Ever Decreasing Circles free porn video

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I first met Sophie when we were 15, she’d transferred to my school after moving house. She was beautiful with long blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect skin and an amazing body. But that wasn’t what attracted me to her. It was the fact that she was missing both feet and I had to find out why. I would watch her walking around school in her short skirt and prosthetic lower legs. She was put into my form room and it soon became clear she was bright and bubbly and very approachable so I took every opportunity I could get to talk to her. We became very close and I eventually got the nerve up to ask her out, which, to my amazement she said yes. My mates were very jealous.

One afternoon we were sat in her garden when I finally got up the nerve to ask her what happened to her feet. I took a deep breath and said, ‘Sophie, I hope you don’t mind me asking, and say no if you don’t want to tell me but... ‘ she stopped me there.

‘I’ve been waiting for you to ask,’ Sophie replied, ‘When I was 9 I fell and broke my left ankle. At the emergency department they took x-rays and it looked like a simple fracture so they put my foot in plaster and sent me home on crutches. They told me it would heal within 6 weeks. Well, 3 months later when it still hadn’t healed, a lot of tests revealed that I had a very rare degenerative disease which meant the blood supply to my bones was slowly diminishing causing my bones to die. The latest x-ray showed that the bones in my left foot and ankle had all but crumbled to nothing and that I was starting to get gangrene. There was no choice but to amputate my foot. As I was young I learnt to walk on a prosthetic leg very quickly and missing one foot didn’t really cause me many problems. It wasn’t until I was 11 the problem started to affect my right foot. I started getting pain during walking which continued for a few days. I also noticed that my foot looked pale and felt cold so my Mum took me to the Dr’s. An x-ray and MRI showed that the bone had also started to die and disintegrate. My foot was also showing early signs of gangrene. It was amputated that afternoon. It took a bit longer to learn to walk again but I managed it.’ ‘Wow.’ Was all I could manage before I scooped her into my arms and kissed her. ‘Thank you for telling me Soph.’ ‘That’s OK,’ she replied smiling, ‘I don’t mind talking about it but... ‘ She stopped and looked sad.

‘What’s wrong Sophie?’ I asked reassuringly.

‘Ben, I’m not cured. The disease will carry on, I’ll lose more and more of my body as I get older. It’s unlikely I’ll make it to 30.’ Sophie replied quietly, I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

‘Oh my god Sophie, is there nothing they can do?’ I asked ‘No, it’s so rare there’s not been any research on the disease. There’s less than 50 reported cases in the world, it’s so rare it’s not even got a name.’

I could feel I was almost about to cry so I cuddled Sophie tight. We sat in silence for a while until she suddenly looked up at me, ‘Would you like to see my stumps?’ ‘Would you mind?’ I asked with butterflies in my stomach.

‘Not at all.’ She replied. With that she leaned down and pulled off her prosthetics followed by her compression socks revealing 2 perfect, round, mid shin stumps with barely a hint of a scar. She used her hands to shuffle herself around and put them on my lap. ‘Feel them.’ She ordered with a smile.

I could feel my hands shaking and the butterflies in my stomach getting worse. I gently placed my hands on each stump, they were the most wonderful thing I’d ever felt. I squeezed and could feel the 2 bones inside. I traced the scars gently and she giggled pulling them away before gently placing them back on my lap. Her sudden movement had shifted her skirt slightly revealing her dark blue lacy shorties. I carried on stroking and massaging her stumps and peeking up her skirt. Feeling her stumps and seeing her underwear caused me to get an enormous erection. I prayed she wouldn’t notice. I could feel my face going red. I looked at her face to see if she’d noticed but she had her eyes closed and seemed to be enjoying the attention her stumps were getting. I watched her beautiful face as I massaged harder feeling my erection getting stronger. She opened her eyes and saw me watching her. She gave me a big smile and looked down at my groin. I felt embarrassed but her smile grew. She shuffled closer and started to rub my cock with her stumps causing me to gasp. I leaned back on my hands as she trapped my cock between her stumps and started rubbing faster and faster. I could feel myself about to explode. I tried to sit forward but she pushed me back with one of her stumps and went back to rubbing. I could feel my cock starting to throb as I came, the warm liquid squirting out over and over. I gripped the grass tight as I reached the height of my climax. I sat trying to catch my breath as she shuffled round then kissed me and laid on her back with her head on lap. I stroked her hair and noticed a huge wet patch on my trousers. I started to stroke her thighs slowly getting higher and higher until I reached her groin. She parted her thighs slightly so I started rubbing over her knickers. I’d never gone this far with a girl before so I didn’t really know what to do. She pushed her stumps against the floor to raise her bottom up so she could lift her skirt and slide her lacy shorties down to between her thighs. I stared at her smooth, hairless pussy never having seen one before. She looked up at me and giggled then gently took my hand placing it between her warm thighs.

‘I ... I ... I thought you’d be hairy.’ I stammered.

‘Nah,’ she giggled, ‘Pubic hair’s boring, looks and feels so much nicer without don’t you think?’ At that she then cupped my hand and gently guided a finger into her warm, moist pussy. She gasped slightly as it went between her smooth lips. I carried on watching not being able to take my eyes of her pussy as I slowly moved my finger in and out. Her pussy got wetter and wetter. She cupped my hand again and slid a second finger in. She gasped and moaned as she gripped my arm with both hands. Her groans got louder and she started to wiggle her hips making my fingers go deeper into her pussy. She let out a loud groan, her body shook and her face flushed as a climax took over her. I could feel her pussy squeezing my fingers tight. I carried on moving my fingers until she relaxed her pussy and went limp then slowly slid them out. I leant down and kissed her hard as she slid her knickers back up. We lay cuddling until it was time for me to leave. She slipped her legs back on and walked to the front door with me. We kissed for ages before I walked away.

At school on Monday she came running over to me and kissed me, took my hand and walked in with me. We were now very much a couple. That weekend a group of us went to the beach. As soon as we arrived Sophie stripped off revealing a skimpy white bikini. She sat down and slipped her legs off then I watched in amazement as she walked down the beach to the water. I caught up with her at the edge, scooped her up and carried her in. She squealed a little as the cold water hit her bum. Once we were in deep enough I set her down so she could swim. She dipped under and came straight up. She looked even more hot now that she was wet. I noticed she had to constantly move to keep afloat. We spent an hour or so messing around and splashing each other, every so often she would do a handstand allowing me to stare at her beautiful stumps. Time came to get out and took great delight watching her get out and walk on her knees again. We then sat on the beach to get some sun. She kept wiggling her stumps and I’m sure she was doing it for me. Time soon came to leave and she slipped her legs back on and dressed herself in a dark blue, tight Hollister t-shirt, dark blue leggings and brown Ugg boots. With her hair down and still damp I thought she looked hot. We started to walk into town so I took her hand in mine and noticed it was cold.

‘Soph, you OK?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, why?’ she replied.

‘Just your hand is freezing.’ I told her. ‘Is it? Feels OK to me.’ she said.

‘OK.’ I replied feeling a little uneasy. We all hung out in town for a bit, did some shopping then I went home with Sophie. Her Mum was there and made us some dinner. While Sophie was eating she dropped her drink which she tried to laugh off. Later she then dropped her fork and even her mum asked her if she was OK. Sophie said she was so I told her mum about her hand being cold. Her mum took her hand and after feeling it said she was going to make an immediate appointment with the Dr. After dinner I left, Sophie kissed me at the door. Despite her trying to hide it I could tell she was worried.

On Monday morning Sophie didn’t show up at school so I text her to check she was OK. I got really worried when I didn’t get a reply. Finally at lunch break I got a text from her which read ‘Went to Dr’s this morning about hand, he’s concerned so now at hospital getting an x-ray. I’ll call U tonight. Soph xx.’ I spent the rest of the day desperately worried and even more so when she didn’t call so I eventually called her home. Her Dad answered, he sounded upset.

‘Sorry Ben, it’s not good I’m afraid. The disease has spread to her right hand and arm, they’ll be amputating her lower arm in the morning.’ ‘Oh my god.’ Was all I could manage before I started to cry.

‘Ben, I’ll ring you tomorrow afterwards to let you know how it’s gone, OK?’ he said. ‘OK, thank you. Give her a kiss from me when you see her. Bye.’ ‘I will Ben, good night.’ I got into bed and cried myself to sleep.

Next day I was in a daze. My phone rang just as I was leaving school. Sophie’s mum explained that they’d amputated just below her elbow and that she was now awake and asking to see me. I got the bus straight to the hospital. When I saw Sophie I went straight over and gave her a cuddle. She looked so helpless and small in the bed. I then said hello to her parents who left to give us some time. Sophie showed me her bandaged arm stump, they’d amputated about 2 inches below her elbow. We sat and chatted for a bit before her parents came back and I had to leave. Her dad drove me home. I visited Sophie everyday while she was off.

After 6 weeks she returned to school. She’d learnt to use her myoelectric arm really well, though I preferred it when she used her split hooks. We hung out as much as we could, we were inseparable. Christmas came and went, I bought her a necklace and she bought me a top. We spent as much of the holiday together as we could. Our 16th birthdays were only a few weeks apart so we had a massive joint party. Sophie wore a sexy short, tight red dress with high heels along with her three prosthesis. She looked so hot. She dragged me off late when no one would notice. When we were out of sight she pushed me against a wall and started kissing me hard. I put my hand on her hips then pulled her tight to me moving my hands to her bum. We kissed for ages until she pulled away.

‘I’ve got something to show you.’ she said with a glint in her eye. With that she took a few steps back and started to slowly lift her dress revealing a black, lacy thong, she then turned round and wiggled her bum at me. It looked amazing in the thong. ‘I hope you like it,’ she said, ‘it’s really uncomfortable.’ ‘It’s so sexy, I love it.’ I replied. I could feel myself going hard. She walked back over to me and we started kissing again. I started rubbing her bare bum then I put my hand down her thong and started fingering her. She started rubbing my cock over my trousers. She then leaned back and looked at me with a cheeky look in her eyes.

‘Undo your trousers for me?’ she sad sexily. I did as I was told. She then slid them down a little and took my cock in her her myoelectric prosthetic hand, ‘Let me know if I squeeze too hard OK?’ she whispered. I nodded excitedly. She started kissing me hard again while working my cock. The feeling of a cold prosthetic hand against it made me feel amazing. I carried on fingering her until we worked each other into orgasm at the same time. We kissed harder to avoid shouting out. Once we’d recovered we made ourselves decent, Sophie wiped her hand then we returned to the party.

Soon Easter came round, Sophie was off to France for the 2 weeks with her family so on the last day of school she came round to mine as my parents were at work. As soon as were through the door we were kissing, I sat her on the stairs and took her legs and arms off, ‘We won’t need these.’ I said. I then scooped her up and carried her upstairs. I laid her on the bed and slowly undressed her. As I got to her lacy shorts I sat up and gave a smile then gently slid them down her thighs, over her knees and over her stumps. I then gently kissed her stumps making her giggle and pull away. She then put them back down and I started kissing slowly up her thighs till I reached her still beautifully smooth pussy. As she couldn’t really shave with one hand she’d been going to a salon once a month for a bikini wax. I slowly ran my tongue up her lips causing her to shiver. I started working my tongue between them. I then started to lick and nibble her clit and slowly slid 2 fingers into her pussy. She groaned and gasped as I did. I carried on working her clit with my tongue. She was getting more a more breathless and moaning before she suddenly let out a few loud groans followed by a scream. I could feel her pussy squeezing my fingers. I kept going through her orgasm until she went limp. I then gently slipped my fingers out of her

and lay down next to her and took her in my arms. The feeling of being fully dressed with a small, naked triple amputee in my arms was quite powerful. After a while she pulled away from me and shuffled down then looked up at me.

‘Undo your trousers for me babe, I can’t manage it.’ she asked sweetly.

‘No, I want to see you try.’ I replied teasingly. She looked at me frustrated but slid herself up some more and set about undoing my flies with her hand and stump. My erection increasing along with her frustrations. She eventually managed it then slid my jeans down. She started stroking my cock with her hand then started using her stump. That drove me wild, I almost came there and then. When I was just about to explode she took me into her mouth. I’d never experienced a blow job before but the feeling of her warm mouth around my erect cock felt amazing. She worked more and more in until she had the whole 8 inches in. She sucked harder and harder then started using her stump to play with balls. Well that was all I could take. My cock started throbbing hard, shooting my hot liquid deep into her throat. She kept sucking and swallowing all the way through until I was done. She shuffled up to me, wrapped herself round me and kissed me. I lay there listening to her breath until it got dark. I made her dress herself as I wanted to watch. Her bra was especially interesting. I then carried her downstairs and helped her with her limbs before calling her a taxi. As she left we kissed again and she promised she would try to call from France.

She called after a few days and said she was having a lovely time. She sent me some pictures of her on the beach in her bikini and few of her naked. I loved looking at the pictures of my beautiful triple amputee. Suddenly though the phone calls and texts stopped. I was getting really worried. I tried calling her parents and sister but got no reply. All to soon the holiday was over and it was time to return to school. I looked for Sophie but there was no sign. She didn’t turn up for school all day. That night on the way home I went to her house but there was no reply. I thought the worse had happened.

It was another 2 weeks before I got a short text from Sophie, ‘Come round sat morning. S xx.’ Was all it said. When Saturday arrived I got dressed and went straight to Sophie’s house after breakfast. Her sister answered the door and told me she was in the living room. I walked in and there was Sophie sat on the sofa wearing a vest top with a blanket over her lap. I immediately saw that her right arm was bandaged and was now missing above her elbow. Her legs appeared shorter under the blanket but it was difficult to tell. She looked up and gave me a big smile.

‘Oh Ben, I’ve missed you, sit down.’ she said patting the cushion to her left. I walked over and kissed her before sitting down.

‘Sophie, what happened, I was really worried about you, I couldn’t get hold of anyone.’ I asked. She leaned onto me and I put my arm round her.

‘Sorry babe.’ she replied. ‘There was no time, it was awful. 4 days in, we were walking around the town when my knees suddenly gave way and as I fell I banged my arm stump on a wall. I then started getting chest pain and couldn’t breathe so an ambulance was called. They found that the bone in my lower legs had started to disintegrate which caused a clot to form then break off and travel to my lung. I also broke my lower arm in the fall. The French Dr spoke to my consultant over here and it was decided to amputate both my legs above the knee and my arm above the elbow. I’ve been sat in a French hospital ever since waiting until I was strong enough to fly home.’

‘I’m sorry Sophie.’ I said as I cuddled her tighter.

‘Could be worse, I’m still only a triple amputee not a quad. I’ve still got one useful limb!’ she said trying to sound upbeat. ‘You can lift the blanket up if you want to see what’s left.’ I carefully lifted the blanket revealing 2 bandaged stumps ending about 2 inches above where her knees had been. It was difficult to tell but they looked nicely rounded.

‘Do they hurt?’ I asked.

‘Not anymore.’ she replied lifting one and laying it on my leg, ‘You can touch it if you want.’ I gently placed my hand over the bandage then gently squeezed. It felt soft, almost like a boob. I could feel her shortened femur just inside. I then kissed her hard and cuddled her tight to me again.

Sophie returned to school a few weeks later this time in a wheelchair. I took great delight in pushing her around and carrying her wherever she needed to go. Often carrying her gave me an almighty erection. She was working toward walking with prosthetics again and was doing very well. She was already able to use her new myoelectric arm very well, though I still preferred her cable operated split hook arm.

One Saturday night when my parents had gone away for the weekend I threw a huge party. All our friends came. Sophie surprised me by turning up walking on her prosthetic legs. I was amazed. She was wearing a really short, tight dress which meant you could actually see a little of her stumps before they went into the socket. She was wearing them without covers which looked so sexy especially as she was wearing high heels. She’s also decided not to wear an arm which meant I could watch her bare stump all night. She seemed to be making a point of gesticulating with it a lot every chance she got. The party was great, Sophie was even able to dance, I couldn’t take my eyes of her. When the party ended Sophie and I went upstairs, her parents had agreed to let her stay over. I sat on the bed and Sophie sat next to me. We started kissing hard. I slowly slid her dress off and removed her bra, then laid her back. I undressed myself then sat over her and kissed her. Gently I worked my way down her body kissing each bit. When I got to her boobs I kissed my way round each one before gently sucking each nipple in turn until they were hard. I got down to her underwear and realised she was wearing the thong again. ‘Nice.’ I said with smile.

‘I wore it just for you,’ she replied, ‘Slip my legs off please.’ She instructed me how remove them then I slowly slid the liners off revealing 2 beautiful, well rounded stumps with perfectly neat scars. I slowly kissed along each one then made my way up her thighs until I reached her thong. I slipped her thong down over her stumps revealing her freshly waxed smooth pussy. I ran my tongue along her pussy lips making her shiver. I did the same again making her lips part slightly. I then ran my tongue up just inside and she groaned. I then turned my attention to her clit. As she was getting wetter I slipped 2 fingers inside her making her go rigid and groan.

‘I want you inside me.’ she whispered. I slipped my fingers out of her and pushed myself up to look at her.

‘Are you sure?’ I asked.

‘Yes, very.’ She replied assuredly. ‘I want to have sex with you while I’ve still got a hand and some leg left.’

I reached into my bedside table and took out a condom. I slid it on a straddled Sophie’s shortened thighs. I used one hand to open her pussy and the other to guide my cock in. I could feel her warmness through the condom. I went gently not wanting to hurt her. When I was as far in as I could go I held it there. Sophie looked a little uncomfortable but gave me a little smile and nod. I then gently started sliding my cock in and out of her pussy. I looked down to watch my cock going in and out of her smooth pussy and loved what I saw. I got faster and harder. Sophie stopped me after a while so she could lift her stumps up. I slowly slid back inside her, this time I seemed to go deeper. With my weight against her stumps they pushed against her tummy. I could feel myself starting to orgasm. I tried to stop myself but as it was my first time there was nothing I could do. Sophie watched my face intently as I came. I thrust deep inside her over and over again before I collapsed down on top of her, breathless. After a while I slipped my cock out of her, rolled to her side and removed the condom. She put her stumps back down and rolled toward me putting a stump over me on my cock.

‘Enjoy that?’ she asked as she kissed me.

‘Hell yeah, ‘ replied before kissing back, ‘You?’ ‘It was alright, ‘ she replied, ‘It hurt a little at first and I didn’t orgasm but most girls don’t their first time.’ ‘Oh.’ I said sounding disappointed.

‘It’s OK stud, we can try again, got any more condoms?’ she said excitedly as she started rubbing my cock with her leg stumps. Once she got me hard she shuffled herself around and managed to get on top of me. I then slid the condom on and she shuffled forward more placing her hand on my tummy. She was so wet my cock just slid inside her. She started rocking back and forward and this time seemed to be enjoying herself. I placed my hands on her stumps and massaged them. This seemed to drive her wild. She started bucking and writhing around on top of me.

‘Hold me by my tits.’ she commanded. I did as I was told and she rested her weight against them. She took her only hand and started rubbing her clit while she wriggled around. I could see her chest and face getting more and more flushed as an orgasm started to take over her. I started thrusting my cock into her causing her to start to shout out and groan. Soon we were both out of control, thrusting and bucking wildly until suddenly we both went rigid and shouted out in orgasm. Her little arm stump was thrashing around. We both seemed to go on for ages. As soon as she was done she rolled off me onto the bed. I slipped the condom off then cuddled up to her watching her boobs going up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. We both soon drifted off to sleep.

We woke late morning. She was laying on her side facing away from me and I was facing her back. I had a huge erection so I moved back slightly, held her by her hips and moved her bum toward me. I slipped a condom on then gently slid inside her still wet pussy. I gently thrusted in and out. I could hear her moan and groan gently as she woke up. We both came quickly. I then leaned over and kissed her before scooping her up and carrying her to the shower where I washed us both thoroughly paying particular attention to her pussy, boobs and stumps. I then wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to my bedroom laying her on my bed. As I dried her she looked at me and said, ‘Do you like my stumps?’

‘Hell yeah, l love all of you.’ I replied.

‘No, I mean, really like them, as in find them sexy.’ she continued.

I took a deep breath, ‘Yes, I find them sexy, sexy as hell in fact and I have to admit that one of the reasons I was first attracted to you was because you’re an amputee. But that’s certainly not the only reason. Had I not liked your personality or found the rest of you sexy and attractive I wouldn’t have gone out with you. I like the whole package, however much it keeps decreasing.’ I gave a playful shove making her fall backwards on the bed. I then slid her limbs back on for her followed by her lacy shorts and bra.

‘That’s OK then.’ She replied with a smile. I then watched as she dressed the rest of herself in shorts and a tight sleeveless top which showed of her body nicely, before we walked downstairs and ate breakfast. Afterwards we went for a walk in the park. So many people kept watching Sophie and she took it all in her stride. I was in awe of her. She sat on a swing and I sat on the one next to her. She suddenly seemed to go quiet.

‘You OK Soph?’ I asked feeling concerned. She took a deep breath and carried on looking at the ground.

‘You know I’m going to get worse right? I mean more amputations?’ She said sounding sad.

‘I know Sophie and I want to be here for you each time. I ... I think I love you and whatever happens I’m staying around.’ I replied taking her hand.

‘Are you sure though? Last night was amazing and I love you too but I’m not sure it’s fair on you. I’ll eventually end up as a limbless torso not being able to do anything for myself, maybe worse. I don’t want you to feel obliged to stay with me.’ she said through tears before taking another deep breath, ‘So, this is your out, you can walk away now with no guilt, no feeling bad, but do it now before I fall more in love with you, please.’ I got of the swing, stood in front of her leaned down, took her face in my hands and said ‘I’m not going anywhere, I love you and I knew what I was taking on when we first got together. I didn’t run off then and I’m not about to do so now.’ I then kissed her hard and stroked her arm.

‘I’m glad.’ she whispered while trying to smile through her tears.

‘What’s brought this on?’ I asked as I wiped her tears from her cheeks.

‘The other week I had a consultant appointment. After what happened in France he wanted to see me.’ she started to explain, I could feel a knot start in my stomach. ‘After MRI’s, CT scans and blood tests he says my disease in advancing faster than he thought. It won’t be long before my limbs need amputating completely, he’s surprised I’ve kept this arm as long as I have. He thinks not long after that ... well, not long after it will start affecting my torso. They don’t know what will happen after that, no one’s ever survived that long. If it starts to affect my skull or chest wall there’s nothing they can do. He thinks... ‘ Sophie really started to cry now, ‘He thinks ... well ... he thinks I’ve got 5 years at best, probably less.’ Sophie sobbed now, I held her tight and cried myself. I felt my heart had just been ripped from my chest.

We stayed in the park just cuddling for ages. I then walked Sophie home where her Mum and Dad invited me to stay for dinner. Sophie explained how she had told me everything. After dinner her Dad told me he was proud of me and impressed for sticking by her. I told him I wouldn’t have it any other way. As I walked away to join Sophie he put his hand on my shoulder, turned me back toward him and said, ‘You two had better be being careful?’ I felt so awkward and wondered how he knew. My first thought was to deny it but I realised that might make things worse.

‘Err, don’t worry sir, we are, very.’ I replied.

‘Good.’ he said sternly then laughed and took his hand of my shoulder.

I walked out too Sophie and sat at the end of her sun-lounger, she’d gone upstairs and changed into a bikini to take advantage of the early summer.

‘Err, your Dad knows we’re having sex?’ I told her quietly.

‘How the fuck does he know that? We’ve only done I few times.’ she asked embarrassed.

‘How the hell do I know, he just grabbed me and said we’d better be careful.’ I told her.

‘Oh god.’ She said putting her head in hand, ‘This is so embarrassing.’ ‘Yeap.’ I replied. We then looked at each other and laughed. ‘At least we’re legal.’ Later Sophie’s Mum drove me home. My parents were back so I sat with them as they told me about their holiday. After tea I went upstairs and logged onto my laptop to finish my homework. It wasn’t long before Sophie disturbed me on Skype. She was sat on her bed in just a short dressing gown. She told me that she done some online shopping and now she wanted to put on a show for me and that I had to just sit back and watch. She slowly removed her dressing gown revealing a lacy, see through black basque followed by a matching thong. She slowly slid her hand up and down her body. I could feel myself getting really hard. She the leaned back against her pillows so that she was still sat up, reached under her other pillow and took out some lube/massage oil. She held it between her chin and chest and poured some in her hand. She dropped the bottle on the bed and slowly started to massage each leg stump in turn making her way up her thighs. When she got to her groin she opened her stumps revealing it was a crotchless thong. She started to rub her pussy then her clit. I could see her face go flush and new she was getting a warm feeling spread from her clit across her abbreviated torso. She picked the lube up and did the same again, then slowly she slid 2 fingers into her pussy. She used her arms stump to rub one of her boobs, it was just long enough to reach. She worked her fingers deeper and deeper into her pussy. Then slid a 3rd in, working it deep inside her. She used her thumb to work her clit. I could see her torso starting to twitch. She slipped her fingers out of her pussy and took a big, Rampant Rabbit vibrator out from under the pillow. She switched it on and slid it deep inside her pussy making sure the ears part was on her clit. She worked the rabbit in and out, her little arm stump and torso twitching and her gasping over and over. I’m sure she was about to come when she pulled the vibrator out of her with a small pop. She placed it down, picked up the bottle again and put more lube on this time covering her whole hand. The 3 fingers slipped inside her easily this time. She worked them deep inside. I could see and hear her panting. She slipped a 4th finger in and let out a loud moan. She moved the 4 fingers in and out of her. All 3 of her stumps kept

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Any reader old as me or any one that watches old tv sitcoms will know the Beverley Hill Billies, all about hill billy Jedd Clampett Who was out hunting raccoons with his coon hound in Kentucky and shit at a coon, but missed, but the shot brought up a fountain of black ooze which turned out to be oil or “Texas Tea”. He immediately sold his mineral rights for a fortune and decided to buy a mansion in Beverley Hills, California so loaded up his old 1929 Ford Truck with Granny, Jedd,s Daughter...

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Beverly and Deanna

" ... and Ensign Murphy continues to show improvement following reconstruction of both his right tibia and fibula ... Crusher, Chief Medical Officer ... U.S.S. Enterprise." Beverly Crusher eased back into the soft padded chair behind her desk as the computer shut off her medi-recorder. Medical science might have advanced to the semblance of magic in the last few hundred years, but that arch enemy of all physicians —paperwork— remained -- even if it now resided on a computer disk. She...

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Beverlys Holodeck Fantasy

" ... All's quiet tonight, Doctor Crusher." said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by...

4 years ago
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Beverly Ascending

She was laying on her side, facing away from the bathroom door. Looking out the window, she could see, across the Intracoastal Waterway, the cement tile roofs of Ft. Lauderdale as it stretched all the way to the Everglades. Bill emerged naked from the bathroom and slid back into bed with her. He pressed his lean, smoothly muscled body along the length of hers and wrapped an arm around her waist. She savored the silken sensation of his skin against hers. A glance at the clock at her...

3 years ago
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Dever Aur Usake Dosto Se Sath

Ye mere sath huvi sachhi ghtana hai, halaki ye 2 sal pahele ki bat hai. Mera naam madhu hai,aur me married hun, meri shadi 3 sal pahele rajiv ke sath huvi thi , hamari married life normal hai…mere pati gusse vale hai, aur sex ke doran kabhi kuch nahi bolane , na pyar jatate, par hamari sex life bhi achhi hi hai. Parivar me hum dono ke alawa , sas aur dever rahete hai. middle class family hai. Par jo bhi 2sal pahele huva vo aam baat hogi ye muje nahi lagata… Ye bat mere devar se judi hai, usaka...

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Beverly Taught Me

Beverly Taught MeBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I did not lose my virginity to the mom of one of my friends, but honestly, it was no less an experience than losing my virginity. She must be around 40, very shapely, good looking and divorced already. All of the young testosterone ravished boys dreamed of doing her; I was the lucky one to actually fuck her and fulfill my fantasy.We had graduated from the high school and this was the day; the army recruiters were coming to school to enroll the guys...

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The Nine Circles

1 Albert Kendall sat alone in his basement. It was a large basement beneath an even larger house, detached and isolated from its neighbours, and Albert very much preferred it this way. Albert sat among the paraphernalia of his craft. Heavy, ancient tomes adorned bookshelf’s while circles drawn in chalk covered the bare concrete floor and walls. Intricate designs, and carefully drawn symbols were added, and a whiteboard with...

2 years ago
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Beverlys Story

Beverly’s StoryChapter 1        Beverly stepped out of the steaming hot shower with a large soft towel wrapped around her body.  Today was a big day for her and the butterflies were going crazy in her stomach.         When she returned from her amazing vacation in Mexico, a box was sitting on her front door step.  Bev knew exactly who the box was from, but she wasn’t allowed to open until this morning.        The box was sent by Ian.  A man she had been talking to over the internet after...

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Beverly Apritifs and a series of Peculiar Mornings

Beverly, Ap?ritifs, and a series of Peculiar Mornings. The first time Charline and I met Beverly was at a meeting, back when we did graphic design labs, networking and installs for food companies. She was exceptionally good at first impressions. The building was still in construction, wire and dry wall and tools everywhere. Elevators with green dusty pads on the walls. Riding down the elevator to meet up with her, there was a sweaty, grisly and very bad smelling construction w...

1 year ago
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Beverly Gets a Surprise

I was just carrying the last of my things into Sarah's bedroom when I heard the garage door opener start to run. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was only ten-thirty and I thought "That sure didn't take long. Only three and a half hours to wreck a marriage that had lasted twenty-three years. Actually, it had taken less than five minutes. I heard the door from the garage into the utility room open and then close and then I heard her high heels clicking across the tiled kitchen floor and...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Night

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I appreciate any opportunity to expand upon it. This is a sequel to my story "Reversal Rings: One Hour." If you have not read the original, you may feel lost a time or two. Again, I make no claims at being a world-class author. This was just for fun. I wanted to take the concept of casual swapping to the next level. This will be the last story involving these characters for a while. I know I...

2 years ago
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Severance Pay Chapters 67 through 72 of 78

CHAPTER SIXTY SEVEN I wake up to the ringing of my phone. Picking it up off the bedside table, I notice that it says it 9:38 a.m. I've been sleeping in too much lately. "Yes, Walter?" "Daniel?" "Who else would it be, Walter?" "Just wanted to make certain it was you. We've received some reports that there was some kind of fight or something at Hobbes' compound last week." "When?" "Three days ago, the night of that big storm, with all the power outages." "I remember....

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Reversal Rings Im Sorry

This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least...

3 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Hour

Author's Note: Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I'm just trying my simple hand at expanding it. This is basically a story about nothing. I've wanted to see a bodyswap story where nothing really happens, just a casual switch. Oh, and this is my first story. I make no claims at being a great author, I just wrote this for the fun of it. Enjoy! Reversal Rings: One Hour By Ipkiss I remember when I got the phone call. It was just past midnight and I almost broke my...

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Beverlys Dreams Come True in the Worst WayChapter 1

I've always been blessed with a dirty mind. Many would no doubt refer to it as a character flaw. I prefer to think of it as a part of my charm. A few years ago I had the opportunity to take an early retirement. I jumped at it. Since I had the time I thought it only fair that I use some of that time to share my dirty mind, my gift for porn, with others. I'm not well educated. I certainly have no special talent when it comes to writing. But I seem to have tapped into the fantasies of a small...

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Beverlys Dreams Come True in the Worst WayChapter 2

I rested my hand on her crotch all the way back to town. I teased her pussy every few minutes, keeping her on the edge of orgasm for more than an hour. I was paying a price for it, though. My cock was so hard that it hurt. She began to tense up and get nervous when we got to town. She was born and raised here. Her mother still lives in town and she knows a lot of people here. It wouldn't do to be seen getting chauffeured around town in the nude by some big, ugly biker. She relaxed a little...

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w years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other.Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we'd exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...

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Reversing Practice

REVERSING PRACTICE I am a professional driving instructor and in the course of my work, meet many young and attractive women. The Driving Standards Agency, which governs my profession, lay down very strict rules regarding inappropriate behaviour and I have to be careful not to do or say anything that could be misconstrued and cost me my licence to give instruction. In September last year I met a new pupil; a divorcee in her early thirties. A mature woman, not a teenage girl like most of my...

Straight Sex
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Reverend Toms Challenge

Reverend Tom kissed Wilda, the church secretary, goodbye and wished her a happy weekend. When he pulled in the garage at home his wife’s car was gone. That was unusual, he thought. As he entered the kitchen he saw an envelope on the counter labeled in big red letters, “READ ME”. He got a beer, opened the missive and read: My Dear Husband, I know this is not what you expected when you came home. Some things are going to change in our marriage and this is the first step. Please don’t doubt...

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Beverly Hillbillies 01 The Remedy

The Beverly Hillbillies 01): The Remedy By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Out! Out! You charlatan! How dare you come to me under false pretenses! Some doctor you are; you don't know the first thing about a simple thing like Banker's Headache!" Mr. Drysdale slammed his office door in the face of a small, badly rumpled oldish man who was in need of a barber. "Well!" the woman sitting behind the desk in the outer office said about the scene. She rose: "I apologize for his...

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Reversal Rings Weird Wednesday

Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my...

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Reversal of Fortune

     ???????????????????? REVERSAL OF FORTUNE ???????????????????????????? by ??????????????????????? C. Lakewood   ??? The smartly dressed young woman strode nonchalantly through the outer office and into Dean Malcolm Heywood's inner sanctum without a by-your-leave or even a perceptible hesitation.? As she passed, the dean's secretary, looked up, startled, and opened her mouth to object, then closed it again and shrugged.? Dr. Barbara Lang was slated to take over as dean in a few...

1 year ago
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Evergreen Academy and the Golden Club Part two

Daniel lost track of how long they had been on the sword. It could have been hours before an island came into view. The island was not all that impressive at first. It was like a rough green patch at the edge of the blue sea. As they got closer, Daniel was awed by what he saw. There were high mountains full of trees and long beaches white and bright under the sun. As they flew over the island, Daniel thought this must be what a real fairyland was like. There were streams running among hills....

2 years ago
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Severance Pay

Severance Pay PROLOGUE The radio clipped to my pants pocket beeped several times before I could put down the slice of pizza and wipe my hands. Pulling the radio free, I pressed the 'talk' button. "Yeah" I said, shoving the last bite of pizza to the side of my mouth so I could talk. "Andy, get over to dock six. We may need a ruling." "A big one?" "So they say." "Do I have time to finish my lunch?" "If you can do it in ten minutes." Damn it. "Okay, I'm on my...

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Severance Pay Chapters 7 through 12 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER SEVEN I'm sure this feeling of being a Munchkin will eventually fade away but right now, it's as bad as ever. I can't even shop in the Young Adult section of the clothes store's for God's sake! Jessica ... I mean Mom, decided that the first thing we needed to do was buy me some clothes, since the only ones I had were what was at the lab. It turns out that I'm too small for the Young Adult clothes so I'm in the Junior's section. "What do you want from me ......

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Severance Pay chapters 13 through 18 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Patricia! We need to be leaving in the next ten minutes! I have to be there early so they can explain my duties." This is the third time I've shouted upstairs in an attempt to get her moving. She practically kicked me out of her room, insisting that she would do everything herself. I tried to explain to her how she could benefit from my years of experience but she assured me that she could handle it, this being a test of her abilities. I reluctantly...

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Severance Pay Chapters 19 through 24 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER NINETEEN It's been two days since Gretchen made her grand entrance. She's gone back to wearing her old uniforms but she's interested in making alterations. I'd like to help her but Sister Carmela's going to be hardnosed about girls doing the work themselves. That's one way to make sure only the most dedicated take advantage of the loophole. So far, I've only seen a couple of girls even make the attempt, and the results weren't pretty. To be honest about it,...

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Severance Pay Chapters 25 through 30 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE She said I didn't need to come back once I returned the van to the rental company but I had to see how she was doing. I had my doubts about the whole thing but Patricia was right about everything ... so far. Cruz did exactly as she told him, stay low and tight to the parked cars, ease in at about ten miles per hour, then just keep ahead of the men at the gate as they chase him. He was the first diversion and I was the second. I had rented the van...

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Severance Pay Chapters 37 through 42 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN We're both sitting at the kitchen table. The police had just left. Mom says I had been screaming bloody murder. I can believe it. It took a little while to convince the cops. They insisted on checking out the house, to make sure we weren't being held hostage. The woman cop also wanted to check me for signs of abuse, after seeing my skinned knees and bruises. I told her it was from basketball but she wasn't buying it until I got a ball and made...

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Reverend Richard

Hello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...

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When Farmer let his wife divorce him and take his only daughter away, he was angry, bitter, and full of self pity; but he also knew the catharsis of such an event would allow him to move on with his life, and it lent hope for things to come. Farmer was born Terence Farmer (Terry), but he never liked so androgenous a nickname and quickly dropped it. When he got to high school, it was even easier to use his last name as a nickname because he grew his own pot! He had dark, well defined features,...

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Peverted Deeds Part 4

I confess to Lisa, and Mom! Here it is several weeks after the night with Linda, Joe, and the big guy with the gun. Lisa and I are talking about getting married. We were keeping it private between us for the time until Lisa blurted it out at Linda and Joe’s house one evening. I do not feel uncomfortable being around Linda even after the night she took over. She acts as if nothing ever happened. When Lisa spilled the beans, as it were, the look on Linda’s face appeared to be...

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Peverted Deeds Part 5

Lisa is kinky, so is Mom. After my confession to Lisa, and my unknown confession to my Mom I am just wondering where my life is going. How will the people I love and care about respond to the truth of what happened. Why do I do the things I have done? It has been a week since I told Lisa and she has not spoken to me and will not take my phone calls. I figure I lost her and maybe that is a just punishment. I have talked with Linda and she says to give Lisa some time. Mom and I have...

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Ephram and Amy were in his room fucking like jackrabbits. They tended to have sex on a daily basis, this helped in their relationship. Bright came home early and didn’t make much noise when he came in. He walked to Ephram’s door and opened it (Amy was supposed to be at a study group or so he thought). He saw the object of many masturbation episodes naked in front of him riding his best friends cock. Amy had 34C breasts (larger than Hannah’s 32B) and a hard and tight ass. He noticed a...

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Highever Series Ch 02

Dear Readers, I’m sorry this one took a little bit longer to post! I have been working on trying to put everything in past tense, I am still working on it–so please excuse any awkward phrases if I missed anything. I really like getting comments on my work–what I could do better and such. I appreciate constructive criticism especially since this is the first story I’ve ever written. A special thanks to DirtyStrumpet for being an eager critic and reader. Please read Ch. 00 and Ch 01 of...

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Highever Series Ch 00

This is my first submission to Literotica! My story has distinctive references to the game Dragon Age Origins, but you don’t have to know it as I only borrowed names and places and not the complete plot. Please rate and comment! I would hate to waste your time, so know that this story takes its time and this first part has no sex scenes. My focus on these first chapters are mostly character development. You have my word that I will post the continuation of this as soon as tomorrow depending...

4 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 01

Geneve was overwhelmed this evening to say the least. First, she was erratically introduced as a Lady to the Palace, although it was under her strict instruction that she would not be (for she wasn’t, as she has refused the title, fully grasping the fact that she is a nobleman’s bastard) and now, sitting across the fifteen foot long table from her beloved sister and her soon to be betrothed, The Prince of Highever to continue the awkward evening. Stunningly handsome as he looks, Geneve finds...

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Everclear Plantation Ch 2

I woke to the sound of Blue barking on the front porch as he always does. He has an ongoing feud with a riverboat that makes its way up the river every other day. The sun was just rising and shown in the windows. The home was quiet as always other than blue. I called him and he came into the bedroom and put his big head on the bed and looked at me with his big soulful light-blue eyes and a silly look on his face. Blue is a large hound, originating in Australia and the breed is called Catahula...

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Everbody Loves Sue

Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master’s degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn’t put too much emphasis on fidelity. I’d sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I’d joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....

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Zack Bishop drove his car across the town of Everwood Bay. The young twenty two year old man smiling as he took in the view of the coastal town. Zack Bishop had short dark brown hair and blue eyes with a slim but athletic build to him from playing basketball on the Azure Rocks high school team. "Ok this next left and then the first right." His friend Heather Ravers informed him. Heather Ravers had long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She had large tits and toned ass which were highlighted by the...

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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

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You stretch your slightly tired arms as you walk in the cover of the night. Ever since you started working at a small advertising agency you've been coming home late. The pay is good but you rarely get enough sleep. You sigh and rub your sides as you hurriedly stride to your apartment. Your "apartment" seemed more like a storage space because of the unopened boxes that litter around the floor except for your PC you rarely use because of how busy you are and a matress at the corner. You quickly...

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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

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Everbody Loves Sue

Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master's degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn't put too much emphasis on fidelity. I'd sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I'd joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....

Straight Sex
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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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The call from Mistress Andrea made my day. I hadn't seen her for over a week and was looking forward to playing with her & having my chastity finally removed. You should know that Mistress and I have known each other for many years and have I always enjoyed being her sissy sub. Lately she has been training me to be more feminine in appearance. I have been required to buy woman's stretch pants and blouses for daily wear to work, and always have fresh manis and pedis and mascara on at...

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CHAPTER ONE Promotion It was a sunny and pleasant day in downtown Chicago; the sun, high in the sky, was warming the busy streets of the city as Summer was just getting underway. Julia sat outside at a busy corner bistro, alone at a table, just off Michigan Avenue, across the street from the Art Institute. Lost in her own thoughts, she idly strummed her long red nails, as the multitude, people and vehicles swirled around her. She took a quick sip of ice tea and was pleased to see her...

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Reversals Ch02

CHAPTER TWO Doldrums It had happened much as Samantha had suggested it would. Shortly after lunch, Julia had been called into a meeting with the vice president of Human Resources. The woman had flown in from New York to meet with people in the Chicago office as part of the reorganization effort. Julia had been escorted into the executive conference room by the woman's administrative assistant, a tall, handsome, well groomed, young man with a nice smile, who'd brought her a coffee just...

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Reversals Ch03

CHAPTER THREE Consequences Eric was still feeling upset as he turned onto the street for their apartment, coming home from his shopping run. He'd stopped at the liquor store first, for something to relax him later that afternoon, and then the gaming store, where he normally went to blow off some time, poking around at different game manuals, magazines, and comics. Normally, he enjoyed strolling around the store, losing himself there, forgetting about the harsher realities of life; but...

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Reversals Ch04

CHAPTER FOUR AGen Julia took another sip of wine and gently rested the long-stemmed glass back to the table as Samantha smiled at her affectionately. The burgundy liquid looked regal in the soft lighting of the restaurant, sitting upon the pearl-white tablecloth adorning their table. Adding to the ambiance, a single rose rested in a slender, glass vase, infusing the air with a delicate floral bouquet. The tables and chairs were simple wood furnishings made from rich, dark-oak which...

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Reversals Ch05

CHAPTER FIVE Reward for Eric Eric sat at their small kitchen table unfocused and bleary eyed, lost in his own meandering thoughts and the predicament Julia had put him in, still struggling with the fact that she could cut him off financially, that he was completely dependent on her for money and everything that came with it. He stared at the empty sink with a sense of shame and humiliation. It had never occurred to him, in all the months that he'd been unemployed, that she'd be...

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Reversals Ch06

CHAPTER SIX A New Day Eric woke to the pleasing scent of bacon teasing at his nose, beckoning him to wake. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils, flaring them, drawing in the rich smell on the air as the bacon crackled in a skillet nearby. Eric sat up on the couch with some difficulty, easing himself up, rolling his shoulders to and fro trying to work the stiffness out. He hadn't sleep well on the couch with only a small throw pillow and throw blanket for comfort; but after last...

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Reversals Ch07

CHAPTER SEVEN Sisterly Advice Eric toiled in the kitchen, scrubbing the bottom of the kitchen sink for the second time that day to remove some gunk he'd missed earlier. Rinsing and drying followed. The sink needed to shine for Julia's inspection when she returned home from work. Perfection would be demanded. It had been three days since Julia had declared that they were now in a female lead marriage. Everyday since had been a challenge in humility and service for Eric. As the...

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