Hedge FundsChapter 2 free porn video

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I sat and stared at our home computer. My husband had left earlier that afternoon to visit his client in Phoenix for a few days. He'd given me the password for the two encrypted files before he'd left. They contained the evidence of my affair.

It was only a laptop but it might as well have been a basket with a cobra inside. I couldn't make myself touch it. Finally, I clicked on the encrypted file named 'Alpha' and typed in the password. It took several minutes to restore but soon a single folder sat in the center of my screen. It was labeled 'Chicago.'

I tried the 'Omega' file as well but the password didn't work. Apparently, David didn't want me looking at that one yet. I didn't know what his game was but I felt I didn't have any choice but to see it through.

A double-click on 'Chicago' and I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit-hole as my worst fears were realized.

Rachel Hughes had been thorough and the overwhelming evidence of my affair was terrifying. There were detailed reports from private investigators. The reports showed Mark and I were being watched even before our affair had started. There were copies of emails, recorded phone conversations, receipts, and even two videos from that week in Chicago. And the pictures ... oh gawd ... the pictures. There were pictures of Mark and I having sex in Chicago and several other times at the office. Visual evidence I'd done things with Mark that I hadn't done with David until after the affair. My guilt threatened to overwhelm me as I fought to breathe.

I went through all the evidence like a coroner doing an autopsy. I needed to know exactly what my husband had seen. The more I saw, the less hope I had for my marriage. I was ashamed and horrified at the things I'd said and done. The videos and phone conversations were full of harsh comments and slights towards my marriage. I never said anything bad about David but I'd sung praise upon praise about Mark's prowess in bed.

I sat stunned for hours as I tried to comprehend how David could still be with me after seeing and hearing all of that. I broke down and called him even though I knew he wouldn't answer. I left messages ... yes messages ... several messages over the next 24 hours. In some I cried and pleaded for forgiveness, in others I stoically begged him not to leave me. Truth be told, I was an emotional basket case.

I called Mark and told him the extent of David's evidence and where it had come from. He was livid. I'd like to say I cared but by then I didn't. Knowing I wasn't the only one having a horrible weekend was actually a little comforting.

David called late Friday night.

"Hello, David?"

"Sarah," he replied in a calm dead voice.

"Honey, I ... I'm so sorry..." I whispered struggling to contain my emotions.

"I know. I believe you but it may not make a difference."

I felt my heart breaking.

"Please, David..." I begged.

"Sarah, you don't understand, there's more. For the file called 'Omega, ' the password is 'Phoenix.' Just like the password suggests, we'll see if we can rise from the ashes. You'll need to see what's in it before you make any promises. I won't be home till Sunday evening. Whether I stay or not will be up to you.

"We'll discuss everything on Monday when we meet with Mr. James. Sarah, please remember I love you, even with all this."

David disconnected and I went back over to our computer. I typed in the password and soon I was looking at a folder labeled 'Hedge Funds.'

It took me several minutes, but I worked up the nerve to click on the folder. Inside were three subfolders. Each named after a city; Atlanta, Dallas, and Phoenix.


I began to realize the extent of David's revenge when I looked in this folder. The tears I'd shed earlier, out of shame, were quickly replaced with those of sorrow and frustration.

Her name was Victoria and she had to be in her mid-to-late forties. She was still beautiful and had obviously enhanced her trim figure with breast implants. I couldn't tell if she was a brunette or a redhead since she'd shaved. So how did I know that? There were pictures and videos. Lots of pictures and videos!

There in front of me was the graphic evidence of David's affair. So how did I handle the love of my life's infidelity? Simple, I threw-up. I didn't even make it to the bathroom.

After cleaning up my mess, I lay on our bed, screamed into my pillow, and let the emotional dam burst. I let all the guilt, shame, fear, despair, and anger pour out as I cried myself to sleep. I woke a few hours later still exhausted, took our laptop to a different room, and re-examined the evidence.

The emails told the real story. He had met her online over a year ago. Once they'd established an online relationship, he'd found a client in Atlanta. Now he was writing his trips off as business travel.

I was taken aback at how sexually aggressive she was. She gave new meaning to the word 'cougar.' She had no inhibitions when it came to sex and it was very obvious she was experienced ... very experienced. I wouldn't be surprised if the slut had a donkey tied up next to her bed at night.

From the emails it appeared David had ended the relationship a month ago. About the same time he'd received his proof from Rachel.

Numb and exhausted I went to the next folder.


My somber mood changed when I opened it. With a single click, my frustration turned to rage and I threw my coffee cup against the wall. Damn, another mess to clean up.

The woman's name was Leigh and she couldn't have been more than 22 years-old. She had two young children and was obviously using my husband as a 'sugar daddy.' Her baby-daddy was in jail for drugs and David had been paying her rent with some of the money he'd 'lost' in bad investments.

She was a tall, attractive, willowy girl with long blonde hair and sported a multitude of tattoos and piercings. Not the type of girl I would've thought David would go for since she looked like she might've eaten him alive. Unfortunately, the videos showed she'd done just that ... literally. I think she'd actually tried to kill him with sex!

The pictures were graphic and she was so young. I found it hard to breathe and realized I was shaking as I sat back. I didn't know how my marriage could survive this.

This affair had started right after David had found out about Mark and it had lasted over a year. They broke it off after she'd found someone she'd thought she might be in love with. It had ended a couple of months ago.

I called David, again he didn't answer. The message I left this time was very different from the earlier ones. While those had a sense of remorse and regret, this one didn't.

I believe I threatened to cut off his balls and shove them where that little slut would have a hard time finding them. I'm sure I also commented on his need to buy a whore that young. When I was through, my heart was pounding, my body was trembling, and I was probably frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog.

Did it make me feel better? Yeah, a little bit. Did it change anything? No, not a damn thing!

Exhausted, I opened the final folder.


I wasn't sure what to expect but anything short of David having a male lover or marrying a farm animal wouldn't have surprised me. What was inside was worse.

Her name was Anna Marie and she was a beautiful, well-endowed, Hispanic woman in her early thirties. She was at least 30 pounds overweight, but her voluptuous curves hid most of it. Her most striking feature, beside her obvious 'endowments, ' was her beautiful face that was silhouetted with curly, long black hair. Her warm, brown eyes were set off by a genuinely contagious smile.

I instantly both liked and hated her.

David had met her online as well. She had three school-aged kids and her husband had abandoned them several years earlier. They'd had a rough time of it, but things were going much better now that David had become involved.

I looked for risqué pictures and videos but found very little. There were some pictures of her in a bathing suit and of her with her kids. There were a few sexy 'selfies' she'd taken in her bathroom mirror that were pretty unflattering since they made her butt look even bigger than it was. There was also a webcam video of her doing an extremely amateurish striptease. Maybe she should've taken lessons from that Victoria bitch.

I read through their emails and things took on a different light. Unlike Victoria, David hadn't found a client in Phoenix to visit. Anna Marie was his client. Actually, he had invested heavily in her floral boutique so it could expand and damned if her business wasn't doing great.

From her emails, it was easy to tell she was falling in love with my husband. I could tell he cared for her as well even though he was keeping her at an arm's distance. Then I realized he was probably with her even as I was reading those messages.

I took a picture off the bedroom wall and studied it. It was a picture of the four of us at the lake several years ago. The smiles on my children's faces warmed my heart and the looks that David and I were giving each other were full of passion and joy. They could only be described as ... love.

I knew I'd jeopardized my family for the thrill of an affair. I accepted my part in this mess. It was my weakness that put my marriage so close to the edge. David had pushed it to the brink and now it sat there teetering.

I curled up on our bed and hugged the picture as the tears began to fill my eyes again. I was amazed I had any more left but there they were. These weren't tears of anger or of sorrow ... these were tears of fear. Now I realized how close my marriage was to ending and I was terrified.

I wasn't sure how I'd greet him when he came home Sunday night. Would I throw my arms around him and hold him tightly, or throw myself at his feet and beg him to stay, or would I take a knife and cut the bastard's balls off? All three were definite possibilities.

The actual homecoming was anticlimactic. David came in, gave me a small hug and kissed me on the cheek. Then he asked the hard question.

"Am I staying here tonight?" he asked in a tired voice.

I silently nodded and he went upstairs to the guest bedroom. We hardly spoke that night or the next morning. We both chose to bury ourselves in our jobs before we met in counseling later that day.

We sat on Mr. James' couch and looked at each other. David briefly described the things he'd left for me to see. It'd taken him much longer to explain because I'd continually interrupted and sniped at him at every possible point. I admit it ... I was hurt and mad as hell! Finally, Raymond asked me to leave the room so David could finish. I wanted to stay so I found a way to bridle my anger.

There was a blanket of silence in the room after he finished. Mr. James couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Mr. Jennings, you realize you broke your wedding vows too?"

"Of course," David replied. "I haven't missed the hypocrisy of me having a revenge affair. As a matter of fact, I welcome it."

"You welcome it?" Raymond asked surprised.

He nodded.

"When I had my affairs, I became just as much of a cheater as my wife. However, I felt it was necessary."

"Did it make you feel better using these women for your revenge?"

David snorted and stared at him.

"Each of those women knew exactly what they were doing. I was completely honest with them before each affair began. Hopefully, each of them walked away from the affair better off than they entered it."

Raymond shook his head and sighed.

"Revenge rarely ever 'saves' a marriage. I'm sorry you chose that course of action. I understand why you felt justified in doing so but I'm extremely disappointed that you did. Revenge sex almost always destroys whatever little trust is still left in the marriage. By having those affairs, I'm afraid you've damaged your marriage even more."

"I disagree, Mr. James," David said flatly.

His response took both of us by surprise.

"What you and my wife seem to be missing is that I did this to save my marriage."

I was stunned. I sat there thinking that he couldn't have said what I'd thought he'd said!

"You had three affairs in an attempt to save your marriage?" Raymond asked in disbelief.

He nodded.

"David that's ... that's just insane!" I cried out.

He sat back and slowly shook his head. Then in a controlled voice, reminiscent of a parent trying to describe Physics to a child, he began.

"When I married Sarah I didn't get to pick and choose those things about her I'd accept and those I wouldn't. I didn't get to accept her mother but not her father. I didn't get to acknowledge this part of her past but not that. When I married her I had to say ''I do" to the entire package.

"When she broke her vows, she broke all of them. This isn't a buffet where you get to pick and choose which vows you keep and which vows you break, it's an all or nothing type of thing.

"Her affair was like burning down half our bedroom. Could some of what was left be salvaged? Of course, but at what cost and to whom? It appeared, that in order to save that part of the house, it was going to cost a great deal. I was going to have to be a martyr, take the high road and swallow my anger, hurt, and pride. Even if I did this, the room would be scarred and the reconstruction would be long and painful. There was also no guarantee I could live with the anger of blaming her or that she would continue to live with the guilt now that it was exposed. In the end, I felt the cost was too great.

"So, alternatively I gutted the rest of the room. I purposely sank to her level. I decided to try and start over again on a somewhat more equal ground. How 'equal' is certainly up for debate.

"When I first found out about her affair, I was devastated. The fact Rachel wouldn't give me the proof I wanted ended up being a good thing. I was hurt and angry and if I would've confronted my wife then, this marriage would already be dead. As it happened, it took me a few days to verify Rachel's proof. During that time I re-evaluated my situation.

"It appeared her affair was over but that didn't stop me from having it verified, repeatedly. Some of those 'missing' funds went to pay for private investigators to watch them on their trips to Chicago and occasionally at her office. I've done that for the past year-and-a-half. And while my wife successfully stayed out of Hughes' bed, there were several others who didn't."

David stared at me for a moment and smirked.

"Your ex-lover doesn't pay very close attention to who he sleeps with on those Chicago trips, does he Sarah? Call me naïve, but it doesn't seem smart to sleep with a granddaughter of one of your board of directors during a business trip. That by itself may not be enough to inflict the magnitude of pain I'm planning for him, but together with what Rachel gave me, it should do."

David glared at me and smiled cruelly. My once gentle husband had grown hard and I realized my betrayal had helped make him that way.

"As far as my marriage ... well I first needed to ask myself if I still loved my wife. The answer was 'yes' but it wasn't in the same way as before. It was now tainted. I'd never be able to trust her like I had before. I'd never openly share my heart, my thoughts, or my dreams with her like I once did. I knew those things might someday be restored but they'd only be a shadow of what they once were."

I tried to stifle a sob. David paused and glanced at me before he continued.

"So, I looked my situation. I determined it would be best if we stayed together, at least while the children are still living at the house.

"However, that put me in a dilemma. How could I stay married to someone who'd disrespected me so much as to cuckold me and then lie to me about it for years?"

"I did what I felt I needed to do for me to stay in this marriage. I also protected myself in case we ended up in divorce.

"I was crushed when I first saw those pictures and videos of you and Hughes. My confidence and self-esteem were destroyed. So the first order of business was to address that issue.

"I'd met and worked with Leigh for a couple of years. She works as a loan officer at one of the credit unions I deal with. I knew about her situation and had helped her in the past by loaning her a few dollars.

"I was terrified to talk to her about what I wanted to propose. She must've sensed something because she wasn't offended. She said she'd always found me cute and if she'd known my marriage was in trouble she might've made a play for me. I knew it was bullshit but did it ever feel good. There's something about having a young, pretty woman actually finding me still attractive that began healing some of the wounds made by my wife when she threw me away.

"I didn't throw you away, honey!" I pleaded.

"You sure as hell did, for about a month, didn't you, sweetheart?" he snapped back at me.

"I ... but she's..." I stammered not daring to answer his question. "She's so young, David. She can't be more than 22."

"Don't let the piercings and tats fool you. She's actually 26 and very, very bright. Unfortunately for her, she has lousy taste in men." He paused and smiled. "I guess I'm also included in that group."

"I felt desired again because of Leigh. I know my wife had tried to make me feel that way after her affair but I couldn't trust her since she'd been lying for so long. My confidence grew after I started seeing Leigh. However, those weekend seminars were starting to take a toll on me. She's so energetic and spontaneous that a few times, I feared she might actually hurt me.

"After Leigh, I looked at the next order of business. I knew my next objective, after watching those videos and listening to you brag about how damn great of a lover Hughes was.

"I wasn't going to be able to compete with his size so I needed to get better with my technique. I know some guys would've sought out 'professional' help but I shied away from that idea. That's when I met Tori.

"Before all this I'd always thought our sex life was good and very satisfying..."

"But it was!" I blurted out immediately knowing it was the wrong thing to say.

David's face darkened with rage.

"But not satisfying enough to keep his cock out of you, was it," he spat. "Not satisfying enough to help you remember your wedding vows was it my cheating whore of a wife?"

I recoiled deeper into the couch.

"David," Mr. James interceded.

"I listened to her explanation of her affair, now she can give me the same common courtesy."

Raymond relented and nodded. "All right, but watch the names, please. Sarah, we need to hear him out."

I sat back and trembled at the whirlwind of emotions that were tearing my world apart. How dare he act indignant and self-righteous after what he'd done! My affair lasted only a month while he'd been cheating on me for a year! Mark and I had sex about a dozen times while he ... he's had sex with those whores at least a hundred times! Where the hell does he get off, my mind screamed, acting like the wounded spouse? What he's done was so much worse than ... what I...

I stopped and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes I realized both men were watching me. It was as if they could tell what I was thinking. My feelings must have been written plainly across my face.

Really girl? Are you really trying to compare which was worse? It was like trying to defend why a horse turd was less offensive than a cow pie when they're both shit!

It was at that moment, I stopped trying to justify my feelings. My feelings were still there and just as intense as before but I understood the reason. I'd opened this door into hell and now the demons were loose in my marriage.

David took a deep breath and continued.

"Tori was beautiful, sexy and several years older. More importantly, she was very, very experienced. The fact that she loved sex and enjoyed teaching those who were willing to learn, well, that made her perfect.

"She was so full of life and wanted to show me things I'd only ever heard of. There were certain things I wasn't interested in but she never let it disappoint her. She just went on to something else. She'd continually surprise me. One time it was light bondage, another was the various uses of a feather, still another centered on the usually forgotten sexual areas of a woman.

"Going out with her in Atlanta, was always an adventure. She was very much into exhibitionism and public sex. Under her, both literally and figuratively, I became a better lover, at least technically.

"With those two objectives addressed, I turned my attention to the third and final one. This one was more difficult. I knew I still loved Sarah, or at least I thought I did. I had such strong feelings for her but I was torn by what I was doing. My head understood my logic but my heart questioned it. How could I be having an affair and still claim to love my wife?

"My answer came when I met Anna Marie. Where Leigh and Tori were just sex, Anna Marie reminded me what making love felt like. The first time we ended up in bed together was a surprise. I intended it to be like the others but she wasn't having any of that. She engulfed me with her body along with her passion. When we were through, I left quietly.

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Jake’s dad has a new girlfriend, the smoking hot redhead named Lauren Phillips. He cant help but become attracted to her, and sneakily follows her around the house to get a closer look at her sexy and seductive body. He’s lucky enough to catch her in the bath, and is trying his best to stay stealth while withholding his erection. Lauren exits the bath, dries off, and proceeds to her bed where she slowly begins to play with her flaming hot pussy. Jake begins to play with himself too, but gets...

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Visiting my Dad in spain

My Dad was in Spain for a 2 month consultancy and it was the perfect excuse to have a holiday in Barcelona. My flight arrived on time and after clearing immigration I came through the gate and looked around for the guy that had been sent from Dad’s office to collect me. The arrivals hall was like any other found globally, with a cluster of people holding signs with the names of unknown people they had been sent to collect.I glimpsed my name as I scanned the signs and then looked at the face...

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The Daddy Room

The Daddy room:Would you like to be Daddy in the Daddy room?  It’s a real fantasy of mine.  It has helped me come for years along with some other fantasies of mine.  Some would say it's some pretty sick stuff.  I used to think so but not anymore.  Now I find my fantasies getting darker...The Daddy RoomThat day had been a long one. I had started out in the mask room. Where you have a mask over most of your face and men fuck your holes, not knowing or caring what you look like, or who you are,...

4 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 17

I went in to see Paul a week before the Memorial Day weekend, and he didn't have any problem with my taking the Friday and half of Tuesday that I wanted for my drive to Washington. He then said, "You'd better take some more vacation time by July; we'll be hooking the Reaper box up to Stretch that month, and I want you to take on the job of bringup test coordinator. It's a big job, and demanding, but I know you are very capable and the best person for the job. There won't be much time...

4 years ago
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The Sixth Sense

Anna Crowe was a happily married woman in her early twenties. She worked at a winery and collected wine bottles of all kinds in the cellar. Her husband was Malcolm Crowe, a child psychiatrist that worked for the city. One fateful night, Anna entered the house and went straight to the cellar without bothering to check up on her husband. She looked over the wine bottles for the right occasion to celebrate their anniversary but then felt a chill go through her as if something was amiss. She...

1 year ago
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Snow Storm Filight Delay

Note : This story is completely fictional!We were changing planes in Chicago on our way to grandma's for the holidays when a sudden snow storm left us stranded for the night. Luckily the airline was going to put us up in a nearby hotel. We were told it wouldn't be anything fancy, but it would be better than sleeping in the airport. As luck would have it we managed to find a crazy cab driver willing to take us to the hotel in the snow storm. After a quick check in we were off to our room. The...

2 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 5

In the morning I had to find a good spot to hide my brand new dildo! Well, nobody really messed with anybody else's stuff anyway. I mean, living with seven other people under one roof sort of meant that whatever privacy you could give was the same as what you'd get. I just stuffed my cock under my mattress. I didn't think Daddy would ever go looking under there for anything, especially since that's where I kept my menstrual pads and stuff ... Not used ones! I just put them under there...

3 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 1 Sissies on the Town

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...

4 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen Tom was slowly walking up the vitamin aisle waiting for Princess Dee to call him back His contact with Mrs. Abernathy had almost made him physically sick. He was still trembling when his phone rang again. "Please, I can't do this anymore." Tom spoke into the phone without even seeing who it was. "I feel sick to my stomach. I'm just mortified." Princess Dee just laughed. "Of course you can keep doing this, and in fact we will make this your regular grocery store...

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Becoming the Devil ch02

When I woke my first thought was that this had all been a dream. However, when I saw her naked back next to me I breathed a sigh of relief. Yesterday, we came back to my apartment. She sat and on the couch and took my arm to pull me down toward her. We kissed and while I felt her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues danced. My hand slid inside her pants and began to caress her clit through her panties. She moaned in my mouth and a raging erection was born in my pants. I pulled her pants and...

1 year ago
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A Mid Summer Night8217s Dream

Hello readers and this is Vicky here. I have been a regular reader at ISS and I guess it’s my turn now, to share my experience with one of my cousin sisters, Meghna. I am 25 years old, 5 feet 8inches tall, athletic build, and well endowed, with a tool 6.1 inches long and 2.5 inches thick. Was born and brought up in Delhi and right now working with an MNC in Maharashtra, in the manufacturing industry. I have had my share of luck with girls and women but this incidence, which I’m writing about,...

4 years ago
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New DaughterChapter 5 Bath Time is Family Time

My eyes opened wide, as did my mouth. There was my daughter, completely naked again in front of me, acting like there was nothing out of the ordinary. She sat there half submerged in the water, but with her beautiful little chest completely exposed to my view. "Kimmy..." I said. "What are you doing?" "Taking a bath," she replied innocently. "Hurry up and get in before the water gets cold." "But I..." "What's wrong?" she asked. "Well ... I just wasn't expecting..." She...

3 years ago
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My Boss And I Part 2

It was a dream coming true. Here, alone in a hotel room, with my boss – a woman I had lusted after for years. And to have her pinned up against the door, kissing her passionately.She broke off our kiss suddenly. "Oh god, Chike," she gasped, "this is so fucking wrong." I stared at her intently, just inches away from her face. I waited for her to tell me to stop, to get away from her. Instead she pressed her nails into my back and urged me into her. I pressed my mouth back onto hers and pushed my...

1 year ago
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GloryholeInitiations Nicole Kitt Nina Rivera 08062021

Nicole & Nina decide after a disappointing night at the club to head on over to the one place they can always get the dick they need. That of course is the Glory Hole downtown. It’s a girls night for sure when they walk into the back and get right to work on their knees sucking the nights offerings which are substantial in size. They tag in and out of sucking dicks and always the need to fuck overcomes them and those asses are banging against the wall to reach every inch. Finally the...

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Thanks of Pete

Note : This story is completely fictional! This story which I am about to narrate to you happened about six or seven years ago. I have not told another soul about what happened between me and my mother, the only reason I am doing this is because I cannot restrain it inside of me any longer. There have been some modifications that I have made because I do not remember every thing that happened. This is probably the most bizarre thing I have said in my life but if it were not for my friend, I...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 3135 of 62

CHAPTER THIRTY ONE Things got a little hectic after the trip out to the Winthrop Group compound. I had Dupree shipped out to a prison in one of the Northern provinces, this world's version of Siberia. I had wanted to kill him but couldn't do it without setting a bad example. How could I expect Beckwith to back off her threat to take vengeance against the entire Queen's Guard if I didn't do the same with the killer of my family? I did promise her if she ever found the proof of which...

4 years ago
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Dr Gina Blair Dominates A Younger Man

I was a freshman honor student in Dr. Blair's Ancient Mediterranean Cultures class. The class was my favorite because of my interest in history, and because Dr. Gina Blair was about the sexiest woman I had ever seen. The lecture hall was always packed the four days a week that she lectured so I arrived early on Tuesday morning to get a seat near the front. Dr. Blair arrived right on time and began to discuss the ancient Egyptians. I took notes and tried not to fantasize too much about the sexy...

2 years ago
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Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss

"A special thanks to 'mikef52' for Editting" I am Robert 27, my wife Bethany 28. Chapter 1 Situation I am a writer of fiction stories. Beth was my classmate and after a few years, I proposed, and we have been married for 3 years. She is a college lecturer, very boyish pixie haircut, slightly dark skin tone, whitish. Always smiling and very attractive. She loves the company of friends and she loves to attend parties with her friends. She will always wear an attractive normal dress....

1 year ago
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RoleplayWithMe Kylie Rocket Coco Lovelock Missed A Spot

Kylie Rocket, a housecleaner, arrives at Coco Lovelock’s luxurious house. Coco is a rich married woman and Kylie has been tasked to clean her house. But as Kylie starts cleaning, it becomes clear that she’s NOT very good at it. As Kylie continues cleaning, she starts trying to subtly seduce Coco. Coco tries to ignore Kylie at first but is both scandalized and aroused by such boldness. As Kylie begins making even more moves on Coco, Coco breaks character, revealing that they’re...

4 years ago
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Reluctant HeroChapter 4

Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the...

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I Dream of Jeannie 0304 21 Centuries Cubed By Two

I Dream of Jeannie 03) - 04) 21 Centuries Cubed By Two Stories [Please note: While under a spell that turns a mortal into a genie, they lose *all *rights to their former names, and lives. That is, they become "non-persons". All genies can only be referred to as "genie", spelled "Jeannie", "Geni" (which is how I'm spelling our Jeannie's older sister's name *after *she loses her given name), "Geeny", "Dgeenee", "Djinnie", etc. [In the original TV series the two genie sisters, and just...

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Big Belly

Big Belly My buddy Tim and I decided to go to the beach. We prefer Sandy Hook National Park in upper New Jersey. They have a nude beach there with lifeguards, concession stand, and restrooms too. This particular beach also has clothed sunbathing too and they are side by side. The only thing that separates the two so called beaches is a sign that said, “You may encounter nude sunbathers beyond this point.” Its not like there is a wall or anything you can obviously see tits and peckers...

3 years ago
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Sweet Pea Part 2

By the time I was twelve I realized that what my uncle was doing was not normal. I realized that I should tell on him, but by this time I had begun to enjoy his visits. I liked the attention he gave me. But mostly I liked it best when he licked my pussy, and what I had learned was my clit. As I hit puberty my body became more sensitive and I enjoyed the way he touched me even more. I did not tell him that but he knew anyway. He said he could tell by how wet my pussy got when he had his...

1 year ago
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In the Slammer Ch 05

[Hector has been sentenced to four months in the slammer, but by mistake he’s been sent to the Women’s Facility. He shares a cell with Dolores. Like all the other inmates, they wear work uniforms during the day, but are kept naked at night. He’s been trying to choose between Dolores and Rachel Ramirez, whom he’s been banging in the storage room every Tuesday afternoon. ] — Dolores and I were waiting for the cell door to open. Things had calmed down since our fight. We were still sleeping in...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 20 24

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER TWENTY Bob's condition stabilized in the second week. He was no worse, but no better. We were able to get a daily routine established. All in all, it wasn't so bad for me. It was dreamland compared to working in the club. It only took four to five hours a day to take care of Bob and the housework plus another two hours for shopping and meals. The rest of the day I could lounge by the pool, watch TV or DVD's. I'd missed a lot of...

2 years ago
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Bag Lady the Retired Marine Ch 08

Chapter 08 Hoping for the best, but receiving the worst reaction, Dave tells Susan that he loves her. Dave carried Susan’s naked body to his bunk and put her down gently on her side as if she had been wounded in combat and he had carried her out of harm’s way and to safety. Only, unlike he would if she was a wounded war buddy, he gave her a long, wet kiss. Then he ran around to the other side of the bunk to climb in his bed with his body turned to face her when lying down. Barely enough...

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LessonChapter 3

It was late in the Trauma Unit. Holly Jackson was tired but happy. A gunshot victim had come in earlier in the evening, and Doctor Holcomb, now both her boss and her lover, had stood in the room, watching silently, as she had opened the patient's chest and saved his life. She was feeling pretty good about herself. "Good job tonight, Doctor Jackson." She turned and saw John Holcomb's handsome face and those wonderful grey eyes. She smiled up at him. "Thank you, Doctor. I was nervous....

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Joanna Angel Orgasmic Anal MILF

Wearing lime green stilettos, hot, elaborately tattooed MILF Joanna Angel plays with her soaking wet pussy. Pro stud Michael Stefano caresses her oily legs and gives her a worshipful rim job. He digs his cock into her eager cunt and fucks her aggressively. Joanna gasps as Michael’s thick meat porks her tight asshole. He thrusts between her cheeks, sodomizing Joanna to a screaming anal orgasm! He eats her pussy; she gives him a delicious, ass-to-mouth blowjob; they share some foot fetish....

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Second That EmotionChapter 44

By the time my five new FBI moles dropped me off at the front door of CIA Headquarters it was a quarter to four in the morning. I'd collected their individual business cards and given each of them numerical designations, one thru five, so I'd have a way to identify any messages they might end up leaving. I got out of the minivan and sent them on their way. The guards in the lobby saw me coming and couldn't rush me thru the security checkpoint fast enough. Taking the elevator I got off at...

1 year ago
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It Begins Pt 01 Hot Tub

Ah, college…that wonderful time in one’s life that we take for granted when we are living it, but later on fills us full of yearning and nostalgic feelings. My name is Alec and I had an amazing 5 years or so of schooling in a small college town, living life to its fullest, being somewhat of a cad, and dating some amazing women. One of these women I had somewhat of an on/off again relationship, was named Beth. This story, and a number to follow, chronicle those times we shared (some poetic...

2 years ago
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virginity finally broken 1

This was the time when I was just turned 15 and my temptations were growing daily . Daily masturbation to porn was my thing . I was about 5,1 , little stocky and a built body. The first thing I knew was I couldn't watch normal porn . I have always only watched lesbian porn and after that a new fetish had arrived in my mind which was MILF porn. I started loving those things but even in real life I would only get horny for hot MILFS. That day finally came ! My mom and her friends had...

4 years ago
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Dangerouslydead 2010 Invitational II

I guess some background would be in order. I was a virgin when I met Sandra, and so was she. We dated through our junior and senior years of high school, though she would tell friends things 'weren't serious' until college. I always wondered about that, since after my 'always ready' attitude she'd given in and we had sex the 1st time shortly before graduation. Honestly I don't remember much about it ... I was nervous, she was scared, neither of us knew what we were doing. I got the...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 17

Camp Schwab, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan December 26, local time Commander James Hollerith, Jr. woke up, put on a shirt, and sat down at his laptop. Neither his wife nor their children would be able to see that he was naked from the waist down. It was Christmas Day in California, where his home was. He fired up Skype and waited for an answer. They must have been waiting, because the response was almost immediate. "Hey!" said Carol Hollerith, his wife of nearly fifteen years. "Where are...

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Six Times A DayPart 96 Were Not Gonna Take It

As soon as the group got home, Alan woke up, but only to go straight to his room and promptly sleep some more. The sex with Susan had taken a tremendous amount out of him, emotionally and physically, and the events of the day had been stressful. Everyone could see that he needed more rest. After he went to sleep, the rest of his new family - Amy, Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne - gathered in the dining room. (Brenda had been fulfilling her new maid duties at the Plummer house most of the day....

1 year ago
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Short and PointyDuet

“What’s this”, I ask? I am not angry. Walking in on two beautiful and naked women, one a skinny redhead with large tits, the other a petite goth, is not really a situation to get angry about. Surprised, yes, since I was only expecting the redhead, who is my slave Anna. I have no idea who the slim chick with the black pixie hair and the tattoos all over her body is. Hence the question: “What’s this?” Anna is apparently under the impression that I am angry, or that I’m about to be (which is a...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 26 Criminal Evidence

June 7 Noon After the graduation ceremony I took Abril to the apartment building instead of the mansion, it was her choice. Just before we arrived she mentioned her “Greek” had hinted at a surprise coming on Sunday, and because of her nature Abril could not wait. To counter what was coming I mentioned that she had been fantastic last night at the social. I also said her teasing was getting to be too much for me, which was what she liked to hear, but she also knew it was true. It was around...

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sandis world of fashion pt 5

‘Of for god’s sake,’ she said. ‘I’ll come over the rest of the week to help but I need your sweet ass down here. We can’t run fast enough to cover for those bitches.’ ‘God I hate it when you whine’: I said ‘I’ll get there as fast as I can, but Des, it’s the last time. You’ll have to find another go to girl and Des…’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Your ass is mine.’ I said. ‘We’ll talk,’ she said, just before she hung up. = = She hadn’t been exaggerating. The place was a mad house with garments everywhere and...

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Incest Island

As you wake up you, the first thing you notice the harsh sun baring down on you. You look down at yourself and notice that your feet are buried in the sand and as far clothes go the swimsuit you were wearing barely survived what you went through. As you get up, you notice you older 22 year old brother Daniel in just his shorts and your younger 18 year old brother Travis totally naked. You try to run over to them but quickly fall over from various aches and pains all over your body. You then do...


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