Virtual Reality Olympics
- 2 years ago
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Spreading my legs, I carefully whisked away the remaining blonde hairs with my razor until I was bare as the day I was born. After weeks and weeks of planning, the day had finally arrived; my husband Dave had left on a business trip to China yesterday and I was "home alone" for two hot weeks in July.
I've always dreamed about being naked outside…clothes locked away from reach, but in the small suburb where we live such behavior is illegal. Then it hit me; what if nobody knew I was naked? What if I was wearing a VIRTUAL string bikini.
Turning 30 just last month, my physical appearance had been on my mind a lot. I've kept my weight down by working daily at the gym. My breasts, never developing larger than about the size of a couple oranges, showed little signs of gravity. Their tiny shape would make the "virtual bra" seem all the more believable.
Last week, I visited a local art store and bought a couple kits of white mime face paint. My plan was to paint a virtual bra and pair of panties and then go do my yard work in the backyard, nobody knowing I would really be naked.
After my morning shower, I completely shaved my pussy. I've never shaved it all off before, and as I stood and admired myself, I realized it made me look years younger. This could become a habit.
Then using painter's masking tape to create a mask for my virtual bikini, I stepped into my regular bikini as a guide, and began taping all the bare skin around my real bikini. I placed a long piece around my waist, just above the panties. Then I taped around my legs and up the sides of my buns, leaving a small half-inch string of bare skin around the tops of my legs.
I peeled off my real panties and exposed my bare pussy and butt, framed by tape. To be a bit more daring, I taped my exposed backside to a small thong opening that just disappeared into my butt crack.
The bra mask was tougher to create. I started with strips of tape across my back and up and around my shoulders. But when I got to my breasts, I removed my bra and improvised. I wanted something smaller than my real bra, so I began to hide my breasts with tape, leaving only a small two-inch triangle centered on each nipple. I connected the triangle openings to the back and shoulder straps and prepared to paint.
The white mime paint was cold as I spread it on my bare skin. I started with my pussy and painted over my bare mound, inside my lips, down between my legs and across my butt. I spread it all over my back thong triangle and into my crack to create the appearance of a string disappearing into my butt. Once I completely covered my crotch, I carefully removed the tape to reveal what looked line a very real pair of thong panties. Anyone from a distance would have no idea it was just paint.
Next, I created my painted bra. I started on my back and shoulders and when I reached my nipples, tingles shot through my body. I rubbed my little nubs thoroughly with lots of paint to cover their growing size. It became rather counterproductive, the more I rubbed, the more they stood up. Soon I finished and removed the tape from my chest and back.
I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror. It was amazing; it looked so authentic, and hot! As I turned and examined my backside I was convinced no one would discover my secret--I was completely naked but appeared to be wearing a pretty, although very tiny, white string bikini.
It felt weird as I ventured out the bathroom door with nothing on. I made my way down the hallway and out to the living room. Our living room has large picture windows that face the front of the house and as I walked up to them I realized it'd be possible for anyone to see me.
Even though it was a weekday and most people were either at work or on vacation, a neighbor might be home and gaze out their window at that particular moment. Armed with my illusion of being dressed in a bathing suit I bravely stood and looked out.
Within a few minutes a young mother appeared walking down the street toward our house pushing a baby stroller. I felt like ducking out of view but I held my spot in front of the window. As she got closer and closer my little heart was pounding. She glanced my way, and after doing a double take, smiled and waved and continued walking. My whole body was trembling by the time she passed but it actually worked--my virtual bikini was believable.
I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, since I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. I poured a glass of orange juice about three quarters full and peeled a banana. I couldn't believe what I was doing as I ate my banana standing in my kitchen in the nude. I just couldn't calm down. I normally don't drink, but thinking it might help, I opened my husband's liquor cabinet and filled the glass the rest of the way with vodka.
Several days ago, in anticipation of this moment, I'd filled an old gallon container of milk half-full of water and put it in the freezer. When the water was frozen I'd dropped an extra house key in and filled the rest of the jug with water. Now the key was frozen solid in the center of the ice. Even in the hot July sun it would take several hours to thaw, forcing me to be locked outside in the backyard for part of the day.
After making sure all the doors and windows were locked, I grabbed my ice jug, drink and new cell phone and stepped into the garage. Before chickening out, I locked the door behind me and pulled it shut. As the garage door opened, I hid behind the minivan just in case someone was walking by; however all seemed to be completely quiet.
I quietly threw all my garden tools and ice jug and cell phone into the wheel barrel and wheeled it out onto the side yard. Returning to the garage, I grabbed my orange juice, pressed the garage door button and ran under the closing door.
Suddenly it hit me, I'd really done it--there would be no turning back now--I was standing in my yard in the buff with no way back inside for several hours.
The grass felt cold and tickly on my feet and toes. In my nakedness I could feel every gentle breeze blow across my skin. The sun felt warm shining on my white triangle painted breasts. For courage, I took a big gulp from my glass and headed for the backyard with the wheel barrel.
Our backyard is not fenced, although a row of pine trees and shrubs along the back lot line blocks the view somewhat. We're at the top of a hill; houses behind us are lower than our yard, making it more private, however the side yards are completely open.
The neighbors to the left were on vacation; they'd be gone all week. The neighbors to the right both work during the day but their college age Lisa was home for the summer--she could be a problem. We weren't exactly buddies since I called the police about one of her all night parties a month ago. However, according to her mom and dad, during the summer she never gets up before noon so that should give me plenty of time alone.
An old flowerbed along the back of the house was the first project that needed to be done. The spring flowers had long since wilted and the southern exposure sunshine they'd received had dried them to a crisp. I took the shovel to the dirt and soon realized there was no way I was going to dig things out of that dirt without some water.
I brought out the hose and watered down the area. It felt so wicked, standing there spraying the hose around the yard, totally naked. When it was watered down, I left the hose in the grass with the sprayer shut off and grabbed my shovel. My bare feet squished in the cold mud as I made my way through the dried out flowers. I had to get down on my hands and knees to pull up some of the plants and before long my arms and legs were covered.
All the squishing sounds along with the dried branches and twigs poking my nude body was making me quite frisky. I didn’t dare touch myself and take the chance of rubbing off some of my virtual bikini paint, but the urge was overwhelming. Eventually the area was cleared and I used the hose sprayer to clean the mud from my body, being very careful not to wash away any paint.
After about an hour I checked on my frozen ice jug to see how much had melted. When I turned the jug over only a little water poured out. An hour in the sun and barely any iced had melted. That's when I realized I could be stuck out here a lot longer than just a couple hours. Feeling a slight panic, I drank the rest of my orange juice and decided to water some plants.
I made my way around the yard with the hose. First the right side yard and then the left. For some reason I was feeling more at ease with my nudity, certain that I'd be safe as long as I stayed in my yard.
As I watered the hostas I thought I heard noise coming from the neighbor's house. I bravely ignored it, acting as if it was completely normal to be watering one's plants in one's yard dressed in a white string bikini. After all the watering was done, I set the hose down and checked my ice block--a little more had melted.
With the day getting warmer and all the yard work being done, I was feeling sleepy. A short nap on the lounge chair sounded like a good idea. I laid down and quickly dozed off…
"Wake up Mrs. G." I was floating halfway between consciousness and dreamland. I kept hearing a female voice that had nothing to do with my dream, telling me to wake up, but I didn't want to, I was so peaceful.
Suddenly cold water splashed on my stomach. I tried to cover myself with my arms but for some reason I couldn't move. Immediately, I was wide-awake. The first thing I saw was Lisa from next-door standing with the dripping hose nozzle pointing at me.
Then I noticed my arms were tied with my garden twine. Both wrists were tied tight to the top of the lounger above my head, leaving my stretched out, bikini-clad breasts unprotected. My feet were flat on the patio, ankles tied to the feet of the lounger, legs slightly parted. I could feel the breeze between my legs, my privates partially exposed.
I heard her say "Good morning sunshine. Rise and shine."
"Lisa, what are you doing? Untie me immediately."
"Not so fast Mrs. G., you owe me--big time. Besides calling the police on my party, I just wanted to sleep till noon this morning. When what do I hear just outside my bedroom window but my nosey neighbor watering her flowers and plants. You can imagine my surprise when I peeked out my window and saw you standing in a white string bikini. Frankly, you looked kind of hot parading around in such a tiny swimsuit, so I threw on my red undies and decided to come join you."
"And what did I discover as I approached you sleeping in your lounger, such a unique fabric to your bikini, with all your little bits poking through. That's pretty kinky Mrs. G., does Mr. G. know about this?"
"Lisa, this has to remain our secret. My husband wouldn't understand and it would devastate our marriage if he found out."
"That's too bad because I thought he might enjoy the pictures I took with my digital camera while you were off in dreamland." I saw her purse on the patio table and a camera sitting next to it.
"By the way, what's your first name Mrs. G.?"
I said, "It's Brianna, but you can call me Mrs. G."
"Well here's the deal Brianna, I won't tell your little secret as long as you do every little thing, exactly as I demand. To begin with, we're going to have a cold shower and see how waterproof your bikini is."
"Oh my god Lisa, please don't. I locked myself out of the house and until my key melts in that ice jug over there, it's all I have to wear."
"You sure are the naughty one aren't you Brianna, but you should've thought of that before you decided to frolic around your backyard in the buff. Lets get started by washing off those tiny boob covers of yours."
As she bent over to get the hose, part of her thong panties disappeared deep into her buns and I could see her silk covered pussy extend below her opened legs. I swear she purposely jiggled her boobs as she bent over reaching for the hose, peeking back at me under her legs. Her undies were only a pair of lacy silk lingerie. Gross, what kind of a girl would act like that in front of another woman? Suddenly I wished I had something more covering me than a thin layer of paint!
Just as she stood up and started to open the nozzle, something caught her eye from the other direction. Glancing to my left I saw the most gorgeous male figure running into our yard. He must have been in his early twenties and by the looks of his shirtless chest must have been an athlete of some kind.
As he was getting closer he called out, "hey ladies, what's up?" I cringed as I realized I was going to be viewed in my entirety by yet another young person. I quietly whispered, "Lisa, make him go away before he gets too close." But she was just staring at him with this stupid grin on her face, "hi, come on over".
As he joined Lisa by her side he quickly noticed I was tied to the lounge chair and by the look on his face had figured out that my bikini was fake and that something was going on.
"Whoa, are you OK lady?" Before I had a chance to respond, Lisa was kind enough to fill him in on all the details, how I had got myself into this situation, the pictures she had taken while I was sleeping, and how she was just about to wash away my bikini. While she spoke he alternated his attention between my boobs and cunt, I felt like such an idiot for getting myself into this mess.
After my story was told, we learned that his name was Zack and he was house sitting for our neighbors. He was on the swim team in college and except for daily practices, had little to do this summer. His body looked like a swimmer's, not a hair below the neckline, smooth muscular chest and arms with tiny nipples poking out, a perfect slim waist without an ounce of fat, and just a trace of a six-pack abs.
He was wearing loose athletic shorts that almost looked one size too small as I could see an outline of his manhood underneath. His legs were hairless, his feet barefoot, a dream come true had I not been married, tied and naked, and about to be hosed down. My mind was wandering, not paying attention to what they were saying.
Then it hit with a stinging cold force. She aimed it directly at my breast, full force. I pulled at my restraints trying to cover up but the twine held my wrists and ankles tight. The water stream circled my little right breast and then moved to the center. The freezing water pushed my nipple inward and splashed all over my face. I quickly became drenched as the water washed away the white triangle covering my right nipple. Just as quickly, it stopped.
Lisa moved her hand toward my right breast and wiped the wetness away. As she brushed my cold right nipple with her warm hand the sensation was so strong it hurt--I jumped at her touch. "Not very big you know Brianna, but it looks like the paint washes away quite well, don't you think Zack?" That's when I realized I was now outside with a bare nipple in plain view and Zack and Lisa weren't missing a thing. She said, "Let's get the other one."
She stepped back and I braced myself for the blast of cold. I was watching my left breast as the water stream hit. It was just as cold as the right, but this time I knew what to expect. It flopped my little breast back and forth and then flat as the water pounded the nipple. When that breast was as clean as the right she told be to arch my back so she could reach my back. I did as told and before long was completely topless lying in the sun, drenched with cold water.
"Well the rest should be more fun, believe me this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me." she laughed. I said, "No Lisa, pleeeease not down there, it's too cold." My begging did no good; the water blasted the side of my right hip. Slowly my hip line vanished as she moved to the center. I pushed my knees together as much as I could, but I wasn't able to get my legs completely together. My little white panty soon washed away as she moved to my left hip. Then she stopped.
"OK Brianna, open wide" "Please Lisa, no!" "Now Brianna, open up, or I'll make it worse for ya." I couldn't imagine how it could get any worse but something told me she could, my legs were shaking as I slowly spread them apart.
The pain was unbelievable as the cold water blasted the paint away from my lower lips. The stream moved between my lips, pushing them violently aside and then up to my clit. As the water passed over my hole I could feel my insides filling. When the cold pressed against my clit the pain was unbelievable. After a few minutes of continuous washing it stopped; I was shivering with cold.
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Virtual Seduction…5 by arjun Suddenly, Rahul bent his head near to me and whispered in my ear. “Mom. I wanna fuck your ass.” He was panting with effort. “You’re most welcome honey, fuck me anywhere you feel like.” Rahul withdrew his cock from my pussy. He sat back on his heels and opening my ass cheeks he buried his face between them, his tongue rapidly fluttering at my anal opening. He deposited a large chunk of his saliva over my hole and with his tongue he spread it over my opening,...
IncestVirtual Seduction…3 by arjun I expected him to do something, but nothing of that sort happened. Probably, he still wanted to make sure. After watching me for sometime he resigned to his room, to relieve his next load. I was little disappointed and felt like going to his room and ask him to fuck me hard and release his hot seed into my hungry pussy. However, I controlled myself. There was an underlying animal excitement in our horny game, which kept me from going after my son. Even though I was...
IncestHi guys, I am Tarun from Noida and welcome to my story. I am a guy who always wanted to have sex in public! The thrill of almost being caught in a public bathroom or in some shady corner was always a thrilling fantasy for me. I have this fantasy because of something that happened during my time in college. Once I was in the library to check out some textbooks. I walked into the right section, but it was always deserted. You could smell the fungus growing in between the pages of these books! The...
Virtual dating is something that I am in favor of. I know it might sound bizarre and immature but it is effective enough if you are looking for casual fun or to satisfy your carnal desires. Recently, several dating sides have been evolving and the reliability factor is ensured. Anyway, since I am here to narrate my story and not present an argument on the perks of online dating, I shall not exaggerate much on the topic. The story I am about to write is barely a couple of months old and is about...
BDSMVirtuality A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "I call her Pandora," said Felix. "Get used to her. This is why I need you. This kind of interaction has to be a two-person thing." Jake was used to virtual reality. It was his thing after all. But here he was in their apartment. The only thing different was that he was in another body. When he held his hand up he could see that it was not his hand at all, it was a slender feminine hand, with manicured nails. "The detail is...
The Pink Bikini by Pamela ([email protected]) My mom and dad, Carrie and Rod Franco, rented a house on the shore of Poplar Lake for our summer vacation. Their good friends Rex and Cynthia Cocklesmen rented a house a quarter of a mile away from ours along the lake front for the same time period. My parents are avid golfers and their plan is to play golf every day of the month long vacation. Since the Cocklesmen's son Jimmy is my best friend, we will hang out together during...
For as long as I can remember, I've always had a thing for panties. Not wearing them. Seeing them, smelling them, touching them. And, of course, coming on them. I'm almost always turned on when I see a girl's panties. With the current trend of low-slung jeans and pants, my eyes are always on the lookout for a girl whose panties or thong is in view. I'll go out of my way to enjoy that forbidden view for as long as I can. The sight of those colors or fabrics caressing a woman's ass will almost...
The Bikini By Margaret Jeanette Trudy Holcomb was a successful woman. She had her own store specializing in pretty dresses and women's accessories. The store was a huge success. She was considering opening another store in a neighboring town. Her husband of two years, Dave, had just been laid off because the company shut down. It was Sunday and as usual she was up way before he was. She had had her breakfast and saw it was past ten. He had agreed to go to the zoo with her...
I was visiting my friend Norbi in Hungary in mid August. He lived in the western suburbs of the city with his mom and brother. They had a sweet house with a pool in the garden, perfect for cooling off in on a warm summer’s day. His recently divorced mom had just arrived back from a girls’ holiday in Spain the previous day. Norbi had spent last night with his girlfriend at her house and his brother was staying at his friend’s house. Upon waking up, I remembered how sexy the mom looked after she...
It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...
It was a hot day. I told my mom, “I'm going to cool off in the pool.” My sister, Jan, was already out there sunning herself.Mom eyed me over. “You know, Mark, that swimsuit of yours is getting kind of old. You should get a new one. I'll look online to see what I can find for you.”Mom and Dad divorced several years back, but the split was amicable. Jan and I stayed with our mother as Dad traveled a lot. Mom did well working as an executive in a local company. Jan and I each had jobs elsewhere. I...
CrossdressingThe continuing saga of Ethan and Pam's sexual exploits, part 5Ethan sighed. He turned a corner and walked past another rack of clothes, women's sweaters on the left, dress jackets on the right. He sighed again and rolled his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere else but the women's department, like in sporting goods or in hardware. He needed new tools to work on his car. Couldn't he at least look for them?He turned another corner and stopped. The racks changed. On the right were small kitchen...
It started off like any other morning. I got up and proceeded downstairs to get the Mistress and myself a cup of coffee. I returned to the bedroom and set the coffee cup on the nightstand careful not to awaken her. I then moved into the bathroom to immediately begin my morning activities of showering and shaving. I was in the shower soaping up when I immediately started to daydream about our last love making session. The Mistress had purchased new boots that laced up in the back. I had really...
I had been in Barmouth visiting and had finished early. It was 12 noon.The weather was warm and sunny, very pleasant with a gentle breeze. As I was not in any hurry to go anywhere I decided to go and have a walk down to the harbour. It wasn’t particularly busy there and I strolled along looking at the small boats. Across the road was a café with some outdoor seating and although I wasn’t hungry I did fancy a coffee! I crossed the road selected a small table outdoors so I could watch the people...
Hitching a Ride in My BikiniBy SaraOz and billy69boyMy name is Sara, and this is based on a true story of a ride I got home from the beach. I was planning to take the bus home after taking a shower in the changing room. I had put my bag on the seat but it fell off and when I opened the shower curtain, my shorts and top were in the water on the floor. I had no choice but to put my bikini back on, as at least it was dry. I missed the bus, so I started walking up the road to go to a bus stop a...
I've known Sarah for a number of years. She'd gone through a bit of a challenging start when she got pregnant at 17 but she and Robert decided to get married and make a go of it. Despite working two or three jobs at a time and raising a child, they both managed to make it into college. Robert pursued business and now worked in the world of investing. Sarah followed her passion and became a teacher. Another child had followed, but they'd planned that event. They had a daughter. They moved into...
Straight SexI've known Sarah for a number of years now. She'd gone a bit of a challenging start when she got pregnant at 17 but she and Robert decided to get married and make a go of it. Despite working two or three jobs at a time and raising a c***d, they both managed to make it into college. Robert pursued Business and now worked in the world of investing. Sarah followed her passion and became a teacher. Another c***d had followed, but they had planned that event and they had a little girl. They moved...
What A Small Bikini For our twentieth wedding anniversary I decided to take the whole family on a Caribbean Cruse. That included my beautiful wife and myself, my mother and my mother-in-law, and our two daughters. Both of our fathers had passed away leaving our mothers alone. They take such good care of our daughters that I felt they deserved a reward too. Our daughters are Hannah aged sixteen and Beatrice aged fourteen. Both girls are quite well developed. They take after their...
"Can I see it one more time, Alexis?""Yeh," I reply pulling back my sheet. "Are you going to miss it?" I ask, hoping she isn't.My girlfriend, Carrie, reaches her hand to stroke my small cock answering, "A little. I loved sucking you. You know that. But, I am excited to touch your new parts."I watch as she handles my cock and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on its tip. Seeing this, I suddenly feel a twinge of sadness."Hey Carrie, if you don't mind, could I have a few minutes...
TransThe Bikini A couple of years ago, my wife and I were going through an exciting phase in our sex life. We had tried out various ideas, most of which involved my wife exposing herself to me, and to a lesser extent, other people. Various things happened, a couple of which I have already written about. This event took place one afternoon, after having decided to go to the beach. A while before this, my wife and I had decided that she needed a new bikini, and as she couldn’t find one that showed...
The Bikini A couple of years ago, my wife and I were going through an exciting phase in our sex life. We had tried out various ideas, most of which involved my wife exposing herself to me, and to a lesser extent, other people. Various things happened, a couple of which I have already written about. This event took place one afternoon, after having decided to go to the beach. A while before this, my wife and I had decided that she needed a new bikini; and as she couldn’t find one that showed...
ExhibitionismChapter 1 Ethan sighed. He turned a corner and walked past another rack of clothes, women's sweaters on the left, dress jackets on the right. He sighed again and rolled his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere else but the women's department, like in sporting goods or in hardware. He needed new tools to work on his car. Couldn't he at least look for them? He turned another corner and stopped. The racks changed. On the right were small kitchen appliances like toasters and bread making...