Cerulean DreamsChapter 18 free porn video

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Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue was dark and eerily silent as the two invisible figures glided across the now empty parking lot and sailed up onto the roof. Once they were both well within the shadows cast by several small chimneys and the rooftop portion of the ventilation system, Wraith dropped the illusion of invisibility on his companion as he faded into the visible spectrums of light himself.

"Well that was fun," commented Nezumi sarcastically, hopping down off the haunter's spectral, disembodied hand to the broken gravel of the roof, his body weaving back and forth as he regained equilibrium, "I hope I get frequent flier miles for it, though. I think I prefer my feet on the ground. And so long as we're on the subject, I'd especially prefer to actually be able to see my feet!"

Wraith chuckled, gliding along a few feet off the roof, surveying the scene. "At least you 'have' feet," he chided in an amused tone before floating up to the ventilation grate and poking at it with his three fingered hand, "Say, how 'bout this way?"

Nezumi closed his eyes, giving his head a good shake to make certain his brain was turned around the right way and glanced over at the dark floating shape of his friend. "Oh, VERY funny, Fang Face!" he replied in a warily annoyed tone, recalling the first time they met, "But I think we've spent enough time in ventilation tubes for one life time."

"Aww, come on," laughed Wraith, trying to look innocent, but not really succeeding, "I'm on YOUR side now, remember?"

Nezumi smiled, somehow unable to muster anger towards his old friend. "You're just lucky I'm not claustrophobic," he muttered, scampering over to the metal grating and looking at the near total darkness between the slats.

"Umi forgives me," the ghost added in his own defense as the rattata began squeezing himself between the slats in what seemed like an impossible feat of squirming.

"Yeah, well, ah-!" responded Nezumi, his voice echoing as he shifted his weight in an attempt to get his stomach through the thin opening, "Draco-babe's still kinda impressionable, and she's just a wee bit too forgiving sometimes. Ow-! Oh man, I really need to loose some weight!"

Wraith suppressed a laugh as the rattata fell forward and had to grab one of the metal slats with the end of his curled tail to avoid falling into the darkness below. "Need some help?" he inquired with a wide grin as he phased easily though the metal grating and caused his eyes to glow an eerie amber colour.

"Naw," commented Nezumi as though he were fine with the concept of hanging upside down by his tail over a dark abyss, "I think I'll just wait 'till I sprout wings and can fly my way down!"

The ghost tilted his body from side to side in a manner of shaking his head before reaching out with on hand and snatching Nezumi up by the tail. He then glanced down, causing the wave of strange, spectral light to illuminate the surprisingly long drop to the bottom. Wraith then let out a long, impressed sounding whistle and held Nezumi closer to his face.

"Looks like a long drop," he commented mischievously, "Good thing you had me here to save you!"

"Don't even think about it," the rattata chuckled as they descended, passing by several offshoots that would soon be keeping the second floor living area warm all Winter.

"Don't worry," the ghost assured him, his tone sounding less maniacal, "I've never actually wanted really hurt anyone."

"No, not you. Never!" replied Nezumi offhandedly, waving a paw dismissively for effect, "You just want to scare the living daylights out of folks from time to time that's all."

"Well, you have to admit that fear a fairly strong emotion," explained Wraith as they reached the bottom and he let Nezumi down with the utmost of care.

"So's amusement," added the rattata, sniffing around to figure out their next move.

"Yeah," the haunter agreed thoughtfully, "And I do like making people laugh, but every once in a while, you just have to give someone a good scare! It's so... So yummy!"

"Yummy?" inquired Nezumi, stopping in his tracks and blinking loudly.

"Yes," mused Wraith, closing his eyes for a moment and causing the lights to go out again, "the living have such tasty emotions! And their nightmares aren't half bad either!"

Nezumi shook his head and sighed before finally catching the old scent of frying meat that once wafted down the shaft from somewhere farther ahead. "Ah! Now THAT'S yummy!" he explained, glancing over his shoulder at the bewildered looking haunter.

"Sorry, guy," replied Wraith with a shrug, "I don't remember food. Or much of anything from my breathing days."

"Gee," commented the rattata, a look of distant horror in his eyes, "I can't imagine not being able to taste stuff. Food's great!"

"Eh," replied Wraith with what passed for a shrug, "C'est La Morte."

Nezumi furrowed his brow, thinking hard for a moment before suddenly grinning broadly. "Alright then, my fine, ectoplasmic friend!" he announced, raising up on his hind-legs and folding his forelegs across his chest, "I think it's about time that you got an edge-you-vacation in fine queeze-een!"

Wraith stifled a laugh, knowing better than to let his voice echo too much. "And just how do you propose to do that?" he inquired with smirk, "Just 'cause I have a tongue, doesn't mean I can taste."

"Ah!" replied Nezumi with a gleam in his eye, "But I can!"

Wraith gave the rattata a suspicious look, floating closer as one eye grew and the other shrank to compensate. "You have a plan?"

Nezumi nodded. "Yup," he said in an amused whisper, glancing around as if expecting someone to come along and find them plotting, "You know that trick you can do? The one where you link minds with the Boss Lady? And sometimes she can see what you see, and you can see what she's seein'?"

Wraith rubbed his chin, looking thoughtfully as Nezumi spoke. "I think I see what you're getting at," he replied, turning his gaze back to the rattata and nodding, "Alright then. But you might want to close your eyes first. Human minds are more complex than rattata's."

"Eh, I can take it," assured Nezumi with a shrug before looking Wraith straight in the eye, grinning broadly and saying, "Alright, Fang Face. Hit me!"

Wraith cackled as he reached out his disembodied hand and pushed a single finger through his friend's forehead without encountering resistance. His consciousness then quickly slipped past Nezumi's less than adequate mental shielding as though it wasn't even there and almost immediately found the center of the pokemon's consciousness. With a satisfied smile, the haunter accessed a continuous stream of hazy memories he'd only glanced at in passing when they'd first met.

In less than a heartbeat's time, the haunter had quickly scanned through all of Nezumi's limited long-term memory and was amused by the images of himself in his friend's mind. It even gave him a strange warm feeling to know that they both thought of each other as brothers now, and that Umi was indeed the little sister they both sought to protect. Even though she'd be able to easily defeat both of them at once in only a few years time.

When he touched the rattata's thoughts about Miranda, though, he felt a sudden, strange sadness. Though Wraith himself had no actual 'parents', having long since transcended the mortal plane and having forgotten even what he was in life, the fact that Nezumi secretly thought of Miranda as 'Mom' caused the ghost to take pause. The rattata had never spoken of his real mother, and her fate had been lost in the garbled jumble of memories Nezumi had accumulated growing up with humans.

But amongst the faded memories, Wraith found an image that caused a pang of guilt. He'd felt the emotion before in himself, but only rarely, and in small measure, but the image of Nezumi's rattata siblings being devoured by a hungry persian made the haunter feel more genuinely guilty than he'd thought possible. Wraith then once more recalled the first time he'd met Nezumi and Umi. When he'd quickly scanned their minds to discover their worst fears. Umi's had involved the cold, but that wasn't surprising. Dragons HATED being cold more than anything else in the world. But Nezumi's fear involved felines. Persians in particular. At first Wraith had thought it was simply a common rattata trait, the logic standing to all reason. But now as he quickly reviewed the images of a younger Miranda risking her life against a feline that outweighed her, and could have easily made the human its next meal, the haunter knew what true guilt was.

For his part, Nezumi felt nothing more than a slight tingling as the dark shape passed between his eyes and literally touched his mind. Less than a second later, he felt a slight wave of disorientation as a flood of memories zipped past, too quickly to make sense of, followed by a wave of sudden nausea.

"Oh... !" he exclaimed uneasily, staggering backwards on his hind legs as he developed a strange sort of double vision. For a moment, Nezumi could see Wraith looking down at him almost sadly, but at the same time, he could though the haunter's eyes a little rattata staggering almost drunkenly from side to side before falling over on his back.

"Oh, sorry," muttered Wraith, turning down the sense-link, "As I said. Human's are more complicated than pokemon."

"No worries!" assured Nezumi, clutching his head against the sudden ache behind his eyes, "Let's just get moving. We only have a few hours ta kill, and I wanna see what they have in their kitchen before we do any serious snooping."

"Alright then," Wraith replied, pretending to crack his knuckles before floating past Nezumi, his the glow from his luminescent eyes reflecting off a nearby ventilation grating, "Just let me check to make sure the way is clear."

Nezumi nodded slowly, giving himself a second headache in the process before following the ghost at a slow, careful pace until he regained equilibrium and he got used to the peculiar echoing effect in his ears.

"Hey!" whispered Wraith, his voice a dark hiss as the light from his eyes went out, "Check this out! Um, close your eyes first."

The rattata complied, shutting his eyes as he approached the grating. To Nezumi's surprise, his mind was filled with a sudden storm of confusing images. Many of the shapes, were familiar, and even the sensation of being suspended in midair was becoming commonplace, but what Nezumi hadn't been ready for, was colour.

All his life, the rattata had seen the world with eyes that were designed for nocturnal foraging. The world of colour was foreign to him, as Nature had decreed that night creatures had no need for such things. And now, Nezumi's mind swam with images that were both familiar and yet completely alien to him.

Only the dull white of the walls in the small office held any solace from the seemingly blinding dull green of the carpet, the somehow nauseating brown of the desk, the somehow loud red colour of the LED of the digital clock that sat upon it.

"A computer!" cackled Wraith in excitement, suddenly severing the connection and phasing through the grating, leaving a light sheen of ectoplasm upon the metal to mark his passing.

"Gah!" spat Nezumi, holding his head as he opened one eye and stared gratefully out at the wide assortment of grays, blacks and whites that his mind was used to, "That's enough of that!"

After a moment to make sure he could keep his last meal down, Nezumi scampered up to the grating and peered curiously through the slanted metal bars. "Eww!" he complained, getting a face full of ectoplasm for his trouble, but still thankful to see that the office was in shades he understood once more.

"Pssst! Hey, Fang Face! You gonna open the door, or what?" he called, his voice a squeaking whisper, but the haunter had already vanished into the large white box with the dark glass screen and Nezumi knew he'd be a while.

"Oh, for the love of gouda!" the rattata muttered, taking several steps back from the sealed exit, "I guess I'll just have to do it myself."

Nezumi closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, partially to prepare himself and partially in hopes of catching a scent or two from the kitchen. "One, ten... Eighty-four-!" he exclaimed before racing forward, kicking in a surge of adrenaline from a special gland as he did so, allowing Nezumi to travel far faster than was normal for the split second it took him to plough into the grating.

There was a loud -pop!- as the loose screws came loose from the plaster wall and the rattata came crashing through the thin metal barrier, but the shriek Nezumi let out as he suddenly fell out of the air at near terminal velocity was far more ear-splitting.

"Ahh!" he cried, tumbling end over end for what seemed like forever before landing with a bounce upon the dark leather sofa that rested against the opposite wall.

"Shh!" hissed Wraith, his disembodied voice echoing eerily from the computer speakers, "You could wake the dead with that yell!"

"Look who's talking," the rattata muttered, brushing the ectoplasm and dust out of his fur.

"You know what I mean," responded Wraith, suddenly making a peculiar, happy sound before cackling quietly to himself.

"Oooh!" he whispered over the speakers, "This is pretty good!"

"What is?" Nezumi inquired, bounding off the couch and running across the dark carpet to where he could climb up the leg of the desk.

"I think it's a love letter," chuckled Wraith, followed by a faint explosive sound as he emptied the computer's recycle bin.

"You can read it?" asked Nezumi, blinking loudly as he struggled onto the desk and sat before the keyboard.

"Well, not 'exactly'," admitted the haunter as the monitor flickered to life, "But the way the one's, zero's and two's line up occasionally make pictures I can sorta understand."

"Wha-?" Nezumi replied, his head flopping to one side, adding to his sudden slack jawed expression.

"Never mind," assured Wraith, suddenly appearing on the screen as a two-dimensional haunter that took up most of the screen, "It's how these things talk. It's not something you need to worry yourself about."

"Good," commented Nezumi, giving his head a shake as he glanced curiously up at the image of his friend, sniffing the air between them, "Say, are you sure you weren't one of them 'pory-what's it's' before you, you know... Kicked the bucket?"

"I don't think so," the ghost replied thoughtfully, his disembodied hand rubbing his chin as he spoke, "Otherwise we wouldn't have met."

"How's that?"

Wraith shrugged. "It's all technical," he muttered dismissively, suddenly turning his attention to something inside the system Nezumi couldn't see, "but to put it simply, those bleeders at Sylph grabbed me 'cause they were too lazy to make a computer that thought for itself. That was before they made those porygon things."

"I see," replied Nezumi slowly, trying to recall the fuzzy memories as Wraith mucked about in the computer for several minutes.

"Okay, here we go," said Wraith finally before reaching his hand towards the rattata, "This'll take a while, but I'm sure it'll have something on it the Boss Lady'll want.

Nezumi watched in curious fascination as the haunter's hand touched the inside of the glass screen before pushing forward and slowly entering the real world once again, the dark hand passing through the barrier, and seeming to go from two dimensional, to three.

"Show off," chuckled the rattata, watching as the hand opened one of the desk's drawers and began rummaging through it.

"Hey, most of you skin bags are born with these things," chuckled Wraith as Nezumi's curiosity got the better of him, and he leaned over the edge in time to see the haunter's hand tossing several small, black, flat things out, "I'm just testing my new limits. Ah! Here we go!"

"What's that for?" inquired Nezumi, watching as the haunter's three fingered hand lifted a flat, shiny round thing from the pile of junk at the bottom of the drawer.

"Evidence!" cackled Wraith as somewhere beneath the desk a quiet mechanical sound signaled the opening of a small empty tray.

"Eh, whatever," replied Nezumi with a shrug, rapidly becoming bored and wondering where the kitchen was.

"Alright. Let's go," came his friends voice a moment later, this time without the odd reverberation from the speakers.

"Do you get to eat now?" Nezumi inquired, ignoring the strange sounds coming from the computer, paying more attention to keeping himself still as Wraith picked him up again.

"So much that you'll have to evolve a larger stomach," assured Wraith as he exited the computer with a strangely wet sound and flew them both towards the door.

"Great!" exclaimed Nezumi excitedly, rubbing his forepaws together and not paying attention as the ghost passed non-corporally through the wooden door, and he himself went crashing into it before landing on the carpet.

"Jerk," he muttered, exhaling all the air from his lungs before preparing to crawl through the small opening that separated the door from the floor.

"Sorry," came Wraith's muffled apology as he waited for Nezumi to squirm out the other side, "I forgot."

"Yeah, well just don't- Hey, what's that smell?"

"I don't smell anything," replied Wraith with a chuckle, knowing that Nezumi was perfectly well aware of his lack of a nose.

"Hm, this isn't good," the rattata muttered, his nose close to the floor as he crawled about, barely remembering to yank his tail through the small opening.

"So what is it?" inquired Wraith in a bored tone, glancing down the short hallway towards what he suspected was the kitchen.

"I dunno," replied Nezumi pensively, glancing over his shoulder as he followed the bored ghost down the hall, "But something nasty's been sitting outside that room quite a bit lately."

"Well, it's not here now," replied Wraith, only half paying attention as he pushed a door open and peered inside.

"Yeah, but, can't you like, 'feel' it, or somethin'?" Nezumi persisted, suddenly feeling his skin crawl as he glanced over his shoulder and noticed a few short dark hairs mixed in with his coat, "Somethin' mighty creepy?"

"Naw, all I sense is stress," said the ghost hungrily, licking his lips as he sailed into the kitchen and began absorbing the residual traces of human emotion that still hung about the room.

Nezumi shook his head in dismay, his hunger temporarily forgotten as he yanked a course black hair off his back and gave it a quick sniff. "Ew!" he exclaimed, tossing it away in disgust, "reminds me of somethin', but I'm not sure what. Hm. Now where has Fang Face gotten himself off to?"

Within the kitchen, Wraith had to keep himself from laughing as he floated along the pristine aisles, past workstations and gas- powered ovens where busy humans had exerted so much energy in a relatively short period of time. The emotional residue wasn't as fresh as it would be coming straight from the source, but it wasn't exactly stale either.

With a wide grin, the haunter let his fingers trail through the invisible pockets of tension, anger and joy, cackling to himself as he sampled everyone, discerning more than twenty distinct human presences in the expansive kitchen.

"Tasty, tasty..." he murmured, not noticing as Nezumi scampered along the dark aisles with a worried expression upon his face.

"There's that scent again," commented the rattata, scampering under a counter and sniffing around until he found the passing scent of one of his own kind mingled with the peculiar scent of whatever guarded the door to the office.

"Yo, Fang Face!" he called quietly, "You noticed any sign of that weird thing yet?"

"Huh?" called Wraith, lost in his own musings as he greedily feasted upon every bit of emotional residue he could find left over by the controlled chaos of the busy kitchen.

"Forget it," Nezumi muttered, trying to follow the rattata scent but finding the nauseating scent of chemical floor cleaner clogging his senses as soon as he emerged from underneath the workstation, "Just help me find where they keep the food. I can't think on an empty stomach anyway."

Wraith let out a loud belch, having cleansed the room of any trace of human passage on the spiritual level. "It's over there," he muttered, reaching out one of his hands to direct the rattata, "Here, I'll get the door for you."

"Thanks," Nezumi replied, his stomach suddenly growling as the followed the hand to a row of gigantic steel doors. With little effort, Wraith's spectral hand yanked the lever attached to one of them, and the door slid open with a quiet hiss, "Yikes-!"

Nezumi cursed and tried to shield his eyes from the blinding light that switched on in the room beyond. As he stood blinking, the rattata could feel the cooler air billowing out around him and the distinct scents of several kinds of expensive cheeses traveling with it, disguised by the dozen other scents that filled what was only one of several walk-in coolers.

"Wow," chuckled Nezumi wryly as he stood up on his hind legs to get a better look, "If I was a Disney character, I'd break into song!"

"Good thing you're not," shuddered Wraith, floating in several feet above Nezumi's head and giving the room a quick scan. "Oooh!" he commented after a moment, "Someone's been doing something they shouldn't in here!"

Nezumi tried not to worry about what the ghost was on about, and instead set about clambering up one of the tall wooden shelves to where the cheeses were located. "Mine," he chuckled to himself, momentarily forgetting about the strange scent and the itchiness he felt where the creature's stray hairs had touched him, "All mine!"

"Have fun," cackled Wraith, quickly absorbing the emotions of two lover's who seemed to have made the warmest of the cool-rooms a convenient place to steal kisses at work before going intangible and passing through the wall to the next room.

"What the-?!" he exclaimed, blinking loudly as his spectral senses picked up the emotions of great amusement and mild satisfaction.

Curiously, Wraith concentrated and caused the eerie glow to return to his eyes. What he saw gave him a confused sensation of amusement and sudden remorse. The room was similar to the previous one, only far colder, with a special table set aside for meat wrapping in the center, and hanging in a neat row from the ceiling were several mismatched forms of creatures Wraith half recognized.

At first he dismissed them as the usual tauros, piloswine, and the occasional mareep humans were known to have a taste for, but his time haunting Miranda's pokedex told him otherwise. There weren't many, and Wraith's quick analysis of the room's emotional residue told him that this room served a special purpose. Something dark and Machiavellian that made him smile, but it was the sight of one deceased pokemon that made the humor of the situation pass rather quickly.

"I hope this isn't what I know it is..." Wraith muttered nervously, biting the ends of his fingers as he reached his other hand to touch what he was certain was one of Nezumi's distant relatives.

"Okay, that's it," the ghost muttered, turning away as the body swung ominously back and forth, setting several others off as well, "I think that disk should be ready, and his hard drive nice and formatted!"

Wraith passed through the metal door as though it were nothing and took a deep breath before chuckling at himself for imitating the reaction he'd seen in his mortal friends. "Weird," he muttered, glancing down at his hands, "I almost feel unnerved by that experience. I must be hanging around the living a little too much."

"Then perhaps you should go back to living amongst the dead," hissed a voice that caused a peculiar chill to run through Wraith.

Unwilling to be intimidated, the haunter swiveled to face the unfamiliar sound, quickly reviewing the exact wording of what was said in pokespeak to hear the sound that would meet human ears. "Umbreon."

"Ah! I see that you've discovered part of our little secret," the feminine voice continued with a low, sinister chuckle that made Wraith smile.

"Your intimidation is amateurish," chided the haunter, discerning the dark shape of something quadrupedal, with long slender ears and a short tail that twitched unpleasantly at the ghost's comment.

"What?!" the umbreon hissed as an eerie yellow glow appearing upon her forehead in the shape of a small ring, "How dare you! I am a creature of darkness! And you! You are but a shadow of that true darkness!"

"Oh, give it up!" laughed Wraith, refusing to take the evolved eevee seriously even as he quickly searched his memory for information on the twisted little vulpine before him, "You're like one of those pretentious humans who paint their skin white, dye their hair black and go around muttering 'Oh the angst! I'm so do dead! Like, oh woe is me! I think I'll go and brood now!'"

The umbreon glowered, her eyes gleaming red in the darkness. "Watch your tongue, spirit," she warned as peculiar green sparks ignited between his teeth as she spoke, "Lest I awaken my master and we discover what the culinary properties of haunter's are!"

"Hey, Fang Face, what's shaken'?" inquired Nezumi, waddling out of the first cold room with a rather full stomach, "Whoa-! Who's the Goth chick?"

The umbreon turned her attention to Nezumi the instant he appeared, her nostrils flaring as she caught his scent. "Ah!" she chuckled hungrily, "Another tasty rattata dares to venture into my master's darkened kitchen!"

"Well," commented Nezumi with a wide grin, his whiskers twitching as he oriented on the dark shape, "You ain't so bad lookin' yourself, little lady!"

"Um, I think she means to eat you, Nezumi," interrupted Wraith drolly.

"Oh. Well that's no good."

"For you, perhaps," chuckled the umbreon at Nezumi's sudden disappointment, taking a few quiet steps forward as her teeth gleamed dangerously.

"Look, uh, we really should be going," said Wraith, dropping one of his hands to grab Nezumi by the scruff of the neck.

"Oh, no!" chuckled the umbreon, "I can't allow myself to appear to be a bad hostess. Won't you stay? Won't you stay, for dinner?!"

At that moment, Salmonella let loose with the attack she'd been withholding. Sickly green flames burst forth from the end of her short snout, filling the kitchen with an unnatural green light whose shadows seemed alive with malevolence.

"Incoming!" shouted Nezumi as Wraith yanked the rattata and himself out of the way, barely evading the attack.

"What was that?!" the haunter exclaimed as the flames died away and the dark eevee chuckled at them.

"Bale Fire," she replied with a satisfied grin, "something new my master cooked up for me. And you know, it's VERY effective against ghosts. Which is unfair really, seeing as all your pathetic techniques will barely breach my defenses."

"She's right," muttered Wraith as though through gritted teeth, "There isn't much I can do that'll touch her."

"Ha! Then we'll just have to double team her!" replied Nezumi confidently, his eyes gleaming as he grinned broadly at the umbreon, "Alright, Fang Face! Hit her with everything you've got!"

Salmonella yawned and sat down on her haunches to scratch herself behind the ear as Wraith held out his hands dramatically. "Nightshade won't help you," she replied in a bored tone as a field of eerie green light formed around her in a thin bubble and dark purple lightning crackled across Wraith's stubby pointed fingertips.

"Maybe not," chuckled Nezumi from his precarious position, a sphere blue/white light forming just inside his mouth, "But a little something the Boss Lady likes to call 'Hypothermia' just might!"

As one, the two pokemon fired off their attacks. Wraith's nightshade arching from his hands in a wide, wavering beam of dark purple un-light, as the crackling blue/white beam of cold burst forth from Nezumi in a thin cone.

The two peculiar attacks merged partway to their target, and immediately altered one another, shifting through various colour combinations as they seemed to struggle against one another. Finally, though, they became one. A long thin beam of focused indigo that snaked and arched its way to its target like a hungry serpent before striking hard and fast against the umbreon's force field.

Salmonella let out a frightened shriek as the barrier collapsed and the beam of frozen nightshade ploughed into her. The result was an explosion of purple light that crackled with blue/white lightning, and left the floor tiles both frozen and warped. The result to Salmonella however, was a very angry, and very cold umbreon sailing across the room and crashing into a pile of neatly stacked pots and pans.

"Y-You'll pay for that!" she promised once the cacophony of crashing metal subsided, "I'll swallow your souls!"

"Hey!" called Wraith from the door to the hallway as he flew at breakneck speed from the room, "That's MY line!"

"Ah! Swallow this!" laughed Nezumi, sending a poorly aimed ice beam into wall several meters away from the umbreon before being whisked out of the room.

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Cerulean DreamsChapter 6

Miranda tucked the bottom of the unfamiliar frilly white blouse into her jeans as she followed Misty down the narrow flight of steps to the gym area. Once again the humid scent of water filled her lungs, but this time it wasn't accompanied by the echoing shouts of happy pokemon. The only sounds were the quiet lapping of the water against the sides of the pool and their already echoing footsteps. "You're sure it's still alright to stay here?" the woman inquired, taking the towel from her...

3 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 9

Wraith didn't bother to turn invisible as he flew through the air, diving low now and again and phasing through people to harmlessly frighten them. 'She never said don't have any fun along the way, ' the little ghost chuckled as the scene of the destruction neared, 'Ah! Here we go!' Wraith stopped his forward momentum entirely as he reached the parking lot, soliciting an angry retort from the other end of the 'link'. "Sorry, Miranda!" he called out half-sincerely, but couldn't...

4 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 10

Once the crowd had calmed down, and all the contestants had been accounted for except for James, the festival coordinator finally returned to the stage. He took his time crossing it, the stress of the interruption showing upon the old man's face despite his attempts to hide it as he adjusted the microphone to his height. "Is this on?" he inquired after a moment, pleased by the way his voice echoed through the area, "Okay, now I know that all you youngin's are all hyper over the...

3 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 16

An hour slipped by without either of them noticing, and only the sound of Irene locking the door as the last couple exited the shop snapped them both back into reality. "Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Miranda, struggling awkwardly to her feet, "I wasn't keeping track of the time." "That's okay," Irene assured them with a motherly smile, "Can I offer you a ride home?" "You- you really don't have to," stammered Miranda, amazed by the offer even as Irene put on her Fall jacket and looked...

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Cerulean DreamsChapter 17

The Gym was dark when they arrived, and as they entered the living quarters it was obvious that Misty's sisters had yet to arrive. Feeling strangely guilty, Miranda followed her lover down the dark hallway. Their fingers linked as they hurried quietly past several closed doors and darkened doorways, a strange aura of mischief permeating the scene. At the end of the hall, Misty turned and embraced Miranda. With a giggle as they pressed their lips together, she turned her lover around and...

1 year ago
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Cerulean Blue

Aliyah was in sixth period Algebra when the teacher came in with the most gorgeous young man she had ever seen. "Class, we have a new student today..this is Ahmed Dajid. He just transferred from Southeast High." "Ahmed, you can take the empty desk in.the third row next to Aliyah." Aliyah felt butterflies in her stomach when they made eye contact, and she smiled at him when he sat down. "Omg, he is so hot!" Aliyah thought to herself. After class Ahmed asked her for help in finding his last class...

First Time
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Ride a Cock Horse

I'm humming along to the radio as I wash-up and listen to them playing together behind me. Jess is squealing with delight as Dad romps on the floor with her. The sounds are reminiscent of my own childhood with him and gives me good feeling. Staring at the darkness through the window I recall us romping just the same: My fingers spanning his bicep, attempting to penetrate into its shear bulk. His laugh, his fondle, calling me his princess. I adored him. But that carefree period of innocence...

4 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 3

I threw some clothes in my backpack the next afternoon, actually the same things I'd worn the night before. My jeans, Texaco shirt, and my ball cap. Some socks and boxers, and my old shoes. I dressed out in my football uniform, but I knew after practice, I'd be changing in the locker room. That thought made me nervous and excited at the same time. Matt and Lance stopped by to ride with me, the way they always did. They had backpacks too and we rode kind of slowly because for once in our...

3 years ago
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Warehouse nights and happy days Part II

Three weeks after we started dating, as we enjoyed calling it, Lacie told me Rick would be out of town for a week. We made a date for me to come over Wednesday morning. I followed her suggestion and sneaked in from the park about 5:30; she took me to bed and we slept three more hours. When we woke up I was fully hard. We got into a leisurely 69, and soon she took me fully into her throat and expertly drained me. She came soon after. We relaxed and played with each other for a few minutes. She...

Love Stories
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How I Learned My Wife Cheats With BBC And That I G

My wife and I have been together for 12 years and married for almost 10 years she told me about her passed and about having sex with a few different black guys growing up but told me that it was mainly because of where she was living but that she was really more into white guys and hearing that she had been with black guys did not turn me on nor did it bother me as I am not racist at all so I was fine with her passed and our relationship continued and grew into marriage.Fast forward to March...

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DchasChapter 22

When Sarah's Clan entered the dining area of the space ship, everyone stood. No one commented on the soft glow surrounding them. The clan bowed slightly to the crew then went to the front of the room. Speaking in unison, "We shall speak both verbally and telepathically. We asked all of you to join us here so we could bring you up to date on our activities. We brought Erin and Tara's babies, along with the women who are helping us with them, so you would have an opportunity to meet them. As...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven

Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven I woke with a start as the memories of the previous night's activities came flooding back, the pain in my used hole a further reminder of the assault that I had experienced. But had it been assault?! I could have tried to fight him off, I could have revealed Mrs Smith's plan, but I didn't, I allowed Mr Smith to use me as a sexual plaything just as his wife had done previously. Why hadn't I fought him off? Fear of exposure? Fear of further cruelty? But...

2 years ago
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The power of rain

The rain usually it looks gloomy and dark and forbidding but sometimes it can be sensual too.I picture us somewhere alone. Probably out in the woods or somewhere isolated at a cabin with a back deck. We are watching a Barcelona championship game. In between lulls in the game, I am looking at you and your body. Marveling at it and desiring to taste and feel its pleasures once again.Near the end of the second half, a rainstorm began to come down. As the game was ending, I tip your chin to look up...

4 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 16

They were standing around the kitchen table, pouring eight more glasses of wine when Mom, the two Ingram sisters, and I walked in naked. I tossed my shirt in a chair, and when I looked back, Mom, Gaby and Alice were naked - as they tossed their shirts in the chair. Rachel hurried around to greet Gaby. I took Alice’s hand and led her around to meet Alison, Jessica, and Alexis. She’s not a bit shy, and when each of them raised their arms for a hug, she was willing and ready. “Alison, this...

3 years ago
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Cape Adventure Ch 02

This is a work of fiction. * They awaken about a half hour later, still under the stars, lying on their blanket, naked as could be holding each other close. Eric reaches for his briefs, and slides them on. He grabs his pants and shirt, and gathers up her clothes. He hands amber her skirt and blouse and she puts them on quickly. They wrap up the blanket and head for the cottage. Inside the door, they throw down their things. Amber jumps into Eric’s arms and they land on the kitchen floor. They...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Skylar Snow Texas Patti Skylar Snow Spreads It For a Good Time

When busty blonde Skylar Snow gets the thumbs up from girlfriend Texas Patti to give party boy Tommy Pistol a try, she takes one look at his big dick and is quick to get on her knees to give him a gagging blowjob. The veteran stud’s professional pussy licking and fingering gets the Penthouse starlet spreading her creamy thighs wide and shaved pussy soaking wet, priming her for the hardcore pounding to come…until a cumful is sprayed all over the voluptuous vixen’s mouthwatering...

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Vixen On Top

‘Damn that clock,’ Marty thought as she reached out to turn it off. ‘Sounds like a Mack truck backing up.’ The electronic alarm silenced when the switch was pushed. Marty lay nude under a single sheet. The heat in the early afternoon was nearly unbearable but that was the only time she had to sleep. Today had been her last day at school and graduation would be within the week. ‘At last. No more classes,’ Marty spoke aloud. She stretched to remove the kinks from sleep. The sheet slipped away...

3 years ago
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By Royal Command

My life changed completely the day my father died. Of course, that would be traumatic for any 18-year old girl, but in my case it meant I went from being a first year student at university, to being Queen Victoria the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the British Commonwealth of Nations! The first I knew of it was at 6.15 a.m. one cold, wet Saturday morning, when a black limousine turned up at my college accompanied by two police cars...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 2

I let Maggie go up first, she is slow. I wonder, not for the first time, why she is not as strong as the rest of these health conscious folks. Once we are at ground level Maggie leads me over to a cluster of women, I know many of them. I helped rescue them late last night. Was it really only last night. "Chronos!" one of the women calls out to me and holds out her arm to hug me. It is Gwen or should I say Gwenivier. A beautiful blonde bombshell of a lady. I walk gladly into her arms and...

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The Therapist

Jim and Carries relationship had been on the rocks recently. Carrie was a petite brunette with beautiful green eyes, long sexy legs, a nice ass and DD breasts. How Jim managed to land such a catch was beyond him and the sex was fantastic at the start but once they got married the sex became less frequent. It got to the point where they were only having sex maybe once a month and it was taking a toll on Jims psyche. Carrie was also unhappy and suggested seeing a marriage counselor...

4 years ago
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The Housewives Of Coxville County part 5

Chapter 4 The Strange Case of Mr. Brooks. Anya's Story There was blood on the sun the day he came to town. blood on the sun,because the townsfolk could find no more fitting an idiom to describe thestate of it. From that first sign of dawn til that evening's sunset - andthen for just a few minutes longer than dusk normally permitted - the bigbright orb that hovered over the vast stretch of land that was Coxvillecounty was splotched, saturated with a most peculiar shade of crimson. Athick...

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Sex With Village Guys In Theater

Hi Guys, I am Sandya with my one of old memories. Let me tell you all about my age and status at that time. I was about celebrating my 24th year birthday my body status 32 28 34 and quite average personality with flat tummy with big thighs and bums. Let me begin to the story. I settled down in my village with parents after my graduation and two guys Dayanand and Karim from our village become friends to me. But they did not have much good name in our village. They were called as Porky guys...

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All My Best Friends Men

My name is Shawn Starks. I’m a 41 year-old hairdresser living in a chocolate city. I have a voluptuous, curvy body. Always have. I was born and raised here. I love it. I have a confession to make. It involves my best friend since high school, Cassandra.Cassie and I have been almost inseparable since we met in the tenth grade. I would do damn near anything for one another. I’m the godfather of her firstborn, Janelle. We went to the same cosmetology school and have remained close for over 25...

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DDFBusty Kira Queen Busty Vixen Bangs Young Brit

When naughty glamour pornstar Kira Queen proposes that her client Sam Bourne meet at the house, she didn’t know that she’d be wanting to jump his bones. After their brief introduction, the blue-eyed Russian seductress excuses herself to rub one out in a way that is totally audible in the other room leaving the Brit very curious and aroused. The Milf then forgoes her inhibitions and makes a move on the unsuspecting man, and having never seen such incredible big tits and curvy ass...

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An ClochnChapter 52

It was the 45th of the Sixmonth at 20:15 hours when Golden Knight, Princes Manria, and IGN404 reached their assigned orbital position over Ananu. This placed them 3000 km below and 500 km ahead of the Dóchas ships. Once they had settled into position Star said to the Command Staffs, “Alana’s team is now on board IGN404. All passengers are gathering in their respective ballrooms and dining areas.” Alana said, “Good evening Command Staffs. It sure is nice to be home.” Aoife responded with,...

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Fucking my gay side bitch same day I fuck my GF

I had woken up and fucked my gf already. Pounding her pussy and cumming all over her thinking that i was done for the day but i couldn't be more wrong. As she got in the shower, my phone went off and i went ahead and looked at it to see a text message. I had been having gay sex behind my gfs back and we were supposed to only meet during the weekends, but this bitch was just too horny too wait. He sent me a pic of his ass, that i loved fucking, and asked me if i was going to fuck him or not....

3 years ago
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part 6 Emma the familys slut

So, it was near the end of the summer of my 16th year. I recently had a pregnancy scare and so Daddy put me on the pill and my tits were growing like mellons. My brothers told me that a steady diet of semen, makes tits grow very large and if I wanted big tits I must swallow as much as I could every day. Well, I would have done that regardless because nothing gets my pussy wetter than the feel of a cock, filling my mouth with its reward. My tits were growing though so maybe there was something...

2 years ago
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My first

I’m a fifty six year old white male and I’ve been bi since eighteen. My wife Lynn is in the other room so I had to sneak in here to write this. I love my wife but she has no interest in sex whatsoever. There’s been little or no sex in our marriage for many years now. I hadn’t sucked cock since we’d been married, but the lack of sex with the wife Lynn drove me to start sucking cocks again.I've been sucking again for eight years now and I want cock even more so suck them more each year. I’ve...

Gay Male
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Agent of Lust

It was a very normal day, until you made the wrong turn, and ended up in alley. “Crap.” you think to yourself, but then see a glowing ring. You move towards it cautiously and touch it, and it sparks once, before fizzling out. Then, the world started spinning, until you collapse, and then, blackness. You wake up in the same alley, but something was different. Your arms, once skinny, are now nicely toned and muscular, as was the rest of your body, so your clothes actually fit a little awkwardly....

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Living the dream

The town was in darkness apart from one small bungalow on the edge of the south coast cliifs but this was a regular accurance for Daisy, every night when most of the residents went to bed would Daisy switch on her computer and start her search.Daisy who was recently divorced was just coming to terms with the latest changes in her life. She was well liked and had a warm smile but Daisy was a private person and was increasingly avoiding seeing her friends and only venturing out when she had to...

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Barrys Awakenings

Part 1 - England: Barry was a young gay guy; eighteen years-old before he found what he really liked, twenty-one before he finally found what he needed. Irish by parentage, he was born and brought up in London, England. Physically he was a dark Celt, tall and slim, with black wavy hair, piercing light blue eyes and smooth pale skin. Barry had high cheekbones and a killer full lipped smile, which sadly he showed all too rarely. Brought up as he was, strictly, in a devout Catholic family, with...

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Midnight Train To Nowhere Ch 02

Chapter 2 The Kid The teenage clerk was looking at him with a blank stare, like someone trying to peer through a dirty window. The clerk craned his neck to look past the angry man in the grey pinstriped suit standing at the counter in front of him. The man realized the clerk was looking at something behind him and turned to see what it was. ‘What is it?’ The man barked. ‘What the hell are you looking at? And do you have my car or not?’ He demanded angrily. ‘He’s probably looking at the sign...

2 years ago
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The Surgical Answer To Virginity

Dr Kimble was quite content in his practice in Mayville. The town was small, but served a larger rural community and, as he was the only doctor within sixty miles, his practice was full. He was in his forties, and had been practicing medicine in Mayville for almost twenty years. This was by virtue of his good fortune in being assigned to Mayville's previous doctor, Richard Knox during his residency, back when he was still wet behind the ears and didn't know it. He knew he'd never forget his...

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Chubby Female Conductor Fucked Inside Bus

It was the end of my holiday so I had to return to my job. I booked a bus ticket from my native to Bangalore on a Saturday as I had to clean my room on Sunday. There were so many seats left so I took the middle one. I knew I will get the whole chair because the conductor’s seat was next to me. And most of the time, they used to go to the driver and keep them company. The bus was at 8.30 and the bus stop was not crowded at all. The bus reached on time and to my surprise, the conductor was a...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth Parkins felt her pussy pulse as she orgasmed around the thick purple jelly vibrator that she was ramming in and out of her drooling sex. This orgasm was hard, harder than any she could remember, her body seizing as she arched her back in response to the electrical impulses racing up from her toes to further cloud her lust-addled brain. She gasped then moaned, writhing on her bed, as the second and third wave crashed over her. She shoved the vibrator deeper into her exploding cunt even...

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Sali Lora Aur Uski Saheli Julee Part 2

Bhayio aur baheno,jo log meri pahela part nehi padhchuke ho plz usko padhneke baad this part ko padhe. Julee boli,’lora jo bhi ho mujhe ajhi tere jija se karva dou.Plz meri taraf se teri jijaji ko bolo. lora, ‘hey tu etna utavali kyun hoti ho,jija kal tujhe jarur chodenge,aj uske mood off hei.Chal teri bur jija ko dekha de.Laj saram karoge tou jija tujhe maja nehni denge aur tu baad mein pastaoge.Lora julee ko aur tadpane ke chakar se boli,dekhana hei tou chal nehni tou tu apni ghar chali ja....

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EvilAngel Kimora Quin POV Fuck Pussy Creampie

Asian starlet Kimora Quin looks scrumptious in tight pink lingerie with her perky, natural titties popping out of her top. On a private date with top pornographer Mick Blue, she teases and plays on the bed, and then stands and shakes her sweet ass for his POV camera. She giggles as Mick gropes her, stroking his big cock as he fingers her well-groomed gash. The tall, thin beauty crouches to give him a crude blowjob, drooling and choking on Mick’s mega meat. Kimora warms up her wet twat...

3 years ago
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Her Stockings

She had long, long legs, encased in sheer black nylons, and she sat opposite him with her knees pressed to one side. Her inner thighs brushed lightly together with each movement she made. Her pencil skirt had ridden up and he could see the darkness of her stocking tops where he wanted to run his fingers. He imagined his hands over the rough lace stocking tops, working upward; a delicious friction, and then finding her smooth skin and the heat of her arousal. She caught him looking and he...

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A Correct DestinyChapter 16

Meghan was still pretty sick and feverish for the next feeding, but she was also in the mood for something other than Sapphic love for a change. "I want some cock," she insisted as they took their clothes off for the post-sunset romp. "And not that friggin' fake cock either. I want a real flesh and blood cylinder that gets warm and hard, that pulses, that spits something hot and sticky out when it's done." She looked over at Ken. "Do you know anyone who might have such a thing?" It...

2 years ago
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motels are fun

was stayin at one of the shitty motels in my town and went out to go to the store and seen this hot little chick through her window in a room a couple doors down from my room. dint think i had much of a chance till i went to the store. and walked by her room. there was a stairway closer. but went the longer way to see if i could see her again. curtains were closed this time so i went to the store. on the way back i took the long way again. and was glad i did. her curtains were open and she was...

1 year ago
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Naughty at Saba U 5

When Julie and I were in Saba for the second time in our life, she wanted want to take me to the morgue and then she proceeded to give me oral. All the time I was missing Paul……. When Julie and I were in Saba for the second time in our life, she wanted want to take me to the morgue and then she proceeded to give me oral. All the time I was missing Paul. As she was making love to me, I was to busy think about Paul. i tried to imagine that I was Paul that was eatting me out and that I was back at...

4 years ago
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Dark Impulse

DARK IMPULSEby Willailla        ~I will give them paradise and eternal life, then I will deceive them into disobeying me so that I can torment them in the flames of hell forever~ONE        I didn't press the recorded message button.   I knew it would be Victor.  I didn't want to hear from him ever again.  I threw on a pair of jeans, t-shirt and athletic shoes.  Grabbed a pack of cigarettes and shoved it in the side pocket of my sports jacket as I left my second floor apartment.        The smell...

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Cousin gets little brother high on weed part 2

She smiled at me and I noticed a little semen on the side of her mouth. I brushed my hand towards it and wiped it off with a finger. She saw my finger and pulled it into her mouth and sucked it. "Mmmmm"she purred with my finger still in her mouth. She let it go and curled her tongue around my finger. God. I was getting hard again. And it was only 1:30 in the afternoon. Her parents wouldn't be back till 10 in the night. " So what do you wanna do now?" I asked. "I dunno. Surprise...

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Annies First Anal

She had set her sights on the world's richest man. He had the hots for her and that should have given her the opening she needed. There was one little problem, though. She hated sex. Just imagine living the good life, she told herself. Never having to worry about paying the rent and where money for the fall wardrobe was going to come from. Weekends in Paris, vacations on the sandy beaches of Thailand, emerald-encrusted jewelry. Always the best of everything... and all she had to do was let...

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Black Own City The Precinct Chapter 1

Chapter 1Emily Jacobson stood proudly by the stairs to the western police precinct, it was her first day on the job.The 24 year old, buxom blonde had finished the academy just a few months ago, and she had moved back to her hometown to join the Police force there.Emily walked inside and up to the desk sergeant to whom she handed her papers."Officer Emily Jacobson." She said as the busy black sergeant looked over her papers."I'm Sergeant Jackson, just out of the academy huh. Well, check in with...

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Secret Love Affair 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

It was the 1997s when I thought of the secret love affair. I got married to Biju. He lived in the city area and had bought some land far away in a village. He built a house there after marriage. We stayed in the city for a year, and when the new house was done, we shifted. We decided to have kids after 3 years of marriage. I was only 19 years old when I got married, and he was 29. He was a Mechanical engineer and was working in a reputed company. About the new home, it was in a lonely area....

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A Special Mothers Day

John and Sue Davies had 5 children between them, all boys. From their first marriages John had Alan, who was now 17, and Sue had Brian and Charles, who were now 15 and 14. When John and Sue got together they tried for one more child between them. Sue, of course, secretly hoped it would be a girl. Instead she had twin boys, Michael and Nathan, who were now 11. Their house wasn't large, and only had 3 bedrooms for the children. Alan got his own room, though it was the smallest. Then...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 73

Brookings to Gold Beach is just under 30 miles, as the GPS drives it. With stops at the Whalehead Beach Resort and a few other scenic places on the way there and the way back, it took us almost two hours to make the trip. Gold Beach isn't any bigger than Brookings-Harbor, but what it has to distinguish itself from other places was the Rogue River. We crossed the Rogue River, just so we could say we had, and spotted another interesting looking resort on its shores that we filed away for...

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Heather Part 8

The drive into work provided me time to process everything that had happened last night and this morning. It's a very good thing that I have to be in the office today, I thought. I need to get this worked out. My daughter had actually said, 'Can't you just touch me without fucking me?'"I really don't think I can," I said, out loud, pulling my car into the parking garage.I put the car in park and grabbed my backpack. I had a feeling, Heather had left a message on my computer. And I didn't want...

3 years ago
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Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed...

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