- 2 years ago
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Doctor Leah Carr looks at her schedule. In ten minutes she has an appointment with a set of clients the company has been waiting to see for ten years. Leah is a pretty woman in her early forties who has worked for the company for over twenty years now. She knew the client’s parents, even worked with them. She chose the task ten years ago, even spoke to the then seventeen year old Alma Chandler.
Alma now twenty-seven and her sister live together. The older sister has never married nor has any children. She had spent the portion of her adult life caring for her younger sister and just hasn’t had time for any kind of real relationship. And then when the problem arose, she called Doctor Carr. She is attractive with long blonde hair, large breasts and slim, curvy figure. Her sister, Fiona, is slimmer with no curves, longer raven hair, smaller breasts and glasses. At fifteen Fiona is attractive but her older sister’s beauty shadows hers.
Dr. Carr wants to get some rest and prepare herself for the next appointment. She received the call yesterday and was caught off guard. For ten years she has prepared for this day since their last meeting, and even with all that preparation she is nervous about it. The problem is she has an idea of what to expect because the younger sister was never kept tabs on or observed. The company didn’t want to interfere unless the sisters came to them. And so they have. She has been interested to see how things had turned out and so desperately wanted to keep tabs on them, but the company wouldn’t allow it and she didn’t want to risk being caught at trying it.
A few minutes later the phone rings and the secretary says that the sisters have arrived. Then a door opens and they come inside the office. Leah looks Alma and then the younger sister. She is instantly pleased at what she sees. Alma is gorgeous and looks younger than her age. Fiona is pretty, younger looking like her sister with a bit of a nerdy look. But Leah knows what can lie behind that nerdy look. She looked like that in her teenage years. And Leah was the opposite of shy in school.
“Hello, my name is Doctor Leah Carr. It’s Fiona, isn’t it?” she says, looking directly at the younger sister, who nods. Then she turns to Alma. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I was...”
“Yes, you handed me the card with your number,” Alma cuts in. “You said in case something strange ever happened.”
“And I’m to guess that something did,” the doctor says, and then offers them to sit down. She smiles to the two sisters. “I understand that you waited for two years before all the symptoms ended?”
“Yes, everything was fine after puberty, her first period,” the older sister confirms. “But then the pains began. Her clit was the first to change. Then slowly everything changed,” she says with a faltering voice.
“There is no need to feel ashamed,” Leah reassures. “This was done without consent and since your parents are dead, we cannot know for sure what outcome they expected.”
“Certainly you have some idea,” Alma says with disbelief.
“Well, that the company did, or does,” the doctor confirms. “But that is an area that I cannot discuss. Unfortunately your parents were working on a project, one of many similar ones, and because of that I cannot disclose anything.”
“Then why are we here?” Alma asks, feeling as frustrated as she is embarrassed.
“Well, as I told you ten years ago, I am here for you and your sister. Anything I can help with, I will do so within my power.”
Alma stares at the older woman for a few tense moments. She almost considers getting up and leaving, but Fiona needs help. She needs help. Answers or guidance—anything will help at this point. “Well ... Fiona and I are very close. We talk about everything and we help each other. It is only us and it has been for a long time. With this change to her, I do not know how to help her.”
“It can be a difficult thing, but not something that cannot be overcome,” Leah states. “Sometimes just talking about it can help.”
“Try telling that to Fiona,” Alma says, looking over at her sister. “I try to tell myself it all the time. But she doesn’t want to talk about it at all.”
“Fiona, is this true?” Leah asks, now focusing on the younger sister. The girl simply nods in reply. “Have you had any boyfriends?”
“Yes,” she replies quietly. “But that was before...”
“Has it changed how you think about guys and girls?” the doctor presses.
“Yes,” the girl answers with a terse reply.
“Are you attracted to girls?” Fiona nods and blushes. “Relax, Fiona. We have seen many cases similar to this. Now we are here to help you, and I believe that your sister wants what is best for you, right?”
“Yes,” Alma says, taking her sister’s hand into hers. “I just want to help you.”
“Well then, Fiona,” Leah continues, talking encouragingly. “We are going to need you to be open so that we can help you through this and accept your body for what it is.”
“I will certainly try then,” the girl says with more certainty.
“When was the last time you had a boyfriend?” the doctor asks, smiling friendly.
“A couple years ago, before the change started,” Fiona answers but only after a brief pause.
“Did you have sex with him?”
Fiona opens her mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. She looks to her sister, her face reddening a little more. After a little encouragement, the girl simply nods her head.
And you have already gone through puberty?” Leah asks. When the nod comes, she asks, “How many times did you have sex?”
“Once,” Fiona answers.
“Why only once?” the doctor inquires. “Did you not like it?”
“I liked it, yes,” the girl answers while breaking a smile. “But after that the changes began. My clit was huge and I was scared.”
“With your changes, did you masturbate?” Leah asks softly.
“I did before and after,” Fiona admits after another brief hesitation. “It was different. And it helped with the pain.”
“Helped?” Leah raises and eyebrow. “How did it help?”
“Once I reached the end, I felt relief,” the girl explains. “It was like before. I felt satisfied. Good. Pain free.”
“Did you produce any cum?” Fiona looks to her sister and then the doctor. She shakes head. “None at all?” Leah is startled to hear this until the girl goes into more detail.
“At first I didn’t, but when they appeared it began,” Fiona says, looking even more embarrassed than when she first came into the office. But she presses on bravely. “That’s when it started getting messy.”
“It can get that way,” Leah agrees. “Do the end result, the messiness bother you?”
“No,” Fiona replies squirming and with a low tone.
“That’s fine. I’m going to need to look over your genitals,” the doctor says softly and turns to Alma. “You will stay with us, Alma, alright?” she asks suggestively.
“Yes, I will,” Alma answers. “I’m not going anywhere. And if I can help and any way...”
“Of course, Alma, your help is necessary,” confirms Leah with another smile. She stands up and say, “Fiona, come over to the examination room.”
Fiona does obediently, and the room is conveniently located through a connecting door to the doctor’s office. The girl climbs onto the table and lies on it.
“Remove your pants, please,” Leah says with a warm, reassuring voice. “Don’t be shy,” she adds when seeing a little hesitation in the girl.
Fiona undoes her pants, lowering the zipper. Then she pulls down the jeans and panties in one yank. The girl is exposed from the waist down, showing off what normal girls don’t have. Though limp, her cock is big and fat. Her balls at the base of the shaft are large. There is no sign of a pussy and everything is smooth as silk.
“Wow,” Leah exclaims excitedly. “I was afraid that Fiona had a small penis, but she has developed very well.” The doctor notes that the older sister is staring at the younger’s member. “I know that right now this is still something of an embarrassment for you, but you should be proud that you have developed so nicely.”
Fiona blushes. She dares not look at the doctor or her sister. Leah looks at the girl’s blushing face when she reaches forward, strokes her thigh and says in a soothing voice, “Just relax, Fiona. Now this may be a little embarrassing for you, but I promise I’ll be gentle.” Then Fiona feels the doctor’s warm hands touch and lift her member, squeezing it carefully along its length.
“Do you have any pain when I touch your penis?” Leah asks, looking at Fiona for a moment.
“No,” the girl answers huskily.
“Great. Now Fiona, keep your legs spread while I examine your testicles.” Leah cups the girl’s balls in her hand and gently squeezes. “Does my squeezing cause you any discomfort?”
“Just a little, but not in a bad way though,” Fiona answers, suppressing a moan.
Leah looks at Alma. The older sister is breathing strongly and licking her lips while she stares at Fiona’s crotch. “Alma, don’t worry. Everything seems to be in working order like it should if Fiona were to have naturally developed like this.”
“I guess that is good news,” Alma says.
The doctor smiles and nods encouragingly. “Yes, while she may not be as gifted on top as you, she is down below.”
This produces a stirring somewhere deep inside Alma. She is confused, but excited at the same time. Then she asks the doctor, “Is the exam over?”
“No. I have to check a few more things,” Leah says. “Since she was not born with a penis, it was circumcised. As a result, I need to ensure that the foreskin has the flexibility needed.” Then the doctor pulls back the foreskin for a moment, taking a look at the skin there and then lets it go back to normal.
“Is it as it should be?” Alma asks. Now she watches her younger sister’s examination without hesitation.
“There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong at all. As we can see, the foreskin retracts easily. It is as if she was born this way. Your parents were geniuses when it came to genetics,” Leah remarks, almost as if more to herself then the two sisters in the room with her. “However, I do have to check how everything appears when the penis is fully erect.” She runs her fingers very lightly all over Fiona’s shaft. “Does that feels nice, Fiona?” she asks.
“Yes,” the girl replies meekly. Fiona cannot believe what is happening. Her cock is being fondled by the doctor while her sister watches! While the sisters are close in every way, she has never once, in the two years wince the change began ever gotten an erection in front of Alma.
Alma on the other hand cannot believe what the doctor is actually doing. Leah is touching her sister like that and that she wants to give the girl an erection. Never once has Alma seen it hard, though plenty of times soft like it is now. Her breath catches in her throat while she watches the doctor moving up and down Fiona’s member until large drop of clear liquid bubbles from the slit. The older sister is embarrassed and turns her head away from her sister’s cock.
Leah just continues running her fingers and Fiona’s member seems to bulge in her hand in response. It doesn’t take long at all before her cock is fully erect. Fiona is ashamed at her sexual excitement, especially with another woman, but just loves the sensation of the doctor’s hand rubbing her length. “Perfect. Everything looks great,” Leah says, not at all attempting to hide her satisfaction. “Look at the foreskin and how it retracts back behind the glans easily, even when the penis is erect.”
“That looks, um, good,” Alma sighs, looking at her sister’s member again. Her head is spinning with excitement while her eyes are fixated on the erection. It is so huge that it makes the doctor’s hand look incredibly small. “Fuck, it’s so big,” Alma moans, unconsciously bringing her finger to her mouth and sucking on them. It is truly the largest cock she has ever seen. She has seen several too, though all in person because she has never really cared to watch porn.
“Yes, Fiona does have an incredible cock,” Leah giggles, winking at Alma. “I wonder if your father had a large penis. Your parents used some of his genes when experimenting on your sister.”
“I don’t know,” Alma says, her head swirling with desire. “His pants would bulge from time to time. I don’t really remember. Besides, I never thought of my father like that.” Then she realizes her boldness and her face flushes.
“I completely understand. A penis like this can be a problem, particularly if you don’t have a roomy vagina,” Leah says, a smile turning up the edges of her lips.
“I have plenty of room,” Alma replies without thinking.
“So that means that you need a big and fat cock which can fill your roomy vagina. Don’t you, Alma?” Leah does not stop rubbing Fiona’s cock while she makes this statement.
Alma nods and flushes again, she just cannot help herself. She is amazed at how her body is reacting to her sister and this lovely woman doctor. She feels her nipple begin to harden against her bra and her panties have become soaked when her pussy floods.
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She walked out, down to the beach the following day. The doctor said it would be good to get more fresh air and sun so she decided to listen to him. Maybe it would do her good, the long winter they had just experienced was a nasty one, lots or rain and wind and it went on much too long, then spring came but it was a cool one and so windy, one couldn't enjoy it very well. So summer was here now and she decided to enjoy the warm rays of the sun beating down from the bright sky. She had packed...
The following week Alma and her sister go for their scheduled appointment with Dr. Carr. Both are feeling happy and good. “Alma, Fiona,” the doctor says happily as she stands up from her desk. “It is very good to see you again.” “We are happy to see you too,” Alma says with a smile of her own. Leah can see that Alma has totally changed her clothing style. Her unbelievable body is encased in a tight business suit. She sees the woman’s curvy legs, her full and slightly swaying ass and her...
“I want you, Fiona ... inside me,” Alma wiggles and moans in misery. “Please fuck me.” She moves her pelvis up and down, seductively teasing her little sister. It is clear that she cannot hide her lust for the girl. She wiggles and pleads with Fiona to enter her, way beyond caring just how wanton she might sound or is portraying herself. She is a sultry temptress, reveling in a sinful persona that she never knew she had. The doctor giggles. “Not quite yet. But do not worry. A little patience...
The next day Alma and Fiona make their scheduled visit to Dr. Carr’s office again. Leah is pleasantly surprised by the older sister’s appearance. Her hair is pulled into a two pony tails with both in large curls. Her make up emphasizes her full and pouty lips. She is in a large oversized sweater and her large round breasts are very prominent beneath it. It is a contrast to Fiona who is dressed in a matching oversized sweater. Her raven hair is in a single braid and she is wearing a hairband....
Alma obediently turns her back to her sister and the doctor and bends over the edge of the sofa. Her legs are spread and her feet and knees are firmly on the floor. Her rounded ass is raised high and her heavy breasts sway beneath her. Fiona moves Alma’s skirt up above her ass and around her waist, revealing the nakedness and sexy panties underneath. Alma wears a skimpy pair of almost transparent red panties, cut so low that nearly a third of the crack of her shapely ass is exposed. “Wow!”...
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She likes being in control, the type where she controls the speed, the depth and her own pleasure – when it arrives and how long it lasts. Lately, though, she liked being in control over his pleasure… especially if he gets the release he so craves after she built it in him. From time to time she’s even had her way with him, subtly promising with her body language an eventual orgasm, but deliberately failing to deliver on the unspoken promise just to see him squirm with a burning desire to cum...
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Fiona and her sister arrive back at home after the appointment with Dr. Carr. Neither one can look at the other. And soon it becomes really awkward. It is still very early in the day and both are thinking about the upcoming doctor visit. Fiona is totally unsure of what to make of what just happened. She has come from the doctor’s office in a genetics company where a sexy older woman jacked her off and let her cum—not only that, but it was right in front of her sister! Then Dr. Carr...
As the evening draws near, Alma and Fiona both become nervous and excited. They try to hold a normal conversation between one another. After dinner, Alma takes a shower. She shaves her crotch and after that, debates on what clothes she should wear. She looks for something sexy as Dr. Carr had suggested. Because she has never really dated after taking care of her sister, Alma really doesn’t have much by way of sexy. Sure, she has had the occasionally one night stands, but that never really...
While they drive home, Alma is confused and thinks only about the proposal from Dr. Carr. The woman’s voice echoes in her head, “Alma, I plan to have you fuck your sister!” She is a bit shocked, yet at the same time she is very excited by the statement. Alma is wondering if it is the right way to help her sister. Should I obey Dr. Carr? The doctor is someone that Alma can already see as someone to be respected and believed in. “Sis, are you going to work today?” Fiona asks, her question...
Alma is sure that she cannot wait any more. She calls her boss and tells him that she needs a few days off. Then she calls Dr. Carr. “Hi, Alma speaking,” the woman says with uncertainty. “Yes, Alma,” Leah says, surprised. She didn’t expect to hear from the woman so soon. “How are you doing?” “I’m fine,” Alma quickly says. “I thought about ... you proposal, and...” “Did you make a decision?” the doctor asks softly. “Yes, think ... I have to help my sister. I wish want her to feel as...
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Fiona cannot quite believe her ears. Her sister has just offered her to fuck their doctor, right now. She accepts enthusiastically. “Yes, of course!” “Okay, I am glad that we both agree,” Leah says happily, meeting the teenager’s eyes. Then she continues in her official voice. “I want you to show me everything that you have learned. At first I want you to be gentle though. Do it slowly and then fuck me harder and harder.” Fiona nods. She is scared, excited and nervous all at the same time....
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Fully Fashioned By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Baited and Switched Margie married me under false pretenses. Really false pretenses. When we first encountered each other, she was the only girl I had ever met who could satisfy my highly unusual, but raging need. I adored stockings. Not just any stockings. Real stockings. Not knee-highs. Or those so- called modern stockings. And never, never, never (ugh) pantyhose. Never. REAL stockings. The kind Bettie Page...
You just turned 18. Your name is Bob Larson, Bobby. Your father is Tom Larson, your mother Sally, and your sister is Tammy. Your sister Tammy is home from college for the summer, and as such, you've been exposed to a lot of her 'exploits' from college. One of these is a drinking game. When your father jokingly tells you "anything" goes for your birthday, you suggest a drinking game. THe drink of choice tonight is scotch. The rules are simple. If you win a hand, you tell someone to take a...
IncestSarah the Naughty one So the next time I met Sarah after we had our unplanned first time was at out local shopping center. I just bumped into her and her friend Emma who was a few years younger than her. We chatted small talk for a bit and she introduced me to Emma who said "so you're Steve" and giggled and blushed. At that moment I knew she'd either told Emma about us having sex or that I have this really wide cock, as that has happened to me on more than one occasions. I asked how they got...
Hello dosto,mera name Rahul mein aap sab pyasi choot valiyon ka apne 7″ ke khade lund se swagat karta hun mein is site ki story ka bahoot purana paathak hun,main ek caal boy hun mein 35 saal ka merried man hun meri height 175 cm aur mera weight 72 kg hai maine bahut kosis karke aap logo ke liye real story ko find karke lata huor haa mein aap logon ko bata dun ki mein ek number ka choot chodu Hun yadi kisi ko apni choot chuswani ho to pl mujhe mail jarur Karen mera, mail id hai ye story my and...
when i arrived at the park i sent jaquon a text message letting him know that i was waiting.he replied with a message telling me to turn around.when i did turn and look behind me,i noticed a tall, dark skinned man waving at me.i could feel myself becoming nervous with every step i took toward him. finally we were face to face,and damn he looked good!we properly introduced ourselves,and then gave each other a friendly hug.i took a deep breath in and enjoyed his sent as we hugged,and he must...
Hi viewers!!! Ts z a royal here. Personally, I am a regular reader of ISS but finally just decided to submit my own stories. So try reading them to the end and making comments to help me write better the next parts of my beautiful experiences. I have a few moments in my life and the stories will come in series. Today’s story will be about my welcome to engineering love in my bachelors first year. The girls name Neha. We used to play shuttle together. She is a very sexy girl and the size of her...
Evening all! Now then, no self respecting whore can possible consider herself truely openminded if she hasn’t herself sampled what the ‘fairer sex’ has to offer! I have always been in to the idea of experimenting with other girls, and to be honest I think that any women who tells you that the idea has never crossed her mind is lying!… Even if the very thought of it did ‘nothing for her’ or infact actually turned her stomach… she has at least thought about it! Anyway, not counting the random...
My wife Caz has been a little distant over the past few weeks. This afternoon, she has told me she is meeting a girlfriend in town for coffee. Unusually for Caz, she doesn.t want to drive and has ordered a cab.As I look at her in that sexy pink dress I bought her for Christmas, I notice that she has her best handbag out, and she is wearing those sexy matching stiletto heels. Caz had great legs but the rise of the heels make her calves tense into a shape that I always find arousing. As I sit...
On Tuesday morning, Stephanie went to school with trepidation in her heart. She had thought of nothing but Kelly and the kiss all weekend. The feeling of the pretty woman's lips on hers was like nothing she had experienced. It was so different from a man's kiss. While, she was sure she wasn't a lesbian, she now wondered if she was what they called "Bi-sexual". She didn't like labels, but she could think of no other words that fit. She had never reacted to a kiss from a man like that....
You get home from work early, and go immediately home to kick back on the couch and watch some TV. Little do you know, I'm already home as well. You enter the bedroom just in time to see me shrug off my shirt. My back is to you, so you assume that I don't know you're there. As you watch, my hand drifts over my breast and caresses my tender nipple through my bra. I let out a breathy moan and move my hand even lower. From behind me, you can't see exactly where my hand is going but knowing that...
Straight SexPrema was a feather weight – slim – almost thin – short hair – the slight bunny teeth – but nice legs and a butt one could kill for. She was the skirty kind and i was one who always wanted to know what was below the skirt. I hooked up with her one weekend and we went to check out some complimentary room offered to us by a local resort hotel that had just opened. We had separate rooms, but i conveniently parked myself in hers. We spent the morning roaming the gardens of the resort and then went...
She was always ready to fuck. I met my first wife at work. I was manager of a distribution warehouse for a TV manufacturer during athe advent of color TVs in the early 70s. She came to work for me as a 16 year old typist /clerk in the despatch office, she typed the invoices and delivery dockets for all goods leaving the warehouse. We were work acquintances for 2 years, she was attractive, average build, then I was invited to her 18th birthday, it came out of the blue, she was dating a guy so I...
WifeA lady lawyer that Miss Britt did business with, Amy Weaver, was the attorney that controlled many contracts between Miss Britts company and various magazines we reviewed plus some designers that Miss Britt did testing for. As part of her business Miss Britt did field testing as she called it for bags, shoes, boots, cosmetics, hair products, etc. A very profitable part of her business. Amy Weaver was a middle age widow, about 50 or so, 5'5", a little plump, bright red hair and a...
“It seems that I’ve plenty of time to get a crystal. Eight days gives me ample time to both get a crystal and then adapt to it. I’m going to contact Lucia now. “That was a very interesting briefing, thank you very much Connie. I expect I’ll see all of you in a day at the most.” Jason contacted Lucia. “Lucia when you’ve some time I’d like to meet with you to get your help to get a crystal. We have a window of opportunity where we have eight days’ travel before we face our next set of...
By: kamal Hi this kamal again, i am going to illustrate an incident which happened in my life just few months before that too was accidental. On april 19th i called my friends to go around the delhi for sight seeing. Therefore, the next day we went to vishal mall, and then to south ex, in delhi. so we are tired of that day’s sight seeing. next morning i called my friends for a movie ‘cash’ in M2K theatre in the city, but my friends refused to come because of the tiredness they got from the...
On the Saturday, the couple went off to the airport. They had a three-hour drive followed by an hour and a half flight to get to Brisbane. Then they had to transfer to the international airport. After a two-hour layover and then eight hours of flying to get them to Singapore. Both were glad they were flying first class. Mary also had to use her glamour for the overseas flights, and they had to behave themselves. They had decided to do the short overnight layover and catch the fourteen-hour...
Tucker was pounding his pud in the bathroom as hard as he could. He was trying not to think about the pink folds between his Aunt’s legs. He knew that it was taboo to think about his own Aunt that way. Yet, he couldn’t help himself. He was imagining Cheyenne and Savannah rubbing boobies together topless as they rough house down at that redneck infested community pool. He was mid-wank when the door to the bathroom opened. He had his pants around his ankles. Tucker had his dick in his hand,...