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Turbulence Complete Synopsis: Little did Roger Lyons know that the pretty young girl he met on his late night flight would lead him into a new life and introduce him into a world he had no idea existed. (Newly edited and combined version of the original 10-part story.) Turbulence By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Chapter One A very wise friend once told me that there's a world out there that most people have no idea exists. I used to be one of those people. However, my eyes were opened to this world and my life hasn't been the same since. I've decided to write my tale; it's up to you to believe it. It all started as I boarded the flight back home. I was pleased to see that it was almost empty. I flew enough to know which flights to schedule, and the "red-eye" from Honolulu to San Diego was almost always empty on Friday evenings. This would allow me to get some much- needed sleep without listening to some tourists talk about their "dream vacation". My seat was near the back of the plane and I hoped that I would be by myself. The rows around me were also empty, which suited me just fine. I'm not anti-social; rather I am pro-sleep! My name was Roger Lyons and I was a defense contractor troubleshooter. I worked for one of the electronic companies in San Diego, CA. When there was a problem installing some nice piece of electronic gear, I was the one they called. This past year I had flown to Pearl Harbor six times to help get the bugs out of the latest missile guidance system for the Navy. Our company was testing a new system that would revolutionize the ability of our ships to engage aircraft at twice the present distance. I only wished that they had selected a ship in San Diego. It would have saved me a lot of travel time. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Hawaii; it's just that I never get to see any of it. My last trip all I saw was the hotel, Pearl Harbor, and the airport! I really loved my job, as every day was something new. I loved solving puzzles and problems. I was in my mid-twenties, single, and pulling down a pretty good salary. I had been so lucky to get this job when I left the Navy after my first tour of duty. Even the traveling wasn't too bad. I looked around the near empty plane and started to relax. Even if someone came on late, they wouldn't put them next to me, as there were so many empty rows. The flight crew understood that most people on the flight just wanted to sleep. It made their job easier! Then I saw her walk on. She was very pretty, although she was dressed a bit too cheap for my taste. She was about 5-8, with long curly red hair, lovely green eyes, very long thin legs, and a shapely body. Her breasts were almost too big for her frame, but were full and round. At least she had the body for her outfit. She was wearing a very short skirt, a very low cut top, and no bra! Her outfit looked liked it had been painted on her body. Don't get me wrong, I found her very attractive, but I liked my women to dress classier. She was too attractive to look so slutty. Her hair was truly gorgeous. It wasn't that bright orange red; rather it was a dark red that looked very mysterious. I was a real sucker for redheads. I estimated that she was in her late teens or early twenties. Not quite out of reach, as I was presently twenty-seven. She came down the aisle and stopped two rows in front of me on the opposite side of the plane. I watched as she put her bag in the overhead. I could see that she was wearing a thong, as could anyone else looking at her. She smiled at me as she turned around to take her seat. I chuckled to myself. I though of a friend back in the Navy who had tried to pick up a girl similar to her and only to find out she was only sixteen! This girl was definitely older than sixteen. But there was something about her that screamed that she was nothing but trouble. I put her out of my mind as we took off. I checked my watch and was pleased that we were on time. We would be landing in San Diego in around five to six hours, and I could enjoy what was left of the weekend. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. It was a very deep dreamless sleep. When I awoke everything felt wrong. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that I was in a different seat. I was also completely paralyzed! I couldn't move a muscle or make a sound. I began to panic! Suddenly there was voice inside my head telling me to calm down. I felt a hand on my face, and it turned my head so I could see who was talking to me. I then came face to face with myself! I was looking at me, or at least my body, sitting next to me! It was definitely me. I had to look up at my face as I was 6-2, and I saw my blue eyes, brown hair, and my moustache. I was able to look down and I saw I was now in the body of the girl across the aisle. I then heard the voice again telling me to calm down. The strange thing was that "he" never actually spoke. It was like "he" was talking directly into my mind. "Now relax and I'll tell you everything," 'he' said. The voice was still female even though it obviously was coming from my old body. "I have frozen you so you wouldn't make a scene. I can release you at a moment's notice. I want you to listen to what I am going to tell you." I stared back at "him" and wondered if "he" could read my thoughts. "Yes, I can read your mind," 'he' said and smiled. "What happened? Why did you do this to me?" I asked in a shocked tone. "All in good time, Roger, or should I say, Iona? That is the name that goes with the body. You are now Iona Beddau. In case you are wondering, the name is Celtic with some Druid thrown in for good measure," 'he' explained. I found that if I concentrated I could draw up some of her memories, basic stuff like name, age, address, and things like that. "Good, I can see that you are trying to find out some things about me. I've switched bodies so many times that I can instantly access the info. You've had a very interesting life. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it," 'he' explained. I wasn't sure if I liked the fact that she had access to all my memories. I looked at 'him', "Why did you do this?" I asked. This mental telepathy took some getting used to. "First off, don't worry; this isn't permanent or anything like that. I like to switch with people every now and then. It is a nice way to spice up my sex life," 'he' replied with a wicked smile on my face - correction, make that on HER face. This was so confusing. I then imagined what was going to happen. "That's right, honey, we are going to have a wonderful weekend of sex, and then I'll switch us back and be on my way. All you'll be left with is the memory of having sex as a woman," 'he' explained. "How is this possible?" I thought. I also noticed a strange sensation building inside me. At the mention of sex, I found myself becoming aroused. I could feel my nipples start to harden and I also felt myself getting wet between my legs. "I am a sorceress. All the women in my family are blessed with powers. I like to use mine for my own pleasure. I suppose that I could do much more with my powers, but I love sex, as you are starting to discover. I hyped up my own body's sexual urges before we switched bodies, so you'll be nice and horny all weekend. There is no reason in making the switch if the other person won't play." I thought that she was a very shallow, selfish person. She had these great powers and all she could think of was personal pleasure. "My Aunt Kayla feels the same way that you do. I am on my way to San Diego to stay with her. She is supposed to help me mature and expand my powers and mind," she said in a disgusted tone. "It's going to be so boring, but I have to appease the elders in the clan." The increased sexuality of my new body was becoming too much to ignore. I found it hard to focus on anything but sex. "Good! I see that you are almost ready. Now do you promise to 'be me' the rest of this weekend?" she asked. I thought about it. I really didn't have a choice. "Yes, I promise," I replied. "Excellent! Besides, who would believe you anyway? Everyone knows that you can't switch bodies!" she laughed. I was so horny now and needed relief so badly. If I could have moved, I would have immediately started playing with myself. "My, you are a randy one! And to think, you thought I was slutty!" she said with a smile. "Now I am going back to the lavatory. I will release you and you will join me. You are about to become a member of the mile-high club." I watched as she got up and walked to the back of the plane. Within seconds, I found that I could move. I got up and walked back to the lavatory. I was aware of my new body as I walked back to join my enchanting lover. I could feel my breasts bounce and the sway of my hips as I moved to the very back of the plane. All I could think about was sex. I opened the door and saw myself sitting on the john with pants down and a full erection. Without hesitation I backed in and closed the door. I slipped off my thong and moved back. What was so amazing was that I seemed to know exactly what to do. I moved down and felt the cock, my cock, slide into my wet vagina. My mind was too clouded by passion to think about what was happening. I felt hands on my breasts as the cock slipped in and out. I found myself having to hold in moans of pleasure as I rode the cock up and down. The added fear of being caught seemed to intensify the excitement! The thought of being fucked by my own body only made me hotter. I pulled up my top and began squeezing my nipples. I was so horny and I wanted to orgasm so badly! The sensations began to build up and we climaxed together. It took all my willpower to stop from screaming out in pleasure. I should have been disgusted by what was happening, but I was too turned on to care. I felt my vagina being filled with shot after shot of cum. My own orgasm swept through my body with waves of pleasure. My whole body was tingling. I had never imagined that it could feel this way. I was used to orgasms being concentrated around my cock; now I was feeling my whole body as I climaxed. We sat there together for a moment. I then heard her voice in my mind again. "Okay, my dear, we need to clean up and go back to our seats. Don't worry about anyone interrupting you. I have taken care of that with a spell to ensure our privacy!" she laughed. "I didn't tell you because the fear of being caught only adds to the intensity of the sexual act!" We shifted around, and I watched as my possessed body got dressed and washed up. He then leaned over and kissed me long and deep. It felt wonderful! After "he" left, I cleaned myself up a bit. I used some wet paper towels to wipe up the cum that was now dripping out of my vagina. I did this almost automatically, as if I had done it many times before. I also accepted that for the moment Iona was Roger and I was now Iona. I knew that I would have the look and aroma of someone who'd just had sex. I tried not to worry about what people might think. After all this really wasn't my body. I did my best to straighten myself up and walked out to rejoin "him." My now erect nipples were pressing through my thin cotton top. I felt my breasts bounce as I walked. I wished that she had worn a bra. I sat down next to "him." I checked my watch; I was momentarily caught off guard by my thin dainty wrist and manicured nails. I looked over at "him." "So what happens now?" I asked. It was strange hearing my new feminine voice. I was initially shocked by it. "We'll go back to 'my place' for the weekend," replied 'Roger.' It was even stranger hearing my voice speak to me. "I suppose that you know that we'll have to get a cab," I commented. My car was back at my apartment. I never leave it at the airport. "I know everything, my sweet Iona," he said. "Roger" leaned over and kissed me. I eagerly accepted her tongue as we kissed deep and long. It felt strange kissing someone with a moustache! We started our descent into San Diego. I spent the time trying to access information from Iona's memories. I found that, if I focused, I could find information. I was able to access that Iona was 21 and had been born in upstate Maine. My mother's name was Fiona. My father had died when I was young. I thought what a wonderful gift this power could become. You could share information and help others instead of using it strictly for sexual pleasure. Although, I had to admit that the sex was incredible. I decided to accept my fate and enjoy myself as much as possible over the rest of the weekend. Besides, my newfound knowledge about female sexuality could come in handy in the future. I also discovered that the psychic link was no long active. I guessed that it must have been part of the spell that was used to freeze me. I was starting to feel slightly horny again as we came in for a landing. We waited with the rest of the passengers for our luggage. I was surprised that I was able to recognize my suitcases without being told anything. "The longer you are in the body, the easier it is to remember things," 'Roger' whispered to me. Maybe she could still read my mind? I also felt the eyes of all those men on me. I could feel them lusting after me. I should have felt scared or ashamed or even nervous, but all I felt was horny. "Is there any way that you can 'lower the volume' on my sexual urges?" I whispered to him. I was afraid that I wouldn't make it to my apartment. "Feeling too hot?" 'he' said with a smile. "Okay, but just until we get to the apartment and then it goes back up, as I like my lovers to be extra horny!" 'Roger' touched me on my forehead. I felt a slight shock. I felt my sexual urges drop down a bit. I was still horny, but it was controllable. We walked over to catch a cab back to my apartment. I only lived ten minutes away. My apartment was near Balboa Park, so we didn't even need to get on the freeways. It was still early and there was still some ground fog. The cabbie headed out of the parking lot and towards downtown. We both sat in the back of the cab. I was sitting on the passenger side. Much to my embarrassment, Roger began to kiss me again. The cabbie kept looking in his mirror at us. He seemed to enjoy the show. There was almost no traffic as we headed towards my apartment. We stopped at a red light, and I felt his hand slip between my legs. Roger's fingers began to rub against my panties. I offered no resistance as it felt too good. My memories of what happened next are as vivid today as the moment they happened. I can close my eyes and play back what happened in slow motion. The light changed to green, and we started through the intersection; there was a screeching of brakes as a car that was running the red came right at the driver's side of the cab. I could see the car coming right at us, and I screamed. I remembered seeing "Roger" move to protect me. Then there was the crash of metal, the breaking of glass, the sensation of being thrown against the passenger side of the car. Then there was the pain, intense and strong pain sweeping through my body, and then silence as I mercifully drifted into darkness. Chapter Two When I woke up, I was in total confusion and intense pain. I was obviously in a hospital bed. I had all sorts of wires attached to me, and I had an IV in my arm. My body hurt all over. I also knew that I was still in Iona's body. I looked around the best I could and saw the call button near my left hand. I pressed the button, and a nurse quickly appeared. "Thank goodness, you're finally awake!" she exclaimed, as a smile grew on her face. She then picked up a phone and called for a doctor. "How long have I been here?" I asked in a weak voice. "Two days," answered the nurse, as she checked my IV. Two days! I was obviously hurt, but how badly? And what about "Roger?" The doctor came in and picked up my chart. "Do you know where you are, Miss Beddau?" he asked. "I'm in a hospital. What happened?" I asked. It was strange answering to that name. My mind was awash in thoughts. I was afraid of being found out. I also wondered what had happened to the real Iona, who was in my body. "You were in a very serious car crash. Can you tell me your first name?" he asked. "It's Iona," I answered. I tried to focus and access Iona's memories. He asked me a few more questions. They were all simple questions that I should have known immediately, if I had been the real Iona. The problem was that I couldn't access the memories quickly enough. "You're apparently suffering from some memory loss. But I wouldn't worry too much. It is very common with a head injury. At least you are doing better than when you arrived. You couldn't even remember your name. You kept saying your name was Roger," explained the doctor with a smile. "How bad am I hurt?" I asked. My left leg was very sore, and the side of my head felt like I'd been hit by a baseball bat. "You suffered a fractured skull, but it isn't too serious. You also have a concussion, several broken ribs, and, most seriously, your left leg is broken in several places. In fact, if it had been any worse, we might have had to amputate it. You were in surgery for several hours. We had to insert several steel rods in it, and I think you'll regain full use of it, but it will take time. Thankfully, you didn't have any internal injuries. It's a miracle, considering the severity of the accident," he answered. "What about Roger... and the cab driver?" I asked. I was suddenly filled with a feeling of pure dread. He hesitated for a second, and I instantly knew the answer. "I'm sorry, but they both died. The cab driver was killed instantly. Mr. Lyons probably saved your life by shielding you from the worst of it. We tried to save him, but his injuries were just too severe," he answered softly. "Were you close to Mr. Lyons? I nodded and I immediately began to cry. His words cut into me like a knife! I found that my emotional state was much looser now. It would have been impossible to hold my feelings in, and I made no attempt to do so. I cried because two people had died, I cried because of the pain, I cried because of the pain this would cause my family, and I cried because I was now trapped in a stranger's body. I began to feel a sense of panic sweep through me. The doctor motioned to the nurse; she gave me a sedative through the IV, and I quickly fell asleep. I drifted in and out of sleep over the next day. I woke up and saw a pleasant looking redheaded woman sitting in my room talking to a nurse. She seemed strangely familiar; it slowly came to me that she was Aunt Kayla. The hospital must have contacted her. "So, my dear, you're finally awake?" she asked in a pleasant voice. "I feel a bit better... Aunt Kayla," I answered. Iona was right; the memories were easier to access. I hoped that I sounded natural. "Thank you for asking. It's good to see that you're here." "If you need anything, just ring the call button," stated the nurse. She then walked out of the room. Aunt Kayla closed the door and walked over to my bedside. She sat down next to me and smiled. "Well, you're obviously not Iona. You're far too polite!" Well, that didn't take long. "No, I'm not Iona. I'm so sorry," I replied as the tears started again. I was about to explain what happened when she put her finger to her lips. "I know what happened, my dear. That silly selfish girl is to blame. I warned her that she needed to be more careful with her powers. That was the point of her coming here!" she lamented. There was silence. I could tell that she was angry at Iona and at the same time mourning her death. "Well, that is now water under the bridge. Now, what do we do with you?" she asked. She had a very pleasant demeanor. I instantly liked her. Like Iona, she had striking red hair. I guessed it ran in the family, my family now. "So, tell me about yourself." I told her about my life as Roger and my life in San Diego. I felt better as I talked to her. She shared my concern for my family. "It could have been worse. I am glad that you were not married. That would have made your adjustment much more difficult," she explained. "So what happens now?" I asked. "Well, you will spend the rest of your life as Iona Beddau. You'll probably have to make do without the family powers, but I think you'll manage," she stated. I sat there and let it sink in that I was now a 21-year-old woman. I felt my eyes starting to tear up again. Aunt Kayla took my hand and I instantly felt comforted. I knew that I could trust her. "What does Iona -- I mean -- what do I do for a living?" I asked. "I hate to break this to you, but she didn't do much besides sleep around and aggravate her family. On the plus side, you are starting with a clean slate. She didn't have a job or any other adult responsibility," she answered. There was a sense of sadness in her voice. "I'm starting to remember things," I remarked. Aunt Kayla was right; Iona had led a pretty hedonistic lifestyle. "So if I didn't work, where did I get money?" I was hoping that I wasn't a thief too. "You have a rather sizeable trust fund that was set up by your father," she said. "That reminds me, I'll need to call your mother and tell her what happened." I brought up some memories. Not surprisingly, Iona wasn't on good terms with her mother either. "How will she react?" I asked. I was surprised that I was actually concerned about her. I also remembered that her name was Fiona. Aunt Kayla smiled. "Fiona half expected something like this would happen. She still loved Iona, and I'm sure she will want to meet you." I searched my memories. I could now picture Fiona, Iona's mother and now my mother. She was very beautiful and had the same colored hair. I hoped that I could undo some of the damage done by the original Iona. "What happens next?" I asked. "You will move in with me. I already have a room ready for you," said Aunt Kayla. "You have a lot of healing to do, and I'm not just talking about your physical injuries. You have to adjust to being a new person and a new gender. It will take time, but I will help you through it. I imagine Fiona will want to help too." "You're very kind!" I said. I'd had visions of being out on my own, without a family or people that cared for me. I felt my emotions building up. "Thank you." I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "I can sense that you are a good person and that you didn't deserve this fate," she said to me softly. She smiled at me, and, without speaking another word, she let me know that everything would be okay. Then she gently wiped away the tears from my cheeks. "Don't be worried or embarrassed about showing your emotions. You're a woman now and that is 'socially acceptable.' I've never understood why men feel weak for showing their true feelings. A lot of the world's problems could be prevented if they would let out their real emotions," she remarked and then let out a slight laugh. I smiled and found that I could laugh for the first time since I'd become Iona. "So, Iona, have you given any thought to what you want to do with your life?" she asked. "You said I don't have a job. So I guess that I wasn't in college or anything like that either?" I asked. "That's right. Although you have the grades to get into any school you want to. Going to school wasn't a priority to you. You had an above average IQ, and it should be higher now, due to the knowledge that you brought with you during the transfer," she explained. I noticed that she was now referring to me as Iona. "So I could apply to college here?" I asked. Aunt Kayla smiled. "Well, I am glad that you are more level-headed than before. Yes, you would be accepted at any school you applied to." I winced as I felt a shot of pain from leg. I was about to push the button to get the nurse when Aunt Kayla shook her head. She then placed her hand on my damaged leg and in a second there was a feeling of warmth spreading out from her touch. The pain instantly went away. "Does that feel better, my dear?" she asked. "Yes, thank you," I answered. I wanted to ask how she'd done that, but I figured there would be time for that later. "When I get you home, I will heal it completely. There are limits to 'modern medicine.' Without my help, you wouldn't make a full recovery," she stated confidently. I had no doubt that she was telling me the truth. "Did they tell you about the accident?" she asked. "Not much, just about the deaths of the driver and... " I hesitated, not knowing how to refer to the death of Iona. I felt my emotions flowing again. Aunt Kayla interrupted. "I know what you mean. It will take time to accept what happened. A drunk driver caused the accident. He walked away from it without a scratch. The police arrested him. Apparently he has been arrested several times for DUI. I will deal with him later," Aunt Kayla replied angrily. Having seen a sample of her powers, I wondered what sort of punishment he would receive. However, I didn't feel any pity for him as he had caused too much pain. Chapter Three I spent the next couple of days in the hospital. The doctors were amazed that I wasn't in more pain. I read the newspaper article on the accident. It was bizarre reading about my death. The drunk driver was a very prominent local lawyer, and he'd claimed that he would be completely exonerated. I would have been angry with him, except that I knew Aunt Kayla was planning an appropriate punishment. I realized that she had something magical in mind, but she seemed so positive about it that I never doubted her ability to carry it out. Aunt Kayla came every day and kept me company. She helped me open up Iona's mind and retrieve my new identity. The more I learned about Iona, the more I was saddened by the way she had wasted her life. With her intelligence and powers, she could have made a real difference in the world. I was in a good mood on the day of my release from the hospital. I don't think I could have survived the days following the accident without Aunt Kayla's help. I shudder to think what I might have done if I had been alone. I might have even tried to kill myself. It would take some getting used to being Iona. Aunt Kayla said that the longer I lived in her body the more natural things would feel. The previous day we'd had a long conversation about the changes in my life. "So, am I going to be Roger in Iona's body?" I asked. "Not exactly, you're going to be a combination of both your original persona and Iona's. However, your original personality will dominate," she replied. "Good," I replied. There were many things about Iona's personality that I didn't care for. "One change you'll notice is your emotional state, due to the hormones," she continued. "That makes sense," I replied. "Don't take this change so lightly. Think of it as a general loosening of your emotional control." I nodded again. I then brought up another subject. "One of the first things I want to do is to get a new wardrobe. Nothing against Iona's taste, but I'd prefer something less revealing, if you know what I mean. I'd like to dress classier." "I am glad to hear that. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your body, but I always thought that Iona dressed too trashy," she laughed. She also helped me start to come to grips with the loss of my family. I read my own obituary in the San Diego Union-Tribune. It was truly bizarre seeing my life summarized into a single paragraph. I thought about my family and how they were mourning my death. I was also mourning the loss of my family. I imagined that they would take my body back to Ohio for burial. Thinking about my own funeral made me feel very depressed, and I started to cry again, but Aunt Kayla said that it was good to talk about it; holding it in would only make it worse. I cried a lot of tears thinking about what had happened. I was stuck in a wheel chair as we left the hospital. My left leg was in a cast from my hip to my toes. The doctor recommended a specialist, but Aunt Kayla told him that she had already arranged for my treatment. Aunt Kayla had a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean near Sunset Cliffs. She wheeled me into the house and out to her back garden. She had a small fenced-in garden that was beautiful. There was an enormous tree in the back of the garden. Its branches provided shelter for the rest of the garden. There were plants everywhere, and it seemed like I was in a forest rather than a fenced-in yard. I could barely make out the fence through all the plants. The plants combined to produce a rather exotic aroma. It produced an overall sense of peace and tranquility. "This is my special place and the perfect spot to get you back on your feet," she stated with a sense of pride. Then she lit some candles, some incense, and a fire in the stone hearth. The garden had a very mystical feeling to it. It was as if it had been transplanted from some other part of the world. I felt instantly at ease. She smiled as she brewed what looked like some sort of herbal tea over the fire. The aroma was very soothing. I watched as she seemed to start chanting as she prepared the tea. When the tea was ready, she poured it in a mug and handed it to me. "Drink it at your leisure. I think you'll like it," she explained. I wasn't much into herbal tea, but I decided to follow her advice and try it. It was very good, and it made me feel very relaxed. "Now, let's start on your ribs." She then placed her hands on the side of my chest, and I felt warmth spread out. I could hear her chanting something softly. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but it sounded Celtic. I really couldn't tell. It was similar to the feeling that she used to ease my pain in the hospital, but it was deeper and stronger. After a few minutes, there was no more discomfort or pain. I smiled as I rubbed my side. She smiled back and repeated the process on the side of my head. It was as if I could feel myself healing. In a few minutes, my head was healed and the pain was gone. The leg took longer. She initially worked through the cast itself. I felt as if my leg was immersed in warm water. She ran her hands up and down my leg for over twenty minutes. She then picked up an ornate knife and slowly cut off the cast. The blade seemed to glow a soft blue color as she removed the cast from my leg. She eventually cut the cast completely free from my leg. "Okay, dear, please stand up," she ordered. I did as she told me. As I stood up, I found that my leg was completely healed. I looked back at the cast and saw the metal pins and rods that had been in my leg were lying in the cast. I ran my hand down my leg; there was no sign of any scar. I walked around on my healed leg, and then I went over and hugged Aunt Kayla. "Thank you so much," I exclaimed. More and more I was convinced that magic really existed. I know this sounds stupid considering I was now a young woman, but the way Kayla used her magic made it look so matter-of-fact. My eyes were being opened to a whole new world. "I'm sorry it took so long, but those damn steel rods are hard to remove," she complained. She then winked at me. "Now, let me show you around our home." As we walked around the house, I felt instantly at home. Everything was very natural in the house. There was a feeling of warmth that seemed to flow through the house. My bedroom was on the second floor and had an ocean view. The room was large and had an attached bathroom with a very large bathtub. It looked like you could almost swim laps in it. "Why don't you take a nice long bath? Then we can have a talk. I've unpacked your clothes, and they are in the dresser and the closet. I also bought you some things that you might like more than what was in your suitcase," explained Aunt Kayla. "Sounds like a great idea," I sighed. Aunt Kayla smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her. I stripped down as the tub filled with water. I examine my nude body. I was now about four inches shorter. I examined my breasts. The label in my bra said I was 36 D. They were a bit big for my frame, but at least they were very nicely shaped. My nipples were extremely sensitive. I just had to brush against them, and I felt a shot of pleasure through my body. I ran my hands down my body. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a tattoo on my back, just above my butt. It looked like some sort of Celtic symbol. I wondered about its significance. I then ran my fingers past my vagina. I smiled, noting that I was truly a natural redhead. Iona may have lowered my sexual urges somewhat, but I was horny. I found that I could be aroused very quickly; I hoped that I could control these feelings. I decided to talk to Aunt Kayla about it. I liked the water hot enough so that you had to inch down into the tub. I slipped down into the water. It really felt good. Even though Aunt Kayla had healed my broken bones, I still felt sore. The hot water did much to ease my discomfort. As I laid there in the hot water, I found myself fingering my vagina. I explored and felt myself until I found a spot that felt VERY good when I rubbed it the right way! There were things about this change that weren't so bad! After I dried myself off, I looked for something to wear. Most of Iona's clothes were too sexy and revealing for my taste. I wanted to establish my own style and not follow Iona's path. Thankfully, Aunt Kayla had great taste in clothes. After I put on my panties, I picked out a bra. It was strange putting one on. The only previous experience I'd had with this was trying to take one off a girl! Aunt Kayla had laid out an outfit for me. There was a green sleeveless blouse and a green floral skirt. She had selected a pair of small silver hoop earrings, a wooden bead necklace, matching bracelets, and several silver rings. There was also a pair of brown leather sandals. It was strange slipping on the skirt. The way it flowed around my legs was a new, but totally pleasant feeling. I didn't bother with the sandals, as I didn't plan on going anywhere. She had also bought me some new makeup. From Iona's memories, I knew how to apply makeup, but I didn't bother trying this right now. Thankfully, Iona's long wavy hair was fairly easy to style. I didn't have to do much more than blow-dry it. I went downstairs and joined Aunt Kayla out in the garden. Chapter Four "You look lovely, my dear," commented Aunt Kayla. "Thank you. I assume that you picked this outfit out?" I asked as I sat down in a large wicker chair. She smiled. "Yes, after our conversation, and from what I saw in your suitcase, I figured you'd want something less flamboyant. We can go shopping to further expand your wardrobe. Then we can drop off your old stuff at Goodwill, if they'll take it!" I laughed; it felt good to laugh. "That sounds nice!" I sat there for a moment, thinking. "I have so many questions and don't know where to start," I commented. She poured me a cup of Earl Gray tea. "Well, that's only natural," she replied. She sat there and waited patiently for me to talk. "Why did Iona throw her life away?" I asked. I took a sip of the tea; it was very good. "It's hard to say. She was always a bit self-centered. We hoped that she would eventually grow up and become an adult. That's why she was coming here to live with me. Fiona was fed up and saw me as Iona's last chance," she explained. "I know that she wasn't looking forward to coming here, that's why she took the trip to Hawaii. She wanted one last party before coming here. I think she saw living here as entering prison." "I know. She told me in no uncertain terms that she didn't want to live with me. I think she was hoping that I wouldn't want her to come here." "I take it that Iona burned a lot of bridges in the family?" I asked. "Burned? Incinerated is a better word," she replied with a smile. "Did she have any good points?" I asked. I watched as a gray cat walked into the garden and rubbed up against me. "When she was younger she did, but as she grew up it would be hard to say something complimentary about her lately. At least she went out with an unselfish act. Her shielding you saved your life. By the way, that's Tully, her name means 'peaceful one' in Gaelic, and she is very friendly. There is a black one around here somewhere who is called Bran, which is Celtic for raven. Bran's a little more standoffish, but is still a wonderful cat." "It would be nice that she is remembered for that," I sighed. I reached down and scratched Tully's chin. She immediately jumped up in my lap. 'The peaceful one' certainly lived up to her name as she curled up in my lap. "That is a very sweet idea," replied Aunt Kayla. She smiled as I petted the very contented Tully. "I think you are right; she should be remembered for such an unselfish act. Maybe there was hope for her after all." "I'm more than a little uneasy about spending the rest of my life as a woman." I stated. "Of course you are; that's to be expected. But, I know you will adjust. I'm not going to lie to you; this will be a difficult transition. You have much to learn. There are going to be major changes in your life and not just your new gender either," she explained. "I'll help you adjust to your new life." "One of the things she did to me was to make me more sexual. She toned it down after we got off the flight, but I find that I am still 'rather excitable'." "There may not be anything I can do about that. When we use our powers on ourselves, it is very difficult for someone else to make adjustments; it often leads to other problems," explained Aunt Kayla. "You mean that it could upset the person's emotional balance?" I asked "Exactly. I'll try to help you control your urges through more 'conventional' means." "Thanks," I answered. "I must say that I am overwhelmed by your generosity and hospitality. I'm also relieved that I'm not out on my own." "Well, technically you're still my niece, so there are the family ties. I also feel a bit guilty about what happened to you. I should have insisted that Iona come here sooner. I also like you," she replied. "You are handling this change very well. It's normal to get emotional about something like this." "You sound like this happens all the time!" I quipped. "Who says it doesn't?" she answered with her own sly smile. "There are things going on in the world that most people have no idea about. You're very fortunate, as you are going to see and learn about a world that very few people even know exist." "Speaking of which, what will you do to the man who caused the accident?" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the black cat Bran come slinking in. "I've been thinking about that. We do have a code of conduct, so I can't just kill him. But I can change him and make his life VERY difficult!" she answered with a smile. "Change him? Like into an animal or something like that?" I asked. Bran came over to see why Tully was so content. I soon had a second cat trying to find room in my lap. Tully had no intention in sharing this prime spot. However, Bran was content to share my chair. "Yes, I could do that, but an animal would be a step up for him. No, I think I will help the local judicial system. I think that it would be very nice for him to give a total confession to the police about the accident. I've also learned that he has been involved in some rather unsavory business deals. There is the old saying that confession is good for the soul; well, I have a feeling that his soul is going to feel very good after he gets done telling the police EVERY illegal act he's been involved in. He will also do this without making any deals for himself, because he's going to feel extremely guilty for what he has done," she replied with a laugh. I joined her in laughing. "So, he'll be going to jail for a very long time?" I asked. "He should be so lucky! Some of the people he will be talking about may not like his sudden honesty!" I nodded. "So, while you can't use your powers to kill someone, you can use them to put the person in jeopardy based on their own actions?" "Exactly. He'll get the punishment he has earned. I won't let him get hurt, but I want him to feel real FEAR. He will spend the rest of his life in prison, which could be a worse fate than death," explained Aunt Kayla. She looked at the two cats that surrounded me. "If they start being pests, shoo them away." "They aren't a problem, I love animals," I explained. "So, does everyone in your family have similar powers?" "All of the women are blessed with the powers. Their individual powers vary. Iona had great potential; her powers were very strong," she replied. "I wonder why she didn't use them to save herself during the accident?" I asked. "She had no discipline. It is one thing to cast a spell on a sleeping person; it is something very different to use your powers in a split second. If she had learned to be more disciplined, then she could have stopped the accident altogether," she answered. We both sat there in silence. Even the cats were quiet. "Did she take all her powers with her when we switched bodies?" I asked. "Who knows? Maybe she left some; only time will tell. I wouldn't concern yourself with that right now, you have much more pressing things to deal with," explained Aunt Kayla. She was right. I had to deal with being a woman, with makeup, with a period, college (Again!), my new family, and so much more. I figured that just adapting to this massive change in my life would be enough to worry about for now. Chapter Five I woke up to the sound of the Pacific Ocean outside my bedroom window. After I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I still wasn't completely used to my new image. Until a week ago, I had been Roger Lyons, formerly of the US Navy, and a highly paid defense contractor. Now, I was Iona Beddau, a very beautiful 21-year-old woman with a rather dubious past. I stripped off my nightgown and turned on the shower. The water hitting my nipples soon had me very excited. My nipples hardened as the hot water struck them. It felt very good, and I was soon in a sexual frenzy. I began to finger myself with one hand and rub my nipples with the other. One of my many discoveries was that the female orgasm was superior to the male orgasm! It was more of a whole body sensation, and it was much more satisfying. I had also discovered the spot in my vagina that really felt good. Between my hands and the hot spray of the water, I climaxed. My orgasms were very intense and I made no attempt to hold them in or restrict my response. Aunt Kayla told me that there was no need to hold back something so natural and wonderful. I selected a white top and a long blue skirt. My wardrobe was presently small. The original Iona had dressed far more provocatively than my tastes allowed. It wasn't that I wanted to hide my new body, but at the same time I didn't want to look like a hooker. Maybe that was too harsh; Iona was just young and foolish, and I didn't think she was evil. I came downstairs and was greeted by the cats, Tully and Bran. They'd both taken an instant liking to me. I didn't mind this at all, as I loved animals. They followed me into the kitchen, where Aunt Kayla was having breakfast. "Good morning, my dear. How do you feel this morning?" asked Aunt Kayla "I feel really good, thank you. How're you this morning?" "Wonderful," she replied with a smile. I fixed myself a mug of tea and sat down next to her. Aunt Kayla worked as a psychotherapist and had her office in the house. "When is your first appointment?" I asked. "Not until 10:00. I only have two patients today, so why don't we go out for lunch and some shopping this afternoon?" she suggested. "That sounds good," I answered. "How long have you been a therapist?" "I have been licensed for over twelve years," she replied. I took a long sip of my tea, and then I looked over at Aunt Kayla. "Do you use your powers with your patients?" I asked. "Only to find out their problems; I use this knowledge to help them find their way," she explained. "Could you use your powers to cure them?" I asked. "Yes, I could, but I don't. When it comes to solving personal problems, it is better to take the time and let the people help themselves," she commented. "Like what you are doing with me?" I answered with a sly smile. She smiled back. "Exactly," she replied. "So what is your first question of the day?" I thought about it, as I had so many questions. "Does the tattoo on my back have any significance, or was it just another one of Iona's acts of rebellion?" I asked. "Tattoo? Let me see it, please," she asked. I noticed a slight note of concern in her voice. I stood up, turned around, and pulled up my top. It was just visible above the top of my skirt. Aunt Kayla leaned over and examined it carefully. When she touched it, I felt a tingle through my body that caused me to jump slightly. "That was an interesting response," she said. She told me to stay there while she retrieved her digital camera and took several pictures of it. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "No, I don't think so. Obviously, it isn't a normal tattoo. I will have to show it to a friend to find out its exact purpose," she explained. "What do you mean?" I asked. I followed her to her office. "It's some sort of protection symbol. I'm sending the pictures to a colleague who studies such things," she explained. I watched her download the picture and attach it to an e-mail. "I'm surprised that you are so computer savvy. Everything around here is so natural and non-technical," I quipped. "Computers are wonderful tools. I love the instant exchange of information. Besides, did you ever think that it might have been someone in our community that invented the Internet?" she replied with a sly grin. I was learning that she had a very sly sense of humor, and I often had a hard time telling when she was kidding me. I decided that a shrug of the shoulders was the safest response. "Speaking of the Internet, I got an e-mail from Fiona this morning," she announced. Fiona was Iona's mother. "She'll be flying out here in a week to meet you." "By plane?" I asked, with a smile. "Of course, by plane!" answered Aunt Kayla. "Brooms are sooo 17th century!" She then laughed. "On a more serious note, how does she feel about me?" I asked. I was a bit worried about Fiona's reaction. "She's just interested in meeting you. She believes your story and doesn't blame you for what happened," explained Aunt Kayla. "I can understand your concern, but you have nothing to worry about." "Thanks," I answered in a relieved tone. We went out back to her garden and sat down. Aunt Kayla's garden was a very special place. I suspected that it was more than just a garden. It seemed to have energy of its own. "My turn to ask you something. How're you handling your grief with respect to your birth family?" asked Aunt Kayla. "I am getting by. Every now and then something will remind me of them," I answered softly. "How often is 'every now and then'?" asked Aunt Kayla. Her voice was very soothing. I felt a swelling of emotions. "I think about them all the time. Even though I lived far away from them, we were still very close. It really hurts to think that I will never see them again," I replied. I felt my eyes watering up with tears. "That's not true, there is a way you could see them," she replied. "How?" I asked. "Write them and tell them how 'Roger' saved your life and how you would like to meet them some day. They know that he was with someone during the accident. It might heal wounds for all of you," explained Aunt Kayla. I thought about what she said. It was a good idea. I just hoped that I could get through the letter. I was also beginning to see how Aunt Kayla worked as a therapist! "You're really good," I replied with a smile. "Thank you very much for the compliment," she answered with a smile. "Now, I need to get ready for my 10 o'clock. I'll see you afterwards, and we'll head downtown." I got up and hugged her. "Thanks again." Chapter Six I went upstairs and turned on the computer in my room. Tully, the large gray cat, followed me upstairs. It took me several attempts to even get started on the letter. How do you write to the family that thinks you are dead? Tully jumped up and sat in my lap. She really was affectionate! After thirty minutes, I had scratched out a rough draft. I read it to a half-awake Tully. "Well?" I asked Tully when I finished. Tully looked at me and let out a small "mrrrr." I wasn't sure if that was a positive or negative response. I looked at the letter again. It wasn't too bad. I hesitated about getting too emotional. As Roger, I hadn't been dating anyone steadily, and I didn't want to come off in the letter as appearing to be my love interest. I wrote that we had met in Hawaii and had really hit it off; then we'd just happened to wind up on the same flight coming back. (That first part was technically true, since the plane was still on the ground when we first saw each other.) After we'd landed, we'd decided to grab some breakfast before he showed me the city. There was some truth in this, so I didn't feel like I was totally lying to my family. I then described how "Roger" had shielded me with his body, thus saving my life. This was true. I went on, stating that I would like to meet his family someday. Again this was true. After a few more edits, I felt it was ready, but I wanted to show it to Aunt Kayla before I mailed it. I checked my watch and saw that I still had some time to kill before Aunt Kayla was finished with her patients. This gave me free time to think about my situation. I decided to check out Iona's, rather MY e- mail. It took me a few minutes to recall her e-mail account and password. I discovered that she had a huge backlog of e-mail. I started sorting through each message. This was actually a good exercise for me. It forced me to dig deeper into her memories. Many of the messages were from her past lovers. I sort of cringed when I realized how many sexual partners she had been with. Most of the messages were asking her when she would be in their respective town. I was relieved that none of them were from San Diego. The closest one was a guy named Brett who lived in Colorado. There were also some hate filled messages. Some were from women whose husbands or boyfriends had slept with Iona. Others were from people whom she had pissed off somehow. A few had even heard of the accident and had written to send her "worst wishes" and hoped that she was in severe pain. It was a bit overwhelming to see that I had inherited so many enemies. I was unsure what to do about this trail of baggage that Iona had left behind. I decided not to respond to any of the mail and to talk to Aunt Kayla about it. Chapter Seven We headed into town for lunch and a little shopping. I told Aunt Kayla about the e-mail. "I think it is best that you ignore them for now. I also think you should set up a new account for yourself as well," she suggested. "Sounds like a good idea," I answered. "You sound a bit worried," she asked. "I guess I am. Some of the mail was pretty nasty. Iona really pissed off these people, and I am just worried that I might run into them someday," I explained. "This transition is hard enough without dealing with people seeking revenge." "I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay," she commented. "Thanks," I answered. "So, where are we going?" "How do you feel about Horton Plaza?" she asked. Horton Plaza was a downtown shopping mall. It was open to the elements and had multiple levels, rambling paths, and was very colorful. There were many stores, restaurants, and a movie theater. It seemed like a good place to start my shopping experience as a woman. "Sounds good," I answered. We put aside my problems and treated the afternoon as a "normal" girls' afternoon out shopping. I have discovered that normal is a relative term. I felt a bit uneasy as we started shopping and relied heavily on Aunt Kayla's advice and recommendations. Fortunately, she had a great fashion sense and I liked most of what she recommended. After I got over my initial nervousness, I started to relax and actually have fun. We concentrated on everyday type clothes for the most part. When it comes to dressing, guys have it so easy! The biggest accessory I had to worry about as a guy was to make sure my tie matched my shirt and pants. I now had to learn what my colors were and how to pick out the proper accessories. Iona's memories were pretty useless, as she wasn't into mainstream dressing. I showed a blouse to Aunt Kayla and mentioned how it would go with the skirt we'd bought in the previous shop. "Well, you're a quick learner!" she said with a laugh. I smiled. I really liked Aunt Kayla. At first, it was because she had accepted and taken me in after the accident, but now my affection towards her was deeper. I felt as close to her as I did my own mother. The thought of my mom made me shiver for a second. "You okay?" asked Aunt Kayla. I nodded, "Yes, I just thought about my family." "It will take time to get over this. What you are experiencing is normal. Why don't we get something to eat?" she asked. "That sounds good," I answered. Aunt Kayla didn't feel like eating in the fast food court. We dropped our stuff off in the car and walked to the Gas Lamp District. This area had once been really seedy and rundown, but now it was filled with great restaurants and shops. As we walked down 5th Avenue, I was awash in memories. When I was Roger, I'd spent a lot of time there. We agreed on a place and sat down for a relaxing lunch. The lunch rush was over, so we could eat at our leisure. "I think you did pretty well for your first time out," commented Aunt Kayla. "It's strange; I never cared for shopping in my previous life, but today was fun," I answered. Aunt Kayla kept the conversation light. I knew we would get into more serious topics once we got home. It was funny how I now saw her house as my home. As we talked, I was suddenly hit by a very strange sensation. I had the strange feeling that someone I knew was about to enter the restaurant. A few seconds later, I saw a coworker from my old life walk into the restaurant with several other men. His name was Tom, and, while we were never friends, I did get along with him. He was in his fifties, married with two kids, and seemed like a nice normal guy. Naturally, he didn't know it was me. What was strange was that I knew to look for him before I could see him. I knew that it couldn't be a coincidence, and I mentioned it to Aunt Kayla. "That is very interesting. Let me know if you feel it again. Maybe you have some powers after all!" she stated. We had to walk right by Tom's table as we left the restaurant. As we approached his table, I could see his eyes check me out, and then he winked and smiled at me, and not in a nice social way! I was the same age as his daughter Kim, and he was checking me out! UGH! I stopped at his table and smiled. "Mr. Harris?" I asked. He nodded. My recognizing him caused him to be slightly confused. "I thought it was you. We met once when you were visiting Kim at college," I said sweetly. He was now in a slight panic mode. Had he made a pass at one of his daughter's friends? "It's nice to see you again," he stammered. He was confused and was trying to remember me. I wanted to get away before he started to ask me any questions. "Well, we have to go, take care!" I stated with a smile. We then walked out of the restaurant and back to our car. "I'm sorry for that, but it creeped me out that he was checking me out," I apologized. Aunt Kayla laughed. "Don't apologize. I think you handled that perfectly!" As we drove home, she asked me more about the recognition feeling that I got in the restaurant. "I got it at least thirty seconds before Tom came in the door. There was no way I could have seen him first," I explained. "It could be a very useful skill," commented Aunt Kayla. "How?" I asked. "It could be used as protection. You will have a heads up before running into someone you know. I wonder if it works for people from Iona's past?" she asked. I thought about it. It could be a very useful talent to have. I was too stunned by the feeling the first time to try to see if I could sense who it was before I saw him. I would do that the next time. It was also cool knowing that I might have some of Iona's powers. "Changing the subject slightly, how do you feel about being seen as a lovely young woman?" asked Aunt Kayla. I smiled. "It will take some getting used to. I tried to ignore most of the looks I got when we were walking around," I replied. "What about your sexual urges?" she asked. "I had them under control, but they were active. I have to concentrate at times to keep them from getting out of control. They get very active when I am not concentrating on something. I could feel my nipples hardening at times. I am worried about what will happen when someone comes on to me," I answered in a concerned tone. "Well, until you learn to control your feelings, you need to be careful where you go," she explained. "I know," I said softly. My sexual feelings scared me in many ways, and at the same time they intrigued me. Chapter Eight Later that afternoon I showed Aunt Kayla the letter that I had written to my family. We were sitting out in her garden. Aunt Kayla's home was filled with natural energy, but it seemed strongest in the garden. I was beginning to notice that I was becoming more aware of the power that seemed focused here. I always felt better when I was in the garden. As she read the letter, I petted Tully, who had become very close to me. I looked around for Bran. I didn't see her around, which wasn't uncommon. Bran was friendly but aloof. On the other hand, Tully seemed to crave affection. "This is very good. So, do you think that they'll take you up on your offer to meet them face to face?" asked Aunt Kayla. "Most likely they will. I know my sister Jenny will want to meet me," I answered. Tully had adjusted herself so I could get behind her left ear. "I would like to hear about your family," asked Aunt Kayla. "They live in Columbus, Ohio. Dad works at the airport; he's the head of the maintenance department, and my mom works part-time as a substitute teacher. Jenny is my older sister. She's an art teacher at a small college in Columbus. I also have a younger brother named Pete who is in the Navy. He's stationed in Virginia," I answered. "I take it you are close to your sister," asked Aunt Kayla. I felt a rush of emotions thinking about her. "Yes, we're really close, or rather we were really close. We were only thirteen months apart. Pete came around four years later. I imagine my death hit her really hard," I replied, brushing away a tear. "Don't hold in your emotions, dear," explained Aunt Kayla. "It's perfectly normal to feel grief." "Losing my family is the worst part of this," I answered. Tears were streaming down my face. Aunt Kayla didn't say a word. She just reached over and took my hand in hers. She let me cry, letting out my grief and emotions. "I hate the fact that I've brought so much pain into their lives," I cried. "You're not responsible. It isn't your fault," said Aunt Kayla firmly. "I know, but it still hurts," I explained. "This is the only thing I can't forgive Iona for." "Try to let it go. It may take time, but it is never healthy to carry around negative feelings about someone," commented Aunt Kayla. "Easier said than done," I answered. I had stopped crying and was wiping my eyes. I did like the fact that my emotions were less controlled than when I was a man. I had hated the idea that a man couldn't show all his emotions. "Try to let it go. Hate is a very powerful emotion, and it does more harm than most people think. It is like smoking, even a little bit is harmful," she explained. "I'll try," I said softly. "Why don't we take a walk along the waterfront and watch the sunset? I think it will be good for both of us," suggested Aunt Kayla. "Okay, but I don't think Tully will appreciate losing her nap area," I replied with a laugh. "She'll get over it," quipped Aunt Kayla with a smile. Chapter Nine We walked out of the house and down the street. The sun would be going down in a half-hour, and it looked like it would be a spectacular sunset. There were just enough clouds to make it interesting. "I've always loved watching sunsets, especially when I was at sea," I sighed. I was momentarily overcome by memories of the past. "Yes, there is something very special about them," she answered. I watched as an old man walked towards us. He looked around 70, but he might have been older. He still had a full head of gray hair and a thin, neat moustache, which made him look very distinguished. He walked with a bounce in his step. He carried a walking stick, but he didn't seem to need it. Obviously, he knew Aunt Kayla, as he smiled and waved when he looked up at us. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise! I was hoping I would see you this evening, Kayla," he exclaimed. He had a very pleasant demeanor, and I liked him almost immediately. "It is good to see you, Jacob. I want to introduce you to my niece, Iona. She'll be staying with me while she attends college," answered Aunt Kayla. "I'm pleased to meet you," I greeted him with a smile. "Ah, so this is the young lady who was in that awful accident. I'm very pleased to meet you, Iona," stated Jacob, as he shook my hand. "Jacob lives up the street, and we've been friends for years," explained Aunt Kayla. "So, how do you like living here with your aunt?" he asked. "I love it," I answered truthfully. He looked at Aunt Kayla with a surprised look on his face. "Seems she has a different attitude than what you expected, Kayla." "It's a long story, Jacob," answered Aunt Kayla. She winked at me. I wondered if he knew Aunt Kayla's secret. "Well, it is a pleasure to have you grace our neighborhood, my dear," said Jacob to me with a smile. "I hope that you two lovely ladies will join me for dinner this weekend." Aunt Kayla smiled. "I would never turn down an invitation from you." "That's splendid. I'll expect you Sunday evening at six. Well, I must be going. I promised Marny that I would meet her this evening," he explained. "Oh? I didn't know she was back in town," said Kayla with surprise. "Yes, she just got back yesterday. She had been down in Mexico with the gray whales," explained Jacob. "I'd love to see her again, please tell her that," asked Aunt Kayla. "I will. I am sure she will want to get together with you," answered Jacob. With that, he headed down the road towards the ocean. "Is Marny a marine biologist?" I asked. "Something like that," answered Aunt Kayla with a sly smile. We stood there watching the sunset. It was magnificent. "If I ever reach a day that I cannot enjoy something so beautiful, then I'll know there is no use in living any longe

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Hi friends i m sumit from jaipur mai BA me padh raha hu hamare ghar me mere ma mere chote bhan or mere papa hai papa ek privet LTD firm me nokri karte hai ma ghar me rahte hai or bahen 10th me padhti hai uska naam rupali hai vo 9 baje school jati hai or 2 baje ghai aati hai fir 4pm tiushan jati hai 7pm waps aati hai papa raat ko 10baje aate hai unki duty kabi 2 night ki ho jati hai To dosto ab mai aapko us incidanc ke bare me batata hu jo mere sath 3manth pahle hua ek din mai colage se ghar...

2 years ago
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WeusallChapter 5

WTF! Who was outside my house? I got to the door and just as I opened it, it was pushed open from the outside hitting me in the face and chest. Stumbling backward I ended up sitting on the corner table next to the couch, and my pistol was now under my butt. I had laid it on the table last night after getting over the view both ladies had created. Two male asshole / dickhead / shit for brains take your pick were coming in the door. The first guy was about 5’8” 200 lbs mostly belly, dirty...

4 years ago
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Fucking my mums bestfriend on holiday

Hi I'm Kyle 18 m uk This is my story of how I shagged my mums bestfriend on holiday !Not long ago my mum met a guy at the gym and they have been together now for about 6 months and has started to feel abit normal now.My Mum is 48 and her boyfriend Jack is 28 so you can understand why it took me a little while to get used to.Jacks a decent guy he has a laugh now and again and he's never really crossed the line with me .I got a little mad at first when I caught them shagging because of the age...

1 year ago
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Katie gives Patrick what he wants Part 2

Katie had recovered from her fainting episode while sucking her and her husband Patrick’s new friend, Chris. The six champagne cocktails she had consumer during the course of several hours had her buzzing along nicely. She was completely naked, standing in front of the two men who planned on using her plump body all night and she was wondering what else was in store for her. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Chris took her by the hand and led her to the bed. He sat her on the edge of...

Erotic Fiction
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I had using Craigslist to find "friends" to play with. One of the things that kept on popping up from time to time was ANON. I eventually found out that it stood for anonymous sex. Basically you hook up with someone while you/they are blindfolded or in a very dark room. You don't know who they are and visa versa. They/You fuck & Suck then leave without saying a word. The thought of this intrigued me to the point where I wanted to try it. Iam a full fledged submissiveottom so after much...

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Her Fantasy

You'd had a poker party. It was late. I'd been staying out of the way in the den all evening. Since I wasn't doing the entertaining I was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt -- no bra, no undies (and no jewelry). The other 3 guys had just left and you and the cute one were picking up chips and counting his evenings winnings. I came in and started puttering around picking up snacks, etc. He smiled boldly at me. I was slightly embarrassed as my nipples were hard from the breeze through the open...

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Back Alley

Her eyes still sore and burning from the tears she’d been crying from before. The heated argument she has had with her boyfriend sets her in a rage as he leaves the house to go out right after the fight. Veronica (a 5’6 mixed female with 34D breasts, slim waist and small perky ass) decides to get dressed putting on the shortest, tightest dress in her closet. It’s a very thin; almost see through, black and white stripped dress adding high black stilettos to her out fit. With her hair done in a...

1 year ago
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Blondie Fesser 90 384000

Blondie Fesser was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Sept 14th, 1988. Not much is known about her youth in Argentina, but she always loved gaining boys' attention. She would dress in revealing clothes and bat her eyes while watching men melt under her stare. It made Blondie feel powerful.Super HornyAs an adult, Blondie moved to London, England. It was there that the industry began calling out to her. If drawing the gaze of two or three guys made her feel powerful, drawing the gaze of millions...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Virgin Rock

“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...

2 years ago
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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 6

The first ground unit of the Liodammian army came into view. It was most definitely not an encouraging sight. A massive three-legged machine was crushing the ground as it rumbled towards them. It stretched over a hundred and fifty meters into the air, and was escorted by four smaller one hundred meter tall machines. The squadron of assault drones all raised their arms in unison, a salvo of missiles flaming forth from their wrists, and racing at the I.D.L.'s defensive perimeter. The...

1 year ago
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Indian Volleyballers Pt 02

Indian Vollyballers: The Boys Follow the Girls to India Rick and Jay were never able to get the memories of and feeling for Naina and Ritu out of their minds. They were soon communicating with the girls daily via email. Naina and Rick’s messages soon became very romantic and sometimes explicit. After a month or so, they professed their love for each other. Jay and Ritu also expressed their love for one another during their email exchanges. During the past month, Ritu had frequently messaged...

1 year ago
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Naruto Slave for You Ch 8

Isaribi woke up the next morning, a single blanket covering her naked form. She was startled for a moment and then remembered what had happened yesterday. She had been won in a battle and her ownership had changed to Naruto-sama. After the match, she had been taken to his apartment where she was given a place to sleep and then left alone so she could adjust. Like she could. Hello there, said a voice behind her. Startled, Isaribi turned around to find Hinata standing behind her with something...

1 year ago
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Press The Button Part IV

Part IV (I'm sorry for all the delays! I hope you enjoy the final chapter, and have a happy new year!) "How do women drive with these fucking things!?" I cursed as I gripped the steering wheel. The flesh vibrating with the motor of the car, mixed with the sensation of pressing them between my elbows as I drove for SOME stability, was only increasing my frustration. The run to the car, awkward and bouncy, and out of the mall as fast as my small feet had been able to carry me...

3 years ago
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A Painful Test

A Painful Test Copyright 2012 Christopher D.B.Previous stories in this series:  Off-Road Goddess, Paddled in the Boondocks, Lunch With A DominatrixIt was late on a Saturday afternoon that I drove to the east side of the city, following directions that had been given to me by Miss Julia.  Near the industrial park where she worked, I turned onto a state highway and continued east just until signs of civilization began to fade.  Making several turns down side roads and back roads, I found the...

4 years ago
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law.[center]---- Dee ----[/center]Her name was Darlene, but I called her Dee. For our whole life she was Dee to me, except for the time she was married to that guy whose last name was Davis, then she was Dee Dee, until the divorce when she took her maiden name back. Dee was my cousin. First cousin. We were close. Very close. Dee was six months older than me. We did everything together when we were...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Valentina Nappi Enjoying This Easter With Hot Anal

Valentina Nappi comes with a sexy bikini and bunny ears ready to go egg hunting for easter. She is told that her friend is not home yet and that she is welcome to wait for her but she decides to do a mere than that. She gets naked to surprise Donnie and even rides his back after he drops some candy on the floor. She asks him if he wants to see a trick, she stunts us all as she pushes out some easter eggs from her ass. She gave a great cock sucking with deep throating before she gets her ass...

1 year ago
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SullyChapter 24

The following day my dick was groaning for pussy and I called Dottie around ten in the morning. She was delighted to hear from me and went crazy when I asked if she wanted me to come over. "Yes! Of course! Here, I'll give you directions... " After assuring her I knew the way and that I'd be there in thirty minutes, I inquired if she'd told her sister about what wee did. "Yes and no." "Which means... ?" "Oh, I said we had a great time and that you were a perfect gentleman and...

1 year ago
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B N B ??? Three day getaway. Just the two of us. Not celebrating anything, nowhere to be, just getting away together. One of our infrequent, recharge the batteries kind of trips. It was our recipe for relaxation. Drive for a couple of hours, find a hotel in the city, and leave our work and worries behind. Our most recent getaway was a little different. We arrived much later than we would have liked. After checking in and getting settled into our hotel, my wife, Holly and I headed for the indoor...

3 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 10

Before we left the ship Tharin brought a wash bucket into my cabin. I washed my upper body and Swarta chatted excitedly about what she could see. Amazing carts carrying loads of flour sacks, a fishmonger wagon, a corner shop with glazed windows. Tharin was just as excited and had his face to the open window too. A knock to the door and Hajin and Grimm strode into the room. "We have trouble and Lady Derwen is delaying it," Hajin commented neutrally and Tharin drew his sword. Swarta...

3 years ago
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Dragon Rider Prince

This is the sequel specifically for the sequence of events that least to this: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Marriage-and-kingdom-building.526456 chapter Growing and learning You are the young Prince William; son of King Tomas and Queen Alisa. You have brown hair, like your farther and green eyes like your mother. You were born at the same time as the Dragon Ling hatched. Adjacent to Your parent’s castle lived 2 dragons in an artificial cave. They were not pets or slaves they just chose to live...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 547

The Retreat ... Cox was still grinning as Jeff pulled into the inside garage. “What?” Caldwell quietly asked. “Better than we even hoped for. Much, much better,” she whispered as she squeezed his hand. As soon as they drove into the inside garage, the inner door to the Retreat proper burst open and Arlene, Kayla, Nat, Nicki and Whitney hurried down the steps. After introductions, they all, with Jeff helping, grabbed the call girls’ belongings, barely leaving them with one small item each...

2 years ago
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Whore of the Horde Vanessa

The sun was setting, I sat on my balcony watching as it descended from the clear blue sky. My ginger hair blew slightly as a chilly breeze began to come in. I wiped my emerald green eyes before taking one more sip of lemonade. With a sigh I walked back into my room. My name is Vanessa Alton, I am a sixteen year old girl from Sydney, Australia. I am about five foot three inches tall and weigh just over one hundred pounds. I am the daughter of Millionaire Phillip Alton who unfortunately was...

2 years ago
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Lisa Ryan Naked in SchoolChapter 10

What Lisa did to Coral set my brain on fire. Not to mention my cock. She got Coral to pass out from sex!! Beyond awesome. When Lisa asked if it was good for me, too, I naturally started humping at mid-air, showing her what a good time she'd have riding on Mr. Meat. Lisa got up from the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek. My hands were still cuffed behind me so I couldn't reach her, but I whispered to her, "Show me how to do that to Becky. It was so hot!" She backed up a half step and...

2 years ago
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Den of IniquityChapter 11

Annie and I rounded the entrance to the salon and were greeted by a wall of eerie silence. A few looked toward us as we entered. We'd barely stepped a foot inside before Chantelle's voice rang like an executioner's bell. "Close the doors behind you, Roger." Once I pulled the heavy salon doors closed, Annie hugged my arm tightly and we took our places in Chantelle's audience. Looking around I noticed some of the chairs from around the walls had been moved into a semi-circle. Chantelle...

3 years ago
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Laundry Room0

On the short walk back to my apartment, she started telling me that she just moved in a few months before. She had been in a relationship that went south just before she moved in. She just went on and on about how bad her ex- was and how she hadn't had sex since a few months before the break up. I let her know that I was just divorced a few months before our meeting. I had seen her around and wanted to really meet her. But, I didn't know how to approach her. This seemed a good as time as...

1 year ago
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The Empire Book 3Chapter 18 Meddling in Primitive Societies

Jason enjoyed his time at university. He had the opportunity to spend more time with his group, but the impending duels were always at the back of his mind. He trained ferociously and planned for potential assassins. His security detachment was increased with Rover ensuring that there were dogs with him daily, largely hidden. Jason was surprised that he could always see dogs or boars while others could not. Aylot had returned and spent a lot of time with Jason. Jason enjoyed his company very...

2 years ago
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Bus Stop Affair pt 1

There are a few rare occasions when one runs into another with the same liberal attitude towards that most delicate recreation. Take, for example, what happened to me recently. I work at a job that, unfortunately, is not on the same schedule as more others. I begin work at ten at night, and do not get off until six in the morning, sometimes later. About a week ago, my car broke down, so I have spent the last week taking the bus. This by itself is unremarkable. But what happened...

1 year ago
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Mixed Metaphors IX

Becky awoke at 3:00am. She was having a difficult time remembering how they got to bed. The last thing she recalled was the smile on Tony’s face when he lay prostrate on the front room chair. Tony was close behind her. She wasn’t sure what caused her to awaken, until she felt his hard cock between her butt cheeks. She thought of all the years she had slept alone and craved the comfort of a man’s arms around her. Becky had not realized how painful loneliness could be, until this wonderful...

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Jim The Cuckhold Ch1

Jim felt his whole world crashing down around him as he stared at the cum-stained panties he held in his hands. They were his wife's, but the cum staining the crotch wasn't.........nor was it his! He tried to think about what to do....... Jim and his wife Dana had been married for fifteen years, had two beautiful c***dren, and a nice home. A few years back, Jim was in an accident at work and hurt his back badly. Since then he hadn't been able to work, and was on painkillers, leaving him spaced...

4 years ago
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Lingerie Party

Tori and Angela were getting ready for a lingerie party at the bar. They were in Tori's bedroom."What do you think of my lingerie outfit, Tori?" The blonde-haired Angela smiled and turned around for her. Her outfit was black and lacy, with a semi-transparent material covering most of it, a shiny pink front, and two cups covering her round, perky breasts. Beneath the bottom part was a lacy thong. She grinned at Tori as Tori eyed her up."You look super sexy, Angie!" Tori giggled and moved closer....

2 years ago
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My Busty Aunty

Hello XHAMSTER readers... I am NAREN 23 years old living in CHENNAI. I always had fantasies of fucking older woman. On the contrary, I remain as usual, always looking for and fantasizing about woman. I always desired for at least one woman in my life for sexual desire. My eyes always look for a woman with good assets. I always fantasize woman sucking their nipples, licking their navel playing with their pussy & screwing them hard. Today I am going to narrate you my real and wonderful...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 Kimber Lee 23831

Your sexy wife, Kimber Lee, was so looking forward to going out to the movies with you on date night, but you had to just tell her you want to stay in, didn’t you? Lucky for you she’s the best wife in the world and doesn’t throw a fit when you change her mind and get lazy. Even more, she’s willing to skip the whole snuggle-on-the-couch-with-a-movie and go straight to the end of the date by removing her shirt! Her luscious natural tits are staring right into your eyes, so...

2 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 15

In February, during a welcome thaw in what had been a very hard, snowy winter, Anne's Aunt Amelia slipped on a curbstone as she got out of her carriage in front of Christ Church and landed heavily on the brick sidewalk, breaking her wrist, bruising a knee and perhaps cracking her pelvis. She was bedridden for almost a month, and Anne did her best to comfort her by reading newspapers and novels aloud and telling her stories gathered from the many parties she attended that winter. She received...

1 year ago
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Gloryhole changes

I have been frequenting adult bookstores for many years for a quick blowjob through glory holes in the video arcade. Most bookstores no longer have glory holes and the booths don’t have doors. Usually you just go around a corner to face the video screen and sometimes there’s a mirror in the corner so the management can walk past and see if more than one person is in the booth. I really don’t like this configuration because having the wall there and not being able to see who was actually...

3 years ago
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Second Time In The Same Place

When I walked in into the shower room there was another guy in there already having a shower. His name was Trevor and I really only knew him to say hello. I dropped my towel on the bench and got into a shower two up from him but I could still see him in the mirrors the other side of the room. I started to shower and he must have heard me or seen me in the mirrors and he started talking about things in general. He finished up while I was washing my hair and started to get dry at the bench...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Chanel Camryn 01302023

Camryn seeks the help of a psychotherapist when her constant dreams of black men flaunting their massive penises at her are causing her to not sleep. It’s all she thinks of. Dream after dream of big black cock waving at her. She’s only had a single cock at a time. Could this be early stages of Cockaphobia? How will she get over this fear of cock? Seeking the help of acclaimed psychotherapist Dr. Freud he suggests she confronts her fear head on. Just grab it by the base and jerk if...

3 years ago
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2 horny sluts

Okay so i met these 2 milfs early mid twenties both had some big tits. One was a medium bbw pierced nipples shaved pussy ima call her Tay. Her friend was a small bbw nice big tits and a sexy ass ima call her Cay. we got a hotel room started drinking a little Tay being so horny was practically sexing me up with her eyes her friend Cay being a lil shy was just making small talk. Tay got out her shorts quick and layed down on the bed facing me im sitting in the chair relaxing tay tells Cay to take...

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Sister banged in te car

Hello guys, I am back with a new incident which happened just recently. I will not bore you with introduction part. To know me and the relation which I have with my hotty sister, you can refer to the stories I have written previously. Waiting for your feedback.So, after the incidents I have mentioned in the previous stories, my sister strictly denied having sex with me. I didn’t know what was wrong with her but whenever I approached her, all she said was she was not in the mood. I had to...

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The Femina Islands

Thisis a story from The Femina Island'sThe Femina Island'sA Jog On The Beach Part 1Rebecca & Regina jogged down their private stretch of beach. It was late in the afternoon but the tropical sun was still high in the sky. Summers at the shore were wonderful. Long days filled with Sunshine. They jogged the half mile trek toward the jetty. The NO TRESPASSING SIGNS - PRIVATE BEACH were still in evidence at the top of the dunes, spaced along Shore Road by Sheriff Jimmy Fox. Rebecca smiled as she...

2 years ago
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A Dog Got Me Some Cat

I live in a 20 story high rise apartment building. I am the nighttime physical therapist Monday , Tuesday and —Wednesday and Thursday I am nighttime lifeguard in our basement pool. My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 28 years old. I am 6-2 in height and weigh 205 pounds. This story begins after I had a nice walk in the park behind my apartment complex , when suddenly a dog runs up to me. After looking at him I realize that he is a run away dog. I then picked him up and...

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typical, horny, virgin, teenagers. We were in Ron's bedroom looking at a Playboy magazine he had swiped from his Dad. As we looked at the bare boobs and butts we each rubbed our own cock through our pants and had good erections. Playboy in those days was pretty tame compared to now. There was no penetration or even open pussy photos, but they were good enough for us. When Ron's Mom called us from the kitchen, we stuffed the magazine under his mattress, and in our guilty haste, we...

3 years ago
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Overboard TooChapter 8

She hauled off and punched me! And I just sat there and smiled. "I was just kidding!" she protested weakly. Then her eyes got really big, and she lit up the whole bay with her blush! I kissed her. "Mostly, anyway," her protest got weaker. I kissed her again, and she kissed me back. "A little?" she actually squeaked, and she raised up her eyes and looked into mine. "No, I guess I wasn't kidding at all – I was hoping." "So was I, little girl, so was I" And the world went away,...

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The First Time I Saw Her

The first time I saw her I had just taken a seat at the bar of my favorite bistro. She walked in and sat down a couple of seats down from me. She looked tired and just a little sad, attractive, but by no means beautiful. Her short, fire red hair, made my heart skip a couple of beats and her figure wasn’t really slender but certainly not plump. Her jeans were a bit loose, so it was hard to tell what her ass was like and her top fit nicely over two nice, round titties. There was definitely a...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 32

“Marion,” Don murmured with his eyes closed, “would you please tell your daughters to stop assaulting me.” Don, Marion, Anna and Maria were all in the bathtub together. While Don floated between them, the girls were using their distended nipples to gently massage his chest. While they worked, his hands were below the water. One of the girls’ buns was grasped in each hand. Whenever he squeezed, they would moan and rotate their nipples even faster. Marion was standing between his legs with a...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 29 Heels

Thoughts I was very pleased when the door opened to see Anna enter, wearing no more than I was. More than anyone else Anna had to know how I felt at this instant. A moment later we embraced, with me rising up on my toes utilizing my new balance, although I still couldn't match Anna's height. Our busts almost matched however. We didn't need to exchange words, and a resync to update me on events while I'd slept could wait. I was just so pleased because, even if I didn't have an owner...

2 years ago
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An American Prayer

Is everybody in?Is everybody in?Is everybody in?The ceremony is about to begin.Wake up!You can't remember where it wasHad this dream stopped?AwakeShake dreams from your hair, my pretty c***d, my sweet oneChoose the day, choose the sign of your day, the day's divinity,First thing you see.A vast radiant beach and cool jeweled moonCouples naked race down by its quiet sideAnd we laugh like soft, mad c***dren,Smug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy.The music and voices with all around us.Choose,...

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Inviting a PickupChapter 12

While the men were gone Judy organized the women, getting the basement ready to house the children. The basement consisted of four rooms; one was a large recreation room, and there were three smaller rooms that opened off of it. None of the rooms were really small, and Judy figured they could get three sets of bunk beds in each. Janine's kids, all six of them, would be going with her to Harvey's place for now, but that still left thirteen kids for them to house. With nine sets of bunk...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 582

Some history compliments of Rrrosco Here Are 34 Things About World War II You Weren’t Taught In School 1. Fanta was invented in Germany when the war made it difficult to bring in Coca-Cola syrup from the US. 2. The SS officer who captured Anne Frank and her family bought her book to see if he was mentioned. He wasn’t. 3. Russia and Japan still haven’t signed a peace treaty to end WWII due to a dispute over sovereignty of the Kuril Islands. 4. The lift cables of the Eiffel Tower were cut...

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Dreams 3 SearchChapter 3

Josh laid on deck at the bow of a sixty foot schooner trying to deepen his tan. All around him the crew were busy lifting and lowering the sails. Half the crew were beautiful blond females while the other half were muscular men, all with blond hair. They were an all Swedish crew. All were dressed down to their bare essentials the women in revealing bikinis and the men in speedos. They communicated to each other in their native tongue never bothering the two people who hired them. The boat was...

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All the Kings HorsesChapter 5

It had been four months since the discovery of the wives' cheating. In the sessions with the men and separately with the women, Julia had made every argument that she could muster for reconciliation. At that point, it was a question of courage and will. Did the men have the will to put their wives' sexual history and their involvement in the sex parties behind them? Did the women have the courage to let everyone know that it was them and not the husbands who had cheated? Julia could not...

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Major Cunt Minor Prick

Hi i am Ravi Bhushan a 26yr old man from Nagpur. I work at Noida as a technical expert in a factory. I live in a rented flat in Noida. The flat opposite mine is occupied by a young beautiful lady who lives with her son. Her age is around38-40 yrs. One evening i went to visit her flat. As she opened the front door i saw she was wearing a very transparent negligee it was so transparent that her black bra and black panties were clearly visible. She took me inside me and i sat on the sofa. We...

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Hard Days Night

Jim, her father, pounded on the door. “Yes, Dad?” she called. He opened her door. “What are you doing?” “Just my English homework,” she replied, glancing down at her book. “Oh… well, good.” Jim slammed the door closed and quickly walked down the hall to his and his wife’s room. He didn’t expect Rachel to be home… She never was. His wife was a lawyer and a successful one at that. He saw her for a total of 5 hours a week because she was almost always gone before he woke up and home after he...

2 years ago
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My Life Part 31 Vivian

I sleepily got out of bed and headed into our walk-in closet. Katie was there in her bra and panties, ***********ing an outfit for the day. I just admired her body -- toned, flawless, no sagging, simply perfection. I stepped behind her and kissed her neck while gently cupping her D cups. She sighed happily. "Don't start! I am already running late for class because you kept me up so late." she admonished before turning to give me an amazing kiss. As we kissed Reagan entered, she was...

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