Cerulean DreamsChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Wraith didn't bother to turn invisible as he flew through the air, diving low now and again and phasing through people to harmlessly frighten them. 'She never said don't have any fun along the way, ' the little ghost chuckled as the scene of the destruction neared, 'Ah! Here we go!'
Wraith stopped his forward momentum entirely as he reached the parking lot, soliciting an angry retort from the other end of the 'link'. "Sorry, Miranda!" he called out half-sincerely, but couldn't help laughing as several gawkers screamed and ran at the sound of "swallow your soul! Swallow your soul!" a few feet above their heads in pokespeak.
But the ghost stopped laughing when he looked up and saw what was causing the mayhem. A large, obscenely muscular bipedal reptile with a strange, helmet-ish device upon his head was tearing a wheel off an old beat-up looking pokeforce car, and was following up the motion by tossing it at a pair of humans who the onlookers seemed reluctant to go near.
"Hey!" the gastly chastised, reaching out with his mind and grabbing the wheal telekinetically, "Play fair, muscle head!"
"AHHH! A ghost!" exclaimed one of the humans, and with a sideways glance, Wraith noticed that one of the machoke's victims was already unconscious. Her aura said she'd need medical attention soon.
"Bite me!" the machoke growled in a voice that spoke volumes about his tiny reptilian brain and reached into the engine block before tearing away at the transmission.
Wraith took a moment, and turned to face the man he had frightened. "Swallow your soul! Swallow your soul!" he laughed, making the man scream and pass out.
'WRAITH!!!' shouted Miranda loudly in his mind.
'Sorry, ma'am, ' he send back with a chuckle, 'couldn't resist!'
'Wraith, ' sent Miranda again, this time her voice seemed panicked, 'Get out of there! That's Tashiro! Kathy's machoke!'
'Look Boss Lady, I'm already dead. I think that I can handle ONE little fighting-type, ' Wraith chuckled back, amused by the fact that the wall of muscle he was supposed to be afraid of was ignoring him, 'I mean seriously, what can that overgrown lizard do? Kill me?!'
'I'll be there soon, ' was all Miranda said, and Wraith felt his mind empty once more, except for the tenuous connection they still maintained.
"Oh man! She's gonna be sooo proud of me," chuckled the little ghost, focusing his attention on the machoke as the monster tore the car's transmission free, and hefted it easily over his head.
"Oooh, this is gonna be too funny!" commented Wraith, his eyes glowing as he focused his mind, and prepared to bring forth a psychic blast his opponent wouldn't soon forget.
As Tashiro strode purposely towards the unconscious bodies of Jenny and James, Wraith let loose the focused beam of mana, targeting the machoke's walnut sized brain. But as the wave rippled out, the device upon Tashiro's head activated. Small red lights swirled around the base of the helmet, and the little antenna atop it hummed as the psychic energy was harmlessly dispersed into the surrounding area.
"What-?!" hissed Wraith in aggravation as the machoke turned and smiled toothily.
"So, da little ghostie thinks he can harm Tashiro?" the pokemon chuckled, stomping heavily, leaving dents in the pavement as he went as the machoke reoriented on Wraith, "Ha. Ha. Tashiro merely laughs at your pathetic powers!"
Wraith merely laughed as the machoke tossed the transmission at him, letting the device pass right through him and crash noisily into a hotdog cart. "You can't even talk in complete sentences," taunted Wraith, not noticing as Tashiro brought his now free hands together and began to focus his chi, "And now you expect to hurt me by demolishing a car? Oh, that's rich-!"
The gastly was caught off guard as Tashiro opened his palms, and a blast of kinetic energy fired forth, catching him between the eyes, and punching a fist sized hole through the center of his ethereal mass.
"Wow!" exclaimed Wraith in astonishment as he filled in the hole, "That actually hurt a teeny tiny bit! NOT!"
"Almost as much as this will!" promised Tashiro, running forward with one of his fists crackling with electricity.
"Oooh, ya!" chuckled Wraith with a humor he suddenly didn't feel, "This is bad!"
The little ghost willed himself invisible, and easily slipped under the machoke's thunder punch before spinning in place and throwing another psychic blast his way. Once again, however, the energy was absorbed by Tashiro's helmet, and dissipated.
The machoke paused as his fist connected with nothing, and scanned the area for a moment. "Running will not save you," the monstrous pokemon promised, tapping a button on the side of his helmet, "Hiding will not save you..." a pair of dark spectacles came down to cover his eyes as he spoke, "Nothing can save you!"
With that, Tashiro oriented on Wraith's exact position and uppercutted the ghost with a second fist, wreathed in flames. 'Miri!' Wraith sent in mental panic as he spun end over end, up into the air and totally out of control as he tried desperately just to keep his ephemera from leaking away, 'Where are you! I need back up!'
But no response came. As Wraith righted himself several hundred feet off the ground, he tested the invisible mind link and found nothing. The device Tashiro wore not only blocked his psychic attacks, but had shut down his less offensive abilities as well.
"Allllrightyyyy then!" muttered Wraith, licking his lips as dark purple energy crackled cross the surface of his body, "Nightshade it is!"
The ghost took a second to target the device upon his opponent's head, giving Tashiro the time he needed to tear the engine fan out and pull it back as if to throw it at James like a discus, before letting the beam of visible purple hued light fly.
Once again the machoke was distracted, as the attack passed through the helmet, and enveloped his body. "Uhh," the pokemon muttered, dropping the fan and clutching his stomach with both hands, "Tashiro is not feeling so good..."
"That's the idea, lizard lips!" taunted Wraith, flying down towards his opponent, spiraling as he fired off several more blasts of ghostly purple unlight."
Tashiro gritted his teeth as he went down on one knee, the repeated ghost attacks making his stomach turn with the negative charge his body was building up. "Tashiro feel sick," he muttered, opening his now glowing red eyes so suddenly that the crowd of onlookers turned back on itself as people began running for their lives, "But it is good that I have strong stomach!"
The machoke rose slowly to his feet and turned to face the oncoming spirit with a loud roar of defiance. But the laughing ghost simply kept coming; firing repeatedly bursts into the pokemon's chest once he determined that the soulless mechanism upon his opponent's head was immune.
"This one's for Selece!" he laughed, hardly paying attention as both of Tashiro's fists lit up with suddenly focused chi. One was on fire, the other seemed surrounded by icy winds, "And this one's for Undine, and this one's for Vivian, and this one's for-! Ahh-!"
Tashiro growled incomprehensibly as he hammered both fists into Wraith's sides, the elemental effects making up for the lack of actually physical contact. In response, the ghost's body became a featureless black ooze that splattered across Tashiro's face, blinding him as his fists came together painfully.
"Argh!" the machoke cried, staggering back as he clawed at the sticky black goo that clung stubbornly to his face, "Get off, bad ghostie!"
"Ha! Not until you stop calling me that!" replied Wraith, oozing part of his body towards the device on the machoke's head as he clung tenaciously to his face.
"Foolish ghostie!" growled Tashiro, dropping to his knees and flinging his head forward.
"What are you-?!" began Wraith, only to feel the front bumper of the police car pass through him, and impact painfully with Tashiro's snout.
"Wow!" the ghost laughed, as Tashiro howled in pain, "They really don't make you fighting-types like they used to!"
"I show you!" the lizard shouted, his voice muffled by the ghost on his face, and leapt to his feet, just as a confused canine voice spoke up.
"What the-?!" she exclaimed, "Ah! Monster!"
"Monster?" inquired Wraith, forming eyes in the approximate location of Tashiro's just in time to see a fluffy growlithe expel a gout of flame aimed at Tashiro's head, "Oh dreck!"
Wraith phased completely, and let himself pass through Tashiro's body just as the flames washed over the machoke. He then did his best to reconstitute himself and flew in to get a closer look at the firedog.
"Criminals!" the growlithe exclaimed, spotting Wraith and firing another jet of flame at him, "Destroying my human's toy! Bad criminals! Eat my righteous burning wrath!"
"No thanks, lady!" called Wraith, arching around Tashiro's body, using the muscle bound pokemon as a shield, "I've had enough pain for one day!"
"Which one of you?!" demanded the growlithe, her eyes burning with anger, "Which one did this?!" She motioned to the trashed Pokeforce car with her snout, but never broke eye contact with Tashiro.
"It was him!" exclaimed both Tashiro and Wraith at the same time, causing the growlithe to howl with rage.
"Then I'm taking you both in!" she promised; leaping at Tashiro, ready to bite into him.
"No, don't lady!" warned Wraith, coming around to the front in time to see the machoke back hand the poor growlithe, "Told ya..."
Tashiro ignored Wraith for the moment, his simple mind finding it difficult to focus on too many things at once. "It fun to crush little puppies!" he chuckled, pulling back an ice-punch readied fist as the growlithe hit the ground a few feet away and tried to get her bearings.
"Look out!" called Wraith, zooming between Tashiro and the growlithe, catching the frozen fist in the side, and solidifying to keep block it's forward momentum, "Now-! Run!"
"Wow," commented the growlithe, shaking her fur back into place "Maybe you're not a bad ghost."
"Just get out of here, lady!" ordered Wraith, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as he put all his energy into nightshading Tashiro's still painfully icy fist, "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!"
"Not, 'Lady'," corrected the Growlithe, adjusting her stance as she focused on Tashiro's free arm, "Bow! My name is Bow!"
With that, Bow leapt into the air and sank her fangs into Tashiro's opposite wrist, filling her mouth with all the flames she could conjure. "Ah! Bad doggie! Bad ghostie!" shouted Tashiro, spinning around as quickly as he could, hoping to dislodge his attackers, "No fair, you gang up!"
"Hang on Bow!" called Wraith, feeling himself slipping as the machoke's rotation picked up speed, "Help's on its way!"
"Mrrf! Aggff!" replied Bow, unable to speak properly with a mouth full of machoke and her own scorching flames.
'Just... One... Chance..." thought Wraith, looking up at the psi- dampening helmet Tashiro wore, 'If only... If only I had... HANDS!'
With that, the little ghost's spherical body glowed with a brilliant white light, all but blinding the remaining spectators, who cheered as they realized what was happening.
"Huh?" managed Bow as she glanced over at the ghost, half startled as he began to grow to more than twice his former size.
"What he-?!" began Tashiro, his slow mind finally catching on as real worry entered it for the first time.
At the end of his left arm, Wraith's body expanded and reshaped itself as the white light faded into nothingness. "Yesss!" hissed Wraith, staring delightedly at the two black blurs that hovered before his face, "Just what the doctor ordered!"
Tashiro's eyes went wide with horror as a pair of disembodied hands flew towards him, followed by the echoing laughter of a newly evolved haunter. "No!" he shouted in denial as one of the four-fingered hands reached under his chin and unbuckled the safety strap, as its partner flicked the helmet off his head rather nonchalantly.
"Back up!" exclaimed Wraith, vaguely hearing familiar voices shouting behind him, "They're here!"
Wraith glanced over at Bow as he dislodged himself from Tashiro's fist, thankful to be away from the painful cold and stopping himself a few feet away, not bothering to listen to the laws of physics that insisted he go flying.
"Bow?" he inquired, his good humor returning, only to see the growlithe's grip finally give way, and her go flying through the air in the manner Wraith would have had he been mortal.
"Noooo!" shouted Wraith, his eyes glowing a burning red as he reached out with his mind, and snatched the flying firedog out of the air with telekinesis. The ghost then turned his attention to Tashiro, a malevolent grin crossing his face as he set the disoriented growlithe down on the ground.
"That..." he growled angrily as the machoke stopped spinning and clutched his face in an attempt to steady himself, "Was a MISTAKE!!!"
Tashiro barely had time to give the suddenly larger ghost a puzzled look before the wave of dark mana struck him. The machoke's eyes went wide, and he struggled for breath as his brain suffered a small aneurysm before toppling over and leaving machoke shaped crater in the pavement...
Miranda was the first to force herself through the wall of assembled onlookers, and gasped as the growlithe flew towards her only to be caught in mid air by Wraith's psychic grasp.
"Wraith, dear... ?" the woman stammered, feeling her anxiety over the severed connection between them abate as she spotted what was now her haunter, "You evolved!"
The ghost seemed not to notice his trainer, however. His concentration was focused solely on the stunned Tashiro, and Wraith's eyes were glowing brightly as he readied an attack.
"What's he doing?" inquired Misty, breaking through the crowd just behind Frank as Bow was set carefully down on the ground.
"I renamed it 'mana bolt'," explained Miranda, folding her arms and watching her ghostly pokemon's actions intently, "But most people just call it 'psi-beam'."
Misty gasped as Tashiro's expression became pained, and he toppled over with a loud thud that shattered the pavement. "Ouch!" she commented as Bow waddled over to Frank.
"Groooow..." the little growlithe whined, staggering from side to side as her trainer crouched down to pick her up.
"It's okay," he told her, just before noticing his car, "You did well, girl- What the-?! My car!!!"
"Not so fast, Detective," chuckled a smug voice, stopping Frank dead in his tracks as he saw two figures daring to stand upon the roof of what was left of his car, "Tashiro! Return!"
"Who-?" began Frank, shielding his eyes from the sun as he heard his niece curse just behind him.
"Kathy," the courier hissed, recognizing the voice immediately, even though her features seemed unfamiliar, glowering as the older woman hopped to the ground and chuckled quietly in dark amusement. "So glad that you remember me," the scientist replied with a cruel smile, "Even with this little disguise I cooked up recently."
"The pleasure is all yours," muttered Miranda, reaching to her side and gripping the hilt of her bokken, as Kathy's skin seemed to flow across the surface of her face like water. "You know," she said casually, an evil smirk crossing her face as her features altered and became more familiar, "If I'd had this power a decade or so ago, I wouldn't have needed to kill your father. Not that I wouldn't have or anything..."
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Chapter Seventeen – The First Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament was now upon Harry Potter; and although he had finally figured out how he was going to complete the task, he was utterly terrified about facing a giant fire-breathing dragon. Hermione had been kind...
by Vanessa Evans Almost your original Dumb Blonde Part 01 My father left my mother years ago and since then she brought me up on her own. When I went to university my mother met a man and he and his daughter moved in with mum. I met the man and his daughter when I went home one weekend and over that university holidays. The man seemed a nice sort of guy and he appeared to make my mum happy so I was happy for her. His daughter was a bit different although she was very attractive she...
I really never thought I would be one of those people... the kind that would turn into a virtual stalker. But Erica brought that out in me. Turns out she brought a lot more out in me that I ever imagined. Allow me to explain. Erica started working for me about a year ago and from day one, I found myself fantasizing about her. I had never really had bi-sexual tendencies before, but there was something about her that filled my dreams. She was perfect, the kind of perfect that can't be properly...
LesbianThis story is dedicated to my Mother. I know although she is no longer with me. She is watching and guiding me. This story contains a mild sex scene. So is slightly more mature than previous parts. Mum I Have Something to Tell You. Part 2 by Maria Ski 7. Back at home, The Cross-Dress day. I was relieved when I got home, the bodysuit came off with ease. And I dutifully cleaned it with its unique cleaning equipment. I dried it and double checked for any signs of wear. It...
I sat back so hard I almost broke the armrest in the luxury airliner in which I rode. I failed in my first attempt to speak. All I could do was stare across the aisle at a woman I thought I knew. “Wh ... what did you just say?” I managed to squeak. “We had to get out from under those guys,” Liz said plaintively. “So you put a hit out on them?” I asked. I had kept my voice soft but it still came out as a hiss. “No!” Liz said instantly. She tilted her head slightly. “In a way, I...
I study her I study her. Her jet black hair frames her face and shines almost as much as the silicon glistening sheets that we lay on. Her grey eyes are half closed, the long lashes fluttering. The nostrils of her aquiline nose flare slowly. Her scarlet coloured mouth is half open, the lipstick glistening, her tongue flicks at the corner of her mouth.? Yesssssssssssssssssss !? she hisses and I smile down at her.I hear the faint buzz as she shoots another jolt of electricity into the...
Victoria woke up several hours later. Disoriented and quite alone, she looked around the richly furnished room and wondered what had happened. She sat up in the bed and immediately noticed the pleasant ache in her private area. The memory flooded back to her. Smiling, she stretched back against the pillows. Her blankets were wrapped around her hips, baring her heavy breasts. She didn't care, though. "What a wanton hussy I've become," she thought, "Here I sit in a stranger's spare room with...
Group SexI woke up still in the living room chair; phone in one hand and a panicked Duke slapping me. "Seto? Please, God, wake up!" He slapped me again. I grabbed his wrist. "That is not high on my list of ways to wake up, Duke. If however, you are interested in trying more adventurous games, I would advise that you handcuff me first next time." "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" He exhaled. "Thank you, Jesus!" He shook his head. "What the hell got into you, boy?" He stood up before I could reply....
"Did either of you wear your watch?" Beatrice and Eunice held up their wrists showing that they were bare. Kelli nodded in approval, then led the twins to an airport-style locker bank. "Put your purses in an empty locker, drop in a quarter, and take the key. Then go through the green door at the end of the hall. In that room, there are five other girls. Wait with them until we come get you. Okay?"The twins nodded in understanding and followed the instructions. When they entered the room...
TeenAmanda’s diary: Dear diary, I had a great Friday with Fiona, but she got so clingy when we went to bed. she stayed like that the whole night, too, holding me close against her body with her right arm, placing her hand on my chest, leaning on me, and resting one of her legs on top of mine. It made it impossible to move, especially since I didn’t want to bother her. I woke up before she did, and I tried to disentangle myself from her, very carefully, but it was clear I wouldn’t be able to...
I awoke from my sleep one morning, my heavy eyes still shut but my mind conscious to the feeling of a soft yet firm weight on my chest, I went to move my arms but realised they were restrained to the headrest of the bed with a cold metallic feel around my wrists. I opened my eyes with the very first thing to greet them being a lovely little gorgeous vagina. It took me less than a second to realise just what situation I'd awoken to...I was laying naked in middle of the big comfy king-sized bed,...
During the week which followed, Holly and I concentrated on our studies. Finally, it was Saturday. We had agreed to let Jane and Anne film us fucking, providing they gave us the camcorders' memory cards, and then I was to fuck both of them with a view to impregnating them both. I'm still unable to explain why both these girls, who seemed so normal in other ways, from ordinary middle-class families, wanted to get pregnant, but it wasn't something I needed or wanted to know. I just didn't...
I feel confused. It seems I'm always receiving conflicting advice from older people. My friends have in the past eagerly encouraged me to develop the sexual side of my personality - which I had successfully surpressed until this year - and now when I am finally exploring the desires that had been hidden deep inside me since my days at the convent, they are telling me to be careful, to take things slowly. They tell me that the men in my life are just using me. That I shouldn't give myself to a...
Thanks to everyone who has followed this series. It has been a pleasure to write. Thanks to VillageWordsmith, for the editing. His arms lifted me, my sleep laden eyes heavy with drowsiness. I try to focus on the clock. ‘The time?’ I ask. ‘Does it matter?’ ‘No,’ then I mumble, ‘yes.’ ‘Just after twelve,’ he whispers against my ear. My eyes close as I press into him, remembering the time it all started, the time we first touched. The moment when I realized it was happening, that it was...
Characters: Ben “Big Ben”, 30 6'5 Black Male (light skin color). Tiffani, 28 mother 5'5 White woman Blonde hair Blue eyes 34c breast Brittany, 13 daughter 5' White girl with Blonde hair and Blue Nikki, Ben's daughter Gerald, Ben's friend Tiffani's husband had passed away just over a year ago when her daughter was just twelve leaving her without means to support herself. She has gone from one job to another before finding what looks like a great job. She finds it on a career...
Friends I am back with my new story. I've always fantasized about a Muslim woman Damned. It is a fictional story.Our two neighbours flat was empty anyway, One day in there a lady came with her 5 years daughter One day I saw her in burkh(hijab) only i see her eyes that was so beautiful. I make friendship with her.Me: Hello lady im Rajesh ur neighbour. Shazia: O i'm Shazia, she replyMe: Where are u going rite now.Shazia: She reply im going to admit my daughter in St. Andrews School from the last...
Hi, I’m Mathen, from Tamil Nadu, I’m a former reader of ISS, I have read many stories in iss, and then I thought of writing my own story. As this is my first story I’m sorry if there is any errors, please forward your comments after reading. I am going to narrate my first experience which I got from my aunt’s daughter, her name is Manju (name changed),she is of a perfect body, with nice boobs, and perfect body condition, Before my experience I would use to see at her boobs instantly, she is of...
IncestSLUT ASHLEY 18O.J. was over early the next day, but all she could think about was the screwing that she got from Keenum the night before, and the good hard fuck that she would get later that night. She wondered how many times that she would get that giant dick inside her that night. At least two, she thought. She couldn’t wait to be on her back with her legs spread wide that night, as Keenum mounted her. Ashley was so horny that she was about to fuck her boyfriend – just to take away the itch!...
Jill smiled contentedly to herself as the plane circled over the hills surrounding Malaga airport as it prepared to land. She tried to spot the hill and the little winding road which lead to the villa but once again the restricted view through the small window prevented this, as it had done many times before. She and her husband Rob had first rented the villa some 4 years earlier and had stayed there two or sometimes three times a year. Last year when they discovered that it was for sale they...
Hi ISS readers this is Sreenu, Now I want to share my personal experience here. This is incest relationship between my mom and me. Readers please note that this love and sex between my mother and me. I am suggesting you, who hate incest relationship please be away from here. Coming to story, I am Sreenu working as a software engineer now and this incident happened few years back. My girl friend and my best friend is my mom. I want to spend all the time with my mom. About my mom: she is gorgeous...
IncestRounds for me start at about 5:45 AM. I always was right with my diagnosis andenjoyed treating the patients. I am usually in the emergency room from about11:30 AM to about 4:00 most days, and don't get to eat lunch until about 4:15right before PM rounds which start at 5:00PM. Today though was different. REALDifferent. I was about to take a bite from my burger that I just fixed up withcatsup, pickles, mayo and I here over the speaker "Dr. GoldmanCODE BLUE" CodeBlue means a major emergency was...
“I had always fantasized doing this,” Adam said, as he started stroking his cock inside my wet pussy. “Hmmm…” I moaned, “You mean bending a woman over the bed and fucking her?” I asked. “Yes, this is so hot,” Adam replied. “I always…” Adam again tried to say something. “Stop talking,” I said trying to avoid his talk. Too much interaction was making it weird. I didn’t want to interact with him much. It was feeling a bit weird when he was talking. His cock inside my pussy was really feeling...
The handful of society bimbos in cosmetology class had no urgent work. Cosmetology was a joke subject and mostly an unsupervised gossip session. The girls had put on enough makeup to last most women a lifetime. However, they were excited to grill their new sissy classmate and 'help' show him the ropes. "Hi cutie I didn't know much about you but some people shared with me your emotional Facebook coming out and it touched my heart. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you pretending...