Ironborn indian porn

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 19

“Lord Varys, to what I do owe this pleasure?” Yara Greyjoy asked the Spider as he descended upon the docks, where she had rounded up some three dozen Lannister men. “I have been given orders to arrange the transport of certain cargo presently located in the Dragonpit, namely wildfire, for the voyage to White Harbor, and from there to Eastwatch-by-the Sea, which must begin as quickly as practicable,” Varys answered, “also, I have been named Master of Coin, so I will naturally help fund this...

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The Iron King

The sounds of screaming filled the air, as men were being mercilessly slaughtered like animals or being kept alive just long enough to see their homes burn and their women being raped by the Ironborn. Theon's Ironborn. They had sailed the Sunset Sea unnoticed and landed a thousand men a few leagues south of the city. They had smuggled into the darkness, under the cover of the westermen stragglers who had escaped the Battle of Oxcross, fleeing the approaching forces of the Young Wolf and the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 25

“How many days until we reach White Harbor?” Yara the Bottomless asked Lord Darren Haerd. “I’d guess about four or five at most, Your Grace,” Darren smiled as he stood with his Queen at the helm of the Balon, her flagship. “I’ve had a raven send me this note. Seems that my brother, Theon, is now very firmly attached to the Night’s Watch in Eastwatch. I’ll see him again when I arrive, assuming that he survives. That’s hardly certain, as it appears that four men have already perished in the...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 32

Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 35

White Harbor That very evening Yara Greyjoy, First of Her Name, Queen of the Iron Islands, was relieved that, after some delays, she had finally reached White Harbor, leading port of the North. She wasn’t alone, had taken as many ships as she could manage with him, containing prisoners, supplies, etc. Most importantly, she had taken the precious cargo assigned to her by Lord Varys: wildfire. It could very well make the difference between victory and defeat here in the North, against this...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 52

Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Just after the arrival of the Iron Fleet Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, better known by her latest epithet of “Yara the Bottomless,” now prepared her nasty surprise for the Night King. Wildfire. “Prepare the jars! Prepare to launch!” Yara ordered the crew, even as Lord Darren Haerd, her lover and deputy, began to carry out her commands. Now was the test of her strategy. There was no doubt that the ships would burn. The only question was ... what would happen...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 36

“How have you fared, my friends?” I asked Jason Stackhouse while fucking Amy Burley, his girlfriend. Emely, their lover, was double-penetrated by Justen and Damon, even as Jason took on all of my vampire vixens. I had to credit the former high school football star, who more than kept up with his undead companions, impressing me as usual. He definitely had some stamina, no doubt of that. I thought back with delight at how well Andy Bellefleur performed in spite of himself with my vampire...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 10

“Where’s that sellsword of yours?” Cersei Lannister, self-appointed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, asked her twin brother and general, Ser Jaime Lannister. “Where’s that pirate king of yours?” Jaime retorted, “why isn’t he reporting on the status of the Iron Fleet and paying court to you, his intended bride?” “Enough of that, Jaime! Euron is not my twin, he did not come out of our mother’s womb into this world together, he did not father my children, he did not fight my wars and...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 14

“You’re quite sure of this? It isn’t a joke or trick?” Daenerys Targaryen asked Missandei, as she reread the raven’s message. “No, my Queen. Your husband is also your nephew, by blood, the sole surviving son of your eldest brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and his second, secret wife, Lyanna Stark. That would also make him slightly older than Your Grace, would it not? Older than his aunt, who happens to be his wife? Is this a problem, due to it being incest, my Queen?” Missandei asked Dany,...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 24

“There they are. They waited for those forces on the ground to get closer, weren’t they?” Daario Naharis inquired of Howland Reed and Benjen Stark as the boats carrying the Night King’s flotilla approached them. “That they did, more’s the pity,” Howland Reed concurred, feeling nervous in spite of his attempts to steel his nerves as the wights on the water closed the distance. “It’s a classic pincer move, of course. One flank attacks from the front, the other from the side. They hope to find...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 33

A week later ... Eastwatch-by-the-Sea... “Whatever happened to the galleys that we once used to guard and trade from Eastwatch, anyway?” Theon asked Cotter, the thought more than once naturally occurring to an Ironborn prince, even a fallen one. “Where do you think that the Night King got his ships? He turned every last one of those poor buggers, that is my only conclusion, plus any foolish smugglers and pirates caught in the open. Look, we have now been cut down to a force of what two...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones Fire From Ice

(Moat Callin, The Neck, The North, Westeros) During the Short Peace between King Robert Baratheon's Visit to Winterfel and Ned Starks Ill-Fated Execution, Robert Knighted a Young Man called Jacaerys Sunfayre, for His Years of Service and gave him the Mostly ruined Castle of Moat Callin. It would be some time before Jacaerys would settle there, preferring to go to the Citadel to learn more about Westeros and the World at the Citadel in Old Town as an Apprentice. During his Time there he learned...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 4

“All in a good day’s work, I suppose,” Missandei greeted her Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as she returned from burning the Iron Fleet near King’s Landing, tempted as she was to go further and burn the Red Keep. “Is that any way to greet your Queen now, my dear friend?” Dany teased Missandei, both of them knowing that she didn’t actually object when in private like this. “Did you bag the whole lot, my Queen? Burn them all?” Missandei inquired of Dany, who smiled in response. “All charred and...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 15

“Arise, my lord. You are back,” Varys heard a voice calling him out of the darkness of death, a very familiar one if haunting to him. “Back? I ... was dead! How do I come back from that?” Varys strained to see before he noticed who it was that he faced. Kinvara, the Red Priestess who had aided Tyrion and he in the saving of Meereen, at least back when it still could be saved. She had brought him back, he who loathed and despised everything that the Lord of Light and his priests represented?...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 18

“Well, just what did you have in mind for this last Sand Snake, Cersei? Why am I pulling away from the fighting, when my men need me most, what we are even doing here? Why abandon our post? Did you know that three of the five men on the Small Council proposed that I remove you from the Iron Throne? Including the now dead High Septon! Well, no need for that now. You’ve removed yourself from it, dear sister! You’ve abandoned the Iron Throne and I doubt, that now I’ve thought on it, either of us...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 28

“Seven Hells! They’re making another attempt!” one of the Night’s Watch, an Earic Flowers from the Reach, warned Cotter Pyke, rousing him from his slumber early in the predawn chill of the great maritime castle of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “That soon? Either the Night King is more resourceful than I knew, or else he’s just more attempt to get around or capture Eastwatch now. Get a party of men together as quickly as you can, under Ragnar Slait, Sandor Clegane, Theon Greyjoy, and Lord Beric...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 48

The Last Hearth, The North, War Council of the Bay of Seals A few days later... “So, the first attempt has been repulsed, but you know that won’t be the last. They are but testing our strength, even now, and they now have Skagos and Skane from which to keep up their raids. Be assured that this enemy will not relent. They made more than fifteen or was that sixteen attempts to take Eastwatch-by-the-Sea from the waters, after all. This foe wants to cover the world in ice and snow. He will not...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 49

The Bay of Seals, Two days later... “Here they come, boys ... here they come!” Jallen Tarlor, the captain of the watch, shouted, as the Dead came ashore yet again in force. “Aye, that they do! Are we ready to set them ablaze, too!” Nardel, his sergeant of the watch, a Wildling like their commander, asked him. “You know Lord Tormund’s standing orders, my savage friend! Cook them! Fry them! Roast them! Burn them all!” Jallen insisted, much to the relief of Nardel, who was anxious to rid the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 50

War Council, Last Hearth, Bay of Seals That evening “So, we’ve beaten back the first assault of the newest wave. It won’t be the last, I can assure you of that. The Night King is playing the long game and he’s playing for keeps. He wants to overrun all of Westeros and the known world and cover them in ice and darkness and snow. “Still, the flames have helped, no doubt of that. We’ve held our own in spite of a lack of proper arms such as dragonglass and Valyrian steel. Only by facing the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 51

Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Four days later “Seven Hells, they’re back! They’re back!” Wyllam Waters, a Crownlands bastard serving as the lookout on the docks of Eastwatch, exclaimed, “the Dead have returned to attack us again!” Sure enough, the Dead had returned to Eastwatch. The Night King had committed his wights and White Walkers to another assault Eastwatch, using his newest troops from Skagos and Skane to attack the fortress. It was a new strategy, but it had every possible chance of...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 53

“Well, for a man with no cock, you sure drank a lot, little brother!” Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, also known as “Yara the Bottomless,” teased Theon Greyjoy, now a man of the Night’s Watch. “Well, I’ve taken the black and I’m celibate, both by choice and by force, so there’s nothing left for me but fighting, drinking, and eating. And pissing through a wooden straw such as this,” Theon said, “which often makes me ill.” “Theon, whatever your crimes in the past, you’ve certainly...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 16

Winterfell, The North Not bound by space or time, at least not in this dramatic multiverse, I found myself quite easily at the godswood just as Sansa Stark was supposed to wed Ramsay Bolton. Beautiful, I thought, even as I led my party of vampires and humans together in a sudden nighttime raid on the Boltons’ new holdfast of Winterfell. Sansa was just about to join hands with Ramsay and bind herself to her intended before the Old Gods of the Forest when we burst forth as if from nowhere...

3 years ago
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Two Part Three

Part ThreeThe next weekend, Amy invited Allison over for dinner. It was very cool to watch them kiss when Allison arrived. It was a quick kiss, but it still made my cock hard. Allison was wearing a green top, a neat, black skirt, and some simple, black sandals. She wasn't near as thin as Amy, but she still had beautiful legs. Amy was barefoot, and wore her normal jeans--she had about six pairs of the same jeans--but for once wasn't wearing one of my t-shirts. She had on a white top that showed...

4 years ago
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Office Strapon And Femdom

Hi all. This is my first writing at ISS. I’m not spending much on the boring introduction part but the below is a pure fictional fantasy of mine. My name is David(fake), a submissive femdom lover and i’m working in an IT company in Trivandrum, Kerala. My office has around 500+ employees. There are lot of beautiful young and matured girls, some of them are timid but there were dominating type also. I actually had a crush on a lady named Jishna who is married already but she’s attractive and have...

2 years ago
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Temptations Of The Flesh Part 3

It has been over a month since the young slut named Magdalene entered my confessional, changing my life forever. I have become addicted to the scent and taste of her sex. When she appears, all I want to do is please her, knowing that my reward will be a glorious orgasm, in her mouth, on her breasts, or in her pussy. Feeling her warmth and wetness as I explode inside her luscious body. I look forward every Saturday to our unholy meetings, my cock hard and ready, anticipating another depraved...

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SweetheartVideo Alexis Fawx Angela White The Best For Last

For her final scene, Alexis Fawx picked the superstar Angela White. Angela was the first name on her list, and after watching that scene you will understand why. These two legends love women and love each other. This intimate scene lit by red and blue neon is smoking HOT. The two icons give us one of the most passionate and intimate scenes ever! They both worship each other and take pleasure in making each other cum multiple times. Angela was the perfect person to conclude this epic journey in...

3 years ago
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Teenage interruption

My wife of twenty years Sonya and my 19 year old daughter Tania had left the house about thirty minutes ago for a whole day at the shops and the beauty parlour. I had planned to catch up on some of my latest porn downloads using my ultra big screen TV.I was sitting naked on the lounge chair watching a particularly great fuck movie. I’d lubed up my cock - it was long, hard, slippery and glistening as I wanked it slowly.My peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by a frantic banging on the front...

4 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 27 Meeting the Dean CPS The Lawyer rsquo s Daughter

The following Thursday I got asked to come to Dean Winslow Phillips’ office for a one p.m. meeting. I was there five minutes early, feeling about as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I did have one card up my sleeve that might help or hurt my case; only time would tell. Dean Phillips secretary escorted me into his conference room and got me a diet coke. He came in a minute later. “Professor Clark, I’m sorry to meet under potentially adversarial conditions today....

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MagicianChapter 23

No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon. Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin. And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the...

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scott s unexpected day

It was a pretty usual day,the same routine the same weather and the same old life style. There was nothing out of the ordinary, as I woke up and looked out of my balcony towards the early sunshine slowly taking over the darkness I began to get the familiar annoyance in the back of my head that always preceded college. Little did I know how unexpected and outrageously venturous the day would turn out to be. I had just passed out of high school, and started college where just like the predecessor...

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Nanna Apoorva Sangama 8211 Part 2

Hi hello Namaste, this is Sam again after a long days. Those who are read my old post here they all know about me. Those who didn’t read please read my old one. As I promised u guys I am continuing my story here again. Due to lot of work I didn’t get time to spend with you all, sorry for that and lets come to the story. After my first sex with my darling appu in my room we were very exhausted about sex but we didn’t get proper time and place so, I did smooching and boobs pressing above the...

4 years ago
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Pampour Parlour Mum Pushy

Pamper Parlour Mum: Pushy & Proud By DebWeb. "Mum please stop this and let me go play with my friends." "Stop complaining, you know I have a reputation to uphold as the owner of a new beauty salon business. We have to look immaculate at all times. It impresses the customers and attracts new ones." "But mum..." "No buts just sit still while I fix your hair." I knew when my mother would not budge and this was one of those moments. I had planned on a nice day playing with my...

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The day after

Laying in bed with daddy, made me hornier as the day went on. I got up, took a quick shower and went to my room to look for a movie that I just bought. I found my new black teddy and put it on. Then I found a pair of black thigh hi's and slipped them on. Next was to find my 5" heels, black patent. Slipoped them on and made my way back to daddy's room.Once I got there, daddy was sitting in bed stroking his cock. I smiled and told him to get up off the bed. I told him, to get on his knees,...

2 years ago
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Sex With The Bride And Her Mother

This happened around 5 years back when I went to a marriage of a distant relative with my mom. We went to Mumbai for the marriage. We reached around 2 days before the marriage of my relative who was 5 years elder than me. Bride side was also from Delhi and so all the arrangements were to be looked after by the groom side. I was doing my bit by helping my cousin with the marriage arrangements. On the day of the engagement, I became friends with Shweta, the girl whom my cousin was getting married...

3 years ago
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Too Nosey for Your Sleepover

Freezing rain pelts agains the window as you dump your backpack on the bed and direct a tired glare at your roommate. "No, I'm not leaving. This is absurd and you know it." "Come on," she says in a tone that somehow managed to sound both pleading angry, "I've been trying to set this up for weeks! Can't you just let me have it?" "Taylor..." You pinch the bride of your nose as you try to figure out how to explain just how insane this is. "Even if I were willing to let you kick me out of our...

2 years ago
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The Garage Sale

I had lived next door to Allison for about two years when her husband died in a car accident just before Christmas. It was hard on her and her two daughters but they got through it.Allison was in her early forties at the time. She had two daughters, of which one was married and had a daughter of her own. I was just a few years older than Allison was and I too had lost my spouse in a car accident a few years before. That was why I had moved in next door to Allison. After my wife’s death I...

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A Brides Time to Pay

Brides Time to Pay Brides Time to PayBy: John Maddux CHAPTER 1: WE GO WAY BACK  ???? There once was a time when Kayla Palermo wasn?t such a goody goody woman.? Oh sure these days she?s cleaned up her act, even finding herself a wealthy man whom she is intending to marry. ?Kayla was in a sorority at my college and although she had a body I lusted after she was only interested in the pre-law/pre-med guys.? Even then she was trolling for a rich guy to latch her hooks into and ride the gravy...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Merry Olde England

Tim was not a nice boy. We say ‘boy’ because that is what people called him. No one knew exactly how old he was. He showed up one day at the inn and agreed to work for food and a place to sleep in the barn. To study him, one would estimate his age at twenty-five. His stooped stature mirrored his stooped nature. Village people did not expect much of an ostler. Had he been prompt, instead of having to be called when a new guest arrived at the inn, Tim would not be ridiculed. Had he the presence...

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PenthouseGold Vanessa Vega Professor Vanessa Vega Seduces Student

After sexy professor Vanessa Vega discovers her husband cheating on her, she gets consoled by student Robby Echo. How can he say no when this tattooed hottie begs him to fuck her so she can feel something? He bends the lusty MILF over on top of the desk to lick her holes from behind, and then proceeds to pound her horny pussy from every angle. Watch the brunette vixen scream and moan as she gets the living daylights fucked out of her. This is one naughty Penthouse affair you don’t want to...

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The GiftChapter 15

I must have dozed off for a couple of minutes. The softest, sweet kiss and a hand caressing my naked chest awakened me. "Hi. You're home early, dear." "Yes. I finished a meeting at two, so I persuaded myself I wasn't needed any more. Have you been out for a spin?" "Not really. I had some shopping to do. Of course I left an hour early to have a little fun on the small roads, but only a little." "You can have all the fun you like, love. I'm glad you like your car." "Like? I...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 15 Trial Periods End

Dave escorted JR into his home. It was a night when there was not a communal dinner on the patio in the new dining room. Instead, they were doing a special dinner of sorts at home. The weather was on the cool side; January in Sarasota was not always the warmest month. The dinner for the party was the doings of Cricket, Alice, Nikky, and Scarlett. Besides Dave and the other wives, Bridget was there along with JR, Larry Wainwright, Jenny Harvest, Deborah McKinley, and Ross Buchman. The dinner...

4 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 46 What rsquo s Up

June 6th, 2019 Hello Everyone, I’m sorry for the long delay in the update. Things have been a bit busy on my side. They goofed around with my schedule at work again which of course goofs around with me. I’ve had graduations to attend, ect. I’ve also been working really hard to forget that I have an illness and just get on with my life within the constraints that I have, Of course, I’m reminded daily that I have issues. I just want to live. I’m back under house arrest due to the heat...

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Richard s Second Visit

Richard's Second Visit If you read "Not just another day dressing up as Gemma" you'll know I've recently made contact with a very nice gentleman called Richard and that I met him for the first time last week. I did a number of things for the first time culminating with me giving my first blowjob. I'd enjoyed it very much and couldn't wait for his next visit which was to be a week later. When you're looking forward to a special day, time can appear to pass all too slowly, but today...

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Fairy Girlfriend

Fairy Girlfriend Carl sat at his computer, looking up the latest news he could find on video games and movies. It was one part of his nightly routine that helped him unwind after a long day at work. His job was nothing great and he was sure society could function without him but the pay was decent and it didn't intrude on his personal life like so many other jobs seemed to in the past. After an hour of half-assed browsing he hear a tap on his window and perked up, glad that the other,...

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Erotic Expectations Letters 4 and 5

My hands shook as I ripped open letter four. A tiny amount of spunk dripped onto the envelope before I discarded it. After reading the first few lines, I glanced at the towel on the bed. Picking it up, I cleaned the spunk from my face and body, but not before I swallowed every drop I could rescue.I had to wear the blindfold again. I had to kneel on the bed facing the headboard. I rang the bell in anticipation of the next session and placed my hands behind my back as instructed.This time I...

4 years ago
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Upstairs N Down

Dedicated to the few close men who mean a lot to me. You all know who you are. This is a story about a man and his girlfriend of 15 years and of how things have changed between them. Staying with him out of convenience more than a desire to marry him, she had all but lost interest in sex other than missionary and loathe to experiment elsewhere outside their bedroom. Naturally he became quite bored and wanting, curious to expand on his current situation. Surfing the internet one day, he...

2 years ago
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The Bartered WifeChapter 2

Mr. Bernstein led Paul to the front stairway and gave him directions for finding Mrs. Bernstein's room. Then he left by a side door. Paul listened as his a car pulled away from the house and headed down the driveway. Once the sound of the car faded, the house was quiet. Paul quickly located Sheila's bedroom. The door was open, and Sheila was sitting in a chair next to the bed looking at a magazine. Paul closed and bolted the door. Sheila looked at Paul with calm indifference. "Stand up,...

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More Family SecretsChapter 2

While planning the trip, Dave's father and uncle had expressed their desire to 'rough it' in the most basic of camping grounds with only dry toilets. His aunt and mother, on the other hand, had never been quite as enthusiastic about the great outdoors. While they loved the outdoor activities, they insisted on the camping site with the most amenities, and Dave knew that his mother always got her way because his Dad liked having sex too much. Judging from the sounds of the previous evening,...

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BlacksOnBlondes Braylin Bailey 05 03 2022

Braylin just got dumped by her boyfriend of two years on the phone. She was crying when she got hung up on then she remembered that she can go on Tinder and find herself a replacement boyfriend. She gets on Tinder and was swiping away until she saw a big Hunky man named Jax who she matched up with. Braylin and Jax would end up meeting two hours later for their date. Jax shows up to Braylin’s house looking like Jax does for a nice romantic and respectful date. Braylin takes one look at Jax...

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Sarah s Stallion Ch 01

I want to thank Ladyfalcon for her assistance by making constructive comments and editing this story. * * * * * * * Growing up on a farm in rural southern Illinois, unlike city kids, I had few other children to play with, and I had no siblings. Luckily, our farm neighbors, who lived on the farm next to ours, had a daughter, almost the same age as me. She was also an only child, so at a young age, we were thrown together as playmates, because the only other child our age lived three miles...

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Anna s Humiliation Continues

People looking at Anna and Mark Menendez nowadays see them as a successful couple; both in their relationship and business life. Married for ten years they have managed to grow ever closer in that time. To Mark, Anna is more beautiful at forty than she was at twenty when they married. Despite the years her figure is as firm as in her youth. Her red hair had no hint of grey, and her eyes still sparkle with mirth and innocence. Mark, her husband is more distinguished over the...

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Boy LEARNS from a BIG HARD COCK neighbor

I was at a party with the cool and horny people from SwingingBiCouples. They are a balst and after we had all fucked each other and I had a few large loads of cum pumped inside me, we started talking about our past experiences. After I told them this story, they said I should write about it and have it posted here on Hamsters so here it is!First of all, it's true story that many of you can probably relate too. I was young of course, curious about everything and not really sure about my...

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EllenChapter 26 Le Roi et Mort Vive le Roi

It was only a few days later that news arrived from London. King George IV had died. He had never been a popular monarch, running up enormous debts, and in his last years, the cartoonists had portrayed him in very unflattering ways. Still, he was the king and parliament was dissolved upon his death. As a Peer of England, Richard had to go to London for the burial, and he left the next morning in their coach. They had decided that Ellen should stay behind with Anthony, as did Richard’s...

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naughty mom chapter 3

Introduction: here is chapter 3 as for themes i have dont want to put so many up. but most stories cover a lot of areas. hope you enjoy. Naughty Mom Chapter Three: The rain hadnt lessened any. It was dark as Alicia drove home from the health club. The raindrops refracted the glow from lights momentarily, then were swept aside by the rhythmically swishing wipers. Alicia drove in a daze, hardly able to believe she had been fucked at the spa, not wanting to even think about it. She just wanted...

4 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 4 A Catfight

"Hi," Angique said. She got no answer. "You seem quite alone, honey." "I'm used to it." The girl sat in a corner, just a few yards away. She leant against the pink-and-silver papered wall, hugging her knees. Her hair was darkish blonde; her voice sounded tired. She wore a white t-shirt that was too big for her. The face peeping through the curtains of her hair was a girl's, but she definitely had the eyes of a woman — guarded, even hostile. Angique didn't remember seeing her...

3 years ago
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Knocking Up Trudy

Knocking Up TrudyAUTHOR JeepsterCODES MF, Interr, Preg, CuckDATE ADDED 24th January, 2004DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the...

2 years ago
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Londons Burning

From inside the pressurised, air-conditioned solitude and comfort of the black cab, my feet alighted at last on the wet street. Damp was something London did well. My bones shivered in their skin to feel the heavy weight of the city’s gloom on them once more, it was not a feeling I relished. I looked up, casting my eyes about the grey and ominous sky with trepidation. There was a large sigh from the depths of my chest and a sag to my shoulders as I stuffed my wrinkled hands into my trouser...

3 years ago
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Lovely Tyrant

Introduction: The older girl who lives next door runs my life. Even though I hate it she is so damn pretty and my mom really likes her. Hey Trey, wait up, I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. I got a project for you, she announces as she slows up next to me. I groan knowing trouble when I hear it....

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Ann the Chinese ballet dancer

Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...

4 years ago
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A Lovers Promise I ll do anything for yo

A Lover's Promise                                " I'll do anything for you"..................................   This story was sent to me by one of my readers who has asked me to edit and post it – in both our names – so on behalf of Noveltask and myself I present you with this True story – the names have been changed to protect the people concerned. This is a love story and pretty tame to start – but it gets better…. Michael and Sara had grown up in the same town, gone to the same school and...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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You came here to Suck it Get to it Gay

Charley was more than a little bit nervous. He was -- if he were to admit it - a little bit scared. And, at the same time, he was as excited as he'd ever been in his life. Whatever the feeling was called, he was in love with it. It was the same feeling when he'd first visited the local Adult Books Store (as they used to call it) and discovered the glory holes there -- then returned for the specific purpose of sucking cock.The same trepidation and excitement at the same time. The same buzz, only...

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Legend of the Slavemaster

This is a spinoff of my female amazon story: Knights of Amra. It takes place in the same world as Amra, which is called Etheral, an open source fantasy world with all the stuff you would expect. Magic, knights, dragons, orcs, dwarfs, elves and of cause a very harsh environment for women. In this story, I focus on the (mis)adventures of a young, worthless man who lost everything he had, and is now trying to build a new life. I will tell how he rose from nothing to a rich and mighty slave...

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All Hallows Eve

Today is Halloween. You, John Doe, are to be at a Halloween party tonight. However, you have forgotten to buy a costume. Upon realizing this, you rush to the nearest costume store. The limited selection is rather slim, considering it's the day of Halloween. In the men's aisle there is only one costumes to pick: a vampire. However, feeling that perhaps you can find something in the women's aisle, you go over there as well. There are only three picks there: a vampiress, a devil, or an angel.

3 years ago
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Sex With Married Colleague

Dear all My name is Ashish and I am here to share with you all my experience of having sex with my married office colleague which till date is going strong as ever. This incident started 3 years back when I was working for an MNC in Delhi and this colleague of mine Nisha was also a part of our back end team as is the case with all companies we were also good friends and we had a group spending time together. Let me describe Nisha she was a good looking female not those stunning beauty types but...

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Meeting With the BoardChapter 4 The Next Day

It was dark in the room and warm under the cover. I could feel a weight on my leg and realized that it was pinned. I also had a very full and satisfying feeling in my pussy, which told me that something was lodged deep inside me. I wiggled my ass a bit and the sensations it created in me were wonderful. My nipples were getting hard as I lay there, something hard and warm pressed against my face. In the dark, I turned my head towards it and realized it was an ankle and foot. Instinctively, I...

3 years ago
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Erotic Sex Experience With My Girlfriend

Hey guys and girls this is Ramesh. Let me explain my sex experience with my girl friend. We are in relationship for more than 3 years her name is Anu. We had sex more than 100 times in the past 3 years we both are damn romantic and we enjoy each other very much. Tell about myself I’m 6″ tall and lean and my dick size is around5.5″ I have good stamina to satisfy my girl hours together. Now to tell about my girl she is short and chubby she got a huge boobs and ass her stats is 36D 32 36 the...

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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 7

To see a bunch of naked adults and teens show up at the Adult Toybox wasn’t too shocking, mind you, but to see what was obviously an incestuous relationship among several of them was another matter. Then again, the two clerks present and the four patrons showing up on that Monday morning at that God awful early hour didn’t seem too worried at first. It wasn’t until they realized that every one of the new patrons had the same tattoo but one, and that one was an obvious teenage boy who was...

4 years ago
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Gift From My Aunty

Hi ISS readers I am Thiru from Tamilnadu guy [near to trichy] 26 year old, it’s my first story, let me introduce myself I am average but looking guy finished engineering course and working as a construction engineer in abroad, this story was happen when I came to vacation for Diwali, it happen with between aunty who lived nearby my home, Any aunties and girls from Tamilnadu who need one new and good relationship in sex contact me by , surely its top secret between us, I never expect this I am...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorcee

Hi, this is a sex story of how me (Steven) got into bed with this lovely lady (Rose). To begin, I am Steven from Mumbai, now 30, average build and healthy. Rose was this lovely lady, now 45, with a stat of 40dd – 30 – 34. Man, that dd was to die for. We met in the colony, a couple of time, and often bumped into each other during our morning walks. She’d always come prim and proper, dressed to the t, where not even the panty line was misplaced, and it would leave you to imagine if there is...

2 years ago
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At the Bridge

Later, when I was ready for another stretch break, there was a thirty-something man who looked to be enjoying the view down from the creek bridge. I probably spent 15 minutes there, we talked a bit about his favorite sport and team, he's a big Eagles fan. He was very friendly, very animated, and was very polite. He called me Sir a couple of times, and he wasn't even raised in the South. I introduced myself and he said his name was Michael; on parting he said he'd see me again on the...

4 years ago
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Job Interview

Job Interview Don Abdul (c) Waiting her turn in the reception area of the office, Veronica’s smiles belied her internal turmoil and self-doubt. ‘What am I even doing here?’ she asked herself, as she sized up the other girls that had turned up for the same job interview. They were every bit as pretty as she was, and she suspected some even much prettier. If ever Veronica had on redeeming virtue, it is borne of her street-smart realization that she is not the ‘smartest of blonds’, she chuckled at...

3 years ago
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Come Undone

“Sophia!” I yelled for the zillionth time. “We’re late.”I stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting less than patiently. I could hear her rummaging around up there. I’d told her in no uncertain terms that we absolutely needed to leave by seven at the latest, and here I was shouting at her at twenty past. I’d turned into my mum. Great. “Two minutes. It’ll be worth it...” Her teasing voice floated down. I sighed. That little minx would be the death of me. My mum would kill me if I was late for...

4 years ago
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After Dinner Kitchen Sex

I arrive at your door in a small, short, tight black, lacy dress, my hair down, long and wavy and a small black leather jacket. You open the door and kiss me softly on the lips as I pass you a bottle of sweet wine for us to share over the meal you are currently cooking for us both. You lead me into the kitchen and slide my jacket off whilst kissing my neck from behind. As you take my jacket to hang up behind the door, I walk over to the pasta in the pan and slowly stir it around, then I dip...

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The Devil s Equinox Ch 04

Baxter’s awareness first touched on a world that was blurry, streaked, utterly strange and cold, when a wet leaf almost smacked itself against his face he lurched back instinctively, coming completely back to wakefulness. He was sitting in the cold rented Toyota, one of his hands on the steering wheel still. The near-gale raging outside had just deposited another shredded leaf on the windshield. He blinked. What the hell had just happened? Did he and Shari just …? Shari was sitting next to him...

2 years ago
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SleeneChapter 4 Saturday Morning

I woke up at eight on Saturday morning. I was instantly horny again. Am I really going to go through with this? Ken did build the deck, and a deal's a deal, right? No. I'm not doing this because of the deck. I'm doing this because I really want to. With that decided, I got up and prepared for the day. I took a quick shower. I made sure there was no stubble on my pussy and then, stepping out, lightly oiled by skin again. I applied a drop of Chanel No .5 in a few strategic locations. (He...

2 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 08

This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. Monday Morning, Robert dressed her in a skirt and blouse outfit, and sent her to work to give her notice. Two weeks and tell them about the new job and her responsibilities. Robert hadn’t canceled the driver so Sherri rode to work driven by the same young man with new comic books. She arrived out front and got out of the car, and bumped...

2 years ago
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TeensDoPorn Kiara Cole Look Ma Sucking Dick With No Hands

Kiara Cole is one of porns brightest new cummers, and we at Team Skeet could not be happier to showcase her incredible, boner inducing body and flirtatious personality. She knows that her tight little pussy is going to make her tons of money because she is a top tier dick pleaser with something to prove. She wants everyone to know that she can suck and ride cock like a true pro. And she proves it today after our stud whips out his thick prick. She slobbers all over it before sliding it into her...

3 years ago
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Don t Use Mom s Panties 7

My mind flashed back to long ago. I was doing the same thing when I found my Mom's panties under my brother's bed. That had led to a lot of sexual action with my brother, but you already know about that. That was with my brother, and this is my son! I couldn't believe it. Sure he's eighteen and a senior in high school, but he has a girlfriend! They've been together for two years and she's gorgeous. I've assumed that he was getting his needs taken care of. Is it possible that men...

4 years ago
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A View From Behind

Paula stood in front of me as I opened my front door. She must have known my wife was in work as her car had gone. I looked her up and down. I never knew what she did for a living but she was wearing a social services badge with her name on it and something similar to a nurses top. The press studs at the front were straining slightly as they struggled against the tit flesh they concealed."I've got a problem, could you come round and help?" She looked nervous as she made the request of me. I...

3 years ago
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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 4

I was woken up late the next morning by Kalpana aunty. As I stretched, and yawned, I discovered to my dismay that my lungi had come off in the night, and I had used it as a sheet to cover me. She sat on the bed next to me holding a tray with a cup of tea for me and smiled warmly at me. “Good morning beta,” she said sweetly. “Good morning, aunty,” I replied trying to adjust the lungi, as I realized I was buck naked under it. And to add to my discomfiture, I had yet another raging morning...

4 years ago
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The Birth Of A New Hero

*drrrring* *drrrrring* *drrr* "Stop it! I'm awake" says Sam as he smashes his fist onto the alarm clock. It's a habit of his to talk to his alarm clock.He doesn't have a lot of friends, so it's refreshing for his voice to be used in a non-forced way. Sam rolls out of his bed onto the groud, not having the motivation to stand up properly. He pushes his upper-body up while his lower-body was still laying on the ground, he pulls his knees up to a kneeling position. He looks up just to see himself...

2 years ago
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Giving What My Married Sister Wants

This is a standalone story. “I can’t understand why you won’t go to the doctor, it’s a simple test, Sekhar,” said Kajal, as they both hurried through the house. Sekhar was busy preparing to leave for the day’s office. “We’ve discussed this so many times Kaj. It’s not me, it has to be you,” he replied back, adjusting his tie and grabbing his briefcase. “Yes, Sekhar, everything is my fault,” she snapped back, rolling her eyes at him and leaving for the day. She looked into her husband’s dark...

3 years ago
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Craiglist Daddy PT 1

This is a reupload from a previous profile I once had on the site, Craigslist bear daddy! Part 1It was a Tuesday night during a hot summer and my parents were out for the week. At just 18 I couldn't get enough of wanking and sex. This weekend I felt particularly horny, and with the house free I wanted nothing more to please my cock and tight hole. Recently I discovered the joy and immense pleasure from anal. I had just bought a vibrating plug that day and was eager to get it up my tight boy...

4 years ago
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Ford Explorer

Bob stopped at the bench by the side of the path and dejectedly took a seat. His mind was in a turmoil that hadn't lessened since he woke up this morning. The options in front of him were few but he was having a very difficult time trying to plan his actions over the next few hours. They were crucial hours he knew. He also knew that whatever happened, life was never going to be the same as it had been. Today he turned 14. That was a magic age here on Demeter, but he kept seeing it as a black...

4 years ago
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The ScandalChapter 2

I began the CD and heard Al's words. Angie, by now you know that I have left, but I didn't leave you for what you did. I left because of what I did. I caused you so much pain over the last few years. I brought you disgrace, and despair and pain in abundance. I know that now but it took so long for me to realize it. I am so sorry for doing that to you. I held out telling the Feds what they wanted to hear from some perverted sense of loyalty to people that didn't care about me. They only...

3 years ago
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brother In Laws Whore pt 1

Christie sat on the couch, her eyes barely looking at the scenes before her on the screen. But she didn't lose a stroke as her hand pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. The guy on the screen held the woman's hair in his hand. She let go of the dildo and snatched the remote. Turning up the volume, she closed her eyes. "Now Bitch, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. Otherwise, your husband will find out just how much of a nasty slut you really are."Those were the words she loved...

2 years ago
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Novel Crow! Sometimes, ordinary porn just won’t get the job done. You have been there and you know what I am talking about. Sometimes, you just have to read hentai and XXX comics to really make you jizz out your eyeballs.When ordinary porn or even these new dang-fangled things calling ‘moving pictures’ – or ‘videos’ as the kids call them these days – won’t get you off, leave it to Novel Crow to provide the pornographic illustrations that will drain your balls. There are all kinds of comics to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Getting Caught in the Act

Annie thought she could go over to her girlfriend's house and play around with her sexy father, Bud, but when she started showing Bud her stuff, Annie quickly found out that she'd taken on way more than she could handle. Annie had noticed Beth's sexy father, Bud, for quite some time, and she thought one afternoon she'd go over and enjoy flirting with Bud and turning him on, not thinking far enough ahead to know that giving the father of her close girlfriend a hardon was definitely not...

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Because I m Better Than You

My name is Sly Brownstone. A tall, good-looking young black man who’s currently a student at Lively Stones College. It’s a somewhat underrated, little-known four-year private college in my home state of Massachusetts. It’s also the setting of most of my adventures. As you will discover, I am an unapologetic adventurer. It’s easy to do whatever you want when you’ve got no conscience whatsoever. Some people would call me a sociopath. I call myself a free spirit. Oh, and mundane folks shouldn’t...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 61

Here’s another example of the witch hunt caused by the flood of sexual abuse allegations: I just read of a professional, after 7 yrs of medical school and training has been fired for one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time, effort, training and money. He’s still paying off his school loans. This just goes to show you, one minor mistake can ruin your life. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family. The article...

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SexAndSubmission Britney Amber My Nightmare Neighbor

Tommy Pistol’s new neighbor, Britney Amber, comes unhinged and turns into a nightmare so Tommy sets a trap to welcome Britney to his world of bondage and anal sex! After a dispute with Tommy about garbage cans nosey neighbor Britney sneaks into Tommy’s house and finds a table full of bondage toys. Tommy questions her and makes her admit she is a horny slut and really just wants some cock! Tommy gives her the royal treatment and ties her up tight in doggie style, gags her mouth and...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 13

Callie and Nathan drove to their parent's house in silence. Callie wondered what Amber or Rebecca had said to Nathan about David. Nathan was never silent unless he was upset. "Nate? You OK?" Callie asked softly placing her hand over his. Nathan sighed. "Yeah I'm fine but that Rebecca girl mentioned something about her cousin having a crush on you?" "Well yeah that's the guy I told you about. I already to you that I got that situation under control babe. He knows I'm seeing...

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CuttyChapter 37 The Lap Dance Lesson

“The first thing you must know about lap dancing,” Rebecca said, as she walked across the room, inspecting the strength of the pole, and observing the angles of the mirrors, “is that you must have belief. Believe in yourself, believe in your sexual powers.” “Quite the setting you have here.” She complimented, as she elegantly swayed around the pole. “Thank you, Ms. Red Pussycat.” Donna replied meekly. She looked around the finished room, thinking on how different it was from who she really...

1 year ago
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Watching Porn With My Friend Part 2

Jeff and I were still silent from what had transpired. I was still lying on my stomach nude and the wind from the ceiling fan was making me chilly due to the sweat on my back and Jeff's load that appeared to be slowly leaking out of my worn hole. My heart was still pumping pretty fast even though it had slowed down from its previous pace. I glimpsed over at Jeff and he was still nude lying on his back, his limp penis was now about 3 inches long and the tip was wet as could be. I stared at it...

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Scooty Ride Leads To Bed

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, I am a 19-year-old guy living in Delhi. You can give the feedback in the comments section or my email which is So coming back to the story. This incident happened last year. My family and my relatives family live in the walking distance with each other. They have a daughter who is elder to me by 4 years and a son who is of the same age as of my brother. I and my cousin have a normal relation just like the hi hello one before the incident. So the story...

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Friends and Lovers

Friends and Lovers Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him. Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred. I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view. When we started in college we lived...

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Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 91

When she got home, Laura looked at the scratches on her back, using a hand mirror and her full-length mirror in her closet. There were three ragged scabs on one shoulder, and two on the other, above her shoulderblades. None were very deep, but they couldn't be hidden. She caught herself remembering Camille's face, locked in an excruciating seizure of coming, her nails gashing Laura's back as she came helplessly and violently. Oh god, if Sholandra sees these, we're finished, she realized....

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