Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 08 free porn video

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The phone call she received from Big Eddie was expected. It was to provide Holly with the arrival time of Joshua’s flight. He also told her that Joshua had been to see his father. Although she feigned a lack of interest, the blonde listened to every word.

Her trained mind was already putting together the pieces when she received a second phone call. This one was unexpected. Joshua wanted to meet with her on his return. To ‘personally’ give her the next target.

Her intuition sent an alert to her brain. There could be only one reason for that request. The pieces clicked into place. She was the only person that could link Joshua to the killings. Joshua had been to see his father. The evidence needed to be removed. It was clear. She was Joshua’s next target. That was somewhat ironic, as he was hers.


Parker knocked on the door to Julie’s apartment. Early morning was his favourite time of day. He needed to move quickly. Ming was due to see the sassy woman at noon. He needed to take advantage of her vulnerability before then.

The finance man had already decided to use Carly in tomorrow’s shoot. Julie would be a superb addition. Carly was for free, Julie would cost him five grand. But he would have control over her once she had appeared on camera.

She gasped as she opened the door. ‘Parker!’

His cock stirred as he looked at her. The outline of her naked breasts beneath the white t-shirt was delectable. So were the long legs running down from the short, blue pleated skirt. This girl did not realise how sexy she was.

‘We have some unfinished business,’ he said.

She shook her head and half closed the door. Only her head and those sensational breasts remained in his sight. ‘No, Parker. We have no unfinished business. I’m seeing Ming later…’

‘I know,’ he interrupted. ‘That’s why I’m here. What do you think Ming is going to do?’

Her brow creased into a frown. ‘I really don’t know. Help me, I hope.’

His soft laugh was chilling. ‘Have you spoken to her since she sent you home?’

Julie nervously shook her head. ‘No… I… just got the message to call in today.’

Parker had got the information he needed. ‘She’s going to sack you, Julie.’

Her face dropped and he saw tears rush to her eyes. ‘No!’

‘Oh, yes,’ he lied. He gave what he hoped was a compassionate look. ‘No fucking on the premises. You know the rules. Not unless you’re a paying customer of course.’

‘But we didn’t….’

‘Fuck?’ he said, drawing out the word. He smiled to himself as he saw the outline of her nipples appear. ‘She doesn’t see it that way. She thinks you’ve let her down.’

The brunette was lost for words. She leant against the doorframe. It seemed to be the only thing holding her up.

‘I feel partly responsible, Julie,’ Parker sympathetically said. He pushed slightly on the door. ‘Can I come inside?’

She stared at him. Ming’s assistant was clearly attempting to come to terms with the news he had just conveyed. A tear ran down her cheek as she shook her head. Before she could refuse him, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of bills.

‘One thousand dollars, Julie. You need it by tonight, I believe?’


Katherine sighed as she sat back in the wooden chair. She rested her arm on the mess that was Williams’s desk. ‘Can I have another cigarette?’

William’s nodded. She snapped the cigarette case open. The matching silver lighter flicked into action and she blew a smoke ring into the air. The two men silently watched her, a battle of wills as to who spoke next.

‘I’ve told you already,’ the redhead nervously said. ‘I’d like to be cooperative but I really don’t think I can help…’

‘Not a problem,’ Jeffries said kindly. ‘You don’t mind us asking a few more questions?’

‘That’s all you’ve done since you brought me here yesterday,’ she complained.

Williams ignored the comment. ‘Want another coffee?’

She fixed him a look. ‘No, thanks.’

He pursed his lips, picking up the notepad he’d been using. ‘Let’s go through what you told us last night. You say Big Eddie kidnapped you…’

‘No, I didn’t,’ she snapped. ‘You said that!’

‘That’s our understanding, Katherine.’

She set her jaw. ‘Your understanding is wrong.’

William’s voice rose. ‘Really? I think that’s bullshit.’

Katherine reddened. ‘Look….’

‘Do you know a man named Daniel Stone?’ asked Williams. That was his trump card. His reward was a soft gasp from the redhead.

Fuck! Katherine ran a hand through her hair in an effort to compose herself. That’s how they knew she was at Big Eddie’s! How could Daniel have known?

‘No point in denying it,’ Williams said. ‘Your reaction tells us everything we need to know.’

‘In that case,’ she shot back, ‘you won’t need to ask me anything else.’

Jeffries raised his eyebrows. ‘Stone believes you were taken against your will,’ he remarked.

Katherine grit her teeth. ‘He’s wrong.’

‘When did you last see him?’ Jeffries continued, pouring a coffee for himself.

‘I… I bumped into him a few days ago at his hotel.’

Williams sat on the desk in front of her. He crossed his arms. ‘And?’

She stared at him. The cocky detective’s eyes insolently stared back into hers. Then they dropped to her breasts. God, she wished she had been wearing something more discreet than the tight fitting t-shirt.

‘And?’ he repeated.

‘And nothing.’ Her voice was cold.

‘You just bumped into him by accident?’

‘Yes.’ Her mind was only half on the question. She was desperately attempting to think through what Daniel could have told them.

Williams roughly pulled her chin up. He stared into her frightened green eyes.

‘The receptionist told us you checked with her whether Daniel was staying at the Rio. You asked for his room number.’

Katherine took a long gulp. She angrily pulled away from his hand. Hold your nerve, she told herself.

‘And we have a witness that saw you enter your apartment complex with Daniel.’

The redhead felt faint. She had no way of knowing that Williams was lying to her about the witness. Suddenly, the world was closing in. She reached for another cigarette. Her hand shook as grabbed her lighter.

‘The thing is, Katherine,’ continued Williams, ‘here we are, having a friendly off the record chat… and you are lying your head off to us. How would that look in court?’

‘In court?’ she gasped.

‘Of course. We’re not playing games,’ Jeffries drawled. He thumped his coffee mug down on the desk. ‘Kidnap. Perverting the course of justice. They’re criminal offences, Katherine. That’s a long stretch.’

The redhead struggled to quieten the beating of her heart. Several long draws on the cigarette failed to help.

‘If only that were all,’ Williams added, resting his hands behind him on the desk.

Katherine’s head shot up. ‘What do you mean?’

Williams stood up. He sauntered across to the coffee percolator, allowing his words to sink in. He poured himself a cup and slowly took a sip before turning back to her.

‘There have been four murders since the day of your kidnapping,’ he firmly said.

He paused to allow his words to sink in. He and Jeffries exchanged glances.

‘Four murders, Katherine,’ he continued. ‘By our reckoning, Big Eddie has some connection to them all. That means you do, too. And with your lack of cooperation today, you are going away for a long time, young lady!’

‘No!’ she shouted.

Williams picked up his notepad and flipped it closed. ‘You can’t protect Big Eddie, Katherine. And the more you try, the deeper you get…’

She struggled for breath. Her shaking hands lifted what remained of her cigarette. She stared at the floor and took a fina
l drag before stubbing it out. The chipped green ashtray was full.

‘Katherine!’ Jeffries waited until she looked at him before continuing. ‘Do you think we give a fuck about what happens to you? It’s Big Eddie we’re after. You help us and you walk away free. Don’t, and I guarantee you will spend a long time behind bars. With him. He’s going down no matter what. It’s your choice.’

The redhead didn’t say anything. She wanted the two cops to go away. She wanted everything to go away. She couldn’t win. If she told them what she knew, Big Eddie would come after her anyway. Or some of his men would. There was no way out. She was fucked either way.

‘We’ve pieced everything together anyway, Katherine,’ Jeffries persuasively continued in a soft voice. ‘Whether you help us or not, this hood is going down. He’s going to prison for a long time. The only question you need to ask yourself, is whether you want to go to prison for a long time, too.’

She looked up, trembling with fear. ‘What do I need to do?’


The brunette was trembling. She gently tugged down her pleated skirt as it rode up her thighs. Parker sat on the couch beside her and fanned the bills open. He leant forward and placed them on the coffee table.

‘The way I see it, Julie,’ he persuasively said, ‘you need a grand by tonight. You need another four grand within a couple of weeks. That boyfriend of yours is probably running up debt as we speak. And Ming is about to fire you.’

He watched her hazelnut coloured eyes cloud over. She stifled back a sob. He dropped a caring hand onto hers and squeezed her fingers.

‘And it seems to me that there is only one way out. And you are looking at the man who is offering it to you.’

She sighed heavily. His words were hitting home. She glanced down at the bills on the coffee table. Her gaze returned to his face as she forced some air into her lungs.

‘A thousand bucks, Julie. To keep whoever it is off Bobby’s back until you’ve made the four grand.’

‘This… this film. What… what if there’s anything I don’t want to do?’ she asked.

Bingo, he thought! He had her.

‘That will be your choice, honey,’ he lied. ‘You won’t have to do anything you don’t want to do!’

‘And the thousand dollars? I can take it now?’

He nodded. This was getting better. He smiled inwardly at her sigh of relief.

‘Consider it a down payment,’ he said, watching an innocent smile play across her eyes. It was time to up the ante. ‘Only…..’

A look of concern replaced the smile. ‘Only what?’ Her voice was sharp.

He pulled a face. ‘Well, normally you wouldn’t get paid until after the film,’ he softly said. ‘I’m going out on a limb for you here, and I’d like to trust you, honey. But think about it from my perspective. Let’s say you take the money now, and pay it off that debt. Then you tell me later that you’ve changed your mind…. and I’m suddenly light off a thousand bucks!’

He saw her mind computing what he had just said. It made sense.

‘Then… what?’ she asked. Her voice was unsure. Was this some sort of trap?

He shrugged. ‘Julie, the money is yours no matter what. You need it and I want to help.’

Relief flooded across her face. He wasn’t trying to pull a fast one after all.

‘But that still leaves my problem,’ he added, as if it was quite reasonable to ask.

She nodded and then hesitatingly asked. ‘What did you have in mind?’

‘Maybe some insurance?’

‘Insurance?’ she asked. Her pretty brow furrowed. ‘But how.’

He gave her a soft smile. ‘You tell me…’

Her frown deepened. The penny had not quite dropped yet.

‘Prove to me that you intend to go through with it,’ he added.

Her eyes widened as his meaning hit home. She glanced across at the money on the coffee table. ‘You mean now?’

Parker nodded. His cock began to lengthen in anticipation.

‘I’m not going to fuck you, Parker,’ she said adamantly. ‘I’m sorry… I just can’t. Not here. Not now.’

He watched as her eyes dropped to her lap. That was not the reaction he wanted, but all was not yet lost. She hadn’t said, ‘not ever.’

‘I understand,’ he nodded sympathetically, and then made life more difficult. ‘Can you think of something else?’

He moved his hand to his crotch and gently rubbed the growing bulge.

‘Parker…’ she began.

‘Think of me as Bobby,’ he suggested.

She shook her head. But her breathing was heavier. And the way her eyes flicked to his crotch told him she was considering the option.

‘You’re not Bobby,’ she said at last. Her voice was a soft whisper.

‘No, Bobby is the person that got you into this fucking mess,’ he said. His tone had a harder edge to it.

She dropped her eyes to her lap. He paused, waiting until she looked at him again.

The softness returned to his voice. ‘I’m the one who is getting you out of it, honey. That’s a thousand bucks of my own money on that coffee table. My own money.’ Time to press the point home. ‘Time to decide, Julie. Yes or no?’


Holly arrived at the building a good hour before their meeting time. She had no intention of blindly walking into a trap. And the disused warehouse was perfect for Joshua’s needs. And hers.

Forcing open a locked window, the blonde eased herself inside. She ignored the overwhelming smell of mustiness. It took a few moments to adjust her eyes to the darker light. The empty room was covered with dust and grime. She picked her way to the door at the far side of the room. It opened with a small creak. She needed to keep that in mind.

Some rickety stairs led to the roof. The assassin took them two at a time. All the while, her acute hearing was on alert for any movement around her.

The door at the top of the stairs opened onto a rooftop. She shaded her eyes as she slid out into the sunlight. It was essential to reconnoitre every area until she had it imprinted in her mind. She took her time returning to the dusty room, checking out every nook and cranny. Once back in the room from where she had entered the building, she sat silently in a shadowy corner. Her brain computed the various permutations as to what might lie ahead.

Twenty minutes later her ears pricked up. The distinct but separate sound of car doors meant at least two assailants. Joshua had said he would be there alone. Her suspicions were confirmed.

The creaking of the stairs was the signal for her to reach for her silencer. They were heading straight up to the roof. Her nerves were on edge but that was normal. At the sound of the access hatch closing above her, she eased the door open. The soft creak disturbed her. So did the sound behind her.

She had made a mistake. The gun in her ribs confirmed that.

‘Move, and death awaits,’ croaked the hood hiding by the front door.

‘You’re right,’ she replied, relaxing her body before twisting around.

She jerked his outstretched arm. The sound reverberated all the way to the rooftop as his bullet found its way into the stairs behind her. Damn. She fired into his chest. As he hit the floor, Holly squatted down and felt his pulse. He was not getting up again.

One or possibly two assailants were on the roof. Let’s say two. Assume the worst. She danced up the stairs just as the hatch opened.

‘Frankie,’ a voice whispered. She put a hole in his forehead.

She reached the hatch before he hit the ground. His body jammed it open and her blonde head eased into the sunlight. Within seconds, she scanned the previously identified blind spots. The hand that grabbed her hair told Holly she had overestimated the remaining thug’s abilities. Rather than covering for one another, he had followed his friend to the hatch.

She moved with an agility born out of many such moments. Her elbow violently crashed into the face of her attacker. The nauseating crunch of a broken n
ose preceded the thug’s scream by a nano-second. She jammed her gun under his chin as he spat out blood and pulled the trigger.

She stepped into the dark of the stairwell as he hit the ground. When she was sure no one else was waiting, she returned down the stairs.


Julie’s nipples were bullet-like against her t-shirt. Parker wasn’t sure if it was the thought of the money or the sex. He needed to take the initiative. ‘Julie, let me prove to you this isn’t all one way!’

It was important he gave her no time to think. He dropped to his knees in front of her and eased her shoulders against the back of the couch. Her hazelnut eyes stared hypnotically at him, her inner turmoil clearly evident. Her breathing came in short pants.

Parker looked up into her eyes. He shot her a reassuring smile. Holding her gaze, he tenderly eased her legs apart. Her body jerked as he trailed the tips of his fingers along her thighs. He nodded comfortingly as he stroked her soft skin. When her eyes narrowed in pleasure, he slowly lowered his head to her right breast. Her mouth opened and she gave a gasp. His mouth took her nipple, sucking it in through the thin fabric of her t-shirt.

Julie’s hands slipped to his head, entwining tightly in his hair. As he sucked the hard bud, he was unsure whether the fingers in his hair were guiding, or following, his movement. His hands snaked underneath her pleated skirt. When they hooked into the waistband of her panties, she lifted her ass to allow him to pull them down her body. He had her now.

His hands slid under her t-shirt onto her full breasts. They felt delicious. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened wider as he lowered his head to her dewy sex.

His tongue flicked inside the brunette, passing across her growing clit and up along the thin strip of dark hair. His forefingers and thumbs tweaked her nipples. She was his, and responded by raising her legs to plant her feet on the couch. The beautiful panting woman was granting him access. He took advantage. His hands kneaded her tits as he lapped at her now free flowing juices. Each soft, slow pass of his tongue elicited another moan.

Her legs widened further and she pulled his head even closer. Her hips softly undulated against his face. When he sucked the little nubbin into his mouth, she dug her fingertips into his scalp. ‘Fuck, Parker,’ she moaned.

The pace of her thrusts against his face increased. Her orgasm was building. Recognising the signs, he eased off. He wanted to keep her at a fever pitch. His fingers unzipped his jeans and as he slid upwards, he released his cock. His hand found hers and pulled it to him.

‘Suck it, honey,’ he softly persuaded. She moaned, she needed no encouragement.

Twisting across his lap, her eager mouth wrapped itself around his hardness. Her fingers cupped his testicles. Her lips licked around his bulbous crown.

It amazed him how eager she was to satisfy him. Her aroused senses drove her on. She was a tigress. Her licking tongue urgently worked itself back and forth against the underside of his shaft. She eagerly sucked up his precum, as her hand tugged gently at his swollen balls.

Parker’s seed was gathering. His panting matched hers. Time to make sure she was ready for him. He twisted around, looking down his sweaty back at the hot sight between her splayed legs. Her smooth pussy lips were engorged and wet. The two fingers he slipped inside her brought a soft cry. His thumb honed in on her slippery clitoris and her legs widened further to grant him better access.

As they closed in on their nirvana, he pulled away. Her aroused eyes were wild as they stared into his. She realised his intention. It seemed a sixth sense kicked in and she closed her legs to prevent his entry. Too little, too late. Her breathing told Parker there was only one winner.

He roughly yanked her t-shirt up. When he took her nipple into his mouth, she moaned aloud, her hands returning to his hair. She gripped a handful between each set of fingers. Their eyes met as she jerked his face up to meet her gaze. Slowly, she spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

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I had just gotten off work, and was happy to be able to leave finally and go see my girlfriend. I checked my phone, and I had 3 unread texts from my girlfriend, Sophie.“Hey Jason, turns out I’ve got work tonight too, but I should be home right after you.”“Sorry, works been slammed, won’t make it home until after midnight. Love you”“So my sister is in the hospital, she was in a minor car accident. I’ve now got to drive back to my parents for the night, would you go by my place and let the dog...

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A Halloween Party

Erica had it all. Except children, of course. But now that Derek had been promoted to Regional Vice-President, she could quit work, as they had always planned. After seven years of marriage, the attractive thirty-four year old would finally have the opportunity to ruin her figure. She was ready for it. But that’s not the way her friends saw it. “You’re crazy,” Janice said. “Derek will be making so much money and he’ll have more time too. You’ll be able to go to Hawaii and Europe.” “Ya,”...

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Blackmailed MotherChapter 15

Lonnie Carmel and her daughter, Jennifer, stared into each other's pain-flecked eyes and seeked solace in them, and the pained mother knew, as instinctively she was aware that her teenage child knew, that they were both the same, having committed lewd, unspeakable acts of the flesh, and were now caught helplessly in the evil, enslaving web of Sam Zeigler's depravity. The immoral bonds tied them more closely than the best of friends, for they were of the same blood, and a mute empathy and...

2 years ago
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Golden Days With English Lecturer Siva Ranjani

Hi to all ISS readers! I am a big fan of this page. I read most of the stories in this page. Among the all topics incest and teacher were my favorite one. Now i am going to tell u about my own experience with my English lecturer Siva Ranjani. This is my real story. I am Vijay from Tamil Nadu. This is happened before one year. At that time i was doing my college 2nd year. I have sex desire from my 16th age. When my second year classes started, everyone in my class was happy because we are...

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A fun little fantasy

You wake up from an erotic dream. A dream that you didn't want to end. You feel your cock, hard and wet with precum. A usual morning wood you think. So comes the time to rub it out. The plan is to remember that dream you just had. You take a deep breath, take a seat in your sofa, close your eyes, and slowly start stroking. Several minutes go by, but you just can't get that dream back into your mind. Not one scene comes back. Frustrated, you stop masturbating. You sit there in quiet for a time,...

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Rimming Job Technique

There are many people who find asses extremely sexy but the asshole extremely disgusting. If that area is disgusting to you and/or gay sex, then you may not want to finish reading this. An anus itself has many sensitive nerves located in areas that can provide a great deal of pleasure for your man. The two most prevalent areas are the anus entrance itself and the prostate gland located inside the anus underneath the taint area. I am going to give you some tips on how to properly approach this...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 14

In the colonel's opinion, all the pieces were falling into place. He no longer had use for the ten whore-boys and ordered the duty sergeant to arrange a troop carrier to take the boys back to the orphanage. In the meantime, while we awaited the transport to arrive from the base, Claus and me were told to take the boys, who were still loitering naked in the hallway, and feed them lunch and allow them use of the swimming pool. Both Claus and I knew what the man's motive was, he wanted time...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Seva Mein 8211 Part 1

Hello Doston Main ek 30 yrs ka average looking slightly chubby banda hoon. Meri gaand aur boobs achhe se ubhare hue hain. Mein pune mein software company me kaam karta hoon aur ab hasi khusi mere boss ki seva mein apna jeevan bita raha hoon. Lekin hamesha meri life aisi nahi thi. Mein ek sincere student tha aur college mein jyada sex k bare mein sochta nahi tha. Mere bade boobs ko dekhkar majak me ladke unhe dabaate the aur mein jyada dhyan nahi deta tha. College k last yr mein campus interview...

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Still Faithful Always Chapter 5

Laura and Dan, Greg in absentia After more than twenty years of marriage Laura no longer made a running leap to her husband’s arms on returning home, but their kiss signaled a promise of passionate reunion. Laura set her only luggage: purse, briefcase and shoulder duffle, at her feet to clutch Dan around his shoulders. She held tight resting head on male shoulder and nuzzling close to his neck. A light kiss and a deep inhale of her husband’s male scent, his body, the deodorant and cologne...

Wife Lovers
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Mistress Diana

The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land  ??? The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land. The mansion was built by a wealthy tycoon in the late twenties before the stock market crash. The mansion was deserted for many years until Mistress Diana moved there and had it renovated for her exotic tastes.  ? Mistress Diana was an heir to a fortune that was left to her by an uncle. She had...

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Allysons New Adventures

Allyson was excited to start looking to buy her first home. She was tired of living in her apartment and having no privacy whatsoever. She started to look at houses, found something that was in her price range and made an offer. Luckily, the seller was in a hurry to unload the property. The seller accepted her bid and, within one week, Allyson owned her new home. Now the dilemma was how she was going to move her stuff into the house. She did have a friend, who she occasionally had sex with,...

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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

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buck and dixie in middle of winter

this morning. i put them on they are skin tight n i feel my privates making sure buck can hump me. im wearing a baby T that says "Spoiled!" in sparkly letters my tight pink bib snow pants make my bottom look real big. wearing pink toe socks i slip into my pink fur boots and put on my pink barbie jacket i put up the hood i love the teddy bear fur on my cheeks i go out n start walking the trail behind my house my white mittens are on a string threw my jacket. i slip them on and...

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Marine GamesChapter 3 2nd Games

Bret and Bob were dropped at the departure point by Diane, Heather, Kim, Kelley, Ann, Mark and Andy. Andy was spending a couple of weeks of summer vacation with the 'family.' Bret and Bob were both excited about the opportunity that awaited them. The squad was presented the mission as soon as they landed on the reservation. As Bob and Gunny Smith studied the terrain, Bret focused on his assignment for the mission. The mission was to rescue three hostages being held on a farm. Bret's...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 23 A New Flame

September, 1980, Milford, Ohio Things with Bethany seemed normal on Thursday. After school, I helped Mrs. Seime with the YFU Exchange Program presentation. There were six sophomores who participated, and I spoke for about five minutes about my experiences and answered questions. In my judgment, only one of the students was truly a serious candidate, a Sophomore girl named Jo Filmore. I talked to her after the presentation a bit and she said she’d fill out an application. I told her I’d be...

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The Fall of Autumnsville A Family Affair Chapter 3 Little Caterpillar

Ah, chapter 3 already! I'm having a lot of fun writing this with Car2nage. It's just been way too much thrilling. This chapter as well as chapter 4 which we are currently writing really got me going, and I'm sure a lot of you will just love it! Anyway, there might be a short hiatus simply due to the holidays, but don't worry. We will continue strong as ever when we return from winter break. Chapter 3 "So, how was everyone's day today?" Garrett asked as he scooped up a spoonful...

4 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 16

Amber made sure to get to work early the next day. She smiled for the first time in a long time. David would be back with her as soon as he finds out that Callie is an incestuous slut. She wouldn't tell Callie to her face. She had to find the ultimate way to embarrass Callie. Callie arrived a few minutes late to work since traffic had been extremely heavy that morning. She hurried to her office almost running into the students in the library. When she arrived she saw Amber at the front desk...

3 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 6

Rory. It was nearing Christmas and I was wondering what I could give my lady as a Christmas gift. I knew how to lay my hands on the money if I needed to, but I was also aware that I could not give her a really expensive gift without having questions asked. I decided to ask my mum for advice and hope she could come up with some suggestions. She told me she would give it a bit of thought and get back to me. A few days later she did come back to me just before dinner and handed me a small box....

1 year ago
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Fat Love

I was in my room thinking of girls witch I normaly do not think about but i have always wanted to try. Then there was a girl who walked in she had red hair big tits. "my name is Hana I heard you wanted to try girls"she smiled. We kissed i was horny for her and wanting her to touch me all over. I was in a wight dress with see through panttys and no bra. Hana sucked my touge and lay me down. Then she riped my dress of showing my tits. Hana sucked them playing with them I moaned. "Your so cute...

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My First Time with a Man

Would you have sex with a man? That's the question that came up. Myself and four of my friends were having our usual get together. We meet once a month, usually at Matt’s place; we have some drinks, get drunk, and talk about all sorts of shit. He was the only one of us who was single. He's also the only one who's gay. We've all been friends since junior school, so we know that whatever goes on, or is said at our nights together stays amongst us. The question was asked by Matt to us all in...

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Haleys Au Pair Adventure Chapter 2

Introduction: This is a continuation of Haleys Au Pair Adventure. Enjoy ???? The next morning Haley woke up to a loud knocking on the door. Still groggy from sleep terror seized her as she realized she was butt naked with three boys draped on her. She heard a voice calling from inside the house. Hello? Parker? Landon? Aiden? A male voice said loudly. Haley jumped up ignoring the boys as they woke up sleepily. She ran up the stairs a blur and slammed her door to her room. Her clothes were still...

1 year ago
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Tied Mom 4

"That's great but he's going to have to get a job before he gets a car. We'll loan him the money, but not until he has a job.""Oh father," Mom said. "That's not why he's being so helpful. He's just growing up. He's becoming a young man.""That so, son?""It's just discipline, Dad. A guard has to be to be disciplined and a good one should be helpful at home and contribute to the community.""Well, you are being helpful.""I'm trying.""Maybe you can have that loan a little sooner."Dad shook his...

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Strangers Part 1

She was so busy pondering how she had landed in her current predicament, she didn't notice he had removed his tongue from her mouth and had begun tracing the bottom of her earlobe with his lips. The delicate sensation jolted her back to the situation at hand. Gently, he nibbles at her ear, almost as if he knows that she has a certain weakness for that particular spot. She felt her slit become slightly more damp as she moans her approval. Taking the cue, he releases her ass and tangles his...

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A Lifelong Love Of Lingerie

At the time I was sixteen, my mother was divorced and living with me, and she still worked and was gone until late in the afternoon on some days, so I would have the house to myself. I did not have access to porn until later, but there was Cosmopolitan magazine and other magazines which had the sorts of ads and stories that intrigued me, underwear ads, tampon ads – they all did the trick. I am still very turned on by the picture from the little pamphlet that came inside a box of tampons...

1 year ago
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On the Rocks

It's not news, and certainly no surprise to me, that statistics show that half of all marriages end in divorce these days. I think that probably another 25% should end that way but don't. Maybe the idea of marriage is obsolete anyway. My own divorce ratio is 66.66% and my current one should be in that second group to make it 100%. Why don't I divorce my wife? Well, to answer that I need to explain how I got to this point in the first place. Shelley and I met through a mutual friend five...

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‘This is amazing!’ she whispered with astonishment as I brought in our small suitcases. That was when I knew that this was a wonderful idea, for I had realized earlier in the week that my fiancée had never been in a suite-style hotel, so I had decided to surprise her. ‘Next weekend, we’re going somewhere Friday night,’ I had said. ‘We go somewhere almost every Friday night,’ she had countered. ‘Sometimes out to dinner, sometimes a movie, sometimes a play, sometimes a drive up into the...

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Sucking off a straight 18 year old footballer TR

This follows on from my first time story..., this all happened except for a name change.Ive added nothing and have taken nothing away.So now i'm 27. Its been nearly a year since my first time. Ive been with a girl since - but ive had fun exploring with about 5 lads. Ive met 2 from here; the rest from a gay dating site.They were all hot. And ive been with a couple of asian twinkies! (still not sure how that happened.)I've had good sex and...

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The neighbours party corrected

"Come on, their not that loud" "Oh please, Alexis they so are, they always have them in their yard instead of the patio, and the music echos all through the valley" I copied my mother and let out a sigh, she was right. The neighbors had a lot of parties which was annoying at first but then I learnt to just put my earphones in and turn my music up to block out theirs and I didn't care anymore. What I did care about was my mum and dad complaining about it all the time. "Why do you and dad...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 8

Thirteen years later - Sunday 13 April- [Robert] - Hospital Visiting Andrew Lawley was killed in an accident at the age of 81. Elizabeth spent the next two years worrying her children and friends about her ability to survive widowhood. On a bleak Thursday in March, Elizabeth was driving to work when she pulled out of a turning without looking carefully enough. Robert Whitehead on a motor-cycle was overtaking on the wrong side of the road and the two of them collided. Elizabeth was 52 and...

1 year ago
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My last rubber splash and go event

A few weeks ago my partner was lamenting the fact that he had not had the chance to fuck me with my pussy already full of spunk for a few weeks, something he rearly enjoys doing after a gangbang or dogging evening and I never say no to getting my pussy well filled. As spring was in the air I was feeling a bit horny anyway so we decided to host another of my what I call my Splash and Go evenings.I have several adverts on swinging and fetish websites so I can usually rustle up a number of cocks...

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Anne And George Go Camping In France

Anne and George were an ordinary middle-aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their thirty years of married ,life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three children and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their children had left home, they...

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My first time at Dogging

As some of my Hamster friends know, the thought of dogging has always turned, i kept saying i would love to do it, guess what last Saturday week it came true, my husband and I went out for a meal, I dressed up for the occasion,black blouse white skirt suspenders black bra and panties. the meal was goodand we sat for a while just talking when my husband asked where do you want to go now, to a bar for a drink,or go home, I replied in a whisper can we go to ???? and see whats happening,he nodded...

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The Burning Love of the Brothers Grimm

The Burning Love of the Brothers Grimm 1977 "Timmy! Jarrie, are you coming down? Mommy's got cookies! That is, if Timmygot his work done!" WHACK! WHACK! Jared Grimm gritted his teeth as Timmy Grimmbrought the wicker carpet beater down on his bare butt. "Those math problemsbetter be right...I want to go play ball with the guys. Are they, Jared?" Jared squeezed tears out of his eyes as he rolled his head over to look athis brother. How did Tim get him tied up like this? Jared was older and...

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Entrapment Of Married Woman Into Prostitution Part XII

Please read the previous chapters to pursue: How he pushed his three fingers inside my ass hole. He then removed his fingers and looked at me enquiringly. He poured some more honey on his 10 inch long cock and spread it with his right palm. He put some more honey inside my ass hole and placed his cock on my rectum. He started pushing it slightly but his cock was so thick; it did not enter into my ass hole. He poured some more honey on his cock and with one fast frantic push he pierced into my...

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a foot perv 8

I woke up Sunday morning kind of late and headed down to the kitchen follow a few minutes later by Kate and Ann. Grabbing something to drink we all sat down at the table and I ask the girls if they had seen Doug yet this morning. Ann told me he had left early because he had to help his dad move some wood. With a stern look at Ann I said I hope you didn’t do anything you’d regret last night. Being on the subject I asked them how they learned so much about sex being that I could count the guys...

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A Sexy Day in Suburbia

The early morning sun breaks through the parted pink drapes of your bedroom and casts warm rays of light across your toned belly. You yawn, stretch, and smile at the warmth of the day. It's going to be a good one. You clamber out of bed and peek at yourself in the mirror. Your fashionable lopsided blond bob is fashionably lopsided and mussed up from the pillow. Your cleavage looks good in your not-quite-long-enough tanktop. It also shows off a little too much of your bra and the swell of your...

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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

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A Day at Penis Spa

Mom had gone to work leaving my stepdad (referred to as Dad) and me at home. We hung out by the pool all morning, nude sunbathing and then decided to go to lunch. After lunch dad suggested we stop by Peni's for a massage. Peni owns a spa where she does nails, massages, and facials. She has been a family friend for several years and is a part of our swing group. When we arrived she was waiting for us. Dad had called ahead to make sure she had time available. Peni was wearing a black satin robe...

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