Kismet The Christmas Elf
- 3 years ago
- 40
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Saturday, December 9th 11:40 pm
‘I’m sorry,’ Sean murmured into Ana’s hair and drew in its faint citrus aroma. ‘I’m so sorry about how I acted…the things I said.’
Ana’s hair swept the side of his neck as she nodded repeatedly. He wanted to haul her body up against his but didn’t dare. The reddish shadow peeking out under the wide dress strap reminded him to be careful. He settled for burying one hand in her silky waves while the other grazed the curve of her back. Ana rubbed his back and pressed into the crook of his neck, seeking as much contact as her injured shoulder allowed. The weight he’d been carrying for two days lifted.
The tremor in Sean’s voice made her squeeze her eyes as she tried to dam the tears threatening to spill over. With one hand wrapped around him, holding the phone, and the other rendered useless, Ana had no discreet way to wipe away the wet trail running along her nose. And even if she could, she now found herself tired of fighting her feelings and maintaining a cool façade. She drew her head back a scant inch. Sean’s jaw worked as his gaze followed the wet streaks on her face. But he said nothing. The regret etched on his face spoke volumes. The pads of his thumbs gently wiped away her tears, making her want to cry all over again.
Her voice wobbled in response to his tenderness. ‘I’m s-sorry too that I didn’t tell you sooner. And I didn’t try to talk to you about it just because Simon called…I thought I’d found the right time when he did—that I had a good opening.’ She looked at him with solemn brown eyes. ‘I wasn’t trying to do damage control.’
Hearing Ana speak those very words in that wary, defensive tone made him wish he could rewind to Thursday and handle things differently.
‘I know how it must have looked to you…but I didn’t deliberately set out to lie to you, I’d never do that. You’ve got to believe me.’
He didn’t doubt her sincerity as her eyes pleaded her case. ‘I believe you,’ he reassured her quietly as his hands bracketed the sides of her neck. ‘Why didn’t you say something sooner?’
Sean believed her. Relief buoyed Ana’s spirits, yet she had to steel herself as she prepared to answer his question. Here we go.
‘Uh, maybe we should sit down,’ she stalled. His gaze was intent as if he meant to catch every expression on her face.
‘We don’t have to do this right now if you’re too tired.’
Postponing meant living another day in uncertainty. No thanks. She set the phone back on its base. Simon would have to wait.
‘I’m okay…I just need to ice my shoulder,’ she said on her way to the fridge to get the icepack. She emptied the uncapped bottle of its last pain pill before reaching for a glass. ‘Did you want anything?’
‘No, I’m good.’
Dodger skipped at Ana’s feet and growled at the sight of her advancing black slippers, trying to decide whether he should attack the furry balls. Sean had draped his jacket on the back of the slipper chair, already waiting for her on the couch. Ana decided to stand, needing some distance between them to center herself. Plus, she couldn’t imagine sitting still at the moment, no matter how weary she felt. The discrepancy in their height, the fact that they were on her turf, should have given her some subtle psychological advantage—it didn’t. Ana felt as though she’d stepped onto the stage in front of a very discerning audience.
She paced a small path on the wool rug as she spoke. ‘I was going to tell you everything about that day in your office.’ She stole a glance his way. ‘I just didn’t know how to begin—’ she trailed off, pulling the brakes on her quick babbling. She couldn’t just blurt it out.
Sean watched as Ana turned into a human pendulum. He resisted the urge to scoop her up and set her on the couch when he noticed her slight limp. She talked as if she were thinking out loud, as if it were easier to pretend she was alone. ‘I didn’t know you and Simon were friends until I visited his website at your place last Saturday.’ Her earnest eyes matched her quiet, low pitch. She shifted uncomfortably and continued. ‘It came up as a match for the caterer’s site—I swear.’ Her voice rose an octave. ‘I never logged into your account. I’d never do something like that. It all happened by accident.’
Sean nodded, not wanting to interrupt her flow of words while letting her know he believed her.
‘When I saw your user ID,’ Ana paused and sat in the raspberry fifties slipper chair, ‘I kind of freaked out because—’
‘You’re CuriousBloom,’ he supplied when she remained silent several seconds too long.
‘You know?!’ It was the first time since he returned to her apartment that Ana had spoken above a hushed tone. Her wide eyes and stunned expression were so cute, it made him forget the gravity of the moment.
‘I figured it out Thursday night. I tried calling you—’ Sean trailed off, leaning forward with his arms braced on his thighs. He leaned back again while he explained how he’d made the connection to the daisies she’d bought last weekend.
‘The things we said to each other—it was bad,’ she groaned.
‘You mean the things you said to me,’ Sean mock chastised. But Ana missed his playful intent.
‘Hey—I was just kidding.’ He grinned, certain it would illustrate the obvious. But Ana didn’t get the message. Sean said the first thought that popped into his mind. ‘What’s wrong?’
Ana wanted to blurt out: ‘How do you feel about me?’
Sean’s face went blank, giving nothing away. ‘Ana, that stuff you posted…is that how you see me, even after all these months?’
A wave of remorse washed over her. She’d put more stock in a bunch of unfounded theories ahead five months worth of real life, everyday facts. Sean never hid who he was. He respected her, didn’t bullshit her, he listened, he rocked her neat, organized world and made it better and exciting. So what if he was stubborn, a bit impulsive and loved mornings? She was never going to meet another man like him…she didn’t want to.
So why was it so easy to doubt him? Was it because being in love scared her to bits? Was it because she wanted everything noted, guaranteed and filed away in a little folder labeled ‘relationship’? Could Sean, or anyone, give her any guarantees though? Could he predict their future? Even if he said all the things her uncertain ears wanted to hear, she’d still have to take a leap of faith into the unknown—without a parachute strapped to her back.
‘You do,’ Sean interjected. It had been so easy online to just chalk her words up to that of a bitter, disillusioned woman. But now? He squeezed the tension in the back of his neck. Now he just wanted to throw his hands up and say ‘fuck it’. What had he done to earn this kind of distrust? The only thing keeping him from exploding right now was the fact that his temper had gotten him nowhere the last time. And Ana looked downright lost.
Sean’s body stiffened with indignance and he quickly schooled his face into a neutral expression. But his eyes glittered with hurt and anger. Ana had never seen him this vulnerable before, except for that day when his grandfather had landed in the hospital. But that was natural and expected because it was family. This time though, it was because of her and she didn’t know what to expect it. Maybe he had feelings…
‘It’s not that black and white, Sean.’
The muscle in his jaw twitched. ‘I think it is.’ The whiplike insistence in his voice told Ana she had her work cut out for her. ‘Either you believe that stuff you wrote or you don’t. Which is it?’
Oh, Jesus! Déjà vu ambushed her. Ana sat down and rubbed the icepack tucked under her bra strap, hoping the icy tingle would sharpen her faculties.
‘I wrote all of that stuff while the whole Chris and Vanessa saga was playing out. Some of the things you posted rubbed me the wrong way because—’ she paused and browsed through the racks o
f words in her mind but the right combinations were just outside her grasp. ‘—some of it came off kind of nonchalant…as if getting involved with someone and just moving on when you had enough was no big deal—wait let me finish,’ she interjected with a hand up as he opened his mouth.
‘That’s what it felt like when Chris and Vanessa started going out but I still went to work every day pretending it didn’t bother me and…I hated it. I wanted to lash out and you were an easy target…that wasn’t fair,’ she admitted. ‘I know you Sean, and I don’t think—I know you’re not shallow.’
‘Why do I get the feeling there’s a ‘but’?’ Sean challenged and leaned forward, daring her to meet him head on. Ana felt like she’d been put on the witness stand when his eyes bored into hers. ‘If everything you just said is true then I don’t understand why you were so spooked that you couldn’t tell me all this in the first place.’
Ana blanched and browsed the racks again. All the good ideas on what to say next were stored high on shelves she had to stretch and push her mind to reach for. How insecure would it sound if asked him if she was just another woman he was ‘fully enjoying for now?’ Ana cringed. It sounded wildly insecure in the confines of her head. Tonight wasn’t the night for ultimatums. ‘The way things started with us…happened so fast. That’s not like me—’
‘I figured that out the first night.’
Embarrassment over her remembered lack of finesse joined the ambush and heated her cheeks. ‘Ana?’ Sean implored as his elbows dug into his thighs. He entwined his fingers in a gesture of frustration. He stood up, as though he couldn’t sit still a moment longer and towered over her. ‘Just tell me, okay?’ he commanded gently. ‘Whatever it is, just tell me.’
Her say-yes-to-anything philosophy had been easier when she expected to be saying yes to very little. It isn’t a leap of faith if you’ve got a parachute strapped to your back. She got up slowly and took the leap and trusted herself to get back up if the landing didn’t go as planned. The way strong, independent women did.
Sean paced behind the couch then froze with his arms folded across his chest. The stubborn set of his chin said he was prepared for a standoff. ‘Look,’ he reasoned with hard fought patience, ‘I can’t fix it if I don’t know.’
Ana stumbled as she avoided a collision with Dodger. The dog had a growing obsession with her slippers, his beige head had followed her feet while she’d paced in front of the coffee table. He kept a gentle grip on her waist while she steadied herself. All she had to was sit down and just tell him what she had to say. But no, she had to take the scenic route even when she wasn’t up to it physically. Why did she have to be so dammed stubborn? ‘Ana, you should sit dow—’
Sean’s eyes widened with shock and confusion as her palm covered his mouth. She could just about read his thoughts right now and smiled inside. That distracted her enough to march ahead. Scripts, pretty words and eloquent phrases didn’t matter anymore.
‘Just listen okay? Without saying anything back. Promise me.’
Despite the fact that Sean had an extra hand advantage he didn’t use it against her. He nodded behind her palm.
‘I love you.’
Oh, God. She said it. Finally. Ana swallowed. Her heart hammered her chest. Adrenaline poured into her blood. She felt scared and…free. Air wafted over her hand. Sean looked stunned. She kept her hand clamped over his mouth when he jerked involuntarily. His hands came up to rest on either side of her neck.
‘I know this wasn’t what you had in mind when we started going out…we never talked about getting serious]…so I’m not expecting you to say it back. Okay?’ she said in a stern voice, daring him to defy her.
Sean nodded. His blue eyes were wild and…soft.
‘I didn’t expect this to happen. I didn’t…the reason I didn’t tell you right away about…you know…the website was because…I-I got a little scared when I read some of the things you wrote. We never talked about the future and I started wondering if you only saw us being together in a certain way…for a short time because of the way we started out.’
Sean nodded. She felt a smidgen of relief that he’d taken her declaration so well. You do have a hand on his mouth.
‘And I don’t want you getting all weird and thinking this is some kind of ultimatum, okay? I’m telling you I love you because I do and no other reason. I don’t want you to feel like you have to say it back if you don’t feel the same way. Okay? I’d really hate it if you did,’ Ana rushed on, hoping her babble made sense. She swallowed the big knot her next thoughts created. ‘I know you like me,’ Ana faltered. God, that sounded so junior high! ‘And it’s okay if you don’t…uh, love me…or if you don’t see it happening.’
Sean’s expression didn’t look panicked or uncomfortable. His lips moved behind her palm. Ana shook her head. ‘Okay?’
Instead of nodding again, Sean exercised his hand advantage and snared her wrist. His mouth covered hers and in a sweet, reassuring kiss. Ana eagerly sought out more of the delicate flavor of champagne and something she recognized as uniquely Sean’s. His hands moved gently over her back, pulling her closer, fitting her soft curves into the hard lines of his body, supporting her. Ana breathed in.
Her forehead pillowed his, while his fingers brushed her lush mouth. The soft, wet texture reminded him how good it was taste her again. Everything was going to be okay. She pressed a tiny kiss into his fingers and almost undid him with the small gesture.
I love you.
Sean breathed out.
She’d said the words with such quiet conviction. They reverberated in his ears and dissolved into a drug swimming in his blood. He felt humbled and high. She wasn’t the type who loved lightly or easily. Ana loved him. Ana. Loved. Him. And she thought he just liked her. It was laughable until he looked into her brown eyes. They were dazed,serious, brave and so damn vulnerable he wanted to wrap her up. She deserved the world but expected nothing back from him. His fingers covered her mouth, keeping her silent just in case.
‘I don’t just like you, okay? I love you.’ Unshed tears shimmered like stars suspended in her shocked brown eyes. ‘And no, I’m not saying it back just because you said it first. I love you—I have for a while now and that’s not going to change.’
Sean’s thumb caught the first fat tear before it touched her cheek, he kissed away the one that fell down the other side of her face. The dark mascara smudges beneath her eyes gave her a fragile appearance. ‘I love you,’ he repeated to chase away any flicker of doubt and because it felt good to say it.
‘You mean it.’ The dry edge of wonder in her lost girl whisper slayed him. Her salty lips mouth found his as he nodded his answer.
‘Yes,’ he murmured into her mouth while his large hands bracketed her face. The kiss lost any chance of being gentle and sweet the instant his tongue met hers. There was too much longing, too much relief and too much love for it to be anything than what it was: hungry, desperate and passionate. Every velvet stroke, every nip and every moan was pure, raw need. Sean tried his best to rein in the first hit of desire. But Ana’s one hand, splayed over his chest, rubbing back and forth made it hard. His fingers plowed through her thick waves. Ana winced and gasped when he dug into the hard knot at the back of her head.
‘I’m sorry,’ Sean rasped and probed gently this time. His brows met when his fingers brailled the height and width of the bump.
‘It’s not that bad,’ Ana hurried to reassure him but his blue eyes contradicted her. She could only imagine his reaction to the bruises covering the left side of her back.
He looked like he was about to say something but thought the better of it. ‘Come here,’ he commanded gently and folded his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head
while he rocked her. ‘I’m so glad you’re okay.’
Time faded while they stood wrapped up in each other’s arms, content in this new space of loving and being loved.
‘We should get you to bed.’
It sounded like a great idea, except it meant moving. Good thing Sean wasn’t in any hurry to act on it. The soft thud of Sean’s heart beneath her ear lulled her into sweet relaxation. Her nose sought more of the warm sandalwood and crisp citrus that lingered on his skin. The scent she’d recognize anywhere from now on.
The phone chimed.
‘Who the hell can that be at this hour?’ Sean growled into her hair.
Ana had difficulty lifting her head from his chest. Her eyes jolted from sleepy to awake in seconds. ‘Simon. Shit! I forgot to call him!’ She shuffled to the kitchen while Sean interrupted Dodger’s playful pursuit of the fuzzy black squares darting across the carpet. He’d forgotten about Simon and the golden heart dangling around her neck until then. Curiosity sharpened his ears while he scratched the canine’s matted head.
‘Hello? Sorry about that…Sean and I were talking and I got sidetracked.’ Ana looked over at him and the small smile she wore found its way into her voice, which sounded a degree thicker and slower. ‘Yeah, he’s here.’
He had to strain to hear her when she spoke again. ‘Is it okay if I tell him? Yeah, I did—right after I got home…okay…we will. Thanks for calling. Goodnight.’
His brain clamored with unspoken questions while she put the icepack in the freezer. She’d been touching the pendant during the entire conversation. Now it became a magnet for his eyes.
‘He just called to make sure I got home okay,’ she explained while sipping water.
‘You two seem very close.’ He tried to go for a casual observation but Ana’s amused expression told him he’d missed his mark. The dimple didn’t go away even as she drank.
‘There’s no need to be jealous,’ she drawled mischievously.
Sean gave into Dodger’s demand for a belly rub, glad for the distraction. ‘I’m not jealous,’ he huffed.
‘Okay,’ Ana said as though she believed him but a beautifully arched brow rose to tease him. She was enjoying this a little too much. ‘Simon’s my father—biological father.’
His mind went blank then turned into an ancient TV, popping and sizzling with static as it lost thought reception. His gaze raked over her, scanning for the physical attributes that would make her words real for his brain. ‘I thought your father’s name was Gideon.’
‘Gideon is his first name but he had it legally changed to Simon after college. That’s why I joined his website in first place, I was trying to find out for sure.’
Ana perched on the edge of the couch and petted her new best friend. ‘What—why are you looking at me that way?’
‘It’s so weird to think you’re his daughter. You don’t look anything like him.’
‘You said I looked like my mother, remember?’ Her eyes lit up as she fingered the heart shaped pendant. Simon’s eyes were brown too, just an everyday brown as far as he recalled. But Ana’s had rich flecks of gold. ‘He gave me this tonight. It was a birthday present he’d given my mother. Come see.’
‘Open it,’ she instructed with excitement after he sat next to her, ‘it’s hard for me to do it.’ The locket held a picture of a teenaged Simon on one side and Ana’s mother on the other. The resemblance between mother and daughter struck him again, but now subtle nuances clicked into place. Ana’s left dimple, her stoic nature, the gestures that passed between when he’d seen them talking—all delicate imprints of Simon Garret. And the mysterious expression Simon wore tonight when he looked at Ana had been pride. Paternal pride.
‘I was at Border’s that night to see him. I got lost on my way there and missed the book signing. We might have met then. Funny how the world works, huh?’
‘That’s an understatement,’ he mused with a wry tone. ‘What?’ he prompted when something elusive flickered in those brown eyes. Oh, yeah. She was definitely Simon Garret’s daughter.
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Two short e-mails, four days and a phone call later, Ana’s eyes flitted between the occupied tables at the tapas restaurant, her watch and the sympathetic expression on the hostess’s face. She swept the errant strands annoying her right shoulder back into the twist above her nape. Great. Just great. He’d either left or— ‘You’re late.’ Ana turned around, startled by the stern, deep timbre, relieved he was here. There he stood, all annoyed in a smoky grey business suit—two buttons on his...
Saturday, July 22nd . 6:27 pm Maybe she should have called Michelle. The thought came as Ana pressed the doorbell. She obviously needed to hear a voice of reason, otherwise she wouldn’t be standing here on the doorstep, on the way to ostensibly having her first one-night stand. Tonight wasn’t just about a home cooked meal and some friendly flirting. He wants to fuck you. Yet even reducing it to the crudest of terms didn’t have the intended sobering effect. That was far more perplexing than...
This chapter turned out longer and different than originally planned. But I had to follow where the characters wanted to go. I debated splitting it in two, but it just felt more complete as one whole chapter. Thank you for your votes, comments and emails. Several came at the perfect time and I wanted you to know I appreciated you taking the time to write. Though song lyrics from the following songs aren’t quoted in this chapter, they’re referenced indirectly. *My Way: English version, lyrics...
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Moira and Ray Faithless father Ray was going home after a couple of years away from home. His mother had sent for him, telling him that she had some important news for him. She met him at the front door and greeted him with a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. When they had settled down in the lounge room, Mom opened up to him. “Ray, I have discovered that your father has been playing around and has been unfaithful to me. I am going to divorce him. I have already told him to leave the house.”...
IncestMonday came around and i didn't expect anything to be different , and it wasn't Nathan pushed me , said something insulting and i finished most of the project , but he didn't call me queer like he use to he gave off a different vibe , he virtually ignored me in class not even giving me eye contact and thats because i gave him the best blow job of his life and something inside of him was turning and he didn't like it , he would kiss Amber when ever he was near me or say something perverted...
Mera naam Ravi hai, main 27 saal ka hu, height 5.6 par meri aankhe sex se bhari hui hai. Mujhe sex ki lat pad gayi hai, aur main jitna bhi sex karu kam hi lagata hai, sochta tha ki mujhe koi problem hai. Par jab mujhe jaise hi aurat mili tab mai samajha ki main kitna lucky hu. So main tution deta hu, aur un students mein se se ek ki mom (Roshni) mujhe ek din fees dene aayi, aur mujhe se man hi man sex ka plan bana liya, jo mujhe baad mein pata chala. Yun baar baar phone karke apni beti ke...
”Hi, Babe I’m home!’ John calls as he walks through the door. He slams it hard, and I can tell it didn’t go well. I sigh to myself, because I knew this all along. It was so silly to let myself hope. To let us both hope. ‘I’m in the bedroom,’ I call out, my voice shaking a little, but not to much. He walks in and he looks at me, sitting on the bed, waiting for the news which I already know. There is no cure. I’m going to die in 4 months. I remember a time when we used to be happy, me and...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it. This is an incident...
xHamster – Free Porn Videos BVideos121Live Sex PornstarsChannelsPhotosDatingPremiumOktoberfest Live Cams ? Enjoy hottest online models in Oktoberfest-themed shows ? To Live Shows!All storiesWife lives out her fantasyWe, Dave and Kathy have been married for 6 years, and the sex is great. Kathy is small but nicely built, with 36c tits, nice round ass, short hair and a smile that knocks you off your feet. Over the past few years we have talked about Kathy having sex with another man, and she...
Remember, remember, as if you could forget the memories that are seared upon your mind. The clouds of forgetfulness hang heavy around you, but you must remember so that you can bring about justice to the one who has wronged you so evilly. Before this all began you thought that evil was just a concept, a word to be applied to something bad when it appeared on the television news or in the papers. Now you know that evil has a face, and you must remember. Remember! You remember that it started...
Keisha was a quiet girl who learned very early that she was a freaky person. She started masturbating at the age of 12. Although shebwpuldnt go on to lose her virginity til she was 17 she was always very curious about it. The First time she sucked a dick she loved it and wanted to do it all the time. When she was 16 she moved in with her grandmother and her husband. One night she jumped out of her sleep to find her grandmothers husband standing over her stroking his dick she screamed and he ran...
Harley is back in front of the cameras fresh of a visit to the AVN and her pussy isn’t sore or tired – it’s craving some big cock to fuck! Oh Harley, how we love you. Our producer buddy kills two birds with one stone calling up Logan Pierce to come and fuck Harley. Logan has been wanting a piece of Harley for a while now and Harley wants a big cock, so everybody wins! Yippie! The real winner here, though, is you, the viewer. You already know how amazing Harley is and she delivers again...
xmoviesforyouDesire can take many forms, of course, and this story is about the desire of a daughter for her mother, and she takes full advantage of a rash promise from her mum to get herself a very special birthday treat. Don't read it if this subject may offend/upset you, or if you are too young to be reading these stories where you are. Copyright stays with the author. Contact by email to [email protected] Careless Promise — By NiteWriter I'd been looking forward to this day for so long. 18...
"Wow!" Jamie said when we were back at the house. "Remind me never to piss you off. For a nice guy, you really kicked ass back there." "I figured it would be safer if I did it. You probably would have gotten them arrested at the very least." "The very least," she agreed. "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to work with Amber?" "I wouldn't know," I said. "I've never tried with anyone else." "One of these days you'll find out, and then you can tell me. So what now? It's...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net doston, I am adishesha from jp Nagar 7th phase Bangalore. I am 27 years old, I have completed b.Com and doing bakery shop, I am 5.7feet tall and have a 6inch dick.Any teen, virgin, non–virgin girls, matured aunties, widow, can contact me for a hot sex, my e-mail This is real story happened 2months ago, coming to the incident there was a new bank opened in our locality and they needed a customer. One of bank employee her name is pramila came to my shop and told to...
When Kim was sixteen, she tried hard to seduce me.One morning after taking my shower, I walked back into my bedroom and there laid my sister, Kim, with her legs spread, her tank top pulled up to reveal her tits, smiling at me.“See anything you want, Bobby?” she asked.I admit that she was tempting. Kim had a nice body, a cute smile, and had been flirting overtly with me for two years! My cock began to grow as I looked at her and thought how arousing it would be to suck those nice tits and to...
I listen as you telling me your story over a beer across from the office. As you say, "I fantasize about my wife being with another man while I, husband watched. In my minds eyes, she's sitting on my lap kissing him and pushing her pussy down on my cock, I whisper to her I have a surprise for you. I smile and holding her arms tightly as I say come on in and a tall, mature black man walks in , I look at my wife and she said are you sure of this? What do you expect that is going to happen...
hello dost mera naam dhiraj hai.aur main jo kahani sunanay ja raha hoon woh aaj se do mahinay pehalay ki hai. meri umar 24 saal hai aur main orissa main rehta hoon. hamaray mohallay main hi meri khala ka ghar hai aur wahan meri khala aur un ki baiti erum akaili rehti hain. erum ki umar taqreeban 26 saal hai aur ghair shadi shuda hai. erum k do chotay behan aur bhai b thay. magar behan ki raipur shadi ho gai aur bhai delhi main hota hai aur wahin shadi kar rakhi hai. ab aata hoon main kahani ki...
“Come on… now fuck me… You’ll not have to worry about cumming in my cunt…as I take mala pills. This way, we can both try many different things. And remember, I have not been fucked for the past three months, bahut khuli hpo rahi hai meri phuddhi mein ” She laid down on the bed, and pulled me over her. In a flash I was between her legs. Taking my cock in her hand, she guided in into her cunt, but left it just touching her cunt lips. I could feel that they were soaking wet again. I pressed my...
He thought it would be just another domination session. His wife was the true master of the house, and she always wanted to experiment, especially to find new ways to punish him. And he enjoyed every minute of it. She would verbally abuse him whenever they decided to have sex (and that was always her decision). She would find new creative ways to torture him mentally and tease him until he would climax in a splash of orgasmic pleasure. But he never counted on his wife bringing home another man,...
I broke down and finally messaged a “friend” from an online fetish site. I was very nervous having never done anything like that before. I had a very particular fantasy I wanted to indulge and thought this was the best way.“As you might already know I want to make your fantasies come true, so what are your fantasies?” She replied back.“I … well … one of my favorite videos is ‘babes balling boys’ and I well …” I stammered out.She said, “I’m familiar and you’re in luck because it is one of my...
This is my second story. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment. I had a very rough week and was looking forward to unwinding at a party being hosted by one of my friends on Friday night. Although I was a little tired from work the shower when I got home definitely perked me up and made me feel better. I got myself a glass of wine, put on music, and started getting ready. Of course the hardest part was figuring out what to wear. It was going to be a group of people that for the most...
Introduction: Gabes new babysitter might be a good girl, but she,s perfectly bad at it… Her name was Daphne, and she was easily the hottest girl he had ever seen, including the multitude of groupies whom had thrown themselves at him during his brief career as a professional football player. The never-ending stream of pussies had dried up like a thin trickle of water in the desert after the car accident that screwed up his knee and killed his career. Gabe ended up taking the same road so many...
January 25 Since we had already practiced the G-spot lesson on Monday, Katie and I mostly just played today. After we made out for a while, Katie insisted on sucking me off before I did anything for her. This one was quick, as my girlfriend went straight for the prize. It was barely five minutes after she first took me in her mouth that I was blasting a load across her tongue. As always, Katie made happy noises while she savored the taste of my jizz in her mouth. She loves the taste of my...
I was wetter than I thought was possible as I waited in bed with my legs open, as if I did this all the time. My nipples were hard as little rocks as my lower body moved in a way I did not know was possible. Just this morning I was traveling to New York with my new husband and this evening here I am lying flat of my back feeling feels I never knew any one person could feel. He starts off by massage my tense body with oils and lotions making me as limp as a wet noodle. As the scented candles...
A New Style of Education by Karen Page If you haven't read A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows it would be advisable before reading this chapter. Part 26 Jill closed her eyes and began to describe in detail the events following her mother's death. * * * Mum was dead. How could this happen so quickly? Yesterday she'd found out about Jill and she didn't freak. I had hope that with Anna and Erika gone, I could still learn the lessons I needed to learn; and admittedly,...
She’d known from the first moment she’d opened the door to him that she wanted him. All the time that they had been emailing, texting and talking on the phone, she’d suspected it but as soon as she let him in and he’d held her and kissed her so passionately she knew for certain that, whatever he wanted her to do, she would do it without question or reservation.The moment his lips had first touched hers would be forever etched in her memory. She had expected to feel a spark, that chemistry...
Hi readers I came across this site recently and I decided to post my experiences in a series. And do forgive me for the narration since this is first time there may be some faults so do forgive me. To begin with let me tell you something about my physical aspects I am 5.10″ tall with an Athlete or rather thin body with loads of Energy. Often people got deceived with my personalities and capabilities. Now let me come to the topic this was my first experience when I was a kid I was younger and it...
IncestMAD ABOUT MANDY By Anne Gray (A sequel to Meddling with Mandy) I had taken Mandy on Friday night and kept her in very severe bondage thatincluded introducing her to the computer breath control program on Sunday. Now it was Monday morning and, acting on a hunch, I had left her helplesslystrapped to my "worktable" and driven to a pay phone. The phone number of her office was in my research files. I placed a callto them indicating that I was a friend of Mandy's and she had been called outof town...
I am from Delhi NCR. I work in an MNC and have an athletic body with 5.11 height. I regularly work out to keep myself fit.This is one of my wonderful experience of life. It was an extended week off with a Holiday on Friday followed by two week off. Three of My friends & I decided to go to Lansdown. One of my friend brought his Car and we left for Lansdown. We found a hotel with a beautiful view and chose to stay there. We all were boy’s so we decided to get only one room. After settling in the...
I had just finished posting an add on Craigslist looking for some jumbo sized cocks to split my sissy gash open. I had said i wanted at least 2 meat hammers before i would take the ad down. There wasn't a lot of detail in the ad except that i wanted to try double anal and had few to no limits. I included a picture of me spreading my boy cunt. It was still farely tight I could take 4 fingers but wasn't able to take a fist yet, so i specified that they needed to take there time with me. I...
The cold wind was blowing outside your front door and across your lawn as you settled in for the night with a warm blanket on your bed. You are wearing your favorite little nightie, the one that covers your breasts, but still has a deep plunger in the neckline. The bottom of your nightie has just enough material to cover your nice curvy ass, but while you lay in bed curled up, your favorite hipster panties are slightly uncovered under the sheets. You lay with your laptop on the bed, and are...
Zack Hayes stopped by to visit our practice after school on Tuesday. He greeted Ed, Jake, Andy and me warmly. Most of the other team members didn't know Zack except by reputation at our school or had only seen him on TV on New Years Day. They treated him as a minor celebrity. I noticed that Zack watched me intently when I was playing. I had Ed send me on a couple deep routes so I could show Zack how my recovery was going. I hoped word would get back to State College that I was pretty much...
He waited on the bed as instructed. He had dressed exactly as he was asked: A pair of lavender lace trimmed panties stretched tightly over the young man's small cock; a matching bra covered his hard brown nipples too. He also had on a garter belt and some high heels. Too top in off he had on some coral lipstick and he had painted his nails perfectly.There was a knock at the door. "Come in" said the young man. The door opened to reveal a tall, thickset, black man. He was wearing a tight black...
I'm not a lesbian. I don't even think of myself as bi. I like a big thick cock drilling into me, the bigger the better. But damn, last night I was up late at Lydia's place partying and her friend Courtney came onto me and made me wonder if have been missing something.We were hella drunk and getting high and trying to pick a movie. She has Netflix on her laptop, but it's too small for us to watch. The only other things she had was a bunch of old DVDs some ex boyfriend left at her place. Her...
Camila Palmer came to clean Emilio Ardana’s house. As soon as she started to clean he realized she is a pretty pretty girl. So he tried his luck and offered some money to have her clean top less. Dang she said no!!! But then she thought about it and he raised the offer by 50 Euros and she realized it wasn’t a bad deal after all. Wow! Her breasts were amazing. So she cleaned a little topless. That made Emilio a little horny. So he dished out more money to see her panties, to take off her pants,...