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No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon.

Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin.

And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the secrets of the demons and led the Azura on the demon worlds in revolt. For generation after generation the Azura fought the demons, led by the followers of Malakh, whom he had imbued with his power. Yet despair took them as the demons were far more powerful and feasted upon the Azura on the rebel worlds. Then Caddiy, a follower of Malakh, discovered the art of Qiyāmah and the Azuran dead were raised and fought again against the demons.

Yet still the demons were able to defeat the Azura on all worlds but one, the one the Azura named Azurana, where Azura numbers and magic were able to stem the tide and slowly push back against the demons. Attempts were made to retake the other worlds, but the Malakha, as the followers of Malakh were now known, did not succeed as, though they could sense the worlds, they had not the power of the demons to travel between them. On Azurana though the demons were facing the first total defeat they had ever faced in their history. The Azura numbers grew as did their armies of the dead and victory looked to be assured. A return to the other worlds in a war of liberation could begin, to take the Azura into their destiny to lead all races of men into union with the Azura and hence become Azura themselves.

The demons though were not finished. They called upon their powers and in the land of Daedra, which is no more, cast Azurana out into the outer darkness as the Malakha and Caddiysh armies converged upon them to slay them. The demon Queen and her followers died that day, turned to dust upon the swords of the Azura. But victory had been at a bitter price, as the land of Daedra exploded asunder at the death of the demon queen, destroying most of the Malakha and all the Caddiysh who controlled the armies of the dead, who collapsed to dust too with the loss of such great power. Though many sought again the true art of Qiyāmah, the secret was lost at Daedra. Those few Caddiysh left became the armed wing and enforcers of the Malakha.

And the people cried out in great fear as the sky itself had become hostile and drove many mad. For to gaze upon it without the eyes of a Malakha is death itself as the insanity caused made many into berserkers who killed all in their path before being taken down. Coldness crept upon the land too as there was no mother sun to warm the Azura and still the people cried out, though only for death now.

Yet just when all seemed lost the eye of Irin opened in the heavens and the land changed. The surviving Malakha called out to the eye and begged its help, promising the Irin anything to save their people. The Irin agreed, taking a tithe of the newborn Azura into its maw at the great fortress of Lorkhan.

And so the Azura were saved, though Azurana was changed beyond recognition under the eye of Irin where nothing remained constant save only what Irin permitted. And yet the people grew and multiplied as crops grew and the Malakha taught them what could and could not be eaten as told to them by the voice and will of Irin.

Yet some questioned the choosing of the infants, for the Azura had never sacrificed their own before. The Malakha and the surviving Caddiysh seized them and offered the traitors to Irin in apology for their unbelief. Irin was pleased and gave the Malakha and Caddiysh the knowledge to make the spears that bark to enforce its will and dissent was stifled ... for a while.

Rumours also sprang up that the Azura had failed upon Daedra and that somehow the Demon Queen and her court had slipped through the net. Those who said it were hunted down and given to Irin for their temerity, yet still the rumours pervaded certain sections of Azuran society and could not be quashed.

Yet for several generations the Azura grew and prospered in the new Azurana environment. The power of the Malakha and the Caddiysh grew and their control over the people became not one of benevolence but one of evil. It seemed the will of the Malakha and the will of Irin were as one and any who dared question the Malakha would find their families chosen by Irin for sacrifice. Yet some Azura found how to conceal their thoughts from the Malakha and so resistance to repression grew. It grew only slowly as many could not hide their thoughts and were taken to serve Irin. Still the lands of Azurana served to hide many who resisted, for the land itself had grown magical under the gaze of Irin and many were able to conceal themselves from the Malakha and the Caddiysh. Though their hopes of being free were quashed daily. No way to return to their place in the old worlds could be found. The few Malakha traitors were not able to help as they could find no way back either.

Finally Irin itself spoke to the Malakha and gave them the means to open a way back to the Old Worlds. Spies were sent forth to see if the demons still prevailed. To their surprise they found that humanity and others had fought and won the prize that should have been that of the Azura. The demons were no more and other magical using worlds of humanity had sprung up to take their place. Long the Malakha pondered and spoke with Irin and plans were formulated. Until one day a Mage from the Old Worlds came through one of the Azura portals and spoke to the Malakha, promising them aid in return for power. Irin was pleased and gave the Mage a promise of power and dominion over his world much to the disgruntlement of many Malakha and Caddiysh. Eventually though the strange Mage gained respect by challenging and killing all who spoke openly against himself. He also brought other Mages from the Old Worlds through to give obeisance to Irin in return for power. When the time was deemed right, Irin spoke to the Malakha and Caddiysh and the armies of the Azura burst forth upon one of the Old Worlds called Earth. This was despite Irin's promise to the Old World Mages. They were seeking to take back what was theirs only to be humbled and defeated at every turn. The power of the Old World Mages was far greater than the Azura expected and many died before the Azura withdrew to contemplate their failure and assuage the fury of Irin. Small squads of Caddiysh, backed by Malakha, were sent out to the Old Worlds to release the spawn of Irin upon them only to find that other powers interfered with such attempts, save only on the planet the natives called Earth, the home of the foreign Mages. There a seed of Irin was planted and hopes grew that it remained undetected until a human Mage stepped in and extinguished its life force. This was something that the Malakha thought impossible to any other than a Godspawn itself. The Mages of the Old Worlds loyal to Irin said the act was but a fluke and that the Mage involved was weak and lucky. However he was being trained by one of that world's premier Mages and should not perhaps be underestimated.

Again a new attempt was made to infiltrate one of the spawn of Irin onto the world of Earth only for the Malakha and Caddiysh to be ambushed before the attempt could begin. The son of the senior Malakha Mage died as he attempted to cross back, such had been the calamity of the defeat the Azura had been handed. Still, from one of the traitors the Malakha learned where the Azura had been taken and Irin ordered them to silence the Azura before they could tell the Old Worlders where the Azura were from.

A full battlegroup of Caddiysh led by several Malakha ported into this prison world, only to fall to the Old World Mages, who seemingly expected the incursion and again slew them in great numbers, even seizing the leader of the traitorous cabal of Old World Mages in the process. Worse was to follow as, twelve megabeats later, many of the Old World supporters of the Azura had been seized and imprisoned including the second in command of the traitors along with his Azuran lover.

Great was Irin's rage at the failure of the Azura and the Malakha had to seize many more Azura to quench the wrath by sacrifice. Success on another set of worlds though finally restored Irin's temper and the Caddiysh fought hard and bravely to open up many portals upon the worlds of the Æsir. Casualties were high because this too was a warrior people, but the Azura were prevailing as the Caddiysh and Malakha were able to counter the Mages of the Æsir. Many Azura were able to infiltrate Æsir society, though not their government.

It was the destruction of a battlegroup that caused alarm bells to ring again with the Malakha and Caddiysh high command. Intelligence told them that the feared Mages of Earth had taken a hand with the Æsir against them. Indeed the one who caused the destruction of the battlegroup was none other than the young Mage who had slain the spawn of Irin on his own world and the Malakha feared him greatly.

And so plans were set in motion to capture this Mage...

"You seem to know an awful lot about the activities of the Malakha, Jerhz," I finally spoke after taking the tale in.

"That is because I am Malakha as is Mergna my spouse," he replied. "But not loyal to Irin."

"I can detect no magic about you, nor shields," I said blinking in surprise.

"You would in the Old Worlds where Irin's gift," he almost spat at this point, "is designed to work. Here there is no need as we are all supposed to be open to each other. Mergna and I have learned how to hide such thoughts we have from open study."

"Can you teach me how to hide my thoughts too?" I requested.

"I will try to show you how, John, but many cannot do so, even amongst the rebel Malakha," Jerhz replied.

"So how come you cannot open the portal?" I asked.

"Because no Malakha can without the permission of Irin, yet I know you foreign Mages can," he replied.

"Ah, I begin to see what you mean about the gate," I said grimly.

"We will guide you to where the gate is located," said Mergna. "Hopefully you will be able to find out how it works."

"I hope so," I said. "If not can you get me to where the foreign Mages were living, perhaps they left some clues in their quarters."

"That too we can do, John," said Jerhz.

"OK, let's go then," I replied.

The way back to the portal seemed to take a lot longer than I recalled travelling, even running at full tilt. I mentioned this to Jerhz and he admitted that distances and other laws of physics sometimes did not really apply on Azurana anymore.

"It's like walking unknowingly through portals," Mergna said. "Even the angle you hit the various sections the world has can jump you immense distances, but the next day, try the same thing and nothing happens."

"Must get very frustrating at times," I replied.

"Frustrating and dangerous, we ... the Azura that is ... have lost children who wandered off and were found days away, more often than not dead from exposure or animal attack," Jerhz said.

"No wonder you want out," I replied.

"I just hope our trust in you is not misplaced, John," he said quietly.

"As do I," I muttered in return.

We reached what to me appeared to be an arbitrary clearing where the party stopped.

"We can take you no further, John. The gate is 300 beats to your front and to go further for us, if it is activated, means death," said Mergna.

I had to admit; not being able to read Jerhz and Megna's thoughts other than at the surface level was driving me nuts. With a normal human I would have known why this place was the boundary, with another Mage I would ask, with those two I had the feeling that I was trying their patience until I had proven my worth to them.

I moved carefully in the direction they had indicated, but could feel no magical wards or forces in play. I eventually found myself close to the portal which was not in operation and settled myself down to wait. I wasn't sure how long the time period was that I did wait, I wasn't concentrating on the shadows, but it didn't feel too long before a column approached the portal. I carefully raised all my shields, but did not allow them to take form as yet, mostly because I was passively sensing the entire area hoping for a clue as to how the portal was to be opened. Interestingly enough I could sense and read the approaching Nephilim quite clearly, though none appeared to be thinking about the portal. Finally they stopped in front of the portal and one of the Malakha stepped forward and raised his arms and the portal formed. My shields slammed down as a set of wards kicked in from the side of the road and spread out in a killing circle, but did me no harm save leave me mystified as to how the hell the Malakha raising his arms activated the portal as I'd neither felt, nor heard anything.

I carefully moved out onto the road when the last Nephilim moved out and through the portal, which instantly closed behind them, and went to where the Malakha had stood. I carefully scanned the ground as well as physically examined it, finding nothing, then feeling very foolish I raised my arms in the same stance the Malakha had used ... nothing. I was just about to lower my arms and slink off to the side when a voice spoke in my head and it wasn't telepathy.

"Destination?" it requested.

Taking a chance I formed the word 'Earth' in reply.

"Acknowledged," came the response.

The portal opened...

I carefully stuck my head through the portal and yes, it was Earth, near Nottingham as far as I could tell and also I felt the department's Seer groups scanning me and the portal.

"Hello Seer Jemima and apprentice Seer Abigail," I sent back to the scan. "Sorry that I don't know the rest of you."

"John! What the hell!" came Jemima's surprised dulcet tones.

"I'm OK, can you get word to Morgana for me? I'll open the portal again soon, but need to avoid notice here as I doubt it will stay open too long. I may be bringing others back with me," I sent quickly before withdrawing my head and watching the portal close.

I jogged off back into the undergrowth in what I hoped was the direction of Jerhz, Mergna and family. It wasn't but fortunately they found me before I became too lost.

"I can open the portal," I told them. "You probably could too, if you were in positions of trust. I suspect it's different in the outer worlds, but that remains to be seen."

"How?" asked Jerhz.

"You just raise up your arms and ask," I replied. "Well, it worked for me."

"Irin spoke to you?" asked Mergna apparently aghast.

"Don't think it was Irin," I replied. "I know what an Old One sounds like, what you call a spawn of Irin and it wasn't the same, it wasn't human though either."

Both Jerhz and Mergna were frowning.

"The Malakha who are empowered to travel through always say the voice fills them with wonder, though it's almost a scream like the voice in the temple maw at Lorkhan when it's fed," said Jerhz.

"Interesting," I mused. "Could one of you take me to where the captured foreign Mages were living so that I could investigate further there? The other could gather your 'rebels' and friends and I'll take them to Earth and hence to a new world," I requested politely.

"You are sure you can do this again?" asked Mergna.

"I don't see why not, but I didn't want to keep trying in case it did set off alarm bells," I replied.

"Agreed," said Jerhz. "I will go and assemble our rebels; Mergna will take you to the homes of the traitor Mages. We will meet back here in 100 kilobeats. Children, with me please."

Mergna led me along various narrow trails saying nothing and simply glaring at me if I attempted to engage her in conversation despite there being no-one around that I could detect. Again I lost track of time, but it didn't seem too long before I recognised the town where, initially, I'd been taken to, well, the fortress part of it.

"I cannot take you into town looking as you do!" hissed Mergna. "You are clearly not Azura."

"Do the foreign Mages wander freely?" I asked.

Mergna gave a hesitant nod, then a squeak of surprise as I allowed my powers to disguise my outer appearance to one of the Mages I'd studied in Heinrich's crystals.

"I did not know you could do that!" she said, plainly shocked.

"Lots you don't know about me," I replied. "Now if this is satisfactory, lead on."

Mergna led the way through the gates of the town towards what I suspected was the better part of it, though to be honest the streets looked clean and litter free.

"Anyone breaking the law ends up in the maw of Irin," Mergna answered my unspoken thought.

"No wonder you rebels stay away," I replied.

"Yes, John, it's extremely dangerous to be here, though had you enlightened me as to your capabilities earlier I would not have been so fearful and angry on the trip here," she said quietly.

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Islmabad ki larki

Hello all readers it me haris from rawalpindi its my first time to share my experience with u I am a 20 yr old guy it happened with me and my class fellow it’s a true story her name was sania.i usually ignore girls but she contacts me by herself I day I receive her call she become my friend then this friendship turns into love we use to do sexy talking phone sex all night she loves me so much she was crazy about me I day I ask her that I want do sex with u she says I also want that I will call...

2 years ago
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Their slave

I woke up tied to a tree by my wrists on my tiptoes as it was getting light out. It was already quite warm and I was sweating. My large tits(42DD) were dripping sweat and covered with welts, brusies, scratches and bite marks as was my flat stomach, my thighs and hips, calves and feet. My ass felt like it was on fire. I was filthy, covered in dirt and grime all over my body. It slowly started to cum back to me what had happened last nite. I tatsed cum on my lips and my face felt all sticky and...

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sister in law helped in hours of need

As drove into my drive at the end of a hard week at work, I noticed my sister in law Helen had arrived for her holiday, she did this every year and to be honest, if I had the chance I would fuck her until my cock broke off, a real cock stiffener never married, real sexy tall and tits that a guy would suck on for hours, she was a total cock teaser and knew she could get a guy hard in seconds, the wife was the total opposite, hated sex, flirting, wearing sexy clothes, and if we didn’t have k**s...

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BangBus Aaliyah Hadid The Walk Of Shame

The bus is always on the look for some desperate chicks out here in Miami. This week, we was creeping on the come up and we came across this chick doing the walk of shame. She was still wearing her club dress from the previous night, her hair was all fucked up, and she was carrying her heels and walking barefoot down the dirty streets of Miami. How much more desperate can there be? We pulled up and asked her if she needed a ride. Turns out she had lost her friends at the club along with her...

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Tammy opens up

I love beaches. When I was 20 my buddy Leo and I went to a beach down on the south shore. We lived a good two hours from the shore so it was an adventure and a nice break from the lakes. The beach we went to was upscale and we looked pretty out of place. We were the only 2 black guys on the beach and we were getting a laugh out of it. It didn't take long to get the attention of two young ladies. I'm 6'1" athletic build and very dark complexion. Leo is a bit taller and not as built but over all...

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Meri pyari padosan

Mera naam vijay hai. Mere pados main ek family rahti thi. Unki family main uncle, anti aur unka ek ladka aur do ladkiya thi. Unke yaha hamara ana janna bahut tha. Aksar hum log ek dusre ke ghar main ate jate rahte the.Badi ladki bahut sundar thi par choti ladki thik thak thi. Baton baton mein choti wali ladki mujhe pasad karne lagi aur mera bahut khayal rakhti thi. Ek baar hum log mere ghar mein bachho ke sath khel rahe the. Khel khel mein main uska hath pakad liya aur jor se uski muthi main...

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Shed only ever had her exhusbands cock Part 1

Tess had only been there a few days, but her time around the pool soaking up the sun had already started to bronze her 5' 11" slightly chubby frame very nicely indeed. Her long, dark brown hair totally added to the completeness off her image. Add to this a very pert set of perfectly formed 38DD breasts and she was close to becoming almost the perfect example of the female form! As she glanced around the pool, she smiled to herself. Through her Ray Bans she could count at least six...

2 years ago
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For thousands of years men have tried to understa

AIM: Make the woman happy. Do something she likes, and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects. Sorry, that's just the way the game's played. Here's a guide to the points system: SIMPLE DUTIES You make the bed ...............................+1 You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets.....-1 You leave the toilet seat up....................-5 You replace the toilet paper roll when it is empty... 0 When the...

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Suffering From Sanity

I've been here for five years. Many have proven incapable of surviving this long. They lose their minds and succumb to the insanities they are labeled. They are defined by their insanities and are slaves to them. They come in here, secretly denying their insanities, and over time, are moulded into the exact thing they denied. I am my insanities. I define them and accept them. I mould my insanities into what I want them to be. I shape them and nurture them. I am not labeled insane. I am...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 8 Like A LOT Of Sex In The Champagne Room

Rape? Reluctance? Submission? Willingness? Bianca fought, hard enough that Jewel and Ashley had to restrain her a few times. She made no attempt to hurt me though! When the pleasure got intense, she moved with me. Bianca paid her first night of debt, but there was more to it than balancing the sheet with Ashley. The next day, our lunch was more relaxed than any meal we had up to that point. Lorena prepared a small feast of pork and yellow rice. There was a celebratory air to the group!...

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An Unexpected Pleasure

My wife and I met Colin and Jayne quite a few years ago. We were visiting some friends in Edinburgh who were hosting a Sunday lunch party and chatting with them we found that we had lots of interests in common: theatre; music; literature; and ballet, for example.They lived locally but had a holiday cottage about 40 miles from where we lived. It was pretty basic they said, but they were gradually doing it up during the summer holidays. They were both teachers, so they had plenty of...

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The story of Aliaranna Pt 1

She slides out of her bed and gets out of the covers onto her own feet with a suffle. She stretches out her back before moving towards the wooden door and opening it then suddenly being filled with the colors of pink translucent curtains. Aliaranna smiles at the women on 7 beds sitting there nude smiling back. She looks them all over, "Good morning my latina sluts." Aliaranna says with a toothy grin. The girls call back, "Good morning mistress Aliaranna." Aliaranna looks them over...

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Life Under MistressChapter 10

“Do you realize who that is?” Monica asked us all. “No, but evidently you do, so share it with us Monica.” Eric laughed. “Okay, okay that’s Janis Ross Whitney!” Monica told us. “And who is a Janis Ross Whitney???” Eric asked the million dollar question for all of us. “Only the owner and head of Extreme Solutions LLC.” Monica laughed. “And that’s supposed to tell me ... us something?” Eric complained, looking around at the rest of us. “Ok ... Ok. She is the person you go to when your...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 39A Show and Tell at the Pool

Danny returned with the towels just as Mary stuck her head through the door, "We're ready!" But Randall's cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Randall? Toby." "Hi. What's up?" "Just left Erin's." Toby sounded self-satisfied. "Hang on." Randall put his finger to his lips and put the phone on speaker. "So what happened? Did you get laid?" "Who's listening?" Toby asked, alerted by the change in sound quality. "Nobody who doesn't know what you were up to," Randall assured...

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The Headmasters Office

It's after midnight and I'm writing this by torchlight under the covers of my bed, holding an ice pack between my legs. I can't stop thinking about what happened after school today; hopefully writing this down will let me clear my mind and get some sleep. If anyone is reading, I don't expect you to believe it, but I swear every word is true. I'm in my final year at a posh boarding school in Sydney. It's pretty cool in an old-world sort of way; as well as the normal business, science...

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Deepali The Punjabi Girl

Hello doston mera naam Pabby hai. Hmesan ki tehan is baar bhi main aap ka feedback chahta hoon aur mera email id hi and .Meri umra 36 varsh hai aur main dekhney mein kafi smart aur handsome hoon aur body sporty he aur meri height 5 ft 11 inch he. Mainey abhi tak shadi nahi ki thi is liye me pure thhat key sath rehta hoon. Mera jaipur me apna 4 bed room flat kharid liya hai aur mai poori mauj masti main rehta hoon. Main bara hi rasik mijaj ka hoon 15-16 varsh ki ayu se hi chudai ka maja ley...

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Her Neighbors Games Ch 4

Helen’s emotions were riding a roller coaster for the rest of the afternoon. Time and time again she relieved her neighbor’s visit as if she was watching herself in a movie recording. Everything was so far outside of her range of experiences, and the heat still lingering between her legs didn’t let her think rationally.The potted plants in the living room needed to be watered, but she had already tried twice, and every time she stepped into the room her eyes had roamed over the couch where she...

2 years ago
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Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...

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Cuckold Wife chapter two

“Has he said anything?” Brenda asked.“Not a word, but he has been particularly loving,” Kim giggled.Four days had passed since the two women had hatched their plan for Kim's husband to be seduced by Brenda. Kim was still getting the familiar itch in her pussy as she recalled standing in Brenda's spare bedroom masturbating, as she watched Paul fuck her long-time friend.“Just so I am clear what's happening on Monday, run it past me again," Brenda said, clamping the phone to her head and stroking...

Group Sex
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Family HavenChapter 6

Now it was time for Ursula. John was already naked and fondling the girl's well-rounded teenage titties when David and Carol stirred themselves into action. "I'd like you to suck my prick for a little while, Ursula, and later David and I will frig you together. While you suck me, it would be a good idea, I think, if you, Carol, and David got her asshole ready. With that John sat at the edge of the bed, his prick waiting for the young girl's lips. Ursula was soon sucking it avidly and...

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Becoming Emily Part XIV

After Paige and her Daddy left I cleaned up and decided to take a nap. I couldn’t help but think about the way that he held her after they first fucked and how, as a male, I had avoided that at all cost. When I was done I was done and if the girl was insistent upon staying I would just roll over and go to sleep. More often though I had tried to have a reason in place as to why they couldn’t stay or I couldn’t stay at their place. Even after I was turned into a female I hadn’t really sought out...

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The Rivers Bounty

His line tightened, he jerked his pole up and felt his hook clasp onto something. Excitement whirled within him for a moment but quickly fell to disappointment as he began reeling the line in. He knew as soon as his line tightened that he hadn’t caught what he was looking for. A large bonefish broke the calmness of the water. He was right. Antonio reeled it in. Once on the shore, he pulled the hook out of the fish’s jaws and took a picture of him posing with it. Something to show his parents...

3 years ago
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Princess Hiba

My cock has been caged since before puberty , my body stunted by aggressive hormones and steroids. Strict diet and physical exercise. I have natural large B-cup breasts, a perfectly round ass and beautiful legs. My hair is past my ass, my body completely hair free. My name is Hiba it meaning in Arabic is “gift” . And that’s what I was a gift to Prince Ali Bashir. Given to him by my family to repay a debt. I don’t remember them or know who they are.Prince Bashir was a man with many beautiful...

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Breeding Partners

Day 1 Max sat in her tiny cell with its grey, unpainted concrete walls, staring at nothing as thoughts of escape filled her mind. That had been her only constant thought ever since she had woken up in the infirmary two weeks ago. No, she corrected. Her mind had also been filled with thoughts of Zack. What Zack had done for her was so typically Zack, sacrificing himself to keep her alive. She had stared, numb in shock when that bitch, Renfro had told her in that smug voice of hers that Zack...

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The MVP vs Big DChapter 5

Punishment 2 Saturday. No clients. No office. No responsibilities. I may be in my mid-thirties, but I still know how to party. Or at least I still know how to sleep in as if I'd partied the night before. I woke up a little before noon and came to the realization that my apartment, while fine for me, was in no condition to host the basketball game on Sunday. So, my first move was to find all my dirty clothes and cram them wherever they would fit. In the hamper would have been ideal, but...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 4 The Tour Mobile

Lana returned from her private fuck session with Ron later that evening with a big blissful smile on her face, and a very red, well spanked butt. In general, 'the Orgasm Queen' was no submissive, but Lana did have a very deeply buried submissive side that only 'the Master' new how to occasionally tap into. It was possible that Lana's blissful smile was a bit too big because when she walked into her room to find Hannah there alone (Ana had spent most of the afternoon and evening at...

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Vigilante Outer Space 4Chapter 3

Bruce and Brenda held hands as they gazed out a "window" of The Bright Journey. "Bruce, darling, I'm so very glad you wanted to take this vacation. Space is so beautiful at sub-light speed. I admit that I would probably not have thought of it, but I am having the time of my life! And so many of these ET's are such wonderful people and make such pleasant company. I just love it all!" "Me, too! It's been so much more than I had hoped and being here with you is the icing on the cake....

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Lustful ViceChapter 41

They arrive at the lakeside cabin by late afternoon. Zaria seems beside herself with glee, filling the cupboards with groceries. Ray takes their suitcases to the master bedroom and then removes the dust covers placed over the furniture throughout the cabin. He ponders playing house with his daughter over the next couple of weeks with a little uncertainty. The last three years have been wonderful. He loves being with her and hates knowing that she is fucking other guys while she is away at...

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Two people looking for different things, but with a common goal It was late in the evening on yet another of those rare scorching late August days. I was having a pint of beer and a packet of Gary Lineker’s favourite crisps at an outdoor table at my local pub. It was there that I saw her. About five foot two, slender build, nice tit bumps, long brown hair – a bit lank, a face that looked fourteen, the over elaborate make up not at all convincing; she had a Midlands dialect. She was sat with...

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A Walk in the Mountains

The leaves were changing from green to red. The air was brisk with the promise of a sunny autumn day. Giving a hike in the mountains an erotically delicious idea. As we made our start up the mountain you took my hand in yours. A warm intoxicating smile came across your face. Mischief was ablaze in your eyes. I could only imagine what was on your mind. Just a few more steps and we came to the bottom of a waterfall. Drawing me closer, you held my face in your hands and kissed my lips softly....

3 years ago
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Welcome To The Family

Bill was taking stock of his life. He’d been divorced for a good number of years now, no kids. After twenty years of being a long-haul over the road trucker, he’d been all over the country. He had memories of plenty of women along the way – all kinds. He’d had sexual encounters with strangers, blind dates, old friends from high school, even truck stop hookers. As he rolled down the highway, he often daydreamed about new avenues of sexual adventure, new things he might want to explore… Bondage?...

4 years ago
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Peat May Drad

By : Jasivender Hi friends mera nam Jasvinder hai may ISS koch time pehle hi read karna sur kiya hai isliye mene sucha kanyu na may bi apni story aap share karu pehle may apni body ke bare may bata hun height 5.10 well shaped body or smart bhi tik 2 hun mera apna business tha kisi karn mere business may loose hu gaya or mere ko job karni padi job thi marketig ki un dino hamare yaha relaince pco ka kam tha to jinke pass may job karta tha buh bhot badiya log the mene unke liye Din rat mehnt ki...

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