Christine Pt. 1 free porn video

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My eyes slowly started to open as I could feel a beam of light on my face. Soon I opened my eyes before putting my hand above my eyes to block off the light. I realized it was the sun coming through drapes that I didn't recognize. I quickly sat up looking around the bedroom I was in but nothing was familiar.

"What the hell?" I said softly as I continued to scan the room.

I started to feel cold when I looked down seeing that I was completely naked. I started to panic as I looked around the room but couldn't find my clothes anywhere. I pulled the sheet up to cover me when I heard a groan coming from beside me followed by some snoring. I slowly turned my head wondering who was lying next to me but breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my boyfriend Chris laying on his stomach, naked as well. I watched his body rise every time he took a breath before shaking my head and looked around the room again.

"What the hell happened last night?" I whispered to myself

I tried to pull up the sheet to cover myself as I started to get out of the bed when I was overtaken by one of those wonderful side effects of having too much to drink, when my head started pounding so hard I could hardly see. The room then started spinning when I decided the best thing to do was to lie back down on the bed for a little while. I closed my eyes hoping that would stop the spinning that was going on.

"How much did you let me drink last night Chris?" I said to myself knowing I wouldn't get an answer.

I lay in bed for a few minutes when my head stop spinning and decided to make another attempt to get off the bed while holding the sheet. Then another one of those wonderful moments struck, I immediately covered my mouth, ran around the foot of the bed and into the bathroom. After making sure that whatever was in my stomach wasn't there anymore, I leaned against the wall I was sitting by and tried to catch my breath. I started shivering on the floor looking around to see if there was something in this bathroom that I could use to cover myself up. I saw a bit towel on the towel rack, pulled it down and wrapped it around myself. The pounding in my head started to come back, not as bad as before, but still there as leaned my head against the wall. I started to feel better when there was a knock on the doorframe but I couldn't see who was knocking.

"Who's there?" I said covering up more and bringing my legs up to my chest.

"It's just me Christine," came the voice from around the corner.


"Of course it is. Who else would it be?" he said with a little chuckle. "Are you decent?"

I looked down at myself and sighed a bit.

"I'm naked if that is what you want to know, however I did find a towel to cover myself with so guess as decent as I am going to get," I said sighing.

I heard a chuckle from around the corner.

"Hold on a second."

I heard a closet door opening, followed by dresser drawer opening and closing. Mick then came into the bathroom with some clothes he put on the counter.

"Why don't you put these on and I will wait out here until you are ready," Mick said leaving the bathroom.

I got up grabbing the shirt he brought in which looked like a long sleep shirt. I quickly put that on as I tossed the towel on the floor before putting the sweats on and sitting back down on the bathroom floor.

"OK I guess I am decent now."

Mick came in with a smirk on his face but was also carrying a bottle of water with some Tylenol which he put on the bathroom counter. He walked to where I was sitting, turned around and slid down the wall sitting next to me.

"Wow you look like shit," he said laughing.

I gave him one of those grins before looking away.

"Quite a night last night wasn't it?"

"I guess you could say that."

"You don't remember anything do you?" Mick said looking at me moving some hairs from my face.

"No I don't, Mick or at least right now I don't," I said as I put my head on his shoulder.

We sat there in silence for a little while before Mick got up, turned around and lifted me up by my shoulders. I was a little shaky as he grabbed me making sure to steady me before something happened.

"Sorry, got up a little too fast."

Mick smiled and nodded before kissing me on the forehead. He reached behind me flushing the toilet and putting the lid down so I could sit down.

"I think you will live," he said laughing a little bit before going to the linen closet and pulling out a few towels.

"When you feel up to it, there is water and Tylenol on the counter for you but, remember to drink the water that will help you out. You are free to take a shower which I think will also make you feel better. I have a pot of coffee brewing downstairs in the kitchen so when you are ready just come downstairs."

He smiled at me and I smiled back at him as he started to leave the bathroom

"Thank you Mick," I said smiling.

"You're welcome sweetie like I said just come downstairs when you are ready," Mick said smiling and closing the bathroom door.

I stood up holding onto the counter for support as I felt a little lightheaded again, swearing at myself for getting up to fast again. I grabbed the water on the counter drinking almost half the bottle without stopping but it felt good. I then took two Tylenol drinking more water and started to feel better. I put the towel back on the rack before turning the shower on. I took my clothes off and got into the shower letting the warm water cascade over my body which felt wonderful especially with my muscles now loosening up. I stood under the water with my forehead against the wall just relaxing when I finally decided to wash my face before starting on the rest of my body. About 10 minutes lately I stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel, wrapping it around my body and looked in the mirror at myself. I didn't look as bad as I did earlier but still had my bloodshot eyes and color was returning to my face now. I found a comb on the counter using it to get the knots out of my hair before taking off my towel and putting it on the toilet seat. I stood there looking at the mirror at my body which I thought was pretty for someone who has had two kids. I tried to stay in shape for myself, Chris and my kids and I was being successful. I had my flat stomach and pretty good ass if I do say myself. My blonde hair came down to my shoulders which I liked. The only thing I didn't like was my breast size, which I wished was a little bigger than my B cups. Hell my sister had C cup how they hell did I just end up with these? Ehh my boyfriend was happy with them so what the hell, it's not like I was going to go out and get implants but just one of those things I wish were a little bigger. I looked down and saw some fuzz coming come out around my pussy which means in about another couple weeks would have to get another wax but that wasn't big. Looking again, a 6 foot blonde with incredible ass that still looked damn good for being in my late 30's with two kids, I started smiling. I know people at the beach always gave me a second look so must be doing something right to get those looks. I put the clothes that Mick gave me back on and opened the bathroom door starting to laugh a little bit. There was Chris laying buck naked on the bed and his white ass turned to me. I always gave Chris shit about his white ass because he was tanned everywhere else but there. I mentioned about going to a tanning salon to get that taken care of or going to a nude beach but he always struck down those ideas because someone could see him. So when he would walk around the house naked, I would sometimes laugh just seeing that white ass. I watched him for a little while before walking out of the bedroom to the top of the stairs.


"Yeah sweetie?"

"Do you have some toothpaste and toothbrush I could borrow?"

"Sure thing hon, look under the counter there should be some toothbrushes down there unopened and just use my toothpaste on the counter in there."

"Thanks Mick."

I walked back to the bathroom where I found the toothbrushes and brushed my teeth. After all this I felt like a new woman, especially different from what I felt like this morning except I still had a dull ache in my head but nothing you couldn't put up with. I came out of the bedroom again, putting the sheet on Chris kissing him on the cheek before grabbing the towels from the bathroom. I looked at Chris again who was still sound asleep on the bed before leaving and closing the bedroom door. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I saw Mick reading the paper and having a cup of coffee at the breakfast bar.

"Is there somewhere I could put these Mick?" I said showing him the towels that I had.

"Sure thing just put them in the washer in the laundry room there behind you through the kitchen. You can also check on your dress to see if it's dry yet. Then as you come back, why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee and join me in the living room."

I nodded toward Mick as I went into the laundry room putting the towels in the washer before turning around and seeing my black dress hanging in the room. It felt dry to me as I left the laundry room to get a cup of coffee before going to the living room and sitting down. I slowly sipped my coffee as I put my feet under me on the couch when I looked at Mick.

"Feeling better?"

"Much better thank you. I'm sorry for causing that trouble."

"Ah it's no problem hon, what are friends for?'

I smiled at Mick before taking another sip of coffee. Mick and Chris had met about 6 years ago while they were both station at the same base in California. Mick's parents were from Australia but he was born in the good ole USA as Mick would call it, Georgia I think. Neither could explain it, but for some reason they both hit off when they met becoming best friends before too. No matter where they were stationed, they would stay in touch and somehow see each other at least once a year. Now with Chris stationed in Oregon and Mick in California it isn't as tough to see each other but still only see each other once or twice a year. Two years ago was the first time I had met Mick. Chris and I had been dating for about 6 months when he wanted me to take a trip to California with him. I said OK since I could visit my family also and this was when he introduced me to Mick. I was kind of disappointed when I first met Mick, because I was expecting this big Australian guy, I guess something like Crocodile Dundee. But in all honesty, he was more plain looking. He was about 6"2 I guess, around the same height Chris was, and skinny as a rail. He had short born hair but, and I hate to say it, is in much better shape than Chris is in. He is chiseled and has abs that you could use as a washboard. Chris got jealous a few times I think when I would just stare at Mick as he was swimming or we were sitting around the pool but I think the edge was taken off a bit because Chris knew I was his. But just like Chris and Mick, Mick and I hit it off quickly and before too long, I considered Mick as much of a friend of mine as he is with Chris. Chris thought this was awesome as he was worried how we would get along. Hell even my two boys like Mick the one time they got to see him which shocked us since Mick wanted nothing to do with kids, but he got along great with mine. I was brought out of my trance when I saw Mick sitting in the chair smiling at me. I put down my cup and turned to him.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What happened last night?"

"What do you remember?"

I sat there thinking about it for a while trying to remember as much as I could.

"I remember you saying that you were going to take us out for our anniversary..."

I must have turned colors or something because Mick started to get up from his chair and sit next to me.

"Are you alright?"

"This happened on our anniversary. I can't believe it, I must have ruined it. Our three year anniversary and I ruined it."

I started to cry a little bit as Mick held me trying to quite me down.

"Trust me Christine, you and Chris had loads of fun last night. You didn't ruin anything trust me. In fact you might have ruined the night for a few of the neighbors but you didn't ruin anything. What else do you remember?"

"Well ... I remember going to a restaurant, you paying even though Chris and I didn't want you to. Then we went to a Tavern that you both like for a couple of drinks, but after that its fuzzy. I think we watched a movie ... You've Got Mail ... no that wasn't it but I remember watching something. Are you sure I didn't ruin anything?" I said looking up at Mick.

Mick smiled at me as I looked at him.

"I am positive."

We looked at each other for a little while when Mick leaned in and gave me a kiss on the mouth. I didn't know what to do as this was unexpected but then it went further when I felt Mick pushing his tongue into my mouth and to my surprise I accepted it. I didn't know what exactly was going on but we sat on the couch making out for a couple of minutes before Mick pulled away. We looked at each other as I was trying to control some feelings going through my body.

"Umm Mick we shouldn't be doing this."

"I know I'm sorry I don't know what came over me."

We both looked at each other before I reached for the coffee and taking a sip.

"So remember anything else?"

"I wish I could remember that movie but everything gets real fuzzy after that.

"It was Sleepless in Seattle," I heard from behind us which made us jump.

There was Chris standing there in a pair of shorts with a cup of coffee in his hand smiling.

"Don't do that again you asshole," I said laughing as Mick got off the couch.

Chris just laughed and walks around to the other end of the couch and sat down. I crawled on the couch giving Chris a kiss on the cheek and then leaned back against him.

"So what's going on here?" Chris said as I got comfortable.

I looked at Mick in a panic but he was just sitting in his chair smiling and drinking his coffee.

"Christine thought she ruined your anniversary last night and started crying so I was just holding her to get her to stop."

"Christine honey you didn't ruin anything," Chris said looking at me and raising my chin. "Trust me it was awesome last night."

Chris then leaned his head down kissing me which I returned. Before too long Chris and I were French kissing on the couch in front of Mick. I could also feel Chris's cock growing. After a few minutes we stopped smiling at each other before turning to Mick was sitting there. Then something dawned on me.

"Mick what did you mean I may have disturbed the neighbors last night?"

Chris and Mick both started laughing a little bit but I was completely dumbfounded at why.

"Well honey," Chris began. "Let's just say you were a bit loud last night." Chris smiled drinking some coffee.

"Loud?" I said puzzled before finally realized what they both were talking about. "Oh my God!!!!" I said before putting my head into Chris's chest embarrassed as hell.

Both of them starting laughing as I was so embarrassed I almost started crying until Chris started to rub my back. They laughed for a little while before I peaked at Mick who was shaking his head before I turned my head again.

"Christine, hon," Mick said. "Everything is fine; you enjoyed yourselves so that is all that matters."

I turned toward Mick but could still tell I was read because they both started laughing a little bit before Chris kissed me on the top of my head.

"So I had drunk sex with Chris and you are telling me I enjoyed myself?"

"Yeah with the way you were cumming over and over again I think you did," Chris said taking a sip of coffee.

I was embarrassed beyond belief and even though these two didn't think it was a big deal I did and just sat there.

"It's OK Christine, please trust us," Mick said seriously.

I just shook my head yes grabbing my coffee and sitting there drinking it. We sat there in silence for a little while before I spoke again.

"How many drinks did I have last night?" I asked quietly.

"Let's see," Chris said. "You had two glasses of wine at dinner, then another two small drinks at the tavern. We came back to the house where Mick fixed us a few drinks. I don't think you made it through those."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you started not to feel that great and ran to the bathroom and got sick. You got your dress a little dirty so I asked Mick for some clothes to put you in and something to do with the dress."

"That is why your dress is in the laundry room," Mick said.

"Then you were half asleep so I carried you to the bedroom. Mick and I stayed up for about 30 minutes and then I went to join you. It was about 2 in the morning I woke up and well..."

"You two had fun until about 4," Mick added smiling.

I was embarrassed again with everything that was going on. I couldn't believe that I had done that last night just couldn't believe it. I sat there thinking about it and even though was good friends with Mick; I couldn't believe we would do that in his bed in his house. But at the same time I got the feeling they weren't telling me everything that happened last night. I sat there while Mick and Chris were making small talk about something when for some reason I decided to start rubbing Chris's cock through his underwear. When I did that, I felt Chris's hand go under the shirt I was wearing rubbing my stomach before slowly moving up until he brushed my nipple which made me shiver. Chris took his hand from under my shirt and pulled the afghan that was on the back of the couch covering Chris and I.

"This should warm you up babe," Chris said kissing me on the top of the head and leaning more into Chris.

I started to feel comfortable and think I started to doze a little bit when I felt Chris's left hand going under the shirt again. This time he went right for the nipple rubbing it between his thumb and index finger. This should have disgusted me but with everything going on in the morning so far, it was getting me excited especially knowing that Mick was there in the room with us. I felt my other nipple starting to get hard as I put my head back on Chris's shoulder closing my eyes trying to fight the sensations going on through my body.

"I think Christine might have fallen asleep," I heard Mick say with a little chuckle.

I raised my head smiling at Mick.

"Nah I was just too comfortable," I said sticking my tongue out at him making Mick laughed.

"I think I am going to go take a shower. You two help yourselves to anything you want in the house and will be back in a few minutes," Mick said.

Mick took his coffee cup into the kitchen before he headed upstairs and closing a door. I looked at Chris who just looked at me before kissing me on the nose while still playing with my nipple.

"What the hell Chris?"

"Why are you mad at me? You were the one that started rubbing my cock. I should be pissed at you," Chris said smiling at me.

Chris then bent down kissing me on the lips before moving to my cheek, earlobe and jawline. I closed my eyes enjoying it as I felt his other hand move underneath the sweats to play with my clit. I quickly inhaled when he did that but Chris didn't stop kissing me or moving his hands.

"We ... uhh ... shouldn't be ... doing this Chris ... especially ... damn it Chris ... especially with Mick upstairs," I was trying to say but it was feeling so damn good while finding my hips moving around trying to get Chris's fingers into my pussy.

"Don't worry princess," Chris said while kissing me. "He will be in the shower for a little while. Plus we can hear when he is coming down."

I turned my head toward Chris kissing him before slipping my tongue into his mouth. We started to tongue wrestle each other as his hands still played with my nipple and my clit. I started to get hotter and hotter as he continued to rub my nipple and clit.

"Jesus Christ," I said breaking the kiss and putting my face into his chest.

Chris stopped rubbing my clit and I thought that was the end of it while preparing to yell at Chris but he surprised me as he put his middle finger into my pussy making the come hither motion with his finger. I found that my hips started moving in line with how his finger was fucking me now which surprised me.

"You are wet honey, I think you are enjoying this more than you want to admit," Chris said between kisses to my face.

Chris then stopped very quickly bringing his hands out from under the blanket as I heard someone walking down the stairs.

"Damn it," I said under my breath which made Chris laugh.

I kept my face toward Chris's chest trying to get control of my emotions until finally I turned toward Mick who was standing in the living room drying his hair wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. I just stared at him again admiring his body which was in good shape and didn't appear to have a sliver of hair anywhere. He put his towel on his shoulder before looking at me smiling.

"I think I have some leftover soup if you guys want to stick around for lunch?" Mick said.

"You know what, we should get going. We have to get back to the hotel to change and such plus we want to do a few things while we are here for the long weekend," Chris said getting up from the couch.

"You know what? Why don't you guys just stay here at the house? You can have the master bedroom, it has the bigger bed, I can lend you a spare key so you can come and go whenever you want. Plus you can save all that money from the hotel," Mick said looking at us.

"I don't want to put you out Mick," Chris said sounding a little perturbed.

"Don't worry about it. I won't bother you, you won't bother me and you could just use my place like a hotel."

Chris looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders letting him know it didn't matter to me as I was still trying to get control of my emotions.

"Alright I guess we can do that, there are still some things that we want to do."

Mick walked into the kitchen and soon came out with a spare key giving it to Chris.

"Just remember to give this back to me before you guys leave. Go to your hotel get your things, do whatever you want and come back here."

"OK thanks Mick," Chris said taking the key from Mick.

I got up and stretched before walking over to Mick giving a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Mick," I said before going up the stairs.

I thought I heard some hushed argument going on between Chris and Mick as I got into the bedroom but it wasn't too long before Chris came up into the bedroom. He put on the clothes he had on last night as he tossed over the pair of panties I was wearing last night. I caught them blushing a little bit which made Chris laugh a bit. I sat down on the bed looking at Chris where I caught his attention.

"Honey is this OK? You know staying here?"

"Yeah its fine, just didn't want Mick to go out of his way," Chris said walking over squatting in front of me and kissing me.

I found the heels I was wearing last night putting them on before we left the room and walking downstairs. Mick was in the kitchen cleaning up when we came in.

"See you in a little while Mick," Chris said as we walked toward the door.

"No worries. I will wash the sheets and get the bedroom in shape for you two. I will also put your dress up in the closet for you."

We waved at each other as Chris and I got into the car for the drive to the hotel. The drive over was quiet and I started to get the feeling that something was wrong with Chris but he wouldn't say anything. About 10 minutes later we pulled into the hotel parking lot and a couple of minutes later we were in the room. I kicked my heels off and quickly peeled of the shirt and sweats before turning around seeing Chris putting the do not disturb sign on the door. Chris then turned around with eyes wide looking at me.

"Christine? What is going on?"

"Just remember this is all your fault," I said smiling.

He looked puzzled as I walked toward him, kneeling down on my knees in front of him. I unzipped his fly reaching into his pants and pulled his cock out of his boxers through the zipper hole.

"Oh my, you are the hardest I have ever seen," I said smiling.

Without waiting for a reply from Chris, I opened my mouth putting the head of his cock into my mouth. I heard a groan from Chris and smiled a little as I started to move my mouth. I would pull up leaving just his cockhead in my mouth before going down taking as much of his cock as I could into my mouth. Soon I started to build a rhythm and could tell that Chris was enjoying himself as he grabbed my head trying to get me to go deeper and faster but slapped his hands away.

"This is about me not you," I said getting up giving him a deep kiss.

I smiled at him before jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me by my ass smiling at me as I reached down between us to find his cock and help it find its home. We both closed our eyes as his cock slid inside of me and I started slowly fuck him. I started to move faster and faster until something came over Chris which I had never seen before. He turned around slamming me against the wall and started to fuck me hard.

"Oh Fuck Chris ... Oh Fuck Chris ... I said ... I said I was in control."

"Not anymore slut."

What did he just call me? He has never called me that before, but before I could react he walked over to the bed and put me on it. He took my legs putting them on his shoulders and started slamming into me.

"OH ... MY ... GAWD ... YOU ... ARE ... HITTING ... IT"

"Oh I know I am honey."

He started fucking me harder and faster to where I could hardly say anything as the headboard was hitting against the wall every couple of seconds. This was like pure animal lust just trying to fuck as hard and fast as you can.

"Honey... ," Chris said groaning.


This seemed to drive him on more as he Chris was really plowing me and felt so good that I could only talk gibberish. He reached down and started to strum my clit which made my eyes pop open.

"OH ... MY ... FUCKING ... GAWD ... I'M ... CUMMING..."

At that moment I didn't care who could hear us, if we were doing any damage to the room or anything else. I just cared about the orgasm that was racking through my body followed by another stronger orgasm. I suddenly had this urge to pee but nothing was going to stop this as I started convulsing on the bed speaking gibberish.

"AH ... FUCK... ," Chris said as I opened my eyes.

He took his cock out aiming it at me as he started shooting. The first shot reached my forehead with his second one hitting me on my lips. The third had more power as it reached my hair as the rest of his shots went from my neck all the way to dripping on my pussy as he was squeezing out the last drops from his cock. After shooting all that cum Chris collapsed on the bed next to me on his back breathing hard as we both tried catching our breaths after what we just did.

"Wow sorry about that honey. I have no idea what came over me."

"I can't remember cumming like that before in my life but what the hell was the slut about?"

"I called you a slut?" Chris said suddenly concerned. "You know I don't feel that way about you, it must have slipped out and I didn't even know it."

"That's Ok Chris," I said kissing him on the lips. "I know you didn't really mean it, maybe it was because we were all worked up?"

He looked at me and started laughing as he looked over my body before seeing a wet spot on his shirt he was wearing.

"Yeah I think we were all worked up but I think we both need showers after that."

"I think you are right my little cum machine but I get it first while you get everything ready."

I kissed Chris on the lips before getting off the bed and going into the bathroom closing the door. I turned the shower on as I looked at myself in the mirror laughing a little bit myself seeing cum all over my body. When the water was just right I got into the shower with the wash cloth trying to get all the cum off my body. While in the shower I started thinking about what just happened in the room, and to me it seemed that with Chris fucking me that hard, he was punishing me for something. Maybe for us staying at Mick's? The way I looked at Mick? Maybe I got him going another way? These thoughts were going through my head as I was washing my hair in the shower, then for some reason but thoughts started to go toward Mick. I started to imagine Mick's rippled body, how he would look like naked, wondering how big his cock was and if he would fuck me. I couldn't believe these thoughts were going through my head but then found that my hand had reached down and started to rub my clit. No matter what I did I couldn't get Mick out of my mind for some reason. I imagined him grabbing me and fucking me in the bedroom just like Chris did all the while wondering how big Mick's cock was. Then the final image in my mind was of Chris and Mick DPing me when suddenly I fell to the shower floor cumming so hard I couldn't stand up. I laid there on the shower floor coming down from another orgasm. It kind of frightened me that I was having those thoughts which I haven't had before. I smiled at myself before getting up and finishing my shower. I stepped out of the shower looking at myself in the mirror smiling at myself as I started to dry my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body while taking another one to wrap my hair in. I walked out of the bathroom with a smile on my face as I saw Chris sitting on the bed with some clothes that he was going to change into.

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My wife Kacie and I have been married for five years, although we have been together as a couple for the last ten years. A while ago we found that while we were still very sexually active, the "magic" wasn't there any more, and we decided to do something out of the ordinary to try and recapture it. Don't get me wrong, the sex has been great and has provided many interesting nights over the course of our relationship!In the meantime we've been content to experiment with a bit of role-playing and...

2 years ago
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3rd Chromosome Spa

Hello there! Another tale to tell here. This was a request from DarkRage. Contains the usual. Futa, sexiness, celebs, sex, and career assumptions from being a 3C. Comments and feedback are welcome. Everyone is over 18, etc. Enjoy! *** Hilary tapped her foot impatiently as the receptionist typed information into the computer. ‘You’re all set. Is there anything else I can get you?’ The brunette behind the counter closed out her computer screen. ‘Is Destiny available today?’ ‘She is not....

2 years ago
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Katrina Part One

The most amazing part, in my mind, might be that we made it home alive–although the sex comes in close second. After a night of hardcore whiskey abuse, Katrina and I had somehow navigated my 2001 Chevy Trailblazer through thirty-three miles of pouring rain up the dirt-road to her house. Parked thirty feet from the door, we sat in silence, considering the storm. “Not worth it,” I muttered, nestling into the upholstery.   She shook me a bit harder than necessary. “Come on, my bed’s too cold for...

1 year ago
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A Sorcerers Tale

You are Marcus Bluemantle, and you have spent fifteen of the twenty-three years of your life under the demanding tutelage of High Maga Leana Whitedove, who taught you how to harness the power of the elements, bend space and time and twist perceptions, as well as call upon outside powers... And you are now free to make your way into the world. While Mistress Leana proved to be a skilled tutor in the arts of sorcery, she neglected certain other parts of your education, leaving you to crave for...

4 years ago
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American As

Last winter, during a January marked by both voluntary and involuntary shutdowns of Washington, DC, I went to a large room at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan to swear allegiance to a government that at the time was having trouble staying open for business. With about fifty other people from a broad swath around the globe, I walked in a citizen of another place and walked out an American. There were several Chinese people like myself in the group, but I was the only Canadian. We all came...

3 years ago
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Unexpected encounters

Hi Friends! Im Raj again narrating my wifes exp when she was in college. You can mail your suggestions on , I’m Heena 29, married to Raj 30. Im 5’6”, wheatish complection, black hair, and a full figure like the actresses of 70’s. My stats are 36c-30-38. You can imagine how many stares from boys, men & even some women I have been subject to. Actually I loved the stares almost from the time I know about birds & bees. This is my true story when I was 18. I went to a reputed commerce...

1 year ago
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Final Fucking I

Until I was 19 I worked as a farm hand. Feeding the animals, shovelling dung, tending the crops. All that changed the day Lord Sodomite came to my small town of Crandel. It was late summer, when the days were starting to get cooler but not today. My white open necked shirt was drenched in sweat and the sun was high. I was in the stables looking after the Cockobos. I felt light headed so took a rest in a bundle of hay right under the shade. I picked up my cantina and took several large gulps and...

3 years ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 4 The Hike

Hiking up the switchback climbing from Fourth of July Lake, I watched Jean in front of me. More correctly, I watched Jean's legs and the movement of her buttocks. She was a few feet in front and above me on the steep, dusty trail. We'd broken camp a few hours ago after having spent a couple of lazy days in a remote part of the Sierras. It was our family's custom to pack into remote areas at least once or twice a season and this was the first time Jean and I had gone alone. With no agenda...

2 years ago
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Hook Unhook

Hey everyone… This story is about my mom and me. I have been studying in hostel since class 1 so as a result I only get to spend only 2 to 3 months at home.. I have always been my momma’s boy and have always helped her and never got my sexual intensions towards her. Although she is very sexy. I do not know about her breast size etc but they are quite big. The best part about her is that she is very cute… Other than my mom, my dad and I live in d house… Mom used to take a lot of care of me…...

2 years ago
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?Stella, the car is here already.? Leila calls from the hallway.Stella grunts. She is being laced into her black silk Medeq corset by her slave daughter melanie and she is standing, hands on hips, checking her makeup as well as the constriction of her already tiny waist in the floor length mirror in her bedroom.?The worm can wait Leila, tell him to get the cases into the car..!? She shouts in return. She stands patiently as the girl passes the laces around her waist and ties them in a neat bow...

1 year ago
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Novo Porn! Do you love jerking off to porn galleries? Rather than videos featuring amazing beauties showing off their perfect pussies and asses? Then I invite you to get a glimpse of the tens of thousands of galleries that await you on Novo Porn!While you are fucking here on Novo Porn, you will find galleries featuring images of some of the most beautiful women you have ever laid eyes on. With some of the galleries featuring models from brands like Playboy and other AAA brand-names, you’re...

Naked Girls Galleries
2 years ago
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I Like To watch 2

One Friday evening my wife calls me and ask how much longer will I be at work. I asked her why it mattered and she said it doesn't I just wondered, so I thought what the hell and told her I'd see her in about 30 minutes. Well Iam on my way home and when I arrive I thought I'd sneak inside and surprise her. So I sneak inside and she is in the shower and I hear moaning so I'm thinking she is touching herself and waiting for me, boy was I wrong, I was the one who got the surprise. She's in...

2 years ago
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Wife on FilmChapter 2

Rex lounged luxuriously in his opulent living room, reviewing the tape of May and himself he had made earlier that day. She's great, he thought to himself, a real natural for good fucking. The large red velvet couch he was reclining on was the only piece of furniture in that corner of the living room. The rest of the slightly secluded area of the large room was dominated by the huge seven-foot projection TV screen Rex was watching. In between the red couch and big screen was a soft, thick...

3 years ago
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Hot Bed FamilyChapter 7

Linda slumped heavily into the back pew. Linda's eyes were on the dark loft in the front of the church. She imagined her daddy's smooth pecker sliding effortlessly in and out of Joan's sloppy, whore's cunt. "What are you so mad about?" Tommy asked. "I'm not mad. Just getting edgy to get it over with, I guess. Sorry I'm such lousy company." "You couldn't ever be lousy company, Linda." "You're sweet, Tommy." She licked her lips. "Kiss me." He kissed her, softly at first,...

3 years ago
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Convention Comfort

It was a few years ago, but I will never forget this experience. I was a college student who served as an officer in a national organization for aspiring professionals. Four of my friends and I traveled to another stateto attend aregional convention of this prestigious organization. On our second night there, the convention hosted a formal banquet, and we had acquired four tickets for this event. That’s right, there were five of us, and only four tickets. After some discussion, I agreed to...

2 years ago
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Wife Catches Us

It started about  ten years ago when my neighbors first moved into the neighborhood. The husband and wife were in their mid-fifties. I had an immediate attraction to the husband. He had salt-and-pepper hair and was a little chunky but in shape. His hair has since turned silver, which drives me insane wanting him. Over the years, I have become friends with both the husband and wife with nothing funny between any of us. Then one day, that changed.As I was out doing yard work, I heard the wife say...

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My first knot pt 22

Fast forward several years. Blue never knotted me. I never allowed it. And I never had the opportunity to play with another dog for a long time. But I did continue with my ass play. My ex wife was into it too, so we explored anal fun for many years. Of course, i bought progressively larger dildos and strapons over the years. I even took her fist a couple of times. But, that's a different story, and all of that ended about 8 years ago. Last Wednesday, I had got home from work around 3 a.m....

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Fucking Diary 8211 Girlfriend Ki Cousin K Sath Romance Kiya

Hello all story readers. I am Rihan Rai and I live in delhi. I have wrote many stories, you all can search it in iss with the name rihanrai. Any girl or aunty of delhi if you want to get fucked kindly mail me at I will take care of your privacy. Ab my apni story start karta hu. This is a story of mine, real story. Meri ek gf thi 12th class me and she was dammn cute. Maine hi usko propose kiya tha and usne b mana ni kiya. Hmamri regular din me 5-6 hr tk baat hoti thi ya usse b jyada. Riya k...

1 year ago
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Creamfilled Motherinlaw

“Uh, that was the cream-filled you wanted, right Carole?” “Yes. Thanks, Spencer,” the attractive middle-aged woman said from the backseat. She reached forward and took the offered donut from her son-in-law. “And here’s you cruller, babe.” Spencer handed another donut to his wife as he climbed into the car, brushing the accumulation of snow off his shoulders. “Jesus, this snow is pretty bad. We better get going before it gets worse.” “Here’s your coffee, Mom.” Peri turned in the seat and...

1 year ago
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An Act of Vengeance

Johnny couldn’t believe the turn his night had just taken. It had started out like many other nights. He and Tom, his partner of three years had shown up at the house they had booked for the night. For several months now, they had been in the business of providing entertainment at gay parties. They would customize the show according to what the host asked for, but their jobs would usually consist of them seductively dancing with the boys at the party while wearing nearly nothing, and towards...

4 years ago
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Brendas PhotographsChapter 10

Sylvia disconnected the breast pumps and removed the suckers from Brenda's nipples, undid the straps from her legs and wrists, and then left her alone with her Master while she recovered from her first fisting. Gordon stroked her hair and told her to get some sleep, and she whispered "thank you" then "are you still going to cane me?" He grinned at her, bent down and kissed her lips, and whispered "of course, but later. Get some sleep now." She closed her eyes and nodded off. Gordon...

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My 1st time

"A good question," I replied. "Let me say this. This slave has already cum three times this morning, one of which was a multiple. She has a very large sexual capacity and if I were to guess, I think it's going to be under 25 rather than over. However, you have no reason to believe me, so why don't you," I pointed, "and you, and you, and you, and let's see, you," I pointed to one of the slaves, "inspect this slave to assess her heat. You can report to the rest whether she is close or far from...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 4

Samantha and Rebecca Mom called me into the bedroom: "Sam is staying the weekend. In your bedroom. Samantha wants to do this so you be nice to her and don't take it as an invitation to keep her in bed all weekend. But far more importantly please remember just how possessive Rebecca is of you Nicholas. I've already spoken to her and she says she will behave but your father and I are not at all sure she will. You will have to act for more mature than your age in this situation. It is a...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 13 A Surprise For Roberta

As the blindfold was taken off, Roberta was somewhat surprised to see herself back in the clearing where she had been twice whipped, firstly when Celestine and Amy had alternately attacked her back from both sides and secondly by Celestine alone. The shame of her reaction to that second whipping still haunted her. She had received seventy lashes and wept and screamed for mercy after each of them She, Roberta the bravest of the brave had grovelled and pleaded for mercy. Even seventy long...

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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 14

The days blur together for Page. She doesn’t leave Eris’ quarters for anything. The matriarch herself barely leaves the room. Their food is even delivered to them. The pair has four activities: sleeping, easting, bathing and fucking. Strangely too, Page feels more like a queen then a slave. Page has learned several things over the last few days. She has learned more about what Eris and her family are and their history. She even learned about how the feral came about and why the Rowen family...

2 years ago
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Way Way Out Book 3 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 7

"Alright," Tonto said. "The final report of our planetary investigation teams indicates that it has been agreed that we will send three sensor probes to take a detailed orbital look at H-3 while we concentrate our family efforts on H-4. We will wait until we are just outside of the H-4 moon's orbit before launching the probes and we will set up a relay station at the northern pole of the moon." Jason asked his grandmother's question, "Enough of this H-3, H-4, and H-4 moon business....

2 years ago
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Party in a dark bar true story

My name is Helga and my husband's is Ricky. I am 5'5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed blonde from Germany with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks, he took me home because the girl I came with was busy with some guy, I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27 and I was 26. We have been married now for 10 years. The...

Group Sex
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My Uncle and an unexpected Spanish visitor

My time with Eduardo and his Uncle Quim had been amazing. Quim had given Eduardo the rest of the week off so that we could spend more time together, most of which was spent naked and each of us playing the others flute. To say that it was a most musical week is an understatement. The amount of protein I ate that week was incredible, but I had no idea that it was just a taster of what was to cum!The whole week I’d said I was on the homeward leg, but that meant flying to San Francisco for a...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 203

"Oh see that black man over there, we are with him. I don't think he would take kindly to us playing anything but darts with you." I said. "You think I'm scared of some jungle bunny in a suit?" he asked. "I don't know what to think. But I will tell you this, he is one bad dude. We call him Daddy Evil," I said. "You stay right where you are, we will go have a talk with Daddy Evil," the young man said with a laugh. When they were out of hearing Lucy asked, "Why did you do that....

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Sarah Carerra 225 Just Another Day at the Mall

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...

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Franks Inner Woman

Frank had taken the opportunity of his wife being out of town to visit Manhattan and the porno parlors, telling himself that he wouldn’t visit a shemale prostitute again. But the fever was in him and the martini was lowering his resistance. ‘Of course I was going to do this, that’s why I took all the money out of the bank.’ He found an ad that looked appealing and retrieved a couple of quarters of the bar, and went to the phone in the back and called. No luck. Try the next one, again no...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 3

Tuesday and Wednesday I made dozens of contacts to get the word out about the business I was starting. Wednesday Sarah called. "I think I have found the carpenter I want. This afternoon I went to look at two jobs he has completed and interviewed the homeowner he is working for now. He has a crew of three men and he covers all phases. The only subcontractors are for the roof and the plumbing. One of his men is a licensed electrician. The only problem is he can't start for three weeks. Should...

1 year ago
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Older Woman Who I Hooked Up With

In March of 2015 I had the pleasure of hooking up with a sexy white lady who was old enough to be my mom, her age was 52 to be exact. I was 22 at the time. She was your traditional American white woman, not ghetto, fat, or any other stereotype. I would have never guessed that she was an undercover young BBC lover. At the time, I was in the process of getting over a bad break up that happened the summer prior. I was home on spring break feigning for sex. It had been four months since I done...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Carmen Caliente An Extra Dollar For Your Time

Carmen Caliente was hired for an emergency babysitting job. A young man needed his little brother watched ASAP. He didn’t even have time to give Carmen proper instruction. He just ran out the door and left her to fend for herself. The little brother turned out to be more of a little monster. Hours later Carmen finally was able to get him to sleep. Just when she was able to sit down and relax her client returned home and she was gonna give it to him. Before she could even speak her peace this...

2 years ago
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I masturbate for my sister then fuck her

I went to a naturist camp for a three-week holiday and very much enjoyed seeing naked girls walking about with no sense of embarrassment. I returned home with a good sub tan all over. My sister, Edna, who lives near me came to visit me and I told her about my holiday and said I was brown all over. She wanted to see it so I undressed in my lounge. I had no inhibitions about being seen naked by my sister because I had become used to being totally nude and being seen by girls. Even so, I began to...

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Game WorldChapter 68

Richards teleported me into range of the complex on Hawaii without any problems and I arrived there roughly fifteen minutes ahead of the shuttles that had flown the whole way under their own power. With the combat load I was carrying and the time over the target area that I would need to unleash that load, I'd be almost on fumes by the time I got the craft onto the ground. Hopefully I wouldn't run into any problems. The time spent waiting for Richards to teleport the Sparrow Hawk and me to...

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Shalu Maamiyudan Azahgiya Kaamam

Naan kalluriyil kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, yellarum ninaipathu pol naan niraiya kaama kathaigal kaama padangal ivai anaithaiyum paarpavan kidaiyaathu. Naan oru amangi ennaku kaamathai patri ethuvum theriyaathu. Enathu kalluriyil muthal benchil amarnthu irupen pinbu enathu veetin arugil irukum anaivarudanum nandraaga pesi pazhaguven. Enathu veetin arugil puthithaaga oru maami vanthu irunthaargal, naan niraiya maamigaludanum pengaludan pesi pazhaguven. Aanal entha kaama ennathilum...

1 year ago
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The Routine Chapter VI

Chrissy stepped back from the window. She came home from school 20 minutes ago excited about how her day had turned out, only to find that her excitements weren't over yet. Moans and shouting came from the back yard, and as she went through the living room to investigate, she found her daddy having sex again, this time with some woman she'd never seen before. It was quite an attractive woman too, with red hair and a pale but healthy looking body. Her hands were tied behind her back, but...

1 year ago
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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

1 year ago
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My first love

I was 18 when i met my boyfriend who was 18 too. We both loved each other very much more than our lives. Abhi(boy) didnt kissed me even once also in two year of our love, we just use to talk and chat in phones. Finally one day abhi asked "Do you know why they kiss when they get married?", to me(anu). I didnt know because i was that girl who had never kissed before to anyone and off course it was my first love. Abhi told me that by kissing their feeling become strong and even their love too. He...

3 years ago
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Confession of a cum eating slut

I do love sucking cock and because I do love doing it so much most guys tell me I am very good at it. And I do love hearing that! I try to adjust what I am doing to a guys cock depending on how he reacts to what I am doing or if he is into telling me what to do to please him. Slow, fast, deep, just suck on the head, change things up, whatever it takes to pleasure him. So I can to get him into shooting his hot tasty load into my mouth. The reward for doing a good job is getting the load, but I...

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My favourite right now is, to walk into my office at work, my boss sitting at her desk, her legs encased in knee high leather boots, I can see her bouncing her leg and circling it, the toe moving my eyes dazed, following it round and round, my cock urged to grow but I managed to quell the sensation in my shaft, sitting down, as she pulls a chair up so close to me, I can feel her breath, I could have sworn her boot touched against my leg, my breathing quickened was it accidental or not, it...

2 years ago
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Her Fantasy Cums True

It's been a long time since my girlfriend Gabrielle and I have been able to take a nice long vacation. We booked a condo in Tamarindo Costa Rica for a few weeks on the beach and are very excited about going after all the hard work we've put into getting our bodies in shape for the beach. We were scheduled to leave 1st of June but she got delayed because of work but encouraged me to go ahead without her and enjoy the few extra days before she got there. I felt comfortable doing this since we've...

3 years ago
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Teaching Tim part 2

The next day when I got home Tim had let himself in and met me inside my backdoor already naked as I walked in. It was obvious he had been masturbating as there was lotion all up and down his dick. "Start without me?" I tease. "I was getting warmed up for you." he smiled as he leaned into me. I walked back to the bedroom and Tim followed me. "Undress me." I tell him. Tim steps up to me and unties my tie and pulls it off. Next he starts unbuttoning my shirt...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 5 Contingencies

All was not well in Leo Gunter’s world. He’d survived two tours in the fucking sandbox from hell only to come home and have his world completely re-arranged. The fucking ‘Average Joe’ show had ensured it. He’d been mustering out of the Army at Fort Benning in Georgia when the penultimate episode of ‘Average Joe’ had aired. Of course, he’d heard of the President’s speech by then, but he figured it was a hoax or some political maneuvering to get the asshole another four years. ‘Average Joe’,...

2 years ago
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The Sorcerers Cup

The Sorcerer's Cup: The Beginning By Bashful Sometime in the First Millennium... The Sorcerer moved slowly across the cold stone floor, his joints stiff and aching. He was glad the silversmith had finished the cup early, he felt that his time was growing to an end very soon. The Sorcerer wasn't ready to go yet, that was why he had ordered the fashioning of the cup setting on the table before him. His body was so old that even his own power and spells could not rejuvenate it...

3 years ago
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The Real Housewives of AfroerotiK

Chapter 1: Nailah OvertonThe buzzer from the dryer went off, signaling to Nailah that her final load of laundry was done. She made her way to the laundry room, picking up stray toys along the way that had been left by her little ones. Order and cleanliness were imperative in a household of five so it was a constant effort to keep things where they belonged. As she pulled each item from the dryer, she meticulously folded it to be put away immediately. Laundry was an almost daily chore in...

1 year ago
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Young Blood Runs The Hottest

It was Friday night. The weekend. Most people were excited to have these golden days arrive, but they didn't mean much to me. I had no plans - again. The weather was supposed to be fairly decent and I was thinking it might be a good time to work in the yard to prepare it for the upcoming summer.Sitting there in front of the television, I was staring mindlessly at the countless images that flashed in front of my eyes. Eventually I deciding it was too nice a night to be sitting inside so I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Book Signing

The weather was nice as I drove up to New England. It had been a while since I had seen my stepsister and I had not seen her son since he was a toddler. Heck, I had never even seen her daughter, so this was to be a wonderful trip. My stepsister and I never really grew up together though we did spend a couple of years together after my father remarried. We did become fairly close and shared some time in our late teenage years. I dated a close friend of hers and we seemed to share a bond more...

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