Cancer free porn video

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It could have been a scene from one of those sappy TV movies. The doctor sat behind his big desk and gave me the bad news. It was cancer. My condition wasn't too apparent yet, but he said that when it got worse it was likely that it would happen fast.

"You can expect slightly sharper pains than you've been having at first, but it will worsen rapidly. Your liver is still functioning, but that will change soon, almost any time." He didn't look happy to be giving me the bad news. Well, I wasn't too happy to be getting it.

"So there's no option?" I asked.

"Surgery is out. It has progressed too far for that. You already said you don't want to try chemo, and that's certainly your prerogative. That's what I'd try first. Of course, there's never any guarantee, and often the effects of the medicine are as bad as the disease. If it were me, then I'd probably make the same choice. I shouldn't tell you that, though. I'm supposed to recommend trying everything before giving up."

"I appreciate the honesty, Doc," I told him as I stood up. "I have some things I want to do before it becomes impossible." We shook hands and he spoke to my back as I left the office.

"Call me when the pain gets bad and I'll phone in a prescription for you." I stopped and turned.

"Why not just give it to me now? Then I won't have to bother you again. I also won't have to wait in pain."

His eyebrows rose. "Good point." He pulled the scrip pad around and scribbled. He tore the sheet off and handed it to me. "Here you go. I authorized one refill, but if you wait until you really need it, I doubt you'll need the refill." That wasn't real cheery news, but then none of it was.

It was odd. You'd think I would be devastated. I wasn't. I'd expected it to be cancer that killed me. My parents and my sister had all succumbed to it -- different strains, but all the "Big C." Well, here it was. To tell the truth, it was kind of a relief to know. That might sound strange, but it was true.

I stepped out onto the sidewalk. Pedestrians bustled about their daily lives, cars and buses moved along the street. I wondered how many of the people passing by me knew they had cancer. Certainly some of them must. Then I wondered how many of them had it and didn't know it. I hadn't had a clue until I went through a week of having strange pains in my gut.

I wasn't envious of all the healthy folks. I'd lived long enough. I had felt that way for several years before that day. I wasn't suicidal, of course. There really were things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go before I kicked off. If I got to do them, okay. If not, then that was okay, too. My feeling in general was that I was ready for the next step -- even if it was a step into endless darkness.

If that was the way things were -- no afterlife, no heaven, no hell -- then that was that. If the faithful were right, if I'd be judged and sent to my reward, then that was okay, too. I'd lived a fairly good life. I'd always tried to be honest and treat people fairly. I didn't go to church, but I had never felt that was a sure guarantee. I'd known my share of religious hypocrites in my life. In short, I was ready and curious to finally learn the truth.

I walked to the parking lot and unlocked my car. As I drove home I wondered how to tell my wife. I'm 60 years old. Most people would say that a man of 60 is too young to die, but I disagree. My wife and I had only been married for seven years. I was hoping for more time with her. I'd finally gotten it right, after three previous tries. But if I had a choice of going out whole and in good health otherwise, I'd opt for that, rather than getting old and infirm. My grandfather had a colostomy bag for a year before he died. He always seemed pretty embarrassed by it. I know I would be.

Julie, my wife, thought she would be the one to die first. She's had some pretty serious health problems in her life. When we met, she was operating on the erroneous advice from a quack that said she only had about eight years to live. Another doctor told her that was bullshit and she stopped trying to measure out her days. She'd already beaten the original prediction.

One thing I was glad about was that it wasn't lung cancer. I'd been a smoker since I was about sixteen. The doc told me that my lungs showed the effects, but they were so far free of any evidence of cancer.

I got on the freeway and drove out of the city toward our home. Julie still worked, but I had qualified for a disability shortly after we married. So I have been the housekeeper and cook for most of our time together. The situation suited us both. Now I guessed Julie would have to learn to eat her own cooking again.

Julie is a real peach of a wife. She is the first one I've had who didn't immediately try to change what she said she liked about me when we got together. We have always had a great time together, both in bed and out of it. Yes, even at sixty, I have an active sex life. No Viagra needed, just patience and a partner with a healthy appetite for experimentation.

As I drove I let my memories roll by. Julie and I learned about anal sex together. She was more than willing to try it. Once she did, she found that she loved it as much as I did. Oral sex was always a party for us both. I rarely reached orgasm in her mouth, but that wasn't for a lack of trying on her part. For her part, she popped off almost every time I put my mouth between her legs. For that matter, she popped off pretty much at the drop of a hat.

That is probably a big part of the answer to why we are still so active sexually. She is multi-orgasmic and reaches the peak easily. It gives me a thrill when I help her get there, so it makes me feel good, too. I also love to watch (and help, too) when she masturbates.

I angled into the exit and slowed at the bottom of the ramp. I made the turn onto the county road and drove past the turn to our house. I went on to the strip mall and pulled up in front of the drug store. I got the prescription filled and stuck the small bag in my pocket. Then I walked down three doors, past the pet store, the hair salon and the dollar store. The clerk in the liquor store smiled and said hello. She was maybe thirty and looked like she hadn't a care in the world.

I picked out two bottles of Tanqueray and handed her my bank card. She rang it up and I signed for it. Back in the car I retraced my route to the turnoff. The county road gave way to the private gravel road. There were five homes along the road and we jointly maintained the access road. Fortunately the winters were mild enough that we rarely had to plow it. The big problem was the rash of potholes caused by the annual rains. It dawned on me suddenly that it was another concern I wouldn't have much longer. There were a lot of them.

I wouldn't have to worry about mowing the lawn, changing the oil in the car, putting up Christmas lights or a tree -- well, maybe one more year, who knew? Yeah, I was ready. I wasn't deluding myself. I have two daughters from a previous marriage. One of them turned out just like her mother and hasn't spoken to me in over twelve years. The other one is still my friend. She is married and starting her own family. She lives a million miles away, so we don't see each other all that often. We talk on the phone at least once a week. We email and send birthday cards. I don't think she'll miss me all that much.

Julie is my one big concern. She is going to be pissed. That was why I got the top shelf gin. It's her favorite. I turned into our driveway and pulled the car up next to hers in front of the garage. She kissed me when I stepped through the door. Then she took the bag from me and looked inside. When she saw that there were two bottles of Tanqueray her face crumbled. I was afraid she'd drop the bag but she clutched it to her belly as she melted into my arms. She knew I'd gotten bad news.

When she was finally collected I fixed us both a strong drink. We sat on the couch. She looked up at me. "How long?" she asked me.

"He can't say for sure and he refused to speculate. He said I'd know by the severity of the pain." I reached into my coat pocket and showed her the pills. "These are for when it gets too bad to stand." She studied the label and set the bottle on the coffee table.

"Of course you won't take them unless you have to," she said. "I know you." I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. I kissed her and we kept kissing without speaking for a while. She sat up and drank off half her drink. Then she looked at me. I recognized the look. I tipped my glass back and almost succeeded in draining it.

We stood up without a word and walked hand in hand into the bedroom. We still didn't talk while we stripped. She pushed me onto my back on the bed and followed me down. She engulfed my stiffening prick and started sucking on it hard. I raised my knees and closed my eyes. Her hands were kneading my thighs and hips. Her wet mouth was hot on my cock. She'd gotten busy so suddenly that I knew this was one of the rare times that I was going to flood her mouth. When she worked her finger into my ass I lost it. With a groan I felt my sphincter squeeze her finger as I throbbed my semen into her mouth.

She sucked it up and kept sucking. She also pivoted around so I could return the favor. She was dripping and delicious. I lapped away and sucked at her tender lips. She squealed and oozed more when I used my teeth. She likes a little pain with her pleasure. I sucked at her pussy and slapped her round ass for her. She jerked forward, driving herself harder against my mouth. I sucked hard and she came. She had stopped sucking me at some point. I hardly noticed since I was so concentrated on eating her. After her orgasm I realized that her face was just cradled by my groin.

She wasn't finished -- for that matter, neither was I. She pulled my legs up and pushed them wide. She dipped her head down and began to tongue my ass. Since hers was right there in front of me, I matched her lick for lick. We both plunged our tongues deep inside each other's nasty little holes, completing a circuit that felt like eternity. After another few minutes of that I pushed her off and rolled her over. I rose to my knees and raised her legs over my shoulders. Having her tongue up my ass had reawakened my cock. I plunged it into her dripping pussy. She answered with another immediate orgasm. As I pumped her, she rose to several more climaxes.

When she begged me to stop I had almost reached my second orgasm. I panted that news to her so she "suffered" through two more climaxes until I reached my own. I collapsed onto her, panting and exhausted. She kissed my neck and whispered, "I'm glad you don't have dick cancer. I don't want to give this up." I laughed and kissed her neck right back. Tears began to flow from her eyes as I watched.

After we had regained our breath and energy we just stayed there and cuddled. Julie sniffled a bit, wiped her eyes and rolled over, propping herself up on her elbows. "You will tell me when it gets bad, won't you?"

"I will," I assured her. In truth, I wasn't sure how bad was bad. "You'll be able to tell when I start popping pills."

"What if we got some grass?" she asked. I was surprised I hadn't thought of that.

"Now there's an idea," I said. I reached for the phone beside the bed. I remembered the doctor's number from calling him earlier to make the appointment. When the receptionist answered she told me the doctor was with a patient, but he would call me back as soon as he could.

We got out of bed and went back to the living room, still naked. Julie grabbed a towel to spread on the couch to catch her leaks and save the cushions from our sweaty asses. We sat and drank the rest of our drinks. I mixed us another and as I was walking back to the living room the phone rang. I asked the doctor about medicinal marijuana. He said it was legal in our state for glaucoma and in some cases for cancer. "But the prescription I gave you should take care of the pain," he said. I got the impression he wasn't in favor of using grass.

"Well, I'd rather save that stuff for when it gets really bad," I told him. "Remember, I'm a smoker anyway. I suppose I could get some on the street if you won't prescribe it."

"Hmm... well, I suppose it wouldn't do any harm. I'm not sure your insurance will cover it. They all have different policies about it," he said.

"I'm not too concerned about that," I said. Julie was looking at me. I waggled my eyebrows up and down and she grinned. She leaned over and licked my soft cock. It twitched and started to inflate again. She looked at me with wide eyes and I took hold of it and started to stroke it. In my ear the doctor was cautioning me not to use the prescribed grass recreationally. "Oh I won't," I promised. Of course I wouldn't! Not much! "It's strictly medicine. I stopped using recreational drugs decades ago, Doc -- all except booze that is."

"Yeah, that's what they all say," he laughed. "I'll fill out the papers so you can get your license." He explained that getting grass over the pharmacy counter was a bit different and more difficult than just getting, say, narcotics. A person had to have a license from the state. "It doesn't usually take too long, maybe a week," he said. "You can stop by and take the papers to file downtown. It's a hassle, I know, but then you can't be busted as long as you don't go out joyriding while you're high. You can be high in public legally, but let Julie drive."

"Oh of course. I doubt I'll do that anyway," I assured him. I hung up the phone. To Julie, I said, "Well I'll be a legal marijuana user next week probably."

"Cool! You're going to share, aren't you?" she asked hopefully. I pushed her face toward my lap.

"If you play your cards right I will," I said meaningfully. She took the hint and sucked on me a while. It wasn't a serious blow job, as we both knew. It just felt good. While she tended to me I rubbed her back and played with her ass. Did I mention how much we love each other?

Chapter 2

Julie worked the next week but took the following week off. I got my "dope license" and presented it proudly to the pharmacist with the prescription. He looked at me doubtfully and said he'd have to call the doctor. I told him to go ahead. Julie waited with me.

In a few minutes we were back in the car and headed home. In my pocket was a flat box full of legal marijuana cigarettes. I had checked them out when we got to the car. I didn't know who the government had rolling their joints, but they were worth about three each of the size I used to roll by hand. This was going to be great, I thought.

At home I put the box in a drawer. In spite of the temptation to try it out, I really meant to save it for its intended use. Well, mostly, anyway. Julie and I went in to sit on the couch. We laughed and talked about nothing. Julie put her drink on the table and turned onto her back to rest her head in my lap. She looked up at me and her expression got serious.

"Is there anything you really, really want to do before you..." She hesitated just long enough to work up the courage to say it. "... die, Jim?" she asked me. I caressed her forehead and thought about the question. "I mean, you can tell me if there's anything you want to do -- anything. If you want to fuck other women or anything, that's okay. I can live with it." My heart swelled. She was serious and I knew it. I smiled at her.

"Well, I've always liked your sister..." She grabbed my hand and bit it. "YOW!" I yelped. "Okay! I was kidding!" She let go of my hand. "Seriously, I don't need other women, Honey. I had my share before you came along." We both knew, though, that there was a fantasy I had. Julie went right ahead and opened the subject up.

"Well, what about getting another guy? You always wanted to share me with another guy." I had. I did. It was just that she had always said she didn't think she could do it. I pointed that out to her. "Sometimes things change, Honey," she said quietly. I looked at her and wondered whether she meant what she was saying. I knew if I said I wanted to do it that she would. I just wondered how she really felt about it.

"I wouldn't want you to do it if you really didn't want to, Julie. That really isn't what I want. It would be a flop if you didn't enjoy it."

"Well, if it would really turn you on I'd enjoy it," she said.

"You know watching you cum turns me on. Still you never really wanted to do this until I was diagnosed." I let my fingers slip down to her ribs. I poked her when I asked, "You sure you're not just interviewing my replacement?" She jumped and giggled. She got a smartass expression on her face.

"Maybe. You don't expect me to just curl up and die when you do, do you?" I knew that was exactly what she'd do. Not that she'd die, but I was fairly sure that she would not seek out another lover when I was gone.

We talked some more about it. Privately I had added some things to the fantasy that Julie didn't know about. I have never been attracted to men at all. Still, when I imagined sharing her with another man the thought of sucking his cum from her pussy held a kind of perverse thrill for me. Another image that recurred frequently when I thought about a threesome was that of going down on her while he was fucking her. Inevitably that would mean I would be licking his cock at some point. The idea of lapping her juices off another man's stiff, hot cock definitely turned me on. Carrying the fantasy farther, I imagined what it might be like to clean up his cock after he fucked her. I don't really care for the taste of my own cum by itself, but I love licking her after we make love.

I had stopped questioning these secret urges. I just decided that since it would never happen anyway I was free to indulge my fantasies any way I chose to. I knew I certainly didn't want to do anything one-on-one with a man, so I wasn't gay. I guessed it could be described as "bi-curiosity", and I didn't feel bad about it. Now here was Julie apparently seriously presenting me the opportunity to indulge at least the major part of the fantasy.

I needed to sound her out about the parts she didn't know about. "You know, I have always wanted to have two women at once, too. The 'other guy' thing only came about because I wanted to be fair. What would you think about that?"

"I just asked you if there was anything you wanted. That would include bringing another woman into our bed if you want to." She looked me straight in the eye. I knew she'd do it.

"Well, you know that every man enjoys the idea of two beautiful women doing things with each other. That's always been a part of that fantasy for me. Do you think you might like the taste of a freshly fucked pussy?"

"Hmm... well, if you want that, I guess I could do it." She looked away. I slid my hand down under her pants and panties. She was wet.

"Does the idea of being physical with another woman turn you on?" I asked her. My fingers slid easily into her. She closed her eyes and pushed her hips up.

"Maybe. Sort of... oh, I don't know. I'm curious, I guess. I know I've always told you I don't really like my own taste, but something about kissing you after you eat me gets to me in a way. Do all women taste alike?"

"There's a similarity, but you're all different. The idea of watching you licking another woman's pussy is so hot! That would have to be a part of it all."

"Well, what about if we had another man? Would you do that... with him, I mean?" That was the question I had been waiting for. It was time to 'fess up'.

"If it got you hot I would. I've always kind of wondered what it would be like to suck a cock." My throat threatened to close up with my nervousness. She didn't say anything for a minute.

"Really? I would never have thought you would think about that. You're so... well, masculine. I've fantasized about what you might look like with a dick in your mouth -- or up your ass, since you like my dildo up there so much. I've fantasized about it sometimes since you put the idea in my head about having two men at once." Once again I was amazed at how closely we thought about some things. Her words reinforced my conviction that she was the right wife for me. It was too bad we got together so late in our lives. It was too bad that I was dying and we wouldn't have a lot more years together.

I leaned down and kissed her. My fingers were still inside her dripping pussy. She lifted her hips and shoved her pants down. I helped her get them off and turned to eat her when she spread her legs. When we got too uncomfortable we adjourned to the bedroom to make love. As we recovered afterward she hugged me.

"So do you have anybody in mind for our threesomes?" she asked. That was a problem, I admitted.

"I guess it's a little different now that I know I won't be around to have to deal with a guy afterward. At least I wouldn't have to for long, anyway. I think it would be fairly easy being friends with a guy if I had just shared your body with him. If he and I 'got busy' together, though, I've always felt it might be uncomfortable."

"If you both went down on each other it would be an equal thing, though," she said. She was fondling my soft cock while she spoke. "You know what I would really like to watch? I'd really like to see you get a stiff prick up your ass." My dick twitched at the thought. She smiled when she felt it. "It looks like the thought has some merit to you, too. Would you like that? I would grease you up really well. Then I'd suck him up good and hard, like this." She turned and began to lick my thickening cock. As she sucked it back to life, she continued to talk.

"Mmm... then I would grease him up, stroking him with the lubricant," her hand gripped me and matched her words. "Then, with you on your hands and knees, I would line him up with your little asshole. I would watch as he began to spread you open. I imagine your grunts as he enters you. Feel his hands on your hips and the pressure as he pushes in." Her mouth was back on me and I had my eyes closed. Julie knew I love it when she fucks me with her dildo. The idea of a real, live, hot fleshy cock sliding into me was a favorite fantasy of mine. It apparently was one of hers, too.

She rose up and mounted me. I slipped in easily because she was still all sloppy with our earlier fluids. She leaned down and looked into my eyes as she continued to describe how this other man would fuck my ass. Even if I had wanted to keep my desires secret, my body gave my excitement away. I came again quickly deep inside her. She smiled.

She leaned forward and kissed me. "My masculine man likes the idea of having a cock up his ass. Interesting." She kissed me again for a long time. Then she lifted up. "I think I know just the guy, Honey," she said. Her words sent a chill down my spine. Fantasy was one thing. Actually putting a face on the phantom man was another.

"What? You mean you have really been thinking about this?" I was surprised. As I said, she'd always just passed the idea off as a fantasy.

"Um-hmm..." she said. She rocked back and forth on my cock. I felt her tighten her muscles to give it a squeeze. "I was thinking that Joey might be interested in the idea."

I frowned. Joey Wells was a long time friend. We got together with him and his wife, Marie sometimes. We'd go out to dinner, or get together at our house or theirs for a barbecue. I knew Julie flirted with Joey, just as I always flirted with petite little Marie. It had never been serious. Julie's words cast a different light on things, however.

Suddenly things got real clear. I knew that my flirting with Marie was just play. Still, if things were different, the thought of actually bedding her was attractive to me. I knew now that Julie felt the same about Joey. The thought didn't make me jealous or angry. Julie and I are in love. Neither of us would do anything to jeopardize that. An image of Joey's lean body between Julie's thighs popped up in my mind. I smiled at my wife. She looked back at me and, as if she could read my thoughts, she reddened with embarrassment.

"So you have been having lascivious thoughts about lean, mean Joey, eh?" Julie got even redder.

"No more than you think about porking Marie's cute little ass! I've seen you flirting and I've seen the way you study her ass. When we went to the beach last summer you couldn't take your eyes off her teeny bikini. You didn't notice that my eyes were glued to Joey's Speedo and the bulge that was in it." The truth was that I had noticed her looking. I just didn't care, so I hadn't mentioned it. It released me from any guilt about watching the way Marie's cheeks rolled above her thighs as she walked.

"Well, we could ask. But my thoughts had been about inviting a single person -- of either gender -- into our bed. What would Marie think about it? Maybe we should ask them both. We could have a foursome; become real swingers."

"Hmm... I don't know. That might be a sensory overload -- at least at first. I'd be more comfortable with just one of them the first time." I saw her blush as she added, "I wouldn't care which one you wanted to ask." I guessed then that I wasn't the only one who thought about Marie's ass.

"Okay," I said. I rose from the bed and went to my dresser and got one of the joints I'd rolled from the huge "bombers" the government provided. Returning to the bed I lit it, inhaled and held it. I passed the joint to Julie and she took a hit. I closed my eyes as I slowly released the smoke. I felt the familiar effect in my head immediately. I was surprised at how quickly the aroma and taste awakened old buried memories. I tried to think how long it had been...

Julie was tapping my arm with the hand that held the smoking joint. "Earth to Jim!" she said. I smiled at her and sent up a silent thanks to the government for growing such righteous pot as I took it from her.

We spent the rest of the afternoon rolling around naked, giggling and fucking. After we started to come down we took a nap. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was dinner time. That was something I didn't need the clock to tell me. My belly felt desperately empty and I recalled the "munchies" I used to get when I got high. I knew we didn't have any chocolate doughnuts or Cheetos -- my two favorites back in the day -- so I padded to the kitchen to see what we did have.

I was bending over, my top half in the refrigerator, when I heard, then felt Julie join me. "What do we have? I'm starving!" We finally settled on some leftover spaghetti. Neither of us could wait for it to heat up before taking a couple of bites. We did eventually stick it into the microwave and ate most of it hot.

"Want me to call Marie?" Julie asked me. I'd been wondering how best to broach the proposition to our friends. I had decided not to shirk the job if that was how Julie wanted it, but I felt that we might stand a better chance if the two women discussed the subject first. I looked up at Julie's face. She didn't realize she had a smear of spaghetti sauce on her cheek beside her mouth. I leaned forward and licked it off and she giggled. We kissed, sharing spaghetti taste and tongues.

"If you're sure you really want to do it, sure. You know you don't have to, you know."

"I know." She looked me in the eye and said, "I want to do it. It has taken root in my imagination, Jim. It isn't just for you now." I smiled and shook my head at my sexy wife. She meant it.

"Okay," I said. She grinned at me and ran off to the bedroom to call Marie.

Chapter 3

I popped the cork out of the bottle and tossed it into the trash. Setting the bottle on the table I turned back to the stove and checked on the potatoes. Everything was almost ready. Joey and Marie were on the way over. I took a deep breath. Just then Julie came in. She was dressed casually. Her shorts were loose, but soft enough to hug her ass and thighs as she moved. Her top had a scoop neckline that would hang open if she bent forward.

I hugged her. I couldn't feel a bra under the top. My hands slid to her ass and encountered no evidence of underwear there either. I kissed her. Her face was flushed and I could see that she was excited. The doorbell rang, followed by Marie's voice calling, "Helooo?"

"In the kitchen!" Julie called back. We broke our hug as our guests entered the room. We both hugged Marie and I shook Joey's hand. Considering what was going to happen, I thought maybe I should have hugged him, too. The moment had passed, however, and Julie was in his arms. I watched as his hands slid down to cup her ass cheeks.

We got drinks and went to the living room. Marie and Julie had done the ground work, so it was fairly easy to open the subject. Joey said, "So, Jim, are you sure about this?"

"I am," I said firmly. "I don't know how much time I have, so I want to enjoy it. In the process, it would be good to give some enjoyment to the people I love, as well."

We talked a while. Over dinner, it was decided that our ultimate goal in all this was for all four of us to get together. Julie and Marie both felt that it would be better to start slow. Marie cleared her throat. "That's why I'm going home in a while. I rented some movies Joey will never watch with me -- you know, 'chick flicks'." She took Joey's hand in hers and smiled at him. "I'm going to entrust my man to your tender care. He promised he'll tell me everything in the morning when I come to get him."

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“What is this shit? Are you part of the government?” The small unkempt girl said. Standing in the middle of the entry of the cabin with her dyed Red hair, lip and nose pierced. Obviously very tired from her long trip, dressed still in her leather jacket, sweatshirt and jeans, a pair of sneakers that were so worn out that they were liable to just fall off her feet. The near ninety-degree heat not fazing her. Next to her was a taller girl with dirty blonde hair that obviously hadn’t seen water...

2 years ago
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Schoolboy fooling

As a k** I had a very best friend Nigel, he'd moved into the house opposite when we were both about 10 and from the outset we were best mates, we played out and did everything together.When we were, I suppose about 11-12 Nigel began to be trusted by his parents to stay at home while they were at work, my mother was usually home should there be any problem, in the summer holidays this gave us loads of time to please ourselves and have fun at his house.On one of these days Nigel told me that he...

3 years ago
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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT8

After my last meeting with Jerome in which he finally came deep inside my pussy, and then continued to film me as he removed my mask and used my first name I was a wreck of emotions. Not immediately though because for the rest of that night, I dutifully performed for him; allowing him to fuck my ass, and taking his cum down my throat another time. I came so hard that night I nearly passed out. It was my drive home, in which I was naked as I hadn't worn clothes to meet him, that I started to...

4 years ago
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A Merry Kitten Christmas 2

A Merry Kitten Christmas, 2 Priscilla and I stood just inside the door to our room, arms crossed and bound behind our backs. Our leashes fastened to our collar loops. We wore our matching ruffled pink pantys, and both knew full well that our bottoms were about to be bared and spanked in front of the entire diner. What we didn't know was that the moment the event had been entered into Road Runners Event Log it was announced to the Kitten Academy Network. Which had been started to...

2 years ago
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Young and OldPart 1

Matt was what you would consider a normal senior manager from your workplace. He was far enough up the ladder to warrant a parking space and had the usual mid-life crisis car to park in it. Work was stressful but financially rewarding and at 56, had discussions each year with his accountant as to whether now was the time to cash in those share options, take the pension and go and retire to Spain. One thing however, stopped all that, or rather, one person. Outside of work, Matt had...

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The Ah KungChapter 10

In the morning Roger woke up to the smell of eggs cooking and he threw on a robe and went into the kitchen. Lei had fixed a bowl of fruit in yogurt and had scrambled a couple of eggs for him. She was dressed in a pajama bottom and a black bra. She jumped when she turned and saw him, "I didn't know what you like for breakfast so I fixed what you had in the refrigerator. You don't have any tea. I don't know how to make coffee so you'll have to show me." Roger walked to the coffee pot...

1 year ago
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High School Part 3 My Junior Year

High School Part 3 - My Junior Year [In which the changes in Shaun's body continue, he has an awkward moment with Jeff, and begins wearing bras and girl's jeans, sweaters and blouses.] The best development over the summer was that I finally had developed normal control over my bladder so that I didn't need to wear the sanitary napkins in my panties any more. Once I stopped using the napkins, I tried switching back to wearing boy's briefs but they weren't all that comfortable - too...

1 year ago
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School DazeChapter 5 Chubbys Revenge

Friday had passed slowly. I had been up early to workout and run a few errands. I worked the afternoon shift at my waitress job, and had showered and changed before coming to the school. The entire day it seemed as if the clock was running at half speed. I had such a sense of anticipation for tonight I was hardly able to contain myself. Now the time was near, as I entered the classroom that had become my personal exhibition zone. As I walked through the empty classroom toward the office my...

2 years ago
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Sister is happy that big brother is home

It was a beautiful summer day, and the sun had kept my body warm. Even as I drove my pick up truck, I could feel the suns rays beating down on my arm. I had my windows rolled down to enjoy the nice breeze as well as the warmth of the sun, making it a perfect day. I was dressed in normal somewhat baggy jeans and a white tight t-shirt that had shown off my muscular build. My hair was dirty blonde which almost every woman I had met or seen had loved it right away. My eyes were a bright blue that...

1 year ago
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Christmas part 1

Christmas surprise,chapter oneOur Saturday night was shaping up to be like most any other,we did a little shopping then headed to our favorite restaurant for dinner.My wife of almost twenty five years,Karen,looked sexy in her new glasses,her brown hair was almost reaching her shoulders again after a short hairstyle she didn't particularly like. After dinner and a couple drinks we moved over to the bar section to for a couple more drinks and to visit a while with the regulars,and the employees...

1 year ago
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my first time

Ahe was 18, nearly 19, she was starting to believe she had some sort of hyper sexuality thing or something, she was a virgin and what she needed more than anything was to feel a hard, throbbing cock inside her, but not anyone’s, his. She’d met him a few months ago online but had fallen head over heels with him, he loved her for who she was and he was cute, hot actually and although she’d told herself she was going to wait until marriage the moment she met him she knew that wasn’t going to work....

3 years ago
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More than a LodgerPart 11

More than a Lodger…Part 11 Tom had just walked though the front door. It was late at around seven in the evening. Work seemed to be taking over, thought Tom. He put down his bag in the lounge and headed for the kitchen. Tom had only just opened the door and walked in. Then he stopped dead in his tracks. “Thomas – get in here now and sit down,” screamed Laura, “You‘re late, where have you been?” Tom looked on in awe. Laura was standing at the other end of the room leaning against the worktop....

4 years ago
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My Ebony Coworker

I always enjoyed that my company hired people from every ethnicity. Especially the woman. Normally we seemed to have only caucassian females, but it was not long after I started, that I met coworkers from other places. There were Indian coworkers, Asians, latinas and of course black woman too. Especially my direct colleague. Her name was Nancy and she had to be a descendant of a goddess. Always wearing red lipstick, Skirts or dresses that comforted her well formed body perfectly and sometimes I...

1 year ago
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My first threesome

We're the only house in our neighborhood with a pool, and most of the neighbors (the ones we like, anyway) have permission to use it. They also know that I work odd hours, so they don't bother knocking or anything. So far, the arrangement has worked out well, and I get the benefit of having a variety of scantily clad women (some attractive, come not so much) in my back yard all summer long.I left for work, but when I got there it turned out there wasn't anything for me to do, so I came back...

4 years ago
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Erica The Little Detective

Eric of Erica de kleine detective Door Louis van Amoren. Hoofdstuk 1. Hallo, dag dames en heren. Wie ik ben? Wel, ik zal me even voorstellen. Mijn naam is Eric Paul van Amoren. Het is mij aangenaam kennis met U te maken. Ik ben achttien jaar jong. Nog niet zo gek lang van school. Ik werk ergens op de boekhouding, maar ik zoek iets anders. Het liefst ergens in de stad en niet in zo'n klein dorpje waar ik nu zit. Ik heb wel al een paar keer gesolliciteerd, maar dat is nog steeds...

1 year ago
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They never actually met before in person, but had talked via e-mails. They had been extremely intimate online, and shared feeling and thoughts and some sexual goals. They had talked about themselves and what their bodies looked like and what feels good to them. She was inexperienced but so sexually hot. Her goal was to stay a virgin until marriage but would like to suck a cock and taste cum! She also was eager to have her pussy licked and sucked until she climaxed pumping all her cum into his...

First Time
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Big booty Cheating Latina

This is the story about this big booty young cheating Latina that we are going to call "Z" for this story. So it's a Saturday night and ain't got nothing to do so I decide to go out to a bar and have a few drinks and maybe shoot some pool. I go to this low-key bar to have a few drinks and look around and see what's out there. Not much Was going on that night. I got there a little early so I thought maybe I slow down on the drinking and shoot some pool while it gets more pack. Pool gets boring...

3 years ago
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Notice Me

It all began 15 years ago but I remember it as clearly as if it hadhappened yesterday. I was with my best friend at the time Diane, we were celebratingour 30th birthday together. Nothing big, nothing fancy, we'd both left ourk**s and husbands at home and gone off on a spa-weekend together. Dianeand I had been best friends since college, I've never had anything butfriendly warm feelings for her, perhaps too friendly but I've never desiredher in a more intimate, sexual way, to this day I still...

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Samantha and the Wolf Ch 04

Amanda is two months old, and my wallet is as thick with pictures as you’d expect it to be. Sam has been back at work for a month. I went back the next week. We staggered our FMLA time in case we had an unforeseen need, like difficulty finding day care or Amanda having special medical needs. Happily, everything was normal, and I had a week alone with my daughter. I see lots of her mother in her, but that could just be a romantic imagination on my part. Every new dad looks forward to the end of...

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The Gauntlet

Laying in bed, gently leaving the embrace of sleep, you slowly and groggily wake up. You are surrounded by the warm embrace of your covers around you, the gentle support of the pillow under your head, a soft weight bearing down on your face… what? Your barely conscious mind not quite processing what is going on, you open your eyes and are only met with with darkness. As you slowly become more aware of your surroundings you begin to notice the weight on your face is moving, slowly from chin to...

4 years ago
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hanna becomes a slave for life 3

"Please nooo...don't...""What the fuck did you say slut? You forget your fucking place"You swiftly backhand me across the face with a resounding CRACCKK. i cry out in shock and pain, my body slumping in my restraints, the pain at my wrists intense. "Please...Mistress Erin...please don't pierce me more. i'll do anything you want but please don't do that...or let boys use me"Tears are flowing down my face, dripping off my chin and down onto my swollen and impaled nipples."That's right you...

1 year ago
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Paying Off Money Owed to the Mob part 1

Paying off Money Owed to the Mob By Jennifer Allison My problem started simply enough. It started in Junior High School. With a World Series baseball pool. A quarter a square on a hundred square boards. I had only one quarter so I picked the bottom right hand corner. By sheer luck I won that day. My gambling habit started right there and then. I have won some but lost about ten times more than I won over the years. Two of my problems are, I can't quit and the other I...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 66

When I awoke at five thirty it was raining hard. North Carolina was funny that way, it could be raining at 5:30 and often was, then at six it could be ‘not raining’ but cloudy. It might give me an hour window to walk, I reasoned that morning. It also might not, so I napped a half hour, then I got out of bed to check. Looking back I saw the mid to late forties woman still in my bed. She looked her age at 6AM without make up. She was still a nice looking lady, but she would look better two...

3 years ago
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My life changed forever part 3 the day of compl

The evening had been long and hard, my ass was sore, I must have had 6 huge loads dumped into me by my master, but after what seemed like just a few hours sleep I was in the car and being taken to a barbers. I had cut back my beard, so it had about a weeks growth, but I knew it would be removed at some stage and today was the day, I loved my beard! We walked into the barbers, I was escorted to a barbers chair and they went to work, removing my beard, giving me a turkish wet shave, which felt...

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SxyPrn Taboo

What’s up, you horny fucks? Did you know that step-family porn was one of the most searched porn categories in 2019? You didn’t? Haha! You’re a fucking liar! Half of those views were probably yours! It’s no secret now. The world now knows that you want to fuck your mom! I’d love to know what kind of twisted shit happened to you to be like that! Was it too much love or not enough?Don’t worry. This is not a place for judgment. It’s not your fault that your little sister has a tight ass that gives...

Incest Porn Sites
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CleopatraChapter 3

We woke up way too early, Lindy bouncing on our bed. I looked at the clock. It was half past six. Lindy had recovered her natural wake up time. "We need a full day today," Lindy explained. "I want to work on the two pieces before Sam and Barnaby arrive at the chateau. I expect them around 10." "Sure," I said, getting a kiss from my annoying lover, making her much less annoying. "See you in half an hour," she said too brightly before practically skipping out of the...

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Making Gramps Dream Cum True

about his granddaughter and himself.The story Grandpa John and Granddaughter Marie. They are very close and have a very special relationship.John is seventy. He is five-feet-ten, slightly overweight, with gray hair and a thick, 7.5 inch love tool.Marie is a nineteen year old college student. She has shoulder length blond hair. Marie is five-foot seven-inches tall; her boobs are 36D and as she says, "shaves in all her nice bits." John's View: Well how do I start this true story? I have lived...

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Undisclosed Relation With Aunt 8211 Part V

By : Abhi.Bang1984 After that wonderful bus experience we reached the place in the morning and enjoyed the marriage ceremony. All the time in the marriage she was looking towards me and I was looking for her. Whenever she got time she used to come close to me and rubbed her ass of breast on my body. I also used touch her whenever no one was around. Then after attending the marriage we both again continued to return and my family was coming after 2 days. She was very happy to return alone with...

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Jilnar Jardaly XRated Interview

"Today we're talking to one of the world's favorite, beautiful, talented and, dare I say, sexually open newsreaders in the world, the one and only Jilnar Jardaly. Welcome! [Interviewer]"Thanks, sweetie.""Let's start by asking if you weren't a famous television personality and much-loved evening news anchor, what do you think you would be doing?" [Interviewer]"Oh, that's an easy one! Definitely either a hooker or porn star or both! I can't think of any other occupation that would give me the...

4 years ago
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Mature Seduction

 I have written about housewives in previous posts.  These were older ladies, as I was a barely legal teen -- maybe.  This is about my former landlady "Pearl." She was quite a lush, and was usually drunk by the time I came home from work or grocery shopping.  I dropped off a rent check and she said her birthday was the next day.  She had no plans, and was wondering if I'd stop by after my evening swim for some drinks.  She was serving "Puffs" (a drink I was unfamilar with).  I said sure.  The...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 419 Wet and Wild

“I need to go find us a place to stay for the night and somewhere to eat dinner. You can get out to stretch your legs, but don’t walk away from the bus. I will be back as soon as I can,” I told them. I walked toward the no-tell motel office. Instead of going in, I walked into the breezeway. I hurried on over to the waterpark. “My name is David Jones. I have a busload of kids I’m taking to live at my foster care complex about six hours away. These kids have had a hard time with life, and a...

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When I opened the door, the first thing that hit me was the blaring sound of rock music. Even as I shook my head, my lips turned up in a big smile. That music could mean only one thing. Sharon, my young daughter, had come to pay me a visit. Sharon was my only daughter. She had left for college two years ago. I only got to see her when she graced me with a rare visit. She had been very bitter after the divorce and had stayed with my ex. Since she had a key, she would let herself in and make...

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A Piece of Art

       They were sisters. They had to be sisters. That's what she wanted. And she was used to getting exactly what she wanted. Money was never an issue. Her agents had been trucking them for a few months and when the time was right they made sure no one would search for them. The two sisters, 20 and 22 years old, were traveling to their aunt's house in the countryside. Their car was found in a nearby lake, crashed. Car accident, drowned, no bodies found, was the official verdict after some...

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Yaadrishikamaayi saro aunty

Yidhile nammude kadhaa paathram mumbayil adutha flatile mrs. Sarojini patel (saro aunty), mr. Jai ganesh patel transport contractor aayirunu (partnershipil), 6 varsham munphu angherude marana sesham, saro aunty yum partner upendra shah yum aa business noakki nadathunnu; oru mon padikkunnu. Yivarkk 42 vayas prayam undayirunnu, uyaram kuranjhittu thadicha sareeram, widow aanelum silk sarees / colourful modern dress aayirunnu upayogichirunnadh. Yivarude suratil ulla sahodhara nte oru monum molum...

3 years ago
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Parking Lot Surprise

This is based on a true story. It wasn’t a great day. I was taking a local business to Small Claims Court over a few hundred dollars that I felt they owed me. I was pretty sure I’d win, but I had to personally serve a summons on the owner of the business that day, and it was just a few minutes before closing. The business was located in one of those conglomerations of buildings that begins as a single business or strip mall, but ends up being a maze of parking lots and s**ttered buildings of...

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Chachi Ki Majburi 8211 Part I

Hey friend’s i’m posting again this story bcz i lost my Gmail id. So my new id is So ladys send ur feedback on this. I’m Deepak age 22 from Jharkhand. This incident happens when i’m 15 year old i live with my Aunty .because my Aunty and Uncle don’t have any child so they took me to live with them.So i started living with them from very young age .My aunty love me like his on child.But when i’m 18year old i show my Uncle fucking Aunty in afternoon. From that day i got some interest is sex .So i...

4 years ago
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Tauomicron taualphaxideltaiota sig

Ήταν Δευτέρα όταν νιώσαμε με το μωράκι μου ότι δεν αντέχαμε άλλο μακρια ο ένας απο τον άλλο αν και η προηγούμενη μας συνάντηση ήταν μόλις 3 μέρες πριν!!! Είχαμε απίστευτες καύλες, ανταλλάσσαμε τρελά μηνύματα, λαχταρούσαμε να ενώσουμε τα σώματα μας και να ταξιδέψουμε αγκαλιά!Την Τρίτη το μεσημέρι ορίστηκε η συνάντηση μας. Όπως πάντα το μωράκι μου άνοιξε την πόρτα γυμνός και έπεσα στην αγκαλιά του!! Με το ένα χέρι μου έβγαλε το σουτιέν και χούφτωνε τις βυζάρες μου ενώ με το άλλο μου σήκωνε το...

3 years ago
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The Fisherman

The Fisherman After a full day of sun, I started thinking about what trouble I might get into that evening. I had enough of the dive bars Jane and I had been going to all week. There didn’t seem to be any place to dance on this island. No easy relaxed places where you can get close to your partner, with no one smashing into you holding their beer bottles or pink cocktails. I walked to the edge of the surf and watched the sun as it moved closer to the water. Jane had left early that morning...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 6

Back in Palmdale, things were not nearly as exciting as they were in Boston. Jake and Melissa went to school and enjoyed the occasional evening with Louisa. Neither Jake nor Melissa could believe the sexual appetite of their new bed-fellow. She was not as frantic in her lovemaking as Tigger, but her slower pace gave her more staying power. Louisa never left the big bed until both her lovers were thoroughly spent. Jake tried to get Louisa together with the twins - to spread the passion around...

2 years ago
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Succubus Wasteland Ch 05

Nimbus awoke and realised he was still in Rydia’s arms. He quickly moved away. The prospect of sleep was no longer an excuse for him to be close to her. Rydia felt him startle which woke her up as well. ‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked. Nimbus scoffed. ‘Let’s just go. I’ve had enough of laying around here.’ It was barely daybreak as the sun inched over the horizon. Nimbus took a look around, it was the first decent look he had since arriving at the camp. There was nothing but wasteland as far...

1 year ago
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Life Out of Joint Chapter 57 The Life and Times of Miss Cindy Caldwell

LIFE OUT OF JOINT by Crazy Baron Chapter 5/7 -- The Life and Times of Miss Cindy Caldwell Synopsis: With a possible rescue on the horizon, Mike does his best to adapt and, while he is at it, even tries to have a little fun. But he has no time to get comfortable; whatever or whoever is responsible for his adventure sees to it that he stays on his toes, and reality itself is becoming an increasingly slippery concept for poor Mr. Caldwell. Is he still himself, living his usual life...

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I felt like a fool, a complete and stupid fool. There I stood, naked except for my socks, in front of the doctor who had known me since I was born. I had to get a physical so I could play football; I mean go out for the team. "You're too skinny," he said. "They'll kill you, those big guys." 'I'm pretty fast." "You'd better be." He looked at some papers on his desk. "You've grown, haven't you? Five eleven now. But only a hundred and forty-two." I nodded. "This summer, about...

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Birthday Surprise

I remember that hot August day. It was my sixteenth birthday and I was so ready to have fun. I had all my day planned out. I was going to spend some time with the family first and then go out at night with my best friend Jill who was sixteen and already had her drivers license. I woke up about 8am that day. It was a Wednesday, and I was ready for my family to give me a birthday hug. I went to go take a cold shower first and got dressed. I deciced to wear my red halter top and white shorts with...

3 years ago
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Mera Nadan Bachapan

Mai yaha apni first storie likh raha ho ager pasand aye to mujhay mele karay or or mujhay batay ke apko is storie mai sab sey acha secene knsa laga Hi mera na Sunny hai meri umer 18 sal hai hm roz gali mai cricket khel tay thay ak din hamri gali mai ak family ayi unke ghar mai uncle auntie or do bachay thay ak beta jis ki umer 6 sal thi or ak bti jis ki umer 8 sal thi uncle bank mai job kartay thay auntie ghar mai rheti thi or unke bachay partay thay ak din hm gali mai khel rahay thay ke...

2 years ago
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3 Teen Cross Dressers Misadventure Part 1

Two friends and I decided to take a trip to upstate New York for a weekend of skiing and some messing around. We were friends since elementary school and have been dressing in our sisters and mothers clothes for over a year and then play around with each other. All of us were young and dumb; 18 and quite petite,under 5'7 and lean. With our bags packed full of our dress wear,skiing gear and lots of liquor we were on our way. We were about 4 hours into our 6 hour drive in the pouring rain when we...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 6 Conflict of Interest

Joe Dolores was sheepish when she showed up in my office on Monday. "I'm sorry about the call, Mr. Dresdner. I ... I was with my old high school friends. It was girls only, a real pajama party. I was so happy, I had to call you. You made it possible." "Don't apologize. You may not believe me, but your call made my day. Next time, you better call me while you are still sober. I was thinking of having Sheriff Cramer perform an alcohol test on you, Ms. Jorgensen." She froze for a...

1 year ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 18

“Vampire sex is the best!” Kayla exclaimed. We were both on our backs, cuddling after a few hours of screwing. She seemed to have a limitless capacity for sex. I didn’t know if that was because she was a vampire, or still essentially a sex crazed 20 year old. Either way, I couldn’t say that I minded. After our post coital cuddle, Kayla rolled over and grabbed her phone. “How are the girls doing?” I asked. “Pretty good. Amy is in San Francisco. Vanessa is in Washington. We are teasing her...

1 year ago
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A Trip to the Colonies Chapter 5

Mary’s mind reeled at the feelings and thoughts of what had just happened, was it really true?   Had Michael just proposed to her?   He still was before her, still on one knee, could this be real?   Or was it just a dream?   They had only met the evening before, and yet she felt a bond for this knight in his pure white uniform that was unmistakable, she truly felt love, not the passionate sexual love she had had with Bret, something more, a love that came from within her heart and soul.  ...

3 years ago
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Blind Date7

We walked down to China Town to an out of the way restaurant. As I sat down, not wanting to ask if my paired partner decided not to come, I saw this beauty come walking out from the rear of the restaurant. She was about 5' 9" tall, brunette hair, tied in a pony tail, slim waist, medium size breasts, but her smile was infectious. Mick slapped me on the shoulder and said,This is Joanne, I hope you like? I just nodded my head. Joanne and I talked we had similar tastes when it came to...

1 year ago
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My San Antonio Rosa Chapter 1

A Short Preface: This story is a continuation of the story "My Spanish Teacher” that I wrote a few years ago. This story takes up a couple years after the previous story ends. Please read “My Spanish Teacher” before reading this so you will know the characters background and how they got to this point - it will make more sense that way. * I had been away at college in Dallas for two years after graduating high school. But when my father was killed in a terrible car accident, I had to move...

3 years ago
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Making A FamilyChapter 4

"Damn!" Susan hissed as she pulled into the driveway that evening. Joe, the neighbor was standing in his driveway again. She silently cursed herself for acting so foolishly in front of him earlier that morning with her incestuous display. Joe stared at her, grinning lewdly as she got out of the car and closed the door. He waved at her. "Hi Susan! Nice day!" he yelled to her. "Hi Joe!" Susan replied, trying to act as neighborly as possible without showing her embarrassment. "I think...

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Afternoon of Shared Pleasure

This was written about a group that started meeting several years ago for mutual masturbation. I am looking to see if I have some of my stories about the group but will take some digging to find. This was about our first mixed meeting of that group. As many of you know a group of us men have been getting together on average of once a month here in the San Jose area for a little afternoon enjoyment of mutual masturbation. We began meeting last summer in July and at least once a month since...

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