Cerulean DreamsChapter 2 free porn video

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Misty was jostled awake as the truck hit a bump in the road. Her sleep-blurred vision caught a passing road sign. "Route 3, Mount Moon next left," it read.

"You're awake," said Miranda quietly, giving her lover a sideways glance as she drove and reached over to take her hand.

Misty nodded. "I wasn't totally asleep," she replied, unbuckling her seat belt and sliding over closer to Miranda, "I was just thinking about the other day."

Miranda looked thoughtfully out at the road ahead, sliding an arm around Misty as the girl snuggled in close. "Any thing you wanted to talk about?" she inquired sympathetically, turning the wheel slightly to avoid another pothole.

"No, not really," Misty explained, looking out the front window at the way the headlights barely illuminated the poorly maintained road, "You got a large delivery call, and I needed a boulder badge. Simple as that."

"Bad memories, eh?"

"Kinda," Misty admitted, smiling in spite of herself as Miranda half hugged her, "But at least we both won our challenges. I suppose that kinda counts as closure."

"One more ghost of the past not haunting you," replied Miranda mostly rhetorically, trying not to yawn, "But are you sure that you're okay with us heading to Cerulean? It's not like either of us actually needs a Cascade Badge."

Misty watched the road for a few moments before answering. "It's no big deal," she said, a small smile coming to her as she snuggled against Miranda, "I have you to look out for me, and with you by my side I know I can stand up to my sisters."

"That's good," replied Miranda, giving Misty a small hug, wishing she could kiss her, but the thought of going off the road wasn't the least bit intriguing, "Just remember, you're your own person. Not your sister's plaything."

Misty nodded in agreement; trying not to dwell upon the literally hundreds of times her sisters had manipulated her into doing things she didn't want to. "Last time you were there," asked Misty, trying to change the subject a little, "how did you get along with them?"

Miranda shrugged. "It really wasn't a social call," she explained as the passed another sign advertising a rest stop just a ways ahead, "You see, I kinda got into a small argument with this trainer about which one of us had better pokemon. It was silly really, but he insulted Nezumi, and I couldn't let go by..."

Misty glanced up at Miranda and smiled. "You really love him, don't you?" she asked rhetorically.

Miranda thought about it for a moment, her mind becoming a bit cloudy after the long drive over rough terrain. "He's my second acquisition," explained the courier, "But he's favorite. I suppose it's because he makes me laugh and reminds me how to smile when I forget but also he's just too darn cute sometimes."

Misty smiled, snuggling closer and awkwardly putting her arms around Miranda. "I love you too," she sighed contently, her heart swelling with emotion, "I just hope Umi, Wraith or especially Nezumi don't get jealous!"

"Yeah," chuckled Miranda, giving Misty a gentle half hug, "but I think they understand. If not, Nezumi will explain it to them. They listen to him, and he's good at understanding humans it seems. Which is odd, because dratini are the one's who're mildly empathic."

"Maybe it's because Nezumi spends more time outside of his pokeball," Misty suggested, "And Umi is still quite young in dragon years."

"She'll be fifteen in November," Miranda agreed, slowing as the exit off Route 4 to a rest stop loomed closer, "Nezumi's only five, but he's older in rattata years. Anyway, I wound up having to show that guy in Cerulean why rattatas are just as good as eevees-"

"Did, did you say 'eevee'?" interrupted Misty, glancing up at Miranda with an expression that crossed shocking realization with bemusement.

The woman nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"No reason," chuckled Misty, "Go on."

Miranda gave Misty a suspiciously amused glance as she pulled into the parking area and killed the engine. "Anyway," she continued, adding so much emphasis to the word that Misty almost burst out laughing, "we went to the park and had it out. And that's about it."

Misty gave Miranda a look of unsatisfied curiosity, making it her turn to laugh.

"Okay, okay," she chuckled, shutting off the headlights and unbuckling her seatbelt, "It was a tie. Now then, what's with the eevee?"

Misty exhaled her held breath, smiling and shaking her head as she unbuckled herself as well before getting a little more comfortable. "By any chance, was his name 'Gary'?" she asked, "With an eevee named 'Lilith'?"

Miranda glanced out the windshield at the now more visible stars. "Yeah, Gary something or other," she replied thoughtfully, "I don't really remember, though. Is he another friend of yours?"

"Goodness, no!" laughed Misty, "He's an obnoxious braggart! But then, I'm beginning to think that's a common trait amongst Pallet boys."

"Ah, I see," replied Miranda, turning back to Misty, "he's a friend of Ash's."

"More like a rival," corrected Misty, swinging her legs onto the seat so she could sit in Miranda's lap with her back against the door.

Miranda smirked. "You know," she said slyly, wrapping her arms around her beloved, "it's a good thing he's got a real attitude problem..."

"Oh? Why's that?" inquired Misty in amused suspicion, resting her arms on Miranda's shoulders, awkwardly encircling her neck.

"Because he's kinda cute," Miranda responded, almost unable to keep from laughing.

"Should I be jealous?" Misty asked, bowing her head a little so that she could look up at Miranda with a pitiful look.

"Only if he suddenly becomes an irresistibly beautiful trainer specializing in water pokemon," Miranda replied, her voice becoming quiet as their lips moved closer, "And of course he'd have to change his disposition to be that of someone who is both sweet and full of fire. Becoming someone that I would treasure even beyond death. Someone so special that my heart nearly bursts every time I look into her eyes and her devotion reflected in them."

Misty pressed her lips against Miranda's, cutting her off again in an attempt to ease the emotional buildup she felt. Her lover offered up no resistance, instead holding the girl closer, and tilting her head obligingly as they kissed, running her hands down Misty's back affectionately.

"I do love you," assured Misty breathlessly as she pulled back, "More than I've ever loved anyone or anything."

"Thank you," Miranda replied, brushing her nose against Misty's, "I never grow wary of hearing that."

Misty nodded slowly, the feeling of safety in Miranda's arms making her wish the courier could hold her forever. "If I wasn't so tired I'd show you just how much I love you," she assured, kissing Miranda teasingly, playfully nibbling her bottom lip.

"That's okay," Miranda assured, sighing contentedly as Misty's fingers brushed her bangs out of her eyes, "I love you for you, not for what you can do 'for' me. If I was suddenly cursed so that all I could do was hold you; that would be enough. If the Heavens above decreed that may only kiss you but once a day, my heart would almost burst, but it would still be enough. And if distance itself separated us physically, even staring across a bottomless chasm into your eyes would be enough. I love you, Misty. With out condition, and without regret."

Her beloved let out a long sigh, resting her head on Miranda's shoulder, basking in the moment. "You're as beautiful as your poetry," she sighed, closing her eyes and nuzzling Miranda's neck.

"My muse gives me little rest, my love," assured Miranda with a chuckle, "But I guess I'm just hunting for a perfect moment."

"A perfect moment?" inquired Misty, looking up suddenly into the stormy gray depths of Miranda's suddenly distant gaze.

"Yes," the woman explained reminiscently, "In my Father's diary, he wrote that he had two such moments. He would even ponder them, trying to decide which was more perfect, because you can only have one perfect moment. He never wrote which it was, so I suppose they both were..."

"What were they?" asked Misty in a quiet tone, knowing how thoughts of her deceased father affected the woman.

Miranda smiled. "The day he found Selece was the first," she explained quietly, "He found a clutch of eggs on the beach one summer when he was in Porta Vista, but most of them had been broken open and devoured by sea birds. He never found out what happened to the parents, but he brought the surviving egg home and hatched it. That's why I have Umi..." Miranda smiled at the memory, "But the 'perfect' moment came when that egg hatched. The first thing little Selece saw was my father. Their eyes met, and there was instant love. And somehow, that dratini conveyed his desire to be named Selece. So he basically named himself."

"Was it the same for you with Umi?" Misty inquired, wiping away Miranda's tear for her.

The courier nodded. "Yes, I remember my parents waking me up at three in the morning and rushing me into the Cavern. I was only wearing a nightdress, and didn't have time to even dawn some slippers, so the hot sands beneath my feet was almost unbearable. But when I walked in, and saw that Undine was backing away from her eggs, I knew it was something important! My Father wanted my experience with my dratini to be even more special that his own. And it was... I'll never forget the first few cracks that appeared upon the shell. The pitiful cries as that the sweet baby dragon pushed against the walls of her egg, until finally shattering it into a thousand pieces! Then her little eyes shifting from red to green as she saw me... I knew her name in that instant. Just like with my Father. And I knew she hungry too! Although I wasn't officially 'given' Umi until Umi was old enough to leave her parents, and I was old enough to handle the responsibility. Those were very happy years, though..."

"Before it all ended," concluded Misty, seeing the sad look in Miranda's eyes, "But at least you still have Umi..."

"That's true," whispered Miranda, determined not to cry as she continued her story, "The second moment for my Father, though, was when I was born. I have a picture at home of him and my mom together that day. They look so happy with me, little more than a bundle of blankets between them. It was a long harsh Winter, but I added warmth to both their lives."

"You, you don't resent your Mother's decision to remarry, do you?" Misty asked carefully.

"Goodness no," Miranda chuckled quietly, shaking her head in amusement, "I like Bob. He makes my mother happy, and that's all that matters. But, much like my Father, my moments keep competing for the title of Perfection."

"And may I ask, what moments are currently in the running?" inquired Misty a touch coyly.

Miranda closed her eyes and smiled. "Right now is something of a front runner," she admitted, "But I think the first time you told you loved me ranks pretty high. As does Umi's hatching... Like father like daughter, I suppose. Hm, I have his eyes, you know. Gray as the sky on a cloudy day, just before a storm. Except that in my case, I guess it's a snow storm, because that's what I was born during."

"That's okay," assured Misty, thinking back to their last vid- phone conversation with Vivian Lilcamp, "I think you look better with gray eyes, rather than magenta."

Miranda suppressed a laugh as she removed her glasses. "That's true," she agreed, "but I received my vision defect from my Father."

"That's okay," assured Misty, "I think your glasses add a certain intelligent look to your over all appearance. I like that."

"I'm glad!" replied Miranda, giving Misty a sarcastically relieved look.

"How about me, though?" the trainer inquired, taking Miranda's glasses from her and sliding them onto her own face.

Miranda leaned back a little, examining the effect. "I never realized how big those make my eyes look!" she commented, reaching up to untie Misty's hair so that it fell free, "Hey, not bad..."

"Think so?" Misty giggled, trying unsuccessfully to focus, even though Miranda's prescription wasn't that strong.

"Yes," Miranda agreed with a smile, sliding the spectacles off, "Very cute. But you'll hurt yourself if you wear these for too long."

"Oh, my heroine," said Misty jokingly as Miranda put them away, taking a moment to stretch her legs out, "Oh! Sorry!"

There was a suddenly dull thud as Miranda's clipboard slid off the far end of the seat. "Tis okay," the courier assured, looking over and trying to make out the image of the clipboard in the darkness, "I'm sure its fine."

"Hey, what's on here, anyway?" commented Misty, suddenly struck by her impulsive curiosity as she leaned forward and reached under the dashboard, "I never thought to ask."

"Food for some fancy restaurant," answered Miranda with a shrug, "We get that sometimes. It's usually local delicacies that need to be shipped from far away to please immigrants. That's why the back of the truck is refrigerated."

"I noticed," said Misty, leafing through the papers and squinting to read the words, "Twenty-eight boxes of an eighty piece order. I guess someone else is delivering the next load."

"It's probably something that needs an over night shipment," Miranda explained, "Like sushi or something. Oh well, the job's not glamorous, but I prefer it to working in Admin. It pays better too!"

"And this from the sole heir to the family fortune," Misty commented slyly, sending Miranda a sideways glance.

"Hey! You're right!" gasped Miranda in mock surprise, "I'd better call mom and Bob to tell them to get crackin' and make me some step siblings soon, or I'll have to become a 'real' responsible adult by the time I'm like fifty! What'll I do?!"

"Well, I'd better be careful too!" added Misty, laughing in spite of her wariness, "Because if something happens to my sisters, I'll inherit a pokemon gym!"

Miranda smiled, taking Misty's chin in her hand and tilting Misty's head to making eye contact. "Then I shall bequeath my fortune to my Aunt Laurna and learn to raise fish!" she concluded, "For a few thousand credits and some cracked china cannot compare to the treasure of your love..."

Misty sighed contently as Miranda's lips pressed against her own for a few precious moments. "And in my case," she chuckled between kisses, "I'd rather have you than the world's biggest fish tank any day!"

Miranda pulled back, unable to keep from laughing. "It's more than that," she chuckled, smiling adoringly at Misty as she shook her head, "A pokemon gym's supposed to be a sacred place, something to be taken seriously. They don't give official gym status to just anyone."

"I know," assured Misty wistfully, "but so is love. It's a precious thing and should never just be cast aside, or put off. It should take precedence over everything!"

"I must be rubbing off on you," replied Miranda with an amused smile before sitting up a little straighter and stretching out, "Which isn't a bad thing, really. But sleeping in this position just might be."

"You're probably right," Misty agreed, backing away and setting the clipboard on the dash, "Do you think we'll be warm enough tonight, though?"

"More than likely," replied Miranda teasingly, making Misty blush as she shuffled down to the opposite door and pulled it open.

"Yeah, you're probably right," responded Misty coyly, bowing her head to hide her reaction as she unlocked the backrest and pulled it forward a short distance, "It'll be at least a few weeks before the cooler weather comes."

Miranda leaned forward as she opened her door and slid out. "I guess that means we'll hit Cerulean in time for the End Of Summer Festival," she commented, taking in a deep lungful of the cool night air.

"Hey! You're right," responded Misty, pulling her sleeping bag out from behind the seat, and waiting for Miranda to retrieve her own before slamming the backrest into place once more, "I wonder if this delivery's for the festival?"

"More than likely," replied Miranda, making her way around the truck to make sure everything was in order, "Eighty some odd creates of food does seem a bit much."

"I wonder if there's any ice-cream..." pondered Misty hopefully as Miranda came around to her side and gave one of the tires a light tap with her shoe.

"That's dishonest," said the courier in an amused tone, "Besides, I thought you were worried about keeping warm."

Misty blushed again, causing Miranda to catch her breath as a flood of emotion hit her out of nowhere. "Okay," Misty conceded, in a tone that suggested a scolded child, "I'll be good..."

Miranda shook her head, and put an arm around Misty's shoulders. "But, it can't hurt to look," she replied.

"Yay," Misty responded with token enthusiasm and a mischievous smile as Miranda lead her around to the back of the truck, "But just remember, Miri, we're just looking!"

Miranda gave her an amused sideways glance. "I promise if you do," she replied, dropping her sleeping bag on the ground and letting go of Misty so she could open the back doors.

"Well, okay," giggled Misty as the metal latches strained against Miranda's efforts to unhinge them.

"Must be the temperature," the woman commented as the mechanism unlocked and she strained against the door, "It's frozen shut."

"No problem!" announced Misty, her enthusiasm getting the best of her as she pulled out a pokeball, "Leviathan, you're up!"

Miranda's eyes widened as she took a step back, trying to stammer out an appropriate objection while her beloved tossed out the pokeball. It opened a moment later, and from the crimson light Misty's gyarados materialized.

The monstrous sea serpent bowed its head and turned his gaze towards his mistress. "Gyaaaa," he growled contentedly as Misty scratched his eye ridges affectionately and Miranda could only shake her head in amused dismay.

"I need to you heat the doors up," his trainer explained in a maternal tone, her voice going up and octave as she spoke to her latest pokemon acquisition, "But just a little, okay?"

Leviathan leaned back and nodded, something resembling a smile coming to his lips as he stared down at Misty adoringly. "This- this could be misconstrued as a touch excessive," stammered Miranda, giving the pokemon a wide breadth as she went to stand at Misty's side while the gyarados began making a sinister hissing sound.

"Well, he does have to practice his dragon rage technique," chuckled Misty as small orange flames flickered between Leviathan's twin rows of razor sharp teeth, "And neither of us really have any fire pokemon."

"I've always found them a touch unreliable," admitted Miranda. "Except for growlithes. Cops use them for that reason, I suppose. Too bad their unavailable as starter poke's for Lavender Brats."

"'Lavender Brats'?" inquired Misty, the flames lighting up her face in the dim light.

Miranda nodded, smiling reminiscently. "That's what a lot of people call pokemon trainers from Lavender," she explained, "It started out as derogatory, something about a disagreement with some Sunny Town residence as I recall, but we're proud of the nickname now."

"I have trouble seeing you as a 'brat'," laughed Misty, leaning against Miranda as Leviathan carefully blew a light dusting of orange flame against the back doors of the panel truck, "A 'Lavender Girl', maybe, but not a 'Lavender Brat'."

Miranda titled her head and looked down at Misty with a serious look. "I wasn't always the person I am today," she said teasingly, "And I'm sure you were quite a handful for your parents when you were young too!"

"My, my parents..." muttered Misty, suddenly looking glum before becoming alarmed, "Leviathan! That's enough!" The gyarados gave his trainer a sideways glance. "Dooosss?" he inquired, blinking his huge amber eyes innocently, oblivious to the fact that the paint had peeled off and the door was beginning to melt.

"Stop!" Misty ordered, holding out Leviathan's pokeball and activating it, "That's enough for now."

The pokemon gave an apologetic sound, and looked downcast as he dematerialized and was once again and drawn back into his pokeball.

"I'm sorry," came Miranda's quiet apology as Misty stepped forward, leaving Miranda suddenly feeling very cold and alone, "I, I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay," assured Misty, staring off into the space between herself and the now smoking doors, "It my fault for never mentioning it to you. I, I think that you of all people have right to know."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," assured Miranda, her stomach twisting into knots as guilt hit her conscience rather hard.

Misty shook her head. "There's not much to tell," she continued after taking a deep breath, "My parent's Fate was nowhere near as dramatic or even interesting as you might think. They were lost at sea, that's all. It was supposed to be a second honeymoon to the Orange Islands, and their ship went down in a storm..."

"I see," Miranda replied, coming up behind Misty and placing her hands carefully upon Misty's shoulders, half wondering if she should.

"Don't worry," assured Misty, closing her eyes and bowing her head to hide her tears as she put her hands over Miranda's, "It's just that I'm not as strong as you are, Miranda. As you've said, I'm full of life. It makes it hard to deal with death, so I ignore it, or try to forget about it. You're comment just caught me off guard, 'tis all."

"I'm still sorry," said Miranda, sliding her arms around Misty from behind and holding her close, "I guess that I'm just so used to mourning my own losses, that I forget that other people have them too."

Misty snickered in spite of herself. "It's funny," she commented, resting her head upon Miranda's shoulder and staring up at the stars, "I almost envy you."

"How so?"

The trainer inhaled the now warm air and held it for a moment before speaking, hoping that her tears would stop. "It's stupid really," she replied, "just a silly childish jealousy. You'd only laugh at me."

"No," corrected Miranda, "Nothing you say or feel is silly. You mean everything to me, and if there's something on your mind, I want to hear it."

"Okay," continued Misty, glancing into Miranda's caring eyes, "Here goes. You see, you have a story to tell when it comes to your family tragedy. The Rockets came to steal your parent's pokemon, and everything went horribly wrong. You have someone you can point to, and say 'You killed my Father, you murdered Undine and Selece, and your stupid machoke paralyzed your Mother. Who do I have blame? Who do can I seek revenge upon for dramatically changing my life for the worse? Nature? Fate? Blind luck?!"

"Misty..." choked Miranda, holding the girl as close as she could, the sight of her beloved tears, and the pain in her voice cutting though her usual calm and leaving behind a numb sorrow.

"I, I told you it was stupid and childish," replied Misty, her small fingers digging into Miranda's forearms as she held on for support, "Being envious of such a thing... I'm nothing like my sisters!"

"Misty!" exclaimed Miranda through her own tears, turning her beloved around before taking hold of her shoulders and meeting her gaze, "It's- It's all right. And not being like your sisters is a good thing."

Misty met Miranda's gaze and nodded. "Thank you," she whispered; falling into her lover's embrace, "You seem to be able to put up with so much..."

"I'm not putting up with anything," assured Miranda a little indignantly, "And it's not childish, it's just human. It's not stupid, it just means that you aspire to greatness. And that's a good thing."

Misty pulled away and looked up at Miranda once again, smiling weakly. "Is this what it's like?" she inquired, her heart feeling a little less burdened to have someone love me? To put up with my moods? To listen to my problems? To not just cast me aside because I don't live up to some stupid outdated 'beauty myth'?!"

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Geeta exited the Bank of Montreal building, striding quickly for Bay Street, and then north, heading for the Starbucks at Queen and Bay. Almost five years had passed since her basement encounter with Raj and his deceased friends. She was almost twenty-two now. She'd grown one more inch and stopped at 5'9", and in her heels, she was a stunning sight. She was nearing the end of her studies, in the last year of her business degree at the University of Toronto, and in the co-op phase, and so...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity With My Boyfriend At My House

Hi, I am new here and this is my first sex story. My name is Riya, I am 19 and have figure 32-26-32. This story is about how I lost my virginity at my own house with my boyfriend karthik who is 20. We had a relationship of 6 months and we were very close to each other. We used to have sex talks late night talks and we want to have it but were not getting perfect place for it. Suddenly my family have to go somewhere and due to some reasons I was not able to go with them. So my family went up in...

4 years ago
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My wifersquos maid of honor Part 3

We went by the bathroom where she said I have to pee. She told me to make myself at home. So I went into the living room sat down and took off my shoes to watch some TV. When she came from the bathroom she came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. As she began to give me a shoulder rub. Then I felt her lips on the side of my neck softly kissing me. Again I was enjoying the attention. As she came around me and said “let me take your clothes off so that you can really relax”. I did not...

4 years ago
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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Ten

Introduction: Im sorry this took so long, apparent you guys think I dont have a life and all I do is sit at home and write, well I do have a life and If you guys are going to be rude and impatient Ill take my stories else where. The past five years have been hard. Jake was home a total of two years, the other three he was deployed, one deployment lasted eighteen months and that was the worst one. She hoped hed never have another long one like that. She could handle the nine months to a year but...

2 years ago
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A Night to Unwind

Matt threw his briefcase into the backseat of the car and got in, finally homeward bound. The only thing he wanted was to get home to his beautiful wife and unwind from a long day at work. It seemed as though he would have never gotten through that stack of paperwork on his desk. He loosened his tie around his neck and pulled out of the parking lot. He called his wife to let her know he was on his way home and she picked up on the second ring. ‘Hey Baby, I’m on my way home.’ he said as he...

2 years ago
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Neat N Naked Dakota

Kit spent most of his time alone. He was a bit of a slob and was feeling very lonely. He was looking for someone to spend time with who would help him clean his house. About a week ago he heard a rumor about this service. He didn't believe the rumors but figured he'd at least call the number he was given to find out a little more about it. He picked up his phone and began dialing . . ."Neat n Naked... where our girls suck better than hoovers. How can we help you?" Came a deep throaty voice...

First Time
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JapanHDV Naho Hazuki Naho Hazuki and her lover for the day spend the afternoon fucking in a hotel

Naho Hazuki has the greatest tits and her lover can not keep his hands off them. They are big and full and all natural. If got lost at sea, you would want Naho Hazuki with you so you could use her huge tits as a flotation device. That is how big they are, and they could save your life. She is in a hotel room for the afternoon with a lover and his camera. She agreed to steal away from her husband for the afternoon as he always works late and he does not call her when he is away working. Naho...

1 year ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 22 Exposure

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:15pm The tall, slim, older man entered Norwood Books and approached the owner. “Hello, I’m Norm Carson. I called you yesterday about a book I’ve been looking for. It’s called Selected Tales of Guy De Maupassant.” “Yes, I remember,” Grant Norwood said. “I do have a 1950 edition in good condition. That would be the second printing. Would that do?” “Yes, it would. Thank you,” the man smiled. “Jesse, would you come here for a moment?” Grant called to that back of the...

1 year ago
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AssParade Victoria June Massage Made Her Horny

Victoria June likes to get a massage with a side of dick. She hires Jay Bangher and he isn’t used to her methods. She thinks she should get whatever she wants since she’s paying. So she has him massage her ass, then her tits, then he even massages her pussy. Before long he’s balls deep in her sexy ass pussy. He is stroking her long and hard with his cock. She bounces her insanely huge ass all over his dick and has him eat her out. She sucks his cock all slutty like and he...

4 years ago
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AwakeningsChapter 4

The Captain was upset. The east division had reported that they had lost several agents. Looking over the reports again, he knew that it was the work of the doctor's group. Sighing he picked up the phone calling for Tahir. This was only 2 days after Tahir had eliminated the group's four main energy wave protectors. Tahir had started looking at all the 12 seer posts. The way he figured it, if their boss wanted to take him out, then he'd have to get someone closer. He had started by looking...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Laney Grey Laney8217s Accommodation Is Bigger Than Expected

When tired hotel guest Laney was finally in her room, she asked her Maitre d’hotel Milan to have a seat and accompany her for a few minutes so she could apologize for being a little agitated earlier. But when Laney began to make her move on him, he did not want to be unprofessional and tried to pass on her advances. Laney being turned on now asks Milan to help her break in the room and since her husband is no where around she was ready to show her appreciation, especially when she whipped...

2 years ago
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The 3rd man

The call started and I first saw her beautiful smile as she says “Hi Daddy”. He spaghetti strap top was falling off her shoulders as she tried to readjust the, I immediately realized she had gotten started before calling me. She sat the phone down on a table and tried to adjust it so the majority of the room was visible to me. The quality of the call was superb, I could see everything clearly, everything including the two black men sitting on the bed behind her. I could also hear well enough as...

1 year ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 32

Chen Li Wang wondered why all of the fuss. He had seen various parts recalled before, but they were usually a single part or assembly for a specific airplane; not so this time. For whatever reason the Air China head mechanic in Beijing was given instructions to install some new type of air filtration system in just about every bird in the fleet with first priority going to aircraft flying international routes. In a way he thought it might make some sense, after all the international flights...

2 years ago
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One Years after Pinochio was made into a real boy by his fairy godmother, he was strictly instructed not to lie any longer. He vowed never to lie again. He really meant it when he made that promise. He went to school for dummies. So the boy grew into a man. He worked hard and his labor paid off. He made enough money for him to leave Gipetto and Jiminy Cricket to go off on his own to seek fame and fortune. He had grown up despising the pair. Not so much Gipetto. Everytime the gay insect rubbed...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Divorcee

I was in Bengaluru airport after finishing my friend’s marriage on Tuesday. I reached the airport two hours earlier to the airport. I went to CCD and ordered a coffee. A woman in her early 30s stood beside me to give her orders. She was wearing light grey colour skirt that ran up to her knees matched with a white colour shirt and grey colour blazer. Her blazer buttons were open and that allowed me to look her 34C boobs tightly hold and pushed up by her bra. She was wheatish brown, healthily...

3 years ago
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Best Friends with Benefits

When I was fifteen my buddy and I started to watch porn together. And quite regularly. At first we would just watch and laugh or comment, and poking fun at those straight actors - actors who would appear in the film but never got naked – as they could only watch the action going on right in front of them.Time went on and it became more frequent and once in a while I or he would bring a movie over with good sex scenes. Actual good scenes. Great scenes, in fact. We did this so frequently that we...

3 years ago
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Sugar Daddy Chapter 3

Friday afternoon I left work around 4:00 pm, even though our office wouldn't close for a couple of hours yet. I was eager to get a head start on my trip and had already packed and locked the house up that morning before leaving for work.So I headed towards Michelle's right from work (being the boss has its benefits!). A side benefit of leaving early was that I was ahead of most of the Friday afternoon rush hour and was able to get out of Chicago before the crush.I arrived at Ethel's...

1 year ago
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Just to set the scene, "You" are a wealthy bachelor, spending a night alone in your secluded mansion. The other character in this story is Lara, a 19 year old college student from a poor family, who is forced to steal in order to support herself while she studies. Now lets get started.... You wake up with a raging hard-on, the image of a young blonde with legs spread wide still fresh in your mind from your dream. You try to go back to sleep, hoping the blonde will still be there, but you are...

1 year ago
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The White Place Chapter 2

‘Beth? How did it go? Are you okay? Was he mean to you?’ My mother frantically fired questions at me. We were driving home now. I hadn’t said a word since Will came all over my tits, and gave me a second chance. I was in a daze, a relieved, happy, and slightly horny daze. I kept replaying my memory of him fucking me over and over. Each time my pussy got a little wetter. We had been driving for about an hour, and my pussy couldn’t wait any longer. ‘Mom, can we stop at that gas station? I REALLY...

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Lola and the plumber

"I'm supposed to repair a blocked sink." I told the doorman"Ah yes, the elevator is over there, 9th floor, the apartment on the right.""Thanks."As I left the elevator I was greeted by a security guard. A tall guy in his 40s"I'm here to...""I know." He opened the door. "I'll be right here if there's any kind problem." he said ambiguously.I entered the apartment and closed the door behind me."Hello? ... I was called to repair the blocked sink in the bathroom..."No answer.This is the top floor, so...

3 years ago
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my birthday night 1

hi friends this is devkumar from south India. I’m going to tell what happened in my 16th birthday.  because of the heavy loss in business my dad divorced my mom and married another women, It all started at my 16th birthday, my dad had left the house with my younger brother and moved to cochin. My mom kept me and we moved into a big house with lots of room for me to play. She felt kind of guilty for me losing my brother so she spent lots of money on me and lots of time with her women group...

2 years ago
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Camping Temptation

I had been looking at the white camper in front of me for hours, driving behind it with my black Civic. Lightly gripping my hands on the steering wheel I let my mind wander about the week ahead. I was on my way to go camping with Jake Austin and his family. His parents were driving in front of me in their camper, while Jake himself was laying down on the backseat, still suffering from a hangover from the night before. Julia, his eighteen year old sister, was sitting next to me in the passenger...

4 years ago
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Young sissy BrotherSon

Young Sissy Brother/Son It was the first day of summer vacation. Fun to say the least! Then I heard my younger sister, the brat, yelling at me. "Why don't you want to play with me? I have all my dolls set up to have a tea party and I need another person to help." "Bree, I don't want to play with you (ever) and your stupid dolls. You're 12 now, so act your age." "My dolls are not stupid. Mom, mom, can you help?" "Kids, I'm already late for work and I can't have you two...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

Jerry asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?" daughter said, "We have to expand our horizons." Wife said,"And they both need to be really good looking." Jerry went off in a cab to a downtown area where he knew there were some bars. It had been several years since he was in a bar and did not really understand the changes that had occurred. The bar he entered was considered a gay bar but he did not know what that was so he went on in. He was shocked to see some women and men dancing with...

Group Sex
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Shopping Seduction And Sex

Hi, all this is Sam again back with another true life incident that happened a few months back in a shopping mall in Pune. Phoenix market city Pune it is. As you all know it’s a very big mall and mostly upper middle class and elite class people come to shop there I had gone alone to shop for myself.Please read my story and give me feedback on My earlier story can be found here at () Coming to the sex story. It was Monday morning and I parked my car in the parking area and headed towards the...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 3 Whatrsquos For Lunch

What just happened? Is it a dream? Or maybe a nightmare. I wasn’t fully prepared for what happened, even though I wanted it to happen. But maybe not like this. Did I even consent on this or was I just ****d by the man who will be living in my apartment? And if it was ****, how is it possible that it turns me on so much?My thoughts were, as always, my greatest enemy. He zoned out completely and later fell asleep, as if I wasn’t still there and as if he hasn’t (ab)used me the way he did. I went...

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The Class Project Chapters 18 20 Conclusion

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 18 Robyn sat on the toilet and stared at the blue plus sign on the little white stick. This simply could not be happening. How? How could she be pregnant? What the hell was she going to do? She leaned forward and put her head in her hands. A gentle tapping on the door was followed by Cathy's soft voice, "Robyn? Are you okay in there?" Robyn closed her eyes and drew in a gasping breath. "I'm okay." "You sure? Do you need...

3 years ago
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The Bane of FamilyChapter 2

A black transport car pulls up to the curb, the only available space. Police vehicles take up the majority of the street for at least a block in both directions. Marshall Daryl Kerrigan steps out, his black boots landing right inside a puddle. His black trench coat falls out of the transport, almost touching the water puddle. He looks out down either side of the street and frowns. He hates the neon lights, the gambling halls, and particularly the strip clubs. “Another fucking hell hole,” he...

2 years ago
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Im in love with the babysitter

Your wife is out of town for a business trip for a few days and you had a last minute work event this evening you couldn't get out of. Luckily your babysitter was also available for this evening as well at such short notice. Everything went smoothly this evening and feeling good about your work you are able to head home around 9 pm. This is almost two hours earlier than planned. It's still late enough for your kids to be in bed already though. You arrive at your home and put your key in the...

2 years ago
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Mikki and Her Much Younger Don

That was fifteen years ago. Little did I know that she had seen my cock several times when I was growing up. The babysitter always knows how to sneak peeks… Mikki has a son very close to my same age; we played together every day and when Dad & Mom were not home, Mikki was my watchdog. Everybody loved the cute brunette and couldn’t understand why Floyd left her for another woman. It absolutely crushed Wayne, their son, because his dad left the whole damn country and made his home in...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 8

It was getting to be along in the afternoon before Mike got the van back to Spearfish Lake. It was time for the kids to be home from school, so Mike thought he'd better swing by and check on them. Nine was perhaps a little on the young side for Tiffany to be home alone with Henry, but so far it had worked out all right. Still, if Mike or Kirsten were out in the late afternoon, they tried to swing by the house just to check on the kids. The situation was essentially normal when he walked...

3 years ago
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Sex With New Friend

Hi ISS friends….. I am Nikhil from Bangalore, I am great fan of ISS and read almost all the stories. I am 6 feet tall and fair looking guy. The story which i am posting is the real story which happened 1 yr back in US. I work in one of the MNC in Bangalore, I was suppose to for a training for 2 months in San jose. This was my first visit to US. The day came and i landed in San Francisco. I took a cab and traveled to San Jose and reached Hotel. This was the 1st time i am in US, So i was excited...

4 years ago
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The Trials of First Love Chapter 6 The Finale

My eyelids were heavy and as I slowly opened them, the light hurt. As my head started to pound I tried to move, but the pain stopped me. “Anna, oh Anna,” I heard my mother whispering. “She’s awake,” she said louder. When I tried to turn my head toward her voice, she told me not to move. I felt pain all over my body as an image flashed of Jeremy above me angry and the feeling of cold air on my skin. ‘What was that? When was that?’ I asked myself. I cringed and immediately felt more pain in my...

First Time
2 years ago
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Rani Aunty Ko Injection Lagaya

Now come to my real story…This is my first story plz aunties, girls, and my friends courage me…..Now am going 2 tell you about myself. My name is Sahil..I am doing business with my father…No doubt we r rich people……I have had everything…Now talk in Hindi…Meri age 25 saal ki hai..Main jab 20 saal ka tha mera injection lun bada hune lga aishta aishta muje sex ke baare main pta lga ,,aur Sahil ne apni cousin Shivani ko chod daala..Panty phaad dii….Suck kiya,2 din tak maine apni cousin bed main hee...

3 years ago
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Giving in to the Urges

A few months ago I was at a pool bbq party at my sister-in-laws house. My wife had always been close to her sister Mary, so we often found ourselves at eachothers homes on the weekends for various functions and get togethers. My wife, Miranda, is a beautiful woman, at 5’1” tall she had a glorious figure. Nice full C cup breasts, dark brown hair hanging past her shoulders, strong legs, a flat stomach and an ass men would kill for. Mary was a little shorter than my wife, with blonde hair and...

2 years ago
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Sil Mil My Extended Family 8211 Part 8

Both of us were tired after the long day and the long fuck, we slumped into each other’s arms and slept. I was woken up by Haritha and it was now almost dinner time. She had just freshened and looked hot, I wanted to fuck her again and grew hard as pulled her towards me, she resisted… Haritha : Darling let us take a break and enjoy the complete night tonight, also mom and Anusha are waiting for us to go out and have dinner. Me : ok.. but… Haritha : Please darling…. Saying this, she hugged me...

3 years ago
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Pati Ne Biwi Chudwaya

Namaskar dosto main kumar. Aapne meri last story padhi thee {husband wife dono ko khus kiya} vo meri pahli story thee. Jispe mujhe bahot se email mile aur maine lagbhag sab ka jawab diya. Usme se ek admi roj mujh se bate karne laga hal chal poochne laga aur meri story ke bare main poochne laga. Kafi intresting admi hai vo. Usne kaha jis tarah se aapne un dono husband wife ko maja diya kiya tum mujhe bhi maja de sakte ho to maine kaha ha kion nahi. Usne kaha tumse baat karne se pahle main wife...

1 year ago
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Wife and Mother in law camping trip experience par

So me, my wife and her parents went on a camping trip this past weekend. We brought two tents. We had them setup for a couple of days. The tents were about 8 or 9 feet apart we setup a hammock between both. My father in law went out to get a few things back home that we forgot. My wife and I went swimming and my mother in law said she wanted to read a book in the hammock. My wife and I went swimming and had a good time. We made our way back to the campsite and went in our tent to change. I took...

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Tiffany My Teenage Slut

When I walked in, Tiffany was laying on my bed. When she had asked me what she should wear I told her to surprise me. She was dressed in the classical plaid school-girl uniform complete with an unbuttoned white blouse that barely covered her C cup breasts and her tight tummy on display for my viewing pleasure. Her legs were bent at the knees with white thigh-high nylons that came up and over her knees, covering her perfect long legs. The sexiest part was her plaid skirt that strategically...

4 years ago
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David and BathshebaChapter 14

It was two weeks later that Clive called Tom in. He was in a jovial mood although Tom noted that, as usual, it did not extend to his eyes. "Sit yourself down, Tom. I've got good news. We've been short-listed for the oil job." "Great!" exclaimed Tom and meant it. "Well, you can take all the kudos for that. Your outline plans were first rate and, I gather, their chief engineer was rooting for you." "Did anyone else submit plans?" "Yes but I gather they were pretty sketchy. We...

1 year ago
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Perfect Stranger

The nightclub was packed with people. Bodies were writhing together in time to the beats blasting over the speakers. All the flashing lights made it impossible to tell one face from another. It was like looking out over a sea of androgynous people, and she loved every minute of it. Her friends were down there somewhere, grinding up against the fellow of their choice. It mystified her that they would all probably hook up with someone tonight, and she'd be left alone again, tending all the...

Straight Sex
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Oh the BLESSED sap

You can learn a lot from just a guys cock and nothing else. The more I sucked cock, the more I realized that cocks, like finger prints are all unique. No two are ever quite the same; and that's what I love about sucking them!A glory hole is the perfect place to experience the unique characteristics of a cock (and it's owner, too, of course)! I usually don't go out of my way to encourage a lot of chit-chat between myself and the guys that drop by my glory hole. It's generally better to leave the...

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