GeniusChapter 4: Swamplands Of Turch Malic free porn video

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The land was desolate, little areas of water littered the scene with scraggly trees around. There were patches of, what seemed to be, lichen wherever there were areas of rocks, the lichen wasn't something I really noticed at first it was just part of the scenery. The pools of water were not cold but rather seemed to be just near body temperature.

I looked at the portal on this side. It appeared to be two trees that had joined their branches together to form an arch where this portal had been located, and it was so natural looking that you would never believe it was part of the mystical connection.

There was a general feeling of doom in the air, but whether this was from the men — who had stories about this land going through their heads — or just the main atmosphere of the land I don't know. What I did know was that I wanted to get away from this place as quickly as possible, and this was also noticeable in the manner of the men who were with us.

I moved up to join Genius and Brenda who were leading the group. "You said you could protect Brenda from this wind?" I asked her quietly so that nobody else could hear us.

Genius looked about before she answered. "It's through my affinity with the lands that I can keep the wind away from my immediate area but it is only large enough for one other to profit from the effect, hence Brenda must stay with me." She added fiercely as if I was going to suggest something else.

I held up my hand to placate her, "It's not that I just wanted to understand how you could do it, the problem is whatever is in the wind, if I could minimise the wind it might mean less effect on the men. So what is it in the wind that isn't in the air normally?" I pondered taking a sniff of the air.

"Don't! ... Even without the wind there is still something there!" Genius admonished me, but I wasn't really listening to her, somewhere I could hear ... a voice?

"Beware, danger, beware ... beware!" it seemed to be saying but then it faded.

I went to the back of the men to follow them and to protect them from ... whatever may be behind us, as we walked we tried to miss the water but this took us over the lichen on the ground, seeing small yellow puffs rise from them, but these quickly fell to the ground again in the light air.

We'd been travelling for about an hour when Genius looked behind her and waved for us to stop. "Lord John ... there is a wind arising!" She called out, I looked behind and could see the wind as a dirty yellow stain in the sky, but it seemed to be rising up.

What could I do? There was no cover for the men to take ... unless I could create some? I quickly pulled out my tent from the backpack I was carrying, it was one of those all in one things, with a groundsheet attached, so that it would be dry on wet ground, and guide-ropes to fix the thing to the ground, but here there was only rock and so I couldn't fix it, what was needed was either several of these or a large one.

I tried to picture the size that would be needed, mindful of the proximity of the wind, it would need to contain all of us and protect us from the wind itself. I decided that a large version of the tent with power assisted pitons to fire into the rock to hold the tent so it would be nice and solidly held down.

The picture was complete and I could feel that I could pull it from out of my mind. "Constructus!" I said and felt the pressure as it picture vanished and the real object appeared in front of us, although I had pictured a tent just like the one I had, it was the size of a marquee! I quickly went to a corner and fired the piton into the ground. Gerald was watching and understood what I was trying to do as he went to another corner and did the same, hearing the shot as the piton entered the rock. The other two were treated just the same and we had a tent ready for all of us.

Gerald and I ushered the men with Brenda and Genius into the tent, Genius sniffed the air and nodded, "This is better than I could do." She said approvingly. Somehow there were curtained areas in the tent — which wasn't what I had thought of but was a necessary division within the tent. Genius took Brenda into one area away from the men.

The noise of the wind was almost deafening, but within the tent we were unaffected by the wind. With our immediate danger taken care of we began getting hungry, but unfortunately I didn't have enough of the MRE's for everyone so I thought perhaps I could conjurer some up. I concentrated ... I tried to picture several platters all with the food needed, simple to heat up and ... but I couldn't do it! No matter how hard I tried to do this it just wasn't working!

I looked to Brother Pieter for help, but he smiled and shook his head, "My Lord, what you are trying cannot be forced, just wait until it is really necessary." He pointed to the men who were now sitting on the ground; they had opened small pouches on their belts and produced meat which they were eating ... their world's version of field rations I supposed.

I found out some cold food from my backpack and shared it between Brother Pieter and myself.

After a couple of hours the wind seemed to drop and so I went to where the opening was and pulled the zip down, looking out through the hole created.

The yellow dust was flying through the air like snowflakes, but the scent was nice and inviting, in fact. I opened the zip all the way and left the tent ... for some reason I did the zip back up. I walked in the wind. I couldn't see what the fuss was about as nothing seemed dangerous here, but rather it was quite relaxing in a strange way.

I watched entranced as the lichen seemed to shiver in the wind and the yellow dust rose from it to join in the air.

There was a dark chuckle from behind me and I turned to see a monster standing there, I smiled at it, and drew Twilight from its scabbard. I waved Twilight at the monster. "Begone lest you perish! I told it" But it remained in front of me.

The scene seemed to waver and then I was facing two of the monsters, I moved Twilight between the pair of them. 'Master, what are you doing?' Twilight asked me.

"Fighting these monsters before me, can't you see them?" I asked it amazed that they were invisible to him.

'Monsters master? There is nothing there!' Twilight said bewildered.

I stabbed towards one of the monsters to see the blade go right through it leaving the thing unharmed, it bared its teeth at me as if smiling and daring me to carry on. Its partner closed in on me and so I quickly turned and slashed at the beast.

The sword passed through the monster as if it wasn't there. "What's wrong with you Twilight? You should be able to slice these things?" I asked it.

'But there is nothing to hit master. Why are you just waving me around?' The blade asked into my mind, but the tone was mocking ... how dare it mock me! Once I had dealt with these things I'll find the first piece of consecrated ground and bury it there! I decided.

As if it realised what I was going to do the sword started to twist and fight in my grip. I looked at it as it began to alter, growing arms and legs, becoming the true demon that was in the blade. I couldn't think what to do ... so I jammed it into the scabbard, leaving me unarmed to face the monsters

The area wavered and then I was in a bright sunlit place, grass was growing on the ground and the two monsters had now turned into 4! "Well come on then! If you think you're good enough!" I said to them. I was ready for them now, as they obviously had taken me into their land!

I pulled out the shotgun from my pack and fired, fired, fired, fired! This was great!! 4 shots from a double-barrelled sporting shotgun! I wondered how this could be ... but then I was a magician so anything was possible!

However, the pellets just seemed to pass right through the beasts. I put the shotgun back behind me and charged at them with my bare hands, if my sword refused to do what I wanted then I would do it myself.

I threw myself at the first monster going to its arm to hold it down, but my hands went right through it and I struck the grass hard, it felt so hard. I twisted around and kicked out at the beast standing over me, seeing the water on my legs fly through the air ... it was very pretty I thought and then shook my head. I must concentrate on defeating these monsters or they'd be going after Brenda. I had to protect Brenda!

The scenery wavered again. I was being passed from this world back to Turch Malic, and then returning to the grass world again. The monsters started to grin with glee at my plight, and then the swampland returned.

"John, ignore it, it's not real!" A voice whispered into my ear.

I looked over to see a hideous shape floating in the air. I think it was a banshee, its mouth mottled with death and open sores were showing, the thing's hair was long and straggled, its clothing was torn showing that the body beneath was just bones. All in all it was a hateful thing to see.

I pulled Twilight from the scabbard, the hands and legs were now missing "Begone foul fiend! Get away from me!" I said waving Twilight at the figure which moved away from the blade, a sign that it could be hurt by it.

"John, Don't! It's me Margaret!" The thing said.

I laughed, "Don't try that! I know my wife, you're nothing like her!" I said, forgetting about the monsters that had been attacking me. This was more of a target, pretending to be Margaret! Just what did it think I was?

"John! Listen to me! You are seeing things, fight it you stupid fool!" The thing said and somehow I could hear Margaret's voice in what it was saying.

I shook my head. The wind had died down now and the yellow stain seemed to be dropping to the ground. I thought something was wrong ... and then it hit me, why hadn't the armour appeared around me? I was under attack and it had failed me!

I looked at the armband and noticed that it was misshapen, almost malevolent in its appearance; I almost wanted to tear it off my wrist and throw it away before it infected me with something.

"John, call your armour, let it cover you!" The thing said as if it expected me to listen to it

"Why? So that it can suffocate me? You can't make me deploy this armour!" I said, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth I was being sealed in the twisted thing. I tried to pull it away from my skin but couldn't gain purchase on the fabric, where my gloved hand tried to strike it, the armour seemed to harden and grow inflexible, as if taking a blow from a sword.

Inside the helm, there was a garish display showing the landscape and then a blurred message that I couldn't read. I heard a hissing noise from somewhere as if a snake was alive with me in the armour, I had to stop it! I tried to move around to get my arm out of the armour before the snake could strike me ... I was too late! I felt a sharp pain as its fangs must have struck me, injecting me with its venom. I was going to die ... I knew I was doomed ... and then everything went black!


Ever since I met this strange person called John I have been struck by his attitude, he has the air of a leader but seems strangely untrained in this art. His actions with the shade of Lord Wilbert was not as most people would do. He seemed truly concerned for a shade that died many years ago.

I will add that in aiding him in that endeavour I have gained more than I expected, I take it to mean that the Holy One has plans for this Lord John, and it would be up to me to ensure that he take the correct path.

I do have misgivings about his consorting with the guardian spirit of the Lady Brenda and from thence to the being called her father, it was a sore trial to remain with him, but for the sake of his soul I must gird myself and persevere

The passage to this land of Turch Malic filled me with dread as I have heard too many stories of those who have traversed this land only to be struck with madness. I was ready to join those who had departed for the forest, but it was my oath to remain with the Lord John that prevented me from doing so.

When the guardian spoke of approaching winds the Lord John created a tent of such a size to house all the men as well as the Lady Brenda. At first I was concerned regarding a lady of her station to be with such rough men as these, but it seems that Lord John had thought of this, providing a shelter within the tent so that Lady Brenda could retire in there.

I did notice that the Lord John was troubled over something. It appeared that he was concerned about the providing of food for his men — this is something passing strange, a Lord worried about the wellbeing of others? — And was trying to summon more of his amazing food. I showed him that the men were able to provide for themselves, he realised this and then proceeded to remove strange staples from his bag that were created from bread, cleanly sliced and with meat within, along with some strange colour things (I removed these as I wasn't sure what they were but Lord John didn't see). The meat was most tasty - in a way I wouldst be troubled to return to my Abbot with this tale as I would have to return to normal fare.

I was awoken by the guardian spirit calling for Lord John. It seems that when the wind had died down she - and I use that term as that is how it's displaying itself at the moment - wanted to talk to Lord John, but couldn't find him.

On checking it was found that Lord John was not in the tent with us and none could say when or how he had left us as many were also sleeping while they could. Gerald was for sallying off to find Lord John, but the guardian forbade us from doing so. "Not whilst the wind is blowing!" she told us and so we were forced to wait for her clearance.

After some time she pronounced it safe for us to leave the shelter so we opened the strange closure on the opening and exited, we rushed out to search for the one who was supposed to be our leader. I was fearful as to what type of man we would find, and how would we carry on with Lord Wilbert's request with a madman as a leader.

As we searched I prayed to the Higher Being to let us find Lord John, but had little hope of doing so.

It was almost miraculous that we were guided to the place where Lord John was lying, the shade that had been his wife in the other world had found us and so we followed the shade to Lord John. His eldritch armour was surrounding him and he was most still, in fact I was sure that he would require the final sanctioning to allow his spirit to ascend as it should.

Gerald was about to lift the Lord John when the man moved his arm, as if stopping Gerald from doing so. "You live my lord?" Gerald asked.

But the voice that answered was not Lord John; I know not whose it was. "Combat mode deactivated, occupant disabled and unable to respond, this is AI 34332553 combat ready suit for protective action, Identity required!" It said.

Gerald frowned, "But my lord you know me, I am Gerald, send by Lord Gregor to help the Lady Brenda, I am here to help you." He said.

There was a slight pause and then the strange voice spoke again, "You are shown as friendly. This unit requires aid to transport occupant to cover." It said. Gerald looked at me and I didn't know what to say but then the shade known as Margaret spoke.

"John is inside that thing but it's looking after him, just help it up and take it to the tent." She said.

This time when Gerald touched the armour it seemed to allow him to bring it up to a standing position, it didn't seem to know where to go and so Gerald took one of the arms and started guiding it towards the tent.

It was almost like taking a sleepwalker along the path, the armour walked almost stiff legged as we pulled it to the shelter.

The men gave a wide berth to the armour, fearful of the thing it might be. I have to admit that I was giving prayers against evil beings, hoping that Lord John would be delivered to us from this skin of evil.

When we entered the tent Lady Brenda ran to him, "Lord John what is wrong with you?" She asked.

Again the strange voice spoke, "This unit is not allowed to respond to interrogation by unknown persons." It said.

The guardian spirit then spoke to the armour, "We wish to know what has happened to Lord John, will you not tell us?" She asked.

The helm turned towards the spirit. "You do not register as human life! This is not known to this unit, this unit will not answer your questions." It said which showed that there was some good inside that thing.

"Then armour I am asking the question. What has happened to the Lord John, he who was wearing you?" Gerald asked.

"Identity of questioner confirmed, occupant of CRS is currently unconscious following gas attack of psychotropic compounds. This unit is currently administering counter-agents to occupant." The armour replied.

I have to admit that I didn't understand any of what was said, but it seemed that this armour was doing something to Lord John and I didn't like the thought of that.

"Stop that at once and show Lord John to us!" I told it, but the helm turned as if looking at me.

"Negative! Scans made by CRS shows lack of medical facilities to deal with this attack, the priority of this unit is to maintain the well-being of the occupant against all attacks. It would be detrimental to the occupant's health to release it." The voice told me.

"Combat suit, clear visor to allow visual of occupant!" The shade called Margaret said.

This time there was a few moments before the suit replied. "You ... are not ... you ... cannot ... this unit does not recognise your form, but will agree to the request." It said as if not understanding what was in front of it.

The darkness of the armour seemed to shimmer and then it was as if Lord John was before us but surrounded by water. His face was stretched as if he was fighting some unseen demon, but although we could see his muscles moving within his clothes, he did not move the armour, what was alarming us was that a tube could be seen running into his arm, as if some blood sucking insect was feeding from him.

"What be this?" Gerald asked trying to clutch at the tube but finding the 'water' stopping him.

"CRS unit currently feeding occupant by intravenous injection, this unit also giving occupant medicines to help recovery — estimated time for recovery is 30 minutes. This unit requires little movement until expiration of time." The voice said

Gerald looked at me as if I would have an answer, but this wasn't anything that my faith could deal with. "Gentles if you would leave my husband alone and let the suit finish healing him, that's all it's asking for." The shade said.

"Yes please Gerald, Brother Pieter canst we leave him be?" Lady Brenda pleaded.

Gerald nodded, "Certs Lady Brenda, but for how long should we leave him?" He asked,

"Until my husband recovers!" The shade told us and Lady Brenda agreed.

It was a worrisome time for us waiting for Lord John to show some sign, but then all of a sudden the armour seemed to return to its normal colour and then it shrank down to become leggings, wrist-bands, belt and collar. Lord John shook his head and then sat up! May the Holy One be praised.

I woke up with a splitting headache, what was I doing in the tent? I had such a strange dream, fighting monsters and then that hideous thing calling itself Margaret - as if she would ever look like that?

"John, how are you feeling now?" I looked up to see Margaret looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Well, I could do with an aspirin but apart from that I'm fine. What do you mean 'now'?" I asked her.

"You were acting as if you didn't see me! Just what were you looking at?" She asked me, but how could I tell her that I dreamed she was a ghoul?

"That was you, it really was? I'm sorry Margaret I didn't realise, I was facing some monsters that I couldn't kill, they were going to attack me and then there were others and I couldn't stop them!" I said remembering my dream.

She shook her head, "There was nothing there, you were on your own when I met you, you even tried to hit me with your sword — was I that alarming?"

"Oh no, no I would never do that to you." I said guiltily.

"Well, until I tricked you into using the armour you weren't in control. Then after it came on you collapsed, as if your strings had been cut!" Margaret told me.

"My armour? How would that stop me?" I wondered out loud.

"Combat Ready Suit report: Occupant was incapacitated by gas attack. Actions taken; Anti-hallucinogenic measures started. CRS took over mobility to prevent harm to occupant during this time. Persons registered as friendly were in vicinity and allowed access to unit to take to safe area. Subject now clear of effects analysis of compound registered. Suggested remedial actions; Simple face masks will reduce action of gas, cause of which is fungal spores of natural origin. Report ends." A strange voice said from the collar

I jumped up in shock, "Who said that?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"I am the AI for the Combat Ready Suit. If you like this product you may want to order our catalogue for the full range of Combat suits and weaponry. Computer access number 99847634 code access Sales." The suit told me. So although I wasn't sure where the suit came from, I think a much better question would be when?

Margaret smiled at me, "I think you need to relax before we can move, just rest." She said and moved to where Brenda and Genius were ensconced.

The effects of my treatment meant that we couldn't move while I recovered, I ate two MREs as I was so hungry, but still felt dizzy as I tried to get up and move about and so I sat down.

I looked at the wrist-band of the armour, just where did it come from?

"CRS? What are you really?" I asked it feeling foolish talking to a bracelet.

"This unit is what its designation implies. Combat Ready Suit, available for urban area where fighting is possible, please give location details as I do not have any contact with GPS and so I am unable to place this location." The voice from the bracelet said.

Now this wasn't what I expected, I wanted a Kevlar type armour and I told the suit so but it seemed slightly annoyed. In fact its language and inflections changes with its next response "Kevlar? That is sooo old fashioned. If anyone used a knife it would only be partially effective, since that stuff is really designed for stopping bullets! No, I was designed to have the flexibility of Kevlar with the durability to absorb and deflect attacks from bladed weapons. What type of weaponry do you expect to face in this environment?"

"Try medieval weapons, swords, maces, arrows and maybe crossbow bolts?" I suggested to it.

"Humm, nothing high calibre then? Well I should be able to cope with that, do you know what happened to the satellites?"

How do I explain to this technological device that it doesn't fit into this world? "They don't exist here, you're no longer on Earth, this is a different place altogether? They don't have electronics!" I said to it.

"Well how did I get here then?" It asked.

"Err ... I conjured you up as I needed armour." I said trying to keep it simple.

"Would you repeat that, it sounded like you wished for me?" It asked in a sarcastic tone I didn't expect to hear.

"You could put it that way. It was the heat of battle and I needed protection, so I visualised a suit of armour and then you were there." I told it.

"So I suppose the warranty hasn't been filled out yet?" The armour asked me, "It should have been in the box with the instructions." It added slightly annoyed.

"No, sorry ... I lost it and the instructions." I said wondering if it was going to go on strike.

"That always happens! Okay, when I need to do something I'll ask you?"

"That would be fine, just don't hesitate if you have to save my life." I said slightly relieved.

"Will do boss." The suit said and then was quiet. I have to admit that having a conversation with some clothing was the last thing I had expected, in a way I thought I was still under the effects of whatever had been in the wind.

A noise from behind me made me look back, there was Brother Pieter standing there a puzzled look on his face. "Yes Brother Pieter?" I asked him.

He sat down beside me, "How do you feel Lord John?" He asked me concernedly.

"You mean am I mad or sane at this time?" I asked with a smile,

"Well, if you can answer like that then I must think you be sane. How did you survive the madness? Was it a conjuration?" Brother Pieter asked.

I shook my head, "Not at all, the madness is carried by the spores of the lichen on the ground, when the wind blows it raises the spores and then they are breathed in by people, there is a chemical inside the spores that affect the mind. That causes the madness. When I was affected I could have sworn that I was facing monsters, but now I realise they were the creations of my own imagination, just think what other people might see?" I said.

Brother Pieter frowned, "Spores Lord John? How can that be? They are just the wind-blown seeds of the lichen." He said puzzled.

I shook my head, "Brother Pieter, have you not learned that some plants can be used to help people, and others when taken by the unwary can be very dangerous and can even lead to death?" I asked him. He thought for a moment and then nodded. "Well then can it be such a leap of ideas to think that small spores from these plants can cause a disease of the mind?" I added.

He paused before speaking, "The herbalists of the abbey postulate that some of the herbs they cultivate can have an effect on the psyche of men. I must admit that I don't understand most of what they say, it's almost as if they follow the High One's works in a different way." He almost smiled.

"Many find their own path within the confines." I suggested which he seemed to understand.

"There are many paths to the High One." He confirmed. "But how doest your armour know the ways of plants?" he asked me.

I was the one to pause at this, "It didn't, what it could do was sense the air and it found the addition of the spores in it. When it did this the first thing it did for me was to increase the airflow in the armour." I held up my hand to stop him from asking and continued "This I thought of as a snake within the suit with me."

"I wouldst be sore afraid of that!" Brother Pieter said and from the tone of his voice I could see he had felt as I had.

"I was, but in my befuddled state all I could think of was to beat it, not remove the armour to be rid of it, when the armour injected me I then believed that the snake had bitten me, but it was the armour trying to help me, I know that now. It's from some future time, not mine I don't think, but it's doing what I need." I said to him, "It's also suggested how we can prevent the spores from harming our people." I told him.

He looked at the bracelet and then at me, "But how?" He asked me.

"Face masks. They will stop the spores from entering the lungs by the mouth or nose, that way the danger is prevented." I explained.

He frowned, "But what of the ears? Will they not let the spores in?" He asked me.

At first I was confused over this question, but then I realised that in medieval times it was believed that the ears also helped in breathing - something that was changed later on. "They won't be a problem, trust me on this." I told him.

"If you say so my Lord, I will have to do so." He said which I felt was nice of him; he then left me to think about things.

Facemasks! This was something that we needed to have made, the masks would have to cover the mouth and nose, like some D.I.Y. masks I saw in the local shops, a simple one would be needed with elasticated ties to hold onto the head.

I could picture the item and concentrated on it, the shape and texture was clear as possible. I felt that I could touch it and bring it to me, it was so real so exact so... "Constructus!" and there in my hand was one face mask. ONE! I needed so many of them and all I could do was to produce just one of them!

'Master, what is wrong with you?' Twilight asked from its scabbard, I'd almost forgotten about it. I drew it slightly and looked at it, no sign of any arms or legs, nothing demon-like showing at all.

"Twilight, I'm sorry I was so rough with you before. I wasn't being myself; I thought I was fighting some monsters." I said.

'Then why did you try to strike the shade?' He asked me.

"Would you believe me if I said I couldn't see her? That it was some ghoul that I saw?" I said

'If you tell me so master then I have to believe you. But that isn't what you are concerned about. Tell me!' Twilight said and so I did. When I finished it was silent and then it said, 'why not ask that mechanical person in your armour?' it said which surprised me.

"How would you understand about artificial intelligences?" I asked it.

'Why should I not? I am an artificial being created to live in this sword, it is an artificial being created to live in the armour ... we are more alike than you know.' was the surprising answer.

Same as Genius
Chapter 4: Swamplands of Turch Malic Videos

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There’s nothing as sexy as the sight of Mary Rock playing alone in the shower and that’s exactly what we have for you to today on as this goddess gets all wet and horny herself, however she won’t be alone for long… Now that Mary is all warmed up, she needs a stud to come finish the job, and lucky for her, Charlie Dean is ready to show her a real good time as he joins in for a sloppy blowjob and treats her to a sensational fuck under the jets that has her moaning all the...

3 years ago
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Booger Red

I had completed the chore I'd volunteered to do for my sister Carol. I'd driven her car up from Houston, Texas to her in Nashville, Tennessee where she'd been asked to report as soon as possible to accept a new job and promotion in her company. The promotion had been so important to her career she'd flown up immediately to accept it. I'd driven her car up at a more relaxed pace. I had stayed the week and helped her get set up in her new apartment and settled into her job. I'd had nothing...

1 year ago
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Mom Daughter Fun

Hi I'm Kathy 18 years old well built female fitness freak, I have nice long shoulder length black hair, tight firm abs,legs and arms. I'm into fitness because my mom is a female body builder. She extremely built, huge arms and legs and a set of amazing abs and I must say very sexy, well at least for me.Me and mom were on our way to a hotel because she was going to participate in a body building competition. We arrive at the hotel and begin unpacking our bags. My mom has such nice, sexy clothes....

1 year ago
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Erotic story of BINITA 10

Chapter 10: Thakur Protects a RelationshipThat woman next door had to be stopped. Thakur was determined to make sure that Sheila, the neighbor who had spotted him fucking his daughter-in-law did not carry the tale to others, notably his son. The young woman Binita had been wrapped around him and was fluttering like a rag in a storm; she had taken in Thakur's not inconsiderably large cock and her stomach, womb and countless other internal organs were aflame.The precise moment when they were...

3 years ago
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DannyChapter 4

Three weeks into school, and something horrible happens. School has been going great, and so far I have managed to steer clear from Danny, except from a few (actually a lot) of evil stares, and a glare when I show some kind of affection towards Scott. I know, I think it's weird too. I am walking home from school on Wednesday afternoon after cheerleading practice when I notice a navy blue car coming very slowly down the street. My guess is that the driver is trying to find someone's house...

3 years ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 2 Stacy

Neil ran into Stacy at the end of the following week and she told him that the effects of her last treatment were finally starting to decline. That meant that the one-hour treatment he had given her lasted for approximately 8 days. Neil wrote this down in his notebook and smiled when he wrote the words "Her Treatment" the images of her bouncing up and down on his dick oblivious to what she was doing, flashed through his mind. "Well time to go home and have a beer." Neil said to the...

2 years ago
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My bitch mom avani

Hi my name is my previous story i told you that how me and my friend surendra fucked my mom avani.this is the continuetion.After that incident we used to fuck her when ever we wanted. She also enjoys the sex with us. We always used call her bitch. I ordered my bitch mom avani to wear only sleeve less and back less blouses so that we can see her beauty when ever we wanted. She used to sleep between both of us so that we can share her body whenever we wanted. As time goes she turned...

3 years ago
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Bar Girl Ch 01

A romantic thriller in 15 chapters. This is a story of a maiden in moral hazard. For some, no Apocalypse is needed to deliver them into a corrupt, dog eat dog world. Blen, is one such. Surrounded on all sides by dangerous people, facing the ultimate sacrifice to secure the future of her family, with cunning and artifice she employs her opponents’ weapons to defeat them. But, not without highly erotic misadventures along the way. ***** Chapter 1. ‘Wala.’ The Land of Wala. Poverty and...

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The Pain Stays the Same

The Pain Stays the Same Chapter 1 Jan and Carl stood, as they had so many times before for their father, hands clasped behind their backs, and listened to their step-mother lecture them. ?You may think that just because your father’s gone now, that you can do whatever you want to, that you don’t have to obey any more. Well, I’m telling you right now, you’re wrong!? Andrea, their step-mother, was standing before the pair, arms akimbo, not two feet in front of them, with a scowl on her face. An...

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Fantasty Gone Bad

Fantasy Gone Bad by Princess Pervette Things that seem neat in your fantasies sometimes turn out not to be so neat if the fantasy becomes reality. My fantasy was being forcibly feminized by a woman. I had a stash of women's clothes, and whenever I was out of town on business, I would sneak some things into my luggage. My fantasies, imagined in my motel room as I jerked off, were memorable. But I wanted more.... **** I came home from work that Friday and called out, as...

4 years ago
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The Feminisation of Michael Chapter 6

The Feminisation of Michael. Chapter 6 The taxi dropped me off at a top hotel in London.  I checked in as Miss Michaela Wilson. My new name! I had credit cards and bank account details sorted out when I was in hospital so had a purse full of plastic! A bit like I now had a bra full as well! After the porter had left me alone in my suite of rooms I just collapsed onto my bed.  What an amazing few months I thought. This is now the start of a new life as a totally new person, in every way!  As...

2 years ago
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My Moms Man

I knew every one of my friends was doing it and always telling me how wonderful it was and how much they loved it. Taking it up the butt, I mean. Me, I was stuck with a dick of a boyfriend in Phil who got grossed out at the thought of sticking his precious pecker up my ass in case he got some poo on it. Lord knows, I tried with him. I wiggled my ass, I gyrated my butt, I even tried to make him miss his intended target, my pussy, when he was taking me doggy style, but I just couldn’t get his...

4 years ago
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A Camping Trip Leads to a Bi Adventure

This is a true story (mostly), names and some other details have been changed to protect the identities of the people involved.------This happened in the late 1980s.  I was twenty-two at the time, my friend Greg was twenty-five, we were both single, but had girlfriends at the time.  One of the things that Greg and I used to do a lot was go fishing. We were into fresh water fishing on many of the lakes in the northwestern part of New Jersey, about an hour from the area that we lived in. Greg and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Tipping PointChapter 4 A Different Kind of Stan

I didn't wait to get started. I e-mailed each and every contact I had with a formal announcement that Copely Services was in business. I attached a copy of my rates, mirroring Dave Thomas', as well as my experience history and my new business phone number. I had subscribed to a new cell phone plan which gave me a bulk rate on any U.S. calls. I ordered some business cards on line that I designed myself from the templates provided. I kept the appearance simple and straightforward, hopefully...

4 years ago
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My whore wife goes full time

I've posted about how she started as a whore. And about her later time selling her body on the street. But missed the part where she went full time pro.It isn't pretty. She got addicted to d**gs while I was deployed in the military. I refused to pay for her d**gs. So she started going over the the bikers that got he hooked and would fuck enough of them to get what she needed. Later she realized that wasn't the best way to do it. So she took to the street. She was able to make a go of it, ...

1 year ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 16 Stormtroopers are your friends

Because of our increased activity, I made sure that we ate very well. This did have a side effect of consuming our food all that much quicker. To alleviate this, whenever we came near a farmer's cart I tried to buy anything that was edible and portable. The farmers, who historically were always short on coin, were ecstatic to sell to me. Since we usually only bought a couple of apples or pears off a cart full of them, we pretty much paid for a bushel and just received the top couple of...

3 years ago
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Imagine a newly married couple. The groom is a young man made good after growing up on a farm in the midwest. He’s a recent college grad with a degree in accounting. The bride is a sorority girl who majored in elementary education. They have the whole lives ahead of them.Imagine this same couple welcomes a baby to the world 11 months later - a boy. It is 1977 and they name him John David. Two years later, the have a daughter they call Amy. The four people live in an Oklahoma town of about...

2 years ago
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TGS The Collector

The Collector Timber Grove: Story #10 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Reggie Peralta was sitting in a dimly lit waiting room looking rather nervous. He was beginning to think that he was getting duped, that this whole situation was some kind of elaborate joke. He was also feeling a little self conscious, as the waiting room was empty leaving him alone with the rather attractive secretary. He assumed she was Native-American, but it looked like she could be part Asian or something...

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my sexy realtor

While looking for a new place to live a few years ago I got in touch with a realtor. She had several places in mind for us to see the first time I met with her. When I met her my first thoughts were she is an attractive older woman who is probably all about business and would have no interest in me. When we got to the first place I held the screen door open for her while she unlocked the place. She said that was unneccesary as she normally just holds it open with her big ass. So of course...

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Andy 8

Es klingelte. Das konnten nur Svenja und Biene sein. Ich sah an Moms Blick, dass ich aufmachen sollte. Ich traute mich in meinem Aufzug nicht. Aber andererseits wollte ich Montag eine Hose haben. Ich machte die T?r auf. Biene sah mich an, und schlug sich die Hand vor dem Mund. Svenja bekam nur riesig gro?e Augen. Ich winkte sie herein. Ich muss sagen, die Beiden waren wirklich lieb. Sie taten nach der anf?nglichen ?berraschung so, als w?re alles perfekt normal. Ich wagte nicht zu Mom zu ...

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The Father in Law

As a teenager I was always terrified of getting caught masturbating. If I had only known that wouldn’t happen until I was twenty-nine those years probably would have been a little easier. Of course I probably would have been more terrified to know that when I finally did get caught that I would be spread eagle on the couch wearing a blouse, miniskirt and a thong. You see, that’s one of my “deviances”, I like to dress up in my wife’s dirty clothes and masturbate. I don’t want to go out in...

4 years ago
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Joining the Quarter Mile Club

A special thanks to Vickii for help in editing. * A cool Spring morning, when all the world is turning green again and a young man’s mind turns to new beginnings and beautiful endings. ‘It’s a practically unused trail, too remote for most’, I said to Kay. ‘Six miles with a 1400 ft elevation gain, an amazing view, and best of all it’s all ours.’ ‘Great, let’s get going. After this week, I need the workout’ Kay smiled. That’s one of the things I love about Kay, an eagerness to try new...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Veronica Leal Tiffany Tatum We8217re Just Friends

Do you have a girlfriend who’s got a female friend that’s just really close? Have you ever wondered if they’re just buddies? That’s just the situation that Raul Costa finds himself in with his girlfriend, Veronica Leal, and her friend, Tiffany Tatum. It doesn’t matter that Raul is sitting right there; Tiffany excuses herself from the table and makes sure that Veronica is watching as she peels off her shorts and grinds on the bed in her thong. Raul excuses himself,...

2 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 19

We left Chicago, made the short drive to Detroit, and arrived in time for lunch. After checking into the hotel, we caught the game between the Tigers, and the New York Yankees. The girls again rooted for the home team who won, six to three. The weeks had added up, and were taking their toll, so we decided to cuddle up in our king-sized bed while we watched a movie on HBO. I don't remember the end, because I fell asleep. In the morning, we took our time, but were on the road by noon. Susan...

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RebelChapter 29 The British Majors Makebelieve Wife

"I hear tell that regiment of foot in New Brunswick's got a new commander, a right smart one they say." I stood in front of Lt. Foster and waited. He seldom told us anything just for practice. "Feller's eager to make a reputation. That's what I heard." I shifted my weight to the other foot. "Reckon we ought to find out, maybe slow him down a might." 'Suppose," I said. "Why don't you go in an' see what's what?" he said, examining a sore on his arm. "Alone?" I...

3 years ago
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Cheating Blonde Hasbian

It was January when Melissa and her long term girlfriend Ruth moved into their new apartment in the city, they were out to all, they we're both in their early 20's, we're both tall and athletic with long blonde hair, people who knew them thought that they we're the most beautiful lesbian couple they'd ever come across, Melissa worked in a shoe store and Ruth was a lawyer, they we're already planning their wedding. Also they planned to start a family. One afternoon Melissa, who'd just got home...

Straight Sex
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Deserted Island

You look out your window uneasily. You've never flown in such bad weather before, & you know you probably shouldn't have tried. Your name is John Doe, & you own a small flying company. You only have 2 small planes. Right now, you're flying somewhere over the Bahamas, but it's so hard to see anything, you could be closer to Cuba. You have only 1 passenger, a 25-year-old womsn. She had to be flown to Haiti to meet-up with her business associates, who were vacationing there. All you know about her...

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Lion Terrace

Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, January 1941 Rachel Scotland Martin Wainwright walked from the Dockyard Gate along Queen Street, passing Brickwoods' Brewery on his left, and breathing in the rank smell of the malt and the sour overtones of the wort with some deep breaths. He wasn't overly concerned with the pubs he passed, as each one showed no light in the blackout, and the raucous sounds of conversation, singing or in one case shouting, exited unfiltered by the blackout curtains. Each...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 54

so when we woke up it was a usual morning harvey made me some breakfast and we had a shower together. when we was getting dressed harvey said "i love you babe" i walked over to harvey and gave him a kiss and we finished getting dressed. I went to get the post and i opened my bank statement and there was something wrong there was $3000 out of are account and i was really really really pissed when it says the money went to harveys dad. i came banging into are bed room and said to harvey...

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Maggie was no spring chicken but she knew how to fuck and where to get one. Anytime. Her big office desk stretched out in front of her, she had chosen this one specifically so her legs were out of sight; this allowed her to masturbate without detection, as the big boss would usually enter the room without knocking. A good and productive week, she closed all her files and sat back feeling pleased with her self. The city lights seemed to go on forever outside her twentieth floor...

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How I Met A Nympho Girl Online

Hola folks, I am Rahul from Karnataka with a story of a nympho girl. I am 22 years old, currently working in a reputed MNC. I have constantly been reading the stories on ISS and some other sites. But I feel stories in the ISS are much more erotic than others. I started reading stories from pre-lockdown time and wished to get laid like those people. Well, I guess I am a bit unlucky in that until now. But I am pretty sure that I will get a chance to get laid with a pretty angel soon. (You will...

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The Cocksuckers Learning adventure 1

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I went online and looked at thelatest ads for men seeking men and emailed a guy who had just posted an adfor afternoon fun in an adjacent town. He was looking to suck guys outdoorsor in their cars in the vicinity of the turnpike. He met me at the parkinglot of a restaurant and I had him follow me to an office park that used tobe a boy scout camp I went to on overnights and hikes with my troop. Ipicked a random office building and we parked in the back...

1 year ago
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If you flash a girl be warned

We both walked up the staircase, chattering and laughing out loud, as teenage girls do, when discussing boys and all things pertinent to adolescent minds. Within minutes we would be exposed to a problem that has plagued women on a daily occurrence, so much so, that it might be considered normal and something girls should just learn to accept.We reached the top of this flight of stairs and rounded onto the landing and started walking down the long walkway to the door we were aiming for.We just...

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Bahen Pinky Aur 3 Bhai 8211 Part II

Part 1, panty se usne haath nikala aur apne naak(nose ) pe le gaya, jaise hi usne fingers ko lick kiya tu uske land ne bahut zor se muth nikaal de jo ki pinky ke thighs pe giri, rinku dar gaya aur apne room me chala gaya, Pinky ne jab eyes kholi tu apni thighs pe giri muth ku usne apni fingers pe liya aur apni chut pe rub karna suru kiya Pinky ko bahut maza aya aur vo climax kar gayi Part 2, Rinky apne room me gaya aur usne apne bhaiyo ko puri baat narrate kari hum sabka land bota ho gaya next...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

My first years in Miami I was a little shy and didn’t fit in. Most of the kids in school were Latin. Both my parents were of Russian ancestry. I was always quite a bit taller (and paler) than the other girls. I was already 5’8” when I started High School. Sometimes they’d make fun of me since I looked like a grown woman while they still looked like kids. When I entered High School, I started coming out of my shell a little and had a somewhat rebellious phase, perhaps driven by teenage...

2 years ago
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Rearend RapturesChapter 5

Jack Bender had finished watching Cheryl and Cindy fuck each other. He wandered if his feelings about buttfucking were for real. He wondered if maybe it was Cheryl, or just Cindy, who made him feel good for the first time in his life to fuck an asshole. He wanted to be sure because later that night he would be with his wife, Susan, for the first time in six months. It would be a trial for him, one that if it worked out, might mean the happy remake of their marriage. He hit the boardwalk...

3 years ago
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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 6

"It's good to have friends," McAllister noted casually. The steel horse turned one emerald eye to her rider, and somehow suggested weary patience with the tiny motion. "Very well. Why make this particular observation now?" McAllister studied the pallet supporting their belongings as it was lifted onto the sailing ship, SV Beaualito. Square and broad of beam, the hull was much higher than the docks, and the complex system of booms and draglines cluttered the air around the ship's masts...

1 year ago
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The Halloween Party0

While driving to the party, Allie sat in the back seat. She felt like the spare tire of the group. Although her and Kate secretly had a thing going, Kate had made it clear that she was in love with Daniel and didn’t want him to know. So as they kissed and giggled with each other in the front seat Allie just stared off into space. Since coming to college she had opened up sexually. She had a couple reliable sex buddies but none of them were guys she would want to spend any time with other than...

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My First Encounter With Her Part 1

I’ve never had much luck meeting women online. Most of the time we’d text but it doesn’t often get beyond that. The ones I have met there was no connection or they weren’t interested in me. I’ve almost given up but I thought I’d give it one more shot. And then one day I saw her profile. She had some pictures that were both cute and sexy, and the humor in her profile made me laugh. I don’t know what it was but I found myself scrolling through her pictures over and over again. It took me a few...

1 year ago
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My mum visited me at uni

I recently moved to university in Glasgow and I absolutely love it. I wake up everyday, and enjoy meeting new people. After two weeks of introductory lectures and meetings, my mum said she would come and see me as she missed me. She arrived on the Saturday morning bearing many appreciated gifts. Cakes, sweets and chocolate to name but a few! She asked me how it was going, and I told her that all the guys in my flat were cool and the girls across the hall were really, erm, "nice". She saw right...

2 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 4

The next day, I couldn’t think about much more than Jenny’s wonderful mouth. She loved sucking cock and she got off on being naughty and treated like a slut so I couldn’t help but think of what to do with her next. The Glory Holes website really turned her on, despite her saying it didn’t. The way she wiggled on my hand and came, told me she would really enjoy the experience. I thought about when we could go and the weekend was the best time. Jenny wasn’t allowed out during the week because of...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Black ParadeChapter 7 Just A Boy Whose Meant To Sing This Song

I read my father's note again as they prepared to lower the casket. Elis was right; you had to be stupid or willing yourself to ignorance to believe the lies Candice and I told. Looking at Catherine, I added a third option--you had not care about me. My father did not qualify. "I chose my wife and daughter because you needed less protection. You had Candice; they only had me. I could protect you by keeping Catherine and Ahmo from discovering your abilities." My dad knew and he kept...

2 years ago
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Deep Waters

Deep WatersChapter One        Charlotte Elizabeth Waters stood at the prow of the ship, near the bowsprit, enthralled with the azure seascape before her.  The crystal blue expanse of the Caribbean turned to froth as the ship cut through the sapphire waves, the creaking timbers and taut rope that held the booming sails flashing whitely behind her.  She breathed deeply, filling her lungs with the salt breeze and she vibrated with the barely contained excitement of youth’s first step upon the path...

1 year ago
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 18 Intrepid 3756 CE

Anger. Frustration. Humiliation. These were just a few of the emotions Nadezhda was feeling as she reviewed her helpless situation. Her command of the space ship Intrepid had been stolen from her by an alien. She was confined to a villa on the outermost level. She was unable to communicate with anyone other than Beatrice: the android who was both her captor and lover. And every day when she accessed the Intrepid's information systems, she was humiliated to see an android masquerading as...

3 years ago
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       Bailey was the night manager, as such he "delegated" most of the dirty jobs to everyone else, which in my case meant me.  I was annoyed bit not surprised when he sent me to clear a backed up shower in 'Building B'.  I gathered the needed supplies and arrived at the room a bit after dinner and found the room empty. No problem I thought and set about clearing the drain.  I decided to use a chemical and took off my uniform shirt and placed it on the tools cart.  When I was half way finished...

1 year ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 4 We Make a Porno

The afternoon’s sex with Sally had left me still aroused and excited, and I was looking forward to a little play with myself before dinner, but unfortunately when I got back to the room Matt was already back from his walk, so I decided I’d better leave that until afterwardsThat evening, when we went down to dinner, we saw Sally sitting by herself in the lounge with an orange juice.“Where’s your mum, Sally?” I asked.“You’re not going to believe this, but she’s not going to be back tonight,” said...

4 years ago
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Legal Illegal Girl

On her birthday weekend, I finally decided to drive out to meet her and take her to Disneyland. It was quite a long drive. When I got there the neighborhood was pretty sketchy, but as soon as I parked in front of her home, she came running out and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me relentlessly. She was in a cute thin little sundress and as we kiss my hands familiarized themselves with her body. It did not feel like she was wearing anything under her dress which when she finally...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Maa Ki Planing

Hello dosto mera naam Suraj Thakur hai. Main amravati me rahne wala ladka hu aur main ek middle family belong karta hu. Aapko meri pichli story bohat pasand aayi aur mujhe bohat se mail mile thanks. Maine aapko bata tha tha ki mere dost ki mom anu ne mujhe kya birthday gift diya tha. Aaj main aapko aage ki story bata wala hu. Mere birthday ke baad mujhe anu akele milti he nahi thi main usse chod nahi pata tha . Main hamesha aapne dost amol ke ghar jata rahta hu to mujhe pata chala ki amol ke...

1 year ago
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Aunt Anne and Her Friends Ch 10

Previous chapters have been in the i****t/taboo category.The next chapter will be the final one, but having set the scene for another party it needed one further chapter before the grand finale.I had several ideas for role-play but they would have borrowed too heavily from other stories I've written or intend to.In the end I decided that in any case a group of swingers into role play probably wouldn't worry unduly about how realistic (or not) it was! So, strangely although the role-play...

4 years ago
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A Family in Turmoil

Edited by Techsan I would like to thank 'Techsan' for editing this story for me. Authors note: This is the same family from 'A Marriage in Turmoil' only it's about their sons approximately six years later. It is a complete stand alone story. This story is about 'How do we treat family.' Well, eventually it will be about that. I'm Jacob, twenty-four years old. David is my younger brother who is twenty-two. I'm the jock in the family, receiving a scholarship to play football. I stand...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Hannah Hays 05292018

It’s called “A Hour” and unless you were involved with college athletics, you wouldn’t know anything about it. It’s tough keeping the jocks on the playing field, because a lot of them don’t study. Enter two football players…a coach…a cheerleader (yes, cheering is a sport!)…and one missing football player! “Someone tell Slim his ass is grass, and I’m the lawnmower!” the Coach bellows on his way to his office. Now,...


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