Severance Pay (chapters 13 Through 18 Of 78) free porn video

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SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Patricia! We need to be leaving in the next ten minutes! I have to be there early so they can explain my duties." This is the third time I've shouted upstairs in an attempt to get her moving. She practically kicked me out of her room, insisting that she would do everything herself. I tried to explain to her how she could benefit from my years of experience but she assured me that she could handle it, this being a test of her abilities. I reluctantly agreed. Now, I'm questioning that decision. We would be on time if I had stayed with her. "PATRICIA!" "I"LL BE DOWN IN FIVE MINUTES!" Well, at least she answered this time. She has been very busy the last two days, reworking her school uniforms. She made at least four trips to the fabric store for supplies. Again, she won't let me see what she's doing, says that she wants it to be a surprise and that I should trust her, that she's the expert here and that's why we hired her. I tried to argue but she was adamant. Polite, but adamant. Unfortunately, her nightmares returned, despite her nightly sessions with the therapy toy collection. We call it therapy due to Thomas' suggestion at our last meeting, we both still get a laugh out of that. With any luck, he may be able to figure something out when he analyzes the data from the recorder I dropped off today at his office. It was a little strange inserting that wire into Patricia's faux freckle. It was another reminder of her eventual death. I teared up a little when I did it and she asked me what the problem was. I said it was nothing, just tired. She told me that I should get some rest and she'd try to do more around the house to help, with all she already has to do. The changes in her since we started this are almost beyond belief. I didn't realize how fond I had grown of her until I began to think about life without her. But right now, she's starting to make me ... I hear her door close and her boots on the upstairs floor. Just then, she appears at the top of the stairs. She's chosen her gray sweater mini dress with the flounce hem and the U neckline. It shows off her breasts but not too much, just enough to let the boys know that there's more to see. She's not wearing hose of any kind, just going with bare legs. If she plans on energetic dancing, that's probably a good idea. When Robert and I went dancing and I wore hose, things often got a little uncomfortable. From this distance, her makeup is perfect. Not over done at all and highlights her best features; her beautiful eyes and that radiant smile. She's let her hair down, reaching below her shoulders but swept back away from her ears, held in place with a couple of silver barrettes which match her silver dangling earrings. We found those at a thrift shop, black with tarnish, and cleaned them up after supper two weeks ago ... She can't die! I won't let her! But what about Peter Harris? It's his life too. I start to cry again and Patricia races down the stairs, stopping on the step above me so that we are nearly eye to eye. "Are you okay?" she asks. I reach out and gently touch her cheek. "You are very beautiful, you know that?" She averts her eyes. "You're my mom; you're supposed to say stuff like that." "Mother or not, you are beautiful and don't you let anyone say otherwise." She takes my hand in both of hers. "Thanks. We better get going." I wipe my eyes with my free hand. "You're right. Have you got your purse?" "By the front door." "Any condoms?" "MOTHER!" "Just checking." * * * *** * * * *** * * * The dance is going to be in the main gym, where the basketball court is. We're way early, like almost an hour, so I've got time to kill. I'll admit that I'm nervous about this. Mom refuses to tell me what she expects me to do, just be yourself she says. What the heck does that mean? I don't even know who I am anymore. Dressed in this hot outfit. Schtuping myself every night with those wonderful toys. I'm a sixty year old man for heavens sake! My birthday was last week and even I forgot about it until today. If I'd have mentioned it, she'd probably have bought me another sex toy ... though there is this one I saw online that actually thrusts up and down by itself. That could be fun. I slowly stroll around the gym, checking it out. They've got a portable stage set up at one end. It's not very big, just about a hundred fifty square feet and two feet high. Big enough for the equipment already set up but the singer better not do a lot of jumping around or he'll end up falling. There's a bunch of big, double doors along one wall. I check the handles and they're all locked except one. I open it and look in. It's mostly empty, probably where they store the stage when not in use. There's a bunch of basketballs in a mesh bag. I'd shoot around if they hadn't already cranked the hoops up for the dance. I pull one from the bag and start to dribble as I walk around the floor. I never was a ball handler when I played. In high school, I was on an intramural team. If I could dribble twenty times without booting it, that would have been a record for me. I just did the dirty work and was the enforcer if someone tried to rough up one of my guys. Now though, the ball feels really good in my hand, small as it is. I switch to my left hand and keep dribbling. Just the same. I'm ambidextrous! Why didn't I find that out sooner? Picking up the pace a little, I try a few between the legs and some hesitation dribbles. Smooth as glass. Will wonders never cease. I don't want to hurt the floor with my boots so I stop and head for the closet to return the ball. I hear someone slowly clapping, the sound echoing through the gym. I look around, there's someone standing on the second level landing, watching me. It's Coach Tobey! I wave at him. He waves back and starts down the steps to the main floor. When he gets close, I give him a bounce pass with reverse English so that it pops up in front of him. "Whoa! Nice pass Da'Pee. I'd ask you where you learned all those moves but you'd probably say you picked it up here and there." He passes the ball back to me, a chest pass. "Try me." I pass it back to him. "Okay. Where'd you learn all those move?" Ball back to me. "Oh, picked them up here and there." I throw another bounce pass out of his reach to the left but the spin brings it right back to him. He catches it. "Smart ass ... 'scuse my French." "What you doing here, Coach?" "I'm one of the chaperones. In the past, some of my boys caused a bit of trouble at one of these shindigs so I decided to be here, make sure they all behaved like gentleman instead of a bunch of shitheads ... 'scuse my French. Haven't missed one since. They serve a mean ice cream punch." "Straight or over the rocks?" "Completely straight. No one spikes anything. Anybody tries it and they're out on their ass. We run a clean show here, no funny business. That way, tender flowers of femininity such as yourself can feel safe and secure." He's a cute old guy. "Thanks Coach, but I can take care of myself." "Don't I know it! If there's trouble tonight, I'm hiding behind you." "There's not much to hide behind." "Just as long as you're between me and whoever is stupid enough to try something. Show doesn't start for almost forty five minutes, why you here so early?" "My mom's also a chaperone." "Oh, so she's here to watch out for her beautiful daughter's safety too?" "Bull shit ... 'scuse my French." He laughs loudly, the sound magnified by the echoes in the gym. "Well, I better get to the meeting Da'Pee. Already late. Be seeing you tonight." He starts to walk away but I call out to him. "Coach, any of the team showing up tonight?" "Most of them, I think, though if they knew you were coming, it'd be all of them. You made quite an impression." "Is ahhh ... Spikeman coming?" He smiles at me, then winks. "Never misses one." Good. At least I'll have one person to talk to. * * * *** * * * *** * * * There's at least ten people at this meeting, split equally between men and women. I thought that I'd be one of no more than four chaperones. Seems to be overkill to have this many. A middle-age woman enters the room and steps to the front. Everybody else sits down on the folding chairs scattered around the small room, so I did the same. "Hello everyone, I'm Martha Zendahas, director of youth activities. The Y would like to thank you all for volunteering today. I see mostly familiar faces so I can keep this brief. We are here to prevent trouble, not to prevent the children from having fun. Everyone in this room is a parent or has been a parent so you know the difference. I expect to have the usual mix of ninety nine percent good kids and one percent trouble makers, most of whom you already know from prior dances. I am aware that it would be easier to just keep the bad element out but part of our goals is to help turn those kids around, we want then to use the Y as much as possible, unless they abuse the privilege, then we will escort them out." Just then, another person enters the room, a man. Several people quickly waved at him, nodded towards him or quietly saying "hello". He acknowledged their greeting with a smile and a responding wiggle of the fingers on his right hand. He scans the room and sits down in the empty chair next to me, then leans towards me. "How you doing, Ms. Connor?" he whispers. How does he know me? He is familiar but I ... oh, he's the coach of that fight team that Patricia worked out with. "I'm fine, how are you Coach ... Tobias is it?" I whisper back. "Yes ma'am, but everybody calls me Tobey. I'd be pleased if you did too." "I see that Coach Tobey has joined us again" said Zendahas. "If you have any questions or you think you've spotted a potential problem and you can't find me, find Coach Tobey. He's been doing this longer than I have. If he doesn't have the answer, then no one does." A wave of quiet chuckles rolls through the room. "If no one has any questions, you can each take your normal posts, Jeff and Judy at the doors, Frank and Thelma at the refreshment table, the rest with Coach Tobey as floaters." I raise my hand. "Excuse me, but this is my first time as a chaperone. I'm afraid that I don't know any of the normal routines." "Don't worry about it, Ms. Connor" said the Coach. "You hang with me for awhile and I'll show you the ropes. That okay, Martha?" "Fine with me Coach. You couldn't have a better guide Ms. ..." "She's Jessica Conner and her beautiful daughter is Patricia," said Coach Tobey. "But you may know her better as the famous Da'Pee!" "So, she's back! That's one girl I want to meet! You must be very proud of her Ms. Connor." "Uhhh certainly. Every mother is proud of their daughter ... or son." Several other people come over to me, introducing themselves and asking to meet Patricia. As everyone begins to leave the room for their assignments, I pull Coach Tobey aside. "What was that all about?" "Your daughter's pretty famous around here. The way she ripped my guys up, that gets talked about. If a boy had done that, he'd be cock of the walk, but a girl ... that's unheard of! Some people didn't believe it actually happened and frankly, I don't blame them. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it either. Too fucking amazing ... pardon my French, ma'am." "It's Jessica, and you're pardoned." "Thank you, Jessica. That little girl of yours is something else. When I came into the gym just now, she was dribbling a basketball, doing a kinda Harlem Globetrotter thing, in boots no less. She threw me a couple of passes that almost had me diving the wrong way, then the ball bounces right to me, easy as you please. She's a natural athlete if I've ever seen one. Too bad she's so short." I'm a little insulted. "What does her height have to do with anything? I believe she does quite well as she is." "No doubt Jessica, no doubt about that at all." He takes my arm and we walk out the door towards the gym. "If she was just three or four inches taller, she'd have college scouts all over her. As it is, she's more of a ... now don't take this the wrong way, promise?" "I promise, she's more of a what?" "A curiosity." "How do you mean?" "A kinda freak of nature, not in a bad way you understand, she's just hard to pigeon hole." "I think she'd be very happy to hear you say that Coach Tobey." * * * *** * * * *** * * * I've been hanging around the stage, checking out the equipment. I recognize everything and I'm pretty sure I know how to play both lead and rhythm guitar, though I've never touched one in my life. I could also handle the keyboard ... but some how a piano seems more familiar. I wonder if there's one around here. I hear voices, male voices, approaching from down the hall. Sounds like a group of several boys, laughing and joking as they get closer to the gym. I hastily check my makeup as best I can in my reflection in the chrome of a nearby amp, then straighten up as they enter the gym at the far end. It's the guys from mixed martial arts team! I recognize Javier, Crunk, and Joey. A couple more guys trail in. There's Cruz ... and Spikeman. I start to run toward them but stop after a couple of steps. Gotta be cool about this, don't want to seem anxious or needy. Dropping down to a slightly slower than normal gait, I drive my heel into the wooden floor with each step, making sure that there's a sharp, loud click each time my foot hits the surface. The hem of my dress also bounces with each stride. When I start walking towards them, the guys are all talking among themselves but by the time I reach midcourt, they've stopped talking and are all watching me ... intently, some a little hungrily. I slow up just a bit more, drawing out the moment. Just the simple act of walking and I've got the full attention of every one of these testosterone charged boys. There's a feeling of power ... and control. Is this how women feel all the time? It's intoxicating! I'm trying to look all haughty and distant but the closer I get to them, the more I want to smile. This is so darn cool! Cruz is closest to me, so I fix my gaze on him and slow down a tiny bit more until I'm just about four feet away, then I stop, one booted foot in front of the other, front knee slightly bent, back knee locked, hands on hips, chest out, chin forward, head cocked slightly to the side. None of them recognize me. He glances back at the rest of the guys and they subtly encourage him to say something, tipping their heads towards him, making little motions with their hands. He turns back towards me, making slight adjustments in his posture, trying to appear more suave; squaring his shoulders, sticking out his chest a bit more, letting his arms hang a little looser. Stepping forward, he tries to stretch up a bit, to seem taller, which is hardly necessary, since I'm only five feet tall, though it's closer to five five in these boots. "Can I help you ... baby?" he asks, doing his best Barry White impersonation. It's all I can do to keep a straight face. "No, there's nothing you can ... Oh wait, yes! There is something I desperately need. Could you answer one little question for me?" I take a step closer, sliding forward. "Baby, anything for you." Some of the guys behind him are stifling laughs. He's looking down at me, eyes locked on my cleavage. I reach out with my left hand and lightly touch his chest with the tips of four fingers. "That's so nice of you ... could you tell me how your arm is?" He straightens up a little but I keep my hand on his chest. "My arm? What about my arm?" "Oh ... I was just wondering how it was ? since I bent it sooo badly the last time we met.? He pulls away from me about a foot. ?What you talking ? who the hell are ?? I step back and take a defensive stance, crouched, fists closed and protecting my face, elbows in. He looks at me like I?m nuts. One of the guys in the back figures it out. ?Hey! It?s Da?Pee! I straighten back up, laughing my behind off. ?Gotcha that time, Cruz!? He looks at me, stunned. ?Noooo, it can?t be ? but you look so ? nooo ? is it?? I do a slight curtsey. ?The one and only. How is that arm? I was worried that I?d damaged a ligament or something.? He rubs his right elbow idly; the look on his face says he still isn?t certain it?s me. ?Fine, hurt like hell the next day though.? ?I can imagine, sorry about that, got a little carried away.? They all swarm around me, laughing and slapping hands. A couple got in Cruz?s face, imitating his pickup line. ?Can I help you ? Baby?? ?Yeah, yeah. Can I help you ? BABY! Good job Cruz!? He?s looking pretty embarrassed, so I stand next to him. ?Hey, I didn?t see any of you other guys step up and take a shot. It was a good line, just the wrong person. It takes a brave man to try that, particularly in front of his friends.? ?Thanks Pee? he says. ?You?re welcome Cruz, ? though I wouldn?t do that Barry White thing, too creepy.? They all laugh again, even Cruz. I think we?re all okay. * * * *** * * * *** * * * She had them eating out of the palm of her hand. When she started to strut towards those boys, I was about to shout to her but Coach stopped me. ?I want to see what happens? he whispered, so we both stood just outside of the doorway and watched. I was stunned. When she reached out and touched that boys? chest, it was just the perfect move ? a move that I wouldn?t have thought of in a million years. Where did that come from? It wasn?t part of my programming and it was much too natural for Thomas to have done on his own. ?She?s a confident one, isn?t she?? said Coach. ?Apparently so.? He looks over at me. ?Never seen her like this before, have you?? ?No, I haven?t.? ?Sometimes it?s good to see your kid in a different environment, particularly when they don?t know you?re around. I?d say she handled them pretty well. Liked the way she brought Cruz back into the group.? ?That was ? very skillful.? He steps through the doorway into the gym. ?Well, time to break up this little confab.? He starts to loudly clap his hands together and whistles. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Everyone turns to look at whoever is making all that noise. It?s Coach Tobey ? and my mom. I wonder how long she?s been there. ?What?s the Coach want?? I ask. ?We?re supposed to be setting up for the dance? said Javier. ?Coach ?volunteers? us every time they have one, says it?s our community service. We cover this half of the court with big tarps to protect it and then setup a bunch of tables and chairs. The other half we leave open for dancing.? ?Does anybody actually dance?? ?Lot?s of people? said Crunk. ?We got a reputation for being pretty light on our feet, everyone except Javier.? ?Hey, I do okay? Javier shot back. ?For an elephant? Crunk replied. ?Well maybe I?ll have to give you both a try? I said. They both nodded and smiled. ?That?s cool.? The guys all headed for the big doors on the East side of the gym, the ones I had tried earlier but were locked. I followed behind them until someone grabbed my shoulder. ?Where you going?? It was Spikeman. ?I?m just gonna help.? ?YOU can?t help!? ?Why not?? ?Because you?re ? ah ? uhhh? .? ?A GIRL?? ?NO ? no, you?re not a girl.? ?I?m NOT a girl?? ?NO ? I mean yes, you?re a girl. I?m not stupid!? ?Couldn?t prove it by me. So you?re saying GIRLS can?t do this kind of thing.? ?NO! I didn?t say that. I meant you couldn?t do this because ? uhhh ?? ?Uhh what?? ?These tarps, they?re old and dirty, dusty. We have to clean up after moving them. You?re too ? beautiful.? ?ERIC! Get your damn ass over here!? Coach shouted. ?Pardon my French, ladies.? Spikeman shrugged. ?Sorry, gotta go!? then he turned and ran off to join the rest of the guys. So, it?s Eric Spikeman, that?s a nice name. And he thinks I?m beautiful. * * * *** * * * *** * * * The boys seem to know what they are doing. Coach Tobey doesn?t have to give many directions at all. After the tarps are laid in place, they start running back and forth from the storage area, carrying tables and folding chairs. The Coach wanders back to stand next to me. ?Your team is well trained Coach. They seem to have everything well in hand.? ?It?s not me Jessica, it?s her.? He points to Patricia, who is standing on the fringe of the activity, watching the boys hurry by. ?They?re putting on a show for your daughter. Never seen ?em move this fast before. We?ll be done in record time. I think some of them want a little extra time to get cleaned up for the dance, if you know what I mean.? ?I see. What band is playing tonight?? ?I saw the poster but, frankly I forget, they?re all the same to me. One dance is a rap act, the next rock. This dance is rock, which is usually an easier crowd to handle, plus they dance more, if you call it dancing. That?s one of the things we have to watch for, dirty dancing. Martha will let some stuff slide, more than I would, but she will eventually put her foot down. Most of the kids are regulars and they know where the lines are but ?? ?But they?re kids, so they are constantly pushing those lines.? ?Bingo. The way Patricia acts, you must know something about raising kids.? ?Not as much as you might think. I?m lucky she turned out so well. This is a kind of coming out party for her, introducing her to people her own age.? ?Well, just having her around helps my guys.? ?How do you mean?? ?A lot of the cultures around here don?t show much respect to women. In many families, they?re almost second class citizens. Here comes this pretty little girl, someone feminine as all get out, and she beats them at their own game, a damn macho game at that. And she didn?t beat just one or two, she beat them all. No one could call the other guy a pussy for getting beaten by a girl, they all took it on the chin. They have to respect that.? ?Interesting. Wouldn?t you be afraid that there might be some ? competition among them, fighting for her undivided attention, if you will.? ?You mean they might fight to hit on her?? ?More succinctly put, but yes.? ?Not likely. No boy wants to date a woman who can beat him up, no matter how hot she is, at least a normal boy; there is the occasional kinky one.? ?Kinky ones aside, that isn?t a very open attitude. It seems to doom my daughter to spinsterhood.? ?That?s the way it is, at least when they?re this age. She?ll be okay when they all get older. Or she may find that one of those kinky ones is a nice guy over all. I?m not one to judge, got enough trouble keeping my own house in order.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * It doesn?t take very long for the guys to set everything up, they?re a pretty organized bunch. Eric was right, it was a kinda dirty job. They all head towards the locker room to clean up but Joey shouts to me as he leaves. ?DA?Pee!? ?What?!? ?Hold that big table up near the front for us until we get back!? I look where he?s pointing. It?s a big oblong table, looks like it seats at least twenty. ?Isn?t it too big?? ?Naw, some of us got girlfriends!? He waves and is out the door. Girlfriends! Of course! Why didn?t I think of that? Idiot! Eric?s bound to have a girlfriend, someone as nice as him. There goes my evening. They left the doors to the storage area open, so I peek inside to check it out. There?s a piano off in the corner. I make sure no one is looking, then slip inside, closing the door. It?s a baby grand, in good shape too. I lift the cover to the keyboard and lightly run my hand across the keys. Sounds like it?s in tune, wonder what they use it for. I don?t see any bench but it?s a little dark in here. It?s really a strange feeling, touching those keys. I know how to play it, like a piano is an old friend, but I also know that I?ve never played a piano before in my life, other than ?Chopsticks?. It?s confusing. Looking around for the bench, I?m interrupted by Mom calling my name. I stick my head out the door and she sees me. ?There you are! What were you doing in that room?? ?Nothing.? The typical guilty reply of a teenager. ?Come over here. There are some people I?d like you to meet.? Glancing back at the piano, I reluctantly shut the door and walk over to where Mom and a couple other adults are waiting. When I get close, she reaches out, puts her arm across my shoulder and turns me to face them. ?Patricia, this is Jeff and Judy Lassiter and this is Frank and Thelma Wilkins.? I shake their hands and say hello. ?And this is Martha Zendahas, head of Youth Programming for the Y. She particularly wanted to meet you.? I offer her my hand and she grabs it, shaking it vigorously. ?Very happy to finally meet you Patricia. I wasn?t lucky enough to see you in action against Coach Tobey?s boys but I?ve heard all about it! You?re the talk of the building. One little girl, beating all of those boys. And so easily!? She?s still shaking my hand. That little indulgence against the guy?s team may be more trouble than it was worth. All I need is to get some kind of reputation and then have a bunch of meatheads come around to challenge me. The guys are pretty cool but not every boy would have handled it so well. Probably Coach Tobey?s influence. ?They probably are exaggerating things Ms. Zendahas. I wasn?t all that great. I?m not that little either, I?m over five feet tall.? She looks me up and down, like she doesn?t believe it, then smiles and releases my hand. ?You could be right, stories do seem to grow in the retelling, regardless, a remarkable performance. Maybe we will get a chance for a repeat some day?? ?I don?t know. School will be starting soon and I?ll probably be very busy ?? ?We hope to have her attend St. Ann?s? says Mom. ?The enrollment test and interview are next week. We have our fingers crossed.? ?That?s a very good school, not much of an athletic program though. Their girls give it a good try but they never seem to have much talent.? ?We?re more interested in the academics for Patricia.? ?They certainly have that. Well Patricia, should you find that you have the time, we?d be very glad to have you here at the Y. We have a number of quality touring teams for girls that play AAU sports. I?m sure you would find it challenging.? ?She can handle a basketball too? said Coach Tobey as he stepped into the group. Zendahas gives me a considered look. ?Basketball eh? A multi sport athlete? I really must see you in action ? and soon. We all have our jobs to do and it is almost time to open the doors. I?d like to speak with everyone at the end, just briefly, to review any problems or rough spots. Nice to meet you ? Da?Pee.? They all scatter to different parts of the gym while Mom and I walk away, her arm still over my shoulder. ?What was that about?? ?Martha wanted to meet you.? ?Sounded more like she wanted to recruit me.? ?For what?? ?The YWCA?s AAU teams.? ?Why would she do that?? ?Because AAU sports are becoming the primary way to recruit college and sometime pro athletes. The high school rules are too restrictive and some AAU teams are practically year round now. They travel to tourney?s all over the place, play each other. There?re no rules against recruiting athletes and there?s often money paid under the table.? ?Isn?t that illegal?? ?Depends on how they do it. Either way, it?ll screw up your NCAA eligibility.? ?You?re not interested in any of that, are you?? ?Of course not! I just want to finish this job and go home.? ?Are you sure about that? I saw how you handled those boys just now ? extremely impressive. You were a natural, better than I was at your age.? ?Sixty?? ?Shut up. You know what I mean.? ?I know, and yes, I?m sure. There?s lots of interesting things about being Patricia Conner, but she isn?t me ? or we aren?t me ? whatever. When this is done, I?ll miss it, but that?s all.? ?If you say so.? I don?t think she believed me. Can?t say I blame her. I may not believe me either. ?What?s your job tonight?? ?I?m called a Floater. I just circulate; keep an eye out for trouble. Sometimes I?m on the floor, sometimes in the bathrooms, sometimes outside.? ?The bathrooms? Really?? ?That?s the job.? ?I like my job better.? ?What?s your job?? ?I sit at that table and hold it for the guys until they come back.? ?And then what?? ?I guess we hang out.? ?I was hoping you?d meet some new people.? ?I?ve already met Martha, Frank, Thelma, Jeff ?? ?I meant people your own age.? ?They were my age, actually I?m older.? ?What?s getting old is that joke.? ?Fine, I get it and I know what you mean. The guys have girlfriends, so I?ll meet them too.? ?They ALL have girlfriends?? ?I don?t know about that, I haven?t taken a head count or anything.? ?It seems a shame, what nice boys.? ?That?s another joke that?s getting old ? mother.? ?Who?s joking?? ?Virgin, for now and ever, remember?? ?If you say so.? ?I do. Look, I better go table sit before they open the doors. I?ll see you around.? ?You can bet on it.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * The doors have been open for at least fifteen minutes and they aren?t back yet. I?ve had to tell at least twenty guys to not sit here, though they didn?t move very far away. They?ve all taken seats within thirty feet of me. In fact, this area of the gym seems to be experiencing a population explosion. A dark haired girl sits down on the far side of the table. ?Excuse me, I?m holding this table for some friends.? ?The Mixed Martial Arts team, I know. They always sit at this table. I?m Terri Hughes, Javier Esposito?s girl friend.? Now I know Javier?s last name. ?Hi, I?m Patricia Connor.? ?Hi. Who?s your boyfriend?? ?Huh?? ?Which guy on the team are you dating?? ?None of them. I?m just a friend of the team.? ?The WHOLE team?? ?Yeah, it?s a little strange. I accidentally stumbled onto one of their practices and started working out on the equipment. One thing led to another and I ended up scrimmaging with them.? ?Which one?? ?Which guy?? ?Yes.? ?Eventually ? all of them.? ?Why all of them? I?d think getting beaten by the first one would be enough for most girls.? ?I wasn?t beaten.? ?By who?? ?By any of them. I won all my matches.? ?You didn?t fight Javier.? ?Yes, I did. He was the last one.? ?Wait a minute. You?re saying you fought ALL the other boys of the team, one at a time, then fought my Javier ? and won.? ?Yep.? ?Didn?t.? ?Did.? We sit in silence for a couple of minutes. ?Are you crazy?? she asks. ?No.? ?Why didn?t he tell me about this? You?re lying.? ?Not lying. I don?t know why he didn?t tell you; why not ask him when he gets here. Better yet, ask Coach Tobey, he?s over there by the stage.? She turns her head and sees the Coach, then turns back to me. ?I think I will.? She stands and rapidly marches directly over to the Coach. I can?t hear the conversation but I can see that the Coach is very animated, using broad gestures and exclamations. It looks like he?s replaying each match for her. Every now and then, she looks back towards me, eyes wide and mouth agape. After about ten minutes, she comes back to the table, a lot slower than she left, and sits down. After a few seconds of motionlessness, she starts to look around the room, even under the table, intently checking out everything. ?What are you doing?? I ask. ?Am I being Punk?d?? ?Punked?? ?You know, Ashton Kutcher?s show, where they play those stupid jokes on people and tape it with hidden cameras.? ?I?ve never seen it but this isn?t a joke.? ?It?s not?? ?No.? ?Are you crazy?? ?You already asked me that once. The answer hasn?t changed. No, I?m not crazy?? ?But you?re a girl! Why would you do something like that?? ?Because I can.? Another girl comes over and plops down into the seat next to Terri. ?Hey Terri!? ?Hi Katie? she responded distractedly. The new girl looks at me. ?Hi.? ?Hello. Are you friends with the team?? ?Oh yeah! Billy Shore?s my boyfriend.? ?I haven?t met Billy.? ?Oh you have? said Terri, ?he?s Crunk ? the guy you pinned in fifty seconds.? Katie?s attention bounces between Terri and me, a quizzical look on her face. ?What?? * * * *** * * * *** * * * The doors have only been open for about thirty five minutes and the seating is almost gone. The tables and chairs are all occupied and the one set of bleachers that are open are almost three quarters full. The band isn?t on stage yet but it appears that the refreshment tables are almost ready. The Wilkins and a few other chaperones have everything set out. The menu appears to be pizza, cookies, chips, pretzels, canned pop and popcorn, hardly health food but the basic food groups that teenager?s thrive on. Coach Tobey is helping move a large tub of ice onto one of the tables so I walk over to see if I can help. ?Is there anything I can do?? ?Not right now, Jessica? he says. ?We?ll be ready once the hot dogs get here, which should be any minute. There?ll be a big rush when we open for business but it?ll fade quick. You can help with the drinks, if you don?t mind getting your hands wet.? ?Not a problem. When does the music start?? ?Eight thirty, such that it is.? He leans closer to me. ?I got some of those little foam earplugs in my pocket if things get too loud for you.? ?I went to rock concerts when I was younger, saw ?The Who? in Pasadena. A very loud show.? ?Bet that was a few years ago.? ?Quite a few.? He pats his pocket. ?I got a pair for you if you need em.? I look around the room until I find Patricia. She?s sitting at the largest table with a group of those boys from the fight team along with several other girls. The girls seem to be paired up with some of the boys so they must be dating. Patricia is sitting with the stag group of boys. They all appear to be talking and laughing, Patricia is smiling. Coach notices where I?m looking. ?Don?t worry about her. My guys know how to behave; there won?t be any funny business.? ?I wasn?t worried about that.? Not much at least. ?I was more concerned about how she would fit in. We haven?t been in town long and I was hoping she could make some friends.? ?Where did you live before moving to Miami?? * * * *** * * * *** * * * ?Portland, Portland Oregon. Mom lost her job almost a year ago but she was hired by a PR firm two months ago, so here we are.? ?What about your Dad?? asks Eric. * * * *** * * * *** * * * ?My husband died in a car accident three years ago. It?s just Patricia and me now.? ?That?s terrible!? said Thelma Wilkins. ?I?m so sorry to hear that. It must have been a shock.? ?It was, for both of us. Patricia really loved her father.? ?I?m sure she did, but it had to be very difficult for you too.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * ?It was really hard for my mom, they?d been together since high school.? ?WOW!? Some of the couples look at each other, you can read their thoughts on their faces ? could that be us? Will we be together that long? Will we get married? ?I can?t imagine loosing one of my parents? said Katie. ?I mean, I argue with them ALL the time, but ? if one of them died. Way harsh. Are you okay?? ?Yeah, mostly. I still have nightmares now and then. Money?s tough for us.? ?I thought you said you were going to St. Ann?s? said Javier. ?That?s an expensive private school, isn?t it?? ?You?re going to St. Ann?s?! I go there too!? squealed Terri. ?I?m not there yet. I have to pass the entrance exam and get through an interview. If I do, they have scholarships available.? ?Are you smart?? * * * *** * * * *** * * * ?Patricia is very smart. Sometimes her grades don?t show it.? ?A little lazy?? asks Jeff. ?She gets bored easily. If she applies herself, she does quite well.? ?I can testify to that? added Coach Tobey. ?She?s a real spitfire.? ?Well, St. Ann?s will certainly test her? said Janet. ?They have nothing but college prep classes. If you graduate in the upper half of the class, you should be able to get into practically any college in the country, including Ivy League. They also don?t put up with any foolishness from the girls.? ?Foolishness?? ?The sisters who run the school don?t tolerate bad behavior.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * ?Sister Carmela, she?s the principle, and she is a real BITCH!? ?You get on her wrong side, Terri?? I ask. ?They caught me and a friend smoking on campus and suspended my parking privileges for a month!? ?Parking privileges?? ?Almost everyone, other than freshmen, drives but you?ve got to have a parking pass. Without one, your parents have to bring you to school. My dad was really pissed at me about the whole thing.? ?Do you have to drive?? ?No, but practically everyone does. Others have chauffeurs. What do you drive?? ?We?ve only got one car and Mom needs it for work.? ?The car you drive is about the only way to stand out. You seen the uniforms?? ?Oh yeah. Where?d they get them, Florida Prison Supply?? ?I know! You try and wear anything not in the rule book and it?s a demerit! The only thing they can?t control is what you drive, so that?s where the competition is. I drive a BMW.? ?Great, now I have to find a cool ride.? ?If you don?t, you?re totally out. Totally.? ?Hey, Da?Pee, you need some wheels?? asks Cruz. ?Apparently.? ?My brother?s selling his bike. A 1997 Kawasaki KX 250, sweet ride when it runs.? ?So it doesn?t even run?? ?Not right now, some kind of fuel line problem, that?s why it?s priced to move.? ?How much?? ?For you ? seven fifty. It?s a steal at that price! That bike kicks ass in low gears, you have to fight to keep the front wheel down it moves so quick.? ?A bike that keeps popping up on you isn?t exactly a selling point, Cruz.? ?Okay, okay, how about seven hundred?? ?Why so desperate to sell it?? ?He?s joining the Army and doesn?t need it anymore; Mom says he can?t keep it at home.? ?You can?t be serious!? exclaimed Terri. ?A motorcycle? You?d be the only one in school!? ?Really? ? When can I see it, Cruz?? CHAPTER FOURTEEN Coach Tobey was not quite correct. It wasn?t a big rush when the refreshment table was opened, it was a stampede. I was grabbing cans of pop as fast as I could, reaching into the freezing water until my hands went numb. One of the other parents had to relieve me so that I could warm them enough to be able to flex my fingers. We had gone through two tubs and Coach was bringing out the third. ?Where did all this come from?? I shouted to him over the din of teenagers yelling for more food. ?Mostly donations from local businesses, some trade out for team sponsorships. Martha has her ways, she? a real wheeler dealer.? ?When does it slow down?? ?In about two minutes, when the band starts.? He was right this time. Just as I returned to the drink tub, I noticed four very scruffy looking kids approaching the stage with the undeniable swagger of musicians ? or at least what a group of teenage proto rock gods would think the swagger would look like. They jumped onto the stage, causing a series of resounding thuds to bounce around the room, attracting the attention of the kids on the perimeter of the mob in front of our table. One of the players picked up a guitar, reached over to turn on his amp, then waited a few seconds before attempting to tune it by playing the most obnoxious series of notes that I can ever recall hearing. That attracted the attention of the rest of the mob, which rapidly dissipated as the kids returned to their seats, except for a few determined stragglers who we dealt with quickly. The band continued to tune their instruments until one boy, likely the leader, waved them to a stop and then played a couple of more resonant chords. ?Hey Miami!? he yelled into the microphone. ?How you feeling tonight?!? Some of the kids yelled back but it was just noise. ?Are you ready to rock the roof off this dump?!? he continued. Their response was loud and long. So ? it?s going to be that kind of show. I look towards Patricia?s table. All the kids are shouting and waiving their hands, even Patricia, though she?s just waiving her arms with a wry smile on her face. She sees that I?m looking her way and just shrugs, still smiling and waiving * * * *** * * * *** * * * Turns out the band is just a bunch of local kids learning the ropes. No one seems to care, they all are screaming and yelling as if it was Lady Gaga. I think this dance is just an excuse to have a blow out before school starts in a few weeks. Everybody at my table lets loose. It?s so ridiculous, I can?t help smiling and joining in. When I see Mom watching me, I just shrug and keep going, she wanted me to join in so I?m joining in. The lead singer seems to have exhausted his snappy patter so the band launches into a song ? exactly what song I couldn?t say but a bunch of kids have already jumped into the dancing area and are working hard at having fun. The couples leave our table to join the growing throng in front of the band, myself and the stag boys, including Eric, being left behind. I haven?t had a chance to ask him if he has a girlfriend. He looks over at me and we stare at each other for a few seconds. He swallows hard, gesture towards the dance area with his right arm and says ?You wouldn?t like to dance ? would you?? I hop off my chair, grab his extended arm and pull him out of his chair ?Yeah, sure. Thought you?d never ask.? We head for the middle of the crowd, trying to get close to the band but can?t get within twenty feet. They?re playing ? something. It?s loud, steady and unintelligible, but it?s got a good beat to dance to, Dick. The crowd is too tightly packed to even try to actually dance, we mostly sway and twist near to one another. He smiles at me and I smile back, we don?t try to talk, it?s too loud. * * * *** * * * *** * * * When I find the Coach, he?s leaning up against the wall just off to the stage?s right, carefully surveying the crowd. He?s smiling. I call out to him but he doesn?t respond. I move closer, into his line of vision and shout again. He smiles and taps his right ear with his right index finger. I hold my left hand out to him, palm up. He nods his head, reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a little packet of foam hearing protectors. I tear open the packet, remove the small pieces of foam, roll them between my finger and thumb until they are small, hard peas and insert them into my ears. The noise level quickly drops below the excruciating point as the foam expands, blocking my ear canal. I swivel my jaw and yawn to balance out the pressure, then sigh in relief. That?s much better. He taps my shoulder and points to the crowd. My eyes follow his extended arm and I see two kids on the edge of the crowd, grinding their bodies together, her arms tightly around his neck and his wrapped around her waist. I look back at him and he shakes his head ?No?, leaves his spot on the wall and moves into the crowd, heading for the entwined couple, me following closely behind. It doesn?t take as much effort as I though it might, the crowd seems to part in front of him as he walks forward. As we near the target, the area around them clears, leaving them exposed but unaware, as they are too wrapped up in each other. He places a hand on top of each of their heads. They both stare up at him, startled looks in their faces. He shakes his head ?No? again and gently pries them apart. They appear to be embarrassed at being either caught or singled out. Coach taps the side of his head next to his eyes and backs away. They get the message, he?ll be watching. He heads back towards his previous spot but exits the gym through a door. I follow. Once the door closes, he reaches up and removes the ear plugs, so I do the same. ?My God! The noise level is insane in there! That can?t be good for their hearing.? ?I know. Their first break is in ten minutes and Martha will tell them to turn it down a notch. That way, the kids get a good dose of rebellion without knowing we?ve done anything about it.? ?What if the band complains?? ?They won?t, not if they want to get hired again. This is a pretty good gig for a local band looking for some publicity. The Y doesn?t pay much but lots of people hear their stuff.? ?Stuff, is that what it is? It certainly isn?t music, at least not my kind of music.? ?Not mine either, but I?ve heard worse at these dances. I imagine that we don?t like the same kind of music either. Who was your favorite?? ?I didn?t really have a favorite, though I did like Cyndi Lauper.? ?Benny Goodman. Each generation has their own sound, it?s always changing.? ?So does dancing styles. I assume you broke that couple up because they crossed a line.? ?Yep, do you approve?? ?Absolutely! That kind of behavior should be discouraged.? ?I?ve caught them before so the warning should be enough, at least for tonight. We keep the kids in the gym and the bathrooms. Every other place is locked, except for the kitchen and we?ve got people working there. We don?t want to have some place private for a couple to sneak off to.? ?What about outside?? ?We got people there too, plus the police increase their patrols.? ?Sounds like you?ve got this down to a science.? He smiles. ?More like trial and error but when we learn a lesson, we don?t forget it. Put your plugs back in, time for a bathroom check.? * * * *** * * *** * * * I?ve been on and off the dance floor a few times. Once with Javier, and once with Crunk, with their respective girlfriends? permission of course. The rest of the time I danced with Eric. He?s pretty smooth once there?s room to actually dance. I never was much of a dancer before. That was one of the problems I had with wife number two. She?d never believe it if she could see me now. Once I got on the dance floor, I realized that I knew how to Rumba, Cha cha, Tango, Latin Swing, Ball room, the Funky Chicken and a whole bunch of others. Eric didn?t know any of them and this isn?t the right kind of music for that anyway, though sometimes the band got the beat just right and I could feel it, deep inside. I just wanted to mooove and so did Eric. It was fun, watching him and trying to match it, though with a little spice thrown in, more hip, more chest, more ass. I was really getting the hang of it when the band took a break. They announced they?d be back in twenty minutes. After going hard for like almost forty, I guess they deserved it. After stopping, I realized how thirsty I was. Eric offered to get us something, and after looking at the crowd attacking the refreshment table, I accepted. It?d be nice to sit down for awhile. When I got back to the table, all the girls were gone. ?Where is everybody?? Javier pointed to the restrooms. ?You missed the train, the girls all went that away. Why do girls all go to the bathroom together? What do you do in there?? ?We talk about all the stupid things guys do.? ?No wonder it takes so long.? ?Bright boy. Tell Eric I?ll be right back.? ?Will do, Da?Pee.? I head for the bathroom. It seems every girl in the building is waiting in line. Why does this happen? Why can?t they build enough stalls for us? It?s not like it?s a new problem. You see it everywhere there?s a big crowd. Luckily, I don?t really need to go, I just was taking the opportunity while the band was on break. I?ll just come back later. As I head back to our table, I walk by the storage doors. Remembering the piano, I pause and check the door handle. It?s still unlocked! After looking to see if anyone is watching, I open it slightly and slip in, closing it quietly behind me. It?s darker than before but some light is leaking in from around each door. I walk over to the piano and again feel the same confusion as before, though this time, I?m more confident that I know what I?m doing, maybe because I?ve been listening to music and playing along in my head. There?s a small tarp next to the piano, covering something. I lift it and uncover the bench. Now we?re talking! Pulling the bench into place, I sit down, extend my hands and caress the keys with my fingers, playing quietly, first a couple of exercises I remember, then a simple tune, ?Clair de Lune?. I close my eyes, as it?s too dark to clearly see the keys anyway, and let the music carry me away. I?m almost to the second bridge when I hear the door open and quickly close. I stop. ?Where are you, Patricia?? It?s Eric! ?How did you know I was in here?? ?Joey saw you duck in. When you didn?t come back to the table ? I came to check on you ? I thought that you might be ? you know, ditching me, but then I heard the music. You can really play! What was that?? ?Oh, nothing, just a song I know, it?s no big deal.? ?No big deal? You?re great! I thought it was a CD or something. Play some more.? ?You like it?? ?Sure! Play it again.? ?Okay.? I remember a short theme from ?Romeo and Juliet?, so I settle in and play that. Eyes closed again, my body moving with the music. When I finish and open my eyes, Eric is standing next to me. My eyes have adjusted to the dark. ?How was that?? ?Amazing! Just watching you, the way you were so into it ? the light across your face ? that smile ? so beautiful.? Did he mean me or the music? ?Beautiful?? ?Yeah ? beautiful. I?ve never seen anything like it. The guys have to hear this!? ?No! Eric! Please don?t ?? It?s too late. He?s thrown open the big door, the light stinging my eyes. ?Hey Cruz, Javier, Crunk, you guys get over here and help me!? he shouted. In seconds, they?re all here. ?What?s up man?? ?Help me move this piano out by the stage.? ?What for?? ask Cruz. ?So you can all hear Patricia play it.? ?Da?Pee plays the piano?? ?Look? I say ?I can play a little but this isn?t the time ?? Eric sits down next to me on the bench and takes my hand. ?Don?t say that. You play like an angel, a beautiful angel. Show them what you can do. If you won?t do it for yourself, show them ? for me.? He looks so cute, holding my hand in his, his big blue eyes begging me. I should say no, I want to say no. ?Okay ? yes.? SHIT! He drops my hand and hops off the bench. ?You heard the lady guys! Let?s move this puppy!? ?Is this okay with the Coach?? ask Crunk. ?Don?t worry? answered Eric. ?I?ll fix it with him if there?s a problem.? He takes his position on one corner of the piano. Crunk looks at him, then grabs the nearest corner. ?As long as it?s your ass and not mine.? The other two guys also grab hold and all four rapidly move it out the door and across the floor, leaving me to carry the bench. Naturally, when a piano appears out of nowhere and is pushed across a crowded gym, people tend to notice that sort of thing. The guys have got the piano in place and Eric has swung a mic on a boom stand from the stage to the piano. Everyone is watching as I carry the bench over to the stage, all the time thinking to myself ?this is a mistake, this is a mistake, this is a big, big mistake.? When I finally reach the piano, Eric takes the bench from my hands, sets in place and then helps me sit down. He grabs the mic and taps the wind screen a couple of times to make sure it?s on. ?Hey, everybody, uhh, while the band?s taking a break, here?s something for you to, uuhh, listen to. She?s great ? really great! Trust me!? He pushes the mic away. ?Go on Patricia.? ?What should I play?? ?Just play that last thing.? ?I don?t know ?? My nerves are getting to me. He takes my hands again. ?Do it like before. Close your eyes. I?ll just stand here right next to you.? I nod my head, close my eyes, take a calming breath, slowly exhale, reach out to find my place on the keyboard and begin to play. It feels good ? better than good, it feels right. All my earlier confusion is gone. I can play a piano, play it well, darn well. Now that I?m not trying to keep it quiet, I let the music soar. It?s just me, the music ? and Eric. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Bathroom duty is harder than you would think. There?s more competition for the mirror space than anything else and I have to referee. Each girl who gets there doesn?t plan on leaving until she?s got everything just the way she likes it. We should put up a bunch of mirrors and lights in the hallway. It would get more girls out of here quicker, leaving room for those who really need the toilets. I?m going to make that suggestion to Zendahas at the wrap up meeting. A tall blonde girl pushes her way in through the crowd. ?BECKY!? ?What?!? a girl by the mirror replies. ?Hurry up and get out here!? ?I?m not done yet!? ?Well hurry up! There?s this short girl out here playing the piano!? ?So?? ?So she?s good! Really good! Amazingly good! Hurry before she?s done!? Short girl ? piano? I follow the blonde girl as she leaves the bathroom and trots to the gym. There?s a big crowd by the stage, I can?t see anything ? but I can hear it. Melodic, fluid, lively ? passionate. Some of the kids are standing on chairs to see. I hurry over to the bleachers, it?s further away but I can get high enough to see what?s happening. I climb to the tenth row and turn around. It?s Patricia, playing as if she and the piano are one, the music just appearing from them as if by magic. No one is speaking, just watching and listening. I hear someone climbing the bleachers next to me but I can?t look away from her. ?She?s full of surprises, that one is.? ?She is that Coach, she is that.? ?Did you know that ?? ?That she could play the piano, yes, I knew, but she?s never played in front of an audience before, at least not one this large.? ?Maybe it?s time she did.? Just then, she finished. She remained still, hands poised over the keyboard, a broad smile on her face. The crowd was silent for a few seconds, and then applause broke out, thunderous applause along with shouts and whoops. Patricia stood up and hugged a boy standing next to her. ?Excuse me Coach, I need to speak with my daughter.? ?Sure thing, Jessica.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * It was like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life. Applause, waves of applause. Suddenly, I felt Eric?s hand on my shoulder. I have to share this with him. I stood up and hugged him, my face buried in his shoulder. ?Thank you.? I whispered. ?I just helped roll it out here, that?s all.? ?No, you didn?t.? ?Okay, you?re welcome.? I let him go and turned around. Many kids were shouting at me. ?Where?d you learn to do that?? ?How long have you been playing?? ?You sure know your shit, you do!? ?You know anything new?? A chant was starting to build. ?More! More! More!? I don?t think I could give them more classical, the first piece was probably a fluke. I could play some jazz, there?s a piece by Oscar Peterson I really like. Then I heard someone calling my name. ?Patricia! Patricia!? It was Mom! She was trying to get closer. Some of the other ladies were helping her. Suddenly, I knew what my encore was going to be. I reached out and swung the mic back to me. ?Thanks, thank you everybody! I think there?s time for one more before the band comes back from their break. I?d like to dedicate this one to my mother.? Sitting back down, I look up at Eric and wink. ?Hold on, we?re in for a bumpy ride.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * Dedicate it to me? What is she doing? ?Do you know what she?s going to play?? asks Judy. ?No idea.? ?Well I hope it?s as wonderful as that last one? said Thelma. Patricia sat down again, disappearing behind the crowd. If only she weren?t so short! I heard the music start again, but I didn?t recognize it right away, it was familiar but ?? ?Do you know it?? asks Judy. ?I think it?s ? NO! She wouldn?t! She couldn?t!? ?What?? ?Hurry! We need to get up there!? * * * *** * * * *** * * * It?s not originally for solo piano but I should be able to make this work. The vamp is just about done so time to find out if I can do this. I lean into the mic. I come home in the morning light, My mother says ?When you gonna live your life right?? Oh, mother dear, We?re not the fortunate ones, And girls, They wanna have fu-un Oh, girls, Just wanna have fun. By now, Mom and her friends have reached the piano, she?s smiling and nodding her head in time with the music. I knew this was one of her favorite songs from when she was young. The phone rings in the middle of the night, My father yells ?What you gonna do with your life?? Oh, Daddy dear, You know you?re still number one, But girls, They wanna have fu-un, OH, girls just wanna have That?s all they really waaaannntt, Some fuuuuunnnn. Mom turns to the two ladies with her. ?Do you know this?? The both nod ?Yes? ?Good, follow my lead.? Just as I had hoped! Let?s kick this baby off! When the working day is done, Oh girls, They wanna have fu-un, Oh, girls, Just wanna haaavee fuuuunn. Mom leaned into the mic and took the chorus, her friends right behind her. Girls, They want, Wanna have fun, Girls, Wanna have. I kept playing and the ladies were getting into it, dancing and jumping, laughing. But all the girls around me were getting into it too, pumping their arms, clapping in time, jumping in place, dancing with each other. The guys were also clapping along, but they weren?t as into it as the girls. Time to bring it home. Some boys take a beautiful girl, And hide her away from the rest of the world, I wanna be the one to walk in the sun, OH girls, They wanna have fu-un OH girls, Just wanna have That?s all they really waaaannt, Some fuuuuunnnn. When the working day is done, OH girls, They wanna have fu-un, OH girls, Just wanna have fuuuuunn. (Girls, They want, Wanna have fun, Girls, Wanna have.) This time, the whole gym sings the chorus, repeating it over and over. I have to shout into the mic. They just wanna, They just wannnnaaa They just wanna, They just wanna, OH Girls just wanna have fu-un. They just wanna, They just waaaannnna, They just wanna, They just wanna, When the workin? When the working day is done, OH girls, Girls, Just wanna have FUUUNNNN! I stop playing but the girls around me keep singing, clapping and jumping around. Eric grabs me around the waist and lifts me up onto the piano bench. It?s too unsteady for me to do anything but bow and wave my hands. As I look around, I see the band off in the corner, staring at the pandemonium. One of them sees me looking their way and waves weakly at me. I just shrug and wave back. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Most everything has been put away, the tables and chairs folded and stored, the tarps rolled up and stashed. Coach Tobey?s boys are dusting the floor with these enormous, four foot wide mops, racing each other up and down the court. They haven?t put the piano away yet. It?s been rolled into a corner. Patricia is still playing it, some kind of light jazz tune I don?t recognize. That boy is sitting next to her on the bench, his right arm gently around her waist. She?s concentrating on the music but she occasionally looks over and smiles at him. I?m watching her from across the gym, sitting on the bottom row of the bleachers. All the other adults have left already. Every one of them told me how impressed they were with Patricia and her talent. Judy and Thelma said they had never enjoyed a dance so much and hoped we?d be here for the next one. I thanked them but didn?t make any promises. Patricia continues playing. She plays as if she always has, you would never know that tonight was the first time. And her singing! It?s not a trained voice by any means, but it?s a true voice, clear, bright and real. She played a torch song during the band?s second break, ?That Man of Mine?. It broke every woman?s heart in the room. You could feel the pain and anguish in her voice, something no sixteen year old girl should know anything about. Of course, she has sixty years of experience behind that voice, but it was a man?s experience. Where did all that empathy come from? There is more going on in her than we were told to expect. My technique could not be responsible for all her changes; I definitely need to speak to Thomas and Daniel about this. I don?t want to needlessly alarm Patricia though. Coach Tobey ambles over to where I?m sitting and drops down next to me with a groan. ?Uuhhhggg. It?s been a long day Jessica, can?t wait to get home and put my feet up.? ?I didn?t know you ever left this place.? ?Seems that way sometimes. I let all my guys go, all except that one?. He jerks his thumb towards the piano. ?I didn?t want to interrupt them.? ?Who is he?? ?Eric Spikeman, my lightweight. Good kid, real good kid. Responsible, motivated, a team leader. Good student too. Parents are divorced but he handles it well enough. Had a little trouble a couple of years ago before he joined the team but nothing since.? ?What kind of trouble?? ?Nothing you need to worry about.? ?The way he?s looking at my daughter tells me I need to know.? ?No, you don?t, at least not from me. I know what I know because he told me in confidence. He trusted me. If this becomes anything, he?ll tell her eventually, he?s that kind of kid. What she tells you depends on your relationship with your daughter. From what I?ve seen, you?re probably safe.? I can see why his team behaves as they do. He?s not just their coach. I might as well trust him too, for now at least. The music stops and I look back towards the piano. They?re talking, Eric and Patricia. I can?t hear anything and I?m straining to do so. She stretches up and kisses him on the cheek. He stands up and gives her a little good-bye wave. She does the same. He trots over to where we?re sitting, Patricia watching him the entire way. ?Sorry I wasn?t much help with the clean-up, Coach.? ?Don?t worry about it, Spikeman.? He nods towards Patricia. ?Special circumstances tonight. You can make up for it next time. This is Ms. Conner, Patricia?s mother.? I offer him my hand and he shakes it. ?Nice to meet you, Ms. Conner.? ?Pleased to meet you Eric. Are we going to be seeing more of you in the future?? ?Uuhh ? well ? I uuhh don?t know ? maybe ? we haven?t ? uuhh ?? ?Better get home, son? said Coach. ?Your mother will be calling me, wanting to know what I?ve done with her boy.? ?Sure Coach, thanks? he said with relief. He ran for the door but gave Patricia one last wave before exiting. Her eyes never left him the entire time. Once he was gone, she returned to playing. ?That was kinda mean what you did to that boy.? ?You are absolutely right Coach, it was. It?s best he knows who he is dealing with right up front. When it comes to Patricia, I plan on being very mean.? ?Well don?t go too far, she could do a lot worse than Eric.? He stands up, groaning again. ?As much as I like listening to Da?Pee play, I gotta lock up.? ?What about the piano, don?t we need to put it away?? ?Martha said to leave it where it is, she?ll have it taken care of in the morning.? ?Thank you Coach Tobey, for everything.? ?You?re welcome, Ms. Conner. It?s been fun. Something interesting always happens when your daughter shows up.? ?So it would seem. Good night.? ?Night.? Coach shuffles off and I walk over to Patricia, sitting down next to her as she continues to play. ?So ? did I pass?? ?Pass?? ?You said tonight was a test. Did I pass?? ?Well, that?s hard to say. I wasn?t planning on the concert.? ?And I was? Besides, it wasn?t a concert; it was just a few songs.? ?Seven to be exact.? ?Really? Must have lost count, what with all the applause and everything.? ?Then you enjoyed yourself?? ?It was ? interesting.? ?That?s what Coach Tobey said, that interesting things happen when you?re around.? ?I have a tendenc

Same as Severance Pay (chapters 13 through 18 of 78) Videos

4 years ago
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Severance Pay Chapters 25 through 30 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE She said I didn't need to come back once I returned the van to the rental company but I had to see how she was doing. I had my doubts about the whole thing but Patricia was right about everything ... so far. Cruz did exactly as she told him, stay low and tight to the parked cars, ease in at about ten miles per hour, then just keep ahead of the men at the gate as they chase him. He was the first diversion and I was the second. I had rented the van...

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Severance Pay Chapters 37 through 42 of 78

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Severance Pay Chapters 61 through 66 of 78

CHAPTER SIXTY ONE Hobbes switches me back to Fifty Pink, slowly this time. It's an easier transition but I end up at the same place, trapped in a body I can't control. He unlocks the handcuffs, keeping them in his left hand. "Patricia, follow me." I stand up. "Yes, Mr. Hobbes." He walks out the office door and I follow him, as ordered. I've stopped fighting things for now. It's mentally exhausting and even if I could make my body, and it is now MY body, do what I want, it can't be...

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Severance Pay Chapters 31 through 36 of 78

CHAPTER THIRTY ONE We went back to Gretchen's room after delivering the cookies all around the compound, even the Security Center. When I was a cop, I maintained that a person could get into any special event if they carried a bag of ice on their shoulder. If you carried two, they'd open the doors for you. If you wanted to get into an office building, a hard hat and clipboard would usually do the trick. Those scams have nothing over two cute girls and a bunch of hot cookies. Or...

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Severance Pay Chapters73 through 78 of 78

CHAPTER SEVENTY THREE All my boys are working hard this evening. We got a match in a few days and I want each and every one of 'em at their peak, right on the razor's edge. Cruz and Javier are sparring in the ring while the others are working out at other stations; the heavy bags, the speed bags and rope work. It's an old, outdated gym with worn out patched together equipment but we make it work. "Coach?" It's Esmeralda, one of the kids who volunteers in the office. "What can I...

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Severance Pay Chapters 55 through 60 of 78

CHAPTER FIFTY FIVE "I'm sorry about all that. I didn't know he planned on doing all that ... stuff." My father, Mister Restraint. Patty had to work real hard to get her mom to agree to come to my house to help us get ready for the dance. Actually, to help me. Patty doesn't need any help but I didn't want to ask her to help me too. At first, Ms. Conner said she'd be glad to help then my father said I couldn't go over there to get ready. He wouldn't say why. I knew this was going to...

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Severance Pay Chapters 49 through 54 of 78

CHAPTER FORTY NINE It was nearly halftime and St. Ann's were up fifteen. Gretchen had eighteen points, six rebounds and three blocks, she was an absolute monster out there, at least to the untrained eye. Patricia had put her in perfect position for every point and half her rebounds. She even provided the defensive pressure that forced bad shots that Gretchen then blocked. Gretchen is good, but Patricia is the engine that drives this team. She spreads the ball around too, not...

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Severance Pay

Severance Pay PROLOGUE The radio clipped to my pants pocket beeped several times before I could put down the slice of pizza and wipe my hands. Pulling the radio free, I pressed the 'talk' button. "Yeah" I said, shoving the last bite of pizza to the side of my mouth so I could talk. "Andy, get over to dock six. We may need a ruling." "A big one?" "So they say." "Do I have time to finish my lunch?" "If you can do it in ten minutes." Damn it. "Okay, I'm on my...

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Severance Pay Chapter 43 through 48 of 78

CHAPTER FORTY THREE I've never seen so many people before, at least not in person. So many of them are kids our age. Girls and boys. Lots of boys. Lots and lots of boys. Patty and her mother walk a few steps ahead of me while I look around. I've never been to a mall before, not that I can remember. So many stores, so many mannequins in the front windows wearing stylish clothes. The stuff in my closet doesn't look anything like what they're wearing. But they do look like what...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

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Kate Draffen Chapters 18 19

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A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 13 - 15 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A Lesbian Love Story Chapters 4 and 5 of 7

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Payton Preslee 250 498000

What is it about Polish bitches that make them so sexy? At least part of it is the resiliency required to grow up in the Eastern block. Life isn't easy for everyone, but that same resiliency makes them immune to hard fucking. You could drop your cock from the Empire State Building, and that bitch would still take it like a champ. Polish pussy is built out of adamantium.From Eyeliner to Guy RiderPayton Preslee is one of those Polish bitches. Born in Poland, she moved to the united states at only...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Visiting Ms Payne

"VISITING MS. PAYNE"Chris was always excited and a little afraid when he went over to Ms. Payne's house. He was excited because she was beautiful, sophisticated, and alluring. But he was always afraid, too, because of what she did to him once he was there.Chris had met Ms. Payne at a museum, and she'd invited him to come over to her place and talk about art. When he came over, she told him to sit down, gave him a glossy portfolio to read and said she'd be ready in a moment. Then she left. ...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 05

25. They Day after the Day Before It hit him that he had school Monday morning. He told his dad that he would be home by 10:00p.m. In addition, no he asked his parents, if they would please have one of his sister’s rooms made up for a guest, who might be staying ‘permanently’! Dycke asked his dad not to pick him up, because he would be arriving at a different area of the airport than passenger jets and that he and his guest would make their own way home. Chad was okay with this idea for two...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 02

6. Senior Payne’s The Northwood Academy debate team went to Southeast Regional Debate Championships at the end of the fall semester of her Payne’s senior year. Payne and her partner Agnes were to present the rebuttals for their four-member team. Agnes was not beautiful, but she was far from being ugly. They had been through many debates together. Each added to the other’s strengths and shored up the others weaknesses. At their own school, they were referred to as, ‘Uglier and ugliest, or...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 12

57. ‘Graduation Daze.’ Alletta Temple was not going to be among the happiest of parents, at the graduation ceremony, next Friday. She thought she was going to loser her daughter, for one year, and she did not like that situation at all. She understood Dycke’s reasoning. She understood Payne would be away, at Duke, for almost of the year. However, thinking of her in Moscow, Tibet, or some other remote place, scared her to death. This was ‘her’ precious little girl, and she would not let her go,...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 04

Chapter 4 22. Operation Day It was a little after 5:00 o’clock in the morning and the lights went on in Payne Temple’s room. She neither saw nor heard anything because she was sound asleep, at least for the moment. The nurses went about their business, setting up the intravenous bags, injectable medications, razors, and sterilization items and then, they woke Payne up. Payne looked around the room, with a mixture of anxiety, apprehension, and outright fear. She had waited her entire life...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 10

47. A Very One-Sided Battle. Grigory stood in the turret of the Greyhound, holding the fifty-caliber machine gun. He was waiting for the first Humvee to reach the intersection of Appian Way. He could not believe his luck when he saw it stop for the traffic signal. He gave the go signal to the driver and his men and they converged on the small convoy. His men had two problems: First, the left turn lane had an eighteen-wheeled food delivery truck blocking their approach. They had to go around...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 4 6

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 14

68. The dresses are here. On the fifteenth of August, Dycke received a phone call, from U.S. Customs, to advise him that six very large boxes had arrived from Paris, and were waiting to be picked up. The boxes were inspected and approved and all customs duties had been prepaid. Dycke asked the agent, ‘Would they happen to be dresses?’ The officer said, ‘Yes, very expensive dresses.’ Dycke said, ‘Thank you. I will have a truck there to pick up the boxes, shortly’.’ Dycke called Payne and...

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Mutual Benefits Chapters 1115

It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time I wasn’t texting her, I was thinking of her. Kevin of all people reminded me that I should study for the finals, though Mother also was glad to give her two cents as well. That said, I tried to be humble but I wasn’t delusional –...

2 years ago
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Joye and Payne

Joye and Payne So I pull up to the desolate trailer park in south Lakeland in front of a run down old mobile home wondering to myself what am I doing here again? This is my third time meeting with an older DOM man who I mean online through Flickr of all places. His name is Jamison Payne and likes to be called Mr. Payne. He is a 53 year old man who is recently out of prison and living in this crappy old mobile home with his wife Joye. I get out of the car and grab my bag of...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapters 4 6

This portion of the story covers chapters four, five, and six. If anybody has any feedback or requests in the comments, I'd be happy to hear 'em! A brief synopsis of the first three chapters if your'e starting out here: Brian and Ashley are dating. Madison is Ashley's sister. Madison is dating a girl named Alyssa. The four of them are having a movie night in Ashley and Madison's basement when Brian and Ashley break away to have sex. Nobody suspects anything initially. After the...

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BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: Chapters 4 – 8thanks to those who chose to like and comment, it helps.Chapters 1, 2 & 3 can be found here if you have not yer read them[/i]: AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES MEOW MORRISONby: dookiewin/freshCHAPTER 4: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSMy hand phone was ringing and it was one of those times when you just wished that technology hadn’t...

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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

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Trouble and Strife Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Three The next morning, wearing a clean and dry pair of jockey shorts, Charlie headed into the office where he was met by knowing looks from Simon and a hug from Beatrice. Beatrice was three years older than Charlie with a plump figure and an open, welcoming smile that spread all the way into her eyes. In her own way she loved both of the men she worked with but she found neither of them attractive. Preferring to gaze at the parade of young women that walked passed the...

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The Department of Keeping it Real Chapters 45

Below are chapters 4-5 of my novella, Keeping it Real! If you like what you see, check out my Patreon ( for unpublished chapters, release announcements, and Patron-only stories. Thanks for reading! THE DEPARTMENT OF KEEPING IT REAL VOLUME I: KEEPING IT REAL by OVID LEMMA CHAPTER FOUR: HEADQUARTERS All of them had changed, but none nearly so much as Trevor. Olivia was tall and definitively in the 'cute' camp now - and probably encroaching on...

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The Department of Keeping it Real Chapters 67

Below are chapters 4-5 of my novella, Keeping it Real! If you like what you see, check out my Patreon ( for unpublished chapters, release announcements, and Patron-only stories. Thanks for reading! THE DEPARTMENT OF KEEPING IT REAL VOLUME I: KEEPING IT REAL by OVID LEMMA CHAPTER SIX: A CARTESIAN THEATRE "Are you okay, honey?" Meghan said. Alyssa... Trevor... she shook her head. "What happened?" Her voice was different. She was different....

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JOALT chapters 7

JOALT-chapter7&8-the walk/revealing-G The continuing story of Chris and Daniel met up after school to work on the war of 1812 report. They take the long way home and discuss their alternate selves, Dani and KC. As a reminder this story is about growing up in the 60's and 70's, things are not the same as they are now. Note: Decided to combine these two chapters into one. Upon reviewing and rewriting I just didn't like where I broke the chapters apart. I found this helped the...

3 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 13

61. Moving Forward The Gulfstream jet rolled slowly down the runway, towards the hangar, that was its home. The women on board were tired and talked out. They had seen so many beautiful gowns, on their two-day shopping trip, they could not understand why it was not successful. However, for one reason or another, neither future bride had come away with a gown. Fiona was the closest to buying a gown. She found the perfect style, however it was six sizes too large. She was willing to try anything...

2 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Affair Chapters 6 7 of 7

I am not sure what happened, I posted the final two chapters a week ago and nothing happened, so will try again.As mentioned in my opening chapter, this story is based on a challenge by one of my XH aquaintenances (not on my friends list) and she said, "write me a Lesbian Love story" and to make it more of a challenge she insisted that not one reference could be made describing sexual contact with a man and I had to write it in first person, meaning I had to play the part of one of the...

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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

4 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne

Edited by Lunarosa The Schneider’s moved into a very large house, on an oak-lined street, in the suburbs of the city of capital of West Old Dominion State, South Carolina, when their son, Dycke was fourteen years old. All the other houses in the area were nearly the same as theirs, so no one had much more or less than anyone else. During the next four years of his life, Dycke learned to run far and fast because of an accidental mispronunciation of his name. A teacher called him ‘Dycke...

3 years ago
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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapters 5 6

For chapters 1-4, click here A few weeks had gone by since the parking lot tryst between myself and Nicole, and I had promised myself I would not put myself in that precarious situation again. As a result, I had come off as an even harder scrooge who ran a tighter ship around the office. As great as it was, I had no choice but to be a puritan than risk losing my title and career for just some teen intern. I was lucky to not have been...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

4 years ago
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Eliminator Payne Pleasure

The continuing saga of…The Eliminator: House of the Femdoms Part 1 — Betrayal Part 2 — The Rose Coloured World Now: Part 3 – Payne & Pleasure The Eliminator was very angry and someone was going to pay. Before tonight he had been a skilled warrior, expert of martial art techniques and he had never been mastered. Tonight that had all changed, suffering first the mind control of Red Passion and then the humiliation of…of…he didn’t want to think about…that thing. He felt nauseous and angry....

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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos being payed for sex

Natalie heaven sex story’s being payed for sex Hi ever one it’s natalie hear agein with a nother sex story off my my real life experiencesThis will be serious off little short story’s and big story’s all combined in to one storyThese story’s take place between he ages off 26-28 happened over a 2 year period the last time I was payed to have sex with someone was about 28 not that I have stopped it just I am not a prostitute or a escort well kind off not it’s not as if I have ads anywhere or ask...

2 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 11

52. The Debt Comes Due. As Dycke and Payne exited the room, the four young women turned to each other, knowing what they had to do. Jessica could see the knives coming at her, from the looks in her friend’s gave her. They had wanted in on the glory, but now they had to pay with their bodies. She slowly started removing her blouse, and then her bra, while the others looked at her. She looked back at them and said, ‘I am sorry. I know you did not bargain for this. This is just sex, and we will...

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