Black And Male In Ottawa
- 4 years ago
- 37
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Keeping away from nutcases is always a good idea. My problem is that I’m basically a magnet for them. Seriously, on the bus, the train and at work, at the school library and everywhere I go. They’re there, passive-aggressively sneezing, coughing, staring, spitting and hatefully staring in my general direction. Can someone save me from them? The name is Samuel ‘Sammy’ Vivant and I’m a young man living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. My father Joseph Vivant is Haitian and my mother Mira Santiago is Hispanic, originally from Venezuela. They met at university while in Montreal, fell in love, got hitched and had little old me.
I am the offspring of an interracial couple. Technically that makes me biracial but I identify as black. Six feet tall, burly, brown-skinned and black-haired, that’s me. I am used to people staring at my parents and I whenever we’re out in public together. I study Criminal Justice at Canada’s Capital University, and when I’m not in class or at home, I’m working security in a government building downtown. You know, one of those places full of middle-aged bozos with inflated egos. Enter at your own risk, ladies and gentlemen. The most boring, tedious, dull and bigoted human beings in existence work there.
A lot of people don’t like their jobs but they’re not starting to slip mentally like I feel I might be. I try to keep my head down and just do the job, but I really can’t stand the fuckers. Add to that the fact that the other security guard on site is a passive-aggressive older white dude named Donald Gardener, and you can understand why I can’t stand my job. I’m close to completing my studies at school, so I can’t afford to quit my job now. You don’t give up when you’re close to the finish line, folks. What would be the point?
Anyhow, the part of my job I hate the most is riding the elevator with all of these government worker types. Everyone is middle-aged, portly, dull and boring. They have endless conversations about cottages, and lament the fact that their idol Stephen Harper, Canada’s deeply Conservative and bigoted former Dictator-in-Chief lost in the October 19, 2015 election. Seriously, that’s all they talk about and their discomfort and their fear about a racially diverse future for Canada is sweet nectar to me.
The Liberals are in power now, and they’re a racially diverse and gender-inclusive bunch. I guess this royally pisses off the middle-aged, racist and sexist old white dudes working in Canadian government offices in downtown Ottawa. I wish these fuckers would retire and play bingo so the Canadian government could hire more young people. Like dinosaurs must have clung on after the asteroid fell, the bozos are still around. I wish I could say these old crones are my biggest problem right now, but they aren’t.
No, my problem is that I am starting to lose it. For five days a week I wake up at five in the morning so I can be at work downtown by six thirty in the morning. I live in the West End of Ottawa, which means riding the bus downtown takes me a long damn time. Every morning on the bus I see the same old faces. Let’s see, there’s an old white guy who wears a brown jacket, and he’s always sitting in the middle of the bus next to a mousy-looking brunette, and this tough-faced, dark-haired broad with hard dark eyes and kind of a nice ass. Government workers one and all, I know the look at this point.
They always look at me, because I’m the only person on the bus who is not old and pale. They’re wondering what my occupation is. I live within walking distance of the bus station, in a middle-class area of Ottawa. They’re always assessing people. I can see right through them. I typically wear a dark jacket with a nice dress shirt and black dress pants, complete with my black timberland boots. I don’t wear my security shirt on the bus or anyplace other than inside the building where I work, and only during working hours. I arrive dressed business casual and leave the same way. Bozos are always staring at me, thinking I’m awfully young to be working in a Canadian government building.
I guess they feel that they are the envy of the world. Let them wallow in their delusions. Not much awaits them besides a nursing home, endless bingo games and a grave. When I look at them, all I see is decay and entitlement, and I can’t tell you which one disgusts me more. I don’t want to work for the Canadian government. Too many middle-aged bozos and old people there. I hate the smug, boring and dull people who work there. Everyone’s gray and wrinkly. Thanks but no thanks. I want to go to Law School and practice law.
Seriously, I don’t want to be one of those creeps who walk around downtown with their government worker’s ID badges around their necks and either a cigarette or a coffee cup in their hand. I don’t want to spend the rest of my adult life in some boring government office, wasting the government’s time because I come down the elevator every hour to smoke or chit-chat, or gossip. These people are wasting the Canadian taxpayer’s time with their bullshit. Seriously, if you work eight hours a day, and you have a paid lunch, you shouldn’t duck away from your work station or desk or whatever every hour. That’s called being a cheat. I can’t stand those.
What do I want to do with my life? I want to be a criminal defense attorney. I want to help people in need. I know that Law School isn’t cheap but my grades are good and my professors like me and like my work. I know I can get in. Paying for it is another matter, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I consistently make Dean’s List almost every semester. Oh, and I’m not on OSAP like the majority of students at Canadian universities. Nope, I’m paying my own way as a security guard who makes twelve dollars per hour. Yes, it’s not glamorous and I put up with a lot of bullshit from people with low-IQs but when I graduate from university without any student debt, it would have been all worth it.
My life on campus isn’t all peaches and cream either. Let’s take my favorite class for example. We were discussion Abortion Rights, certainly a fairly controversial topic, and like the rest of my classmates, I listened with rapt attention as our professor, a rather unique, flamboyant and upbeat fellow, told us about the struggle of Canadian women for abortion access in New Brunswick. Something bugged me about the whole thing, and it had nothing to do with the topic. There was this annoying, kind of tomboyish white chick in a flannel shirt sitting behind me, and throughout the lecture, she kept bugging me by kicking the chair behind me, or putting her feet up on the chair right next to mine. Um, what the fuck?
Look, when it comes right down to it, I believe in showing some basic respect to all human beings. I don’t care if you’re black or white, male or female, straight or gay, I will show you some basic respect. That being said, don’t cross the line with me. Otherwise, well, I’m going to have to make your day a lot more unpleasant than it has to be. I cleared my throat loudly and Miss Flannel Shirt seemed to get the message and pulled her feet off the chair. A few minutes later, she resumed kicking the damn chair. Um, seriously? I tried to focus on the lecture, but the bullshit kept getting to me.
Finally, at the end of class, I had a few choice words for Miss Flannel Shirt. I told her I found her chair-kicking habit annoying. The flannel shirt chick, flanked by two of her friends, a black chick I’d seen in class and a white gal I didn’t know, stared awkwardly. I walked away, and that’s when she began talking trash to her friends. I went to the campus library and wrote an email to the professor detailing the incident. Look, I believe in being careful, alright?
In this world, if you’re a black man, everyone seems to be out to get you. Male or female, straight or gay, rich or poor, everyone seems to have something against us brothers. Most of us are fairly nice people, so I don’t know what their problem is. That being said, I don’t make
a habit of underestimating anyone. I’ve seen false accusations made by women ruin men much more powerful than myself. Knowing how campuses routinely trample over guys in favor of women, I made sure I let the admin know about the incident. That way, if something comes of it, at least I was the first one to approach the appropriate the authorities. Be on the offensive, not the defensive. It’s the better position to be.
Alright, some of you think I’m exaggerating. I can see your heads shaking on this one. Whatever. Oh, and for the feminist types and what-have-you who are reading this, you know I’m right. False allegations made by women can ruin even powerful men, and I’m not a powerful man yet. So, black or white, male or female, straight or gay, rich or poor, I consider everyone who isn’t me at least a potential threat to me. So, when they initiate hostilities, I process it intellectually, come up with a sound strategy and take action.
Yeah, I’m working hard, excelling at school, staying out of trouble, dealing cleverly with my enemies, and staying ahead of the game. The only thing lacking in this soap opera that my life has become is a leading lady. There was one, once. Her name was Annie. Tall, lovely, smart, and Haitian. We met at a movie theater in 2012 and she stayed in my life until late 2014. I miss her quite often at times. Annie was good to me, and we had some wonderful times, but you can’t have a love story when it’s just one person in love, while the other, due to having been hurt in past relationships, is afraid to love. I tried my best with Annie, I was patient with her, but it wasn’t good enough. The damage that bad men do to good women’s hearts causes good men to suffer. I wish Annie the best with her future, though it is not with me.
Anyhow, enough of this romantic stuff. I’m mere months away from graduating in the Criminal Justice program at Canada’s Capital University. My LSAT scores are excellent and I’ve gotten accepted at the University of Ottawa. I am already looking for a better job. Playing servant to the boring, dull and bigoted old crones who work for the Canadian government doesn’t suit a man of my intellect. For now, I’m playing along and paying my bills. Got to live one day at a time, you know?
As for the future, who knows what it can bring? I’m sure there are plenty of lovely, intelligent women in law school and I’ll meet plenty once I get there. The gals at my school lack maturity, and while I’ve had a few dalliances with them, they’re not the type you take home to meet mama and papa. One last thing before I leave. I wasn’t totally honest about the reason why I hate government workers. They are annoying, and dull, and bigoted, all this is true. The reason I despise them is much more personal.
Alright, I might as well fess up since we’re at the end of this journey. Canadian government workers irk me for a very I don’t like the way they treat us security people, and the cleaners and even the helmeted contractors like we’re subhuman. Anyhow, this lousy job will soon be in my past. I’ve got my Law School Acceptance letter framed, and next September I will be in Law School. Still, if I ever become the type of bozo who feels superior to other human beings on account to his income or occupation, you are more than welcome to deck me. I am dead serious. Trust me, you’d be doing me a favor, for I would have become everyone I presently hate. Goodnight.
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I went into the portal low and rolling, just like they do on the movies, I could see two large men walking towards a struggling Genius. The shotgun took their heads off. I then picked up two swords and looked around. There were seven of them left standing, one was holding his arm where Genius had managed to wound him before she had been captured, there was a tree holding her? "Ternus Magure" I said and the tree shrivelled up releasing her. "Obviatatus!" a man said and dark light began...
This was what I didn't really want to do, but had to do it anyway! I had to return to Brenham to claim my land, the castle and people who lived in the nearby villages, but to thwart me was Hubert and his men, the ones who ancestors had taken the castle from its true lord, Lord Wilbert, who had been slain and his body given a short funeral before the priest was also killed. When I entered the land where Wilbert had been killed his shade tried to frighten me, but found it couldn't. I was...
The leader of the riders, Lord Hubert, directed three of his men to attack me while he directed the others to carry on after Brenda. The leader of the three gave a wicked smile as he approached, and as I stood waiting a thought came to me. "Immobilie!" I said and stood back as their horses fell to the ground, their legs bound by padded rope throwing the men on the ground. One man was stuck underneath his horse and was screaming out because his leg was broken, but the two others got to...
From the journals of Brother Pieter My journey with Lord John has been varied, and not without the danger of attack. Witness our recent adventure in the world of the giants during which Lord John has vouchsafed to be his home world, although how this couldst be still remains a mystery to me. No sooner didst we arrive in the new land than a giantess grabbed both Genius and I, then we were then taken by this thing into a wooden house many sizes the cathedral at Yvens. From there we were...
After viewing the recording of Brenda's abduction I quickly ran to the portal that they had used, I pressed the activator and the destination icon, but nothing happened. "We've tried that as well, but it seems to be locked off." The Police Chief said shaking his head, "And if it had worked for you what would you do? You'd charge in and probably get killed in the process, and you just getting your wife back!" I had to stop! This was true, I was letting my feelings rule my actions! And...
The car that was waiting for us was automated and had been pre-programmed to drive us to ''The Meeting Place''. Genius, Margaret and I agreed that we'd be better off running! I did try to urge it on, but was surprised to hear it say, "I'm sorry sir, but I can only obey the speed limit." It said I sighed; I didn't like back-seat drivers either. "I do know that, but a friend of mine is in danger and we need to get to her as quickly as possible." I said. There was a second of...
I stepped through the portal and found that it was dark on the other side. Immediately a sword was placed against my throat and a voice hissed, "So what do we have here?" Immediately the armour deployed itself, the collar rising up between the blade of his sword and my skin, and it upset my captor so much that he jumped back. "By the Highest One! Witchcraft and Sorcery!" He said making the sign that I was now used to seeing. I turned to face the man; the visor was now showing his...
The land was desolate, little areas of water littered the scene with scraggly trees around. There were patches of, what seemed to be, lichen wherever there were areas of rocks, the lichen wasn't something I really noticed at first it was just part of the scenery. The pools of water were not cold but rather seemed to be just near body temperature. I looked at the portal on this side. It appeared to be two trees that had joined their branches together to form an arch where this portal had...
"PA! PA! THERES MORE OF THEM HERE! QUICK, GET THEM PA!" A voice boomed out and then a giant hand was reaching down to grab us. "Scatter!" I called out and began running away from the portal, however Genius and Pieter were not so lucky. The hand was joined by another which enclosed the pair of them. I lost sight of Margaret, who seemed to fade out from view, while I ran into the thick jungle-like growth. I was puzzled. Genius had described the portal as going back to my world, not this...
I turned around as I realised that the men were missing, the only ones present were Brother Pieter, Margaret, Brenda and Genius — not to forget myself. Somehow we'd become separated from the others - although to be honest I wouldn't know what to do with them if push came to shove. "John? What happened?" Margaret asked me anxiously. I shook my head, "Dammed if I know Mags, Genius any idea?" "No Lord John, it's as if they've been blocked from arriving, I don't know anyone ... apart...
I stepped through the portal to find that Forester was waiting for me, and he was shaking his head as I appeared. "I see you failed then, did you find them all dead?" He asked. I held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' signal, and then the first of the people started to appear. "Come on in, there are shelters nearby." I said as I looked at a surprised Forester. "I have to admit that I didn't think you'd do it!" Forester said, and then his expression went from surprise to one of...
The hallway led to the next of the five houses. Inside the door, Joseph found a divided space. Mostly what he saw resembled a garage with a hydraulic lift and various car parts and a large red rolling tool chest and larger tools hanging along the right wall and narrow tanks with torch attachments. Beyond the space created by a glass dividing wall quartering the space on the left side of the garage sat a massive desk surrounding a chair on three sides with several compartments filled with...
With Clancy's word still echoing I stepped back into 'The Meeting Place' to find a tented village had sprung up, the people were the men that I had left recovering following the spell when Gerald and the wizard had attacked. A voice spoke to me, "Oh John, I tried to follow you but couldn't, that blasted portal wouldn't let me pass!" It was Margaret which explained why she wasn't with me while I was home. A man dressed in a white uniform spoke up, "It's a failsafe part of the...
I emerged into a world of metal! That was my first impression, and then a cage seemed to form around me. There was a high-pitched noise that, to me, sounded like an old-fashion modem. "I'm receiving data from the unit in front of us." The armour said "I've been informed that the cage around us is designed to retain the atmosphere from our home world. As they do not know how to open the doorway back, they will transfer us to the holding area where air and pressure will be maintained."...
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Ronald Waterman had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. He’d made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasn’t really above board but he didn’t get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasn’t a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters; their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the ‘swishhh’ of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
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My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...
I love watching my wife doing other guys, and especially doing black gang bangs. She’s actually pretty shy, so I have create a situation, and once she knows it would be uncomfortable to back out, she’ll do most any thing with any body. Let me tell you how I set up a “Blackmail” to gang bang black guys whenever they called. Her daughter’s best friend only date black guys. I’ve overheard her friend try to convince her countless times to double date with her and her black boy friend she told my...
InterracialBill spoke to me first thing the next morning. He was soooo impressed and so were his friends. How hot, .Easy, and willing to follow any instructions. The first thing he sugessted was to turn her on to the entire fraturnity. I discouraged him, because i wanted for her to feel more comfortable with riggie and tyrone first. I suggested he call he and praise her, and tell her that reggie and tyrone were in "love" with her. He explianed that they told all the brothers every detail of what happed...
InterracialHi readers, Thanks a lot for your feedback for my previous stories. As always, expecting your support for this and my upcoming stories as well. This is not a story but a real incident which happened in the middle of March, 2017. It has femdom and gruesome torture and hardly has sex. If you have interested in it, please proceed further. For those of you who don’t know me, am Divakar, a software professional and a masseur and male escort from Bangalore, offering different types of services to...
The patient’s mother, Miss Smith, phoned me to set up her son’s examination. The boy had just turned 18. She felt he required a special exam session due to what she had seen him doing with another boy of his own age. She had came home from work early one day to find her son and the boy “playing doctor” in his bedroom. She explained how she watched as her son played the role of the patient, the other boy having him lie on the bed in just his briefs as he sat beside him...
Marie carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! "Marie," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm James Gobbel, you were expecting me!?!" "Uh, please come in, Mr. Gobbel," Marie said nervously, "I'm so glad you could make it!!!" James Gobbel moved smoothly into Marie's well appointed apartment, and after giving it a quick once over, turned back to Marie and said softly, "I'm glad you...
This story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.It was a small Southern town, isolated, and obscure, and when I saw the flashing lights in my rearview mirror I was astonished, since I knew I had been driving well below the posted speed limit of forty five miles per hour. I felt a bit of outrage, but decided that the best thing to do in such a situation is to go along with the flow, and cooperate fully.I stopped and waited in the car, having pulled out my license and papers, and...
Marie carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! "Marie," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm James Gobbel, you were expecting me!?!" "Uh, please come in, Mr. Gobbel," Marie said nervously, "I'm so glad you could make it!!!" James Gobbel moved smoothly into Marie's well appointed apartment, and after giving it a quick once over, turned back to Marie and said softly, "I'm glad you...
InterracialAndrogyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that they will forego sex-reassignment surgery, opting...
Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...
EroticCh. 11 – History in the Balance “What say ye, David?” Merlin asked. “Mordred’s men are heavily fortified within the walls of Camelot; it will not be easy for Arthur’s forces to attack them. And from most accounts I have read, the Battle of Camelot takes place in the surrounding fields rather than within the castle itself.” “I see. Then perhaps we ought to give history a nudge in the proper direction, yes?” Merlin grinned. From their perch atop the highest tower in Camelot,...
Ch. 10 – The Madness of King Arthur “Hold here,” Arthur said as his forces reached the edge of the woods. “What next, Sire?” Bedivere asked. “You and the men will remain here. Merlin and I shall enter Camelot undetected and see if there is any truth to Mordred’s words.” “Yes, Your Highness. I pray he is merely trying to spread a falsehood.” “As do I,” Arthur muttered, walking off with Merlin in tow. “My friend, I had thought it might be prudent to speak with our visitor from...
Ch. 8 – Unbreakable Bonds and Forbidden Passions Robin sat at his desk, reviewing the week’s reports from his lieutenants. All seemed to be under control, though there was still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the unexpected death of his brother and niece last week. As he continued to read, a knock came at his door. “Come.” “Father,” said Geoffrey. “I would speak with you.” “Ah, what is it, my son?” Robin replied, looking up from his work. “I shall come straight to...
Ch. 7 – Aftermath “How many wounded?” Bedivere demanded. “A few dozen, and several dozen more killed. Most of our casualties were here in the outer courtyard. They breached the inner courtyard, but were driven back out here. Merlin is tending to the survivors as we speak.” “Sir Bedivere!” Turning he saw his friend running up. “Sir Kay, what did you find?” “You had best come have a look at this.” Bedivere followed the knight into the nearby guardhouse, gasping at seeing...
Ch. 6 – Camelot in Peril In a flash, Morgan had summoned up an enormous amount of power, readying her assault on Merlin. As she fired off a series of energy blasts, Merlin just smirked and defended with ease, conjuring a shield from his aura. He prepared to retaliate, firing a blast of wind at her as she leapt into the air. This blew her back against the wall, disorienting her for a moment, but she was soon back on her feet. “You will have to do better than that,” Morgan...