The XxX Virtual Reality free porn video

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I turned the device over in my hand. It looked like a curved piece of
plastic, in a general horseshoe shape, but with secondary vertical curve to
it, about six inches across at its widest point. At the base of the “U”
was a black box. As I looked closer. It was a small Radio Shack utility
box, from which a thin cable extended. On the back of the box were mounted
six shiny silver studs.

I looked back up at John. “What is it?”

His smile was cryptic. “Here,” he said, gently taking it from me. “Turn

I turned my back on him, and felt him lift my hair from my neck. He
slipped the device around my head, the black box pressing against the point
at which my spine joined with my skull. The arms of the device reached up,
hooking over my ears, pressing against my temples with a firm grip.


“Not really,” I replied. “What is this thing?” I turned back to face

He reached over for the keyboard on his Mac. “Sit down,” he smiled.

I sat in the chair, putting my hands on the arms of the chair, leaning
back. The box pressed almost painfully into the back of my head.

John pressed a key; I felt a small tingling at the base of my skull.

“It takes a moment to read you,” John said softly. “Just relax. Close
your eyes.”

After a moment, I felt as if I had raised up off the chair. It was almost
as if I was floating in midair.

I opened my eyes, expecting to see that I was midair, but I was still
seated in the chair.

John smiled at me — that enigmatic smile of his. “How does that feel?”

“I don’t feel anything — anything at all.”

“Exactly.” John pressed a key, and sensation returned to my body.

“So what is this thing? Tell me!” I demanded.

“Probably one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical science,” John said,
solemnly. “The computer actually reads the nervous sensations travelling
up your spine to your brain, and produces a signal that counteracts them.”

He leaned back in his chair. “You also couldn’t move, but you didn’t
attempt to. But it doesn’t affect autonomic functions; those signals
aren’t controlled by the brain.”

My mind boggled. “Oh God,” I stammered. “This could be ideal surgical
anesthesia — without drugs! Chronic pain — forever removed! I get it!

“Exactly.” John turned in his chair and typed a line into the Macintosh.

“And that’s why Dr. Smoot was kicked out of I.U.?” I asked.

John nodded. “Who funds the medical school at Indiana?”

“I don’t know.”

“Eli Lily,” John muttered. “The pharmaceutical companies run the medical
schools. The medical schools educate the physicians in the manner that the
d**g companies want them to be. Something this simple, this cheap, this
revolutionary could never be allowed to be produced.”

“Oh, wow. What are you going to do with it?”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” John turned back to his keyboard, and
typed another line. The screen flashed. He turned back to me.

“Dr. Smoot’s program just read the sensory signals your body sends to your
brain so that it could cancel them. I figured that if it could read them,
it could record them. And if it could cancel them, maybe it could produce
them. So I modified his device. Close your eyes.”

I was still stunned from the implications of his previous statements, and
followed his instruction. I heard him press a key on his keyboard, and
felt the tingling again.

The room seemed hot and humid. No, not the room. I was outdoors; there
were sounds — distant and slightly muffled. A crowd of people… distant

I felt that I was still seated; then there was a jerk, and a mechanical
rumbling. The chair I was sitting in moved forward and upward, slowly. My
hands felt like they were clenched tightly in front of me. There was a
strange tightening somewhere in my groin.

Then the bottom dropped out. I was falling, swaying to the right and left,
as the chair moved up and down, rumbling beneath me. There were screams
behind me — muffled somehow — then the chair slowed and stopped.

I opened my eyes. John clicked at his keyboard again. Normal sensation
returned to my body.

“What was that?” I asked, breathlessly.

“You didn’t recognize it? I took you there last summer.”

I dug into my memory. John and I had gone together to the amusement park
at the fairgrounds, Kentucky Kingdom. Suddenly, the memory emerged.

“The roller coaster! How did you do that?”

He turned and opened a drawer. He pulled out another headpiece and a black
box. “Portable recorder. I went to the amusement park and wore it while
riding the coaster.”

“So how come I couldn’t see anything? It records your sensations…”

“But the eyes are above the tap. The device records only what’s beneath it
on the spine.”

“But I could hear. Your ears are above the tap, too.”

“What you heard was the sounds transmitted through the body. Think about
it. The sounds weren’t clear, were they?”

I shook my head.

“Simple vibrations transmitted through the skin and bones. I’m working on
a visual and audial recorder to match the sensations.”

“Like virtual reality?”

John nodded.

“What about computer simulation? Is it possible? Could you — for
instance — do a Super Mario game?”

“Perhaps. There’s a lot more work to be done.” He looked deeply at me.
“I was hoping you’d help me do some research.”

“What kind of research?”

“Remember last summer? After we went to the amusement park?”

I blushed. “I remember. But we agreed that our friendship was not THAT
kind of friendship.”

“Would you consider trying again — for science?”

I blushed again. Last summer’s experience was pleasant, but not ecstatic.
He had been a tender lover, but inexperienced — as I had been. A few
moments of heavy breathing culminating in a scary wait for my monthly
‘visitor’. But this seemed important. A historical moment. I took a deep

“Okay,” I sighed. “I’ll do it. For science.”

John looked relieved.

I sat back in the chair, crossing my ankles demurely. “So,” I smiled,
softly, “what do you want to do first?”

He looked at me a little nervously. “I was thinking of a… ” He
hesitated a moment. “…a blow job.”

“Oh, really?” I asked, feigning a look of disgust.

“But if you don’t want…” he backed away.

I chuckled, and pulled off the headpiece I was wearing. “That’s fine.
Right here?”

He nodded. “Just let me get into the gear.” He put on a headset, and
plugged it into the portable unit he had showed me. He pressed a series of
buttons, and small LEDs lit up on the unit.

He pulled off his tee-shirt, kicked off his shoes and started to unbutton
his trousers.

“Are you recording yet?” I asked.

“Not yet.”

“Then wait,” I said. I got up from my chair and pushed him down in his.
“Start the machine,” I commanded. He pressed a button and a green LED lit

I knelt down on the floor in front of his chair. I ran my hands over his
thighs, pressing my thumbs into the soft area on the inside of his legs. I
could see a bulge beginning to expand in the crotch of his jeans.

I pushed my hands up further, until my thumbs were in the area under his
zipper, my fingers forming a cup over the growing bulge.

I traced the contours of his erection through his pants with my fingers,
then slowly, I reached up and unbuttoned the waistband of his jeans.

John moaned softly as my fingers found the zipper pull, and I slowly —
ever so slowly — pulled the zipper down. I grasped his waistband, and he
lifted his hips as I pulled his jeans down to his knees.

His white underwear tented forward with his erection. I leaned back and
pushed his jeans down his legs and tossed them aside. Moving back between
his knees, I again traced my fingers up his bare thighs until I reached his
Jockey shorts. Again, moving very slowly, I fingered his cock and balls
through the thin fabric of his undershorts. Somehow, I didn’t remember him
being quite this large… but then again, my memory of our evening a year
back was somewhat hazy.

I leaned forward and kissed his belly, as I slid my fingers under the
waistband of his shorts. Again, he lifted his hips, and I pushed the
garment down his thighs.

I sat back again, and pulled the underwear off. He held his knees
together, his erection sticking up from his lap.

I touched his knees, and he spread them open again. I leaned forward and
kissed his thigh, then moved my lips slowly toward his groin. I moved one
hand up between his thighs, until my fingertips touched his scrotum at
about the same time my mouth reached the base of his cock.

My lips brushed his scrotum; his penis jumped a little. I slid my lips up
his shaft, until I reached the throbbing head. I pushed out my tongue,
slipping the tip over the contoured, mushroom-shaped head, tasting the
clear liquid seeping from his organ.

John moaned again as I grasped his shaft with one hand while I took his
cockhead into my mouth. I hooked my front teeth over the ridge of his
glans, and worked my tongue under and around his cockhead, sucking gently.

I began slow, deliberate strokes on his shaft with my hand, while my mouth
worked his cockhead. I slipped my other hand up under his balls, massaging
them gently.

I began to bob slowly on his dick, slowly taking more and more of him into
my mouth, until he ‘bottomed out’ at the back of my throat. My nose was
still an inch away from his fuzzy pubic hair.

Pulling back, I swirled my tongue again around his cockhead, then with just
his cockhead in my mouth, I pumped his shaft with my hand while rubbing the
underside of his glans with the back of my tongue.

John took a deep, hissing breath. I felt his balls move in my hand, his
cock jerked, and my mouth filled with his thick, warm semen. I slowed my
stroking while he came. When he stopped spurting, I sat back and
swallowed, my hands still on his cock and balls.

He reached over and tapped a button on the machine, then flopped back in
the chair. After a moment, his eyes opened a crack.

“Oh, Ghod, Mary….” he breathed.

I smiled up at him. His cock was softening in my hand. I let go and sat
back onto the floor.

“John,” I said softly.

He cracked open his eyes again. “Uh-huh?”

“Can you play that back for me?”

His eyes popped open. “What?”

I smiled up at him. “Really. I’d like to know what that feels like.”

John sat up. He unplugged the recording headpiece from the machine, and
handed me the receiving one. I slipped it under my hair and hooked it over
my ears like before.

John stood up, his manhood dangling, and checked the headpiece position.
“Looks okay,” he mumbled. He plugged the thin cable from my headpiece into
his recorder.

“Sit down,” he said. “Get comfortable. Close your eyes; it helps the

I sat down, crossed my ankles, leaned back, and closed my eyes. I heard
John push a button on his machine, and the tingling began at my neck. My
body floated a moment, then I could feel ‘myself’ again. At least the
recorded ‘self’.

Fingers ran up my thighs, thumbs pressing into the soft flesh between my
legs. I could feel an unfamiliar pressure building in my groin. The
fingers tickled as they moved around my groin, circling the absolutely
amazing feeling of fullness in my lower body.

Then there was some release of pressure as I lifted my hips and my jeans
were pulled down my legs. I felt a brush of fabric and flesh against my
bare knees, and the jeans came off my feet.

The fingers again, getting closer to my — my cock. I mentally gasped as I
realized that I really had one. At least I could certainly feel it.

The fingers touched … my scrotum, I remembered … then I felt the kiss
on my thigh, and the warm breath on my leg as the lips slid upward. I felt
the warmth of a body between my legs, and the soft touch of lips up ‘my’

Then my mind was boggled by the warm, full sensation of a mouth
encompassing the sensitive end of my penis, and the movement of a swirling

Without any previous reference point, I could not compare the sensation to
anything I had ever done before. My mind whirled in confusion and delight,
a veritable tornado of pleasure sweeping through me. Then there was a pain
— a pressure — deep in my chest, then I felt a surge rush through me.

The mouth on ‘my’ penis stopped; another surge and another and another; I
realized that I was coming into… into my own mouth! My mind boggled
again at the improbability of it all.

My body sagged into the chair. There was a tingling sensation at the back
of my neck, and I opened my eyes.

John was staring at me, still naked, but with his penis about half-erect.
I looked into his eyes.

“Oh, Ghod, John. No wonder men like that so much.”

John smiled. “How do you feel?”

“Spent… and horny. At the same time.”

John leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I turned; and kissed him on the

He started to pull away, but I caught his head with my hands and held it
while I kissed him again. I opened my mouth; his tongue slid between my
lips. I met it with mine.

He lowered his body onto the chair beside me. His hand slid down my arm to
my shoulder, then down my side. Then — timidly it seemed to me — it slid
over to cover my breast.

My nipples felt like they were about to burst through my bra. I moaned
softly at the pressure of his hand against my nipple.

John pulled back. “Hold on,” he murmured. “Let’s not waste this.”

He got up and rummaged in his equipment. He located a second recording
headpiece and slipped it on. He plugged in the recorder, and picked up the
other headpiece.

He took off the headpiece I was still wearing, and replaced it with the
other recording one, and plugged it into the machine.

“Will this work?” I asked. “Can you record two people’s sensations on the
same machine?”

John’s expression was quizzical. “I don’t know for sure — I’ve never
tried it. But it should work…”

He started the recorder, and set the machine on the floor. He turned to me
again, and I kissed him. His hand found my breast again, the nipple was no
less hard than it had been moments before.

I pushed John back with a hand to the chest. I sat up and pulled my blouse
off over my head. I realized that the cable from the recorder was now
passing through the blouse, so I dropped it down on top of the machine. I
then reached behind me and unhooked my bra. John took it from me, then
dropped his head down and took one nipple between his lips, tickling it
with the tip of his tongue.

He dropped the bra on the floor. I unfastened the snap on my slacks, and
unzipped them on the side. I wiggled out of them, naked save for my
panties — and the headpiece.

John’s mouth was busy with one nipple, his fingers on the other. I reached
down and grasped his penis with my hand…

…there was a tingle at the back of my neck…

…and I felt a heaviness in my groin. I recognized it from the blowjob
tape — it was the sensation of having an erect penis. I could feel my own
fingers gripping the penis as if it were my own.

John stiffened. His mouth released my nipple. “Mary — are you feeling
what I’m feeling?”

“I think so — what are you feeling?”

“I feel myself sucking at my own tit.”

I nodded. “And I’m holding my own cock.”

John shivered. “It does feel strange, doesn’t it? Almost like

He slid his hand from my breast down my belly, and cupped my pussy under
his fingers. “Oh, Ghod,” he breathed. “I feel that, too!”

His fingers traced the contours of my pussy lips through my panties. I
could feel the sensations in my own fingers– as well as the warmth his
caresses produced inside me.

He pushed the crotch of my panties aside, and dipped a finger into my wet
hole. “Unbelievable,” he whispered.

He turned, and lowered his head until his mouth reached my pussy. His
tongue slid over my engorged and aching clit. His cock jumped in my hand.

“That felt like…” he breathed.

“…a tongue on your cock,” I sighed. “I know. I know.”

He dove in again, this time in earnest, his tongue swirling over my clit as
his finger diddled just inside my cunt. I began to stroke his cock lazily,
my mind swirling between my own sensations and his, until I felt myself
just on the brink of orgasm.

My hand stopped; his tongue didn’t.

My abdomen contracted violently. His cock jerked in my hand as if it had a
life of its own. Waves of pleasure radiated from my pussy, flooding my
body, making it vibrate. He felt the same thing, halting all movement
while our bodies shook as if in an earthquake.

As the contractions subsided, he moved again, gathering me into his arms.
We rolled off the chair and into the floor, our bodies and headpiece cables
tangling together.

He rolled over on top of me, his erection pressing into my lower abdomen.
I pushed him over to the side, and pushed my panties down, and kicked them
off. I pulled him back on top of me, wrapping my legs around his, opening
myself for his/my cock.

I could feel the tight sensation of his erection, and the heat and wetness
of my own arousal. He reached down and placed his cock at the entrance to
my cunt.

I felt the sensation of his cockhead against my clit, and the sensation of
my pussy lips closing around his cock.

He pushed forward gently, sliding easily inside me; I could feel the
pressure of my vaginal muscles tightening around my shaft as he began to
stroke in and out.

My cockhead burned; my clit buzzed. My brests pressed against my chest,
the nipples hard points against me. My breath deepened and sped up. I
could feel a pressure just behind my penis, a tightening deep in my vagina,
and the rush of intense pleasure as I — we — came together in a mutual

He lay atop me, breathless, for a moment before he reached over and tapped
the ‘off’ button on the recorder. We held each other tightly again, his
penis wilting inside me. I kissed his cheek as he nuzzed my neck.

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XXX Comics

I was fapping to XXX Comics this morning, and boy, are my arms tired! I always end up falling down an absolute rabbit hole of depravity on sites full of porn comics, and this one was no exception. I love how these artistic depictions of perversion don’t have to stick to the usual laws of physics or rules of decency they have to play by with traditional video smut. It makes the whole genre a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of unnatural breeding and non-procreative

Porn Comics Sites
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Virtual RealityChapter 2

Everything came together for Jim. The assault charges were dropped. The domestic abuse charge was dropped when Riley detailed what had happened and how Joanna was injured. Jim went on the attack against the Tinkers. They retaliated by sending him a tape of Joanna being naughty (very slutish) one night at Harrison's residence. It involved three men, but still you could tell she wasn't entirely lucid. Tinker also sent one tape of Joanna and Peter doing things that only a husband and wife...

1 year ago
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Virtual Seduction

Selena could imagine only too well the scenario in which she was participating. After all, she was wholly responsible for it. One small, but large breasted, girl was applying her wide-open mouth to Selena's own. Another girl, very similar in appearance, if not virtually identical, was licking and sucking and chewing her smooth and hairless vagina. Selena found the taste of saliva and teeth almost sweet, slightly salty, and strangely convincing. Her fist and most of her forearm was embedded...

4 years ago
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Virtual Punishments

Virtual Punishments Virtual PunishmentsSynopsisTwo young girls try out the adult virtual reality games and find out the painful way, why they are intended for adult males. Virtual Punishmentsby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MFF NC Scifi IncIf you are underage or offended by such material or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is...

1 year ago
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Virtual Porn

The domain was registered way back in 1996, which isn’t a surprise to anybody who remembers the gold rush to buy up all the potentially valuable porn domains. The thing is, VR porn was not a reality in 1996. Hell, online porn, in general, was kind of a shit show back in the nineties, and much of what we expect these days in premium porn wasn’t established until the reality porn of the early 2000s. So who could have predicted the rise of genuinely immersive 3D porn a...

VR Porn Sites
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The Hoe Under the XXXmas Tree

December 5, 2019, 2:00AMAfter sucking my last daddy for the night, I pull out my little sex cell and saw that I had 18 voice mails. One was from daddy Jake. Daddy Jake is one of my regular sugar daddies, who loves to use my holes and then dump me after he is done. I love it. I love being his sex toy. He recently got married, so he doesn't get to FUCK me as often as he used to, so it got me very wet when I saw a voice mail from him."Hey whore. It's your daddy. So the wife and I are leaving to...

3 years ago
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sex in gymxxx

GYM FUCKING XXX.....Se eblepa kathe meras to gymnasthrio pou erxosoyn......mmmmm...panta forages poly kollhta kolan gymnastikhs...afhnontas ra andrika blemmata na kanoun prostyses skepseis me ton kayto soy kormi..mmmm......................Htan deytera.....kai nkaname thn gumnastikh mas apenanti o allos apo ton mi stigmh synanththikan ta htan...moy xamogelases me nohma...kai katalaba oti ayth h mera tha eixe....kaytoo...

2 years ago
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Epic XXX Session On Cam With Hot Indian Model Kajol

The pandemic has been tough all around. It truly has. Many people got laid off from work, others can’t find a job and blue balls are causing mayhem from Kansas to Calcutta. Shifting our activities from analog to digital meant that we were downsizing our staff, but business was booming. Luckily, those fuckers let me stay, and they even gave me an enormous bonus to boot! Life was good, but not all good. Porn has gotten old to me. All those plastic tits and fake moans that once made me rock hard,...

1 year ago
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What’s up, you phenomenal cum machine!? I’ve got a question for you! If porn was a sport, which country is Michael Jordan? If you said anything other than Japan, you’re fucking clueless, or you must have been recovering from all the fucked up shit you used to watch that you forgot!As a conservative culture with reserved, respectful, and honorable citizens, Japan sits at the top of nations with the most fucking depraved perverts worldwide! I can hardly even think of countries with a more fucked...

Asian Porn Sites
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Virtual Mother

When I was a young man of 28 – recently married, with two young children–the last thing I expected was to become the head of a major company. But that was just what happened when my father the owner and president of Joycor Industries died suddenly on the golf course. Per his will, I became the new president, and I was thoroughly overwhelmed. It was not until two years later that I had a good grasp of the family business. I already knew we made most of our money from virtual...

3 years ago
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Virtual Sex

Thomas had loved video games and technology since he was young. He had always wanted to own the most high-tech devices and was adept in just about any video game genre in existence. After college, he had taken a job at a Silicon Valley tech firm as an entry-level programmer. His goal was to get noticed in the gaming industry, but first, he had to do his time doing grunt work.Thomas had two things going for him. He was becoming the go-to programmer for his manager at work, and he was...

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Virtual Horde 2083

Then she became aware of the white walls closed in around her. Her arms instinctively shot forward, but were quickly yanked to a stop by the shackles around her wrists. The woman gasped as a spike of fear struck her. She realized she was restrained in strange room, being held in a pod. Her dark brown eyes darted frantically around her, scanning the claustrophobic pod and the room beyond. There was little to see beyond the bright lights that hurt her eyes. Then Catalina tried to remember how...

3 years ago
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All you need to know about the Virtual Reality Por

All you need to know about the Virtual Reality PornOver the past some years, the virtual porn has become the latest technology to enjoy masturbation. It has become a trendy medium for the porn industry to capitalize on this competitive world. When it comes to viewers, it not only makes their dark activities better but change their perspective about the sex. In this post, we will go through each of the characteristics of VR Porn about which you should be aware. Read this complete post & then...

4 years ago
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Stuck In A Virtual Reality School

STUCK IN A VIRTUAL REALITY SCHOOL STORY Frequently, my old girlfriend Mary and I would try out different virtual and alternative reality worlds for fun and adventure. One of our last adventures had however, lead to something of a rift between us. On a whim we had gone to the famous Arabian Nights world where I had managed to get the avatar of a powerful sultan. Prior to our entry I had also organized to have Mary captured and turned into a slave girl so I could acquire her for...

1 year ago
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Best Videos XXX 121000

Are you getting tired as fuck of browsing Twitter and seeing only stupid goddamn political discussions? Or dumb mother fuckers sharing their latest breast feeding techniques? Cunts, nobody fucking cares about that kind of shit!You know what kind of content people really want to see on Twitter? It all goes back to when we first spawned out of the ooze millions of years ago and became interested in tits and pussy. Here is a hint: we want to see titties and tight pussies on...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Virtual Reality

The year is 2057, and the latest state of the art technology has just been invented – the virtual simulator. This model has the ability to immerse you in worlds tailored specifically to your choice, and you can feel, hear, taste and see everything as if in real life. The best part of it is that you get to alter your appearance, and while in the simulator, real time passes at such a slow rate you could spend years in there and barely minutes will have passed outside. Death is of course, not an...

1 year ago
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Virtual Reality Part 1

VIRTUAL REALITY PART 1 BY JANE ASTIN Andy had always crossed dressed. He didnt know why but he loved female clothes. From a young age. He wasnt gay, he loved women as much as the next guy but he loved dressing up as a girl and playing out his fantasies. Never in public, always at home, alone. I guess it began when he was 12 or 13, and he found some old female clothes in a trunk. He just felt compelled to try them on. His fantasies revolved mainly about him being a little boy and...

2 years ago
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Virtual Furry Dream

It was amazing how much technology had advanced on the years that followed the pandemic. In part, it was due to the great effort of countries to invest in technology to help economic recovery. One of the things achieved was the advent of virtual reality. Not the glasses that allowed augmented reality. We are talking about the actual movie and cartoon promise of laying on a bed, with a helmet in your head that induced you into a sleep where you could dream of anything that you desired, allowing...

3 years ago
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The Virtual Game Part One

One. Okay, the games going. Now turn on the VFE. Okay! Whoa. Awesome. The feelings were immediate. My body tingled all over and morphed. I could feel everything. This IS my character! They told me this equipment would make me feel everything about my character, and they were right. I had to see what I look like in a mirror. Amazing! There was this busty, young Lara Croft-alike, wearing my clothes and virtual game equipment, in my room! Normally, I'm kind of an average guy who...

1 year ago
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My Virtual String Bikini

Spreading my legs, I carefully whisked away the remaining blonde hairs with my razor until I was bare as the day I was born. After weeks and weeks of planning, the day had finally arrived; my husband Dave had left on a business trip to China yesterday and I was "home alone" for two hot weeks in July. I've always dreamed about being naked outside…clothes locked away from reach, but in the small suburb where we live such behavior is illegal. Then it hit me; what if nobody knew I was naked? What...

1 year ago
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Porn retrogaming nostalgia Virtual Valerie 2

Virtual Valerie 2 is like the Street Fighter 2 of porn: everyone knows that particular game, everyone knows it's a sequel, but nobody really cares about the first episode.THE STORYThe year is 1995. I only began learning english so I only had the basics. The PlayStation was yet to be released in Belgium but I couldn't care less about that: my older brother bought a brand new IBM PC. Pentium 100 MHz with 8 MB of RAM, a 2 GB hard drive and Windows 95. Coming straight from the Super Nintendo, I was...

4 years ago
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XXX cinema fun

My wife Jordan and I have been into the swinging, gangbang, orgy scene for over 7 years.This happened about 4 years ago.We were at a friend's place called Graham that had regular swingers/partner swapping sessions.All sorts of people show up as Graham just places adds in Craig's list and hopes for the best.Anyway one night a rough looking couple came in and it turns out he was a member of a well known bikie gang, but he didn't ride with them anymore. He was Mike.They were both nice, interesting...

4 years ago
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Mr Y and Ms XXX

Note: This is my very first story and although English is not my fist language, i tried that anyway to reach a broader audience. i hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors (no need to get started on the scientific errors) don?t distract too much. Mr. Y and Ms. XXX Ever heard of an alternating chromosomial hermaphrodite? No? Don?t worry about that, because there is only one known case on earth and in the whole history of mankind. I have the...

2 years ago
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XXX A two year anniversary update, just a kinda’ brief message from J LEWIS... My thirtieth story on the second anniversary (July 2, ‘08) of my very first tale posted on the BDSM Library site (And yes, all written in that time span) Well over a hundred thousand visits to my Author’s homepage and over a million hits on my list of tales (Even before a substantial amount was unfortunately lost when the site crashed in December of ’09, completely erasing the stats of eight stories, with an average...

2 years ago
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Trapped in a 1950s Virtual World

1950'S VIRTUAL WORLD ? by: Milida This story is set in the not too distant future, where both virtual and artificial reality worlds have become commonplace. For my annual holiday, I decided to visit a recreated 1950's world. This world physically existed on a small Island in the pacific. Massive effort had been made to make the place as realistic to the period as possible. The clothes the architecture and the customs were all authentic. The majority robot inhabitants of the...

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Virtual Taboo

VirtualTaboo! Yes! Welcome to the future, perverts. We fucking made it! We’re well beyond the days of just streaming hardcore pornography to our TVs, computers, and phones. No, today we can stream smut directly into our eyeballs with sites like movies are the next obvious evolution of the fuck film, bringing us one big-ass step closer to being right there in the scenes. Good virtual reality porn will make you feel like a pornstar; jerk off to the bad stuff, and you’ll feel...

VR Porn Sites
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Virtual and Vice

Author's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...

2 years ago
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Virtual Seduction

CHAPTER 1It’s certainly not good for a supposedly happily married woman, to fall in love. That’s what happened to me, as I fell in love with a man, much younger to me. And, to make matter worse, the man with whom I fell in love, was none other than my own son. After remaining faithful to my husband for nearly twenty years, one fine day I found that I was interested in my own teenage son.My feeling towards my son, Rahul had nothing to do with a motherly love; a mother has for her son. In...

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Arabian Nights Virtual World

THE ARABIAN NIGHTS VIRTUAL WORLD In the not too distant future holiday trips to virtual worlds will become a reality. This story is based on a trip to one such created world. To work the worlds would of course have there own rules and the very good ones would feel just as real as reality itself. Whilst the worlds would all have some emergency escape option, it is probable for realism that these would be difficult to access. The visitor would most likely exit via a certain portal...

2 years ago
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Virtual Seduction

My guess was right; Hothamburger was the pseudonym of my son. His mailbox was full with erotic mails, mostly spams, like I used to get into my mailbox. I tried to read some of the mails that appeared genuine. The revelation was encouraging. It seemed, that my beloved son was a member of some adult pen pal club, and he had been receiving plenty of erotic e-mails. There were five such mails, each from a different sender and I read all of them. My son was enjoying a virtual relationship with five...

1 year ago
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Virtual Master

Author?s Note:This is a work of fiction Author?s Note:? This is a work of fiction.? Any and all similarities to persons, living or dead, is/are purely coincidental.? No relationship to any person, living or dead, is intended by these fictional depictions.? The author treats this as a work of fantasy, and does not encourage any such activity in real life other than consensual activities between adults of legal age.? Copyright remains with the author.? My thanks to the unknown creator of...

4 years ago
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Impossible virtual sex

Jacqui smiles as she looked at her virtual chair. She had a new mod she'd found that she wanted to try as well as one she'd written herself. She could feel the anticipation in her body just thinking about it. She sit in her virtual chair and got herself comfortable. She pressed a button on the arm and the headset lowered onto her head. She relaxed as she felt the slight tingle of the electrodes beginning to stimulate her brain and the real world faded into a virtual one. She looked around...

3 years ago
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The XXX Sleeper 8211 Part 6

Previously: Richa, an old friend of Komal, visits her. On the same night, she ends up getting fucked by Aamir. That night, Richa explains to Aamir about the first time she had sex with someone other than her husband. Now: (Present day:) “So, what happened then? Did Abhijeet catch you with Javed?” “Not really. At least, not that I know of.” (Six years ago:) After getting fucked by Javed and having her pussy filled with his semen, Richa went to the washing room and washed. She soon got ready to...

2 years ago
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Triple XXX ??? Must Be Dirty! Two busy work-weeks took over for the marrieds. The usual fun with each other and their Toys became a back-burner as work piled on. Opposite hours, projects extending over to home-life, and nightly crashing. Even Thursday night together-meal got crowded out. No time for “socializing”. Mary felt deprived. John wondered – will things ever get back to “normal”? The recent experience of the girls in Central City, and then the evening of reruns, meant...

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