Cerulean DreamsChapter 17 free porn video

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The Gym was dark when they arrived, and as they entered the living quarters it was obvious that Misty's sisters had yet to arrive. Feeling strangely guilty, Miranda followed her lover down the dark hallway. Their fingers linked as they hurried quietly past several closed doors and darkened doorways, a strange aura of mischief permeating the scene.

At the end of the hall, Misty turned and embraced Miranda. With a giggle as they pressed their lips together, she turned her lover around and stepped forward until Miranda's back pressed against the nearest door.

As both their hands roamed freely, gliding across the rustling fabric of their dresses and their lips pressed firmly, almost desperately together, Miranda felt a mildly uncomfortable pressure upon her back. Panting, she tilted her head up, only to find Misty hungrily kissing along her neck, giggling as she sought out her lover's lips.

"Hold on a sec," whispered, realizing what the pressure at her back was caused by. It was the flat wooden carving of a five- pointed staryu. The name "Misty" stenciled across it, marking the room as hers. Miranda turned her head to one side, listening carefully at the door and laughing as Misty stood on her toes to playfully nibble Miranda's earlobe.

"Hey, no fair!" she chided in a silly tone, reaching down to take two firm handfuls of Misty's bottom and chuckling quietly as her lover gasped a little.

"Hm, what can be in my room," pondered Misty in a playful tone as she reached up and idly coiled Miranda's long dark hair around several of her fingers, "that's so much more interesting than what's out here? Perhaps I should take a look-"


Misty paused, about to laugh at Miranda's reaction. The woman's eyes looking huge behind her glasses as she gave her a look of bemused concern. "No?" teased Misty, untwining her fingers and sliding both hands up either side of Miranda's face, drawing her closer, "Would you prefer to make love in the hall then? Perhaps shock my sisters into leaving town?"

Miranda laughed nervously. "Um, I kinda have a surprise for you," she explained nervously, her heart beating so loudly, she was certain it was audible, "Just hold on, one little second..."

"Time's up," Misty chuckled, stepping back and crossing her arms half warily as Miranda turned and clutched the door handle with an unsteady hand.

The courier gave a small giggle at the comment, hating the necessity of halting their moment of spontaneous fun as she slowly turned the door handle and pushed it open just enough to see in.

From within the darkened room, Miranda could hear a strange, quiet, nearly rhythmic sound. Though the silvery beams of moonlight that shined through the window gave her partial visibility, all that Miranda could make out of the dark shape that sat upon the bed were sharply pointed ears and a long tail.

"Hey!" whispered Miranda into the room, pushing the door open slightly as Misty peered over her shoulder, her curiosity aroused by both her lover's odd behavior as well as the quiet snoring sound that emanated from her bedroom. "Yo! Wake up!" Miranda hissed, stomping her foot loudly and waving her hand expressively, "Come on! Go home!"

As Misty gripped Miranda's shoulders and tried to peer around her, a sound like some animal being startled awake filled the room. The annoyed snort was cut short by a frightened, high toned and vaguely female sounding shout of "Abra!" before terminating with a gentle -POP!-.

"Sp-sparkles?" stammered Misty, laughing as Miranda let out a long sigh of relief.

"I hope she didn't leave a mess," the woman commented, standing up straighter and turning to face Misty before taking her hands in her own. "Okay," she explained a little melodramatically, "I wanted to make this more of a surprise... But I think the mystery may have been unveiled early..."

"Nope!" promised Misty with a laugh, her eyes finally adjusting to the gloom of the hallway, "I'll close my eyes!"

"Alright then," said the courier with a smile, giving Misty a gentle kiss, causing her sea green eyes, so full of love and laughter to open once again, "Just give me a second."

Misty nodded as her lover stepped backwards and sideways into her room. "Don't start without me!" she teased through the door as it closed, soliciting a muffled laugh from Miranda, before pressing her ear against the door in curiosity.

From within, she heard the quiet sound of pokeballs opening, and the sounds of Wraith and Nezumi's happy greetings followed by Miranda's loud "Shh!" A moment later, Misty heard muffled voices as well as Wraith's quiet cackling as her small, narrow bedroom window slid open. There were a few more muffled voices, and then the door handle turned.

Misty leaped back, and both she and Miranda let out a short laugh as their eyes met. Just behind her, Misty could see her room illuminated by golden candlelight and hear the sound of the cool night breeze filtering through the open window.

"I, I think we're ready," said Miranda a little nervously, taking both of Misty's hands and leading her into the bedroom.

As Misty glanced around, she let out a short gasp of surprise as she realized several mysteriously floating candles supplied the candlelight that slowly orbited the interior of her room.

"Those are just Wraith's illusions," explained Miranda, looking down to be careful where they stepped as she lead Misty further into the room before motioning to the bed, "But this, however, is not."

Misty glanced in the direction that her lover had indicated and had to do a double take. In the place where the small, hard cot that passed for her bed since childhood had been, there was a now a large, comfortable looking one. One large enough for at least three or four people to lie shoulder to shoulder across it. In that moment, it didn't matter that most of her belongings had had to be moved to the other side of the room, carefully piled and stacked against one wall. It didn't matter that Wraith was hovering outside her window like some kind of darkly grinning spectre, waving heartily as Nezumi sat in his other hand laughing at her expression.

"Oh, Miri..." Misty breathed, throwing her arms around the woman and resting her head against her shoulder with happy tears in her eyes, "My dearest, sweet, beautiful Miranda. I love you..."

"That's all that I ask," assured Miranda, returning the embrace and slowly running her hands up and down Misty's back affectionately.

"But- but how-?" her beloved stammered, suddenly looking up at her with eyes full of concern, "And how much did, did this cost-?"

"Shh," soothed Miranda, placing a finger upon Misty's lips and trying to ignore the quietly muttered comments her rattata made about her 'looking like a girl', "The cost is meaningless. And as for how... Well, just promise me you won't be mad."

"How- how could I be?!" laughed Misty, stepping back and shaking her head in disbelief at her wonderful new bed, complete with a brand new warm-looking comforter, silken sheets and down filled pillows so full and fluffy that they could stop a bullet, "I- I almost wish we were staying here longer so I could use it more!"

Miranda laughed, ignoring the lewd comments both her watching pokemon made. "Well, we have tonight," she promised, tilting her head to one side thoughtfully, "And the festival runs until the end of the week, so if Nezumi and Wraith don't turn up anything I wouldn't mind staying a few more days. I can call Bob first thing tomorrow and tell him I'm taking some time off."

"You're spoiling me again," sighed Misty, smiling in amusement as she realized that she actually caught most of what Nezumi had muttered, and blushing as she partially agreed with the rattata's sentiment.

"I like to think of that as my second job," her lover replied glancing out the window at her floating pokemon, smiling reassuringly before nodding for them to leave, "Heck, it even pays better."

Misty laughed turning in time to see Wraith and Nezumi wave goodbye before the haunter faded to invisibility and wove a simple illusion around the rattata to make him vanish as well.

"They're off to check out 'Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue', aren't they?"

Miranda nodded, noticing that the illusionary candles had already began to fade. "Yeah, I know," she said warily, glancing out the window at the still, quiet night, "It's a bit cliche, but I trust their abilities. Nezumi is stealthy, and good at finding things. And Wraith can make them both invisible, check any computer records they might have, as well as being able to show us exactly what they found with his illusions."

"You think they'll really find anything?" asked Misty, leaning against Miranda, enjoying the feel her dress against her skin.

Miranda shrugged. "I'll admit it's a long shot," she agreed, kissing Misty lightly, "but I'd rather be sure about this before I ask my Uncle to raid place looking for her. Besides, I still think that alakazam looked a bit familiar. It could have been the one we-"

"No more," said Misty, interrupting her with a finger pressed against Miranda's lips, a stern tone, and a serious look that softened as the candles faded further, "Once again we have the gym to ourselves, and this time we have a nice big, brand new bed to break-in. Not to mention the fact that I'm so wound up I could explode at any moment, and the fact that I can tell being hit on all night by three lovely ladies did more for you than your letting on."

Miranda blushed, looking embarrassed for a moment as she reached up and took her glasses off, setting them carefully on the nightstand. "Four, actually," she corrected in an amused tone, causing Misty to give her a curious look. "But one was so beautiful that it was painful to look upon her."

"Really?" inquired Misty, unable to keep a smile from forming, "And which one would that be?"

"Oh, you!" Miranda exclaimed, grabbing hold of her lover and throwing herself onto the bed as they both laughed.

"But you're right," she agreed after rolling onto her back and letting Misty lie atop her, "This is no time for talk of vile villainy, or all consuming vengeance, or even the bitter sting of sibling rivalry. For how could I sit down to dinner with one who caused my heart to ache so badly and not want to hold her? How could I ignore someone so wonderful? How could I think of anything else in the entire world other than how to make her take me home and let her take advantage of me?"

Misty, whose eyes had sparkled with intensity right up until the end, wound up laughing at the last comment. "Point taken," she replied, kissing Miranda softly and running her fingers through her lover's hair. "You know," she commented as Miranda lifted her head up to allow her hair to be fanned out across the turned back covers, "It's really not that bad."

"My hair?" inquired Miranda, looking up to where a bit of her bangs still stubbornly tried to obscure her eyes.

Misty nodded, brushing the dark locks off her lover's forehead. "It may be a bit unmanageable, and it seems to have a mind of its own, but your hair is still beautiful in its own way," Misty paused, leaning her elbow on the bed as she combed Miranda's dark locks with her fingers, "It tangles a bit, but its soft and silky..."

"You sound envious," Miranda commented, searching her lover's eyes. Noting to herself that Misty's hair didn't quite reach her shoulders even with it worn undone as it was now. Yet her lover's orangish locks, thinner and more manageable that her own, still gave Misty a certain tomboyish look that stirred something inside her.

Misty shrugged, sliding off of her to stand in the silvery moonlight that was now the cluttered room's only light source. "I suppose in my need to be the opposite of my siblings, I neglected my own femininity to a degree," she commented as Miranda sat up and held out her arms.

"Hardly," the courier assured as Misty glided forward into her embrace, "I'll bet no one in your family even thinks twice about you in that dress. But if I went home in this get up, the whole town would be like 'Oh my goodness! You mean Miranda's a girl!?'"

Misty laughed, returning the embrace and once more taking handfuls of Miranda's hair, this time bunching it up, exposing her lover's neck and shoulders before tilting the woman's head to one side. "I know," she whispered quietly, trying not to let her musings break the mood and kissing her way up Miranda's neck.

"And, and your hair," Miranda breathed, feeling her pulse race as Misty gently nibbled her ear in just the right way, "don't- don't worry about it."

"Think I should let it grow out?" Misty inquired in a whisper, letting Miranda's midnight locks fall to one side as her hands reached back to slowly unzip her lover's dress.

"I- I really can't make that decision for you, dearest," Miranda sighed, letting her arms fall to her sides, smiling contentedly as Misty's nimble fingers slowly undressed her, "Especially since the way that you wear it makes that lovely neck of yours so vulnerable-"

"No, no," teased Misty with a laugh, playfully pushing back against Miranda's shoulders as the woman came forward to kiss her, "I still need to repay you for the other night. This time, you're not getting away without letting me please you."

Miranda smiled in the twilight, laughing as she obediently fell backwards onto the bed, her arms splayed to either side, her dress still half undone. "Please be gentle," she replied coyly, making Misty laugh as she fell forward, laughing as she kissed every inch of her lover's neck and chin before finding her lips.

"Somehow," mused Misty, her elbows on either side of Miranda, supporting herself, "I can't see you like that."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Miranda inquired, her tone becoming a little more serious.

Misty looked thoughtful for a moment, searching for the right words as Miranda put her hands behind her head, looking up at her lover in bemused adoration. "I, I suppose I just have trouble seeing you as... As inexperienced," she said tactfully after a time, "I just can't see you not knowing what to do. I just have difficulty seeing you in that roll, 'tis all."

"As I've said," assured Miranda, reaching up to touch Misty's face fondly, "I've had two more experienced 'instructors' in my time. But they both failed to teach me the one thing I've only just learned with you."

"And that would be?" said Misty softly, her voice sounding so vulnerable that Miranda tensed, feeling the need to wrap her arms around the girl and tell her that all was well.

"You... You taught me what it's like to love someone, and be loved in return," she managed, finding it hard to speak as her heart leapt in her chest, "No one else has ever given me that gift. But really, I don't want to think about them. Only you. You're the only one that matters to me."

"Three times lucky, then?" asked Misty rhetorically, her moment of insecurity vanishing as she laid her head down upon Miranda's chest, smiling as her lover's fingers brushed her hair back.

"Luck isn't a strong enough word."

Misty smiled, suppressing a small, happy laugh, only to have the moment stolen by a suddenly loud -thump!- from somewhere downstairs. "They're home," she said idly, closing her eyes and trying to block out the noise her sisters made as they argued about who forgot to set the alarm.

"I know," sighed Miranda wearily, staring at the ceiling as her fingers wove their way idly through her lover's hair and listening to the loud stomping sound as three people came up the stairs to the living area outside.

"Any chance they'll just go to bed?" inquired Miranda, wincing at the sound of a slamming door and realizing that Lily had had far too much to drink as she argued with Violet about something their waiter had said.

"I hope so," commented Misty sitting up and reluctantly leaving the safety of Miranda's arms, "This is one of the reasons I left-" They both gave a sudden shiver as something glass hit a floor somewhere and shattered, followed by the sound Lily's laughter and Daisy's pleas for her to just go to bed. "Sometimes it amazes me," continued Misty, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed as Miranda sat up as well, "How everyone thinks they're so perfect. That they never do anything wrong, and never act 'unladylike, ' when really my sisters are totally different people when they're alone."

"Most people are different when they're not in public," Miranda replied, her arms sliding around Misty's waist, her chin upon her lover's shoulder as they both stared out the seemingly distant window.

"I know," she sighed, covering Miranda's arms with her own and giving in to the warm, contented feeling her lover's touch often brought, "I just wish people in this town didn't idolize them so much. As you said, Miri, they're not all that 'sensational'."

"Is that a hint of envy I hear creeping into your voice, love?" teased Miranda, her tone bringing a smile to Misty's lips.

"Perhaps a little," she confessed, leaning her head back against Miranda's shoulder, "I'm part of this family too, but most people don't even know that there is a fourth sister. Which is my own fault I suppose, but it would be nice to be recognized once in a while."

"You were certainly recognized outside the restaurant tonight," Miranda commented as their fingers intertwined and Misty moved her head forward again to listen to the sudden quiet from outside her small bedroom.

"Yes, that was kinda fun," she admitted with a smile, watching the light under the door suddenly go out, "But being recognized by some tabloid reporter hardly counts. Infact I think your Uncle put her up to it."

Miranda gave a false shocked look, and stammered as Misty laughed. "Come on, admit it," the girl teased, poking Miranda playfully in the ribs, "You try to make my happy so much sometimes it's almost like a conspiracy!"

Miranda shook her head in dismay, chuckling at the thought. "You certainly didn't complain about 'this' conspiracy," she commented, bouncing lightly on the new bed, which refused to make a sound in response.

"Well..." said Misty with a touch of worry in her tone, "I would prefer it if you didn't spend every last credit in your account on me. You needn't try to buy my love."

"It's no big deal," Miranda replied with a shrug, "Although I hope that such a thing isn't possible."

"Buying my love? Never. I'm not any of my sisters."

"And they're not you."

"Good thing too!" laughed Misty, not caring if she kept her siblings up, "'Cause then I'd have some real competition!"

Miranda grinned before giving Misty a puzzled look as the girl got to her feet and searched around in the darkness for a few moments before finding where their pack backs had been moved. "Here we go," she muttered mostly to herself as she quickly unpacked a few old clothes in her search.

"Candle?" her lover inquired as Misty stood up and lit a match, lighting the simple white candlestick she'd found before searching her now cluttered dresser for a place to put it.

"Yes," Misty said simply, sliding over a small picture of her parents before carefully setting the candle down and searching for something better to put it on.

Miranda gave a quiet chuckle, leaning back on her hands, and crossing her legs as she watched Misty move uncertainly about the room. She supposed it wasn't the best idea in the whole world to ask Zack to use Sparkles to teleport in a new bed for Misty. Especially considering the newly formed clutter the arrangement had caused, but it seemed likely that privacy had been an unaffordable luxury with her sisters about. And judging by the slight smile she saw upon Misty's lips as she moved about in the flickering candlelight, finally finding a candleholder in the top drawer, Miranda didn't think that it was worth bringing up.

Finally, once she'd made certain that the candle wasn't going to burn down the whole gym, Misty stepped into a relatively clear spot in the middle of the room, and held her hands out to Miranda. A somewhat shy smile crossing her lips as her eyes reflected her lover's curious gaze.

"I wanted to see you," she explained as Miranda got to her feet and stepped forward into Misty's embrace.

"Now who's plotting?" chuckled the courier as they held each other, their lips moving closer as they spoke.

"I just wanted to end this evening right," Misty explained, tilting her head slightly, brushing her lips over Miranda's teasingly before pulling back.

"How so?" the courier inquired coyly, standing a little straighter and trying to suppress a smile.

"By making love with you," Misty replied, feeling sudden warmth in her cheeks, but not caring if Miranda saw her blush.

"You know," warned Miranda with mock hesitation as she leaned back, glancing at the all too thin walls, "They WILL hear us."

"Let them," Misty's determined tone broaching no argument. "I want them to know just how much we love each other."

"I see," said Miranda thoughtfully as Misty took a step back, her fingers running down the sleeves of Miranda's dress until she found her lover's hands.

"Let them hear it!" continued Misty, an unmistakably mischievous grin forming as she spoke before throwing her head back and shouting out for all to hear, "Oh! Oh my dearest, Miri! Yes! Oh goodness yes!"

"Don't!" hissed Miranda, trying not to laugh as her hand sought to cover Misty's mouth.

"Oh! Oh yes! Right there!" shouted Misty in a passionate tone, suppressing her laughter as she stepped away, her eyes full of amusement as they both circumnavigated the floor bound clutter with Misty always staying out of Miranda's reach, "Yes, my love! That's it! Ooh, you're sooo much better than Gary!"

"Careful!" exclaimed Miranda lunging as Misty fell backwards into an old chair where a handful old stuffed animals that had once belonged to her siblings sat in a pile.

"No worries," replied Misty breathlessly as Miranda all but fell upon her, with arms that embraced her protectively.

Miranda sighed, shaking her head in mock dismay. "Okay, I concede," she said with amusement, "Just two small problems."

Misty gave a concerned look, running her fingers down the side of Miranda's face affectionately as she asked in a concerned whisper, "What is, my love?"

"Well," commented Miranda, thinking her thoughts through before speaking them, "What if 'they' come back-?"

"Don't be silly," interrupted Misty with a teasing chuckle, placing a finger over Miranda's lips to silence her, "Your boys know better than to annoy both of us at once. And besides, if they're bringing us bad news, I'd rather wait until morning to hear it. This evening's going fairly well, all things considered, and I don't want anything else spoiling it."

Miranda nodded slowly, glancing to one side and looking pensive as she formulated just the right words to use. "Okay," she replied as Misty gave her an amused look, "just one more thing. There's something I've been meaning to ask since earlier this evening, and it's kinda embarrassing but..."

"Just say it, my dearest Miri," Misty assured, taking a moment to dislodge a plushy starmie that had been threatening her with life- long lower back problems, before tossing it across the room.

As her eyes met her Misty's, Miranda blushed. "I- I have NO idea how to get out of this thing," she admitted helplessly as she tugged at the front of her dress, and causing Misty to burst out laughing once more.

"Oh you!" the girl teased, reaching around to slide Miranda's arms free of the garment, "And here I thought I was a tomboy."

Miranda smiled, quietly chuckling as she struggled to her feet before sliding carefully out of the garment, pushing it down her body in an unhurried fashion. "Oh, it's not that," she replied, her voice sounding thoughtfully seductive in the near darkness, "It's just that I haven't had much practice with these things. See? I need your help yet again."

Misty leaned back in her seat, idly thrumming her fingernails against the arms of her chair as she looked up at her now half naked lover. Miranda had managed to slide the dress down to her waist, but had stopped just above her hips, and now stood with her hands held out towards Misty. A look of mock helplessness crossing her face as her lover finally gave in, reaching out her hands in return.

Miranda's fingers slid across Misty's before taking a firm hold of her lover's wrists and bringing her slightly shorter lover to her feet. "Now, where about's are you stuck again?" Misty inquired, her arms going about Miranda's waist as she teasingly kissed her lover.

"Oh, right about here. Just let me show you," Miranda replied, her fingers moving up Misty's back before unfastening her dress at the back and slowly bringing the short, well concealed zipper down.

Misty watched intently as Miranda's hands moved to her shoulders, taking gentle hold of them before sliding the straps of the Misty's sleeveless dress off her shoulders and slowly pulling the dress down. "Careful, dear," Misty warned as it bunched up and Miranda a bit in the front had to wait for Misty to adjust it on her own.

"See," said Miranda with a wary sigh, her forearms placed lazily upon her lover's shoulders as Misty somehow slipped free of the shoulder straps, "You're much better at this than I am."

"Well then I still have things to teach you then, now don't I?" Misty commented in reply, her hands moving to rest upon Miranda's hips as the woman stepped carefully backwards, away from the cluttered chair.

"And perhaps I you," her lover agreed as they reached a clear spot on the floor, both of them swaying gently as if to quiet music that only they could hear.

"Perhaps," agreed Misty slyly, pausing in her movements as her hands moved to bring Miranda's dress down further.

"Taking advantage of me again?" Miranda teased.

"Hey, if you can't undress yourself, then I'll just have to do it for you," chided Misty in a silly tone, laughing as Miranda made an exaggerated show of finally stepping out of her dress and stretching her limbs.

"Ah, that's better!" she whispered loudly, leaning back and running her fingers through her hair several times to let it fall more freely, "Freedom at last-! Ow-!"

Miranda grimaced as her fingers caught several of her more perseverant tangles before simply giving up and turning her attention back to Misty who smiled approvingly as Miranda went about undressing her as well.

Misty's dress was a bit more complicated than Miranda's, but the courier found that it slid off easily as she simply held her hand's flat against Misty's hips and moved them downwards. The thin, silky feeling material was a poor substitute for the soft feel of Misty's skin beneath her fingers, but Miranda could still feel the firmness of her leg muscles through the fabric and caressed the gentle rises lovingly as she descended.

Her lover made a small quiet exclamation as she stood in her undergarments, the beautifully crafted gown, a silvery-gray mass pooled at her feet. "Something wrong?" whispered Miranda half teasingly as her hands slid up and down the backs of Misty's legs, never growing tired of the feel of her taught muscles.

Misty shook her head, whispering a soft negative reply as her fingers entwined through Miranda's hair, effectively trapping her as the feel of Misty's nails across her scalp sent chills through Miranda.

"Is there something you'd like then?" she inquired, her voice so soft that the sounds of crickets outside and the distant sound of the gym's enormous fish tank switching on its heater nearly drowned out the sound.

Misty's reply was a gentle, embarrassed laugh. "Just a place to sit down first of all," she said, gasping and curling her fingers as Miranda kissed her just above the knee before following the gesture up with a second kiss slightly higher, "Cause you know I can't stand when you do that..."

Miranda chuckled. "I know," she said simply, her hands running up the backs of Misty's legs, squeezing them in gentle appraisal as the tip of her tongue ran up her inner thigh before coming back down the other.

"Oh you..." Misty breathed, leaning forwards as her fingers pulled gently at Miranda's hair, urging her on.

Miranda paused only to chuckle teasingly, actually enjoying the gentle tug of Misty's fingers pulling unconsciously at her hair as her lover leaned forward for support and bent her quaking knees. Then, taking advantage of the new position, Miranda began to stand, teasingly running the tip of her tongue up across one of Misty's breasts.

Her lover gasped at the unexpected sensation, for a moment cursing the fabric that separated her from Miranda's touch. "Please," she whispered, feeling Miranda's hands slowly caressing ever higher, yet suddenly wishing for little more than the feel of the courier's hands upon her breasts, the wonderful sensation of her nipples being squeezed between Miranda's nimble fingers as their lips touched once again.

"Don't be so shy," came Miranda's breathy whisper, as she teasingly kissing the exposed skin just above Misty's bra, "Just tell me what you want..."

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Cerulean DreamsChapter 10

Once the crowd had calmed down, and all the contestants had been accounted for except for James, the festival coordinator finally returned to the stage. He took his time crossing it, the stress of the interruption showing upon the old man's face despite his attempts to hide it as he adjusted the microphone to his height. "Is this on?" he inquired after a moment, pleased by the way his voice echoed through the area, "Okay, now I know that all you youngin's are all hyper over the...

2 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 16

An hour slipped by without either of them noticing, and only the sound of Irene locking the door as the last couple exited the shop snapped them both back into reality. "Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Miranda, struggling awkwardly to her feet, "I wasn't keeping track of the time." "That's okay," Irene assured them with a motherly smile, "Can I offer you a ride home?" "You- you really don't have to," stammered Miranda, amazed by the offer even as Irene put on her Fall jacket and looked...

3 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 18

Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue was dark and eerily silent as the two invisible figures glided across the now empty parking lot and sailed up onto the roof. Once they were both well within the shadows cast by several small chimneys and the rooftop portion of the ventilation system, Wraith dropped the illusion of invisibility on his companion as he faded into the visible spectrums of light himself. "Well that was fun," commented Nezumi sarcastically, hopping down off the haunter's...

1 year ago
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Cerulean Blue

Aliyah was in sixth period Algebra when the teacher came in with the most gorgeous young man she had ever seen. "Class, we have a new student today..this is Ahmed Dajid. He just transferred from Southeast High." "Ahmed, you can take the empty desk in.the third row next to Aliyah." Aliyah felt butterflies in her stomach when they made eye contact, and she smiled at him when he sat down. "Omg, he is so hot!" Aliyah thought to herself. After class Ahmed asked her for help in finding his last class...

First Time
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TyballaChapter 14 Adrasteia

I straddled Madison in the darkness. Her tummy bellowed and her breath came out in short huffs. Chloe stood over us. "Let me up," Madison said, sounding desperate. I got off of her. She scrambled to her feet. "What the fuck was that?" "Madison, I'm so sorry ... I had no idea..." "What the fuck was that? What was it?" "A demon," Chloe said. There was a pause. "Fuck you!" Madison said, and she began to leave. I followed her from under the bleachers into the...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 35

Curses ... foiled again! Mother was waiting at the Dunkerque dock. "Fancy meeting you here," I said ... in a rather perturbed voice. Mom grinned, "They have airplanes in England." "Imagine that," I said. "They fly to France," she said. "Imagine that," with a little more sarcasm. "I understand the English learned how to find France by air during the war." "Mom ... your brother..." "Ah ... yes ... I had quite forgotten Harry." A USAAF pilot, Mother's brother and...

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The College Coed Who Needed A Tutor

I was ecstatic when I learned I had secured a job as an adjunct professor at a local community college. Almost immediately, some of my professional consulting friends warned me about the plethora of young ladies willing to do just about anything to score a good grade. I dismissed their warnings as jealousy, especially since I was a consummate professional and very happily married. I under-estimated the warnings. The very first day of class, I scanned the forty-three fresh young faces sitting in...

College Sex
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Mall Mein Mili Bhabhi Ki Pyaas Bujhayi

Hello doston!  Mere pichli do experiences aap logon ke sath share kiya, bahut mails aye mere pass. Aap logon ke is pyar ke liye aap sabka dhanyawad. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hain ki main basically Lucknow se hun lekin business ke silsile mein travelling karta rahta hun. Ye kahani hai mere experience jo abhi kuch din pahele hua. Ek bhabhi ke saath, halaki shuruat 3-4 mahine pahele hui thi jab main ‘1920 Evil Return’ dekhne gaya tha. Woh mujhe paheli baar Phoenix mall mein mili thi. Bhabhi ki age...

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JulesJordan Vina Sky Tiny Size Queen Vina Sky Takes King Of Cocks Dredd Balls Deep

It’s “DREDD vs. Vina” just as the starlet exclaims, in this scene from Jules Jordan. Vina Sky may have “Sky” in her name but she’s heavenly, especially in the cyan and pink floral lingerie she sports. Don’t forget the pink pumps she skillfully flaunts as well. The beauty effortlessly draws eyeballs from their sockets during a tease that resolves on a kitchen countertop. DREDD enters and exclaims “Wow!”, basking in Vina’s physical glory. The silky Vina Sky handles DREDD’s flesh vermin, sexily...

3 years ago
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The Old Man and the Porch

The old man was on his porch. He sat in his rocking chair. The morning sun shone on his face. His eyes were closed. He did not sleep. He rocked. His chair rocked in a gentle rhythm. The neighborhood and its houses stood empty. The men had long left for their work. The women had gone to their shopping. The children had been sent off to their schools. The houses and the bushes belonged only to the old man. He rocked. An old tom sauntered by him. It glanced at the old man. It saw he was not a...

2 years ago
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It was a nagging ache in my bladder that woke me over an hour before I had set the hotel waking service was to call. I carefully disentangled myself from the arms and legs that held me mometarily trapped beneath the bed sheets. There was a slight stirring from my companion but she just went back to sleep. I stumbled over several articles of clothing s**ttered across the floor and nearly twice threatened to send me crashing down onto the floor, but I managed this obstace couurse and made it...

3 years ago
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The PiperChapter 19

Saturday morning I was up before anyone else in the house. After my shower, I was on the front porch, sipping from a quart bottle of OJ, sitting with my feet propped up on the front porch railing, when I saw a young woman jog past on the sidewalk. I stood to watch her butt as she jogged out of sight. I knew right then, this was another young woman I was going to make an effort to meet. She’s packing a few extra pounds in her belly ... and her boobs look like they have been filled with water,...

3 years ago
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New TG: "Mommy" by Vickie Tern F/m, m/m maybe, femdom of course. Refers at times to adults who practice consensual sex. If you are too young to read about such things lawfully, go fight City Hall, win, and then come back. Mommy by Vickie Tern "Isn't she a dear? So utterly precious! Look how her little rosebud mouth works while she sleeps! As if she were still nursing. Blowing those teeny bubbles. And those teensy...

3 years ago
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At the Office 1

Melissa enjoyed her job a lot... She had been working for the agency for a little over a year, and in that time had gotten two promotions along with nice raises. She had started as a general typist, but had soon shown superior talent and was given the job as the administrative assistant to one of the vice presidents. It was shortly after that happened that she got her big career break.She was working late on a Friday... Her boss had a huge project that had to be in the client's office, halfway...

4 years ago
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A Day at the Beach

This story is a complete work of fiction."Mmmmmmm," she sighed as the fine grains of sand filled the gaps between her toes. For a brief moment in her hectic life, Louise Redknapp's slumbering dreams matched reality. A sun drenched beach, secluded, private and edged by the bluest water imaginable. Even with her eyes closed she could sense the sunshine warm on her bronzed skin. She was sure that no one could see her, or even knew she was here, and, as such, felt really tempted to remove her top....

1 year ago
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A Ladies Man Diary Heads Up part 1

It's funny really. I never thought I could enjoy something like that. So strange. So freaky. But it certainly is a mountain of pleasure: I could die here and there, and be a happy man. You never know if you like something until you've tried it, some wise guy said. Word. It's funny really. I never thought I could enjoy something like that. So strange. So freaky. But it certainly is a mountain of pleasure: I could die here and there, and be a happy man. You never know if you like something until...

3 years ago
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Meri Pados Ki Aunty Aur Unki Jawani

Hi dosto, me aj phir apni ek aur story lekar aya hu jo ki meri padosan aunty menka se judi hai vo sawali hai par husn to mano itna k jism masal du to itar tapke figure karib karib 36-26-38 hoga inke 2 chote bache hai husband kafi aged hai …… Me bhi sawala hu average height aur body hai not too muscular . mera penic 2 inch mota aur 6.5 inch lamba hai ……Mere ghar k sath hi aunty rehti hai vo hamare yaha ati jati rehti hai aur mumy ki achi dost hai aur mujhse bhi kafi frank hai ….To me shuru se...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 8 Another Pig to Poke

"Damn it, Jacob, keep off my lap. You're not a damn kitten! Despite how miserable you feel, you'll still crush me." David shoved the massive animal with all his strength. He didn't budge the large boar in the slightest, so he grunted and shifted farther away himself. "And seriously, your smell is atrocious! We've got to change whatever we feed you in the future." David realized the futility in lecturing a sick pig unable to control its involuntary responses, but he couldn't help it....

3 years ago
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Retirement Project Ella would Like to Know about OrgasmsChapter 3

I stood up, and Ella did too. She was GLUED to it. But as far as I was concerned David was setting a great example, with making a bold move on the one he wanted! I was behind Ella by now, so when she backed away from being right on top of the hot sex she bumped into me. She was turning to say sorry but I grabbed her, with my arm round her gorgeous shoulders. I kissed her neck and slid my other hand straight down to her pussy. I kept kissing her neck again, and talking to her, pointing out...

3 years ago
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Shes the boss Chapter one

For those who haven't read the Introduction yet, please read it before reading this chapter! It's essential for the plot but if you're happy to skip, feel free to go on reading! But I'm sure you'll enjoy the Intro, it has plenty of action in it aswell :) Love, Empressive xoxo •• •• •• ••••• •••• ••• •• • "Hello Patrick."  This was the first time any of my employees had used my first name, and I had no idea what to think of it.  I stared at her, taking in her tiny waist,...

3 years ago
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My First Cock

Not a strange subject you would have thought...but for a guy it was an experience I would never forget in a hurry.At the time I had a steady relationship with a girl (Lezza was her nickname for obvious reasons) that started out normal and rapidly delved into the world of sexual abandon. She was bi-sexual, very bi-sexual and loved being in the middle of a sexual frenzy with whatever partner was to hand, but it was I that introduced her to the world of swinging.Lezza and I had only met one other...

1 year ago
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My wife has a new boy toy

It helped that her parents and mine were best friends and we grew up knowing each other. She was always pleasant to me as well as pretty. Growing up I watched her tiny body change and by the age of 15 we started exploring . At 17 we took each other's virginity and from then on it was daily sexual adventure. I got a job at her dad's auto parts store where she worked in the billing office..We were never separated and became a loving family . I loved Rachel and my two boys but we later...

4 years ago
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Its Good To Be Home

People at the airport thought I’d been drinking. I hadn’t, but I can’t blame them for thinking that. I had stubble on my face, I staggered and I’d been working six days round the clock to straighten out some problems on an offshore oil-drilling rig created by a Malaysian Toolpusher who didn’t know shit, but had an uncle in politics on the Company Board. I fought back tears when I spotted my smiling Claire waving at the gate. I was that tired. I don’t normally tear up, but maybe ten hours sleep...

3 years ago
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Fucking real hot neighbor

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of ISS. Let me explain the happenings in my life.This is my third encounter.Already I had written 2 of them. I am 34 now.Living in a apartment in Rohtak. In the first floor there is a husband and wife living with 2 daughters of age 7 and 1.That lady is working in a private company and her husband is working as a marketing executive.She leaves her 1 year old child in the creche daily and picks her up while coming from office. To explain about her,she is around...

2 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 8

"Aggy, is it your coming to see me? Both recent times you look as if you spent the night carousing rather than sleeping in your bed. Oh, that's it, you were overnighting at "The Residence". I shall have to speak with Trudie about your comfort." 'It wasn't the bed' he thought 'it was Nan. How did she know I was coming? I came unannounced and there she was at Dinner; and later... ' He shook himself mentally, inhaled the cup of coffee and reached for a refill. The Queen...

4 years ago
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You Learn Something New Every day

I was away on a business trip and arrived back at my house around one o’clock in the morning. My wife had told me earlier in the day, that she had gone to visit her sick mother. Madelyn, my stepdaughter was entertaining her friend Madison for the evening. Madelyn was nineteen and enjoying a relaxing summer after finishing her first year at college. I went upstairs to get myself changed and put my luggage away, when I started hearing all of these moans and groans coming from my stepdaughter’s...

2 years ago
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Tawny Sunday It was a warm sunny afternoon. Tommy and Molly lay on sunbeds in bathing attire with drinks in their hands. It had been a lazy Sunday. They had swim a few laps and were now enjoying drinks. Molly was drinking mineral water whilst Tom was drinking a light beer. "Tom, are you happy?" Molly asked with closed eyes. "What kind of question is that?" Tom asked slightly irritated. "I'm happy." "Are you happy with me?" "Where are all these questions coming from? Of...

3 years ago
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Evelyns Exekution

EVELYN´S EXEKUTION Im November 1944 war es der Gestapo nach wochenlangen vergeblichen Bemühungen gelungen, endlich den Aufenthaltsort von Evelyn Petschnik, einem Mitglied des im Untergrund agierenden Widerstands gegen Adolf Hitler, zu eruieren. Um fünf Uhr morgens läutete es an der Wohnungstür von Evelyn. Sie war erst spät von einem Widerstandstreffen in ihre kleine Wohnung zurückgekehrt und schlief tief und fest. Als niemand öffnete befahl der SS-Offizier Heinz Offer die...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 30

Glade believed that she’d arrived at the point in her life where events had directed her. The trials she’d endured from the time her tribe was reduced to slavery, her travels across the southern and northern lands, her marriage to Flint, and, of course, the ever-present shadow of Demure: all of this was destined to culminate where she was now. The pinnacle of her life was to be a peripatetic shaman in the company of her black lover in the white glacial foothills of the Great Mountains. What...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 42 Graduation

The days leading up to graduation were busy ones for Rachel. Besides the traditional end of high school activities, Rachel was spending all of her free time making up for prom night. But she did it with a smile on her face, thinking of what might have been, and what she actually had. Graduation day arrived, and everyone was excited. We met Jeff at the graduation with his parents. He looked quite handsome in his gown, as did Rachel. Of course Rachel was wearing nothing underneath, but that...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Cecelia Taylor Teen Schoolgirl Cecelia Gets Back To The Garden

Cute teen schoolgirl Cecelia is tired of fucking Michael in the car after school and wants to fuck at home, even though her parents are both at home too. Michael did not think this was a good idea but the risk factor had his cock throbbing. Cecelia’s white panties slid right off and Michael dropped to his knees enjoying every lick of her sweet hot pussy under her skirt. Cecelia returns the favor going to her knees and fucking his hard cock with her mouth and then her tight little pussy...

2 years ago
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Bahan ki chudai

Hi sabhi land ko lene or chut me dene walo mera land hilakar aap ko parnam. Mai Rajkumar aaj aapke samne apni real story batane ja raha hun jo ki aaj se sal pahle mere sath ghati. To suno.. Mera nam Rajkumar hai. Mai Hisar ke pass ke Gaon ka rahne wala hun. Hum log kheti karte hai or 6-7 Bhais bhi rakhte hai Mere Pariwar me ab kul 4 member hai mera bap meri ma or ham do bhai. Mera bhai mere se 8 sal chhota hai or vah Hisar me hi rahta hai. Mai us samay hisar se apni MBA kar raha tha. Mere mama...

1 year ago
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Chapter TwoMother in Law

Note : This story is completely fictional! After we got home I carried her groceries in for her and I saw her head to Bathroom,I went back outside and was sitting in a swing in my yard I wated awhile and went in my house Patti was lying in Bed watching tv,where you go she asked??,Carried your mom to store,it took you long enough bet you did more than go to store,So what if we did if you acusing us of fucking we both might need it but no we got groceries and came home.Hell I don.t give a damn if...

2 years ago
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My Love is Your Love

Remy La Croix parked his snow mobile in front of Jackie's Diner, cutting the engine. He smiled catching sight of the decorations in the windows, while getting off his machine, and tucking his helmet under his arm. Jackie always went over the top whenever a holiday came around, Valentine's being no exception. Small metallic cupids graced the corner windows and hand-cut paper hearts lined the largest of the glass displays."Hey Sheriff," Le Roy called Remy out of his thoughts."Le Roy what in the...

4 years ago
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Dress Off 2 Erica vs Kimberly Part 2

Kimberly Reed silently raged against her own stupidity as the voice in her earpiece finished breaking the news of Erica’s first success. She’d probably walked past the book fifteen times already, as she completed circuit after circuit of the floor, futilely waiting for some inspiration to strike. And now that damn bitch was back on level terms with her. As the buttons quietly dropped from Kimberly’s blouse, her blue brassiere and sumptuous cleavage hovered into view for the benefit of anyone...

3 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 56

Kat and Sally followed me up to our rooms, with Sally still harping about the trip. Sally asked Kat what she was talking about and to my utter surprise, Kat knew all about the temple and what to expect when we got there. I could only guess that Sylveen had told her everything about it and she had already decided we were going to go. Kat and Sally sat down on one of the many couches and started a lively discussion about it as I snuck away to get a shower. This time I needed a nice hot shower...

2 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 24 One Heart One Soul

Gardner sat back in his chair looking quite pleased with himself. While he didn't understand, why Lorian's presence was so important, it was another job well done. Diverting the Endurance had been a logistical nightmare, one that included a cargo transfer bang smack in the middle of empty space, but – baring any technical mishaps - Captain Lorian would make it just in time to be present at the wedding. If Lorian's crew performance reviews, particularly those of his chief engineer Kov were...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Aspen Romanoff Party In My Pants

My stepsister Aspen & I are prepping for a party, the kind you have when your parents are out for a night. We’ve done other things together when the parents are gone for a night, the kind of things you don’t talk about in polite society. She can’t even focus on getting ready when I’m around, instead she is pulling out her tits and trying to get me to touch them! Her stepdad is still home but she can’t stop herself. Even when he comes to see us before he leaves,...

1 year ago
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Mansi and Jiya

They were warm and firm and had a smooth silky texture, exactly as she had expected. Two of them were thicker than her wrist and they lay in neat heart shaped curves on her breasts. The remaining four were slightly thinner but longer and they made beautiful curves around the heart. Even in her intense state of arousal, Mansi could not help smiling. This was Jiya's speciality. No one else could do it with such perfection. Jiya's mountain of an arse was still only a few feet above her face with...

1 year ago
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Our new neighbours

My wife Jenny and I recently moved from the South West to the Midlands to a small village. We have been married for just over a year, Jenny is 29 and I am 32. She is quite attractive with a curvy figure but doesn't tend to show herself off much. She has great tits but likes to keep them covered!. We have a great sex life but Jenny is generally quite shy and very innocent. I have asked her many times about her exes and past exploits but she doesn't like to say much and tends to get...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Journey From Frigid To Super Hot

Thanks very much for positive response to my stories. Since all stories in ISS are based on real experience and I was apprehensive of readers reception to fantasy based sex stories and am gratified to receive appreciative messages please find one more story from fantasy dreamland and I hope you will enjoy. I had a stopover at Amsterdam for four hours, so I sat in the air port bar nurturing a whiskey since it was past midnight, the bar was almost deserted. I chose a farthest table in a dark...

2 years ago
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Keeping My Sister in LineChapter 10

“Fuck no, you can’t pimp out your sister!” my dad sneered in disbelief. He couldn’t believe I had just made a case for my sister to give blowjobs at their sex parties. I told him how it would help us out financially and teach her valuable lessons about herself. If it worked for mom then it should work for my sister! I believed that but obviously, Dad was not convinced. I had just told him how well my day had gone. I had gained so much confidence handling my sister that I thought he’d agree...

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sexy moms taste part 3

graduation!" "Ok darling!" We hade a hard time leaving each other to go to get dressed but we managed to do that. On the way to school I had my hand on her legs and she was smiling all the way. Once we arrived she went to the guest's area and I was with my classmates. My mind was on my mom the entire time and I kept looking at her. I ignored Patty almost completely but then I remembered that I shouldn't give any clue to anybody that I was having an affair with my mom. "Patty I...

1 year ago
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Comrades In One Anothers Arms

Sergeant First Class Mark Smith watched as the heavily laden articulated carrier approached the truck he was loading. The massive pallet of munitions was headed for the Fourteenth Infantry Division. They were about to make a big push in Charlie-sector. Mark waved his datapad at the pallet's sticker, reading its encoded information. He checked the weight on the datapad's screen and told the carrier's driver, "That's a heavy one. You better make sure it goes near the front axle. The driver...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 2

In regard to Tim's group of friends, Joseph lost most after the orgy but found his calling. A monk devotes himself through various sacrifices, everything from tasteless food to self-imprisonment to scarification, to gain a patient focus towards the goal of a purity of faith or the achievement of enlightenment. Unlike an apprentice craftsman devoting years to a specific craft until, once he has achieved master craftsman status, he knows everything about it or has gained a vast pool of...

3 years ago
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* Reparation (re-pə-rā-shən) n. : replenishment of a previously inflicted loss by the perpetrator to the victim through amendments, apology or giving satisfaction * The bells rang over the murmuring of people around her who took a collective sigh. The captain announced that he was beginning his descent. She admonished herself for being nervous, she had been on many flights with smooth landings, but she couldn’t stop her heart from picking up a stronger beat. She squeezed her eyes and...

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Kay and the Alien Spa

Kay told me that her and Mary were going to check out the new spa in town.  Some of her friends have been there and keep going back since they like it so much.After she returned from the spa, Kay said that she was exhausted and would tell me about her trip later and that she and I had an appointment to go back tomorrow.After Kay woke up, she began to tell me about the erotic time she had at the spa.  It started with a shower and a complete body shave from her toes to her head.  Then a naked...

Monster Sex
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Phoebes Treats The Christmas Ball

Summer had moved through autumn. Long warm days, full of bright sunshine, had transitioned into cooler shorter days, full of pretty fall colours and then to winter. Bitingly cold, short days with the ever-present promise of frost and snow.It was just fourteen more sleeps until Christmas day. The decorations were in the shops. The lights were strung along the streets and malls. The air full of cinnamon and spicy scents and everyone seemed to be playing holiday music as the excitement...

Group Sex
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Tylers first cock

Tyler was a run of the mill kind of guy he was always attracted to the swimsuit babes on sports illustrated loved huge breasts and the female form he loves women and all kinds of them he was what he thought a sexually adventurous guy. He had an appetite for new things well one night thats exactly what he got little did he know what waited for him one sleepless night. It honestly was no night out of the ordinary his beautiful girlfriend usually pestered him to come sleep with him almost every...

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