Cerulean DreamsChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Misty's old beat-up alarm clock went off at exactly midnight, and a few minutes after Miranda had reached over and shut it off, they were both dressed and had quietly snuck out of the gym without waking anyone. The two then hopped on their bikes and coasted most of the way through a series of winding side streets, carefully avoiding the main road until they reached their destination.
As they rode through the small section of town dominated mostly by small family owned shops, Miranda heard a quietly squeaked warning in her ear. "What is it?" she asked, squeezing her handbrakes and taking her feet off the pedals as she skidded to a stop.
The rattata on her shoulder scurried down her arm to stand upon the bike's handlebars before sniffing the air again. "Nez," he confirmed with a nod, glancing meaningfully at Misty as she skidded to a stop beside Miranda.
"Something wrong?" she inquired, straining her ears to hear what concerned the little rodent so much, but all that she could make out was the gentle hum of the street lamps and quiet gurgling of the river only a block or so away.
"We're being watched," Miranda replied, leaning back and peering into the darkened storefronts as she slowly drew her bokken, "Any idea where, Nezumi?"
The rattata closed his eyes and stood on his hindquarters, his whiskers twitching slightly as he moved his head slowly from side to side. "Ra," he replied sadly glancing around with equal suspicion.
"It could be nothing," Misty offered, zipping her coat up a little higher as a sudden cold wind blew past them, heralding the entrance of a dark figure from a nearby alleyway.
"Nothing?" inquired Ash in a bitter tone as he stepped out into the street, "That's where you're wrong, 'old friend'."
"No," replied Miranda thoughtfully, "I think Misty's right. It was nothing."
"What?!" the trainer exclaimed angrily, "Pikachu! Thu-! What-? Where-?!"
There was a quiet snickering as Ash ran back into the alley and came back a moment later with a struggling pikachu in his arms. "Misty!" the trainer called out formally, setting the pokemon down but keeping a firm hold of the creature's shoulders, "I- I challenge you!"
Misty sighed, hiding her face in her hand as she shook her head in dismay. "We really don't have time for this," she muttered, glancing at him from between two fingers, "Why don't you just go home? I'm sure there's a hundred or so other people you've ticked off in the last couple of years who'd love a rematch."
"I don't care!" Ash exclaimed, stomping his foot and causing his pikachu to jump a little as he stared up at Misty apprehensively, "I've spent the last month and a half studying up on gyaradoses and I'm not about to let all that time go to waste!"
"You want to have a battle? Here?" Misty exclaimed in disbelief, looking around nervously and wondering how many people Ash's ranting had woken up already, "Between Charizard and Leviathan? Are you insane?!"
"No," Ash replied simply, a cunning smile crossing his thin lips, "I intent to use Pikachu. A little lightning ought'a put you and that dragon of yours in your place."
"Whatever," Misty muttered, unzipping her coat again and pulling out a pokeball, "let's just get this over with..."
"And don't you dare interfere, cheater!" Ash warned, pointing angrily at Miranda.
"Misty can fight her own battles," the courier assured him, sheathing her sword and chuckling as Leviathan materialized beside his trainer, "And don't worry, Nezumi's saving the cryokinetics for later."
Ash glowered at her for a moment, barely noticing the loud; heavy breathing that caused a cloud of visible hot air to slowly rise all around him. Not to mention the quiet whimper that Pikachu let out as he tugged desperately at his trainer's pant leg.
"What is it now?!" he demanded at last as Miranda glanced to her right smiling, "Can't you see I'm-! Oh man!"
Leviathan's long scaly body slowly uncoiled as he arched himself higher into the air before looming dangerously close to Ash, leering hungrily down at the large yellow furred rodent at his feet. The trainer looked into the gyarados's huge dark eyes and gulped as Leviathan hungrily drooled saliva that puddled at Pikachu's feet as the monstrous, amphibious serpent looked up to meet the impudent human's gaze.
"You still wanna battle?" Misty teased, she reaching out to run her fingers affectionately across Leviathan's glistening blue scales, causing the creature to turn his enormous head around to face her, "My little friend here hasn't eaten in a few hours and he's VERY hungry. Isn't that right, you little sweetheart?"
Ash's eyes widened in disbelief as he stood stammering, watching as Misty affectionately scratched the gyarados's eye ridges until Leviathan closed his eyes contentedly and made a happy growling sound somewhere deep in his throat.
"We- We're not afraid of some overgrown magikarp! Are we, Pikachu? Pikachu?!" Ash's attempt at melodrama was brought to an abrupt halt as he glanced down at his feet and found himself alone.
"Come back here!" he shouted, running back a short distance to grab his pokemon who seemed to be in the process of sneaking away by the scruff of the neck, "Now thunderbolt that thing already!"
Leviathan's monstrous head swung around immediately, his suddenly glowing red eyes staring right into the smaller creature's soul as Ash held the hapless pikachu forward with both hands.
"Pika!" the electrokinetic rodent exclaimed in abject horror, scrambling to turn himself around in Ash's arms before tearing the lining of the trainer's coat to ribbons with his small claws in an attempt to escape.
"Your pikachu obviously doesn't want to battle," Miranda commented, not finding the situation as funny as her rattata seemed to, but making no motion to keep Nezumi from the sudden laughter he'd broken into, "Don't you know it's cruel to force someone you care about to do something they don't want to."
"Shut up!" shouted Ash accusingly, showing all too well that his maturity level still didn't match his age, "What do you know? You only do this fun! You don't take pokemon battles seriously! So stay out of this, amateur!"
Miranda sighed warily, almost feeling sorry for Ash as his desperate tone echoed in her ears, but refusing to baited by such a childish taunt. 'Well, at least she's holding it together, ' the courier thought, glancing over at Misty who was now clenching her fists as she glared at her former traveling companion.
'Goodness she's beautiful when she's angry, ' Miranda mused, blushing a bit as she felt her body react on a primal level. 'Oh my... ' the courier thought inwardly, glancing down at herself as a peculiar tingle spread though her at about the same time Misty gritted her teeth and prepared to initiate an attack, 'What an odd thing to feel at a time like this... '
As Ash practically tossed poor Pikachu towards monstrous gyarados, Misty's words rang out into the night. "Leviathan! Tail-whip!"
"What?!" laughed Ash as loudly and tauntingly as he could, even as the enormous serpent uncoiled his tong sinewy body and his finned tail lashed out in a wide arc, "You taught that fish of yours 'tail-whip'? Are you nuts? That's not even a real attack! It just-! Oh my-! Pikachuuuu!!!"
Had Miranda not been straddling her bike, she would have taken a step back. As she and Nezumi looked on in a mixture of awe and amusement, Leviathan snapped just the very end of his tail at Pikachu, filling the air with a quick sonic blast that rattled windows, popped everyone's eardrums and sent the smaller pokemon sailing into the air.
"No! That's not fair-!" exclaimed Ash, hopping over the serpent's tail as he ran after his airborne pikachu who slowly rotated as he swiftly fell to earth at a sharp angle, screaming the entire way.
A short moment later, a frightened ball of yellow fur collided with and completely shattered the window of a deli, sending shards of sharp glass everywhere and the sound of a wailing alarm from within that joined with Pikachu's loud, angry exclamations to form an earsplitting cacophony.
"I'll get you for this!" shouted Ash as he ran the block and a half to where his pokemon had made a crash landing before leaping through the shattered window and madly tossing aside strings of linked sausages, wheals of cheese and blocks of dried meat out into the street in an attempt to rescue his friend.
A moment later, however, a blindingly bright light illuminated the area from behind the suddenly startled trainer. "Alright, buddy," called out a bored sounding voice with a hint of a Scottish accent, "I think that'll be quite enough, don't you?"
Ash turned to face the speaker, but immediately regretted it as the pokeforce officer's flashlight blinded him. "Off- Officer, I-" he stammered, only to feel the sharp sting of metal across his wrist before being easily thrown to the floor.
"Save it for Jenny," muttered Officer Geoff in an annoyed tone, his mind still obsessing on his dismissal from his job as a Sylph Co security guard after the incident that gave Miranda Lilcamp her gastly, but he hated owing Officer Frank more than anything. Even more than taking the cop's night patrol for him.
'Oh well, ' thought Geoff, looking on the bright side for once as Ash struggled and complained, 'At least I caught myself a thief... '
Frank looked up as Bow let out a low whine. Down the street, approaching slowly from where Sea Breeze Way became Route 4, he could make out two figures on bicycles. As they approached, one waved silently.
"You ready?" the cop inquired, glancing down at the growlithe whose tail was going a mile a minute.
'Bring it on!' she yipped in pokespeak, causing Frank to chuckle lightly as he adjusted the folds of his long dark brown trench coat, the twin revolvers he wore making him a little self- conscious in regards to their concealablity.
Frank gave a short wave as his almost-niece and her lover skidded to a halt not far from where Frank was leaning against the back of the city's welcoming sign. "Have any trouble getting here?" he inquired with a mischievous smile as Miranda walked her bike towards him.
"Nothing we couldn't handle," the courier assured him with a chuckle as Nezumi hopped off the bike and scurried over to Bow, "Or Leviathan to be more precise."
Misty grinned broadly as she waved a pokeball at Frank in amusement. "It was both childish, and deeply satisfying," the trainer replied with a bit of a chuckle as Frank pushed himself away from the sign and stepped over Bow, moving closer to keep his voice low.
"So?" he inquired with a glance to the North, half trying to make out the distant image of Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue Restaurant Of International Cuisine, "You ladies ready?"
The two nodded. "As we'll ever be," assured Miranda, "Any idea, though, as to where we should stash our bikes?"
Frank nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, we'll just put them with the car," he told them with a wave of his hand before heading back along Route 4.
"They gave you a new car then?" inquired Misty with an amused glance at Bow, who had somehow caused Nezumi to gulp loudly and look strangely pale, "Your growlithe must be happy."
The pokeforce officer chuckled to himself for a moment. "Actually, miss," he admitted, glancing over his shoulder in time to see Miranda's sudden twitch to his response, "It's Jen's. But she won't mind. Assuming she never finds out that I borrowed it..."
As Nezumi leapt off the handlebars of Miranda's bike, Bow looked up at him and yipped a quick greeting. "Hey! Pyro-puppy!" the rattata exclaimed, bounding over to the canine with a renewed energy, "Waz'happen-iiing?"
Bow sat down on her haunches, giving the human's half a glance as they discussed things. "Feeling better, I see," she replied with smile, her tone a little concerned.
"Ah well," said Nezumi with a nonchalant shrug, "I finally had a chance to yank all those freakin' spooky-eevee hairs outta my fur, so I'm doin' good. And I'll be doing even better once we kick some dark chef butt and put Boss Lady there in a better mood."
Bow nodded. "Yeah," she whispered, leaning in conspiratorially as Frank stepped carefully over her, "He's been all weird the last while. Won't eat a thing! Which means of course, 'I' don't get to eat either! So you see the problem?"
"Yeah," laughed Nezumi, "You're spoilt rotten!"
"Spoilt?" replied Bow, tossing her long, lacy fur out of her eyes, "Me? I am NOT spoilt. I'm simply pampered. And let me tell you, little mouse, I'm worth it!"
Nezumi's jaw dropped as the growlithe invoked a simple technique (that humans claimed involved the release of pheromones and most referred to simply as 'Charm') that caused everything else around him to fuzz out slightly. The only image that the little rattata's vision could clearly focus on was Bow, her bright red and gleaming white fur seeming glow with an inner light that caused the already more than adorable growlithe seem even more irresistibly cute.
"Gah..." commented Nezumi loosing his thought for a moment, his brain going into a default setting as the humans started walking away, "Say, did you know that we rattatas is always 'in season'?"
Bow chuckled as she turned to follow Frank, to then ends of the earth if necessary. "That, my dear," she replied with a mischievous grin as she swished her tail to bat Nezumi playfully across the face, "Is quite true. Your kind produces thousands of offspring every year. However, that's only because we predators simply can't resist the taste of your sweet yummy flesh."
Nezumi went pale for a moment as Bow laughed. "Don't worry," she called back teasingly, "I'm NOT a meowth!"
"Thankfully," the rattata muttered, shaking his head clear and scurrying after the group, "But hey! Did you know that our offspring would be able to see in no less than two hundred and fifty six different shades of gray?!"
"Give it up, Nezzy!" Bow laughed, suddenly wondering if they'd be able to raid the pantry once they'd arrested the criminal chef. 'Silly human, ' the growlithe muttered with mock severity as she caught up with Frank, 'It's waaaay past dinner time... !'
Chef Troy took off his hat, letting his long, dirty blond hair fall about his shoulders as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel that one of his commise instantly handed to him. "What a day," he muttered cynically; accepting the water bottle another handed to him as his kitchen staff hurriedly cleaned up and made the place ready for the morning rush, "Oh well. At least our 'guests' have moved on."
One of the commises glanced up from where she was wiping a countertop down and shuddered visibly. "With all due respect, sir," the woman commented, keeping her gaze respectfully lowered, even as Troy crouched down to pick up Salmonella who seemed to be in an affectionate mood, "Ms. Forester scares me. Her lover is cute, though."
Troy smirked evilly. "Very true," he agreed, the hair on the back of his neck suddenly standing on end.
Instinctively, even before hearing Salmonella's warning hiss, the dark Chef turned on his heel in time to see the strange distortion effect as an oddly proportioned figure teleported directly in front of him.
'My, Mistress sends her regards, Chef Troy.' The words were planted directly into the man's mind by the female alakazam without a thought as to whether he consented to the mental intrusion.
"Talia," replied Troy through gritted teeth as he petted the umbreon in his arms compulsively, "so nice to see you again. Did you forget something, my dear? Or are you just here to reimburse me for the loss of my computer system. Not to mention ALL my secret recipes!"
The alakazam chuckled, both in reality and in Troy's mind. 'Fear not, Chef, ' the psychic type assured him, thoughtfully combing the long white whiskers that sprouted from her short snout as she glanced at the gawking commises, 'Rockets take care of their own. Or so I'm told. And I'm sure that my Mistress can give "Uncle Auggie" a call on your behalf.'
Troy cringed at the lack of respect that the pokemon showed for Augustus Giovanni. The man had made the leadership of both Viridian City and Team Rocket his life's work. He'd even personally funded Chef Troy's latest endeavor, and no doubt many of Professor Katherine Forester's as well.
"So tell me, Tal," the Chef said conversationally, hoping to goad the overgrown psionic vole into causing trouble, "How's Tashiro doing? That little brain aneurysm all cleared up yet?"
Talia gritted her teeth, her voice in Troy's mind sounding darker as she spoke. 'The reptile shall survive, ' she hissed in annoyance, 'But the damage to his brain was substantial. He shall have a few problems for a time, but once he advances to his adult phase, Tashiro shall be whole once more!'
"Give him my best regards, then," Troy replied with a shrug, turning to go back to his duties.
'Wait, human!' Talia commanded contemptuously, causing a peculiar reverberation in the air that caused several people to scream and at least one to drop the stack of plates he'd be carrying, 'I am NOT here simply to socialize.'
"Then make it quick," growled Troy, turning back around and intending to take no guff from a mere pokemon.
'My Mistress wishes to expand this current endeavor, ' Talia answered, ignoring the list of alakazam recipes that suddenly filled Chef Troy's mind, 'She wishes you to get in touch with your many cousins and-'
But Talia's words were cut short as across the room the door to the loading dock slid up into the ceiling and three very annoyed looking people stepped boldly into the room.
"Chef Troy?" called the plain-clothed pokeforce officer in loud, authoritative tone as commises scrambled out of his way, "The name's Officer Frank, and I'm callin' you out!"
"Excuse me," muttered Troy with a smile, stepping around the alakazam and out into the far aisle, "Yes... Officer, is it? I can only presume that you have a reason for bursting into MY kitchen with your little 'posse'? Or is it that all the donut shops in Cerulean City have finally closed for the evening?"
"Actually," replied Frank with a sudden grin, finding the comment more amusing than insulting, "I'm here to arrest you."
"Oh really? On what charges?" inquired Troy in an innocently condescending tone, as Salmonella glared evilly at the growlithe at Frank's feet.
"Serving non-food pokemon in your restaurant!" accused Misty, stepping forward and clenching her fist threateningly.
The dark Chef gave her an amused, patronizing smile, "Then I can only presume that you have evidence to support this claim. Is that right, Officer?"
"Well, um, no... Nothing legal," Frank replied, shuffling his feet and looking embarrassed for a moment before meeting Troy's steely gaze, "But you know how Officer Jenny is... She'd ticket you for jaywalking in your living room! Of course, I MIGHT go easy on ya if you told me where Katherine Forester's gotten herself off to. I got a score to settle for an old friend you see. And so does his daughter as a matter of fact."
Miranda stepped to one side and grinned threateningly at the chef, who simply ignored her out of hand even as she reached for the wooden sword attached to her belt. "It's just too bad really," said Troy casually as he turned to walk away, "You just missed her by about an hour or so, and besides, revenge is a dish best served cold. Now then, if you're done, kindly leave. I'm a busy man, and I don't have time for such childish games."
Chef Troy stopped, a wide, amused grin crossing his face as all noise in the kitchen stopped dead as the sound of the safeties coming off two pistols that echoed throughout the room.
"Hold it right there, sir," said Frank grimly, "I don't wanna cause a scene here, but there's some black marks on your record that I think you should be answerin' for. And harboring a wanted criminal is the least of 'em."
"Now detective," chuckled Chef Troy, stealthy snatching a large gleaming and sliding it up his sleeve as he set Salmonella down on the counter before raising his hands and turning back around, "surly you know what the penalty for drawing a gun is? Let alone two?"
"Nine. Each," answered Frank indignantly as he leveled both revolvers on Chef Troy, "That's the number of reports I have to fill out. Fourteen each just for pointin' em at ya, and thirty one apiece if I have ta explain why yer arms are floppin on the ground as opposed to still bein' attached to your shoulders. So what'cha say I paint you a little picture. You see, the less you cooperate, the angrier you make me. And the angrier I get, the more reports I have to fill out. And you know what? Filling out reports makes me VERY angry. So you can see where this is going, can't'cha? A real vicious cycle, eh?"
"Then perhaps, detective," replied the dark Chef as he lowered his arms and in one smooth motion, retrieved the aerodynamic kitchen knife from up his sleeve before tossing it in Frank's direction, "I should teach you a lesson in anger management!"
Frank's eyes widened as he instinctively threw himself to the floor, his trigger fingers already moving back and forth, sending a hail of high velocity steel-jacketed lead into the air as the knife sailed in an unerring line towards the spot where he'd been standing.
"Look out!" shouted Miranda over the noise, immediately reaching out with her hand, catching the knife a mere inch from where it would have plowed into Misty's forehead.
"Whoa..." her lover replied, going pale and shaking even as a mildly hysterical grin crossed her face, "Thanks, Miri!"
"It gets worse!" Miranda warned, motioning to the sudden odd sound of bullets ricocheting off something distinctly unnatural.
They both glanced over and saw Talia, standing before Chef Troy with an amused grin as she casually held her four-fingered hand out before her, causing a barrier of curious red light that stopped the bullets in their tracks.
"Kazam," she chided, shaking her head in mild amusement, as the loud explosive sound of Frank's pistols gave way to an ominous clicking.
"Oh, oh..." muttered Frank, a second before a pair of spoons materialized in the alakazam's hands and the cop went sailing into the air in response to a raised hand.
"I- I'm alright!" assured Frank as he suddenly found himself being grabbed by the right wrist and right ankle by an unseen force before being spun in place in response to the swirling motion Talia made with one of her spoons, "I'm just a little airsick-!
For an uncertain moment, Miranda watched as her almost-uncle spun in the air before being released, landing on a long counter, only to slide the entire way down, knocking off a variety of metal bowls and stacked plates before crashing off the end with an equally loud clatter. This was followed by a panicked yelp from Bow who then proceeded to run in the direction her human had been thrown in.
"I- I'm fine!" called Frank, "It's just my spleen! Don't worry about me!"
"Alright, that's it!" growled Miranda though gritted teeth, tossing the knife aside as she produced a pokeball from seemingly nowhere, "Nezumi! Wraith! Umi! Triple attack 'Omega Beam'!"
In the time it took for the pokeball in her hand to activate, and for Umi to materialize from within the device, Wraith had stirred from his hiding place in Miranda's pokedex and chose a rather disturbing method of coming on the scene. He phased his way out of Miranda's backpack, through the courier, and seemingly out of her chest, causing her to shiver slightly as Nezumi also ran from hiding to stand beside the materializing dratini.
As one, the trio let out a confirming exclamation before executing the technique. It began with Wraith smiling balefully and radiating an eerie dark purple light as he floated back to hover just over the heads of his companions. Meanwhile, Nezumi glowed with a blinding white radiance, shifting into raticate mode as an odd crackling sound emanated from just in front of his incisors followed by a shifting blue/white light that seemed to draw in all warmth in the area. For her part, Umi reared up like a snake preparing to bite, snarling at the alakazam menacingly as orange flames licked across her sharp pointy bared teeth.
Then, as one, the three pokemon released their fury. Nezumi puffed out his cheeks and exhaled fiercely, his claws all but digging into the linoleum tiled floor as the beam of pure, focused cold shot forth as Wraith's three fingered hands dropped down, hovering on either side of the beam as dark purple light flowed from his open palms, merging with the ice beam near its point of origin. And finally, Umi lunged forward, spitting out a small ball of burning flame that somehow became trapped in the strange energy beam's gravity, before spinning and spiraling down its length.
Talia's now dark, featureless eyes widened in panic as the ice- beam hit her psychic barrier like an elemental battering ram. The shimmering red haze shuddered, as icy tendrils of frost crept across its surface, radiating out from the point of impact. A heartbeat later, and Wraith's dark-chi hit, causing the barrier to buckle, crack and finally shatter.
With a frightened yelp, the alakazam instinctively raised her arms and turned away, just as Umi's small ball of flame met the dual attack at its pinnacle and the three crashed into Talia, causing a small explosive reaction and a wave of seemingly reverse light to fill the room as she flew backwards end over end into a group of scrambling commises.
"Give it up, Troy!" exclaimed Frank, looking extremely disheveled as he clambered back up from under a pile of pots and pans, "Your out classed, out numbered, and out gunned!"
The dark chef glared at the cop with a sudden fury. "In MY kitchen!" he shouted angrily as he reached under the counter and grabbed something that made an awful clicking noise, "You WILL refer to ME as CHEF!!!"
Frank's eyes widened, and he immediately dropped down behind the metal counter once more as Chef Troy pulled a tommy-gun out and began firing madly in the officer's direction.
"What next?!" exclaimed Misty, noticing that the commise who hadn't immediately fled the scene were now taking up large knives and frying pans before rushing to their leader's aid.
"As I said, it only gets worse!" answered Miranda, stepping around Misty as she drew her bokken in time to parry the cleaver of a stealthy commise who thought he could backstab her lover.
"Wow," commented Misty, glancing over her shoulder in time to see Miranda's knee connect with the commise's groin and the man go down groaning, "I'm really going to owe you, aren't I?"
"Then in return we could use some more firepower!"
"Well then, Miri, dear," Misty replied with a wide grin as she pulled out two minimized poke balls and prepared to lob them with all her might, "I hope you'll settle for a little water power! Shadow! Umberlee! Save Uncle Frank!"
Chef Troy ducked momentarily as several rounds from Frank's revolver whizzed past him and impacted with the far wall before leaping up once again and spraying the area, inadvertently wounding several of his own minions. In his excitement, however, he failed to notice as a pokeball enlarged itself from storage mode in time to bounce off his head.
"Ow-! Shizen-!" he exclaimed, staggering backwards as his tommy- gun continued to fire blindly before a very large, very determined ten-pointed starfish landed on him, pinning the dark Chef to the floor.
"Sal-! Salmonella!" the man shouted as his tommy-gun clattered to the floor and he struggled with the enormous starmie, "Get this thing off of me!"
"Guys!" ordered Miranda as she made a flinging motion with her bokken to dislodge the meat cleaver, "Split up and incapacitate anyone who's not running away! We're NOT here to cause permanent harm!"
"Even if they ARE," muttered Misty a touch bitterly as she watched the cleaver spin over once before sailing in an unerring line across the kitchen before stabbing into a cupboard door. "Wow!" she laughed, "Aerodynamic!"
"Whatever works!" commented Frank as he and Bow leapt out of hiding and dove over the counter to help Umberlee as Troy finally tossed her off on his own.
"Salmonella!" the chef called out, not noticing as behind him, Shadow began to swivel in the air, the ends of his five arms sending out a fine mist, "Where are you!?"
"Probably hiding!" chuckled Frank, aiming both pistols at Troy and motioning for the man to rise, failing to clue into the staryu's intent, "Bow, give chase. That little pokemon's probably more trouble than her master."
"You have no idea," Troy replied with a toothy grin as Bow yipped and ran off as behind the dark Chef, Shadow's spinning turned him into a blur before each of his five arms let loose with simultaneous blasts of water that spun into a spiraling jet of water before crashing into the dark chef's back.
With a surprised curse, Chef Troy ploughed into Frank, causing the officer to drop his revolvers as the two men collapsed in heap and Umberlee reached out with her mind.
'Sleeeeeep!' came the distant sound of the starmie's voice in both men's minds.
It was early in the evening of the next day by the time the Western gates of Cerulean City were visible. Beyond them, the main road stretched out all the way out to Route 9, intersected by several dozen lesser roads, including the main North to South road that marked the easiest routes to the Gym and the South gate... "Won't be long now," commented Miranda, taking the notepad off the dashboard and checking the small scrawled map she'd been given, "then we can drop off this junk heap....
After Professor Myria's somewhat energetic discussion on water pokemon, and a few rather breath-taking performances, Misty and Miranda hurriedly made their way the relatively short distance to the poetry contest area. A surprisingly large crowd had assembled around the little wooden stage, and despite arriving a bit late; Miranda had no problem adding her name to the list of eight other contestants. The broadly grinning, elderly man at the sign up booth was more than happy to add her in at...
The Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue Restaurant Of International Cuisine had a line up that stretched around the block. It seemed as though more than half of Cerulean City had shown up for the event, and more than half of those seemed to simply want to wait in line with no hope of ever actually getting in. For the most part, just seeing those with special advanced reservations being quickly ushered in amongst a sea of reporters and blinding flashbulbs seemed to be enough for...
The day was sunny and cloudless as Summer once more fought back against the onset of Autumn, but the cool breezes off the lake as well as the shade from the ancient maple trees that filled the park kept Misty and Miranda from baking in the sun as they enjoyed their lunch on the last day of the Cerulean City End Of Summer Festival. "There he is," Miranda commented chewing her french-fry quickly before waving her arm in a wide arc as Officer Frank came up dirt path, dodging small children on...
"Summoning circles are all about shape and form," the girl with spiky blue hair said as she drew in chalk on the bare stone floor. The girl, who wore a cornflower-blue dress and looked like a rebellious twelve-year-old, was being watched by a young man. He was wearing plain black robes that were threadbare in some places, singed in others. At one time they might have looked sinister and occult, but now they just looked worn. Both were standing in an open space in a large library. Countless...
The lights were out as the two moved through foyer, into the expansive, domed ceilinged area were people came to be entertained and to challenge for cascade badges. The room itself was quiet except for the gentle lapping of water against the edges of the Olympic sized swimming pool at the center, and the gentle hum from down the hall. This was also where a pale light that barely illuminated the calm water issued forth, marking the site of the enormous aquarium the gym held. "This place...
Miranda tucked the bottom of the unfamiliar frilly white blouse into her jeans as she followed Misty down the narrow flight of steps to the gym area. Once again the humid scent of water filled her lungs, but this time it wasn't accompanied by the echoing shouts of happy pokemon. The only sounds were the quiet lapping of the water against the sides of the pool and their already echoing footsteps. "You're sure it's still alright to stay here?" the woman inquired, taking the towel from her...
Wraith didn't bother to turn invisible as he flew through the air, diving low now and again and phasing through people to harmlessly frighten them. 'She never said don't have any fun along the way, ' the little ghost chuckled as the scene of the destruction neared, 'Ah! Here we go!' Wraith stopped his forward momentum entirely as he reached the parking lot, soliciting an angry retort from the other end of the 'link'. "Sorry, Miranda!" he called out half-sincerely, but couldn't...
Once the crowd had calmed down, and all the contestants had been accounted for except for James, the festival coordinator finally returned to the stage. He took his time crossing it, the stress of the interruption showing upon the old man's face despite his attempts to hide it as he adjusted the microphone to his height. "Is this on?" he inquired after a moment, pleased by the way his voice echoed through the area, "Okay, now I know that all you youngin's are all hyper over the...
An hour slipped by without either of them noticing, and only the sound of Irene locking the door as the last couple exited the shop snapped them both back into reality. "Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Miranda, struggling awkwardly to her feet, "I wasn't keeping track of the time." "That's okay," Irene assured them with a motherly smile, "Can I offer you a ride home?" "You- you really don't have to," stammered Miranda, amazed by the offer even as Irene put on her Fall jacket and looked...
The Gym was dark when they arrived, and as they entered the living quarters it was obvious that Misty's sisters had yet to arrive. Feeling strangely guilty, Miranda followed her lover down the dark hallway. Their fingers linked as they hurried quietly past several closed doors and darkened doorways, a strange aura of mischief permeating the scene. At the end of the hall, Misty turned and embraced Miranda. With a giggle as they pressed their lips together, she turned her lover around and...
Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue was dark and eerily silent as the two invisible figures glided across the now empty parking lot and sailed up onto the roof. Once they were both well within the shadows cast by several small chimneys and the rooftop portion of the ventilation system, Wraith dropped the illusion of invisibility on his companion as he faded into the visible spectrums of light himself. "Well that was fun," commented Nezumi sarcastically, hopping down off the haunter's...
Aliyah was in sixth period Algebra when the teacher came in with the most gorgeous young man she had ever seen. "Class, we have a new student today..this is Ahmed Dajid. He just transferred from Southeast High." "Ahmed, you can take the empty desk in.the third row next to Aliyah." Aliyah felt butterflies in her stomach when they made eye contact, and she smiled at him when he sat down. "Omg, he is so hot!" Aliyah thought to herself. After class Ahmed asked her for help in finding his last class...
First TimeAnniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...
Case #9863057 – Suspect is an adolescent female with buzzed hair. She identifies herself as Paris Amour. It is unclear whether she is an American citizen or not. She is recorded hiding items on her person and then escorted to the Loss Prevention Office. There, she denies that she has stolen anything, but tries to bribe the Officer with elicit persuasive tactics. The Officer responds accordingly before releasing the suspect. The rest of this case is classified. Evidence logged on December...
xmoviesforyou"Seventy five dollars?" Raven asked dismayed by the amount of money the driver was charging. "That's right, lady," the taxi driver said pointing at the meter. "That's highway robbery," Raven said. "No. That's what the meter says," the driver replied pointing over at the meter. Raven opened her wallet and looked through it. She only had fifty dollars in cash. There was no way that she was going to be able to pay the fare with cash. "Will you take a check?" "Do I look like a...
Breakfast was at seven-o-clock. The thirty something lady who delivered it had a grin a mile wide on her face as she looked from my face to my groin and back again. "What?" I asked while managing to keep a straight face. Oh I suspected what was on her mind but I wanted to embarrass the woman into telling me. Fat chance of that it turned out. She laughed as she poured out my black coffee for me. "You know very well what, young man. But, if you have to know, you're the talk of the...
joker: "Ok pronounce.. M.A.C. D.O.U.G.L.E.S.S" fool: "Its pronounced MacDougless" joker: "Ok now pronouce M.A.C. D.O.U.B.L.E." fool: "Ok MacDouble" joker: "Last one now pronouce M.A.C. H.I.N.E " fool: "Ok MacHine" (sounds like mac hind) joker: Points at old house phone and says "Now what is that?" fool: "An answering machine" joker: "Ok now spell machine" fool: "Ok? M.A.C.H.I.N.E. " joker: "Yup you just spelled MAC...
My wife and I are in our mid-forties. We are both in a second marriage and have a good sex life. Sex is always good, but there is always something new to try. This is what happened on a recent holiday to Greece.We landed on the wonderful island of Mykonos in May this year. On our first night, we found a nice little taverna down a little side street. The waiters were all really nice and paid a lot of attention to my wife. Now, this is no surprise as she is very sexy and knows how to flirt....
Wife Lovers"You're not my son," echoed in my ears. I recalled each syllable, each inflection to the nth degree. I think I heard the rest of the story, but that first sentence stood out more than everything that followed. My whole world, my entire existence was brought into question. I was not conceived in love as I had known my entire life, but in something else. But what? Tears burned my face. I staggered out of the restaurant and headed back to the sanctuary of my hotel room. I got a room in a...
I watched in disbelief but I was interested in what she was about to do next. He was still in a deep sleep moaning and stroking. I have to admit it was really turning me on. I saw the maid bend over and lick the tip end of his cock. He let out a soulful moan as if he wanted more.I was thinking to myself that this chick is either bold or horny as hell.I began to finger my own pussy ,as I waited in antiipation to what was going to happen next. Her beautiful dark hair tickeled his thighs. She...
Anna Claire Clouds makes sure she does a great job as a maid for Jennifer White. It’s appreciated how she always wants to look extra professional for her job. That makes Jennifer want to do ultra naughty things to that sexy, petite little body on Anna! Jennifer shows up in lingerie and tempts Anna into naughty lesbian action! And Anna is more than ready to devour gorgeous Jennifer! When Jennifer’s husband Ramon Nomar walks in, he is shocked! Even though they’re clearly BUSTED...
xmoviesforyouI call up my dad, we are reaching Dimapur by tomorrow, my dad asked me to take care of my sister, as I’m taking care of her from last evening now we both get fresh and went out to have dinner and after having dinner we returned to our hotel room and have one more round of our fucking session.. when we enter the room she just started removing her dress from the door, I closed the door and I also become nude by seeing her becoming naked, she was laying naked on the bed and she was biting her...
IncestBRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! The alarm clock that my wife and I mockingly referred to as “Baby Ben” sounded off and pulled me from what I first thought was a great dream. As my senses slowly came online, I could feel my hand laid over my naked wife’s breasts and that I wasn’t in my usual gym shorts and t-shirt. I was surrounded in silk, and it was not unpleasant, but it was a floor length nightgown! The events of the previous night slowly began to trickle back into focus, and the...
I walked into the doctors office, the nurse took my weight and checked my blood pressure than took me to a room and said go ahead and take your clothes off, the doctor will be with you soon.I’m a petite woman at 5’2, small with perky breast (so I’ve been told) a nice little firm and bubbly butt and yes, I am a proud owner of one of the thickest pussy out there, my lips are so huge it can cover most of anyone’s face who likes to eat.Anyway, I disrobed and lied down on the chair, the room was a...
Chapter One: Alicia Anderson wondered what it would be like to have a young stud to fuck her regularly. It seemed that every married woman in the world was having an affair these days except her. Even Zenobia Grant -- that decrepit old bag on the soap opera Alicia sat here watching as the rain poured down outside -- was having an affair. The old bag, with her six face lifts and inch-thick makeup, was presently locked in the muscular embrace of the young stableboy who tended...
On Friday, I delivered a sketch of Mr. Collingsworth's existing space to Tom Pierce, the architect in charge of building design, and asked him to add the future projected requirements into a layout that would fit the vacant space in our building. I told Tom that there was no rush. He seemed pleased with the assignment, intimating that his department was not busy. Marcie called on Saturday morning. I told her about Megan leaving the bikini hanging in the shower and about my inability to...
That was the first time that I had slept in months, possibly in a year. The last time it happened was in a similar session with Jenny. Oh, well, I had nothing on my mind at the moment but satisfying Carmen and making sure that she got enough semen to catch whatever it was that had changed us. I must have moved too much because Carmen came awake and wanted a repeat of the spectacular orgasm that she had just experienced. "Carmen, there is no way that I can guarantee another experience like...
SETTLING INTO A NEW LIFE -or- IF I HAD A WORKD OF MY OWN, EVERYTHING WOULD BE NONSENSE "Wake-y, wake-y, eggs and bac-y!!" Ed laughed as he clapped his hands loudly to wake up the five girls and John who were sprawled on inflatable beds in the living room. "What time is it?" Annie groaned. She'd had a long day the day before - the excitement of her first time traveling without her mother, the hustle and bustle of the airport, the time change and the excitement of being in...
"Yeah, me!" "You! What do you mean?" "I'll do the sex until you find yourself another woman: a replacement for Rachel." "I don't want a replacement for Rachel. Nobody would match up and as for..." " 'Course nobody'll match up but you'll find someone who means a lot to you in different ways and she'll fill the gap. 'Cos there is a gap. I can see the difference from when your wife was alive and 'ow you are now." "Well, there's bound to be a difference when you've lost...
It was Friday night and I was heading home from a long day at work; too much drama in my office if you ask me. The secretaries are always arguing amongst themselves attempting to decide who is the sexiest: My opinion, it was definitely Claire. The way she wore those short skirts and when she bent over I could sometimes get a glimpse of that sexy underwear. Oh, I longed to see it every day and figure out which tiny pair she was wearing and think about if it was matching the equally fantastic bra...
FetishMy wife and I's anniversary was last Sunday so Saturday evening we went out for some dinner and fun. I wore a white dress shirt and slacks and my wife wore a just above the knee skirt and a white blouse. I noticed she also was wearing hose and a bra both of which she normanly doesn't wear. We had a nice meal at Ruth's Chris Steak House , ( the same one in my other stories ). After dinner she wanted to go to a bar some where and listen to some music and dance. We cruised...
8PHE0053 word count 4795 ******** Day 53, Friday Chastity couldn't sleep. Her mind whirled with the possibilities that tomorrow presented. General Manager? Too good to be true? How many men would she have to generally manage? Fuck. She tried buzzing herself with a vibrator. That worked. Mostly. She did fall asleep but the dreams were a replay of last weekend. Each of the faces and dicks morphed into Brennan's. Exhausting. She was all too familiar with Brennan's dick....
Recently, I visited a friend in the hospital. As I walked through the hallways, I was overcome by the fond memories I had experienced while training there many years earlier. This is the story of Nancy, my preceptor. Your ratings and comments are greatly appreciated. I was training at a local hospital to become a medical technologist in the late 1980’s. I had decided to enter he medical field because: one; I needed a job that paid better than my current one, and two; I actually enjoyed the...
MasturbationDuring our PT period we played Football. On this eventful day our drill sir was in the opposite team. The selections were coming up and I wanted to perform well. I was on guard as the ball began to take its flight; I did not want to be frightened in front of our drill sir. Therefore, I did a bold try to defend it by jumping high. My calculations went wrong. I jumped higher than I expected. The ball hit my groin. For a second I stood still then I fell down as I felt pain & giddiness. I remember...
IncestPlot: It has been years since the events of Hexxus in Fern Gully, and science and technology have become more advanced. Zak Young agreed to be the first test subject for a prototype shrinking belt. He had decided to test it out in the very spot in the forest that he had met Crysta. Zak couldn’t wait to see his fairy friends and set the belt buckle to 3 inches tall. Fern Gully itself has also changed as the Fairies had adapted to some human cultures such as nightclubs and different styles of...
Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. PRAY FOR US SINNERS Part 1 “Hail, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.” Leaning over to the nightstand beside my bed, I take the rosary that Father Bauer gave me so long ago out of the...
"What brings you home, Ben?" my brother asked as he handed me the second beer. It had been opened. This was the part I had been dreading most. Where to begin? Should I start with the sad news that I was out of work, warn him that I had four credit card companies on my tail or should I appeal to his sympathy and tell him I had broken up with my girlfriend? I took a long swig of beer, stalling. Seeing that I was still pondering his questions, Ed struck again. "Any marriage plans on the...
Then a few year back that relationship ended messy, with my then schoolyard sweetheart. I drifted into self-pity, questioning myself for the first time. You see I had been with my then love of my life Julie, since late high school. By 22 were had drifted so far apart, that we hated each other. It was later that year at a “New Year’s” party, when option B opened up. I was out drinking with some friends, to see in the New Year. Mickey a friend for a short time, started asking weird...
Friday was sunny and hot, the perfect day for a neighborhood barbeque. Sarah found it funny that the families naturally segregated by age and sex. The kids played in the pool. She thought that Mark must be in teen-boy heaven with five girls. The three older men tended the barbeque—hamburgers, hot dogs, tuna steaks, and vegetable kabobs. Her husband Jeff and John Young sipping beers, while the tee-total Peter had an iced tea. The women gathered in the relative cool of the kitchen, out of the...
Kim McCall wrapped her arms around her legs and hugged them, her knees pulled up under her chin. "I can't believe it," she said. "I can't believe that we only have two days left." The porch swing creaked as Kim's roommate, best friend and lover Pam Maguire sat down beside her. The taller girl stretched out her legs. Kim enjoyed the sight as Pam flexed those legs. Always shapely from all the running her athlete friend did, the coastal sun had tanned them to a golden brown. "Its been...
Hi, friends, thanks for your good response to my previous stories. Here I came back with next sex story which I had with my both readers(Radhika and Sowmiya).This was my first threesome experience with them.This was our first 3some session for all the three of us.I am Vignesh from Hosur, working in Bangalore. The two sex bombshell named as Radhika and Sowmiya came in contact with me after reading my stories in Indian sex story.Both the girls are from AP, working in Bangalore and staying in...
I was always an outgoing, flirtatious person, but sexually, I was very shy. Up to my early 20’s, I hadn’t really been with anyone who brought out my inner vixen. I did as I was told and just hoped they would do something I might actually like. In late 90’s, I was in an abusive relationship. I didn’t believe I was sexy or smart enough to move on. Tim spoke to me and treated me as I wasn’t worthy. After being with him since I was a teenager, I didn’t know any better. I was pushed around and even...
Straight SexToni was very cute. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes and a perfect pair of big tits. By this stage, her eyeliner was smudged and running down her cheeks. Her makeup was smeared with a mixture of tears and drool. She rubbed her hand up and down the big hard cock in front of her. Another man was positioning himself behind her as she knelt on all fours on the bed. She gazed up at the tall black man standing in front of her. “Give it to me,” she begged. “Give me your big fucking cock.”Declan...
Teen“So, do we get to be official wives, husbands, and members of the clergy as well as of the harem?” Onay asked me, even as Megan kissed the back of my neck and the twins, Vanessa and Vicky, held hands with me. “Yes, of course! Though this does mean that the press in your case is quite literally in bed with the State,” I teased her a bit. “Cute! I love that about you!” Rita told me, “that and the fact that you knew that I’d be cool with you ripping my dress and taking me like that!” “Honey,...
Noora and Nadira attended college together. They were similar in size, however Noora was an inch taller. They both had long jet black hair. There was no love lost between them. Both girls were beautiful, but both girls knew it too. Each girl also thought the other was too proud. The heat between them was building. They had exchanged bitchy looks all semester. Recently, the catty comments and insults made their way through Nadira and Noora’s group of friends, and now each was hearing what the...
Hey all! Devil back again with the Second Episode of the One Night Stand Stories. People who don’t know me.. Basically Devil is a Dark Character created by a guy from Kolkata. I usually write Stories in Trilogies (Three Parts). All my Stories are Fictional and Imaginary. People with likewise Fantasies or Imaginations can contact me on and get their Stories Published on Indian sex stories. Please mail me in either English or Hindi as I Don’t Speak Regional Languages. Starting with the Story.....
Steve & Jean lived in Wales and wanted a third to join theiractivities and they wanted that someone to be me. We met on a lateFriday afternoon, I was supposed to be away on business, the initialcontact was very shaky but Jean soon put me at ease, after a couple ofdrinks we decided to head for a hotel room close by where they werestaying. Now the nerves really kicked in, I was excited and scared,wondering what I was install for me or would I be safe.Steve soon put my fears to rest; there was...
The next night was almost a repeat of the previous night except we fucked with the lights on and I fucked the daughter so hard she could not stop cumming and squirting until we slapped her pussy and pinched her nipples to stop her. I then fucked her horny mother and shot my load deep into her pussy. The Daughter was like my little puppy after that and was so nice on the ride home. She wanted to sit up front with me and give me a handjob. They dropped me off at the hotel and My Lady Friend went...
Introduction: The village must select a virgin to satisfy the sexual hunger of a god. I stand naked in the caves entrance, shivering slightly as each breath turns to fog and vanishes. My heart pumps furiously as I try to urge my feet forward, reminding myself that I have a duty to perform, to my family and to my clan. Its an honor, I tell myself for the millionth time. My family will become wealthy as payment for their sacrifice. My reward from the Gods will be greater still: guarantee of an...
Two years later: Meghan sat in seat 40A, a window seat on the left side of the aircraft, just aft of the 757's wing and the large Pratt & Whitney jet engine mounted to it. Her seat was in the upright position and her seatbelt was securely fastened around her waist. Her heart was currently kicking along at around one hundred and twenty beats per minute and a few beads of sweat had sprung up on her forehead. Though Meghan had spent more than 2500 hours of her life aloft in aircraft,...
So as you might know Delta Gamma's are crazy and they are hot as fuck. They had a rep as sluts on my campus and I found out why one day. I was walking on campus when a DG I knew came up to me and ask if she could talk to me in private.She was blonde and wearing shots and a DG top, so I couldn't say no. I figured it was something about class but she led me into a closet with a towel on the floor,I asked what was going on. She explained while moving closer to me and her hand on my chest, that one...
If you have read some of my other stories, then you’ll know I am an office temp and I work in Brighton on the South coast of England. I am no stranger to adventure and some of my adventures have been pretty strange! Anyway, the story I wanted to tell you about today relates to the day I decided to buy a car. It struck me that I might have more jobs available to me if I didn’t have to rely on public transport to get me to work. Having said that, I didn’t have a whole lot of money to spend on a...
In a hidden alcove of the Playa de la Mar Bella in Barcelona a group of men were gathered in a loose circle. As one of the best nude beaches in the country and the world, it was the ideal place for the first annual Cum Slingers Open, a competition of the most talented cum sharkers in the world. Months of covert planning had led up to this moment. A very large nude beach full of beautiful women and four fierce competitors: Raphael, Louie, Donovan and Phil. They had all flown in from various...
Is there any woman who doesn't remember the astounding day she woke up with her very first erection? My personal memory of what should have been a thrilling experience is forever marred by the reaction of Mark, my husband. I, like most of the newly created futanari, had slept through the process of my new penis erupting through the final layer of my epidermis. I had gone to bed feeling quite bloated and ill, and had taken a sleep aide to try and get some much needed rest. Mark, missing our...
(True story) At our company's Annual end of Summer party I observed my co workers very attractive wife getting drunk as hell on the liquor that was flowing during the party. I must've admit I found Marie very attractive, blond blue-eyed late 30s.. they were typical yuppie couple, very conservative .. He was bit arrogant & she bit stuck up, but she was definitely getting hammered and I was watching her as she got plastered. By the time the party was starting to die down I had noticed that...
Their clothes all off; she moved her bare pussy lips to his hard penis, the first penis she had ever felt. The touch was unlike anything she had felt before. She was scared, excited, and unsure of herself. She let her body and what her sister had taught her to guide her. No more cloth between them, only bare skin. She felt him against her. His body warm, muscled, his blue eyes comforting her, loving her. She wanted him inside her now! Push! Do this! Her mouth opened, lusting, desiring, as...
Kimberly stood peeking through the curtains into her back yard, feeling deliciously naughty. Her children were away with her ex-husband for the summer, so there was really nothing standing in the way of a little fun. Outside, Chase pulled off his shirt, and she got chills from the sight of his muscular torso. Her eyes dropped to his waist, and she let out a quiet moan as she drank in the V formed by his abdominal muscles vanishing into his shorts. He turned toward the mower and bent down to...