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I walked into the house after a long day of work to find my wife Jackie waiting for me on the couch. She was a little more dressed up than usual, and her brunette hair was perfectly styled. Her outfit wasn’t going out to dinner level, but certainly more than lounging around the house attire. She looked delicious.

“Hey, baby. You look great. What’s up?” I asked.

She stood up and said, “Get in the shower. You have a doctor’s appointment.”

“What?” I asked, punctuating it with an incredulous chuckle. “It’s eight o’clock. The clinic closes at seven.”

“I know,” she said while putting her hands on her hips. “I’m tired of that excuse, so I arranged for you to have an after-hours appointment. It’s someone new. Now go, and don’t try to stall, or I’ll come drag you out of the shower by your dangly bits.”

I knew that tone of voice well enough to understand the threat was real. As little as I wanted to go, I knew there was no getting out of it. “I’ll go get some clean clothes.”

“I’ll do that. In the shower, mister.”

I sighed, nodded, and headed for the bathroom. I heard the bathroom door open and close in the middle of my shower. When I got out, my carefully folded clothing was waiting on the far edge of the sink counter. By the time I toweled dry and dressed, my wife was waiting by the door with her purse in hand.

She said, “I’m driving, because I know where we’re going, and you don’t.”


Jackie rolled her eyes and groaned. “Oh, don’t look so glum. I think you’ll feel a lot better once it’s over.”

With that, she opened the door, and we climbed into the car. It took about ten minutes to reach the suburbs, and she turned into a small parking lot not long after. The sign said Dr. Washington, general practitioner, and had all the usual information. The office was obviously a house that had been converted from the looks of it. There was only one other car in the parking lot, and I didn’t see anyone through the windows of the lobby.

We walked up to the door, and my wife knocked. A moment later a door opened, and my eyes went wide.

God damn, I thought as I beheld who I assumed was Dr. Washington. She was gorgeous with her mocha colored skin and long, straightened hair. The blue-green lab coat she was wearing couldn’t hide the swell of her tits, which jiggled hypnotically as she walked toward us. Her skirt hid nothing of her incredible legs from a couple of inches above the knee down to her flats.

The doc unlocked the door, and then held it open for us to enter.

“So, this is our reluctant patient?” she asked as we stepped inside and she locked the door.

My wife smiled, and laughed. “Yes. Thanks for making time for us.”

“It’s my pleasure.” She then turned to me and said, “I’m Doctor Christine Washington.”

I shook her hand when she extended it. “Vic Adams.”

Christine said, “I have something I need to finish, but I’ll show you to the exam room. You can go ahead, get undressed, and put on the gown. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, and we’ll get started.”

Alarm bells went off in my head when she said that. I’d already swelled to about half hardness between how sexy she was, and catching a whiff of her perfume. Seeing her incredible ass in that skirt peeking out from below the lab coat didn’t help matters when she gestured for us to follow, even though I wisely only looked for a fraction of a second.

We passed through the door she’d entered the lobby through, and it looked like any other doctor’s office. The level of conversion was almost disconcerting with how much it differed from the building’s exterior. A few steps later, the doc pushed open a door to an exam room. I followed my wife inside, and bent my will to talking down my half an erection.

Jackie sat down in a chair situated in the corner, and then waved her hand in an impatient gesture.

I started undressing, and the bout of nerves thankfully helped my dick droop.

Jackie warned, “You better hurry up, if you don’t want her to walk in on you bare-assed.”

That was sufficient encouragement for me to finish stripping and put on the gown. My wife rose to tie it in the back, and then resumed her seat. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, and Christine pushed it open a crack to ask, “Ready?”

“Mmm hmm, come on in,” Jackie answered.

The doctor handed my wife a clipboard and said, “If you don’t mind filling out the paperwork, I’ll go ahead and get started.” She then gestured toward a set of scales, and picked up a tablet.

I walked over and stepped on the scales, which were an old time set with the weights. After adjusting them into balance, she said, “That’s a nice healthy weight for a man your age. Good job.” She then glanced over her shoulder and asked, “Or should I be directing that praise your way?”

Jackie chuckled. “He doesn’t do too badly.”

Christine chuckled as well, recorded my weight on her tablet, and then pulled up on the bar for the height measurement. That too found a data entry slot. I sat down on the exam table when she directed me to, and the examination continued. The table felt like it was set really low to me, compared to what I was used to. The doc performed all the usual tests, and it was perfectly routine other than the fact I was being examined by an incredibly sexy black woman.

I was doing fairly well until she went to check the glands in my neck. I found myself staring straight into the hint of cleavage sticking out of her top above those big, round tits. Once again, I was in a battle of will versus nature, even though I almost immediately closed my eyes.

“So far, so good,” Christine said when she stepped back. “Do you have any complaints? Aches? Pains? Unusually shaped skin blemishes? Weak urine flow?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I’m always a little sore after work, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“That’s good,” she said while tapping away on her tablet. When she finished, she sat it down on the counter and asked, “Any trouble achieving or maintaining an erection?”

I felt as if my face had instantly burst into flames. I shook my head and grunted in the negative.

“Are you sure? That didn’t sound particularly convincing. I know it’s an uncomfortable subject, but it’s perfectly normal for a man your age, and there are effective treatments.”

“Nope. Everything’s good down there,” I said while avoiding eye contact.

“Hmm ... I should probably take a look,” the doc said.

Shit. Shit. Fucking shit! I thought in an embarrassed panic. It only got worse when she grabbed the gown I was wearing and started pulling it up. As short as that gown was, I was dangling in the wind in less than a second. What she did next caused my breath to catch in my chest. She reached out, cradled my thankfully limp cock in her hand, and lifted it.

I cut my eyes toward my wife, expecting a protest, or at least a concerned look in response to the unorthodox examination. When I noticed she was smiling, I turned toward her. She had put the clipboard down, and she was caressing her breasts through her top.

When I looked back at Christine, she was wearing a sultry, knowing smile. Her fingers curled around my cock and she said, “Let’s just see whether this gets hard or not.”

I groaned as blood rushed between my legs, rapidly swelling my cock in her hand. She let out a moan that my wife echoed, and I glanced at Jackie again to see her rubbing between her legs. She’d tricked me, but I was perfectly content to be fooled with the sexy doctor squeezing my rising erection.

Christine moaned again and began stroking once I was hard enough. “Well, you certainly seem to be responding normally. No discomfort?”

“No, that feels incredible,” I said in a low, quiet voice.

“Good. You certainly are getting hard. Mmm, so hard. I should get a better look, though.”

I grinned as she sank down to her knees in front of me. I looked over to see my wife had tugged her skirt up, and she was unabashedly playing with her pussy through her panties. There was a very visible dark spot where her wetness was soaking through the cotton.

I looked back down to see Christine’s tongue snake out and glide up my shaft. It bounced energetically, and I growled in pleasure.

“Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm,” the sexy doctor moaned as she gave me a thorough tongue bath.

I put my hand on the back of her head and stroked her hair, which felt unexpectedly soft beneath my palms.

“Suck it,” Jackie said in a breathless voice.

I looked over at my wife, and was hardly surprised to see that she’d yanked her panties aside, and she was enthusiastically masturbating while she watched Christine lick my cock.

The doc tugged down on my erection, and I focused my attention back on her. She swirled her tongue a couple of circles around the swollen head, and then parted her lips.

“Holy fucking shit,” I growled as she engulfed me in her hot mouth. The contrast of our skin where her lips and fingers were wrapped around me was exhilarating. She must have earned a P.H.D. in sucking cock as well, because she was taking me deep and fast from the get-go. The sound of my wife’s whimpers mingled with Christine’s moans, the pop of my cockhead sliding in and out of her lips, and the sound of her sucking hard.

Christine pulled away with a gasp. A strand of saliva dangled between her full lips and my twitching cock, while another had broken and hung from her lower lip. She licked her lips and said, “It certainly feels completely engorged to me. I would like a second opinion, though.”

Jackie took her cue, rose from her seat, and joined the doctor on her knees in front of me.

“Yeah, baby,” I said when her lips slid down around me. The familiar, wonderful feeling of her sucking my cock was combined with the rare novelty of her doing it while it was coated in another woman’s saliva. I grabbed a fistful of her brunette locks.

“Whew,” Christine said while fanning a hand next to her face. “Is it getting hot in here for anyone else?” The look on her face said that the double entendre was absolutely intentional.

“So hot,” I answered.

I divided my attention between my wife’s head bobbing between my legs and Christine unbuttoning her lab coat. She shrugged it off and tossed it aside, giving me an even better view of those huge breasts straining at the material of her top. She didn’t stop there. She slipped her fingers between the button holes, and gave a yank.

“Fuck yeah,” I said as buttons clattered across the floor and her bra-clad breasts burst free. I reached behind me, and managed to snag one of the ties of the robe.

Another yank tore her top the rest of the way open, and it soon landed with a soft whump on the floor. She wasted no time in pushing the straps down off her shoulders, and popping the clasp of her bra. I tugged the last bow on my back undone, and dispensed with the robe without taking my eyes off her.

My wife and I both moaned. Christine had big, dark nipples surrounded by soda-can sized areolas. She hefted the heavy globes, gave them a jiggle for me, and then asked my wife, “So, what do you think?”

Jackie slurped back to the tip and said, “It’s just as big, and hard, and delicious as ever.”

“Let me have another taste,” the doctor asked.

My wife nodded, but before letting Christine wrap her lips around me, she pressed hers to the doctor’s instead. I grabbed one of the doctor’s heavy breasts while Jackie cradled the other. The two engaged in a passionate, tongue-wrangling kiss. When their lips parted, Jackie took my cock in hand and offered it to Christine. She was quick to accept.

I watched my wife quickly strip off her own top and bra, unveiling breasts that were every bit as big and beautiful as the doctor’s. She then moved back in next to Christine. The doctor gave me an agonizingly long, delightfully slow suck back to the tip before letting me go with an audible pop.

I filled one hand with Christine’s dark globe, and the other with Jackie’s pale one. I squeezed and fondled those wonderful tits while they both licked me up and down from opposite sides. They licked, kissed, and suckled me in a dual assault that had me squirming. Jackie hunched down, tongued my balls, and licked her way back to the tip. As soon as her tongue reached the head and suckled it, Christine mimed her. Then my wife repeated the journey, with the doctor’s tongue slathering my balls before Jackie’s had left them.

They met in a kiss with the head of my cock between them, and then another unobstructed by my swollen glans.

Christine’s eyebrows lifted, and Jackie nodded.

My wife pulled on my legs, encouraging me to slip off the exam table. When I did, she started knee-walking, and turning me at the same time. When her back was against the exam table, she reached up and grabbed my arms, guiding me to bend over.

I started to, but then the sound of a rubber glove snapping over a hand caused me to stand bolt upright and snap my gaze to the doctor.

“Relax,” Jackie admonished me from down between my legs. “Yes, we’re here to play, but this is also a real checkup, and there’s a test you’re due for.”

“Oh fuck,” I muttered under my breath as my butthole clenched.

Christine picked up a bottle of lubricant and began drizzling it over her latex-covered fingers. “I promise I’ll be gentle, and it will be over before you know it.”

“I doubt that,” I scoffed.

“Well, I’ll give you something else to think about,” Jackie said. “Now bend over.”

I didn’t have a lot of choice, because my wife squeezed my balls with just enough pressure to provide a warning, and once again grabbed an arm. I bent over with a sad groan, and rested my head on my folded arms atop the exam table. Jackie’s tongue flickering over my cock did indeed provide a distraction, and rapidly replaced the little bit of steel I’d lost in trepidation over what was about to happen.

Nevertheless, my ass puckered like a steel trap when Christine’s bare hand settled on my buttock.

The doctor spread my cheeks, and my wife wrangled the head of my cock between her lips with her tongue. While Jackie gave me an amazing headjob, I felt Christine’s slippery - and chilly - finger press against the iris of my ass. The cold wasn’t helping my brown eye relax at all, but Christine began swirling her finger over the pucker. The lubricant slowly warmed, and despite knowing what the next step was, the sensation of her teasing my back door caused my cock to throb in my wife’s mouth.

The doctor let me enjoy it for a few seconds, which caused me to relax. She timed it perfectly, and a shamefully high-pitched grunt burst from my lips when her finger pushed into my ass. She knew what she was doing, and found my prostate almost immediately. When the initial frightening shock wore off, I felt an unexpected surge of novel pleasure from the finger skillfully exploring me.

Jackie moaned - the sound full of delight - and sucked me harder. A growl rumbled in my throat as the pleasure swelled even stronger. My wife wrapped a hand around my cock to hold me in place as it throbbed hard from the doctor’s ministrations.

Then, as she had promised, it was over before I knew it. In fact, I felt a little disappointed.

Christine said, “All done. Perfectly normal, and no need for concern.”

My wife let me slip from between her lips and said, “Good boy. That made you leak so much. It tasted so good. Admit it. You liked it.”

My grunt, which was supposed to indicate no, rang hollow in even my own ears.

“You’re not fooling anybody,” the doctor said as she removed her glove and disposed of it in the biohazard container. She gave my ass a light smack and said, “You can get up now.”

The sound of a zipper coming undone a moment later gave me a good reason to do so. I stood up and watched Christine kick off her shoes. Then she pushed, and her skirt slithered down her legs to reveal a pair of cream-colored, sexily cut panties. At the same time, my wife moved out from between me and the exam table. I could see Jackie wriggling out of her own skirt in my peripheral vision, but my attention was on the doctor hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her panties.

I sighed as she pushed them down, revealing a triangle of thick black curls on her mound. She bent over while pushing the panties down her legs, giving me a wonderful view of those big tits dangling and swinging with her movements. She kicked her panties away, and then parted both the curls and her nether lips to show me the sweet, glistening pink within.

Christine sauntered to the exam table while my wife - now nude as well - stepped in to stand beside me. The doctor hopped up onto the table, reclined on the crinkling paper, and spread her legs wide.

My mouth was watering, and I was ready to dive in, but the doctor crooked a finger and beckoned me to her. Jackie giving me a push in the direction set my feet in motion. Christine lifted an arm and pulled me down into a kiss. Her lips were just as sweet as the ones I’d originally planned to kiss.

When she whimpered into the kiss and leaned her head back to gasp, I saw what had caused it out of the corner of my eye. Jackie had her face buried in the doctor’s hairy pussy, and she was eagerly devouring it.

“Taste good?” I asked while enjoying the rare treat of watching my wife go down on another woman.

She answered with a sharp, muffled moan.

Christine moaned loud and long, and then said, “Come here.”

I was all too happy to comply when she guided me to her breast. I tongued her stiff nipple, which was as big around and as long as the tip of my pinky. Then I reached across her body to squeeze and tease the other soft swell.

My wife slurped and lapped feverishly, causing Christine to writhe on the table, which set off a loud crinkling from the paper. I switched back and forth between the doctor’s delightful nipples, sometimes sucking them hard enough to pull the dark areolas between my lips as well. Christine’s hand rested on the back of my head, keeping me hovering over her chest - as if I needed any encouragement in that regard. The doctor whimpered, moaned, and yelped as her pleasure mounted.

Christine’s back arched up from the table after a minute or so of the dual assault, pushing my face tight against her breast. Her professional tone slipped a little when she said, “Ah, shit! You’re licking that pussy so good.”

My wife answered with actions, rather than words, stepping up the intensity of her flickering tongue and sucking lips.

I let go of her nipple just long enough to say, “Come all over her face.”

The doctor let out a squeal, and then demanded. “Suck it. Harder. Eat that pussy.”

I did exactly as she asked, sucking for all I was worth, squeezing the nub with my lips, and slathering it with my tongue. The next time I looked down to enjoy the show of my wife between the doctor’s legs, I saw her push two fingers into Christine’s canal.

“Oh lord! Oh my lord!” Christine cried not long after. “Don’t stop. Gonna come. Gonna come. I...” Her next breath emerged as a warbling scream.

Her body bucked, and her fingers clawed at the back of my head, once again squishing my face into her wonderful tits. Her other hand snapped to the edge of the exam table, and ripped off a substantial chunk of paper that ended up trapped in the grip of her clawed hand. She sucked in a ragged breath and screamed again.

Though I couldn’t see it from my position squished into the doctor’s breasts, I knew my wife was keeping the pressure on from the excited - slightly evil - moans emerging from between Christine’s legs. The doc kept bucking, thrashing, and clawing from the orgasmic energy ripping through her. I rode it out with a smile in my warm, comfortable nest.

She settled with a long, violent quiver when Jackie eased off her assault. A few seconds later, her grip on me relaxed enough for me to lift up from her chest. Christine was gasping for air, and a light sheen of sweat made her face glow.

My wife moaned, and I looked over to see her licking her lips. Her face was covered in pussy juice. She beckoned me with her eyes, and then drew me into a passionate kiss. The scent of Christine’s arousal and the tang of her juices on Jackie’s lips made me growl into that kiss. I dipped down to lap more off my wife’s chin, kissed her again, and then put my tongue to work seeking more of the bittersweet nectar.

Jackie turned my head and whispered into my ear, “You can have all you want in a minute when it’s your turn to lick that pussy and make her scream.”

“Oh my god,” Christine said in a low, drawn out groan. I saw a shiver ripple through her. The nest of curls between her legs was slicked back away from her nether lips, which twitched from the contractions of her intimate muscles.

My wife gave my cock a quick caress, and then sauntered to the head of the exam table, where she leaned over to kiss the gorgeous doctor. Their hands roamed, and I let mine glide over Christine’s smooth thighs as well.

“Ready for more?” Jackie asked.

Christine chuckled and said, “Damn. Give me a minute. I’m still out of breath.” Her eyes lit up when she said that, and she asked Jackie, “Fetch something for me?”

My wife nodded.

“Grab my tablet and the Oximeter out of the top right drawer. It looks like a big ring with a display screen.”

Jackie went to the drawer first, and held up something. When Christine nodded, my wife grabbed the tablet and brought both over.

The doctor said, “Slide that over his finger. This one is designed for stress tests, and it records the data in the app.” She looked over at me and said, “It can’t hurt to see what your numbers look like when you’re excited, or getting a workout.”

“Oh, he’s going to get a workout,” Jackie said as she approached me.

Christine tapped on her tablet, while my wife slid the meter on my finger. It was a little bulky, but it didn’t feel as if it was going to fall off or get in the way all that much. Jackie had wisely put it on my off hand, so the fingers of my dominant hand were free.

The doctor handed Jackie back the tablet. “Put it on the counter. It’s running, so we’ll have a good range of numbers.”

I was starving for that pussy by that point, so I moved my hand a little closer to the prize on the next caress. Christine let out an encouraging moan, and more importantly spread her legs in invitation.

My wife said, “Get in there, baby. But take your time and enjoy it. I want her to be able to concentrate for a while.”

The reason why she wanted the doctor to have her wits about her was plain to see when Jackie slid a stool over next to the exam table. I leaned in and filled my lungs with Christine’s musk while I watched my wife mount the table. I took my first lick of that hairy pussy while watching Jackie straddle the doctor’s face.

My wife had already made a furrow through the kinky curls, so I delved right in. I pressed my tongue deep, and growled from the unique tang of Christine’s abundant juices coating my tongue. I could feel her pussy lips contracting from my touch. I let the tip of my tongue barely brush her clit before dipping back down.

Christine moaned into my wife’s pussy when I pushed my tongue as deep into her canal as I could. I wiggled my tongue around, gathering up her pussy juice, and then started tongue fucking her.

“Whatever you’re doing, keep it up,” Jackie encouraged me. “But don’t get her so excited that she can’t pay attention to what she’s doing.”

That drew a sad moan from the doctor.

My wife said, “Oh, don’t worry. As soon as I come all over your face, I’m going to turn him loose on that pussy.”

Jackie’s squeal a moment later hinted that Christine was very ready for that sequence of events.

I wiggled my tongue up the doctor’s folds to the apex, and gave her clit a stiff lap. Her hips lifted, but I pulled away to tongue her labia. When I glanced up, it encouraged me to push on Christine’s bent knees. That gave my tongue easy access to the doctor’s sweet pussy, while allowing me to enjoy the sight of my wife squirming on her tongue.

Jackie moaned and gasped - her head lolling this way and that - as the doctor pushed her pleasure higher. My wife’s sexy ass slowly gyrated beyond the big, quivering mounds of Christine’s breasts. I tickled and teased the doctor’s need, slowly increasing the speed, pressure, and attention to her clit. Christine’s hips frequently lifted, seeking more, and pressed my face into the kinky curls surrounding her pussy.

I knew my wife well, and the sound of her deep, loud gasp was an unmistakable signal. Sure enough, her hips moved faster - more erratically - and whimpers began tumbling from her lips.

I paused in my tongue bath of Christine’s pussy just long enough to say, “Come for her, baby.”

Jackie cried, “Oh god! Yes!”

The sweet serenade of my wife’s whimpers going up and down in pitch and coming faster let me know she was on the edge. I slowed my tongue, enjoyed the show, and saw the telltale tensing of her muscles in a sudden jolt that was accompanied by her voice going silent. A moment later she lurched as if she’d been cracked like a whip, and screamed in sweet release.

My wife twitched and jerked as she came. Her breaths were rapid, loud whimpers. I could just hear Christine’s moan, and saw the doctor grip my wife’s thighs, holding her in position so she could keep licking her pussy. I held out as long as I could, which was about as long as it took the first acute pang of my wife’s orgasm to fade in preparation for a second bout of beautiful agony.

I drew Christine’s clit and dark chocolate folds between my lips while simultaneously thrusting two fingers into her canal.

A shocked yelp burst from the doctor’s lips and she screamed, “S-s-shit!”

I growled, sucked her clit hard, and worried it with my tongue. My fingers plunged into her, curling up to her G-spot on every stroke. I shook my head back and forth, adding another dimension of stimulation. I could hear my wife still coming even as Christine screamed in her throat with a mouth full of pussy.

It wasn’t long after when a sharp, pained whimper from my wife coincided with Christine venting her pleasure in an unbridled scream. I didn’t need to look to know that Jackie had yanked her pussy away from the doctor’s mouth. Christine crushed her pussy against my lips, but I hardly needed the push to keep the pressure on. The heat and discomfort caused by her bush scraping against my skin didn’t discourage me either.

Christine’s cries took on an increasingly desperate edge as the seconds passed. A furious buck of her hips dug my chin into her thigh and pulled her clit from my lips with a loud slurp. She responded with a weepy-sounding, “Nooo!”

I quickly dug the fingers of my free hand into her thigh and latched back on. The sudden lack of stimulation followed by the resumption of pleasure was the trigger that set her off. Christine squealed and her thighs slammed against my ears as she came. My cock launched into an enthusiastic dance because the squeeze of her canal around my fingers promised an even tighter squeeze to come.

I rode the doctor’s bucking body - still savagely sucking her clit and delighting in the muffled sounds I could hear her making. A drop of Christine’s pussy juice rolled over the curve of my chin, and started moving toward my neck. I would have been perfectly content to keep sucking her pussy and making her come for a lot longer, but her throes causing her to kick me hard in the chest put the kibosh on that. My mouth opened in a stunned grunt, and her curled-toed foot shoved hard against me.

I barely got my face out of the way before her thighs snapped together like a steel trap.

When I straightened, I licked my lips and watched Christine writhing on the table with my wife still trembling atop her. Christine’s feet were slipping off the end of the exam table, so I cupped my palms beneath them to give her some extra stability.

The two sexy women slowly settled, though Christine was still gasping for breath. Her voice languid with satisfaction, my wife said, “Oh my god, baby.”

“Come hard?” I asked.

Jackie answered, “Uh huh.”

At the same time, Christine responded with a squeaky, “Yes.”

The two women made eye contact and broke out into weak laughter.

Still shaken by lingering chuckles, my wife stuck her left arm out to the side and said, “Help.”

I moved next to her, helped her place her foot on the stool, and then lift her other leg over the doctor, who was settling into the afterglow of her orgasm. Jackie’s knees were still a little unsteady, so she sank down to sit on the stool in front of me. At eye level with it, she could see the pre-cum I’d leaked while eating Christine’s pussy.

I growled when she wrapped her fingers around me, pulled me close, and sucked up the clear dribbles.

By the time my head slipped from between Jackie’s lips, Christine had recovered enough to mutter, “Damn, your man knows how to eat a pussy.”

My wife chuckled and said, “Just wait until he shoves this cock in you.”

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As I sat on the porch I gazed at the trees at the end of the yard. The sunlight warmed my skin, but my heart felt empty. Unlike my loud next door neighbors, I was caught up in my own little world. I didn’t feel like socializing much these days. It seemed as if life was nothing more than keeping up appearances. In order to belong and be accepted by the herd. Sure, I’d tried it. Hanging with the cool crowd after school, breaking the rules by acting up in class, smoking pot behind the sheds......

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Three

Yesterday was my 21 st birthday and I went out with my cousin Holly and a group of friends to celebrate. Holly and I have become really close over the last year and a bit. Unfortunately the celebration didn’t turn out as planned and right now Holly and I are in the lounge facing the wall, our skirts and knickers removed, our hands on our heads, and Auntie Sarah on the phone to my Mum telling her what happened, and in all likelihood explaining what is about to happen to our bare bottoms.   ...

1 year ago
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Sera a real life like teen sex doll I was in the bedroom watching porn , Sera was on the bed , leaning against the headboard , her knees raised and legs slightly apart , between her , porn and smoking I was really getting aroused . A mature man living alone I had all the privacy at home I needed to fill my fantasy's and taboo lusts for the forbidden sexual satisfaction I wanted . Naked at my laptop I watching teen porn , 18 yo teens with small breasts , the young looking ones that wanted daddy...

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Anita white slut wife for BBC

Anita white slut wife for BBCTwo days after coming back from our Caribbean vacation, my sweet wife Anita confessed me that she had always fantasized about being a slut whore for a big black cock.I told her that I already knew her greed for black cocks, because I had witnessed how she had been fucked by that nigger during that morning at the resort, just one week ago.She was a little bit surprised, but also confessed me she had been fucked by Markus every day during the rest of the whole week...

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The search bar on Hubite’s front page looks innocuous enough, but I wouldn’t recommend typing in any names unless you’ve got time to kill. I’ve been meaning to write this review for a few days now, but every time I got started, I end up falling down a rabbit hole full of naked internet chicks. I just filled up yet another old gym sock with sperm, and I’m hoping the post-nut clarity helps power me through this thing. Fap-testing pornography ain’t just my hobby—it’s my job!You don’t have to be a...

Porn Search Engines
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Vibha A Memorable And Erotic Experience

Hello, friends, this story is about my encounter with a MILF whom I met recently. I was enjoying my long weekend with friends in Amanora Mall Pune when a lady in a shimmering white dress grabbed my attention. Roughly around 5’6”, with fat on the right places, fare and loaded with a mesmerizing scent, her thighs were provoking. The leggings she was wearing were clearly complementing her curves from her calf muscle to her round ass. She had the perfect boob to ass ratio. I was just stunned to see...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 47

The redeye out of Vegas wasn't crowded at all; Jennifer had a three-seat window block all to herself. Predictably, she took a window seat; she liked to look out at the lights spread out below. Crossing most of the country on the flight to O'Hare, they tended to be scattered, and sometimes there was a nearly total blankness below them. She was on the plane's manifest as Jennifer Evachevski, and she only had to use the "Oh, Wow! Do you REALLY think I look like Jenny Easton?" gag once, in a...

2 years ago
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Hot Pursuit of Mom

My Mom Tina, is 41 and attractive but difficult to get along with sometimes. She is medium height with long blonde hair and a beautiful face. Her Breasts are big, size 'D' and she loves to show off her cleavage. Her ass is nice to, a little big but in a hot way. The kind of ass you'd like to swat and watch jiggle for a second. She dresses to tease and not to please, she hasn't dated anyone in a few years now. My parents divorced when I was only 4, my Dad got frustrated with her selfishness and...

3 years ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 9

Elaine had a few tasks to complete at the golf club; not least, being noticed by some of the board members as she placed a large advertisement for the Equestrian Centre on the notice boards about the club; not only was this fuelled by her love of the sport, she also knew the promise of prim women with jodhpurs and riding crops, and the whiff of leather was very attractive to males with submissive streaks. She would employ any tool which gave her the remotest chance of enslaving a male;...

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Mothers Day

Violet woke up early that Sunday morning. It was just past seven and she heard her baby crying in his crib. She groaned in agony as she rose her tired body up from the big bed. She could see her husband James was already gone to work. She looked sadly down as he wouldn't be spending Mother's day with her. She walked over to the baby's crib. He was such an adorable baby. A beautiful baby boy. She'd named him James after his father of course. He was only two months old and she could already see...

2 years ago
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Knox County Ch 02

When Cynthia awoke, she reached over for David. He wasn’t there. She flipped on the light and saw that his side hadn’t been slept in. Oh great, she thought. An all nighter with whoever the fuck she was. She got out of bed and shrugged a robe around her shoulders, tying the sash tight against her slim waist. When she descended the stairs, he was in the corner next to the couch, cradling his legs in his arms. His eyes were red, tears dried on is face, dark bags under his eyes. ‘David, honey,...

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Under the Microscope

Under the Microscope by Cal Y. Pygia For Christmas, Jennifer asked for a microscope, an expensive one. Carlos, of course, had no option but to buy her one, not if he wanted to continue to pound his cock up her ass; which, of course, he did want to do. The firm, compact globes of her delightful derriere and the hidden entrance into the depths of her being, both physical (or sexual) and psychological were sights worth any number of expensive microscopes or any other toys she...

3 years ago
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Serving a black bbw part 1

My new lifeI had always browsed the online dating sites, the adult dating sites... rarely reaching out. I had a pretty vanilla life, always with white women, the kind that fuck and suck...but not really ....enthusiastically? I watched porn off and on, wondering if I would ever meet a woman that was so sexual, so powerful, so raw. I got home from work Friday evening, turned on the TV and had a quick bite to eat...the plan was to meet some friends for drinks later. I heard my phone beep,...

2 years ago
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Tormented Soul Ch 02

This story picks up where chapter 1 left off, neat how that chapter thing works . ————————————————– Charley’s bedroom was in a different part of the house. It was part of the add-on/renovation that they had to do when his parents were surprised by the arrival of his twin sisters. Half of the attached two car garage was turned into a bedroom with an in house doorway for Charley. Being the only boy meant that Charley had his own room while his sisters were bunked two to a room. He also never...

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step sister fuck fest

Me and Alanna decided to get drunk, a bottle of vodka later I suggested that we played truth or dare. Alanna agreed and told me to go first, I choose truth, she smiled and said to me “ have you ever thought about fucking another girl” I leaned over and whispered in her ear “ the only girl iv ever wanted to fuck is you” she smiled and told me it was her go and she was choosing dare, I said “ for your dare you have to be my slave and do whatever I say” she hesitated for a minute then...

2 years ago
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Mithali Didi Becomes My Wife

I caught my older sister Mithali Didi on a Sunday afternoon in her marital bed that she had shared with my angel Jijja. Rohit Jija was away, it was his business trip. He left early on a Monday morning and returned four days later. The trip of Jijju meant that Mithali Didi was free to live her life in any manner she chose. Unfortunately for my Mithali Didi, my mother needed some money and she sent me to ask Mithali Didi to lend us that money. This led to me discovering her secret life which we...

4 years ago
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Getting Her Revenge

GETTING HER REVENGE By Tiffany Scott 2003 Denise, my wife of five years, crossed the dark bedroom stopping once she was beside the bed where I had laid since she had bound my arms and ankles to the four corners of the bed frame before she had gone out on her latest date. The moonlight filtering in through the window provided just enough light for the shiny nylon of the full slip I was wearing to be visible. She stood looking down at me as she quietly gathered her short dress...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 12 Saturday Afternoon Orientation

The first meal on board a colony ship is always a memorable one. The replicators are a complete mystery and the food choices are often overwhelming. The clothing is new, the ship is confusingly laid out and the colours in your pod are very alien, and in general there's a lot of getting used to things going on. Ben started taking charge immediately after he came out of Medical. He instructed the AI to restrict the food choices to four kinds of pizza (pepperoni and cheese, vegetarian,...

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It's Saturday night, I took my guy friend Jeff to work, wishing so badly he didn't have to work. When he got out of the car, he kissed me a few times, then headed for the door. I was texting a friend, when one of the guys from the plant walked up to my car. He leaned in the window and asked what I was doing when I left. I told him I was gong to go home and play with my pussy. This guy Calvin has been flirting with me every morning when I go to pick up Jeff.He told me that they were sending...

1 year ago
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ChessChapter 8

Mandy was dressed in tight stretch jeans, fashionable trainers and a teeshirt that said ‘No’ on the front; she knocked on the door “Oh, Mr Woodruff? Is Woodrow in?” Woody’s father briefly stood transfixed, then invited her in and led her to the fashionable open plan kitchen where Woody and his mother were drinking coffee. Woody had just come down for a break; he had been up since 7am working on some massively complex quadratic equations for math. He looked bemused. “Hi” said Mandy, carefully...

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Laura Chapter 7

(Nikki and Rita had fallen in love and decided to live in Rita's house, while Jack lived with Laura. Richie had been a close friend, and his friendship led to Jack's ass-fucking Laura and Nikki's ass-fucking Rita. In this chapter we recount what happened to them all as they grew older.) We had all crossed our fingers hoping that Rita's eating only organic natural foods with minimum cooking and processing, getting a moderate amount of exercise every day, and getting plenty of sleep,...

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Pleasure With Newly Widowed Aunty

Hi, this is Ajit and this is a story of how things turned out wonderfully well between me and my landlord aunty, a real life incident. I hail from Bangalore, currently living in Chennai, 29 years old, single and enjoying. I am writing this story with the permission of the people involved. We both, I and Sudha would love to receive your feedback. It happened in 2008, I was 25, working in Chennai at a multinational firm, and residing at Adyar. It was a individual house, with the landlord family...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Stripper

Today was like any other day… I worked the stage whenever it was my turn, I performed lap dances for the customers that wanted to get a little rise, and also was lucky enough to get a few customers that wanted the more expensive VIP dances. The VIP dances are in a small private room where the customer and I can be alone and I'm able the bend the rules a little more than normally for a more satisfied customer. Don't get me wrong, I never really went all the way as in having sex with a...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Tiffany Tatum The Tight Tiny Teen

Tiffany Tatum is a tiny teen who lives up to the dream of what our perfect petite would be! She’s 19, acts as the perfect sized leaning post, loves to play around, reach up to places she knows she’s not tall enough to touch, and of course get completely ravaged by a long hard penis! It doesn’t take much to get this girl going either. Just swing her over your shoulder and watch as her mouth latches onto your cock. She’ll suck you so good and beg you to ram her pussy. That’s the best part. Her...

1 year ago
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My First Cocksucking Experience and It Was a BBC

So you can imagine me in my stories, I am a mid 20’s, good looking (at least I think so haha), masculine, asian male, 6 inch cut cock, height/weight proportionate, pretty flat stomach. I have a big chest, arms, back, and butt, which is what catches the girl’s and guy’s attention that I have been with. *** Hi everyone! This will be my first time writing about my previous sexual experiences and it gets me hard just thinking back about it. I’m new to writing this kind of thing so if you have any...

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PrincessCum Molly Little I Want My Stepbrothers Cum

Molly Little wants her stepbrother Codey Steele’s cum. She tries coming up behind Codey and rubbing his shoulders and chest. Codey tells her to stop, and Molly comes back that she wants him to get her pregnant. Her only condition is that it has to be free use. Codey tells Molly that she’s crazy and leaves the room. Later, Codey returns to the living room to find Molly naked and posing as the coffee table. He tries to resist the urge to bang her by putting his school supplies on the...

2 years ago
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Workmate Sex

At 18 years old I was doing my engineering apprenticeship. This was the late 70's when we still had a big engineering factories The work was pretty physical, noisy and dirty but I had some good mates there was fun as well as the work. We would usually have a pint or two after work on a Friday and that is where the story begins.I was drinking when one of the older guys came and sat next to me. "So what are you up to this weekend?""Probably a bit more of this to be honest, my girlfriend is off...

4 years ago
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The Beginning

Introduction: This is how everything started for me… Part 1: How it started. I was in my final year of school and was about to graduate soon. Though I achieved a lot in school I didnt had sex yet. Not that I dont want it but that I was with a guy who thousands of miles away from me and the only sexual implications that we had were online to which I fingered myself. I was eighteen when I first got the taste for cum, yes as I said I hadnt done it but something happened one day and it all began....

3 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 8 Assassins

Caleb had considered his dilemma during the three hour drive to Austin. He had no doubt that Scotty considered him a friend, and maybe even a good friend. How the seasoned politician would react to his questions, information, and idea was anybody's guess. It was with some trepidation that he approached the ornate front desk at the Four Seasons Hotel and Resort. "Good morning, sir," the perky voiced girl behind the counter greeted him. "How may I help you this morning?" "Good...

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The SisterhoodChapter 25

Susan prepared herself in the small bath adjoining the inner chamber in the Temple. She hadn't been in the temple since Barbara's induction to the eleventh order as her first official duty as High Priestess some six months past. That was another odd thing. The rod wasn't calling for higher orders for those well deserving of them. She was alone in the temple. Having bid others to give her privacy, even Jane. She was about to do something she had never done; She was going to pray to...

2 years ago
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Curious afternoon

As we were both only 14, we were at cross roads in our sexual development, we both knew the ins and outs of sex and most of the mainstream activities to do with it but we still had much to learn. So after heading up stairs we went into my room and was hit by a massive waft of warm stuffy air, as my mom had not remembered to open my windows. "Do you mind if I ditch some of my uniform, it's just to hot," asked Derek. "Sure, I might even join you" I sighed as I began stripping...

4 years ago
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My Loving Son

Helo friends i am saima and i am from karachi.This is the true incident of my life which changes all my life.This incident happened after the death of my husband.Jab meray hubby ki death hoi to meri age 42 thi aur mera figure 36 ,29, 40 tha.Gar main mera son aur main he rathae thae.Us ki age 17 thi aur 11th ka student tha. Aik raat jab main computer par kuch porn dekh rahi thi to mugh sae aik incest site open ho gai.main nae us site sae bohat si stories parhi aur mother son ki pics aur movies...

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An Odd Night Out

An Odd Night Out By Bill Hart Lightning lit the moonless midnight sky and the attendant thunder boomed, then endlessly echoed, throughout the hills. The rain was coming down in buckets. From the sounds they were hearing some of those buckets were also striking - and striking rather hard - the outside of the van. That clearly worried the three young college men inside. "It's getting really rough outside. I think we'd better pull off and stop someplace for a while," said Pete. "I...

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Special Needs

Juliette held her daughter’s hand while she drew the flower. ‘Flower,’ she repeated patiently. Simon smiled from across the too short table as he assisted his son. ‘Car,’ his deep, sexy West Texas drawl caressed her skin. Her nipples hardened inside her plain white bra. ‘Get a grip,’ she chastised herself. She had no business lusting after the super hot single dad, who had recently joined their special needs homeschool group. Looking up, she saw five other pair of eyes watching the man’s...

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Sonya Blade Femmefatality

She would get her chance to avenge her partner’s violent death by participating in an interdimensional tournament, where an evil sorcerer named Shang Tsung hoped his army of monsters from the Outworld would secure a tenth consecutive victory, allowing him to invade Earthrealm. Somehow, Kano was her opponent, as he came from a stone-built structure into the circular area covered in ochre sand. Already visibly disdainful of Kano, the American Special Forces operative became even angrier when...

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The ringing in your head has become a constant bother nowadays. What started as an occasional buzzing has now grown to an all out assault on you eardrums. Your eyes scrunch shut as you desperately wait for the aspirin to kick in. Flying has never agreed with you, and it's starting to show in the agitated looks your getting from your fellow passengers. You don't know when or how, but you manage to get to sleep. With a little luck, you'll sleep through the whole flight. A gentle breeze and the...

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Teaching Sophie

I first met Sophie just after her mid-course exams. She’s failed miserably, and needed my help as a tutor to improve and get the grades she needed for a place at university. But I never dreamed she’d repay my hard work the way that she did. This is a much improved version of the story posted previously to ASSM as ‘The Maths Tutor’ * * * * * I met Sophie shortly after her mid-course exams. Her parents contacted the tutoring agency. The agency then contacted me. I followed my normal routine...

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Broken WindowChapter 2

"Soft little balls ... So sweet..." The woman played with my dick and balls like she'd never seen any before. "It's almost time to go," the man sighed and stroked my hair lovingly while I moved my tight, soft lips up and down his long cock. "I don't want to!" Stephanie pouted from behind me and I felt her mouth on my hairless little sack, her tongue playing against it. She had her nose pressed against my butthole like she wanted to fuck me with it. "I know, believe me." The man,...

3 years ago
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Newlybedded Bliss Part II

I know I love Chris. It’s why I married him, after all. What I had no idea about was how amazing sex with him would be. Chris is a Sergeant in the U.S. Cavalry and a mechanic. The things his hands can do have made me into a true believer. As a girl from a conservative family, I never really knew much about sex. My parents slept in separate beds, in separate rooms. That was how I thought it was supposed to be, but let me tell you something, sex with Chris blows my mind. My first time with him...

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Pool HustledChapter 7

Joyce I am at mom's house talking to her and my two sisters. I'm telling them about David's invitation for us to spend the Memorial weekend at his house. "Have you ever seen David's house?" My mom asked me. "No, I don't know where he lives. I know it is an old farm house that he remodeled. It is located somewhere out in Saginaw Township," I replied. "We can just google his address. Make a map and then drive over to his house," Janet said. I flipped open my cell...

1 year ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 1

Tracy and Sheila Del Monaco were sisters who married two college friends. Tracy married Richard Ray who founded, and was now the President of the Animals First Foundation, one of the most radical and politically powerful Animal Rights organizations in the world. Sheila, younger by five years, married Barry Wilson, now the Vice President of the AFF. Tracy Ray was the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFF, while Sheila was the writer for the organization's bi-monthly magazine. The Wilson family...

1 year ago
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21EroticAnal Anissa Kate Lingering for More

Anissa Kate lingers quietly on an empty bed, staring out the window and lusting after her boyfriend Toby. She idly sucks her finger, thinking of her well-endowed man plunging his dick down her throat. She struts over to him, seeking the pleasure he never fails to provide. As she reveals her giant natural breasts, Toby has no chance to resist. She moans softly as he licks and fingers her asshole, rimming her into a state of bliss. Soon we switch up and he starts anal fucking her doggy style from...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 21 Nina and Aimee and Alice and Her Egg

Nina lay quietly alongside Alice in the dressing room until Alice came out of her sexual delirium. "Jesus," she murmured, "that was the best!" "It really was," Nina responded almost too quickly, causing Alice to furrow her brow questioningly. "What I mean..." Nina began. "I can't recall blacking out like that," Alice said, interrupting her. "I... better get dressed and reopen the store," Nina said, hoping she hadn't somehow offended this wonderful woman. "Yes, I had...

2 years ago
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Chain of Respect

Some women valued their careers more than others. To Lori, her career was her life. Ever since the ninth grade, she knew she wanted to be a marketing specialist. She’d had a hard time making friends, but she went through Highschool and college just fine, by keeping a small social circle of two friends who didn’t bore her with their party stories and their dreams of meeting the knight in the shining armor or wanting to become a famous model like Blah-blah-who gives a shit. Her passion and hard...

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Sexual Adveture Of A Lifetime

This is Sujon. I was 23 years old that time. I am changing names and places of the true story for obvious reason. That time there was not any internet and mobile phone. We did not even have STD or ISD telephone network in small towns. Only big cities had good telephone network. I just had my post graduation. Looking for a suitable job. I used to live with my brother in the business capital of the country. I was traveling by a mail train, from my small town to the big city where I live. I don’t...

4 years ago
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Sex With Desi Uncle

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur aaj main apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main ek uncle se chudi jo mujhe chodkar meri chut ko bahut maja diye aur main aaj bhi usne chduwati hu. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri chudai ki sacchi kahani ap sabko kaisi lagi. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut hi maal hu kyu ki mujhe bahut sare ladke aur uncle mujhe line marte h. Mera shape dekh kar mujhe ek uncle line marte the aur wo mujhe kabhi kabhi gifs bhi dete the...

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Prom Night2

resemblance between the characters and any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. By presenting this story, the author neither condones nor endorses sexual relationships legal or illegal. This story contains depictions of incest and sex between a minor and an adult. If such topics offend you or if possession of this material by you is not legal in the place where you are sitting right now reading this, then you had better stop reading and get rid of this right now. You’d...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 28 Losing My Touch

Martha first realised that Jacqui was doing more than expected when Karl started booking her in two hour slots several times a week. Checking the 3V during one of these sessions, Martha was horrified to see that Karl was using a whip which he had brought with him on Jacqui. Karl had already made a series of a dozen or so weals across her back at an angle which showed they were inflicted from one side. As Martha watched Karl moved to the other side of the bed and started again. CRACK! The...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Spitting Contest

Silvina walked down the sidewalk toward Paula's apartment. Her ashen white skin glowed amid the crowd of golden people of Buenos Aires. Her brown hair blew in the strong wind of the Zonda that had brought in hot dry air from the interior of Argentina. She rubbed the sweat from the brutal South American summer heat from her brown eyes as she entered the cool, refreshing lobby of Paula's apartment house. Paula looked down at Robert, lying on his back, naked, and bound with strong packaging...

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Bridie sat quietly in Dr Reilly’s surgery trying to take in what he was saying. “Are you saying that I have the Aids?” she asked. “No, to be sure you have the HIV but that don’t mean you going to get the Aids,” he explained. “So what shall I have to do Doctor?” she asked awkwardly. “Well to be sure you shouldn’t be screwing any decent Irish lads bareback,” he said,. “But me Da won’t work and me Ma has eight kids at home to feed, I’m the only earner!” she protested, “I need every cent I...

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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 3 First Fight in Flight

B'TREA said, "We have trouble coming at us fast!" RJ flipped some switches and the view changed from the planet toward space where we were able to see what looked like a meteor coming toward us. I could see several ships just like the 'clicks' flew flying out from the meteor and heading straight for us. "Press that button on the right, when the panel opens take out the band and put it on your head so that the crystal is over your dominate eye QUICK!" RJ said with some excitement in...

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