ConcordiaChapter 3 free porn video

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January 14-20, 2012

It was mid-morning – sunny, but on the cool side when I got off the fishing boat in Porto Santo Stephano. I tipped my smiling captain another one hundred euros and walked down the dock and found an idling taxi. I probably still looked like a drowned rat but at least my clothes were mostly dry and my windbreaker and hair had benefited from a quick rinse in the sink of the cabin on the fishing boat. I left the blanket on the boat and had run my fingers through my short hair attempting to regain some semblance of an orderly appearance. I desperately needed a shave. I pulled a handful of damp euros from my pocket and showed them to the driver and said, "Hotel".

He obviously understood, but looked at me for a couple of seconds and then down the dock at the fishing boat. Finally, something seemed to dawn on him and he asked,

"Costa Concordia?"


The cabbie dropped me at a very nice boutique hotel near the center of Orbetello where I traded my salt and sand encrusted clothes for a hot shower and a hotel bathrobe and then had a small breakfast in my room. I piled the still damp contents of my pockets and the money belt on the desk in my sunny third-floor room. I was too tired to do more than a cursory inventory before I fell into the down-comforter covered bed and slept undisturbed for eight hours.

Refreshed, shaven and wearing my freshly laundered clothes, I ventured out about eight pm to a café around the corner that the proprietress assured was an excellent place for dinner. She was right. They served delicious fish stew with thick slices of freshly baked bread.

As I sat enjoying an after dinner glass of Port, I still wrestled with the idea of chucking my well-ordered life. Although I had to admit that with an unfaithful wife and the two strangers I had raised, "well-ordered" was hardly accurate. I figured it was still not too late to reappear as James Anderson. I could just head for Atlanta and let Kate know I was alive by having her served with divorce papers. I smiled at the thought of her shocked face when the process server delivered them to the door.

But the idea of being Robert Burns still appealed. Who hadn't dreamed of trading their life for something completely different? Although that usually involved something much more benign, such as starting your own business or going back to college or finding a new profession or for that matter a new spouse. I had the opportunity to actually be someone different. I rationalized that it wasn't exactly identity theft since Robert Burns was dead, although I was sure that some eager prosecutor might beg to differ.

Before leaving my room for dinner I did stop to inventory the money and documents I piled on the desk from Burns' wallet and money belt. I discovered that Robert Burns combined euro and dollar cash assets amounted to a little over forty thousand dollars – mostly in large denominations. No wonder he had clutched the money belt as he lay dying! That amount could keep me for a while and I could sell his watch for maybe fifty cents on the dollar. Again I looked at the key card from the Trump Parc in New York City. Did I dare go there?

There were three credit cards, all exclusive cards issued by invitation only to those who only had the highest credit rating and substantial wealth, including an American Express Centurion card, which has a one-time joining fee of $5,000, plus a cost of $2,500 per year for the privilege. It was also made of titanium! There was a brass key ring which held three gold-colored keys. One was a standard size and the other two about half the size.

I also looked at the water-soaked photo in the passport once again. The passport was almost ten years old so that meant the photo was the same vintage. That might explain to a curious government official our somewhat dissimilar appearance, plus the salt water had blurred the picture. Our height was the same at six feet one inches, although the man on the bed on the Concordia was almost twice my size. My appearance could be explained by a recent commitment to diet and exercise. Before I made a decision, my engineer brain told me I needed more information about Mr. Burns. I'd hate to be stepping into the shoes of a man wanted for mass murder or for grand theft. With all that cash and the playing cards I'd seen in his cabin I surmised he was a gambler, but what else? He seemed to be a successful gambler if nothing else. Was there a family at the Trump Parc in New York City?

I walked a few steps down the narrow stone-paved street from the café to a shop that advertised "Internet," paid my euros and logged on. First I read the latest on the Concordia and was a bit surprised to see it still afloat – well not actually afloat, but it wasn't at the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea which I had fully expected by now. Apparently the Captain had intentionally grounded the vessel, which was responsible for saving many lives. Of course the articles pointed out that it appeared the Captain had ordered the ship on a course too close to rocks, which ripped a giant gash in the hull and caused the disaster in the first place. I certainly would not have wanted to be in his shoes!

I also discovered that there were about fifty passengers and crew still missing. Of course James Anderson was among them. I wondered if Kate was worried or relieved and decided it hardly mattered. I was going to be in control of my life and she no longer had a part in it, nor did my children. I had helped raise them the best I knew how and they had turned out to be much less than I had hoped for. Was it some failing on my part? Emily wished me dead and Matt didn't seem to care much about anything, but I wasn't going to beat myself up about it.

Next I searched for "Robert T. Burns New York City". I got a number of hits but none was a match. I also tried every permutation of the name and widened the geographic area of the search, but it appeared Mr. Burns had successfully kept himself from any kind of notoriety. There was no Facebook or any other reference in the social networking sites. I wished there had been a cell phone in his effects, but of course a dose of salt water most likely would have destroyed all the data beyond my ability to retrieve it. The lack of information on Burns didn't mean he didn't have a family tucked away somewhere, or have mob leg breakers looking to collect gambling debts.

I left the internet café and walked around the town for about an hour in the darkness trying to figure out my next steps, a mental tug of war going on, until the cold of the evening drove me back indoors. Other than deciding I needed to buy some more clothes, I went to sleep with the big issues unresolved.

Staying in the hotel an additional day and night I was surrounded by a constant stream of news about the Concordia disaster. Italian TV was practically foaming at the mouth. I also discovered that busloads of passengers from the ship were streaming through Orbetello after debarking from the ferry which ran from Isle of Giglio. I figured most were heading back to Rome, which was the closest large transportation hub.

Returning to the internet café the next day, I sipped wonderful coffee while reading about the unfolding investigation and attempts to rescue the remaining missing passengers. I also searched again for Robert Burns, widening my search, but without results. I also looked at the Trump Parc and was surprised at the cost of the units in that place. It was a converted high rise hotel from the thirties and units there sold for millions of dollars. If Robert Burns owned a place there, he was doing well indeed. Even if he was renting it looked like it was about $5,000 a month just for the amenities. Damn! And I thought Atlanta was expensive. At least with the Parc you got a spectacular view overlooking Central Park for your money. Of course there was no listing of tenants anywhere. I guess if you can afford those places you ought to have some privacy.

Something else I discovered on line was that aside from our embassy in Rome, the US consulate in Florence was also designated to assist Americans who had been aboard the Concordia. I checked an on-line map and looked at a train schedule. The next morning I checked out and cabbed to the train station, carrying a new leather satchel and some clothes I had purchased in a shop down the street from the hotel. A leather bomber jacket and heavy cable knit sweater and wool scarf kept out the cold and I had purchased a pair of expensive leather ankle boots, just because they looked and felt great. During the train ride to Florence I wrestled with what I was going to do once I got there. My James Anderson passport was with Kate, but I still had my wallet and the rest of my identification – probably enough to get a new passport issued.

As the cab from the train neared the consulate I still had not decided what to do. Sometimes it's the little things that push you in one direction or another. As I stood in the short line waiting to talk to some officious looking Italian employee of the consulate, there was an American couple just behind me. They were mid-forties like I was, and fairly well off from the look of their clothing and her jewelry, and they were having a very public spat about something I would consider innocuous – something to do with having to make do with a suite without a view of some landmark. She, beautiful, blonde and botoxed, obviously blamed him, and after some sharp words she pouted, occasionally glaring at him. He did his best to ignore her childish behavior.

I was so lost in thought that I never heard why they were at the consulate in the first place, but then it was my turn and the man behind the highly polished desk reminded me of the officious little man who had taken my name on the beach at Porto Giglio. He peered at me over his half glasses and seemed to have trouble stifling a yawn.

Pulling out Robert Burns' battered passport and his crumbling boarding pass for the Costa Concordia I laid them on the empty desk top. He recoiled from the untidy mess on his desk and refused to touch them as I explained my problem.

The Italian never touched the passport nor made any attempt to compare the photo with my face. He simply said in remarkably unaccented English, "Go across the street to the camera shop and have your passport photo taken."

He then pulled from one of the desk drawers a large brown envelope and scribbled something on it with a silver fountain pen, and then shoved it across the desk at me.

"Place your passport and the photos inside and when you return drop this at the window over there." With that he pointed vaguely at a doorway that said "passports." He looked beyond me and said, "Next."

As I walked out of the consulate and across the street to the camera shop my heart slowed to normal. Had I pulled it off? Of course I still had to go and turn in the passport and photos. Would someone there take a good look at me and compare the photo of Robert Burns with my face?

Fifteen minutes later I presented myself to the window at the consulate. A pretty young Italian girl simply took the envelope, looked at what was written on it, and said, "Please come back in two days and we will have your passport ready for you." While at the camera shop I saw what the officious man had written in dark blue ink. It said "Costa Concordia."

Would anyone in the passport section compare the water ruined photo in the passport with the new pictures? Would the Italian police or some US security type be waiting for me when I returned to pick up the passport? That worried me a bit, but at this point I was pretty much committed – in for a penny and all that. Of course I could still choose to not return and simply go to Rome and apply for a new passport as James Anderson. No, I decided I was going through with this. The arguing couple came to mind. I wanted no more of that. Now I needed a hotel. I hoped one of them would find a room for me since I didn't have a passport. Fortunately I had lots of euros.

Not far from the consulate I found a little hotel and my tale of shipwreck helped, along with the pile of euros I placed on the registration desk.

I spent the time before picking up my passport thoroughly enjoying touring Florence. It's a magnificent city and despite the fact it was winter and there was a cold snap, I wandered the city. Fortunately the food was excellent as was the coffee.

The return to the consulate was anticlimactic. The same smiling young woman was there at the window and as she handed me my new US passport, she said, "You must feel very fortunate to have survived. I apologize for the time it took to get your new passport..." At that point she waved her delicate hand in the air. I nodded in understanding about bureaucracy and smiled in return and said, "Grazi."

I was probably in shock as I walked down the street because I almost got run over by a taxi that honked noisily at my stupidity. I just smiled and waved at the driver. I couldn't believe it. In the eyes of my country I was now Robert T. Burns of New York City. My mind raced as I returned to my hotel.

What should I do now? I paced my room for an hour processing this information and making up my mind that I would go to New York and it was time to get moving. A short time later I was in another internet café and for the first time I used Robert Burns' Centurion card to get a first class train ticket from Florence to Paris, via a night train from Milan, and then a business class ticket on Air France to New York from Charles de Gaulle. I now wanted to get out of Italy as soon as possible and avoid Rome and all airports for fear of running into Kate or Alan and Melissa. Plus, I thought - what the hell, I was starting my life anew and a trip on a luxury high speed train sounded good, as did the business class cabin on Air France. One of my colleagues told me flying to Europe business class with them was like spending eight hours in a nice French restaurant!

I didn't want to use up any of my cash and the credit transactions went through without a hitch. It appeared Mr. Burns had plenty of credit. I hated to be carrying that large amount of cash on me but I didn't have any knowledge of Burns' banks or accounts, although I supposed I could have set up an account in one of the international banks in Florence but that might delay things and it certainly would seem to complicate things. I decided I'd take my chances at US customs in New York and lie if asked if I was carrying more than $10,000 in cash.

My travels were uneventful, well other than being treated like royalty. To my surprise and delight, Mr. Burns' extra special credit card got me an upgrade to first class on the Air France flight. I had to hand it to the Europeans they know how to travel – well at least for those who are willing to cough up the extra money for the upgrades. The winter train ride through Italy and France was spectacular, especially in the mountains, but sometimes I was saddened that I had no one to share it with – that comes from a long relationship where you are good friends as well as lovers. Kate would have loved the trip. Sadly it would never happen.

On the overnight from Milan, I lay in my compartment listening to the train sounds and thought about Cecilia. Had she meant what she said about me coming to the "Castello?" Suddenly I was in a panic. What the hell was the name of that place? Castle something in Tuscany near some smaller town and Siena. I knew there were a lot of castles in Italy and probably dozens in Tuscany. I got out of my comfortable birth and scribbled all I remembered about our conversation in the ambulance on a note pad, recalling that she had said something like Castello Mountain and the town nearby started with an "R". I vowed that as soon as I got to Paris I'd buy an Atlas and try to locate her castle. I wondered if it was a castle town or an actual castle. She said "come to the castle and ask for her" but that could mean any town or castle.

I got back into bed feeling better about being able to find Cecelia again, but then the doubts crept in. Was it just gratitude of the moment that caused her to kiss me and make me promise I'd visit? I'd seen no indication she was married, but with someone of her beauty and intelligence, there had to be suitors. I fell asleep vowing to find a way to see her again. Why? I didn't have an answer – I was attracted to her that was a given, and the kiss we had shared was in a word, amazing, but there was something more. Could she be part of my new life as Robert Burns? Maybe it's that old saying that if you save someone's life you are responsible for them from then on. I smiled at that thought. I could fanaticize about being accompanied by beautiful Cecelia as I spent the rest of my life being responsible for her.

New York was New York. I had been there several times in the past but tried to make my visits short. I had always found it chaotic, noisy and dirty. So now it was to be my home, at least for a while. I breezed through customs and immigration and soon I was in a cab headed for the Trump Parc. I had the cab drop me on 5th Avenue, for some needed clothes shopping. I had no idea how difficult getting into the Trump Parc would be, but at least I'd dress like I lived there. I hoped that Robert Burns was not well known to the staff and I could just walk in the door. There was one slight problem – actually more than slight – I had no idea where in the Trump Parc I was supposed to be living and it wasn't like I could just walk up to the concierge and ask!

Two hours later a cab deposited me at the entrance and the doorman hurried to grab my single leather satchel, but I held onto it. I didn't want to explain where it needed to be delivered. I was dressed in what I would describe as conservative casual expensive. The truly wealthy and I had worked with some of them in my business, typically dressed in an understated way most days. Steve Jobs had more money than God but he had preferred jeans and a turtleneck. I was coming back from a cruise after all, so no bespoke suits or ties needed. I had picked up a white oxford shirt, a dark blue cashmere long-sleeved sweater, and a pair of $250 jeans. The price of the jeans bothered me most of all even if it wasn't my money – they were denim after all! The supple leather bomber and expensive boots I had purchased in Italy worked just fine along with the scarf to complete the look of casual wealth.

I was relieved that no one battened an eye as I strolled into the large lobby. The lobby was impressive, and thankfully end-of-the-day-busy. I looked around for a bank of mail boxes where I could check for my unit number. No luck. Certainly nothing so common as to have people rootling around in mail boxes. So I swallowed the lump in my throat and made for the large concierge desk which was occupied by two men and one woman, all young, attractive, and dressed in dark suits. I thought this a good sign since this place had lots of tenants and a number of staff and I hoped none would personally know Robert Burns. I was banking on the fact he seemed to have kept his life private.

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I was surprised to see Tony's car parked in the driveway when I got home. I didn't expect him and Tracey to be home this early. I smiled as I recalled the conversation I'd had with Tony yesterday. Tony had been sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for me to come home Thursday after school. He had looked visibly nervous when I walked up the driveway. "Hi, Tony," I called as I walked up to his car. "If you're waiting for Tracey, you've got a long wait. She's catering a party over...

1 year ago
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The Devil and Me Ch 01

I cuddled against Sarah, feeling her breasts against my chest. It was our first time, my first time. I was twenty-five and I couldn’t believe my luck at finding someone so beautiful and caring, but I still felt inadequate. Why had it taken me so long to find someone, and why did I still feel so worthless? Why was such an awesome girl giving me a chance? My cock hung limp in my jeans, I hoped she couldn’t feel it. She didn’t seem to notice, but I was sure she could. I shifted my position, and...

4 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 24 Public Games

Mindy's trance felt different than her first trance of so many nights ago. When Mistress had first hypnotized her that night, she had collapsed, going limp and falling into a deep hypnotic sleep. This time, she had not been told to sleep. She had simply been told to close her eyes. And she had obeyed. As she drifted in trance, she imagined what she must look like to anyone in the restaurant who happened to look her way. They would see a young woman in a nice dress sitting still with her...

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One night with my exs mom

My name is David. I'm 5'10 and dark brown hair and eyes. Yesterday my girlfriend Heidi of about 2 years decided to break up with me. I don't know why exactly though. She said it was because I pressured her into losing her virginity. She said she wanted to wait until she was married eventually. I had brought it up a few times while we were dating, but I guess that was too much. Or maybe she just said that and wanted to find a way out of the relationship. But I wasn't ready to move on yet. Even...

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Mrs K Pt1

Do you find that in this sometimes painful sometimes wonderful world of ours that life's pleasures are best enjoyed when they come unexpectedly? I do. That's how it was with me and Mrs Kellerman. Unexpected, and fine, very, very fine.I met Mrs K when I was staying at my aunt's house one summer. At the time immediately before I met her, I was in a kind of down-hearted frame of mind. Shortly after I met her I was flying high on my own personal cloud. Now, I have a precise, precious memory of this...

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One day after school1

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all started my sophomore year in high school. Let me tell me about myself first, my name is Jake and I am about six one, and one hundred seventy pounds. I had played football my freshman year so I hit the weights a lot. I have dark hair and everything else is brown. This year I kicked off the football team for throwing some ones “equipment” out of the window of the bus and...

2 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Seven

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Six By Danielle J Author's note- Thank you to Stacy for her help. I must also say thank you to the creators and writers of the television show, Get Smart. ***** Gabrielle Tanaka watched as Hong Kong faded away from view, the FBI agent looking out a window on the Cathay Pacific flight she was a passenger on. In four hours Gabrielle would be physically back in Tokyo again. As for Gabrielle's heart, it was somewhere else. It was with Tom...

3 years ago
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Family sex

My wife tried to arouse me many times, but in vain. I could see her agony. She remained sexually unsatisfied. I felt so more, since we both used to enjoy sex almost 4 to five times a week. One midnight, I woke up to have a glass of water. I saw that my wife was sitting on bed, trying to masturbate. She was weeping. I knew the cause of her sorrow. I pulled her near me and said, ‘Darling, I know your agony. It is our fate that I am useless now. But I love you too much. I do not want you to be...

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I Love A Grey Mouse

A good three years ago I joined one of these fitness clubs in order to shape up a little and get rid of the start of a slight paunch and put a little muscle on my legs. I was in for a surprise as quite contrary to my expectations I liked the training sessions right from the start. That´s why I have been doing this very regularly and today I can feel it in my bones and muscles and I can see it in the mirror that it has done me a world of good. What´s even more, it has changed my outlook on life...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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A Short Blonde with Big Boobs and Loose Morals

I asked my husband what he wanted for his brithday. “I don’t know babe, how about a small blonde with big boobs and loose morals…” he replied. What was a girl to do?... My husband’s 45th birthday was around the corner and as usual he had not made much fuss about it. The kids had all grown and moved away - the most he got from them was a chat on Skype and maybe a card. I found him in the garage tinkering with his new remote control helicopter. “Martin it’s your birthday in two weeks’ time....

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A Truck Ride With Torrie

Torrie Wilson Every once in a while you run into something magical. I was pulling my big rig into the Flying J Truckstop in Eherenberg off the I-10 at the California., Arizona border. I saw a really nice tour bus pulled up at the pump next to mine. One of the nice parts about being a trucker is that you meet the most interesting people. Everybody needs gas at some point. So I’m filling up my rig and doing my log book when out of the bus pops Torrie Wilson. She’s screaming back into the bus...

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Todd Brings a Friend to Play

Todd and Tim You all remember Todd, my sneaky nephews' friend. After our first night, he surprised me the next night with more fun and experimentation. That night I asked him about some of his gay friends from school. Well about 3 weeks after our initial fun, Todd called and said he had a friend I needed to meet and wanted to come over. I actually had the next day off, so I was up for some company. I figured worse case I would get to hang with a couple of hot teens and jack off after they...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part 1

Introduction: This is just an intro to the story, as the chapters go, the story of Ashley and her boss Mr. Paul Cooper will get sizzling and dirtier. My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part 1 Hello, my name is Ashley. I was the youngest and newest secretary in my firm with no experience what so ever. I could see that cutbacks were happening all around me, people who were hired along with me were being let go, I knew who was next and it scared me. Saturday morning my boss, Mr. Paul Cooper called me into...

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My SexPacked Holiday Part 8 Taking it Up the Arse

Back from our visit to the cider farm, I left my mum and dad to look after our purchases, and went back towards my room. I was feeling a bit sticky between the legs after my impromptu fuck, and felt the need to wipe myself down a bit, especially the trails of pussy juice down my thighs. But I didn’t actually make it, since as I was turning the corner I bumped into Abi coming out of her room.“Mmm, hello gorgeous,” she said, putting her hand round my waist and squeezing my bum. “Been out...

3 years ago
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making mom pt4

I knew what I wanted to do, and even though wehad just had sex, I wasn’t sure how she would react, but I decided that we hadgone beyond the point of no return so I decided to just go for it. I could seeher pussy lips slightly peeking through her bare naked thigh, and I gentlylifted her left leg up a little, and then I positioned my dick at her pussyentrance. I could still feel the heat coming from her pussy, and I could alsotell that her pussy had been leaking out my cum and her cum for the...

1 year ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 21

Sally followed Sarah, Rusty, Nancy and Bob into a small room attached to their office. As soon as Sally entered, she secured the door which triggered the opening of a hidden door to a hall. The hall took them deeper into the hillside to N&R Security's secure conference room. As they entered, Bob indicated for them to take seats around the table. Rusty and Sarah sat next to each other. "Sarah, why did you bring Rusty?" asked Bob. "Because ... he is like ... because we have a unique...

1 year ago
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Welcome Home

I stare at the clock as I change clothes for the fifth time tonight. It's 8:00, and I know in the back of my mind that you are heading here right now. I glance outside and notice the sound of the crickets in the backyard. Have they always been there??? I rush through the house straightening up and making sure that everything is perfect. This night HAS to be perfect. My baby is coming. I light a fire in the fireplace and light all of the candles in the house. I want their tropical scent to be...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 11

Present – Jens – In the tunnels Hammer dragged a person into the room, Linus just finished one of his terrible jokes (thanks Daddy!), and I declare, "I'm not sure which was worse the drugged water or the joke. Now Hammer what makes you think this man isn't a Marine?" Hammer answers, "Th' dobber gart up some tossel an' bull story abit hoo he'd saved th' General. He was braggin' tae aw th' other men." Daddy looked at him and swore, "Like hell he did! I've never seen this man in...

3 years ago
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SaralindaChapter 37 Saralinda

"Okay, now, honey – A three and a four and a –" A-minor, C-and G-and E... A-minor, E-minor, A minor, E-minor A-minor, C-and G-and E... A-minor, E-minor, A minor, E-minor "Great, keep going," she encouraged me. I was doing it. Well, kinda sorta. We were playing really slowly. Moira had her gorgeous guitar, and I had a cheap one I'd borrowed from Jake. And then she began to sing, while we both played along. Red Pomegranate, where power is born The Potion, for True Love White is the...

2 years ago
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Strip Fight

Julia und Sabrina waren gute Freundinnen die beide zusammen studierten. Sie verabredeten sich regelmäßig zum lernen in Sabrina's WG. Sabrina wohnte mit einem Studierenden aus deren Universität zusammen. Sein Name war Joshua. Ein sehr schüchterner Typ. Er war meistens in der WG am lernen und blieb in seinem Zimmer. Julia hatte ein Auge auf ihn geworfen und war deswegen froh wenn Sie bei Sabrina in der WG lernen und ihn somit sehen konnte. Julia war eine sehr hübsche junge Frau und sehr dominant....

3 years ago
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Peter Is 18 MariaChapter 6 Last Place

I mopped for a little while looking for something to do, to take my mind off her. Until I realized I hadn't cracked a textbook in two days. I set up my laptop in Granddad's office and logged in to catch up on my classes. I spent a couple hours half-assing some homework that was due and reading the class forums and generally acting like I was supposed to be in school. On-line classes reek. I'm a very social person and sitting alone at home was no fun. I was just thinking that maybe I...

2 years ago
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Aunt Linda and I

I grew up in a rather rural part of Germany, my Mom had to raise me by her self, since my dad died when I was very young. She did all she can to help me and family be happy and stuff. But by the end of the day she was beat and always went to bed early. That would have made me sad maybe, if it wasn't for my moms sister, aunt Linda who lived with us in our house.She was a very open and outgoing person, always going on short holidays over the weekends and fun stuff like that. And since aunt Linda...

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Virgin Camies Seduction Chapter 1

I was checking out porn one night when I come across a curious, 18 year old absolute beauty! She had dark hair, gorgeous eyes, the kind you can get lost in. She had a very sexy and petit young form body and she was looking for fun.After confirming she was 18, we chatted, she asked me detailed questions about sex and the many women I had been with. She was very curious about bondage, BDSM, spanking and anal -- every man's dream. The hottest part, she was a virgin.We chatted a few months and she...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sarah and Dave

A few years ago, a cute Irish girl started working in our office. She was slim with short, dark hair and pale-skinned and pretty in an understated way. I was instantly attracted to her.We got along well immediately and soon began to take lunch together in the canteen. Because of the way lunchtimes were arranged, we were the only people in there at that particular time. I enjoyed having the place to ourselves, and loved the way I could make Sarah laugh with stories about some of our colleagues,...

3 years ago
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The Breeders Life 2 Home Users

It has been three weeks since I started my work at Dunkeld & Sons. Three weeks isn't that long a time, not when you think about it. That is if you aren't constantly ass plugged and if you have been fucked then pussy plugged. If you were unlucky some of the girls then you were both constantly. Unless someone wanted to use you. I had seen enough of the girls in this place to know that we all had the same thing in common. We were all plugged, regardless of our breeding status. Being pregnant...

3 years ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 13

When Saturday morning came along, I woke up late before going downstairs. Mom, Dad, and Sherwin were downstairs installing a new DVD player they brought earlier at the mall. The problem was that we didn't have any DVDs to watch. Sherwin told me to go to the video store and get some movies. I put on my clothes and walked downtown to the video store. Not knowing which movie to get, I asked the guy who worked there which movies were good. He told me to get The English Patient since it won so...

1 year ago
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Highway Patrolman

At nineteen years old, I was a quiet and studious lad.  I attended a state university that was relatively cheap, but I was very aware that my parents were paying for my tuition and a room in a boarding house near the campus and put tremendous pressure on myself to work hard and succeed.My father was against me getting a part-time job because he wanted me to concentrate on my studies.  I threw myself into it and took an overload of classes each semester and summer in order to finish early.  I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Next Step

Title: The Next Step Author: Syren Date: 02/06/05 Chapter 1 Tanya and Mark had been married for six months when they discovered they hada mutual interest in BDSM stories. Mark had been looking at sites on the internetand had found one particular site appeared quite regularly in the browser history.After further investigation he found that the site contained stories aboutwomen being bound, whipped and tortured in all manor of different ways, heeagerly worked his way through the stories and...

2 years ago
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My ability 2

When I wake up, I thought to myself, “Tonight, it’s my turn to fuck somebody”. As I was thinking this, a person popped into my mind. This person, a girl, is one of my closest friends and one of the few people I told about what I can do and she has always has been intrigued about messing around. I called her up, told her what I wanted to do, she said, “yea sure”. My question for her was, how did she want to do this. She said, “Surprise me”. As she said that, I got really horny. When she...

4 years ago
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The New StartChapter 19 Seth and Autumn

Seth returned late the next afternoon and Rain met him at the dock. Seth smiled as the small woman approached. Rain stopped about two feet in front of him and his smile vanished as she looked up at him and told him of the new sleeping arrangements. "This will not work," he said in his booming voice as he looked down on her. "It will work, the four of us will make it work," Rain said and then continued, "Tonight you are going to fuck Autumn." "I will not. I have no desire to have sex...

1 year ago
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Winter Vacation

(Young couple help their best friend out of depression)Cathy and Paul had been married for almost five years. They met in college, dated for two years and were married even before they finished school. The first year was tight but when they finally graduated they were both fortunate to land jobs quickly. This helped them to buy a house and move on to living life.Paul’s friends harassed him about getting married so soon but Cathy is very beautiful and knew he couldn’t let her slip away.Cathy is...

2 years ago
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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 3

Chapter 3.   Read parts 1 & 2 first to understand my development.   The days rolled by that summer, mainly occupied by sexual exploration with my boyfriend and his brother, interspersed with visits to the pool and my period.   After the second oral session involving both the boys, I was determined to fuck them both.   I had done my boyfriend.   Now I wanted another.   I soon used the next six condoms with my boyfriend and I had reminded his brother to get plenty more for a ‘better reward’.  ...

Group Sex

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