Vacation?Chapter 18 free porn video

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Day Eighteen - Thursday

I woke up because I was having trouble breathing. I was enclosed by,,,,,,,, oh, yeah, Sue. We had turned toward each other during the night and she was hugging me, holding my face into her breast. This was nice but they are so big and firm there is no give to allow a little room to breathe. I moved to turn my head so I could breathe, unwilling to totally leave the wonderful pillows I was luxuriating on. The movement disturbed her and she hugged me even more tightly. But this time, my head was a little higher and turned so when she hugged me, one of her remarkable nipples pressed against my mouth.

I think the phrase is, "I ain't no sucker." Well in this case I was, so I opened my mouth and let the giant nipple in. The nipple became excited and I was nearly deep throating a woman. Sue hugged me tighter. I brought my free hand up to control the breast but just laid my hand on it spread wide, feeling the expanse, the firmness, the fullness of it. If you have something so fascinating, so erotic, so big and beautiful in your mouth it is instinctual, you suck. I sucked softly while gently caressing the expanse from her body to my mouth.

My now very firm morning erection was lodged between her legs but was lying between them with the head sticking out between the cheeks of her rounded tush. Sue moaned and began moving her abdomen in a fucking motion rubbing her clit on the top of my cock squeezing me even tighter to her nipple. The more I sucked the faster she undulated and rubbed on me and the firmer she hugged me till she opened her mouth and groaned loudly. I could feel her stomach quacking from what appeared to be a very nice orgasm.

Suddenly Sue rolled over pulling me on top of her, spreading her legs and fitting me into her now very moist pussy. She forced more and more of me into her until I bottomed out feeling the end of her depth. Some say that would be her cervix. I'm no gynecologist, I just know I can't go any deeper and with the few girls that I have been in the situation with, some liked it some didn't.

Sue pushed my sucking mouth off her very swollen nipple holding my upper body by the shoulders in the air with newfound strength. Her eyes were big round dark pools and her mouth was open in a gasp. She moved her hips in a rapid fucking motion totally controlling the three or four inch in and out of our connection. Her insides were going crazy on my dick and my balls said they were going to burst. This was instant consuming lustful passion.

She gave a huge gasp, and with a loud moan, she dropped my whole weight on her body hugging me to her while her legs wrapped around my waist to hold me still within her. Her pussy squeezed while my dick pulsed delivering all the juice built up over night. She closed her eyes tightly as I felt her stomach shiver and lots of juices squirt out around my bottomed out dick.

Sue relaxed completely, letting her legs unwrap from around me putting her feet beside my thighs, cradling my body while still enclosed in her pleasure center. Sue took my head between her hands and kissed me passionately. After one long kiss and many, many soft kisses she just hugged me to her.

"You sure know how to wake up a girl or at least how to wake me up."

She gave me few more kisses while still laying spread legged with her arms straight our from her side, "Wow, from a very sweet dream to absolute mind numbing orgasm in ten seconds flat."

We rolled to our sides so I could get my weight off her. Smiling at her, "It was a lot longer than ten seconds. I sucked on you for a couple of minutes after you stuck that delicious thing in my mouth."

"That's in my dream. I was nursing a baby, right out there on this patio. When I looked down, the baby had your face. The sensation of you sucking on me and me using your cock to rub my clit on was making me come. I woke up enough to realize what was happening and needed you inside me. I was really turned on. You know the rest."

"Um, I know this is really comfortable but I have to pee, bad," I said trying to disentangle us.

I slipped out of bed and stood over the toilet letting a healthy stream pour into the bowl. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sue at the door.

"I've never watched a guy go to the bathroom. That's so neat. You don't have to sit or anything, just aim and shoot.

She was almost making me laugh with her sincerity watching me pee. Laughing is not good when you have your dick in hand and urine gushing out of you. I finished, shook off, flushed the toilet, put the seat down and turned to the sink to wash my hands.

Sue was still standing there but with her hand cupped between her legs.

"Do you need the toilet?" I asked.

She smiled, "Yes but I just hate to let all this good stuff run out of me."

"You sit, I'll start the coffee then we'll shower together real quick and enjoy the morning."

I started the big pot, but thinking of what could be I built the little one as well. That would give eighteen cups worth, or about nine regular size mugs.

Sue was standing under the shower when I joined her. Turning her around facing the wall I made sure her hair was soaked. I took some of my shampoo and poured a generous amount into my hands then massaged it in to her thick auburn hair. I made sure I had squeezed the soap through all of it while I used my fingertips to massage her scalp.

Next I rinsed her hair thoroughly then did the shampoo again then rinsed. I had bought some conditioner to I pulled her hair out of the spray and applied the conditioner making sure it was on every strand. While the conditioner was setting, I used a soapy wash cloth to wash her back, arms down her buttocks all the way to her toes. Turning her around I had to stare at the sight of monsters in front of me then gently washed her neck, upper chest and stomach area then each individual breast. With a re-soaped cloth I hugged her to me and reached around and washed her rear crack down to the bottom of her pussy. Releasing her, I soaped up my hands then gently washed her pussy making sure I didn't get too much soap inside her.

Putting her head back under water, I rinsed out all the conditioner.

She opened her eyes and pulled me to her for a kiss saying, "You're hired."

I wet down my hair to wash it real quick but Sue took the bottle from my hand and told me to bend down. She repeated what I had done for her completely, including ending with her soapy bare hands washing my dick making it interested in what was happening. She finished just when the water was getting pretty cool. We got out and dried each other off laughing at my attempts to dry her breasts one handed. They were definitely two-handed boobs.

We dressed in the shorts and T-shirts from yesterday and spent some time combing out our hair. I just put mine in a wet ponytail while she took the brush outside to sit at the table. I brought two mugs of coffee out and sat with her.

"It's too early, it's not even light yet," she said. "We should have gone back to bed."

"Not too early, you would be surprised. See Glenda's up, her kitchen light is on and look behind you, Ruth's kitchen light is on. Here, I'll show you," reaching up to pull the chain for the light.

She was brushing out her beautiful brown hair for only a minute before we heard a screen door slam from Ruth's direction. Ruth came across the yard onto the patio with her coffee cup in hand. This morning she had on a robe that you could see through a little, letting you know she was bare beneath.

She came over and gave Sue a big hug, smiled at me then came around and hugged my face into her stomach. Sitting down she talked almost in a whisper, "I didn't see you come home last night and was almost worried. You are really rushing this guy. Slow down, take some time to smell the roses."

"It's not roses I'm sniffing." Sue grinned. "When we start kissing we create the sexiest smells and aura you'll ever sniff or taste.

Glenda was coming from her trailer and I could see the giant Tiny on his way from his, both carrying their coffee cups. Before they could sit, the diminutive Shawna came from her new place in another of Charlie's T-shirts carrying her cup.

Tiny gave Ruth a kiss, stuck a big hand into her robe and actually fondled one of her breast right in front of us. Ruth commented, "Don't mind him, he hasn't gotten his morning wake up yet."

Shawna sat in a chair that was a little away from the table. She put her feet up on the chair letting the T-shirt fall down to her waist displaying her red fur. With a hand massaging her crotch she said, "I couldn't wake Charlie up yet so I came over here to see if someone would like some red pussy."

Tiny choked and spit coffee from his nose. Glenda was laughing and shaking her head. She folded her arms on the table and put her head on them, "Shawna, you are too much."

Ruth loudly whispered Tiny's second cause to choke and send more coffee out of his nose by saying huskily, "Oh nice red pussy, looks good enough to eat."

Sue had gotten up to get Tiny some paper towels to clean him up with. He was wearing the same as I was so there was no harm done.

"Shawna, cover that thing up, here comes Martin," Glenda said. "Then again if you showed it to him long enough I might get a little later."

Tiny moaned, "Would you guys give me a break. I'd like to drink some coffee. You keep making me laugh and choke every time you move or open your mouths." He gained control of himself then asked, "Steve, is every morning like this?"

Ruth patted him on this crotch saying, "That's okay honey, I'll take you home and fix you up for the day in a little bit."

This made Tiny smile contentedly while he took an uninterrupted drink of his coffee.

"What did I miss," Martin asked coming up on the patio. "I woke up and my heater wasn't there so I had to come looking for her."

"These kids have been being their usual obnoxious selves. Our new breakfast club buddies are just as bad as the one's we already had," Glenda explained.

"It must have been funny the way Tiny was snorting. I left the house so fast, I forgot my cup."

"Hang on Martin, I'll get you one," I said getting up going into the trailer. Sue had made another pot in the big coffee maker so I got out another mug and poured him a cup from the small pot. I took Martin's coffee out to him along with the rest of the small pot to warm up everyone's coffee.

Martin was observing, "Yesterday Sue tantalized us with the very nice bikini, this morning Ruth is the stimulating view. Glenda, it's your turn tomorrow. Best go to Victoria's Secret today so you can be our show in the morning."

"That'll be the day. I don't want them to lose their breakfast." Glenda said sadly.

I leered at her then said, "Glenda, you're a fine looking lady. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I'd get off on checking you out. As a matter of fact, I already have, up at the swimming pool."

Charlie came on to the patio looking like he was still half asleep, dragged up a chair and sat between Sue and Shawna.

I got up and got Charlie a cup of coffee. As I put it front of him he said, "Thanks Bro, my little red headed biker bitch wouldn't go to sleep last night. She kept me up and I mean all of me up till almost three. God, I'm going to have to get help. I couldn't call you in to help cause we just knew you were probably balls deep in Sue."

Tiny was trying to do his nose spewing coffee routine but was able to contain himself to just choking.

Shawna punched Charlie, "Watch you mouth, there are ladies present you know. Besides you don't have to broadcast to the world that you fall asleep so easily."

"Easily, my uh, uh, my butt. You're insatiable. You could take care of four of me." Charlie looked up at Tiny and said, "Give me your number and next time she's in one these moods I'll call you so you can help. Christ I need to call several guys to handle this one when she's like that. What got you so wound up anyway."

"Oh, I'm just in lust with you, you big lunk. Enjoy it."

Martin was looking at Glenda but waving at all of us, "A little raunchy this morning huh?"

Abe pulled up in his pickup and came up to the patio. I got him a cup of coffee, starting the little pot again. I introduced him to Sue, Ruth and Tiny.

"Ruth and Tiny I've known for a long time but Sue was just moving her home in when we bought the house. Glad to meet you Sue, are you and Steve new friends?" Abe asked.

"More than friends," Ruth scoffed. "They haven't been apart since they met yesterday morning."

Abe turned to Charlie and Shawna, "Glad you got the move and clean up done? I'll bet it's a relief to know it's ready for the new owner. Are you guys having a formal closing or are you handling it as a straight vehicle purchase."

"They are buying a trailer. They pay me money and it's theirs. Then they pay sales tax at the county office. I don't know whether they have to pay the taxes if it's sitting but I know if they move it, they'll have to." Charlie answered coming out of his fog.

"I can look it up on the Internet," offered Sue.

"If they need to know, we'll ask you to do that. How is the Internet? Can you really find out about a lot of stuff?" Charlie was interested.

"It is fascinating," Sue began to answer. "If a question comes to mind, you just use Magellan or one of the other search engines and presto, like magic you have hundreds of answers or at least sites that have information that will answer the question."

"I'm going to need a computer to keep track of my equipment and the business transactions. If I don't get some good records started, my taxes are going to be a bear. All these things happening and this was supposed to be a vacation," I said thinking how much my life had changed in a couple of weeks.

Tiny said, "You knew I'm an accountant didn't you? I can help you set up your record keeping."

"The first thing he has to get is Quick Books. The program is great and really has everything you need to keep your records all the way to preparing the year end reports for taxes." Sue said.

Tiny came back with, "Quick Books is the easiest and probably the best way to go for a new small business. The important thing is to keep accurate records for every penny out and in. I say out first, as you can't do anything for someone else without incurring an expense first. You also need to incorporate as an S-corporation or a C-corp. Get an attorney, he'll help you with that."

"I have a guy already who is doing the corporation. I guess I need to call him about that. I have a ton of calls to make today so that will be another one. I probably will have several errands to run too."

Tiny said it was time for him to get ready. Ruth smiled at everyone and said she was going with him to put a smile on his face. Glenda looked at Martin, grinned and nodded toward home. He was out of his chair in a heartbeat almost dragging Glenda across the yard. Charlie and Shawna were smiling.

Shawna said, "Let's get an early start, I want to finish the knuckle so we can have all the money for our new place. I want it paid for, all ours free and clear. Then we need to save up for some babies to fill it up." With that said she sat on Charlie's lap and kissed him thoroughly.

Sue sat on my lap and snuggled into my arms, "So you have lots to do today?"

"I have some important calls to make. Some of them could result in short trips to see people. If you want to come along, you would be welcome. I also have to go through my mail that we picked up yesterday. I should have done that while Abe was here but I can drop it off at the shop on my way out."

"Where's your shop?"

As we were talking Charlie and Shawna walked off holding hands, moony eyed at each other as they went to get ready for work.

"Just a couple of blocks south of here. That workshop storage place you pass every time you go back and forth."

"Oh yeah, that's close. That's between here and Tampa V-twin where Charlie works."

I told Sue, "Charlie and Shawna, Shawna is a wrench too. She's pretty good. Those two are just as funny at work as they are around here."

Sue said while stretching her legs out, leaning back against me then stretching her arms, "I need to check on orders that have come in and arrange some shipping. That won't take too long. You make your calls and I'll get my stuff done, dress and come back over. What should I wear."

"Jeans should be fine. Most of the places I'm going to go are jeans type of places."

I thought for a second, "Since you know all about computers, we'll go to a store and buy a computer and the software I need. I've used computers at the oil company but haven't set up anything or used the Internet. Would you help me?"

Before she could answer I said, "I'd also like to cut my beard down to a very short beard. I'm not ready to cut it all off yet but short would be good."

"You don't have to cut your beard for me. I like the guy under all that fuzz. It's funny how you have such a bushy beard and you're not really very hairy. Very little chest hair with just a little on your tummy. But like I said, I like who's inside. That's the guy I fell for before I ever met you. Tell you what, I'll bring my scissors with me when I come back. Who cut it before, Kathy?"

"Glenda did it."

"I'll just let her do it again. She just loves you like her own kid or even like a guy she'd like to ah, know more about," Sue said with a laugh. "Let her do it, I know she would want to. Let's get going. Do your mail. By the time you're done, you should be able to call people."

For the first time in over twenty-four hours Sue and I separated. That was intense. I didn't even want to analyze my feelings for her. It was all too fast.

I cleaned up the tables and took the cups inside. I ran water in the sink to wash what cups there were. I kept my cup and poured the last of the coffee then attacked the basket of mail. After I pulled out all of Abe's stuff, there were just a few things for me. One was a nice check from the insurance company. There was a dividend check from the oil company that I didn't know what it was for. I would call and ask later. There was a large envelope from the insurance company with my policies plus a letter with the summary of information for the business policies I had asked for. The last envelope I opened was from the state. It was my carry permit. I needed to go to the DMV to get my picture taken to get a permanent card issued. I thought that was a lot faster than I expected.

I would need to go to the bank today too to deposit the check from Abe and the other insurance check and the dividend check. I had made a nice little sum on doing the repairs to the trailer and shed. I needed to pay Martin for the window since Abe said Martin had done the job. I contemplated calling the list of people I had been given then made another list of things I needed to buy.

I need a computer and printer. I would have to find out how to get Internet access.

There would be a bunch of different software I would need. Hopefully Sue would know what to get.

I wanted to get some new boots. Not work boots but maybe cowboy boots or engineer type boots that I could ride in. Something other than my work boots to give them a rest, let them air out a day or so.

I also wanted to get some more coveralls as I could ruin a lot of clothes on the stuff I had been doing. Seems the more delicate the work, the more sparks that burn you.

I called the first name on the list. Sam Burns. A lady answered, I told her who I was and she went to get Mr. Burns.

"Are you the guy that did the frame for Jan?" he asked to start the call.

"Yes sir."

"Can you do that with regular metal?"

"Sure that would be easier."

"If I gave you a job, would you have to do it at your own shop or could you do it here."

"Depending on how physically large the job is would dictate where best to do a job. I can do it where ever you would prefer."

"You wouldn't mind dragging your stuff somewhere else to work?"

"I have a mobile set up so I kind of bring my shop with me."

"Okay, I build race cars, stock cars, dragsters, sprints, formulas, all kinds of racecars. I need two to four frames a month. I have a guy that works for me but he's a better mechanic than welder and really doesn't want to do it. There's another company in town that is a custom place that does frames but they're so fucking expensive, I hate to use them. Correction, they're really not expensive for a great job, but they don't do a great job and they are slow. So slow you can't tell if they're moving. This is precise work. Very exacting. Each bend and length has to be correct. I have prints for each job. Jan said you used a print for her job and even made Dell go get copies. She said the result was perfect. That's what I need, but on a larger scale. What do you think."

"Sounds interesting and the type of work I like. I'll come by later today and look at a print, okay?"

"Good, I have one job that needs to be started soon. So the sooner you can do it the better."

I got his address then called the next name. I recognized his name, as he was a big NASCAR team owner.

The conversation was about the same as the car builder except he wanted to hire me full time. When I declined he said that he probably had too much work for me to sub it. I asked him how many cars he built a month. He said he only built eight to ten a year but he was always doing repairs. I told him that how about I do the frames for building the car and he hire a guy to do repairs. That guy could travel with him and work on stuff on the road. I didn't want to travel.

He told me to stop by as that may be an answer. I told him that since I didn't do sheet metal other than weld it, he could probably get a decent body man as what he would be doing mostly is sheet metal and slight frame bending, not re-welding. He agreed and I got his address too.

The third guy was a little guy that was building a couple of drag bikes. It was funny because the first thing he said was, "I can't pay four or five grand for a frame. Materials and everything, maybe thirty-five tops for an alloy frame, one like Jan's. He said he had prints so I told him I could probably build one like Jan's for about twenty-eight. He asked, "How soon?" I told him to get me two sets of prints and half the money. I would expect the other half on delivery. He told me to tell him the exact amount and he would give it to me when I came by for the prints. His shop was close, just a couple of miles.

I was balancing my checkbook when Sue came in the door. She had on Levi's, a real loose shirt that almost hid the size of her chest but almost made her look fat. I think it was her disguise. She also had on western boots with the standard dogging heel. As she stepped into the trailer I noticed her boobs didn't bounce so I knew she was wearing her hardware.

Same as Vacation?
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It was grandpa! We had been on our way over to visit grandpa who lived out in the country, nearly 15 miles from town. Dad had stopped about a mile before reaching his house, pulling off the dirt road onto a side road. He killed the engine before pulling me into the back seat for a quick fuck. I never knew where or when the urge would hit dad, but since we had started having intercourse and I was finally able to take all of his cock up inside my pinkpussy, he seemed to want it more often and...

2 years ago
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Mother8217s Remarriage

Hello everyone! I’m Sandeep from Mumbai. This story begins when I was 15 and my parents had just divorced. After my parent’s divorce my Mom and I lived in a small house in Dahisar. She got a job in a private enterprise and I was doing my school struggling in Std 10. My mom Kavita, was then 34 years old but I must say she always looked much younger than her age. She is 5 feet 4 inch tall; slim with tight big juicy Boobs and a sexy round ass. She was voluptous…in a nutshell. She commanded an...

3 years ago
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Breaking Up Breaking In

"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 23

The next couple of weeks were fun. Dad was able to take some time off work and we went fishing at every opportunity. We did pretty well all in all, but not as good as we did with Tom. One afternoon, after coming in, my brother and I were finishing up cleaning the boat when an older man came up to our boat. He waited near the stern, watching Eddie and I as we put away the mop and hose. "I heard you two kids like to fish," the man said, startling me. I looked the man over as I walked to...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 68

Tyche flew ... and she was impressive. The Air National Guard guy ... asked her what the opening maneuver was. “Pugachev’s Cobra.” she said. “I thought so ... but that’s impossible in a propellor driven aircraft.” “Yeah ... so they tell me.” “What else do you know?” “The five basics and some others.” “Would you mind if I video this? I want proof.” He said, “You are going to embarrass a lot of Guard pilots.” “You going to use your phone?” “Good heavens, no! I’m the Audio Visual...

3 years ago
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Behind The BarnChapter 4

"For God's sake, Sandra, will you stop shouting? Do you want everyone on the farm to hear you?" Mike was getting exasperated. Ever since he'd come back to the house for dinner, she'd been nagging at him, and it was getting to be more than he could take. It had been like this for several days now. It seemed to him that his wife was forever harping on at him, like a harridan, about one thing or another, and nothing he did pleased her. She seemed to be particularly distressed ever since he...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 14

What with the extra hours of work for the women to deal with the bears, we skipped the acrobatics at bedtime. I didn't mind a bit because I wanted to be up and gone early in the morning. I didn't get any complaints from the tired women either. Even before sunrise, Teechi and Caysha were up and moving. The others weren't far behind them and I had to get up because I was the one who instigated the early start. Teechi and Caysha made some last additions to their packs while the rest of the...

3 years ago
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What happens on a quiet night

Note: If this looks cheap, I apologise, but what comes into my head is what comes into my head. *** Well, what can I say? It's Saturday night and nothings going on. As in, nothing, zilch, nada, fuck all, ZERO! You get the message. Can't get a hold of anyone. And let's face it, a single average-looking guy hitting the pubs or clubs solo. Kinda raises eyebrows. For the wrong reasons. You know what I mean. Just not the sort of thing that happens. OK, I'm bored - I'm in my flat and...

2 years ago
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Brother Of The Bride

Chapter 1 I was 22 at the time I was getting married. Yes 22 is young to get married, but I was truly in love. I'd been dating Nick since I was 16. We were highschool sweethearts and now he'd already graduated college and wanted to marry me since he'd gotten a rad job with his father in the car industry. My parents were crazy about Nick. He was a very gorgeous man. He was only a year older than me and stood about 5'11" with short dark hair and honey colored hazel eyes. He was always a...

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The fresh scent of Jasmine Part One

The fresh scent of Jasmine Part OneI stopped by a certain shop on the way home to collect a special surprise for you my little angel Jasmine. Having such a hot tight young body you deserve it my sweet little baby doll. I even had it gift wrapped with a cute little pink bow on top and everything. I can’t wait to see your face when you open it. I open the door holding my package expecting you to be there to greet me but instead I’m met with silence. I check my phone, no messages to say you’ve...

3 years ago
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Amandas 17th Birthday Story

Amanda?s 17 th Birthday Story { Part 2 } By Angelgirl If you haven't read {Part 1 }of this story I suggest you do before reading this. "There is no turning back now," "Dog Man" said with asinister grin. Mandi tried to kick the men holding her as she began to cry and scream. Shewas fighting as hard as she could to get away from them. She was in a totalpanic begging them to let her go as she lost control of her bladder and peebegan running down her legs onto the floor. "Do something with...

2 years ago
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A Shot In The DarkChapter 9

Monday morning in school was a tense time for both Mike and Jennie. As much as possible, and, as if by some silent understanding, they managed to avoid each other throughout the day. Mike felt terrible though, since he knew that their changed relationship was caused by his breaking of one of the rules that he had tacitly agreed to with Jennie. If this day were an accurate predictor of what their future interaction would be like, Mike realized what the full price was that he would have to pay...

2 years ago
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Laurie Ch 2

Laurie looked up at Daniel, with a smile. ‘Yummy,’ she said a moment before noticing some more cum slipping out of Daniel’s cock. She swooped in, and sucked on his cock some more, getting what she had missed the first time, her teeth rubbing at Daniel’s now sensitive cock head. She could feel the cock stiffen in her mouth again, and Laurie continued to bob her head, wanting to feel Daniel fuck her with it very shortly. The desire to be fucked flowed through Laurie’s veins, and once she was...

4 years ago
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Adventure Night With A Hot Couple

Hello everyone. This is Vikram from Bangalore. I am 27 years old, good-looking guy, handsome and fair with 5.8″ in height. I got a well built athletic body. I am working in a reputed MNC company in Bangalore. I am here to share my real experience which happened recently and changed my life completely. Well, the experience what am sharing today is related to my previous story. I had got a lot of responses and feedbacks from iss readers. But most of them were guys so I wasn’t that much...

4 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 69

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” —Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols I WENT TO CHURCH with Mom and Dad and Pey Sunday morning. I even managed to get up early enough to make pancakes and bacon before Pey came stumbling out of her bedroom to give me a hug. It might have been because I was a good child Sunday morning that Mom and Dad failed to mention I’d missed curfew last night. During Rev. Davis’s sermon, I got to thinking about the meaning of ‘service’. The word was...

1 year ago
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Husband watches Hot Wife

I would like to first start by giving you a little background about my wife and I. We have been married for 10 and have been faithful to one another throughout that time. My wife Beth, 30, is 5'1", petite with beautiful 34C breasts. She is sexy as hell, I can tell by the looks she receives from just about every man that comes close to her. Our sex life has been normal, one on one, toys, role playing, and most recently fantasy telling during sex. The fantasy telling is where this story really...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 97

Harry came through the hall in a rush, “I have a press room full of reporters screaming for you and answers.” Crap already. After a sigh, “I need to finish with the doctor. Then I need to review the phone video again and look at what the media is running. Then I will be there to rescue you. We may have to run the full version that my people took to get at the full truth. Set up the equipment so I can do that. Go feed them some sugar coated cow manure until then,” I said. The President...

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My Wifes Interview

The InterviewThe night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered...

2 years ago
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School Girl Shylaja And Her Friends 8211 Part III

….Continued I kissed on her back and then her neck and her lips she was still shaking and trying to recover from her orgasm, i went to open the door. There was another gal with shylu and she was in school uniform (not their school) and looked shockingly at me (nude and erect cock). Before she or shylu could utter a work, i dragged that new girl into the room and made her to sit next to varna(who was lying there, recovering back to her senses,) before i could make my new, the new gal pulled me...

1 year ago
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The ForcePart 9

When we separated the second time, Diane finally realized that I was standing there naked. She smiled at me and said "If you'll give me a minute, the next hug can be a lot friendlier." I grinned back, and didn't even pretend I wasn't watching her as she slipped out of her dress, then the assorted stuff she had on underneath it. Naked as I was, she stepped close to me again for another hug - and she was right: it WAS friendlier that way. When we were in bed and holding each other, Diane...

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NubileFilms Jenna Sativa Alex De La Flor Unwrapping Her

It’s Christmastime and Jenna Sativa is napping beneath the tree as she dreams of her ideal Christmas gift. When Alex De La Flor sneaks in wearing nothing but sexy lingerie, she is caught in the act of putting a gift beneath the tree. Jenna can’t hold back her smile as she sets Alex’s gift aside, proving to Alex with a kiss that she’s the only present Jenna wishes for this year. Alex lets Jenna have her fill of kissing and caressing before gently taking charge. Pushing...

2 years ago
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Visit to the restaurant

Visit to theRestaurant by Splyf  ?? Trine had been a real pain in the butt allafternoon, and this was the opinion of her brother, Lou, as well as herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bremmer.?? ?But mom, WHY do we have to go to that sillyrestaurant?? she complained for the fourth time.?? ?Dear Trine, PLEASE be quiet and startgetting dressed for dinner? answered her mother in a relatively patient tone,while looking at her eighteen years old daughter with some dismay. ?? Tonight, they were going to the new,...

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New Years Day

My neighbor across the street and I had become pretty good friends over the last couple of years. She’s a couple of years younger than I am at 50 years old. She’s a little overweight, but is a very nice woman. Although I’ve never really thought of her as “dating” material, I have to admit that I’ve jacked off a number of times thinking of her.As with most overweight women, she has a huge set of breasts. I’ve always wanted to see them and imagined what it would be like sliding my hard cock...

Group Sex
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Hum Paanch Chudakkad Bhai Behen 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. Main Navya, firse hazir hun apni aur ek experience share karne keliye. Asha karti hun ki ye bhi pehli kahaniyon tarah aap logon ko pasand aayega. Maine apne pehli story mein batayi thi ki kaise maine apne do bhai Jitu aur Suraj aur unke dost Samir se chudwayi thi. Un teeno ka lund meri pyaas ko bujhati rehti thi. Hafte mein 2-3 baar hum log kisi ke ghar pe milte aur bhar pur chudai karte. Meri chut aur gaand jaise pure maje mein the. Ho bhi kyun na, itne ache aur bade lund jo mil...

1 year ago
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Ally My Girlfriends Niece

Adults always confused me when I was a kid. They always sat around talking and never did anything fun. When my parents said they had a fun evening with friends I could never work out which bit was supposed to be the fun part. Everything they did was dull to me.I still like to do more than just talk, but I sometimes struggle with the younger generation. Now that I am a bit older I feel a similar confusion the other way around. As a single man this has not been much of an issue. However, things...

2 years ago
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Secretary in Training

Secretary In Training By Pat T. Sandra Hunt was a man-hater, owing to her experience with her ex-husband. He beat her regularly, then disappeared one day after taking all the money out of their joint bank accounts. After her sister's death, she was given custody of her nephew, Mark. She didn't like the arrangement one bit, but used the situation to her advantage. Under the threat of being sent to an orphanage, she had her way with the boy. Over the first few weeks Sandra noticed...

3 years ago
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SamChapter 11E

If we had scorecards, they all would have read 10.0. Without a doubt, this was the finest example of erect male genitalia any of us had ever had the pleasure to meet in person. Judging by the looks on the others' faces, it was the most magnificent stallion cock any of them had even seen a photo of, either. "My God, Bud!" I told him. "That is one truly impressive hardon! You should be proud. You should be very proud!" "Damn, but that is beautiful, Bud," Connie told him. "That is a...

1 year ago
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Caressing Caitlyn

Heavy gray clouds covered the sky and rain kept threatening to fall. It’d been a long flight and Alex had one too many cheap drinks, but the nervousness in meeting her finally settled when he got off the airplane and stepped into the frigidness of Michigan’s Tri City International. Gasoline and pepper scents hung on the breeze between the plane and boarding ramp mixed with the various perfumes and colognes many of the business travelers wore. Alex slung his laptop over his shoulders, adjusted...

2 years ago
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Me and my Neice and Nephews Part 6

We had to wait about 2 weeks until the next chance we got to fuck. There was another Church event, and these two let on they did not want to go…wanted to stay home alone…and of course this was not an option…so me being the good guy, I volunteered to miss it and sit the kids…They thought this offer was grand…little did they know. The event was after Church of course…so I took the two with me, and left at about 12:10, and I knew the function was over at 3:00, so there was lots of time. We...

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 19

Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before. She stopped walking when she reached the foot...

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birthday treat1

She was about 30(she looked much younger), tall, slim with not even the slightest of flab. She had those nice perky tits that stood out due to her Wonder bra. And her face…..ohhh,I can’t tell you.She had the most beautiful face I had seen and her jet black hair that reached her shoulders. She had the perfect body. Her eyes behind those stylish specks of hers told me that there was another crazy side of her that I’d like to see. Well, studying in an Indian school, I had never seen a teacher...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake0

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

3 years ago
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The Sex Trade Business

This story is based on the real life of a world where 4 and 5 year old girls are forced to fuck grown men that pay for their services. Please keep in mind that although The story here is 100% fiction similar events do happen in real life. To get the facts behind this story check out This is the story of how three sisters ended up with a former Senator who was now trading in child prostitution. Kim Jill Sun had made an agreement with Former...

4 years ago
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Looking after Gulliver

One of my husband’s friends from the golf club had gone overseas for nearly three months. Victor had accepted to look after his nice Great Dane appropriately named Gulliver. At first I was a little uneasy about his size; but after two weeks, I had gotten use to him being around.That early evening, after having a warm bath, I felt a little bit horny and put on a sexy negligee. My loving Victor was away for a few days on another boring business trip and I really needed to take care of an urgent...

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Jesse Comes Out Clair Breaks Free

"Did you play with yourself again? I know Cindy didn't touch you when you were sucking her lover's come out of her ass, but you better not have been touching your tiny clit. Otherwise I told you, I'll lock it up. Do you believe me?" "Yes, I mean no, I mean...I haven't come, I haven't touched myself Dee, I've...I've been good, been obedient, you can tell, I need to...I need you!" Clair was panting, on her back with her legs bent at the knees, feet flat. I had my greasy middle finger...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 12

"I truly believe I love you Abigail." "I love you too, Phileas. Now, please tell me why my husband has you here as his guest?" I was silent for a moment, thinking furiously. Then I began to tell her a blatantly concocted tale designed the turn her against Sir Baring and grant me leeway to her daughter Nicole. Knowing that the best of lies are as truthful as possible, I began thusly: "Dearest Abigail, your husband is a very wealthy man. I myself am not poor, but he has it within his...

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It was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...

3 years ago
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Will You Marry Me

I went down on one knee and bringing my hand to my pocket, as I recalled the preceding fifteen months! After two years of college, I was through! You know - you start school at five or six years old, and you keep going until you are 16 or 20, maybe 26, depending on what you wanted to do with your life. I headed home 1,400 miles west of where I went to school, to good old Fresno, California. Back at home there were my mom and dad, my younger sister and my mom’s sister, all living...

2 years ago
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Aunt Ash

Me and ash had a pretty good relationship. She loved me alot and took care of me. I was a jock, had a nice 8 inch thick cock. I didnt have any relationship, girls didnt date me as i was very abusive. I was a complete monster in bed, I was pretty brutal to my exes, I liked to be dominant. I was a shy jock all the time but in the bed i was something different, its as if i had two personalities. Now i never had a thing for Ash. Yes she was hot but i never looked at her in a sexual way. Coming to...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Skarlitt Scandal Teens Lessons On Lust

Skarlitt Scandal is a scandalous and very naughty newcomer whose premier on Hands On Hardcore is one that will give your cock instant gratification. Join the caramel-skinned sex-goddess and skilled seductress in this 4K premium glamour porn masterpiece as she entices her tutor, Jay Romero, to fuck her before their first lesson is complete. After excusing herself to the bathroom to send him a pussy pic, Jay realizes that he’s got a wild one on his hands, but he can’t resist the booty...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours birthday party

We live next door to the Chesters, and have done since I was young, and Mr and Mrs Chester are an older mature couple who are almost retired, Mr Chester works at the local car factory, and Mrs Chester is a teacher at my school.Now when it comes to birthdays Mr and Mrs Chester always throw a big bash and invite all the neighbours and their friends around, and reluctantly I've always been dragged along by my parents to attend, but as I got older I didn't have to stay all night and usually...

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