Politics Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1: Beginnings

Erika Johansson smiled that all-knowing smile of hers. The twenty-five year old Swedish beauty was well aware of the contents of the package. Benni always sent the photos in a buff envelope. Watching the delivery boy leap back onto his motorbike, she pushed closed the deep red front door of her London Mews home, allowing a contented sigh to escape from her full lips.

Fixing a loose strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, the stunning Nordic woman ripped open the small parcel, tearing the buff paper in her haste. Keeping a recording together with pictorial evidence of all the young women she and her boyfriend seduced had become an obsession.

Boyfriend? She let out a deliciously throaty laugh at the word that passed through her mind. Yes, Alistair Brinkley-Jones was her boyfriend. He was also heir to the Brinkley-Jones fortune. And soon, the Conservative Party leader would be contesting a General Election.

Erika Brinkley-Jones had a nice ring to it. Wife to the first black Prime Minister, to the man who would eventually inherit millions! Okay, she was a long way from that position. Alistair had neatly sidestepped any overtures she’d made in that direction. That was fine – she could be patient.

That’s how she’d reached her position in life after all. Marriage to a sixty-five year-old business magnate had set her up financially. Or, at least, the divorce had. Dennis Irwin had fallen for her charms, but hadn’t been able to keep up with her sexual preferences. It was inevitable that they’d part ways. Many people had predicted it from the beginning.

After all, they said, he was a man old enough to be her grandfather! Erika was only too well aware of the reaction. After all, that was part of her plan, right? Only nineteen at the time of their marriage, she knew exactly what she was doing. It had been easy enough to trap the old fool. And it hadn’t been that difficult to negotiate an acceptable divorce settlement. Getting him to agree there’d be no pre-nup had been the hardest part.

But then, he’d been captivated…

It hadn’t just been the pre-nup, of course, that had led to Dennis being so generous. With so many incriminating photos, he had no choice. Should their sexual games be made public, hopes of the knighthood he so craved would be shattered. Game, set and match!

A slow smile spread across her sculptural face as she thought back to those times. Men really were such uncomplicated creatures. The smile widened as thought of the enjoyment she’d get watching the CD later. She flicked through the photographs, her tongue dancing across her full pink lips as she recalled her and Alistair’s latest conquest.

Unfiltered and uncensored, the early shots showed off the innocent young blonde’s nudity from all angles. The later photos were much more intense, the little slut’s face contorted in ecstasy as Alistair fucked her, and then her eager head buried between Erika’s golden thighs.

It had been her first time with a woman, and in truth, she hadn’t been that good. But that was okay. It was the whole process of seduction that gave Erika as much enjoyment as the act itself. Turning an innocent into a bi-slut. It was her most favourite feeling in the world. And when she found one who suddenly discovered she’d been born to pleasure women…

God, the thought sent a shiver of excitement all the way to her sex. Though she and Alistair had already fucked that morning, she instantly decided that a second, quick fuck was required.

Gathering the video and photographs in her hand, she stooped to collect the ripped paper from the floor and then hurried through the long hallway, and up the stairs into the bedroom. Alistair was his usual self – rushing around the room as he dressed, worried about being late because of their early morning lovemaking session.

‘Want to see the photos?’ she drawled in that sexy Scandinavian accent, leaning in the doorframe and running a hand through her long, glossy hair. Yesterday’s visit to the hairdresser’s may have been expensive, but it had been more than worthwhile. Besides, money didn’t matter.

‘Don’t have time,’ the forty-year-old black politician grunted, shifting uncomfortably at the dressing table chair as he peered into the mirror. He fastened his blue tie in smooth, practiced motions, meeting her eyes in the reflection. ‘I have a couple of meetings this morning, then have lunch with someone who’s going to manage the rest of my campaign. Can’t miss that.’

‘Thomas Kincaid?’ she asked, stepping in behind him. She stroked one hand across his shirt-covered shoulder. ‘Yes, from what you’ve told me, he’s just what we need.’

What we need? One of Dennis’s parting gifts at their divorce was an introduction to the Conservative Leader. She’d taken it with both hands, gradually inveigling her way into his affections. It hadn’t been that difficult, the low cut top she’d worn to their first meeting had seen to that. His eyes had almost popped out. He’d been looking for a PA, and having carried out a similar role for Dennis, she’d been the perfect candidate.

One of the benefits of being Alistair’s PA was that she had control of his diary. That often meant hastily rearranging a meeting when the need for sex overtook her. ‘But lunchtime is a long way off, darling,’ she continued, ‘And that first meeting is only with that boring Tom Broadhurst. Who wants to hear about his strategy for cleaning up the riverbanks, anyway?’

As the Scandinavian beauty spoke, she slowly perched her firm ass on the top of the dresser. The short, pinstripe skirt rode up her thigh, revealing a sliver of tanned skin above her nude coloured stockings. If that wasn’t more enticing than the Deputy Secretary for the Environment…

Twisting a little on the dresser top as she got his attention, Erika dropped one photo on the glass top in front of her dark haired lover.

She loved the way he wore his hair slightly longer than he should, and swept it back in an uninhibited way. Her influence, of course. It made him stand out from all those boring politicians he had to deal with. That, and the fact he was black. It seemed that Barrack Obama’s success in America had opened the door of acceptability. The country’s first black Party leader could soon become the first black Prime Minister.

‘More interesting than boring meetings, don’t you think?’ she teased, glancing down at the image of her and the girl engaged in a heated kiss. She watched his reaction, seeing the desire alight in his eyes like a match to kindling. Her skirt rode up as she uncrossed her legs. It had the desired effect. Alistair looked. Saw the garters holding her stockings up. That flame grew.

The politician felt his cock stir, but tried to push the feeling from his mind. He was already well behind schedule and the car sent to take him to campaign headquarters was due in ten minutes.

‘Much more interesting,’ he answered with a rye smile. ‘But they’ll be banging the door down if I don’t get moving. I’ll view them later.’

‘Really?’ Erika responded, with one of her sexiest smiles. Her adorable light blue eyes promised so much when they looked at him that way. ‘Tell me,’ she continued, rolling her shoulders back and pushing her chest forward, ‘can you see my nipples in this blouse? That would never do…’

Alistair licked his lips as he surveyed the blonde woman’s long body. God, he loved the freckles that dotted her face and ran down to cover her cleavage. Even as he watched, Erika was unbuttoning her white blouse, displaying the lacy white bra to his hungry gaze. Slipping to her feet, her skirt quickly followed, uncovering the thong that matched her sexy garter belt and bra.

She could see the indecision in his eyes. Another fuck, or his early morning meeting? The sexy way she unhooked her bra and allowed her full breasts to bounce free made his decision easier. Like many Scandinavian women, her tanned swel
ls defied gravity, and her high, dark nipples pointed skywards.

With a grunt, he reached out for her.

‘Hey,’ she playfully teased, pulling away from his grasping hands. She knew exactly what she was doing. Keep him wanting more! It was a technique that was second nature. ‘You don’t have time. And I’m only changing because this might be too provocative for the macho men at Party Headquarters.’

She felt his eyes burning into her as she headed across to the bed, dropping the photographs on the floor as she walked. Stripping the tiny thong down her legs, she crawled on the bed like a lioness surveying her kingdom. The sight of her naked, except for the stockings, never failed to turn him on.

‘You know I’m flying to France later,’ she huskily murmured. ‘But I do have a nice surprise lined up for you tonight.’

‘Surprise?’ He knew exactly what Erika’s surprises consisted of.

‘Oh yes,’ she replied, ‘don’t want you frustrated while I’m away.’

Stretching across the bed, one hand picked up the mobile phone and waved it in the air. The other was already rubbing her smooth pussy. ‘But for now, Alistair, want me to phone and delay the car and your appointment?’

The black politician hesitated for only a second before he began to rip off his tie and head for the bed.


Rebecca de Santos grinned down at her naked lover. Sex on the carpet, or anywhere else for that matter, made a wonderful change from bed. ‘So,’ she teased as she rubbed her wetness along his hard stomach. ‘You have lunch with the Conservative Party Leader. Wants to offer you a job, does he?’

Thomas Kincaid returned her smile. Right at that moment, he was interested in fucking, not talking, but he sensibly allowed his girlfriend to tease him in the way she so loved. The benefits of doing so were only a few seconds away.

‘Well, Becky,’ he responded with a theatrical raise of his pale right eyebrow. ‘I guess he’s heard how well I can service people.’

‘Is that right?’ the raven haired beauty giggled, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his lips before straightening again. Her red fingernails dug into his smooth chest. ‘Think you can service me to my satisfaction?’

‘Never had any complaints before,’ her golden haired boyfriend smiled, gripping his girlfriend’s hips and attempting to force her body backwards and onto his cock.

Rebecca wasn’t having any of it. She was the one in control, after all. Her deep brown eyes stared into his. ‘Hey, buster,’ she responded, squeezing her knees either side of his thighs to keep him in the position she wanted. ‘Let me see. You’ll be wining and dining, and hobnobbing with the next Prime Minister of England, while I’m putting the ‘girls’ through their paces at the aerobics class? Doesn’t seem fair?’

Thomas grunted as she rubbed her toned ass back along the length of his cock. Everything about the aerobics instructor’s body was hard and fit.

‘You…’ he began, stopping himself as another low moan involuntarily escaped his lips. ‘You know you prefer taking that class,’ he mumbled. ‘In fact, I’m beginning to suspect that you love that class more than me.’

‘Oh, you’re on to us, huh? Damn…’ she laughed. It was almost true. Rebecca loved her work, and was exceptionally good at it too. He’d once made the mistake of attending one, just for fun. Despite his keeping himself pretty fit, he’d ached for days afterwards.

The Brazilian beauty raised both eyebrows. It was that look of hers that told Thomas it was time. Their conversation was at an end. Without another word, she eased herself backwards and with that delicious gasp she always gave at entry, sank down onto his hard cock.

Throwing her wavy, raven coloured hair back so that it bounced on her shoulders, the twenty-two year old thrust her breasts outward. They looked especially inviting the way they half peeked out from below the red tee shirt, pulled up around the top of her chest. There was just enough visible to remind him of their pear like shape, and the bullet hard brown nipples looked like they were begging to be sucked.

‘Like what you see?’ she teased, watching his eyes glued to her wonderfully full swells as they gently bounced.

She raised her hands and ran her fingers into her wavy locks, maintaining the pose as she slowly and gently undulated on his hardness. When her eyes began to cloud, they both knew she was feeling it…

Time for action.

Dropping a hand to his chest, she ground down harder onto his glistening cock. ‘Look,’ she ordered, pausing to allow his gaze to sweep down to their union. Beneath her dangling belly piercing, her smooth labial lips stretched lewdly around his thick girth.

Thomas groaned in appreciation as he ran his palms along her athletic, dark brown legs. He loved her natural sexiness, so comfortable with her body. His fingers stroked her slim legs as the sight of his cock disappearing inside her cleanly shaved pussy intoxicated his mind. God, she was sexy!

‘You like?’ she softly asked, in that husky accent.

The golden haired young man nodded, feeling his mouth suddenly grow dry. Being an aerobics instructor, she was in perfect shape. Being Brazilian, she was fiery. It was an irresistible combination.

His fingernails dug into her flesh.

Her hips began to respond to his touch, thrusting down and up again in perfect rhythm. She undulated on the cream coloured carpet, driven on by the feelings inside her hotness and the moans she was eliciting from her lover with each down-thrust. She was a wild, uninhibited animal, rutting down on him in long, powerful movements.

Thomas grunted as he thrust up into her, doing his best to meet each powerful undulation. It wasn’t easy. Only their grunts and the slapping of their flesh filled the small living area.

‘Ngh,’ he gasped as she leant forward, allowing him to cup the breasts that were now fully exposed. It was a prelude to her orgasm. She loved having her breasts pleasured when she was on the verge. He loved it too – the way her eyes closed and her face creased. In those moments just before she came, he always felt an extra surge inside his balls.

Thomas kneaded both swells, gently at first, and then harder. ‘Yes…’ she moaned. He flicked his thumb across her erect, brown nipples. Her body shuddered. She gasped – something in Portuguese – her body going stiff. ‘Uh—’ she half-gasped, as the orgasmic tide began to sweep through her.

‘Yes… oh, yes…’ Thomas encouraged, ramming himself upwards inside her one final time.

As she exploded, the raven-haired beauty’s head fell forward, her silken waves bouncing as they covered her face. Thomas gripped her hips as her body trembled and jerked. Her face dropped to bury itself in his shoulder. She continued to roll her hips along his length, maximising every one of the small electrical currents still running through her.

Eventually, her breathing returned to normal. His turn now.

Thomas rolled her onto her back, positioning his knees inside her spread legs. He was grateful that the shag pile would minimise his discomfort. His knees and elbows were still red from yesterday’s session on the bathroom floor.

Rebecca wrapped her long legs around his back, pulling him closer. ‘Fuck me, Thomas,’ her husky tone encouraged, her tongue licking around his ear and neck as she groaned out the words. He could feel the firmness of her breasts on his chest. He could feel her nipples digging into his flesh.

He took her hard and fast, the pent up adrenalin inside him driving him to the relief he badly needed. As he felt himself move closer, he drilled harder. She tossed her head left and right, like a porn star being fucked on screen. ‘Uhhh, uhhh…’ she moaned. ‘Harder… harder!’

Sweat dripped from his forehead as he responded. Grunts escaped his mouth with each driving thrust. Their eyes met for a second, then Thomas was scrunching his closed, gr
itting his teeth, as his release closed in.

Recognised the signs, Rebecca tightened her legs around his waist and dug her heels into his heaving ass. ‘Cum now, Thomas… cum for Becky…’

He pushed up on his elbows, steadying himself as the thick, creamy cum surged from his balls, through his shaft. He jerked forward, a sweaty beast hulking over his prey, and exploded inside her.

The feel of his seed peppering her insides triggered her second orgasm. The Brazilian beauty dug her sharp fingernails into his shoulder blades and her heels into his back, lifting her athletic frame from the rug, as if this was one of the more extreme exercises from her aerobics class.

He pumped in and out even as he spent, forcing as much of his manjuice from him and into the sucking beauty. Rebecca responded in kind, gripping him tightly as, for a few final moments, they continued to buck and jerk.

‘Hurry home from your meeting with your politician,’ she eventually whispered, her pearly white teeth biting down on his earlobe. Her aerobic sessions always left her craving sex. ‘I haven’t finished with you yet.’


Every day in recent months, the old man in the out-of-place café on the corner of Mayfair and Park Lane had watched the same scene unfold. For the few customers ordering their morning breakfast sandwiches, talk was of the forthcoming General Election. For the South American, British politics was the last thing on his mind.

He licked his thin lips in anticipation of the sight that was coming his way. The cold London winter was over, replaced by the early shoots of Spring. He loved the sudden change in temperature. Gone were the heavy coats and long boots. The women of England’s capital finally began to unveil their wonderful bodies. Sexy, tight tops, short skirts, plenty of cleavage. Thank God for Spring – and soon it would be summer! He licked his lips again.

Wiping a dark hand across his brow, the sixty-five year old handed his breakfast order to a young City gent, but all the time keeping his eyes on the silver car. Then it happened.

The pair of long, sculptured legs appeared…

Their owner, a pale brunette, emerged from her Mercedes with all the grace of a gazelle. But then, she’d done the same for the past few months. The old man’s window overlooking her parking place gave him the perfect view, and he made sure he took advantage. God, Miss Katie was sexy.

The immaculately tailored dark skirt rucked up for the moment on the leather seat of the car. It was what the South American had been waiting for. In the heaviest winter cold, she’d worn trousers as part of the suit. Then a long skirt, slit generously to mid calf. Now, the skirt was much shorter.

As it caught on the seat, it allowed the watching man a clear view of her sexy, black stocking tops and the bare skin above. She’d been his masturbatory fantasy for months now.

He ignored a customer request as he silently watched through the long window. Despite his age, notwithstanding his nationality, there was something about the way Miss Katie looked at him that told him that, given the right circumstances…

‘In a minute,’ he snapped at his young customer as he repeated his order. There was plenty of time to heat the requested croque-monsieur sandwich. He wasn’t going to miss a second of the sight unfolding.

Stepping out of the car, Katie Nichols took her time as she ran both of her hands over her pert ass, smoothing the errant skirt back in place. Her cheeky smile across at the old man told him she knew he was watching, and that she was happy enough giving him his usual morning treat.

He sighed in admiration, pushing back the cloth cap on his head into a slightly jauntier angle. Feeding the croque-monsieur into his microwave, his eyes never left the woman as he poured a coffee into the takeaway cup.

The change in the temperature meant that she kept her suit jacket in the back of the car. Not more than fifteen yards away, he took his time drinking in the generous breasts that pushed against the cream blouse, admiring the way they bounced deliciously as she moved. He was never quite sure whether she wore a bra. The suit jacket she took from the rear of the vehicle tapered down from her athletic shoulders to her deliciously slim waist.

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He lined up his massive cock with her pussy and even after having been fucked it was still twice as thick as her hole. He pushed hard and the head still wouldn't enter, Katie took her hands and grabbed her pussy lips spreading them with her finger to help him   I have been fucking this teacher from Laverne, Al.Who had until her encounter with me had to be satisfied with a 4 inch thin cock. Let me describe Katie she is 5-3 brown medium hair big tits and a woman who liked to be controlled. I...

3 years ago
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A Summer With Amber Chapter 6

Introduction: The sleepover adn a special show for Nathan By the time I was exiting the bathroom, both girls were exiting the bedroom. I smiled at them both and they returned the smile but Amber quickly changed her expression to a questioning look. I continued to smile knowing I knew something they didnt. So, I said as they came closer. Are you ready for your sleepover? You betcha daddy, Amber said winking. Jessica nodded but didnt say anything. I was about to question them more when the door...

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International Relations Ch 04

The annual school awards presentation this year was being held in a function room of a nice hotel in Birmingham, traditionally while the whole school attended the awards, as the function was always towards the end of the school year the sixth form usually organised a social to immediately follow the awards. Previous years this had been at local Rugby clubs or anywhere we could hire cheaply, but this year because the school had already paid for the function room we took advantage and decided to...

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Anthony Brown Sweet Smelling Stud

After a year of hard work my project was finally finished. It was time for a vacation. Fortunately, the school year was ending and my wife Brenda would be rapping up her teaching duties in the next day or two. She had let me know a month earlier that she was ready for a little time off. I made arrangements for two nights at a hotel in a nearby large city. I figured we would site see during the day and check out the night life at night. I told Brenda about my plans and she was thrilled. Three...

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Ivy Jon Me

My friend Jon, and I were talking in our house, we hadn't seen each other for nearly a year, he was asking what I was doing etc, when Ivy came to the door, when she'd gone I said to Jon "I fucked her last month it was the first cock she'd had in 50 years", he said "Never", I said I had, she's over 70, he said he wouldn't mind doing her either.As we carried on talking I went to the recycling bin and Ivy was co0ming back from the shop, I said to her "Do you fancy a coffee", she replied "Ok", and...

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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 2

4024 seasons previously before current times "Daddy, are you sure you can't read me a story tonight?" asked a small boy as he father tucked him into bed. "Well now little guy I'm not sure I can match your imagination. You tell some pretty good stories of your own sometimes," smiled the man down at the boy as he sat on the bed next to him and reached out to ruffle his hair. The young boy looked to be about six or seven seasons old as he was getting ready for bed. The man was sporting...

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Wife Lets Me Watch her take BBC Lucky Me

My wife's decision to allow me to watch her began on Sunday at our family BBQ over memorial day weekend. We went to a near by state park camp ground where family members were camping for the weekend. We were having a good time conversing with family and friends, and eating the deliciously grilled chicken. That is when my wife asked me to walk with her to the park bathroom. As we were walking across the park,my wife asked me if walking with her hand in hand knowing she was wearing a Sundress...

1 year ago
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Orbit A Personalia storyChapter 2

“Mister editor, does the colony accept teachers and their family as colonists?” “Most definitely! They are always looking for teachers, particularly for primary schools in villages.” “I thought that might be the case. The fact that my husband is in the military shouldn’t affect that option, should it?” “Madam, we don’t care a damn what a spouse’s former occupation was. If you are a teacher, he comes with you and your children, if any. He can look after the kids while you are at work; that...

2 years ago
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“Ask me again baby,” he groans as he supports himself above me on his hands and toes and frantically slides his full eight-inches into me. “Would you like to blow a tranny while I watch?” “Yes, baby yes, so fucking good, yes,” he moans as we orgasm together. I had just the tranny, Rosie, in mind, I hadn’t told Roger but she propositioned me recently and hinted that she would enjoy me and Roger at the same time. We always go to some trouble to dress or undress to turn on our guest when they...

1 year ago
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heaven scent

Im on my way to dad,s...got something big to tell him.let me put you in the picture....it all started about 6 years ago...lve always wanted.to find the holy grail of fragrance,s..the one that women will drop there knickers for,no matter what the man looks like...as soon has they smell it...they turn into cock hungry.babes...so for the past 6 years...lve been trying all kinda..formula..mixing,different flowers.and trying binary mix...or more...l must have tried 100s....of different combintions.l...

1 year ago
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When it turned Chapters 1 and 2

1. She knew something was up when she went through the garage.   There were lights on that shouldn’t have been.   Coffee cups on the table.   Two of them!   There was music coming from the back of the house.   Her first instinct was to run out and call the police.   But her curiosity got the better of her and tipped toed into the back of her house.   Halfway down the hall, she heard grunts and squeaks of pleasure, groans.   She reacted on two levels.   While her reality state told her that she...

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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part IV

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Part 1, 2 and 3 of this story. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 4 Now my Bua, Kanta was a 45 year old widow who was working in a bank. She was very fair, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, and very well endowed after her husband had died she would only wear light coloured cotton saris and matching cotton blouses. Many a times I had caught a glimpse of her boobs...

1 year ago
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Doing Debbie Some Years Later

It didn't happen the first time. I'd wanted to take Debbie out but she'd said her father didn't want her to go on the date because he thought she was too young. Some years later, I found out by asking Debbie directly that the reason she didn't go on the date with me was because she was too shy. Ah, what a loss for both me and Debbie, but sometimes in life we have a chance to do things that we messed up the first time. Going out with Debbie was one such experience. I asked Debbie out...

3 years ago
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The Alluring Song Of The Ocean UC

// 1 // - It was a quiet morning and Gabriel took a moment to enjoy the sun rising above the waves. Around him, he heard the familiar murmur of the ocean lapping at his boat, and the half-sunken houses around him. The same whisper of the water helped him to fall asleep every evening and greeted him in the mornings like this one. A grumbling of his stomach reminded him of the tasks at hand. As he looked in his secret stash, Gabriel had to suppress a sigh. A half loaf of bread, by now...

2 years ago
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My Very Very Very First Time

Hi everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read my stories! I really appreciate it and i hope you'll enjoy it, please let me know! :).So yes this is the story of my very first sexual experience, with a woman! I was older than most boys 21 years old at the time. I had never had a girlfriend and also never had sex. Sure i masturbated, who didn't! So i thought it was time, I decided to go and visit the red light district (RLD from here) in a nearby city, not amsterdam, there's other red light...

3 years ago
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Today my very lucky & equally pathetic cuck bitch hand delivered me a £500.00 cash tribute along with a bottle of champagne, some vodka, flowers & cocktail shaker..he thought he was just dropping them off & meeting my bf in preparation for our big joint session in a couple of weeks..nothing could of prepared slut for what I had in store for him....Here in his words is part one..After a near sleepless night thinking about the day to come it was with eagerness and trepidation I set...

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I was trying to surprise my wife. I had been away in Chicago on business and I manage to wrap things up a day early so I caught a flight from O'Hare that arrived at Regan National around 8pm. Traffic was light and I rolled into my Northern Virginia driveway a few ticks before 9pm ready to enjoy some alone time with my wife.There was an unfamiliar car in front of the neighbor's house but that wasn't unusual since they were always entertaining, even on Thursday nights. The lights were out...

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Adams Family Ch 05

Adam heard the car pull up in the drive, and knew what it portended.  He managed to hide his smile as his mother noticed the sound and walked over toward the window.“Oh – well, it’s Christine.  I wonder...”  She trailed off and dropped the feather duster she held.  A second later, she hurried toward the door and fumbled to open it.Adam faintly heard Becky’s voice greeting his mother as he stepped into the doorway she’d just vacated.  Then he did smile as his mother squealed in delight and...

2 years ago
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Idle threats

Bobby sat at the bar by himself. Lonely and depressed. He knew this time it was over for good. Craig hadn’t called in more than a week and the flashbacks of their last conversation haunted him. He hadn’t really meant any of the things he said, they were just idle threats. He was angry and hurt and he had a right to be. It all started six months ago. Bobby knew almost from the beginning it wouldn’t last, but he couldn’t help getting attached. Craig was so nice, the sex was so good, and who could...

1 year ago
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Shes a Man Baby

Al Helford was getting worn down by his girlfriend Lisa Willner always bringing up wanting an open relationship. Each time Lisa talked about wanting the open relationship Al became more open to the idea. The point of him not being able to meet all of her desires in the bedroom was making more sense each time the man heard it. Al wanted her to be as happy as she could be' and this would help him reach the goal. Al hearing her out was so sweet to Lisa and that was one of the reason he was...

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Beth OuttakesChapter 5

Although I let this chunk of a possible Kim history go as I was writing it, I wanted her to be confused, as that confusion was what got her hanging with the girls at the lunch table. I wanted her not particularly understanding how and why her life was where it is, thus this is an outtake. She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very...

4 years ago
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Best Friends with benefits

We walk out of the house and i couldn’t help but stare at what Annabelle was wearing. She wore a red flannel shirt, the sleeves neatly tucked up to her elbow, firmly tied up under her 36DD breasts to expose her tight little waist. A short pair of cut off jeans, highlighting the thickness of her thighs. Her dark red hair flopped in the light breeze, and wore matching snakeskin leather boots. I slow down, and lost a trance tracing my eyes around her firm round wide bottom. An ass so perfectly...

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The Last Family Vacation Pt 10

By the time that Tim and Tammy stumbled their way back into the house and into bed, downstairs, David was securely strapped spread eagle to the king sized bed in which Anne occasionally entertained men who were willing to allow her to do anything to them. Anything.In truth, Anne would have been happy to just crawl in bed and go to sleep, but when she and Diane, her sister emerged from drying off after their shower David was sitting on the edge of the bed with her “Toy Chest” night stand open....

1 year ago
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Working From Home

I work from home, I really don't want to say what it is that I do, I mean, after all, it pays well and I don't want to jeopardize a good deal, right? I'm single, divorced about twelve years ago, I'm fifty-two, in pretty decent shape for a guy who sits at a desk all day. Not particularly dating these days, either, don't especially like the bar scene and the dating sites have worked sometimes and not worked at others. Don't ask me why. Any way, I do employ a woman to come in and clean...

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Its a Dogs LifeChapter 2

When I opened my eyes I couldn't remember anything that had happened while being hypnotized all I can remember was watching the watch sway from side to side. Then Martin said "we are all done for today I need a copy of your time table so I can work around it." So I gave him my time table and off I went back to my dorm for the day. Both my room mates asked me where I had been and I told them I was going to be Martin's new experiment. They both giggled and said "well hope your going to...

2 years ago
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Meine Therapeutin

Meine Probleme wurden mir mit der Zeit immer deutlicher. Sie sind nicht immer meine Probleme, manchmal sind sie auch meine Wünsche oder einfach nur meine Wichsfantasien. Wie auch immer, als junger Mann ist es für mich nicht leicht, geradezu unmöglich, das in einer Beziehung zu finden. Denn wenn du einfach nur auf Brünette oder dicke Titten stehst, ist es leicht, so eine Frau zu finden. Aber in den Kopf kann man eben nicht so leicht gucken. Und das bringt mich auch zu meiner Therapie. Und zu...

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The British Sea WarChapter 5

A new Command Back in Liverpool after several weary days in London, then on a course at Portland a very weary Lt Cdr Tony Nash DSO entered the bar. He recognised Heather, Freda's friend straight away. She smiled at him, and he had to admit she was looking lovely, and had obviously taken very great care over her appearance. He could sense from her behaviour that she had been drinking, and had been at the bar for some time. She was not drunk, but her reaction seemed rather more friendly than...

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Nisha Ka Nasha

Hey hi… I m Raj from bagalore.24 an mba student. Coming straight to point. I was doing my internship as a part of my mba curriculum and my mentor was a girl named Nisha she was around 26 yrs and was new to the organization. She was really very sweet 5.” 6’ nice firm breast and a tight ass. In addition, the best part was her clothing and lovely fragrance and her great dressing sense. I was doing a project in finance. So she used to teach me all about financial planning and wealth management. I...

4 years ago
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My Dad part nine Olgas story

My DadChapter nineLater the same day I lost my virginity: Olga’s storyI took my sheets down and put them in the washer because of the blood on them. Mum came home a was pleased I had done the washing for her, I thought to myself, if you only you knew dad had fucked his little girl, I sat opposite him and every now and then I saw him look up my skirt, when he did I moved my legs so he could see my pussy, I knew he would do me again you could tell by the look in his eyes. We all went to bed...

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Pyar Bhi Hari Aur Shart Bhi

Hello, mera naam Ami hai. Me 23 year ki hun aur independent ladaki hun, meri hight 5’8 hai aur slim aur sexy hun. Aaj ke din me life me pahele jese koi complications nahi hai. Me apake sath mera experience aur betrayed love life ke bare me batana chahti hun. Niraj mera boyfriend tha, aur hum 2 sal se sath the. He was good (kam se kam muje to vahi lagata tha!) dikhane me thik thk tha aur hamari love life kafi romantic thi aur sex life common, me shayd sapano ki dunia me thi. 6 mahine pahel e...

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Mistress Roulette Part 9

I wanted to scream I felt so happy. My knees trembled with anxious anticipation. I was going to enjoy this. I knew it would be one of the greatest feelings I'd ever experienced in my whole life. I just knew it would be.Before I was even touched, my pussy began to pulse and ache warm excitement out through my engorged lips.Mistress walked around behind me and soon, I felt her perfect tongue, tease my horny slit."Ohh!" Mistress squeaked, delighted. "She has never tasted so sweet, ladies! It's...

2 years ago
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Clubhouse Part Five Stud at school

The following week at school, it was almost like there was an aura about me. Girls who never talked to me were hanging around and hanging on my every word. In the afternoon I went to Art class with Mrs. Hunsaker. She was a beautiful woman who had a bit of a whispered about reputation. I had always liked looking at her in less than an appropriate way, but now that I was a stud and had fucked both Emily and Trudy, I was interested in seeing if the whispers were true.I was very good at art. ...

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Christmas Cums Early

Jessica Claus moved about the kitchen making the final preparations for the dinner that she would start at about four the following morning while her husband was out in the world finishing up his long night of work. Over the last few years, with the ever growing demands of population and extravagance, Jessica had noticed a lack of passion in her husband that had always had so much charm. Sighing softly the woman, now far into her already unnatural life leaned a hand into her snow white hair;...

1 year ago
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All Before Sixteen

A young man by a girl was desired To give her the thrills she required, But he died of old age Ere his cock could assuage The volcanic desire it inspired. License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 When my neighbour, Mrs. Wilson, turned me into her boy-toy at the impressionable age of fifteen I was torn between pleasure and embarrassment. The woman was fifty-three years-old when it started, her husband the manager of the neighbourhood bank just blocks away, mother of...

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