Virtual Reality Olympics
- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
When I was a young man of 28 – recently married, with two
young children–the last thing I expected was to become
the head of a major company. But that was just what
happened when my father the owner and president of
Joycor Industries died suddenly on the golf course. Per
his will, I became the new president, and I was
thoroughly overwhelmed.
It was not until two years later that I had a good grasp
of the family business. I already knew we made most of
our money from virtual reality hardware, but I was
surprised to learn that we also had a lucrative sideline
in pharmaceuticals.
Our success was largely due to our head of research–Dr.
Erwin Derwanger, a brilliant chemist in his mid-fifties–
but I soon had reason to worry about the doctor and his
laboratory. It was well known that Dr. Derwanger had an
unhealthy admiration for Nazi Germany, but I didn’t
realize how disturbed he really was until I learned (from
one of his frightened young lab assistants) that the
doctor was using cloned human embryos for his drug
research. Aside from being sick, it was also a violation
of federal law, and I had no choice but to fire him and
his senior staff.
“You’re making a dreadful mistake, Dana,” Dr. Derwanger
said; “I need your laboratory.”
“Erwin, you’re lucky I don’t tell the police what you’ve
been doing; it’s unconscionable!”
“Your father didn’t think so; he knew the rewards would
be worth the risk.”
“What rewards?”
“Drugs you can’t even imagine: a universal vaccine
against cancer, ulcers, heart disease…”
“You’re insane.”
“Am I?”
I thought about that a long moment before replying.
“Yes. Now get out.”
The doctor gave me a surly look, but finally left with a
sneer. Although the shakeup in R&D affected our stock
value the next quarter, I felt I had narrowly averted
complete disaster. In Derwanger’s place, I appointed
another chemist who had helped me expose the doctor’s
research–a matronly woman of 50 named Magda Johannsen.
At first, I was concerned that she might have been too
close to Derwanger to trust, but she seemed to have a
genuine dislike for him. She revealed that he was
actually the grandson of a concentration camp doctor–and
I was startled to see confirmation of that fact in his
confidential personnel file; the report of a private
detective (hired by my father) indicated that Derwanger
belonged to several racist and ultra-conservative
organizations, and that he was secretly obsessed with
creating a perfect white Aryan through genetic
engineering. Evidently, that was the ultimate goal of his
work with the cloned embryos.
“Amazing,” I said to Magda in my office, after reviewing
the file;
“who’d have thought it, here in the 21st century?”
“It’s probably just as well he’s gone,” Magda offered,
laying a briefcase before me.
“What’s that?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Magda said, opening the briefcase
and taking out a black garment vaguely resembling a scuba
diving suit. There was a virtual reality helmet in the
briefcase as well, but the helmet was the only part I
“This is our new virtual reality prototype.”
“I thought our V.R. units were helmets and data gloves.”
“This is different,” she explained. “Instead of merely
watching a scene, and interacting with it through a pair
of data gloves, this suit allows you to feel the virtual
reality with your whole body.”
“Wow, neat. Can I try it?”
“What’s the matter? Isn’t it safe?”
“Oh, it’s safe,” Magda said; “it’s just you might not
like the demonstration program. It’s a simulation that
lets a man feel what it’s like to have sex as a woman.”
“Oh really?”
I wasn’t really shocked–sex sims were perfectly legal,
and one of our biggest sellers. But to actually feel sex
from a woman’s perspective…nobody had ever tried that.
“The main concern I have,” Magda said, putting the suit
back in the briefcase, “is that some men have a fear of
being penetrated. We know there’s a market for this kind
of thing, but it’s one thing to fantasize; it’s quite
another to actually feel it.”
Magda then looked as if she was going to leave with the
briefcase, but I reached out to stop her.
“Well,” I said, “why don’t you just let me hold on to the
prototype for tonight? Just to look it over.”
Magda gave me a curious look, then smiled and shrugged.
“Well, all right. But just to look it over.”
“Yes, of course.”
* * *
It was uncanny what Magda said about men fearing
penetration; although I never shared the fact publicly,
there were times with Maddie–my wife–when I did
fantasize about being a woman. She liked to play along;
sometimes she’d get between my legs and ride me like a
man–pretending to fuck me while my penis was actually
buried deep inside her pussy–and in fact, that was the
way we did it the night we conceived our first baby. I
went off like a cannon inside her, splashing her womb
with sperm, then rolled her over to return the
favor…fucking her like a man.
So it was fair to say I was interested in Magda’s
prototype. It sat on my desk the rest of the day, while I
imagined what it would feel like to run the program.
Finally–when the office closed for the day–I called my
wife to tell her I was working late. Then I opened the
briefcase, stripped off my clothes, and pulled on the
V.R. suit. It was very comfortable–much like a second
skin–and I finally settled onto a couch in my office
before pulling on the helmet, actually tingling with
As with a normal V.R. system, the program menu screen was
projected on a head-up display inside the helmet. The
commands were actuated by thought–I simply looked at the
command START PROGRAM, thought the command, and the
program began. Immediately, I found myself standing in a
white room, with a virtual-Magda standing before me in a
white lab coat.
“Greetings, user,” the virtual-Magda said. “Are you
sitting down in a safe place?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Very good. This program is a sexual simulation in which
a man experiences non-consensual sex and penetration as a
woman. Do you wish to proceed?”
“Uh…is there a safety feature?”
“Yes. The suit will monitor your vital signs, and
deactivate the program if your vital signs are
I bit my lip, considering if I really wanted to do this.
“Does it have to be non-consensual?” I asked.
“There is only one program in this simulation,” virtual-
Magda replied.
“Oh, fine,” I said. “I’ll do it.”
“Very well. Please close your eyes and relax. At sync,
the sim will begin.”
“Sync” was the point in a sim where the program
synchronized with the user’s brainwaves. That point was
indicated by a flash of light I saw a few seconds later,
behind my closed eyelids.
When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in the white room,
but rather in a nicely furnished cabin on some kind of
ship. The ship was rolling on the sea–I could feel that-
-and I suspected this must be the master’s cabin on a
sailing ship after I noticed a bank of windows close by
the water. I myself was sitting on a bunk of some kind,
and I was a little disappointed when I looked down; I
liked like an ordinary male sailor, wearing a loose white
shirt, trousers and buckled shoes. When I lifted my
shirt, however, I saw that bands of cotton were tied down
tight across my chest, and–when I felt for my penis–it
was gone.
Evidently, I was a woman impersonating a man.
“Ironic,” I muttered.
But then, suddenly, I caught sight of myself in a mirror,
and I was actually startled by my own beauty. My hair was
still short and blonde–as it was in reality–but the
face looking back at me was soft and feminine, with
beautiful blue eyes and full, pouty lips.
“You’re not bad looking,” I said to myself. “I wonder if
I’m the captain.”
“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, bitch?”
Startled again, I spun around on the bunk and suddenly
found myself confronted by a huge and frightening man,
standing on the steps leading down from the forward
hatch. He was terrifying to behold–a scruffy-looking
giant with a tricorn cap, unbuttoned officer’s cloak, and
greasy stains on his white shirt–and immediately I
remembered that this was a non-consensual scenario. My
God, I thought–feeling my heart beating fast in my
chest–I’m going to be raped by a pirate!
“Uh–sir,” I said, “do I know you?”
The man slammed the door, and marched down forcefully to
where I sat on the bunk. Angrily, he grabbed me by the
collar of my shirt and pulled me close to him.
“Oh, you think you’re funny, don’t you,” he said,
blasting me with his rank and noxious breath; “‘that
captain isn’t half the man I am’–isn’t that what you
“I did…?”
“Don’t play stupid with me,” he said, throwing me back
onto the bunk; “I heard you myself! I’ve kept your little
secret from the crew–that you’re actually a woman–and
this is how you repay me! Well, I’ve had enough of this
nonsense, bitch–this time, a blowjob won’t be good
The big man then turned to bolt the door, and I shrank
backward instinctively. Turning back toward the bunk, he
then stomped toward me with anger and lust combined in
his eyes, and I realized there was no escape.
I knew resistance was pointless, but I still fought back
when he reached down to pull at my shirt; his powerful
hands simply tore my shirt off, then he sawed through the
fabric binding my breasts with a wicked-looking knife.
The knife cowed me a little–I felt its blade cutting my
skin–but both of us were equally startled when my
breasts sprang free; they were plump and round, and it
was obvious the pirate liked them.
“Oh, Captain Tom likes those,” he muttered, and I gasped-
– clutching at his coat–when he bent down to suck on my
nipples. His scruffy beard scratched my skin–which was
annoying–but I got a real shock when he switched from
sucking to biting. Like a vicious dog, he took my right
nipple in his teeth, and shook it fiercely even as he
leered up at me.
“All right, I’ll stop,” he said, lifting his head, “if
you’ll calm your silly ass down.”
I nodded pitifully, tears rolling down my cheeks.
“That’s a good bitch,” he said, finally reaching down for
my trousers and ripping them loose–along with shoes–
with effortless strength. Now naked before him, I saw him
leering down at my pussy–but then I realized I had never
even seen my own pussy myself.
“Oh, that’s a nice little quim,” Tom muttered, lowering a
hand to rub between my legs. I was startled, feeling his
rough fingers first batter my clitoris and labia, then
force their way inside me; thus, my first awareness of my
cunt was the painful sensation of the giant’s fingers
pressing at my hymen.
“Oh, that’s a tight one,” Tom said, looking me in the
“you’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know…”
Tom didn’t seem to know what to make of that, but it
didn’t stop him from carrying on. While I looked away–
trying to avoid his gaze–he reached down to lower his
own trousers, then moved into position between my thighs.
I didn’t want to look, but I finally took a peek when I
felt something hard and wet nudge itself between my
labia. Captain Tom, I saw, was huge–his dangling cock a
solid monster eight inches long, uncircumcised and
drooling pre-cum–and I gasped when his swollen cock-head
finally pushed inside my vagina.
“Oh, fuck–!” I gasped, feeling the penis stretch my
“You really are a virgin,” the pirate said,
simultaneously cupping one of my breasts, and nudging his
penis forward against my maidenhead; “a little extra
treat, I guess…”
“Please,” I said, “it hurts…!”
A moment later, pushing forward with all his strength, he
drove his cock-head through my vestibule, and my untried
vagina screamed with the pain of his sudden, stabbing
penetration. I had no idea it could hurt so much to be
forced like this–barely wet, my channel resisted his
entry–but he forced himself into me with sheer physical
strength, splitting open my cunt muscles and finally
coming to a rest with his balls on my ass. Deep inside
myself, I could feel his thickness, and I was sure that
his weapon was stabbing right into my womb; for a moment,
it was all I could do to look at his face in agony, then
I cried and screamed.
“Oh, fuck–! Fuck, it hurts–!”
Tom didn’t seem the least bit impressed with my
suffering, however; he simply starting thrusting,
grinding his penis into my wounded hole.
“Oh, you’re tight,” Tom grunted, “like a little girl…”
“Oh, please–!” I whined; “you’re hurting me…!”
“Oh, you know you like it,” he said, dismissively. “All
you bitches like it.”
There was no use trying to reason with him; even as tears
rolled down my cheeks, I felt my hips ache with a dull,
throbbing pain; I was nothing to him but a cunt now–a
cunt to hump and fuck and rape.
It seemed to go on forever, but it was probably just a
few minutes. Seeming to feed off my pain, he started
fucking me faster and harder, but the tightness of my
virgin hole was clearly too pleasant to take for long;
soon he was close to cumming, and let me know it.
“Oh, I’m gonna cum…” he said. “You want it? You want my
cum in your cunt?”
I could only grunt and gasp in reply.
“Of course you do,” he said, thrusting even faster, and
“maybe you’ll have my kid, you little bitch. You want
You want my bastard in your stomach…?”
I just cried.
And a moment later, he came. Pressing in deep, he punched
his cock into my womb, trembling and shuddering as he
shot his sperm directly into my belly. I was too sore to
enjoy it, but I could feel his penis pulsing in the grip
of my cunt, basting my womb with surging streams of
semen; soon, he had filled me to overflowing, and the
excess cum overran my hole to pour down the crack of my
ass. Always before in my life, I had been the one to
penetrate my partner, and spill my seed in her body; now
I was the one being penetrated and filled with sperm, and
I felt a terrible sense of shame and embarrassment as I
lay there being plowed and filled with gushing gouts of
When he finally pulled out, and got off the bunk, all I
could do was lie there, vaguely aware of the juices
pouring out of my hole.
“You really bled there,” Tom said, pulling up his
“Maybe I’ll keep that sheet as a souvenir.”
I could only take his word for the mess between my
thighs; at the moment, it was all I could do to roll over
and curl up with my arms wrapped around my knees. Now
that Tom was done, I noted that the sim’s safety feature
hadn’t kicked in, and I was actually somewhat pleased by
that; a sim that worked this well would be a big seller.
It certainly didn’t make up for the pain in my hips, but
as I closed my eyes, I knew–if nothing else–that the
sim would soon be over.
* * *
Ordinarily, a sim had a limited duration–usually an hour
at most–since V.R. units simply didn’t have the memory
to store a complete world. But sometimes a world took on
a life of its own; if a user became too immersed in a
virtual world, his brainwaves would synchronize
completely with the V.R. system and the sim would
continue indefinitely, feeding off images from his
subconscious. We called that a “vivid fantasy”, and it
wasn’t common–it happened less than one time in a
million–but it was a serious drawback to virtual
reality, since the user could slip into a coma and even
Thus–when I woke up and found I was still a woman–I was
I was no longer on the pirate ship, but rather in a
modern, windowless bedroom. I was seated in a comfortable
chair, but I felt a bit groggy, as if I’d been drugged.
Turning my head, I noticed a full-length wall mirror in
the corner, and I could see that I still had the same
body as I had on the pirate ship.
My overall look, however, was very different; I was now
wearing gold hoop earrings (nicely complimenting my short
hair), a short black dress that was cut low to reveal my
cleavage, and a pair of sexy black high-heeled sandals.
Despite the unusual surroundings, the costume did arouse
me–looking down, I had to admit that I had pretty nice
legs, and I liked the way the delicate sandal straps
wrapped around the backs of my ankles, and the way my
toes were tightly bound in their simple vamps.
But where the hell was I?
For a long moment, I just sat there numb–trying to guess
what might happen next–but then, suddenly, someone
grabbed my arm and hauled me upright. It was Dr.
“All right, bitch,” he said, “I’ve had enough of your
stalling. I paid for an hour and I’m getting an hour!”
“Dr. Derwanger…?”
Dr. Derwanger appeared surprised, and I suddenly realized
there was something very peculiar about his clothing;
although I was no historian, I was certain he was wearing
a black SS uniform, complete with death’s head insignia
and a holstered Luger.
“How do you know my name?” he asked.
“Don’t you know me?”
“No,” he replied; “what I know is that you’re a very
uncooperative bitch, and I’m going to fuck you now.”
Whereupon, he swung me around by my arm, and flung me
onto the bed. I landed on my back, thoroughly confused
and more than a little afraid.
“Now roll over,” Derwanger said.
“Look,” I said, “I don’t know who you think you are, but
you can’t just order me around.”
The doctor responded by pulling out his pistol.
“Well,” Derwanger said, “I could always just shoot you
and fuck your corpse, if you’d prefer that.”
From his tone, I could tell he was serious. I rolled
A moment later, the doctor was on top of me, pulling my
arms behind my back. Then–with the evident skill of a
practiced sadist–he bound my hands with a pair of
handcuffs, and rolled me back over.
“What are you going to do…?” I asked, nervously.
“I’m going to fuck you,” he repeated, re-holstering his
pistol and pulling off his boots. He then shed his
trousers and advanced on the bed, still wearing his
uniform jacket and holster, and shaking his cock in his
fist to get it hard. It wasn’t unnaturally large–just a
little bigger than my own six-incher–but the doctor’s
penis was still something I had never expected to see. I
noted the penis was circumcised–unlike the pirate’s–and
I also noticed the penis was studded with a network of
bulging veins. Although I knew this had to be a sim, that
didn’t make the sight of that cock any less frightening;
awkwardly, I tried to back away from him, digging my
spike heels into the bedspread.
“I see you’re not wearing any panties,” Derwanger said,
grabbing my ankles and spreading them apart; “good.”
“Now, wait just a minute,” I said, twisting in his grip;
“I’m a prostitute, right? Maybe you should use a
“What, afraid you’ll catch something?”
“No,” I said, “but you might. I mean I’m full of
diseases-herpes, syphilis, you name it…”
“All the same,” Derwanger said, sliding down between my
thighs, “I think I’d rather take you raw.”
Derwanger just smiled; with my hands behind my back and
his body between my legs, I was helpless to resist him.
With cool detachment, then, he rubbed my pussy until it
was wet, then eased his drooling cock-head into the mouth
of my vagina. Although it was horrifying and weird, I
must admit the scenario was also actually exciting; to
have this hateful man nudging his penis into my body–
exerting the super-male dominance of the swastika armband
still on his uniform–was simultaneously arousing and
humiliating. I could only assume that Magda had
programmed this sim as some kind of inside joke–revenge,
perhaps, on her former supervisor.
But suddenly Derwanger stopped, meeting resistance
neither he nor I expected; my hymen–broken earlier by
the pirate–was now back in place.
“You’re a virgin,” Derwanger leered; “unusual, for a
“Yeah…listen, we don’t have to do this…”
“But I insist,” he said, pushing forward once again. This
time I tried to resist more actively–clenching my cunt
muscles and trying to stab at his calves with my heels–
but he had no patience for that; abruptly, he pulled out
his pistol and rested the barrel on my temple.
“You are stimulating,” he said, “but I will shoot you if
you don’t cooperate.”
“Okay,” I said, falling limp, “you win.”
“Of course I do,” he said, keeping the pistol in hand and
punctuating his victory with a sudden jabbing thrust of
his penis. I felt my hymen break–again–and gasped as he
pushed in deep, sliding in up to his nuts in my tight,
slippery hole.
“Oh, fuck–!” I gasped.
“Oh, Fraulein,” Derwanger said, leaning in close to
nibble on my ear, “that’s very good–very tight.”
I just moaned, feeling him start to grind his penis into
my cunt.
“I’m curious, Fraulein; how does it feel?”
“It’s hard…” I admitted, trying to avert my eyes from
his gaze; “I can feel the blood–(unph!)–pulsing in your
“I wonder,” Derwanger said, peeling open my dress to get
at my boobs; “if you’re a virgin, do you have any birth
Well, that was one thing I could be thankful for; at
least I couldn’t get pregnant in a sim.
“I don’t know…”
“Well, I hope not,” Derwanger said, fucking me faster; “I
think you’d look good with my baby in your stomach. Don’t
you agree?”
The thought was too bizarre to imagine, but I supposed it
was a rhetorical question. For his part, Derwanger
continued to hump away at me, meanwhile dipping his head
to suck at my nipples. Despite myself–and my ardent wish
not to be aroused–it actually felt pretty good;
simultaneously, he was grinding my clitoris between our
pubic bones, and I fought back a surge of pleasure as he
took turns sucking on both of my nipples.
“Well, I know one thing,” he said, finally taking a break
from his sucking; “I will enjoy watching these swell up
with milk when you’re pregnant.”
“Jesus, Derwanger,” I said, “for a sim, you sure are
Derwanger just smiled–and bent down to bite my right
nipple. It shocked me, and hurt like hell; just like Tom,
he started viciously shaking the tit between his teeth. I
whimpered in pain, but that just seemed to increase his
desire to hurt me; still fucking me, he let my tit go for
a second, then bit down hard once again, making me cry
and wrap my legs tight around his waist.
For a sim, it was very real.
Unfortunately, Dr. Derwanger seemed to have a lot more
stamina than Tom. Lifting his head back up, he nipped at
my earlobes and neck, seemingly propelled by the twin
desires to hurt and humiliate me as the minutes wore on.
His fucking varied in pace– sometimes he fucked me fast
and hard, and sometimes he fucked me slow and deep–but
always he kept up the pressure on my poor little
clitoris. He seemed to sense I was fighting to keep from
cumming, and it didn’t help that I could feel his heavy-
hanging nuts slapping my ass with every driving thrust.
“You’re fighting me,” Derwanger said; “but I will make
you cum.”
“Ohhh…” I groaned, “fuck you!”
Derwanger just smiled, slowing down his pace for a few
seconds, then picking it up again. I could hear the loud
slap-and-smack of every thrust, and I prayed that he
would cum before I did.
“Well, Dana,” Derwanger said…
“…there’s something you ought to know…”
“…this isn’t a sim.”
“What…?” I asked, suddenly feeling the blood drain away
from my face and extremities.
“Allow me to explain,” Derwanger said, finally stilling
his hips and leaning in close to me; “I didn’t take
kindly to being dismissed from Joycor, so I decided to
test one of my latest techniques out on you. After you
were knocked out by the pirate sim, I brought you here to
my personal laboratory and immersed your body in Mutagen-
5–an agent that completely reconstructed your body in
female form.”
“Oh my God…” I said, feeling my heart beating suddenly
hard in my chest, and the swollen-hard cock resting deep
in my hole; “this had better be part of the sim…”
“I’m afraid not,” Derwanger said, starting to fuck me
again; “this is quite real.”
Then, as if to prove his point, Derwanger thrust in very
deep– pressing his balls up against my ass–and once
again paused his fucking as he leaned in close to me,
resting his mouth right next to my ear.
“You’re a woman now,” he said, “But that’s what you
always wanted to be, isn’t it?”
I just whimpered.
“Wait a minute,” I said, feeling tears run down my cheeks
as he started to fuck me again; “if all that’s true, how
did you get my body out of the building?”
“God, you’re stupid. Magda called me, and we put you in a
body bag after the sim knocked you out; then we drove you
out of the building in a company van.”
“Oh yes–she’s been very helpful. It was Magda who spied
on you and your wife, and picked up that fascinating
tidbit about you wishing you were actually a woman.”
“Oh, for crying out loud,” I said, feeling his nuts start
to slap my ass again,
“I’m as straight as you are! That’s just a game I was
playing with my wife!”
“Not any more. Now you really are a woman, and–after I
squirt my sperm inside you–you’re going to be a pregnant
“You’re fucking insane!” I said; “you’re a fucking insane
Nazi lunatic!”
But there was nothing I could do to stop that cock sawing
away inside me. Utterly pleased with himself, the smug
bastard continued to grind away at my clitoris until the
aching pleasure was more than I could take. I came–
shuddering and crying with shame–but still the doctor
continued to ride me, only then picking up the pace to
reach for his own climax.
“What point–” I asked, “–what earthly point–could
there be in making me pregnant?”
“Well, I still need embryos for my research into breeding
the perfect Aryan,” Derwanger said–even as I felt his
cock start to swell inside me–“so I figured I might as
well breed the embryos I need with you. Your new body is
very fertile, and you’re actually ovulating right now.”
I was too stunned to reply–stunned by the sheer
magnitude of his hatred toward me. He had forced nature
against its course–making my male body into a female
one–and now he would breed his own research tool inside
my body. Our baby–our innocent baby, still only an egg
swimming through one of my fallopian tubes–would be the
helpless victim of his own father’s lunacy.
But that would be the future. Back in the present,
Derwanger was slamming me deep and fast, and I realized
he was finally cumming when I suddenly felt his cock
start to throb and pulse; indeed, pushing in deep,
Derwanger exploded with so much force that I could
actually feel his sperm squirting inside me. For just
that one moment, he lost control of himself, shuddering
and trembling as he emptied his balls in my cunt; now,
millions of his little wrigglers were swimming away
inside me, hunting for the eggs in my belly.
It was only then, as overflowing semen once again poured
down my thighs, that I finally realized this was real.
Dr. Erwin Derwanger was humping me, pumping his seed into
my womb, and there was nothing I could do to stop him.
“This will never work,” I said, when he finally slipped
his cum-slick penis out of my cunt; “you can’t hide me
here forever.”
But Derwanger ignored my challenge, moving instead to
careful elevate my knees so my sandal-shod feet were
lying flat on the bed. I knew what he was doing–making
sure his sperm stayed deep inside my vagina-but I was too
weak to fight him.
“Actually,” he said, a moment later, “Magda and I have
already staged your death, so you can stay here breeding
my embryos for at least another 15 or 20 years. Then I’ll
probably have to kill you.”
“But…what about the company?”
“Oh, I’ll control that. I’ve already arranged to purchase
controlling interest in the company, so your annoying
interference will be nothing more than a minor nuisance.
If nothing else, though, I must admit that you are rather
cute–perhaps I’ll let you keep one of our babies if you
behave yourself.”
“Erwin, you’re insane…”
“We’ll see. Why don’t you get some rest now, and we’ll
fuck some more when you wake up.”
Selena could imagine only too well the scenario in which she was participating. After all, she was wholly responsible for it. One small, but large breasted, girl was applying her wide-open mouth to Selena’s own. Another girl, very similar in appearance, if not virtually identical, was licking and sucking and chewing her smooth and hairless vagina. Selena found the taste of saliva and teeth almost sweet, slightly salty, and strangely convincing. Her fist and most of her forearm was embedded...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVirtual Vacation Coupon: First Recursion Joe Ingram reflexively rubbed the top of his head with a fingertip, absently feeling the thinning hair, as he read the fancy calligraphy once more: Dear Joe, Please accept this complimentary Virtual Vacation Coupon. With today's time demands, it can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible to get away for the kind of rest and recovery we all need from time to time. That's why we developed the virtual vacation. The virtual vacation...
Everything came together for Jim. The assault charges were dropped. The domestic abuse charge was dropped when Riley detailed what had happened and how Joanna was injured. Jim went on the attack against the Tinkers. They retaliated by sending him a tape of Joanna being naughty (very slutish) one night at Harrison's residence. It involved three men, but still you could tell she wasn't entirely lucid. Tinker also sent one tape of Joanna and Peter doing things that only a husband and wife...
Selena could imagine only too well the scenario in which she was participating. After all, she was wholly responsible for it. One small, but large breasted, girl was applying her wide-open mouth to Selena's own. Another girl, very similar in appearance, if not virtually identical, was licking and sucking and chewing her smooth and hairless vagina. Selena found the taste of saliva and teeth almost sweet, slightly salty, and strangely convincing. Her fist and most of her forearm was embedded...
Virtual Punishments Virtual PunishmentsSynopsisTwo young girls try out the adult virtual reality games and find out the painful way, why they are intended for adult males. Virtual Punishmentsby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MFF NC Scifi IncIf you are underage or offended by such material or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is...
The domain was registered way back in 1996, which isn’t a surprise to anybody who remembers the gold rush to buy up all the potentially valuable porn domains. The thing is, VR porn was not a reality in 1996. Hell, online porn, in general, was kind of a shit show back in the nineties, and much of what we expect these days in premium porn wasn’t established until the reality porn of the early 2000s. So who could have predicted the rise of genuinely immersive 3D porn a...
VR Porn SitesThomas had loved video games and technology since he was young. He had always wanted to own the most high-tech devices and was adept in just about any video game genre in existence. After college, he had taken a job at a Silicon Valley tech firm as an entry-level programmer. His goal was to get noticed in the gaming industry, but first, he had to do his time doing grunt work.Thomas had two things going for him. He was becoming the go-to programmer for his manager at work, and he was...
MasturbationThen she became aware of the white walls closed in around her. Her arms instinctively shot forward, but were quickly yanked to a stop by the shackles around her wrists. The woman gasped as a spike of fear struck her. She realized she was restrained in strange room, being held in a pod. Her dark brown eyes darted frantically around her, scanning the claustrophobic pod and the room beyond. There was little to see beyond the bright lights that hurt her eyes. Then Catalina tried to remember how...
VIRTUAL REALITY PART 1 BY JANE ASTIN Andy had always crossed dressed. He didnt know why but he loved female clothes. From a young age. He wasnt gay, he loved women as much as the next guy but he loved dressing up as a girl and playing out his fantasies. Never in public, always at home, alone. I guess it began when he was 12 or 13, and he found some old female clothes in a trunk. He just felt compelled to try them on. His fantasies revolved mainly about him being a little boy and...
It was amazing how much technology had advanced on the years that followed the pandemic. In part, it was due to the great effort of countries to invest in technology to help economic recovery. One of the things achieved was the advent of virtual reality. Not the glasses that allowed augmented reality. We are talking about the actual movie and cartoon promise of laying on a bed, with a helmet in your head that induced you into a sleep where you could dream of anything that you desired, allowing...
BisexualVirtualTaboo! Yes! Welcome to the future, perverts. We fucking made it! We’re well beyond the days of just streaming hardcore pornography to our TVs, computers, and phones. No, today we can stream smut directly into our eyeballs with sites like movies are the next obvious evolution of the fuck film, bringing us one big-ass step closer to being right there in the scenes. Good virtual reality porn will make you feel like a pornstar; jerk off to the bad stuff, and you’ll feel...
VR Porn SitesAuthor's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...
CHAPTER 1It’s certainly not good for a supposedly happily married woman, to fall in love. That’s what happened to me, as I fell in love with a man, much younger to me. And, to make matter worse, the man with whom I fell in love, was none other than my own son. After remaining faithful to my husband for nearly twenty years, one fine day I found that I was interested in my own teenage son.My feeling towards my son, Rahul had nothing to do with a motherly love; a mother has for her son. In...
My guess was right; Hothamburger was the pseudonym of my son. His mailbox was full with erotic mails, mostly spams, like I used to get into my mailbox. I tried to read some of the mails that appeared genuine. The revelation was encouraging. It seemed, that my beloved son was a member of some adult pen pal club, and he had been receiving plenty of erotic e-mails. There were five such mails, each from a different sender and I read all of them. My son was enjoying a virtual relationship with five...
IncestAuthor?s Note:This is a work of fiction Author?s Note:? This is a work of fiction.? Any and all similarities to persons, living or dead, is/are purely coincidental.? No relationship to any person, living or dead, is intended by these fictional depictions.? The author treats this as a work of fantasy, and does not encourage any such activity in real life other than consensual activities between adults of legal age.? Copyright remains with the author.? My thanks to the unknown creator of...
“Walls have ears.” You may have heard someone say that; allow me to let you in on the secret – they have eyes and ears and can sometimes see into the minds of the people and creatures who live within those walls. Not every mind, not every wall: just special ones that are open enough, working on the right wavelengths, and so manage to connect. I can’t generalise, I’m a building, I can’t go around doing surveys and interviewing other buildings to aggregate their experience. I can read, I can...
VoyeurVirtual Transition--PART I I saw the advertisement on the Internet and it piqued my interest... "A trip to Fantasy Land ...Explore what your imagination conceives without risk. Your dreams made real." The number was called, an appointment made and soon my life was changed forever. Let me explain. Life was good, money no problem and my time was my own due to a large inheritance received on my 21st birthday. All that was missing was adventure. There were many things I yearned to...
It all seemed so simple to begin with. They'd all played the parlour trick where you stand in a doorway, close to one side, with your arm straight down by your side, but pressing outwards. Nothing happens of course, because your arm is pressing against the door jamb, and what are you going to do, make the opening bigger? After a couple of minutes you step away from the doorway. Then, if you relax, your arm will of its own accord start to rise. You've played a trick on your body. Except Nick...
I was waiting for William to come online. I was pregnant and the pregnancy hormones were making me crazy horny. When he was at home he would fuck me senseless all hours of the day. But he had to go out on a short business trip and I was horny as usual. We had had virtual sex in the morning and now I was waiting for him to help me find release. We were going to try webcam sex. The chat app ringing gets my attention. William’s face comes online and he looks handsome with a 5 o’ clock shadow on...
BlogOur first encounter was a virtual one through an online game. My name is Noah and I was a host of a strong alliance in the online game and she, Jane was a new member to the alliance. Jane had come over from a dying alliance and I was one of the best players in the game. Jane knew she could learn from him and become a stronger player.We chatted a lot about the game, I gave her more responsibility and they became closer. Jane opened up and expressed her feelings, she lived in Tasmania and her...
Honestly, I had no idea where I was taking this one after I got about half way through writing it. But in the end I really enjoyed where it ended up. I hope those of you who read it and give it a chance enjoy it too. Virtual Girl CBA "Everything is just about ready" thought Lindsey. Lindsey had waited patiently for almost a year after deciding to enact revenge on Robert Dillinger. Yes 'that' Robert Dillenger, one of the youngest self made billionaires ever. Lindsey hadn't...
"Good morning John." a hollow voice rings out to you in the dark of the room you can see anything or move but you feel cold and definitely naked. A shiver of shame runs the length of your spine knowing that much, and wondering how many eyes wandered over every unconscious inch of you. "Welcome to VK Incorporated or specifically to 'the cell' its beta tester for human sexual training. Our you greatest breakthrough in virtual programming is youra to experience first hand your mind will start to...
Kelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...
Welcome John Doe to "virtual sex with Jennifer Anniston"< you will soon find out for yourself that this is one of the most detailed and descriptive interactive sex scenes you will ever have the privilege to witness. The first ten or so steps of the story are to set up your specific sex scene, out of the options that we provide you. The first option listed is to choose what attitude Miss Aniston has towards you, it could be any of the three below: 1) Innocent 2) Naughty 3) Dirty Girl 4) Sexy...
Danya had been anticipating this moment for, well, literally for YEARS she realized as she rushed into the house. She could still remember the first time she heard about this game, and it must have been three years ago. There was an article in VR Gaming magazine, one of those little sidelines on coming games and industry buzz. VirtuTech, a new company, had announced they were developing a new style of game that would go beyond virtual. Through a combination of breakthrough software and...
So, this sex story began last year. I’m 26 yr old guy working in a reputed MNC in Bengaluru. It was my first job and it was just 6 months for me in that company and everyone was just colleagues and didn’t have any friends in office as such. One day, I got to know that a lady is getting transferred to our branch from the other branch of another state. I was little bothered by it. And then she joined, her name was Nidhi (name changed). Then, I got to know that she is married and it’s her 4th...
Joanna's best friend Tiffani had called her up and invited her over to see something very special. Tiffani was very secretive on the phone as to what it was. She said it was something that Joanna would never believe in a million years. With her curiosity peaked Joanna left her home immediately and soon arrived at Tiffani's house. Joanna rang the bell and within a few seconds Tiffani opened the door. They hugged upon seeing each other as old friends often do. Once the hug was broken,...
A new virtual reality technology has been created and facilities all over the world have been popping up. Large buildings filled with these VR Pods all with their own themed virtual world designed to their fantasies. You are an excited newcomer to the technology and want to use it to live out your BDSM latex fantasy. There are several facilities to choose from all with different rules in your area.
BDSMLike so many people in this year of 2023, we had all hoped the worst was behind us. The vaccine programs were only partially effective and the virus kept mutating putting more and more people at risk. The changes in society were almost unbelievable. I know no one would have predicted a several year lock-down, but it is proving effective. You could literally go days without seeing anyone, except your immediate family.Shopping was all done online and delivered with drones. Groceries were packed...
MedicalVirtual Seduction…4 by arjun He was now stretched over the bed, his rock hard cock jetting out of his dark thatches, erected like a mast. He had sensed what the future had in store for him, and he was watching me with eagerness. I mounted the bed and straddled his lean athletic body between my plump thighs. I took hold of his massive cock and lowered my cunt till his cock head came into contact with my wet bush. I rubbed his stiff organ along my dripping crack and slowly guided its bulbous head...
IncestIt’s finally here! You scrimped and saved, and the most hyped technological breakthrough in years is finally yours! You open the package and pull out the black spandex full body suit, almost midnight in color except for the neon blue thick line running down the body and each limb. The Virtual Integrated Suit System, or VISS, claimed to be able to perfectly recreate every touch, sound, and smell in any form. It had already become a craze in the online gaming stream, especially in shooters and...
BDSMThe year is 2057, and the latest state of the art technology has just been invented – the virtual simulator. This model has the ability to immerse you in worlds tailored specifically to your choice, and you can feel, hear, taste and see everything as if in real life. The best part of it is that you get to alter your appearance, and while in the simulator, real time passes at such a slow rate you could spend years in there and barely minutes will have passed outside. Death is of course, not an...
Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...
Virtual Seduction…5 by arjun Suddenly, Rahul bent his head near to me and whispered in my ear. “Mom. I wanna fuck your ass.” He was panting with effort. “You’re most welcome honey, fuck me anywhere you feel like.” Rahul withdrew his cock from my pussy. He sat back on his heels and opening my ass cheeks he buried his face between them, his tongue rapidly fluttering at my anal opening. He deposited a large chunk of his saliva over my hole and with his tongue he spread it over my opening,...
IncestVirtual Seduction…3 by arjun I expected him to do something, but nothing of that sort happened. Probably, he still wanted to make sure. After watching me for sometime he resigned to his room, to relieve his next load. I was little disappointed and felt like going to his room and ask him to fuck me hard and release his hot seed into my hungry pussy. However, I controlled myself. There was an underlying animal excitement in our horny game, which kept me from going after my son. Even though I was...
IncestHi guys, I am Tarun from Noida and welcome to my story. I am a guy who always wanted to have sex in public! The thrill of almost being caught in a public bathroom or in some shady corner was always a thrilling fantasy for me. I have this fantasy because of something that happened during my time in college. Once I was in the library to check out some textbooks. I walked into the right section, but it was always deserted. You could smell the fungus growing in between the pages of these books! The...
Virtual dating is something that I am in favor of. I know it might sound bizarre and immature but it is effective enough if you are looking for casual fun or to satisfy your carnal desires. Recently, several dating sides have been evolving and the reliability factor is ensured. Anyway, since I am here to narrate my story and not present an argument on the perks of online dating, I shall not exaggerate much on the topic. The story I am about to write is barely a couple of months old and is about...
BDSMVirtuality A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "I call her Pandora," said Felix. "Get used to her. This is why I need you. This kind of interaction has to be a two-person thing." Jake was used to virtual reality. It was his thing after all. But here he was in their apartment. The only thing different was that he was in another body. When he held his hand up he could see that it was not his hand at all, it was a slender feminine hand, with manicured nails. "The detail is...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesThis isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...
2 Brad I was a fat little boy who inevitably became a big fat man. I would like to think that I possess other qualities, but I assure you that if you saw me your first thought would be ‘fat.’ My parents were of normal size and shape. As was my older brother. And as, for that matter, is my son. Because the only purpose of life that can withstand scientific inquiry seems to be to pass one’s DNA to the next generation, I have passed on mine though a contractual agreement for artificial...
8 Lynn When I entered on my calendar the flight to San Diego to meet with the CEO of a biotech company started by former researchers at the Salk Institute, the phone call I both dreaded and anticipated came within a few hours. And when I flew into San Diego on a beautiful January day that denied the possibility of Boston’s winter, Jefferson was there to meet me. He was wearing tan slacks and a coffee colored short sleeved silk shirt that drew tight across his broad shoulders as he took my...
7 Brad ‘A pleasant domestic scene,’ I said, ‘You look good that way.’ She was sitting on the edge of the bed naked, one foot on the floor, one drawn up so she could reach her toenails, which she was painting while I watched. I had no systematic plan for ever increasing dominance over her. We both knew that had been totally established in Saint Louis. There was simply this wonderful freedom of having a beautiful intelligent woman to whom I could do whatever I wanted. When I noticed on her...
4 Brad At a certain point capital achieves critical mass, after which, barring cataclysmic misjudgment or misfortune, it continues to grow. I can’t precisely quantify that point, but unquestionably my capital has exceeded it ,and I now have only five employees. Four work in the Century City offices. Each has an exalted title, which opens doors and looks good on resumes, and each is extremely well-compensated in an effort on my part to preclude the use of those resumes. Mary, my secretary, is...
19 Lynn ‘Wear the Chinese necklace,’ he said. ‘Why?’ Sometimes I wore it, sometimes not. He had never specifically mentioned it again after Saint Louis. ‘Because I tell you to.’ So the jade and gold necklace hung from my neck as I eagerly disembarked from the Delta jet and hurried into the terminal, where I found only Jefferson, who greeted me atypically with a kiss on the mouth replete with wet tongue and hands roving over my ass that attracted attention from other disembarking...
3 Lynn Of course everything changed in Boston. Even in the glorious insanity of that first month in California, I always knew it would. And I assumed Winston did too. But, in retrospect, perhaps he didn’t. At least not that it would change so much. How could he? Even I didn’t know that. It was love at first sight. Imagine the late unlamented Marlboro man suddenly coming to life beside you, but with charm and intelligence. And smiling eyes. Weathered from flying and sailing, not horses. It...
5 Lynn A messenger was waiting at the door of my room. ‘Mrs. Lynn Plath?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I was directed to hand this to you personally.’ ‘By whom?’ The question was merely conversation as I reached into my purse for the card to open the door and some money to tip him. I wasn’t really listening and can’t remember if he answered. I assumed it was another congratulatory note. Fortunately I didn’t tear open the envelope until I was in the room. Talk about a fall! I felt as though an...
16 Lynn I knew I was in trouble when as the weekly partners’ meeting broke up Jason delicately inquired if he might have a private word. Looking at him quizzically, I said, ‘Your office or mine,’ for though all partners were theoretically equal, some were more equal than others. ‘Oh, yours is closer. That is if you don’t mind.’ ‘Of course not.’ On our way past the open cubicles of the support staff, we made small talk. I remember that it was a lovely late summer’s day, and that as I...
11 Brad, Lynn, Winston Brad It was getting to be too much, I thought as I stared down at the lights of some city in the Midwest, blinking up from the flat darkness on the flight back to Los Angeles. Although I fly often enough to have considered buying my own jet, I have decided against doing so. Buying two adjacent first class seats gives me ample room and privacy and I don’t like airplanes enough to want to own one. I am, in fact, austere and monkish. Well a sensuous monk, if that is not...
Winston There is nothing sexier than a woman saying, ‘I will do anything for you,’ and meaning it. Or thinking she does. Over the now almost four decades that I have been sexually active, several, one could even say many, women have offered themselves to me completely. I don’t deceive myself that every woman wants that. I don’t know that even most women do, though I suspect that, despite trends in sexual politics, they might, at least for a while. But I have always known that it is what I...
9 Brad On Tuesday I flew to Boston and took a suite at the Meridian Hotel, which is located in the financial district surrounding Post office Square, and less than one block from Broadthroup and Brown’s headquarters. After settling in, I telephoned Lynn. She answered after eight or nine rings. ‘Yes.’ Impatiently. I was the only one with that number. There was no need to identify myself. ‘What time do you expect to leave the office this evening?’ ‘What?’ ‘I am sure you heard me.’ After a...
6 Winston Heavy snow fell the Saturday after Lynn returned from Saint Louis. I awakened early, as I usually do and got up, even though there was as usual no place I had to go and nothing I had to do. After making coffee, I opened the drapes and saw the snow. The Charles River is my favorite part of Boston, though like everything else, I like it better when the weather is warm and joggers and cyclists fill the path beside Memorial Drive and rowers fill the river, darting across the...
12 Lynn As the first isolated pinpoints below hesitantly interrupted the solid darkness that I knew was the Mojave Desert, then quickly multiplied into the million glistening lights of the Los Angles Basin, I felt the now familiar tension in my stomach, the quickening of my pulse. I had gone into the bathroom and removed my undergarments as soon as the fasten seat belt sign went out after takeoff, even though I could have waited several hours. I wanted to feel my nakedness, my bare thighs...
17 Lynn I can’t remember the sequence. Really there was no sequence. It was all one event, one single event, which became my life. Where, with the exception of that first month with Winston, my life had always been school or my work, which was the same thing, and everything else only interruptions, now sex, the peculiar submissive, helpless sex to which Brad subjected me, was my life and I was impatient with everything else. I wanted to get back to it, even, I must confess, back to him....
15 Brad Of course I did not do as she asked. Not immediately anyway. I gave a dinner party in her honor instead. Actually two. The first was held at my Manhattan apartment. I told Lynn that it would be formal, so she should dress accordingly, except of course that she was to be naked beneath her dress. I also told her that the guest list would include several people of sufficient celebrity that she would know them, though not personally. In any event the dinner was, I said, simply a way of...
18 Winston, Lynn, Brad Winston Almost miraculously our lives were rejuvenated. For three or four months, Lynn and I were closer than we had ever been in Boston. And it was all due to those electronic images. The man I knew as ‘B’ and I vied with each other in inventiveness. I told him what I wanted him to do with his slave and he told me what to do with mine. And the results were stunning. The women beautiful. The situations extremely arousing. Often Lynn would come home from the office...
14 Winston Lynn faded from my life like an unfixed print exposed to direct light or as the vibrant colors of some fish dissolve into dead grayness when they are caught and pulled from the water. Her work now entailed much more travel than ever before, with trips to the west coast or New York several times each month. More and more frequently I found myself alone in our penthouse in Cambridge, resentful of what at the time I thought was her obsessive career. When she was at home, she was...
Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...