Cancer free porn video

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It could have been a scene from one of those sappy TV movies. The doctor sat behind his big desk and gave me the bad news. It was cancer. My condition wasn't too apparent yet, but he said that when it got worse it was likely that it would happen fast.

"You can expect slightly sharper pains than you've been having at first, but it will worsen rapidly. Your liver is still functioning, but that will change soon, almost any time." He didn't look happy to be giving me the bad news. Well, I wasn't too happy to be getting it.

"So there's no option?" I asked.

"Surgery is out. It has progressed too far for that. You already said you don't want to try chemo, and that's certainly your prerogative. That's what I'd try first. Of course, there's never any guarantee, and often the effects of the medicine are as bad as the disease. If it were me, then I'd probably make the same choice. I shouldn't tell you that, though. I'm supposed to recommend trying everything before giving up."

"I appreciate the honesty, Doc," I told him as I stood up. "I have some things I want to do before it becomes impossible." We shook hands and he spoke to my back as I left the office.

"Call me when the pain gets bad and I'll phone in a prescription for you." I stopped and turned.

"Why not just give it to me now? Then I won't have to bother you again. I also won't have to wait in pain."

His eyebrows rose. "Good point." He pulled the scrip pad around and scribbled. He tore the sheet off and handed it to me. "Here you go. I authorized one refill, but if you wait until you really need it, I doubt you'll need the refill." That wasn't real cheery news, but then none of it was.

It was odd. You'd think I would be devastated. I wasn't. I'd expected it to be cancer that killed me. My parents and my sister had all succumbed to it -- different strains, but all the "Big C." Well, here it was. To tell the truth, it was kind of a relief to know. That might sound strange, but it was true.

I stepped out onto the sidewalk. Pedestrians bustled about their daily lives, cars and buses moved along the street. I wondered how many of the people passing by me knew they had cancer. Certainly some of them must. Then I wondered how many of them had it and didn't know it. I hadn't had a clue until I went through a week of having strange pains in my gut.

I wasn't envious of all the healthy folks. I'd lived long enough. I had felt that way for several years before that day. I wasn't suicidal, of course. There really were things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go before I kicked off. If I got to do them, okay. If not, then that was okay, too. My feeling in general was that I was ready for the next step -- even if it was a step into endless darkness.

If that was the way things were -- no afterlife, no heaven, no hell -- then that was that. If the faithful were right, if I'd be judged and sent to my reward, then that was okay, too. I'd lived a fairly good life. I'd always tried to be honest and treat people fairly. I didn't go to church, but I had never felt that was a sure guarantee. I'd known my share of religious hypocrites in my life. In short, I was ready and curious to finally learn the truth.

I walked to the parking lot and unlocked my car. As I drove home I wondered how to tell my wife. I'm 60 years old. Most people would say that a man of 60 is too young to die, but I disagree. My wife and I had only been married for seven years. I was hoping for more time with her. I'd finally gotten it right, after three previous tries. But if I had a choice of going out whole and in good health otherwise, I'd opt for that, rather than getting old and infirm. My grandfather had a colostomy bag for a year before he died. He always seemed pretty embarrassed by it. I know I would be.

Julie, my wife, thought she would be the one to die first. She's had some pretty serious health problems in her life. When we met, she was operating on the erroneous advice from a quack that said she only had about eight years to live. Another doctor told her that was bullshit and she stopped trying to measure out her days. She'd already beaten the original prediction.

One thing I was glad about was that it wasn't lung cancer. I'd been a smoker since I was about sixteen. The doc told me that my lungs showed the effects, but they were so far free of any evidence of cancer.

I got on the freeway and drove out of the city toward our home. Julie still worked, but I had qualified for a disability shortly after we married. So I have been the housekeeper and cook for most of our time together. The situation suited us both. Now I guessed Julie would have to learn to eat her own cooking again.

Julie is a real peach of a wife. She is the first one I've had who didn't immediately try to change what she said she liked about me when we got together. We have always had a great time together, both in bed and out of it. Yes, even at sixty, I have an active sex life. No Viagra needed, just patience and a partner with a healthy appetite for experimentation.

As I drove I let my memories roll by. Julie and I learned about anal sex together. She was more than willing to try it. Once she did, she found that she loved it as much as I did. Oral sex was always a party for us both. I rarely reached orgasm in her mouth, but that wasn't for a lack of trying on her part. For her part, she popped off almost every time I put my mouth between her legs. For that matter, she popped off pretty much at the drop of a hat.

That is probably a big part of the answer to why we are still so active sexually. She is multi-orgasmic and reaches the peak easily. It gives me a thrill when I help her get there, so it makes me feel good, too. I also love to watch (and help, too) when she masturbates.

I angled into the exit and slowed at the bottom of the ramp. I made the turn onto the county road and drove past the turn to our house. I went on to the strip mall and pulled up in front of the drug store. I got the prescription filled and stuck the small bag in my pocket. Then I walked down three doors, past the pet store, the hair salon and the dollar store. The clerk in the liquor store smiled and said hello. She was maybe thirty and looked like she hadn't a care in the world.

I picked out two bottles of Tanqueray and handed her my bank card. She rang it up and I signed for it. Back in the car I retraced my route to the turnoff. The county road gave way to the private gravel road. There were five homes along the road and we jointly maintained the access road. Fortunately the winters were mild enough that we rarely had to plow it. The big problem was the rash of potholes caused by the annual rains. It dawned on me suddenly that it was another concern I wouldn't have much longer. There were a lot of them.

I wouldn't have to worry about mowing the lawn, changing the oil in the car, putting up Christmas lights or a tree -- well, maybe one more year, who knew? Yeah, I was ready. I wasn't deluding myself. I have two daughters from a previous marriage. One of them turned out just like her mother and hasn't spoken to me in over twelve years. The other one is still my friend. She is married and starting her own family. She lives a million miles away, so we don't see each other all that often. We talk on the phone at least once a week. We email and send birthday cards. I don't think she'll miss me all that much.

Julie is my one big concern. She is going to be pissed. That was why I got the top shelf gin. It's her favorite. I turned into our driveway and pulled the car up next to hers in front of the garage. She kissed me when I stepped through the door. Then she took the bag from me and looked inside. When she saw that there were two bottles of Tanqueray her face crumbled. I was afraid she'd drop the bag but she clutched it to her belly as she melted into my arms. She knew I'd gotten bad news.

When she was finally collected I fixed us both a strong drink. We sat on the couch. She looked up at me. "How long?" she asked me.

"He can't say for sure and he refused to speculate. He said I'd know by the severity of the pain." I reached into my coat pocket and showed her the pills. "These are for when it gets too bad to stand." She studied the label and set the bottle on the coffee table.

"Of course you won't take them unless you have to," she said. "I know you." I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. I kissed her and we kept kissing without speaking for a while. She sat up and drank off half her drink. Then she looked at me. I recognized the look. I tipped my glass back and almost succeeded in draining it.

We stood up without a word and walked hand in hand into the bedroom. We still didn't talk while we stripped. She pushed me onto my back on the bed and followed me down. She engulfed my stiffening prick and started sucking on it hard. I raised my knees and closed my eyes. Her hands were kneading my thighs and hips. Her wet mouth was hot on my cock. She'd gotten busy so suddenly that I knew this was one of the rare times that I was going to flood her mouth. When she worked her finger into my ass I lost it. With a groan I felt my sphincter squeeze her finger as I throbbed my semen into her mouth.

She sucked it up and kept sucking. She also pivoted around so I could return the favor. She was dripping and delicious. I lapped away and sucked at her tender lips. She squealed and oozed more when I used my teeth. She likes a little pain with her pleasure. I sucked at her pussy and slapped her round ass for her. She jerked forward, driving herself harder against my mouth. I sucked hard and she came. She had stopped sucking me at some point. I hardly noticed since I was so concentrated on eating her. After her orgasm I realized that her face was just cradled by my groin.

She wasn't finished -- for that matter, neither was I. She pulled my legs up and pushed them wide. She dipped her head down and began to tongue my ass. Since hers was right there in front of me, I matched her lick for lick. We both plunged our tongues deep inside each other's nasty little holes, completing a circuit that felt like eternity. After another few minutes of that I pushed her off and rolled her over. I rose to my knees and raised her legs over my shoulders. Having her tongue up my ass had reawakened my cock. I plunged it into her dripping pussy. She answered with another immediate orgasm. As I pumped her, she rose to several more climaxes.

When she begged me to stop I had almost reached my second orgasm. I panted that news to her so she "suffered" through two more climaxes until I reached my own. I collapsed onto her, panting and exhausted. She kissed my neck and whispered, "I'm glad you don't have dick cancer. I don't want to give this up." I laughed and kissed her neck right back. Tears began to flow from her eyes as I watched.

After we had regained our breath and energy we just stayed there and cuddled. Julie sniffled a bit, wiped her eyes and rolled over, propping herself up on her elbows. "You will tell me when it gets bad, won't you?"

"I will," I assured her. In truth, I wasn't sure how bad was bad. "You'll be able to tell when I start popping pills."

"What if we got some grass?" she asked. I was surprised I hadn't thought of that.

"Now there's an idea," I said. I reached for the phone beside the bed. I remembered the doctor's number from calling him earlier to make the appointment. When the receptionist answered she told me the doctor was with a patient, but he would call me back as soon as he could.

We got out of bed and went back to the living room, still naked. Julie grabbed a towel to spread on the couch to catch her leaks and save the cushions from our sweaty asses. We sat and drank the rest of our drinks. I mixed us another and as I was walking back to the living room the phone rang. I asked the doctor about medicinal marijuana. He said it was legal in our state for glaucoma and in some cases for cancer. "But the prescription I gave you should take care of the pain," he said. I got the impression he wasn't in favor of using grass.

"Well, I'd rather save that stuff for when it gets really bad," I told him. "Remember, I'm a smoker anyway. I suppose I could get some on the street if you won't prescribe it."

"Hmm... well, I suppose it wouldn't do any harm. I'm not sure your insurance will cover it. They all have different policies about it," he said.

"I'm not too concerned about that," I said. Julie was looking at me. I waggled my eyebrows up and down and she grinned. She leaned over and licked my soft cock. It twitched and started to inflate again. She looked at me with wide eyes and I took hold of it and started to stroke it. In my ear the doctor was cautioning me not to use the prescribed grass recreationally. "Oh I won't," I promised. Of course I wouldn't! Not much! "It's strictly medicine. I stopped using recreational drugs decades ago, Doc -- all except booze that is."

"Yeah, that's what they all say," he laughed. "I'll fill out the papers so you can get your license." He explained that getting grass over the pharmacy counter was a bit different and more difficult than just getting, say, narcotics. A person had to have a license from the state. "It doesn't usually take too long, maybe a week," he said. "You can stop by and take the papers to file downtown. It's a hassle, I know, but then you can't be busted as long as you don't go out joyriding while you're high. You can be high in public legally, but let Julie drive."

"Oh of course. I doubt I'll do that anyway," I assured him. I hung up the phone. To Julie, I said, "Well I'll be a legal marijuana user next week probably."

"Cool! You're going to share, aren't you?" she asked hopefully. I pushed her face toward my lap.

"If you play your cards right I will," I said meaningfully. She took the hint and sucked on me a while. It wasn't a serious blow job, as we both knew. It just felt good. While she tended to me I rubbed her back and played with her ass. Did I mention how much we love each other?

Chapter 2

Julie worked the next week but took the following week off. I got my "dope license" and presented it proudly to the pharmacist with the prescription. He looked at me doubtfully and said he'd have to call the doctor. I told him to go ahead. Julie waited with me.

In a few minutes we were back in the car and headed home. In my pocket was a flat box full of legal marijuana cigarettes. I had checked them out when we got to the car. I didn't know who the government had rolling their joints, but they were worth about three each of the size I used to roll by hand. This was going to be great, I thought.

At home I put the box in a drawer. In spite of the temptation to try it out, I really meant to save it for its intended use. Well, mostly, anyway. Julie and I went in to sit on the couch. We laughed and talked about nothing. Julie put her drink on the table and turned onto her back to rest her head in my lap. She looked up at me and her expression got serious.

"Is there anything you really, really want to do before you..." She hesitated just long enough to work up the courage to say it. "... die, Jim?" she asked me. I caressed her forehead and thought about the question. "I mean, you can tell me if there's anything you want to do -- anything. If you want to fuck other women or anything, that's okay. I can live with it." My heart swelled. She was serious and I knew it. I smiled at her.

"Well, I've always liked your sister..." She grabbed my hand and bit it. "YOW!" I yelped. "Okay! I was kidding!" She let go of my hand. "Seriously, I don't need other women, Honey. I had my share before you came along." We both knew, though, that there was a fantasy I had. Julie went right ahead and opened the subject up.

"Well, what about getting another guy? You always wanted to share me with another guy." I had. I did. It was just that she had always said she didn't think she could do it. I pointed that out to her. "Sometimes things change, Honey," she said quietly. I looked at her and wondered whether she meant what she was saying. I knew if I said I wanted to do it that she would. I just wondered how she really felt about it.

"I wouldn't want you to do it if you really didn't want to, Julie. That really isn't what I want. It would be a flop if you didn't enjoy it."

"Well, if it would really turn you on I'd enjoy it," she said.

"You know watching you cum turns me on. Still you never really wanted to do this until I was diagnosed." I let my fingers slip down to her ribs. I poked her when I asked, "You sure you're not just interviewing my replacement?" She jumped and giggled. She got a smartass expression on her face.

"Maybe. You don't expect me to just curl up and die when you do, do you?" I knew that was exactly what she'd do. Not that she'd die, but I was fairly sure that she would not seek out another lover when I was gone.

We talked some more about it. Privately I had added some things to the fantasy that Julie didn't know about. I have never been attracted to men at all. Still, when I imagined sharing her with another man the thought of sucking his cum from her pussy held a kind of perverse thrill for me. Another image that recurred frequently when I thought about a threesome was that of going down on her while he was fucking her. Inevitably that would mean I would be licking his cock at some point. The idea of lapping her juices off another man's stiff, hot cock definitely turned me on. Carrying the fantasy farther, I imagined what it might be like to clean up his cock after he fucked her. I don't really care for the taste of my own cum by itself, but I love licking her after we make love.

I had stopped questioning these secret urges. I just decided that since it would never happen anyway I was free to indulge my fantasies any way I chose to. I knew I certainly didn't want to do anything one-on-one with a man, so I wasn't gay. I guessed it could be described as "bi-curiosity", and I didn't feel bad about it. Now here was Julie apparently seriously presenting me the opportunity to indulge at least the major part of the fantasy.

I needed to sound her out about the parts she didn't know about. "You know, I have always wanted to have two women at once, too. The 'other guy' thing only came about because I wanted to be fair. What would you think about that?"

"I just asked you if there was anything you wanted. That would include bringing another woman into our bed if you want to." She looked me straight in the eye. I knew she'd do it.

"Well, you know that every man enjoys the idea of two beautiful women doing things with each other. That's always been a part of that fantasy for me. Do you think you might like the taste of a freshly fucked pussy?"

"Hmm... well, if you want that, I guess I could do it." She looked away. I slid my hand down under her pants and panties. She was wet.

"Does the idea of being physical with another woman turn you on?" I asked her. My fingers slid easily into her. She closed her eyes and pushed her hips up.

"Maybe. Sort of... oh, I don't know. I'm curious, I guess. I know I've always told you I don't really like my own taste, but something about kissing you after you eat me gets to me in a way. Do all women taste alike?"

"There's a similarity, but you're all different. The idea of watching you licking another woman's pussy is so hot! That would have to be a part of it all."

"Well, what about if we had another man? Would you do that... with him, I mean?" That was the question I had been waiting for. It was time to 'fess up'.

"If it got you hot I would. I've always kind of wondered what it would be like to suck a cock." My throat threatened to close up with my nervousness. She didn't say anything for a minute.

"Really? I would never have thought you would think about that. You're so... well, masculine. I've fantasized about what you might look like with a dick in your mouth -- or up your ass, since you like my dildo up there so much. I've fantasized about it sometimes since you put the idea in my head about having two men at once." Once again I was amazed at how closely we thought about some things. Her words reinforced my conviction that she was the right wife for me. It was too bad we got together so late in our lives. It was too bad that I was dying and we wouldn't have a lot more years together.

I leaned down and kissed her. My fingers were still inside her dripping pussy. She lifted her hips and shoved her pants down. I helped her get them off and turned to eat her when she spread her legs. When we got too uncomfortable we adjourned to the bedroom to make love. As we recovered afterward she hugged me.

"So do you have anybody in mind for our threesomes?" she asked. That was a problem, I admitted.

"I guess it's a little different now that I know I won't be around to have to deal with a guy afterward. At least I wouldn't have to for long, anyway. I think it would be fairly easy being friends with a guy if I had just shared your body with him. If he and I 'got busy' together, though, I've always felt it might be uncomfortable."

"If you both went down on each other it would be an equal thing, though," she said. She was fondling my soft cock while she spoke. "You know what I would really like to watch? I'd really like to see you get a stiff prick up your ass." My dick twitched at the thought. She smiled when she felt it. "It looks like the thought has some merit to you, too. Would you like that? I would grease you up really well. Then I'd suck him up good and hard, like this." She turned and began to lick my thickening cock. As she sucked it back to life, she continued to talk.

"Mmm... then I would grease him up, stroking him with the lubricant," her hand gripped me and matched her words. "Then, with you on your hands and knees, I would line him up with your little asshole. I would watch as he began to spread you open. I imagine your grunts as he enters you. Feel his hands on your hips and the pressure as he pushes in." Her mouth was back on me and I had my eyes closed. Julie knew I love it when she fucks me with her dildo. The idea of a real, live, hot fleshy cock sliding into me was a favorite fantasy of mine. It apparently was one of hers, too.

She rose up and mounted me. I slipped in easily because she was still all sloppy with our earlier fluids. She leaned down and looked into my eyes as she continued to describe how this other man would fuck my ass. Even if I had wanted to keep my desires secret, my body gave my excitement away. I came again quickly deep inside her. She smiled.

She leaned forward and kissed me. "My masculine man likes the idea of having a cock up his ass. Interesting." She kissed me again for a long time. Then she lifted up. "I think I know just the guy, Honey," she said. Her words sent a chill down my spine. Fantasy was one thing. Actually putting a face on the phantom man was another.

"What? You mean you have really been thinking about this?" I was surprised. As I said, she'd always just passed the idea off as a fantasy.

"Um-hmm..." she said. She rocked back and forth on my cock. I felt her tighten her muscles to give it a squeeze. "I was thinking that Joey might be interested in the idea."

I frowned. Joey Wells was a long time friend. We got together with him and his wife, Marie sometimes. We'd go out to dinner, or get together at our house or theirs for a barbecue. I knew Julie flirted with Joey, just as I always flirted with petite little Marie. It had never been serious. Julie's words cast a different light on things, however.

Suddenly things got real clear. I knew that my flirting with Marie was just play. Still, if things were different, the thought of actually bedding her was attractive to me. I knew now that Julie felt the same about Joey. The thought didn't make me jealous or angry. Julie and I are in love. Neither of us would do anything to jeopardize that. An image of Joey's lean body between Julie's thighs popped up in my mind. I smiled at my wife. She looked back at me and, as if she could read my thoughts, she reddened with embarrassment.

"So you have been having lascivious thoughts about lean, mean Joey, eh?" Julie got even redder.

"No more than you think about porking Marie's cute little ass! I've seen you flirting and I've seen the way you study her ass. When we went to the beach last summer you couldn't take your eyes off her teeny bikini. You didn't notice that my eyes were glued to Joey's Speedo and the bulge that was in it." The truth was that I had noticed her looking. I just didn't care, so I hadn't mentioned it. It released me from any guilt about watching the way Marie's cheeks rolled above her thighs as she walked.

"Well, we could ask. But my thoughts had been about inviting a single person -- of either gender -- into our bed. What would Marie think about it? Maybe we should ask them both. We could have a foursome; become real swingers."

"Hmm... I don't know. That might be a sensory overload -- at least at first. I'd be more comfortable with just one of them the first time." I saw her blush as she added, "I wouldn't care which one you wanted to ask." I guessed then that I wasn't the only one who thought about Marie's ass.

"Okay," I said. I rose from the bed and went to my dresser and got one of the joints I'd rolled from the huge "bombers" the government provided. Returning to the bed I lit it, inhaled and held it. I passed the joint to Julie and she took a hit. I closed my eyes as I slowly released the smoke. I felt the familiar effect in my head immediately. I was surprised at how quickly the aroma and taste awakened old buried memories. I tried to think how long it had been...

Julie was tapping my arm with the hand that held the smoking joint. "Earth to Jim!" she said. I smiled at her and sent up a silent thanks to the government for growing such righteous pot as I took it from her.

We spent the rest of the afternoon rolling around naked, giggling and fucking. After we started to come down we took a nap. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was dinner time. That was something I didn't need the clock to tell me. My belly felt desperately empty and I recalled the "munchies" I used to get when I got high. I knew we didn't have any chocolate doughnuts or Cheetos -- my two favorites back in the day -- so I padded to the kitchen to see what we did have.

I was bending over, my top half in the refrigerator, when I heard, then felt Julie join me. "What do we have? I'm starving!" We finally settled on some leftover spaghetti. Neither of us could wait for it to heat up before taking a couple of bites. We did eventually stick it into the microwave and ate most of it hot.

"Want me to call Marie?" Julie asked me. I'd been wondering how best to broach the proposition to our friends. I had decided not to shirk the job if that was how Julie wanted it, but I felt that we might stand a better chance if the two women discussed the subject first. I looked up at Julie's face. She didn't realize she had a smear of spaghetti sauce on her cheek beside her mouth. I leaned forward and licked it off and she giggled. We kissed, sharing spaghetti taste and tongues.

"If you're sure you really want to do it, sure. You know you don't have to, you know."

"I know." She looked me in the eye and said, "I want to do it. It has taken root in my imagination, Jim. It isn't just for you now." I smiled and shook my head at my sexy wife. She meant it.

"Okay," I said. She grinned at me and ran off to the bedroom to call Marie.

Chapter 3

I popped the cork out of the bottle and tossed it into the trash. Setting the bottle on the table I turned back to the stove and checked on the potatoes. Everything was almost ready. Joey and Marie were on the way over. I took a deep breath. Just then Julie came in. She was dressed casually. Her shorts were loose, but soft enough to hug her ass and thighs as she moved. Her top had a scoop neckline that would hang open if she bent forward.

I hugged her. I couldn't feel a bra under the top. My hands slid to her ass and encountered no evidence of underwear there either. I kissed her. Her face was flushed and I could see that she was excited. The doorbell rang, followed by Marie's voice calling, "Helooo?"

"In the kitchen!" Julie called back. We broke our hug as our guests entered the room. We both hugged Marie and I shook Joey's hand. Considering what was going to happen, I thought maybe I should have hugged him, too. The moment had passed, however, and Julie was in his arms. I watched as his hands slid down to cup her ass cheeks.

We got drinks and went to the living room. Marie and Julie had done the ground work, so it was fairly easy to open the subject. Joey said, "So, Jim, are you sure about this?"

"I am," I said firmly. "I don't know how much time I have, so I want to enjoy it. In the process, it would be good to give some enjoyment to the people I love, as well."

We talked a while. Over dinner, it was decided that our ultimate goal in all this was for all four of us to get together. Julie and Marie both felt that it would be better to start slow. Marie cleared her throat. "That's why I'm going home in a while. I rented some movies Joey will never watch with me -- you know, 'chick flicks'." She took Joey's hand in hers and smiled at him. "I'm going to entrust my man to your tender care. He promised he'll tell me everything in the morning when I come to get him."

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Chuck Tuesday morning was the usual confusion, yet precision, of getting the little ones taken care of and ready to transport to the patio for breakfast. There, Lisa and I had coffee and spoke with everyone for a while. Steve and I gave Billy the go ahead on beginning our machine shop and school. Tiny said he would come up with an accountant to keep the new business on track. I thought my morning was going well until Mark came to me after breakfast and asked, "Can we get together for some...

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Welcome Home part 1

This story involvestwo people who enjoy a DD/lg lifestyle. While she calls him Daddy, he is not her father but her Dom. This chapter will not include other BDSM references or activities so I am submitting it under a different category. Enjoy. I was sitting at the airport waiting for her to arrive from a week in California with her parents. My heart began racing as the voice over the speakers announced that her plane had arrived and the passengers were disembarking. Thanks to the increased...

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When I first knew what I was gay

When I first knew what I was … gay When I was young our family lived in a small house with five of us kids. So my three sisters all shared a room, my brother and I another and my parents had a room. We only had one bathroom at the time so the girls got to go first, then me and my brother. When it came time for bed, my brother and I had to take our bath together after the girls took theirs separately. My brother was 3 years older then I was, so he took up a lot of room in the tub. But we...

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My Spicy Pussy Lips

There we were, on the same bed that I shared with my husband where Marcus had once again pounded my pussy, making me beg him to ejaculate inside when it was decided that I was probably ready. Just how that time is decided is perhaps moot, but my hunch was that the black guy decides by then that he wants to own this bitch. Just getting one over with her, on the quiet, was not enough. It's probably the moment when his bitch starts talking about wanting him to kick her husband out and take over...

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Carry That Weight Added Chapter

It was nearly two weeks before my doctor started making noises about releasing me from the hospital. By that time, I was getting around pretty well by myself. The catheter the hospital staff had put on had been removed after the third day and, although painful at first I could get to the bathroom on my own, and a couple of days after that I even managed to take showers by myself. Ashley showed up every day, and when she wasn't at the hospital visiting, she called me several times a day to let...

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Fair Trade

David Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger. “You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn’t you? ‘Don’t worry Chelle, it’s a back road but it’s fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.’ Which numb-nut told you that? “ Michelle...

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Katha pt2 A pantyshitting bus ride a faceshitting at home

I hadn't planned for this 'date', it just happened out of the chance. It was a friday afternoon, I had skipped school that day (the lessons at schedule had been unimportant and uninteresting to me, I had written myself a faked excuse) and, instead, spent the day in Chemnitz (the next bigger city from the town where I lived). Now, in the afternoon, I was taking the bus back home - a 45 minutes trip, the bus was not going the shortest possible route but served the smaller villages left and...

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Gang Banged By My Foreign Boss And His Son

Hello, I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my 7th sex story which recently happened with my foreign boss and his son. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe myself, I have done MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So, let me start narrating my recent incident happened with my...

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My Teen Love Triangle Part 1 Pilot

Introduction: This is a pilot story which I hope so expand on if readers like it. It contains a lot less sex scenes in it compared to other stories and Im very aware it might not be what people want. Should I include more or keep this the way it is? Id love to hear some feedback on the story. When I was a kid I never thought about girls, and I suspect those who openly spoke about it did so for the attention. I never hung out with any girls, I had no girls as close friends or anything like that....

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 05

Author’s Note: This story contains MF oral, regular and anal sex. Enjoy! ————————————- Jonathon smiled at Kay across the dinner table in the exquisitely fancy restaurant they were dining in, ‘What made you decide to come back?’ ‘Well…’ Kay looked thoughtful, and he took the time to admire her features, ‘I mean, it freaked me out a little bit, it was like I could disobey you… but then I kept having dreams about you. Dreams where you made me do all these things, and there was nothing I could...

3 years ago
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TAKING ON A MONSTER an oldfashioned stroke story

TAKING ON A MONSTER: an old-fashioned stroke story by Rumple Foreskin Cindy and her four lovers sprawled together in satisfied exhaustion, comparing notes on how they’d celebrated her birthday. Someone started tallying up the different encounters. The final count left everyone duly impressed with both the recuperative powers of the four guy’s and with Cindy’s stamina.      ‘Damn, woman,’  said Bob. There was a note of respect in the tall, ex-college basketball player’s voice. “You must have...

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Unbridled Evil Winter JenningsChapter 9

Walker now has three bikinied girls in framed photographs over the bedroom bureau. I’m the original, Girl # 1. In my too-tiny pink bikini. Vanessa, classic Slavic beauty, in a green micro number. Mindy, in yellow, rocks the tiniest bikini of us all. She doesn’t seem to mind when Walker’s weekend buddies openly ogle the pinup array. In fact, Mindy seems to be like Vanessa and I are. Amused. A little proud to be ogle-worthy. Okay, fuck. A lot proud. And I know Walker is beyond pleased to be...

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phone sex

She feels my touch my breath on her neck my lips on her breast tongue on her nipples. Skin to skin my hands on her clit massaging her inside and out till there is nothing left to do but make it whole. Start of soft and gentle light touches and an slow build up of rhythm changing position as I get used to the way our hips move together. Getting faster and harder as the room starts getting hotter and we start to make the floorboards creek the bed shake and the headboard leave dents in the wall....

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Sibling Rivalry

"So dickweed, you and what's her name make it yet?" Frank asked. Alan said nothing and kept reading his French assignment. Frank persisted, "how about it? You finally get to slip that pitiful little excuse for a cock to her?"Alan's brow furrowed and his lips pursed, "Shut up." He muttered, turning the page before he'd finished reading it. "What's the matter? Can't find it without a microscope? Or you just can't get it up without thinking about how much you wish she was a guy?" Alan looked up...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 5 Planning Revolt

"How did it go, Jo?" asked Fran and then she giggled. "That rhymes - I never knew I was a poet before! How about that, eh!" "Yes, Fran. Very good." Joanne sat down between the other two, a little closer to Annie than Francesca and put her arm around the little girl. She squeezed her affectionately and wondered what Robert would think if he could see the two of them! Well, it would be a long time before she met him again -and he'd probably have given up waiting for her by now in any...

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Prabha cock devoring maid

“Whats your name”She said “Prabha” She has been working in my house for more than 8 months but I never noticed her a nor know her name. Usually I would be out of the house before the sun rose to catch the university bus. My summer holidays had just began. My parent had gone off to work. I found this lady working in our kitchen.“Prabha are you a friend of mother” I asked her in English She said no in English and that she worked our home cleaning and cooking in morning and at afternoon. She...

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Dono Cousins Ko Eksaath Bajaya Part 1

Dosto yoon to aapne meri bahut si kahaaniyaan padhi hai aur unhen saraaha bhi hai. Ab aapke liye ek aur kahaani pesh kar raha hoon. Dosto mera naam Kisslay hai aur main Delhi mein rahta hoon. Meri cousin didi padhai mein awwal hain. Shaayad isi baat ko soch ke mausi ne apni donon betiyon, Sneha (BTech) aur Supriya (10+2) donon ko padhai karane ke liye unke edmishan bhi Delhi mein karwa diya aur hamaare saath rehne bhej diya. Ab rishte mein to woh donon meri behnen lagti thi, magar main tha ek...

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Welcome To Big Bore

Sweet P. presents a Big Top Entertainment production WELCOME TO BIG BORE A SCREENPLAY by Bobbie Bazooms CAST: Enorma Stitts: Natalie Thompson Heluv Stitts: Charles...

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The Crossing part 5

I was an Allied spy living in a castle in Nazi Germany, a man using the identity of a dead woman, but I was about to discover I wasn't the only one with secrets. THE CROSSING - part 5 by BobH (c) 2015 - 11 - It was Thursday 12th August 1943, another gloriously sunny day. Once again, lunchtime found me sitting at one of the tables outside the small cafe on Rumstahl's village square. I was reading a book and glancing up every couple of...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 36 Downtown Nudity and Sex

Once Jared, Gloria and Max arrived in downtown Pahrump the rest of the morning proved to be just as lovely as the trio thought it would be. Jared, Gloria and Max wondered happily around the CBD of Pahrump with its many businesses, shops and shopping malls and all surrounded by wall to wall nudity and wall to wall sex. People could be seen in all stages of copulation around the place and all happily in view of everyone else. Others could also be seen quietly playing with themselves as they sat...

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No Accounting for TastesChapter 8 Summoned

George hadn't slept well and he was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on his work. The scrap book which he had so carefully prepared sat in the bottom of the bottom drawer of his desk. The guide was tucked inside it. Every so often, he would take it out and read through the rules and advice it contained, enjoying the thrill that the prospect of further contact with Mistress Erica brought. After a week, though, there had been no contact from Erica. George wondered if he...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 29

“Andy,” Jason replied, “I can’t promise anything at the moment, but I’ll do my best.” “Thank you, Sir. It’d be an honor to be led by you. Your name is whispered reverently, even by us Marines.” “Those days have long gone, and you should know not to believe most legends.” “We do know, Sir. We discount it by ten, and still can’t believe some of the stories.” “Then, if that’s the case, let’s plan on making a new one. Right now I need you to get that perimeter set up and show the civilians...

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The Arrangement

My father's former business partner sat behind his large desk as if he was still a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. His graying hair made him look very distinguished, and at 49 he was still quite an attractive man. In fact, he looked even handsomer than I remembered him when I was younger. I hadn't seen him in nearly a year, but when my boyfriend left me and I became desperate to see a familiar man. I just had to go and see this man. "Well, Valerie, how are you doing?" he asked me. "You...

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Heathers Rape

Heather was good looking; she always had been. She was twenty-two and life hadn’t etched itself on her face yet. Her hair was a grimy bird’s nest, but a shower would prove her to have long, blonde hair and a pretty face. Her body was still taut and shapely, except for a small portion on her belly under a C-section scar. She had given up the baby, and her one relief in life was that it would have better circumstances than she. She made her way through streets lit like a noir film and...

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Bite MeChapter 4

Mom now approached me on her knees, a strange gleam in her eyes as she took me into her mouth. It was a very sudden epiphany on her part ... and it seemed to put a bit more spring into her step, a little more life into her soul. I pulled her closer, caressing her face and stroking her hair as she started sucking my cock in earnest. Something in her eyes ... what was it, anyway? I had to know. “Victoria Diane Larson, what is going on in that sneaky human mind of yours?” I demanded to know of...

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Fucking cousins

My name is Nichelle. I'm 23, black and a former model. I'm about 5'9, 150 lbs, size 6. I have cocoa brown skin, long black hair and a smile to melt the coldest of hearts. For years I knew my older cousin had a crush on me. I think I found out when I was around 17. Other family members would tease me about it and it made me quite uncomfortable. He's 35 so we never hung out much until about a year ago. We'd go shopping, see movies, go to strip clubs, drink and occasionally pop ecstasy pills....

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Sharing my Wife for the 1st Time

I;m working in a electronic firm and things have not been easy on our company. our management has no choice but to let go of some staff to keep the company going. However, my bosses are rich and they have other businesses that could cover from some of the shortfall. My boss Dan is a 48 year old guy from Chicago and he is married. However, he is known to be a womanizer and he has his fair share of ladies that he has fucked. We had few rumors in the past that he has fucked some of the...

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Futanari ClubChapter 4

Maria had not yet moved in with Lisa and Jenn. Lisa had not fully moved in either but she had been sleeping in bed with Jenn every night since the first one they spent together. Maria had started to talk to her husband about things. He had known about her keenness for women - especially the kind that had a cock and pussy. Maybe that is why they had never had any children as they both knew their relationship would end eventually. Still it was a transition to end their life together. Maria had...

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Michelle and Jamie

## #Shelly and I have always been together; we are the same age and grew up next door to each other. She is as closer to me than any of my own siblings. We spent our weekends either at her house or mine playing games or sharing gossip about school mates and boys. It was a Friday night on the second or third week of our freshman year. Shelly had avoided me all day. I finished my homework and went next door to see what was wrong. I walked in and Gail, Shelly’s mother told me she...

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Kim Part 1

I was 10 when I first got the idea that Kim was a lesbian and my crush on her wasn't so innocent. I was getting ready for the annual cookout and I was trying to figure out what I would wear. I was so insecure about my body. I was chubby for my age and I always got teased. I finally decided on a pair of light blue jeans and a regular yellow t-shirt. As I looked in the mirror at my light brown skin I just decided to go with it. I slipped in my favorite black sneakers and went to find my uncle....

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Small help led to lose my virginity

Hello friends i’m vickram raj in short vickyraj. I am from bangalore, 27 yrs old, tall and handsome. I am working as an engineer here in bangalore; i was born and brought up here itself. Today i am going to tell you how i lost my virginity to a married woman and became a father. This incident happened exactly two years ago when i was 25. Everything started from a parking lot in a movie theatre. Usually i go to movies alone as i don’t have any friends with whom i can go to movies. Its my nature...

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Love in an Elevator

First let me introduce myself, my name is Alison, I'm 25 years old and I work as a saleswoman for a small but old bank and insurance company. The bank I work for is very traditional, but I was taken on to sell banking products to the newly identified "women's market". I am very successful at my job, consistently meeting targets. Really at this stage I'm the top woman in the place (not hard there are only a dozen of us, mainly secretaries). As such I regularly meet with the old men who run the...

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The new Mrs Harris Part 8

The day had finally arrived when Allen was due home, and i hate to admit it, but I was so desperate for a fuck there was very little I wouldn't have lowered myself to. I had already had to change my panties twice, and as i sat waiting on my husband to come home I was running my plan through my head. On the last few occasions I had gone for more than a few days without getting sexual relief, when Allen and I had finally fucked, he had come far too soon and I never got to orgasm, and on...

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my fantasy

You pick me up at the station and I jump in the car. We exchange looks of anxiety and I crack a joke and say "smile, cause later you'll be screaming with pleasure" which loosensthe mood as we both laugh.We arrive at the hotel and slip into our room. As the door shuts we both gaze at the full length mirror and smile. I smirk as you smile and proceed to drop your bag on the bed.We sit and exchange quirky one liners easing the tension until finally I move up close and pull you firmly close as we...

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caught wanking it

It was a few years ago, we used to have this next door neighbour who would always be round our house for a chat,moan,borrow something.she was about 51 yaers old.pat was her name( changed it).a few times she popped by totally un announced as she had a spare key.anyway I came home from work early as we had nothing else on that day,so I got in and the wife was out,which was good and I could relax without "can you do this" "can you do that".anyway I had a bit of time on my own I thought I would put...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 14 Separate Ways

Their day together was like no day he had experienced in a long time. When she was happy and smiling it seemed like she could light up the world during a full eclipse and her energy was magnetic drawing him to her. He felt like he was in a dream, she was returning his kisses, giggling when he kissed her nose and chin, letting out sighs and moans as he kissed her by her ear, neck and even on her shoulder and every time his eyes found hers he could see that same brightness and smile that he...

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Train Three Sexy Slaves 21 Sasha

Sexy Swedish Sasha is often in Amsterdam to visit her s*s who lives there, now she wants to see meSexy Swedish Sasha is proud of her goodies as those firm boobies form an offer no man ever refusedSasha got hot for me when she started to follow the stories of how I train three sweet sexy slavesSasha got hot for my idea to try a sexy session at my place to teach those three a lovely lesson!I introduce the three to her right after her arrival at me: my naughty niece Aisha and Ai from JapanI...

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Bit of Kink

My lover and I are into exhibiting self gratification for would be voyeurs or just passers-by. You might say we are kinky with a twist. Peeping Toms never had it so good. Tonight was my night to shine. On any given night depending on the weather we raised the window shades and performed for our fans. Tonight being partly cloudy and over cast it was fair weather.  I have always been an adventurer into the kinky world of eroticism. I think of myself as an explorer. What I do may seem extreme but...

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My Sister My Lover Part 5

I was stunned. She took my hand and led me through the house to the master bedroom. I knew what was happening in the room before we walked into the room. Liz and Linds were in a sixty-nine embrace both face deep in the other's pussy. Crystal whispered in a sultry tone, " They are cleaning the load I put in each of them." My cock jumped in my jeans with that comment. Chrystal rubbed my cock through the fabric covering it. My eyes were glued to my wife and sister as they moaned in time...

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Green CloudsChapter 20

The next morning I dressed in a short, sassy, backless little summer dress with a bib style top that left a whole lot of me exposed, especially around my breasts. I suspect the designer intended this dress to be worn over a blouse or some sort of flirty little top. Whether it was Josh or Porsche who selected my new wardrobe from Alice's they obviously didn't see the need. I wasn't supplied with one. I remembered to wear a pair of sexy panties to please Mr. Porter. As has become normal I...

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Errotic Photo Session

Suraj had a keen eye for photography. From the age of about 14, he had regularly been working at the weekends as a wedding and party photographer. Even during his college days, he suplemented his income with regular photo shoots. By the time he had finished his Chemistry degree, he had even opened a small studio in the basement and did family portraits and the like. His sister Pooja was older than him and lived in Bangalore where she worked as a freelance journalist, covering the latest fashion...

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Russia is a hard country. Moscow is no exception to that rule, in fact it might just be the factor that pushes the whole country over the edge. The life is hard, women are hard, the police are hard and the drinks are the hardest. It makes me think I should have gone to Prague, but I wanted to see what things were like since I’d last been here, since the Iron Curtain lifted to reveal a world of makeshift capitalism and black market gangsters.In Russia everyone smokes. It’s the smoke that got me....

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It is not my writing. I found on other site and wanted to share with the xhamster members!Enjoy! Linda and I married when she was 18, right out of high school, I was 21.? We dated for three years before that.? She was a high school basketball star,? 5'8? tall, great figure,? 36D boobs.? I used to like to watch those things bounce while she ran up and down the court,? other guys did as well.? But since I am a bigger guy, 6'2?,? no one ever said anything around me.? Well after the marriage,...

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A Boy and his GenieChapter 6

At Sophie's suggestion, Matt went home that evening. They didn't want to risk anyone suspecting that he had a genie, so they decided that he should probably keep away from her in public for a bit. Matt agreed, although he'd have much rather he didn't have to. Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he'd imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he'd hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the...

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On the way to the club

We finally decide to try out one of the clubs. You get into the shower to get ready and tell me you have picked out my clothes for the night. I smile at you and get dressed. You had gone out and bought me a mini dress and heals that lace up to the knee. I see no underwear so I don't put any on. You say nothing as you urge me to hurry up we have to go. In the car you tell me to open the glove box. I do and find only a blindfold. You order me to put it on, good and tight so I can't peek. I say...

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HandsOnHardcore Valentina Nappi An Anal Appointment

Brunette babe Valentina Nappi is banged in her butt when she pays a visit to David Perry in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. Their meeting starts out innocent enough, but it’s obvious that they want to get dirty with one another and soon enough the Italian sex goddess is pulling David’s monster dick out of his pants and giving him a blowjob on her knees. David returns the favor with pussy licking the horny vixen to prime her for the deep pounding to come. After...

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Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy

Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy When I was eighteen and a senior in high school I knew exactly what I wanted to be…a photographer, or more specifically a Nude Photographer where I could sell my work to magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse, and the like. I had been accepted to a four-year college for photography, my father had bought me a really good digital camera for Christmas, and I had been taking hundreds of pictures to get better with that camera. They were mostly outdoor...

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Sharing my wife with friends

This story is about a young couple where the husband discovers his sexy wife has complete blackouts when she drinks. So he uses it to his own advantage.For those of you who think this is not possible, think again. This story is loosely based on fact and I know someone who can be abused in this way when drunk and asleep or even partially awake and remember nothing in the morning. So enjoy the story and believe is CAN happen!I’m not sure when the change in my attitude to Vikki began. I’m also not...

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Rachel Gets Ravaged

The rustling in the undergrowth outside was barely audible, but it was enough to wake Rachel. She sat up, immediately alert, and strained her ears. She heard a muffled snort. It was one of the wild bush pigs, snuffling around outside her hut.Rachel reached for her bow, quiver, and knife, always close at hand. She knew there wasn’t time to dress properly if she was to catch her prey, but on this warm night the rough smock in which she’d slept would be sufficient protection. The pig snuffled...

Monster Sex
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Massaging My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Swedish Massage

Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am Raj, 24 from Chennai. This is the sequel to my previous story of “Massaging my friend’s sister”. I am glad for your responses for my previous story. As I said in the previous story, I finished massaging priya and left her place without an happy ending which she was expecting. The entire next four days passed without any reply from her even when I texted hi. I was confused as well as worried thinking that did I go little extra that day. So I decided to pay a...

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The Night I met Wendy Paul part 1

The Night I met Wendy & Paul (part 1) For those of you who have found this by a niche search, they come later.I was working in Leeds and was staying at a well known budget hotel. One Friday evening we decided to have an early dinner at the attached american diner and then get into town.We had a round table for five and there was a couple near us having dinner together. At first I thought she was an escort or something. She was a bbw with a short dress showing a lot of cleavage. Her make up...

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A Day At The driveIn Fixed edition

I had shown up earlier than usual because I worked for the manager who had owned his own business. He managed drive-in it was after two pm when I arrived " at work "to open for the evening . We opened usually six thirty pm the movies did not begin until 9pm during the summer months. I had My blue Lincoln Town car what a smooth ride and a huge back seat . I could not believe it there was a couple already in there I think they were making out . I was unsure of this until I approached...

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