Kismet Or Happenstance? Ch. 02 free porn video

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Two short e-mails, four days and a phone call later, Ana’s eyes flitted between the occupied tables at the tapas restaurant, her watch and the sympathetic expression on the hostess’s face.

She swept the errant strands annoying her right shoulder back into the twist above her nape. Great. Just great. He’d either left or—

‘You’re late.’

Ana turned around, startled by the stern, deep timbre, relieved he was here. There he stood, all annoyed in a smoky grey business suit—two buttons on his white shirt undone, no tie—and insanely sexy.

‘I was outside taking a call and saw you when you came in.’

I’m sorry.’ These days, it felt like she was perpetually late and apologizing for it. ‘I got lost on the way here.’

Sean’s brow rose.

‘I’m kind of new in town and still getting my bearings.’

He considered her for a moment, his eyes warmed with approval of her wrap dress.

‘It’s a good thing red’s my favorite color. I’ll let it slide this time.’

And just like that, the day’s hiccups suddenly started to fade.

‘Today must be my lucky day then.’

The look on his face was skeptical, teasing.

‘We’ll see about that,’ he tossed back and gestured for her to follow the hostess.

‘Thank you.’

She was pleasantly surprised when he slid back the chair for her before easing into his own across from her.

‘So what’s new with you?’

‘Furniture. Or the lack of it, I should say. Mine’s in a warehouse, instead of on a truck because of some mix up with the delivery date.’ He winced sympathetically. ‘I get a refund and I get to camp indoors for a while longer.’

‘What made you decide to move here?’

Ana decided to go with the simplified version of things.

‘I was born here actually and my mom and I moved shortly after my parents split up. I used to visit my dad during holidays.’

Though that all changed after he married Gwen and they had kids of their own. The gaps between phone calls increased, while the number of cards and e-mails thinned out. Visits got postponed as ‘next time’ and ‘soon’ gradually stretched larger spans of time.

Mom had repeatedly told her that the demands of Dad’s coaching job were the reason for their own divorce, that he probably was spending most of his time with his football players than with her stepmother and siblings. Though there was truth to Mom’s assurances, Ana had often wondered at the time, if Mom was just sparing her feelings, if Dad secretly felt differently about Sharon and Jack since they weren’t adopted. But that was then…

‘Moving back here has been in the back of my mind for a long time—it’s the place that feels most like home to me for some reason, so here I am. What about you?’

‘Born and raised here. Went to college in Boston and ended up in New York afterwards. I loved every minute of it.’ The wistful note in his voice piqued her curiosity about his adventures in the Big Apple, no doubt there were many. ‘But after a few years, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m a California boy at heart.’

‘Is your family still here?’

Sean nodded, his eyes softened at the question. That was the moment she noticed just how vivid a blue his eyes were, even in the diffused light. Oh, my.

‘My parents and my brother live close by. My sister’s in Chicago.’

Their server, a cherubic brunette, interrupted to take their drink order. Sean tilted his head to read her nametag.

‘Tina,’ he said as his index scrolled down the menu, then turned it so she could see where his finger had landed, smiling warmly up at her. She leaned closer over him while scribbling in her notepad. ‘I’ll have a glass of the Montecillo…and the lady will have?’

‘Mineral water—Pellegrino is fine,’ Ana added, anticipating the girl’s next question. Sean sent her a look. ‘I haven’t had anything since breakfast so alcohol’s not a great idea,’ she explained before their waitress took off. His expression turned quizzical, concerned even. ‘It’s been a crazy day—I enjoy food too much to starve myself.’ Girl, you’re starting to babble.

‘It works for you.’

‘Thank you.’

The compliment warmed her, maybe too much because she found herself avoiding his gaze, feeling very much aware that she was a woman, that he was a man and that this was a date. One with the potential to be good. Ok, it’s been a while, that’s why you’re feeling silly and self-conscious. Pull it together, you know how it goes.

‘I bet you’re the youngest,’ she interjected, before the silence stretched for too long.

‘Yes,’ he frowned briefly before connecting to their earlier conversation. ‘How’d you guess?’

Ana waited as Tina set down their drinks and exchanged a smile with Sean before she promised them more time to look over the menu. ‘The youngest child’s usually the charmer of the bunch. And it looks like you’ve made Tina’s day.’

‘Jealous, much?’

Ana chuckled, the sound matched his playful taunt.

‘I’m not invested enough to be jealous.’ His reaction was immensely satisfying. ‘And even when I am, it’s not my style. Just making an observation.’

‘So you think I’m charming, huh?’

His blue eyes danced with mirth, his good humor infectious. Ana had to make a concerted effort not to laugh while her mouth was full of mineral water. She cleared her throat, making sure it was safe to speak. ‘I’m going to pass on an answer, your confidence is high enough as it is!’

‘Oh, so you think I’m charming and confident. And it’s been what?’ Sean turned his wrist and studied his watch. ‘Twenty minutes?’

‘And, see? I’ve charmed you already,’ she filled in with pure sass, ready for his sharp counter. He wouldn’t be able to resist.

Instead, his gaze lingered on her face. ‘You underestimate yourself.’

Ana swallowed at the implication of his statement. There wasn’t a drop of sarcasm in his voice, no trace of impishness in those blue eyes. He merely said the words as if they were an undisputed fact. Her pulse jumped into a higher gear just long enough for her to notice. Man, he’s good.

He lifted his wineglass. ‘Welcome back, Ana. Here’s to you feeling like you’ve come home.’

Ana raised her glass, touched more than he could know. ‘Thank you. It’s good to be back.’

‘Now back to this business of you finding me charming—’ Her laughter interrupted him. ‘Hey now! I’m being serious here.’ But his eyes so weren’t.

That’s how the evening progressed, with Sean engaging her in playful banter, telling stories, making observations, teasing her and making her laugh. The delicate skip of piano jazz and surrounding chatter faded into a distant soundtrack. It was the lightest, most in-the-moment, she’d felt in, gosh, over a year.

* * * * *

‘So when’s the last time you had a really good home-cooked meal?’ Sean asked after the dishes were cleared.

Ana tilted her head, thinking. ‘It’s been weeks? Why?’

He leaned in, his voice hushed and conspiratorial.

‘You might not know this, but there’s this old tradition that when someone moves into the area you welcome them with a home cooked meal.’

Ana widened her eyes.

‘No way!’ She carefully scanned the neighboring faces. ‘But who? Who’d do it?’ Sean sighed with dramatic exasperation and she glanced at him, jolting as if he’d suddenly appeared in front of her. ‘You?’

‘See, it’s just your luck that I happen to be an excellent cook.’

‘You know, we should get you enrolled in a self-esteem class, pronto.’

Sean laughed in spite of himself.

‘There’s only one way to find out then: dinner at my place on Saturday. Just tell me what your ultimate last meal would be and I’ll cook it.’

Ana eyed him speculatively, then considered his request.

‘Seafood lasagna,’ she all but purred, ‘with scallops and shrimp and a Bechamel sauce. My mom used
to use mozzarella and a light sprinkling of Parm for the top. Oh, and her cheese biscuits were the best. So light and fluffy.’ Her voice twisted around the memories.

She saw the question flicker in his eyes, one he probably wasn’t sure how to ask. He reached for her hand and the small gesture conveyed an understanding that words couldn’t.

‘She passed away almost two years ago. My friends and family were amazing through everything. It showed me how blessed I am. And my dad and I got close again. There’ve been…good things.’ Ana felt, more than heard, the broken edge in the last two words. She ducked her head and took a soothing breath. Could anything be as good as knowing her mother was just a phone call away?

Sean looped his fingers around hers and his thumb repeatedly swept her knuckles, her fingers instinctively curled around his. He just…listened, as if he understood that there’d been so many words offered to her, and while appreciated, that just being heard, being able to express easily—often foreign to her—was comforting enough. A comfortable silence filled the space between them.

His long fingers curved over hers before slowly letting go. ‘So I’ve got big shoes to fill then.’

‘Yes,’ Ana nodded, grateful for the mix of levity and understanding in his voice. ‘Still think you’re up for the challenge?’ she asked, wanting to reassure him that everything was okay—with her, with them.

‘Fear of failure rarely stops me from trying something,’ he mused and twirled his glass before taking the final sips. ‘But if by some small chance I screw up, there’s always pizza delivery.’

‘Well, if that’s the case, I prefer to stay home.’ His look of mock indignance was priceless! ‘Look, you have ample time to find a restaurant that makes superb seafood lasagna. I’m even willing to pretend that I didn’t notice a difference.’ she quipped.

‘Just for that, you’re doing the dishes. And you can pretend you like it.’

‘Don’t throw in extras to just cover your tracks. I used to clean up after my mom made it so I’ll know what to look for.’ Needling him was such fun, especially when he was such a good sport about it—daring her, even.

‘You talk a good game now, Ana. Make sure you’re not complaining when you’re scrubbing up at the kitchen sink.’

‘So much for the neighborly spirit,’ she remarked, her voice just shy of being droll as Tina arrived with the check.

‘Hey!’ she protested as Sean immediately took it, and tucked several bills into the check-folder, handing it back to the waitress.

‘Dishes,’ he whispered. ‘Besides I promised to make amends for…what was it again?’ He looked to the ceiling as if the answer was floating about. ‘Oh yes—’devaluing your property’.’

‘You did!’ she giggled while trying to sound outraged.

‘It got you here, didn’t it?’ Sean looked so entirely pleased with himself, she couldn’t help but feel flattered. She felt wanted, as though spending time with her was treasured. ‘And seeing that you had such a great time, you should be thanking me.’

Ana shook her head. ‘There’s that self-esteem thing rearing its ugly head again. And thank you for dinner.’

Tina returned to the table, happily surprised with what must be a generous tip when Sean said: ‘We’re all set,’ returning the folder.

She turned to Ana. ‘I like your ring.’

All three pairs of eyes descended upon the peridot cocktail ring on Ana’s finger.

‘Thank you!’ She stretched her fingers automatically, lifted by the unexpected praise, all the better because it came from a woman. ‘I designed it myself.’

‘Really? I thought it was an antique. You’re a jewelry designer?’

‘No,’ Ana said with a hint of self deprecating amusement, ‘it’s more of a hobby.’

‘It’s gorgeous,’ Tina decreed before slipping back into professional mode. ‘Well, thank you both for coming.’

Ana watched as the co-ed smiled warmly at Sean, which she probably would have done regardless of the tip, for all his silent flirting. He seemed to enjoy the company of all women—period.

‘Come back and see us soon and enjoy the rest of your evening.’

Ana had a feeling Tina wouldn’t be disappointed if only one of them returned.

‘Careful,’ he warned after Tina left, ‘your eyes are giving you away.’ She feigned an innocent look and he shook his head in semi-admonishment. ‘Let’s get out of here. I’ll walk you to your car.’

Less than a handful of patrons were scattered about as they left their table. Ana looked down at her watch, they’d been here that long?

The stroll along the softly lit path to the parking lot was a short, quiet one, except for the inner voice throwing questions at her. That day in the bookstore, he’d mentioned the goodnight kiss. Was he thinking about it now? Would it be better to leave him wondering what it would be like instead? Or would he make a move? They were already near the driver’s side of her car.

‘Thanks for a wonderful evening. Dinner was lovely.’ She actually managed to sound calm.

‘And the company wasn’t half bad.’ Sean was close but his expression was unreadable.

‘Not a bit,’ Ana added, buying more time. Her heart expanded as he leaned forward, his hand resting just below her right shoulder. Anticipation burned the air, the wait, intoxicating.

‘Goodnight, Ana.’

A kiss on her left cheek, soft as a whisper, soft as his voice. It only sharpened the sting of wanting and not having. He pulled away but the challenge in his eyes was clear. I’m here, take what you want. Wasn’t moving here all about a fresh start, being open to the possibilities and not so overly cautious?

Fear rarely stops me from trying something.

She cupped his jaw between her palms, guiding his head down to hers. She fully intended to go for a no-holes-barred kiss, until their eyes met. Let’s give Mister Brennan a dose of his own.

Ana traced the left side of his jaw, feeling the light prick of stubble beneath the pads of her traveling fingers. His pupils dilated when she caught his chin between her index and thumb, dipping into the cleft’s indentation. The curve was too tempting not to kiss, so she did, right on the concave—just barely. Sean’s his breath rushed over her cheek and she started to back off, not wanting to go too far, not yet sure where that line lay with him. She remembered the written advice. It’s smarter to not overdo, to not overfeed…


His hands grabbed her waist, tugging her closer. Ana startled at the sudden move, at the feel of him pressed against her. Sean took full advantage, silencing the rest of her salutation.

Ana half-expected, half-hoped, Sean would devour her, instead his lips swept tentatively over hers, like a guest waiting on the doorstep, waiting to be welcomed. But all of that changed the second her fingers sliced through his hair.

Sean groaned and took command of her mouth, learning, sampling, teasing, over and over. He tasted of the wine he drank—woodsy oak, a hint of tart cherry—and something druggingly incredible. Ana matched him at every pass.

‘Even better than I imagined,’ he murmured at the corner of her lips, the words so low Ana wasn’t sure she understood. He claimed her mouth again, damning any ability she had for coherent thought. He lifted his head, only to return again and again, as if he couldn’t get enough, as if she’d had the same effect he had on her.

Her breath halted, then sped as he drew her forward, molding her to the solid lines of his body while he turned his attention to her neck. The contact, the light rasp of his stubble below her jaw, sent a wave of heat straight to her core. His thigh accidentally brushed between hers, the pressure just enough to make her breath catch. He did it again, lightly and deliberately, melting her, making her moan this time.

‘Too much chocolate, Ana,’ he remarked, his voice gravely as he looked at her.

between Sean and her car, with his knee tucked between her thighs, Ana couldn’t find it within herself to disagree. His hands traveled down the sides of her body and she watched as they worked their way through the folds of her dress. Was this really happening? To her? Here?

His fingers skimmed her bare thighs. ‘Those fishnets were so sexy, but I like finding you like this.’

She shivered as his hands inched higher. Sean took her mouth under his while his fingers teased her mercilessly for what seemed like an eternity. Ana moaned in hot frustration, twisting in his arms, desperate to soothe the ache of desire. And then he did it. She felt his warm fingers trace the line where cotton met skin.

‘I can’t wait to kiss you here,’ he said against her lips. His mouth muffled her cry of shocked pleasure as his hand curved over her, making her want more. He lifted his head and she knew he could feel her arousal, his eyes blazed with it. His hand fell lower. ‘And taste you right here,’ he whispered it into her ear like a naughty secret.

Ana buried her head against his shoulder, moaning and gasping as his fingers moved back and forth. Her knees almost snapped the instant his thumb found her clit. The fabric veiling her only heightened the exquisite torture. She writhed against his hand.

‘You like that, don’t you,’ he breathed at her neck while dropping kisses there.

Sean’s fingers kept, pressing and stroking, learning what made her cry out, and what took her breath away. The sensation kept on building, verging on climax, then he suddenly broke away. Ana let out a sound of protest, looking up at him, disappointed and confused. A distant ping jumbled with the sound of her breathing.

‘Come here,’ he said, hugging her to him. Her arms automatically snuck under his jacket to circle his waist. Her tummy jerked upon feeling the ridge pressing below her navel. ‘I’m sorry, honey,’ he started, his jaw resting against her temple. ‘I’ll make it up to you next time.’ His hands roamed her shoulders and back.

Next time?

Ana settled into his embrace, enjoying the solid warmth under her hands. He felt and smelled so, so good. But delight turned to distress when a couple walked past them to the flashing lights of a neighboring car. Oh, God. How much had they seen?

A rush of heat flooded Ana’s face. She’d known this man only a handful of hours and she’d let him— In a parking lot! Caught between her sensual abandon and her sensible restraint, she ducked her head and made a fuss about fixing her clothes, uncertain what to say—if anything. But Sean would have none of it. He tilted her chin up and gave her a light kiss.

‘Next time.’ It sounded like a threat and a promise. There was longing in his words. He silenced any attempt at a denial with his thumb, the musk of her sex faint below her nose. ‘And there will be a next time, Ana,’ he averred, his hands bracketing her face before he lowered his head.

His tongue slipped into her mouth as if to illustrate just what the next time would entail. A series of images flashed inside her head: tangled legs, a bed, sweat slicked skin and Sean above her, filling her, making her cry out as she urged him on. The erotic snapshots imprinted on her brain, sent ripples of excitement through her body. Warm sensation pooled low, past her belly, melting her again, making her squirm and squeeze her legs.

Ana gasped when Sean broke the kiss, resting his forehead against hers. Brown eyes collided with blue. They stood in silence, her arms around his waist, his hands stroking her shoulders, calming her.


‘I think that’s the first time you’ve said my name all night,’ he said on a jagged breath, a lilt of laughter in his voice. He gently tucked a curl behind her left ear. Now how was she supposed to string a thought together?

She was certain Sean was going to kiss her again, instead he brought her right hand to his mouth. The tenderness and restraint of the gesture was deeply moving and unexpected. The brush of his lips below her knuckles, innocent, but the energy between them…

Pure heat.

That’s all Ana saw in the blue gaze pinning hers. Did he see the same reflected back when he looked at her? Something flickered in his eyes, as if deciding something, and then he dipped his head.

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Lyria and Neco. A lone figure limps along the mountainside, falling to his knees. Wounded badly and losing blood, he knows that if he doesn't find help soon, he will die. However, he cannot return from the way he came, as a fierce battle wages, and he will be killed if he does. So, continuing as the prospect of dieing seems less and less alien to him, he looks up to see a small lake. Making his way to it, he drinks from it. After the ripples in the water subside, he glances at his reflection....

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 5 Slaves

I cursed the former owners of the ship; nothing was labeled or arranged in any way that made sense to me. Where were the controls for the viewers? Where did they put the weapon console? This would not been easy if I had time to figure things out. The Comm. system came on and a rough voice said.” I repeat, land your craft or we will destroy you.” I didn’t know who turned on the Communications or if the channels were open, but I had no time to spend time or concentration on talking. My mind...

1 year ago
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Grandmas Old Ring

Ever had one of those days? I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks because work has been in the way. Last night I finally managed to find some time to make another pass. Those who archive stories freely may do so, if you so wish. Just let me know where it's going to be. And don't make any changes in the text. Hope you all enjoy it. Bill [email protected] Grandma's Old Ring by Bill Hart "This is a load of crap," said Jake Harrison into the air, knowing...

3 years ago
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Mark and the Lady Teacher

Mark was a senior student of 18 at his boarding school, he had always admired Mrs Swift the Physics teacher whose husband lived on the campus with her, one week all the male teachers were away for a conference and Mrs Swift stood in as Mark's Housemaster, to look after 30 live-in boys. One evening, Mrs Swift found mark outside behind some bushes, drinking 2 bottles of beer! She called him into the study and told him off, then went to find out what the punishment should be...she phoned the...

2 years ago
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Wife seducing Paul

We have been married now for almost 20 years, and it's true to say that my wife has maintained her healthy appetite for sex. She is now in her early forties, and has maintained her figure. She is about 5 foot 4 inches tall, blonde hair with well above average boobs. For the past 2 years or so, she has been going into town on a Friday night with my sister and her friends, while I have been looking after our two children. It was apparent from the start that she liked the fact that men were...

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Out for Dinner

This story is a collaboration with Alphamagus who, being the gentleman that he is, said I should submit it. He deserves much more than half of the credit for this. Antipasto platter for two $21 Seafood risotto $24 Osso bucco $28 2 bottles of Sardinian Vermentino $42 each One shared dessert with two espressos $16 Birthday at an Italian restaurant Priceless Juliana and Robert had eaten at this restaurant many times before, but it was always special. The chef was a local woman – not of...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Mom 8211 Part I

Hi guys I am Ajay This is not my real name.I am a B tech graduate My father is a Govt employ So I come to my story Since past 3 months I am a regular reader of ISS.From here I casually meet the site Inscent..I liked that site.So here I am telling u some stories about my beautiful & sexiest MOM. I am sharing some experience about my MOM.first ofall I shall tell u about my Mom.Her name is Latha.she is a very typical mallu house wife.She is very fair.All the tenagers and boys in our locality have...

2 years ago
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First College Romance Part 2

Thomas inclined his head towards his bedroom. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, and he helped me up. He pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply. My nipples rubbed against his shirt and became hard. He placed his hands on my ass and squeezed, almost lifting me off the ground. He moved his hands to my waist and walked backwards, leading me towards his bed. He sat me down and took his shirt off. He leaned in and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, with a hint of the earlier passion. He gently...

1 year ago
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MylfXLadyFyre Cherie Deville Lady Fyre Learning To Love Stepson Dick

Hot ginger Lady Fyre is a little concerned when she discovers that MILF Cherie Deville is having a secret affair with her stepson. How can a woman seduce her own stepson like that, fucking and sucking him behind her husbands back. All the contemplation has Lady Fyre shocked, but more than a little turned on. So, when Cherie invites her to join in on the stepson, stepmom action, Lady cannot resist. The redhead shares the young studs cock with his stepmom, diving down to let it poke the back of...

1 year ago
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A big woman ends up pleasing many men all because her husband wanted her to

“I’ll be there at 8, be ready,” and I hung up, that’s all that needed to be said with Wendy. It started as a way for her to pay her husband’s gambling debts but after one month we all knew they where hooked. Her husband was such a wimpy man that before I came along the poor woman had no sex life, then after seeing me fuck her, their sex life was revived. The sex between Wendy and I just got nastier and nastier with her insisting that John her husband be there to...

3 years ago
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Taking Pauline in the Liquor Room

I work weekends as a bartender at a catering hall for weddings and private parties, this is my story... To say that I was immediately attracted to Pauline on her first day of work as a hostess would be an understatement. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair with a gorgeous eastern European face sitting on a perfect body. We all have different definitions of a perfect body so mine is 5'6" tall about 120 pounds with a nice full B cup with a heart shaped ass that wont quit. Although policy...

2 years ago
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Family Getting Together

A collection of what I hope to be shorter stories, about all manner of family members getting closer than they should. Various pairings with a different characters all with one thing in common, an urge to get closer to a relative. Will it be a secret affair at a big reunion, or a hot a steamy fling during a road trip. Will playing with fire cause our couple to get burnt, or get caught in the act? Stories will specify a character who will be the focus, and the family member they desire. I hope...

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My Aunt In Delhi

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, My name is Vinay (obviously it’s not my real name) it’s just a nick name given by friends. I’m 26 years old and this story is about my aunt who is 35 years old. However, she doesn’t look like 35 as she used to stay fit and a lot of makeup. I’m from Kanpur and she is from Pune. I live in Delhi alone by myself as I’m working. We rarely meet as we are always busy in our lives in different cities. Two months ago she had some work in Delhi so she called me...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 16

It’s mid-afternoon when Danny gets here. I hear his car, the one he rented at the airport, and I go out on the porch to greet him. Hugo hangs back a little, but that’s the right thing. “Hey, sis,” he booms when he sees me. There’s a big grin on his face, it’s a lot more than I expected rousting him out like this. I give him a happy smile in return. We hug and I bring him inside. “Danny, this is Hugo,” I say. “Hugo, this is my brother Danny.” Danny holds out his hand. Hugo looks at it a...

2 years ago
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Teacher Teach Her

Copyright© 2004 Her scent washes over me as she bends, once more, to peer over my shoulder at the sketch I'm working on. The thunder of my pulse drowns out other sounds as her soft, warm hand rests on my shoulder. I cannot breathe as her silky hair brushes my cheek. She smells... clean. Clean and fresh, with just a hint of lavender and something else... "Very good, Justine!" I can barely hear her whispered compliment over the pounding of my pulse! I sigh with relief and longing as...

1 year ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 30 The Finale

"So tell me Damon, where do you see yourself in say, 10 years?" I said to my assistant as we both munched down some bagels during an impromptu breakfast in my office. "Mmph!" he replied, finishing chewing, pausing to swallow before he continued. "Well, I'd like to stay here at Shooting Stars. Of course my dream is to direct a film, even a low budget indie one. I want to get higher up in the Hollywood hierarchy," "Then you want to move to behind the camera, rather than ushering stars...

2 years ago
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Annas new house Chapter 1

Anna opened the car door and got out, keys in hand practically running up the front steps, inserting the key into the lock. Taking a deep breath she tuned the key and opened the door. “Wow I am so damn lucky to get this place” she thought to herself. The house was fully furnished with all the period furniture you could imagine. She slowly walked around pulling the white sheets off of the furniture, admiring the craftsmanship that went into making such nice pieces. Anna gathered up the sheets...

3 years ago
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Runaway From Hell

Episode 1 I had just come back from a month-long vacation trip back home and I was dead-tired; I had gotten up at an ungodly hour this morning to catch my flight at St. John's, then a two hour lay-over at Toronto's Pearson Airport before the next leg to the State capital and finally, an hour and half by car to get here. Altogether ten hours' travel time ... the only advantage to flying westward is that the stores were still open; I had nothing in the fridge. I stopped off at Paco's to buy...

2 years ago
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Just Two Old Friends

My Friend Frankie and I . We go for coffie all the time same as alway's. But this one day " We went for coffie." And we had to go to the washroom. We were the only ones inside .He took the stall beside me and he looked down and over and said you have a big cock.And I looked down at his and said you have a big cock too." I said I bet the woman like it " and " He said yes and the Lady's and guy's like it too ".I pause and left it as that.We hung around for the rest of the day, He asked me if I...

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Bua Ka Gang Bang

By : Kumar.Anjani72 Hi Doston mera naam Anjani hai, first of all thanks to all of those who have read my previous story about my Bua, now here I am going to share another intresting but true story about doing group sex with my Bua with my four friends. First of all main 1 baar or apni bua ke baare mein aapko bata dun jin logon ne meri pehli wali story nahi padhi hai. My bua is a near about 50 years old lady. Yes I know those who have not read my previous story will think how could be a 50...

1 year ago
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Case Study 301 A Disney World Orgy

Welcome back for another installment of this epic story Case Study 301, this chapter is entitled Disney World Orgy. If you happened to stumble across this chapter without reading the previous chapters I can give a synopsis but you really should try and read a few chapters before this one as many details are needed to move forward. Synopsis: So, this is a story of a young co-ed who was inside a hotel suite with a well known gangster in Los Angeles. During their evening of copulation a...

2 years ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Chapter 16

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 16 It took a few minutes for Sally to be completely coherent, but she was alert quickly...

3 years ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 10 The Home Stretch

While we worked hard on our project, we skied, we made love, and we spent time just enjoying each other’s company. It was the best six months I can ever recall. As the time for my graduation approached, I could already feel the sense of loss that was just around the corner. We had completed the scheduling program for Crook College and we made our presentation to the administration, demonstrating the features and capabilities of the software. It could be located on conventional desktop or...

1 year ago
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Journey Into DepravityChapter 2

Kacy stirs first. When she finally opens her eyes she finds the vines draped over the toilet, unmoving. Her sister lays just a couple of feet away from her. And inside she feels a burning rage. Slowly, she reaches up and cups her breasts which seem to have grown considerably. Feeling their weight, she notices her nipples hardening almost instantly. She is unable to prevent the moan of pleasure that escapes her lips next. Just the smallest gesture, the slightest squeeze, feels incredibly...

1 year ago
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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 2529

CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE Cynthia’s Story Dinner turned out to be a pleasant but uneventful occasion, the talk centred on what each of us had done during the day. Rebecca’s of course was heavily censored, but Peter’s account of his day had both children interested and for the first time in I don’t know how long I felt that we were close as a family. After dinner we sat around continuing the conversation without the benefit of the TV blaring in the background. Peter and I went to bed not long after...

2 years ago
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Me and My Old subs mix of taking each role Last mo

Stranger: well one thing that really drives me crazy during rp is if my dom cuts my hair or shaves my head and pussyYou: so you dont like it say if i had put you in ropes and had got a shave clipper to trim your hairsStranger: i would like that, yeahYou: and fell it vibrate abit as i go over your pussy just abitStranger: mmm yesYou: and feel that warmth comming of from my hands and the machine as i bursh the hairs of and start using the end of the trimmers to tie between the lips to your...

4 years ago
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U did not know what girls want

Hi my self Jassi from chandigarh. This is the story about me and my cousin sister (Mere mama ke ladki). I am 28 yrs old. I am a only son of my parents. My both father and mother are working so most of the time I am all alone in my house .Both my father and mother leaves our house at 8:30 in morning and come back 5:30 in evening. & my sister name is Ravinder she is from Patiala. She is one year elder to me. She is a dream girl of every boy. My Mama g is having 3 children’s two boys and one girl....

3 years ago
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Tails You Lose

It'd been about three months since Dennis Hunter could say that he didn't believe in the supernatural. He'd grown up in a fairly progressive household, and even then, the more laid back Christian teachings from his parents had never seemed to stick. Luckily for him, he'd avoided having any kind of edgy atheist phase during his high school years but he could remember clearly when he was 5-years-old telling the guy playing Santa Claus whom his mom had taken him to see for pictures that he knew he...

2 years ago
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Kim Kardashian seduced me

I want to say in advance that english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any error .Enjoy it!I was on a boring working trip to Florida. I was going to stay there for a week but it hadn’t been fun as much as I had painted in my mind. I hoped I had time to go to the beach and maybe find some girl to get on with but the meeting were all really long and when I finally could return to the hotel, it was always late and I was so tired that all the thing I could do was eat something in my room,...

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Mother and Daughter part 13

"It's not going to go any faster by looking at it," the older man admonished Ellie as she stared at the clock on the shop's wall. "...Sorry, Chris," Ellie replied to her manager as she tried to stop her cheeks from flushing at her telling off. "I get that it's the summer holidays and it's hot and you'd rather be outside," Chris said in a calm, understanding voice. "God knows I did when I was eighteen. Then again, when I was eighteen, I couldn't afford to take weekends off to go to...

1 year ago
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A Wet Nite

My name is Rob and I just turned eighteen and I was at my uncle's house. "Hey come join me will ya?" my uncle said yelling from the hot tub. "I'm coming" I shouted back. I hopped in the hot tub and the water was just right the jets caressing my back and my stomach it felt great. "So your 18 now buddy, you can go clubbing, and by your mom cigarettes legally." I laughed he was right though, when I was young my mom always told me once I'm 18 I'll be making cigarette runs for her so as long as I...

1 year ago
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Nothing Gets ThroughChapter 3

Lani curled up on the couch as she waited for Dom to come back with the wine. It was five days before Christmas, and the team's schedule was going to get hectic. Lani was flying back to Hawaii the next day, and so they had decided to have a small Christmas celebration early. It was a good idea, Lani decided. By trading gifts early, it felt like so much of the pressure of the actual holiday was removed. They were both more relaxed—joking, teasing, and enjoying the season. I better enjoy it,...

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Unexpected Mommy revised Parts 4 and 5

Unexpected Mommy - Part 4 by Trish5160 Mrs. Stone could not believe the erotic display on her couch this evening.? She instinctively knew Alix was participating in sexual intercourse even though it was just a dream for him.? She knew by his movements.? Voluntarily he had parted his own legs wide, his moans, the thrashing of his head from side to side, the heavy breathing.? All signs of a female in heat.? All signs of a female being taken. There was...

3 years ago
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Ryan8217s surprise

Hello I am back again here remember me , I am Abhishek 18 male Delhi. I am posting u another story here. Hope u will enjoy. Lori had just returned from school and heard the soft noises coming from her brother’s room. The door was ajar, so she pushed it slightly open. Her eyes widened as she beheld the sight of her brother, Ryan lying on his bed masturbating and whispering her name. It had been only recently, that they had discovered their mutual desire to share their bodies with one another....

1 year ago
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The Purpose of the PrerogativeChapter 4 Distractions

In the morning Sharon did not suffer from any serious effects from the previous night’s drinking the next morning, but did apologize not for her actions but for the worry she caused when she had her liaison with Jared. It was somewhat tense, Rene still had not compartmentalized what had happened nor come to terms with it, but had kept it from impacting her relationship with Sharon. The week came and went and Saturday found the two once again studying together in their room, life was back to...

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I'm not sure what the typical age is for a boy to enter puberty, but I think I was well ahead of most of the guys I knew. By the age of 12 I had quite a bit of pubic hair already, my cock had grown to nearly 5 inches limp and my balls were getting bigger. Along with all the physical changes came strange emotional ones as well, experiencing morning boners and not sure what to do about them. I talked with my buddies to find out if they were also have similar changes. One friend in particular...

2 years ago
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True Story How i Started fucking my mother in law

Had Sex With My Mother In Law Kind Word Reap Rewards... back story first...Me and my wife married young me 23 her 21 and it was mainly based off physical ( the term very thick eights applies). I lost my virginity at 11 to a much older woman not that i'm complaining but it did kinda make me a but of a sexual deviant well not in a bad way but i was always open to try new things and obsessed getting my partner to orgasm. i at this point had several women i would regularly have cam sex with.i think...

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