Cerulean Circles free porn video

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"Summoning circles are all about shape and form," the girl with spiky blue hair said as she drew in chalk on the bare stone floor.

The girl, who wore a cornflower-blue dress and looked like a rebellious twelve-year-old, was being watched by a young man. He was wearing plain black robes that were threadbare in some places, singed in others. At one time they might have looked sinister and occult, but now they just looked worn. Both were standing in an open space in a large library. Countless shelves overflowing with antiquated tomes ran off into the distance. While it might have looked like a young girl doodling on the floor under the watchful gaze of an elder brother, the truth was a little more complicated.

The young man's name was Phil Rowling. He was a warlock--okay, student warlock, previously of Wargsnouts College for Warlocks. This library wasn't located on Earth but in hell, or some plane thereof. The young girl's name was Cerulea and she was neither a girl nor young. Girls didn't have blue horns curling out of their spiky blue hair, they didn't have long slender tails terminating in a devil's point, and they definitely didn't have large bat wings emerging from their backs. Cerulea even had a pair of tiny vestigial wings on her head, located behind her pointed ears.

Cerulea was a succubus and while she looked and acted--most of the time--like a young girl, Phil knew she was far older. So old he couldn't even begin to guess. He saw it sometimes--a flash of ancient knowledge in her ruby-red eyes.

"It's about bending and distorting the latent fibres of the present plane of reality, and rearranging them into a new alignment that touches on and intersects with an adjacent and contemporaneous plane," Cerulea said.

She continued to draw, with a precision and skill that belied her youthful appearance, a complex series of circles, lines and symbols.

"The methodology of circle summoning is simple and precise. The inner circle opens a connection to the plane or planes of choice. This allows the summoned entity to enter this plane of existence.

"The outer circle forms a barrier to prevent physical matter and other energies from seeping through into this plane. Its purpose is to keep the summoned entity within the circle for long enough to allow the summoner to set out the terms and conditions of the contract.

"As long as the summoner is proficient in transcribing the design, circle summoning is one of the safest techniques of daemon summoning."

The girl stopped and looked down at her work with a satisfied smile.

"See," she said. "It's simple mathematics and topology."

Phil looked at the baroque, highly complex tangle of lines and curves Cerulea had drawn on the floor. If this was simple, he wasn't sure he wanted to see complex.

Cerulea put a finger on her lips. "That one might be a little too complex for your current level."

Next to her on the stone floor was a child's bag shaped like a cartoon whale and a mop and bucket. She used the mop to wipe away the chalk design on the floor.

"Now you try," she said, tossing the piece of chalk to Phil. "We'll start with something simple. How about the same circle you used to summon Rosa and Verde?"

Was that a good idea? It hadn't exactly gone well last time. Rosa and Verde, two other succubi, were the reason Phil was here. He and a fellow student had summoned them in a misguided attempt to setup a night of sexy fun. Jake, the other student, was dead and Phil was alive but in hell, where things were ... complicated.

Cerulea was waiting. Phil stood there awkwardly. Surely she didn't expect him to draw the circle from memory.

"Oh," Cerulea said. "You didn't have a chance to commit the design to memory."

Phil shook his head.

Cerulea tutted. "A diligent circle summoner should spend weeks drawing the summoning circle over and over until the design is etched into his memory. Don't tell me you took the book out of the library and just copied the design off the page."

Phil glanced guiltily at the floor.

Cerulea shook her head. "Humans. Always rushing. Hmm ... Mr Grinstead."

She tapped her tail on the floor. A complex circle appeared on the stone floor as if drawn in ghostly white light. In the centre of the circle the floor vanished to be replaced by a pool of abyssal black shadow. A strange creature rose up out of the darkness. It looked like a blue-skinned ape with a toothy crocodile's snout for a head. It was no more than a foot in height. Two delicate pairs of wings, flimsy like a fly's, fluttered behind its back. They didn't look sturdy enough to support the imp's squat form, but that didn't stop it rising up until it was hovering level with Cerulea's head.

"What was the name of the book?" Cerulea asked Phil.

"The Daemonica Malefique," Phil replied.

"Go and fetch the Daemonica Malefique from the library at Wargsnouts and bring it back here," Cerulea said to the hovering imp.

The familiar gave no outward sign of acknowledgement. It turned and--wings whirring behind it--flew in a slow straight line. A portal opened up in the air before it like a circular window. The imp buzzed through and was gone from the library, the portal closing up behind it.

"It won't be able to get it," Phil said. "The Wargsnouts library is protected by all kinds of?"

The strange circular porthole opened up again and the imp came back through. It was clutching a heavy tome in its claws that was almost as big as it was. Phil recognised the book as the Daemonica Malefique.

"Very good, Mr Grinstead."

Cerulea took the big book from the imp and patted it on the head. There was just the barest flicker of a smile at the corner of the squat thing's toothy mouth, and then it was gone--sinking back into the pool of shadow on the floor.

Cerulea placed the book on the floor and flicked through the yellowing pages until she found the one she was after.

"There you go," she said.

Phil made no move to start.

"Um. Won't Verde be angry if I yank her here from whatever she's doing?"

The smooth flesh of Cerulea's forehead creased up. She sighed as she planted her palm on her forehead.

"That's not how it works," she said. "It can, but the summoner needs to know the exact design for the individual daemon and most summoners don't bother because the ritual won't work if the target daemon is not available.

"The circle is used to open a connection. It can be to a specific region of hell and/or a specific type/race of daemon. The circle you used is to summon a standard succubus-type daemon from anywhere within the Lust Conjugation. Very general. Rosa and Verde happened to be the first to answer the summoning."

Oh, Phil thought. It kind of made sense. He studied the design on the open page of the book and began to copy it, in chalk, on the stone floor of the library.

"Don't worry about imperfections in the floor," Cerulea said as Phil struggled to continue a line over a crack between two stone slabs. "It's the mental image of the circle that's important. The chalk is only an aid to focus the mind. It's the projection of the circle from the summoner's mind that actually reshapes and bends reality."

Phil was surprised to find Cerulea's words made sense. As he drew the circle he realised he was no longer seeing the chalk lines but the mental image of the design he'd concentrated on and created in his mind. He finished and stepped back. He was sure he'd got it right this time. The circle felt clearer. Crisper.

Cerulea looked at his effort. "Oh dear. I don't think that could contain even a feculoid imp."

Phil deflated. He looked at the open page and then back at the circle. They looked the same. He was sure they were the same. Where had he gone wrong?

Cerulea looked at the circle and then the open page. She frowned. She crouched down and examined the book more closely. She blushed and put a hand over her mouth.

"Book's wrong," she turned to Phil and said with a smile. "Parts of the outer circle design have been omitted."

Wrong? Phil thought. Great, so he'd never had a chance of getting the ritual right in the first place.

"I'll fix it."

Cerulea went into her bag and pulled out a black pen. She lay down on the floor next to the book and started to draw directly onto the yellowed page. It looked wrong to Phil, as if a child was being allowed to doodle in a priceless first edition of Dickens. When she finished Phil was surprised to see her modifications matched the style perfectly. He couldn't see where the original lines ended and Cerulea's alterations began.

"Try that," she said.

Phil shrugged. He mopped away the chalk of the old circle and started afresh.

"How about now?" he asked after finishing.

Cerulea tilted her head from one side to the other as she examined his work. She looked at Phil, her red eyes shining. "Why don't we try it out and see?"

Phil would have preferred a simple, 'Yes, that looks fine.'

Cerulea put a finger to her lips and was thoughtful.

"Hmm. The problem with most succubi is they're cunning, duplicitous creatures. Even if there were flaws in the circle or ritual a succubus might pretend to follow the summoner's wishes if it amused them or suited their purposes. We need a daemon that's more straightforward. Then we'll know right away if the summoning was performed correctly."

Preferably something that couldn't do a lot of damage if the circle was wrong, Phil thought.

"A violence daemon would do the trick. Maybe a taurenox. They're big, strong, and as dumb as a rock."

Big, strong and violence daemon were words that didn't appeal to Phil.

Cerulea tsked.

"No. No good at all. Then there wouldn't be any sex. We won't be able to hold the reader's interest if there isn't any sex."


"Oh, nothing," Cerulea said.

Deep in thought, she flicked through the pages until she found something she liked and her face lit up.

"A ctenophox," she said. "Yes, that would be perfect. Schemes and subtlety don't interest them at all."

She picked up the book and passed it to Phil.

"It's a standard summoning incantation, similar to the one you used to summon Verde."

Phil looked at the page as Cerulea took the chalk and made some alterations to the inner circle pattern. The symbols and words were familiar to him as the same ones he'd been forced to learn by rote back at Wargsnouts College.

"What's a ctenophox?" he asked.

"A primal spirit of lust from the Benth'Id depths," Cerulea replied. "They're quite simple, although they do have a reasonable amount of raw power."

"Are they dangerous?"

"Only if you make a mistake with the summoning."

But weren't they summoning the ctenophox to test if he had made a mistake with the summoning, Phil thought. Again he wondered why they couldn't just summon an imp or something equally puny.

"Now for a little something to attract a ctenophox to the circle," Cerulea said.

She went back to her childish, whale-shaped bag and took out a small glass beaker covered in cellophane. A thick, creamy-white liquid formed a small layer at the bottom of the glass. Phil didn't need to ask to know the liquid was semen, probably his. Cerulea took off the cellophane covering and left the beaker in the centre of the chalk circle.

"What about the other ingredients?" Phil asked.

"What other ingredients?" Cerulea asked.

"You know, mice, other things."

Cerulea looked at Phil. "What would a lust daemon want with a mouse?"

"Um, the blood..." Phil suggested without feeling entirely confident.

Cerulea shook her head. "You humans have some very odd notions about magic," she said. "Now recite the summoning incantation," she ordered.

Phil read the words out loud from the page. As always, his tongue struggled to wrap around the alien syllables at first, but then there was always a point when the trickle of words tipped over into a flood. A kind of eldritch gravity took over, as if the incantation had reached a critical mass and would not be stopped. Instead of him saying the words, it was like the words took over, controlling his tongue to shape them as they tumbled forth from his mouth in a stream that only ended when his finger brushed up against the last rune.

"Good. Good," Cerulea said as the echo of alien utterances faded away. "Most humans make the mistake of trying to force the words to match the sounds they're familiar with. It's better to let the words take their own form."

A pinkish, bluish cloud started to condense around the beaker in the centre of the circle. It expanded and puffed outwards, forming a dense fog constrained within the lines of chalk.

"Ah, here she comes," Cerulea said.

A female form rose up out of the swirling mist. She was blue-skinned, naked and moved with a sinuous grace that was both alien and entrancing. She stared at him with golden-yellow eyes and swayed like a belly dancer, or snake. Phil found it difficult to look away. He thought he could hear music playing far away--a strange ululation that reminded him of psychedelic science fiction TV shows from the sixties.

He couldn't see the lower part of her body. The thick billowing clouds of mist formed an impenetrable veil that obscured everything beneath the little dimple of her navel. Waves of mist rolled up against the outer chalk circle and Phil heard crackling sounds, like sparks of electricity earthing in a puddle.

"Mystic presence contained," Cerulea said. "Visual entrancements, eighty percent negated. Aural entrancements, ninety percent negated. Olfactory entrancements, ninety-five percent negated."

The smoke teased Phil like a veil. He leaned forward as he tried to peer into the clouds and see her lower half. Nothing. He couldn't see anything of her legs, ass or sex. He jumped back as an electric-blue tentacle emerged from the thick mist and slithered across the stone floor. It reached the outer chalk circle and stopped as if it had come up against an invisible barrier. Another whip-thin appendage emerged and tested the other side of the circle.

What was hidden within the clouds?

"Physical presence contained," Cerulea said. "Now quick, she's strong, recite the conditions and terms of your contract before she breaks out. Remember, visualise exactly what you desire as you recite the words."

Phil knew exactly what he desired. He wanted the daemon to not kill him, suck out his soul, scramble his brains, or do anything else bad to him. He also wanted her to leave when dismissed and not hunt him down afterwards once she was no longer bound by the terms of the contract. Oh, and not to kidnap and take him with her when she returned to her home plane. That was worth adding considering what had happened the last time he'd attempted to summon a daemon. He recited his conditions in the formal language of daemon contracting. He'd learnt some of it at Wargsnouts and Cerulea had helped him with the rest during their study sessions.

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It might have been different ... it might not have happened at all ... if just one thing had changed. If the Big Bang had been neither, but a small whimper instead. If one of the countless nanoseconds of events since had occurred sooner, or later, or here instead of there, or even—not at all. If one of the acts of intent, of negligence, of animal instinct; the acts of rage and sorrow and love and laughter; the acts of God ... if only one had been different. But Rome fell, the Santa Maria...

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UpgradeChapter 22 Marcie Lisa Get Big Bob Experience Join Circle

The noise level increased in the living room with the kids being around more; so both Trish and I moved our work/study areas to one of the upstairs bedrooms where we could shut the door for quiet. I took one side of the room, and Trish the other. One of the side benefits of our temporary shared office space was that there was a bed in the room. The first day we were actually in the room together, I shut the door and looked at Trish. She looked at me, and we were in bed making love a minute...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 10 The House Parents Join The Circle

Six months later, Jim and Tracy pulled away from their parents' home with a U-Haul trailer full of a few items of furniture, and dozens of boxes. At a stop sign when they were out of sight of the house, Tracy leaned across the console at kissed Jim's cheek. "I love you, big brother." "I love you, little sister." "Have I kept up my end of our bargain?" "What's that?" Jim puzzled to her. "I promised I'd fuck your brains out each day. I know I didn't make it every day what...

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Episode 162 Moms Circle

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 160 (https://xhamster.com/posts/10066762) where we learn that LoriBeth and Crystal have extended their sexual partners outside the family to include their neighbours teenage twins Matt and Mandy.Monday morningLoriBeth early woke to find her baby Timmy Junior firmly attached to one breast, sucking hard, with daughter Crystal curled up beside stroking his cute bare bottom.There was a faint stirring down the bed between her legs.Had last...

2 years ago
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The Circle

I am middle c***d.One older and one younger sister. Father left when I was like 10. I was 5 yo when I got into my sisters clothes. I don't know why other than it seemed exciting. I put on her pastel green panties, short blue skirt,light blue top and mary jane like flats.I went outside and played with 2 neighbor boys and had fun.Nothing happened. My Mom later said to only wear boys clothes outside. {I guess the neighbor complained}I recall bathing with my mom up until maybe age 7.She had a...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Circle

I have masturbated since I was ten years old, but I've always had to do it in secret because I was taught that it was a shameful act. It was first referred to in the Bible (Genesis 38:9) where it was called "Onanism" and it was considered a sin in those days because the act wasted semen instead of using it for reproduction. Well at the age of ten, I didn't even know who Onan was or why he was put to death by God for his actions, but I didn't really care. I just knew that, in my case,...

2 years ago
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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

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The Red Circle

The Red Circle By: badmouth I was almost as tall as Katy now. It felt like an accomplishment. We shared a bathroom. She liked to hum while she brushed her teeth. I hadn't known that about her before. Today, the tune was one I didn't recognize, but it was catchy, and I made a mental note to ask Katy about it. If she liked the song, the Overmind would want me to know it well. Getting out of bed, I almost fell over the last Harry Potter novel. My bedtime reading. Katy had devoured...

3 years ago
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The Westhampton Womens Circle

Chapter 1: New In WesthamptonA New HomeLiz was particularly pleased with her new home. She still thought of herself as Liz rather than Elizabeth but maybe it was time to move on. Of course it had been a wrench moving away from the town where she and her husband had lived for so long out here to the ‘burbs’, but with Ben’s new job they couldn’t really have stayed where they were. And, of course, now that he was earning more they had been able to afford something bigger and in a nice part of...

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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

1 year ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 3 Magic Circle

If you think that all the sex adventures would start as soon as we camped in a nudist area, you really don’t understand naturism. The one thing above all about nudist resorts and naturists is that it isn’t about sex. That’s especially true about an encampment like Quartzite’s Magic Circle. When you think about who can take off for the winter, or even a couple of weeks, to camp out and enjoy the mild weather of western Arizona, you have to come to the immediate conclusion of retirees....

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The CircleChapter 11 Converting and Indoctrinating Kyle Into the Circle

Tracy came through the front door into the living room lugging a backpack containing her laptop, notebook, and three dense textbooks, plus everything else she might otherwise carry in a purse. She slid the pack under a table so it was out of the way, and flopped down next to her brother. As usual, she was dressed in a sexy little outfit that usually brought her a lot of attention when she was at the university: tight jeans, a camisole top held up with spaghetti straps that didn't allow much...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 17 Vicious Circle

I was getting a bit sick of the disorientation following one of my 'transitions', overall, but this was definitely the worst. I opened my eyes and let out an involuntary shriek. Not only was I completely clueless as to where I was, but as I watched in dismay, the headless corpse of what I assumed was once a person fell towards me, almost in slow motion, and landed right on me. Blood flowed freely from the stump that was once a neck, and I quickly closed my mouth, turning my head to avoid an...

2 years ago
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The Ladies Circle

It had been my wife’s idea for me to go into massage professionally as she had always enjoyed the ones I had given her. Having recently lost my job and now having more spare time it seemed a good way of earning a bit more money and I happily enrolled in various classes. Of course the massage techniques I was learning were somewhat different to those I had given Helen -- once or twice in the classes I had to stop myself venturing south of the equator! I bought myself a proper table and...

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A Winners Circle

It was Friday evening and our trip to Las Vegas from southern California would be about a 5 hour drive. Getting through Los Angeles can be a nightmare on the freeway. My girlfriend Linda and I decided to take the weekend off and just go! We had been planning to do something fun for ourselves and what would be more fun than 2 women in Las Vegas for a weekend? Once past L.A. it was clear sailing on I-15 north. We decided to stop off in Barstow for a bite to eat. Barstow was at one time a...

2 years ago
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Full Circle

All characters in this story are 18 and older. I would like to thank l8bloom for her editing of this piece. * Sarah didn’t know what woke her up. She didn’t know if it was the bright flash or the sound of the sky tearing. For a brief moment, she saw the time on her clock, midnight, and then the red digits went blank. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound of the tree branches slamming against the side of the house. Storms terrified her, they always had. Even as a teenager, she would...

2 years ago
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Bloomsbury Circle

Gwendoline Callaghan, known to all our circle as Harry, was tall, slim and as butch as you like. She did class butch. Not for her the tight vest, torn jeans and Doc Martens. No, for Harry, it was a decent suit or classy chinos and a leather jacket. She was deep in conversation with a woman called Jess, who never seemed to do anything but was as rich as Croesus. I was watching her at the party my friend Sylvia arranged every September – she called it Harvest Festival but there was nothing...

4 years ago
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The Witchs Circle

The Witch's Circle Before she married him, she'd insisted on full disclosure. He was a romantic, and this made him a lost soul in her eyes. People would do uncharacteristic things under the spell of love. For example... marriage. She wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for, not a rough ride exactly, but not exactly a normal one either. His disclosure was minimal. Hers was more eventful. As always, when one attempts to deliver weighty news, the buildup, the prologue is a...

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Mindy completes a circle

The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...

3 years ago
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WyomingUte IGT Full Circle

Wyoming, Full Circle By Malissa Madison To my many fans who have enjoyed this series, I thank you for your support and encouragement, as well as your critiques. I am sorry but I've run out of ideas to keep it going, and all the ones between where I left off and here are just too unrealistic, the creativity just doesn't flow right. So I've decided to write one last piece, yet leaving it open in the middle in case the creativity returns. Of course their being tied in with the other...

2 years ago
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Full Circle

FULL CIRCLE By Geneva START That I would be punished was certain and when it would happen was not in doubt either. The only question was what form it would take. Queen Medere had just pronounced the four of us guilty and I knew that punishments of the Genorian state were severe and carried out almost immediately after trials. My three co-conspirators, Kadir, Telor and Selakos, were kneeling beside me and I felt Kadir trembling with fear. Selakos was actually sniveling. Telor was...

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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

3 years ago
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LimitsChapter 14 The Inner Circle

The day required planning. Kelly and Dad -- pretending to be husband and wife -- took the twins to some Disney/Pixar movie. For awhile, they could act the part of the happy-go-lucky teens they once were. Kelly, especially when wearing Mom's clothes, passed herself off as older so she could be seen with Dad. At the movie, they sat in the back and made out like teenagers (of course). Marie was over at the Meyer house -- which by now should have had a revolving door on it for all the sex that...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

Carly Damn that girl can talk. I hadn’t realized it until now, but Carly could talk forever without taking a breath. No wonder she was so good at, well never mind. We had been sitting out by her pool for a little over an hour and she hadn’t stopped talking yet. She recapped her prom, cheerleader nationals, the entire secret cheerleader vote scheme, the new captains, summer plans, and now she was on to what she planned to do at college. I don’t think I’d said ten words the entire time....

3 years ago
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Quilters Circle

Sometimes a dream needs time to cook. It stews on the mind’s back burner, bubbling in the juices that form thoughts, lodged in the wrinkly grey meat of one’s brain. It was Chicago’s fault. In the early nineties I was the new kid, fresh off the farm and too dumb to stay away from Cicero. One evening in the parking lot behind my apartment building, I saw children playing a game. It wasn’t like any game I’d ever seen in rural Ohio. The boys had removed seat belts from parked cars and swung them...

4 years ago
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Cumming Full Circle

"Tommy gave me your letter," Mack sad as Jenny let him inside. It was already dark out and Mack had just caught her before she was about to slip out of her white blouse, black shirt and stocking...and into a nice hot bath before bed. Closing the door she turns to hear Mack say hungrily "I can hardly wait to taste your sweet juices." Without warning he picked Jenna up into his arms and carried her over to the kitchen table. Pushing her skirt up around her waist to reveal the black garter...

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