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No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon.

Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin.

And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the secrets of the demons and led the Azura on the demon worlds in revolt. For generation after generation the Azura fought the demons, led by the followers of Malakh, whom he had imbued with his power. Yet despair took them as the demons were far more powerful and feasted upon the Azura on the rebel worlds. Then Caddiy, a follower of Malakh, discovered the art of Qiyāmah and the Azuran dead were raised and fought again against the demons.

Yet still the demons were able to defeat the Azura on all worlds but one, the one the Azura named Azurana, where Azura numbers and magic were able to stem the tide and slowly push back against the demons. Attempts were made to retake the other worlds, but the Malakha, as the followers of Malakh were now known, did not succeed as, though they could sense the worlds, they had not the power of the demons to travel between them. On Azurana though the demons were facing the first total defeat they had ever faced in their history. The Azura numbers grew as did their armies of the dead and victory looked to be assured. A return to the other worlds in a war of liberation could begin, to take the Azura into their destiny to lead all races of men into union with the Azura and hence become Azura themselves.

The demons though were not finished. They called upon their powers and in the land of Daedra, which is no more, cast Azurana out into the outer darkness as the Malakha and Caddiysh armies converged upon them to slay them. The demon Queen and her followers died that day, turned to dust upon the swords of the Azura. But victory had been at a bitter price, as the land of Daedra exploded asunder at the death of the demon queen, destroying most of the Malakha and all the Caddiysh who controlled the armies of the dead, who collapsed to dust too with the loss of such great power. Though many sought again the true art of Qiyāmah, the secret was lost at Daedra. Those few Caddiysh left became the armed wing and enforcers of the Malakha.

And the people cried out in great fear as the sky itself had become hostile and drove many mad. For to gaze upon it without the eyes of a Malakha is death itself as the insanity caused made many into berserkers who killed all in their path before being taken down. Coldness crept upon the land too as there was no mother sun to warm the Azura and still the people cried out, though only for death now.

Yet just when all seemed lost the eye of Irin opened in the heavens and the land changed. The surviving Malakha called out to the eye and begged its help, promising the Irin anything to save their people. The Irin agreed, taking a tithe of the newborn Azura into its maw at the great fortress of Lorkhan.

And so the Azura were saved, though Azurana was changed beyond recognition under the eye of Irin where nothing remained constant save only what Irin permitted. And yet the people grew and multiplied as crops grew and the Malakha taught them what could and could not be eaten as told to them by the voice and will of Irin.

Yet some questioned the choosing of the infants, for the Azura had never sacrificed their own before. The Malakha and the surviving Caddiysh seized them and offered the traitors to Irin in apology for their unbelief. Irin was pleased and gave the Malakha and Caddiysh the knowledge to make the spears that bark to enforce its will and dissent was stifled ... for a while.

Rumours also sprang up that the Azura had failed upon Daedra and that somehow the Demon Queen and her court had slipped through the net. Those who said it were hunted down and given to Irin for their temerity, yet still the rumours pervaded certain sections of Azuran society and could not be quashed.

Yet for several generations the Azura grew and prospered in the new Azurana environment. The power of the Malakha and the Caddiysh grew and their control over the people became not one of benevolence but one of evil. It seemed the will of the Malakha and the will of Irin were as one and any who dared question the Malakha would find their families chosen by Irin for sacrifice. Yet some Azura found how to conceal their thoughts from the Malakha and so resistance to repression grew. It grew only slowly as many could not hide their thoughts and were taken to serve Irin. Still the lands of Azurana served to hide many who resisted, for the land itself had grown magical under the gaze of Irin and many were able to conceal themselves from the Malakha and the Caddiysh. Though their hopes of being free were quashed daily. No way to return to their place in the old worlds could be found. The few Malakha traitors were not able to help as they could find no way back either.

Finally Irin itself spoke to the Malakha and gave them the means to open a way back to the Old Worlds. Spies were sent forth to see if the demons still prevailed. To their surprise they found that humanity and others had fought and won the prize that should have been that of the Azura. The demons were no more and other magical using worlds of humanity had sprung up to take their place. Long the Malakha pondered and spoke with Irin and plans were formulated. Until one day a Mage from the Old Worlds came through one of the Azura portals and spoke to the Malakha, promising them aid in return for power. Irin was pleased and gave the Mage a promise of power and dominion over his world much to the disgruntlement of many Malakha and Caddiysh. Eventually though the strange Mage gained respect by challenging and killing all who spoke openly against himself. He also brought other Mages from the Old Worlds through to give obeisance to Irin in return for power. When the time was deemed right, Irin spoke to the Malakha and Caddiysh and the armies of the Azura burst forth upon one of the Old Worlds called Earth. This was despite Irin's promise to the Old World Mages. They were seeking to take back what was theirs only to be humbled and defeated at every turn. The power of the Old World Mages was far greater than the Azura expected and many died before the Azura withdrew to contemplate their failure and assuage the fury of Irin. Small squads of Caddiysh, backed by Malakha, were sent out to the Old Worlds to release the spawn of Irin upon them only to find that other powers interfered with such attempts, save only on the planet the natives called Earth, the home of the foreign Mages. There a seed of Irin was planted and hopes grew that it remained undetected until a human Mage stepped in and extinguished its life force. This was something that the Malakha thought impossible to any other than a Godspawn itself. The Mages of the Old Worlds loyal to Irin said the act was but a fluke and that the Mage involved was weak and lucky. However he was being trained by one of that world's premier Mages and should not perhaps be underestimated.

Again a new attempt was made to infiltrate one of the spawn of Irin onto the world of Earth only for the Malakha and Caddiysh to be ambushed before the attempt could begin. The son of the senior Malakha Mage died as he attempted to cross back, such had been the calamity of the defeat the Azura had been handed. Still, from one of the traitors the Malakha learned where the Azura had been taken and Irin ordered them to silence the Azura before they could tell the Old Worlders where the Azura were from.

A full battlegroup of Caddiysh led by several Malakha ported into this prison world, only to fall to the Old World Mages, who seemingly expected the incursion and again slew them in great numbers, even seizing the leader of the traitorous cabal of Old World Mages in the process. Worse was to follow as, twelve megabeats later, many of the Old World supporters of the Azura had been seized and imprisoned including the second in command of the traitors along with his Azuran lover.

Great was Irin's rage at the failure of the Azura and the Malakha had to seize many more Azura to quench the wrath by sacrifice. Success on another set of worlds though finally restored Irin's temper and the Caddiysh fought hard and bravely to open up many portals upon the worlds of the Æsir. Casualties were high because this too was a warrior people, but the Azura were prevailing as the Caddiysh and Malakha were able to counter the Mages of the Æsir. Many Azura were able to infiltrate Æsir society, though not their government.

It was the destruction of a battlegroup that caused alarm bells to ring again with the Malakha and Caddiysh high command. Intelligence told them that the feared Mages of Earth had taken a hand with the Æsir against them. Indeed the one who caused the destruction of the battlegroup was none other than the young Mage who had slain the spawn of Irin on his own world and the Malakha feared him greatly.

And so plans were set in motion to capture this Mage...

"You seem to know an awful lot about the activities of the Malakha, Jerhz," I finally spoke after taking the tale in.

"That is because I am Malakha as is Mergna my spouse," he replied. "But not loyal to Irin."

"I can detect no magic about you, nor shields," I said blinking in surprise.

"You would in the Old Worlds where Irin's gift," he almost spat at this point, "is designed to work. Here there is no need as we are all supposed to be open to each other. Mergna and I have learned how to hide such thoughts we have from open study."

"Can you teach me how to hide my thoughts too?" I requested.

"I will try to show you how, John, but many cannot do so, even amongst the rebel Malakha," Jerhz replied.

"So how come you cannot open the portal?" I asked.

"Because no Malakha can without the permission of Irin, yet I know you foreign Mages can," he replied.

"Ah, I begin to see what you mean about the gate," I said grimly.

"We will guide you to where the gate is located," said Mergna. "Hopefully you will be able to find out how it works."

"I hope so," I said. "If not can you get me to where the foreign Mages were living, perhaps they left some clues in their quarters."

"That too we can do, John," said Jerhz.

"OK, let's go then," I replied.

The way back to the portal seemed to take a lot longer than I recalled travelling, even running at full tilt. I mentioned this to Jerhz and he admitted that distances and other laws of physics sometimes did not really apply on Azurana anymore.

"It's like walking unknowingly through portals," Mergna said. "Even the angle you hit the various sections the world has can jump you immense distances, but the next day, try the same thing and nothing happens."

"Must get very frustrating at times," I replied.

"Frustrating and dangerous, we ... the Azura that is ... have lost children who wandered off and were found days away, more often than not dead from exposure or animal attack," Jerhz said.

"No wonder you want out," I replied.

"I just hope our trust in you is not misplaced, John," he said quietly.

"As do I," I muttered in return.

We reached what to me appeared to be an arbitrary clearing where the party stopped.

"We can take you no further, John. The gate is 300 beats to your front and to go further for us, if it is activated, means death," said Mergna.

I had to admit; not being able to read Jerhz and Megna's thoughts other than at the surface level was driving me nuts. With a normal human I would have known why this place was the boundary, with another Mage I would ask, with those two I had the feeling that I was trying their patience until I had proven my worth to them.

I moved carefully in the direction they had indicated, but could feel no magical wards or forces in play. I eventually found myself close to the portal which was not in operation and settled myself down to wait. I wasn't sure how long the time period was that I did wait, I wasn't concentrating on the shadows, but it didn't feel too long before a column approached the portal. I carefully raised all my shields, but did not allow them to take form as yet, mostly because I was passively sensing the entire area hoping for a clue as to how the portal was to be opened. Interestingly enough I could sense and read the approaching Nephilim quite clearly, though none appeared to be thinking about the portal. Finally they stopped in front of the portal and one of the Malakha stepped forward and raised his arms and the portal formed. My shields slammed down as a set of wards kicked in from the side of the road and spread out in a killing circle, but did me no harm save leave me mystified as to how the hell the Malakha raising his arms activated the portal as I'd neither felt, nor heard anything.

I carefully moved out onto the road when the last Nephilim moved out and through the portal, which instantly closed behind them, and went to where the Malakha had stood. I carefully scanned the ground as well as physically examined it, finding nothing, then feeling very foolish I raised my arms in the same stance the Malakha had used ... nothing. I was just about to lower my arms and slink off to the side when a voice spoke in my head and it wasn't telepathy.

"Destination?" it requested.

Taking a chance I formed the word 'Earth' in reply.

"Acknowledged," came the response.

The portal opened...

I carefully stuck my head through the portal and yes, it was Earth, near Nottingham as far as I could tell and also I felt the department's Seer groups scanning me and the portal.

"Hello Seer Jemima and apprentice Seer Abigail," I sent back to the scan. "Sorry that I don't know the rest of you."

"John! What the hell!" came Jemima's surprised dulcet tones.

"I'm OK, can you get word to Morgana for me? I'll open the portal again soon, but need to avoid notice here as I doubt it will stay open too long. I may be bringing others back with me," I sent quickly before withdrawing my head and watching the portal close.

I jogged off back into the undergrowth in what I hoped was the direction of Jerhz, Mergna and family. It wasn't but fortunately they found me before I became too lost.

"I can open the portal," I told them. "You probably could too, if you were in positions of trust. I suspect it's different in the outer worlds, but that remains to be seen."

"How?" asked Jerhz.

"You just raise up your arms and ask," I replied. "Well, it worked for me."

"Irin spoke to you?" asked Mergna apparently aghast.

"Don't think it was Irin," I replied. "I know what an Old One sounds like, what you call a spawn of Irin and it wasn't the same, it wasn't human though either."

Both Jerhz and Mergna were frowning.

"The Malakha who are empowered to travel through always say the voice fills them with wonder, though it's almost a scream like the voice in the temple maw at Lorkhan when it's fed," said Jerhz.

"Interesting," I mused. "Could one of you take me to where the captured foreign Mages were living so that I could investigate further there? The other could gather your 'rebels' and friends and I'll take them to Earth and hence to a new world," I requested politely.

"You are sure you can do this again?" asked Mergna.

"I don't see why not, but I didn't want to keep trying in case it did set off alarm bells," I replied.

"Agreed," said Jerhz. "I will go and assemble our rebels; Mergna will take you to the homes of the traitor Mages. We will meet back here in 100 kilobeats. Children, with me please."

Mergna led me along various narrow trails saying nothing and simply glaring at me if I attempted to engage her in conversation despite there being no-one around that I could detect. Again I lost track of time, but it didn't seem too long before I recognised the town where, initially, I'd been taken to, well, the fortress part of it.

"I cannot take you into town looking as you do!" hissed Mergna. "You are clearly not Azura."

"Do the foreign Mages wander freely?" I asked.

Mergna gave a hesitant nod, then a squeak of surprise as I allowed my powers to disguise my outer appearance to one of the Mages I'd studied in Heinrich's crystals.

"I did not know you could do that!" she said, plainly shocked.

"Lots you don't know about me," I replied. "Now if this is satisfactory, lead on."

Mergna led the way through the gates of the town towards what I suspected was the better part of it, though to be honest the streets looked clean and litter free.

"Anyone breaking the law ends up in the maw of Irin," Mergna answered my unspoken thought.

"No wonder you rebels stay away," I replied.

"Yes, John, it's extremely dangerous to be here, though had you enlightened me as to your capabilities earlier I would not have been so fearful and angry on the trip here," she said quietly.

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My name is Lori Janus. I just turned twenty years of age, grew up in a suburb of St. Louis, MO and usually attend St. Louis University where I recently completed my second year of study. I say usually because this summer, and for the next semester as well, I am taking part in a "study abroad' program in which I get to live, study, and work in Japan. My excitement level for this is about as high as anything that I have experienced so far in my life. It wouldn't take much to make that claim,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 40 Holiday Parties

December 16, 1996, Colorado Springs, Colorado “Good morning, Mr. Adams!” Margaret Stevens said as I walked into the office in Colorado Springs. “Hi, Margaret. How are you this morning?” “I’m good,” she answered. “Mrs. Jaworski is expecting you.” “Thanks. How are your wedding plans coming along?” “Thank you for asking. They’re pretty simple - a military wedding at the base chapel. It’s really a timing thing for him. We’re getting married at the beginning of June and he’ll get his orders...

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Sassys Forced Submission

                               Sassy's Forced Submission                                                                                                                                                                                                                I come by my nick name honestly. My dad nicknamed me Sassy. I grew up with it, even in school it stuck. I was always mouthing off. Seemed to be my nature. Not a  smartass just feisty. I loved flirting, and sassing the guys back when...

1 year ago
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Step Daughters Desire chapter 12

Janis, Monique, Elise and Sandra acting as run-away slaves are hiding in the woods behind the compound of the estate attempting to avoid capture by the slave hunters from the security unit. Mean while Kim Li is in the play room with Master. She is moaning and screaming while her movements are restricted by the tight rope around each tit and tied to the three foot spreader bar above her pulled tight by the hoist controlling the spreader bar. Her arms are tied behind her at the wrist and elbows...

2 years ago
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I Dont Like Pets

It had started out like any other day. Woke up excited, open the blinds, and went into the kitchen to start the coffee. I decided to take the trash out while the coffee brewed. So I took the long stroll to my apartments compactor. It was a leisurely stroll, but I kept feeling like someone was watching me. I looked about, but I didnt see anyone. Back at my apartment I washed my hands at the kitchen sink. Got out my ingredients and began to make one of my special mocha lattes. I heard some...

3 years ago
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Magical Mathematical Symptomatical Mlpadventure Time

Bonnibel took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "This is the tricky bit." She muttered as a wisp of smoke rose from the tip of her soldering iron. "One false move and its BLAMMO time for all of Ooo!" As she made the final connection to the live circuit, she kept one eye on the Singularitron scope. If the readings went completely snazzo, she would have approximately ten fifteenths of a second to dampen the fields and shut down the system. The effort would be moot though. Her best time in...

4 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop Chapter 8

Daddy at the Truckstop (Im having fun writing this again, and feel some good momentum to get more done. Enjoy, comments and suggestions welcome!)Chapter 8Daddy held me steady by the back of my neck on the elevator ride down. A short ride, but it was apparent that I was being taken underground. An underground sex club where I was to serve.. my lust addled mind latched onto the thought tightly. This hadn't been one of my fantasies, but now it was past that, my new reality being more out of...

1 year ago
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AdriftChapter 13

We kept it up ... not just talking about airplanes ... but a multitude of likes and dislikes. The beginning of an unusual bond. A bond between a 23 year old ... still a kid ... and a mid thirties Reserve pilot/mid level industrial complex manager. Waiting ... he ... for his C-130 being flown by a 23 year old pilot of unknown skills ... and me ... waiting for my sister ... who was flying a C-130 with enough problems that it was heading for a major repair/salvage facility. The odd couple ......

4 years ago
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Tales Of Symphonia Rebirth

Yggdrasill was gone. The giant Karlan tree had returned. The two worlds that had been warring over manna, were joined together. Everything seemed to have taken a step for the better. The only problems facing this world now were the lingering racial barriers between the average person and half-elves, and the now crumbling church of Martel, which had been the only thing holding the government of both worlds together.

2 years ago
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Gathering Fallen Rocks Ch 09

The special order parts for Howard’s truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running. ‘Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful’ Gail chanted, ‘I’m lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I’m almost out of clean clothes. I’ll do laundry while you’re working late tomorrow. I’m missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer.’ ‘Damn, you should...

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Erectile Dysfunction

Without fail, fall break at North Eastland College always signaled a shift in the atmosphere of campus. The vast majority of students abandoned their dorms for the comfort of their parents' houses. The rest ended up at Maxwell Hudson's nightly parties. Kevin Brantford was no exception. He found college to be beyond tedious, and his boring-as-fuck business classes were the bane of his existence. Max's parties were the chance to do the two things that made college tolerable: get hammered...

3 years ago
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3some with matured couple

Me and my wife continued our online fun. We did cam to cam with so many couples and single males from India and abroad. We met a matured couple online from Chennai. We did cam to cam fun with them. They looked very interested. So twice or thrice in a week we started doing cam fun with this couple. We talked each other a lot and we understood each other. Both couples have same kind of fantasies. After 4 months of online fun, we planned to meet each other. So the couple invited us to Chennai. We...

4 years ago
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On the Road again

You know how it is, you drive for what seems like forever and end up in a soulless hotel room.I can't cope with it, my life on the road is getting to me.  There’s nothing on TV and the wi-fi’s too slow for a movie but it can just about cope with a little surfing.  Feeling bored, frustrated and horny, I think about my equally horny wife who is probably masturbating right now or worse - I don't like to think about that.My fingers drift across the keyboard and without trying, a site for local...

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The Southern Sheriff Ch01

It was 11 a.m. The sun gushed over the town of Clintonville, Mississippi.Isaac Singleton pulled up to the station and got out of his truck. The forty-five year old black man wiped his brow and reached for his cowboy hat. He paused for a second and looked at the sheriff insignia on his hat. He took great pride in being the county sheriff, an office he had held for the past ten years. Since the crimes in the county were few and far between, he spent most of his time assisting and helping the good...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Daphne Dare Young Blonde Slut In POV Action

Enjoy this young blonde slut Daphne Dare showing her spectacular body, her big ass, her natural tiny tits, and her provocative pink tight pussy inviting you to have a good sexual encounter with her beautiful grey eyes looking you while she licks your dick with her tongue and inserts it deeper on her throat and suck your balls, then she shakes her beautiful ass for you and continues giving you a good blowjob then she gives you a handjob, Now she poses on a doggy position and you bury your dick...

2 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose12 Setting a Conspiracy in Motion

“Man, what the hell did you tell those women?” Lamar demanded. “Geez, guys are stopping me in the middle of the hall and openly flirting.” “And you’re complaining?” Al asked, grinning. “Well, no, not complaining, but I’m curious what stories your widows are passing around about me.” “It’s an issue, because they’re ignoring me,” Mui added. “Someone needs to tell them there’s no deal unless we both agree to it. After all, this is pair-bonding, not a one-night stand.” “She’s right. We agreed...

1 year ago
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Not quite related THANKFULLY

Introduction: It is based off a true story of the life(the great life) i had with my bother This starts off as a true story. As with most based on true story books, this one has its own twist, mostly later on. It is not really incest, but if you have any problem with that at all I suggest you dont read this. If you dont want to read anything vulgar or anything about child molestation, dont read this. If you are comfortable with those two things you should enjoy it. Im going to make it sexy....

1 year ago
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Car drive whit my mom and dad

Hi guys my name is Mike, a few years ago I was 19 years old then, we (my mom and dad) were planning a road trip. We were going to move my stuff to my collage address, a 5 hour ride. Well, I didn’t know this trip was gone chains the rest of my live. We were planning to make it a family day, I haven't seen my dad much the past months due to his busy job as representative with a big company. My dad is a good looking guy of 48 years (back then) and when I was younger and he had more time, he always...

3 years ago
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Happy Fucking Birthday

“So, we’ll meet there at 9:00pm?” Sándor asked skeptically. “Yeah we’ll be there I swear! Scouts honor.” I giggled. “Ok I’m going to trust you guys… See you there.” He hung up. Chelle looked at me puzzled; she had no clue as to what I had in store for us tonight. We’d been living together for a while now and even though we love each other we like to mix it up and bring a real life toy into the bedroom sometimes. That was our agreement from day one, I love pussy – but sometimes I had to have...

Straight Sex
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Devsena Wali Mami Ko Choda

Hi sexstory doston mera name hai nimku aur mera lund ka size hai 7inch aur koi aunty ya ladki satisfaction chahti hai toh mail me par free mein satisfaction milega. Toh story pe aate hain meri mami jo ki bahubali ki devsena jaisi dikhti hai aur unka figure hai 38-30-36 bahaut hi zyada sexy aur chudakkad maal. Toh mein abhi dushera mein apni nani ke ghar gaya tha for dushera vacation.Jaise hi mein waha pahuncha meri purani yaadein taza ho gayi ki kaise meine apni mami aur maid ko choda tha...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 3

Daniel could feel his muscles throbbing, keeping rhythm with his heartbeat. His body ached and he was soaked in sweat, the moisture cold and wet against his skin. His mouth, though, was completely dry, as if he had been sucking on a cotton ball until just recently. Lying in bed Daniel opened his eyes to the world around him. Judging from the darkness that had crept into the room, several hours had passed since Daniel had fallen asleep. As his eyes began to adjust to the lack of light...

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The Submission of Mrs K

She had a body to die for, and she was on her knees, lovingly tending the flower beds that she cherished. Robin loved her garden and spent many a happy hour tinkering away outside, pruning the roses, mowing the lawn, sweeping the leaves away or planting little flowers, ready to watch them grow to full bloom as the weeks progressed.But it was her aching body that Robin thought about most while she was alone in the garden.From a teenager, she had always been admired, and no wonder! At 18, she had...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 40 You Canrsquot Turn Off A Disability

March 16th, 2019 Hi Everyone, I waited a little bit to update. In part, because I had a neurologist appointment and I wanted to see how that went. The appointment went swell. The docs were really excited about all of the progress I’ve made since my last visit. They were actually happy. I apologized to my main doc. I was in so much pain the last time I was there I showed my ass a bit more than I should. At one point, I was an absolute dick. The funny thing was I was trying to be nice at the...

4 years ago
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What a night

I’m not what you call a good girl. I quickly discovered that I liked sex after developing the kind of curvy body that made men want to have sex with me. I’m by no means a perfect ten. I’m more cute than hot, but I have an above average bra size, thick lips that I’ve been told look pretty good wrapped around a hard cock and a willingness to spread my legs.Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true, I’ve sucked my...

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Amy the Babysitting Slut Chapter 01 Job Offer

I know the themes in this story are not going to be for everyone, taboo, and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved...

3 years ago
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My Secret Is Discovered Part 1

 My father and stepmother left for a four-day getaway leaving Joni, my twenty-two year old stepsister in charge.After dinner Joni and I sit on the sofa; she is wearing a yellow crop top with matching pajama pants. I am wearing a pair of blue pajama shorts and a white t-shirt.I pop our favorite movie, “The Quiet Man” in the DVD player and we sit at opposite ends of the sofa. During the movie I glance over at Joni every now and then. Her coral blue eyes along with the gentle swell of her breasts...

4 years ago
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Lets Try Something New Sweetheart

"Alright, sweetheart, I need to leave for work now. I don't wanna be late today," said Trisha, putting on her clothes. "I am gonna see you in the evening then." "Please don't leave me like this. Please come back to bed, we still have so much to do," I almost begged her. I knew she wouldn’t stay. She really had to leave. "You are gonna be home all day right? Please clean the house today. You never do anything. Don't just stay lying on the bed whole day, move that ass of yours, and clean the...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 02

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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The Prom

BretDon’t get me wrong.  Being a big brother has its advantages.  But, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Yes, you do get to do a lot of things before your younger siblings but most of the time parents are stricter with you than they are the brother or sister.   That is just at home. I haven’t mentioned anything when it comes to school.  That’s an entirely different subject.  Both good and bad as well.  If you’re too good, Teachers expect more from younger siblings. It’s even more difficult...

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Second ChanceChapter 52

Even cruising with the current, getting the BETH ANN back to Mr. Crane's dock took some time, but not as much as going to the Swamp House. As soon as we docked, Mr. Crane went to fire up the grill, and I carried Jennifer off the boat and up to her grandfather's house. I set her down just inside the solarium door where Sherrie took over her care. The afternoon sun was quickly slipping away, and I got the boat shut down and hooked up. Mr. Crane had power and water plumbed out to his dock,...

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Thomas and I

No need for the sharing a keyhole on that day, Thomas and I peered in through the crack watching her as she slowly lathered her skin paying close attention it seemed to her breasts and her pussy. In fact too much attention to her pussy. We watched as the darkened figure behind the opaque plastic raised a leg and with one hand holding the rod another slid down to her crotch. Detail to what her hand was actually doing was hidden in silhouette but our imagination and the hand holding the rod and...

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