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I felt a surge of trepidation as I stepped into the office. It was silly, of course; I had every reason to be there. I'd recently heard from my agent, and they were giving me the part after all. I should be thanking my luck, not worrying that I didn't belong there. The secretary smiled at me as I closed the door. The effect was quite distracting, and almost made me forget why I was there. "Uh, Alex Taylor, here to see Mr. Brennan," I said, trying not to stare. It really was a phenomenal smile. "It's about the part in Hearts in Shadow." "Of course, Mr. Taylor," she said. "Take a seat, you'll be ready to see him in a few minutes." Strange turn of a phrase, but I didn't dwell on it. The secretary was probably hired her for beauty, not brains, and I had to admire Brennan's taste. Incredible eye candy, in a professional, classy way. Sit her in a meeting, have her flirt with whoever you're negotiating with, and you could run circles around them. Taking my mind off the girl, I thought about the movie as I chose a seat from the lineup against one wall. Hearts in Shadow was set to be a big budget fantasy-action flick, apparently in hopes of standing out from the rest of the summer blockbusters. They'd snagged a big name action star for the lead and an up-and-coming starlet as his co-star and love interest. A well-respected character actor in the villain's role filled out the roster. Me, I'd auditioned to be the villain's right-hand man. I didn't have the star power needed for a top billed role in a production like this, but the part was great exposure and had plenty of lines. It was to be my first step out of obscurity, and the producer, Arthur Brennan, had personally complimented me on my ability during the audition. It was about time I earned some recognition. I was young, blonde, blue-eyed, and athletic, with a great smile and infectious charisma. My pale skin tended to burn rather than tan, and I was a little too short, but I was otherwise perfect leading man material. A good performance here could make my career. I'd been pretty sure I'd nailed the part until my agent told me they were rewriting the whole damn movie. The love interest role was suddenly considered too generic, and they wanted to shake things up. Word on the street was they beefed up the henchman role and gave it to the starlet, killing my chances. That said, she apparently didn't like the idea any more than me, and last I heard the leading lady had quit and pre- production had ground to a halt. Sucks, but that's show business. Then just a few days ago I got a call from my agent, saying Brennan wanted to give me the henchman part after all. So here I was, waiting to learn what the latest iteration of this minor clusterfuck held in store. I was feeling pretty confident, too, once the initial jitters passed. Worst case scenario Hearts in Shadow ends up back in production hell, but I'd still get paid and Brennan would get a taste of what I can do. Best case scenario I'd become the star I was born to be. I was flying high and about to flirt with the secretary when the door opened once more. In walked no one other than Kyle Gaglio, the fucking devil himself. Well, no, that'd give the asshole more credit than he's due. Kyle was a hack, a conman, a sentient piece of garbage devoid of original thought. He waved at me before turning to the secretary, and I fumed. Kyle had also gone out for the henchman part. I was pretty sure he had my agent's office bugged, because I couldn't remember the last time I'd done an audition where he didn't show. He managed to steal the roles about half the time, too. The guy obviously wished he was me, and it was infuriating. Kyle put on a nasty grin as he sat down in the adjacent chair. Some would consider him good looking, in a tall, dark and handsome sort of way. Black hair, dark eyes, a dusky complexion and what I've been told is a winning smile. I always filed it under shit-eating, maybe punchable on a good day, but hey, no accounting for taste. "Hey buddy, surprised to see you here," Kyle said, sitting annoyingly straight. He was a good few inches taller than me, and lorded it like that made him royalty. "Thought Brennan only worked with real talent." "If that were true, security would've shot you on sight," I said. Kyle didn't stop smiling, but his eyes went cold. "Though I'll admit, I didn't realize the enchanted, talking pile of shit made the final revision. Though even I gotta admit, it's the role you were born to play." "Save the insults, Taylor. I can't help if studios want actors who can actually, you know, act. The only reason you get half the roles you do is because I'm there to warm them up first. You should thank me." I snorted. Kyle never scheduled an audition before me. If anything he let me butter up the casting crew, then eavesdropped when I gossiped with friends about what they seemed to like or dislike. We ran in the same circles, so avoiding him was impossible even outside work. At least it helped me keep tabs on his thefts. From what I heard through the grapevine, he sometimes even dressed like me. And what was with his eyes? They'd always been a dark, dull brown, but right then they were clearly hazel, the same light shade as mine. What, did he think my irises were my secret to success? I mean, yeah, they're sexy as all hell, but even Kyle couldn't be stupid enough to buy contacts just to copy me. Looks can't trump talent, even looks as good as mine. There wasn't time to wonder, because I'd be damned if Kyle was going to get the last word. "Thanks for being a literal circus clown, I guess," I said. "After your atrocities against acting they're probably just relieved when I show them the art isn't dead." Kyle rolled those eyes, so similar to mine. Even his eyebrows looked identical, copying my thin, carefully plucked arches. "Damn, buddy, how can you be so full of yourself? Most people do something worthwhile before getting all big headed. Much as I hate to break it to you, 30 seconds of screen time as 'Hideous Asshole #3' doesn't count," Kyle said. He reached behind and started playing with his hair as he continued. "A low-grade hack should be grateful to even get a chance at the same roles a tall, handsome, up-and-coming star like myself. You're lucky to even grace my presence." He was tall, sure, but he wanted to talk attractiveness he should start by rethinking his lipstick. Pink wasn't doing him any favors, and it totally made him look like a slut. Me, I was wearing a classy deep crimson. Emphasized the contours of my curvaceous lips while standing out against the whiteness of my teeth, while his just made it look like he was trying to cover up an STD. "Seeing your ugly mug? That's not luck, that's traj-," I said, stumbling over the word as my voice cracked, "jedy." I cleared my throat. Had that last word come out an octave higher? Kyle was too busy fussing with his hair to notice or respond. He seemed to be having serious trouble, pulling and pushing and tucking like he couldn't get it comfortable. Me, I'd just used some product to get mine cooperative and let it rest just behind my shoulders. No need to get elaborate. A few minutes in the morning saves a lot of grief in the afternoon, not that Kyle could think that far ahead. With a scowl and a grunt, my rival just gave up and put his hair in a ponytail, producing a black scrunchie from his pocket. As his hair wiggled back and forth I noticed that he'd given his honey brown locks blonde highlights, just like mine. A stylish fashion statement, certainly, but you'd think the man would dredge up some veneer of originality. Having the same natural color couldn't be helped, but there were plenty of ways to enhance it that didn't involve aping his betters. Kyle seemed done trading barbs for the moment, so I reached over to grab a magazine and pass the time in silence. As I did I admired my hand, so smooth and elegant, with perfectly round nails topping long, slender fingers. Might be due for a manicure, though. The polish was starting to chip. Then I noticed something wrong. My skin was light olive, standing out against the white cover of the magazine. For a brief moment I thought that was several shades darker than usual. Then I looked over at Kyle, and I couldn't remember why I'd thought anything was wrong in the first place. His skin tone was Identical, and we'd always looked rather similar, as much as I hated to admit it. Kyle looked at me, then at the magazine, and snickered. "Hoping to pick up some fashion tips? Good idea, maybe you can learn how you to dress like an adult," he said as he folded his arms below his chest, emphasizing his little breasts. That sight and his words made me a little self-conscious. I was wearing a camisole rather than a bra. I rarely wear one, seeing as my tits are barely bigger than his, but they're perky and my nipples tend to poke through my shirt at the worst times. Usually not a big deal, or even that noticeable, but now that asshole had me worried. "Remind me, one of these days I should teach you how a real man dresses." I dropped the magazine on the table and quickly retracted my hand. I wasn't embarrassed, exactly, but no need to give him ammo. Even if he was one to talk. Kyle looked ridiculous with his hairy legs sticking out of that tight skirt, like he hadn't shaved them in months. And that V-neck button down wasn't him at all. It was obviously designed to show off a body with a much more substantial bust. "If I'm ever worried about fitting in at the circus, I'll be in touch," I replied. "Hey, you're the expert. The way your chest hair sticks out, I'm sure you make the bearded lady look fucking sexy," he said in that light, irritatingly breathy voice of his. "Probably does wonders for her self- esteem." Alright, I'll admit the aforementioned camisole had a bit of a neckline that my sheer blouse did nothing to hide, and maybe I didn't have the boobs to support it. And maybe a waxing wouldn't be out of order. But this top otherwise fit the curvy contours of my torso perfectly, from my slim shoulders to down to my waspish waist before flaring out again, and its shade of royal blue looked exquisite over the contrast of the pale camisole and my darker skin. Combine it with tight navy slacks and I looked great, whatever the scene-stealing bastard thought. I adjusted my sitting position as I thought up a proper comeback, wiggling my butt a bit. I had been growing steadily less comfortable, like I was sitting funny. As I did so I discretely reached back and pulled my panties out of my crack, cursing myself for wearing my laciest pair. Yeah, they made me feel hot and confident, but they tended to ride up my fine ass and chafe my junk. Kyle's was occupied, seemingly also adjusting his seat, when I was ready to grab his attention again. "I got it. You're pissed because this is the outfit I wore when I got that speaking role on Dynamo few months back," I said. "You were so sure you had the part, it was wonderful seeing your smug face when I dropped the news. Can't wait to do it again today." Kyle tsked and drew himself up. He was trying to crane his neck and look down at me, which might have been imposing if he were taller than I was, but it just looked like he was trying to work out a crick while checking out my rack. If he was, I couldn't blame him. Like I said, my top was great. I'm not overly endowed, chest-wise, but it managed to emphasize what I had without revealing obscene mounds of cleavage. It took Kyle embarrassingly long to realize what he was doing, at which point he growled in feminine frustration and settled for looking me straight in the eye. I stared right back, unable to ignore how similar we looked. Poor choice of makeup aside, he had my full lips, pert nose, high cheeks and almond eyes. Even full of unrighteous anger, that face was the kind that haunted guys' dreams and stuck in directors' heads. I sometimes wonder if he ever got a gig simply because someone mistook him for me. Refusing to back down first, I carefully lifted my bottom before dropping down again, all while retaining eye contact. My seat felt odd, like the cheap cushion had developed actual padding. Maybe I was just getting used to it. We stared for a good minute before Kyle broke it off with a bitchy sniff, his bosom bouncing as he turned away. Alright, fair's fair, I have to take back what I'd said earlier about his top. He definitely had the boobs to handle it, and then some. Unfortunately, Kyle looking like me includes him being busty like me. I know it doesn't diminish what I have going on, but I hate that he shares two of my most noteworthy attributes. Speaking of which, mine could use a little adjustment. With Kyle not paying attention I reached under my shirt and repositioned my breasts on my camisole's shelf. The thing barely offered any support, so a proper bra would have been a good idea, but it was too late for that. Vanity won over comfort yet again. At least my effort helped a bit. That done, it was time to shift my posture again. This round of shuffling finally seemed to completely ease the discomfort, so I crossed my legs and relaxed a bit. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing as I placed one thigh on the other, but chalked it up to nerves. Having Kyle here was making me anxious. Regardless of how much more qualified I was, there was always the chance that she could snatch this gig right from under me. Becoming an actress had been my idea, of course. I moved out here months before she followed, though naturally Kyle claims she got here first. Doubtful, since I'd been on multiple auditions before anyone even mentioned seeing her, but we'd both been away at college before moving and hadn't spoken in a while, so I have no real proof. That's probably why she's so insistent about it. "Mr. Brennan will see you shortly, but could you fill out these forms first?" the secretary asked. I just about jumped out of my seat; I'd forgotten she was even here. She was reaching over her desk and offering a pair of clipboards. In a surprising display of usefulness, Kyle went to grab them. Kyle teetered as she stood, and for a second looked ready to topple over. I didn't quite manage to stifle my giggle, not that I was trying particularly hard. She was wearing stilettos, and I'll admit they were doing wonders for her long, smooth legs, but she should really stick to shoes in which she's capable of walking. I had to thank her though, seeing her almost do a face plant made my day. The dirty look she shot me just cinched it. I will admit to a tinge of jealousy as I watched that backside sashay over to the desk. Her tight pencil skirt did wonders for the shapely ass it contained, and even knowing I had its equal did little to quell my envy. The sway in Kyle's walk in those heels could drive a man wild, enough that I considered asking where she got them. Not that I'd stoop to copying her, of course. I just like staying informed. Sexy walk or no, Kyle sure was taking her time, as if strutting for some unseen audience. When she finally came back I snatched my copy out of her hand, and she stuck her tongue out at me! What, were we back in grade school? But I refused to let her get under my skin, and focused on filling out the information. Strangely, it was all basic stuff, name, address and the like. I thought Mr. Brennan already had all that on file. Maybe the secretary lost it. I wrote down my first name, Alexia, then blanked on my last name. It took me a few seconds to remember, Brandt. You'd think it would be hard to forget, seeing as I have to share it with my bitch of a sister. People tell me I'm lucky, that having an identical twin makes me even hotter, and act surprised when they see us fight. They've obviously never dealt with having a no-talent hack breathing down your neck, acting like she deserves attention just because she looks like you. I finished a minute later and looked up too see said sister already handing me her clipboard. She never did have any patience, and I once again marveled at how, despite looking like a doppelganger with terrible fashion sense, she had such a different personality. I guess I got all the sweetness, brains and charisma, and poor Kelly was left with the scraps. As I got up to hand the forms back I noticed that the secretary was wearing a slight smirk and studying me intently. I don't know why she looked so satisfied. Yeah, she was cute in a stark, severe sort of way, like that weirdo sexy librarian fantasy some guys have. But I'm sexy in the traditional, enduring sense, not to mention a rising star. If she was sizing me up out of jealousy, surely she realized I was in another league. And if she was into me, well, I couldn't blame her, but she should probably hold off until we were in a less professional setting. I'd sat back down and was still trying to figure out her game when the other door opened and Mr. Brennan himself strode into the room. He was a large man who exuded confidence and poise, to the point that I didn't mind him looking me up and down the same way the secretary had been. He was a bit old, and not really my type, but there was a certain, undeniably attractive power about him. I stood and patiently waited for him to say something. Kelly stood as well a moment later. "Well, let me just say you ladies truly outdid my expectations," Brennan said, nodding approvingly. He turned to the secretary, took the forms we'd just filled out, and gave them a quick glance. "Alexia and Kelly, eh? Beautiful names for beautiful women. I hope you don't mind giving me a moment to... refamiliarize myself. I remember your work, certainly, but there's a few details I want to get up to speed on." "Did my agent send you the wrong information?" I asked, slightly confused. The man was busy, but he'd met me before and I'd left a good enough impression for a callback. What else did he need to know? "Oh, no, the only error is on my office's end. It's technically a flaw in our system, but one I find too useful to correct," he said, not looking up from his reading. "Your agent is perfectly up-to-date on all aspects of your life, as is anyone else you'd care to ask." I nodded in affirmation, unseen as Brennan continued going over the form. I still wasn't sure what he meant, but it didn't really matter. A little while later he nodded and said something to the secretary before turning and walking into his office, waving for us to follow. After exchanging a few sisterly looks and gestures with Kelly, we decided I should enter first. Brennan was standing behind his desk when I stepped through the door, and seemed to be staring through me. I followed his gaze down, past my left shoulder and to Kelly's chest, where she'd undone several buttons. Her smiled widened as I glowered at her, and she stuck her cleavage out further to give the producer an even better look. I kept a straight face and decided against pulling my own top down a bit. I didn't need to put my goods on further display to impress him. Kelly's slutty little gambit only worked for a few seconds, at which point Brennan coughed embarrassedly and turned red, presumably remembering we also had faces. The secretary closed the door behind us as he took his chair, then motioned for us grab seats of our own. "Well, ladies, I have to say, I was impressed by your performance at the audition. Not just your acting, though you were both excellent, but the way you interacted in the waiting room. It really got me thinking," he said. "The caustic tongues, the light sarcasm, the intimately familiar accusations, it was all so fascinating." Oh god, he had someone watching us? I mean, we could get a bit catty off the stage, but we were sisters. It happens, but when push comes to shove we are always professionals, even Kelly. Keeping my face blank, I risked a glance at her. She looked back and gave me a quick, barely perceptible frown, then put on a fake smile for Brennan. At least she seemed as nervous as I was. "Oh, don't look so down! I was honestly intrigued," Brennan said. "I'd never seen two people who are so abrasive to each other, yet operate on such a similar wavelength. I've heard you go out for a lot of the same roles, and I can see why. If you two could put aside your differences, you'd be quite the duo." He steepled his hands as he continued. "I'm sure you're both aware of the pitfalls this production has faced. Yes, we lost our female lead, and with her the heart of the picture. But then I thought back to you two, your exquisitely hostile teamwork, and knew I had to harness that energy. I'll admit you weren't quite ready for the part, and I had to take things into my own hands a bit, but I'm quite happy with the results." He was still talking nonsense, but at least it sounded positive. Kelly was nodding as if he'd said something brilliant. Me, I stayed still and calm. No one likes a suck up. "As you probably heard, the infamous rewrite made Hearts in Shadow's leading lady the villain's right-hand woman, with her betrayal driving the plot. Well, thinking about you two going at it, I realized we could improve on that concept. The villain shouldn't have a sexy femme fatale; he should have a pair of sexy, identical femme fatales! We'll keep the same general plot, with only one sister defecting, but the added presence of the other should significantly enhance the picture's emotional core. Just imagine the intensity of their showdown at the climax!" We both smiled at the thought of being the evil sister turned good, one of the headliners of the movie. Well, I smiled, while Kelly's fake little grin turned real. "Of course, that leaves us with two gorgeous, talented women, and one leading role. Both parts are major, but I'm not going to bullshit you. You can guess which one gets more screen time. I think you've both proven your chops, so to make the big decision I'm going to put together a meeting with the leading man," Brennan said. "Probably do another reading from the script followed by something casual and improvised, just to get a feel for how you get along and work together. This production is costing me a lot of money, ladies, and I can't afford to squander the opportunity." I wasn't too worried. We may be physically identical, but I'm way funnier and more charming than Kelly. One evening with that stud of an action star and sparks would be flying. Brennan would take one look at our chemistry together and he'll be begging me to be the sister who gets redeemed. Wouldn't be surprised if our little affair carried on off- screen, too. "That sounds great, Mr. Brennan," I said, putting on a pretty, slightly flirty smile. "I'll let my agent know he should clear my schedule for whenever you suggest. I'm sure Kelly will, too." My sister shot me a death stare before voicing her agreement. She should have spoken first up if she wanted to be heard. The meeting went on a little longer, with Brennan getting to know us a bit better. He seemed to be a bit preoccupied with our past, particularly our time growing up together, but I suppose I couldn't blame him. Men tend to lose their faculties when they deal with us at the same time. Charming them is one of the few activities where Kelly and I get along. Afterwards we filed out of the office. I was a bit disappointed that the secretary didn't pay me any more attention, but no matter. Kelly and I were in wonderful moods as we walked out of the building, evidenced by how we chatted openly and excitedly with no hint of animosity. It kills me to admit this, but it was nice change of pace, and we needed our friendliness to last a little longer. We both agreed that this movie was a big break for the Brandt girls, regardless of who got the lead and who played second banana. Working together was way more important than determining who's smarter or imperceptibly prettier. We could put aside our differences for a bit, because family comes first. I guess at the end of the day I really do love my sister. But it doesn't mean I have to like her, you know?

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Friday morning Dillon was late reporting to Tom at the marshal's office, he didn't get there until 8:30. He yawned as he walked through the door. Tom looked up from his desk and laughed. "You look like you been rode hard and put away wet, Dillon." "Sorry about being late Tom; I overslept. It won't happen again." "Don't worry about it," Tom replied. "When I get home Juanita wants me to start painting the house. All and all I'd rather sit here in my office." He laughed a little...

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The Sex Chronicles Holding off sex for vibrators

Katie reached her dorm at the stroke of midnight. After asking for directions, taking elevators, and bumping into multiple make out sessions. She was finally here. She was ready to lay down and go to sleep, hopefully she didn;t have a loud roommate that'd keep her up all night. She pulled out her room key and opened the door. The room was dark and she could hardly see. Katie felt the walls for the light switch. She heard moaning. Someone was having an orgasm. Maybe it was best not to turn on...

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Office Ki Colleague Ko Pta Kar Dost Ke Ghar Pe Choda

Hi dosto, Mujhe sex ke baareme paad na bohut acha lagta h and me sex me bohut interest rakta hu. Me iss ka bohut bada fan hu and issme mene bohut sari stories padhi h and mene kahi baar stories pad kar aapne aapko shanth kiyahe. Aaj me aap sabse ek sachi story share karne jaa raha hu. Mai Piyush, Delhi ka rehne wala hu. To aj maine socha ku na mai aj apna experience bhi ap logo ke sath share kru. Jyada bore na karte hue sidha story pe aata hu or apko stories pasand aaye to please mail me at ...

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Erotic poetry rent boy part1

Call me on the phone to deciede a meeting place... as long as you got the money to blow you can fuck at your own pace... then when you are done pullout and cumAll on my face ...you know i am a true freak so i have to get a taste.. It all started out in my prime when i was much younger...I was sitting outside on the porch this beautiful summer .i was looking at my neighbor's jail body and developed such a hunger ...his sweat ran down into the deep crack of his ass...never knew i could get so...

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BackroomCastingCouch Angel 10052020

This week is a titch bittersweet. On one hand we have 24 year old Angel. She’s one of the biggest sluts we’ve ever had on our couch. Then on the other hand we have Vince here who’s gonna break Angel in for his farewell performance. Vince is moving on and passing the torch, and as you’ll soon see it’s quite the send off. Angel is an outgoing, very pretty brunette girl who’s into hiking and working out. She loves to meet people, she loves to have fun and she...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 2

Cover names are listed at the top and glossary is at the end... Samar Ivanov- TalithaHelena Wagner- Denise Giselle Chevalier- Hannah Markus Kovalev- RobertCamila Garcia- Laura Ishmael Suarez- Steven Sitting in le Vin Coeur near the Arc de Triomphe, Hannah sat listening to the chatter on the wireless earpiece from Denise, Talitha, and Robert about their favorite recipes. Robert is talking about how he makes Strawberry cheesecake bites. The only redeeming factor about this part of the job...

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There stood Etherus, just as before, frozen in the pose he had worn for more than a century. Kathryn looked down and marveled at the care the creator had taken in the upright appendage, every ripple, every vein, had been meticulously carved, making it seemed to pulse with realism. She reached out and grasped it gingerly quite shocked at the width, her tiny fingers unable to touch on top. The marble was warm, she supposed from pressing against her and she dropped slowly down to take it into...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 11

I am writing this chronicle in the year of our Lord 1805 and news has only recently been brought to England of Admiral Lord Nelson’s victory and tragic death at Trafalgar. The war is over. A sense of relief prevails. I am now 46 years old and in very different circumstances. I will not say yet where I am writing nor what those circumstances are, since that would be to pre-empt the tale. But let me return to my history. I could merely catalogue for you all the ladies whom I entertained in...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 9

My nap was rudely interrupted around noon as someone ran in and flicked on the light. I groaned in protest and threw an arm across my eyes. “No fair!” I felt the blanket jerked off of my rudely, leaving me nowhere to hide. Dawn, the traitor, bounded off the bed, barking and yipping happily, ready to play. I rolled onto my back, expecting Patty. Instead, Lana was standing there with the blanket in her hands. “What?” I demanded groggily. “Why aren’t you up yet?” Lana wanted to know. “It’s...

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We Arent Twins

We Aren’t Twins: Introduction; Andrea and Anna’s parents had fallen in love as teens, and had gotten married while still in college. They held off on having children until both had graduated, and each had good jobs. Both taught school but on different campuses within the same school district. Bethany, or Ann for short, taught at the Junior High. Andrew taught High school, both taught biology, but he also taught social studies and geography as well. They had been teaching for two years before...

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Coed cutie offers to make my cock cum for a ride

I boarded the plane, I wasn't looking forward to the flight. It had been a long week. I had just finished up acquiring investors for the insurance company I work for, and was ready to leave Phoenix forever. As I sat down in my seat, the only thing I could think of was putting my cock between my Tammy's c cup tits. Little did I know, Tammy's wouldn't be the only tits I would be putting my cock between.I was one of the first to board and had been sitting for about 10 minutes and was trying to...

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Ever been Plumperd? Well, if not, better grab a bucket of lube and one of those ten-foot sub sandwiches, because it’s time to get up close and personal with a bunch of really big broads. This is a freaky one, so I bet the really depraved chubby chasers who haven’t been satisfied elsewhere may find some extra kinky fat-girl porn that’s right up their alley. Get ready for BBW movies with a handful of fetishy twists.Plumperd.com is a premium BBW porn studio with its own little network, meaning you...

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Shy Wife on Holiday Ch01

Looking back I'm sure it was the moment when I saw her partially backlit that filled me with desire. The sun created a shining halo to her hair and perfectly framed the innocent smile on her beautiful face. So far so very respectable, but the backlighting made her dress semi-transparent, emphasising the firm swell of her breasts and the wonderful shape of her legs.How many times had I spread those legs and thrust into her, drawing inarticulate moans and gasps before firing my load into her...

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“I love an articulate lady who can define her tastes and preferences,” I smiled. I was tempted to ask if she was bisexual but left that for perhaps another day. Before we had sex for the first time I told her that day over lunch I had been thinking about her in the shower that morning. “And it was very good masturbating while I was fantasizing about you. Very, very good.” “Was it now, glad you enjoyed it, was I helpful?” she teased as the look on her face and broad smile suggested her...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 42 The Request Part II

" ... We would like you to be the father of our future Queen." The words echoed in my head. I had scanned her and suspected something unusual was coming, but not this. It took a moment to register in my brain what the Queen was asking of me. I could see Mikeya and Ileana looking through the doorway, and sensed their apprehension as they waited on my reply. Finally, I connected Mikeya and Ileana with us. "Your Majesty, Princess Mikeya, Princess Ileana. I am both honored and humbled by...

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MomsFamilySecrets Victoria Lobov Do Not Tell Your Father

Victoria Lobov wants her stepson Johnny Palms to look proper. She tries to fix his hair and button his shirt, but Johnny brushes off her loving gestures and runs out. Thinking she’ll be on her own for a while, Victoria grabs her vibrator and slips into some sexy lingerie so she can watch porn on her cell phone and masturbate. Imagine her surprise when Johnny walks in on her. He can’t believe Victoria has a cell phone since neither of them are allowed, and when he sees what Victoria...

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I never spoke up about it, for several reasons I suppose, but the biggest was that I experienced my first orgasms during these encounters. It made me feel ashamed, like somehow I must’ve secretly wanted it, and if I came forward to another relative, or a teacher they would think I was disgusting for having LIKED what was done to me, so I stayed quiet. When it was just the first man raping me, I tried to avoid him, and sometimes I could do it for weeks at a time, making sure we were never alone...

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Charles W Winchester III Sucks Cock

Where do I begin? That is a question that has plagued me for some time. My Names is Charles W. Winchester III. Yes, those Winchesters from Boston’s high society. The original Winchesters arrived in Massachusetts fifty years prior to the American Revolution. They had come from the UK and were members of low-level English Royalty. They prospered and were soon considered one of the finest families in Boston.Like prior generations of Winchesters, I was expected to attend Harvard University. Trouble...

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1st Visit to the Nurse Mistress

It’s not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least 10 years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there’s every truth to the adage, “You get what you pay for.” A...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 15

There were quite a number of people at this ritual. Lughnasad was the time when the bread made of the season's first grain was shared. Sally had, of course, made a lot of bread. Ken doubted that it was actually made with the season's first grain, but it was the thought that counted. In addition to the current Circle members, Gary and Bill, Ellen, Kim and Sandy had also shown up. Joan happily joined in with her two lovers. And when Ken drew down the Goddess, everyone's breath caught as She...

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The Dental PlanChapter 8

“So, the six of us, right? Lovers, staying here together, bedding each other whenever we wish? Well, in Master’s case, we do his bidding, of course,” Farah spoke up now. “Exactly,” Henry agreed. “So, there is a clear hierarchy here. I’m glad. I want to be Daeyoon’s. Period. To belong to him the same way that they belong to you. He shares me when he wishes, but I am his. Can we agree on that?” Seong urged us. “You really wish this, sister? To be my woman, my slave, my slut? That is what you...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 43 The Great Blow Job Experiment

Stick frowned, pursed his lips. "Why we got started, or why we haven't stopped?" "Both." Stick glanced at Teddy, mildly exasperated. "This ain't like, a lecture, or anything, is it?" "Huh?" Randall blinked. "Oh, you want to know if I'm going to go all moralistic on you? No. This is curiosity -- more or less the same thing as we're talking about doing physically. I'm asking questions. That's all." "Guess I ought to start," Teddy kicked off. "Being pretty much a joke...

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The Mail Girl

This is one of my older stories that I never got around to posting… ***** It was another hot sultry day by the lakeshore, and the late afternoon sun was glinting like a million diamonds on the surface of the calm lake. I had been lulled to sleep by the droning sound of powerboats way off in the distance, and the heady scent of a summer lake. I had lived there for a few years, in a small rustic cabin surrounded on three sides by mature yellow birch and hemlock. It was a nice quiet place, with...

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ShannonChapter 2 The Wedding

My mouth was moving but nothing came out. Finally I was able to recover my voice and I said, "Let me get this strait, You would let marry her but not date her?" I asked incredulously. "Yes," he stated simply. I stared at him a few moments and scratched my head. I need your answer right now, yes or no." he demanded. "Right now?" I exclaimed. "You got thirty seconds he said looking at his watch. What is your decision? Fifteen seconds." OK, ... I'll marry her, but what if Shannon...

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Princess of Castile chapter 9

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 9: The Princess's banquet Victor had gone shopping to find himself an outfit to wear for his meeting with the Empress herself. It would have to be the best to have him look good for the Empress. Victor had no problem shopping at women's apparel stores. He had shopped at women's stores a lot and had a very extensive collection of women's apparel he wore daily. He went to a high-end store that specialized in women apparel. Some women...

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Gemma by Callie Messenger I trotted quickly up the stairs to Daly's flat. She'd called me at work about heading out for dinner. I had clothes there so I would shower and change before we left. Possibly we might have time for something else too. I knocked on the door, and was a little surprised to watch it swing open. I walked in and called her name. She answered from the bedroom. I dropped my case and walked through. As I entered the bedroom, Daly was laid on...

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The SurrogateChapter 2

When I found a place to park and dragged my rollaboard across the parking lot, I was so deep in thought that I walked right in front of a taxi. Suddenly, I realized my precarious situation and although I had the right of way, I should have been watching for traffic. Nothing bad happened, except the driver was hostile. Two fleeting thoughts whizzed through my head as I put my things on the x-ray belt. The first was a quick regret that I hadn’t gone to bed with him. I chastised myself. You...

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George had been standing at a busy intersection, when an old woman with a walker ambled into onrushing traffic. George sprung into action, with barely a thought, stepped into the road, wrapped his arms around the woman’s waist and yanked her backwards and to the side, they both tumbled to the ground next to the curb, George cushioning her fall with his body, the truck came to a screeching halt 40 feet down the road. The woman’s walker was now a crumpled twist of aluminum piping, lodged under...

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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Joanna Angel8217s Dungeon Furniture Emporium 8211 Episode 2

Jessie Lee and her boyfriend Ruckus are shopping for furniture at Joanna Angel’s Dungeon Furniture Emporium when proprietor Joanna comes over to check on them. But Ruckus isn’t interested in any of the furniture there and insists that Jessie and him get going. Jessie on the other hand, loves the emporium and plans on decorating their whole apartment to look just like it. Ruckus fires back, telling Jessie that there’s no way that’s gonna happen. Joanna steps in, reminding...

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A Surprise Encounter Ch 02

She pushes me hard against the door frame and I let out a soft grunt. I grab the wood behind my back and dig in, my only defense against her attack. I am enjoying every second and she knows it, revels in her new found power over me. I watch as she brings her thumb to her mouth and bites down provocatively. She studies my expression and laughs softy. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ I muse. ‘Not as much as you,’ she gestures with her eyes and bites down on her thumb again. ‘I don’t know. You...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 19

Authors Note: Chapter 18 was too dark for the site admin’s, and I understand their decision. I looked over the chapter and it is what it is, trying to tone it down just didn’t work so I am skipping it all together. If you would like a text copy just drop me a line and I will email you the chapter. Thanks for reading me. Chapter 19 Michael was pleased with the way his first two classes had gone as he walked from campus towards his flat. The afternoon was clear, the sun hung just beyond its...

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Welcome to Kommons, one of the most fabulous websites on the planet. I know you like virtual pussy; we all do. I don’t call myself ThePornDude for no reason. But, sometimes, you just have to step out of your man cave and touch an actual breast. The dick wants what it wants. It can’t be helped. It’s within our nature to seek out the touch of real physical women. It’s also in our nature to avoid ugly bitches. So, if we’re ugly ourselves, we’re shit out of luck. Dumb beta cucks will tell you that...

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Perfect WishesChapter 20 Return

Over the next few months I tried to resume some of my old ways. I had Susan more conscious about her health, she was eating better and we were getting some exercise by walking down to the strip mall every night to get some money (I looked into robbing the crooks around here but even the criminals were poor in this area), then over to the Winn-Dixie for groceries. Like always, helping someone else made me feel better. Part of my problem was that I had been feeling sorry for myself. I missed...

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Charlottes Mystery

Charlotte has enjoyed her midnight ride along the mountains since she was a little girl, but a lot has changed since she was a little girl. She was now in her 40’s divorced with two beautiful children whom led their own lives now that they were in their teens and too cool to still hang out with their parents. She did try hard to find love, she did a lot actually to find it. She always made sure that her long amber hair was well kept, her nails where always well groomed and she kept herself fit....

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A Week At Papaws chap 3

Tuesday – Discipline and Denial The day crept in through the open window and slowly I drift back to reality. Last night still playing in my mind, I notice I am alone in bed and no one on the floor. I can hear noises from the kitchen and get up to move that way. As I enter the room Leah turns, drops to her knees, lowers her head and waits. I walk close and place my hand on the crown of her head, “Good morning lil one.” She looks up from the side and smiles, adding a quiet, “Good morning Sir, if...

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The Ranchers Daughter Revised

Introduction: Please leave comments. Thats her there. Jake said to his brother Jeremy as they watched a sixteen year old with long hair so blonde that it was almost white come out of the door of a small ranch house set back from the road through a pair of binoculars. Wow. Jeremy said admiring the long slim legs clad in fitted jeans, slim waist and the suggestion of nice sized breasts under the white tee shirt and denim jacket. Look at that tan. I wonder if it is all over. Just wait. We are...

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1derful tease ch 01

I could hear my parents talking loud from the kitchen as they made their usual disagreement. Then as clock work I hear mom's car take off from the driveway. Erica and I became kind of quiet and unable to hear the whole situation knew what was going on. Erica who was more man wise than I says, "Kay, I don't get it. Why is your mom so stupid? Your dad is a fine piece of meat and she is off constantly with another guy. I wish I could have your dad, I would let him do anything he wanted to...

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My InheritanceChapter 11 Lisa

Andy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short skirt, way too much makeup, and chewing gum popping like machine gun fire. When she was propositioned by a movie star (no, I will not...

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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part1

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...

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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

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Wish Shift The Things That Bind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Seven The Things That Bind You Year 1 A.S. Day 157 Jenny looked up when Derek opened the front door. She was in the kitchen going over some of what she wanted to do with him during the next week. She put down the pad of paper that she had been writing ideas on down on the counter and walked into the living room to see why he was back so early today. She had been busy over the last few days. In fact she had only really left the house when she had to. As...

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