RECRUITED MALL WIVES free porn video

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Judy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.

After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such a huge payment. "That's it?" Judy asked as she put her payment into her hand bag.

"Our company is very generous in paying today's modern woman for her opinions on various products, and even more generous for a select few responders to our research questionnaires." The blond looked down at her notes and then up again at the two friends building suspense before saying "And I am pleased to say you two look like you could qualify for our elite club."

Their egos stroked the woman began another round of questions. After they were done the blond smiled and said both ladies qualified for yet more money and free merchandise. Judy got a little concerned about her husband, but was told the men were getting the same treatment. At that very moment their husbands were taste testing various beers, served to them by a cute female Japanese interviewer.

The blond got up and opened a door to another room, in it were racks of clothing. "I'd like you girls to pick the bikinis that most flatter your figure, and would turn on your husbands on the beach. And the best part is you may keep them." She concluded quietly as if she was share a secret with them. Judy and Jenny's eyes went wide; there were some great designer bikinis up on the racks. The women were in the proverbial candy store. After an hour Judy chose a leopard print two piece that showed off her firm breasts; Jenny took a black one that showed off her sexy hips and behind.

"Very nice ladies. The suits that you choose are worth well over two hundred dollars each, and they are yours to keep. I must say you ladies have excellent taste. Now come back into the interview room, we have some more surveys for you two to take. No please don't change out of your bikinis, they are yours to keep." The blond said as she guided them back to the interview room.

"Now for a thousand dollars cash I would like to interview you both about a new magazine we are publishing, it is aimed at mixed or interracial couples." Both women agreed to be interviewed further, though they felt somewhat uncomfortable with the subject. "Now how do you feel about black men?" The blonde asked.

"Well, I don't know. My husband does not like to see white women dating black guys. This is anonymous. Right?" the interviewer assured them it was, she wanted their honest opinions.

"That's fine, but we want to know how you two feel. Have either of you two ever dated outside of your own race?"

"Once I dated a Spanish guy." Said Judy, a bit nervously.

"Never, though there was this one black guy at work who kept hitting on me. He kept telling me once I went black I'd never go back, whatever that meant."

The interviewer made a few notes on her clipboard and then looked up at the two friends again, "Well what do you two think about black men?"

"Well, I had heard they have very big, cocks." Said Judy, which caused Jen to smack her playfully.

The interviewer asked the women next that if they were single would they every consider dating a black man. Both women said no.

"My whole family would disown me." Said Jenny.

"Well what do you think of this cover." Said the interviewer holding up a cover mock up of the new magazine. On the cover it showed a pretty blonde woman and a black man together smiling. Both women said it was okay.

"Great! Okay let's try another cover." The next one showed a black man, bald and muscular, kissing a white lady with red hair. Both women blushed.

"Wow! I don't know what to say." Said Jenny.

"So you find that cover a bit provocative." Said the interviewer making some more notes. "Okay how about this one."

Both women gasped. It showed a brunette dressed in a bikini giving a black man a deep kiss. He was wearing a tight swim suit that showed his ample bulge.

"I really think that should be put with the x-rated magazines." Said Judy.

"Really? What do you find provocative about the cover image?"

"Well she has next to nothing on, and his'shorts they are so tight?" Said Jenny trailing off.

"So you find the cover a bit too revealing." Said the interviewer as she continued to make notes in her clip board. "Do you think this magazine based on interracial dating will sell well?"

Jenny and Judy both thought it over and finally admitted that it might, based on how many celebrity couples are out there and all the white women they have seen dating black guys.

"It used to be only the fat ones would date black guys but now it seems like it is everyone." Said Judy.

"And why do you think that is?" asked the interviewer.

"Well like I said before some girls do it because they have big cocks." Said Judy.

Jenny added, "And they do know how to take care of themselves, I mean a lot of them must be working out all the time."

"Didn't you once say you liked that film actor, the black guy in all the action movies." Judy teased.

"I did not!" Jenny said blushing. The interviewer noted that Jenny's nipples were hardening through her bikini top.

"I have another magazine cover mock up I'd like to get your opinion on." The interviewer continued. She hit a button this time and a cover on the wall appeared. It showed a bald black man, and a red haired white woman in a sweater who was obviously pregnant. "This magazine is catering towards the interracial mother to be."

Jenny and Judy gave each other an uncomfortable look. Then Judy said the cover was tasteful, but asked if it would really sell, "Is there really a market for this sort of magazine?" she asked.

"Our research shows that there are many women out there who are not only interracially dating, but also interracially mating." Both Jenny and Judy knew of some interracial couples at their jobs.

"Now I want you ladies to look at these photographs and tell me how you would rate the attractiveness of these men." They were shown photos of men of various races, and invariably they gave the black men lower scores then the white ones.

After she put away the photos the interviewer opened an envelope "Well ladies here is your money." Said the interviewer paying them in crisp one hundred dollar bills. "We do have further interviews worth twice what you just got paid."

Judy and Jenny talked it over, they asked about their husbands, the interviewer made a call and said they also had qualified for "premium" status and were even now being interviewed about some other exciting new product; when in actuality they were both getting a blow job from the pretty little Japanese host. Unknown to the husbands and wives they were secretly being taped the whole time.

The women agreed to being interviewed further, "Pleaes come this way." They went through a second door which lead them to an interview room that more resembled a mini living room. Sit down girls.

Jenny and Judy began to feel funny about being in their bikinis. The interviewer said for them not to worry and she would check on where their clothing was. While she was gone the two wives talked about what they would do with all the money they would get from the interview. Just then the interviewer came back in wearing a bikini of her own. "Sorry girls, your clothing, as a courtesy, was being washed and dried with one of sponsor's products, which will allow me to give you an extra hundred dollars to rate; however; there was a problem with the dryer, so it will be another half hour; I put on the bikini because I wanted to make you feel more comfortable. And besides I get to keep it." She said laughing, putting the women at ease.

The interviewer took out a plug in type air freshener and put a cartridge into it and plugged it into a wall outlet. Jenny asked what it was. "Oh it is part of our new scents of the world line." The musky smell filled the room.

Judy said, "It smells kind of exotic."

All three women breathed in the scent deeply. Jenny thought it might be cold in the room as she felt her nipples start to harden. She noticed Judy's nipples were in the same state. Both women were also starting to feel aroused, they thought it might be the bikinis, or the drinks the interviewer had brought in, or maybe it was from looking at the photographs of the men.

"Now ladies I want you to look at another set of photographs." The interviewer said, this time they were full body shots of the men in shorts and various swimsuits. She noted Judy and Jenny gave higher ratings to the black men this time.

The wives were then shown naked pictures of the men, the white men were good looking, but the first one they saw with a black man in it started to make their pussies moist, his cock was hanging a good way down to his knees. This was followed by another shot of a white man with a smaller cock.

The next shot had a black man with a huge erect penis as he was starring straight into the camera, both of their pussies started to twitch as they looked at it. Both had thoughts of having that huge black cock inside of them. They were ashamed, and wanted to leave but couldn't.

"Well what do you girls think?" said the interviewer in an overly cheery, yet somewhat mocking tone. "Oh I have one more surprise for you two." She said and into the room came two of the models that were in the photos. The small swimsuits they wore could barely contain their cocks. One walked over to Judy and the other to Jenny.

"What is going on here?" Said Judy indignant, she got up with Jenny to leave. Both men grabbed the women in to their arms. They struggled even as their pussies now screamed to be fucked.

"We heard you both talk about how you never touched or dated a black man. Well I think you both need to reconsider and give us another chance." He said, then he kissed Jenny deeply. Jenny at first tried to pull away, but found she could not, and within moments she was kissing him back, as was her friend.

Their bikini tops were unsnapped and their breasts were fondled by strong black hands.

"Please stop! I am married. I am a mother." Pleaded Judy even as the sucking on her nipples by her black lover to be, made her want his cock all the more. The interviewer did the honors of pulling out both men's cocks from their swimsuits; they were so large that their manhoods hung well down towards their knees. The two wives knew their pussies would be ruined for pleasure from their husbands" smaller cocks forever, but they could not help but reach forward and grasp the huge black cocks in their hands, the ones that had their wedding rings on them.

They knew it was wrong, but they marveled at how heavy and thick they felt, and the scent, it must be the scent, was making their pussies ache to be filled. The two friends looked over at each other and the erotic quality of the contrast of their white hands grasping the huge black cocks. They now kissed the men willingly knowing there was no way of stopping at this point.

The interviewer stripped off her bikini revealing fully her tight little body. She helped both wives slide off their bikini bottoms so they may join in the nudity. Softly she pressed down on their shoulders making them kneel before the two men. Jenny and Judy now rubbed their own pussies for relief from the itch and ache they both felt.

Both white wives kissed the dark cocks in front of them with the same mouths that pledged never to do so. Their lips were soon wrapped tight around the huge shafts. The interviewer pushed their heads further and further down them until they gagged.

"Get up on my desk and girls, we are going to see how much you both can take. For research purposes of course." The interviewer said. Both women got on top of the desk and were positioned onto their hands and knees.

Tears of shame and relief ran down their faces as they felt their pussies being penetrated for the first time (but not the last) by two monster sized black cock.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!" Chanted Judy.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" chanted Jenny as the men held their hips tight fucking them as hard as they could.

The men made sure to dump their loads inside of the wives as deep as they could, the wives still horny from the incense smell were about to get off the desk when the interviewer told them, "Uh! Uh!" and guided the women into a lesbian "69" position, with little hesitation they licked each other's cunts clean, while all the while their every move was taped by hidden cameras.

The interviewer stroked the two men hard and they each re-entered the wives for a second and third fuck. Finally after hours of fucking the men left.

The interviewer took the wives to a shower area and helped them into the clothing that they wore when they came in. At her desk she handed them two big envelopes full of bills.

"Oh my! What about our husbands?" Said Jenny.

"Yes, what about them? Well they had a bit too much of that Japanese beer and are sleeping it off, they probably will be more worried about you two." She said turning around the monitor so they could see their two husbands were passed out. The interviewer kept quiet about the blow jobs they had gotten from their Japanese hostess, she might need to use it in the future should the husbands become uncooperative. "Now that is the short term, the long term is what will they think about this?" she said hitting a button showing Jenny wedged on top of a huge black cock, while Judy took a load in the face from the other one. "With one push of a button you two will be the latest internet sensation."

The blood of both women ran cold. The interviewer let it sink in for a moment then continued, "Or we could keep things quiet. You see those envelopes in front of you, that is a fraction of what you ladies could be making, doing, uh, market research with other interested, well to do, black men."

"You mean you want us to?" Said Jenny, who to her shame felt her pussy get wet at the prospect.

"What choice do we have?" Said Judy, who felt the same way.

"Here." Said the interviewer handing them two cell phones. "I will contact you on these. Now two more things, what are your bust sizes?"

"36C." said Jenny.

"36B" said Judy.

"Nice but here." She handed them a card for a plastic surgeon. "You both will make a slow campaign with your husbands to get them up to a 40DD. Now here is the beauty of it all, they will pay, but we will front you back half of the money."

Judy and Jenny were astounded, but were stuck, what could they do?

"And the other thing?" Said Judy almost regretting it instantly.

"A little reminder of who your employer is, I can't tell you his name; which is in your own best interests to tell the truth, but you must know you are working for someone." The women were instructed to undo their blouses, and the interviewer quickly pierced their left nipples and inserted a heavy iron ring, that locked into place in such as way that it could not be removed short of cutting it off.

"In deference to your soreness I will save the clit pierce for later. Okay ladies that will be it for now." She said sitting back at her desk and letting them leave. As soon as they were cleared she sent a report to her master Mr. Malaa, the African sex cult leader, stating she had two new workers for his sex industry.

The interviewer leaned back for a moment and had a coffee before going out to recruit the next two interviewees.

Judy and Jenny got on their best angry looks as their husbands finally stumbled out of the market research center half drunk. The phones, money, and nipple rings weighed heavy in their minds.

That night when their husbands saw the rings they half lied saying that they had gotten the rings after a few pina-coladas while waiting for them. It was the first lie they told their husbands but would not be the last.


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The Great Switch Christmas Shopping At the Mall

The Great Switch: Christmas Shopping At the Mall By Caleb Jones Written 12-22-00; rewritten 6-5-1 My sister Jack and I drove into the parking lot at the Buena Vista Mall. We locked up the car and made our way into the main entrance. He held the door open for me as we went inside. Considering the holiday, there were very few people around the mall compared to last year. But that was before the Switch. You remember the Great Switch, of course. Who can't? For those in future...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 225 Just Another Day at the Mall

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...

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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

1 year ago
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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.  I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work - because I can. And because I would. And because I will. A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early - and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

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An Uninvited Mall Guest

An Univited Mall Guest By Monsta A man in an outdated brown suit appeared in the middle of Park Plaza Mall near the GAP store, but no one happened to be looking in that direction at the moment he appeared. His attire made him appear as if he had just walked in from 1983, and in a way he sort of had, in a technical aspect anyway. The mall had been a lot busier in 1983, of course, but Park Plaza still got a fair share of customers these days even in the age of online shopping. A...

4 years ago
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Mall Princess

Little Mall Princess"If that were me, I would have found a way to twist him up and then get him underneath my fucking foot."When I heard the girlish voice make this statement as I stood there transfixed on a brand-new HD TV on display near the entrance to the mall Sharper Image outlet, I ignored it, thinking that such a direct statement from such a pretty young voice must be directed at someone else.Afterall, I was a thirty-something dude in Saturday afternoon clothes who'd run into the mall...

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Mall Security

One of my first jobs ever was Mall Security... your basic Rent-a-Cop job. It didn't pay much, but it was in a decent area, so there was relatively little crime involved... so it wasn't exactly like taking my life in my hands, either. In fact, the job was downright boring. The merchants in the mall were glad we were there, but they knew as well as we did that they basically didn't need us. Nothing much to it. But, we did have the security cameras... and that was fun. Of course, they largely...

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Adventures in Mall Shopping

When was the last time you visited a mall? It’s been years for me, which is ironic. When I was a kid, malls were a big deal. You spent the day there. Your entertainment was provided by the video arcade and movie theater. You were fed by the food court. You were watched over by mall security – and every middle-aged lady who had kids of her own and thought your parents were monsters for leaving you unsupervised at the mall. It was fun while it lasted. We cruised the mall in gangs, seeing and...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Mall

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...

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Mall Santa

MALL SANTA Back when I was in high school, I was told I needed a college education if I was ever going to have the American dream – you know, house in suburbia, wife who is even hotter now than before our 2.5 kids were born, a nice SUV for her, a cool truck for me, golfing, maybe a little boat to use for fishing on weekends, all that shit middle-class kids are told they'll want when they grow up. There was one major problem with all of that. I was a decent enough student to get into a...

2 years ago
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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.   I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work – because I can. And because I would. And because I will.   A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early – and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

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My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The Mall

My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...

3 years ago
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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 3

PETTICOATING ENCOURAGED LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK THREE BY JENNIFER SUE Saturday evening Helga Halteman paced back and forth as she surveyed the hard faces of her nephews as they sat in the living room. Her lover and co-worker Margo Spayd sat in her recliner, watching expectantly. Seated in a comfortable chair was the eldest, fourteen year old Eric. Beside him upon the sofa sat his thirteen year old cousin Marc, his twelve year old brother Wendal, and Marc's eleven...

4 years ago
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One Strange Day at the Mall

One Strange Day at The Mall A Story by Rugburn This story originally written for Alexander091988 who won my Kiriban contest on Deviantart. Dave Cheskey and Simon his son were quite a long way from home. They had been driving nearly non-stop for days, pulling over infrequently to sleep overnight in the car and once at an actual hotel. Dave made sure to keep to the speed limit; He did not wish to be pulled over. Being on the road for such a distance was taking its toll on Dave...

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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

4 years ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 16 Loose Ends

(Dave’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. voy. It wasn’t until they reached the bottom of the escalators that Dave realized he and Kurt weren’t just being escorted away from the fucking couple. They were getting tossed out of the store all together. “This is so unfair! What did we do that was so bad?” Dave whined. “Nothing,” Shawn replied. “I just can’t have a couple of teenage boys watching live sex shows in my store.” “Can’t we at least hang out on the ground floor?” Dave pleaded. “No. There’s...

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‘Lois?’ Lois turns around to see Jesse staring at her, a surprised look on his face. ‘Oh, hey Jesse. How’s it going’?’ She asks, trying to disguise the surge she felt at seeing him. She was in town visiting family and dropped by the recruiting office to bring the guys some baked goodies before they all went on Christmas vacation. Most of them have kids and she knew they would appreciate the thought. When she first came to the Navy recruiting office, her official recruiter had been a man...

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Tips n Toes 4 A Trip to the Mall

Tips 'n Toes: To the Mall by CCSondra I have to admit, when I closed the last part of this story I thought: "Same old, same" However, this is not a "formula" story; these things, to the best of my recollection, really happened to me, and they are what helped to make me the submissive sissy I am today. As I've said already, I was from Brooklyn, NY, and unlike today there weren't any mega-malls around. In fact, while I could be wrong,...

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Mall Meeting

PART 1 - The meeting Mall MeetingBy Lorgrom Note: This is my first story so email me any feedback at [email protected]. PART 1 - The meeting ?I was walking through the mall late one Thursday afternoon. Not really doing much of anything. Basically looking at all the late-teen tramps, strutting around in their cliques.  ?Group after group slinked by, none of them really caring that they are wearing clothes that would have put hookers from the 1980's to shame. So needless to say, I had...

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LimitsChapter 38 At the Mall IV

On The Scene "This is crazy," Mack said as he jogged into the mall, easily hauling the camera over his shoulder. The hard part was keeping up with Darren, who was a) 6-foot-2, b) owned impossibly long legs and c) was in a big damn hurry. "School's still in session," he was saying. "If a bunch of kids has skipped school en masse, there would have been some kind of alert, right?" "Beats me," she said over her shoulder. "For all I know, this is a cult of some home-schooled bipolar...

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Black man controlls white wives

The young black stud remained by the pool for only an hour this time.The unintentional tension in the air caused by this black stud was obviously making all 13 of us white husbands feel uncomfortable. Our pretty white wives had so many moments where they were uncharacteristically quiet and somber, yet they tried to keep some form of communication inside the group.Minutes before the black man departed a few of the wives suggested we ask him to join us for the next meal."Why don't you guys go...

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Bi curious while Swapping Wives

Me and My Wife were always open sexually and would always talk about experimenting with other people or friends, And one night at a our friends house we got what we asked for and more... Friday was finally here after working all week and I was ready for a drink or five, My wife had called me on the way home and said our good friends Bob and Jenny invited us over to there house for drinks, a bonfire and just to sit around and have a good time. I am 22 my wife is 19 and our friends Bob is 30 and...

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Cheating Wives

Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...

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A Trip to the Mall

I love sex and I've never been in a committed relationship.  Slut is a label I wear with pride and I have the credentials to back it up.  But that day I just felt a little extra wild.As bold as I can be, I've never just approached a stranger for sex.  I usually meet people in gay bars or on dating apps. Some just approach me.  I felt like I needed to put some bait on the hook to make it known I might be open for business.  I looked at the clothing I had hanging in the closet. Most of my...

2 years ago
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A Mall Story

Nicki had been playing with herself for a while since her older sister had showed her what pleasure could be found between her legs, and she seldom got out of bed and dressed without diddling herself till her little pussy sent a wave of pleasure through her.When her sister was around she had gone to some parties with her, and had lost her virginity at one of those parties,  with an older boy who fucked her, but left her wanting more.So she wasn't satisfied with this self-diddling, and now that...

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Quickie at the Mall Food Court

I was in the food court at the mall just a few blocks from my office. The mall wasn't doing very well since a new, bigger mall and a series of big box stores had been opened at the next exit, and half the stores were closed. The food court itself had lost two more restaurants, and there was a pretty slim choice of lunch options. I got a soggy sandwich from the deli and grabbed a seat.I noticed her sitting three tables away from me. Dark curly hair cascaded from underneath her hat. I couldn't...

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My Mall Adventure

Mall Adventure....It was decision time. Tom was on his back in bed. He wasn't resting, though. He had been struggling to pull up his impossibly tight Lee jeans over his muscular thighs. The rough denim caressed his legs every inch of the way, making every nerve ending tingle with delight. The decision before him was which way to position his throbbing hard-on when he finally closed his fly. There were basically two choices: down across the top of his right thigh, or almost straight up along his...

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Josie Goes To The Mall

Josie Goes To The Mall By Josie Girlyc "Wake-up Josie," Sarina says loudly. "I have decided what punishment you are going to get for not getting the house cleaned up in time. It seems that you have to learn who your boss is." I wake up. I'm sleeping on my special pillow that is really just a small foam block that fits under my neck so that my updo doesn't get flattened. I've been only in updo hairstyles for the last week. And also I've been getting electrolysis on my...

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