- 2 years ago
- 18
- 0
I first met Ramona when I was in college. She was kind of chunky then, with big glasses and bad skin. She was an art major and she dressed kind of funky. I guess you could say that she had her own kind of style. Unfortunately her independent flair was not really what the majority of guys found sexy or even attractive, including me.
Even though she was an art major and I was into manufacturing technology, we had some of the same program requirements, and ended up taking a computer graphics design class together. She needed the class for her degree program and I needed the class as a prerequisite for AutoCAD. We were assigned to do a group project together, and though we had taken several classes together had never actually spent any time with each other, or even spoke before then.
We were almost total opposites from the beginning. I ran track and hung out on the periphery of the popular crowd. She smoked weed and hung out on the periphery of the avant-garde, beatnik, artistic sect. I dated mostly 2nd tier cheerleaders and athletes, she was the "fat friend," and wing girl to most of the really pretty, or just really slutty, art chicks.
While working on our project, we were forced to spend a lot of time together. Human nature being as it was, caused me to take a hard look at her. I guess it forced her to look at me as well. Anyway one night, we'd been having a long conversation that gradually left the project and became more personal. My date for the evening arrived to spring me, and I was kind of sad to leave Ramona. I could also see that she wasn't happy about it either. The next afternoon when we met at the computer lab, Ramona was really cold to me.
"OK, what did I do now?" I asked her.
"You're a fucking asshole," she said, almost in tears.
I grabbed her arm and escorted her out of the lab, to avoid creating a scene. In the park across the street we sat down on a bench and I told her not to move. I ran and grabbed a soda for me and her favorite juice from the cart that sold them nearby.
Now that we were comfortable, the argument could proceed without distraction or embarrassment on either side.
"So why am I an asshole?" I asked smiling.
"Because you are!" she said, wiping the tears from her face.
"Even though you're a Jock/techno weenie with no artistic soul, I thought you were different," she said. "We were having a nice time, and I was really starting to think ... And then you ... with that whore."
"Are you mad at me because I went on a date?" I asked incredulously.
"Fuck no!" she spat. "It's just that all of you guys are alike. You don't want a relationship with a woman who really feels something for you and loves you. You just wanna get your dick wet, with some big breasted bimbo with no brains."
"Well" I said calmly. "The big breasted bimbos are smart enough to do one thing that gives them the advantage, whether it involves dating, relationships, or getting guy's dicks wet."
She looked at me dubiously and asked, "What's that?"
"They ask," I snapped. "They communicate. They do something to let the guy know that they're interested."
She couldn't think of a thing to say, she just sat there balling up her fists and steaming. I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears and I wanted to defuse the situation and see where we really stood, so I reached over, took those giant glasses off her nose, (they were really bad, and in the way) and I kissed her. Not just a little peck, but a pretty good passionate smooch. I later found out that it was her first time kissing a guy that wasn't a relative. That first kiss was followed up with an even better one, when she relaxed and opened her lips a little bit and our tongues started to massage each others uvulas. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me and we didn't leave that park bench for a long time.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. We finished the project (got an A+), and started dating. Ramona, got contacts, saw a dermatologist, and started dressing a little more normally. I never asked her to give up her bohemian outfits, but as we started to go out more she needed more things to wear. You know women; she'd ask me to go shopping with her and ask my opinion about things. I would mention how everyone wore jeans, including artists. She would then say she was too fat for pants. I'd then tell her that I loved her curves and how, some men loved to see a well rounded ass on their women. I reminded her about the artist Rubens and his voluptuous models. She bought jeans and looked great in them. I'd tell her that her peasant tops and sweat shirts didn't really go well with the jeans or skirts she was wearing. And she'd say that I just wanted to see her tits. And I'd tell her that she was right, but they were mine anyway and she was just carrying them for me.
Sex with Ramona was like screwing a fairy princess. While it wasn't wild and uninhibited, it was special just the same. It was unhurried and it was as if every stroke only served to bring us closer together. Since I was her first, I tried to make it fun and special for her as well. After a while she got more into it and actually started to demand it from me. We never got too kinky and she definitely wasn't into giving me blow jobs but I took what I could get because I loved her so much.
A few weeks later she looked in the mirror and told me, that she looked just like a bigger version of the big breasted bimbos that she hated so much. I told her, maybe she was, but she was my BBB.
We were very happy and after we graduated, we got engaged. I went to work for an automotive design firm and Ramona did layouts for an art magazine.
My family loved Ramona and welcomed her with open arms. Ramona's mom and sister were the only family she had. They were under-whelmed by me to say the least. I once heard her sister telling someone at our engagement party that Brad (me) was alright if you like that sort of guy. But I was just too normal and was probably squelching her artistic vision. Ramona looked beautiful and happy, but I over heard her mom telling her sister that she thought we were getting married because Ramona was pregnant, and it wouldn't last.
Over time we proved them both wrong. We stayed happy and in love. At a party for our 7th anniversary her mom started to ask when she was going to become a grandmother. Ramona and I were her only chance for grandchildren because her sister had come out of the closet a year previous.
"We're trying mother," said Ramona quickly.
We had been trying for a few years, but it hadn't happened.
"Well, don't worry about it, I made appointments for you both," said Maddie, Ramona's mom.
She had taken the liberty of making appointments for us with a fertility clinic. Naturally mine was a week earlier, because I suspect she thought that the problem had to be with me.
Anyway, I went to my appointment, got blood drawn, jacked off to some really dirty porn to give them a sperm sample and was found to be A-OK.
When Maddie got the news, she suggested that we should just practice more, until we got the job done, so she could be a grandma while she was still sexy.
Ramona's appointment was different though, and changed our lives forever. We did find out that she had several problems with her reproductive organs, that would make it while not "impossible," for us to have children, "extremely," implausible. That night I held her and cuddled with her while she cried herself to sleep. I told her that we could always adopt, or get any of a number of treatments that were available now. Inwardly, I hated the shit out of her mother, for driving this situation to where it was.
"If you want a divorce, you can have it," she told me through her tears.
"I'd never leave you for anything unless you made me, Mona," I told her.
"My mom said, you'll cheat on me so you can have kids," she said.
"Mona, I'd never cheat on you, you're my life," I said.
She looked me in the eye, and asked "Why would you want to stay with a fat girl that can't have kids?"
I looked her back in the eyes, making sure she could watch my every expression and told her, "Because I love you, more than anything, and it would kill me to be without you."
I think she calmed down a little then, and went to sleep, but to be honest those days are such a blur now that I can't remember all of the details. Two days later the clinic called and asked to see us. We sat down with a doctor and were concerned when she said that she had referred Ramona's tests to a specialist. We were even more shocked to find out that Ramona was in the early stages of a very aggressive strain of Cancer.
All of the pieces fell into place then. It explained why at 25 she was always tired for no reason. It explained the soreness of her body some days and her often irritability and mood swings. It also terrified the life out of me.
Luckily for us we had caught it early enough that the prognosis for her survival was good. She referred us to a cancer specialty facility, and set up an appointment for the very next day.
Ramona had a very long and relatively invasive battery of tests performed. I took leave from work and stayed with her the whole time. I was in the room with her holding her hand through every test, and cheering her up while we waited for each result.
Over the next few weeks Ramona had surgery to remove some of her lymph nodes and started a radiation therapy program. I stayed in the cancer center's family apartments so I could sleep (when I did sleep) right next door to her. I was there every morning when she awoke, and all day. I was even allowed to stay with her at night until she fell asleep. Her mother and sister visited occasionally, and were always cold to me. I think they thought that I had somehow given her cancer.
The radiation therapy didn't seem to be working, and was beginning to destroy healthy tissue as well as the cancerous growths so we dumped it in favor of chemo. Ramona lost about 40 pounds as a result of the radiation, and the chemo was probably going to take her hair.
The nurses in the facility had always been angels toward me, and they often went above and beyond the job to help me do things for Ramona. One nurse in particular was a godsend. Her name was Kelly, and she was beautiful. She was tall, and slim but curvy, with bright red hair and green eyes. She always had a smile or a joke for me every morning when I walked in. She was also there with a hug or a shoulder when I really needed help keeping my game-face on. Most of the nurses in the cancer ward worked 4 ten hour shifts and had 3 days off. Kelly worked from 10 at night until 8 in the morning. She was there when I left Ramona at night, and there when I got back at 6 the next a.m.
She was always cheerful, at least around me. The only time I remember her getting upset was once when she spoke to Ramona's mother Maddie.
Maddie had remarked about how I'd probably leave her daughter now that she was sick. Kelly lit into her, like I'd never seen, and threatened to throw her off the floor.
"This place is depressing as hell," she said. "Most of our patients have very few visitors, ever. Their family and friends stay away because they can't stand to see them or they're afraid the disease may be contagious," she continued. "That man never leaves her side. When she's sick, he's the one holding the bucket for her to vomit into, and cleaning her up afterwards. When have you been here?" she asked. "When she has to relieve herself, he walks her to the facilities and assists her. When have you been here?" she asked. "When she started losing her hair, he shaved his head so they could be alike," she laughed remembering my shiny pate. "When have you been here?" she asked irritably.
"He gives her sponge baths, so she can hold onto her dignity instead of having some stranger do it" she said. "When have you been here?" she asked again. "He's used up all of his vacation and sick time, her job's health care won't pay for the treatment, so he's going into debt up to his eyeballs for your daughter." she stated.
"And through it all, he's here every day, EVERY God damned DAY! Holding her hand and letting her know that someone loves her, no matter what," she snapped.
"The next thing you say to, or about that man will determine whether or not you're allowed back on this floor, so be careful," Kelly said pointing her long tapered finger in Maddie's face.
I wish that I could have been there to see it, but when I heard about it later I smiled a bit. The important thing to me though was that Ramona just got better. Several of the nurses told me about it, and were all equally pissed at Maddie. I did notice that Maddie was a lot less cold to me though after the fact. She actually reached out and patted my shoulder as I held Ramona's hand while she took her afternoon nap.
The chemo took a toll on Ramona and left her far weaker, but Cancer free. Her hair had started to grow back in and we started her on a new diet to help her get her strength back. She then needed several plastic surgeries to remove a lot of loose tissue which came as a result of her weight loss.
Ramona was a new woman. 80 pounds lighter and her skin had even cleared up. Ramona now wore contacts, instead of the glasses and her hair came back; everyone who knew her had to take a 2nd look. She wasn't a raving beauty like Kelly, but she was the best Ramona she could be, and I loved only her anyway. I went back to work, and had to work a lot more hours to pay for all of the medical expenses we incurred. Ramona couldn't go back to work for a while but we made out. Our sex life had always been great, since before we were even married, but now it increased as Ramona seemed determined to fuck me into submission to let me know how glad she was that I'd stayed by her during her illness. She started to go out with some of the girls from her old job, just to kill time while I worked. I was glad that she did, because outside of me she'd never really been a very social person. Now she seemed to need to get out and be seen by people. I guess I thought that it was some kind of affirmation of life, after the cancer and I didn't really take it seriously, but little did I know my marriage was on the rocks.
Over the next few weeks Ramona started coming home later and later. Sometimes she was drunk when she got in. "I've never had this much fun in my life," she said.
I felt kind of hurt because I was working 12 and 16 hour days to pay off our medical bills, and she was having fun without me. She started dressing far more revealingly than she ever had. When I asked her about it, she told me that she'd never had this kind of body before, and wanted to show it off. It was just fun. I wondered when it became necessary for her to show it off for people other than me.
I spent a lot of time thinking about our marriage that week. I guess in the back of my mind I was worried that something was going on. I didn't want to face it because by then, Ramona was my entire world. All of the things we'd gone through with the cancer and every thing else had forged our bond far deeper than ever before.
My hard work had produced benefits that I wasn't aware of though, all of my extra time and effort to try and put a dent in Ramona's medical expenses, had gotten me noticed by the owners of the company I worked for. I got a big raise and a promotion. I also got a bonus that I figured I could for once, use to go somewhere nice with my wife.
I didn't try to tell Ramona the good news I decided to throw a small, just family surprise party for her birthday which was the following week and tell her then. Maybe going away together would be just the thing to rekindle the flames and get us back on track.
The occurrences of the next few days broke my heart and killed our marriage.
Ramona went to the hospital for her usual check up; to make sure the cancer was still gone. They did a few tests and told her they'd be in touch with the results. On her way out Ramona ran into Kelly. Ramona had never liked Kelly because Kelly was beautiful, and she still saw herself as that fat girl. Even now that Ramona was thinner she knew that side by side, she couldn't hold a candle to Kelly.
"Hi Ramona," said Kelly, "It's so weird to see you without that cute husband of yours."
"What do you mean, I'm not without him," said Ramona. "He's just at work. Why are you asking about him anyway?"
"I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that you're really lucky to have someone who loves you that much," said Kelly. "Most of the guys out there are just after whatever they can get and some fun. That gets kind of empty after a while. If I had anyone look at me the way your husband looks at you," Kelly started before she was cut off.
"Yeah whatever," said Ramona.
Ramona knew that I would be stuck at work all day again and she just wanted to get back to doing something fun. So she headed for the bar she'd been at the night before, she could probably get a drink and be home before I got there.
As Ramona entered the bar a pair of hands grabbed her.
"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in at least a couple of years Ramona," It was Kathleen Kinnison, one of Ramona's old friends from college.
"What are you doing with yourself lately, you've lost a lot of weight I almost didn't recognize you," said Kathleen.
"How's that husband of yours?" she said
"Hi Kath," said Ramona, "I'm just hanging out and having some fun for once."
They went to a table and were soon joined by a group of guys. Ramona got up to dance with one of the guys and was going at it so heavily that she didn't notice when the door opened. All of the guys in the bar noticed when Kelly walked in the door. Ramona was too busy dancing to pay any attention. But Kelly had seen her, saw what she was doing and who she was doing it with. Kelly ordered a sandwich from the Bar's grill and went back to work with an idea in mind.
Over the next few days I, worked as hard as usual, and still found time to plan Ramona's surprise party. I'd invited her mother and sister, and a few of their friends.
I'd bought several presents for her, and was really hoping this party and trip would rekindle the sparks between us. I was pleasantly surprised when my mother in law volunteered to help me decorate the apartment before the party. During Ramona's hospital stay we had bonded a bit, and maybe she didn't love me, but she respected my love for her daughter and accepted me.
Over the next few days I noticed a pattern. Ramona was always gone out by the time I got home, and never came in until very late. Our once robust sex life had also dwindled. I couldn't remember the last time we'd done anything. Women were hitting on me constantly, as if they could smell my need for release.
As I got home from work one evening, the phone rang.
"Hi Brad, this is Kelly," she said.
"Hi Kelly, do you have Ramona's test results?" I asked
"Nope, not until tomorrow but I need to talk to you about something," she said. "It's kind of important, could you meet me somewhere? I promise it won't take long."
"How about the park across the street from the hospital," I suggested.
Kelly thought about it, and agreed. "I can be there in 20 minutes if that's OK."
"I'll see you there," I said.
Kelly wondered if the park was the best place for the meeting. She had gone there with Brad several times during Ramona's hospitalization to try and cheer him up. They'd had a few impromptu meals while Ramona underwent procedures that he couldn't be present for. It was also the place where she'd told him that the chemo was showing progress, so it was a place filled with happy memories for him and she didn't want to ruin it for him.
I sat down on the small bench in the park next to Kelly. I smiled at her and said, "What's up? "Am I behind on my payments? Ramona's not sick again is she?" I asked.
"Yeah, she's sick again, but it's not cancer," said Kelly
Over the next few minutes, Kelly told me about the places she'd seen my wife lately. She told me about the things she'd seen her do. She even told me about some of the guys she'd seen her with.
"I don't have photos or anything, but it's pretty clear she's cheating on you," she said.
"Kelly, you're a great nurse, and up until now I thought you were a great person too. Ramona would never do that, she loves me," I said, though I didn't believe the words as I said them.
"I'm sorry, to be the one to tell you, but you need to be careful," said Kelly. "I just hate the thought of her doing this to you."
"I don't believe she is doing anything," I snapped. "And all you have is some vague suspicion. No evidence. No proof. Maybe you should just mind your own business!"
I got up and started to leave, but Kelly grabbed my arm. She gently put her hand up and touched my cheek. For some reason, I was frozen in my tracks and my building anger dissipated.
"For your sake," said Kelly softly," I hope I am wrong. It kills me to think of you going through all of this pain for someone who isn't worth your little finger." She gently rubbed my cheek and I swear I felt electricity.
"Whenever you need a friend, I'll be there," she said as she pressed a card into my hand, and then walked away.
I stuffed the card into my pocket, and watched Kelly walk. It had been a while since me and Ramona had done anything, and I was as hard as a steel rod watching Kelly's ass.
That went better than I expected, thought Kelly. If she gave him too much too soon, it would hurt him worse than she'd planned. Better to have a couple of little shocks, than one big devastating blow. She would never do anything to hurt Brad, for any reason, but he had to know about his cheating wife.
Kelly couldn't remember exactly when it was, that she had fallen in love with Brad, it really no longer mattered. It was probably during the time she spent watching him come to the hospital everyday, no matter what to care for Ramona. Or after she started to recover and began treating him as if he was her butler, instead of her husband who' had just endured months of sacrificing everything in his life to be with her.
Kelly knew that she was beautiful, she'd heard it all her life. She'd been with lots of guys, but never one who treated her with anywhere near, the degree of love and affection Brad showed Ramona. She couldn't think of anything she wouldn't give to have someone like that in her life. She was ready for step 2 or her plan.
When I got home 2 nights later I was charged up. The party, though small, would be the start of my quest to rekindle my romantic flames with Ramona. Over the past few days I'd paid more attention to what was going on with us and found her to be distant and drinking far too much. When I finally did go to sleep she was never there. When I awoke she was already asleep. She'd smiled and rolled over when I told her I was planning something special for her birthday.
I knew that she was perhaps drinking and partying a bit much but this was Ramona after all. When we first met she was anti party. She was just trying to experience some of the things that "fat dumpy" Ramona never got to. She was also celebrating the success in her battle against cancer. I just wished that she would celebrate with me; but maybe I was just being selfish
Ramona's mother Maddie arrived at 6:30 with her other daughter, Ravonna. They began decorating the house, and worked quickly because they knew she'd be there at any moment. There were only 6 other people invited, because I wanted a small intimate get together with a few close friends. By 9 p.m. everyone was wondering where Ramona was and a few of the guests had left their presents and gone home. By 11 p.m. Maddie, Ravonna and I were the only ones there. I called Ramona's cell phone for the 4th time to find out where she was.
Ramona called back a half hour later.
"Hi Honey, I'll be home soon," said Ramona sounding drunk and out of breath.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"My mom wanted to take me out for a drink, and I figured I'd go out with her for a while, instead of coming home. We lost track of time," she said. "Actually I came out with her and my snotty sister, because they still don't like you much and I didn't want their bad attitude to ruin whatever surprise, you have for me," she said. I heard a guy asking her in the background to hurry up back, so they could have some fun.
"Anyway, I'll see you in a bit, so you can give me my surprise," she continued. "Is it a big surprise?" she asked
"Kind of," I said softly.
For a while no one said anything. Then Maddie looked at me. She could see that I was fighting not to cry in front of her. I was shattered. It was as if my whole world had come to an end and I didn't know exactly how to react.
"You know that isn't really true," said Maddie.
"Well, maybe in the beginning, I thought that you were just wrong for Ramona, but that's no longer the case," she said.
"What a bitch," said Ravonna.
"Well thank you ladies very much for coming," I said.
"I'm going to clean up, this mess and put Ramona's presents away," I said. "I'm sure she'll be home soon. You can stay for as long as you'd like but I'm not sure it would be good for you to be here when she gets home." I said.
"Why not?" asked Ravonna, "As her snotty sister, I'd love to see her reaction, when she walks in and gets caught in her damned lie."
"She went through a horrible ordeal, with the cancer," I told her, "None of us know what that was like or what it did to her. All we can do is be there for her and hope this is only a phase." I said quietly. Both Maddie and Ravonna shook their heads as they left.
I went to my closet and started packing my clothes and some personal items. It didn't take me very long to pack, so I left a note for Ramona on their kitchen table. I packed as many things as I could so I wouldn't have to return for a while.
The next day, I looked for divorce lawyers, while I was at work. I found several listings on the internet but didn't call any of them. I barely spoke to anyone and all of my colleagues thought I must have been fighting off a bug or the flu. Ramona called my cell phone a couple of times and left messages, but I didn't return them.
I followed the same pattern for three days. Go to work. Go home to the motel room I was staying in. Sleep, get up then repeat.
On the third day Kelly was sitting on the hood of my car as I left the building.
She was on the verge of tears, and I didn't know why.
"Why the hell didn't you call me?" she asked.
I didn't answer, I just looked at her, and the wall I'd been putting up to shut off my emotions collapsed. As the tears ran down my cheeks, I quietly said, "you were right."
Kelly jumped off the car and hugged me. I felt like a pervert for noticing the way her breasts smashed against my chest.
"I didn't want to be," she said.
Ramona looked around her apartment. Her head was killing her.
"What day is it?" she wondered. Brad needed to clean this fucking place up when he got home. Why wasn't he home already? What was that banging? She stood up and toddled naked to the door and looked out the peephole. Ugh, it was her mother. She grabbed a dressing gown and opened the door.
"Forgive the mess mother," she said.
"My husband is kind of falling down on the job," she continued
"Ramona where have you been and what have you been doing?" asked Maddie.
"Or who have you been doing from the looks of you," she continued.
"Mother, what are you talking about?" asked Ramona irritably.
"Ramona, why do you have bite marks on your leg?" asked Maddie.
"Oh shit I'd better not let Brad see that," said Ramona.
"Mother can you get me some coffee, my head is splitting?" she asked
Maddie grudgingly went into the kitchen and started to make coffee.
"So how did you cover up your lie, the other night?" Maddie asked.
"What lie mother?" asked Ramona.
"The lie you told your husband, the night of your birthday party," said Maddie.
"Ramona when you told him that you were with me and your sister, we were standing here next to him at the time," said Maddie
Ramona's eyes snapped open, "What?" she said. "I'd better figure out something to say before he gets home," she said. "You've got to help me come up with a plan, mother."
"Why should I?" asked Maddie.
"Mother, I realize that I've been doing some things that I shouldn't have," she said.
"But it was all just for fun. I just wanted a chance to do things, and try things that I never did when I was younger," she said. "When I was younger, I was Fat Ramona, always the hot girl's fat friend, never the one they wanted," she said. "Then I met Brad, and everything changed" she said. "I became more confident. I dressed better, because to him, I was the hot girl. But I was only the hot girl to him. And only because he loves me," she said."But now with all of the weight I lost I started getting attention from more guys, and it's refreshing," she said. "Now I can play with them for a while, and dump them, when I want." she said. "Now I'm the one with the choice, and its fun," she said."It's not a serious thing; I'd never really leave Brad, because I love him. I'm just having fun for just a while," she said. "But you said it yourself, mother, he's kind of ordinary and boring. And Brad will never find out anyway," she said. "He's always working anyway," she continued. "He'd better step up his game or he might just lose me. Just like right now, he should be home by now," she said
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I had not realized how much my baby girl had grown up over the years when all of a sudden I got hit with reality. As Candy approached her fifteenth birthday she coerced me into letting her throw an entire weekend sleepover party for five of her girlfriends. Candy knew that it was the same weekend that her mother had to be out of town on business. My wife was going across the country to attend a two-week seminar for her company. However Candy begged and pleaded so what could I do but give...
I glanced at Devon across from me. She had volunteered to be my partner on the survival phase of forester training. There were another ten in the program and they were all guys. Each pair would be dropped in a remote region of the mountains. We would have to travel two thousand kilometers with nothing but what we brought in a single pack each. I had our two man dome tent and Devon had two liners we would use as blankets. We had knives of course but rail or plasma weapons were forbidden. What I...
Unplanned and never repeated, I had sex with three different guys within a 24-hour period. At the time I did not think it slutty, but the morning after the last one I felt a tinge of guilt and embarrassment. Could not bring myself to share such behavior with any of my friends for a long long time because it was so slutty of me! I only shared the incident with a few close friends until now. It started innocently with a blind date on Friday. I had a planned dinner date with the guy I was dating...
WRONG SIDE OF THE CAMERA I am Steve, a 22 year old television presenter, determined to get to the top as quickly as possible and don't care what I have to do to get there. I have a growing reputation for doing those things no-one would dare do, or want to do, even though it has meant over-coming a few of my own phobias, not to mention the odd black eye or broken nose. It seemed all my efforts and sacrifices were beginning to pay off when I was asked by one of the smaller satellite...
shortly after he proposed i revealed to him that i had once been a prostitute. it wasn't like the sleezy street walking kind but i had sold my body for money in college. part-time girlfriend sort of deal.... the thought of a man paying me for my body (because i turned him on soo much) was exciting to me. after having told the man that i love this, i couldn't bare to look him in the eyes. i thought he would throw me away but i didn't want this to come up and haunt me later. so i braced...
==================================================================================== I felt Avery fall off of me and then I saw Karina with a huge smile on her face and Madelyn licking it clean. I knew that they weren't done yet though because soon Ruth and Avery were giving me the same treatment. I was soon hard again and that's when I took control. I stood up and said. "I want you, Karina, to take your clothes off. For now everyone else just have fun with each other and striptease."...
Kevin and I had seen each other a few times. Neither he nor I wanted a relationship and he was more than happy to let me go down on him on a regular basis to satisfy my oral cravings. We generally met up on Tuesdays, during our lunch break. This particular Tuesday it was Spring was in the air and we were able to go out for a walk on a long multipurpose trial that generally was used by cyclists. We walked about a mile and came up to an abandon century old building. Kevin suggested we dip back...
After she arrived and I destroyed her pussy the first night,auntie wanted more. The day after we fucked she was walking funny and had to be in pain. but,she needed more. THe following night i got home from work and sat on my couch to relax. She walked in wearing another tight,short skirt with black fishnets and one of my wife beaters on. her tits hung free and her nipples wear rock hard. She said,"are you ready to give that cock to auntie?" I undid my denims and she got on her knees and pulled...
IncestHi friends, this is Vicky and tthis is my first story of this site and I think you like it and me Odisha ka rehene wala hnu mera land ka size hai 7ka long and 3 ka mota or me jada apne ware me na bolte hua story me ata hnu mera girlfriend ka name sandhya hai and me jab college me padhta tha ye undino ki bat hai mera ghar or mera girlfriend ka ghar amne samne hi hai durga puja ki time tha or uske ghar wale puja ke chuti mana ne uske ghar chale gaye the. Sandhya ne mujhe sam ko ph kiya or bataya...
I slipped naked into the bed spooning behind an equally naked Lana. She stirred just a little when my hard cock pressed against her firm ass. The bed was in the master bedroom of Tess and Ben’s apartment. Lana had slept there the night whilst Ben and Tess were at my parents home - Ben dead drunk in the spare room, and Tess sharing my bed in carnal union with me. I had taken Tess home early in the morning, leaving Ben to continue to sleep off his alcoholic bender from the previous...
That time when I was just 25 years old ready for marriage. Finally my parents arranged a girl and we went to her house to see the bride. I was impressed by the beauty of the girl and immediately I expressed my willingness to my parents they also informed their willingness to the girl’s parents immediately but the girl’s parents told us that they would inform us after a week after consulting the girl as she is very shy. We said ok and returned home. I was working at Chennai and my parents at...
At midnight I phoned her back a couple of times, each time I found a busy tone. Possibly she intentionally disconnected the line because she doesn’t want to talk with me. Over the whole night, I couldn’t sleep. I went to her home the next evening. The children said, “Mom went out as she has got some work to do.” I waited along time, but she did not come. She never goes out, especially at night times. I left her home disheartened. It was midnight when I tried to talk to her over the phone...
First time writer. young, 18, dont be too harsh and this alllll fantasy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First off, let me give you a little description of myself. Im 54 with a 34D full bust, skinny with that V on my lower body. I have dark brown hair and eyes and they look almost black and Im brazilian with that deep tan. This is a story about me and my three best friends. Im the only girl in our crowd, it has always been that way....
It was the last family vacation for Tim and Tammy. Next summer, Tammy would be getting ready for college and Tim, for his senior year of high school. It had been a good first day. The flight to Florida had been smooth. The eye candy on the beach had been awesome and their parents had even bought them all alcohol for supper and they had shared some more as they sat around the fire pit on the beach.But there were only 2 double beds in the hotel room. Tim tried to jack off in the shower before...
A knock at his bedroom door awoke Ryan just after 9 am. He stretched, rolled over, and asked who it was. It was Amber, and of course he told her to come on in. She pranced in, wearing a very low-cut, half-sheer, lavender slinky nightie that accented her remarkable breasts in a tantalizing way. She had a mischievous smile on her face as well, and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryan was thrilled she was here, and knew exactly what was supposed to happen next. “How long are you staying?” Ryan...
Days pass. Lives move on. Girls go back to cheer practice and men and women make decisions about what they are going to do for the future. I think it was a week later after my conversation with Becky that the big day arrived. I dressed in jeans and a sports jacket with leather shoes on. I looked casual yet professional yet approachable. The hospital and radio station decided that a hotel ballroom would be better than a small conference room at the hospital. Ashlee, Brenda and I arrived at...
Chapter 22 Collide Friday morning! I couldn't believe it! I was so excited I nearly jumped out of my skin as I ran to the bathroom in the buff. No need to worry about modesty, Mom was never up this early. I showered and shaved. Drying off and viewing my image in the bathroom mirror, I began thinking about hair styles. I really didn't know much about them. I wanted something that was both pretty and easy to care for. I wondered if Darla would...
This story is about my surprise physical encounter with one of my surprise contact. This lengthy story will reveal a few surprise moments of my life with this Mysore girl Bhagya. This encounter happened a month back at Bangalore, but the link to the story goes 10 years back in Mysore. At that time, I was working in Mysore in a private firm. I was a bachelor and sharing the accommodation with two other friends. This rented house was in a residential area in Mysore and it was in a walking...
Head Girl Joanne’s dilemmaPauline Margaret Manson had taught at my school for twelve years. She had always seemed to me to be fair and kind to her students, but Miss held a deep secret that had started as a rumour when we were lower down the school and had become a rather loud whisper around school. Pauline had a target to administer corporal punishment to all her students by the end of the school year. So far that year, each one of her twenty A-Level History students had been placed in after...
SpankingThe school year was quickly winding down as the weather started to change over from spring to summer. I needed a break, so I decided to take a couple of personal days. My husband was out of town for a few days, and our daughter had not yet returned from college. I had the house to myself.I had a few errands to run which I got done before lunch. It was a beautiful day, so I decided that I would get some sun by the pool. As I searched through my draw of bikinis, I thought about one of the Wicked...
This is the true story of the first time I did a cum swap.So a couple months after my first bi threesome I was ready for more! I had hooked up with a few girls and had some great one on one sessions with them but I was way too nervous to bring up a threesome with any of them; I never let anyone know I was bi. The urge, however, to suck another dick was getting to be too much.Once again I turned to the internet to help solve my problem. This time, I joined a pretty well known swinging website...
Chapter 1 When I lived in Sacramento a few years ago, I had met a neighbor, Betty, at a local bar, who was attractive and currently unattached. I was seeing another woman right at that moment but we did talk and email back and forth, sometimes talking about sex and the like. My relationship with the woman I had been seeing was definitely headed downhill, so when Betty told me one day in an email about her friend, Karen, who was not happy with the sex in her marriage and asked if I would like to...
Oral Sexhi my name is Ilona Tomkiw and I want to tell members how sucking guys I was in holiday in France looking architectural outfit and evening I wanted a disco I drank a little alcohol and went to a disco in France, I did not know that this country has many nationalities I amused dancing drinking alcohol later I decided to go home across the street and then I met a black man and said that I followed him and I did because as I was when alcohol was dark and there are many black men and many booths I...
Kristina's life had improved drastically in the past two years. Most people would consider getting a divorce at thirty years old pretty bad. A divorce due to her husband's infidelity with his coworker. And his other coworker. Not to mention her own older cousin. The divorce had been swift and uncontested. He had tried to show remorse, but she would have none of it. She now had half his assets, including a small chain of coffee shops. Her revenge had only begun once Kristina had control over...
[Author’s note: This chapter has its roots in the events of “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and its alternate take, “Abby the Flute Girl.” In both stories, Abby was trying to blackmail John’s father, Billy, because she had seen him fucking her mother, Linda. Billy gave her the fucking she’d demanded but turned the tables on her by telling her it was all on video so she couldn’t lie about it. He also lectured her about being such a bitch to people. As you’ll see in this chapter, the message got...
This is a true story. However the names, locations and some events have been changed to protect the (not-so) innocent. Some things have been exaggerated slightly, but not a lot, so hopefully this is a good read. And remember, this is my first story, so bear with me. I met her 3 months ago on one of them internet dating sites. Profile read, 24 year old female seeking stability. In the photo was a slim, busty, attractive young lady. 5 foot 5, black hair, eyes and a smile that could turn any man...
Chapter 11 I had bid Sven good evening after drinking with him again, which was a poor decision. The man could hold is liquor. banshee had been delivered to Donald earlier in the evening, and I would collect her in the morning. Sven had made sure that the bed was made with Egyptian cotton white sheets, a thousand thread count, a canvas to receive the blood of banshee’s hymen as proof that I hadn’t cheated him out of his money. I staggered into my room and lay down in the bed. Even...
She knew for certain there would be a surprised reaction from her little brother, as she gained the courage to push open his bedroom door and reveal her voyeuristic self; but nothing prepared her for the startling yelp that leapt forth from the very core of his being when she did just that. Nor was she even remotely prepared her for the sight that followed. It was as if he had tried to jump up, but became immediately paralyzed by the moment of his orgasm: his young body all-at-once tensing and...
Sissy Day Care Chapter One: A She Forever I was pulled from the bed sometime before dawn by my stepmother and her two daughters. Hung over, naked and thoroughly disoriented, I was helpless as they quickly bound my legs and arms and then gagged me. They used black nylon stockings to tether my limbs and a pair of black silk panties held in place with a strip of silver duct tape to silence my confused protests. Within a few terrible seconds I was immobilised face down before...
This is a true story. Only the teacher's name was changed for obviousreasons.I knew I was different from the age of 13, when I found myself interestedin boys and stared at their crotches, hoping to see their cocks. When Ihorsed around with other boys I would invariably grab their asses and eventheir crotches in a "playful" way, They would do the same with me and Ienjoyed it. Only when I became 15 did I really become actively gay. Nowthat I'm 18, I want to tell how it happened.I wasn't very good...
The evening was peaceful. Clair heard the rain pounding as she entered her home. She felt so alive. Wearing a blue skirt and white blouse, looking stunning. She sat reading on the coach. Looking particularly stunning, she trout. Her body swayed to the sound of the rain. Her plump breasts heaving as she sighed . Her plump creamy breasts lifting as she moved. Her skirt revealed her Snow White bottom. Her nipples were so firm today. She prided herself on her athletic body of 100 lbs. as she read...
Hey Folks. Here's another story of woe and regret. Again I'm blessed to have Barney-R editing it. This one is shorter since some of you like that. Let's see how it goes. It's said that every criminal deserves his day in court. I was facing the first of two. This first one would be the hardest. Although I wasn't the star of this one, I was very involved. My loving wife had the distinction of being the focus of this investigation. Nearly everyone in town had gathered to see a civil suit....
There once was a 12 year old boy named Brunie. Brunie always considered himself mature for his age and always tried to act this way. He would often masturbate and drink alcohol. One day, Brunie was alone in his room, masturbating of course. He was moaning very loud as he was about to reach his steamy climax. All of the sudden, his 15 year old brother Tommy walked into his room. "Ahh Fuck!" Brunie screamed as he reached for his blanket to cover himself up. Tommy looked away, secretly trying...
The next morning, Dove wanted a quickie before breakfast. That was something new for her. I wondered if it had anything to do with her feelings of insecurity, or was she just feeling sexy? Who cares, as long as Dove was happy. I sure as hell didn't care, because Dove was good, whether for a quickie or for a full-blown fuck session. We had our usual breakfast of hot jerky stew and tortillas. I still don't know what that tea was made from, but it sure was not a adequate substitute for the...
Dan was expecting Susan Armstrong to arrive at about 6 PM and went to answer the doorbell chimes. “Right on time!” he smiled at Susan’s appearance. Her winter coat unfastened, Dan could see her beautiful figure temporarily hidden by a medium blue, short, low cut dress that was held closed by pearl coloured buttons. “I like your dress.” “I thought you would and what’s underneath it too and you look devilish handsome, as always,” she grinned kissing him. She guided his hand to mould to her...
Lynn sat nervously on the couch, looking at her watch for about the 15th time in as many minutes. She knew she was in trouble, she knew she would be punished and she also knew that the punishment would be fully deserved. Although she knew all of this, it did not stop her hopeing that she could use her womanly charms and wriggle out of her impending punishment. Lynn was an atractive lady in her mid 40's with a figure that most 20 year olds would be proud of. She had lived with her husband for...
SpankingSISSY'S NEW LIFE Part 1 SISSY'S NEW LIFE Part 1 My name is Laura. I married my husband James when we both very young. We had a relatively normal marriage for the first year or so. We role played occasionally, James being the submissive and me, of course being dominant. We were both naturals at those positions. I loved being waited on, tying him to our bed and teasing him, and he loved groveling at my feet and being controlled by me. It wasn't...
I am a happily married man. Me and my wife have an opened sexual life. I know that she has sex with other men and she knows that i have had affairs with other women. The thing that makes our marriage strong is that we are always opened with each other. In fact i love watching my wife have sex with other men and she likes to watch me. You might say we are swingers. About a year ago we were having repairs done on our roof. We hired Mike our neighbor to do the work, which was a lot cheaper than...
VoyeurJoan's fingers trembled as she buttoned the last button of her blouse. She was trying her best not to show exactly how nervous she was, and thought she was doing rather well. Really, it was ridiculous! Here she was, a grown woman, freaking out about a meet-the-parents thing. Oh well, time to go. "Joan," said Eric for the hundredth time as they drove to his parent's house,"you have nothing to worry about!" "Eric, what makes you think I'm worried?" asked Joan in a voice that had...
When I left off this story there was a little flower who wanted to be my friend online. I accepted Brooke, of course. Why wouldn't I? I accept anyone who has an avatar. Besides, I was very curious about this one. She said she lived in Las Vegas and the pictures she posted showed her to be the little slut I had completely used up one night this past spring. This was going to be fun and interesting. I had never quite understood how she made a living, nor how she could afford a suite in Las Vegas....
Wife LoversChase Donovan was a mutant. He was 18 years old when he became aware of his abilities. Chase was what is refered to as a "telepath". This was an ability of the mind and it started as merely being able to hear thoughts. This was a very cool experience for him and he used the ability to eves drop and eventually cheat his way though college. During his junior year, at the age of 21, he became aware that there was more to his power than he realized. Not only could he hear thoughts, but he could...
Mind ControlStace had said the ‘movers’ called Terry, “Mr. Drangren.” When she returned from school, she found me at her desk searching online for that name. “Mom, I need the computer for school.” I erased the URL history before getting up. “I’ll be gone for supper. Do take care of your dad.” “I can’t stand him!” She admitted. “Well, don’t cut yourself over it. Now that you’re signed on to be Terry’s whore, any marks will drop your price.” She gave me the finger. I exited and closed the door. My...
The following is from my book. This is a true story.The legality of nude beaches in Australia can get complicated at times. There are conflicting federal, state and locals laws. There are four legal nude beaches in the state of Victoria, but there are several that are not legal. At some beaches you can get arrested for going topless. At other beaches you won’t get arrested for going topless, but you will if you go completely nude. And at other beaches you can be as nude as you want as long as...
There was a young man of Kildare Who was fucking a girl on the stair. The bannister broke, But he doubled his stroke And finished her off in mid-air. Chapter I It began on the way home from school. Rod had stayed late, working with his fellow students on the school yearbook, and was carrying a school 35mm camera home with him. The thrills of capturing life on a still picture was initially exciting to the teen, but soon lost its thrill, though it was plainly obvious to...
Vivacious Violet Starr seems eager to team up again with Manuel in this scene from “Raw #41”. We open with Miss Starr already in the buff, bantering with Ferrara about how “he broke her porn cherry”. This ignites a frenzied scene as Violet rolls over the edge of the bed, leaving an open mouth for Manuel to fuck. Shot in POV, Miss Starr may be small in height but is fully stacked. She has even grown in a tasty bush that she proudly claims to want Manuel to cum on. After...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone I am siddharth(name changed)…I am a normal 23 year old guy with normal physique and I live in delhi. I have just completed my engineering…to be specific automobile engineering…if u guys think that I must be a popular with girls or something but the thing is I am just a normal guy Anyways the story I am going to write now happened with me while I was doing my…it happened with my cousins wife (my bhabhi). My house and my nani’s house are quite close so often go there….my mama’s...
IncestThis is the beginning page, where you can pick whatever episode you want to work on. I'm trying to follow the episodes' story fairly closely, but add sex scenes into them. Also, the show is known for the talking head segments where they cut to an individual commenting on something that is happening since this show is a "documentary." I'm incorporating it into the story. The talking head segments will be in parentheses. Hopefully it doesn't get too confusing.
Author’s Note: This chapter can almost be classified as non-erotic as most of the ‘erotic’ content is just teasing. I will make up for the lack of content in chapter four, which should be approved along with this chapter. IF not, it should follow soon as I am submitting both chapters simultaneously. Katie *** Week 3: Growing Temptation Growing Closer ‘Thanks again for your vote,’ said Connor as Patricia lined up her shot. ‘That really made it easier to get her out.’ ‘Of course,’...
I had been working quite a lot as I did'nt have much of a reason to do anything else lately, on this particular saturday afternoon I finished work and decided to stop on the way home and buy Subway for dinner.As I walked up to the counter their was a cute girl ahead of me ordering, she was short in height about 5' 2", a little chubby but she carried it well because she had quite large breasts, pretty face, nice eyes, sexy round ass and a great smile.While I waited my turn I could not help but...
Chapter 5 From that day forward Cindy called me Amanda, using Mark only when someone might hear my female name and even then, she would forget on occasion. We were at school one day and Cindy, Jennifer, and Margret were talking about going to the mall In Auburn the next day. "Amanda and I went there, just yesterday," Cindy said, without thinking. "Who's Amanda?" Jennifer asked. "I thought you and Mark went together." "Oh we did, did I say Amanda? I meant Mark, Amanda's my cousin...
I was an average, married white guy. We had been married for 18 years with an poor sex life you know all the sex before we got married and than less and less until my hand was still my best friend. I had never in my life ever thought of being with another man in any form.We live in a nice upscale middle class neighborhood. Everyone knows everyone, and we all get along very well. Neighborhood picnics, hanging out, camping, all that.When we first moved there everyone was really nice to us and...
”We can fuck my ass in here.” Bob threw his arms around her and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her. He groped her ass crack through her bike shorts. But just as his jaws was starting to bite into her mouth real good, she pulled away. She pushed him off her. ”What’s the matter? I know you’re horny in that ass. Don’t fucking deny it.” Liesje looked scared. ”I’m just so worried that you’re gonna tell somebody. If the other dykes find out I’ve been penetrated by a male, I’ll...