Patton Oswalt 1, free porn video

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So I and my new beautiful Emily, are in the midst of a long flight, from LaGuardia to LAX, and we begin to have the most free spirited, enthusiastic, freakitty- fRESH- Freak nasty ass conversation. Emily ",Babe, I gotta come clean,,, ayyy~ further about my ,,, sexual turn on.... Prepare yourself, bc shit is about to get real......:-/" I "O.k. babe,,, lay it on, me, I know that whatever it is, it couldn't be too deranged or gross£~£~~,,, right?,,,," Emily ",,,,,,,,,ok., Babe check it out. I often or maybe sometimes, wish and or imagine short, stalky, mostly chubby middle aged white men sucking your big black long Juicy Dark dick,,, ,, ,, ,, like me, or my sister Krystal M.B. Willis, or even Granny Taylor. I mean straight Goafer Duck Mobbin', on you.......Sometimes,,,,£~~I imagine us both as a couple taking advantage of a stubby, adorable, short white man, babe,,, am I disgusting.?" I "Oh my Fuggin' GAWd, I,,,,,,, often or maybe sometimes have to fight off Chubby white and Asian middle aged homosexual an Bi-sexual men off me, it's like I can hear there inner Hungry hungry Stalker ish Hippo need to crave my lips, my eyebrows, my eyelashes, my muscles, my Tattoos, my SUPERMAN Titties, and most importantly my big black long Dick..." Emily "Oh My God,,, that is the exact, type of hardcore Giggitty Gay interracial Oral Dirty shit, I push deep down inside, and try,, I mean I really try, not, to, think about it,,,, buhhhhh..." I ".... Seriously baby, it's like,,, I also, feel that these certain types of White men, fluidly Goafer Duck Shlurk work that meat HANGRILi and Scarfer-ishly. I don't know, maybe think about Certain Chubs like John Cena, James Corden, or Patton Oswalt..." Emily "!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!,,, , No babe, no you Fuggin' did~Not, say, his name...." I "What??" Emily "Dad, that is exactly,,, who I,. Had~in mind.... checgit'Out. So we should be arriving to the airport at 4:24pm, and I can make some calls, but I can ,, most likely set us up. With a meet and greet at Khloe's and you could finally pitch, your movie idea to him."

I "Mami, I know, I know, I know-i know... Set that ish up. Ayo, but keep it Castaway, I don't want to come off like some hetero, big black nigga and his dirty~``nERDY White Wife, trying to live out there, filthy Threesome Man and Wife doggy hoGGy Twiggy Twork workin' That~Chubby White~Last Superboyish mouth........... An, possibly Arse....:-(~)" Emily "...okokokok, ok stay coo' let me call his manager Megan Mullaly, Khlo an Kris, to set the Beverly hills Mansion, for the pitch meeting. So it took us precisely another 4hours to get to L.A., and when we arrived we had to, cancel the pitch at Khloe's bc Kris had a bitch fit and demanded we have the pitch meeting at her Beverly hills Mansion, no butts! It took 2 hours to set up snacks, refreshments, and to get You Patton the only man, I find remotely worthy or attractive to be shmothered with flawless buck wild- Freak Deaky nasty ass~ interracial Sex ish. 8:56pm sharp, you Patton arrived, and we're greeted by my GLORiOUS Wife Emily... Emily "Hello, Mr. Oswalt, such a joy and absolute privilege to finally meet you, and talk to you about an incredible, film opportunity with my Husband's directorial debut John E. Willis aka Al B. Sure/JohnVeNOM/Ginuwine CEO of BFO Recordings LLC. & BFE ENT., what say you?" You "....Wow I'm excited, I haven't started in my own blockbuster film,, , , ,an wow to actually work with Mr. VeNOM, would be a surreal honor, , So I have my voice over with the Goldberg's ending season 6, next week,,, so if the project sounds promising, I'm all in." Then my shnooky boo, got,, down,, to BiZzZNeSs, an began to ask the, really-illy-ill- Ques£~ty£~owns, haha. Emily ",.,,, So , before I bring my Golden Honey bear, Strawberry Sundae hubby, let me just get the preliminary questions, out, the, way. ...., ,. ,. So, how much, about, do~ya, think you weigh???!? What-uhh bout 215 - 225." You "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhm, how does that pertain to, the project.?." Emily ",,,,,,,,Well, just, gotta get some, facts about,,,,, the man, ``Patton Oswalt``."")You ever hear my hubby's, Quad-Droople Diamond Album Mixtape, "Poisonist Passion Vol.1" Co-Starring Sade Adu.....?" You ">>Actually, you know what,,, I did actually own, a cassete disc, that my mother stole, from me. Clearly a living Masterpiece of musical flawlessness.... I sometimes cry, on my mother's voicemail,, hoping she returns- the call , , ,and my damn CD." Emily "Whoa~Whoa~Whoa~£~~wHoAhhh Nicki, kick back Pat-In,, getting a little sensitive about a mixtape."

You "Iknow/Iknow, it is just one of those albums, that completely capture the essence of the Rythmn and Blues, to your husband's superior lyrical hardcore hip-hop lyrics..." Emily "Daaaimn, Getting a lil' aggressive about a , couplah sonng's Cutti." You "Excuse me?.?." , Emily ",,,,,,,,,,_-/'Looook, you heard the, long tale of the story surrounding,,, that album-right?" You "No, I didn't, what's the surrounding controversy?" Emily ",.,.,>>>>wELL -bRUhHh, the word is,,,, any man to talk about, mention, cry, sy, or own,,,, even a little piece of,,, the 'Poisonist Passion Volume1,,,, ieeewZiz...?" You "..Is what?" ... . . . . . . . Emily "is, , , ,GAY(!)(!)(!), , , , YA knoW, lil' sissy, uhh pootie, uhh punk,......." You "A whaht???(/+++?"EMiLY"UHH~~FaGGOT, damn it, , , uhh-Stone-Cold - FunkyFaggoTT Pat. Hey, ya'gotta'let'that'Shih~Go." You "I jusSssS,,," Emily "HEYY-YA GAY, IF YA STILL, TALKIN' ABOUT THAT POISONIst~Patton- Ozzy.. . . So, ya gay huh." You "iaMnOTgAY! GOT Damn it, I simply appreciate,,,,,, Sade and you're husband's music." Emily "So,,,,,,,,,, ya gay. Heyyy, it's not a bad thing. It's Cool, hey, it's even highly exceptable and trendy." You "Wow, I honestly feel that your attacking me, and I don't have to stay here, and take,,,,, Is that Joann&Kris' shrimp Cheese fondue I smell?" Emily "It, show is... But seriously, if I and my husband could promise you a Android or Apple phone with all 18mp3d songs from Poisonist Passion,,, would youuuuuuu......?!?;'*":'!??" You "Would I whAHHHT?" Emily "You let me put,,,,, a nicely lubricated,,,, 7inch,,, thick black Strap-on,,, up ya'Ass?" You slowly digested my wife's proposition, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, then answered , You "I don't know,, maybe,,,, what do you guys,,, have a Super Bowl stadium full of them, around here.,,, O.K. Slowly£~ breath Let me start again,,, wHAT I meant to say, " Emily "You know what, Mr. Oswalt, I am totally out of line, we're getting far off track, back to the project, I'm deeply sorry, please forgive me, for even mentioning£~ Plowing you, smooth yet Shmack clack wildly up that'Ass, , , while my Al B. ViZzy,,, creep up from behind me, and Shwalla shlide that Thick long Black Nasty Ass Rock hard Dirty Dungeon Dick, , , , in ya mOUFFf, truly sorry." You "...lOOK, see your misinterpreting what, I'm trying to say. I.." Emily "So what your saying is, you're dying to suck my hHUSBAND's CoCk." You "Ehch£~haha aha, no. , I didn't say that, exactly. But being honest it has nothing to do with his skin tone or length, I'm comfortable and fully secure to say, Al B. Sure is the only man I find ultruistically Handsome, or attractive and astonishingly breathe taking human male, that,I, would,take,pleasure in entering me,, oOr, for me to, pleasure orally, to completion." Emily "Alrighty, so~,,how,, would,, you,, suck it?" You "I would soothingly relief him of Ejaculation formittably and firm." Emily "Nuh-no+-no-no, see J.Daddy.V, don't like that wimpy Shit- he like That East Oakland, L.A. Almadenner' b**st Neck, he like a bitch or probably a 'bitch man' to Shlllurgiy Rope swang Goafer suck that pipe."

You "--See, I didn't want to get SsStank but'uhhhhhh'um, trust me Mrs. Willis, I would Goafer Duck Mob, on that pIPE." Emily "s-s-suhh-So, so you would Work that pipe, Shlurpee Glihh-ihh-Shteeeze-Flaw,-Oggitty oral Slurkle my man?" You "... Jesus, Emily, I'm,,, no,,, I am not Gay, but the~Fuggin"'~way ya keep TALKIN' bout it.Honestly has me feeeeee-eeeling very Gay, for you and you're Glorious husband John." As you rolled you're eye's in hormoic bliss, My #1 lady E.B.R. swooped up, feelin' it way too much, and *Plawppy* dipped the black fat strap-on, in your agaped mouth. Then my fair Lady spoke "Oh-shit,Oh-shit, oh my,, Mr. Oswalt,,, I'm so so sorry." You "AUWHhff÷- Uhhh, what , just happened?" My Dane or Dame or PunkRock Biiietch, put her lovely Red dress back over purtruding massive Striggitty,, an spoke again "....An now the moment you have been waiting for, my man, my daddy, mine, my Multi-gifted husband Alexander Beautiful John E. Willis Sure.... Honey, just got done, approaching Mr. Oswalt about the big BFO Recordings LLC. Pro." I "Hello Mr. Oswalt, I'm happy to finally meet you,,, I have the most iconic biopic, timeline, slash autobiography Sit up sit down Comedy..... 'Patton Oswalt:The Most Intelligent man'. Comedians/Actors/Writers/Producers/directors/& athlete legends, past and present travel up and down California, Japan, and New York picking at your brilliance as the most Intelligent Comedian/Actor, but more impressive, man on Earth. Plot would venture into your personal life, c***dren/Wife and call it , a movie. Whaddoya'say?" You "Mr. Sure or Mr. Willis, -uhh-I would be absolutely honored to star in your very imaginative and eclectic film." Emily "Grrrrrreat, this sounds perfect I'm gonna run into Kris' kitchden for some drinks... You two chat, while I feTCHh the reFreshMentS... :-)" You "Mr. Sure, I am very moved and elated, about this project, but I now fully realized today that I......))I..."""-&+' Am Gay for you, I'm just, being straight up. I'm married with c***dren happily,. But I yearn to take you In my mouth.(.). There I said it... Whoooooh." Then quickly without hesitation I grabbed you and Deeply French kissed you, hARRRD. Then I pulled away, not denying my flawless Godliness, Breath taking Beauty and Earth shattering masculinity,,, Slapped you across the face, and said "luh-luh-lOOK, ,,, Come here,,,, get d....."YOU"Yes>Yes sir,... (. .)" Then like a true Faggitty Ass Bitch, began long roping, that CoCk. I looked past into the distance, and could see my bAy, Emi, stroking that Strapped Plastic rubber dick, and with other hand, higgitty hitting that Clit. Lips wet drooling, uhh bit. Then you enter with the drinks playing the surprised roll, Emily ".Well-I never,,,, Oh you've done it now, You're Goafer Duck Long Roping , my mothafuckin' man,,, Nope,,,- nah Take these fuckin' PantsZ'Off," I "P., GET LOW!! YEAh u heard her! Arch-ya Patton Arch...." Emily "JuSs-ARcH YOUR Back, ~~yeaH poke that ass- out, Oh baby- I'ma have'tuh run through this Chubby bitch!! HAHhhH, Shhhloccck-Shhhloccck--shhhloccck-shhhloccck-shhhloccck, Oh ShiT- HaHhh-Hahhh.!!!" You "!!!Uhhergghhhhfff!!!" I "AwuHHHlll -->>✓fUCKKK Babe, oh£~Whoa, buhh-buh- baby~daimn,,,, I CAN'T, HOLE'IT, Oh!!! Goddamn, babe (Hahahaha), you better stop playin'..." Dude it was insane my beau's white flawless soft Titties started to GorGe, actuallllllllllllllly growing and lactating.

Emily "NiggaH,- see I told,, wait --See Shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk- see, Daddy-Swollllaaht- I told you, we was gon' get- a little nasty,,, HaHhh-Hahhh-Hahhh-Hahhhhh-Hahhhh-Hahhhhh-Hahhhh-, throw ass back Patton,,, Oh God my Titties!!!!- Hahhhh-hhahhhh--Hahhh, damn it- I said- , NiggaH I said throw it- Shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-, Throw it back hONky- Hahhhhh..." Oh GoOd GoD, when she started to, really diggs in you, well damn I lost all control, so I proceeded to Thunder Slide Throat ya thoat. The 3 of us SWifTly moving in pure free sexual harmony, Sweatin' all three of us, you arched like Dominique Dawes at The 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, untill I just couldn't hold back and jusSssS bliggitty blurst blastin' all off into your mouth, with a tap water after effect steam stream racing down your Black Cock Whore Fucking Faggot throat. Being ran through train style by , wifey and I Emi an J.VeEze.

To Be Continued.......................

:This John's Erotica story is dedicated to all my "NiGGa's", and my Birth Son Aubrey Drake Graham John E. Willis III
B.May, 16th 2001

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and...

2 years ago
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One hell of a Halloween

So this is the story about the time my friend Briana and I hooked up:It was at a Halloween party at our friends house, and we were all supposed to dress up in either a costume or as a celebrity. Now, I wasn't about to go and shell out money for a fucking costume, so I just threw on some black jeans, a red v-neck, and a black and red motorcycle jacket, and added a pair of stunner shades and came to the party as Kanye (you know, after that whole "Ima let you finish" incident? Now, I'm 20, about...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IVChapter 2

Alene’s world was a blur of brilliant colors, a mixture of white and blue. She couldn’t discern where she was. Everything was fuzzy, as if she woke up with the worst headache in existence. Alene shifted her sore body slightly and realized she was in a pool of liquid, a source of radiating heat laid on top of her. It was then that Alene heard the voices. “I think she’s awake,” came a familiar voice. “Go easy on her girls...” Another, different voice sounded. “How long?” The first voice...

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Addicted to grandpa8217s cock

It became an addiction for me to play with and suck grandpa’s cock after that first sneaky time. I couldn’t wait for him to drink to the point of letting his guard down and pass out. All I thought about was getting my next fix of grandpa’s cum in my mouth, I day dreamed about the smell of his genitals, the taste of his cum, the fantastic texture of his cock in my mouth. There were many times when he was unconscious that I worshiped his cock until it oozed his delicious spunk...

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Black Mens Revenge Against White Klan GirlsChapter 7

That evening the men had supper with Alice, Becky, Penny, and Amanda. They had a fish dinner, with some bass that Johnny had caught fishing in the nearby creek. Fried potatoes and a salad completed the meal. Barbie and Jeannie were still in bed, sore from being raped that afternoon. Sammy took a tray up to the girls and helped them sit up in bed, and then they ate their supper too. After supper Tommy decided to fuck Alice. Sammy and Johnny were both eager to fuck young Amanda, having watched...

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Bangkok Diaries Part 8211 1

This is a rather long story and not for people who wants Sex from the first line till the last word of the story. Instead the first part has no sex at all. The story is about me and my past experiences. This particular day I was just standing in the long queue of Indigo Check-In counter at Delhi when I realized I know someone in the crowd and he is even staring at me. I turned to see it was Aayush, my old classmate and a superb buddy then. I waved my hand to him in excitement. He was about 20...

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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 6

The Victrix Imperiata hung in geostationary orbit over the helium shrouded hyperice world known as The Watch. While it was not, in astronomic terms, actually far from the three other Hegemonic ships in orbit, it was far enough away to make the distinction clear. The three other ships – the Tokyo, the Dresden and the Toyama – were each painted a matte black. Against the red haze of the nebula that shrouded this cluster, they looked less like ships and more like absences. On the bridge of the...

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History LessonPart 3

After a couple of weeks James thought back over all that had happened over the last year or so. One person kept coming back into his mind, Beverly. At first he was just curious, wondering how she was doing, was she happy? As agreed they had their first lunch at the end of Beverly's initial semester. This went really well and James was amazed at how much she was growing, not just with her course work, but personally. She was much more open and more attractive than he had remembered. He...

4 years ago
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Pooja The Sexiest Babe

Hi guys, this is Kevin once again with a story of the sexiest babe I met. I hope you guys are having a great time. I got a great response from girls and guys. Thank you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t see few invites so I couldn’t reply to you all back. Many of you really liked Now let’s move on. We have discussed so many girls from Diya, Priya, Shreya, Ayesha, and Reshma. Let me know who your favorite is. Those who are new, please read my previous entries. You will have a clear picture of the...

4 years ago
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I Love My Dad

Hi This is Minikumari from Kerala.I like to tell about my sex experiance with my Dad. I was just passed out from school.I am a good figure in that age with a boob size 30. At that time ours is a small house with one bedroom and hall with kitchen. Bedroom was actually part of hall and it parted with a plywood. Door was not there and only a curtain was their as bedroom door. Usually my parents will shift me to hall after I slept during childhood. Than at high school time I use to sleep at...

2 years ago
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Thoughts of Interruptions

I interrupted you the other morning. I was surprised to find you up and on line. It was early, early for you. You always kept to the later hours of the day. Later, unless... I took a chance and dropped you a “Hi”. Wondering if perhaps you had logged on and forgot; or if messenger was playing games again and showing a false status. But no, you responded right away. I commented on the hour and if you were up early for breakfast...and if it was an English breakfast or Indian. You laughed and...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Frat Boy Games Ch 2

The door shut with an audible click. Anna was now alone with this stranger, this man, Number One in the contest. She was about to lose her virginity. His upper face was covered by a black mask, leaving his lower face exposed. His grin was twisted as he looked off the side of the bed. Anna looked to where he was looking and saw a timer, in bright, big red letters. She watched as it counted down from 8. ‘Five, four, three, two, one. You’re mine!’ His hands grabbed her breasts roughly, pulling...

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Fishermans Wife

(No seafood was harmed in the making of this story.) Had it been one of those small, gentle urges she probably would never have awakened. Instead of being a tiny, "you-know-a-good-fuck-would-be-nice-right-now" kind of urge it was a "fuck-me-now-or-I-might-explode" craving. Needless to say, she was through sleeping for the night. She stretched out her arm, expecting the familiar warmth of his body next to hers in bed. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. The Alaskan sun was glowing...

1 year ago
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Upside Down Family

Hi, friends, this is Rathode and it is my another sex story. My father works in a biotechnology lab he got 3 to 4 honors from the big university of India, USA, England, and Singapore. He recently took a project, guys this project changed our entire life, let me give some brief introduction to my family. My family contains 4 members, 1) Sundar Mohan Pande- my father, Age- 51 very energetic and brilliant. 2) Gowri Pande- my mother, Age-44 very beautiful, very active and have loving...

2 years ago
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This Is How I Made Love With My Friend8217s Shy Virgin Girlfriend

Hello, I am Gowtham 25 from Vijayawada and I’m working in Media. I’m 5’7 average built and fair guy. I’m a biker and used to ride a lot in weekends,But one ride changed a lot of things. Her name is Vedha (name changed) 24 and she is a MBA student.She is my best friend Harshad’s girl and I know her since 2010. She is a chatter box and never stops talking, I always felt annoying with her and i never had any interest in her and coming to her appearance she is fair and fit. My friend used to be...

1 year ago
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4 December 2006Chapter 4

Karen moved to stand beside Wendy. She and Dan kissed as Wendy continued sucking on his cock. “Wendy, please take off my skirt,” Karen ordered. She let Dan’s cock slide out of her mouth. It bobbed up and down to his pulse, the shaft glistening from her mouth. She put her hands on Karen’s skirt and slid it down her slender legs. She looked a Karen’s shaved pussy coming into view. She put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder, stepping out of her skirt. “You like the look of my shaved pussy?” “Yes, I...

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Fucked The Village Girl Lakshmi In Woods

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience with a village girl at outdoor. Now coming to the story this is my story of banging a girl in our native village at outdoor. My father native place near thirunelvelli it was a small village and it...

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Its All Relative

Joseph was still horny after earlier and was hoping to go to his room, strip and jack off to some porn without being interrupted by Kelsey. As he opened the front door he noticed she wasn’t in the living room watching TV like she usually was. He began to think she may have gone out with Tyler; her boyfriend and he had the place to himself. As he walked to his room he noticed the door was open and the light was on. This raised some concern because he believed Kelsey went into his room again to...

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Cuckold Wife 2

I had to get back to work after a few minutes, so I got dressed and at the door, Charlene, still naked, gave me a long drawn out tongue filled swirling kiss, making my pulse and my cock throb. “See you tonight, lover,” she purred. I drove back to the office, grabbed a sandwich at the downstairs deli, and my secretary, Penny Fields, was still faithfully holding down the fort. She smiled a greeting, and said, “Did you get what you needed, boss?” The word boss was a playful...

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End Of School

The interim time when the little school girl was changing into the woman she wanted to be Randy and I had been playing around for months and I was deeply in love, but at the same time worried that I had fallen too hard for him. Randy was more than a few years older than me, I had just turned seventeen .He had everything the other little boys didn’t have cars , bikes , money , credit cards and a gorgeous seven and half inch cut cock that I loved….we were perfect fit together. Randy...

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War Has Always Been Hell

War Has Always Been HellChapter ILily Martin knelt with her rump resting on her heels on a smooth wooden floor receiving her orientation after having been taken captive during the most recent battle in San Antonio, Texas. Her field interrogation was fairly civil and quick. The soldiers took her personal information, asked her a few innocuous question, bound her hands, blindfolded and gagged her then placed her in a car for transport. A hot, dusty, long ride west of the city to a cement block...

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There stood Etherus, just as before, frozen in the pose he had worn for more than a century. Kathryn looked down and marveled at the care the creator had taken in the upright appendage, every ripple, every vein, had been meticulously carved, making it seemed to pulse with realism. She reached out and grasped it gingerly quite shocked at the width, her tiny fingers unable to touch on top. The marble was warm, she supposed from pressing against her and she dropped slowly down to take it into...

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Sucky VacationChapter 11

“Gah, it smells like a French whorehouse in here,” Nessa said as the adults came into the room and turned on the overhead lights. Jeff startled awake and glanced around in panic as he realized he’d fallen asleep. Lori was still sleeping despite the bright light, but everyone else had roused as fast as he had. Amy and Shelly jerked the sheets up to cover their bare breasts while Neal looked ready to bolt at being caught in bed between them. “What the hell is going on here?” Uncle Bob...

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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 3

Nicole stopped in front of the door to take a deep breath. She was glad to no longer be in public but she was afraid of what Barry would want next. Her nipples still hurt badly and she could feel her panties inside her pussy. She knew her computer was on and so was the webcam. Barry would be waiting. She opened the door and went inside. She had just set down her bag when she heard Barry's voice through the speakers. "Welcome home, slut. Take off your clothes and show me your...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 17

Elinore searches through Liana’s belongings, looking for something as Liana struggles to play with herself. Bonny stares, blushing as she moves closer with a curious look on her face. “What am I supposed to be looking for?” Elinore asks. “Um, she’s not talking, she’s just rubbing herself,” Bonny says. “Long and hard,” Liana says. “Long and hard?” Bonny asks. Elinore reaches into the bag, pulling out a long dildo and staring at it. “I think this is it.” “A dildo?” Liana reaches out for...

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Uninvited You Shouldnt Be HereChapter 3 Rebellion

We drove for hours, following the open road, almost devoid of traffic, passing through forest and field, not knowing what our destination might look like. Would we try to find a resistance homestead? How would be know where to look? They would be hidden from ADVENT, and they may just fire on us if they saw an ADVENT troop carrier approaching their gates. Contact XCOM? How? They would surely shoot Vi on sight even if I had a way to contact them, which I didn’t, and I couldn’t stand the thought...

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My Assistant Kanika And Her Best Friend Anjum

I am raj, from Hyderabad, working for an mnc as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed), this is a continuation of my previous posting my assistant Kanika lost her virginity to me soon after her marriage , I would try to explain everything in detail about my encounter with Kanika and how we got closer to each other and how she convinced me to tag along with...

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MyDirtyMaid Indica Monroe Shy maid gets fucked

This week we got the beautiful Indica Monroe. She is coming in to clean the house. She is so voluptuous I can’t help but notice it all day. Especially when she bends over her pants are sheer. She does a good job cleaning I ask her to take off all her clothes. She was hesitant but a few more hundreds convince her to get naked. I get rock hard watching her ass bounce around as she cleans. I whip out my big fat dense cock. She loves it. She walks over to clean my pole. I fuck her until I...


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