- 2 years ago
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A two year anniversary update, just a kinda’ brief message from J LEWIS...
My thirtieth story on the second anniversary (July 2, ‘08) of my very first tale posted on the BDSM Library site (And yes, all written in that time span) Well over a hundred thousand visits to my Author’s homepage and over a million hits on my list of tales (Even before a substantial amount was unfortunately lost when the site crashed in December of ’09, completely erasing the stats of eight stories, with an average of over 35K readers per, and numerous sequels of others) But, who’s counting, huh? Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their indulgence in my admittedly amateurish style of writing, of sharing the abundant ramblings I lay to paper with little concerted effort or planning.
A couple things though, for the amount of attention my tales seems to receive for whatever reasons, seems there’s actually not all that many reviews. With the exception of the heads above the rest reviewer (Jimmy Jump) who so eloquently gives us his time and resounding thoughts, seemingly more so then even most of the submitters of actual tales (And for that matter, better reading then most of the tales submitted? And admittedly for me personally, usually better scores for my stories that even I believe they merit, but by all means are certainly appreciated) For whatever reason other reviewers to the site tend to shy away from critiquing my offerings. (Maybe intimidated by JJ’s usually sterling interpretations of my ramblings?... Just a thought) Can’t be because of my rebuttals, because until now I’ve never responded to any and that’s because I didn’t feel a need too. Yet again, as contrite as that sounds, every review is welcomed and read by this so called ‘Author’.
On the other hand, the stories, like I mentioned, are free and that’s pretty damn cheap at half the price, so then, with lackadaisical proof readings if any at best, obviously no editors involved, you just get the ‘pot luck’ of what I throw together, usually off the top of my head in a single setting as I wing it. (And with that being said, I haven’t used the site to tease either? To promote my tales to make a buck or two on another site? They’re all freebies from this admitted amateur) So anyway, thirty stories in this time span, especially with the obvious perimeters I allow myself, easily recognizable by any of the readers who follow my offerings, the ideas are becoming fewer and further between without becoming overly redundant.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for sharing their time deciphering my off-beat technique of story telling, and here’s a hint to the handful of readers annoyed by my obvious loose use of the proper way to assimilate sentences, paragraphs, damn, whole stories even. (Having even been scolded in reviews for using too many dangling particles, compound fractured sentences and preppy prepositioned phrases?... Just what the hell’s all that stuff anyway?) Just sit back and read the stories like they’re being spoken and not read, and don’t worry about critiquing them like an English major’s term papers. Then again, it’s just all a lark for me and it just might make more sense and flow even better then using the proper terminology that so many get hung up on, especially on this being a proletarian site anyway. (Ain’t that a kind of big word for amateur?) Anyway, end of my tongue in cheek lecture. Now, who knows just how many tales, if any, are left floating around in this mind of mine after this latest one?? Maybe only the shadow knows? And, thanks again to whomever took the time to read this jibble?
Oh!? PS? Seemingly, on a more serious note, just a personal opinion, but the site’s becoming full of 10, 12, and sometimes even less then 10 kb offerings of both stories and additions that don’t even make decent chapters, cluttering up the stories submitted by the authors giving concerted efforts. Also, five, six, even more stories and additions submitted at the same time by the same person, the stories so short that combined, they would barely make a single tale are unfortunately becoming the norm. That’s a shame because like I said, it basically causes a cluster-fuck virtually burying some of the better thought out extended tales.
Again, that’s just an opinion. To each his own, I guess. Now, with that said, along with the new formatting being thrust upon us by the Library, I’ve decided to turn my input on this site toward a new direction, into becoming mainly just a reviewer myself while still dabbling, but spreading any new tales much, much further apart. (This time for sure) One more thing though? Since I’ve been unresponsive from the get go to reviewers, for the first time, I’m gonna’ respond to each and every review just for this one story? So here’s your chance to let me have it, and get a response back. Anyway, thanks again, now here’s my latest story in my most typical egregious format. I must be off?
Part One of Several? Of my thirtieth tale (Nice tie-in huh? XXX = Thirtieth story)
A story of intrigue, kidnapping, torture, with plenty of twists and turns as a private eye, circa mid 1950’s, becomes a private detective and enforcer for one exclusive client.
Chapter One
Standing in the parlor, glancing at the file as I slip the contents out from the crisp folder, at the tops’ an eight by ten glossy of a let’s just say an abundantly endowed, more then an attractive, probably Sicilian descent woman whose pose should make any normal man blush. I don’t, but, then again I guess I’m not what you’d call all that normal. A close up shot starting from just above her freshly shaven pubic area, that big rack, the waist narrow above her curvy hips, what appears to be bright red lipstick surrounding her yawning ball gagged lips, then again, the lipstick’s just a calculated guess, after all, it’s just a black and white Polaroid photo.
As I take a glance over toward the obviously nervous couple, a dark complexion mama’s boy type along with a dame who appears she could be the not so fortunate model doing the posing, with the several photos in the stack, my attentions’ drawn back on the folder. Shuffling to the next picture, a longer shot, it’s also obvious the reluctant model’s quite naked from head to toe, and quite bound with her elbows tied behind her back forcing her tits to spread so wide apart. Glancing toward the third, forth photo, different angles, her poses escalate into serious porn, not exactly what a classy broad would have in mind if allowed that discretion as each shot’s even more graphic then the last. Yet, I can’t help comparing the photos to the real flesh and blood sitting across from me in her deep cut dress, her obvious deeply tanned assets barely concealed, and again a tight waist above her sleek legs as the sunlight filters in, highlights her through the expensive curtains parted in the bay window overlooking the meticulous grounds.
?Eh? Huh? Umm.? Not so sharp witted comments not quite emulating even a semblance of intelligence on my part, I try again as I’m to the sixth or seventh photo of what’s becoming a serious BDSM portfolio featuring mild torture, then some.
?So then? These photos are of?...... Nodding toward the dame on the sofa, seeing the rolling of her dark eyes, the obvious disgust on her face as she glances toward him like, where the fuck you get this Bozo? Again my intuition tells me my initial impression isn’t going over all that well with her.
?I mean? There’s a strong resemblance.? I muster. ?I mean from what I can see??I? I mea??.?
?For Christ’s sake.? Her tone sultry, even as it’s demeaning with the slightest of an accent, I can’t help comparing the photos to her, connecting her voice to the stills as I watch her ruby red lip’s movement’s, the words just rolling out. Besides, who gives a fuck what she’s saying, I just like the formation of those curling lips. I mean between these pictures in my hands and her sitting across from me with her fucking legs spread and her cleavage damn near to her navel, my cock’s already getting hard as I try to get my mind back on track. So, I glance over toward him, the smuck appearing to be a putz in impeccable evening clothes, the kind you’d wear to a fancy gathering, if you went to fancy gatherings.
?That? That’s my wife Darlene in the photo of course? She’s Darla’s twin sister? Darlene’s older by twenty-two minutes to be exact.? He answers with just the hint of his similar heritage while nodding toward the photos, then over toward the sofa, glancing toward his sister-in-law like he should get an at-a-boy or something for straightening me out as the silly ass cigarette holder flitters between his fingertips.
?Oh, shit? Damn? Huh, okay.? I so articulately respond in kind. ?I can see the resemblance? I mean her face.? I ramble on. ?I mean even with the gag stuffed in her mouth??.?
?Yes? They? They of course have a strong resemblance? They’re monozygotic twins? Absolutely Identical? Both from the same egg??? His voice trails off as he nods with what could possibly be the faintest of a smirk, like he intimately knows something else about the both of them.
?So? So these photos? What’s the????..?
?Christ!? Again the bright red sultry lips, the rasping voice as she butts in once more on my questioning. ?Those are of my fucking sister? She’s being held for ransom? She’s? She’s obviously being humiliated!? Leaning forward, seeming to reflexively cup the bottoms of her ample mounds through her dress with her spreading fingers, she finishes. ?And? And tortured!... Look at the bottom photo, Buster!... Look what they’re doing to her breasts? And? And worse.?
The last glossy photo, at least in this stack, and I stare at the big brown eyes staring frantically back at me in the still, a black leather gloved hand gripping, twisting her swollen breast, a burning cigar pressing against her titflesh just below the bulging nipple forming a nice little pattern of blisters. A little closer look down toward her spread thighs and the lit cigar’s been obviously used in an even more painful place at least a couple times.
?Why?Why me?... I mean, what can I?..?
?We need you to mediate the ransom demand.? He again cuts me off, nodding over toward the couch, back toward me. ?They want you, I mean they insist not to use the police or???
?Fuck? They probably want the ransom delivered by someone that’s not a threat to ‘em? To try to out think ‘em.? She responds, leaning back against the sofa while dropping her hands, shaking her head back and forth, again that pain in the ass rolling of her eyes that fits her rude arrogance as she butts in, again. ?Obviously you fit the bill perfectly, doesn’t he Fino??
Glancing toward her, actually her lips, I know of something else that’ll fit in her mouth too, then again that’s for another time. But I ain’t stupid either, I know by her attitude; she’s trying to hide something, fuck, I know, she’s already got the hots for me, I bet.
?So? You want me to? To what?... Deliver the ransom??
?Damn!... Maybe I was wrong.? I watch the smirk on her face as I listen to her sarcasm. ?You must be an Einstein!?
Yea, and you must be a real pain in the ass to be around, except to maybe fuck your brains out once in a while, I think to myself as I can’t help noticing the silhouettes of her hard nipples even beneath the clinging and quite revealing silk dress material with the French style, extremely low cut brassiere peaking out. ?Okay? Enough with the bullshit.? I retort, my tone now not so subtle even though she does have great tits that I’ve got a hard time keeping my eyes off of. Abruptly switching tactics, I sarcastically answer her. ?If you’re done being a cunt, let’s get down to business? Or I know where the fucking door is, Toots? And I won’t be back.?
Stuffing the photos back inside the manila envelope, reaching them out toward Fino, I can sense the heat emitting from the couch, Darla’s stare like daggers. His free hand noticeably trembling as he receives the envelope, appearing more then surprised by my instantly changing demeanor, his quick glance back toward hers’ with more then just a hint of a disapproving nod, more like shut the fuck up stupid before you even open that mouth of yours again.
?We? We need your help? We really do? We? We just have no choice.? He glances back toward me, his manner reverting back to form. ?Excuse her, Darla’s? Darla’s been distraught since?..?
?Since her sister’s been kidnapped and used for an ashtray?? I butt in myself now, playing their rude ass game, and being a smart ass.
?Yeh? Yes that’s crude, and, and harsh? But correct, I? I suppose.? He nods, glancing back toward her, her eyes still piercing, but now toward the both of us.
?Okay.? I retort. ?Now here’s the deal? The first fucking lie? I leave? Period? End of story, understand?... The both of you.?
His head slowly nodding as he again glances from me to the couch, he mumbles. ?Okay, Okay I? We understand.
?Good then? Why the fuck me then?? Really.?
?That? That was in the instructions on the landline.? He answers, reflexively glancing toward the black phone on the end table. They insisted on? On you? Honest to god.? He answers, again glancing back and forth. ?Either you? And nobody else? Or? Or they said we’ll never see her again? Alive!?
?Really?? I nod with a smirk? You don’t say?... They wanted me huh?... And by name??
?Yes? Yes really? Even told us how to contact you? And positively no cops? Or else!? He nods back, the folder still in one hand, the annoying, at least to me, cigarette holder in the other.
?Okay? Time to negotiate then.? I answer, again glancing toward her tits, ignoring her face just to piss her off. ?We do things my way? Or I walk, understand??
?Yes? We’ll negotiate with them if? If you think that’s what we should do now.? He answers, again nodding toward her.
?No? Not with them? With me.? I smirk, again my attention on her, mainly her tits as she rests an arm on the back of the sofa. ?Here’s my rules.?
?Yes? Okay??
?First? Stop butting the fuck in? Both of you? When I’m talking.? I snarl while staring at him to shut up. ?Second? We’ll decide on money afterwards, I’ve got something else in mind for now.? I snarl while turning my stare toward her.
?Afterwards?? His tone inquisitive, her just watching, having a hard time keeping her mouth shut.
?Right? Money for me comes later? But for now the other thing is? You, that’s the both of you, do exactly as I order? No ifs, ands or buts? Agreed?......... That’s a fucking yes or no, right now.? I instruct, sensing the uneasiness from her more so then from him as I finally glance up from her chest to her piercing eyes.
Their glance toward one another as if not quite understanding the ramifications, I focus on her tits again as the nervous appearing in-laws hesitate before finally agreeing with affirming slow nods.
?Okay? Again, complete compliance or I walk? Understand.? Adding my instruction a second time just for affect, I watch as they both almost inquisitively nod a second time toward each other themselves.
?Good.? Reaching out, sliding the photos from the manila folder, flipping to the last still, the blistered tit, I nod toward the couch. ?Okay Toots? Stand up and flip those tits of yours out.?
?What???... Excuse me!? I? I don’t thi????.?
Flipping the folder back toward him, the photo still in hand, turning toward the door as she rasps, I hear his groan, his hushed but stern voice directed toward her in their other language for just a moment or so, almost sounding like a scolding.
?Wait? Wait.? Just another brief moment, his voice apologetic, almost high pitched now directed toward me, I turn; see his hand on the strap of her dress tugging downward, the overflowing lace bra cup thrusting outward. ?She’ll? She’ll comply with? With your instructions if she has too???..?
?Okay then, she has too? Now that is fucking the last time or I fucking leave.? I warn, returning her stare, her glare, her piercing brown eyes almost welling up. ?Now, strip to the waist? Bare those tits??.. That’s just to start with, Toots.?
?Strip?... Start with?... Then? Then what?... That’s, that’s if I? I agree?????..!? She glares, brushing his hand away, shaking her head slowly back and forth until she sees me reach the photo toward him, glance again at the door while shaking my head. Finally reaching her fingers out across both straps, dropping them ever so slowly down off her bowing shoulders, she drops her head forward as she mumbles, maybe grunts in disgust.
?Yea, I’ll let you know what’s next after I get a better look at that rack of yours.? I agitate her. ?Now unsnap that bra and flip those tits out here for me while arching your shoulders good and back? And, and pat your ass with the palms of your hands, too.? I add just for giggles as I glance again toward the photo while pretending to ignore her manipulations of the wide bra straps, the deep black silk cups unfolding under her pendulous mounds, and, the just as I thought, rock hand nipples that’s being totally revealed.
Glancing up as she holds the ruffled bra in one hand down toward her side, an end of a strap brushing back and forth across the floor, her face flushes a crimson shade as her eyes lower toward her chest almost defiantly arching slowly outward as instructed. Watching her firm melons spreading out toward her shoulders, gently swaying back and bumping together, the thick nipples jiggling as she slides her hands back across her butt cheeks, I step directly in front of her while glancing down toward the glossy photo, at the other exact double ‘D’ rack, then back at hers sans the cigar blisters. Reaching out with my free hand, cupping, lifting a breast, lowering my hand, letting that tit bounce as I cup the other, lifting it up, I continue to compare her breasts with the photo’s as I explore the exposed titflesh, even giving a little tug.
?Wha? What? What are? Are you doing?... Looking? Feeling for?? Her face continuing to flush, her voice mostly drips in anger even while her shoulders arch a little further back, her tits rising on her chest as her fingers dig into her buttocks as her titties follow my hand. The strap of the dangling bra still clenched in one hand, her body somehow partially feeling to me almost receptive to the touch of my fingers, and her of course her obviously trying mightily not to be as annoying to me as I am to her, she glares down toward my hand as I give a nice firm squeeze, let her tit slip away, barely tweaking the nub of its nipple as I take my time answering.
?Just comparing? Making sure there’s not any burn marks.? I lie, as in reality I just have an urge to see and feel her tits, maybe embarrass the shit out of her some too by tweaking, stretching ‘em out, yet noticing the areola, nipple showing the tell-tell signs of shriveling even thicker with my touch. Obviously something deep inside her seems to be responding to my manipulations, yet again, that could just be my thought for the moment.
?Burn? Burn marks?.............. What the fuck??????. You? You Bastard!? Flushing beat red now, sliding her fingertips across her globular mounds, partially concealing her swelling nubs as the bra sways down across her hollowing stomach, she almost scolds, but catches herself as he butts in.
?He’s? He’s just being a detective? Cover? Covering everything? Making sure that’s not your?..?
?Yea? Right.? I interject; letting him add to the lie, cover my ass like I actually needed him too, but that’s okay. ?Can never be too safe.? I interject. ?Just making sure these glossies aren’t of you, like he said? Besides don’t worry, I’ve seen plenty of tits? They’re a dime a dozen to me.?
Yea, a dime a dozen okay, I’m thinking to myself, but there’s only one other set exactly like these I know of, and a dime won’t buy them either, no sir, even if they do have a few welts on them at the moment. As she continues to angrily stand half naked in front of me, her seminude body trembling with varied emotions, the three of us probably wondering what’s next, with me getting the choice, I make it.
?The rest of those clothes? Off? Drop that fucking bra and turn and bend while spreading those long legs wider.? I demand in a harsher tone as I point toward her waist, her feet.
Glaring straight into my eyes, her arms beginning to crisscross across those ample mounds, flattening her titflesh against her chest as her fists clench across her nipples, she angrily stutters, mutters. ?If? If you mean wha????..?
?That’s exactly what I mean Toots.? I nonchalantly smirk. Now get the fuck naked and bend over and spread? Matter of fact; touch your toes, too? Have to check that twat of yours out for those burns when you spread those butt cheeks apart.?
?Fuck you!... I said fuck you!...... No? No!? No fucking way I’ll????..?
Glancing toward Fino, slowly shaking my head, glancing toward the door, I know he’ll interject as I reach the photo out toward him, again.
?Do it? Just do it Darla? Go ahead and just do it, and get it over with for god’s sake.? He muses, his own face reddening as he reaches out, tugs at the dangling bra. ?Think? Just think of your sister and do it for her!?
?Fuck her, I think to myself, do it for fucking me. Staring toward him as she shoves his hand away, back toward me as I give her my I don’t give a shit nod, flipping the brassiere harshly across the back of the couch, wiggling her ass, letting her dress glide down across her hips, her knees, the clinging material flutters into a crinkled pile across her ankles, only her panties, a nice fitting black lace panty left rising across her hips.
?Yea Toots? That’s it? Do it!... Bend over and touch those toes? Now!?
My voice firm as I nod for her to turn, the sight of her practically naked body quivering, obediently even if hesitantly bending over in front of me, her pendulous breasts swaying, brushing against her knees as she slips her panty’s slowly downward, again past her thighs, past her knees, her calves, until she humiliatingly steps out of the small pile one foot at a time. Glancing toward Fino with an obvious smirk on my face, then just as arrogantly back toward her, I order. ?Okay, I said turn around now and grab those ankles? Shuffle those feet apart some so I can see in that cunt of yours.
Slowly nodding toward Fino, the expression on his face priceless, turning back toward her as she angrily twists, grips her legs tightly just above her ankles, I step closer, slightly stoop to eye level with her swaying buttocks jaunting up in the air, her spreading slit a dark, gapping tunnel between her naturally parted thighs. Glancing down toward her beat red face between her spread legs, obviously flushing from both humiliation and her spreading and awkward stance simultaneously, the ends of her deep dark hair sway, brush across the carpet as I reach out; let the palms of my hands rest across her rounded rump, just across from the puckered rim of her tight rectum.
?Freshly shaven cunt, huh?? I ask in an exaggerated tone as I glance between her legs, past her shaved slit, toward her upturned face. ?Razor or tweezers??
?Huh?... Wha??
Her answer almost unintelligible grunts, I respond. ?Your twat, this smooth cunt? Did you shave it or use tweezers on it, Toots??
Her eyes narrow slits and still piercing, she mumbles. ?Shaved? I shave there, asshole? And? And my name’s Darla, not Toots!......... Now can I stand the fuck up?... See?... No fucking burns!?
?Damn!... No nubs either? None at all? Good job? Darla!? I retort, letting my fingers slide softly across her buttocks, slip into the crack between her butt cheeks, glide across the puffy, and revealingly moist folds of her labium parting just enough to expose her pencil-eraser sized clit appearing moist to me. ?You’re good with a razor down here? Real handy, yes ma’am? No razor burns even.? Again glancing toward her upturned face while her hips continue to tremble, her eyes still staring daggers, this time I’m pretty sure toward my crotch, I’m just glad she doesn’t have a razor handy at the moment as I can’t resist letting the tip of my thumb press across the glistening nub, watch it actually quiver, swell as I gently rub back and forth a couple times, sense the involuntary contractions.
Standing, giving a firm pat of my cupped hand across her still trembling rump, I glance toward Fino as the sound echoes in the room. ?Tell her she can stand now? And get dressed if she wants? I’ll take the folder with me and see you in the morning.? Ignoring her as she embarrassingly begins to slowly straighten, I accept the folder. Walking toward the door, I start to let myself out as I glance back toward him. ?Stop by my office ten-ish or so? Just you? No need for her to come, just yet, if she can help from it.? Again her face a beautiful shade of crimson, the stare malicious as she catches my snide remark while covering her breasts with one arm, her cunt with her noticeably curling fingers of the other, I smile down toward her fingertips disappearing inside her slit. Shutting the door behind me, I head for my office.
Chapter Two
Unlocking the thick oak door concealed toward the rear of my office, the narrow stairway curling downward in three short eight step sections, a second, larger metal door’s easily unlocked, slid harshly open along its iron tracks as I still carry the folder in my hand. The concrete walls, floors whitewashed with a hint of dampness in what once was an old storage sub-basement, a single clear bulb hangs from a black cord from the ceiling just above the lone breast bound occupant.
There she is, still here, the actual dame in the photos, standing, suspended virtually naked, her legs spread slightly more then the width of her shoulders, tiptoeing on the balls of her feet, her ankles loosely roped to metal rings in the floor. A black scarf encircling her forehead and covering her eyes just above the red ball-gag stuffed deep in her mouth widely spreading her still red lips, its black strap disappears beneath her dark hair behind her neck. Her bulging breasts being hoisted upwards the size of ripe grapefruits, their bases wrapped again and again with the ends of a thin white rope and stretching upward framing her cheeks, her nipples point straight out, so taut the areolas appear almost translucent, almost the same dark discolored shade as her swollen mounds.
Entering into the area, only a simple green button-down sweater tossed across her arched shoulders hangs down barely covering her arms roped behind her backside, everything else left exposed to the musty dampness for over a day now. Strands of saliva drooling from the corners of her yawning lips dripping across her firm melons, the noticeable traces of multiple cigar burns form a tight little pattern just below her left nipple.
Slipping out of my clothes as I approach, stepping toward her with my cock rock hard, the footsteps even of my bare feet quite discernable across the concrete floor, the slightest of echoes reverberates off the barren damp walls. The sight of her naked body quivering, trembling as her head seems to turn, tilt in slow motion while she inaudibly mumbles through the drenched gag, at the approaching sounds, I slowly circle her, observe the goose bumps across her bare flesh as I strip the sweater from her shoulders. Listening to her straining, almost pleading whimpers while I cup the marred bare breast as she reflexively twitches, twists, I smile to myself while I let my thumbnail glide across the stiff nub of the jiggling nipple, my tip of a finger covering a couple of the crusty reddish welts of the superficial burns left by my cigar for the photos.
Thinking of her sister Darla the whole time, comparing the two identical, at least now almost identical bodies of the twin sisters, I slip a finger between Darlene’s spread thighs, flick past the nub of her equally twin clit; thrust a couple knuckles deep into her moist sex. Listening to her whimpers turn to grunts as she squirms, pressing myself closer against her trembling body, forcing my bare chest against her barely flattening, nearly rock hard, virtually perfectly globular round mounds suspended between us, I stand face to face with her as I force the crown of my stiffening cock past the remnants of the other couple red welts across her puffy labium.
Dropping the folder to the floor, gripping the strands of rope hoisting her onto her tiptoes, I thrust inward, forcing her naked body to sway back and forth in her bindings as I mount her, begin pumping in and out as she grunts, slobbers through the gag, attempts to somehow keep her balance, relieve the strain on her stretching breasts. Watching her glistening body as I pound away, listening to her moans, grunts, inaudible whimpering as the creaking ropes flex in my fists, her breasts bulging out tautly between them, I burrow even deeper, thrust even harder, feel her warm, moist vaginal muscles tensing, gripping my swelling cock as she seems to have lost the ability to really struggle.
The whole time thinking of her sister, her arrogance, again I sense my own slight smile as I think of the humiliation of my treatment toward her earlier on. Still pumping, assaulting the virtually identical fatigued body strung up helplessly in front of me, I imagine what its going to be like humping her sister too, that strange obsession it seems for a man to want to fuck a twin sister, especially if they’re identical.
A couple final harsh thrusts, jerking back, watching her glistening, naked body twist, almost spin beneath the twanging ropes gripping her discolored swollen mounds as the ropes tighten between her ankles keeping her facing forward, I pick up the folder, step back. Glancing around the cellar, back toward her as I approach the exit, I stop, pick up my clothes, step toward the metal door. I wonder if she realizes she’s got another night of not being able to sleep, of struggling to stand on her tiptoes or be hoisted up in the ropes by those bulging melons. Oh well, that’s her problem, I think to myself without even a hint of compassion, whatever that is, as I hear the door clank shut behind me.
Chapter Three
Morning, a nice restful night, I sip my second mug of the over hundred proof Wild Turkey liquor along with an over ripe banana and what’s left of a nearly empty bag of beef jerkies left over from last week to finish my breakfast. Rejuvenated after a good belch, feeling refreshed, I hear the buzzer, watch the monitor to the outside entrance of the once mob owned warehouse back in the prohibition days. Buzzing, letting the impeccably attired individual enter, step toward the stylishly remodeled outer reception area, I press the button beneath my finger, speak.
?Welcome Fino? Ten on the head, huh??
Watching him glance up toward the state of the art camera as it seems everyone does, like that’ll release the next door, I buzz again, letting him think whatever he wants as he tugs it open.
?Come on in.?
The door swinging open, stepping out from my office I enter the inner reception area, toward the empty desk of my receptionist, who doesn’t work weekends. ?Fino? Good for you? Pronto my man? How’s the sister-in-law?
A hesitant nod of his head as he removes his hat, glancing around the otherwise empty reception area, he halfway smiles as he twists, rotates the hat’s wide bream in front of him with both hands. ?Kinda’ not taken very well by you? Thinks you’re a real asshole, excuse the language? But? But I couldn’t even believe it myself when you had her strip like that?.And? And? Damn, what a sight!?
?Hey? I just wanted to see her tits? Maybe take her down a peg or two.? Picking up his nervous reaction, I can’t help asking. ?You fuck that bitch after I left?... She wanted it after I was done with her? I could tell, you know.?
The shade of his face discoloring, a boyish nod back and forth with his head, rejecting the idea. ?No? No, not that it maybe didn’t pass my mind a time or two, maybe? But? But you know? Sisters and all????. Besides, it hasn’t worked out too well with my wife, you know? And she’s? Darla? Well, she’s worse.?
With that being said, a nod of my head more in disappointment then respect, thinking how I came straight to the office and banged his old lady, glancing toward my office, pointing toward the satchel on the desk for him to pickup, we take our little trek to the sub-basement, to his wife awaiting us.
The door sliding open, her naked body lax, sloped back toward the center of the room, her darkened bound breasts bulging in front of her tilted back face, she’s no longer completely tiptoeing, just semi-suspended by the taut ropes as she half stands, half hangs. As we step into the dank chamber before I ‘clank’ the door shut, a few steps toward her and she noticeably straightens, again raising onto the balls of her feet as the ropes flex between her ballooning, but surprisingly not really that much discolored breasts beneath the block and tackle affixed to the ceiling’s rafter.
Her hoarse grunts emitting from the gag, her spread legs noticeably trembling, her calves, thighs taut, glistening, it’s obvious she’s spent her second sleepless night prancing beneath the also taut ropes without much sleep.
?Well? Not so worse for wear, yet.? I scold as my hand glides around the unmarred mound, my fingers spreading across its tautly swollen areola, the nub of the nipple just as flat. ?Time to hurt you some more? Maybe give this other tit some attention to start with.?
More pleading, whimpering grunts, less vocal, more guttural, I kinda’ ignore them for the moment; the real pleasure will come when she screams. Glancing back toward Fino, his mixed expression, I just give the sign with my finger across my lip for him to remain quiet as I reach for the satchel in his hand, after all, the last thing she wants to hear is her husband’s excited voice right now as she’s being worked over.
Opening, setting my bag of tricks on the floor, reaching in, handing him the camera and slipping on the latex gloves from the top of the satchel, I again palm the same breast with one hand, probe for, twist the nub of her nipple outward. Watching what part of her face I can see from the shielding of her mask and gag, watching the reflexive reactions of her squirming body, I lean closer to her ear, whisper. ?We’re going to spend some time with this tit first? Start with the nipple? Get it nice and flexible to start with.? Tugging, twisting simultaneously, feeling the nub harden, thicken as I take my time manipulating the tender flesh, I reach in the top of the bag, retrieve a glistening alligator clamp, the serrated teeth sharpened, its spring modified, shortened to produce more tension, a lot more tension. Spreading the chrome jaws, the serrated tongs flexing open, shut, I tweak the tip of her nipple, tug outward.
?Now? I have a clamp here in my hand I’m going to jam across this nipple.? I begin my annotations, as it’s always nice to let the victims in on what they’re facing, it just adds immeasurably to their anguish, especially when they’re blindfolded. ?Then I’m going to let it spring shut? The metal teeth grinding right into your tit flesh.? Again just more then a whisper toward her ear, feeling her naked body shudder as I verbally torment her, her slobbering lips grunting inaudible pleas around the gag as her head twists back and forth, I sense her even in her fatigue still struggling, tiptoeing even higher as the ropes flex between us, her jiggling breasts. ?It’s going to hurt? A lot? You’ll feel the wetness across this ripe melon too? That’ll be from the razor sharp teeth sinking into the nipple causing it to bleed some.? Feeling her breast twitching in my palm, her heart pounding a mile a minute, glancing toward Fino, the camera resting in his hands in front of his chest, his expression still somewhat mixed, yet his attention hanging on every word, I give a harsh tug; slip the spread clamp ominously across her puckering tit flesh.
Sliding deep across her stretched nipple, the glistening chrome encircling the nub, I press it even deeper, collecting, stuffing the tan flesh between the yawning serrated teeth of the clamp as I twist, tug, manipulate her rock hard tit and the clamp while she tenses, rambles on unintelligibly through the gag. ?Ready?... Ready for me to release the clamp you say?... You want it spring to shut now, you say?? Teasing, mocking her, still leaning close to her ear, the tears streaking from beneath the mask, mucus drooling from her nostrils, mixing with her saliva as she grunts, just gibberish from her quivering lips, I again smile toward him, prepare for her certain scream or two as I glance back toward her.
?Aaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhh!... Aaaaggghhhh!.......... Aaaaaagggghhhhhh!?
Wrong, make that three screams. That sound, the perfect curdling sounds’ one after another of her incredible screams reverberating time and again across the room as I let the clamp spring shut, her hysterical response echoing off the concrete walls as her naked body jolts, twists, the ropes encasing her ankles stretching, holding firm as the ropes encircling her breasts stretch, tighten, twist in front of her naked body. Specks of crimson glistening on the gripping clip, just a drop or two of blood tracing down across her oval mound from the engorged nub, her pain’s obviously excruciating to her, more so then the actual mounting of the serrated metal jaws should be causing it seems to me, then again, it’s not my nipple bleeding in the fucking clamp.
Stepping aside, glancing toward Fino and nodding toward the clamped breast, his eyes widening as he seems transfixed with his wife’s agony, he slowly raises the camera in his quivering hands, snaps a picture. The second clip in hand, letting my spread fingers rest across her burnt breast, tweaking its nipple, tugging, twisting until the hardening nub puckers out from her taut tit flesh, I slide the spread metal jaws across that swollen mound.
Again her body trembling, twisting as she feels the metal pressing against bare flesh, her grunts are even louder, more pitiful as a steady stream of drool forming from around the gag adheres to her sternum. Leaning toward her ear, my breath spreading the loosening dark strands of hair flittering across her neck, I again whisper. ?The other tit now? Same type clamp? Just as deep on the nipple? Prepare yourself for it? Take a deep breath? I’ll wait.?
?Umph!... Humph!... Aaagghhhh!?
Her shrieking grunts inaudible, but just as intoxicating as her screams, I slide the spread clamp back and forth, the serrated tongs grinding back and forth across the engorging nub protruding out from her quivering breast. Twisting her body again to no avail, tiptoeing, jerking back, leaning forward, I just smile as my hand glides along with her every movement, the clamp burrowing deeper around the twitching nub, ready to snap shut whenever I decide the time’s right. Glancing toward Fino, nodding toward the clamp, letting my fingers slip away, the time’s right, the metal edges disappearing into her tit flesh.
One scream this time, but what a scream. Her neck craning, head jerking back, her naked body bowing, arching back with her muffled scream, the ropes stretching, creaking, urine spurts, squirts from between her spread thighs, splashes across the floor between her bare feet. The camera flashing again, I step back, watch her exhilarating gyrations, the pair of clamps tinged with her blood, jiggling, glistening above her bulging globular mounds hoisted in the ropes above her head as her spastic body slumps, twitches, hangs back beneath the swaying ropes.
Stepping toward Fino, glancing back at his obviously unconscious wife, I grip the camera. ?Her clit next... Your turn to do it.?
His expression priceless, almost a frightened response, again I nod toward her slumping body, motion him to lower his voice as I repeat. ?Her clit? Do it!?
Now expressing more of a firm stare then a smiling suggestion, I again nod toward her, reach a third matching clip out from the satchel, hand it toward him. ?Do it? The bitch deserves it, doesn’t she?... You’ve had it with her; now want to get back at the cunt? Besides, who the fuck’s going to know?... Right??
Seeing him grip the alligator clamp like it’d bite him, hesitantly press it open and shut in his clenching fist, I watch with a suppressed grin while the expression on his face morphs with each assessing squeeze as he glances from his hand to her slumped body, focusing on her vagina. Reaching inside the bag yet again, shuffling around, I find the capsule I’m hunting for. Breaking it apart, the pungent aroma quite pronounced, a couple whiffs back and forth above the mouth gag and she’s again jerking, beginning to cough, hoisting herself up on the balls of her feet as the ropes stretch from her scarlet speckled breasts. Giving Fino a nod, kneeling in front of his unfortunate wife, spreading her cuntlips with a finger and thumb, I again have to nod for him to step forward, to press the clamp between her thighs, across her clit.
Holding back a chuckle, just a slight smile, I watch his twitching hand, her quivering hips as the clamp grinds back and forth, the serrated teeth rubbing across the edge of the protruding nub as he half-ass positions himself. Again glancing up toward his ashen expression, the slight glisten of perspiration beading across his forehead, I spread her labium even further apart while gripping his hand with my free hand; shake my head as I scold him. ?Damn!? You going to release it? Or saw her fucking clit off??
Her body jerking as she frantically grunts, his own eyes darting, stare into mine, back toward his quivering hand. Mumbling something, he jerkily releases the clamp like its scolding his fingers.
What a fucking scream, Damn, I can’t get enough of them, especially from a gorgeous big titted girl like her all strung up in ropes. Anyway, the harshest screech yet, her body jolting violently back in the creaking ropes, he jolting backwards himself, nearly stumbling as his ashen face stares toward the spots of blood dripping from between her convulsing thighs. I continue to kneel while shaking my head slowly back and forth, having to struggle a little bit to inspect his work, notice just the tip of the clamp hanging from her pulsing clit.
Still working to spread her sex as she sporadically jerks, gripping the clamp with my free hand, squeezing it open, slipping it deeper across her twitching clit as she continues her hysterics, I release the clip, allow the entire set of serrated teeth to sink across her crimson splotched flesh.
Another animalistic scream from her muffled lips as her naked body jerks, contorts, she’s obviously not very appreciative of my realignment of his crude handiwork. Standing, stepping back just knowing I’m going to have to break another capsule, I realize it may be a couple for the both of them as I glance into his widening eyes while listening to her screeches.
?God? You okay??
The words barely getting out of my mouth, his stomach flexing as he bends forward, grabs for his mouth as he turns, regurgitates across the concrete floor, I can’t believe what I’m witnessing. ?You’ll clean that fucking mess up yourself nimrod.? I scold as I shake my head, point toward the towels by the dripping facet in the sink near the back wall.
Chapter Four
What a friggen’ night I think to myself early the next day as I’m driving toward the entrance of the estate. A black sedan cutting in front, blocking my way a half block or so away from the iron gate as a similar car slides in behind, I recognize the goons exiting the front doors of the lead car. I don’t need much of an imagination to imagine who’s in the back seat, obviously acquiring my presence. Stepping out myself without waiting for help, nodding toward the crooked smirk of Alfrado as he nods toward the passenger rear door, swings it open, I nod back as I stoop, slide inside. Glancing toward the slightly crooked nose of the goon as he again gives me that look as he shuts the door behind me, it’s clear he hasn’t forgotten I’m the one that made it crooked a few years ago.
The meeting with the somewhat elderly, yet still quite intimidating occupant who could be cast for his part straight out of a Hollywood casting call, the one sided conversation not really so short and definitely not so sweet, the situation’s taken a one-eighty as I exit the sedan to re-enter my car. Watching as both cars pull away leaving my buddy Alfrado behind, I watch as they disappear down the shaded street, the perfect lines of trees impeccable, better manicured then most lawns. Having done business more then once with the occupant, luckily always getting results to his liking, he’s briefly filled me in on what I’ve gotten myself into, and, what he expects to happen now that he’s involved. Stepping back to my car with me, Alfrado quietly climbs into the back seat. That momentarily making me just a tad uncomfortable as I lean back while sliding in, I glance toward him and mumble. ?Copasetic??
?For now.?
His words not so reassuring, except I’m working for his boss again, I nod like it doesn’t fucking matter anyway. Besides, I’m the one who broke his fucking nose, remember??
Navigating the last block, kinda’ pissed with the turn of events, thinking, planning off the top of my head while driving up to the Veranda, parking beneath it, I glance at the double entrance doors as I ascend the set of granite steps. A tap on the right handed door, it swinging open, Fino stands in his impeccable attire, now seeming somewhat ridiculous to me with what I’ve been told. Adlibbing, winging it, I walk past; enter the foyer without a word, knowing he’ll follow.
Stepping to the center of the room, turning, I nod my head, glance around. ?Where’s the sister-in-law??
?Right here!?
Her voice firm, still that of a cunt, I nod, wait for them to step side by side as she enters from the rear hallway. Staring into those piercing brown eyes of hers, I begin. ?Okay? To prove your sister’s okay, I’ve been instructed I can take you to her? Just for a quick look-see? You willing too??
?Well? Ah? Well? Ye?Yes, of course.? She answers, glancing toward Fino like she’s awaiting his thoughts.?
Glancing toward Fino myself, his expression of bewilderment, a squint of my eyes, I address him. ?You? Here’s the key to my car? Take it to my office and wait for my call? The keys’ on the ring to get in the building.?
Glancing back toward Darla, I continue with my improv. ?We’ll meet up with him to discuss the next move at my place? Now, we don’t have much time? Let’s get going? Where’s the keys to your car??
The doubting look in her eyes, her glance toward him, I butt in. ?Damn it? Let’s go? Times a wasting.?
Hesitantly leaving the room to get her purse and keys, I glance toward Fino, whisper. ?Listen? Go along with me? I’ve got something you need to know? Especially about her.? Glancing around the room, back toward him, I continue as I hold a hand toward my lips and whisper. ?It’s probably bugged? Careful!?
Totally confused, obviously concerned, but nodding back, his widening eyes seem glued to me as I motion toward the door, toward my car. ?Your cars’ in the back? Right??
Again his assertive nod, I glance back as I hear her footsteps in the hallway as I order. ?Go ahead? Take my car? We’ll meet at the office? Trust me!?
She walking in as he’s walking out, I reach for her keys, nod toward the back of the house. ?Your car?... Back there in the garage??
Her inquisitive nod as she watches him close the front door behind him, I step toward the rear of the house, nod myself. ?Come on, show me.?
The hallway, the entrance to the garage, we step between their glistening almost new motorcars, a Beamer, a bright red ’55 507, and the silver ’55 Mercedes 300 SL coupe. Glancing down in my palm, her keys are for the 507; I can’t help thinking how Fino boy has driven his Gullwing for the last time as I give it an admiring once over. Oh well, sliding into the Beamer, adjusting myself to the driver seat, she seems not so pleased I’m driving her car, so big fucking deal because about right now, Fino has met with Alfrado stooped behind the driver’s seat of my car, and it ain’t pretty. Circling the back of the house, out onto the street, in the rearview mirror I see the reflection of my car still at the veranda just starting to pull away with Alfrado driving. It’ll be awhile before I see that ride again, or more probably whatever replaces it. Now, it’s onto my office, down to the chamber, to let the sisters reunite.
Chapter Five
Parking behind the restructured warehouse, the thought still fresh in my mind of the meeting in the sedan, I figure what the fuck, tomorrow’s a good time to worry about that shit. Tonight, well tonight I get to complete fucking twin sisters at last. Using the rear entrance to the sub-basement, a number of steps, sliding the metal door open in front of Darla, flicking the light switch, the instantaneous response is almost inaudible, yet obviously consisting of a multitude of emotions as she glares up toward her sister still in her tit bindings, Those eyes also staring back down, she also inaudibly babbles through her ball gag while swaying, twisting beneath the block and tackle creaking above her from the rafter supporting the ropes suspending her by her breasts.
?Well? You volunteered to come with me? To see her? Well? Here she is!? I exaggerate my tone, watch her eyes widening in disbelief as I unexpectedly and suddenly grip her forearms, tug them behind her in a split second, snap the cuffs across both wrists.
?Wha?Wha? Oh my god? Stop? Let me???..?
Shocked, mumbling, she twists as I stuff my handkerchief in her mouth, just another use for the soiled cloth I’ve been carrying around for about a week, I mean hey, it’s not like I have a cold or something. Spinning her around, I rip her blouse apart, the buttons flying, bouncing across the floor. Her eyes glaring those now familiar daggers toward mine, but now with a more then a tinge of fear, my firm grip rips at her bra strap, Another harsh jerk from between the full cups and her breasts bounce free, the pair of ripe melons swaying, jiggling as she continues to twist, struggle. Muffled grunts, an attempted kick with her foot, my backhand across her cheek, an open palm across the other, a firm grip; twist of a bare breast and her anger becomes whimpering painful sobs.
Stripping the rest of her clothes, her reluctance obvious but her reddened cheeks and bruised breast a reminder to shut the fuck up and cooperate, I force her to kneel as I step over to the lever and lower her suspended sister. Unbinding the ropes from her bruised breasts, raw ankles, shuffling her toward a corner, she slumps to the floor exhausted, semi-conscious, obviously in a great deal of pain. Lying naked, arms still roped behind her back, she reflexively curls into a somewhat fetal position as I again turn my attention toward her sister.
Gripping Darla by an arm, positioning her beneath the block and tackle, smiling as I let one rope sway, cupping, manipulating her left breast, wrapping the end of the rope three, four complete turns behind her bulging mound, I listen to her grunts, her garbled pleadings as the look in her widening eyes reveals she knows quite well what’s in store for her now. The other dangling rope wrapped likewise, I stroll back over to the wall, grip the lever, begin cranking.
More grunts, Darla’s naked body twisting, leaning forward, her feet shuffling as her bound breasts are being slowly tugged, the ropes continue to creak, to stretch, to rise toward the twisting block and tackle swaying above her. Virtually tiptoeing to the balls of her feet, beginning to sway herself, her calves tensing, her thighs rippling, she slowly twists in a semi-circle as her breasts stretch further upward, the pair of ropes stretching at her tits encasing her face, pressing across her cheeks as her head’s forced to tilt back.
Ignoring even more pleading grunts, I give another harsh tug of the lever and her toes point down, flick back and forth as she slowly circles, twists in mid air, her ballooning breasts discoloring to a deep shade of purple while her stomach flexes beneath her protruding ribcage, her fingers clawing, scraping across the small of her back. Strolling back toward her, watching as she’s slowly twirling in mid air, whimpering, whining as her bulging tits stretch above her, I give her a spin, watch her twirl beneath the creaking block and tackle as I step back toward her sister, lift her up in my arms; glance up toward that virtually identical naked body making all that noise still spinning in the taut ropes. Looking into those terrified, pain wracked eyes welling with tears as her head twists back and forth, side to side obviously following me, her frantic grunts, groans rasping with each forced breath with the hanky stuffed between those lush lips, I think back to our first contact, her snide attitude, followed by me making her strip naked. That was good then, but damn, this is so much better now.
Stepping toward the exit, taking a moment I adjust the lever on the wall, allow Darla’s toes to barely touch, scrap across the concrete surface if she concentrates enough, arches, bows her back just right. In a few agonizing minutes her tits will stretch enough for her to balance on the balls of her feet too, that’s if she’s lucky. Flipping the light switch, I allow for the door to slowly slide shut, her guttural whimpers in the soon to be pitch black room fading as the metal clanks against concrete, locks in place.
Leaving her alone for just a matter of minutes, figuring no more then a half hour as I hesitate in the hallway, sling Darlene across my shoulder, I follow the corridor to another room, toss her on a mattress in the isolated cell and unbind her for the first time. A shackle hanging from a chain affixed to the wall, I attach it to her ankle, a few minutes alone with her, enough time for her sister to suffer in the darkness, I shut the door behind me as I think of fucking twins, identical twins at that.
Finally returning to Darla, lowering the ropes just a little, allowing her to stand flatfooted, I force her knees apart; bind each ankle to the metal eyelets in the floor beneath her. Her breasts swollen, discolored, they’re still none the worse for wear as I cup one, then the other as I glance into her welling eyes. Reaching toward her flushed face, I tug the gag from between her lips, listen to her cough, breathe hoarsely in as she shakes her head back and forth.
?One word bitch? Just one without me allowing it? And I’ll hang you by these tits for an entire night? Understand??
Her eyes darting directly into mine as she somehow nods her acknowledgement, then down toward her purplish breasts, she nods again, grunts, takes another deep breath. My hands still palming her symmetrical mounds, the areolas taut, the nipples flattened, I juggle one, the other back and forth, watch them bounce, the ropes lax, tense, lax again. Squeezing both simultaneously, feeling the fullness, their practically rock hard bound state, I step back a step, glance down into my bag of tricks.
?Time to get to work Darla.? I nonchalantly converse with my latest female interest while leaning down, searching. ?Ah Hah!? Here we go now? There it is? Just what I’ve been looking for.? I toss out my faked surprise rather loudly for effect as I raise my hand toward her face; show her what I’m doing. ?This is gonna’ hurt you more then it hurts me.?
Her eyes widening, her lips parting, just muttered grunts as she stares between the ropes stretching up beside her face. Shaking her head back and forth, clenching her teeth to avoid speaking, pleading, she leans back, the ropes creaking toward the swaying pulley, her breasts stretching outward. Holding my hand stiff, sliding the black leather glove across my fingers, thumbs, letting the bright razor sharp pricks glisten beneath the lone ceiling bulb, I flex my fingers; allow her to see the miniature spikes press outward, row after random row revealed from beneath the leather.
?Yeh? Yes ma’am? These’ll work just fine on those tits of yours? And your cunt!? Stepping around her, flexing my gloved fist, I grip her hair with my free hand, whisper in her ear. ‘Don’t worry though? I’ll swab your bare flesh down with swabs of alcohol after I’m done to avoid any infections or such.?
?Ple? Oh god please!? She mutters, mumbles as she twists, her ankles, breasts stretching the ropes taut. ?Don’t? Don’t? I? I’ll do any?. Anything???.Please!... Just, don’t!?
?Hush!? I scold as I jerk at her hair, force her neck to crane, her head to tilt back. Didn’t you listen?... What‘d I tell you? Speak only when spoken too!... Remember??
Lowering the outstretched glove, letting it barely encircle, lightly cup her left mound, still tugging at her hair, I feel the firmness of her breast as I begin to slowly squeeze, sense the numerous metal needles pricking against, pushing inward, piercing the initial layers of her flesh.
?Aaaaaagggghhhhh!... Oh please stop!? Oh my god!... Aaaaaggggghhhhh!?
Her grunts, pleadings intoxicating, her naked body twitching, the sensation of the tips of the needles sinking further into her globular mound, I flex my hand, tighten my fingers, thumb firmer across her bare flesh.
?Ooooohhhhh!.... Gaaaaaaaddddd!.... Stop?. It hurts? Hurts so bad!... God stop!... Stop!... I’m? I’m begging!... I’ll? I’ll do anything? Anything you want!?
Even better, her cries, offers echoing across the barren chamber, reverberating off the stone walls, I have her head tilted straight back, her breasts stretching upwards. Glancing into her eyes, grinning, I slowly shake my head back and forth. ?Well now? How you think your sisters’ felt for the last few days?... You’ve only been suspended by your tits for less then an hour and listen to you.? Watching her expression, her affirmative nodding, the I’ll do anything, just let me down pleadings, I let the glove glide down across her hip, press lightly between her thighs.
The grunts, the frantic stare, the twisting of her body as the ropes hold her ankles taut, I again smile, hold her steady. ?Don’t worry Darla; I’ve got other plans for you? Right now your sister can take the brunt of the real abuse for awhile.? Stepping directly in front of her, glancing into her pleading eyes, I add. ?Anything, you say, huh?... Well? I’m just going to fuck your brains out between a few attitude adjustments? As needed? Anyway, let’s try something a little different with you.? The smile stays on my face as I slip the glove off, inspect the countless indentations, just the hint of traces of crimson here and there across her bulging mound. ?Now, keep me happy and keep that fucking mouth shut until I stick my cock in it? Or maybe I’ll just have to reverse the roles of you two permanently.?
Slipping the blade from my trouser pocket, snipping the ends of the rope suspending her breasts as I give her my best ominous glare, gripping her by her elbows as she whimpers, I lead her over to what appears to be a large wooden barrel cut in half from top to bottom and positioned on its open side across the floor. Six eyelets affixed in the concrete circling the barrel, glancing at her, back toward the swaying ropes dangling from the block and tackle, I smile. ?Now here’s your choice? And remember, shut the fuck up? Now? Either those ropes again for the rest of the night? Or this barrel, okay?... Go ahead and lean back across it when I uncuff your hands.? Stepping behind her, slowly slipping off the cuffs, I add. ?Fuck with me and you’ll hang by those tits for a week? And remember, hush? Not a fucking word.?
Sensing her response, the obvious urge to resist, yet obviously knowing better then to try, that she’s basically helpless and the threat toward her already throbbing breasts terrifying, she glances down, turns and obediently kneels as I guide her to bow backwards. The small of her back sliding above, resting across the arching row of slats of the wooden barrel, she apprehensively spreads her arms apart, allowing me to bind each wrist toward the outer ends of the barrel.
Stepping around her, binding each ankle on the other side but closer together in another set of eyelets, her arched, naked body spreads back across the half oval, face up, her roped breasts globular in their still tight bindings jaunting firmly upright, their dark, taut areolas and the nubs of her nipples jiggling as the shear weight of her breasts draws them toward her armpits. The remaining pair of eyelets, on the same side of the barrel but further apart then those used for her ankles, binding each thigh, stretching the ropes, spreading her legs until her knees are bowed wide apart, I’m finally satisfied with my work.
Another great look at her sex, her shaven vagina spread, the puffy folds of her labia separating just enough to allow an unobstructed view of her clitoris, this time I take in the view from her front side, not from her bending over and grabbing her ankles like the other night when we first met. Stepping further around the barrel, leaning, kneeling on a knee next to her upturned face, I grip her hair, tug downward. ?Well Darla? Me thinks you’re going to feel my cock in all three of those orifices to start with? Yes, you’re going to fuck me with all three? And you’re going to show enthusiasm in doing it, aren’t you?... I said aren’t you Darla??
Her eyes blurry, her breasts raising, lowering in sequence with her hollowing stomach, I lean closer, listen as she barely mumbles, clenches her fists in the tensing ropes. Again glancing over her naked form bowed back, the resemblance to her sister more then striking, I struggle with myself not to hurt her, to bruise her, to mar that perfect skin, yet, right now that’s what Darlene’s for. Right now just some light pain, some things that’ll keep her fresh for me, to enjoy fucking, stuffing my cock in. Sliding down onto both knees, slipping my cock out of my trousers, I tug her head down and back against the barrel and press the crown of my shaft against her lips.
?Work it? Work it good or I’ll get both gloves and make your tits and cunt look like mincemeat!? Watching her lips hesitantly part, spread around my cock, I deliberately add a line or two just to upset her more. ?You know, I think we’re just going to start by seeing how deep you can take this? Yea? A long, slow thrust, in and out, one orifice at a time? Until we try out all three holes!... Then I’ll? We’ll decide where to really fuck you first?? Ready??
Glancing down into her upturned face, my cock rubbing across her mouth, giving her my stern stare, a knowing nod, she hesitantly spreads her lips apart as I slip my hands across her breasts, the firm melons the size, the feel of hard grapefruits, the rope bindings encased in their swollen flesh. Running my fingertips across the nubs, spreading my hands wider, squeezing, gripping, I jam my hips forward, hear her gurgles as my cock rams past her yawning lips, across her tongue, deep into her throat in one long, harsh thrust. Her naked body arching, the back of her head ramming against the barrel’s surface, her fists clenching, toes curling, her gapping vagina appears to spread wider as she lifts upward, struggles to breathe. Feeling my scrotum slapping across her face, her eyes, nose, I hold steady, listen to her rasping grunts as I squeeze those rock hard tits, watch those taut nipples, areolas stretch even wider.
A half minute, a little longer, her arching body barely touching the round wooden slates beneath her, quivering from head to toe, her grunts, pleading sobs, I smile, satisfied as I arch my hips back, slowly slide my cock outward. The suction, the gasp of breath as she finally inhales again, my glistening shaft ‘plops’ free, sways, bounces across her face, her squinting eyes.
?Not bad? Either you’ve had practice deep-throating? Or you’re just a natural cock sucker.? I tease as the crown of my cock continues to brush across her moist lips as her body lays back, again contours in a semi-arch to the barrel, the top of her head resting on the floor. ?Yea? You took my entire nine inches in a single thrust? Impressive really? Now, let’s try that cunt of yours out next.? Stepping around the barrel, kneeling between her legs, I place my hands across her thighs, press inwards with my hips. The head of my swollen shaft throbbing, it presses inward, parting the folds of her labia, scraping across her clit in one long, slow thrust as all nine inches borrows inward. Her hips arching, her body tensing as she grunts, I again hold steady for a half minute or so, slowly draw back.
Her vaginal walls like a tight, moist glove, gripping, stretching around my shaft as I pull back, even before it ‘plops’ free, I lean across her naked flesh, whisper. ?Now for your ass? All nine inches in one long, slow thrust right in that butt hole? And remember? One annoying outburst and you’ll be hanging by those tits again.?
Hearing her obediently reticent moans, her austere realization nothing’s going to stop me from sodomizing her, I watch her hips quiver, her butthole reflexively pucker as I grip my shaft, probe the twitching head beneath her still gapping vagina, across the tensing rim of her rectum. Probing, teasing, pressing between her thighs, it’s obvious she’s straining not to scream, to plead, to upset me. Spitting on a finger, rubbing it across her rectum, obviously more for me then for her, I manipulate, force the tip of my shaft to spread her sphincter muscles, to press inward a couple cautious inches at first, her rectum nice and tight, much more confining then her cunt.
Her sobbing obvious, her hips reflexively tensing, arching, her back bowing as her toes curl, scrape across the floor, her grunts become even more pronounced, the tearing pain more obvious as I continue the single, long thrust, slower, more deliberate as I feel my foreskin tightly stretching back, just beneath her so inviting dark vaginal slit still spread apart for me. A final harsh thrust, my scrotum slapping between her tensing butt cheeks, not really a scream, even a loud grunt from her lips, more of a pronounced squeal as her thighs quiver, her bound breasts thrusting upwards, bouncing, stretching, jerking back and forth across her perspiring chest like two dark, shimmering globes before her arching body becomes more then momentarily rigid.
Waiting my half minute or so, slowly, drawing my hips back, my cock actually aching, but a good ache, it glistens with just the hint of a crimson tinge as it slips mostly out from between her twitching thighs. Yes, I think I’ve decided which orifice to get serious with first, the tightest one, as I ram inward again, and again, coinciding with her squeals.
Chapter Six
Morning, onto my third cup of Wild Turkey for breakfast, the banana’s are mush, but why waste the last two. Fucking twin sisters is in fact all it’s cracked up to be after all, I mumble to myself as I think of the past evening. Fino an afterthought by now, and not just to me, the cunts are another story. The big tittied twins now shackled in their isolated rooms, I think of their tangled web, my head almost hurting. Let’s see, if I got it all straight in that sedan. Fino was asshole deep into the mob for a check his ass couldn’t cover, mainly for gambling debts and heroin. His wife, her trust fund all but gone and on the outs with Fino, actually planning to divorce his ass and telling him so just recently, she’s been running her own scams, latching on to other married smucks with dough and extorting from them. Except the last one, a guy who just happened to have a cousin who has friends in the Jersey sanitation rackets. She’s got her own problems now, if you know what I mean. And, on top of that, the sister-in-law in cahoots with her own latest boyfriend, a drug running Spick on the east coast that helped her blow through their money and worse then that, the mob’s, and at this very moment with a hit out on his ass by the said group of associates for skimming their profits. Like I said, my head hurts as I continue to put all the coincidences together.
Stepping toward the bathroom, brushing my teeth, thinking of Finos’ little plan of hiring me to kidnap his wife, thinking he’d con his sister-in-law into coughing up the big bucks to save her ass, pay me my percentage, reluctantly spreading most of the rest amongst the guys with crooked noses to give him some breathing room, well, his hand came up aces and eights yesterday, just like ‘ol wild Bill Hickok, the infamous pistoleer back in Deadwood if you know what I mean. Darla’s old man, well he crapt out too, with snake-eyes when they tried to undercut their not so forgiving partners. On the lamb now, leaving her broke and alone to face the consequences with their unhappy associates, oh well. But, what the fuck, who gives a shit, I ain’t getting any dough from any of them, so its time to formulate a new plan, I’ve got a whole day to kill. Maybe just inflicting some more pain, obviously with Darlene, after all, Darla’s got an appointment with the man in the limo tomorrow, and I’m her appointed chaperone.
Chapter Seven
Damn, I didn’t realize legs could spread so wide I think to myself as I again slowly step around her as I’ve got her contorted in ropes, her naked body curled almost into a ball on her backside. Causally stroking, feeling her tendons, thigh muscles flexing beneath my exploring fingers, I allow my fingertips to glide across the spread mound of her labium, circle her gapping slit so exposed, so vulnerable as it’s forced to thrust upwards between her thighs. The nub of her clit glistening, twitching as I let a fingernail flick back and forth across its moist tip a couple times, I listen to her whimpers as her chin rests firmly against her sternum.
Watching Darlene’s welling eyes following me from between her heaving breasts pressing against her inner thighs, both nipples jiggle with each rasping breath as she shows the obvious pain of her arms and legs being spread so wide, her wrists lashed to her ankles in the taut bindings. Her breasts still marred, bruised, its time to concentrate on her cunt, hurting it, leaving even more visible effects of another strenuous workout on her naked body. After all, I’m saving her sister Darla, who’s none the worse for wear, at least in appearance, for the outing tomorrow night. Darlene here, she’s a different story; she’s in for another painful session.
The gag deep in her throat, her dark eyes now darting, pleading as I continue to amuse myself, tweak, pinch, twist the sensitive folds between her straining thighs, I ponder my options, just how harsh I want to treat her. Feeling the warm, moist flesh, ignoring her looks, enjoying the pitiful grunts, I reach down into my bag of tricks. A little grain alcohol, a tweezers, some cotton, a clear plastic bag of syringe tips, of course a tube of lubricant, I’ve barely touched the surface as I lay the different items across her hollowing belly button.
Her eyes widening ever wider, her head slowly twisting from side to side above her craning neck as the drool drips down from her mouth gag, settles between those globular mounds with her face just inches from the various items stacked between her spread legs. I again inspect the taut ropes securing her so graphically in her precarious position while I begin lubing my fingers, my hands. Smiling into those hazing eyes, a good fist fucking seems to be in order for starters, maybe even involving a good dosage of some alcohol soaked cotton swabs being jammed up her orifices afterwards as I’ll probably work over those tits some more, too. Yea, that should liven things up a bit, get her naked body in motion.
Gripping a breast, a harsh twist as the nipple bulges just to make sure I’ve got her attention, I slide the tips of a couple fingers of my other hand into her moist slit. Letting my thumb simultaneously probe her rectum, push past the sphincter muscles reflexively contracting, sliding my thumb inward to the knuckle, I think of how tight it is, how I rammed my cock into such a narrow orifice just the night before with her sister. Curling my fingers, thumb, shoving the fingers further in, onto the second knuckles, probing a third finger, ramming it in with the other pair, I sense her body quivering, her hips thrusting in the tight ropes as her grunts become louder, her eyes squinting tightly shut.
The forth finger, the pinkie, slipping it inward, forming a cup with the others, I jam my fist deeper, stretch her cunt until the web of my hand presses across her stretching perineum, my curling thumb buried in her butt hole, the compressed fingers disappearing inside her cunt. Again her body jerks, her grunts louder as her eyes blink open in a haze, stare past her twisted breast, down toward my fist impaling both orifices. More mumbles, grunts as her body twitches, twisting my hand from side to side, jamming in and out, I continue to also stretch at her tit flesh as I glance toward the package of syringes, her eyes widening, probably even more then mine.
Chapter Eight
Contacted way too early in the morning, I’m advised to bring not just Darla, but both that evening. So then, Darla and Darlene, both in handcuffs, both chaperoned by me find ourselves in the back of the slick 1950 Chrysler Crown Imperial limousine by late afternoon. A not so long drive, the manor house of the estate well off the road, the driveway gated, the property protected by around the clock security, privacy is a given.
Turning the women over to subordinates as I’m led to the parlor, he again radiates that presence as he sits in the overstuffed leather chair, a Siamese cat on his lap as he gently strokes its back, nods, glances toward an empty chair. Remaining silent, I take a seat, glance across the room at my buddy Alfrado leaning against a doorframe. His glance not so friendly, I again turn my attention to where it belongs.
?I see you brought them both.?
His voice firm, concise as he continues stroking the cat, he glances directly into my eyes knowing quite well the answer. Just a nod of my head, my stare just as direct, I figure it’s always better to let him do the talking while I do the listening.
?Good? You’ll be compensated well Thomas? It seems it’s always good doing business with you, right Alfrado?? He speaks as just a hint of a smile crosses his lips as he glances across the room toward his bodyguard.
Another nod of my head, his words obviously welcomed for more then one reason, I still remain silent as I also glance toward Alfrado, his reddening face as he takes the not so subtle jab from his boss, probably hurting even more then my jab across his nose a few years ago. Besides, it’s rare he uses my first name, only when he’s sincerely appreciative of my services, and has something more on his mind.
?Thomas? Thomas just when are you going to come into my employment?... Join the family?... You can’t turn me down forever? I need your kind of dependability and intelligence?. Expertise in certain areas? And especially, it seems? No conscious.?
Obviously ignoring the silent bodyguard as he speaks, also obvious the power I’d weld, his offer kinda’ surprises me, after all, I turned him down a couple years ago and was told at the time he seldom asks twice. This time, maybe, just maybe it’s time to listen, my expression raising his eyebrow as I give that slow affirmative nod.
?Good, Thomas? Now then, I’ve, shall we say, bartered the cunts to cover the losses? It was already done with the photos so elegantly put together? It’s amazing, the new technology, who would think we’d have instant pictures?... Anyway? Now, what I want? I want you to participate in something you may find unusual.? He nods, accepting my silent response as if he expected it. ?You are to, shall we say, interrogate both those bitches? And here’s the catch? All on film? Make it long and slow if you like.? Seeing my expression of undivided attention, he continues. ?The purchaser wants them for her client’s latest underground BDSM film? Something her West Coast friends can appreciate? Something graphic, erotic, over the edge? Apparently way out over the edge.? My expression obviously showing my interest, yet the uncertainty, he smiles while waving a hand, continues to stroke his cat with his other.
?Find out where that Spick is? And get the bastard for me? That’s my part you’ll be rewarded handsomely for? The rest with the bitches is for your pleasure? Take as much time as you want too. They’re basically yours to do with as you please in the perimeters of the, shall we say? The movie script?? Just be sure to get his information though, for me.? Nodding toward the bodyguard, he finishes. ?Alfrado here will chauffeur you to a warehouse of mine that’s been set up for the production? The women are already on their way.?
Chapter Nine
A satin type material black hood, otherwise wearing just my t-shirt and 501 Levi jeans, the kind with their unique leg twist stitching of the denim, walking past the dark, thick curtains and into the partitioned off corner of the large concrete walled area of the nondescript warehouse located in the middle of nowhere, I stop, glance around just imagining the amount of unlucky slobs who made their last stops here before wearing concrete boots. A matching pair of stern wooden chairs with the now familiar occupants strapped in facing one another just a few feet apart dominating the otherwise nearly barren area, a single bright bulb dangling from a semi-curled wire overhead illuminates the area. I see it’s time for the interrogations to begin as Darlene’s already had a series of dangling wires connected to the more risqu? parts of her naked body.
The purchaser, a woman and actually a looker in her own right stands to the side setting up a Bolex REX H16 camera affixed to a tri-pod. Receiving quick instructions from her earlier on my arrival, she’s ready to roll. Her naturally red hair drawn tightly back into a strict bun, her bright blue eyes focused on her chore, I figure she could undoubtedly be on the other side of the camera herself with her natural attributes. Actually, a closer look and she bares a strong resemblance to a redheaded Betty Page, damn! An acknowledging nod with what appears to be possibly a slight smile, her bright red nailed fingers cranking the camera, she signals to begin. The loose fitting hood concealing my identity, I step between the familiar pair of arching bodies firmly strapped in by their arms and legs. Both naked, Darlene’s head now covered by a blond wig, her sister Darla’s strapped in the other chair across from and facing her but still without any wires connected while she sports her own naturally dark hair. Both with the same style thick bangs across their foreheads, the cropped ends of their hair ending just above the upper globular curves of their outthrust breasts, they’ll still remarkably identical sans their hair color and of course the remnants of Darlene’s recent abuses.
Turning my attention toward Darlene, I curiously study the semi-clear flexible cups an inch or so wider in circumference then her shielded areolas, the cups adhering to her breasts with a yellowish sticky salve and with elastic narrow bands stretching around her back to also hold them in place. Kneeling, a closer look between her spread thighs reveal a pair of glistening metal tubes having also been crammed deep inside her vagina and rectum with just the glistening thick tips exposed. Reaching down, I carefully trace a finger across the thin red and black wires stretching from the centers of the cups and tubes toward a stand, obviously to carry current from the ominous black electrical box positioned on its flat wooden surface of the crate to the side of the chair.
As I rise, step closer in front of her, Darlene’s hollowed eyes seems to momentarily glance pleadingly toward me, her face contorted with what appears to be an actual horse cinch stretching her lips, its straps tightly fastened behind her neck. Awkwardly glancing down toward the wires on each compressed nipple, tilting her head forward, her chin nearly brushing across her sternum between her flattening breasts, she stares frantically down toward the plug impaling her vagina as I give a slight tug on its wire. Unable to close her twitching thighs, her body already glistening as the wide black straps hold her arms and legs so tightly in place, drool drips between her symmetrical mounds pressing against her chest from behind the clear suction cups.
Nervously watching me slowly turn, step closer to the table, reach toward the metal box, begin adjusting it’s knobs after flipping the large toggle switch to the ‘up’ position, her grunts are overridden by the whirring sound of the box, the amperage building as the various colored lights flash. A black needle sweeping back and forth across the monitor’s white surface like an ohmmeter, the obvious electrical sound louder, then softer as I twist a control between my fingers, I glance over toward Darla, her eyes just as wide, also transfixed on the ominous instrument, and my hand controlling it.
The sound of the camera also beginning to resonate in the draped area, a glance toward the redhead, legs spread, butt thrust out while leaning over as she works the camera, her firm breasts appear almost as supple as the naked sister’s, her own ample cleavage spreading her silk blouse apart revealing the low cut lace bra kinda’ distracting me as her pendulous breasts sway back and forth as her arm rotates the camera’s crank.
Getting my mind off her, resting a finger across one of the buttons controlling a set of wires, I hesitate as I follow the black and red strands toward Darlene’s bare breasts, give the button a brief second or so push downward.
‘Zzzzzzzzzeeeeezzz’ The box whirs.
?Aaaggghhh!? Her grunt not quite a scream, her body arching, fingernails clenching the chair’s wooden arm rests, breasts thrusting outward, her eyes roll upwards as her head jerks back. As firm as the straps, the cups are across her breasts, I’m kinda’ surprised at how they bounce, sway for those brief moments as the current passes through the salve into her nipples.
Slipping my hand over a couple inches, to the button controlling the red and black wires tracing down to between her thighs, I again hesitate just momentarily, press down.
‘Zzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’ The electrical buzz again, this time the needle jumping to the right, three, four, over five seconds.
?Gggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddd!? Her guttural screech melds with the box’s hum, the camera’s hand crank.
Holding the other button down as I turn the control a little further to the right as she screams through her clenched teeth, her naked body slams back, vibrates against the chair, this time much harsher, her thigh muscles rippling as her legs stretch at the bindings, at the same time her body appearing somehow rigid. The chrome plug glistening between her pulsing cuntlips, her buttocks jerking up and down against the creaking wooden seat surface, again her eyes roll back in her head as saliva spews from the cinch. Glancing toward the camera, over toward Darla, I release the button, reach across and cup a breast, feel the heartbeat pounding, throbbing in Darlene’s chest as her body trembles, quivers, momentarily relaxes back against the chair.
A few more seconds as I glance toward Darla’s horrid expression, a couple more zaps, Darlene’s naked body lurches reflexively in relation to where the currents’ being directed. Her grunts, shrieks becoming hoarser, her eyes swollen, another couple second jolt followed by another between her lurching thighs and she slumps back barely conscious, her body limp.
Damn, I can’t help thinking, watching the perspiration almost instantaneously beading across her bare flesh, the only sound now the whirring of the camera continuing in the background. Reaching down, feeling her pelvic area seem to spasm as I run my fingers across the thick chrome tube now poking out a couple inches, I shove it back in past her swelling labium as the low but guttural mumbling escapes the clenched cinch between her gripping teeth. Her expression hazed, I realize maybe the nearly full jolts for those last few seconds was too much for her cunt to receive. Then again, maybe a little harsher, this time tits and cunt together, and Darla will tell me anything I want to hear, anything not to receive the same sadistic treatment that I’m doing to her sister.
Hearing the clanking, the cranking of the camera’s handle, the redhead obviously more then just a little taken with the sight herself, I wait; stare toward the silhouettes of her swaying tits through the narrow eyelets of my hood the next few seconds as she continues bending over while filming.
Hearing the camera stop, watching the redhead straighten, I take a moment to glance over toward Darla, take a step or so toward her, appreciate her stark expression, breasts heaving, her own naked body tensing, even rigid while she draws back against her confining chair, her fingers curling around the armrest mimicking her sister’s response to the electricity while jolting through her most private parts.
?Well, Darla.? I smirk, glancing back toward her sister’s slumped body. ?That’s going to be you shortly.? Reaching down, cupping a breast, I meld the soft, yet firm flesh as I watch the nipple swell with each squeeze. ?Yea? First a nice thick glob of salve across these nipples? Attach the cups, the wires to the box.? Staring into her eyes from beneath my hood, the fear, the anguish exhilarating to me in her returning stare, I squeeze firmer until her globular mound discolors. Glancing down between her spread thighs I continue aggravating her. ?Yes? Even longer, harsher spurts of electricity for these tits, that cunt? Unless???????.?
Continuing to squeeze, tugging her torso outward in her restraints with a twist of my wrist, I slip my free hand down across her bellybutton, slide my index finger across the nub of her exposed clit, feel her thighs jerk, her stomach ripple.
?Wha?What?... Oh god, unless what?... What?? Her voice shrill, begging, not the sarcastic, rude tone from before, her eyes dart back and forth across my mask, pleading, welling up as her head twists from side to side.
My stomach beginning to churn with anticipation, my groin aching, I can sense my cock stiffening as the camera again whirls in the background. Slipping my hands from her breast, her vagina, I kneel in front of her; let my hands rest on her spread thighs. A moment of staring into her pleading eyes, twisting, reaching for the container of salve on the crate, a glob across all four fingers, I swab my hand across her right breast, the left, soaking both areolas with an ample glob. Her nipples instantly thickening, I can sense the coldness of the salve on my fingertips; realize how it must feel on her tits.
?No!... No, wait!?. No? What?. Wait, what can I? I do?... Just tell me? Please!? Her voice forced, high pitched as her breasts bounce, bob across her thrust out chest, I dip my hand in the container, slide it down toward her thighs, force a couple fingers deep into her cunt.
Her neck craning a she moans, her chin pressing against her thrust out sternum, some of the dissolving salve drips from her nipples, splashes across her inner thighs as she stares down past her rippling navel, back toward my hand reaching toward the crate again for the clear elastic cups on a black elastic strand. ?Oh god no?. Please????? Please!?
Standing, centering while pressing each cup across a nipple, feeling the squashing of the salve, the suction of titflesh melding to the elastic cups, I stretch the band behind her back, connect the ends. Her pleas, whimpering just added background with the whirring camera, I reach across the stand; pick up the pair of chrome tubes and grease them. Thick, long and symmetrical, holding one out in my hand, glancing over toward her sister, I’m amazed they actually fit in their orifices, but then again, there Darlene is with hers firmly implanted.
The tensing of Darla’s body, the obvious despair in her eyes, I slip one tube low, between her butt cheeks, Probing, prying the rounded end past her sphincter muscles, twisting as I glide it up inside her rectum, I feel her body lurch as she groans. Sensing her stomach stiffening, her thighs spreading, all but a couple inches embedded, I reach for the other tube, slide its tip past the puffy folds spreading around her stretching slit. Her naked body again arching, rising upwards, her groans are even louder as I twist, press, push the wrist thick instrument deep inside her compressing vaginal walls.
The wires next, red to the right tit, black to the left, her eyes reluctantly follow my hands as I plug the metal tips into the plastic cups. The second set of wires, one to each tube, her thighs continue to tremble as I fasten those wires, pat her across her inner thigh. ?All ready? About time to feel your sister’s pain, huh Darla??
Stepping toward the crate, securing the dual set of wires to the other side of the control box, its pair of buttons, Darla’s ready to begin her questioning, to co-star in the film. Adjusting the knob, watching the needle barely sweep toward the right, I decide to tease, to antagonize her first. Tapping the button four, five quick taps, watching her torso arch forward, her breasts to jiggle with each tap as she grunts, glances agonizingly down toward her glistening mounds, I rest my finger on the other button. A slow, longer single jolt, her hips quiver as her naked body arches upwards, her head tilting back as she rides the pair of tubes conducting the low current deep inside her.
More moans, mostly of fear, not that much of pain, her trepidation’s obvious as her eyes dart toward, fixate on the black box’s needle, realizing it’s only covering a small area of the scale for the initial jolts. Taking the couple steps between the box and her, again kneeling between her spread legs, I lay the palms of my hands across her dampening thighs. Watching her stomach muscles ripple, her navel flex with each short breath as I glance into her widening eyes, sliding my hands up the sides of her ribcage, cupping the outer curves of her breasts, giving a gentle squeeze, I feel the moistness of the salve, its warm, now body temperature spreading beneath my fingertips as it oozes from the flexing cups adhering against her nipples.
?Darla?? I begin in my soft, pronounced voice. ?That wasn’t enough to light a light bulb.? Leaning back, releasing her right breast, I twist the knob harshly to the right with my left hand; watch the needle swing across, bury itself across the scale as the ominous whirring sound of the box’s innards rises. Glancing back into her widening eyes as I again rest my left hand across her breast, I add. ?Now that will light you up? Scorch these tits, burn that pussy from the inside out? All I have to do is push the buttons.?
Feeling the pulsing of her heartbeat through my fingertips squeezing around her firm mounds spreading out from the transparent cups, sensing her entire body trembling as her bindings creak against the chair, I wait a few moments; listen to the whirl of the Bolex camera, the surging voltage of the electrical box, and her rasping breath as I stare into her deep, dark eyes. Panic, anguish flooding her face, I again let my hands glide down across her naked flesh, rest across her thighs.
?Now that the voltage is built up? I’m going to ask you a question one time before? A five second jolt to your tits.? I lean closer, whisper near her ear. ?Then I’m going to ask again if need be? Then guess what?... It’s another five second jolt? But this time to your ass and cunt.? Squeezing her thighs, I add. ?If I need to ask again, it’s another five second jolt using both buttons? Unless??????????.? My breath across the side of her face as I lean toward her ear, tears dripping down her cheek, I catch the glance of her welling eye blinking, glancing toward me.
?Un? Oh god?Unless?. Unless?... Wh? What?... Oh what?? Babbling, trembling, perspiring, her voice is hoarse as her eyes dart, flicker from side to side as I continue to lean beside her, enjoy the shear terror of her reactions, both physical and mental.
Leaning back, raising and taking the step toward the crate, I let my hand glide across the black box’s surface, toy with the wires, set the control to just over mid range, then flick precariously across the buttons. Glancing back toward Darla, watching the whites of her eyes completely circling the dark pupils, her fingernails clawing into the wooden arm rests as her naked body arches back, squirms across the seat, I slip my fingers across the box, push the same buttons again.
Her sister’s bound body arches, bucks, twists each time I push down, let off, rotate back and forth by tapping my fingers from one to the other. The grunts are animalistic as the machine whirs. A few seconds, short indiscriminate bursts, I continue to watch the distress in Darla’s eyes, even her own body contorting in her bindings as her sister reflexively dances to the current flowing through all four wires connected to her. Slipping my fingers from one side of the box, sliding the tips back across to the buttons on the other side, I continue to ignore Darlene as she slumps back, her naked body glistening with perspiration while she moans through her gag as I again stare directly into Darla’s eyes.
?Now? Ready?... Your turn.? I nod, slowly turn the dial to full while remaining expressionless as I feel the throbbing in my jeans, the denim tight across my cock. Glancing at the redhead leaning behind the camera, the silhouettes of her nipples obviously just as hard on her swaying breasts as her hand cranks, I smile as I repeat. ?I said? Ready, Darla??
?No!... Oh no!? God, no? !? Her head nodding, her eyes fixated on my fingers, she grunts, begs. ?Just? Just don’t? Please? Please don’t do that to me? Please!..........................?
The information giving her old man up taking just brief moments, so much for loyalty, there’s at least another hour or so to perform in front of the camera, after I give the info to Alfrado to relay to the boss. I’m sure the redhead and I can discuss our options on doing another shoot in the next day or so with the girls in the basement of my warehouse, this time with some of my ideas. Obviously working for my new boss is going to be interesting and rewarding in more then one way, especially with what he expects of me. But for now, getting the redhead to spend the night with me seems to be on the top of my list, it’s been an interesting and rewarding day for me so far.
End Part One? To be continued?
i want to stand behind you while you are wearing only underwear. Kissing the back of your neck while my hands run from your hips around to your waist carressing their way up to your chest. i unhook ur bra one handed letting it drop to the floor as i run the tip of my finger along the small of your back whilst my right hand runs up the inside of your right thigh and across to ur pussy. i slowly run my finger over ur pussy and up to your clit through ur panties slightly pushing on ur clit...
I walked into the house after a long day of work to find my wife Jackie waiting for me on the couch. She was a little more dressed up than usual, and her brunette hair was perfectly styled. Her outfit wasn’t going out to dinner level, but certainly more than lounging around the house attire. She looked delicious.“Hey, baby. You look great. What’s up?” I asked.She stood up and said, “Get in the shower. You have a doctor’s appointment.”“What?” I asked, punctuating it with an incredulous chuckle....
MedicalThe smell was so good, it made me want inside her more than anything. I heard her shut the water off so i quickly replaced the thong and went back to my room. Later that night i decided to try to seduce her. i took a shower, and began thinking about her pussy, and how badly I wanted it. before long i was stroking my dick, and it was hard as a rock. I shut the water off, and called her to bring me the towel, i purposely forgot to bring with me. i was standing in front of the bathroom door...
So there I was on the bed on my hands and knees with one guy behind me, his cock balls deep in my ass and another guy in front of me balls deep in my throat and my wife standing in the doorway, jaw wide open. Her eyes were bugged out with the deer in the headlights shocked look on her face. My wife had always loved watching male-male action. Over the years when we have had guys come over for fun, she had always commented on how she loved to watch. She would sit and masturbate while watching...
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Wir befinden uns im Jahre 50 v.Chr. Ganz Gallien ist von den Römern besetzt... Ganz Gallien? Nein! Ein von unbeugsamen Galliern bevölkertes Dorf höhrt nicht auf, dem Eindringling Widerstand zu leisten. Und das Leben ist nicht leicht für die römischen Legionäre, die als Besatzung in den befestigten Lagern liegen... Einige Gallier: ASTERIX, der Held dieser Abenteuer. Ein listiger kleiner Krieger, voll sprühender Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade Abenteuer in fernen Länder besteht, ist er öfters...
Tired of stuck up bitches that want gifts, dinners, money all of your fuckin' time and attention? Did you ever want to just find a little SUBMISSIVE fuck toy and fill her full of your man seed? At Creampie Thais, I do just that. I pick up hot Thai whores off the streets of Thailand. In beer bars, discos, and from the aGoGos, I wreck their young slick pussies and fill them full of my spunk. After I have these whores suck my cock and dump my sperm into their receptive cunts, I throw them back to...
I walked into the house after a long day of work to find my wife Jackie waiting for me on the couch. She was a little more dressed up than usual, and her brunette hair was perfectly styled. Her outfit wasn’t going out to dinner level, but certainly more than lounging around the house attire. She looked delicious. “Hey, baby. You look great. What’s up?” I asked. She stood up and said, “Get in the shower. You have a doctor’s appointment.” “What?” I asked, punctuating it with an incredulous...
Reddit HomeMadeXXX, aka r/HomeMadeXXX! Why is amateur porn the best type of porn out there? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s raw, unedited and not produced by a guy behind the camera who’s waving instructions at the girls like a spastic aircraft marshaller. Imagine you’re viewing a particularly sexy triple-A production and your dick is rock hard, then imagine that instead of looking into your eyes, the girl is actually seeing some suit-wearing yahoo waving stroking instructions at...
Reddit NSFW ListVisiting XXX Bunker literally hurts my brain, especially because I was not able to fucking open it without disabling the Ad-block first, and we all know how much I respect the Ad-block… I am pretty sure that you will also not be that much impressed with this place, but nevertheless, I am suggesting this shit because I found plenty of great free porn videos.First of all, the design on xxxbunker.com is fucking horrible. What the fuck were you people thinking when creating this shit? I have a...
Free Porn Download SitesWant to see tiny porn at Exxxtra Small? The term “spinner” has become increasingly popular in the last few years. For those of you whom are unfamiliar, a spinner is a term of endearment used to describe extremely petite girls—tiny girls who you would love to fuck. Why are they called spinners, you ask? Well, that’s easy. Because of the fact that these girls are so small that one could, conceivably, sit them on his hard dick and spin her ‘round and ‘round like a top. Although really small girls...
Premium Teen Porn SitesIf you’re looking for Bondage Comixxx, I’ve got some good news for you. Not because I’ve started taking drawing lessons or anything, as I’ve usually got my hands full and lubed up here at ThePornDude. Nah, I ain’t drawing these artistic BDSM bangs, femdom adventures and futanari fetishism, but I’ve got a line on some really good shit. In fact, maybe you’ve heard of this place already. They’ve been around since 2008, get thousands of visitors a day, and have an insane library of bondage porn...
Porn Comics SitesI present to you TXXX.com (previously known as TubeCup.com), a porn site under the network which has the same name. Tube Cup is a site that you know for a fact will never run out of content for you to enjoy! So why am I saying that this place will never run out of content? It has to do with the fact that you’ll literally find millions upon millions of videos on here that will never cease to entertain you. Seriously, you’ve come to a place that will just never run dry, no matter how much time...
Free Porn Tube SitesIf you’re reading this review then chances are you’ve been jacking off to all kinds of content on free porn sites for years or maybe even over a decade. Now there may be no shame in that (unless you do it to the point where you’re a hopelessly addicted, porn-crazed hornbag who can’t get their life in order), but the fact remains that you do jerk off to free porn – and if you know porn, you’ll know that premium pay-to-watch porn is way better than the free stuff. Sure, there may be lots of free...
Free Porn Download SitesWith a name like JustFullPorn, aka Watch XXX Free, aka Watch XXX Free In HD, you know pretty much what you’re going to get before the site even loads. You’re going to be able to watch pornography, and you’re not going to have to pay for it. It’s the classic something-for-nothing model used by all the free porn tubes.Sometimes deals aren’t as great as they seem, though. You can find no-cost smut all over the Internet these days, so you don’t want to waste your time looking at shitty tubes. Does...
Free Porn Tube SitesToday, we're paying a visit to Rexxx.org aka Rexxx.com. Sometimes it seems like you have to go to five or six porn sites at once just to find what it is that you are looking for. I can’t even count the number of times I have done this. You open one tab, direct it to your default porn tube site, see that it’s a little dry at the moment, so you open another, head over to your backup site, but there’s nothing too steamy going on there either. You keep this going for about a half hour or so, and...
Porn Search EnginesLooking for 3D incest comics at Crazy XXX 3D World! When you think porn comics and animated videos 2D images or SFM style animations are probably what comes to mind first. That kind of content is fucking awesome, but that’s not what we’re diving into today. This shit is a lot more niche. And it’s all done by artists who have a passion for the craft. This is the world of 3D porn comics and videos. Fully modeled characters, story arcs, and much more. These artists put a lot into this work, and it...
Premium Porn Comic SitesLet's have a look at XXX Streams today. You want the best shit from the best sites out there, but, I get it, you don’t want to pay a damn dime. I’m not here to judge you or anything like that. I’m just here to give you all the juicy details about porn sites. And some of these sites might not be totally on the straight and narrow, but that’s not my business. The site I have for you is one of those very sites. A treasure trove of content from all of the big names out there like “Brazzers....
Free Porn Download SitesEveryone already knows the wonderful place filled with the random content called tumblr.com, and if you have never heard about this site, then you must have been living under a fucking rock… I mean, there is not much I can say when introducing this site in general, just that you can basically see a lot of random shit on it, including the naughty side, which I will be talking about.Those who are interested to see some hot naughty cotenant should visit xxxsexxx.tumblr.com! However, the content...
Free Porn Tube SitesDo you want the Newest XXX? Are you one of those people who prefer to have their pornographic shit downloaded to their PC? Well, newestxxx.com is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get from visiting this site. For the most part, all the videos that can be downloaded can also be watched online, so you could say that this is also a porn site.Now, there are a couple of things I need to tell you about this site before you visit, and if you are interested in a place that...
Free Porn Download SitesDoesn’t the name of Full XXX Movies already tell you what the site is all about? Now, there is always the question as to whether what they say they offer is what they actually offer, and that is basically why the fuck I am even here. If you want to watch and download some great porn movies, continue reading.Of course, every site has its ups and downs, and I shall tell you everything you need to know. That is just a normal part of every site, at least in my experience, and if you have ever...
Free Porn Tube SitesGonzo XXX Movies is one hell of a site. The site is so full of delicious babes who are more than ready to entertain your porn addicted, dirty mind in all manner of XXX actions. The first thing ThePornDude noted is the site gives you the option to choose the action you want to jerk off to according to your sexual orientation. Select any of straight, shemale, or gay and click ‘submit’. The porn tsunami that’s about to hit you is unlike anything you’ve seen before. You will be cursing yourself for...
Porn Aggregators8 Teen XXX! You can never have enough of teen porn, especially when it’s free. We all know this, and that’s why sites like 8TeenXXX.com exist in the first place. This one, in particular, is dead set on bringing you the hottest teen porn videos that exist on the entire internet for you to enjoy. You’ll be wondering where this site was all your life and you’ll be able to appreciate the hard work that goes into making 8TeenXXX.com a reality, so let’s take a closer look at the content of this...
Free Porn Tube SitesThere are only a few things that I truly love in this world. I love sex, whiskey, and good music. However, when sex is not an option for one reason or another, or if I’m feeling a little too lazy to actually go out and get some, high-quality amateur porn is up there on my list as well. I need to emphasize “high-quality,” though, because there seems to be a shit load of really bad amateur porn on the web as well.Places like Porn Hub or xHamster are notorious for user-uploaded porn (alongside the...
Amateur Porn SitesArab porn sites like Sex 4 Arab XXX can blow hot and cold at the same time. Most of them know the kind of content you are looking for, but few can feature real Middle Eastern sluts sucking cocks and getting fucked. A lot of it has to do with the strict sharia laws in many Arab countries. As a matter of fact, the very possession of porn, leave alone producing it, can lead to death by stoning in some countries. As a result, sites that host Arab porn exclusively are hard to come by. Mia Khalifa...
Arab Porn SitesIn today’s age of porno video games and futuristic VR sex helments, we sometimes forget the humble roots of smut. Beating off to still pictures of beautiful, naked women had been a time-honored tradition for generations before the advent of the Internet. Sites like Indexxx.com keep it oldschool in the new millenium, serving up library-sized collections of dirty pictures.The subtitle on Indexxx.com’s header says they have “more than 40,000 models”. Good thing the mailman just delivered an...
Porn Pictures SitesTranny Videos XXX! Is it gay to jack off to tranny porno videos? Are you a huge homosexual if you get wood watching a hot girl stroke her own wood? Would you be considered a fag if you spent all morning touching yourself to TrannyVideosXXX? I guess these are age-old questions probably better suited for a social scientist than a Porn Dude, so I’ll just focus on the easier question: does masturbating to shemale movies get you off? Well, it does if you pick the right tranny...
Shemale Porn SitesXXX Files! Everybody’s got a different morning routine. Some hit the snooze button three times before getting into the shower; others ease into their day with a hot cup of coffee while they watch the news. Some of you fat fuckers are always in a hurry, and you end up masturbating in the drive-thru while you wait for your McMuffin. A free tube like XXXFiles is always handy to have bookmarked for exactly those situations.XXXFiles.com is a domain that must be Internet gold, though the free tube...
Free Porn Tube SitesSinful XXX! The anti-porn crusaders on TV would have you believe sex, smut, and whacking off are some of the most sinful evils of the world. Some might argue that depictions of procreational activities are only natural and good. Others, like SinfulXXX, go right ahead and embrace that sinful label and apply it to their refined brand of high-class pornography.The tagline at the top of SinfulXXX.com sums up their offerings: Sinful Couples That Do Right To The Art Of Sex. It’s clear right from the...
Premium Porn For Women SitesReddit Exxxtras, aka r/Exxxtras! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work behind the scenes on a porn shoot? Of course, you fucking have! What horny mother fucker hasn’t?! What do you think it’s like? Is it all professional and ‘stuffed shirt’ like a goddamn Spielberg flick, or is at fucking dirty and naughty as the pornography that’s being filmed?While you’d have to actually work behind the scenes on porn sets to get the answer, Reddit.com/Exxxtras may be the closest thing you’ll come to...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit ChickFlixxx, aka r/ChickFlixxx! Uh oh, it looks like we’ve got one of those feminist ratholes up in this bitch. What am I talking about? Well, there’s this sub called /r/chickflixxx that seems to be all about “female empowerment” and “letting women finally have a say when it comes to NSFW subs”. Listen, if your gender wasn’t full of squeamish and delicate little bitches, then I think that you could have a say on any NSFW subreddit. The thing about girls is that they just aren’t so...
Reddit NSFW ListWhat the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...
Black Porn SitesReddit XXXCaptions, aka r/XXXCaptions! Have you ever looked at porn pics and felt like something was missing? Ever get the feeling that something feels a bit off about porn pics in general? I know I have. It’s always like they’re missing a little spice to put them over the edge and get me to really enjoy what they have in store for me. I wish that we could somehow unlock the full potential of porn pics and I think that I’ve finally found a way for that to happen. Wanna know how? Well, I...
Reddit NSFW ListMy Comics XXX! I was going to open this review by saying MyComicsXXX’s name doesn’t leave much to the imagination, but that really isn’t true. While the title tells you exactly what you’re going to find inside, it still leaves a lot up to the imagination. Part of the whole appeal of porn comics is that they let us indulge some of our wildest, craziest sex fantasies, shit that you can’t always find on the big porn tubes or even premium niche sites. Whether you’re into furry sex, roleplayed...
Porn Comics Sites“Here XXX” is a simple enough statement, one of those two-word phrases that can get the point across even if you’re trying to speak through a language barrier. You might be otherwise completely confused throughout the whole conversation, but when you get to that line, you know something good is going to happen: you’re about to get some free porn.Sometimes when I wake up in a Viagra fog and can barely remember where I am, I ask myself, “Where XXX?” Well, one place it can be found is HereXXX.com,...
Asian Porn SitesXXX Collections are arguably one of the real reasons the Internet was invented. Sure, it’s cool that you can share pics of your sad dinner with your grandma on Facebook, but you probably wouldn’t have dropped a grand on a new phone if you couldn’t watch porn on the thing. Though people don’t like discussing it in polite company, so much of the Internet infrastructure we use every day was invented to help share porn.Case in point: XXXCollections.net, a free porn download site that’s been giving...
Free Porn Download Sites“Yes, Porn Please XXX,” I said out loud as I drug myself from bed this morning, eyes blurry, hangover pounding and morning wood raging. It had been a long night, a bookend to an even longer weekend, and now Monday was upon me with all its demands and responsibilities. Sometimes, a man needs a hard reset in the form of an intense, porno-fueled fap session; other times, a man just needs to get off into a sock before starting the work week. Honestly, with me there’s a near-constant urge to stroke...
Free Porn Tube SitesEuro XXX doesn’t waste any fucking time at all, getting right down to the good stuff in the name itself. You don’t even have to take a look to know what kind of smut they’re peddling, but hey, I’m the kind of guy who likes to take a look anyway. If you tell me you’re not interested in seeing naked hotties bouncing on cocks and eating semen for dinner, I’m going to call you a liar.Just like it says on the package, EuroXXX.net is dealing mainly in European porn. To be more specific, this free...
Free Porn Tube SitesIf I know anything about you fucks, it’s that you want to get your grubby hands on the best damn content out there without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. I get it. I don’t want to break the bank just to blow a load to horny babes getting railed, either. I’d be fucking broke if I went out and paid for every video that I saw. And, hey, you righteous cucks don’t need to worry. I’m not suggesting that you go out and steal or torrent content. Screw that shit. I don’t want some cop busting my...
Free Porn Tube SitesI wanted an XXX Tik Tok since the very first time I heard about the video-sharing app. I mean, shit, the basic setup seems tailor-made for amateur smut; you get a non-stop feed of short home videos, so any pervert should immediately see the potential there. Well, if you’ve been waiting in vain for the site to start allowing real grown-up shit, I’ve got something really goddamn fun for you. You’ve got some time to burn and lube to spare, right? I only ask because you may end up wasting the whole...
TikTok Porn SitesScat XXX Porn is quite a website. Oh, I have this permanent look on my face over it. You couldn't tell if I'm making this face out of pleasure or out of... pure wonder. Understand that this website is scat porn. It's not sptting, not pissing, not choking. Although, some of those fetishes can also be in this website, too. Regardless, we're talking straight scat.ScatXXXPorn has done a good job in becoming absorbed in this fantasy and lifestyle of brown pudding. "Pudding" is me keeping the words...
Scat Porn SitesHotwife XXX spells out a huge part of their formula right there in the title: the XXX tells you it’s porno, and the Hotwife tells you it’s going to have a cuckold and wife-sharing theme. That’s arguably the easiest part of the equation, something that anybody with a camera could at least try to throw together. The big question is how well they’re able to pull it off. Considering these guys are pulling a few hundred thousand visitors per month, it’s a safe bet these guys know what they’re doing....
Premium Interracial Porn SitesWhen the site is called Femdom XXX, it’s probably a safe bet that you’re going to be seeing a lot of beautiful, naked girls, and also that they’re going to be mean as hell. This ain’t the typical tube full of submissive chicks eager to please their men in cocksucking threesomes and buttfucking sessions. Nah, around here, you’re more likely to see a couple dominatrixes teaming up to step on a guy’s dick, or put dudes on the receiving end of those anal adventures, courtesy of strap-on dildos and...
Fetish Porn SitesReddxxx is one of those sites that you might stumble onto entirely by accident, only to find it’s exactly what you’re looking for. It’s all in that clever name, just a couple keystrokes off from Reddit and XXX, the same search string you’d use if you weren’t exactly sure where to find all the smut on the platform. In case you missed it, I’ve got a huge list of NSFW Reddit subs catering to all kinds of perverted tastes. Alternately, you the site we’re about to talk about right now.In case you...
Porn Pictures SitesI kneel at your feet, my hands on your knees, slowly spreading your legs apart. I slide my hands up your thighs and rub the bulge in your jeans in front of me. I look up at you and smile as I undo the button, then look down while I unzip your fly. This is going to be so fun.I pull on the elastic band of your shorts, revealing the head of your cock. It's getting hard already, and a tingle runs through my body knowing how much you want me. I hold onto the shaft and pull it toward my eager lips,...
I lay you back on the bed in nothing but your panties. We had stood, for a deliciously long time, kissing, moving in to each other, feeling each other. As we stood, our tongues searching, time stopped around us. You tasted sweet and full of promise. The room was charged with excitement as we moved around each other, in to each other, lost in the moment. I loved moving my hands over you, feeling your curves through your clothes. You wore a black dress that clung to your body. I could feel your...
ALPHA MEN and beta boisAlpha males = Dominate, reign supreme, control, dictate, overshadow, overrule, subjugate, enslave, conquer, crush, force, enthrall, reduce, rule, subdue, tame, vanquish, enchant, defeat, badger, bludgeon, bully, coerce, cow, harass, frighten, intimidate, oppress, daunt, scare, terrify, terrorize, badger, enforce, horrify, and just plain shock or petrify us inferior loser beta bois. Being Alpha Males they are the upper class big cock superiors in every way. They being...
By the summer after my sophomore year, I was getting to be pretty experienced with other guys. With my mom working nights, I was used to having the run of the house. I would come home from school, finish up my homework, eat some dinner, and be free to entertain myself however I saw fit. Aside from the occasional trip down the street to my neighbor's house, my evenings typically consisted of movies, video games, and profuse masturbation. Sometimes I would jack off 3 times in an evening,...
Alexa Grace got booked for a photo shoot. In the middle of her photo shoot, she noticed that the male model that was modeling with her seemed to have a huge cock. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. As soon as the photographer had to step out for a second, she made her move and asked him if she could touch his giant cock. She pulled his humongous snake out. Alexa couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She began to choke his giant anaconda size cock and soon she was shoving his monster in her...
xmoviesforyouFirst, I must apologize as the stories I tell are not in time order. Some of them happened earlier in our life and some later. The last post/blog happened earlier in our relationship and this one happened later. However, in all cases, is my wife's love of cock the same. She could never seem to get enough. All shapes and sizes but she was not fond of any kind of cock that was not white. Not because she is racist but because she just likes white cock. Once again let me say that from the beginning...
at the shower stall (club) nude and still wet from showering i went straight down to the theater.i went up front where the light of the movie is better, leaned over the first seat facing back and waited.a couple of guys came by the first few minutes and slapped my ass. i tried to suck one of their cocks but they were looking for something else i guess. i stayed there head down swaying my ass legs spread for whoever wanted to fuck.it was a good 10 minutes before one brave cock came up to get...
How long had she been with Kasey? A month? She couldn't remember. But was she really going out with him? She knew she'd look like a fool if she asked. She hadn't slept with him, although she almost had. They had made out a few times, more than a few. To be honest, he didn't seem all that interested in her actually. It hurt deep down, but she knew that maybe that was just his way, cool about everything, even love. Love? Echh, love was crap. Probably she couldn't ever experience love....
I didn't stay long at the party ― it was their party, not mine ― and hiked back up to the flying bridge. I sat there for a while and burned one while thoughts flew through my head. What had I gotten myself in for? Was it more than a little flirting? (Okay, I knew it was more than just flirting, but how much more?) The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want it to stop no matter where it led. The weather guessers were right about the front coming in, for once. By 0100 it was...
Hello dosto I am rajan ek bar fir naye real story ke sath. Hope aap sabko bahut pasand aayega.Dost story mea main kaise apne girlfriend ke behen sanju ko choda Mera pehle story main baatay ke shadi suda girlfriend anju ko uske birthday par kaise choda uske bad humre sirf phone baat hote te.Anju muje batya ke uske behen sanju usne sab baata diya ki main use kaise choda. Sanju bhi anju jaise sex bomb te.Uska pati sarba bahut pita ta.Sanju bhi 3 saal se chode nahi te.Uska figure ekdam mast hai...
Introduction: He is horny as hell. She is frigid. She suggests their ten year old daughter. His secretary, her daughter, his wife, their daughter and the Mexican maid find their own balance in life. Oh So Versatile The Frazier family was no different from other families in most aspects. Walt Frazier was a highly sexed man. It seems most executive salesmen are. However his wife Amanda was not interested in sex. She never had been and she never would be. His secretary had taken up the slack with...