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Nicole slowly opened her eyes and looked around the sparsely furnished room, sighed and wondered one more time if she had made the right decision. She scooted up in the old rickety wooden slated bed, leaning back against the headboard her back supported only by a single dingy yellow pillowcase. The movement to sit up caused the stiffly starched yellow-white sheet to slide down her body revealing her smallish breasts to the morning light that was streaming in through the broken Venetian blinds. She stretched her arms, yawned and wondered what changes this day would bring.

Nicole Cary Dews was a wealthy debutant and the daughter of a former Connecticut Senator and the titular head of the Dews family but now she was simply Ensign Nicole Cary Dews, United States Navy... God her mother had been furious at her decision to join the Navy but her father had simply been amused. Nicole had grown up with all the trappings of the east coast wealthy, the fancy cars, the huge homes, the designer clothes and enough available money to do exactly what she wanted to do, when she wanted to do it. Up to her decision to join the Navy her life had seemed to be permanently caught between her father J. Richard Dews, who was currently the head of a large New York investment firm and who gave her everything she wanted, or asked for and her mother who was permanently ensconced in their four million dollar Connecticut home, and who constantly doted over her. She thought about her life of luxury and what the next few years in the Navy would mean to her future. Nicole had made the decision early in her university studies to follow in her fathers' footsteps and enter politics. After graduating magnum cum laude from Yale University, with a degree in history, she realized that a four year stint in the Navy would serve her well when she campaigned for elective office.

Nicole ran her fingers through her newly shorn hair, now no longer than two inches and she smiled remembering the shocked look on her mothers face as well as her stunned words..."Oh my God Nicole, what have you done to your beautiful hair?" Well, she thought, it was now cut into a utilitarian style for her next nine months at sea on the newly commissioned Navy cruiser, USS DaNang.

As she lay back in the bed her hand slid beneath the sheet and her fingers found her labia and without even realizing what she was doing she began to slowly caress the outer lips as she thought about how long it had been since she had had a man touch her down there, a real man. God damn it, she thought, I really need to get fucking laid! Unsaid, even in her own mind, was the fact that Nicole was having difficulty having a normal relationship with a man ever since she... well ever since. She stopped playing with herself and slipped out of bed and naked, walked into the small bathroom and turned on the shower.

Five minutes later and dripping wet she stepped out of the shower and looked at her profile in the foggy mirror. At 22 and five-foot seven with almost no bust line to speak of she thought that she looked more like a teenage boy than a naval officer. As she toweled off and wiped the water off her shoulders her fingers touched her nipples, the most sensitive part of her body, and she tugged and pulled on them and felt her pussy coming to life. Nicole had always thought that her lack of breasts had been made up for by the ultra sensitivity of her nipples. Her last boyfriend, the grad student turned asshole, George Waldrup Marple the IV had found out very quickly that even the smallest amount of caressing of her nipples made her pussy gush with wetness and broke out her very active libido... which is exactly why she had to be careful with who she allowed access to her body, after all with her political aspirations it wouldn't do for a future politician, maybe a congresswoman or even a senator to have her sex life spread around in the tabloids.

Nicole stopped playing with her nipples and her thoughts drifted back to the last time she had been out with George and then onto the one encounter in her life in which a man had actually satisfied her, actually filled her with a passion that no one ever had, before or after, and had made her orgasm over and over and yet that one special encounter probably ruined her sex life forever!

Two Years Ago:

The event that changed her sex life forever took place during her junior year at Yale. It was a Friday night during the spring break and she had met George at his parents' home in the Hampton and they had gone into the City for the evening. George took her to Tavern on the Green for dinner then out clubbing where they enjoyed themselves dancing and drinking but as the night wore on she realized that she had definitely had too much to drink so they took a cab to the Marriott Marquis in Times Square where George had reserved a room. Although she and George had been intimate on a number of occasions it had always been at his shared apartment at school and she was looking forward to being alone with him in the luxury of a suite at the Marriott.

Once they arrived at the hotel they checked in and then took the elevator to the eleventh floor. They got off the elevator and, laughing and kissing, walked down the corridor to their suite. Once inside the suite Nicole didn't even turn on the lights she simply removed her blouse and camisole and let George start licking and sucking on her breasts. As her pussy flooded with wetness they stumbled through the suite finally finding the couch where she lay back and enjoyed the ministrations of George's lips and tongue on her breasts. When she felt her skirt being lifted and her panties tugged on she lifted her hips and let George take them off then basked in a warm glow as his tongue split her pussy searching for her clit. Then, even as tipsy as she was, it dawned on her... how in the hell could George be eating her pussy and sucking on her breasts at the same time? Her eyes flew open and there, between her legs, was none other than William Blainey, George's college roommate. She pushed George away and leapt up from the couch and covered her nakedness. "What in the fuck is going on George?"

"Oh Jesus Christ Nicole, just fucking relax. I know that you have always liked William and he has always been attracted to you so I invited him to join us tonight. Jesus girl don't be such a fucking prude!"

She starred at George, her eyes darting fire then she straightened her skirt and grabbed her blouse. "You are a fucking perverted bastard George, fucking perverted!" With that said Nicole finished putting on her blouse and stomped out of the suite, took the elevator to the lobby and hailed a cab. Not having a place to stay for the night she directed the cabbie to take her to the apartment building farther downtown where her father kept an apartment. She paid the driver, smiled and said hello to the doorman and took the elevator to the 54th floor and let herself inside her daddy's apartment. She knew it would be empty, her father having taken the train to Connecticut for the weekend hours earlier. Nicole went into the master bedroom and undressed then wearing nothing but a pair of panties walked out to the bar and made herself a drink then took it and went back into the master bedroom and slipped under the covers.

Some time later she awoke with a start and had no idea what time it was. There was a noise in the living room... well not actually a noise, but voices coming from the living room. What the hell, she thought as she eased herself out of the bed and silently made her way over to the bedroom door. Nicole peeked into the living room and what she saw shocked her to no end. Her father was obviously drunk and was in the midst of taking off his shirt and tie while yelling at a woman who was definitely not her mother.

"God damn it Carol, I said take off your fucking clothes. You told me you give the best blowjobs in the City and I want you to prove it, now get the fuck out of your clothes girl!"

Nicole was not only shocked to see her father with another woman she was even more shocked to hear his crude and vulgar remarks about sex. Never in her life had she heard her mother and father even bring up the topic of love much less sex. She left the door ajar and walked back to the bed and retrieved her blouse and put it on then slipped into her skirt. Now, modestly covered, she marched back to the door intent on confronting her father. She was just reaching for the door handle when she heard her father telling Carol to hurry up.

"God damn it I said get out of those clothes and blow me... now do it!"

"Wait just a fucking minute Richard; I have to take a piss."

"Alright, alright but hurry up I need my cock sucked and I want some pussy too, I haven't had a good fuck in months!"

As Nicole reached for the door knob the door swung opened and Carol walked in the bedroom and in the dark was oblivious to Nicole's presence. She staggered across the room and into the bathroom and Nicole heard the woman void her bladder, then the unmistakable sound of a toilet paper roll being used and the toilet flushed. Carol appeared at the door of the bathroom, looked around and still didn't notice Nicole as she stumbled over to the bed, flopped down and started snoring.

At that moment Nicole was madder than hell and even more determined to confront her father and she purposefully walked into the living room and across to the bar where her father was standing, his back to her, sipping on a drink. "Father I..."

When she spoke he turned and looked at her, his eyes cloudy and unrecognizing, "God damn it Carol it's about time you came back. Say... I thought I told you to get the fuck out of those clothes?" Then he reached out for her.

Nicole shrunk back. "It's me daddy, I'm not Carol." She was stunned when he grabbed her blouse by the lapels and jerked it open, her buttons flying everywhere. "Daddy what are you..."

"Fuck Carol if you want to play a game that's fine with me... and it's even better if you want to pretend you're my daughter, shit I've wanted to fuck Nicole for years but tonight you'll do just fine."

Nicole was shocked at the revelation that she had been a sexual fantasy of her fathers and when she looked into his face for some sort of recognition all she saw was his glazed over eyes and the lust on his face, then he hit her. The slap shook her to the bone and then the realization settled in that he really didn't know who she was. By the time she even thought enough to react he had ripped off her skirt and tossed her over the arm of the couch with her butt up in the air. She twisted and turned and tried to get away from him but he was just too big and strong so she stopped thrashing around and began to cry. "Oh daddy, please... don't..."

He ripped off her panties and slapped her butt. That's great Carol, go ahead and plead with me. Beg me to fuck you, beg to suck my cock. Just keep pretending that you're my little Nicole and that you want to suck and fuck me."

The incident itself was obviously traumatic enough although her imminent rape hadn't registering on her yet but there was one thing she did know, even if she didn't know why, and that was the way her father had ripped off her clothes and forced her over the end of the couch had turned her on like she had never been turned on before. Upside down with her pussy soaking wet she wondered if she liked to be dominated. Was she sexually excited by being slapped around and then raped? And if that was true why was she so upset at being involved in a three-some with George and William? As her father continued to molest her she was at first affronted, then scared and then turned on! At some point Nicole realized that she actually wanted to feel his cock inside her and she told him so. "Alight daddy, go ahead and fuck me, stick that big cock of yours in my pussy and fuck me." She turned her head to look back at him and when she saw his pants fall to the floor and his cock pop out from his underwear she was shocked at his size, God he has to be eight or nine inches! Christ that will never fit inside me.

"No way Carol, first you suck my cock like you told me you would and then I'll fuck you. Now get down on your knees."

Nicole twisted and slid off the couch then dropped down onto her knees and took her father's cock into her hands. She stroked him several times then bent forward and licked up his shaft, her eyes watching for his reaction.

"Ohhhhh shit yes! Oh my God Carol you're the best. Suck me baby, suck my cock."

Nicole let her mouth slide over the red bulbous head and down his shaft. She couldn't get very much of him into her mouth but she made up for that flaw by stroking his shaft and playing with his balls. At the same time she was stroking her pussy, fingering herself and playing with her clit. God she wanted to cum so badly.

Suddenly he pushed her away from him. "Okay baby that was great but now it time for a fucking like you've never had! He lifted her up and shoved her back over the end of the couch and pushed her face down over the arm rest. She felt his cock as it touched her outer lips and then as it slowly slid inside her. She couldn't believe that she could take all of him but she did. At first he just slowly slid in and out of her then he started moving his hips faster and faster, pushing deeper into her pussy. As his cock pounded her she had three orgasm before her father finished, his cock finally jerking and spurting inside her worn out and very sore pussy. When he was done, his now limp cock slid out of her and he stood up and walked into the bedroom, climbed on the bed and passed out next to his whore. Nicole got off the couch and sat on a bar stool and thought about what had just happened. One thing she knew for sure was that she had never cum like that with George or any other man and now that she had she was hooked on kinky sex. She finally picked up the tattered remnants of her clothes and dressed then easing out of the apartment made her way home to Connecticut. Days, weeks and months passed and as far as she knew her father never remember the incident, apparently thinking that his carnal pleasure had been fulfilled at the hands (and mouth and pussy) of some woman named Carol. Still, after that night, Nicole never had another satisfying sexual relationship, always comparing her current lover to her father, and in that light her father always won.

Present Time

Nicole's mind snapped back to the present and she closed her eyes and continued to rub her nipples as her sex grew wet and warm then she shivered as a small orgasm finally overtook her body. Finished, she wiped herself then tossed her towel onto the counter and walked back into the bedroom and dressed for the day. She donned her underwear and looked into the mirror on the closet door. Nicole had found out a couple of years ago, on a dare no less that she looked spectacular wearing a pair of adolescent boys Jockey shorts. The cut was just right for her body and the shorts fit snugly between her pussy lips creating a camel toe that outlining her sex. She had never worn a bra, she just didn't need on but she did wear $200 pure silk camisoles that felt exquisite against her skin and kept her nipples perpetually hard. She slipped into her white navy blouse and adjusted the soft shoulder boards and smiled as she looked at her reflection.

Nicole opened the closet and pulled out her dress blues, ones that she had meticulously tailored from a bolt of expensive English cloth she imported from London. The effect of her new uniform was to present a naval officer of impeccable taste. Nicole grabbed her officers cap and her duffle bag and went out the front of the bachelor's officer quarters and stepped into her car, a brand new silver Mercedes Benz SLK 550 coupe her father had given her for a graduation present. Three hours later, her car safely stored for the next nine months, a cab pulled up to the foot of pier seventeen in the 32nd Street Naval Station and Ensign Nicole Dews stepped out of the cab and purposefully strode down the pier, up the gang way and onto the deck of the USS DaNang and reported for duty.

The following day the DaNang left port and three days later the first sign of a problem surfaced. Nicole had just come off the early morning bridge watch and had made her way down to the officers' mess for breakfast. Seated at the foot of the table, the place reserved for junior officers, Nicole sipped on a steaming hot cup of black coffee and waited for her bacon and eggs. She was deep in thought when the Executive Officer stepped inside the wardroom.

"Ah, there you are Ensign Dews."

Nicole looked up and saw it was Commander Murphy who had spoken. "Yes sir?"

"If you wouldn't mind Miss Dews I understand that you haven't yet completed all of your check-in." He said sarcastically.


"You haven't cleared medical with the ship's doc."

"Oh! Well no sir I haven't, at least not yet."

"Well see that you take care of that today, is that understood Ensign?"

"Yes sir!" But Nicole didn't take care of checking in that day, nor on the next day because she just couldn't bring herself to submit to the battery of what she perceived of as interfering and unnecessary personal questions. From her experience at the Armed Forces Examination Station the questions seemed to revolve around her medical condition and she knew that somewhere in that battery of those questions would be some questions that were... well... sexual in nature. There had always been those questions when she visited her physician and she assumed that it wouldn't be any different in the Navy so she just decided to see if she could get away with not showing up for her appointment. Once again she was at breakfast when the executive office again caught her attention.

"Excuse me Ensign Dews," Commander Murphy said, obviously irritated, "but would you please report to my cabin when you're finished with your breakfast?"

"Yes sir." Nicole had completely forgotten about the order to report to Sick Bay so she wondered what the XO wanted as she left the wardroom and trotted down to his cabin. She knocked on the cabin door and when she received permission to enter she strode inside the XO's cabin. "Yes sir, you wanted to see me sir?"

Commander Murphy looked up for his desk and gave Nicole the once over. "Look Dews I know that you're new to the Navy and I've read your service jacket and realize you're... ah... well you have a preeminent Connecticut background, still you're going to have to conform to Navy regulations and so far you haven't done very well! I distinctly recall ordering you to report to sick bay to finish you check-in... still the chief corpsman tells me you have failed to do that. Now young lady we are getting ready to deploy for nine months and before we do that we'll be inspected and I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT expect ANY of my officers to have failed to check in properly... is that understood?"

Nicole tried not to act haughty but it was difficult for her. "Uh... well yes sir I understand sir, but he's just a corpsman, an enlisted man after all and he's not a real doctor or anything."

The executive officer looked at her over the top of his glasses thoughtfully before he replied. "Yes Ensign he is an enlisted man, a Chief Corpsman, but he is our ships doctor and I might add, the only man on this ship who can save your ass in an emergency, now report to him today and take care of the paperwork."

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir." Nicole walked back to the wardroom and took another sip of her now lukewarm coffee then set the cup on a backboard and left the wardroom without finishing her breakfast deciding that it was better to get out of the sight of an angry XO just in case he came back to the wardroom for breakfast. Tired from having just finished a four hour watch she headed down to her stateroom for a quick nap. Once inside her room, well not exactly hers, she shared it with two other junior female officers, she stripped out of her khaki uniform and crawled under the covers and quickly fell asleep.

Nicole awoke to a rumbling coming from deep within the bowels of the ship and it took her a minute to realize that the ship was testing it's emergency generators, one of which it seemed was directly under her stateroom. She got out of her rack, showered, dressed in a clean pair of khaki's and walked down to the Sick Bay. She knocked on the door and entered the space that served as the ship's infirmary, emergency room and operating room if needed. She saw the Chief Corpsman sitting behind his desk and in the far left corner of sick bay was a young female corpsman who immediately reminded Nicole of a bull dyke. She stood no more than five feet tall and had to weigh at least 175 pounds and when Nicole entered the room she looked up at her, smiled and licked her lips. Nicole ignored the girl and turned to the Chief. "Hi Chief, I'm Ensign Dews and the XO tells me I need to complete some paperwork for my check-in."

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Chapter Eight: Entrapment ‘Here, sit beside me,’ Erika invited Katie as the dark haired woman and Alistair came down for breakfast. Both looked showered and refreshed, but Erika knew better. When it came to sex, she had a keen eye, and these two had been up most of the night. Inside, she burned. Outwardly, though, she kept her face smooth, offering a pleasant smile. ‘The others have updated me on what’s happened since yesterday, so I promise not to talk politics.’ The psychiatrist returned...

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Politics Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Charity bash Thomas failed dismally to disguise the yawn. ‘Sorry, Sally, no offence.’ The petite redhead grinned. ‘That’s okay, we’ve been at it since six this morning. That makes it a long day. And with tonight’s charity bash, it’ll get a lot longer before we’re home in our beds.’ The fair-haired man nodded. In the week since he’d been working for Alistair Brinkley-Jones, they’d all been long days. Today had been no different, ten hours of slog, understanding everything he...

3 years ago
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Politics Ch 06

Chapter 6: From the sublime to the ridiculous Thomas was frustrated. Boy, was he frustrated!! With the General Election only three days away, he was now working sixteen-hour days. That meant that he and Becky hadn’t made love for over a week. Not since she’d practically sexually assaulted him the day he’d arrived home following his night with Erika. It was making him irritable, affecting his demeanour, and his judgement, too. Becky must be feeling the same way, but she was putting in similar...

1 year ago
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Polite and Respectful Nephew

Polite and Respectful NephewBy: Londebaaz Chohan Felix was over-joyed to get his Driver’s License in the first attempt. He was about to be promoted as a senior in the high school. As promised, his parents put some money in for him to his savings and now Felix had his own car with the down payments and other fees and charges, the car dealers add on for their own living. In less than a week or two, the school closed and Felix decided to go visit his cousin Roger. They were related by way of their...

1 year ago
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Politics Ch 03

Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens Erika Johansson smiled at her reflection in the bedroom mirror. Had Alistair not already left for his early morning meeting with Thomas and Sally, he would undoubtedly have approved. She held the compact mobile phone away for a moment, and shook out the silken locks she’d styled into golden waves. They bounced on her shoulders, flirting with the delicate red strap of her low cut bra. Accompanied by her plunge-thong and nude stockings with their lacy red tops, she...

2 years ago
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Politics Ch 05

Chapter 5: Rebecca submits ‘God, you look rough,’ Sally murmured. ‘Want me to hold the taxi when it arrives? Won’t take you long to freshen up…’ ‘Didn’t get much sleep,’ Thomas grumpily offered by way of explanation. What else could he say? Erika fucked me all night? That woman was insatiable. It must have been around five o’clock before she allowed him to return to his room. That meant an hour’s nap, a quick shower, and a room service breakfast while he made the call to Jack Murphy. They...

3 years ago
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Politics Ch 01

Chapter 1: Beginnings Erika Johansson smiled that all-knowing smile of hers. The twenty-five year old Swedish beauty was well aware of the contents of the package. Benni always sent the photos in a buff envelope. Watching the delivery boy leap back onto his motorbike, she pushed closed the deep red front door of her London Mews home, allowing a contented sigh to escape from her full lips. Fixing a loose strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, the stunning Nordic woman ripped open the...

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Politics Prejudice Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

4 years ago
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Politics Ch 04

Chapter 4: Resisting temptation The tension between Erika and Alistair had been palpable throughout the flight. Thomas had tried to ignore it, but Sally’s constant nudges in his ribs and her darting eyes in their direction made that impossible. Even the taxi ride to the Belfast City Hall had been awkward, so much so it had been a relief when Alistair and Erika separated to attend to individual matters that somehow had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. ‘What the hell is all that about?’...

2 years ago
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Politics Ch 07

Chapter 7: The race resumes The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’ Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank. It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It...

3 years ago
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Politics is a bitch Part 1

----- This is a four part series that recounts the story of a Belgium agent at the end of his career. The events take place in Part 1 - Belgium Part 2-4 - Minnesota, USA I strongly advise that you read the story from the star, because it will be hard for you to understand the characters in later parts of the stories. This is not a quick fix story and not intended to be. It is already broken up in parts for ease of read. ----- Mark was well aware of what was to follow the...

1 year ago
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

4 years ago
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Politics of ControlChapter 2

I felt Kate's lips leave my cock and I looked down at her. She was smiling smugly and I couldn't help but grin in reply. She kissed the tip of my deflated manhood and then looked at me seriously. "Now are you ready to do things my way?" she asked. I nodded mutely and she delicately tucked my penis back into my boxers. She retrieved her discarded blazer and put it on before she stood. I stood as well, and buttoned my jeans. All the while, Julie was watching us, the flush of desire...

3 years ago
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Politics of ControlChapter 3

Finally, she pulled back, her lips wet and shiny with her saliva and my pre-come. Her eyes were afire with fresh lust as she sat up and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, and no matter how much I might have wanted to come in her mouth, I knew that her pussy would be much more enjoyable, for both of us. Kate continued to stroke my erection as I looked for my jeans. She saw me looking around and nodded towards the door to the laundry room. "It's over there," she said. I...

2 years ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Chapter 6

Rick got back to the flat just as Chris was about to disappear into his room.‘Where have you been, Rikkie? I thought you wanted a bit more of what you had last night.’‘I got held up at work, my supervisor wanted a word.’ Rick thought a half truth would be enough.Chris grinned at him, ‘Still wearing them I hope? Show me.’Rick went pink, but he did as Chris asked and undid his jeans pushing them down far enough so that Chris could see he was still wearing them.‘Good, Rikkie. Here, take this fresh...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Lacy Lennon Step Daughter

Lacy’s had a thing for her new stepfather, Tommy for months, but out of respect to her mother, she’s kept her distance. Focusing her sights on a guy her own age, Lacy puts on her sluttiest outfit and heads out for a date — that is, until Tommy stops her. Annoyed that she, once again, is going against her mother’s grounding and now also dressing like she’s “asking for it” Lacy obliges by taking off the outfit he so objects to – surprising him with her boldness. Although he wants to resist,...

4 years ago
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NonStop Service Part 9

We got off the plane in Pittsburgh and headed to the rental kiosk to get the keys to our rental car. Both Sydnee and Sam were excited to be here. They have always wanted to come to visit but never had the chance. We were changing that today. We were going to get our hotel room and grab a quick dinner then drive around and let them see the city all lit up. Then, in the morning we could spend all day sightseeing, shopping or whatever else came to mind. I did have some shopping planned, so that...

Group Sex
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Silver Pt 01

**************** If you are younger than 18 or you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately. This story contains graphic situations that are sexual in nature performed by consenting adults. This is my very first story. I now have a greater admiration for the writers here on Literotica because as I found out the hard way, it isn’t as easy as you would think! This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Tiffany Tatum Blonde Shaft Swallower

Tiffany Tatum returns to Hands On Hardcore and Pornworld co-starring alongside Vince Karter in this steamy triple-X seduction production. The glamour model is completely irresistible clad in black lacy lingerie with her legs spread showing off that perfect pink pussy that we’ve all lusted over in the past. As she masturbates and her man watches he can only hold back for so long before he just must take the temptress in every position. But not before the blonde Hungarian hottie enjoys his...

3 years ago
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A Different Night Out

A Different Night Out. A sudden movement to my right caused me to tear my eyes from the spinning reels which had been mesmerising me for the last half hour. The sight which greeted me was much more interesting. Blonde and very attractive, about 30’ish, she was making herself comfortable in front of the machine next to mine. What was really nice about this, was the view I was getting as she lent forward to pull the stool closer – her blouse gaped open to reveal her right breast, smallish, (the...

1 year ago
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forced Cont

A roar from the crowd of pure excitement rips through the air. It sound to be fifteen to twenty people here. I fell a jolt of pain through my right breast. A blood curdling scream came out of me. I stepped back only to step into a female. May I do something to her? Yes go head. She grabbed the rope and lead me to a wall and told me to put my hands over my head and stand on my tippy toes. Hands go underneath my breast and lift me up. My wrist slide onto something, feels like a hook. I am lowered...

2 years ago
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College Bash

You're not that popular at college and don't have a girlfriend. Hell you never really had one because you couldn't be bothered. However, you were like any other sex driven guy and looked at all the girls. College is great, they have all formed nicely and most look perfect and fresh. One day in science you're continuing your habit along with the guys staring at one girl, miss popular, Sarah. She has the tightest ass, the most firm breasts and fine hair any guy could want. Without knowing what's...

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Crystal The Hot Neighbour

Crystal always had me fascinated from a young age. The eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton nextdoor, she was older than me by about 5-10 years. She was more mature than the rest of us k**s growing up, but still cooler to hang out with than the grown ups when our parents would get together for one of the many neighbourly BBQs on their back deck. We had a close relationship with the Cliftons. I was about 4 or 5 when both our families had moved into the street about the same time.The summer...

4 years ago
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It's pretty difficult being a regular person in a world filled with powerful superhumans, but it has it's benefits sometimes. Like right now...

3 years ago
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Lazy Sunday

My name is Marcus Shay. age 24, I was born in Ireland but moved to the states when i was 13. i'm pretty well built and open minded so combined with my accent I've never had trouble attracting people and as a result was a bit of a playboy. That was until I met my angel that is My girlfriend, Mei, is a gorgeous asian woman. She has a natural beauty that doesn't require any make though she still wears it despite my constant insistence on this fact. Despite the stereotype she actually has...

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Girl from work

I work with this girl name Angie. She is little bit over weight, no problem with that. She has big tits, D cup I believe. She is only 39 yrs old and has grey hair, wears glasses. She is married with two boys. Angie is a hard worker, we work at a restaurant. I'm a cook and she does prep work. She has a nice ass. She is little bit quiet, we talk some. Once in a while I walk her to her car. I only see her in her work uniform. We had a meeting, everyone had to go to. Angie had a nice shirt, looks...

2 years ago
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DeceptionChapter 5

The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. With a tank full of gas, they departed the town. Three hours later, they were at their destination. Andy knew the name of the hotel, but had no idea how to get there. Kendall stopped and got directions. After another twenty minutes, he pulled up in front of the hotel. This time Andy took a moment before getting off the scooter. She didn't want the wobbly-legged feeling she'd had, the day before. There was also another reason. She was nervous....

1 year ago
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My brothers girlfriend

Back when I was 15 i had the greatest experience of my life with my brother's large breasts (either a large c or small d-cup), and she had the nicest ass! One day while my brother was at work I decided to sneak a camera into the bathroom and hide it under a stack of towels, so when Melissa woke up and took a shower I'd have something to jack off to later. After she had taken her shower I went and took one (to retrieve the video camera). After I had stashed the video in my room I went dwnstairs...

3 years ago
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Karen and I were together as an item for most of that first semester. She broke up with me after Christmas, saying she wanted to see other people, and we drifted apart after that. We still saw each other around campus, of course, but like so many others in the dorms, we just became acquaintances who used to have sex. I spent the rest of my freshman year being more or less of a male slut, trying to bed any girl I could. When the semester ended, a lot of people went home for the summer, but I...

1 year ago
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my oatmeal story true story

My name is Daisy, I'm from Houston Texas and I'm going to share one of my most embarrassing stories ever, if you guys like it, I'll share more of my adventures. I got sexually active at a young age, by the time I was a freshmen in High School I was already experienced with sex, by the time I was 16, i preferred older men to guys my age, they can handle me really good.This story has to do with one of our neighbors, he does NOT get along with my dad, they're both around the same age, he's 53 and...

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The SisterhoodChapter 59

The next day a small group headed over to the Newcastle airport. In the group were only Karla, Doug, Mary, Mike, Ann, and Mark, accompanied by Duke and Sheena. Early that morning, a second trade had been executed. Karla pointed out that Duke had been her tiger since his youth and had been her friend while she was teaching in Los Angeles. It was because the poor tiger had been pining away for her that he had been flown to Europe. Duchess, on the other hand, had been the Carlsons’ gift to the...

2 years ago
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Crossdressed In best friends mom clothes 1

Since an early age i started wearing pantyhose. Remember one time when i was around 7 and it was cold outside. Then my mom gave me a pair of black opaque pantyhose on, to keep me warm under my winter clothes. Since that time i've been in love with pantyhose. I had a couple of different once hid under my bed. Some nylons some stockings and lots of pantyhose. As i grew up, i had a really good friend. His name is Nico. And we were together everyday after school listening to music and watching...

3 years ago
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Ride Home

I had taken the inter urban this time although I seldom use that mode of transportation. It was the weekend, though, and the bus was almost empty. Still I sat near the back to avoid even the small crowd of people gathered close to the door. We were almost out of the city before long and all but the handful of people headed out to my suburban community home remained. There were two stops to go, though, before we pulled out on to the four lane and continued on without stopping until we reached...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

the Meeting (Part 2)"Come in," Michael commanded. He looked up as the door opened, pleasantly surprised to see Meredith. "Good morning, Chancellor.""It's Meredith, Michael. No need to be so formal when we aren't in front of the students." She smiled at him.He watched as she walked over to the chair in front of his desk, his eyes gazed down at her legs as she crossed them, her short skirt rode higher on those gorgeous thighs, a quick glimpse between her legs making his cock hard. "So good to see...

3 years ago
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My First Time With My Best Friends Mother

Jake and myself; both now seventeen, grew up just a street apart and attended the same high school. I'd been over to Jake's house numerous times, but in the past several months I found myself taking more notice of his mother, Mia. I'd find myself catching a glance every opportunity I had, making sure Jake never saw me or he'd give me a beating I'd never forget, or worse, take the piss out of me.I considered Mia like a step-mother, who took care of me when my own parents went out of town. I know...

First Time

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