Sibling Rivalry free porn video

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"So dickweed, you and what's her name make it yet?" Frank asked. Alan said nothing and kept reading his French assignment. Frank persisted, "how about it? You finally get to slip that pitiful little excuse for a cock to her?"

Alan's brow furrowed and his lips pursed, "Shut up." He muttered, turning the page before he'd finished reading it. 

"What's the matter? Can't find it without a microscope? Or you just can't get it up without thinking about how much you wish she was a guy?" 

Alan looked up scowling. "Fuck off douche-bag!" 

Frank grinned wolfishly. "Hey don't sweat it little bro. I'm sure she'll understand when you tell her you're a homo." 

"I said fuck off!" 

Still grinning, Frank ruffled Alan's hair. Alan felt his cheeks burning. Frank's eyes gleamed with casual hate. "Later sis," he muttered before heading out of the room. 

Alan stared at him as he left, his mind buzzing with rage. His buttons weren't easily pushed, but Frank knew how to push them better than anyone. He waited for the sound of the sliding door to the living room. Gone. Thank god. He had the house the to himself for a few hours at least. 

After a few more seconds had passed he pulled out his phone, and typed: “Hey. What’s up?” Scrolling through the contacts he found Amy’s name and hit send. A moment later his phone chirped back. 

“Not much. How ‘bout you?” 

He smiled to himself as he read, already feeling himself cool off. He had no problem with texting but as far as he was concerned, incoherent text speak like “nm” and “u” and “plz” was for illiterates. Amy was of the same opinion. It was a tiny thing but it was one of dozen tiny things that he liked about her. Starting to love about her. Puppy love maybe, but love.

“Parents are out. House is empty. Want to hang out?”

“What about the toad?”

“Just left.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in ten.”

“I’ll be waiting.”


“He sounds terrible,” Amy said, running her finger over the DVDs by Alan’s TV. Alan was stretched out on the queen-sized bed, quietly admiring her shape from behind. He loved the way her short, dark hair cupped around her ears. The way her pale neck vanished down her shirt. The way just a hint of her butt poked out of her jeans as she bent in front of the DVD rack. 

“He is,” Alan said. “Frank’s spent the past sixteen years I’ve been alive thinking up ways to make me miserable. He’s a certifiable nightmare.” 

“What’s his problem anyway?” she asked, as she pulled a DVD off the rack –Tarantino, she really was perfect! 

“Hmmmm, who knows? I used to try to figure it out. Is he jealous I stole his mommy when he was three? Is he jealous that I’m smarter and do better in school? Nowadays my theory is that he’s just a sadist, plain and simple.” 

“So you think he gets off on it? Kinky.” 

Alan stuck his tongue out, “Eck! Don’t even joke about that! Sickens me just to imagine it!” 

Amy giggled as she stood back up and started towards the bed. The front of her was even better news than the back. A face best described as cute as a button, with wide brown eyes, a tiny nose and pink, always grinning lips. Her form was petite but curvy in the right places, a full C-cup chest, hidden beneath a black REM t-shirt, a flat stomach and slender legs and hips. 

She sat down beside him cross-legged, her knees resting on her bare feet. He shifted up to meet her. Even after a month of dating it still thrilled him to be so close to her. The warmth of her body next to his, the smell of the strawberry shampoo in her hair. His heart started beating faster. 

Within five minutes of the movie starting neither of them were paying much attention to it. They were much more interested in each other. Her lips pressed against his, tongues rolling in each other’s mouths. His hands slipped over her denim-clad thigh, up her shirt and landed on the fabric of her bra where he felt her nipple stiffen under his touch. Sighing, she grabbed hold of his head firmly and raked her nails down his back. At this point neither of them heard the sliding door open. 

His hands began to creep up from her waist, pushing her shirt up as they went. Amy raised her arms and let it slip over her head, revealing the purple brassiere holding her c-cup breasts beneath. She eagerly tugged eagerly at his clothes, pulling the faded Dropkick Murphys shirt off of his scrawny, adolescent body. They did not hear the door slide shut nor the footsteps shuffling across the living room and down the hall. 

Alan buried his face in the nape of her neck as he worked at the hooks of her bra. Fumbling, sweaty, shaking fingers tugging and pushing. Seconds passed. Amy giggled sweetly. “Need a hand?” 

“I’ve got it!” Alan said half laughing himself. One hook unlatched. “There we go!” he said, prying at the next one. Then several things happened very quickly. First Amy’s body became tense and stiff in his arms. He was about to ask if she was all right when she muttered what sounded like “Oh my god!” Then she screamed. A short, high pitched squeak and with it she pulled violently backwards and fell to the bed. A split second later there was a loud thud from behind him as the door slammed against the wall. A very perplexed Alan whirled around to see what was going on. Standing in the doorway, grinning devilishly as he held up his cell phone was Frank. 

“Hi little brother!” he called, before descending into guffaws of laughter.


“Frank! Get the fuck out of here!” Alan roared, lamely shifting his body to block Amy’s from his brother’s view. Amy had tugged the covers of the bed up to cover her breasts and was peeking out from over Alan’s shoulder. 

“Piss off you fucking pervert!”she shrieked. 

Frank stood nonchalantly in the doorway, smiling as he looked into the screen of his phone. “Please don’t mind me, this is beautiful! Keep going! It’s getting good!” 

In an instant Alan saw red. The world actually took on a dark crimson hue and he was on his feet in a flash, charging at his older brother. In his mind’s eye he saw exactly what he was going to do: grab the phone, smash it to the floor, then rain down punches on Frank’s face enough times to wipe that hateful fucking grin off his face forever. He took two leaping strides towards him when his “plan” suddenly fell apart. 

Without evening looking up, Frank swung his clenched fist. It collided squarely with Alan’s testicles. The force stopped him dead in his tracks. There was delay of perhaps two seconds in which all he could do was stare down at his body, waiting for the pain. Then it was there. A dull, aching throb that started in his testes and welled up into his gut, pulsing and becoming more intense as it went. He hunched his shoulders, as his vision became a watery blur. A shocked groan poured out of his mouth, “Awwww!” 

“Sorry about that bro, here why don’t you sit down for a little while.” Frank raised his hand to Alan’s bare chest and shoved him backwards forcefully. Alan’s knees bent and gave way. He rushed towards the carpet and collapsed in a heap. His hands groped his poor, hurt groin, a low moan of pain escaping his throat. From the bed he heard Amy gasping, “Quit it dipshit! Just leave us alone!” 

Looking up, through his tears of agony and rage, Alan saw Frank looming over him. A lean, muscular, wrestler’s build. Brown hair, with frosted tips gelled up into spikes on his head, a barbwire tattoo poking out of the sleeve of his Hollister T-shirt. And the fucking grin. He seemed to summarize everything Alan hated. 

He reached up to grasp the goddamn phone, hoping the gesture was not as pathetic as it felt, but far too slowly. Frank pulled it out of his reach easily. With effort he was able to get his knees. As he looked up he realized he was now about to beg. His stomach lurched with lingering pain. “Asshole, just get out of here! Please!” 

Frank looked down at him as if noticing him for the first time. He shrugged “Oookay, I’ll just go. Got a great little movie here already. So good, I bet mom and dad will love it.” He turned towards the hall. Cold horror surged into Alan’s body as realization dawned. 

“Hey, wait!” he shouted. 

“Alan…stop hi-!” 

“I bet!” Frank overrode her, turning back to look at Amy, “That they like it so much, that they’ll want to share it with your parent’s too!” He started back out, moving with deliberate slowness. 

Amy shot Alan a panicked glance. Agitation was turning to fear in her face. “Alan….” she muttered sheepishly. 

“Frank!” Alan called, crawling to his feet. Standing made the pain surge once more, through his crotch and stomach again, but more mildly now. He winced a little as he took half a step forward. Frank paused and looked back at him curiously. “You…you wouldn’t really show that to them would you?” 

Frank shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I?” Alan could feel his teeth grinding. Frank had them perfectly in his grasp. 


“Give me a reason not to.” 

“I’ve got fifty bucks in my wallet.” Alan said, realizing as he spoke he was close to tears. He loathed having Amy see him like this. Worse, she was in it too now. He felt responsible for the entire catastrophe. 

Frank seemed to consider the offer deeply, or as close to deeply as he could muster. Then he shook his head. “Nah! I’ve got money, I’d rather show it to Mom and Dad!” 

“What the hell do you want?!” Cried Amy fiercely from the bed. Both boys turned to look at her. She was on her knees on the far side of the mattress, the blanket wrapped firmly over her chest with her bare arms. There was a moment of silence and in that moment Alan felt something close to dread welling up in his throat. He saw a look come over Frank’s face, hungry and predatory smile. 

“What do I want? Hmmm…. You.”


“Me?! What the fuck does that mean?!” Amy asked hotly. 

“It means” Frank said, every bit as cool as she was hot, “that I wanna help you guys out. I saw you fumbling all over the bra bro. You’re making fucking rookie mistakes. I wanna show you how to do it right. All of it. I mean, he can’t be all that satisfying for you…uh…what’s your name?” 

“Amy, moron! So you mean…you expect me to…you want me…you fucking pig!” She grabbed the nearest pillow and sent it sailing through the air, letting a few inches of cleavage slip out from behind the sheet as she did. It spun end over end, straight past Frank’s head and landed in the hall. 

Alan moved before he knew he was doing it. He blinked and he was holding Frank’s collar, fist raised, and blood pumping so hard it seemed to rattle his teeth. Frank was for an instant caught off guard. He was still smiling but his eyes widened in surprise and when he spoke there were an edge in his voice. “Try it! Come on pussy, just swing at me. Make it count though, cause after you do I’ll kick your ass so hard your clothes will bleed. Then I’ll send mom and dad the video after I send it to the entire wrestling team.” 

Alan’s body shook. His fist trembled. It took every ounce of restraint in his body not to let it fly. He still might have if Amy hadn’t called out from behind him. 

“Alan, don’t!” 

He exhaled slowly and gradually released his grip on Frank’s shirt. He took two steps back until he felt the bed frame behind his legs. He stared his brother down. “You can’t really be serious about this.” 

Frank pursed his lips as he made a show of thinking it over. “Yeah I can. The way I see it, we all have two options. One, you guys don’t play ball. In which case our parents get upset, her parents get upset, you guys both get locked away for a few months in your rooms and are not allowed to see each other, and no one has any fun. Two, you guys do play ball. No one is upset, no one’s in trouble and…two of us have fun.” He smirked. “Seems like a no brainer to me guys.” 

“Uck!” Amy groaned. “How can you live with yourself being so disgusting?!” 

“Just lucky. But hey, I’m not twisting anyone’s arm. It’s your call.” 

There was another moment of long silence that hung over the room. Finally Amy sighed. “And…you’ll delete the video?” 

Alan looked up at her in amazement. “Amy! Don’t say you actually are considering this!” Ice was pouring through his veins. He felt drunk. The world had become a surreal nightmare. 

“Alan,” she said, he voice miserable and defeated. “We can’t let him show that video to our parents. You…you know that. Maybe it won’t…. be so bad.” she looked up sharply at Frank, eyes flashing with a glimmer of defiance, “but just this once right? After this it’s over and done with.” 

He nodded, “Sure thing. One and done. So…we have a deal?” Silence hung thickly over the room. At last Amy spoke. 

“Whatever, sure… deal. Just remember… I’m willing but not…you now…enthusiastic or anything.” 

Frank snickered. “Oh I’m sure you’ll…come around. Have a seat little bro. Hope you enjoy the show.” 

“Fuck this!” Alan exclaimed, eyes darting wildly from his girlfriend to his brother. “No fucking way am I just gonna sit here and watch this crap!” He started towards the door, when Frank grabbed him roughly by the shoulder. 

“Yes. You will. You’re going to it right there at your desk, you’re gonna watch and you’re gonna fuckinglearn.” 

Alan looked past him to Amy. She shrugged, “come one Alan. I’ll bet with you here this limp-dick won’t be able to do much. Besides…If I’ve got to suffer, maybe you should to.” 

Alan’s head swiveled helplessly from one to the other. He was trapped. There was no other course but to give in. Cheeks hot, head pounding, he walked to his desk. “Oh, I’ll suffer all right,” he muttered, sitting down hard. 

“Alright!” Frank exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “Boys and girls class is in session!”


Amy had retreated to the back of the bed, keeping the blanket over her body. Frank moved across the room, pulling his shirt off and kicking away his sandals as he did. He stood beside the bed as he took hold of the blanket. “Ok, so let’s just have a look shall we?” he said, tugging it down. Amy let it fall away, revealing her bra locked breasts. 

“Mmmm, very nice,” Frank murmured, leering. His hands went to the sides of her stomach and slid up her body. They cupped over them and began to squeeze. Amy’s face contorted. Watching, Alan felt like throwing up. 

“My, my, these are nice aren’t they? Hmm, like ripe peaches,” Frank said, kneading them with his fingertips. “Okay numb nuts, this is how you take a bra off, since I saw you couldn’t do it.” 

His hands slithered around her back, a second later the straps of her fell forward. Amy shifted her shoulders and Alan watched as her breasts, perfect, white orbs topped by light pink nipples tumbled out. “Oh, you are a lucky guy Alan,” Frank said, lightly running his fingers over them. His thumbs rolled over her areolas, Amy’s face twitched. 

She whimpered softly but sharply, “Mmn!” Her eyes shot over to Alan and in her eyes he saw a flash of deep concern. Her cheeks flushed. “Lay back, get comfy baby,” Frank directed, nudging her backwards. As instructed Amy laid her head against the pillow. Frank crawled onto the bed and leaned over her. From his seat Alan had a perfect view as he bent forward and started to kiss her neck. Amy’s face twisted again and Alan once more felt his stomach roll. 

Frank’s lips made their way down her body, pecking at her breasts. His tongue extended, snake like from his mouth and spun over nipple, before he took the entire thing into his lips. 

“Ah! This is so weird!” Amy exclaimed. Alan squirmed and clenched his teeth. Digging his nails into his palm as he watched.

“Just relax,” Frank said calmly as he moved his attention to her other tit. Amy’s eyes closed. Alan thought he her gasp softly. 

Frank looked up, “Mmm, so, has the loser eaten your pussy yet?”

“Oh goddamnit Frank!” Alan growled 

“Shut up. Well has he?” 

Amy opened her eyes and soundlessly she shook her head. Frank chuckled, “What’s the matter with you Alan? Hate the taste of fish?” He started to creep down the bed, kissing her body as he went “I think,” He whispered, pulling his mouth off of her stomach. “That should put you in the right frame of mind. Here, let’s get these jeans off.” His fingers went to the clasp of her pants. 

“Oh my god,” she said, raising her hand to her face. The button popped open and Frank reached under the rim of her jeans and started pulling them down. Amy fidgeted, shifting her hips and lifted her butt off the mattress to let them slide off her legs. Frank tossed them aside and began to remove her underwear. 

Alan turned his head. Watching was killing him. His skull was pounding; gut was churning, teeth grinding into powder. But then he found himself looking back. Peeking a little at first, then turning his head to see. He didn’t want to see this, but morbid fascination made him. He’d never seen Amy, or any girl, totally naked, in person at least. Amy was his first serious girlfriend and over the month they’d been dating the progress they’d made was slow and measured. Neither of them were prudes, they’d just been taking it slow, progressing as their mutual levels of comfort built. They’d gotten as far as some under the clothes third base, and that had been fine with Alan. He knew that eventually they’d go further. 

But now here they were. He never expected it to be like this, never wanted it to be like this, hated that it was like this. But Amy was about to be totally naked, and while the mammal at the front of his brain told him to look away, the reptile in his brain stem made him watch. 

Frank pulled the panties down slowly over her thighs. Alan saw as the neatly trimmed patch of black hair between Amy’s legs came into view. Alan felt a battle going on between his body and his brain. Revulsion and arousal stirred and mixed chaotically. He gripped his thigh and dug his nails into his skin. After he’d gotten them off her Frank tossed the panties away. It looked like a casual move, but he must have been aiming, because the pair landed squarely in Alan’s lap. 

“Ooh, very nice,” Frank murmured, as he ran his fingers smoothly over the small sable patch of pubic hair. “Mmm, you keep it nice and neat for a high school girl.” 

Amy’s body shivered, “Um, thanks, I guess.” 

“Now spread your legs. Come on. There you go.” Frank nudged at her thighs. Hesitantly, Amy bent her knees and opened her legs until she was spread eagle. Alan could see her perfectly. 

Frank reached out and stroked her, gingerly, as one would pet the fur of a cat. She shivered again. 

“Hmm yes, very nice. I do believe she’s already wet Alan.” 

“I am not!” Amy snapped hotly. 

“Frank’s eyes gleamed. “Liar, liar.” She stared coldly at him for a moment, then looked away blushing. Frank snickered and lowered himself. “Let’s start,” he said, his voice breathy as he put his head between her legs, “by just…teasing…a little….” He opened his mouth and began to move his lips up Amy’s inner thigh. Alan could see his tongue darting out as he kissed is way along her leg, leaving a trail of saliva. Amy’s face was grimacing, though not in any discomfort that Alan could see. It looked like she was trying hard to keep focus on something. 

When he’d reached the apex of her leg, Frank began to do the same to the other. Licking and kissing her smooth skin with ease, finally he reached her soft pink cleft of flesh. Extending his tongue his tongue, he cast his eyes towards Alan and winked, before slowly running it up her slit. He started at the edge of the crack of her ass and moved it methodically upwards. As he did, Alan watched as Amy’s back arched up off the bed. Her eyes closed. “Oh! Oooh!” she moaned, her hands balling into fists, tugging at the sheet. Alan’s eyes widened in shock and he heard the sound of muffled laughter, as Frank laid his palms on her thighs and pushed them back so that her feet left the mattress.

Alan could only see part of his brother’s face buried in Amy’s pussy. His lips were locked onto her body, his cheeks undulating back and forth. He looked to her face. Her eyes were closed, mouth hanging open, breathing slow and steady.

“Huh!” she gasped suddenly. Her arm reached quickly behind her head and grabbed hold of her pillow. Her face contorted and she started to moan. A high, broken sound almost like a whine of pain. “Aaaah... aw! Aaaaaw… ooh! Oh Shit!”

With her free hand she groped blindly, finally resting it on the back of Frank’s head, seeming to push him deeper into her.

Alan’s mouth fell open as he watched in disbelief as Amy’s body shuddered and twitched. “Jesus Amy. Are you… enjoying this?” he asked appalled.

“Mmmmn! I… I don’t want to… but -oh fuck! -... It feels soo good! Aw!”

“Mmhmm, and it tastes good too!” said Frank’s muffled voice.

“Don’t stop! Mmm, please don’t stop!” Amy begged breathily.

“For fuck sake Amy!” Alan groaned.

“I can’t help it!” she cried indignantly. “Uuuh, for such a creep… you - oh! – You sure do this good.”

Alan rolled his eyes in disbelief. Frank’s head bobbed up and down. Amy moaned, her head rolling on the pillow. She gripped her knees and pulled her legs up higher.

“I don’t freaking believe this,” muttered Alan.

“Sorry Alan, I’m…Oh! Awww!” Her back arched again and her breasts heaved out. Alan saw her toes curling as her legs shook. Her face twisted and her mouth opened wide. “Ah! Ah! Aah…Fuck! Oh God! Huh! Huh, huh.”

Frank’s head moved faster as she road his tongue through her orgasm. Alan closed his eyes. It seemed to last forever. Finally she fell back to the mattress, cheeks burning red and brow sweaty, panting. Frank popped up from between her thighs. His lips were slick and grinning unbuckle. He wiped his chin as he rose to his knees. “Here, I got an idea.” He began to unbuckle his belt. Amy glanced over at Alan. He saw a gleam in he eyes. It looked like excitement.

“Isn’t this shit over yet?” he asked.

“Are you kidding?” Frank responded. Pulling down his shorts. “I said everything. The fun’s just starting little bro.”

His cock popped out from his boxers like it was spring-loaded. 10 inches easily, rock hard, the circumcised tip swollen to a deep purple. Alan felt own manhood shrivel. Amy’s eyes became very wide. Frank crawled up to the top of the bed and laid himself down, his hardon jutting upwards like an obelisk. “Now, straddle your legs around my head and pop that cock in your mouth. Let’s show this fucker how to ’69.”

“Oh, um… ok,” Amy said. She threw her gaze over to Alan and shrugged. She got to her hands and knees and crept cat like across the bed into position, gingerly maneuvering her legs around Frank’s head. Her petite form and fair skin stood in sharp contrast to her muscular, tanned body as she lowered herself. Her eyes were fixed on his crotch.

Alan was down and to the right of the foot of the bed and was nearly face to face with her. He watched as she tentatively wrapped fingers around his shaft and began to stroke him. She was leaned over, her face inches from the tip, seeming to examine it carefully. Frank’s hands appeared on her butt cheeks. She grunted and sighed softly. Then she looked up and stared Alan straight in the eye as she took the engorged tip into her mouth. Her cheeks puckered. Her head moved up and down, her hand pulling on the shaft.

The room filled with wet, slurping, sucking sounds. There were grunts and groans and animalistic whines as well as they devoured each other. Amy’s face was beet red as she tried to moan with her mouth full of cock. “Mmm! Nnn! Umm ghh!” She stroked him faster. Suddenly her head popped up eyes full of surprise. She giggled wildly. “Oooh God, did you, hehehe, oh man, are you… licking my ass?!”

“Mmmhmm” Frank murmured from far away.

“Hehehe, feels weird! Mmm,” she squealed with laughter, her butt wiggling as she lowered herself back down. Her tongue lapped playfully from her mouth around the tip before she bobbed back onto it. Her breasts hung and bounced and swayed from her body. Up and down her head went. Up and down, faster and faster. Taking him more and more into her mouth. Her ass flailed and squirmed and she grunted wildly.

“You don’t have to act so into it you know,” Alan said sourly. Amy ignored him. She pulled her lips from Frank’s cock and began to lick and kiss his balls as her hand pumped at his shaft. Her thumb circled the tip. Alan could hear Frank moaning from beneath her. “Oh! Uuuuh! Uuurm yea! Mmn!” Then Frank reached down her arm by the elbow. “Oh! Stop! Stop; ease up…” he panted. “Here, crawl off me,” he ordered, sounding out of breath. Obediently she released his member and swung her legs off of him. Frank shifted quickly to a sitting position. Amy’s body partially blocked him from view but Alan could still see Frank run his finger down her slit. “You’re dripping!” he exclaimed.

Amy tittered, the squeaked. Her eyes got big. “Oh! Oh my god! Hmm!” Craning his neck a little Alan could see Frank slipping his middle finger into her. His hand darted in and out as he slid his index finger in as well. Amy began to rock back and forth in rhythm with them. Frank’s hand moved faster and faster. Amy laid her weight on one hand, while the other grabbed hold of her breast, pinching and teasing her nipple.

Alan sat back grimly in his chair sulking. He stared intently at Amy’s face, wanting her to see him pouting. To see how upset he was, to remember he was there. When she did looked up, he there was at least some affection left in her face. Her eyes seem to plead with him. “Oh, don’t, huh, huh, please don’t hate me because it, huh, huh, feels good Alan. Awwww! Mmmm you know I wish it was yoooou! Mmm fuck!”

“Whatever.” Alan grumbled.

“God her pussy is so fucking tight dude!” Said Frank, his fingers pulsing in and out of her. “How old are you baby?”

“Uh, Si-Sixteen!”

“Heh, mmm, tight wet virgin vag, I love it! I’ll open it up a little for you bro.” Amy closed her eyes. “Oh shit! Mmm! I’m… I’m…”

“Hehe, gonna cum again baby? Mmm, that’s not nice. You shouldn’t cum in front of your boyfriend while his big brother finger fucks you,” Frank tittered. His fingers speared faster and harder. Amy’s face contorted, she bit her lip. She grabbed the sheets hard.

“Nnn! Mm! uh! Aw! Oh Shit! Mmhmm, mmhmm, yea! Yea! Awww!”

Alan felt like he was going insane, as the sound of her orgasm rang off the walls of his skull and watching her pale, lithe body gyrating and writhing over Frank, the vicious Neanderthal, the brute that enjoyed nothing more than to case him suffering. Desperately he checked his watch, certain that hours had gone by. It would be 11 by now. Mom and dad would be getting ready to come home and Amy would need to be getting ready to make her Midnight curfew. His heart sank when he saw the digital read out. It was 8:15.

Amy collapsed panting to the bed. Her body still trembling, her dark hair falling over her flushed and sweating face. “Oh my god. Oh my god.” She whispered over and over. Frank scooted around the mattress and stroked her back soothingly.

“Having fun hun?” he asked, looking at Alan as he said it.

“Oh my god. You’re the devil,” Amy croaked.

Frank’s eyebrows rose. “That’s right. You two made a deal with the devil. So now, you’ve gotta pay up. Let’s pop that cherry of yours Amy.”

“Frank,” Alan said, his voice weak and strained. “Please, hasn’t this gone far enough?”

Frank looked at him, considering. “Well,” he said, “What do you think Amy?”

She had gotten up and was sitting cross-legged on the tangled sheets. She cast her eyes from Alan to Frank then back again. Alan could see that same gleam in her big brown eyes. Eager with desire. “Well… we did agree to do everything he said Alan.”

Frank smiled and leaned forward, taking her in his arms, his hands cupping around her breasts. “Mmm, that’s right baby. You did.” Amy leaned back into his embrace, placing her her head against his chest and laying her hands over his. It looked like she was trying not to smirk.

Alan was horrified by what he was hearing. “Amy, come on! You can’t possibly want to lose your virginity to…this…pig!”

She shrugged. “We don’t have any choice remember? Besides, I had to lose it eventually. It could be worse.”

Frank kissed her hair. “Ready?”

Amy tilted her head to look at him and with a coquettish smile forming on her lips she nodded. Alan fell back in the chair and fidgeted, his hands laced across his chest and he scowled. He could feel hot tears burning behind his eyes, wanting to pour out as he watched Frank take one more thing away from him. “Good,” Frank said, “Now lay down on your side, make sure Alan can see that gorgeous little body of yours.”

She did as he said, lying down on her side, her short black hair fanning out over the pillow. Frank laid his body behind hers and raised one of her legs. Alan saw his cock between her thighs. Amy coo’d softly as he place the tip, throbbing and slick with precum against her dripping wet lips. He took her hand and guided it down between her legs.

“Spread your lips apart a bit baby. This may sting for a second, just relax.” He whispered. May nodded vigorously, breathing deep with anticipation. “Here goes.” He shifted his hips, and his manhood began to disappear inside her. Amy’s eyes got very wide, then closed tightly. Her mouth opened wider and wider the deeper it slipped in.

“Huaaa! Mmmmnaa! It’s really stretching me!” She moaned raising her leg higher.

“Mnn! Yeah! That;s so fucking tight! Oh how’s that feel baby!” Frank asked, pushing slowly inwards.

“Uh, huh! Oh it hurts a little, but it feels so good!”

He moved deeper into her, with deliberate slowness, letting her feel every inch. Alan saw clearly as her pussy swallowed up Frank’s cock. She winced a little as it reached the base.

“Amy, are, are you okay?” Alan asked wounded.

“Mmmfuck yeah I’m ok!” she cried, reaching up and bending her arm to grab frank’s head. She turned her face to look up at his and shoved his mouth against hers. Frank kissed her back, grabbing her leg as he did, pushing it up higher and beginning to rock his hips back and forth. Alan could see the titanic dick pull out of Amy until just the last inches remained inside and then push back in. Each time it impaled her she’d moan.

His rhythm began to increase. The springs of the bed squeaked and whined. Alan could hear their bodies. He could actually hear the wet, sucking sound of Amy’s pussy drawing in his brother’s dick. The steady beat of his thighs hitting her thighs. The constant, ‘creak, creak, creak, creak’ of the bed frame. Above that were the sounds the two of them were making; Frank, grunting and starting to pant, as he went faster and faster, in and out of her. Amy, moaning endlessly like a banshee.

“Aw, aw, uh, Ah! Aaah! Aaaah! Oooh, oooooh!”To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Friendly Rivalry

Our school had 2 swimming teams, a girls team and a boys team. There had always been a rivalry between the two. Each team thought they were better than the other and would have a competion on Friday every few months to prove it. Of course what most people didn't know is what happened to the losing team. After each competition the losing side became the winners slaves for the weekend. There was a large house outside of twin that the teams rented for the weekend. it wasn't to far from town but it...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sibiling rivalry

Sibling Rivalry It was finally summer. Long days in winter coats where over. In with shorts and tight tee shirts. Not that it really bothered the kitterjackal. Kasi had always felt she looked good in any kind of clothing as long as it was gothic and brooding. Yes the emo look fit her well and now that it was summer the barely adult 18 year old could show off her stuff in dr****g black tee shirts and tight fitting pants that hugged her shapely rear end. But it wasn't just teenaged rebellion that...

2 years ago
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Sibiling rivalry

Sibling Rivalry It was finally summer. Long days in winter coats where over. In with shorts and tight tee shirts. Not that it really bothered the kitterjackal. Kasi had always felt she looked good in any kind of clothing as long as it was gothic and brooding. Yes the emo look fit her well and now that it was summer the barely adult 18 year old could show off her stuff in dr****g black tee shirts and tight fitting pants that hugged her shapely rear end. But it wasn't just teenaged rebellion that...

3 years ago
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Goth Girl Rivalry

(Author's note: Feel free to add chapters. I will publish if they follow the guidelines.) It was a big night at the club. A famous band had just played in town and Blackmail was holding the afterparty. Everyone who was anyone was there, and that meant feathers would be ruffled. Not only did everyone's friends show up, but everyone's enemies as well. The bar was doing brisk business. Not only would this keep the owner happy, and Cherise, the lovely barmaid's tips abundant, but the "social...

4 years ago
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Coping with Retirement part 5 Sibling Rivalry

You’ll get more out of it if you’ve read the story so far, but it does stand alone too. ............... “So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful younger sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. “Nothing!” said John, looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.” That was true. Our...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

‘So dickweed, you and what’s her name make it yet?’ Frank asked. Alan said nothing and kept reading his French assignment. Frank persisted, ‘how about it? You finally get to slip that pitiful little excuse for a cock to her?’ Alan’s brow furrowed and his lips pursed, ‘Shut up.’ He muttered, turning the page before he’d finished reading it.  ‘What’s the matter? Can’t find it without a microscope? Or you just can’t get it up without thinking about how much you wish she was a guy?’  Alan looked up...

3 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Although I'm not the devil incarnate, I'm no angel either. With big firm tits, narrow waistline, and up-to-my-neck legs, I know I look good and when I set my sights on having something, I usually get my way. Lately, I've been thinking about Dean — something of a problem as he’s my older sister's boyfriend.After going out for a couple of weeks, Nicole introduced him to our parents. Although we hadn't met, I knew of him vaguely and I looked up his Facebook and Instagram profiles. I liked what I...

4 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Dan wakes up from a deep sleep. He dreamt about his little sis' Kelly and woke up with hefty morning wood. He knew it was wrong, but he had always found her quite attractive. Dan is 19 years old and lives at home with his family, his sister is 10 months younger than him, and damn is she hot. Dan looks across the room and sees Kelly sleeping snuggly. They live in a very small house, so they've always shared a room together. Dan decides to get up out of bed and take a shower. Dan strips out if...

2 years ago
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Family Rivalry

Note: All characters are at least 18 and up The suburban neighborhood was typically very peaceful and quiet, the loudest its ever gotten was when the closest neighbors hosted a party. But at one party the neighborhood just got louder and much less peaceful. At a party, tensions (God knows the why) between two families grew and formed into Sexual Competitions or Sex Fights. The fights can be in any style of the families' choosing. These are the basic rules that the Families have agreed on. 1)...

3 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Kat 18 years old Light Brown Hair Green Eyes 5'3'' Tan Skin Shes the kind of goody goody that doesn't want to break the rules, she never steps out of line and basically keeps quiet. But if you piss her off, she'll become a stubborn bitch with a foul mouth. Sean 20 years old Black Hair Blue Eyes 6'2'' Pale Skin He's the kind of guy who is the loner, a bad ass who you'd most likely see smoking pot in the boys' bathroom. You'll probably see a bunch of blond cheerleaders following him around, and...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

My sister, Victoria, has always been the star of the family. Top of her class since the day she was born. The President of half the clubs at our high school, founding member of the other half. Come graduation, the administration had to ask her to step down as class President so that someone else would have a chance to give a speech. She agreed with all the grace and charm that was expected of her and, a year older than me, left a towering shadow for me to shine under.I replicated her high...

2 years ago
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The Rivalry

My name is Chris and my twin sister’s name is Kris too. When we were born, the doctor said we nearly didn't make it out because we both tried to come out first. In fact we nearly came out together, and in the confusion of the delivery room the doctor lost track of which one of us came out first, so rather than getting it wrong, we were documented as being born at exactly the same time, 11:59 pm.Our parents decided that since we looked alike, we should have the same name, but spelled out as...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Hi, my name is Dan and I’m 20 years old. I’d like to tell you about a very close encounter with someone very dear to me, especially now, my twin Jodie.We are both very sporty people and very competitive, always trying to out-do each other, not just in our sporting lives but in pretty much everything we do; and it’s this competitiveness that brought about what happened that evening just over a year ago.Our parents had hired a cottage for a weekend and asked us to come and join them. Jodie and me...

3 years ago
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End of a Rivalry

Warning! This story contains extreme depictions of brutality. If you aren't into violent fighting/sex fantasies, then don't comment on how you didn't like it. With out further adeau:Leya and Alyssa hated each other. The two women are opposite in every way: Alyssa is overweight, Leya is fit, Alyssa is an irresponsible bum, and Leya excels at whatever she does. The crossroads of these two opposites is boxing. Both of these girls fight in the same manner and style. Both women shamelessly...

4 years ago
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I felt a surge of trepidation as I stepped into the office. It was silly, of course; I had every reason to be there. I'd recently heard from my agent, and they were giving me the part after all. I should be thanking my luck, not worrying that I didn't belong there. The secretary smiled at me as I closed the door. The effect was quite distracting, and almost made me forget why I was there. "Uh, Alex Taylor, here to see Mr. Brennan," I said, trying not to stare. It really was...

5 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Wayne Johnson was what you would call a mad scientist. Day in and day out, he invented. Though the government would sometimes be interested and purchase what he created, he remained fiercely independent. He supported his family well enough, making a variable income, but comfortably within six figures. He had a wife and two children, a son of 16 and a daughter of 17. His wife, Renee, supported him in his endeavors. She was attractive and took care of herself. Tall, bleached blonde,...

4 years ago
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The Middle Sister Part 2 Sibling Rivalry

Izzy checks her face in the dresser mirror before leaving, the idling diesel of the taxi in the street below the bedroom urging her to hurry. I imagine the twitching curtains of neighbours, the scandal of our late hours.My mind is racing, desperate, a succession of useless thoughts that could never forestall the inevitable. But then an idea arrives. Only half-formed, it might yet be fit for purpose, my get out of jail free card lifted from the chance pack stacked on the board of...

2 years ago
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Stepsibling Rivalry

Adam stared below him as each thrust was mesmerizingly swaying the brunette’s supple tits.  The fact that he was repeatedly ball-deep in his bitchy stepsister, Holland, made him achingly harder.  Glancing to his left, his fiancée Mia stood in green lace thong panties, intently watching her husband-to-be, giving his stepsister the raw fucking of her life.  Holland, confused but lost in her own lust, licked her lips unconsciously as she looked at the lithe blonde.  Mia wryly smiled at no one in...

3 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Twelve hundred kilometres in minivan isn't fun at the best of times. Especially not for children, so when Tom and Margaret set off across the country, they shouldn't have been surprised when Steve and Amy started acting up in the back. The two siblings weren't especially close in age, Steve being a tall, muscular sixteen year old and little Amy having just turned twelve a week after school let out for the summer. As the family drove past farmer's fields and seemingly endless countryside,...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Adapted by Ylloh Kcinner ADAPTOR'S NOTES Thanks to American author Holly Rennick for permission to adapt this selection from "Writer's Notebook" for publication in my country (a part of the former Soviet Union). We wish to practice American English and receive a NATO air field. America is our friend. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous American leader. Holly Rennick is a famous American scholar of English. Because my country is very cold, we prefer hot literature. We say, "Wow, man! This...

4 years ago
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Just between you and me, before you form a judgment about my behavior, you should know that I didn't start this particular game. If you are going to blame me, it should be because I was such a willing participant, even after I knew that the game was on, and what the stakes would be. Kendra wanted me gone. No, not just gone. She wanted me destroyed. She wanted me to leave with my tail between my legs, defeated. I don't know how she could possibly have expected me to go for the act. Did she...

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Sibling Rivalry

Copyright © 2001 Copyright Message This story was written by Laga Mahesa (aka Stone-D), 2001. The usual restrictions apply. No content changes allowed, these headers remain intact and attached to this story at all times. Permission to archive ONLINE is granted, providing the site does not make any DIRECT profit from this story (advertising is understood and allowed as long as this is not the only story and I am not the only author on the page) and that this story is not submitted to...

2 years ago
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An Office Rivalry

Rachel hated Morgan. If you were to ask her why she despised the new girl she could not give you an answer, all she knew was that she did. Rachel and Morgan worked at Kingsmeadow House, the main HR department for the local hospital in the lovely area of Surrey. they were part of a team that maintained hospital staff ordering efficiency and made sure all the accounts were correct and everyone got paid. Such a close group of staff meant that everyone got on with one another, except the two...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 25 Sibling Rivalry

MARIA: “It seems that everyone who has touched this place has been blessed,” I said softly. “We’re so glad you’ve finally moved down here to be with us,” Anna said. “It took you so long. Our namesake is twelve years old already. She needs to be near her grandma.” “Anna Marie is the reason we’re here. We just had loose ends to tie up before we could move down here. You know how it goes when you have other children clamoring for attention.” “Oh, don’t I just,” Marilyn laughed. “I thought...

3 years ago
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The gaming rivalry

Preface: All characters & incidents are fictional. This story does not intend to promote any kind of sexual or social deviation and is written solely for erotic entertainment. Sexual fantasies, masturbation etc are very different from real life, and I hope every reader is working hard to build good careers and relationships. Please leave likes and comments. Thank you and enjoy :D

2 years ago
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Friends and Rivalries

The young trio sat on the empty silver metal benches after school like they did for the last four years. They were the closest of buddies. The threesome consisted of 13-year old 8th graders. Chris was the only guy. He was brown haired and of average height. Mandy was a thin blonde. She was a little taller than Chris but all three were close to the same height. Brianna was a brunette. Puberty made her hips begin to widen so when she stood next to Mandy it made her look fat though she wasn't....

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 31 Intersectional Rivalries

I waited for the door to close and then released a massive sigh. Tatyana immediately put her arms around me. “That was hard on you,” she observed. I feel like I’m the only sheep in a room filled with hungry wolves. There are quite a few members of the crew that would do their best to replace me if they thought I’d fail,” I replied as I stood up. “Never let them see you sweat?” Tatyana said. “Basically,” I agreed as I stood up. “AI, you can power down this room until the next training...

3 years ago
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Caribean Fun part 1

My wife had persuaded me to take her to Jamaica for a holiday. Bev always gets what she wants, and I love to make her happy. I had to work a lot of extra hours to pay for it as she always expects the best.We arrived late in the evening and was shown to our room I could see why it was so expensive as it was a huge suite. Bev was pleased and just flipped back on the bed. ‘I’m horny babe’ she said and I knew exactly what she wanted I pushed her dress up pulled her thong to one side and started...

1 year ago
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My nephew and I

Note : This story is completely fictional! I took my nephew in as my son when he was a kid. We did lots of things together, traveling, etc. When he got older he joined the marines, and went his own way. When he was in his early 20's he came back home and we resumed spending time together. My nephew and I shared stories of sex with each other, and experiences. We have always been very open. I always was attracted to him. I held back for years the desire to take him and enjoy him sexually. I...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 87

The rest of the semester seemed to cruise past. Final exams began two weeks after Thanksgiving and before Phil knew it, his last exam was over. The group was separating for Christmas. Tiffany, Molly and Katelyn were staying in town. Phil and Hailey went back to SouthPointe. They would visit occasionally during the six-week break but the house was being renovated. Katelyn would come up to visit with Bob during the break and stay with Phil’s parents – or not. Molly and Tiffany would also come...

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Mai Mera Dost Aur Uska Pariwar

Hi dosto mera naam rahul hai.Mera ek bahut karib dost hai suchu.Hm done sare kaam ek sath karte the.Mere dost suchu ke ghar me uski teen bahene maa aur pita the. Maa ka naam basna .Uski cgoti bahen ka naam sarika jo ki ek dam uski maa jaise dikhti thi.Usse badi rinki aur phir tinki.Ek din suchu muje apne ghar le gaya uska ghar pariyon se bhara hua tha.Sab taraf chuttar ka matakna dekh muje sawag jaise lag raha tha.Mai suchu ke ghar aksar jane laga . Aur uski bahen sarika ko pata liya.Aur uske...

2 years ago
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What Lana Taught MeChapter 7

"Cindy, we need to talk," I said. "What about?" she said, smiling sweetly. I stopped by the library where I knew she had a study group that afternoon, and once they were all gone and we had some privacy, we sat down, facing each other very seriously and grownup-like. "About last night," I said. "What about it?" she said. Um, the rubbing your pussy for total strangers for money part? "You know, after we said we were going home for the night, and I went to the peephole place,...

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I open the front door expecting an empty house. As I walk to the bottom of the stairs Ican hear soft moaning comeing from one of the bedrooms. I know that no ones supposed to be home so whos in. Hopefully the wife is having a play with her toys and I can catch her in the act, maybe she will have a play with me watching and wanking and then let me join her.I creep up the stairs hoping to catch her , when I hear a strange voice saying " you like my fingers inside you baby"Oh my god shes got...

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Its a Rock

‘It’s a rock.’ James spat. ‘I bet none of my friends have a rock this big.’ Damian rolled his eyes and took a step forward into the crater. Thanks to the heat radiating off the rock the crater was more like a small pond with the steaming black rock dead center. ‘I bet none of your friends have a rock that traveled here from the edge of the galaxy. Some one might have a bigger rock.’ ‘Nope. None of my friends have a rock quite that big.’ James replied slipping into the thigh deep water and...

3 years ago
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Lucky Night Part 1

Lucky NightI can’t forget that night. Even now when I write about that night, my penis starts to swell angrily… It was a rainy night. I was driving from work to home, totally stressed out after a long day. As it is my wife was at her parents place in another city, gone to write her post graduate exams, which added to the frustration of going to my own house and living alone for few weeks. It was all the more stressful to drive in the pothole filled roads overflowing with rainwater. Few miles...

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Nandan And His Mother

Nandan has not been the same since Thilakam came back after visiting her sick sister. There was something different about him; she could not put her finger on. He appeared to be happier and more self confident in himself. She thought she was probably imagining it. She always treated him like a small child because of his developmental delay. But he was a fully grown man now. In fact he looked more and more like his father, her departed husband. It is more than 10 years since her husband passed...

4 years ago
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Fucking Hot Married Lady

Hi friends, I am Vibhore 38 yrs old married. I am not so smart and not so handsome. I am average looking man. My height is 5ft 4 inch and I am highly educated and working in a well reputed organization of India. I live in a small city (city name not required to mention) of UP very near to Delhi. I am married and have one kid. My wife is also perfect and we were having a good sex life. But this story is not of my wife but it’s a story of me with a hot married lady. My cock is normal sized of 7.5...

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My Mom Is A Cheater 8211 Part I

I am going to narrate my real life experience in which the central character is my mom. This is about how my mom cheated my dad for sex. My dad is a common man who works hard for the welfare of our family and is working abroad in U.A.E. He has left India at a very young age to make more earning so that his family will live happily in home. We are an upper middle class family from Kerala. My family consists of me, dad, mom and grandpa. My mom is a housewife who always spends lot of her time and...

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Mentoring My Trainee Ch 01

This story is the grey area between reality and imagination. Some of it happened, some, I wish had happened. This being my maiden attempt, it would take some time to reach the sexual content. Also, the category would shift as my story proceeds – it could be Loving Wife or Erotic Coupling. As of now, I begin my Romance! ‘Beautiful!’ I murmured, half-aloud, looking at her, my lovely student. Her back was turned to me, as she wrote some detail on the white-board about the study material...

2 years ago
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Moms Pies

Eating cum from my prosititute mother's assholeTags : prostitution Author : Hi Hi Book : Slut Mother Story : Slut MotherThe ActressbrothersSafe HavenA Beautiful JourneyTrue loveEating cum from my prosititute mother's assholeWhite Whore for Black CocksHouse of Debauchery IIGina becomes a ProstituteHouse of Debauchery IHow My Mother became a ProstituteMotel MamaSlut Mother, The New LessonSlut Mother Gets it up her AssSlut Mother Gets Married Part 2Slut Mother Gets Married Part 1Sluts and...

2 years ago
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PurgatoryX Charli Phoenix Her Romance Novel Vol 2 E2

Charli (Charli Phoenix) spends another morning reading her latest Romance Novel. The novel tells an erotic tale of a wife’s sexy infidelity, which stokes her insatiable appetite for amatory adventures. Her husband’s buddy (Donnie Rock) stops by for a visit, unaware that his buddy’s working later than usual. He notices the explicit novel that Charli “conveniently” left on the kitchen table and reads a passage. When Charli makes her illicit intentions known, a surprised Donnie can’t muster the...

3 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 15 Redacted

The Courser drifted idly, Borealis little more than a sand-colored marble hanging against the inky backdrop of space, lit by the glow of its parent stars. At such a great distance, the swirls of white clouds, and the shimmering of its blue lakes were almost impossible to make out with the naked eye. Well, naked was perhaps not the best description of Lieutenant Brenner’s eyes. He had lost his organics long ago, seared away by Bug plasma weapons, his organs replaced with prosthetic...

4 years ago
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Holiday Slavery

H O L I D A Y B O N D A G E Chapter 1: Introduction and Arrival A vacation on a tropical cruise ship sounded like a great idea to me! Andeven more so when my Mistress added, "As well as swimming, sunbathing and visitingsome islands, we could have some fun by ourselves in the evenings, becauseI'll book us into a private stateroom!" It was this "fun by ourselves" thatreally excited me -- as her bondage slave (and loving it!), I needed littleimagination to know exactly what she meant! The first...

5 years ago
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Young Love

I want to thank everyone who reads my stories (and FictionMania for publishing them!), but especially those who take the trouble to offer constructive criticism. Thank you. YOUNG LOVE "Stop mooning over that girl's media page and do something about it," Mia Armstrong told her twin brother Mike. "I'm not mooning over her," he insisted, but knew it didn't ring true. His sister had been pulling his leg about his crush for weeks. At sixteen nearly seventeen, these things took on...

2 years ago
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Escort Number 2

After my first foray into paying for sex with Elle, I really wanted more. As much as I enjoyed my first meeting, I decided that I would rather sample different escorts each time. I would meet up with Elle again but not before trying out what others had to offer.I started looking through my local escorts on the website I joined and there was a lot that I’d love to meet. Luckily I discovered that I can make a hotlist and add escorts onto it so they are saved for me to look at later. I trawled...

Straight Sex
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The Resting Blonde 2

I woke up Sunday morning and called my friend john, I told him i wanted another of bottle of vodka. 50 bucks but it would be well worth it, i waited untill my mom left and my step dad went to work. Then i snuck into my there room and found what i was looking for. My step dad had these weird spasms and he had to take muscle relaxers for it. I took three of the valium and three of the Xanax that my sister took when she had an anxiety attack. I crushed up two of each and poured them into the...

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Mesmerizing Sex With Mami 8211 Part II

Hey guys, this is my first story so don’t mind any mistakes, but yea, it’s damn true. So, starting with intro’s, I’m Addy,,21 years old,5.10, 62kg fair complexion and in a serious relationship right now.;) But this is the story about the incident that happened around when i was around 18 years of age. So, the bombshell I’m going to mention here, Tanya, is none other than my maternal aunt(maami), who is 36 yrs old, having a splendid figure 34-30-36(which I came to know later),. and has a fair...

4 years ago
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Fox hunt

Alpha Sigma Phi is without exception the most powerful sorority on campus especially with the aid of their other half, Kappa Sigma the equally powerful fraternity, with this power comes numerous rewards. There are many incentives to join both causing a large pool of potentially pledges. Each year Kappa Sigma holds an annual fox hunt for its members and Alpha Sigma Phi provides the foxes. After a year of hazing the Alpha Sigma Phi pledges must pass one final test to become a sister in the...

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Laura part 6

"Project more!" Mrs. Ingram urges me. "We want to be able to hear you all the way at the back of the class!" "I will never let you manipulate me into taking a stand against my own father!" I say in a loud, forceful voice to the girl stood opposite me. "No matter how much you threaten me!" "Oh yes you will speak out against him!" Claire- my classmate- says in a voice that I can't help but notice is a lot LESS powerful than my own. "You will do as I say, or I will see you starving on...

4 years ago
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The First Visit

Finally! He had been talking to her for months, yet they’d never met face to face. Such is life in these days of all things ‘e’ and ‘i.’ They knew everything there was to know about each other, including favorite colors, family history, habits and personal ‘sayings,’ and, of course, sexual preferences, likes, and dislikes. He was 21 and quite unlike his still-immature college contemporaries. At 5’10’ and 165 lbs., he had an athletic body that was most often used to push keys, flip through the...

3 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 26 Cinderella and the Devil

October 9, 1982 "Seven card stud, deuces wild," Barry declared, as he started to deal out the cards, face down, to the five people (counting himself) seated at the table. We were in the floor lounge, down the hall from our dorm rooms. I received two cards face down, then one card face up, which was the eight of hearts. I peeked at my two down cards: a deuce and an eight. Dennis had an ace showing, so he started the betting. He threw a nickel toward the center of the table. We were, after...

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The Massage A Family Affair Chapter Two

I heard a chime from my laptop, a small banner appeared notifying me of an email.It was from Cindy, my attractive client from a few weeks ago whom I had an epic encounter with.In her email, Cindy said she would like my services once again. I knew what she was wanted and it made me smile. I got to see her once again and perhaps re-live something as extraordinary as we experienced the last time.In her email, Cindy wrote that after our session the basement room was never quite the same. She...

3 years ago
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Viva Picana A Little Shop Story

VIVA PICANA! Penley looked quite nervous as Eden took him into the Little Shop, leading him gently by the hand. She was much calmer and in control now than she'd been that morning. ? Eden had been so angry with Penley's stubborn little hard dick that she'd attached several clothespins to it and knocked them off...but it just didn't do any good...he couldn't control his erections! ? Now, in the bizarre Little Shop, Penley looked around at all the leather and lace paraphernalia and shuddered....

4 years ago
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DeborahChapter 5

Tea, complete with tea cakes, was a success. They nattered away naturally like old friends and most of it but not all was inconsequential. Deborah discovered that he was a part-time head-hunter and he found out that she was a consultant radiologist. "How do you fit that in with looking after your daughter?" "I'm only part-time these days and generally do mornings. If there's a crisis I ask my sister to help out." "Is she the reason you moved here?" "Largely. We'd always been...

2 years ago
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Tricked My Drunk Hubby Into A Fruitful Cuckold With His Friend

A few days ago, my sexless husband Shambhu received an image from an unknown person on WhatsApp. He held the mobile phone angrily right in front of my face demanding an explanation. An explanation for why I was sandwiched between two handsome men who had their big cock shoved inside my pussy and asshole. Hey guys, this is your sexy babe Simraan, and I would like to reveal the truth behind that scandalous image with you. Ready with your cock? A few weeks ago, I had lied to Shambhu about urgent...

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Her Grandsons Birthday and Beyond

Elizabeth Prentice was a sixty-four-year-old divorcee and she was attending her grandson Tim's eighteenth birthday party.She was very much enjoying herself although she was consuming more alcohol than perhaps she should be, certainly in the eyes of her daughter Tina."Mum, I should slow down on your drinking if I were you," said Tina."Bollocks, I am having fun," was Liz's slurred response."You are starting to make a fool of yourself," continued her daughter."What if I am, you only live...

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Remix Chapter 9 Solo

Remix, Chapter 9 : Solo By Brevdravis After leaving the doctor's office, Anne and James quickly took a side trip to the local pharmacy, where an obviously amused clerk had filled the prescription for the pill. James was instantly reminded of an old George Carlin joke about having to get a note to get laid. They left as quickly as they arrived, and soon were once again traveling in the battered station wagon. "You've really been doing very well over the past few days,...

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ExxxtraSmall Natalia Queen Stuffing A Tiny Throat

Tiny teen Natalia Queen is a mischievous little hottie with a penchant for crime. The only problem, she is not sneaky enough to get away with it! Our stud comes home after a rough day at work and he wants to relax and unwind. Instead, he catches the blonde nympho sneaking around his mansion looking for stuff to snatch! He wants to teach the sexy girl some discipline, so he pulls her pants down and spanks her ass raw. Then, he penetrates her delicious slit, pounding her hard as she moans...


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