Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 10 free porn video

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Many thanks to Evanslily for the fresh pair of eyes.

June 2007

Ana’s arms banded tighter around Sean’s middle as the Harley tilted left into a wide arc. The stuttered drr carried down the dusty driveway before stopping in front of the two storey building. She yanked off her helmet and bounded to the massive front door with coltish energy. ‘Remember, it looks a little rough but try to look past it.’

‘Lead the way.’

She tugged on his arm like a little girl and introduced him to Marty Lewis, the realtor for the property. With his mushroom haircut Marty looked like the fifth Beatle but barely old enough to drive, let alone sell real estate.

‘So what do you think? Isn’t it a great space?’

Sean took in the battered floors and the boarded up windows covered in dust. Layers and layers of dust. Had his Little Miss Practical had taken leave of her senses? Or was this an elaborate prank? The way Ana’s exuberance brightened the light-deprived space made it impossible to tease her. Whatever it was she saw in here that made her this excited warranted a closer look so he offered her a non-committal nod.

‘Look at these floors!’ Ana enthused as though her gaze pierced through the piles of paint and grime covering the wide planks beneath her neat Keds. ‘I love the industrial vibe. Check out the doors and moldings—you just don’t see this kind of craftsmanship anymore.’

Marty grinned as if he too had Ana’s special eyesight. ‘This place just needs someone special to come in and see it for the gem that it is.’

Ana laid her hand on Sean’s arm. ‘So what do you think?’ The note in her voice called for one type of response.

‘This is going to need a lot of work—a lot of work,’ Sean stressed for Marty’s sake, hoping to counteract Ana’s unbridled enthusiasm.

‘I know,’ she conceded reluctantly, ‘but I think if I budgeted, I could make it work.’ But her conviction had dwindled as she spoke.

Sean saw her light dim as the weight of reality sank on to her shoulders. Even at its bargain price, renovating the property was a risky financial proposition. Yet if there was one person who could make this a home, it was Ana. And if there was a way to help make it happen for her, he’d find it. ‘Getting a roommate would help with the mortgage.’

‘Yeah,’ Ana agreed half-heartedly. ‘But it could take months before this place is even halfway close to being move-in ready.’

‘What if it wasn’t just any roommate?’

Marty shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped backwards. ‘Why don’t you guys take a look around and talk. I’ll wait outside.’

Sean knew the instant the meaning behind his words dawned on her. The confused expression was gone. Little Miss Practical had arrived, twenty minutes late with her suitcase full of questions and hypotheticals. He wondered how long it would take before he heard ‘let’s think about it’.

‘You mean…you want us to live together?’


‘But what about your house?’

‘I could rent it or sell it and put the equity into this place. A bigger down payment means we’d have to borrow less money.’

‘Sean…Living together—that’s a big step. And selling your home—that’s huge. We haven’t been together that long. You should think this over.’

‘A year is long enough and we practically live together already.’

He knew her well enough now to notice the slight shift of her brows. Ana was spooked and trying not to panic. Maybe he should’ve just kept his damned mouth shut and played the role she’d wanted him to play when she asked him to see this property with her. But if this was too much for her he’d rather know right now. Ana’s nature veered to the cautious side while he made his decisions then dove right in. But he couldn’t help feeling a stab of disappointment over her hesitation.

He walked over to one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and studied the overgrown lot bordered by a forest of trees. His niece Grace would love to stamp her green thumb all over this mini-jungle. ‘It was just an idea.’

Ana caught the hurt buried in his too even voice. The floorboards squeaked in protest as she crossed the expansive room. It sure was a lot of house for one person. Alternating where they spent half their week wasn’t the same as living together full time, twenty-four seven. With no three day timeouts to miss each other while they reconnected with their separate worlds. And while Sean had done this before, she hadn’t. He was asking them to change their lives but he was being too laid back about it. ‘Babe, you have to admit living together and buying a house is a huge step for us.’

Sean looped an arm around her shoulders and drew her closer. The tension between them ebbed. ‘It’s okay if you’re not ready.’

‘Are you?’

He nodded.

‘You’re not saying all this because you think buying this place would make me happy, are you? I can walk away from this,’ she said, gesturing to the empty room, ‘if the numbers don’t add up.’

‘Believe me, I have my own selfish reasons for wanting to live with you. I’m not that much of a saint.’

Ana crunched the inside of her lower lip, unsure how to put her questions to words. Sasha had been down this road with Alex—or had tried to—and ended up being ditched. ‘So…do you just see us living together?’

Sean’s gaze narrowed in on her and he dropped his arm. He faced her straight on, his subtle body language asking her to be direct with him. ‘What’s on your mind?’

‘Don’t you think we should figure out what our plans are first before we consider buying a house?’

‘You mean marriage?’

Ana’s heart sputtered. ‘Yes—or not. I didn’t mean—’

‘I see us doing that and having kids too.’

Part of Ana’s brain couldn’t believe they were having The Talk. In detail. They’d jokingly mapped out their dreams for the future a few times during the past months. But most of the time they’d been busy living, working and exploring that shared space of being in love, being in a relationship. She’d tucked the images of their life together safely in the back of her mind, reserving them for the future. But maybe the future was closer than she thought. Or not.

‘Are you thinking…maybe in a few years?’ Then realizing she’d all but ambushed him, she touched his arm. ‘It’s okay if you haven’t thought that far ahead—all this is kind of sudden.’ Her attempt at levity ended with a nervous laugh.

‘How long do you think it’ll take to fix this place up?’

Ana looked around and focused on the reality of what she saw instead of its potential. ‘Gosh, that depends on so many things. The inspection, any surprises we find during construction, the budget. I’d guess it would take about six months to get this place inhabitable. And maybe a year to complete?

‘How about we tackle that first before getting married? The kids—I haven’t thought that far ahead but we can practice for a while.’

Oh. My. God. He meant it, despite his slow smile and the joke. She once envisioned dating two or three years before a standard year long engagement to her nameless, faceless partner-lover-friend. The timeline had given her some measure of comfort she’d ease into a future guaranteed to be secure, one without too many ripples. But Sean had rewritten the script she had for a partner-lover-friend. Her life-map had changed its course faster than she’d planned. Ana realized she’d already made her choice This should feel fast and reckless but she didn’t find those feelings even as she dug around for them.

‘You really want to marry me.’

Sean folded his arms and gave her a stern look. ‘You didn’t think we were just going to shack up so you could get your fill of good food and great sex, did you?’

Ana took his hand in hers. ‘Well…you are a good cook.’

* * * * *

They came back on a Wednesday afternoon after days of number crunching, meetings wit
h real estate attorneys, and sifting through piles of paperwork. Ana’s excitement infected him the second they walked into the shed back at the lot’s south-east end.

‘This could be your recording studio,’ she said, her voice full of dreams. ‘You’d be far enough that you wouldn’t have to worry about being too loud.’

Sean took in the hills peeking out behind the cluster of trees bordering the property. The vista could’ve been imported from a European town or, he smiled, Ireland. ‘And once we get the landscaping done you’ll have a gorgeous view outside—you could watch the sunrise,’ she added to sweeten the proposal, knowing how much he treasured that time of day.

‘Sounds good.’

They plotted their ideas for the yard as they strolled along the narrow pathway back to the main building. The blades of grass whispered and danced under the afternoon sun.

The sharp clicks of Ana’s heels bounced around while she perused the would-be kitchen. ‘We can have an informal dining area right here. And this nook can hold a built-in desk—something small for mail or working on a laptop and shelves for all your cookbooks.’ She waved her arms, creating designs in the air. The run down interior clashed with the refinement of her sunshine yellow blouse and denim wide-leg trousers. Ana was all subtle power and feminine grace.

‘Let’s check out upstairs.’ She paused in the middle of a light stream when he lagged behind and frowned. ‘What’s wrong?’


‘Why are you looking at me that way?’

‘You’re sexy when you’re in command.’

Ana ducked her head then tilted it up again. The motion caused the light to play in her hair. Countless small gestures like that had become songs in the past year. He still hadn’t gotten used to all the little ways Ana caught him off guard.

She held out her hand, the one he’d put a ring on. ‘I like the sound of that,’ she quipped after she rebounded from that split second of endearing shyness.

Sean’s gaze floated up to the mezzanine. ‘Those’ll be a lot of steps for you to climb when you’re pregnant. You think the kids would be safe up there when they start crawling and walking around?’

Ana’s head whipped around. Reality popped out like a Jack-in-the-box. This man in the sharp charcoal suit was going to be her children’s father.

‘Um…we could childproof the area or we could stay down here until the kids are old enough.’ The kids. She imagined chasing after them and playing outside. The spirit of the future already lived in these bricks walls.

‘So what do you think?’

‘You had me at recording studio.’

Ana beamed.

‘So you want to do this?’

‘Yeah. Let’s make an offer.’

* * * * *

Saturday November 4th, 2007.

Ana sagged against the brick wall and squeezed her eyes shut. But she still saw how far they were from what she’d hoped for this house and for them. What if this was a huge and costly mistake? Breathe. What if this was all too much too soon? She willed her composure to return with every inhale and tried to expel the wild stampede of emotions inside her with every exhale.

There’d been an odd mix of angst and perverse delight as Sean presented his review of their plumber’s job performance—well, lack thereof over the last two weeks. He listed every no-show, every late arrival and every early departure right down to the minute. And every excuse Troy offered was quietly annihilated in that cool, steely voice that meant one thing: Sean was pissed off. But Troy pressed on with his ‘so-what’ attitude and a hand on his belt. It was like watching a precious cub toy with a grown lion and wondering when he’d go too far.

Ana’s attempts to mediate were silenced with a determined blue glare. Instead of getting angry, he stayed so cool, it was disturbing. An eerie calm fell over the kitchen. She looked on in horror as Sean tugged the check Ana had signed from under Troy’s tool box. It was already too late by the time the hollow, uh-oh feeling twisting her gut turned into red flags and alarms bells. The rip of paper tore through the silence.

Troy’s casual mien vanished. ‘I’m not coming back here until I’m paid!’

Sean cocked his head to the side as if Troy’s threat was the funniest thing he’d heard all day. As if they had their pick of plumbers who could update their sixty-year-old water supply system this time of year.

‘That won’t be much of a departure, now will it?’ Sean volleyed in a sardonic tone. Troy had no comeback, his bluff had been useless. ‘Since you’ve already collected half your fee, I expect you to finish the bathrooms. Today.’

Troy picked up his toolbox from the sheet of plywood that substituted for the bar top and stomped out the kitchen. The thin sheet of wood reminded Ana of yet another project on the list of things to complete, a list that had stopped shrinking. She rubbed her nape as an arrow darted from the back of her head to her brow. The white paneled cabinetry without its black honed granite countertops and the boxes of stainless steel appliances were a testament to the fact that there’d be no Thanksgiving dinner coming out of this kitchen. The throb above her brow thumped in time with her pulse. A gentle hand passed between her shoulder blades.

‘You okay?’

Oh, now he wanted her opinion on something?

‘Why would I be okay? We won’t have a plumber after today. It would’ve been nice if you’d discussed it with me first before you decided to go off and fire him. I guess since I’m just a half-owner my opinion doesn’t matter much.’ She pinched her nose, willing her frustration to not dissolve into tears.

Sean dropped his hand.

‘We’ve been talking about this for days. I told you we should’ve fired this guy two weeks ago. What he’s doing is nothing more than extortion, playing into it has only set us back even more.’

His cool Monday morning quarterbacking lit her fuse.

‘So is this my fault now?’ she shouted quietly as she stalked the length of the topless island. ‘Were you on the phone everyday trying to get other estimates?’ He shoved his hands in his pockets. At least he had the decency to look sheepish. ‘What? No answer?’ she snarled before slapping a palm to her forehead. ‘Oh, right. You were too busy shooting a music video! See, while you’ve been talking about this, I’ve been trying to find a solution. On my own.’

Sean parked his hands above the waistband of his jeans. Good. He wasn’t going to let her bulldozer him.

‘It’s not like I’m out partying all night, Ana. I’ve been working my ass off and you know it. If this is anybody’s fault, it’s his. Do you honestly think we should’ve just handed over more money and trust him to show up for a change?’

Ana didn’t want to listen to reason. She was hungry for a fight—something, anything to let her to blast her pent up emotions all over this fucking kitchen. Only Sean wasn’t playing along. His newfound patience irritated the hell out of her. You could never win an argument with a lawyer.

You’re losing control. Do you want Troy to hear? The observation came as if a part of her had detached itself and had watched this scene unfold. Ana ran as fast as her battered Keds allowed before her next missile did irrevocable harm.

She shivered and hugged her middle but it had little to do with the cool November breezes whipping around her. Now that her wild spark of anger had fizzled its origins were frighteningly clear. In less than two weeks he would be moving in with her. Permanently. After four months and two offers that didn’t pan out, Duncan had bought Sean’s house after his separation from Jess had become permanent.

The house that held so many precious memories, where it all began for Sean and her, had been sold. That it remained in the family offered a measure of comfort. Sean no longer carried the burden of two mortgages. She no longer shouldered the guilt that he’d done so to help make their dream home a re
ality. But the good news also sent her mind down several unwanted avenues.

The two weeks she’d spent recuperating at Sean’s place last December had been nice. So nice that it had been easy to gloss over what it meant to be together day in day out to focus on the bigger picture with romantic enthusiasm. She’d been too busy these last four months dealing with work, building permits, inspections and a phantom plumber to have these questions.

What if things changed once Sean moved into her apartment? What if his boundless energy jangle her nerves? Would her need for quiet wear on his patience? What if hidden eccentricities come tumbling out with no place to hide in her cramped quarters?

How did Sean remain so confident, so unwavering on days like this when it felt like the world had become a giant obstacle course? When it felt like restoring this house would ruin their relationship? They were stepping into a future as unpredictable as the sky above. The part of her that craved order and constancy rebelled, made her scared.

Chill out. You’re just having a bad day. Renovating a house is stressful but it’ll pass. You’ll feel a million times worse if you chicken out now. Breathe. Chill.

Ana hugged herself tighter and tapped her head against the brick wall. The merry-go-round of subversive thoughts spinning in her brain wouldn’t stop.


Ana’s head snapped back into upright position. Shit. Sean was mere steps away. I must look like a mess. It wouldn’t have made much difference if she’d heard him anyway. Her head dropped against the brick again. She was too drained to move or think about tucking the errant curls fluttering across her face.


The gentleness in his voice almost undid her but Ana refused to cry. They were in this together and he needed her to be strong. She turned to face him with the side of her head still stuck to the wall. He leaned against the wall’s edge, his arms folded across his chest. His body language was expectant yet patient.

‘I’m sorry I was such a royal bi—’

His fingers touched her mouth before they hooked the flailing tendrils behind her ear.

‘Apology accepted.’

Ana worried her lower lip. A part of her wished he hadn’t let her off the hook so graciously because now she felt guilty. Maybe that was the penance she deserved.

‘What’s up?’

She reached out her hand but let it fall to her side before she touched his forearm. While she trusted him to listen, trusting herself not to hurt him if she voiced her worries was another thing. His warm fingers looped over hers, offering comfort and strength.

‘What’s going on? Tell me.’

Her hand grew restless under his as her eyes clashed with his knowing stare. ‘Do you ever get worried…about us living together? Be honest.’

The ball of his thumb swept over her knuckles. That flicker of uncertainty made her feel less alien for having doubts of her own. ‘Sometimes.’

His quiet admission came without panic. Ana held on to his hand to let him know it was okay while he continued. An easy silence fell between them before he spoke again.

‘You’re grouchy in the morning. And the way you toss and turn all night—it’s like sleeping in a blender.’

His playful words were so at odds with the seriousness in those serious blue eyes. He was trying to lighten the mood for her sake. He was trying to be strong for her when all of this couldn’t be easy for him, he must be feeling under pressure too.. The love reserved just for Sean burrowed its roots deeper, surged and expanded at once.

‘What about you?’

‘I worry about how we’ll adjust. You know, you’re used to living in a house and all.’ She dropped her head, and felt a bit foolish because they’d talked about this before. But she met no censure when she looked up at him again. ‘It just hit me that we’re really doing this. I mean, I know we’ve been planning this…but it’s finally here.’

The to-do list flashed in front of her again. She squeezed the back of her neck, trying to release the tension there. ‘The way things are going, we might be in my apartment a while. And I started thinking about small stuff like clothes on the floor or us fighting because you left the seat down or crumbs in the bed. It’s stupid stuff, really.’ Ana shrugged her shoulders, not sure if she was merely trying to convince Sean. He smiled at her then.

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I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only 10-11 were...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 58 Arson AntiAircraft Fire Airport Sex

Mark I had Lucas ensure a twenty-four hour guard on The Meadows and Darwin Architectural Group, plus KC’s gallery. He decided on a limited team of two at The Meadows during the day when workers were present, and six to eight guards circulating around the property and surrounding roads during the overnight hours. He also installed a series of security cameras and perimeter alarms in obvious and not so obvious places. All of it seemed like closing the barn door after the horses had left, but...

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The Two WimpsChapter 4 The Cougar

Joel I went to Edmonton after the symposium to solve some problem at an oil and gas company. Beth sent her first E-mail to me from our city, when she arrived home. She wrote, "I love you and please do not forget that I will begin the divorce in June, and you will follow me three months later. I will send my next mail next week." I answered, "It will be difficult for you to wait a year! I love you too!" We had discussed our future and had decided it together in the hotel. Beth would...

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Acting Up Part II

From where I sat in my own wardrobe looking at my wife and her black lover passionately kissing after their mammoth violent fuck in my bed, I had to come to terms with the facts that this was my fault, a massive turn on and that our lives had changed dramatically for ever. The emotions swirling in my head meant that the uncomfortable position was the least of my concerns. Carefully I took out my phone and started to film the two canoodling on my bed, just so that I could be sure when I viewed...

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Millyrsquos Cousin Janie Part 2

While Milly was out of the room Janie sat back on the sofa and now had a look of lust on her face albeit she didn’t know it and I could see her nipples standing out like little bullets and she was still licking her lips as she got to grips with the after taste in her mouth, “Do you mind if I stay naked Janie?” I asked as I sat back with my limp cock hanging down, Janie giggled as she looked down between my legs and I got the impression she was enjoying seeing her first male specimen, “Oh no...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter the King of the Wizarding World

Harry had spent his whole summer holiday up until this moment thinking of his last few days at Hogwarts and what it had meant to him. It had been the best week of his life followed by the absolute worst. He had spent his last week at Hogwarts having finally admitted his true feelings that he had kept bottled up since the day he first saw her on the train back when he was eleven. His best friend Hermione Granger had always had a certain look about her that had stirred Harry’s emotions even back...

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My Not So Bright Stepsister Pt 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 In the morning I woke before Eva and discovered that we were still spooning and my morning woody was resting along her slit. I slowly manoeuvred myself so that I slid inside her again and slowly started fucking her. “Is that you Luke?” Were Eva’s first words. “No, it’s Henry, don’t you remember?” I replied. Eva’s head quickly turned to see who it actually was fucking her then she relaxed and we both enjoyed a longish fucking session which included us doing a 69...

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Spring break fun with strangers

I was on spring break in clearwater beach Florida with my family and after a few days of relaxing I was feeling really horny. I talked to my husband about getting some local cock so we made up a story about how I had to go see a friend so the husband and k**s would go to the beach all day without me. I got onto the florida craigslist and posted an add. It said early 40's white married woman looking for local bbc to come fuck me. within a hour I had over 30 replys from all types of guys wanting...

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Summer Sex and Summer Love

This is more of a stroke story than anything terribly serious. In spite of the first person narrative, it is a work of fiction, it is not biographical. There are always snippets of truth and fact in any work of fiction. I’ve tried to give my characters thoughts and words which fit the time, the place and their situations. In my last summer of graduate school, I scored a real coup. I was picked with another guy for a heaven-sent student assistance job. The two of us were responsible for...

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The new summer job part six

After Daniel's group mouth-fuck at the pool, he went to the tanning boothas John had instructed. He was just about to get started when Justinentered behind him; a big smile pasted across his face as he stared atDaniel's naked body."John wants me to oil you up," he stated as he grabbed a bottle of lotionfrom the shelf.Daniel didn't move. "I can do it myself," he insisted, glaring at Justin."Shut up and lie down," Justin ordered.Daniel lay on the bed remembering when he'd tried to resist...

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Two Raped WivesChapter 5

Jennifer had stood open mouthed in shock as she'd watched Dave and Rena on the rug. She'd never seen anything so exciting. She'd never expected to see her prudish friend get so turned on. "My God," the young boy said. The youngster had followed her from the kitchen and he'd not bothered to get dressed. Jennifer suddenly realized that she'd been rubbing his cock all the time. "You're getting hot again," she observed. "Jesus," he said. "Didn't that turn you on?" "Yes,"...

4 years ago
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Daughters Horny Urge Section 3

Janet took her husband's hand and placed it on their daughter's cunt-mound. Jerry's fingers slid inside. "Ah-h-h-h-h…Ohhhhhhhh, Daddy!" Fiona sighed, cupping Jerry's hand over her little cunt. Her hips rocked against her father's hand, urging him wordlessly to fuck her with his fingers. Her eyes closed and her lips parted in a long sigh of pleasure. "She's tight, isn't she, honey?" Janet asked softly, fisting her husband's throbbing erection. "God, yes", moaned Jerry....

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Neighborhood slut wives club

You are new to the neighborhood and have just settled in as you sit on the couch when you hear the doorbell ring. You get up from the couch and peer out the window. A young lady that stands about 5'2" with red short hair and glasses on stands on the doorstep. You open the door and see that the woman has a beautiful figure with a really nice ass. The woman introduces herself..." Hello my name is Erin. I would like to welcome you to the neighborhood. If you would like I would love to invite...

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An Unexpected Journey

Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum. Imagine you are standing before an opening in the ground……” Dum-dum, dum-dum. In my mind’s eye, I saw a crevice like a vagina where two leg-like smooth red sandstone walls joined, inviting me in. “Your power animal is waiting at the opening.” Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum. My animal guide, the Cougar, sat patiently in front of the opening. The cougar or mountain lion, with her tawny earth colored body with the white patches between her nose and mouth...

3 years ago
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Doing Mom

My son Gus really loved what has been going on between us lately and frankly I love it as well. Gus loves the way I dress for work, I wear skirts and blouses and low pumps in either black patent or spectators which are black patent at the heels and toes and white between and yes nylons with the black seem running up the back of the legs. One day when I got home fom work I saw my son Gussy dressed as I dress, a skirt; blouse; and nylons; and my heels which he seemed to have learned to walk in,...

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Fun Party To Rampage On Bed

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real life incident and just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick ;) It happened in San Jose, USA and is still happening. I was a 27-year-old bachelor, good looking, 5’8 and 6-inch dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed. Heroin of the story(Ramya), 36years old then and I met at a common friend’s birthday party. Met her, her husband and her then 5.5 years old kid. She looked charming,...

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The Dinner Group A Virtual Vacation Coupon

Author's note: This is my second story, both in the Virtual Vacation Universe. Please consider this an open universe freely available to one and all who would like to use it as the basis for a story line. No hard and fast rules, just the basic concept. --- The Dinner Group (A Virtual Vacation Coupon) By Xyzzy It was a normal Saturday summer afternoon. I was making the last pass over the lawn with the mower. Hey, it's green, it grows, therefore it's a lawn; even if grass...

4 years ago
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3 some fun

"It'll grow back," you laughed as I used my nails and scratched at the skin above your cock. I started to say something smart but you took my chin and said, "put it in your mouth and shut the fuck up." I pretend pouted and leaned in to kiss you hard on the mouth. We had been fucking for about a month, I'd spent almost every night with you since we met. The sex had been phenomenal! You are my pussy like a fiend and lived to make me cum using your mouth and fingers. I returned the favor by...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Unwinnable War

THE DAYS THAT FOLLOWED proved just as strange. For now, Steven traveled eastward on the road and encountered other travelers on a regular basis. But it seemed that the more people he saw, the fewer saw him. Occasionally a traveler would greet him as they passed. Sometimes as he caught up with a slower traveler, they would walk together some few steps, but Steven now was feeling a more urgent need to press forward and soon, even those he spoke to were quickly forgotten. After his first night...

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mid night swim

So I need you to come over to my apartment complex for a late night swim. I'd like to swim with you under the nights sky fully clothed, let's jump in with no hesitation no changing into a swim suit. Just us swimming alone being young and dumb, we could get caught any moment so we swim slow and close to one another. I reach over to you and I notice your soaking wet shirt clinging to your big tits, it makes me excited so I swim really close to you so close I brush up against you and you feel my...

1 year ago
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Naughty Hot NurseChapter 10

Sarah looked at the crowded bus, almost didn't get on, and then decided her john was probably already at the bar waiting for her. She paid her fare and worked her way slowly through the jammed people to the middle. Then she wished she hadn't gotten on because it was hot and she didn't want to smell sweaty. The bus stopped at every corner. It was the third stop before she realized the man behind her was unnecessarily pressing against her. Her eyes widened when she felt his cock pressing...

3 years ago
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A Cops Revenge Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Letter My Dearest Love Maybe I am naive, but I do believe that love conquers all. I also believe that we cannot have a life together if my history is a lie. I have therefore decided to risk all and share with you my sad tale. This may help you understand me better, or it may result in you deciding that we cannot have a life together now that you know who I am really am. The latter will destroy me and therefore I am placing my life in your hands. Do as you see fit. My tale...

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Mom and Her Girls

Wearing only her pink panties, the teddy having been removed by her sister, she leans back against her older sister, enjoying the feel of Terri's boobs pressing against her back. Terri's hands are around her sister's body, hands cupping those sweet young tits. And Micki has one hand inside her own panties, the middle finger rubbing up and down her thin haired pussy. The girls stand watching their mother, laying half on half off her large bed, her legs spread, her large heavy breast...

4 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 21

Aidan was puzzled when his news about Julie wiped the smile from Vicky’s face. “Come with me,” she said seriously. “There’s something I want you to see.” Vicky took Aidan to her office, sat him in front of her desk and called up her email server, found the correspondence and turned the screen towards him. “I got a surprise last night at home,” she said grimly. “Read these.” He read, his brow furrowing as the import of what was written became clear. “Sam? She’s in London? Working in...

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The Patch Up Part 2

Hello, Thank you for your valuable input in the first part. I would be thankful to have your comments you can mail me on my email id Those who haven’t gone please follow the link below So, coming back to the story. After that long chat, we were quite open to each other, I was too much in lust to have her and I could see the same in her eyes too. One day she asked me to accompany her for shopping and I accepted and went with her. She was buying...

1 year ago
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Smoke Ch 03

Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With thanks to Elliot, Doug and Martine Remarks with single quotes, i.e., ‘remarks’ are thoughts and not spoken aloud. Chapter 3: You can’t go home, again ‘Well, are we finally going home?’ asked Mrs. Shocley. ‘My goldfish is probably floating by now.’ ‘Yes, but in two days, I need to make sure it’s safe for all of us. Cindy’s husband’s bookie is dead, the four guys, well, they’ve been dead and nobody seems to know or care who we are.’...

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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 3

I was sat behind my desk when the call came."What?" I shouted down the phone, "You mean now?" I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless.She put a hand to her mouth when she realized what was happening. Dropping everything on the desk, she grabbed my coat from the hat stand and helped me struggle into it as I listened to the hospital on the...

Love Stories
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 81

Olivia’s head was buzzing; whatever was in those cookies had now fully kicked in, and it was a strange enough scene to begin with. There was Claire, sprawled out at Mimi’s feet with a towel wrapped around her. There was Lexi, on her knees cleaning her own juices off of Calamity’s strap-on. Olivia realized that her pussy was throbbing, and that without thinking about it she’d been rubbing herself through her dress.The woman in the hat and suit that she’d been dancing with walked up to The...

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Badi Behen Didi Kajal Ki Gaand Mari

Hi Saifullah again… Here I come with new fantasy story… Please read my last 3 stories & feed me back… Ye stroy mere shadi ke 1 mahine baad ki hai…. Meri wife ka naam anushka hai & coincidently wo dikhti bhi anushka sharma ki tarah hai thodi si… Figure,lips, hair etc etc… Mai shaadi ke dusre din se hi sex kar raha hu uske sath ab wo bhi bahot khul chuki thi… Ab story ki shuruat yahan se hui … Raat ko sex karne ke baad mai aur anushka nange hi so gaye… Aur jab mai subha utha to dekha ke anushka...

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Mother Part One

The last time I was awake, everything was normal. In fact, the last day I can remember was very uneventful. Something felt different now and even before I opened my eyes, I knew something was seriously wrong. Intuition wasn't my only indication. I could feel this "something" through a straining weight on my chest. I opened my eyes. The world was blurry yet tangible. I raised my hands before my eyes, but they couldn't have been my hands. Inch long, beautifully manicured nails of a...

2 years ago
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Silken Domination

SILKEN DOMINATION By Bea What's the matter mummy?" I asked. "You're acting awfully strange." "I am not!" she answered sharply then, realizing that her tone had contradicted her words, made an attempt to rectify it. Her facial expression softened a little. "Well. This interview with Miss Manley. It might be important for you.." I laughed. "An interview with my old home economics teacher? Important? What are you talking about?" She shook her head. "You have been out...

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Second ChanceChapter 15

The next two weeks were ... unpleasant. I ended up staying in the hospital for nine days, recovering from the bullet wound and subsequent surgery to repair all the damage – from both incidents - at once. The wound tuned septic on me, and the ensuing infection threatened to lay me low. Between the truck accident and the shooting, there was quite a lot to repair and recover. Beth Ann visited every morning, just before lunch, bringing me actual food instead of that awful, fake, hospital fare....

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Jalisas new toy Interracial group anal

Sorry for any formatting or grammar errors. I write them and just don't have the time or desire to edit them after. Perhaps someday I will fix them up. Jay woke in a cold sweat, confused and unsure for a moment, he reached to the otherside of the bed andit was empty. His cock was throbbing between his legs and his boxers were wet. As his hand slid downinto his boxers he remembered where he was, a thousand miles from home, working. His hand grippedhis cock and the wetness there from the dream of...

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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 10

Jean-Pierre Valois, France’s President, sit in his Citroën C6 in the midst of a large parade as it travels down Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris, France. Against the wishes of his advisors he pushed for the impromptu parade to be put on as a showing to the people that France would not be put in fear over the recent terrorist attacks. Like the other countries that received threats of attacks from the New World Regime, the French government received a similar threat and just like the other...

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The Art Of Shaving

A barely audible question issues from my heaving chest “would you shave me”? You look into my eyes puzzled, I continue rapidly so as not to loose my nerve, I can barely believe I've just asked you this, I watch closely as your eyebrows raise and knit together in a wordless question but you remain nonchalant and collected. My breasts swell heavily and my nipples harden sensitively from the friction of my t-shirt alone without provocation. With your hands on my shoulders you turn me toward you...

2 years ago
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My first wife Part 3

My head was spinning! I was rock-hard, yet confused by what to do or the next step."What did this all mean" I thought to myself."Your wife" explained Tayna, "informed James and I that you are NOT a cuck. Do you know that term?""Yes" I admitted, nodding my head. "and she's correct... I am NOT a cuck.""Your wife also said" Tanya continued, "that you both had an agreement. An agreement where you could choose someone to add to your bedroom first...And then it was HER turn to do the same.""Yea,...

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Not Your Usual Vacation

Erica Holmes took a long drink from the sweet cocktail that the bartender had made for her and then lay back in her hammock. The palm trees swayed gently in the breeze and she drew in a lung full of ocean air. She had been for a swim, but the lukewarm water hardly helped cooling her down in the heat. Instead, she had retired from the sand to under the palm trees.At 45 Erica was a single mother to a grownup daughter, who she had given birth to at 18. She had married her high school sweetheart...


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