DreamWeaverChapter 22 free porn video

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We still hadn’t decided on a plan when Mel’s phone rang. She looked at the display and put it on speaker. I recorded with my iPod.

“Melody?” her mother said uncertainly. “You said you’d call back about dinner, but I haven’t heard back from you.”

“No, Mother,” Mel said testily. “I’ve had rather a lot to handle. Your husband has managed to disrupt our vacation completely. He’s performed identity theft on us, canceled our hotel reservations, and forced us to spend most of the afternoon freezing all of our accounts so that he can’t get into them to create further problems for us.”

“You could come and stay here,” she offered gently.

“I’ll never set foot in a building with him again,” Mel spat, enraged by the thought of giving her father what he wanted. “Rand’s been kind to me and patient and loving. He’s been better to me than my own father. Did you know that your husband made money off me marrying Stan? He sold me like a prostitute. Rand confronted him about it, and he couldn’t deny it. So, he’s no father of mine. He sold your daughter into a miserable life as a prisoner.”

“I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding,” she said, trying to calm Mel down.

“He called to gloat about it,” Mel told her. “The closest that we could get a hotel at all was Baltimore, so I think we’re just going to change our car rental and drive back to Charlotte tonight.”

“I was really looking forward to seeing you,” her mother said in stark disappointment.

“I was looking forward to seeing you too, Mom.” Mel said sadly. “You’re my only living relative now.”

“Don’t talk that way, Melody,” she scolded. “He’s still your father. He wants what’s best for you.”

“If he wanted what was best for me, he’d have hugged Rand and welcomed him to the family,” Mel said tartly. “If he wanted what was best for me, he’d have stopped his precious Allison from being such a bitch to me for all her life. If he wanted what was best for me, he wouldn’t have spent years telling me how stupid I was and praising everything that she did, no matter what. He doesn’t care about me. He wants the money from Stan’s estate. I’ll put it in a big pile and burn it before I let him get his filthy hands on it.”

She sighed, and I could tell this was a woman that was torn in the middle of a family dispute.

“Mrs. Carmichael?” I said softly.

“Yes,” she replied. “Is this Rand?”

“It is, Ma’am. I’m sorry to introduce myself under these circumstances, but Mel’s pretty upset right now. I don’t know what your husband’s business is, but he seems pretty desperate to get his hands on the money. That’s not really important right now, though. I understand that you feel very torn about what to do. I think the best thing for all of us is to defuse the situation. Your husband took away our place to stay, so that Mel would have to come crawling back to him for a bed to sleep in tonight. We’re going to leave town tonight. We haven’t decided yet if we’re going to go back to the airport and fly home, change our car rental to drop it off in Charlotte and drive, or whether we’ll take the hotel room in Baltimore that the manager here was able to find for us, but we’re clearly not welcome here. Sometime down the road, we’d like you to come visit us. Not Allison and not Dennis. Neither of them is welcome in our home. If he causes you any difficulties in coming to visit, we can make all the arrangements, but this week is pretty much ruined for us.”

“I think ... I think that’s probably for the best,” she admitted sadly. “I wish we could have met, but I understand that you’ve had a miserable day. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” I assured her. “I’ll be frank with you, Melody has told me about how Allison has terrorized her. I don’t want anything to do with her. She stole Mel’s first boyfriend by putting out when Mel wouldn’t, and she threatened to do the same with Stan. That pushed Mel to sleep with him, just to keep Allison away from him. She suspects that if she ever introduces me to her, that Allison will try to seduce me for no better reason than to steal something else from Melody.”

“Whether that assessment is fair or not, their lives together have been hostile enough to make her a real threat. I don’t want that. Mel’s been very short on people she could count on. If her father had given a damn about her, he would have reviewed the prenuptial agreement and blown his stack about how much of a trap it was for Mel. If her sister had given a shit about her, she wouldn’t have felt like she needed to rush into sleeping with Stan. She speaks highly of you, but none of the rest of the family are particularly in her good graces.”

Mrs. Carmichael sighed.

“I can’t go against my husband,” she said quietly. “I just ... can’t.”

She sounded anguished.

“I understand, Mrs. Carmichael. We would have liked you to be part of our family, but if that’s not possible, then we hope that you’ll wish us well,” I said, sensing that this was the end of the road for Mel’s family.

“I’m sorry, Melody,” she said, sounding like she really did regret it. “Maybe once your father has calmed down, we can al...” her voice cut off as Mel hung up on her.

I pulled her into my arms and held her. She trembled but didn’t cry.

“I’m not going to fall apart,” she said adamantly. “Let’s get the hell out of here!”

We took our bags out to the car and drove back to the airport. We couldn’t get a flight back to Charlotte for at least three days, so we changed our rental to a drop-off in Charlotte and got out of there, setting the car’s GPS for Charlotte and heading south.

About an hour later, we got another call, this one from a protection agency that Angela had called.

“We understand that you need a protection detail,” the man on the phone said, identifying himself as Luther Brown from an agency that did security work up and down the east coast.

“We actually left town over the issue,” I told him while Mel held the phone on speaker. “Our attacker had hacked into our itinerary and canceled our hotel reservations. We couldn’t find suitable lodgings and we received a phone call to taunt us that the attacks would continue, so we cut off our vacation and left. I do have another idea though. Your firm does investigations, right?”

“Yes, Sir. We do all sorts. Corporate due diligence, infidelity, child support, you name it.”

“Dennis Carmichael,” I said. “I want you to tear his life apart. I want to know his business, his friends, his pets, what he eats, where he goes, who he owes money to. If his shit turns a weird color, I want to know. I want so much information that he’ll think I replaced his left eye with a camera. I want to know how long his dick is and where he’s sticking it. If he has a mistress, I want all her details. If he has a dozen, I want to know everything, down to the contents of their underwear drawers. If he drinks, I want to know what. If he has a dirty little secret, I want it. If he owes money, I want to know how hard they’re squeezing him. I want all the dirt there is to have on him.”

“Mr. Carmichael is the source of your woes?” he asked, and we could hear him typing on a computer.

“He is, indeed. Is he a current client or part owner?” I asked, dreading that thought.

“Owner, no,” he said, combing for the name. “He’s not a client either, so that’s not an issue. I want to check one thing though. Let me call you back and then we can talk in more detail.”

Mel hung up and took my hand in hers.

“What are you thinking?” she asked gently.

“I’m thinking that your father has the resources to hack into our email at the very least, and possibly into our other accounts. That’s why we froze most of them,” I explained. “I think that he’s going to try to be a pain in the ass to us until he gets what he wants or ruins our lives. I’d rather ruin his. I’m especially interested in finding out if he has a mistress so that we can give your mother the proof. I’d love nothing more than to find out that he had more in common with Stan than business. I also want to know what his business is that he’s so desperate for money.”

We drove for a while, each wrapped in thought when the phone rang again. Mel put it on speaker phone. It was Mr. Brown again, but he wasn’t alone.

“Mr. Dunn,” he greeted me. “I have someone else with me on the line. Victor Farnsworth asked us to start an investigation some time back that overlaps with what you’re asking about. I spoke to him about using some of those details in the investigation you’re asking about. He was curious about your interest in Mr. Carmichael. Victor?” he prompted him.

“Hello, Sir,” he said somberly. “May I ask why you’re looking for information on Dennis Carmichael?”

“Hello, Mr. Farnsworth,” I said and pulled over into a rest stop while we talked, since we needed gas and a chance to eat before we tried to tackle the rest of the drive. “My name is Rand. I’m engaged to Mr. Carmichael’s oldest daughter, Melody, and Mr. Carmichael is intent on getting his hands on our wealth. He’s made several threats and taken action to make us cut our visit to Washington short. To put it bluntly, I want to find out the best way to hurt him and then to make sure he goes on hurting for a long time. I’d love to put him out of business so that he doesn’t have the financial resources to try to follow us around, continuing to make us miserable, but if I could hurt him badly enough to make him not want to ever hear from us again, I’d take that.”

“Would you be willing to share information back and forth?” he asked tentatively. “He’s been sleeping with my wife for a while now. We’re still gathering evidence, but we’ve got quite a bit already.”

“Mr. Farnsworth,” I said sympathetically, “you have my deepest sympathies. I’ve been where you are right now. I would be happy to help any way I can. If you’re willing to share what you’ve gathered in your investigation, I’ll pick up the tab for the rest of the investigation and consider all the findings to be jointly owned by you and me.”

“That sounds perfect to me,” he said and thanked me. “Some of the documentation is ... embarrassing. It’s...”

“I understand, Victor,” I said. “I found out about my ex-wife’s affair when I had to be treated for an STD she brought home. It wasn’t with Dennis, but one of his business associates. I’ve felt all the emotions you’re feeling, and I promise that I’ll treat those details with respect. What happened isn’t your fault. Remember that.”

“Thanks,” he said. “Alright, Mr. Brown. You can release what you have to Mr. Dunn. He’s taking over the investigation at this point. If I can help in any way, let me know.”

He dropped off the line and I told Mr. Brown that I’d have Angela contact him for billing because of the difficulty that Dennis was causing me.

“Dennis has found a way to access our information somehow. He knew what hotel we were staying in and the answers to the security questions so that he could cancel our reservation. He also knew our flight details and that’s somewhat more troubling. I suspect that he’s hacked our email, but if he did it from the other end, isn’t it a federal offense to access flight information?”

“It is,” he agreed. “We’ll look into how he might have accessed your travel information, but it’s far easier to hack your email than airline servers.”

“Understood. In that case, you should send the investigation results to Angela. She’ll be local, so we can just stop by her office to get the updates.”

“That’s easy enough,” he agreed. “I’ll send her what we have already and Fed-Ex out a hard copy of the disks.”

We thanked him and hung up, getting out to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat.

“He’s not going to go away, is he?” Mel asked of her father.

“I think our best bet to get rid of him is to ruin him,” I said truthfully. “He’s been beating you down for years and now he sees you as his path to Stan’s money. Once he had it, he’d go back to beating you down or maybe try to marry you off to one of his other business contacts to see if he can make lightning strike twice. He’s already headed for a divorce. When your mother hears about his mistress, she’s going to lose her mind. She sounds like she’s a lot like you. He’s just had more time to convince her that she needs him. Hopefully, the investigation turns up something that we can use to make him leave us alone.”

“You mean like blackmail?” she asked, surprised.

“No,” I said immediately. “I wasn’t thinking about threatening him with whatever the investigation turns up. I was thinking about using it in the way that does the most harm to him, like finding out one of his business deals breaks some law, so that he has to spend a lot of time and money fighting to stay out of jail.”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and we’ll find out that he has more than one mistress,” she said darkly. “I don’t know if one woman is enough to make her leave him.”

“I guess it depends on the woman,” I said with a shrug. “If it was one of her friends and it was going on for years? That might be enough rage to push her to act.”

“She’s really the only person in the family that I want to ever see again, but she’s chosen to support him, so I guess that’s that,” she said with a sigh.

I reached out across the table and took her hand.

“You’ve got plenty of family without them. Terri, Bella, Mary, Stephanie and even Beth are as good a crop of sisters as you could ask for. Claire is the best aunt in the world. Jason is the brother you always hoped would look out for you. May and Glen love you like their own. It’s a little disturbing to watch you bend Glen to your will, actually.”

She laughed a little at that and it lightened the mood some.

“I feel bad for Mom,” she admitted. “We just abandoned her to the wolves.”

“We offered her a chance to come see us. She turned us down,” I said with a sigh. “We’ll keep the lines of communication open with her and when we find something out about your father, we’ll be in a good position to help her through it. She may be under the same situation you were with Stan.”

She nodded, and we finished our Subway sandwiches before we went to get drinks for the drive. We used the restrooms and then got back on the road. We were actually pretty lucky. We’d gotten out of DC just as rush hour started, so we only saw a brief glimpse of the gridlock. Stopping for supper let us avoid the tail end of the evening commuter traffic there, too.

“We should be home somewhere around midnight,” I told her. “If we don’t get delayed by an accident, we’ll be able to drive straight through.”

She nodded and sighed, taking my hand.

“It’ll be good to be home,” she said. “I just wish we could have seen Mom.”

“Next time we come up this way, we’ll sneak her out to lunch,” I promised.

With any luck, the next time we came to DC, it would be to burn Dennis out of our lives, but I left that particular sentiment unspoken for now.

“We’re really not going back to DC,” she said knowingly.

I shrugged. “I think we’ll show up there at some point,” I said lightly. “We’re planning on touring as much of the US as possible, right? We still haven’t seen the White House or the Capitol or any of the monuments. It’d be nice to get around to do some tourist destinations. There’s also that confrontation that you wanted to have with Tanya. We never got around to that.”

“We can do that in LA,” she said lightly. “It’s warmer and we can eat lunch in celebrity hangouts.”

We chatted about LA for a little while, and then about places that we might want to see. Mel wasn’t interested in Mardi Gras, so we weren’t planning on New Orleans for anything in particular.

“I would have thought you’d want to be there for the party,” I said lightly.

“I don’t particularly want to take a romantic vacation to a place where girls are flashing their tits for plastic beads,” she told me with a smirk.

I shrugged. “I’ve resisted your suggestions to hook up with Terri, Tanya and Allison so far,” I pointed out. “I don’t think random drunk co-eds are a threat to you. Besides, I’d be too busy trying to keep the guys away from you to worry about other girls.”

She chuckled at that. “Gonna go cave-man on them for looking at your chick?” she asked playfully.

“Maybe not quite that bad, but I don’t want to have it get out of hand. Maybe if we had a room with a balcony where we could throw the beads or catch them without getting mobbed, but walking around the crowd? Way too much effort.”

“Well forget it,” she said with a giggle. “Besides, the girls would be asking you to show your tits,” she teased.

“Maybe we should go” I laughed. “We could have a contest for who gets the most beads.”

“Maybe next year when we’re married,” she said with a chuckle. “For now, let’s get home.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I agreed heartily.

We made pretty good time, but two accidents and a stop for gas, restrooms and snacks put us in Charlotte at just after 1AM. We decided to go back to my place since we wouldn’t startle anyone that way, and we collapsed into bed, leaving our luggage downstairs. The next morning, we slept a little later than we would normally and got up to face the day.

I was way too late to go to yoga, but I was able to get out my mat and perform for Mel’s delight before we showered and dressed. We called Eliza, so she wouldn’t be shocked, and she promised to have the kitchen restocked for us. We dropped off the rental car and then we went to see Angela.

She had the original file from the investigations team, and we went through it slowly. Dennis had been carrying on an affair with Victor Farnsworth’s wife for at least the past year. They were in the process of figuring out when it started and how they’d met at this point. As soon as the pictures of Mrs. Farnsworth came up on the screen, Mel answered that question.

“That’s Connie!” she gasped. “She used to babysit me and Allison years ago. You don’t think...”

“That your father has been carrying on with her all this time?” I finished. “Why not? He’s rich, powerful and seems to be as amoral as they come, from what he showed us yesterday.”

Angela called the investigator and requested that they conference Victor in, so we could give them the first break in the case. When he heard Mel’s information, Victor hit the roof.

“Ten years?!!?” he thundered, flabbergasted at the revelation that she’d known her lover longer than she’d known him.

“Victor?” I said to get his attention. “Do you have any kids?”

“No, thank GOD! I’d have to go get DNA testing done, at this point, if we did,” he growled and then took a deep breath. “I want to thank you for letting me know,” he said. “I wanted to know how they met. I’m guessing that they started back then. Whether they stopped or not, I don’t know ... I really don’t care anymore.”

“Is it possible that he was blackmailing her?” I asked. “We’ve just started going through the file. When Mel recognized Connie, we decided that was news that couldn’t wait.”

“I have no idea what he could be using against her,” he said with a sigh. “I guess it’s time to file the papers. This was the one piece of the puzzle that I couldn’t figure out.”

“I hope you do okay in the divorce,” I told him. “I’d suggest confronting her with the evidence. She may be able to answer some of the lingering questions. At the very least, you’d get some closure. I’m really sorry this happened to you.”

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Chained and Spanked SisterChapter 6

Joan now hung by her arms and legs from the ceiling. Her arms were chained and her legs were chained. She was bent double, with her face almost in her own cunt. Her legs were spread, her cunt and ass exposed and vulnerable. Peggy had been forced to squat on two wide boards, lifted about a foot and a half from the floor. Her ankles were secured to the boards by ropes, her hands tied behind her back. Her head was held upright by some sort of collar and tied to the wall behind her. This drew...

1 year ago
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ShoplyfterMylf Chloe Cherry Aaliyah Love Like Mother Like Daughter

Security officer Rusty Nails is questioning young blonde Chloe Cherry due to being suspected of stealing merchandise from the store, but she insists she’s innocent. Officer Rusty leaves the room to check the security tapes and Chloe uses the time to call her stepmom Aaliyah Love who might be able to help her get out of this one. Soon, Aaliyah is talking to officer Rusty, trying to make a deal with him, saying that if he let’s Chloe go they are willing to pay him for the favor in a very sexual...

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Life Is A One Time Affair 8211 Returns

Hello everyone! This is my second time on this platform and I am again introducing myself as Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy with roots from Jaipur. I am currently placed with a government company in New Delhi. I am lively and passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: I have published my first story “Life is a one time affair”. I would request you to read that since it contains all my real life incidents uptill I...

Gay Male
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Cartoon Lover

You spent most of your lives watching cartoons. To you they were better then any form of entertainment. People thought it was unhealthy to be watching cartoons at your age but you never really gave a crap what they thought. You even fantasize about the women. There was nude poster of Jessica rabbit on your wall. There was nude Judy Jetson pictures on your computer. One Day you were walking down a street when you heard a woman scream. People in the city were ignoring the scream like nothing was...

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Roped Into It Part 1 of 2

She had a stick up her ass the size of a Giant Sequoia; that had been my first impression, at least, and now that I’d known her for several months there was nothing she’d said or done that had changed my opinion. It had been a quick and mutual dislike from the start, one of those personality clashes that happen sometimes. To use a Gumpian analogy, we were definitely not like peas and carrots.Fortunately, she was not my girlfriend; unfortunately, she was my girlfriend’s roommate and best friend,...

Straight Sex
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My Big Tits

It's not my fault I've got big tits, it's in my genes. One look at my mum and granny will tell you it runs in the family. I passed the 'c' cup barrier at fourteen and now I am pushing past the 'd' cup. At fifteen, my bras are again tight as they try and hold in my still growing tits. My trouble is I like them, like the way the guys look at them. Not only look but I like them being touched, squeezed and licked; I suspect most girls do, they just don't come out with it. I might scream and...

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The Massage

Jane and I usually go on Thursday after work to have a drink and relax. We go on Thursday to avoid the crowds on Friday evening, and the guys constantly on the make. I was doing my usual complaining of being uptight because my boss continually hounded me for more output. Jane is always telling me to relax or do something about it. I asked her, "What do you do? You always seem in control.""One thing I definitely do is get a massage once a week. Nothing like it to calm you down and help you...

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Wes and LesChapter 22

I went in Mom's bathroom, put the jar of Vaseline in the medicine cabinet, tossed the washcloth in their hamper and washed my hands with soap and water. As I walked into the bedroom I saw that Mom was under the covers. "Mind it I join you?" "As long as you don't take advantage of me again." I made as if to leave the room. "I'm not the one who started this, Mom." "I know Honey. I guess that wasn't very funny to you, was it?" "No." "Come over here with me, Baby." I went...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 17 Someone Call The Cavalry

DFS was not going to be denied and on the Friday after their visit, they returned to our front gate. Before I answered the intercom, I told Lynn to call the police and ask Detective Ogren to return. After she made the call, I checked the house and had Erin and Blossom take the girls upstairs to get dressed. “Hello?” “Mr. O’Dell?” “None other.” “This is Ms. Margaret Williams from the Department of Family Services. I have a court order to enter your property and your home for the purpose of...

2 years ago
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You Want Me to Do What

I sit her with my mouth wide open, why you ask. My wife Jane just asked me, would I please be a cuckold for a week. By the way my name is Mike and I know the answer all ready, but hoped Jane really wasn't so stupid that she would ask me this. I wanted to respond in a calm manner, but needed to catch my breathe first. You see I have a history of being an asshole. I know I'm one and I wear the title with honor. This all started about a week ago when we where at my sister's BBQ. There were 15...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 3 Futas First Harem Treat

Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...

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Bookstore Babe Chrissie

My room mate and oldest friend Kelly found ourselves with a four day summer weekend and so Kelly decided to rent us a cabin on the lake. We invited a couple of Kellys’s lesbian sorority sisters to join us but they wouldn’t be arriving until the next day.We packed the car, loaded the cooler, rolled a few joints and set out around 11AM on a gorgeous Friday morning. Whenever we travel by car Kelly has to drive. I believe that it’s all a part of her dominant lesbian personality. When we’re...

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My husbandss Sexy Surprise

I have made no attempt to hide my absolute unwavering LOVE of sex!!! I have an insatiable appetite for making love. If given the choice, I’d rather be playing with a cock, then everything else comes after that. From the minute I lost my virginity, which was a fantastic experience, I have been on that never ending quest to get as much cock as possible. I just LOVE it. I have been a very lucky girl to get to have been with some very sexy and wonderful guys, with great hard cocks, that can fuck me...

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Wagons HoChapter 18

May 22, 1845 We had been seeing this weird rock formation ahead of us for the last couple of days. Ab said it was called Chimney Rock. To me, it looked more like a haystack with a pole sticking out of the top of it. Ab also said that Chimney Rock marked the end of the prairie. He said from that point on, the traveling would be more rugged. The place I picked for us to camp that night was about sixteen miles out and was within about five miles of Chimney Rock. It was within sight of Chimney...

1 year ago
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A Great Day for Landscaping

Sasha was the manager of the insurance office in the mingle of the mix. She pretty much kept to herself, offering a wave here and there to the others only because she didnt want to seem like a total bitch. Insurance was a nessisity in which something being nice had nothing to do with. If you were gonna drive an automobile, you hade to have it. Sasha pulled up in the parking lot at 8:56am, carried by her Jeep Grand Cherokee that she treasured. Stepping out she wore black mary-jane...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 56 In bound

"Here we are again." Tenchi thought dryly. Though the observation was largely untrue. The ubiquitous rhythms beneath the earlier car were all but absent. Replace with a lulling 'throb' barely hinting at the power and speeds they were currently traveling. He'd also been spared the the indignations of being forced to stand, hanging on to a ceiling strap for dear life. More over and perhaps most importantly, Sasami was no longer stalking him. Like grandpa, she was dead to the world....

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Take my cum you little Bitch Gay

I should be ashamed to tell you this story. But for some reason, I have to do it. My name is Billy. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, Wendy, and I was feeling pretty blue about it. It was the summer after my junior year in high school I had just turned 18, and my parents were taking me on a trip to see colleges in the southeast. We were staying at a very nice resort hotel near Atlanta, my parents had gone off to play a few rounds of golf. I was alone with my moody thoughts by the hotel...

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MELODY LANDED IN THE MIDDLE. Both Lissa and I were stroking her body and massaging her breasts. “Take it easy there, stud,” Lissa said. “Have you asked how Melody likes to have her breasts played with? How about it, Mel? Do you like rough stuff or a lighter touch?” Melody’s eyes flicked open and looked at us. “Gosh. I never thought about the differences. I like it when Tony touches me, but sometimes it is a little rough.” “You have to tell him what you like.” “Um ... I like it when you do...

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Freshman Year

I was an orphan and raised in a convent my first eighteen years of my life. Now being raised in a convent and educated there I had little contact with the rest of the world and was therefore so lacking in the ways of the world I had no idea about sex among other things. I was an excellent student for the nuns and when I reached eighteen it was decided that I should continue my education in a real college. As it turned out, Mother Superior had an in with a very upscale, totally private Catholic...

4 years ago
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Times Up

I was so horny, driving back from the office after a long day. I don't even know what I was thinking when I pulled into the parking lot of that adult bookshop. Maybe I'd find something to take home, a video or maybe a playtoy. Scanning aisle after aisle of naked skin, visualizing the dozens of women want to fuck, it pushed me over the edge. I knew my pants were barely concealing the forming erection underneath my trousers. That's when I caught glimpse of the sign - "Adult Video Arcade". I had...

3 years ago
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for my secret love in pennsylvania

Hey babe ... I am just lying in my bed, thinking of our sexual attraction for each other. I am so anxious to get to see you again after all this time. To be able to kiss you soft n gentle, yet deep and penetrating. As we pull away from our kiss I feel your hard cock through your pants. I smile because I know this is my hard on that I created. You gasp as I stroke that hard cock and I tell you that I am going to make you cum so hard till our romp is over. You know right away that I mean...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 15 One Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: One Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all...

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My fuck buddy sub

It all started Wednesday morning, while sitting at my work desk I sent out a mass text message to my friends basically to say hi, and give them all little encouragement. Soon after sending the text, I received a call from one of my past sluts. She called me using the text as an excuse. I am a black Dom, and for those of you that are BBC lovers, I am not a BBC. I am only about six inches, but never measured it, so it actually could be a little smaller. She is a big cock slut, so when we...

2 years ago
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Three in a Van

Last summer, I traveled cross-country in a van with my eighteen-year-old girlfriend, Jessica, and her sixteen-year-old sister, Penny. As the trip progressed, I began to notice Penny's cute sexy, young body and she in turn became more and friendly towards me. It was a bit embarrassing actually. A number of times Jessica almost caught me staring at Penny's hot, sexy little ass when she bent over in those TIGHT shorts and thin T-shirts she always wore. Not that Jessica is all that plain mind...

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Karen and her SonChapter 2

Karen's beautiful mouth formed an "O" as if surprised as she slowly impaled herself on her son's huge thick cock. "Don't darling, please don't fuck me, you must fuck mummy's cunt baby, oh fucking hell yes, I mean no!" Still not quite 100% sure about what was expected of him, Steven lay perfectly still as his wanton mother fucked herself on his shaft Her pert little bottom undulated up and down, gripping him, every nerve ending in her cunt being caressed by the thick, solid penis...

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Do Unto Others

‘Fuck ’em! Fuck ’em all!’ Jim Peel sat in the burger bar almost shaking with the frustrations and rage that had built up over the years. ‘Sick of everything! Sick of everything!’ He was a loner, never really had the ability to relate or empathize with others and had never really tried. ‘People are shit!’ was a phrase he used often. He was married, considering his deep aversion to female company and their alien thought patterns that was a miracle. He didn’t love his wife, he didn’t...

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Hello My Name Is Chapter 1

Hello, My Name Is... By Ozzy Nelson Jason Waters and Kevin Tatum climbed the stairs of the old house up to the attic. It had been a week since Jason's Uncle Larry had died and now Jason's mom was forcing them to help in cleaning up before the house was put on the market. Jason angrily wondered why they couldn't just hire somebody to do this for them. After all, with all the money they'd inherited from good old rich Uncle Larry it wasn't like they were hurting for cash. His...

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Fulfilling a Fanrasy

I called her over and put her hands in my trousers... She honestly never been more turned on. Her pussy was wetter than it's ever been, and all because not only was I tall, older, muscular build and rugged looks, but my cock was fucking HUGE! It must be at least 11 inches of long, hard, 4 inchs thick, rippling muscle, and all she could think of was me bending her over and sliding that big, juicy, throbbing cock inside her. She couldn't wait to see it, but was apprehensive also. As she...

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Part Time Masseuse

I met Bill and Stacy by chance. I was having a late supper at one of my favorite restaurants in the Cleveland area. I was sitting at the bar that night. You can still get full dinner service at the bar at this place, an upscale restaurant probably best known as a steakhouse even though I was enjoying salmon that evening.My job often takes me around the world on business. I meet with companies on technology, research and business. In this case, I was a few hours by car from home, starting a...

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Online fun part 4

Part 4: Feedback is certainly appreciated! Either as a review here, or feel free to message me on kik (albatrossiv), I'm trying to keep each section shortish and easy, drawing on personal experiences. As a quick recap, Riley has been left by the last dom in control, still caged (the keys now in a bucket of ice in the freezer), a vibrating plug once again stuffed in his ass, dressed in lingerie and as a schoolgirl, with his balls chained to a spreader bar between his...

3 years ago
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Establishing Dominance

She was born to please and he loved to use her as his personal fucktoy. It really was an excellent match. The anticipation was building inside her as she entered the hotel room. He was always trying to mix things up and keep her on her toes so she had no idea what to expect. The door was ajar when she knocked and was told to enter. He was sitting in the corner of the room beneath a reading lamp, the only light in the room, giving him that mysterious 'silhouette with a voice' look.As she fully...

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Cd crossdresser caught and blackmailed

I have been cross-dressing since puberty. My friends and I lived near a college, and one day we found a pair of panties on the ground near a dormitory. My friends tossed them around and made up stories about how they got there. The stories they made up had my young mind on fire with fantasies. Later that evening, I returned to where we had left the panties, I pretended to walk along and I casually picked them up and put them in my pocket. I was terrified that someone would see me touching a...

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Secret Lives Part 2

Secret Lives - Part 2 Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Forward Welcome to part 2 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first part (chapters 1 - 7) then you probably should or none of this will make a lot of sense! This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it....

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Josephine MustSee Bathtub Titty Fuck

Oh man, get ready for some serious cock-hardening bathtub action in today’s DDF Network masterpiece feat. Josephine and Yanick Shaft. The mature gentleman awaits his sexy girlfriend in the bathtub and once he sees her high heels, mind-blowing lingerie, and sexy negligee, it’s just a matter of seconds until his cock gets hard as fuck. Soon, Josephine takes his veiny dick into her mouth for a warmup blowjob, which leads to some pussy fingering in return! Her giant titties are extra...

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The CatalystChapter 51 Educating Jessica

[‘Gracie got serious, “But Charlie, isn’t she only like 16 years old?”] I told her, “That’s correct, but, she DOES turn 17 next Saturday, the same day as our wedding. That’s why I don’t want any of the guys to actually have intercourse with her. 16 could get us 20! That being said, she wants this in the worst way. She knows we could all get into trouble and swears she won’t say anything to anyone that anything happened before she was actually 17. “While the State of Illinois is absolutely...

2 years ago
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Whoring Days

My whoring days - I start my careerI felt his cock enter me from behind and he thrust it upward violently, all but lifting my feet off the floor. Ten minutes earlier I had entered his flat on the second floor of a large block of mansion apartments located opposite Battersea Park, South London. This was my first ‘escort’ agency assignment. A home call prearranged by the agency office and I was scared shitless! I rang the bell and was let into a large spacious flat by a tall not particularly...

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