fingers…fuck me!’ she screams.

Tiffany complies and pushes her fingers deep inside Steph.

‘Now fuck me with them!’ she yells. ‘Make me explode!’

And Tiffany does. She withdraws her mouth and concentrates on finger fucking Steph to oblivion. Steph reaches down and tugs and pulls her nipples savagely making her body feel the pain and pleasure until she feels the orgasm starting. She braces herself against the wall and lets it rip throughout her body.

‘Oh yes, Tiff! I’m fucking cumming!’

‘Good, let me feel you cum, Steph,’ coos Tiffany. ‘Grab my fingers.’

Steph’s pussy contracts around Tiffany’s fingers and then her juices flow freely. As soon as Steph calms down a bit, Tiffany withdraws her fingers and laps the sweet nectar that is Steph until she is clean. Steph slumps against the wall in exhaustion.

‘Fuck, Tiff, you are good. And that was better than aerobics any day.’

Tiffany laughs and stands up, muscles aching slightly. She hugs Steph and kisses her neck lightly.

‘Now it’s my turn,’ she says.

When the water is finally shut off much later, Stan will puzzle over the bill in the weeks to come.

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A black boxer likes to cuckold white guys by seducing their wives

My name is Ali; no last name and a no nonsense view of life. What I crave; what I must have is white pussy. I don’t desire white women that I can have at the drop of a hat or more appropriately the drop of my pants. My ten inch rock solid black cock will seduce any white bitch who comes near the monster. Its length and thickness (nearly that of most women’s forearms) will by itself seduce most white wives; wives whose husbands have developed the twenty second standard...

2 years ago
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Swapping wives

Jeff and I have been best buddies for a long time. He and I are the same age and we're about the same size. People used to ask if we were brothers.Jeff is married to a beautiful girl name Erin. She has a sexy body, she's almost 25 years old and is just made for fucking. (In my opinion)I'm married to Cindy who is also 25 years old. She has blonde hair, a great body, and a beautiful face. She is slightly taller than Erin, but both girls are great looking.Jeff and I live next door to each other...

1 year ago
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Naughty Wives

Here’s the thing guys. I’ve seen all kinds of subreddits, and the thing they all boil down to is user-generated content. I’ve always had the most fun on subreddits that are made for chicks to come and post real pictures to. I’m talking about amateur babes who have nothing better to do than to go on the internet in search of strangers’ validations. Anyway, imagine if those chicks aren’t even that young but are, in fact, married women in their 30s or so. Well, that’s the kind of content you get...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Footbllers Wives

In England there was a TV programme entitled Footballers Wives. The title gave me idea, and so I started work on this story. Many of the spelling are those used in the Oxford English dictionary but also as I have a spell check born in the USA it has also influenced some of the spellings. I enjoy writing and while the majority of the stories I write have a sexual context. I also like to ensure that the story has a good story line. ************ Prologue The Chairman had called an extraordinary...

Erotic Fiction
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Trading Wives

My wife Ann and I are nearing the age of fifty, and have been married for almost twenty-two years. We met out of college, and have been each others only sole partners in life. The past few years have been rough on us. We really needed a break from all the stress of work and taking care of the family, and now was the perfect opportunity to take a well-deserved vacation. We weren’t getting any younger, and it seemed like over the past few years we had become more distant. The passion we once had...

Wife Lovers
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Erotic Show Put Up By Our Wives

Hi. I am going to narrate a real incident happened during our visit to my best friend’s house. This was the start of our sexual exploration. Me (Ranjith) and my wife Deepti have a few common friends whom we visit regularly. One such friend is Vishal and Pratibha. Vishal is my college friend. My wife and Pratibha get on very well as they have the same frequency. On this day we were having our drinks just beer and watching cricket. Unfortunately, India lost. We were very much frustrated and we...

2 years ago
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First Night With My Two Beautiful Wives

Hi All, I am a Big Fan of ISS and this is thought which raised in my mind after reading an article similar to this, I am Srujan (Names Changed) born in a rich family, my parents are no more and my property is being taken care by a care taker who is a uncle and he is self-less person as I have sponsored his child’s education This time I came to India for my marriage and my uncle has showed me some girls pictures, all of them are really beautiful and one of them really got my attention and her...

3 years ago
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Sold Wives

Richard looked at the time again. It was getting late. He was beginning to wonder why his wife, Monica was taking so long. He could smell the sweat scent of her perfume beginning to linger in the living room. She always smelled good and looked so inviting regardless what she was wearing.  Richard finally decided to see what was keeping her. Monica was busy standing near the bed sorting through her luggage. Richard put his arm around his wife and saw that she was stacking an assortment of...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 27 Christmas An Ultimate Present from His Wives

Everyone in the Circle started to skulk around in the weeks before Christmas. Rose wrote a computer program to randomly assign Secret Santas. It took Circle members and pledges and matched them up in some way with somebody else. Each member knew who they were buying for, but they weren’t suppose to reveal who they were to the gift recipient. Also, gifts were supposed to be under a hundred dollars. The program also made sure not to match up family members, partners, or spouses. Also, members...

4 years ago
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The Sultans Wives

Rana stepped into her new quarters, still clutching the little bag that contained the entirety of her possessions. The room was about the same size as the dorm she'd shared with the Sultan's other lesser wives. And now, now she was to have it all to herself. The scowling guard gave her a curt nod, and walked away, his heavy steps growing quieter and quieter until Rana couldn't here them at all.For a few more seconds she remained standing in the door-frame, taking in the sheer opulence of it...

2 years ago
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How I Acquired My Taste For Fucking Other Mens Wives

I was lucky, I know that. Back in the late 80’s when I went up to university, things were easier, financially speaking, and on top of that I lodged with a couple my parents knew well. I wouldn’t say they were close friends of the family, but they were happy enough to accept a weekly cheque for rent which was more or less nominal. As a consequence, I lived very cheaply indeed, with more than enough money for my needs, which meant I could put some by for a rainy day. I wasn’t a party animal,...

3 years ago
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The Wives

My brother’s wedding ceremony came and went and we were all excited to have Cristina in the family, me particularly so, given all that had transpired the night before the wedding.I headed home the day after the ceremony and life went back to normal. A few months later I received a notice that my wife’s green card paperwork was processed and she was finally able to moved stateside with me.I’d met my wife, Sarah, as she now liked to be called since no one could pronounce her real name, about a...

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A tale of Two sissies As told by one of the wives

A TALE OF TWO SISSIES As told by one of the wives. By Betty Noone It is now almost 3P.M. and I have been crying since nine this morning. I can't stop. I don't know when I felt that my heart was broken as I do now. I don't know what to do. Since my husband of ten years left for his office, I have been in tears. Let me tell you why. Howard Wattell, my husband is a good provider. He is a stock broker and has many good clients which...

2 years ago
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Swapping Wives

The two couples had known each other for several years. They'd become good friends, had eaten out together several times, and had even gone to different events and even taken one trip together in the few years they'd become friends. Then, one night, the two guys got their heads together and they cooked up a plan where one of the guys would go to the other one's house and spend the evening in the other wife's arms. And the second husband and wife would swap in the same way. They both talked...

1 year ago
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Valley Wives Ch 06

It’s July 4th and Darcy is going to hold her annual BBQ. She looks forward to this all summer as a chance to be the center of attention and show off her nice house and pool area. She thinks that Mike even puffs up with some pride each year as he stands in front of the huge grill and tends to the Texas-style BBQ. This year is no exception and Darcy has dressed as provocative as she can get away with for a backyard party during the day. With neighbors. Her shorts are short, but they don’t show...

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Valley Wives Ch 02

It’s quiet on Shannon Road during midday. Everyone who works is away and everyone else prepares for a hot afternoon. At number 1101, Adam and Stephanie settle into their new home. At 1105, Tiffany recovers from a mind-blowing orgasm and at 1097 Darcy eagerly awaits the pool guy. Darcy enters the backyard wearing the tiniest bikini imaginable. The top barely covers her large breasts and the bottom is stretched tight over her ass and mound. The sun is high and it’s hot. She needs to cool off a...

4 years ago
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Valley View Country Club

I joined Valley View Country Club as it was more affordable than the Galion Country Club. I was addicted to golf since my days as a caddy at Columbus Country Club.I not only got addicted to golf as a caddy, but developed a deep thirst to someday make the kind of money that would allow me to join a country club.As a youth, I was greatly impressed by the wealth and trappings that were on display at Columbus Country Club. Some of the obvious trophy wives were of the trappings that definitely...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 04 Futas First Arab Passion Chapter 2 Nova Enjoys the Imams Wives

Chapter Two: Nova Enjoys the Imam's Wives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 July 24th, 2038 – Nova Alfarsi My nightgown did nothing to hide my futa-cock throbbing hard as I swept through my new living room. I hadn't had a chance to notice any bit of the house. It had a cheerful look to it, decorated with colorful blankets on the furniture and photos in gold frames on the wall. Sitting around a low, glass table was my new wife, Wahida, and two other women. All three had their hijabs off,...

2 years ago
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It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

4 years ago
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Sharing Our Beautiful Indian Wives

I hope our last story was erotic enough to bring juices out of your genitals. We friends were so satisfied fucking each other’s wives. Personally, I was happier seeing my wife getting fucked to the fullest pleasure. Prashant must be drooling to lick her boobs and red rose vagina. He always used to stare at her beautiful breasts since our college days. We had a nice breakfast with lots of fruits and returned to our rooms, it was raining heavily so we could not go out. Thick forest, heavy rains...

3 years ago
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Dominated Wives

As Fred was tongue kissing the struggling young petite housewife, I was feasting on the large nipples of her heaving chest, while firmly kneading the large mammary. My iron hard cock was straining in my pants, seeking the wonderful pussy that promised so much pleasure to anyone lucky enough to present himself into that moist cavern. As I sucked, rubbing my massive hard-on into her smooth thigh. I could feel her increase the struggling against her two would be invaders. I continued to tear at...

1 year ago
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Partners and Wives

Jack walked into his bedroom, to find his wife, Tracy, in bed with Maureen, a partner at her law firm, with her face between the other woman's thighs. Since he had, albeit reluctantly, agreed to an exclusive relationship, and had kept that agreement (to no small degree of frustration), he naturally felt betrayed and scammed. "Tracy! I swore off other women for you, because you convinced me that you would do the same for me, and that you would be enough to cover all of my needs- and now, you...

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Creampie Wives

Creampie Eater, indeed. What a name! Lemme tell ya, the dude deserves everything Jezzie and I gave him. I mean, he almost whelshed on our deal! He’s a fucking liar and a faggot. Lemme tell ya. We met the dude online, goin’ through the Yahoo personals. Jezzie and I like to have a little fun, ya know? We ain’t too hung up on having fun with other people, and I think it spices up our love life. I love fucking other women, and Jezzie likes a little fresh meat too. Sometimes, I get...

2 years ago
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Lingerie Shopping With the Wives

Lingerie Shopping With the WivesThis past week, I had to spend a couple of days in Washington DC for some meetings and I took Ginger and Pepper with me. We had a day to spare before flying home and I promised them I would take them shopping. They decided that they wanted to go lingerie shopping for some sexy see through nighties for themselves, their sister Rosemary and the six daughters between. (Three of the daughters are 26 and the other three are 24 and they all look just like their...

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Life in the Suburbs hot wives

I’ve been retired from the NFL two years now. I played defensive end for about 6 years. I work as a football analyst/announcer on the weekends and my week days are free. I signed for plenty of money out of college so I work if I want to. I have an office in my home and I prepare for the game I’m going to announce at home. It takes about 2 hours of work each day, studying the line-ups.When I retired a friend of mine gave me a big piece of advice for the ladies; “move into a suburb with young ...

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Love Games Part 2 Exchanged Wives

Hello there friends, this is Krish that is, Krishna back again. As you know in the earlier part that my friend Arjun and I planned a Love Game to seduce each other’s wife. We both landed on each other’s wife’s bed on the same day! So, here’s the next part. I said, “So it seems we both won equally, so now we can enjoy one day with other’s wife.” Arjun smiled and cheered saying “Why only one day?” and we both drank your whiskeys. I asked, “What do you mean?” Arjun said, “Let take each other’s...

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Celebrity Wives

Celebrity Wives by Miri574 (My first time. Reviewers, please be gentle.) I was on my way to work when I first noticed it, a creepy feeling between my shoulder blades. Like someone was staring at me or invading my personal space. I just put it down to the weather but it stayed with me, even in my climate controlled office. I thought I'd put it out of my mind but my secretary seemed to have noticed something amiss. 'George, are you okay? You seem awfully twitchy...

2 years ago
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Pizza Wives

A cock hungry wife gets a hot tip and a King sized Pizza delivery.....Pizza Wives Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn...

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