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Lois turns around to see Jesse staring at her, a surprised look on his face.

‘Oh, hey Jesse. How’s it going’?’ She asks, trying to disguise the surge she felt at seeing him. She was in town visiting family and dropped by the recruiting office to bring the guys some baked goodies before they all went on Christmas vacation. Most of them have kids and she knew they would appreciate the thought.

When she first came to the Navy recruiting office, her official recruiter had been a man named Eric. He was the one who first questioned her, explained certain things to her, answered her questions, and took her to MEPS the first time. He was a good guy and she liked him a lot. He had a daughter a few years younger than Lois and she could tell by the way he always talked about her what a proud papa he was.

However, Eric had recently been promoted to Chief Petty Officer and with that came new responsibilities. Having been given the title of Recruiter of the Year, he had a full load of recruits on his hands. Too many. He ended up having to disperse about half of them between the other four recruiters he worked with.

As it so happened, Lois got transferred to the one guy that she hoped she wouldn’t be transferred to, Jesse. The only man in the whole office that she found herself distractingly attracted to.

Before Jesse had become her recruiter, he’d been the one to take her to and from MEPS the second time around. It was a long trip, both ways, so they’d had a lot of alone time in the car. When she’d first saw him, she thought he was a cutie. After that first car ride together, all those hours of conversation, she realized that there was a lot more to Jesse than met the eye and it wasn’t long before her head was spinning with the attraction she felt for him, both physically and emotionally.

By the next time she had to go to and from MEPS with him, her feelings had only snowballed. She prayed that he couldn’t see right through her. She’d never been good at hiding what she was thinking so she took extra precaution with Jesse. Avoiding eye contact, avoiding certain subjects in conversation, and at all costs, avoiding any physical contact. The one time his hand and brushed against the length of her arm when they were in the car, her stomach began doing flips inside of her. She’d jumped and moved away from his touch, causing him to look surprised and mumble an awkward apology.

Jesse had been careful not to touch her again after that. He hadn’t meant to in the first place but when his hand had come in contact with her soft skin, he hadn’t been in a huge rush to move it away again. He’d let it graze farther along her arm, as if it were a thoughtless accident, pretending to be unaware as he continued to reach behind her seat for his cover. When she jerked away, he felt embarrassed and tried to disguise it by pretending nothing had happened.

He’d gotten closer to this eighteen year old beauty than he ever intended. What had started with small talk quickly turned into a friendship that had surprised both of them. Talking to Lois was easy and comfortable. She always listened and never seemed to miss a thing. She would stay quiet when he wanted her too, and always seemed to understand what he was saying. She didn’t only comprehend it, she really got it. Like she knew what he was trying to say before he even got it out.

She would ask him questions, letting him know that she was listening and actually interested in what he was saying. But she didn’t only ask surface questions, questions that anyone would ask. She asked the kind of questions that got to the heart of the matter. There were times when she would listen quietly until he was finished talking, consider it in silence for a moment, and then BAM, her genius would come out in something as short as one or two sentences.

She took his breath away on a regular basis. He often found it hard to believe that she was ten years younger than him. She was just as mature, if not more so, than he himself was at twenty-eight years old. Her intelligence and perceptive skills surpassed most women he knew at his age. Even his wife.

Ex-wife, he corrected himself mentally. He had married Angel three and a half years ago. Stupid mistake, he chided himself. He had loved her so much and she’d mortified him. He still couldn’t believe what a fool he had been for that woman.

Now, here in front of him stood the only person he had confided in about Angel. Back when he was still hopeful of their getting back together. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

He hadn’t intended on talking to Lois about his marriage. In fact, after he first met her, she was the last person in the world he would have expected to talk to about his wife. What man wants to talk about that with a young, beautiful girl like Lois? Most men wouldn’t touch that subject with a ten foot pole.

But damn, she was just so easy to talk to. It was like they were always on the same page. And she hadn’t ever tried to flirt with him or seduce him like other girls had, even before she knew he was married. She was so respectful and classy. A rare trait in women in general, let alone teenagers.

Before he knew what happened, he was confiding in her. He told her about Angel leaving, heading down south to stay with her parents because she needed ‘a break’. He told her about how he was blaming himself and his Navy career for her leaving. He told her about how they were starting to work it out over the phone. He told her that he’d be taking his Christmas leave a little early to go down and get his wife so he could bring her back home.

And now he was standing in front of her surprised expression and knew why she was confused to see him. She’d thought he’d be southbound by now, on the brink of seeing Angel for the first time in months. Instead, he was in the office, just hoping for some sort of distraction from the reality that his marriage was now over.

‘Um, hey,’ he stammers, recovering his senses. ‘What are you doing here, Lois?’

She looks up at him and raises her eyebrows as if to say ‘I could ask you the same question’. Instead she just clears her throat and holds up a platter stocked with all kinds of homemade sweets. ‘I thought these hard working men might like some treats to take home to the families. I was making a bunch for my family so I whipped up a couple extra batches. Would you like some?’ Her eyebrows rise again, daring him to turn her down.

Despite himself, Jesse feels a smile tug at the corners of his lips. ‘I’d love some,’ he says. ‘Set aside one of each for me.’ And with that, he turns and walks into the staff room to make some coffee. He hears muffled voices in the main office as he sets up the pot, and then the men begin roaring with laughter.

That’s Lois, he thinks. Always making people laugh.

Lois came prepared with enough Ziploc bags to send each man home with an adequate supply of holiday treats. She divides it all up according to how big each man’s family is and hands them out as they all clean up and leave the office, anxious for their two week break.

Eric is the last one out the door. He smiles and gives Lois a quick hug as he takes his go-bag. ‘Thank you,’ he says with a wink, ‘that was very sweet of you, Lois.’

‘Hey, I was happy to do it,’ she replies as she shoots a wink back at him. She hopes his daughter will enjoy the sweets.

Eric directs a glance towards the staff room door. ‘Hey, make sure he doesn’t stay too late, will ya?’ he whispers. ‘He’s got a lot going on and I don’t want him to bury himself in work as an escape.’ And with that, he walks out the door, happy to be homeward-bound.

Lois stands there, silently pondering what Eric said. She knew something was obviously wrong. Jesse is here, instead of going to get his wife. His demeanor is glum and he is obviously distracted. And Eric is clearly in the loop, or else he wouldn’t be worried about the guy. Something has definitely happened between J
esse and Angel. Something bad.

As she considers how to approach the subject, Jesse walks out with two steaming cups of hot coffee. Usually, the two of them would just jet over to the nearest Starbucks to get the good stuff but it’s late and not really worth the trip.

‘I needed a reboot and I thought you might like to join me,’ he smiles as he hands her a cup.

‘Thank you,’ she grins. She takes a sip, sighs, then takes another. ‘Mmm,’ she hums, ‘perfect.’

Jesse chuckles and takes a seat at his desk. Lois takes the seat opposite him and slides the plate of remaining treats towards him. He looks at them for a moment, debating, before taking up a white fudge square and popping it in his mouth.

‘Damn,’ he mumbles through his chewing, ‘that’s good.’

Lois laughs and shrugs her shoulders a little. ‘Thank you,’ she says, brushing off the compliment gracefully. Yet another thing Jesse admires about her.

They sit for a while, eating fudge, drinking coffee, and teasing each other to laughter. After about half an hour, Jesse is feeling more like himself again and Lois finally decides to address the elephant in the room.

She sits up in her chair and leans her elbows on his desk, looking him straight in the face. Jesse sees her eyes soften and he knows what’s coming.

‘So, you gonna tell me what’s going on?’ she asks quietly, never breaking eye contact.

If it were anyone else asking that question, Jesse would have run for the hills. Dodging personal questions was an art he’d mastered a long time ago. But sitting there, looking into that sweet face, he doesn’t want to do that. He couldn’t even if he tried.

Man she’s good, he thinks. He looks at Lois for a long moment before finally sighing and turning away. Head bowed, he takes a breath and opens his mouth.

‘She’s been seeing someone else,’ he says quietly. ‘An old high school boyfriend. I guess he contacted her on Facebook a few months before she left. According to her best friend, Cindy, that’s why she left. He still lives in her hometown. That’s why she went back there.’

Lois is dead silent. Jesse can’t even hear her breathing. He wants to look up, to see how she responds but he can’t bring himself to face her just yet. Once again, she’s the only person he’d confided in. All he’d told Eric was that he and Angel had already signed papers and his status in the Navy database needed to be changed from ‘Married’ to ‘Single’.

Lois can’t believe what she just heard. A woman had actually left Jesse, her Jesse, for another man? Why? How could any other man even begin to compare to her Jesse? Impossible.

She looks back at him and sees that his head is still low, his gaze distant. She slowly reaches across the desk and takes one of his hands in hers, hoping he’ll be comfortable with the gesture. He doesn’t pull away. Instead, he curls his fingers around her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

‘Jess, I am so sorry,’ Lois says, truth and compassion ringing in every word. She is sorry, sorry that any woman could be selfish enough to hurt the incredible man sitting across from her.

Jesse finally looks up and smiles at her. It isn’t a joyful smile, but it lets her know that he appreciates the sentiment.

‘You know what’s crazy?’ He asks calmly. ‘I’m not.’ Lois’ eyes question him. ‘Sorry, I mean. I’m not sorry.’ He smiles his sad smile again. ‘Is that horrible?’

She considers what he said for a moment before responding, deciding to be completely truthful in her reply. ‘No, Jess, it’s not horrible. I wasn’t sorry for her or for your marriage. I was simply sorry for the pain I assumed it must be causing you. I was sorry that such an undeserving woman could hurt such a truly good man. I was sorry that you would have to go through that, the last man in the world who deserves it, all because she wasn’t smart enough to see what she had.’

Jesse had never had anyone talk to him that way before. Not only the frankness of it, but the heartfelt compliment that lay in each sentence of her speech. She just told him that he is worth something, that he deserves better. He hasn’t been encouraged like that since his mom passed away several years ago. She was the only person who ever believed in him, who’d had full faith in him.

He’d forgotten how it felt to be appreciated, to be valued. And now, here was this sweet, beautiful young woman that already meant a lot to him as a friend, telling him just that and making it clear how much she means it. He can’t help feeling his heart swell a bit.

‘Lois…’ he says. By the way he trails off and looks away from her, Lois is afraid she might have said too much. She feels her cheeks warm a bit as she tries to think of a way to backtrack. Then Jesse looks back to her, holding her gaze for a moment before whispering, ‘Thank you.’

She can see in his eyes how deeply her words touched him and any desire she’d had to take them back is lost. If they helped him in any way, she was glad to have spoken them. Even if the truth of them made her feelings for him burn rampant inside her.

She tries to clear her head and get back on track. She brakes their gaze and clears her throat. ‘So,’ she says, trying to sound natural. ‘How did you find out? You mentioned her friend, Cindy.’

Jesse is slightly disappointed that the moment is over but nonetheless, he lets go of her hand and takes a sip of his coffee. Then he puts it down to answer her.

‘Cindy and Angel have been best friends since they were five. They’re actually more like sisters than anything. Cindy has kind of always been Angel’s conscience, you know? Kept her in line.

‘But this time, she couldn’t control Angel. She didn’t know what to do until Angel finally left. She said she thought that meant that it was over with me and her.

‘Then Angel told her that we were working things out. When Cindy found out that I was supposed to go get Angel and bring her home, she couldn’t let me do it without knowing the truth. She called me and told me everything about this Greg asshole. Excuse my language.

‘Anyways, I called Angel and confronted her about it. She flew off the handle. I told her it was over. The next day I was being served with divorce papers. We both signed and the whole divorce process is now in motion.’

Lois is still reeling with disbelief. How dumb can one woman be? she wonders.

‘Do you think she’ll go peacefully?’ She asks instead. ‘Or will she make a big fuss over every detail?’

Jesse shrugs. ‘I don’t know but I don’t think she’ll want to drag it out. She was pretty embarrassed about being caught. I think her pride will make her cooperate and get this thing over with.’

Lois nods as she takes the final sip of her coffee.

‘More?’ Jesse asks. ‘I made a full pot.’

‘Mmm, please.’

He takes their cups and walks back towards the staff room. As he walks away, Lois notices yet again how handsome he is. Jess stands at about 5’10’ and has a solid, fit body. His hair is dark brown, not cropped but not real long either. His eyes are a creamy hazel and his soft facial features make him look younger than he is.

She watches him until he disappears into the next room and then shakes her head, scolding herself for indulging in checking out her recruiter… again.

Jesse pours them two more steaming cups of coffee as he tries to wrap his head around what’s happening inside of him. He’d known from the beginning that Lois is very attractive. When she’d first walked into that office in her black dress, brown nylons, and cowgirl boots, he’d almost choked. Her dark brown hair was in a mess of curls that were obviously natural and very sexy.

She was in town for a concert he’d learned as he eavesdropped on Eric’s conversation with her. He’d even acted like he knew who Josh Turner was, just so he could butt in for a minute. He didn’t even listen to country music. He just wanted to talk to her.

Jesse had watched as Lois took h
er boots off to have her height measured. She ended up standing at 5’4′, half a foot shorter than himself.

While she talked and laughed with Eric, Jesse caught himself watching as her eyes would light up with amusement, or seeing the way her eye lashes brushed her cheeks whenever she looked down. His personal favorite thing to witness was when those perfect little dimples would appear every time she laughed.

And she laughs a lot. She’s always ready to see the humor in things. He loves that. It makes so many situations much easier.

Then, when Eric had to divide up his recruits among the guys, Jesse’s eyes bulged a little when he was handed Lois’ folder. He was a mixture of excitement and panic. He’d already taken her to and from MEPS once and everything went smoothly but he didn’t know how he would be able to handle being the one to do it every time. It scared him that he would be going to her house a couple times a month, training her, couching her. He didn’t know if he could do it. He got so distracted so easily around her.

But in no time at all he was feeling comfortable with her. Although he still felt that attraction, the friendship that had started on that first road trip together continued to grow and eventually made him relax around her. Now he could completely be himself with no worries other than having to hide his admiration.

The difference now is that he doesn’t have his relationship with Angel to use as a shield anymore. He can no longer hide behind a married status. It’s time to face his true feelings.

He’s nuts about this girl. Not only is he hopelessly attracted to her physically, but her heart and her mind keep him enthralled. She’s exactly what every sensible man dreams of. Beautiful, intelligent, funny, compassionate.

Sure she has her downfalls too. She can be stubborn, willful and honest to a fault. But even her flaws have a certain charm about them. She doesn’t care what people think of her and THAT was no fault in Jesse’s eyes.

He takes the coffees back into the office and sets them on his desk. Lois had gotten up to look out the front door and check on the weather. As she stands there craning her neck, Jesse can’t help but admire her body.

She’s wearing her boots again, which accent the shape of her legs nicely. They were somewhat on the thicker side but they were firm and fit. Her Wrangler jeans showed off the shape of her round butt nicely. Everywhere he goes with Lois, guys are practically drooling over her ass. She never seems to notice but he could hardly blame them. In fact, looking at it now, he feels like he might drool over it too.

She’s wearing a red, white, and black plaid shirt over a black spaghetti-strap tank. She always has to wear tank tops under her button ups because she can never button them up all the way. Chancing a guess, Jesse would say Lois wore at least a D-cup but more likely a DD. Bottom line is, she has nice, round, large breasts. Another thing that makes men’s mouths water everywhere she goes.

She never wears very revealing or provocative clothing but she doesn’t have to. Her body is easy to admire, even covered up. In fact, Jesse’s so busy admiring her, he doesn’t realize that she’s watching him.

Lois can hardly believe it when she looks towards Jesse to see his eyes roaming her body, an appreciative look on his face. She can tell he likes what he sees and the thought gives her butterflies. Of course she’s been checked out before. Almost everywhere she goes she can feel men’s eyes on her. It’s been that way ever since she was thirteen years old.

But never in those years of warding men off did she feel a sensation like the one she felt with Jesse’s eyes sizing her up. The man that she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about for the last two months was bathing her body with his eyes and the knowledge makes her tremble.

Suddenly they made eye contact. Every defense in her brain tells her to look away, to say goodbye and walk out. But she can’t. Nor does she have the will too.

And Jesse, aware that he risks his job by going where his heart and body want to go, has no intention of breaking the stare. Instead, he simply smiles. Not the same friendly smile he’s given her dozens of times but a faint smile that’s full of understanding and implications. He knows what she’s thinking and he’s sure she knows what’s going through his mind. But instead of shrinking from it like he’s done before, he embraces the possibility.

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A young teacher does not earn very much, even one with a degree in math and software design. Even after twelve years in the service, his salary doesn't amount to much. So there I was, thirty-six years old and divorced, the father of two daughters who were given by the court into the care of their rich mother. My folks often told me 'never marry above your station' but I chose to ignore the advice, much to my regret. In exchange for my not contesting the divorce my ex-wife waived all...

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Chapter 4 Mel finds a parter in crime

The warm sun shining on her face brought Mel slowly awake. The last thing she remembered was being lifted out of the bathtub and dried off, before being carried to the bed. As she slowly became aware of her surroundings, she realized that the warm body next to hers was the bodyguard who had helped her kill the owners of the motel. Was it just last night, or a lifetime ago? She realized that she had no sense of how long she had been asleep. Opening her eyes, she saw that her face was buried...

4 years ago
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Fitting Julie For A Gown

Dave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together.Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with an additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with; miniskirts, daisy dukes, and...

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Aunty Ki Beti Ko Choda

By : Sandystar143 Hi everybody I am Sandy, this is my 1st story which I am sharing with everybody. At 1st about me I am studying 2nd Sem in bijapur district which is in Karnataka. I spent most of my childhood time alone in ma childhood. My aunt stays in Pune with her family which is of four members my aunt uncle and their 2 daughters. And the heroine in this story is my aunts daughter, her name is Sushmita n she is one n’ half year elder to me next the smaller one is Madhumita, she is...

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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

1 year ago
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Wow what a threesome

Just got back to college from winter break, and still very horny from my first man to man experience, I was only 19 and it seemed that I had just found my penis for the first time so you can imagine how bad I wanted to use it, living in my own place helped this along, as I was able to feed all my new indulgences from shaving my whole body, to dressing up, and playing with all kinds of new toys I had been picking up, but I had yet to meet up with anyone since my first encounters, and I was...

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Husband gives the neighbor his wifes panties

It was about 10:00 AM Sunday morning and I'd just returned back to the house from a quick run to grocery store when I heard the phone ring as I walked through the door. Apparently, my husband, Jim, and I must have answered the phone at the same time -- him from upstairs in our bedroom, and me from the kitchen.As I pulled the phone toward my ear, I was about to say 'Hello' when I realized Jim had picked it up. "Hey man!" I heard, Steve, our neighbor say. My husband answered with, "Well, how were...

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So I did and told her to do to me what I did to her, and started eating her pussy and she started giving me a blowjob. Then i put her on her side facing me and slid my gigantic 24 inch long 6 inch diameter (This is porn, you know) peter between her legs, rubbing it in her slit, while unbeknownst to me a friend of mine who was 36 or so was watching.She saw him and said: "But Frank is watching us." I said it's OK, don't worry about it.This was upstairs in the Famous Furniture Store. She was...

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Yoga Class

Yoga Class It is Friday so mom drops me off at Uncle Dans. Ostensibly I am there to help with some housework and yard work but, since my dad passed away before I knew him, Mom is also hoping Uncle Dan will be a good role model for me. Little does she know, Uncle has been seducing and transforming me into his sissy. Or just maybe, she does know? Anyhow I am dropped off as usual. "Ok Fillie, I have something special planned. Don't present as Fillie tonight, just sorta emo...

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Sex with Myself Literally Part 1

“This is weird,” I said, staring in the face that could’ve been my own reflection. I blinked, just to be sure. The other set of eyes didn’t blink back. “Tell me about it,” future me replied. “I can’t decide which experience is weirder; doing this for the first time or doing it again from the other perspective.” I knew it’d been ridiculous to blow my entire paycheck on a black-market time-jump, especially considering unauthorized time travel was a level 2 offense, punishable by up to...

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Customer Ki Daughter Ko Jum Kr Choda

Dear friends, hi to all of reader this is my first post, this is real incidence real story , hope u guys will like. My name is Ali khan age is 26 and this story is about my sexual affair with my customer daughter. Mera aik general store hai main karachi pakistan ka rhne wala ho. ye baat pichle saal ki hai jbb main 25 saal ka tha aur mere bhai ki tabiyat kharab thi to pora din shop per main he baitha krta tha aur hmara ye business pichle 10 years se hai. Mere aik customer thi jin ka naam hai...

1 year ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 25

Tonya's world was a plethora of colors, images, and sounds, both created and surrealistically distorted by the stimulation she was getting from the therapy; she had long since lost any sense of where she was, what was happening to her, or even which way was up or down. What had seemed excruciatingly painful at first was now a warm envelope of intense feeling, sending her into a disconnected state of simultaneous totality and nothingness... She caught fleeting glimpses of recognizable...

1 year ago
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Pioneers part 13 of 15

=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 13 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike...

3 years ago
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Naughty Cousin Ko kitchen Mai Dinbhar Choda

Hi ISS readers, this is Rahul from Aurangabad Maharashtra aur ye meri ISS par pehli kahani hai hope you’ll like the experience and I had n one more thing yeh kahani thodi si lambi hai kyunki mai apna dinbhar ka experience do line me to nai bata sakta na meri height 5’10” hai aur mera loda 7″ lamba aur 3″ Mota hai mere ghar me meri mom,dad aur mai hoon aur kahani ki nayika Ritu meri cousin hai aur mai ye pehle hi bata raha hoon k kahani me kuch naamo k alawa baaki sab 101% sach hai, jaisa k mai...

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FREE AND EASY BRIDE by Steve GoldenCHAPTER ONEShelby skipped off her wedding dress and stood in front of the mirror in her underwear. She wore white panties, a white garter belt, and a pair of matching nylon stockings. Her tits bulged out of a flimsy lace bra, the sturdy nipples poking through the sheer material.She patted her flat brown belly and turned to look at her tight ass. Her white garters stretched down over her asscheeks onto her slender thighs. Her lace panties had slid up between...

2 years ago
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Your Guardian AngelChapter 4 And Waves Are Crashing

When his dad gave the second string quarterback some practice time with us, Davis decided he hated me less than he hated being benched. With Davis finally on board, Coach Smith focused on timing routes between Davis and me -- quick passes where Davis threw the ball with the faith that I would be there to catch it. Coach Smith alternated the timing routes with spread options where Davis dropped back and cycled through his receivers to hit whoever was open. We were going to be doing a lot of...

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Compensation 1

It all started with a simple question. "Can I borrow five bucks?" I was with my friend Billy at Target, and we were browsing the video games. I just needed an extra few dollars to buy The Orange Box, which was the coolest game. "Just throw it on your debit card." "I'm sixteen. What the hell am I going to do with a debit card?" "Buy video games." "You need a job to make money to put into the bank to use the debit card, dipshit." I held out my hand with a small smirk. He...

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The beginning of my curiosity pt2

Having squired a collection of porn while on vacation with my parents. I had successfully hidden them in the basement. consisting of mostly straight porn novels and a couple of hard core magazines, and a few gay and bisexual books. I could not wait to show my friends! A couple of buddies had shared some of the nudie magazines their fathers had. Mostly Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler. We had discovered that we could sneak an issue or two out at a time careful to never take too many at once least...

1 year ago
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Val had a problem, a serious one too. It was her son, for the last 2 to 3 months he had been getting closer to her, but being his mother, she loved it. He was attentive, kind, complimentary, and loving, very loving.He had always been closer to her than his dad, who was gone now, gone for the last 3 years. Val had had enough of his philandering and thrown him out. Craig had been 16 at the time. He did miss his dad, but he got used to it quickly because it gave him his mother, he had no...

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GirlsWay Kenzie Reeves Alina Lopez Mackenzie Moss Nasty Cleaning Crew

Homeowner London River shows a cleaning crew into her bedroom. The cleaners—Alina Lopez, Mackenzie Moss, and Kenzie Reeves—set their cleaning supplies down. This is the master bedroom, London explains. She’s going out to run some errands, but by the time she gets back, she expects this—just like the REST of the house— to be SPOTLESS, London says bitchily. London doesn’t see the cleaners look at each other and roll their eyes. ‘And if any of you think...

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A Night To Remember With Crush

I live in a rented apartment, I’m 5’6 with a normal body and cute looks. I love cracking good jokes which can make anyone smile.I joined one MNC in Gurgaon post my stint in Hyderabad. It was a new project in the same company so I use to see new joiners almost every day.Out of those new joiners, I saw a beautiful girl named Sophia (not a real name). She hailed from Delhi, was from a well-off Punjabi family, 5’5, almost my height, not skinny but the right amount of curves at right places. I liked...

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School Time

‘Over the desk, you naughty little girl!’ Cheryl smiled and leaned over at the waist placing her hands on the cold desk in front of her, her firm rounded bum stuck out under the little schoolgirl skirt she was wearing, the thin grey material dropping just below her bum on the top of the backs of her thighs. ‘I’m sorry Miss’ she said with a grin as she felt a soft hand rub over her firm bum then slip under her skirt, rubbing the white cotton panties that were covering her skin, the touch...

3 years ago
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Sex with office colleague

Hi, i am kumar, from pune. I am working in a software company at pune. I want to share my sexual experience with one of my senior colleaque about 3 moths ago. All names in this have been changed for privacy reasons. I am 26yr old guy with average body shape and 5.6 feet tall. I work in one of the pune’s leading software company for about 2 years. I stayed there in a single bedroom apartment at kothrud. I am casual guy and make jokes in my work place and with my colleaques. In my team we had 4...

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Eat Out With The FamilyChapter 3

The following afternoon, when Jan's husband Pete returned in his truck from the city, he stopped at Lois Mason's place to drop off some items that he'd picked up for her on the trip. Lois was a rather attractive divorcee who lived alone, and because she didn't drive or have a car, the neighbors would pick up things she needed when they went into town. "Hi, Pete," smiled the big-titted redhead after he carried the package in the house. "I sure appreciate this." "It's no trouble at...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Carmen Callaway Violet Starr Shower Sex

T. Stone decides to go for a sensual NURU massage at the spa, but it’s his second time around, and when he meets his charming masseuse Carmen Callaway for his appointment, he thinks he wants to double his pleasure by adding another masseuse to the mix. Lucky for Mr. Stone, the pretty and petite Voilet Starr is available. As the threesome gets naked, and into the shower, the girls work his cock into a frenzy double time. They walk him to the massage bed, and cover him in NURU gel,...

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The Journey

THE JOURNEY By Anne Gray Note: I originally posted this story in 2003, complete with the usual mistakes made by would be authors, in five short chapters. I am very grateful to Vickie Tern for the advice and comments that, I hope, make this revision a better story. It tells of the Journey a young man makes to fulfill his dream. The category is crossdressing and the code G; the story is complete. Chapter...

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Cant Say No

Another long day at work, finding myself drifting off into fantasy land just wishing my boss would take me into his back office and have his way with me. I stand about 5'7; still have my nice young firm breast that my long dark hair just brushes up against. I always make sure to wear outfits that hug every slender curve and make it near impossible to avert your eyes away from. I can feel my panties soaking through; it is all I can do to concentrate. Finally the day ends, before I can even think...

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Meeting Mother Part III

Meeting Mother, Part III By Sandy Brown Emily took my hand, and together we walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to Mother. I stood there with the two of them, wearing the pink sweater, and the almost-matching lipstick, feeling a swirl of emotions. I had spent years trying to put my girlish, sissyish side behind me, to find a 'normal' girlfriend and live a 'normal' life. And I had felt like I had done that, even though I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I had put a...

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Altered Fates The only Boy

This is a story in which I found the Medallion of Zulo. I am only 15 years old and I live with 2 sisters and 2 stepsisters, I live in Florida and I am in the 8Th grade right now. Grace and Jamie's real mother died giving birth to Grace, and then their father married my mom and shortly later died in a plane crash and since my Mom already had partial custody, she gained whole custody after his death. I came home after school and my 6Th grade stepsister told me to get the telephone for...

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The Rouge

Today was a big day. It was your’s and your twin sister, Rose’s 18th birthday. Other than that, you woke up feeling normal. You were a tall, well built male named Robert Paine. You started to work out when you were 16 so you would stop getting bullied for being overweight. It also came with the benefit of finally getting a girlfriend. At heart, you were still a big nerd. Rose was shorter than you and was quite petite. She had blonde hair and was your best friend. You told everything to each...

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapters 1 2

I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...

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A Domsub couple decide to live out a fantasy involving hard caning

Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...

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Penny my wife for other men Part twoenjoy her

If you have read the first chapter you will already know quite a lot about us. Our story now move forward a little over 5 years. Our good fortune has continued we have our family a boy who is just starting school, work has been terrific with two further promotions. This took us to a house near the coast beyond our wildest dream given our modest background.We had only one problem Penny felt at a loose end, no not really true baby bored cooped up at home in a new area, and although she had made a...

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Fucking My Office Receptionist

Hi guys and girls this is women hunter from Bangalore .I have been reading the stories in this site from many years and finally i got an opportunity to write my real story which I had few months before with my office receptionist Shashikala .If any spelling mistake please don’t be angry .Any girls aunties bhabis want to have physical sex secretly can contact me on Let me describe her she is a typical south Indian girl but had a very good asset like 34-28-34 that I came to know when i had sex...

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More Mallucinations

Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two thirteen year old girls undressing each other, I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in, They belong to Sandra, a pretty little fourteen year old and they're pulled right up into her slit, she's sitting in...

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My Stepson the PsychopathChapter 8

The women led us back down the hallway and into the cabaret. I had hoped that people would have begun to dress and depart by now. I think my heart stopped when we entered the room and discovered that everyone was still there. Most of them were back in their seats. They were obviously looking forward to our return. FUCK! I so want this to be over!! We entered the room and were led back up on stage. I had no idea what was in store for us now. But I knew I wasn't going to like it. The slaves...

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