Cerulean DreamsChapter 9 free porn video

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Wraith didn't bother to turn invisible as he flew through the air, diving low now and again and phasing through people to harmlessly frighten them. 'She never said don't have any fun along the way, ' the little ghost chuckled as the scene of the destruction neared, 'Ah! Here we go!'

Wraith stopped his forward momentum entirely as he reached the parking lot, soliciting an angry retort from the other end of the 'link'. "Sorry, Miranda!" he called out half-sincerely, but couldn't help laughing as several gawkers screamed and ran at the sound of "swallow your soul! Swallow your soul!" a few feet above their heads in pokespeak.

But the ghost stopped laughing when he looked up and saw what was causing the mayhem. A large, obscenely muscular bipedal reptile with a strange, helmet-ish device upon his head was tearing a wheel off an old beat-up looking pokeforce car, and was following up the motion by tossing it at a pair of humans who the onlookers seemed reluctant to go near.

"Hey!" the gastly chastised, reaching out with his mind and grabbing the wheal telekinetically, "Play fair, muscle head!"

"AHHH! A ghost!" exclaimed one of the humans, and with a sideways glance, Wraith noticed that one of the machoke's victims was already unconscious. Her aura said she'd need medical attention soon.

"Bite me!" the machoke growled in a voice that spoke volumes about his tiny reptilian brain and reached into the engine block before tearing away at the transmission.

Wraith took a moment, and turned to face the man he had frightened. "Swallow your soul! Swallow your soul!" he laughed, making the man scream and pass out.

'WRAITH!!!' shouted Miranda loudly in his mind.

'Sorry, ma'am, ' he send back with a chuckle, 'couldn't resist!'

'Wraith, ' sent Miranda again, this time her voice seemed panicked, 'Get out of there! That's Tashiro! Kathy's machoke!'

'Look Boss Lady, I'm already dead. I think that I can handle ONE little fighting-type, ' Wraith chuckled back, amused by the fact that the wall of muscle he was supposed to be afraid of was ignoring him, 'I mean seriously, what can that overgrown lizard do? Kill me?!'

'I'll be there soon, ' was all Miranda said, and Wraith felt his mind empty once more, except for the tenuous connection they still maintained.

"Oh man! She's gonna be sooo proud of me," chuckled the little ghost, focusing his attention on the machoke as the monster tore the car's transmission free, and hefted it easily over his head.

"Oooh, this is gonna be too funny!" commented Wraith, his eyes glowing as he focused his mind, and prepared to bring forth a psychic blast his opponent wouldn't soon forget.

As Tashiro strode purposely towards the unconscious bodies of Jenny and James, Wraith let loose the focused beam of mana, targeting the machoke's walnut sized brain. But as the wave rippled out, the device upon Tashiro's head activated. Small red lights swirled around the base of the helmet, and the little antenna atop it hummed as the psychic energy was harmlessly dispersed into the surrounding area.

"What-?!" hissed Wraith in aggravation as the machoke turned and smiled toothily.

"So, da little ghostie thinks he can harm Tashiro?" the pokemon chuckled, stomping heavily, leaving dents in the pavement as he went as the machoke reoriented on Wraith, "Ha. Ha. Tashiro merely laughs at your pathetic powers!"

Wraith merely laughed as the machoke tossed the transmission at him, letting the device pass right through him and crash noisily into a hotdog cart. "You can't even talk in complete sentences," taunted Wraith, not noticing as Tashiro brought his now free hands together and began to focus his chi, "And now you expect to hurt me by demolishing a car? Oh, that's rich-!"

The gastly was caught off guard as Tashiro opened his palms, and a blast of kinetic energy fired forth, catching him between the eyes, and punching a fist sized hole through the center of his ethereal mass.

"Wow!" exclaimed Wraith in astonishment as he filled in the hole, "That actually hurt a teeny tiny bit! NOT!"

"Almost as much as this will!" promised Tashiro, running forward with one of his fists crackling with electricity.

"Oooh, ya!" chuckled Wraith with a humor he suddenly didn't feel, "This is bad!"

The little ghost willed himself invisible, and easily slipped under the machoke's thunder punch before spinning in place and throwing another psychic blast his way. Once again, however, the energy was absorbed by Tashiro's helmet, and dissipated.

The machoke paused as his fist connected with nothing, and scanned the area for a moment. "Running will not save you," the monstrous pokemon promised, tapping a button on the side of his helmet, "Hiding will not save you..." a pair of dark spectacles came down to cover his eyes as he spoke, "Nothing can save you!"

With that, Tashiro oriented on Wraith's exact position and uppercutted the ghost with a second fist, wreathed in flames. 'Miri!' Wraith sent in mental panic as he spun end over end, up into the air and totally out of control as he tried desperately just to keep his ephemera from leaking away, 'Where are you! I need back up!'

But no response came. As Wraith righted himself several hundred feet off the ground, he tested the invisible mind link and found nothing. The device Tashiro wore not only blocked his psychic attacks, but had shut down his less offensive abilities as well.

"Allllrightyyyy then!" muttered Wraith, licking his lips as dark purple energy crackled cross the surface of his body, "Nightshade it is!"

The ghost took a second to target the device upon his opponent's head, giving Tashiro the time he needed to tear the engine fan out and pull it back as if to throw it at James like a discus, before letting the beam of visible purple hued light fly.

Once again the machoke was distracted, as the attack passed through the helmet, and enveloped his body. "Uhh," the pokemon muttered, dropping the fan and clutching his stomach with both hands, "Tashiro is not feeling so good..."

"That's the idea, lizard lips!" taunted Wraith, flying down towards his opponent, spiraling as he fired off several more blasts of ghostly purple unlight."

Tashiro gritted his teeth as he went down on one knee, the repeated ghost attacks making his stomach turn with the negative charge his body was building up. "Tashiro feel sick," he muttered, opening his now glowing red eyes so suddenly that the crowd of onlookers turned back on itself as people began running for their lives, "But it is good that I have strong stomach!"

The machoke rose slowly to his feet and turned to face the oncoming spirit with a loud roar of defiance. But the laughing ghost simply kept coming; firing repeatedly bursts into the pokemon's chest once he determined that the soulless mechanism upon his opponent's head was immune.

"This one's for Selece!" he laughed, hardly paying attention as both of Tashiro's fists lit up with suddenly focused chi. One was on fire, the other seemed surrounded by icy winds, "And this one's for Undine, and this one's for Vivian, and this one's for-! Ahh-!"

Tashiro growled incomprehensibly as he hammered both fists into Wraith's sides, the elemental effects making up for the lack of actually physical contact. In response, the ghost's body became a featureless black ooze that splattered across Tashiro's face, blinding him as his fists came together painfully.

"Argh!" the machoke cried, staggering back as he clawed at the sticky black goo that clung stubbornly to his face, "Get off, bad ghostie!"

"Ha! Not until you stop calling me that!" replied Wraith, oozing part of his body towards the device on the machoke's head as he clung tenaciously to his face.

"Foolish ghostie!" growled Tashiro, dropping to his knees and flinging his head forward.

"What are you-?!" began Wraith, only to feel the front bumper of the police car pass through him, and impact painfully with Tashiro's snout.

"Wow!" the ghost laughed, as Tashiro howled in pain, "They really don't make you fighting-types like they used to!"

"I show you!" the lizard shouted, his voice muffled by the ghost on his face, and leapt to his feet, just as a confused canine voice spoke up.

"What the-?!" she exclaimed, "Ah! Monster!"

"Monster?" inquired Wraith, forming eyes in the approximate location of Tashiro's just in time to see a fluffy growlithe expel a gout of flame aimed at Tashiro's head, "Oh dreck!"

Wraith phased completely, and let himself pass through Tashiro's body just as the flames washed over the machoke. He then did his best to reconstitute himself and flew in to get a closer look at the firedog.

"Criminals!" the growlithe exclaimed, spotting Wraith and firing another jet of flame at him, "Destroying my human's toy! Bad criminals! Eat my righteous burning wrath!"

"No thanks, lady!" called Wraith, arching around Tashiro's body, using the muscle bound pokemon as a shield, "I've had enough pain for one day!"

"Which one of you?!" demanded the growlithe, her eyes burning with anger, "Which one did this?!" She motioned to the trashed Pokeforce car with her snout, but never broke eye contact with Tashiro.

"It was him!" exclaimed both Tashiro and Wraith at the same time, causing the growlithe to howl with rage.

"Then I'm taking you both in!" she promised; leaping at Tashiro, ready to bite into him.

"No, don't lady!" warned Wraith, coming around to the front in time to see the machoke back hand the poor growlithe, "Told ya..."

Tashiro ignored Wraith for the moment, his simple mind finding it difficult to focus on too many things at once. "It fun to crush little puppies!" he chuckled, pulling back an ice-punch readied fist as the growlithe hit the ground a few feet away and tried to get her bearings.

"Look out!" called Wraith, zooming between Tashiro and the growlithe, catching the frozen fist in the side, and solidifying to keep block it's forward momentum, "Now-! Run!"

"Wow," commented the growlithe, shaking her fur back into place "Maybe you're not a bad ghost."

"Just get out of here, lady!" ordered Wraith, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as he put all his energy into nightshading Tashiro's still painfully icy fist, "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!"

"Not, 'Lady'," corrected the Growlithe, adjusting her stance as she focused on Tashiro's free arm, "Bow! My name is Bow!"

With that, Bow leapt into the air and sank her fangs into Tashiro's opposite wrist, filling her mouth with all the flames she could conjure. "Ah! Bad doggie! Bad ghostie!" shouted Tashiro, spinning around as quickly as he could, hoping to dislodge his attackers, "No fair, you gang up!"

"Hang on Bow!" called Wraith, feeling himself slipping as the machoke's rotation picked up speed, "Help's on its way!"

"Mrrf! Aggff!" replied Bow, unable to speak properly with a mouth full of machoke and her own scorching flames.

'Just... One... Chance..." thought Wraith, looking up at the psi- dampening helmet Tashiro wore, 'If only... If only I had... HANDS!'

With that, the little ghost's spherical body glowed with a brilliant white light, all but blinding the remaining spectators, who cheered as they realized what was happening.

"Huh?" managed Bow as she glanced over at the ghost, half startled as he began to grow to more than twice his former size.

"What he-?!" began Tashiro, his slow mind finally catching on as real worry entered it for the first time.

At the end of his left arm, Wraith's body expanded and reshaped itself as the white light faded into nothingness. "Yesss!" hissed Wraith, staring delightedly at the two black blurs that hovered before his face, "Just what the doctor ordered!"

Tashiro's eyes went wide with horror as a pair of disembodied hands flew towards him, followed by the echoing laughter of a newly evolved haunter. "No!" he shouted in denial as one of the four-fingered hands reached under his chin and unbuckled the safety strap, as its partner flicked the helmet off his head rather nonchalantly.

"Back up!" exclaimed Wraith, vaguely hearing familiar voices shouting behind him, "They're here!"

Wraith glanced over at Bow as he dislodged himself from Tashiro's fist, thankful to be away from the painful cold and stopping himself a few feet away, not bothering to listen to the laws of physics that insisted he go flying.

"Bow?" he inquired, his good humor returning, only to see the growlithe's grip finally give way, and her go flying through the air in the manner Wraith would have had he been mortal.

"Noooo!" shouted Wraith, his eyes glowing a burning red as he reached out with his mind, and snatched the flying firedog out of the air with telekinesis. The ghost then turned his attention to Tashiro, a malevolent grin crossing his face as he set the disoriented growlithe down on the ground.

"That..." he growled angrily as the machoke stopped spinning and clutched his face in an attempt to steady himself, "Was a MISTAKE!!!"

Tashiro barely had time to give the suddenly larger ghost a puzzled look before the wave of dark mana struck him. The machoke's eyes went wide, and he struggled for breath as his brain suffered a small aneurysm before toppling over and leaving machoke shaped crater in the pavement...

Miranda was the first to force herself through the wall of assembled onlookers, and gasped as the growlithe flew towards her only to be caught in mid air by Wraith's psychic grasp.

"Wraith, dear... ?" the woman stammered, feeling her anxiety over the severed connection between them abate as she spotted what was now her haunter, "You evolved!"

The ghost seemed not to notice his trainer, however. His concentration was focused solely on the stunned Tashiro, and Wraith's eyes were glowing brightly as he readied an attack.

"What's he doing?" inquired Misty, breaking through the crowd just behind Frank as Bow was set carefully down on the ground.

"I renamed it 'mana bolt'," explained Miranda, folding her arms and watching her ghostly pokemon's actions intently, "But most people just call it 'psi-beam'."

Misty gasped as Tashiro's expression became pained, and he toppled over with a loud thud that shattered the pavement. "Ouch!" she commented as Bow waddled over to Frank.

"Groooow..." the little growlithe whined, staggering from side to side as her trainer crouched down to pick her up.

"It's okay," he told her, just before noticing his car, "You did well, girl- What the-?! My car!!!"

"Not so fast, Detective," chuckled a smug voice, stopping Frank dead in his tracks as he saw two figures daring to stand upon the roof of what was left of his car, "Tashiro! Return!"

"Who-?" began Frank, shielding his eyes from the sun as he heard his niece curse just behind him.

"Kathy," the courier hissed, recognizing the voice immediately, even though her features seemed unfamiliar, glowering as the older woman hopped to the ground and chuckled quietly in dark amusement. "So glad that you remember me," the scientist replied with a cruel smile, "Even with this little disguise I cooked up recently."

"The pleasure is all yours," muttered Miranda, reaching to her side and gripping the hilt of her bokken, as Kathy's skin seemed to flow across the surface of her face like water. "You know," she said casually, an evil smirk crossing her face as her features altered and became more familiar, "If I'd had this power a decade or so ago, I wouldn't have needed to kill your father. Not that I wouldn't have or anything..."

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Introduction: My third story. Feedback appreciated My parents were out of town so I had to go stay with Aunt Janine for the weekend. I didnt mind because I have always had a secret crush on her. She always tells me I am cute and is always calling me a handsome boy. She is in her 30s and very pretty. I was playing on the computer while she was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I found some pictures and started looking through them. They were of her and started out with her in short...

3 years ago
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How JB Became Famous Chapters 1115

********** Chapter XI: JB's New Day (The Beginning) I thought I was dreaming at first. I felt like I was floating on a cloud, and I could hear a humming that was real pretty. It smelled real, real good and sweet too, and I didn't feel all wet and sticky. I rolled over and moaned and kept my eyes shut to keep the dream going. I heard Marnie say, "Did I wake you, baby? I'm so sorry. It is still very early." Then I remembered where I was, and I smiled and opened my eyes. The...

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How to Receive Anal Sex Male Part 2

This is my follow up piece on how to receive anal sex. In this segment, I want to share more logistical ideas, tips, and experiences in receiving anal sex that can help the reader learn about potential unknown facts that I may not have shared in my first writing. As I try to think back on my sexual experiences, I have estimated to have had sex with probably 30-35 women, I have blown over 100 guys, and taken as many as 50-60 dicks in my ass. I have lots of experience and want to help you if you...

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Sylvia and Judy have an afternoon with two older m

Making love with JudyJudy `Chavez``was my dearest friend and lover when I was in high schoo in North Hollywood. She was from Panama. She was fat and wore thick glasses..She was only fifteen when we met, but she was so wise about sex in a lot of ways, while I was still a c***d, I didn't have the body of a c***d, but emotionally......Judy was kind of on a different level ......In high school, no boy would look at her, but like she said, "There are a lot of dicks hangin' between guys legs here in...

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Sizzling Summer Sex

Another beautiful day as the morning has broken to a new family home. A baby was crying in the crib. That suddenly awakened the mother who panicked and rolled over towards the edge of the bed only to fall on the floor with her butt first. “Owwww!” Julia Bar, a mother of two, or rather three, had an eight-month-old baby girl, a seven-year-old son and a twenty-year-old step-son. She got up and rubbed her rear while she attended to her baby girl, Jillian. She lifted her up from the crib and hushed...

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Marie pt1

I'd had always liked dressing in women's undies from an early age. It was usually my older sister's panties and skirts whenever possible. When I finally left home at eighteen and moved into an apartment in the town center, it really took off. I had had a few encounters with a few guys, mainly glory hole fun in the local cottages. On a few occasions I found the odd pair of stockings behind a cistern also which I would take and wash and then wear myself while wanking off.Eventually I got the...

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GloryHole Kylie Quinn 03192022

Kylie has a new BF and is worried about not being experienced enough to please him. She thought it might be a good idea to go where she can practice on some Dick without any judgement or some guy staring at her as she fumbles about. What she did not expect was how big the dick was going to be, so much bigger than her BF. Tentatively at first she reaches out to feel and taste it. She can feel it stretch her pretty lips open farther than they have ever been and she knows it’s going to...

3 years ago
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The Club Chapter 2

Special thanks to Mr. S and Zeal for the support and inspiration. Any and all critiques or comments are welcome at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bikini was a hit! Every set of eyes in the place had been glued to my tits and ass for hours. The moment I sashayed out to the pool I could feel the desire hit me. I made sure to walk with some extra bounce in my step, my girls doing me proud. My hips swayed enticingly,...

1 year ago
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BurrChapter 51 Patricia Ford

"Sammy," Suzanne called from the foot of the stairs. "Sammy, you have company." I got off my bed, walked the length of the hall and looked down the stairs. Suzanne was looking up at me. Seeing that I had heard her, she went back to the foyer. I heard her saying something to my visitor as I descended the stairs. "Sammy, this is Mrs. Ford. She wants to speak with you about her son," Suzanne said, putting her arm around my waist and looking from me to my visitor. Mrs. Ford radiated...

4 years ago
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Jeffs Cloud 9

Dear journal, It was my first time working at an exclusive ‘club’ like this. Beautiful women came here to be made famous. It was an image-building site where their lives and activities were planned out, even to who they would be seen with in public. They paid nothing for this ‘service’, unless you counted the surrendering of their free wills to their managers, their owners, for the attainment of their dreams of fame, stardom, love by millions replacing the love of one, that sort of thing. ...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Neighbour

Hii friends, my self sumit. I’m from Punjab. And its my first story on Indian Sex Stories. Please, share your valuable feedback on my e-mail: Ab story pr aata hu. Ye meri aur meri neighbour ruby ki story hai. Me garmi ki chuttiyon me ghar aaya hua tha. Garmi jyada hone ke karan me saara din ac me rehta aur tv dekhta rehta. 10 din aise hi nikal gaye pta hi nahi chala. Ruby hamari neighbour hai aur me use bhabhi bolta hu. Uska hmare ghar me kaafi aana jaana hai. Pr maine kabhi use es nazar se...

1 year ago
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On your knees Prick Face Gay

My first gay experience was unforgettable but I have tried to make each experience worthy in its own right. This is the first time I found and participated in a glory hole. I was at a park that I had heard was frequented by gays. It is a quiet suburban park in the city where I live. There is a bathroom facility there that is always open. It was late on a Friday night so no families were about and only a couple cars in the parking area. I went into the bathroom, which was empty and entered a...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 51

I get home to find my girlfriends, including Jen, already there. They must have come directly from school. When Sam and Zlata aren’t around, we have started using the love seat they normally occupy. I typically sit on the couch with a girl on either side and the two girls that are left out cuddle on the love seat. It is a lot more comfortable than having them sit on the floor between our legs. Today I share the couch with Jen and Moira. For some reason, we are watching The Flintstones. When...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 7

Hello readers welcome to this beautiful journey. I am very happy for the response that I got from all of you. Keep giving your feedback. I am male the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha had her independent masturbation experience last night. I asked her in the morning, “Did you enjoy last night, my child” “Yeah mom I did a lot.” “So do you think you can do it on your own?” “Yeah mummy I shall manage.” “But remember don’t do it without my permission.” “Yeah Mamma I...

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Sweet Revenge

Each time that Walter looked at her, she saw love in his eyes. Even when her mom first brought him home and Mara was still in pigtails, there seemed to be some attraction between the grown up and the child. Indeed, right from the beginning the girl harbored feelings for her mom's boyfriend. To be sure, Walter was taken by the beauty of the youngster; indeed that fact may have been in the back of his mind when he agreed to marry Angela, the girl's mother. Although he had never done anything...

1 year ago
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White Plantation WIfe Breed by Blacks

The following story is for entertainment purposes only. The year is 1770. The place is Colonial Virgina. I’m the owner of a large plantation and I have a fetish that I fulfill using my wife and my slaves. My wife watches all those big black slaves working in the field during the day. Big and strong, sweating in the sun. But at night I bring those horse hung Niggers into our bedroom….and they’ve got a different kind of work to do! ‘Get of your knees bitch and start sucking those Nigger...

3 years ago
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What He Deserves

What He Deserves Frank and I were best friends, having known each other since we met in high school several years ago. We'd gone to the same university and both graduated with average grades and ended up working at the same small computer company. "This job sucks," spat Frank as he banged away at the code he was working on, frustrated he couldn't get his software working properly. "Come on, Frank," I said, trying to calm him down. "It's a job, at least. We're getting paid to...

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My first taste of sloppy seconds

I recall the first time my wife had another man bareback and I had my first taste of sloppy seconds - yes, I know we all want safe sex but in the ideal world, we all love the feel of a naked cock sliding in and out of a delicious wet warm pussy. In addition, when it comes to sharing a horny woman in an MFM scenario I will never forget that wonderful feeling of sliding into my wife's exquisite, hot and slippery hole just after another man has fucked her hard and pumped his cum deep inside her! I...

4 years ago
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Seventh Heaven With Sanjana 8211 Part V

I hope you all liked the previous part. If you are interested in connecting with me, I can be reached on gmail at or in Yahoo at Without any further ado, let me continue the story. L: Hi S. How are you dear? S: I’m good L. How you? L: I’m good too. Waiting for this. As he says this, Linga gets closer to Sanjana and hugs her. He holds her tight. He could feel Sanjana’s crotch pressing on him and he reciprocates. L: Hmm so delicious darling. Linga holds Sanjana’s face in his palms and places a...

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Sharing that middle aged woman with my wife

As Melanie lay back onto my body; she thanked me for letting her enjoy my hard dick in her wet hot pussy. I kissed her back, as I watched Ana was getting jealous.Then she asked Melanie if she wanted to stay all night with me; as Shawn fucked my sexy wife’s cunt and ass in another bedroom…Melanie sensed something was wrong between Anita and I; so she replied she would let us to decide it…Then she just stood up and went inside for some drinks.I quickly asked Ana what she was planning for the...

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TimeChapter 46

The entire earth seemed to be watching these pictures, because they were shown live. First I had to get many commentators educated on what they were going to say without sounding like fools when future generations looked at the records. For the most part, I just wanted to minimize confusion and give the people the straight dope. This was the first spacecraft to leave earth and land on another body and the first to photograph the backside of the moon, never seen before. The world was...

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The Bunny Breach Part 2

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 2) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Roberto needs to keep it together before his new blonde Bunny body pushes its original owner's thoughts into his pretty little head. The van bashed over speed bumps and zipped through stop signs. Warehouses blurred by as Bruno took advantage of the early morning hour to drive heavy on the gas, punching sharp jabs on the breaks to get in quick checks for an all-clear, only to hit the gas hard again. Roberto's female...

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Goa Trip Ch 30

I got up a few hours later and got ready for the night. I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I woke the two girls up and asked them to get ready. Maya asked, “What do you want us to wear?” “Surprise me” When I got down, Arya was watching a EPL match, so I grabbed us both a couple of beers and joined him, while the girls took time to get ready. When they got ready and came down, I let out a soft whistle. They looked mindblowingly hot in their outfits. Maya had worn a hot black...

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Second Chances Chapter 11 Confessions

The rest of the school day flew by pretty quickly. Before I knew it, band practice was over. I was mostly preoccupied with my thoughts. Thoughts of Fay and Amber and Julie. I was worried that I was doing too much too quickly and I was in over my head. When band practice was over, I quickly walked around the school taping up the powder puff flyers. Ron was eager to get home and get ready for his gig, so I tried not to be slow about it. Ron dropped me off at home. I walked inside and...

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A night with mom

It is a cool autumn day as the Wilson family is at home. They live in a two-story home that is big enough for a family of six. In one of the rooms is the only son of the family. Justin is on his bed, reading a book. He recently graduated from high school and is starting college. Since the college is nearby, he decided it would be best to stay with his parents instead of renting a room on campus. He gives his dad money for rent. He is a football player that wants to go to the big leagues....

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 45 Pearl

I’ve decided the last few chapters of this book should be Mikal’s summary. Of all of us, he has probably had the most interesting year. While a lot has happened to me too, I think the others have summed up my major achievements in their way. I know that I’m a very content man. Being surrounded by the huge loving family that I have managed to gather just makes me an even happier one. I find plenty to keep me occupied and having my kids has also been a major distraction, towards which I’ve...

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My Mom8217s Sister My Slut

I am Rehan, a fair boy doing my engineering. I am 20 years old now. This incident happened 2 years when i was 18. My dick size is 8inch long and 3inch wide. My mom’s sister name is Gulnar her size is 36-32-34.. Now come to the story, i had given my board exams and was 3 months leave so i decided to go to my maternal grandmothers (nani) home. When i went there they all were happy to see me especially Gulnar. At first i don’t have such intentions towards her. When she used to wash clothes i used...

4 years ago
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Forced Sex With Mami

Ye story hai mere pehle sex ki, jo maine meri mami ke sath kiya. Meri mami varsha, very seducing dikhti hai. Uska age 30 ke near about hai. Unka figure dekh ke, to koi bhi uske liye pagal ho jaye. Near about uska figure 32-28-36 hai. Isse apko pata hi chal gaya hoga, ki uski gand bahut adhi hai. Jab bhi main use matak te hue dekhta, mera lund to out of control ho jata. Ab mai meri real life story ko start karata hoon. Un dino mere ghar wale tirth yatra pe gaye the. Lekin college ke karan main...

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Watching my room mate

Hi I am Arpita Banerjee from Kolkata; I am staying in with a Muslim lady who works with in the same company. We two have taken a 2 room flat and staying independently. my roomy name is Subina Khan (32). She has 2 yr old child and her hubby lives in foreign. I call her didi as she is 6 yrs elder to me. Now the story starts. As her hubby was away for almost 8-9 months so, she is very eager to fuck as she remains unsatisfied. One day, I heard she was talking in slow voice with someone over phone....

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