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I walked into the house after a long day of work to find my wife Jackie waiting for me on the couch. She was a little more dressed up than usual, and her brunette hair was perfectly styled. Her outfit wasn’t going out to dinner level, but certainly more than lounging around the house attire. She looked delicious.

“Hey, baby. You look great. What’s up?” I asked.

She stood up and said, “Get in the shower. You have a doctor’s appointment.”

“What?” I asked, punctuating it with an incredulous chuckle. “It’s eight o’clock. The clinic closes at seven.”

“I know,” she said while putting her hands on her hips. “I’m tired of that excuse, so I arranged for you to have an after-hours appointment. It’s someone new. Now go, and don’t try to stall, or I’ll come drag you out of the shower by your dangly bits.”

I knew that tone of voice well enough to understand the threat was real. As little as I wanted to go, I knew there was no getting out of it. “I’ll go get some clean clothes.”

“I’ll do that. In the shower, mister.”

I sighed, nodded, and headed for the bathroom. I heard the bathroom door open and close in the middle of my shower. When I got out, my carefully folded clothing was waiting on the far edge of the sink counter. By the time I toweled dry and dressed, my wife was waiting by the door with her purse in hand.

She said, “I’m driving, because I know where we’re going, and you don’t.”


Jackie rolled her eyes and groaned. “Oh, don’t look so glum. I think you’ll feel a lot better once it’s over.”

With that, she opened the door, and we climbed into the car. It took about ten minutes to reach the suburbs, and she turned into a small parking lot not long after. The sign said Dr. Washington, general practitioner, and had all the usual information. The office was obviously a house that had been converted from the looks of it. There was only one other car in the parking lot, and I didn’t see anyone through the windows of the lobby.

We walked up to the door, and my wife knocked. A moment later a door opened, and my eyes went wide.

God damn, I thought as I beheld who I assumed was Dr. Washington. She was gorgeous with her mocha-colored skin and long, straightened hair. The blue-green lab coat she was wearing couldn’t hide the swell of her tits, which jiggled hypnotically as she walked toward us. Her skirt hid nothing of her incredible legs from a couple of inches above the knee down to her flats.

The doc unlocked the door, and then held it open for us to enter.

“So, this is our reluctant patient?” she asked as we stepped inside and she locked the door.

My wife smiled, and laughed. “Yes. Thanks for making time for us.”

“It’s my pleasure.” She then turned to me and said, “I’m Doctor Christine Washington.”

I shook her hand when she extended it. “Vic Adams.”

Christine said, “I have something I need to finish, but I’ll show you to the exam room. You can go ahead, get undressed, and put on the gown. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, and we’ll get started.”

Alarm bells went off in my head when she said that. I’d already swelled to about half hardness between how sexy she was, and catching a whiff of her perfume. Seeing her incredible ass in that skirt peeking out from below the lab coat didn’t help matters when she gestured for us to follow, even though I wisely only looked for a fraction of a second.

We passed through the door she’d entered the lobby through, and it looked like any other doctor’s office. The level of conversion was almost disconcerting with how much it differed from the building’s exterior. A few steps later, the doc pushed open a door to an exam room. I followed my wife inside, and bent my will to talking down my half an erection.

Jackie sat down in a chair situated in the corner, and then waved her hand in an impatient gesture.

I started undressing, and the bout of nerves thankfully helped my dick droop.

Jackie warned, “You better hurry up, if you don’t want her to walk in on you bare-assed.”

That was sufficient encouragement for me to finish stripping and put on the gown. My wife rose to tie it in the back, and then resumed her seat. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, and Christine pushed it open a crack to ask, “Ready?”

“Mmm hmm, come on in,” Jackie answered.

The doctor handed my wife a clipboard and said, “If you don’t mind filling out the paperwork, I’ll go ahead and get started.” She then gestured toward a set of scales, and picked up a tablet.

I walked over and stepped on the scales, which were an old time set with the weights. After adjusting them into balance, she said, “That’s a nice healthy weight for a man your age. Good job.” She then glanced over her shoulder and asked, “Or should I be directing that praise your way?”

Jackie chuckled. “He doesn’t do too badly.”

Christine chuckled as well, recorded my weight on her tablet, and then pulled up on the bar for the height measurement. That too found a data entry slot. I sat down on the exam table when she directed me to, and the examination continued. The table felt like it was set really low to me, compared to what I was used to. The doc performed all the usual tests, and it was perfectly routine other than the fact I was being examined by an incredibly sexy black woman.

I was doing fairly well until she went to check the glands in my neck. I found myself staring straight into the hint of cleavage sticking out of her top above those big, round tits. Once again, I was in a battle of will versus nature, even though I almost immediately closed my eyes.

“So far, so good,” Christine said when she stepped back. “Do you have any complaints? Aches? Pains? Unusually shaped skin blemishes? Weak urine flow?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I’m always a little sore after work, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“That’s good,” she said while tapping away on her tablet. When she finished, she sat it down on the counter and asked, “Any trouble achieving or maintaining an erection?”

I felt as if my face had instantly burst into flames. I shook my head and grunted in the negative.

“Are you sure? That didn’t sound particularly convincing. I know it’s an uncomfortable subject, but it’s perfectly normal for a man your age, and there are effective treatments.”

“Nope. Everything’s good down there,” I said while avoiding eye contact.

“Hmm... I should probably take a look,” the doc said.

Shit. Shit. Fucking shit! I thought in an embarrassed panic. It only got worse when she grabbed the gown I was wearing and started pulling it up. As short as that gown was, I was dangling in the wind in less than a second. What she did next caused my breath to catch in my chest. She reached out, cradled my thankfully limp cock in her hand, and lifted it.

I cut my eyes toward my wife, expecting a protest, or at least a concerned look in response to the unorthodox examination. When I noticed she was smiling, I turned toward her. She had put the clipboard down, and she was caressing her breasts through her top.

When I looked back at Christine, she was wearing a sultry, knowing smile. Her fingers curled around my cock and she said, “Let’s just see whether this gets hard or not.”

I groaned as blood rushed between my legs, rapidly swelling my cock in her hand. She let out a moan that my wife echoed, and I glanced at Jackie again to see her rubbing between her legs. She’d tricked me, but I was perfectly content to be fooled with the sexy doctor squeezing my rising erection.

Christine moaned again and began stroking once I was hard enough. “Well, you certainly seem to be responding normally. No discomfort?”

“No, that feels incredible,” I said in a low, quiet voice.

“Good. You certainly are getting hard. Mmm, so hard. I should get a better look, though.”

I grinned as she sank down to her knees in front of me. I looked over to see my wife had tugged her skirt up, and she was unabashedly playing with her pussy through her panties. There was a very visible dark spot where her wetness was soaking through the cotton.

I looked back down to see Christine’s tongue snake out and glide up my shaft. It bounced energetically, and I growled in pleasure.

“Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm,” the sexy doctor moaned as she gave me a thorough tongue bath.

I put my hand on the back of her head and stroked her hair, which felt unexpectedly soft beneath my palms.

“Suck it,” Jackie said in a breathless voice.

I looked over at my wife, and was hardly surprised to see that she’d yanked her panties aside, and she was enthusiastically masturbating while she watched Christine lick my cock.

The doc tugged down on my erection, and I focused my attention back on her. She swirled her tongue a couple of circles around the swollen head, and then parted her lips.

“Holy fucking shit,” I growled as she engulfed me in her hot mouth. The contrast of our skin where her lips and fingers were wrapped around me was exhilarating. She must have earned a P.H.D. in sucking cock as well, because she was taking me deep and fast from the get-go. The sound of my wife’s whimpers mingled with Christine’s moans, the pop of my cockhead sliding in and out of her lips, and the sound of her sucking hard.

Christine pulled away with a gasp. A strand of saliva dangled between her full lips and my twitching cock, while another had broken and hung from her lower lip. She licked her lips and said, “It certainly feels completely engorged to me. I would like a second opinion, though.”

Jackie took her cue, rose from her seat, and joined the doctor on her knees in front of me.

“Yeah, baby,” I said when her lips slid down around me. The familiar, wonderful feeling of her sucking my cock was combined with the rare novelty of her doing it while it was coated in another woman’s saliva. I grabbed a fistful of her brunette locks.

“Whew,” Christine said while fanning a hand next to her face. “Is it getting hot in here for anyone else?” The look on her face said that the double entendre was absolutely intentional.

“So hot,” I answered.

I divided my attention between my wife’s head bobbing between my legs and Christine unbuttoning her lab coat. She shrugged it off and tossed it aside, giving me an even better view of those huge breasts straining at the material of her top. She didn’t stop there. She slipped her fingers between the button holes, and gave a yank.

“Fuck yeah,” I said as buttons clattered across the floor and her bra-clad breasts burst free. I reached behind me, and managed to snag one of the ties of the robe.

Another yank tore her top the rest of the way open, and it soon landed with a soft whump on the floor. She wasted no time in pushing the straps down off her shoulders, and popping the clasp of her bra. I tugged the last bow on my back undone, and dispensed with the robe without taking my eyes off her.

My wife and I both moaned. Christine had big, dark nipples surrounded by soda-can sized areolas. She hefted the heavy globes, gave them a jiggle for me, and then asked my wife, “So, what do you think?”

Jackie slurped back to the tip and said, “It’s just as big, and hard, and delicious as ever.”

“Let me have another taste,” the doctor asked.

My wife nodded, but before letting Christine wrap her lips around me, she pressed hers to the doctor’s instead. I grabbed one of the doctor’s heavy breasts while Jackie cradled the other. The two engaged in a passionate, tongue-wrangling kiss. When their lips parted, Jackie took my cock in hand and offered it to Christine. She was quick to accept.

I watched my wife quickly strip off her own top and bra, unveiling breasts that were every bit as big and beautiful as the doctor’s. She then moved back in next to Christine. The doctor gave me an agonizingly long, delightfully slow suck back to the tip before letting me go with an audible pop.

I filled one hand with Christine’s dark globe, and the other with Jackie’s pale one. I squeezed and fondled those wonderful tits while they both licked me up and down from opposite sides. They licked, kissed, and suckled me in a dual assault that had me squirming. Jackie hunched down, tongued my balls, and licked her way back to the tip. As soon as her tongue reached the head and suckled it, Christine mimed her. Then my wife repeated the journey, with the doctor’s tongue slathering my balls before Jackie’s had left them.

They met in a kiss with the head of my cock between them, and then another unobstructed by my swollen glans.

Christine’s eyebrows lifted, and Jackie nodded.

My wife pulled on my legs, encouraging me to slip off the exam table. When I did, she started knee-walking, and turning me at the same time. When her back was against the exam table, she reached up and grabbed my arms, guiding me to bend over.

I started to, but then the sound of a rubber glove snapping over a hand caused me to stand bolt upright and snap my gaze to the doctor.

“Relax,” Jackie admonished me from down between my legs. “Yes, we’re here to play, but this is also a real checkup, and there’s a test you’re due for.”

“Oh fuck,” I muttered under my breath as my butthole clenched.

Christine picked up a bottle of lubricant and began drizzling it over her latex-covered fingers. “I promise I’ll be gentle, and it will be over before you know it.”

“I doubt that,” I scoffed.

“Well, I’ll give you something else to think about,” Jackie said. “Now bend over.”

I didn’t have a lot of choice, because my wife squeezed my balls with just enough pressure to provide a warning, and once again grabbed an arm. I bent over with a sad groan, and rested my head on my folded arms atop the exam table. Jackie’s tongue flickering over my cock did indeed provide a distraction, and rapidly replaced the little bit of steel I’d lost in trepidation over what was about to happen.

Nevertheless, my ass puckered like a steel trap when Christine’s bare hand settled on my buttock.

The doctor spread my cheeks, and my wife wrangled the head of my cock between her lips with her tongue. While Jackie gave me an amazing headjob, I felt Christine’s slippery – and chilly – finger press against the iris of my ass. The cold wasn’t helping my brown eye relax at all, but Christine began swirling her finger over the pucker. The lubricant slowly warmed, and despite knowing what the next step was, the sensation of her teasing my back door caused my cock to throb in my wife’s mouth.

The doctor let me enjoy it for a few seconds, which caused me to relax. She timed it perfectly, and a shamefully high-pitched grunt burst from my lips when her finger pushed into my ass. She knew what she was doing, and found my prostate almost immediately. When the initial frightening shock wore off, I felt an unexpected surge of novel pleasure from the finger skillfully exploring me.

Jackie moaned – the sound full of delight – and sucked me harder. A growl rumbled in my throat as the pleasure swelled even stronger. My wife wrapped a hand around my cock to hold me in place as it throbbed hard from the doctor’s ministrations.

Then, as she had promised, it was over before I knew it. In fact, I felt a little disappointed.

Christine said, “All done. Perfectly normal, and no need for concern.”

My wife let me slip from between her lips and said, “Good boy. That made you leak so much. It tasted so good. Admit it. You liked it.”

My grunt, which was supposed to indicate no, rang hollow in even my own ears.

“You’re not fooling anybody,” the doctor said as she removed her glove and disposed of it in the biohazard container. She gave my ass a light smack and said, “You can get up now.”

The sound of a zipper coming undone a moment later gave me a good reason to do so. I stood up and watched Christine kick off her shoes. Then she pushed, and her skirt slithered down her legs to reveal a pair of cream-colored, sexily cut panties. At the same time, my wife moved out from between me and the exam table. I could see Jackie wriggling out of her own skirt in my peripheral vision, but my attention was on the doctor hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her panties.

I sighed as she pushed them down, revealing a triangle of thick black curls on her mound. She bent over while pushing the panties down her legs, giving me a wonderful view of those big tits dangling and swinging with her movements. She kicked her panties away, and then parted both the curls and her nether lips to show me the sweet, glistening pink within.

Christine sauntered to the exam table while my wife – now nude as well – stepped in to stand beside me. The doctor hopped up onto the table, reclined on the crinkling paper, and spread her legs wide.

My mouth was watering, and I was ready to dive in, but the doctor crooked a finger and beckoned me to her. Jackie giving me a push in the direction set my feet in motion. Christine lifted an arm and pulled me down into a kiss. Her lips were just as sweet as the ones I’d originally planned to kiss.

When she whimpered into the kiss and leaned her head back to gasp, I saw what had caused it out of the corner of my eye. Jackie had her face buried in the doctor’s hairy pussy, and she was eagerly devouring it.

“Taste good?” I asked while enjoying the rare treat of watching my wife go down on another woman.

She answered with a sharp, muffled moan.

Christine moaned loud and long, and then said, “Come here.”

I was all too happy to comply when she guided me to her breast. I tongued her stiff nipple, which was as big around and as long as the tip of my pinky. Then I reached across her body to squeeze and tease the other soft swell.

My wife slurped and lapped feverishly, causing Christine to writhe on the table, which set off a loud crinkling from the paper. I switched back and forth between the doctor’s delightful nipples, sometimes sucking them hard enough to pull the dark areolas between my lips as well. Christine’s hand rested on the back of my head, keeping me hovering over her chest – as if I needed any encouragement in that regard. The doctor whimpered, moaned, and yelped as her pleasure mounted.

Christine’s back arched up from the table after a minute or so of the dual assault, pushing my face tight against her breast. Her professional tone slipped a little when she said, “Ah, shit! You’re licking that pussy so good.”

My wife answered with actions, rather than words, stepping up the intensity of her flickering tongue and sucking lips.

I let go of her nipple just long enough to say, “Come all over her face.”

The doctor let out a squeal, and then demanded. “Suck it. Harder. Eat that pussy.”

I did exactly as she asked, sucking for all I was worth, squeezing the nub with my lips, and slathering it with my tongue. The next time I looked down to enjoy the show of my wife between the doctor’s legs, I saw her push two fingers into Christine’s canal.

“Oh lord! Oh my lord!” Christine cried not long after. “Don’t stop. Gonna come. Gonna come. I...” Her next breath emerged as a warbling scream.

Her body bucked, and her fingers clawed at the back of my head, once again squishing my face into her wonderful tits. Her other hand snapped to the edge of the exam table, and ripped off a substantial chunk of paper that ended up trapped in the grip of her clawed hand. She sucked in a ragged breath and screamed again.

Though I couldn’t see it from my position squished into the doctor’s breasts, I knew my wife was keeping the pressure on from the excited – slightly evil – moans emerging from between Christine’s legs. The doc kept bucking, thrashing, and clawing from the orgasmic energy ripping through her. I rode it out with a smile in my warm, comfortable nest.

She settled with a long, violent quiver when Jackie eased off her assault. A few seconds later, her grip on me relaxed enough for me to lift up from her chest. Christine was gasping for air, and a light sheen of sweat made her face glow.

My wife moaned, and I looked over to see her licking her lips. Her face was covered in pussy juice. She beckoned me with her eyes, and then drew me into a passionate kiss. The scent of Christine’s arousal and the tang of her juices on Jackie’s lips made me growl into that kiss. I dipped down to lap more off my wife’s chin, kissed her again, and then put my tongue to work seeking more of the bittersweet nectar.

Jackie turned my head and whispered into my ear, “You can have all you want in a minute when it’s your turn to lick that pussy and make her scream.”

“Oh my god,” Christine said in a low, drawn out groan. I saw a shiver ripple through her. The nest of curls between her legs was slicked back away from her nether lips, which twitched from the contractions of her intimate muscles.

My wife gave my cock a quick caress, and then sauntered to the head of the exam table, where she leaned over to kiss the gorgeous doctor. Their hands roamed, and I let mine glide over Christine’s smooth thighs as well.

“Ready for more?” Jackie asked.

Christine chuckled and said, “Damn. Give me a minute. I’m still out of breath.” Her eyes lit up when she said that, and she asked Jackie, “Fetch something for me?”

My wife nodded.

“Grab my tablet and the Oximeter out of the top right drawer. It looks like a big ring with a display screen.”

Jackie went to the drawer first, and held up something. When Christine nodded, my wife grabbed the tablet and brought both over.

The doctor said, “Slide that over his finger. This one is designed for stress tests, and it records the data in the app.” She looked over at me and said, “It can’t hurt to see what your numbers look like when you’re excited, or getting a workout.”

“Oh, he’s going to get a workout,” Jackie said as she approached me.

Christine tapped on her tablet, while my wife slid the meter on my finger. It was a little bulky, but it didn’t feel as if it was going to fall off or get in the way all that much. Jackie had wisely put it on my off hand, so the fingers of my dominant hand were free.

The doctor handed Jackie back the tablet. “Put it on the counter. It’s running, so we’ll have a good range of numbers.”

I was starving for that pussy by that point, so I moved my hand a little closer to the prize on the next caress. Christine let out an encouraging moan, and more importantly spread her legs in invitation.

My wife said, “Get in there, baby. But take your time and enjoy it. I want her to be able to concentrate for a while.”

The reason why she wanted the doctor to have her wits about her was plain to see when Jackie slid a stool over next to the exam table. I leaned in and filled my lungs with Christine’s musk while I watched my wife mount the table. I took my first lick of that hairy pussy while watching Jackie straddle the doctor’s face.

My wife had already made a furrow through the kinky curls, so I delved right in. I pressed my tongue deep, and growled from the unique tang of Christine’s abundant juices coating my tongue. I could feel her pussy lips contracting from my touch. I let the tip of my tongue barely brush her clit before dipping back down.

Christine moaned into my wife’s pussy when I pushed my tongue as deep into her canal as I could. I wiggled my tongue around, gathering up her pussy juice, and then started tongue fucking her.

“Whatever you’re doing, keep it up,” Jackie encouraged me. “But don’t get her so excited that she can’t pay attention to what she’s doing.”

That drew a sad moan from the doctor.

My wife said, “Oh, don’t worry. As soon as I come all over your face, I’m going to turn him loose on that pussy.”

Jackie’s squeal a moment later hinted that Christine was very ready for that sequence of events.

I wiggled my tongue up the doctor’s folds to the apex, and gave her clit a stiff lap. Her hips lifted, but I pulled away to tongue her labia. When I glanced up, it encouraged me to push on Christine’s bent knees. That gave my tongue easy access to the doctor’s sweet pussy, while allowing me to enjoy the sight of my wife squirming on her tongue.

Jackie moaned and gasped – her head lolling this way and that – as the doctor pushed her pleasure higher. My wife’s sexy ass slowly gyrated beyond the big, quivering mounds of Christine’s breasts. I tickled and teased the doctor’s need, slowly increasing the speed, pressure, and attention to her clit. Christine’s hips frequently lifted, seeking more, and pressed my face into the kinky curls surrounding her pussy.

I knew my wife well, and the sound of her deep, loud gasp was an unmistakable signal. Sure enough, her hips moved faster – more erratically – and whimpers began tumbling from her lips.

I paused in my tongue bath of Christine’s pussy just long enough to say, “Come for her, baby.”

Jackie cried, “Oh god! Yes!”

The sweet serenade of my wife’s whimpers going up and down in pitch and coming faster let me know she was on the edge. I slowed my tongue, enjoyed the show, and saw the telltale tensing of her muscles in a sudden jolt that was accompanied by her voice going silent. A moment later she lurched as if she’d been cracked like a whip, and screamed in sweet release.

My wife twitched and jerked as she came. Her breaths were rapid, loud whimpers. I could just hear Christine’s moan, and saw the doctor grip my wife’s thighs, holding her in position so she could keep licking her pussy. I held out as long as I could, which was about as long as it took the first acute pang of my wife’s orgasm to fade in preparation for a second bout of beautiful agony.

I drew Christine’s clit and dark chocolate folds between my lips while simultaneously thrusting two fingers into her canal.

A shocked yelp burst from the doctor’s lips and she screamed, “S-s-shit!”

I growled, sucked her clit hard, and worried it with my tongue. My fingers plunged into her, curling up to her G-spot on every stroke. I shook my head back and forth, adding another dimension of stimulation. I could hear my wife still coming even as Christine screamed in her throat with a mouth full of pussy.

It wasn’t long after when a sharp, pained whimper from my wife coincided with Christine venting her pleasure in an unbridled scream. I didn’t need to look to know that Jackie had yanked her pussy away from the doctor’s mouth. Christine crushed her pussy against my lips, but I hardly needed the push to keep the pressure on. The heat and discomfort caused by her bush scraping against my skin didn’t discourage me either.

Christine’s cries took on an increasingly desperate edge as the seconds passed. A furious buck of her hips dug my chin into her thigh and pulled her clit from my lips with a loud slurp. She responded with a weepy-sounding, “Nooo!”

I quickly dug the fingers of my free hand into her thigh and latched back on. The sudden lack of stimulation followed by the resumption of pleasure was the trigger that set her off. Christine squealed and her thighs slammed against my ears as she came. My cock launched into an enthusiastic dance because the squeeze of her canal around my fingers promised an even tighter squeeze to come.

I rode the doctor’s bucking body – still savagely sucking her clit and delighting in the muffled sounds I could hear her making. A drop of Christine’s pussy juice rolled over the curve of my chin, and started moving toward my neck. I would have been perfectly content to keep sucking her pussy and making her come for a lot longer, but her throes causing her to kick me hard in the chest put the kibosh on that. My mouth opened in a stunned grunt, and her curled-toed foot shoved hard against me.

I barely got my face out of the way before her thighs snapped together like a steel trap.

When I straightened, I licked my lips and watched Christine writhing on the table with my wife still trembling atop her. Christine’s feet were slipping off the end of the exam table, so I cupped my palms beneath them to give her some extra stability.

The two sexy women slowly settled, though Christine was still gasping for breath. Her voice languid with satisfaction, my wife said, “Oh my god, baby.”

“Come hard?” I asked.

Jackie answered, “Uh huh.”

At the same time, Christine responded with a squeaky, “Yes.”

The two women made eye contact and broke out into weak laughter.

Still shaken by lingering chuckles, my wife stuck her left arm out to the side and said, “Help.”

I moved next to her, helped her place her foot on the stool, and then lift her other leg over the doctor, who was settling into the afterglow of her orgasm. Jackie’s knees were still a little unsteady, so she sank down to sit on the stool in front of me. At eye level with it, she could see the pre-cum I’d leaked while eating Christine’s pussy.

I growled when she wrapped her fingers around me, pulled me close, and sucked up the clear dribbles.

By the time my head slipped from between Jackie’s lips, Christine had recovered enough to mutter, “Damn, your man knows how to eat a pussy.”

My wife chuckled and said, “Just wait until he shoves this cock in you.”

“Oh lord,” the doctor moaned.

“Help me up,” Jackie instructed.

As soon as she was on her feet, my wife pulled me into a hungry kiss. I squeezed her butt as she licked my lips and chin, gathering Christine’s pussy nectar. She gave my ass a slap before pulling away, and then moved toward where her purse sat next to the chair.

When she pulled out an extra-strength condom, I knew she meant it when she said I was going to get a workout. I’ve got fair stamina to begin with, but those thick condoms desensitized me enough to keep going almost forever. I could only remember one time when I’d actually filled the latex sheath. Every other time, I had to take the condom off before I could get enough stimulation to push me over the edge.

Jackie tore the foil packaging and asked, “Ready to fuck us both silly?”

“Oh yeah, baby.”

My wife negligently tossed the package on the floor, checked which way the condom was rolled, and then placed it over my tip. She wore an incredibly sultry smile while looking deep into my eyes and slowly rolling the latex over my erection.

Jackie guided me toward the table once the condom was in place, and stroked the doctor’s leg. “Come here. You know you want this.”

Christine drew in a deep breath, and – with a crinkling of the paper beneath her – lifted her butt to scoot toward the foot of the table. It took a couple of bounces, but she was soon situated near the end. I slid my hands beneath her ass.

“Ooo!” she cried out when the Oximeter on my finger bit into her.

“Sorry,” I apologized. I adjusted the ring, which had turned on my finger, and then lifted her ass to pull her the rest of the way to the edge. I then moved my hands to the back of her knees to push them up and out.

My wife took over, spreading Christine’s pussy lips with one hand, and guiding my cock with the other. The doctor was soaked. The hairs around her pussy were glistening with saliva and her juices. Jackie rubbed my cock over the doctor’s folds, and wriggled it between them, getting the tip good and slick.

Christine drew in a stuttering gasp when my wife settled the head of my cock against the entrance of her canal.

“Give it to her, baby,” Jackie said in a breathless rush.

The sound of Christine’s groan when I penetrated her easily drowned out my sigh. She was so wet and ready that I had no trouble sinking into her, but even through the condom, I could feel her tight walls conforming around me.

I pumped my hips, slowly giving her about three-quarters of my cock. She grunted or groaned every time I sank into her hairy pussy, and her face was tight with strain. Jackie moved to where she had a good angle, licked her fingers, and put them to work on Christine’s clit.

“Feel good?” my wife asked her, while rubbing the doctor’s pleasure button.

Christine responded, “I love that big cock. It fills my pussy so well.”

“Give it all to her, baby,” Jackie implored.

On the next thrust, I pushed harder, and buried my cock to the hilt. The doctor’s mouth dropped open in a silent scream and her eyes pinched closed when my balls settled against her. Her hands grasped the edges of the table and trembled with strain. A loud yelp finally escaped her when I pulled back to thrust again.

I kept it slow because I was relishing her expression and the way her muscles tensed every time I stuffed her pussy full. It took her a few thrusts to lift her head, watch me vanish inside her, and say, “Oh shit,” as her head dropped back onto the table.

My wife’s other hand pushed against my butt, urging me to go faster. Christine rewarded me with a yelp when I did.

With the condom muting the physical sensation, I was free to drink it all in without the visual stimulus pushing me too close to the edge. Christine’s big tits began to quiver from the shockwaves running through her body. Soft claps sounded when our flesh collided, mingling with the skitch-skitch sound of my wife’s fingers moving faster over the doc’s clit. Those were only audible between Christine’s increasingly loud cries of pleasure, though.

Once again, I found our pale skin contrasting with the doctor’s tremendously exciting. Jackie’s left breast was against Christine’s leg, and jiggled from the motion of her hand. The doctor’s perfect, pearly white teeth and sometimes very wide eyes were likewise enticing clashes of light and dark.

I steadily picked up the pace, but my wife seemed eager for her turn. Her fingers were flashing over Christine’s folds, spattering droplets of her wetness against our skin.

“Fuck her. Give it to her. Tear that pussy up,” my wife demanded.

Christine was apparently on board, because she screamed, “Yes!”

So, I did.

The doctor’s back arched and she screamed – loud and long – when I slammed into her full force. Her breasts bounced erratically and violently, prompting her to grasp them. Her small hands could hardly contain those big tits, though. I could still see the waves passing through the globes every time our flesh collided.

Jackie said, “Yes, baby. Yes. Fuck her. Make her come.”

I felt only the faintest tickle of physical pleasure thanks to the condom, and had no trouble delivering on that. I pounded that pussy with everything I had. Christine’s screams echoed back from the walls of the small room in a near continuous stream, broken only by gasps for air. She began mauling those awesome tits of hers – her fingers creating deep depressions.

I didn’t see it coming, but I certainly knew it when Christine exploded into orgasm. Her pussy clenched my fast-thrusting cock. She screamed so loudly and at such a pitch that I half expected to hear glass shattering. Somewhere underneath that, I heard paper ripping. Her body bucked, nearly making me slip free, so I leaned forward into her legs, pinning her down so I could keep fucking.

Only grunting whimpers could push past her tight throat after that. Her hands left her tits. One clawed at the exam table while the other yanked her own hair. Her upper body lurched, and she ended up holding onto the edge of the table in a steely claw.

My wife’s hand slapped against my ass, and her nails dug in. I froze, buried in the doctor’s climaxing pussy, and Jackie retracted her claws. Christine just kept coming on my throbbing cock. Her head lashed, sometimes lifting from the table and then thumping back into the padded surface. She managed another scream, and then settled into noisy, irregular gasps.

Christine trembled and fought for air. Every so often, she would jolt as another wave of orgasm swept through her. Her intimate muscles continued to sporadically clench around my cock.

Jackie’s voice was husky and the words rushed when she said, “God, I need you. Right now.” She put a hand that was slippery with Christine’s juices on my chest and pushed.

The doctor shrieked as I left her empty.

As soon as there was room, my wife interposed herself between me and the shaking doctor, who was still caught in an assault of climactic aftershocks. Jackie bent over, using her butt to push me back, and braced herself on the exam table.

I moaned from the sight of Christine’s gaped canal dribbling her juices onto the ripped paper beneath her, creating a dark spot. Her pussy winked at me from the ongoing contractions of her vaginal muscles.

“Fuck me,” Jackie said in desperation while reaching between her legs with one hand in search of my cock. When she felt my cock press against her folds, she grasped the edge of the table again.

We both growled as I sank into her balls deep with a single, measured push.

I let go of Jackie’s hip and curled my hand around to her clit, drawing out a whimper. Then I gave her another slow thrust.

“Come on. Fuck me,” she demanded while I was pulling back again.

“Beg for it, and maybe I will.”

“Damn you,” she spat as my cock sank into her again.

“That’s not the magic word,” I teased.


“Not very convincing.”

She drew the word out for the full length of my next slow thrust, “Please!”

“Please, what?” I asked over her frustrated growl when my next thrust was barely faster. I did pick up the pace of my fingers rubbing her clit, though.

“Please fuck me.”

I added a little more speed and power. “Hmm?”

“Please, fuck my pussy.” When my balls clapped against her, she said, “Please, fuck me.”

Another thrust. Christine moaned, rolled onto her side, and pulled her knees up. Her ass was just as wonderful of a backdrop as her pussy.

“Use me,” Jackie begged.

Our bodies collided with a loud smack.

“Take me! Please!” my wife cried. “Fuck me like a whore!”

I ended the game right there and gave her what she wanted. I slammed into her and she yelped.

“Ah! Oh! Oh! Yes! Oh, yes!”

A growling chuckle escaped me as I pounded her. “You want to be fucked like a whore?”


I leaned to the side a little so I could watch her dangling breasts swing. Then I smacked her ass hard as I straightened. I could see the outline of the band from the Oximeter in the red mark that left.

Jackie looked back over her shoulder. Her face had flushed red, and was tight with pleasure. My next thrust jolted her forward. She grabbed the sides of the table when her collarbone pushed against the padded end, and she screamed.

I smiled when her heavy tits made whump sounds against the thin metal side of the exam table on the following strokes.

Christine sat up, moaned, and then licked her lips as she watched me fuck my wife hard. Her hair was almost comically disheveled, sticking out every which way. “Is your man fucking that pussy good?” she asked.

My wife screamed, “Y-y-y-yesss!”

I wasn’t having much luck coordinating my fingers with my jackhammer thrusts anyway, so I dug the slippery digits into her hip, and pulled back every time I slammed into her. My wife let out a long, low cry – the sound warbling whenever my legs slammed into her ass.

I was beginning to feel the strain in my back, and a little stronger itch in the head of my cock when I heard Jackie’s breath catch. I saw the muscles in her butt clench, resisting the waves that had been rolling through them whenever our bodies smacked together. Then she came with a wail.

“Fuck yeah,” I growled. Then I reached under her, grabbed her tits, and lifted her up. I drove my cock up into her four or five times, making her yelp.

Christine slipped off the table, her eyes intent on us, and her fingers caressing her folds. I stepped forward, pushed my wife down on the table, and jammed my cock into her one last time. Jackie clawed at the seams of the cushions and quaked from the orgasmic pulses shooting through her.

The doc stepped in next to me and put her hand on my cheek. She crushed her lips to mine the moment I turned my head to face her. I filled my hand with one of her breasts as we kissed hard and our tongues slipped over each other.

I could feel my wife still coming on my throbbing cock.

When our lips parted, Christine reached down and fondled my slippery balls. She then reached under and played with Jackie’s pussy, causing my wife to erupt into a shiver.

“Well, you did ask for it,” Christine joked.

Jackie let out a pitiful groan that was made comical by her cheek being pressed against the cushioned exam table. The sound climbed a couple of octaves when the doc squeezed my balls and urged me to pull out. Jackie slumped once she was no longer being supported by my stiff organ, and I quickly grabbed her hips before her legs could collapse beneath her.

“Help her up on the table,” Christine told me.

That took some doing. Jackie could barely coordinate her limbs, and she was still being rocked by the odd aftershock. I heard water running as I finally got my wife’s legs up on the table. I glanced over to see Christine drinking water out of a paper cup. She filled the cup a second time as I helped Jackie roll over onto her back. My wife lay with one hand hanging limply off the side of the table, and the other cupped protectively between her legs.

“You should have some. We wouldn’t want you to get dehydrated,” Christine said with her full doctor voice in effect.

I chuckled because the contrast of that tone coming from her standing next to the sink stark naked was hilarious. After a nod, I walked over and accepted the cup of water she filled up. I ended up refilling it twice more. I almost choked on the last swallow because Christine reached down and cupped my balls.

“No drooping just yet,” she said, and then winked at me.

“Don’t see that happening with those incredible tits out.”

“Good,” she said. The doctor let go of my family jewels and turned to my wife to ask, “Do you think you could sit up and have a drink yet?”

“No,” Jackie answered. Despite that, she lifted her arm toward me a second later.

I walked over to the table and pulled, helping her sit up. She accepted a cup of water from Christine and let out a sigh when she finished it.

“Another?” the doc asked.

Jackie nodded. She then looked at me and rolled her eyes up in her head while theatrically trembling. When her eyes focused on me again, she said, “Damn, baby.”

While my wife was taking her second cup of water, I said, “Well, I’ve gone without for a couple of days, so I was a little pent up.”

I don’t think I was meant to miss the mischievous glint in her eyes or her lips curling into a sly smile as she drank down that second cup of water. I more or less forgot about it when Christine pressed her tits against my back and started kissing my neck.

Jackie said, “I don’t think I could take another pounding tonight. Would you mind taking care of that pent up for him?”

The doctor’s purring moan right next to my ear gave me goose bumps. She then said, “Happy to help.”

My wife took a deep breath, blew it out as a whistle through pursed lips, and then slid off the opposite side of the exam table. She beckoned us both with a crooked finger and a lick of her lips. Christine suckled my earlobe for a moment, and then strutted toward Jackie. I was quick to follow, and grab a handful of her swaying ass. The doc moaned in approval.

Christine reached Jackie’s side, and bent over to place her hands on the exam table. I rested my hand on her shapely ass, and she wiggled it for me. She then bent a little lower and said, “Time to release that pressure. Doctor’s orders.”

As she had before, my wife took matters in hand, guiding my cock to Christine’s pussy. She slowly sank to her knees, set to tantalizing the doctor’s clit with one hand, and pushed my butt with the other.

“Ah, yeah,” I groaned as my cock slid into Christine’s pussy.

Jackie kept her hand on my ass, setting a median pace. “Just like that. Let her feel every inch of that cock.”

“Mmm hmm. Stuff that pussy with that big cock, baby,” Christine agreed.

My wife must have decided that I was keeping an appropriate pace, because her hand slipped off my ass. She then scooted into what must have been a more comfortable position, and I could feel her fingers moving faster over the doc’s clit. Christine’s whimper was yet another bit of evidence to support that.

When I leaned to the side to watch the doctor’s tits swaying, they were calling to me, and I answered. Christine moaned when I reached around to squeeze them both while continuing to thrust.

“You like these big titties, don’t you?” the doctor asked.

“Love them,” I said. I then had a mental image of those dark mounds covered in white ropes of cum. “I’d love to unload this pressure all over them.”

Christine moaned, but my wife interjected, “You’re not letting off any pressure until you make her come. That’s wife’s orders.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I said. I somewhat reluctantly let go of the doctor’s tits and slid my hands back to her hips.

Christine responded with a sharp, “Oh,” when my next thrust caused our bodies to come together with a loud clap.

I was obviously on the right track with that, because Jackie said, “That’s right, baby. Fuck her hard.”

I stuffed the doctor’s pussy with balls-deep, quick thrusts, making her cry out, and her incredible ass quiver. My wife moaned encouragement while keeping up the pressure on Christine’s clitty.

The doctor was beginning to breathe hard when Jackie said, “Do you think it might be a good idea to get a semen sample?”

“You know...” A groan cut Christine off when my cock dived into her depths. Then she finished, “That would probably be a good idea.”

Jackie said, “Well, I’ve been too tired for sex the last couple of days, and just happened to get in the way any time he might have taken care of himself, so he should have a nice, big sample for you.”

Christine gasped. “Oh yeah?”

“Mmm hmm.”

I glanced down at my wife and scowled, realizing her inconvenient tasks and requests to cuddle had been a carefully laid plot to keep me from coming for a couple of days. She gave me a mocking grin while asking the doctor, “How do you want to collect it?”

“Right there in my cup.”

My irritation burned away in a bonfire of excitement when I realized she wanted me to unload inside her. A loud growl rumbled in my throat as the thought made me instinctively pound her pussy harder. Christine shrieked from the sudden increase in stimulation.

Jackie put a hand on my hip and pushed while saying, “Take it off.”

One last slap of my legs against Christine’s ass sounded before I jerked free. She wasn’t empty for long, because my wife shoved three fingers into her while I was tugging on the tip of the condom and rolling it up from the bottom.

At the same time as the condom fell from my fingers to land on the floor, my wife’s fingers slid out of the doctor’s pussy with a loud slurp.

Jackie said, “Now finish her off, and fill her up.”

As I took aim, it dawned on me that Christine had obviously been in on the plot all along. In a flash of inspiration, I decided a little bit of what’s good for the goose is good for the gander was in order. Before I crammed my cock back in her, I swiped my thumb between her nether lips. The doctor gasped when my slippery thumb pushed against the iris of her ass, and then let out a squeaky cry when my naked cock popped into her canal.

I froze with only about half my length inside of her. The exquisite feeling of that tight, wet pussy wrapping around me without the latex barrier was momentarily overwhelming. I grunted as my head swam, and then growled as I finished the job, and her pussy lips kissed the root of my cock.

The doctor yowled in surprise when I pushed my thumb into her ass.

“Ah! Oh! Ah! Mmm!” I heard myself exclaiming as I fucked that pussy. She felt like pure heaven.

Jackie’s voice emerged from below. “Make her come. Fill her up. Do it.”

The latter were going to be no problem. After only about two minutes of fucking the good doctor bareback, I knew the first might very well be. So much for my typically laudable stamina. I looked up, across the room, and fixed my eyes on a smoking cessation poster.

Twenty minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate returns to normal, I read silently, trying to separate myself from the rapidly spreading, hot itch in my cock. Twelve hours after your last cigarette, the carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal.

Though I was doing my best to ignore it, I still heard Christine’s whimpers and yelps, as well as my wife saying, “Do it,” over and over again.

I kept my hips moving on autopilot, and kept reading. I had just shifted my eyes down to the fifteen year entry when I knew it was over. I was at the point of no return. Before I could open my mouth to say I was going to come, Christine loosed a scream and her body began to buck.

I let out my own cry when her velvety walls molded around me like a second skin from the muscular contractions of her orgasm. I managed two more chaotic thrusts before I erupted like a volcano.

I roared like some kind of sci-fi monster as two days worth of cum blasted into Christine’s clenched canal. The sound shot up into a shamefully high pitch at the end. I could scarcely believe how hard I was coming. A second burst just as hard as the first flooded her tight pussy. Every pulse made me haltingly thrust and grunt.

I got light-headed and trembled between the spastic muscle contractions that accompanied every powerful spurt. Somehow, I ended up leaning over the table with my forehead on Christine’s back. We were both panting like bellows, and I could feel cum spattering on my sensitive, twitching cock.

My legs were about as stable as a newborn foal when my wife lifted me up and tried to guide me to her chair. I ended up melting down to the blissfully cool floor instead. Jackie was chuckling the whole time.

I don’t know how long I was lying there trying to catch my breath when the sound of a whimper and a moan prompted me to open my eyes. I instantly wished I hadn’t when I saw my wife with her head tilted up and her tongue flickering over Christine’s labia. The sight of the stark white cream drizzling out of the doctor’s pussy into Jackie’s mouth made my overworked cock scream in protest.

I closed my eyes, covered my ears, and hummed to drown out the sound of my wife slurping up cum.


I snorted as I started out of a near doze from the sound of the exam room door opening. Jackie had managed to coax me up into the chair eventually, got me to clean up, and pull on my boxers. She and Christine had then left the room.

They had both made an attempt at fixing their disheveled hair, though it was most certainly still mussed. Jackie had put back on her panties, but nothing else. The good doctor had done the same, but had a stethoscope hanging between those big, beautiful tits.

Christine was holding her tablet. She said, “Well, your heart rate was a little high and your oxygenation a little low at the end there, but under the circumstances, I’d say that was normal.”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

The doctor then said, “I think we should follow up, though.” She gave me a crooked grin and finished, “Tomorrow night. I’ll make a house call.”

I mentally scratched cardio off my exercise regimen for the foreseeable future.


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Thinkers meet doer

“Do you ever think about fucking your sister? “ Jan asked George, in a mater-of-fact tone, as though it were the most natural thing in the world for a young lady to ask a near-stranger as they sat together in a kitchen drinking coffee. For Jan, her new college room-mate Linda, and Linda’s older brother George, it was early in the evening of their first of three nights together at a rented cabin, and Jan was alone with George and trying to figure him out. He was a shy, intellectual sort of...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure From Aunt Maria

Hello to all the lovely readers of ISS. I am Mr. K writing here again from Bangalore. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore. Thank you for the few good responses for my previous story. This time, I am sharing another interesting story with you all. The story involves someone from my relatives. Over a couple of months earlier, I went to meet one of my relatives. I was warmly welcomed at my uncle’s house. My aunt’s name is Maria (name changed) who is into her late 30’s. She is decent looking but...

2 years ago
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Madhavi 8211 My Cousin

Hi folks, I am back with another story. This happened during my college days. I had just come back to Delhi and got admission in Dse.I was single and not focused on pretty much anything. I had a cousin sister (Madhavi) who was about a year younger to me. Madhavi, her bro and me used to spend a lot of time together those days. Madhavi was trying to play match maker and was constantly trying to hook me up with one of her friends. I never liked her or any of her friends because they were extremely...

1 year ago
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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 8

Monroe began to fear the worst as time passed; Brennan should have been back hours ago, and he began to view all the faces around him, looking for some sign which would indicate their betrayal, paranoia now gripped him. He found himself trying hard to concentrate on finishing the location work, while questioning anyone who casually remarked about Brennan's absence, then finding himself making excuses for his disappearance on being satisfied that they were oblivious. As the sun went down and...

2 years ago
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My name if Jeff. At the time of this story I worked downtown Toronto in a large office building I was twenty five and single. As soon a rumors started about a possible transit strike the people started organizing car pools. We were told we could park around the building at no charge during the strike. I said I didn't need a ride because I would ride my bike.. Everyone knew I rode a motorcycle. Jessica, one of the ladies asked if I could give her a ride so I agreed to give her a ride. Over...

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Master is going to Cum now

I had searched online for months to find a friendly like-minded group of people that I could communicate with & share my special desires. I really thought I had found them & signed up to several dating type agencies that offered me the perfect match. They then sent me non-stop emails from people that matched me only to find they were not interested or simply didn’t reply. But this web site that I had found seemed to be different, according to the information it was run by two real girls...

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We decide to open a resort

So I have a little thing for showing myself off in public. I’m usually dared to get naked by my friend, but lately I’ve been thinking about a serious vacation. Just me and Satin, somewhere that we won’t be judged and can be one with nature. Happy the whole time together. So far, over the weeks of searching, I’ve found a couple places that cater to just gay people and some that were just ridiculous with their rules. So I had kind of given up on the idea and just enjoyed being with her in either...

1 year ago
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My Cousin Riya Fixes My Foreskin Problem 8211 Part 1

My cousin, Riya is two years elder to me. She was my guru in all things about sex. Our houses were close by and would be in each other’s houses often. When we were younger, one incident that happened bonded us this way. It was the time when my cousin had started learning about sex. We were watching a movie and a sex scene came up. A few deep kisses on the lips and licking were the main highlights in the sex scene. The action was very minimal. I didn’t understand it but felt something good in my...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

It was a young 15 year old lads dream come true, we had a new teacher, Miss Newton my raving hormones told me she was the best looking woman in the world, tall, blonde, slim figure, nice tits and if I knew what a good fuck was I'd have given her one.I wasn't the brightest pupil in the class or the dumbest, somewhere in between, but I was guilty of daydreaming, I would often drift off into a world of my own for most of the lessons, even more so now we had a gorgeous teacher I could drift of with...

1 year ago
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Essence of a woman

Essence of a womanBy Edith IsaacsI can't take any credit for this. Hope you enjoy the tale.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note: I never condone v******e against women, and certainly don't advocate non-consensual bondage. Although at first sight the gist of the following story goes against these sentiments, you should read it to completion before drawing any conclusions. Also remember that it is a work of fiction....

2 years ago
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Trying something out

i grip your hair letting my tongue go deeper i put my other hand between your legs and rub your pussy i feel the juices against my skin it drips to the floor slowly. i stop for a second to say "Good girl " then continue. I let my hands rest against the topside of your thighs as i pull your ass into my tongue forcing it deeper into your ass. You begin to let out deep moans. "Oh geez this whore is getting it" some girls begin to say. My cock begins to grow. I feel it pushing against my jeans.I...

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The best man

Sara and I was at the club looking for a hot guy. It did not take long for a hot guy to begin talking and buying us drinks. We soon all decided to leave and go to my house. We had one last drink and secretly slipped a relaxer in his drink. We then went out to my car and headed to my place. Once there we took him to the play room and began kissing him and rubbing his body. By now the relaxer was working and he was ready for anything we wanted to do to him. We stripped him naked and then we got...

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Shes A Hugh Ugly Mother But I Love Her

Now don't get me wrong. In my eyes my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. But to the rest of the world she is UGLY. And I only use the word ugly because nothing else really fits. When describing my mom the words 'Troll Like" come into mind. She is 6'11" tall and weighs over 400lbs, but little of that is fat. She's just BIG, all over. She wears mens size 16 shoes, her hands are so big she can pick up a basketball as easily as most people pick up a cue ball and her ears are bigger...

4 years ago
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The CastleChapter 3

"Well - thank Heaven that filthy disgusting creature is no longer begging in the High Street" said Mrs Bottomley to the grocer's assistant some two weeks after her meeting with the evil-smelling mendicant. "'Er be still about these parts. Folk say she be too much afeard to go no where's else. A dark secret lies behind those bright blue eyes of her'n" replied the assistant. Dorothy tried to pursue the subject further but the young man seemed reluctant to say anything else about the...

1 year ago
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Lady CharlotteChapter 4

Lord Bishop had summoned her on Tuesday, Charlotte knowing that there was news from the hearing that was held on Monday. Now she could get on with her life, able to control her own destiny and that of Anna and Jenna. They had taken their father’s death hard, but they were resilient, just like their mother. They all knew they had to build a new life and go on without him. Her stomach was fluttering, barely able to get any breakfast down, hoping for good news. She arrived fifteen minutes...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Damdar Gand Ke Chudai

Hi mai yaha ki sabhi stories padhata hu aur sabhi stories muje kaafi pasand hai isliye mai aapse meri story share karna chahata hu. Mera naam rohan hai meri age 24 hai. Ye story mai aur meri sexy bhabhi ki hai. Muje married specially bhabhij aunty aur married housewifes kaafi attractive lagati hai, aapko meri ye story kaisi lagi jaladi muje Mere ghar me mai, meri bhabhi aur bhaiya rahete hai. Bhabhi ki age 28 hai wo kaafi hi sexy hai, unki figure kaafi sexy hai 36-30-38. Unki gand bohot hi...

2 years ago
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A New Start in Life Chapter 16

A New Start in Life Part 16 In March Clive was due in court, to give him his due (begrudgingly) he pleaded guilty saving Shoni the stress of testifying, this was his first offence and he got a suspended 2 year sentence and had to go on an anger management course. We three discussed this and as Shoni was happy that justice had been done we left it at that. The months passed and all too soon it was time for the exams, we thought we had done enough work. Stress levels were really...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Kenzie Reeves Ass Fucked Until Her Eyes Roll Back

Kenzie Reeves loves the feel of her daddy’s bulge, but the greedy PervCity coed wants it all. She begs Michael Stefano to feel her fat shaved pussy lips, so he fingers her until she’s soaked through. Eager to please, the petite spinner unwraps his big dick from his pants with a handjob, and then guides his hard-on into her wet hole for a back-bending standing fuck. “Ruin me!” she yells, before gagging on his thick throbbing rod. The flexible spinner twirls herself into a handstand and Michael...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 61

Things were a mite confused for a moment or three. I'm not sure that I was completely conscious after my efforts - well, I can't have been, or I wouldn't have been so ungentlemanlike as to just collapse onto Julie as I had done. Although Sian had never minded my weight on her, the petite and easily-squashed Vee had quickly and sharply corrected my behaviour the first time I had slumped onto her, and since then I'd always been pretty scrupulous in keeping my weight on my knees and...

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A Night out

It was a Saturday morning when my husband and I were having breakfast and discussed to organise with his parents to baby sit our daughter so that him and I could have a night out to let loose and have a bit of fun. He called his parents and they were thrilled about having their grandaughter over for the night. At midday I pack my daughter clothes into a bag and then my husband and I went to drop her off by his parents. After a cup of tea and a quick chat my husband and I made our way back home...

2 years ago
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Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 3

The darkened room with the drawn blinds looked strangely unfamiliar to Cindy when she awoke. It was her own bedroom, no question about that; there was her dresser, her white ruffle-lined vanity, the cane-backed chair next to the full-length mirror... She stretched her hand along the bedcovers, feeling the soft material with her fingertips. Yes, it was her bed in her own bedroom in her own house--but in another sense, it wasn't. It wasn't because the love, the marital bond which had united...

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Grannys Bed true story

I was raised with my grandparent's after my parent's were killed.Gran had an old four poster bed,with a big feather mattress,the base was about a foot off the ground.Gran was a very sexy women,nice round ass,firm tit's,long leg's.As the years went by I turned 15,gran was 50,but she had kept her figure,and to me she was gorgeous.I would watch gran all the time,her ass would drive me wild with desire,when she would bend over in front of me,I would imagine what it would be like to touch her...

1 year ago
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You vs Your Bully Your Crushs Heart

You and Tori relax by the fireplace after a day of adventure and romance. Her tired smile speaking a thousands words directly to your heart. You wrap your hands around her beautiful body. "I love you, Adam." "I love you too, Tori." You go in for a kiss and- You wake up to the sound of your alarm screeching. You turn it off and let out a frustrated groan. Why do dreams always end at the best part? You ponder this mystery as you get ready to start the day. In case you have somehow forgotten who...

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Putting Mom to BedChapter 9

It had been almost two weeks since Ruth and Claire had their romp with Bob. Michael came home around 6:30 that night and came in the kitchen where Claire was having a cup of tea and was reading a novel she had ordered from Barns & Nobles. Michael came into the kitchen looking extremely agitated and was holding his head with both hands and started to turn in circles and said, “Holy shit Mom, holy shit, you are not going to believe what just happened.” From the look on his face and the...

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my dear sex friend part 2

as the story exchange would resume as yet another form of distraction... once she finally gave in to my constant nagging and opened up more... she began to share a memorable lover she had... besides the memory of some of the glorious orgasms he gave her, the memory of his cock remain vividly engraved... as she started sharing his unique attractive penis attributes... she moved on to generalizing what key elements made the perfect cock... they needed to be cut and cleanly shaven... thicker...

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My walk im not a good story teller so enjoy

This one time, I went for a walk on this road near a lake. It was cloudy, grey, but was still willing to go for that walk, lol. About 11 mins into my walk, I hear a four-wheeler. It drives up to me, and I see this handsome very good looking middle-aged dude with a moustache (which is my fav, haha) parked not too far. He stops me when I reach him, and asks me If I wanted to have a drink with him, I said yes. we talked for a bit, nothing much. Then he start getting a bit drunk and comfortable...

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Fertilizing her Face

A while back I lived just outside of Boston where I would play out my fantasies. One involved calling into a chat line. You would leave a message describing yourself and your needs and a female would call you back if your needs overlapped with hers. Just interacting this way excited me. So one evening I got on the line, described myself, and got a strange call back.A young woman whispered her instructions:“I live in Charlestown, I will leave the downstairs door unlocked, be absolutely silent,...

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Adam and Ellie Part I

It was a typical Tuesday; I was off work, Adam was at his store that he opened, and our two-year old was sharing his cereal with the dogs. Days like today made it hard to believe it was only five years ago when Adam found me upset and pissed off in the old bar down the road. How did one chance encounter, hundreds of miles from home, lead to this little family?The only thing different about today was the fact I had news to share with Adam, and him me. We were going out to dinner later that...

Love Stories
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My first time without my concent

Main hu roohi (name changed) aur us samay 21 saal ki thi jab ki yeh baat hai.main noida ke ek hostel mein rehti thi aur 2nd year mein thi.ek friend ki shaai thi gurgaon mein to hum 3 ladkiyon ne waren se permission le ke jaane ka plan kiya tha. Meri frien ne cab book kiya aur hum log shaam ko nikal gaye.vahan shaadi mein kaafi der lag rahi thi n baki dono friends ne apne bfs ke saath kaafi pee li aur subha jaane la plan banaya aur bola ki vo subha apne bf’s ke saath aa jaayegi but maine jaane...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 34 Intimidation

November 29, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Hi Doctor Barton!” Jessica said as we walked into his house. “Hi Jessica! Hi Steve! Hi Kara!” “Hi Al,” I said, shaking his hand. Kara gave him a light hug and kissed his cheek. His eyes twinkled and Jessica rolled hers. This had become a pattern and was just a subtle way for Kara to tease Jessica. “Hi Steve!” Fawn said, skipping into the foyer. “Why, hello young lady!” I said with a big smile. She giggled and skipped away, and Doctor Barton turned...

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Giving Myself To You

I stand completely naked; waiting. I’m waiting to give myself to you. I feel you come up behind me. You don’t say a word; we don’t need words. Even though we have never met before this moment, you know me so well. You slip your arms around my waist. Your strong, domineering grip of my body lets me feel your power, but it only makes me feel safe and happy to finally be in your embrace. Your fingers glide lightly across my pale, white skin, which sends shivers of delight around my body. (Sound...

Straight Sex
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Lucy gets back at her mother or does she

Twice a week now, for the last three month’s, Uncle John has called round for a visit and when Lucy had turned in for the night she would hear her mother and uncle whispering as they made their way to her mothers bed, and then the groaning would start about five minutes later. Lucy had listened as her mother started off with “Oh yes John eat me, eat my pussy”, then she would groan for around ten minutes and then it would be, “Come on big boy, fuck me” followed by another ten to fifteen...

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Mrs Claus Has Her Yearly Gangbang

It’s Christmas Eve in Christmas Town. The elves are busy getting Santa’s magical sleigh packed with toys for all the good children around the world. Rumor has it Santa traded his sleigh in for a Lamborghini with all the latest bells and whistles. With his new set of wheels, he’d be able to make his deliveries in a shorter amount of time. Rudolph had sprained his leg and some of the other reindeer went on strike. Santa had read that the latest edition of the new Lamborghini was packed with all...

Group Sex
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Stormy Night

Nicki was driving down a country road, late at night. A massive storm raged around her. Lightning split the sky and thunder shook the car. The storm came up suddenly. She spies a light up ahead, peeking out between the lightning flashes. The rain gets harder and harder, and Zahren had to slow down more and more as she couldn't see. As she got closer to the light, she can make out it's an old wooden building, in a poor state of repair. Some of the windows are missing, but the roof looks...

2 years ago
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Onlyfans Would Understand

"All girls are the same and anyone who defends them are total simps," a young man's voice echoed through his headset mic while playing his favorite online hero shooter. "Yeah totally dude. They're only good for one thing: breeding," another man's voice replied through the other end. "I don't understand why they don't fall onto their knees and suck my cock when I'm in their presence." The toxic conversation continued between the two guys as they played until the round came to an end,...

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